A NArI4NAL -.CEMETERY for the bravo martyrs who fell at Gettysburg, is is urged by many Journals, and the Executives of several States are about to move to accomplish it. Am ple room can be procured on the Ineniorable . battle-field ; and we hope to,see the graves of the heroic dead, :who fon in defence alike of om• homes a nd our ,Nationality, 'bloom with the . offerings_ of o Nation's gratitude On the historic ground where they achieved the life of the Republic. as they fell - "untimely in the arms of death. Every loyal heart must se e.ond so just a tribute to the falleii . of the Ariny of the Potomac. THE' - knit steamer. - from Europe brings news of the collapse of the'rebel financial bubble: The rebel loan, -Which was forced-up to a clever prem tam some time ago, has declined to thirty-five per cent discount, and English rebel financiers ha - o . e burnt heir fingers handsomely. A SOLDIER'S TRIBUTE. The following - tribute to Gov. Curtin we extract from a private letter writ ten, by an - officer in the Army of the Potomac : an: gratified at the renomination of-Gov. Curtin. He has been the most distinguished of the loyal governors l ; energetic, untiring, undaunted in his devotion to the Union,, set ting aside for its welfare party9rejudices, honoring all whose flag was thn4banner of the Republic. He - has sent more men into the service than any other Governor, and has better cared for the brave rnefOhe has en rolled to thOeld. How could a father pride more in his_children than Curtin has in the gallant Pennsylvania soldiers? Which of them has appealed to hifa unheeded? In -victory he has blessed ; them, in defeat comi forted them ; after bl6Ody battles visited them, solaced them, saw. .personally to their proper attention, had them brought home to be cared for by relatives whose tender nurs ing is worth more than all that science, can devise to supply its place. , ' His - , wisdom oirganized in anticipation a corps—the P. 8.1 V. C. a monument thathe ' ' CLITI point to with; the pride of Sir Cristopher Wren—which saved the capital after the Bull -Ruin disaster, and has done more for the Army than any other body in service—and his foresight took in Lee's, invasion before our commanders even suspected it possible, Ind when his energy to meet it was charac terized as "Curtin's scare ;" and through his tireless efforts - Harrisburg, Philadelphia, New York were saved. The soldiers know this, and are all Curtin men. The conduct of the malcontents in the Union Convention was paltry, disloyal in its influence, and do ing the duty of -snake-feeders" to the Cop perheads. 'Oh, for the soldier's xote! WASHINGTON. The Draft in Washington—Our Corres pondent Drafted—humors of the Con ' .seription—Sufferings of the Seeesh,- The Contrabands.. e.trrespondenco of the Franklin Repository. WASHINGTON, D. C. _Aug. 9: I'm_ drafted, lam by "Hokeef" Well 1 - I , eally supposed it fellow would feel very bad if drafted, I can't say I do, yet I'm a little t•nervous." • frowever I console myself with the reflection, that I'm no better than other " mortals " in a like predicament—who would not? Besides, cl'm sure the ,thing was done fair and honestly here. -. You recol lect "old Burris" the blind man, who peddles vinegar and catsup through the various De partments? Well the Provost Marshal se lected him as a "drawer" of the prizes from the box—handing them to Capt. Sheets, Who sung out the name of the "lUcky individual." Many funny things and many funny names came out. ;Names of persons long since dead —but the "spirit and-shades" of them. Some in tobite and same in black, unubleionger to remain in the cold grave, have at last "risen from the dead," to conduct this war to a happy close. Thank Heaven they are come St last—and in V Washington too—within striking:distance of the "Grand Army of the Potomac." Hear their names. Sei-en Geo. Washingtons, five Andrew Jacksons t , one Napoleon Bonaparte, one Robert Lee, one Hannibal, one Caesar, one Winfield Scott, one Putnam, and the Lord only knows how many more. Secesh families in the City have suffered somewhat from this magnificent lottery ; not -so much as we . all prayed for. One rank, - rotten family had four of its members draWn; another three . ; some two, and so on. Many of- the, Bureaus in the different Departments went in and came out of the lottery—"all ' Shivered and Shorn." For instance the Pen sion officehad twenty-four lucky individuals; Census, seven; Sixth Auditor, eleven; Pro vost Marshal's, some twelve, &c. The Prin ters suffered amazingly—over forty-two in the Government printing office; in the Chronicle, eleven. , Fun and jolity prevailed throughout the entire drawing. One individual would b e t . _ . somebody five dollars right or wrong, that he would escape. At last he Was - taken up, and the money just passed into the hands of the .stakeholder, when lot Capt. Sheets sang out the name of the better. Such a .picture of misery and disappointment I have ' not mitnesEed for a long time. Suffice to, say the croworiaughed, and he cut stick, skedad dled as fast as shoe leather could carry him. Two others, drawn sat down and playedcards 'for wilier. i;..loqld pay for both, and it the :conclusion a check,. - was. forked over, as coolly . a you Would band a new Df tobacco. In the Halt where the drawing took pia_ 1, stands \ a krtcp Lac,,;.,,, - which will hereafter be eatiec. :- lbs . "fatal ladder," tot _.:2a:-iv every one who *tinted it got a prize. ' Over ta - .: - ..-.- -)ersons ‘ e first two days were drawn whilst seateA. , . it, and in consequence of this a supersti tN arose, and thea.,st two days of the dieing found the ladder - always unocen pik , . ' - The skedaddling from this city even in May and June, 1861, could { hardly surpass tinit of the past few days. n fact, in order to keep some of the drafte r d ones here, an embargo, in the shape of a pass system, has been put on, in order to get out of the city. There is only one thing wrong in the draft of this District. It is this. The poor negro and the sojourners from the loyal States tem porarily stopping here, have all been enrolled and their names put in the box;' with the' cursed disloyal population, natives of this place, "to the manor born"—thosewho have been sucking the milk of Uncle, or aunt, _Sam, if you please—from childhood to man hood, and gnawing away in their old age= yet silently stabbing the Government by night andby day. Those who you know, as well as I, that there runs not a drop of loyal blood in their veins. Among these have the names of the poor contraband, and free ne gio, and sojourners been mixed. Conse quently the chances of these disloyal persons being drawn is diminished so much so, that almost every third name drawn is a poor ne gro. Consequently nearly all the quota of the District will be filled by citizens of the loyal States or by "men,of color" The new song which is all the rage in the 4ospitals, and which is beginning to be sung in "First class boarding houses" here, very appropriately too, is—" When this Gruel war is over." NoavAL. .MARRIED, On the 13th inst., by the Rev. J. Steck, Mr. DANIEL W. EMRICH to Miss CATHARINE. E. CRAMS, both of this place. On the 6th t..,,at the residence of the bride's Either in Ambercon'a 'Valley, by the lice. S. Young, Mr. - Wm. A. MAGEE to Miss MARY X. PIPER, both of thts county. On the 28th ult., by the Rev. M. Wolf, 31r. FREDERICK 0. DITTMAN to Miss MATILDA SH lEFER, bulls of this place. On the 13th inst.. by the same, Mr. GEORGE GOEI THAN to-Miss REGINA BAFER, both of this- placc. On the 13th inst., by the liar. F. Dyson, Mr. J &con M'FaMmt to Miss MART J. Cam., both of this county. DIED. On tho Ist inst., in York, Pa., Rev. .Tomv DENIG, a na tive ud fir many years a resident of this place, in the TOth year of his age. On th . e 17th ult.. ID Guilford township, CATHARINE, wife. of Mr. John P. Stouffer, aged 36 years,; months and 21 110 s. On the 15th Inst., in Guilford township, 3Ire.IItNNAII, wife of John Steuffer,:en.,.aged 74:yearu, 3 inono4 arid 21 d4ys. On the 23d ult., in Athens, Menard county, IIL, - Mrs. Elizsarrt, wife of a:r.-Ezekiel Kalb, and (laughter of Mr ; lessee Cummins, decd, formerly of this „place, - aged years. 6 months and 10 days. She has left a husband mil four children to mourn her loos. On :-;unday. the 9th inst., in New York, Mr. PATRICK BROWN. formerly of this place. On the oth inst, in Mercershurg, Ur. atairs M. BUD- Liz, in the 31st year of his age. A useful citizereand consistent nit-tuber of the Church of our Lord. Ins ill ness WAS Of short duration. Ills death to him was gain. On the 6th inst.. in Greencastle, (Ito HARM S., (laugh for of Mr. Adam Goetz, in the 7th year of her age. On the 7th inst., near the same place, ItARRY A 11 5 ,301). son of Wni. and Susan 51.411ison,aget12 years and 2 mos. On the Bth inst, In the same piece, We tte, i font eon of R illiam H. Davison. aged 7 monehs. 'On the 3tl inst-at Welsh Run, Mrs. FANNY &RATTNER, aged 25 yeirs, 10 months and IS, On theCth inst.. in Washington conity, Md., SsaioEa. son of Henry and Mary Rice, aged 4 years, 10 miniths and 15 days. On the Bth inst., in Petur's township, Mr. Huyst Bun n-IEIM. aged 61 years and YO days. tin the tth last -in Guilford township, Mr. NIOIIOLAEI FLeca. aged 87 years. 'On the 9th inst., BLtzaasTll. daugeter of Adam and Citharine Leitner, aged S months and 3 days.. • Editor of I?eposifory—Derr Sir: With our permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will _send by retura mail tu all who wish it; (free) a:Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will effectually re move, in.lo, minutes, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail, free to those hacins; Bald Beads or Bare Paces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a Intl growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Mount sae, in lase than 30. days. All ap plications answered by return mail without charge. Respectfully you ro, THOS. F. CHIPMAN, Chemist,. No. 831 Broadway, New Yurk iu l Y ll.634 in A WONDERFUL PILL. THE BEST PURGATIVE PILLS TRH BEST PURGATIVE PILLS. - THE BRST PURGATIVEPILLS. 4 4:lector Radway's Pills era the best purgative pills in the world and the only vegetable pills that can be usal inplite of Calomel or blue pills. In using these pills the patterit Is not compelled to s train, or undergo a series nf-crainpksr.iping pains, nausea, ; their operation, tbecii.gh and effectual in the expulsion-of the faOccs - iii mild, Soothing, and natural. One to six boxes Will effect cure, without nedessitating, the patient to crntinnal dl)sing with physic. In affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia :Costiveness, Indigestion, Piles, and in all , Rivets, their curative powers are marvellous. Price 25 c•s. per box.' Fore to in CLambersbutg by Mitten :4 HIMMEL To the Young -or Old, Male or Female.— re you have beensaffenng from a habit indulged in by the YOUTH OF BOTH SEXES, • ;mica CAUSES SO . 1 1/11t2'surisma STPX2O7IB, it unfits Mon for Marriage • And le the greatest evil watch can befall MAN OR WOMAN. ' See symptoms enumerated in advertisement, and If you are a sufferer. Cut out the Advertisement, Arid send for it at_ once, Delays are dangerous Ask for ilelmbold's, Take no ether. C res•guaranteed. Bewareof Cbunterfests and Imitations. jaly 15, 63-21 n A Gentleman, cured of Nervous Debility, Incompetency, Premature Decay and Youthful Error, acittated by adeslre to benefit others, will be hal py furnish Wall who need it (free of charge) the recipe and directions for making the simple Remedy used in his case. Thosowishing to profit by his experience—and possess a Valuable Reniedy—will receive the same, by return mail, (carefully settled,) by addressing. JOIJN B. OGDEN, Re. 60 Nassau Street, if ow York. nag 1.5.3 m REPORT OF THE MARKETS PRICE CURRENT OF M - 2" . S t rM rt Sc DBRO'S. CORRECTED WEEKLY. CEIAMBERSiI URG, Aug.lB, 1883. 15 Wesazn Wool, 12 thorasszo W00L........83 8 Glom?. 8388 5 00 —.—.. 8 Tutom BnFB • 200 4 to 8 FL.tx Bzzo '2 00 ... 12 PAT= PEAcnzB ..... 300 ... 7 11,recto Pekcazi 150 1 50 Ihuzzi APRLES 1 00 Bursts...... Avoca LARD ' TALLOW, Soar.— ..... , BecoN Beam 81DEs.. Sour BEAtts, CHAMBERSBURG FLOUR AND GRAIN MARKET. CORRECTED AT CRAIWBEDSDURO Flour—Bed Wbeat t —Whlto IVbeat--Red Corn POTATO MAP-WET. Mercer. New PLA-Myee.... frqultliti tlepositorn, ilitunbersburg, Tiratticii.—Local and Travelling Agents in esery Town and County. tirettlars, with Testimonials of Clergymen and Scientific men, in regard to thelmA, laces, sent free. ISAAC lIALE, Jo, k C 0.,. July '15.6:?...t Newlmryport, Mass. eau abbertisemento. -HICKOK'S CELEBRATED CI DER M:LLS. on which nine barrels of cider hmz, been merle in a dar by ene man with the ae4ictance of two emialt boys. For rain by qAIITTEL SEPERT. Chmnbershin g Attemst '63.7t DLOWS.! PLOWS 7 .—The celebrat e? 17 An I,F,' SETY.§ITAIIPENING and Steel extend. in g point Plows. A ddree.4 BOYER k _ Agricultural Implomentis Mutat ternrera , angll:ca7a Philadelphia. - pSTRAY SOW.—Came to'j,he res idence of the subscriber. one mite eat of Mani. betabure. abont the 20th of July last. a BMW:DINO SOW. The ownerls notified to prove property. pay charges and take her away, or she K... tit h e fispneed of according to law. ABRATtAXI FIKETTER. auBl9.3ts NOTlCE—Sealed proposals will ha recei red at the Commissioner's Office. in Ch am hersburg, for the repairing of the Bridge 'at Itozbnry; in Lurgan township, until the Ist Monday of September. The rep irs'are two Arches. Wing Walls. and roof of said Walls. And also in be stated on an average of ono foot in thickness. ,By onler of Commissioners ang 1.9.2 t GEO. FOREMAN. Clerk. REWARl).—Stiayed fionn the e t e) premises of - the subscriber. in Chambersbnrg. on the 2Sth duly hod, a RED COW, seven years old marked with whiteon the head. back,. belly and end of her tail. The above reward will be given for the return of said con% or any information /ending' to her recovery. nog 19.3t* PHILIP LEMASTER. V I STRAY PIG-S.—Carrie to tbe premises of the subscriber. on the Greencastle road, about one mile South of Cimmbersburg, on or about the 4th inst.. FIVE MOATS. The owner is notified to prove property and my charges, or the Pigs will be dis posed of according to law. C. 3.t. BUR:VETT. augl943PS ATTDITO NOTICE.—The - un dersigned, Auditor appointed by the Orphans' curt. to marshal and apportion the assets in the bands of the Adm'rs of Isaac rane„ late of Green twp.. dec'd, to and amongst the creditors, will at tend for that purpose at the office of Wilson Beilly,Esq., in Chambersburg. on Monday the 711, day of September ' 1863, at 1 o'cl"ek. p. when and wher all persona interested can attend. Asnr.lo G. W. NV 'NMI. Auditor. COW STRAYED OR STOLEN.- Strayed or Stolen from. the subscriber. residing a mile North of Chambersburg on the turnpike. about four weeks ago. a small 3111,011 COW, color .red with white spits ; lame in the left hind leg, and has hat three teats. Any person giving' information of her whereabouts or returning her will be suitably - rewarded by applying to this Office or to . FRANK. DENOLEII. auglih3t. AGENTS WANTED—The sub scriber wishes to employ Agents to solicit 'orders for Fruit Trees. &c., in tide and adjoining counties. Any energetic business men cat employment will find this en excellent opportunity to mate reasonable wages.— For particulars apply at once to B. L. 11YDF,R.iroprletor. West Franklin Nnrsmies, London. Fralklin co.. pa. . . . Refferenee as to character and business qualifications rebnired. [angl9-3t HORSE POWERS Lt THRESH ERS. Premium Endless Chain 'Horse Po*era. Improved Combined Threshers and Clealiers. Premium Threshers arid Separators. - Circular Saw Machines fur Cress Ciittinz Wood. Address - WAI. L ROYER & 11 110. Agricultural Implement Manta icturera, aug 19 3m Philadelphia. C°RC SIIELLERS • • • • The celebrated READING'S PATENT CORN SHELLER and Seperatorand Cleaner. fin' Horse Power—itstapacity is front 1000 to 1500 Bushels per day. The celebrated STAR CORN SHELLER, adapted for hand and horse power. Those Shellershave no superior. d dtiress W3l. L. BOYER it 13110. Agricultural Implement 3lanutteturers, mm 19.3111 Philadelphia. STM--VWBERTUESI ABDUST AND 'SEPTEMBER are good months for planting Good plants of leading varieties, WILSON'S ALBANY. TRIOMPH DE GAND, HOVEY'S SEEDLING, etc:, cart bn had at the Franklin Nurseries, or l , yaddressing the undersigned by order. JACOB aug 19 Agent. • VOTICE OF•INQUISITION.—To _LI Daniel. John S., Mary, Jacob and Joseph A. •13rew .er, all of Franklin county Ps.“ Sabina Brewer. inter married with Jacob Hawk. residing nuir Funkstown, Md.: Henry Brewer, reiiiiing in the Stated liiinris.heirs and legal representatives of Joseph Brewer. late of Montgomery township, Franklin county, Pa., decd. you are hereby notified that I will hold an inquisition on the Real Estate of said deceased, situate in Montgomery township, Franklin county, Fa., on Wednenlay.the 16th day of &Vein , er, 166.3. at 11 o'clock, A. M.. on the prem ises, when and where you may attend if v.miltink pri p r. SAMUEL BRANDT, Amin. heriff's Office, August 19. I 863-3 t Ileackuarfcrs, Depariniefit Swerfuelanna, .1 August JO, 1863. G . ENERAL ORDERb NO. 10 Persons claiming to own horses now or hereafter lu lie possession of the different 1.1. States Quarter Mas ters of this Depaitmen t. are he: eby notified that upon their makingatlidasit before a Justice of. the Peace. and after the reliability of the said parties making the oath, having been substantPled by the testimony of two re spectable witnesses in writing, they present such papers to the Quarter Aflutter holding the horse Cr horses in question. they will be returned to them. The Quarter Master holding these affidavits as vouch ers fur said property. By -command of MnJ, Gen. D. N. Cocci. - Rug 1413 t ROBERT LE ILOY.; Capt. A - A. A. G. VALUABLE HILL PROPERTY FOR' SALE.—The subscriber desiring to retire from businessoffers at private sale his VALUE:BLit:MILL Property, situate on the Coniaocheagne Creek. at Scotland. flas miles North of Chtunbersborg. The Mill has three run of Burrs and is in good order for home and merchant work. It is situated in one:of the beat groin growing regions of Southern Pennsylvania, and conve nient to churches and schools. There are about seven. teen Acres of land connected with the Mill, nearly all cleared and good Meadow Land, and nyder mad fence. X large two-story WeatherboardaDlVELLlNG HOUSE and other out buildings, and considerable fruit are on the property. Tin price asked is $5,000. while the nett earnings of the mill during the last year was Mare Mo. For particulars apply to lloosubscrib e r i t .st,ti ng on th e premitte!!._ JOBS SLEICILTBR. Rug 19•tt T l IST OF I the Bost Offit A uguingbaugh Mrs Catharine A ndersonllisMagt lieeker Miss Jane Berge Fred Brumbaugh Wm Busher A IL Bretz Benjamin F Bastline Oeo 1 Barr Joseph W Bennett D A i Daum Lydia Bean Jesse 111 Bates Jacob Beriderblre Mattie BenglesWilltamH Bentz William Beck Isaiah • Busch bliss Butler henry Baker Porter B Brown Wm BurkbeartCharles Berry Thomas Baker Mary A 'Baughman Jno W Brubaker Abram Conyers George S C ,lnaan Andrew Cheyney Hugh R CriderMiellarbara Chambers nos L Christman Libble Cassel James t Dryden 0 ' Durkin Jobn ....-$f 00 .... • 8 60 .... 1 16 .... 1 10 Daimberger A R nails Susan Aire Donnelly Michael Ellv 4.0484U1t. Etter Henry . Packcy Urn Har riet' ..~..::.~..... R.i .:a bU Persons calling '- that they hare bee aug. 19. LETTERS r !..3 at Chambersburg, Fee Limit John D Flemming - Jmnes Pressby en - mining in • Ang.lB, 1.863: Metz Miostinrbora Miller Daniel_ McCormick WinC Magm. Jorise Fair Samuel Fri,a Can/lino McCoy Miss Jane 7ticPberson Mk. S IWNighttleutllW McCoy Dedjaniin McLaughlin Chas Miller Daniel W NoggleWashingtn I NFLLinaThomas D Norris William L Oyler Miss Cade Ocker John 'Pitt Strichlane 'Reamer Henry Rotez Josiah. Fahrny David D FlukeOliverD Idroves John Bracey Daniel George David Gotvralt John W Gilchrist ILetk.'h GrOve Mr Alargt Howard3lrs Lucy Hoover Jacob Hepfer Sindorella Huber Theodore Heiman George Hester William A Hunter William P Hummel Lewis Hoover William Huggins James Hoetlick LleutS 31 Hain Samuel Reisinger rmo t a fin William 3 Stabler Franklin Sbity Jacob Slirm Joseph Stern T Skis Elizabeth' Short & Myere Stringier Geo ra ' -leighter Miss Catharine Johnston . IJentßF James Copt Janches Mrs J Joy Ransom C Kauffman Mrs F Kauffman John B Koloinger John Lynch Lieut Dd Lork Mrs Susan T Lontensla ger P , Lenard Miss llagt Lanioy Bann Lynch James r Mitchell C Seegar Shank John A Strad: Samuel Small Jacob Shank JohnS Bluer Jackson Shaw C G Smith J P 2 Simmers Jam Tront3ReArnwssl: asm Wallies Wm R WollardafreAnnie ' , Mallard Mrs Lacy Wingert Isaac .rs will please say . W. DEAL, P. N. McNutt Iviltismß mcr.amtre Jno A Mickley Lint Jas Myers Joieph Metz Mls Amanda , •r• the above Lotte is advertised. pew abbertisements. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice is hereby giten that Letters of Adminis trstua on the .Estateuf Absalom .'letter, late of Guil ford tocrnship„dee'd. hare been granted to the under signed, residing in the Borough of s 'hiunliersburg. All !lemmas knowing theinselvas indebted to said Es tate will please make immediate payment; and those having claims - trill present them properly anthentitated for settlement.• . . ang 19 ' SOIIN dUBER, TA.dm'r $5O. $l5O. -A GENTS WANTED --Liberal in _. ducements :to Eavasseis for. the sale of the CELEBRATED COTTAGF. S'l2 SEWING 3IACHINE. I wish to engage CO active Agent inevery County in the united States and Camia. to travel and Introduce my NEW CHEAP, FAMILY SEWING MACUINE. This Machine IxAersses more than ordinary merit is Just patented-with valuable Improvements, and acknowledg ed to be nrourpassed fir general utility. A limited number of responsible Agentx are wanted, to solicit qr. de re, to wbolia a salary from S5O TO $l5O PER MONTH AND EXPENSES will be paid. For conditions and full particulars address with stamp fur return plunge. . L. NALCO], atm 10-2 m 'Box MS, Boston Mass, pu - Ruc be sold, by • 'public Sale, at the late residence of Samuel Burns deceased in Green towrshlp. ono trine and te half North of Chrunberaburg, on the "Old Riddle Farm." on Mon day, the3lst day - 4i A mrust;itist... the following Personal Property. : FOUR HORSES: 2 Sucking Colts; 6 Cows—Teeswater Stock, in thriving condition; 2 Ueifors • 1 Steer; 1 Boil: 5 yearling Calves;-.., sheep; 1 Brood Sow and Pigs; 15 She to, and 7 Sucking Pigs. Also 1 broad tread Plantation Wagon and Bed; 1 narrow-tread do. do.:: 1 one horse Wagon; 1 set of flay Ladders; 1 Manny'a Reaper; 1 t hree horse Plow; I two horse Plow; I single and 3 double Shovel VIONVB; 2 Marrows; I Field Roller; 4 sets Gears; Cow Chains; Log Chains, Rakes, Forks, Also, a variety of Household Furniture, consisting in pert of Bedsteads. Beds . ami Bedding; Tables; Chairs. together with a lot - of Kitchen utensils, A numbs:. of Barrels. Malt Vessels . , and a great many 'articles not necessary to enumerate. ALSO, at the same time, wi tl be sold. a quantity of flay by the Tun, and Corn in the Ground. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock; when attend ance will be given and terms made known by ang.lo , 2t JACOB ZOOK, Adm'r. C. SPITAL, AtiCtiOneet. MANHOOD; HOW L9STI UOW RESTORED! Just Published in Sealed Envelope. Price Siz Cents. A Lecture ou the Nature, Treatment i.ud Radical Cure of Spermaterrhcea or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility; Nervousness, tihd. Involuntary Emissions, in ducing Impotency. Consumpt ion , and iental and Phys.. , Ica' Debility, by Raucwc CIUTSERVirIaS, D. The important fact that the awful consequence of Self- Abuse may be effectually removed without internal medicines or the dangerous application of caustics ' in striiments, medicatoe bongies, and other empirical de vices. is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly successful treatment as adoptecthy the cele brated author. fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly, ittuL at the least possible cost. thereby avoiding all the adyert feed nos trums of the day. This lecture ivill prove a boon to thousands Bent under Neal. to nny address.in a plain, sealed cave lope, on Ow receipt of six cents or two postage stamps, by addressing, CHAS. JC. KLINE A CO.. . 127 Bowery, Mew York, Post Office Box, 458 , . atm 19.'f3-6m. r. XECT_TT OR'S SALE.—In pursu ance of the last will and testament of Dania] Conra , . late of Peteitetownship, Franklin county, Pa , deed, there will be`eiposed at Public Sale, on the prem. lees, on Thursday, the 10th day of September, nest, it 1 o'clock, P. M , the following Property, late the Estate of Daniel Conrad. decd, viz: A 'FARM in said township, lying along the Cove Gap road, one mile front Cove G ap, adjoining lands of Henry and Gabriel Swamis on the ;west. David Unger's heirs on the north. sod others on the east. cont.dmng 1.37 ACREi and the allowance. The soil is sand and clay. There is about 140 Acres clear and in a gliod state of cultivation. 18 Acres of ullich is Meadow and more Meadow can be made : the tesidne is covered with valuable Timber. ;The; trapewitments con sist of a good two story lo'g Weatherboarded Dwelling Hones and Si tchen, Smoke House, Granary with a first rate cellar under it, In the yard, close by the dwelling; a good Frame Darn and other necessary buildings. A Cistern in theyard and a well of good waterclosa by the house. There is a Young Orchard of choice Fruit Trees such as Apples.Flums, Pears. and Cherries. There is a large stream of water running through the Farm and passes one end of the barn yard; a lane extending from the barn yard to all of the fields. If the Farm is not sold on slid day, it will be offered for rent. Any person wishing to - view the property can call on the subscriber, living on the farm. Terms made known on the day of sale. ; DANIEL, .CONRAD. aug.l9-ts. , - Ex'r. I)EGISTE.R'S NOTICE—XI' per ons interested - will please take notice, that the fel g Accountants have settled their accounts in the Register's Office in Franklin t ounty, and that the name will be presentad to the Orphans' Court for can fi rma. lea on Tuesday, the Bth of bepteniVcr,lB63. at the Court House In Chnmhersburg - : 318. The account of Solomon E. Patterson, culininlst'r of Daniel Cramer. late of Letterkenny twp., decd. 319. The first and - final account of L. Lamaster and Win. Adams. Trustees to sell tholteal Estate of Jacob Lamaster. r'ec'd. ' 320. The find. and final account of Will Inm Campbell and Jamr's 11. A lexander, Executors of Willlcum Campbell late d Fannet tirp..deed. • • &Id. The second 'termer of Abrabatn,B. Wingert and John W. Sollenberget•, Exe utors of the last will and tes tament of Jacob B. Wingert, Inteof auHford twp., dec'd. 329: The Bret account of Abraham Th Wingert and John W. Sollenberger, Rxecntors. of Jac:ob B. Wingert inte - of Ouilford twp., dec'd. in their capacity as Trustees orthr children an I grand children of said deceased, under hi' last will' and I estament. 323. The first and final account of Ann M. Robinson, Executrix of the the Estate of D. F. Robinson, late of Clounbersburg, deed. , 3 - 11. Tho recount of Simon W. Runley, Guarding of Abner Johnston, minor child of Win. Johnston, as stated by Jecoh Peusinger. his After.. 325. The final iv.cqunt 11r deo. Cook, Executor of Sol. Shook. Into of the Borout;b of Greencastle. deed. Aug.l9. • E. C. BOYD, Register. PUBLIC SALE.—By virtue of an Order of the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, there will be exposed to Public Sale, on the 'itemises, on Siturday, the 26tkdag of September, st 1 o'clock, P. M., the following valuable nerd Estate. late the property of Daniel Cnuncr, deed, viz : The MANSION FARM. situ ated on the Road lending from Strasburg to Roxbury, alxrat two and a half miles &Um the former place, con taining 108 ACRES of geml Slate Land..lou of which is cleared and in a hlga state of cultivation, and enclosed with goo( fence. The Itnprovementit are a two story 'Log House. a good Frame Barn. and all the necessary out-buildings, a Well of excellent Water near the Dwell ing-and running Water thro' the Farm. ' Twenty Acres of this Farm is good Meadow. It has tilsh on it en Orilt-* nrd of excellent Fruit. This is a very desirable proper ty. being within a mile and a halt of three first-class Grist Mills. Persona ilesirons of purchasing will do well to call and examine the property previous today of sale. Should It not be soil, it will bo offered for Rent one title day, for the period of one year from the Ist of April next. TERILSOF SALE.—Ono half on delivery of title the balance In two equal ennual payments, secured by J udg- Arent on the property, with Interest. aug 1.0-te S. R. PATTERSON, Ad rn'r. . tx-ir There will also be exposed to Public Sale, on the same day. two Tracts of Lend, welt covered with Tim ber. situate in the same township, about two miles from the first-named property. one of which contains SO Acres and 310 Perches t the other,r Acres and Perohcs, and will Do sold separate or together, to suit pa rchnsers. TERMS :—One•halfon delivery of Deed, the balance in three equal annual pttyinents; with interest. • S. It. PATTERSON, Agent. angl.9-ts C. &Tett, Auctioneer. SKIRTS I . — SKIRTS !! SKIRTS!!! - • M. A. JONES' CELEBRATED "NE,PLUS ULTRA" SKIRT, No. 1-7 NORTH Bth St., PHILADELPHIA. Skirts of all long the, and any size waist made to tu der, and satisfaction guarranteed. • Ladles, Misses and Children's Skirts of every size and shape, constantly on hand. Every Skill warranted for Six Months. READ HOW WE - DO BUSINESS. We do not make any cheap skirts in the Common accep• tation of the term, bet we make THE CHEAPEST SKIRTS MADE, because we make • THE BEST AND DEFY COMPETITION We warrant every skirt We sell to be exactly ea rep. resented. We make all we sell, and'knoilvg hoW they are mule vre guarantee Ahem with full confidence. we sell a badakirt we toil/ exchange it for a new one, and if they get out of order or Lreak within six months, we will repair than free of Charge. We roetui to give our customers full satisfaction, but we cannot do so and compete with the low priced auction goods. Wedepend entirely upon the superiority of the goods we offer, and the fairness of our method of , h)h.g business. Orders left at deryoctes Book Store. DIRECTIONS FOR IdEASUREKENT. Take the eiact, size of the waist, without any allow ance. The exact length required and the size around the bottom spring. Also if the skirt is to be large, small, or medium size at the top, and whether a trait or plain round skirt. M. A. JONES, Not; North Bth St:, Philadelphia. lug 19-tf , . Over the Wax figure. ft* Inbertiorments. AUDITORS' NOTICE.—Tho un ix dersigned, Auditors appohited to, take tes . imony in tee matter of exception Lathe; Accourrt of Geo Hupp ' per, Sr., and Gee. KnOpper. Jr,, will meet at the office of J. W. Doti gists, on then th day of Srptember, ut U o'clock A. 31., for the purposes of their appointment, when and where all parties interested may attend if they see pro per. - ?.1. W. DOI:MLA: 4 . aug 19-St ; T. E. CARLISLE. , - C 4 XECITTOR'S - NOTlCE.—Notiee is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to tbe hstate or Samuel Stouffer, late of St. Thomas tonrnsbip, deed.. have been granted to the, undersigned. residing la said township. . All persons knowing themselves indebted to said' Es tate will please mike immediate payment; and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. Sag 19.6 t ANNII STOMPER, Executrix. Sz H.. T. ANTHONY,JD. kanufacturers PhotographieMateriafr, 501 Broadway, New York CARD PHOTOGRAPHS Our Catalogue now embraces considerably over Four Thousarid different subjects (to which additions are con tinually being made) of Portraits of Eminent Americans etc„, viz: 72 Major-Generals. 525 Statesmen, 190 Brigadier. Generals, 127 Divines, 2 , 9 Colonels, - 116 Authors, 94 Lieutenant-Colonels 30 Artists, 207 Other .officersy 112 'Stags, 60 Navy Officers, 46 Prominent Women, 147 Prominent Foreign Portraits. - • 2,500 °vies of Worla of Art, including reproductions of the inset celebrated Engrav• Inge, Paintings, Statues, &c. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. An order for One Dozen Pictures from our Catalogudyill be Tailed on receipt of $l.BO, mid sent by moll free. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. 1 . Of these we manufacture a great vriety, ranging in price from 50 cents to $5O each,. Our Albums have the reputation of being superior in beauty andrlurability to any others. The smaller kind can be sent safely by mail at a postage of six cents per oz. The more expensive can be sent by express. We also keep a large assortment of STERESCOPES AND STEEESCOPIC VIEWS. Our Catalogue of these will be sent to any address on receipt of Stplls. E. & IT. T. .OiTONY, I.lanateturers of Phutcigrapple 'Materials 501. Broadway, New York. Friends or relatives of prominent military men wilt confer a favor by sending us their likeness to copy: They Will be kept carefully and returned unitklui ed. Fine Albums made to order for Connegstiont , to Pre sent to their Pastor, or for othet purposes, With suitable inscriptions, &c. ,jang ffeadquarlers, Proro.4 larshat, • Sixteenth District,' Pennsylvania, " 9 Chatnbersbnrg. August bt, 18C3. CERTIFICATES OF Pla-YSICIANS. QECTION 86 OF THE REGULA -3 .TIONS for the government .of the Bureau of the yruvest Illarshal General roads as follows: - No certificate of a physielan,or surgeon is to be re ceived in support of any point, in the claim of drafted men for exemption f. om military service, lattices the facts aud statements therein bet forth are AFFIKKED Ott 55708. N to before s. civil magistrate competent to adminis ter ratite, -- -. . $3OO EXEMPTION. Sec. 2of Circular 34 tamed by the Provost Marshal LlGcneral readsas follows : : , The Collator of &firma Reroute in each Congression al District has beettanthorized by the tecrotary of War, .aid directed by the Secretary!of the Treasuu.to receive from draftedpersons. who desite to pay it for the pur pose of exemption, the moneyttbove specified (i °MM.) On receipt of this sum, the Collector of internal Reve nue shall give the drafted person paying it dap/ionic re ceipts. - One copy of the:se recelPts shall be delivered to the Board of Enrollment on or before the day the draft ed person is .required to report for duty; and when so delivered to the Board, thedrafted pers As shall be fur uished by the Board with_a certificate of exemption. (Vont, St, Itevalo.tions of provost . Marshal General's Bureau,) stating that the,person is discharged from fur-- thee liability under that draft, by reason of having paid the sum of three hundred dollars. • The receiptSof the Collector of internal Revenue may be handed into theßoard nt any time %hen in session. ALIBINS Dramas, 53 limed by the t:rovost slarshal General prescribes that sit" person claiming exemption on the grounds of alienage, shall file before the Board an all davit stating „Ist. That he is an alien, andsetting forth the Goiern ment of which ho claims to be a subject. " 2d, The time when he came Into the United States, and where he resided since that date 31. That he has never declared his intentions tobecome a citizen of the United States, and bus not exercised the right of suffrage by votingat any election in any State 4th. That he claims to be exempted from military ger. rho on the ground that ho is the subject of a foreign Government, and has not declared his intentions to be come a citizen of the United States, and has never voted in atiy State. The affidavit to be supported by any proof the party may offer. If the Board be satisfied that the patty claiming ex emption is fully entitled thereto, under the Act of Con. gress, they will discharge hint from the draft. But If not satisfied, they shall refer thEi case, with the aflidavi4 throogh the Provost Marshal General, for decision - by the Department of State, in .the meantime suspending any action in the case until the decision of tho State De partment be made. The certificate of the State Depart. mont shall in suds case be . considered as evidence of the fact whether the person is, or is uot, subject to military duty. " The foregoing instructions will, be strictly observed by every drafted parson chiming ezeinption on the ground -of alienage. SUBSTITUTES. • Section 7 of Circular 33 issued by the, Provost Marshal General,' states that ," all persons who may be 4rufted, and who may desire Ito present a substitute, shall give notice in writing to , the Board of Enrollment that on such a day they will preser4 a substitute: giving his name, residence, age, and stating whether he is an alien or citizen, Persons desiring pa furnish substitutes will observe strictly the foregoing requirements. Per convenience . in indorsing and tiling, titese notices must be written upou at least a half shettr o f letter or foolscap paper. . IVedn. zany, Biptember 9d. anti each day thereafter (Sundays excepted): Until further notice. tiom 8 to 9 &clock in the morning, the guard will hear propositions fur substitutes and examine persons so off Ting. THE RENDEZVOUS The Provost Marshal 13 er:ire' has fixed Chambersbnrk• ae the rendezvous foathis Dist! let. All men Ivho may he drafted will accordingly appear,at the time and place indicated in the notice that will be served upon them. or be deemed deserters. No appearance is expected or de itiro SEP:ME the time named in the notice. ?or such as. applar in advent.° of their; time no provision wil' he made and la no event can their examination take pre. cadence of others. ; _ . . Under this head is published Sec. 25 of the Act of Con gress passed March 3,1663: , Sec. 2b. That if any person shall .resist any draft of men enrolled under this act ,into the service of the United States: or shalt counsel or aid any person to re sist any such draft; or shaU assault or- obitruct any officer in making Such draft, or in the performance of any service in relation thereto; or shall counsel any per son to or obstruct any such officer, or shot/coun sel any drafted man net to appear at the place of ren dezrous,or will fully dissnade them from the perform ance of military duty as required by law, such prison shall be subject tosummary arrest by the Provost Mar shal, and shall be forthwith delivered to the civil author ities, and, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not, exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding two years, or by both of said punish ments. • THE QUOTA. The quota assigned o this 'Congressional District is Two Thousand] Two Hundred and Sixty-Seven. The draft will he for this number.vritt fifty per centum ad ded. Fiord Adams Ccrunty 11l be drawn ono man In every 3.323 of her enrolled inhabitants in, Class 1; from Bedford County will be drawn One man In every 3.333 o f her enrolled inhabitants In Class I; frau:Fru:Alin Coun ty will be drawn 0110 man in every 3. 9 33 of her enrolled inhabitants is Class I : from Fulton County will be drawn one man in every 3.317 of h'er enrolled inhabitants of Claes I; from Somerset County will be drawn ono man in every3.3ss of her enrolled,lntabltanto of Class I. THE DRAFT. The Draft for the Counties Uf Adame,Bedfurd,Prank lin, Yolion nnd Somerset, composing the Sixteenth Con. gressional District of Pennsylvania, will commence at the Masonic Hall,-Chamberaburg, st 9 o'clock. on the morning of Monday, August '..4th inet., and continue from day, to day until the work hi completed. Handbills are p or t e d in every township announcing the day ofdraw.ug for particular entedistrime. ONO. BYSTER Proven' Marshal and President of Board. JOHN T. 3111.11ENT.. Commissioner. of Beard. 11; S. SEISE, aug 634 t Surgeon of Board. FOR , RENT--The. OFFICE open. 1 04 by D. I. li. Snivel', next door to' Shryoolea took Btoro. realined tte rani, PlWleselon given imme diately. Apply at Dr. it i chOrao' oltloo. aug 11,f Legal flotircs. A JOINT RESOLUTION _PRO POSING ,OERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO TIM tAmSTITOTION. Edit resoled by. the Senate and Houseof /yeltresenta tiers of the (Ammon - wee tth of Pennsylvania tn Genera/ Assembly nut, That the fdlowing amendment& be prope sed to the Constitotton of the Commonwealth, in accord once with the previa!, no of the tenth article thereof: - There ehall be an additional section to the third article of the Conetitution, to be designated as - secant four, ai follows: Ssettox 4. 'Whenever any of the qualified Olean's of this C,cnamonwealth shall be in any sterol military ser vice, antler a requisition from the President of the Uni ted States, or by the /authority of this Commonwealth,. such electors may etercise tne right of suffrage in all elections by the citizeus, tinder such regulations as are. or shall be, prescribed by law, as fully - as if they wore present at their usual place of election. There shall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of Constitution, to be designated as sections eight and nine, as follows: - SECTION S. - NO bill shall be passed by the Legislature containing more than one subject, which shall be clear!: expressed in the title, except appropriation bills: SEcrtox9. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature granting any powers, or privileges, in any case, whets. the authority to grant such powers; or privileges, hue been, or may hereaft,or be, conferred upon the 'courts of this Commrnwealtb. JOIIN CESSNA. - Speaker of Use llonseof Repre.sentatirer. JOUN P. PEN:NEY, Speaker of thO Sonofr. OPTICS. OP Tat SECRET/MY OF TILE COMSONiIfSALTFI, Ciarrisburg,2nlYl 7 1863, }* ' PcnnryiteXia, s. 5: I ,10 hereby certify_ that the for 0- going and ennexed is a full, trim and correct {G. .8. }copy of the original Joint ticsolitiens tho ileneral Assembly. entitled "A Joint Resolutiol, proposing cortaxn Amendments to the Constitution," a. the same remains on intids office.' - In testimony whemd. 1 have hereunto `sot my hand, atyl caused the seal 4.1 . the Secretary's office to be affixed, the depend year above tv,eitten. ELI SLIFER, ulyls, 63-te B+ 7 ;retary of the fAsmmen wealth. T AN ORPHANS' COURT held at Cbamborshorg. for Franklin Conniy, Fa., on the zd day of June, 186 before the Judgesof our sasd Court—in the matter of the exceptions tiled to the ac, count of Henry S. Miiler, Adiniuistrator of the estate of Ephraim Stabler: dee'd. the Conn appointed 0. I-. F.,ster, Ex 9.; Auditor. to examine the exceptions, hear the evidence, find the facts, state an &cermet, and make distribution among the creditors, of said deceased, and repot t the same. a In testimony whereof, I bare hereunto set e. } my band and affixed the Seal of the said Court, at Chambersburg, Ibis 7th day of -Au gnst,lB63. W. (.1. MITCHELL, Clerk. perenn4 interested in the settlement and distribution o.f the fonds of the above Estate will take notice, that the Auditor above named will attend at his office, on Market street. in Cliamberhurg, opposite the Court House for the purpose of his appointment, on Saturday, thel2th clay of September next, at 10 o'clock, A.M., where they requested to attend if they think_ proper. C. S. lITSTER, - i tang 12,'03-It Anditer. ORDINANCE.—Be. it. enacted and ordained by the Burgess and Town Chanel( of the Borough of t,4ambersburg, and it is hereby tnad..m' and ordained by the authority of the same, That the Twenty- Fourth Section of the General Borough Ordinances In relation to the building, making or piecing any Rick. 'Heap or Parcel of Grain. fly, Straw, Chaff or Fodder, or other Combustible Ma feria!, passed the23th ,lsynf only. 1853, avd "AnOrdinanee with reference to the keeping of Straw, Hay, and Or5Sl Within the limits ofthe borough of Chambereburg, and regulating the erection of Straw Steaming Buildings." passed the Sth day of January, A. D.,1963. be and the saute :11e hereby repealed Passed and ordained the 11th day of June, A. D. 1863. 3. T. HOSICINSON, Burgess. C. 1V ETSTER, D. H. Lrisraß, J. 19. Itsai.„ T. J. EARLEY, Attest: PETER CREICTEapi, Down iStnineic 0.0, Ernnettnn, Si e y July 154 t . N OTlCE.—Whereas, Letters. TO tamentary on the Estate of Samuel Go..rge. of Guilford township, dec'd; have been granted - to al.: subscribers. All persons indebted to the said Estate, are reilnested to make imtnedlat ,payment, and those having claims of demands against 'tilt-Estate 01 said decedent will make hem known, without delay, to JOAN ROWE, Greencastle, .3IARY GEORGE, Guilford twp. Executors. /23C IN - OTlCE.—Whereas Letters of Ad ministration on the , } , :tato ef Nancy Crawford, late of Guilford township, deckt, base been granted to the subscriber, residing in said township All persona indebted to the said Estate, ore hereby rei guested to make immediate noyment,and those baying claims or demands against the Estate of said decedent, will make known the same without delay, to aug.l2 'TORN CRAWFORD, Adm'r. XoTlOE.—Whereds, Letters TEts -tamentary on the the Estate of Richard Burden. ate of the Borough of Chamberebur6, dec'd, have been granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to the said Estate, aro requested to makelmtuedinto payment. and those. having claims or demands against tne Estate of said decedent, will make known the same without delay, to eng.l2 WM. BURDEN, Ex's,- NOTICE.--The undersigned hereby give notice to their neighbors owning Cattle, &c., not to allow their stock to run at large and trespass on their premises, as, in. Justice to themselves, they will be compelled to enforce the laws strictly against all persons who will permit this notice to go unheeded. JACOB ETTER, ISRAEL. SOLLENBERGEB. sag 12-3 t 3.totaurantg. FRANKLIN HALL RESTAIIR -6.NT.--SIAETIN BROWN, Proprietor. This well nown Eating Saloon is fitted op in elegant style, and the undersigned is prepared to serve up FRESH OYE TERS,PIEU, ItROGS. TRIPE, EGIEEENS, TURTLE and ELA3I SOUP, and Game of all kinds. - TitASRADADGErS AND LUDYir.L.PE ALE,. constantly on hand. He respectfully asks a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed by his friends and the public. June MARTIN BROWN. SAPONIFIER, or CONCENTRATED THE FAMILY SOAP MAKER The public are. cautioned 'against the SPURIOUS article ol LYE for making SOAP, &e, now offered for. sale. The only GENUINE and PATENTED Lye is that made by the PENNSYLVANIA BALI' .31ANDFACTII RINO COMPANY; their trademark for it being " SA PONIFIED OR CONCENTRATED-LYE: I The great SI3CCESSof this article has led UNPRINIMPLED PAS TIES to endeavor to IMITATE it, in violation of the Company's PATENTS. -All ILA NUFACTORERS,DUTERS, or SEI.E.EIISof these SPURIOUS Lycra, are hereby NOTIFIED that the cOMPANThave employed as their ATTORNEYS, GEO. HARDING, Esq. of Philad'a, and WM. BAKEWELL? Esq., of Pittsburg, And that all 41141 4 171740117RE113;113ER3ar:51ZZ. E'RS•9f Lye, in violation of the lights of the Company, will be PR OSECUTED at once. , The SAPoNMER, or CONCENTRATRD LI% is far salo by all Druggists, Grodera and Country Stores. TARB . I3O,TICE! The Munn ElreresCiacurr Comm Western lYntriet oI pennsylvania,No.l of May Term, in 1562. in suit of the PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANOR CTOrRING COM PANY es. THOMAS G. CHASE, deemed to the Conr party, on NovemnerlB,lS62, the =lustre right granted by a' patent owned by thotn for = the SAPONIFIER Patent dated October 21,,18.543. Perpetual 114 tmctiou awarded, • THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MAIiIJFACTITRING co. OPPICES: 127 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia, PITT ST. 4t 01A Y, Pittsburg April Z,11.34ii-ineido. U'ATHERILE,ATHEW--atie sub . scriber has for sale at his Tannery,. a fine stork of and Slaughter Sole Leather, Ripe, Calfskins, . - unmess and Upper Leather, . , . Morocco and Lining - Skim. , . Also-Je large stock of SOOTS I MOW', Bore.-- Collars. &A...t0, The highest market price paid Zr Bides and nine. .1. IL WALILES. Fs nneitsLurg, Ps; tus,G•BL 11111