M 3 / 4 sagrituttuzat. E M I 1311 I!:llER.—The tibseriber ie the only au tiwrizt,l A,.tent for the sale ut odor :4 Nelloch's Freottant 'arro•henie Thresher and Cleaner, with Railroad Power. rl,r Franklin and Adams Countits. Has now ready to receive orders for the same. This Machine's a Two-horse Poker, and will Thresh and Clean auy kind of Grain. It-is the PREMIUM MA CHIN having taken the Premium at the United States. and all the State end County 'lairs, wherever ex :Whited. .They are made of the hest material, and .war antel I,y one of the largest +nil mast responsible establishments in the Untied , States. It is warrouted to thresh and clean from 150 to Lusliels of Wheat, and double that quantity of Oats in a ~‘ , 1 .1;:t. It requires but two horses, and no driver. The 1 3 ,m er and Machine can both-be worked in el:Ordinary ,emn floor. The Agent himself used ono of these Aluellinrs set season-fear four' nroitha constantly, ind can teftiff to the truthfulness of the bove stateof facts. Ile has threshed as much as 100 linshels of Wheat, in 4,24, h sum: lie worked the same two horses constantly to the and at the end of the time, they , were in ins good condition as at first. He, therefore, is prepared to refute the Idea, that -they are bard on horses. lie peal .. 4 :',10.00 for ono horse wed, and $4°.00 far the ether, mid they rather improved than depreciated in value. Persons wishing to buy will pleaSe make application /non, as it will take some time to get them from Albany, N.Y. Price with Railroad rower at Albany. - $285, with -freight added. Lever power. four-horse. with same Ma chine, $255, freight added. The agCmf will order none hitt those sold. ROBERT ,BLACK, Agent, anne 17.'53.3m. Fayettevillei Franklin Co ,I'a. ),--) STRUCK, XANITFACTURER • OP AGRICULTURAL In PLEHENTS.--Shopon Jater Street, between Queen !nil Washington, Chaim liersburg. Pa. • ; wAawv.MAKINGI-11aving connected with his Drill and Rake Factory that of Wagon-Making, and having employed one of the WA practical agommakers in the county. he feels confident in ;Liming Farmers, and oth , ersnseding this kind of work, that •he is prepared to render gain) satisfaction to all who may leave their or iels. All work entrusted to him will be promptly and neatly executed, at moderate prices; either for new or old 'work. Farmers are invited to call, g.ve him a trial, and get the worth of their money... ' 13f. ACKSMITIIING l—He also carries on the Black smithing, and employs a skilltitl workman; who is able to do all kinds of Smithing, which is• required for Wagons, dcc. GII3I-SPRING GRAIN AND HAT RARE. Ile contisues to construct his unsurpassed Patented Gum-Spring Grain and Hay Itatte.r /tar State and*Connty Rights rksale, June 17,'68. AGRICULTURAL piPLEMENT FLINUFACTURERS.— TVJf. L. BOTER.t 8.804 ixth Ft. and Germautmiu Avenue, • Philadelphia. 4. Alanufactinersof.the Premium Farm Grid 'UM. • „liorse Powers and Thresher's, - • Circular Sam ,Machities, Corn Sheller 4, Grain Fens, - Cultivators, ; Harrows, • Plows, 1 . 'and every,variety of ippraved Agricultural impleatents. Send for Ciroutai• and addresi L. BOYER it BRO., Philadelphia. July 15.'63-Iy ISRE3IIU3I FAR3I GRIST MILL, The only reliable Farmet?s Geist Ie Wimple, durable and efficient. - Grinds all kinds of krnin rapidly. Is adapted to Hors & Powers. Every Farmer should have one. Price moderato: , Sena for descriptive Circular and address WM. L. BOYER. & BRO., Agricnlturallmplemerit Manufacturers, • firth et, and Germantown Adenue, Philadelphia. July 1.5. '63-Bm. • YAW& BELLS.--=Xyers & Brand are agents for Franklin co., 6 sell the LEBANON .6.1.1..8. These Bells are supetibr to-any other Bell made at the State. We hare sold 'a large number in the county and find-them to ;Iva' good satisfaction. These bells are superior in tone to any other Iron bell, and equal to most brass bells. All bells sold are warranted to stand, and if any should - hrealr. we will finpply a new (mein place.. ~. June_l7, '6l . ~.., '+ll. I:RS do BRAND . s ARM BELLS.--We are Agents to A sell theLebanen Iron Dell. :The ' est article made. All bells warranted not to brook. Gal and eta:mine onr stock, os are deter Mined toed, g.kols at short profits. 3nne_l7, '63. mylats & BRA-ND. 110111 AR V ESTING 1 1 Q0LS.---Forks, z uL Rakes, Scythes, Cradles, Spathe. &c. AYERS & BRAN - 14- . 3ilotri. virESTERN HOTEL, West Market St, Near the Gridge , Clitirabersburg, Pa. The subscriber would respectfully inform the Travel ing community that he has purchased and taken posses• eit/not this HoteL He hopes to make it one of the most desirableplaces for strangers and others to stop at that can be found in any country town. His TABLE will at all times be spread with the lux uries and sufistantials of the 6CIIBOII. • - HIS CII3.3IBERS are large, 1411 ventilated, and fitted - up In modern style. " lILi BAR will be well supplied with a large and choiee selealon of the very-best liquors. • /119 13TiRldl will always be provided with good wholesome provender for etock, and attended by careful netlire. , " l i No-pain/mill be spared tarender entire satisfaction tc all his guests; and pleding himself to endeavor to please all, he solloita a likwalaha.ro of thavablic patronage. June 17;'63." JOHN MILLER. IFTNION HOTTITi. 7 —This Hotel is IL) situated on the corAer of )lain and Queen Streets, near the Diamond. in the Borough of Chambersburg,Pa. TIM undersigned respectfully announces to the travel. Ing public that this Hotel Imsbeen remodled. It has 'been - raised to THREE - STORIES in height. A line three story flack Building has ;been added to it, giving , an immence amount of room for the accommodation of the public generally. The rooms are large and comfort uutnbering in all, thirty;five. ' They are all well furnished with GOOD NEW: FURNITURE. Persons stopping at this Betel can havd either double or single "'rooms, with or without fire in 'them. The Table is, al. ways supplied .with the BEST IN THE, AIAIt.SIT, and will seat over 100 persons., The Bar is filled with-the CHOICEST LIQUORS. -The Stable is two.stories, of the most modern style, and the best In thellorough of Chambersburg. J tine 17 ,435. • . JOHN FISHER ,Proprietor. IRANKTIIN HOTEL— West side of • the Public Square, Chambrsburg, Pa. Thesubscriber.would respectfully inform the Travel ing Cominunity Olathe has leased and taken possession of this Commodious Hotel. Ile hopes to make it one of the most desirabli3 places for 'strangers and others to stop that can be found In any Country town. HIS TABLE will at all times be spread with the lux. isles antlattbstantials of the season. 1115 CHAMBERS are large, well ventilated, and Dtted up in modern style. HIS BAR will be well suppliedwith a large and choice selection of theovery best Liqtiors. HIS STABLE will always , be provided with good, wholesome provender for stock, and attended by careful ostlers. 3 No'pains will be spared to render entire satisfaction to - alibis pleat ; and pledging hintself to endeavor` to please all, ho Solicit~ a liberal share of the public patronage. , June 17,'f33. , DANIEL TROSTLE. WiIITE'SWAN i HOTEL; Chant bersturg, Pa.— lqicirea anon, Proprietor. Having purchased this well-known Hotel,(long known as Miller's, and recently as Weist & Grove's.)tho Propri etor pledges himself that no pains shall be Spared to minister to thti wants of his guests. The character heretofore suStained by the House as a • vittifoitable Boma for the Solcierner; shall not suffer in Joylands if aconrtant effort to please and accommodate will sustain it. The propridtor, therefore, solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage hetet, foto extend ed to the "White Swan." . In aMitten to largo Stabling, he its TWO LOTS and - a pair ofilLty and Sroca SCAT cl for the 'accommodation -of Drovers and Butchers. , 1863 MICHAEL OItOVE. . WELLI.3 COVERLY, DAVID 11. lIITCIIIBON. OVERLY & ILUT_CHISON nave become tho Proprietors' of the UNITED DTATES HOTEL, near the Railroad Depotat HARRIS DURO, Pa. Thio popular arid commodious Hotel has been newly refitted- and furnished thrptignont its par lors and chambers, and is nor ready fur the reception of guests. - . , , The travelliugpablie t4ill tied the 'United States Hotel , the most convenient, in all particulars, of any Hotel in -the State Capital, on aeeount of its access to tbe - rail road, being lmmetliately between the two_great depots irk ttitocitY- - - Elltrintsntrati, June 11, '63-tf. Waynesboro' Record, gercerehurg journa4 and Oreencastle Pilot, copy 3m., aied charge Repository. NDrAN QUEEX- HOTEL, Main. &rat, Chtnnbersburg, Pa.. JOIN W. TAYLOR, Yroforietar. Mae accommodations and iovr charges. Stack Yards and Scale 4 aro connected 'with the pronise4 for the convenience df Drovers. Also—Exten sive stabling. and yards for thirses and Carriages. Jane VI, '63. . , 4)00 will pay; for the REPOSI o 'TORY one yetis to to son'to 'a Soldier ill the,B :race. . . X .. A.LTIIIORE LOOK HOSPITAL DR. JOHNSON, .the founder of this Celebrated nstitution, offers the most certain, speedy, and only effectual remedy in the world for Wens, Structures. Seminal Wealtness.P sin in the Loins, Coestitational De bility, Impotence, Weakness of the Back ant. Limbs. Affections or the Ridneya, Palpitation of • the heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Diseases •of the Head, Ttroat, Noee.or skin; and all those serious and melan choly disorders arising from the destructive habits" o, Youth, 4th ich destroy both body and mind. These secret and solitary practices aro more fatal to their victims than the tottg of the Syrens' to the mariner Hirsus. blighting their most brilliant hopes, or acticlpations rendering marriage, &c., impossible. YOUNG MEN. • Young Men especially, who have become "the vI4 time of &Mary Vice.that dreadful and oestructive habit which annually iweepa to an untimely grave thousand, of young men of the most exalted talent and brillian intellect, who /night otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thinders of etoiuence, or waked to ecetacy the living lyre; may call with , full confidence. - Married persona. or young men conterriplating mar riago, h dog a crania physica - weak nese, organic debility, deformities, lac., should immediately consult Dr. Johns ton. He trlid places himself under the care of Pr.Joh us ton may religiously cinitido in Dishonor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS"! IMIIEDIITELV CURED AND FULL 'VIGOR RESTORED. This disease to the penalty most frequently paid by those who have become ; the victims of improper indul gences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that underatanlis the subject will pretend to deny that the power of!Procreatiou is Lust sooner by those falling into improper habit than by the prudent, Besides being deprived of the pleasure of healthy - offspring, the most serious and destructive sympathy to mind and body arise. The system become deranged, the physical an•l mental powers weakened nervous debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart inditeslion, -a wasting of the fhitue, cough, symp.oru of consumption Ojice .No. 7' South Frederick Street, seven doors from Baltimore street, East 'side, up the the steps. Be particular in observirig the name and uumbor,or you will mistake the place. A ctritm WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS...ft No dlercury or 21rausous Drugs. DR. J 0 HNSTON,: • D.STROCK 31,mber of the Royal college of Surgeons, London, gee dilate from one of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London. Paris, Philadel phia and elsewhere, has effected scree of the moat eaten fishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ring,ing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and bash fulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. • A CERTAIN DISEASE!, When the misguided and imprudent votary of plea sure finds he has imbibed ti e.seesls of this painful dis ease, it too often happens that Yin ill-greed sense .el shame, or dread of discovery, deters him applying to those who from education and reap, tabiiity can alone befriend him, delaYing till the constitutional symp toms of this horrid disease casks their appearance, soch as ulcerated ors throat, diseased nose. nocturnal pains in the head arid limbs, dimneslof eight, deafness, nobs on the shin, bones and arms, blotches On the head, (nee and extremities, Progressing= with frightful rapidity. till at last the palate of the month or the bones of the nose fall In and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commisseraticn, till death puts a pe riod to his dreadful sufferings, by Bowling him to "that bourne from whence no traveller returns." To such, therefore, Dr. Johnston pledgeshimsell to preserve the most inviolable secrecy ; and from his extensive practice in the Eiriit hospitals of Europa and America, he can c nfidently recommend a safe .and speedy cure to ,the unfortunate victim of this horrid disease. It is is melancholy fazt housands fall victims to this horrid disease ow' gto the uskilfuliness of igno• rant pretenders who by use of th tdeadful poison, Mar eury, ruin the constitution,and ther send the unfortu• nate to an untimely grave, or make the residue of life miserable. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE! Dr .J. addresses those who have injured hemselves by private mud improve. - izidalgenees. These are some of. the sad and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits of youth. viz:Weaktiess of the Back and Limbs • Pains in the Head, Dieznesg •of Sight, Lose of Muscalar ' Power, Palpitation of the:Heart. Dye. pepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Diges• tire Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Cons map tion, ko. , Mismilx,the fearfullefrects on the mind are much to e dreaded : loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depres• skin . of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrmt, Love of Solitude, 'timidity, dm., aro some of the evil effects. • Thousands of persons of all ages can now, judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing tbs.!' vigor. becoming week, pale, have singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and symptoms of Consumption. Dr. Johnston's Invigorating - :.Remedy foriOr ganic Weakness. -By this great and important inmedy. Weakness of the Organs is speedily cured; and full vigor restored. Thousands of the most nervons and debilitated,who had lost all hope. have been immediately relieved. All impedimenta to Marriage. Physical or Mental Disquali fication, Nervous Irritability, Trembling,Weakness or Exhanstion of the most fearful kind,speedily cured by Dr. Johnston :YOUNG- MEN, Who have injured themselves by a certain practice, in dulged in when alone—a ffiabit frequently learned fr evil companions, or at school, the effects aro nightly felt, Oven when asleep, and if not cured, render miv riage impossible, and destroys both mind and body. should apply immediately. 4 What a pity that a younan, the hope of his conn• try, the darling otitis parentis,should be snatcbel from all prospects and enjoyments o life, by the censequene? of deviating trim the path of nature, and indulging in a , `certain secret habit. Such persons, before contemplat t EMOVAL.—Dr. I. K. REID ) Den ing , tist, has removed his office irchi the corneaoe the f Public Square, whore he practised s.i many years, to the ; corner of Main and Queen Streets, above Win. Ileyser's Drug Stoie,Chambersburg, Pa.. where he will he pleased to receive the calls of his friends. pine 17, 110. should reflect that a sound mind and body are tht most n ecessary.requisites to promote connubial happi ness . Indeed, without these, the Journey through lift becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly dark ens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with de spate, and filled with the melancholy- reflection, that the happiness or another becomes blighted with out own. . OFFICE NO. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK ST., BALTIMORE: The many thousands cured at' this Institution in On last fifteen years; and the numerous Important surgica Operations performed by Dr.-J.; witnessed by the re porters of are papers. and rnan3 l other persons. notice of Which have:appertred again and again before the pub 31c, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. N.B, There are to many ignorant an worthies: quacks advertising thearsolves as Physicians, the health of the already afflicted. Dr. Johnston deel it necessary to say to those - unacquainted with his rep• station, that his Diplomas bangin his office. TAS F. Novice—All letters must be post paid • am. contain a postage si amp for the reply, or no answer will be sent. Feb 25, '63-Iyr. Erg and Saw (bubo, irI_REAT BARGAINS _ FROM NEW YORE: - AUCTIOII - 3! ! AT WALLACE'S, COENBR, OF MAIN AND QUEEN STREETS. New style Mestunbiques,; Diana ellen° Plaid, Twiited 3losambiqttes fur travelling dresses, Superior Muslin Dolaines in colors, Colored Lawns and Crape do Pally, Black Silk, superior quality, Superior Lyons Radzemer Silks, (sublime quality.) A large lot of Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, A large lot of Irish Linen, Jactmet Collars, new style,. • 000 Dorms :.adios, Mieses.mul Men's Cotton floe, 'W.hito Linen and Cotton Thick, , Superior French Doeskin, ' Superior solid color Pointille Fig Silks, Superior Grey Leonoras, Superior Grey Poplin; •, Bost quality Grey -Leonoras, Silk Neck Tics and Collars, Ladies and Misses' Fillet Nifty; Marseilles Vesting, - Super Ladies and Mews'-Kid Gloves, Handsome Now style Pr4ts and Ginghams. C,ART'ETS. Brussels, Velvet, Threo•ply(superior fine)and commor Carpet, - Four-four five-four Cocoa and Canton Matting, 4-4 0-4 6-4 0-4 10-4 Floor Oil Cloths, Superior Bolting Cloths, • Bonnet Ribbons, Balmoral Skirts, [June 17,'G.^,. TO 3fERCHANTS.—The way to A . , seen r o profitable custom Is' toinvzwrist ha the I'iIANKLIN REPOSITORY. •- • • JOB PRINTING; in every,: style, done at the office of theIRANICLINREXISITuRY. BbuiL 2fI4'RB,IAGE! XARRIAGE TO STRANGERS 41 : 4;_„,ft:40iii1: 1 1 ,11tppOpp l - 41janOcrobuq, a. attlitup at Eakv. irEN;\TEDY 4: NILL.—Law Parts lk ncrshipThe undersiMied halm associated them set tes in the practice of the Law in the severid "courts of Franklin County. Offiiv on 31nrkot Street, in file room heretofore occupied by T. B. nentiedY. B. T. It. lI6NNEDI%; June 17,'63. _T.4. NILL. N ATTORNEY AT SON PEILLY, AttorniTy at —Office on :liar km at—formerly occupied by lieil & Flu opp site the Court Lieuse, Chamborsburg. Va. All legal inilitleSq entrusted to hltn.will receive prompt attention. Re will practice in adjoining Comities. Jane i 7, tz_ W. S. STENGER, - Attor- ILA net's' at Law, Chambershurg, Da. Collections promptly, attedded to. W. a. Stenger, District Actor. ney and agent for procnring Pensions, Bounty Money and Arrears of Pay.. Office in Franklin Building, 3d' door from the corner. • June 17, ' lyS. EVETZETT Attorney - at.L aw. o ()nice in Mr'it. Bard's dWelling t , directly Oppo site the Court House, Chambersburg, Pa. Will practice in the several Courts of Franklin nod Fulton Counties. All legal business enirusted to his care will rectiive pr anpt attention. 'June n. 1863. P. S. STIDIIMUGII. - JOAN STSWARS. TUMBAUGH & I STEWART, tornoyaat Iwto. Chamberehurg. Pu., grre their undl p•led attention t, the Practice of their Profee•din. • • Office hi the Town Hall. Jane 17,'f3„ T M'DOWELL SHARPE, Attorney at Law. Chantbeiiburg, Pa. Office in Mrs. Bard's buildings, dire4,ly opposite the Court House. -I.lltherl7. 1863. , n_ 0. SEILIIA.MER, Attorney at e tato, Chambersburg, Ya. Office—Main Street, above Queen, in the room formerly occupied by S. neigh or. Elul., ' - Junel7, 1.863. fl EORGE EYSTER & E. J. BONE %Jr BRANS, Attorneys. at Law, hare remorpit to the room on Main Strout, one door South of Eyeter".B Store. June 1 7, '63. _ _ . I T, S. CLARK, Attorney at' Lazo, has A N • removed hie Office a few doors Salt of his former oa Market street. (South-aide.) Tuna/7.'63. °ALVIN M. DUNCAN, Attorhe'y at 'iVvLaw. Office on Mai kOt Streui. iu Lawyer's ow, opposite the Cnurt Ileum ". June 17, L. FLETCIIER; Attorney at Law, Chambersburg, Pe; Olticeon East'Market street, Ileurly opposite the Curt Ilouse.' June 17. A LEX. K. M'CLURE, Attorney at Law, Chambersburg, Pa. Moo in the Franklin .ti,pository Buildings. ' - • Juno 17,'63.' Bentiotti). DR. ,Wlll. B. HURD'S DENTAL REIT EDIES A RE THE BEST IN THE lrciRLD, io,uring Fine Teeth and Sweet Breath, and curing Toothache and Neuralgia. - - Do you wish to be blessed with andadodred f r Pearly White and Sound Teetht Use Dr. WM. B. HURD'S UNRIVALLED TOOTH POWDER, warraniod f ea float acid, alkali, or any tnjurious substance. Price.2s cents per• box. 4a - - Beware of the ordinary cheap Tooth Powders, which whiten but destroy. Do you wish to be ce. tufa that your Breath le pure, sweet and ncreeable to husband or wife. lover and friend! L'‹e Dr. RUDD'S. CELEBRATED BIOTITII WARE Price,, cents penbuttle. The astringent wash is also the best remedy In the world for Canker, Bad Breath. Bleeding Gums, Sole Mouth, etc. It has eared hundreds. Do you wish your childra.i suffer from Toothache? Get Dr.BURD S-MAGIC TOOTBACHE DltOPd. Price, 12 cents Per bottle. Are you Milicted with Nenralgia? Get Dr. WII B bURD'S NEURALGIA PLASTERS. The moat effective and delightful remedy Itnewu for: Pains in the Face, Chest. Shoulders. Neck, or any part of the body . They do not adhere nor blister, but soothe and charm pain away. Try them. Price, 15 and 37 cents. Mailed on receipt of price. A Treatise on the best Method of Preserving the Teeth mailed on receipt of this price—iO cent's. Iris a valuable little work, and should be iu the poiSesSiou of every person. , F %;r sal e at all the best storestliroughout the country. ,Catmos.—As there are dealers who take advantage of our advertisements to impose upon their customers in ferior preparations. It is necessary to insist upon having what you call for, and you will GET Tux nest. thoroughly tested, and prep wed by - am experienced and scientific Dentist, Treasurer of the New York State Dentists As lawiationOuld Vice President et the New'York city Den tal Society: Address B KURDS CO.. Juno 17, '63-tf. Tr ihu fie Buildings. New Yptk. rrEETH INSERTED ON AMBER BASE.—DR. N. SCIILOS' SER., Offle still at his resi th un EAST MAIIKXT STRLET, near the Franklin Railroad.' Dentistryin all its blanches attended to with nil the modern improvements. leg published to this cOrumunity for mere than two years, that teeth on Amber Is iu every way CHEAPER AND uErriiit than teeth on anyntbei materia4l mild say that 1 still see no reason to change my opinion, for there are many per sons in Chrnberbburg—und vicinity ti,r whom 1 hitee inserted teeth on AMBEi, who can testify to their mine or merit. N.. 11. All work Warranted to give satiefietion,oi no -charge. Teeth extracted without rain with plulect safety without taking Chlutufetxu. For further infor ihAtion call at the Office. [Juno 17,18 Q. DR. W. W.:SCHLOSSER, Surgeon Dentist.—Theundereigtmelms removed his Office trout the Mansion lions° to the residence of Mr John Noel. Norther()lt corner of the Dilmmd. and itnntedi• ately-opposite the Franklin Hotel. Office on the se e,,nd floor—entrance through the passage, to the right as you ascend the stAirm Juno 17, 1863 13by.oician5. • nR. A. It. SlTAW'raturns his thanks the citizens. of Franklin county, for the lib .ea, encouragement bestowed on him the last three rears. and invites those Who have not made ,trial of 110N0EOPATia to do so. ,t4eaullaticms free. All cn: :able cases can rely on 11 niorospeoily cure than tinder nq othcraystem. Dr. S. has removed to North Main .treat. a short distance beluiv the point, where be can be , found read) to nttrud to calls, either in town or country, ' when not,alisent on professienat buiine;o. .1 title 17,1863. , DR. W. B. BROWS. PROP. F. WALE: DROWN & WALK. Electrical Pity- IL.I ticians. Office in Peankliti Building, War 24Alt &ET STREET, ChlitilbPrSbUrg.l Pa, The above treats all Chronic Diseases by moans of . ; A f. O IA NIS.NI and tho different in, alitlentions of BLDG , No. TY, at; discovered and taught by Prof. Bolls. June 10.63-if DR: - JOHN MONTGOMERY - will nttendpromptly to all calls in histine. Office 411 than street, next door to the Engle Ilotel, and nearly pprnite the • • onrii of the Hon. George Chambers. Clininberitb. Juno 17,1861, R. J: C. RICHARDS will &tend dipromptly to at tgal!e - in ids line. Mee on Main 'lreet neWoor to Sp angler's Drug Store. • OFFICE Houns—Frou 7 to 9, A.M.; 12 to 2 and P. M. ' - June 17, 1863. 3ttotireo of Or Veare. TUSTICE OF TILE PEACE.-H. ty B. DAVISON, Justice of the Peace...::•( - 'ace Immediate• 13 opposite the "tsdian,Queen,llotel." All business en trusted to his care shalt receive prompt attention. /ri. rfrziments of Writing, of all kinds, 'drawn up in a satis factory wanner. , Juno 17,433. D HARMAN, Justice of the Peace, Chatabersburg, Pa. <Mare/7033. VOTICE OF PARTNERSIIIP.-L -tbatica is hereby given that the undersigned hen this day entered into partnership, in the Coach-Hailing business, in all its various branches ' under the name of Peiffer & Foltz. The said , firm will do business at the stand lately occupied by P. Henry Peiffer Co., and would respectfully solicit a continuance of the public patronage. Nov. 6, 1861, C P .'O H . E FO N L I T Y Z P . MEFE.III OOK BINDERY.- - -M. KEEFER & CO. have removed their BOOK BINDERY to the r drd story of the kIAN6TON ROUSE, on the Diamond, above Shryock's' Book " Store. Entrance between the Book Store and Dr. SnireTy's *lice. Old Books, Periodi cals, Music, Newspapers, dc,, bound In any style. Blank Books made to order. Paper ruled to any pattern. • • Nor.l 'CO.- 13oeits,'*ta.tionerp, *l!,cr: S. SIIRYOCK; o - BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, Now occupies his Ninv STORE Roost, and is prepared to transact business with greater facilities than Over. .F ! 004 . 5. ' School Books, Miscellaneous Books, Toy Books, Law Books... Medical Books, Sunday School -Books, Militiry Books. BIBLES, - A large assortment of Pocket and Family Bibles, • • BLA.NE. ,Books , -Of all sizes, qualities and styles of binding. , STATIONERY: A great iilariety of all kinds of Writing and-Print ing Papers. of French, English and American man ufacture. Also, EnyeTopes of all sizes and gnalitiw, Ink,:Pens, Pencils, India Rubber, Tapes, Seals. Quills, Copy Books. Blotting Board, Knives, Erasers, Writing Sand, &e. - - -GOLD PENS. The very best (into PENS in the market, fully warranted, made by Leroy W. Fairchild, of N. Y. , BLIND PAPER. A fall variety of patterns and qualities. WALL PAPER. Nearly Two limmino different pitterns.together with suitable Berderings, Plain, Velvet and Velvet Gilt. " - ' Oval and Square Frames for Photographs. Frames made to order. For Picture Frames, of any size Much lower than publishers' prices, among which • „ are filo following: The White Ciuiser, The Ringer. The Midnight Queen, • English Tom, Josep'ine, ' - 4 Maid of the Saranac, Capt. Hawkes, Don Bernardo 's Daughter, . „ Mrs. Grays Novels, - Bulwer'S Novels, ' • Arthur's Novels, • Lucy Sanford,, . Rifle Shots. ' - .: Trial and Triumph. , • - Prince and Pedler, • Annette, - • East Lynne. • - Miriam Alroy, - • • Legends and Stories, • • Red Jack, ••, s Red Scout, - Belle of thiTimory, Sybil'Campbell, ' Grace Weldon, Rival Beauties. The Grumbler, Barren Honor, The Squire. • - Falkland, Milrose, • • Chips from Uncle Sam's Jack-knife, • The Everlasting Fortune, eller, • The Maneuvering Mother, Marguerire de Valois, Foggy Night at Orford, The Quiet Husband, • Two Prima Donnas, Morgan's Freemasonry, The ' The Debtor's Daughter, r - The Banker's Wife. ' Afighwayntan's Ride, , Nobleman's Daughter, • - The Scarlet Flower, The l Wif9's Trials, '• Cecilia Lena Cameron, The Expectant, Les Miserables, . 500 Puzzles. ENGRAVINGS. . . - English, French, German -and- American Engra vings. BASKETS. - Fancy. Traveling, Book. Picnic, Fruit, Knife and Clothes Baskets. Single end Double Zephyr, 'Tapestry and Split Zephyr, Shetland Wool, So., ST. NF,WSPA.PETIS. The Philadelphia and New York Dailies received daily. Clubs or individuals supplied. W. W. SCII TOSSER WEEKLY PAPERS. • Harper's Weekly, Frank Leslie._ • N. Y. MurourY,' N. Y. Weekly •-•' - New York Ledger, etc. 'received weekly. PERIODICALS. Harper's Monthly, • ' Atlantic Monthly, Continental, Gotiey, , • Peterson, Balton, knickerbocker, All the Year Emma, Cornhilt, etc., etc., received na soon as published. CHEAP LITERATURE. All the Dime PubliCations, Weekly NonvelletteS Song Books, etc., received daily. ORDERS. We take orders for all kinds of goods. We receive goods by Express EVERY DAY from the East Blank D4ls. - `Writing and Printing Cards, Rulers, Paper Weights; • Fancy Boxes, • Combs and Brushes, Chalk Crayons, and all standard goods in.our line Constantly on hand. Sheet Music, for Piano, Guitar. Violin, Flute, ate. We purchase Pianos on commission, so as to save our customers from Fifty to One Hundred and Fifty Dollars. We can surTb' tnlq kind of Musical Instruments at prices far lower than-nine'. We can sell Photograph Albums at lower prices than they can boprocured for in the cities. We have no hesitation in saying to ourpustomers that from our long eipaiienco, our manner of del ing business, and our great facilities, we do not fear competition, and have no doubt of our beiror able to give entire satisfaction. • , Coin's - and see our New Store, our new and en larged stock, and forM yOur own opinions. Chtuthersburg, June 17,1863. PICTURE FRAMES TRENCH,GLASS, CHEAP NOVELS i!MI Helene, David Dufficks. Sketches in France. • Vernees Pride. Scott's Novels, - , Dickens' Navels, Mrs. Sonthw'th's Novels, - . , ZEPHYR WORSTEDS EXPRESS PIANOS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. - Vensipn Sc Bountg Rgentieizi' JOHN. .31.- POMEROY,. ' dtgliY AND NAVY st GENCT; ,- 204 SOU T HFOURTH STREET, • The 'undersigned; havin resigned Ids position as Oay_ master in the U. S.Army. lons opened at No 204 SUCTII EOUKTII - STREET, an AGENCY FOE. PROCURING PENSION§, and for the code ction of OvvigaScSolansast, and all otherCiaims against thotlovernment: - My lung experience as Paymixster, has given me unu sual Excilities fur becoming thormighly acquainted with this business in all its details. On the receipt. by Mail, of a atateesdnt of the case of claimant.§, I will forward tlie necessary rapers for their signature. Personal at• tendon wilt be given to the cases at Washington. No charge unless successful, wheu d will be charged for collectitg all sums under sD,atici,s , lo on all sums over that amount at:dui:der Via). „Larger claims taken on special arrangement. Fees in Pension Cases as fixed:by law. , • LNFORALiTION FOR AND INS'TRUCTIONS TO Ali Soldiers of the present war; vtio hare served two years, and Stildi6rs discharged for wounds received in battle, without reference to time of service, are entitled besides their regular pay, to $lOO Bounty: In case Soldiers or Seauten arc dischargeilfor.ditabaity or wounds received while in the service, they are , entitled to a Pension according to the disability. In case of the death of the Soldier before discharge, through disease caste toted, or wounds received while in service; his ;widow is entitled to receive the $l.OO Bounty. besides arrearages of pay and pension during her lifetime orewidoirhoecl. if the SOldier dio after discharge. from disease con tracted or wounds received while in service, his widow is entltkal ton pension of $B6 per annum. If no widow or minor children, the Jmother of the Sol dier or SearOan will receive the Pension, if depondanron him wholly or !apart for support. , • If deceased Soldier or Seaman leaves no widow, his children - are•entitled to the same benefits as the widow, except 'wheel the children may beaver theft:lc:of IS 3 cars. If no widow or minor children, the bounty and pay will descend to the heirs as follows: First to the Father, second to the Mother, third to the Drothers - and Sisters, and then to the next of kin. Discharged Soldiers, whose clothing account was un settled at the time of discharge, can recover any balance duo them, if the riempsny hooks are not destgoYed• To draw this balance. write to your Captain fur a descrip tive"list. showing Clothing accol.nt, and forward it to me with your Preliminary statement, giving also the date of your discharge Soldiers, Who served with the nine months' volunteers, can recover $27 bounty and premium, without regard to time of service, if they have not already received it. Soldiers who wore prisoners in the South, and Soldiers who wore absent on -sick• furlough: are entith.si to com mutation of rations. In emumimiciiting with this office, state the nature of and give the Company mail Reg nieut to Which yetkor the Soldier for whom you claim belonged, .as well as your present Post Office rul,ress. REFERENCES His Ex...ellpacy ANDREW G. Country Governor of Penn. sylvan:a. HON. SI3tON CAstenotr, Harrisburg. Pa. HON. JOSEI`3I CABBY, Chief Justice of the Court of Chiimst Washington. HON. t. FL Briooss., ,Chief Clerk of Pay Department, Washington. Hoar. EnwAan istePnrasoN, 111, Cb• Wnshington. HON, JAS. P. STERZET, President Judge, District Court, ' Pittsbiugh.' HON. A. K Mctturn,Chambersbnrg. Pa. • r llott.'rnoteiss A. Scorr,'Vice President Penn'a Ball Road. HON. WILLIAM 8. - THOMAS,- ColleCtar of the , Port, Phan". HON. C: A.Wabnottit, Post Master, Philadelphia. Daum J co.,llank. , rs, Philadelphia. • hairs DUNLAP. President of TJutint Bank, 'Philadelphia BDLLITT S:IFAIRIIXORNE. Itizor.t.; Yips" & EUVIIT. Merchants, u Ltroma, X.NErnts.s. t Co. Merchants, - 1 u PRITCIIETi. BAUGH & CO., ' ' DAVID FAUST & Co., Merchants;- u 13.4„NJA.MIN ,S. JAXNEY, JP.. & Co.. Merchants, CuittlES E. Mortoszt & Co., Merchants, , ATWOOD, WHITE d'. CO., Metoltants, . JOHN M. PIIMROY, June M '53-tr. No. OA South Fourth :Street ENBION, BOUNTY'AND WAR CLAIM AGENCY.—Pensions procureirfor soldiers of the preinnt war who are disabled by rea.sortof wounds received. or disease contracted, while in the service of the United sfates; and Pensions, $lOO Bounty, and Arrears 01 Pay obtained for widows or heirs of those who havr died or been killed while in service. JOHN It. Oltn. Claim Agent. Feb. 25,! '63-Iy. _ Chanthersburg, Pa. I' ,fßaitufartureo. TO THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. CIIAMBNRSBURG FOUn DRY. 'toe undersigned takes this method to inform the public that he has taken the FOUNDRY so long carried on by Wm. Seibert, with all the PATTERNS connected there with, where he purposes continuing the business, and is now prep Fed to make ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS -''• Chat maybe wanted by the community. Particular. at tuition will be paid to making and keeping on hand ev cry description of PLOWS, CASTINGS, 'WAGON .I.IUX M. Le. All kinds of Castings made to order. New Nowhof different patterns, always on hand or made to order. OLD METAL taken in - trade, far_which the highest price will be given. By devoting lthnself attentively to business he hopes to merit mad recent n. , share of public patronage. June '63. AU4L llAiI METZ. QILyER'II4D BRASS PLATER AND BIT AND STIIII?UPKER.—The suir scriber respectfully inforins his friends and the Public, that he.cim tinues to carry on the above business at his old stand on Slain Street,opposite the ti ernain Reformed Church, Chambersburg. Hat nig enlarged his business, Saddlers and — Coach. m.alers 14 ill find in his Store Roma a general assortment of Goodsisnitalile to their several requiremeats. such as 'Fair and, Country Hopkins, Patent heather; Gig Trees, Lull Plated , Tinned and Japanned; Self-Adjusting Trees. Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Straining Web and Worsted:Rain Web. lower than Cotton; Humes, Bits and Stirrnps,-Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Coach Handles, new styles; Curtain Frames; Hub Bands; Bridle Fronts, Roseates, Swivels and Ornaments; Iron ated and Wood Gig Banes, Buckles, Brass, Silver and Japanned, all styles and patterns; Ivory and Wooden Slartingtie kings, Stump Joints, and st variety'of other Goods unit able for the trade, kinds of Plating, &a, done ilth neatness and despatch. LEWIS WA3IPLER. hhirch'2s, TEW MARBLE YARD.—The undersigned respeitfally annottnecs to the citizens ut Franklin county that ho has opened a New 31arblo Yard in 'the room formerly occupied by Dr. thuniltun, directly Opposite J. S. Nixon's Drug Store, Main Street, in the tarough . ol Chautbersburg, where be will keep on hand or tualto to order all articles in his line of business. such as:MONUMENTS, TOMBS anti ILEAD STONES, 'MANTLES, TABLE & STAND TOPS. &c., mannfac fured• from the - very best Foreign and Domestic Marble. He respectfully solicits aeon from those who sissy be in want of any article in the above line. Be is confident in his ability to satisfy all who may be pleased to patronize him, either as regards his prices, or the quality, beauty, and chasteness of his work. July 5.'63 - JOHN A. GROVE, WI 11. WAN.A.MAKER respectful -I ly Informs the public that he has leased the BRICK YARD recently, occupied by N. Wanamalter, and has appointed • SAABRI, BAMFORD, A PRACTICAL 3113ClIANCC, to conduct the business. Ho iwpectfully solicits the patronage bestowed upon the former occupant. and hopes by prompt attention to business,, always having a large supply of SOLID, WELL MADE BRICK, of all,titYles and onalitlei3, to secure all the trade, both city and country. - tra.Bricklayers are invited to extimine our stoat. WANITD.—About 200 cords of good Wood. may 13.3 m. • MEI H. EMBICH. F. EMRICH. fIENTRE WOOl, 6 FACTORY: j Tiie subscribers' respectfully inform' thoir friends and the public 'generally, that they have leased ,the above named Factory one mile north-west of Chambefo• burg, (best known. as Jr'fOats Factory) for a, term - of years, where they intend to manufacture Cloth; Satti net, Blankets, Flannels and Carpeting from the fleece of yarn. Country Carding and Fullingattended to. Also— Indigo blue, and ftncy dying done to order. having thoroughly repaired the machinety„ they hope to beobte to render generareetisfactiou to all who may favor them, with their custom. May 0, '63-3m. frobacco anlY gsegars. NEW TOBACCO -AND. ,SEGAR STORE.-2b the Citizens of Chambersburg and vicinity,: The undersigned, having been compelled to leave Virginia on account of his Union sentiments, has come among you toestablish a business, hoping Petri his long experience, and by close attention, ho will meet with a generous support. Ills stock will consist of all be best brands' of TOBACCO and SEGARS, which he will sell as cheap as can be had anywhere in town. Don't forget the place, sign of the little Virginia nigger? opposite the Franklin Hotel, next door to zhrsock's Book Store, South.enst comet of the Diamond. Jane 11,1883. C. H. DIISH. BBLANKS printed promptly, and at . owes rates, at the _office of the BRAILVIIN I:.te99IT9RY. CLAIMANTS IVEIII3ICEt & SON Vuttlicatthtto. CAPITAL NEW, BOOKS, - - JUST PUBLISIII,D BY, - J , O HN. =B RAD BAT It N i (Succosor to M.D. Doi)LADI), : 49 Watker Stree t. . • CS ear Dron.dway). , , ~ NEW YORli CITY. * LEAVES' PRO3I TIIE DIARI OF AN ARMY ATM- - GEO.N, by Doctor Thos. T...El.,LlS,laito Post f-urgeon at New Pork, rind Acting Medical Director at White lintiSo. • Va• Cloth. 360 pages. 12nio. Price SI . . A Liberal. Discount to the trade. Inch copy contains an Ault,- graph letter from General :sick:lolam DR. CUMMING% REPLY TO' DISTEOP COLENBO. Blskop colsaso fully Ansivrreil: Die Errors feinted , and the:Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch clearly es, labilabed, by the ger. John Cumming, D. D., in a soiks ,of Lectures. Cloth. Y - . 1 pp. 12tno. Price 51. ' • - TEIE ACTRESS IN Mull LIVE, .l tea * Quarters, by a lady of 3i.uthCarUlina. Cloth. 461 pages 1/7nio. A DVEN TURES BY SEA AND LAN"Ii OF VIE COUNT DE G.I.NAY ; Or, the DepAtun y Wollon- A An EiIiHSVRO of the Colonization of Canada. Dy 11. e Chevalier. Cloth 212 pp. 12mo. $l. LES 511SERABLES, by 'Victor Hugo. Vivo Vols. in Ore. Pontine, Marius, St. Denis, Cosette, Valjeau. Cloth. 476 pp. 800. $1.60. • BANS OF jOBLANDt-774e. Ninon of the North. A Romance by Victor -lingo. Ointb. 167 pp. Svo. 509. ARBITRARY ARRESTS IN Tlitl lioUTß:—.Fcenes i n th, E z .i er i e nee of an Alabama Union,si. by R. S. Tharin, A. Si. Nittivo of Chart e6trAry. for thirty years: resylent of the Cotton States ; and e , annt,nly the West as `. thO Alab.innt .Refugec." 123mb, "zi, 12mo. $l. LIVF.S AND LETTMISOF F.:LARD AND uramsE ,o. w. Wright. Cloth 1119 pp 1•21uo. Y 1 .A.IIB IN MULL Cktli. iano. W I 'I W • .1 :—The. Sar r, , 2nd" 1? I,r. By Allured B. -treet. CL.th. 311 p i gil3. 12)130. £1 g 5 STOBIBS O 1 PRONTIEII A.II4".E . NTL'iZE 'IN SUBTLE AND WEST. By Win. T. CoggeAl,ll. kuth.,r " florae Bits and-.Huts,"' "Poets alpl lecelrY of the. West." 4e.- (loth. 313 pp. 12uw. St. THE BATTLE OL' WATERLOO. By 'Victor Ilugo. Paper Covers. 75 pages. Irmo. 15c. _ - TRIPS IN THR. LIFE OF A LOOO3IOTIVB ENGlN l'aper Curers. 224 pp 12. ma. SOc. Cbith, OUR 'FARM OF FOUR ACRES, and the Ahmed/ w made by it. From thantit Imalati Ed. by Parch. tllar tineurt. Paper Covers, ,pp. Lima. 25e. 735 d-. • These books they Go bought at retail from the Steno of S S. SIIIIYOCK. Duly 22.:1131. r i et VERY CURIOUS BOOK.—Just Published. -Mysteries of Life, Death and .raturi ty, by Horace Welby. One T01..12 ,w..ct. h.ltandsonie ly printed with an emblematic frontispiece Ft ice $1.50.. It It difficult to give any adequate idea of the - vat ied and eitrions topics of which this eminently interesting volumes treats. It is a valuable array - of tire best thoughts, impressions and beliefs of the meet distins guished minds on the phenomena of Lite, Death end Fu turity; It is such a commonplace-book eq sortie thong/it tub divine might have compiled, and in its thou mud and one ram emcee to the works and op:mons of curliest and greatest writers is not Inferior. as au inlet esting 11 curiosity, to the famous "Anatomy of Melancholy." - Frost the Baden Tralit:eript. "The work before us by Horace WeThy gives the fal lowing opinions. beliefs and supersti t bine which history and literature afford in any mantiser pot Mining to wha may be called the mysteries - of humanity. Life and time, the nature of the soul. spiritnal lire, mental phe nomena, belief and skepticism, death. the resurrection. Am, and discnssed and Ilinstaat ell front the highest an thoririeeCfrom ti edition nod Scripture. Eta titian legends and. Christian Clete. Greek table, 'old I ilgrim's Pro gress. A truly religions spirit pervades the Is ok it ie the result of patient r search. and to the , philosopher, the plychologi4, the physioligist—to the curiotm, the pious.the humane, it appeals <with full and-frequent knowledge, suggestion and aspiration." JA". Olt Publisher. NM-141 Welker et.; New York. June 17:'63 VIEWS -OF THE BATTLE GROUND AT GETTYSBURG, PA. F. GUTEKTINSP, 71/4 and 7013 .dre's St., Philadelphia, Respectfnlly announces that, aided pet serially by a prom inent lawyer of Gettysburg. who was a useful guide to our forces during the battles there, he lies tmcceuded in malting sevens. tine photopaphie views of - Recaninent parts of the battle-ground at that eventful place. - Tloyare published in a series of seven 10 1)3. 12 views, andwtllbesoldbysubscription only; the proceeds of sales to bd used fur the benefit sf our sick and wounded soldiers. The tubscriptieu books and samples ure now iertrlT he views are, viz: 31itior General illeoile's freadipiarteri. If - The Field oi Battle, July 1. 3. Our Centre—looking east from Cemetery 11. 4. Gateway of the Cemetery: 6. The Seminary. 6. Residence of the "Old Patriot." 7. Second Corps Ilospital and Headquarters U. S. Seal tery Commission. The price of the set will by 510. Orders sheuld -be given et once to se'emo good prints and prompt delivery F. GUTEKLTASX,' Photographer, 704 ana 703 Arch Pt-, Phila. ang, '3t g)tobes antt Einhiate THE "DUTCH SETTLEMENT" bDONYN TOWN I—Extensive Tin, Copper fad Atone lishateni I I—The undersigned rospert billy in-, formi hia friends and the public generally th.ti lie has removed his establattnnent from the -Dutch Settlement" up town, to the 13p:ACillUS Mourn fwuuesly occupied by Alinnich & Brand, and nearly opposite White's o:oil ing Store. lie has just received a large assortment or COOK, COAL. PARLOR and NINE,PL ‘TE STOVES of the most Approved and latest pal terns, 1,, hich he tom and id det mined. to sell ns cheap. Irma a little cheaper, than can be had elsewhere in the country-, lie has also, and intends keeping con=t•u.tly on hand. a WO assortment of Tin, Copper and Sheet-lrou Wide made of the best material mid by good workmen. Persons in want of anythlia.. in the ❑bore line are requested to give him a call heft c purchasing else n here, as he feels convinced that he cat suit [liens either as regards the article or the price. SPOUTING made and put up at the - shortest notice. AU hinds of repairing done neatly - and , expedit hand y. Old Pewter, Brass and Copper taken i 4 exchange for Ware, or the highest price given in Cash. Junol7, 1863, JACOB B.3flLLT.it. OTJSEKEE PEES, READ ! Gctl . latiller's Sunrise Air-Tight!—A New Flat op Voulithiti STOVE. The plates atevery heavy, and the whole Stoveis finished in a superior manner. F warrant this Stove: tobe superior to any Vlat,Top Stove now in the market, and respsetfully invite 111,) friends and the public to call and examine this Steve, of Tibia there are several sizes. ' • I have also n grcit variety of other COOKING STOVES of every style; PARLOR STOVES ; new and beautiful patterns, together with a heavy idocl of tiTOVES fur Churches, stores, Offices, liotels. JOHN S. LUDWIG ? Wholesale and Retail Dealer in STOVBS, T.l4\ AND COPPER wint. N. 13..1 have been appointed Solo Agent - fn Gana- Oar's Celebrated Sunrise Air-Tight Cook Store in Chant bersburg, Fa, - June 17, lfttß3. AT ETTER, RA:HILTON:Bz, CO'S Great Stove and Tin Ware Store,-corner of the Diamond. can be seen the largest ,beet. and &bravest stock- of Goods in Chambersburg. They have COOK •INO STOVES for Wood and Coal, of latest patterae and all sizes, at fair - prices.[dune 17. isoa. Q . POUTING DONE AT SHORT K NOTICE, of first rate material and cheati. All work warranted, and cheaper than can be bought elsewhere in the County. Call arid see tor yourselves, at ETTER lif oN co'S, nearly opposite the Minh. "UTTER, HAMILTON CO. are '4 prepared to put up the best LIGHTNING RODS at cheap rates. A LWAYS ON-11AliD. A LARGE easOrtment of the very best Tin, Japanned aad UopperwAre, &c., Bold lon' at ETTER, RA MILTON & i t EL WORK WARRANTED, and IX cheaper than can be honght elsewhere iA the county. Come and see—then buy, at ' ETTER, HAMILTON 44 CO'S. fiALL -FOR PARLOR AND DI -I_./ NINO ROOM COOK STOVES. • They are pretty, good and cheap. ETTER, HAMILTON & CD'S, • A foci doors from Shryock's Book Store. Vents anb=stationcrg• EW, STORE !—WATSON ei, SON have opened at their Store Room, on' the Neat.- west Corner of the Diatoond, opposite Franklin /all, Chambersburg, Pa., an entirely now stock of' rods, cbudsting of DOORS of alaket every description. Sta tionery of all kinds, Envelopes. Steel Pens,Tit ko. Also a large assortmeht of WALL PAPER, WIutOW DLLNDS, various prices, and a great varietYof N(IONS AND PANtirARTICLES, Pictures. Fans, Vasevatties, and Misses Baskets, ac.„ Fancy Soap and PemierY. .Also a good Assortment of Worsted, Shetland so r t Ao. and a great variety of goods too numerous to Bert to which they invite the attention of the Publhand ro. speothilly solicit ashore of the public patrons. Please call and examine our stock. • Juno , WAT,Sjir SON. ri
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers