Q 13 1 .. ~ _ , . ‘\ is...:iii, i ) 1 - r.• ..... .. , .. ~ 1 . LI:I ~,, ...., .. . ... • ~ ~,-, -.., 4 sj fir` . ‘.._ , i. IN i k l ..:,.. 04,.. .... -', 1 , . . - . . s —• • . ' • 15•1 BY M'CLURE Sz; STONER, trani,diu - gi*Mticinr Union County Convention. In pursuance of a. call - of the County Com mittee, the Union COnvention of Franklin C:ounty met in %the Court Hall; Chambers- burg, on Monday morning, Augus.J. 17, 1863, at 11 o'clock, A. M., and ,was, organized by, tiro election of Tile following officers : President—Dr. R. S. Raoxinssox; of ...Mer carsbiirg. Vice Presidents—John' E. Crawford, of.. po.yetteville, Thus. E. Fuller, of Southamp ton. . - Seercturics—Geo, VV. Walker, of-Wash ington: J. S. Nixon, of Chambersburg. The credentials of the delegates were then pre2ented as follows : Watsort nowt., Jacob Pensinor, Augustus ghirey. Wfillant , nitlrr. J. W. Barr, Carlton Young, limo Storer. Jotio Itaiitraufr.- • . - • • otambe ,- Istatril—Niirt.fward Anghinbaugli,' J.wob 8. Nix.. , n,Chriqlt...l. South War,i—JtilaiM — 'l, Earley, Peter Creighbautn, • Virg Run.—T;Wavcrett. Samuel C. Filson, Morton •tatublo.- - • FaVitterigf. '-- .lin Downey. 3ath,1)13. Cook, JohlilW. tart, JuleV.•.:3Faxtorci. C. A Funk. Orterfillagett-fir T. McCI ty, henry 11. Etter. GuitArd.—C. [Larry licitnight, =Hun Fergnron; I) Intel .I,24.itiaC- - 3. L.Shnnn. .IKmfer, Jacob Crider, B. Heber LtUir,kenny.—John A. Horn, J. 11. Weist. Abraham Rigor. 7.matht.—J. D. McDowell, David Vance, Jaciob Mol oath. EISMEZE=M Metai--aLlft. 4 . . H. 'Welker. James Witberocr, Jere -Eolith Miller. Mffeerenufg—rlr. IL S. liziramson. Jas. A. Patterson, YriWant Hays, Orrstoion—littriii Spenver, Ciiin I.: Smith, E. IV. Frays. 1 'ttrrs-,-W 'Mani S , 51:Iiiiiney, William. L. :Sr.:ll4lcm - Patgle. Dr. if. Rosenberg, Jobs P. *tarty, Dithartl Cars.,n, .14,41th0r Elden. Son rang U. Cri.,a4ler,Thoimis E. Pullen:U.lm R. M.'4lllllen. - St. 7'howts—John IL TanhArsip, William F. _Roemer, dooeph titroth.. „, • -11- i• - sopontr Spring—Samuel - Seyoch. J. M. Shearer, G. fr. 31Taitley. Warren-rliniannelSecrist, IteUry Thomas, John Con- Wiz sitingPin—W. S. Aniberscn , s ti s eorgo ,Walker, TiAtitel l'ottcr...l.,ll.Gordit Nicholas Boeebrake, F.. .olordon. - 1 Wet;/; ftun—J. Watson Craig, S. M. Bowles, John .-'l;schens.' On motion tho Convention adjouined to itylotAt . l. o'clock. 4 , AFTERNOON' SESSION... Convention met at one o'clock, pursuant t : t) -adjournment Ou motion of Col. D. W. 'Rowe a coin nnttee of five was appointed to draft reso hitions. . The "following gentlemen were ; appointed us such cornmittee by the Presi dent:L-a W. Rtiwe,, G. . 1. Bulsley, Dr. C, T. M'Clay, Wm. Pleamle and W. S.--A.mber- -On motion the Convention ,proceeded to nominate candidates for Treasurer. The fol 16wing gentlemenwere nominated ; Col. Jg G. Elder, of St. T - lionms, A.. 11; Criswell, of Green. • s. The following letter ',froni Mr. CrLswell was read, 'declining the 'nomination : To the Prexidfntof the Union Chunty °wire:Won: Z.' IR : Conscious that the success of our party and the trinmph of our principles are of paramount importance to fermis.' advancement, and desiring that this Conven tion shall give a unahimous vote tir one whose deeds of heroism upon the battle-field are treSifin the memory of rho people, and to on upon whom thiS entire support mil strength of our party can be centered. phave de lei-mined to withdraw my name from your consideption at a candidate for the office of Colziaty Treasurer. I alli fully Imprweed with the belief that Col Jamey Elder to entitled to receive Me unanimous vote ofthis Conven tiun, and t at his nomination will carry our ticket sue oessfully through in...the approachingcontest. Truly yours. . A. M. CIIISWELL. :Scotland. A npot ' Col. JAMES G. ELDER was then iniani mAmsly nominated for County Treasurer. On motion the. Convention proceeded to nominate candidates for Prothonotary. The" following gentlemen were placed in nomina tion : K. S. cTaylor, of Chambersburg ; W. 11. McDowell, of Charnbersburg . .; J. IL -Rned, - of Chambersburg. The ConV4:Mtion , then_,proceecled to ballot with-the following result: • let 2d, 34 4th sth oth 38 33 33 Xi 31 34 27 25 31 30 33 _• .30 12 15 15 12' 12 14 Tay10r....: WDowell kcal...._. -The Convention having failed -to make a nomination on the sixth ballot, it WAS moved t hat the Convention lay aside the nomination of Prothonatory for the present, and, Proceed to nominate a candidate for Register_ and Recorder'. The following gentlemen were . placed in nomination: Henry_ Strickler, of Antrim, David L. Coyle, of Mercersburg and C. W. Lego, of Green: The Convention proceeded to ballot with the following result: id:Tickler ]-41 Lego... Cale. "st • HENRY STRICKLER having Teemed a. majority of all the votes cast, was declared the nominee \ for Register and Recorder.. On illation -the nomination• VMS made 11 nanimous driraotion the 6onvention :wain proceeded to ballot for Prothonotary, as follows: • Taylor ld'Dowell.. Reed *Wittarawn K. SHANNON TAYI 4 OR, having reeeiv d a majority . of.all the votes cosi on the'Bth ballot,Vas declared duly-nominated for Pro. •thii4otary. Showing Folly And Morris Islands, the Location of all'the Rebel Forts and Batteries, the number of their Guns and rang e of fire. - rtOt , 1 1 56 . OR ..,...„..,.,...._ .....„.Q„, 1....)„,t ~ _ ,„:. a c,........„.. . ...-17- N. ! ' , , : " 4". ..6 t - i ' ..vi . Zs,~r, ,IZet . , , ,._=), 2 : '.7; "* 1i.. 3 . .:1' ~ 4 " . .—e , .....=:A-• i. 44---0t0.",, ..i , ..,._..r..0”:.",. q " . - - - - 4 .'•Vt ' "• - ei.....t, b 1,V4.1,°—• I c 4 • o, g, - M air.7,liill" scf" 7. IT N -• . 1 J • • - RAN7l7.c&s., On - motion the nomination wade unan imous. . On motion the Convention proeei , ded to nominate enndidateS for Clerk of the Courts. The following •mominations were lf i n de : John Ditzler, of Green, J. W. Fletcher, of Chambersburg, Geo. W. Walker, of Wash ington, and W. G. Mitchell, of Southamp ton: W. H. 'BrothertOn, of Washington. and P. H. Shough; of Antrim were, also nominated, but their names were subsequent ly withdrawn: The following letter- from Shough was read : 7t1,1. 9th '3B :40 That Union Cbneention of Franklin County': , GEntnuen:—Many of ray friends encouraged me to submit my name to the Unfon voters or p rat , an coimty tor nomination es a candidate for the office f Clerk of the Ccrurte. My time has been eo occupied JIB to prevent any active personal , efforts; but I can never f vget the generous effotts which otherehave_voluntarily made Sit my behalf, and to nil who have thus exerted' themselves, I tender my sincere thanks. I need not add that to be nominated eat elected would be very grateful to me, v.ircic """ - ~ m !4~~t o'~ c -1 04_ 40, e, I • ;; 1::_ j '?':::::-; 7 :>,," 1 1 "- 1 . 1-;.‘......('-. 7. ::; N. n S i r l: i g 1.1 3 '''. .&, . .. . .. s. st z . . .. • Ar. .""":....... _ ... ....-s, d - :::r• Ax.-...> „AV:IN -0- ,; , '-4-1 - - - ' - :' ',%,' _-- FERRY - - - 4 r... (7 % i . , • • I el. 4 - I_. ,4 ~.,,r IA tri A' 0 FR , ME atA" wRi, 't. -SR. Itagi 4;1'14 - .91t1,•‘ WitherOt.V.l.4llll4- - LEK 1; 4 , ' 41)1 *, I I T 19, 1863, CHARLESTON AND ITS '‘l 4,,7q[P ; ,, 4,, iliVro•qtr x 4"••• ' O. SANE". El MILVIS/ 10 - EPASTOP4z cwz, US ,FERs • Y 131° 1 ' WILSON C _ • . 4-* - .•-•P • - b 'h as a mark of the cooftden. sof my foltev-eitiz.;o, and teranse of the subs. 'f t b„ vl - 1103. T c ton however Ihrget that the , :11 be •om -. , f-ttrantelint imp , rt_oe-e.—tint t I ,ple of ''enthylv4a:a lv,`o' to eeeT , lo V•hethe , mti ti Lily loyal and ne,oi--...optilde tinvvrm , •-• CI II I u. is to be re Mooted or whether FI n.-Jhuiniet, all A t of our Ste...,e to to tali into the hitrotz+ , f 3 P ‘rtY ~N h tt, every stble way hi harem the onerni::as the Notional Gov• ernment,„ Under theoe elm:most:ln, censid..r it my - Onto to throw -aside nit merely. , “ ;fish cenoiderntions, anti to there itrelnqr , foi ill , .,ll , lntvs for the oftio tquhich Y lien, aspired, each of 'whom hea ntde:it friends anti supp , rters. I bave thought that my yitivira m i g ht to +owe extent at least, tend to harmonize the party anti .etelenits action more . . I Ilford; we respectful y withdraw I.ly nano to a can diflate ; requestin Ruch defecate. x. I,,iv f . ; wen di gi ,„" - .1 to favor m - flomination,M cast theft' v.fea for ts,(. who will bfi most likely ti secure h's (101 4 -al who are in ravine( the Union. and thor.mga pm-ecutiOn of the war for the soppre , vion of t roa ,rd reoelh u , . If in the Daum I shall become a ca l c,priai, ti anfrotges vf my fellow citizens I elf di feel i spired with confidence In recalling the liberal sui-p ,, rt which hi' been at this time necord.d. • With great 'respect your fritow citizen. ' P. LIE BY SMUG Greencastle, Angust'l4.Fo • -. . The Convention then proceeded o as follows: ' • Mli 0 1. dsazis • N.t k REE7;fAN Cl 4 -WI 40_ 2., ...s. ITER tipu , 4 - . 4 - 74 . . • - ' 4" 4 r1 ... '' - 1 -34).74 . ' ....e,......`t'1:'..,": 1 t ': ) i . LAROCH „,",V cH7 . Z I CHURCH 1::-. El . , ..A . ... ~. i 11 ..) ,--- \- • \_. • .-14 t, t. • ''''' 1: i ' ......-.72.. ,:, •..,-,7;", , . ''" -- , i-•••.•" - . ' • D. oWNSti 4.. 1 :: ~ C• 3 .: • \.. . N s—.,r; • • .* .- - 7...tvr.......k. 7 1 v C - T4.'.. .4 .RICK`" E. .... I CS- = ApROACHES, , A\X _ 4.4 p, MOM Ei ,eavg — COM I It, II II t'. k , r. phor ...... wM. MITCHELL ,having received a majority of all- the votes east, was declared ,the nominee for Clerk of the Courts. (hi motion- the nomination was made =I Convention then proceeded to nomi na,i‘t candidates for Conimii-eioiler t Director -0, die Poor and Auditor. ,• The following pantlemen were nominated f Cotathis9ioner :—Henry Good, Quincy; JamesHityn. , ;, Southainpton; Daniel S. Skin -nn% leannet, and Wm. Angle, of liontgom Airy. The fo!lowing-gentlemen were nominated f ur Director of the Poor: Johnliarr,Cfreen; -Capt. J. Sprzeher, Letterkeriny; Capt. John 'Dcebler, Chambersburg. IN M I= Ei w.,z; Tao 2i 36 44 LI: 25 ~. 16 6 .. 8 8 Fr ‘.gk I' " 41 , . 4.. 0 . I , t. . . .. t, .t% . - / i 1 .S. ,41.1 offiv -.0i. 4 ` I • -r/-71 NM Ell * • The following gentlemen were nominated for `Auditor: A. D. Cadman, Chainbera but*; A, H. Etter, - Green; W. BL. Arnherson, Waslington. • ,The Convention then -proceeded to ballot for the three Offices named, with the follow ing result:- costangstortaa. 481 Rcinner .... 18 Augle ~lcti:d Ilsya 1..... DEW.' GOOD having received a majori ty of the votes cast was declared the nominee for Commissioner. ' • On motion the nomination was made una niinous. • I , '• DIRECTOR or THE POOR iiGeblor • -60 I §piecher 9 18 • PEM Cipt". JOHN PIEBLtR having receivol a majority of the votes east was declared the nominee for Dir i ector of thefroor. VOL. 70.....WH0LE NO. 3,618. On motion tho nomination was made una- ramous. ' AUDITOR. . - a Amber50n........:... '' -611 Cattlnlan-..-4.4,.... ..... -.:. Etter 15 I . WILLIAM S. AMAERSON having re ceived a majority of the votes east was do dared the nominee for Auditor. , Ou motion the nomination Was made nnant.' EMI The Convention then went into a nomin*- tion fora candidate for thelggislaOre. The following gentlemen were nominated: John A. #yssong, of Iffereersh6rg, T. J..Nill, of. Chamliersburg: -,Stumbaugh, •of Chambersburg, W. Sir ,, Everett, of _Chain bersburg, and Geo.:.ook, of, Upton. The ConvontioOroceeded th ballot_ with the folloWing result: _ Stumbatigli, A _Everett.....:. 'Cook T...-4.:N.,1".LL having received a majority '- o-the votes east wastleclared the nominee of the Convention for the Legislature. On motion the nomination was declared .unanimous. On motion it'was resolved that the, dent appOint a ConnlyEiecutive Committeai of one from.each voting - district. Ontrietion it was resolved that three Con ferees be appointed to Meet a similar com mittee from 'Fulton County to nominates candidate for th . a Legislature. . The following: gentlemen were appointed:'Col. D. WI Rowe, G. W. Walker and T. A. Creigh. - -The following resolutions - from the Com- , mittee appointed • for that. purpose, were in trochiced by Col. Rowe, the Chairman of the Committee, in a - stirring, -Mat patriotic speech, and were unanimously adopted: • Re4olvecl, That we cordially ,affirm the declaration at principles, and the endorsement of the National aid _ State Administration made by the Union state Centrist - Lion at Pittsburg, and submit to the loyal 'people of Frank lin Coupty as wort hy of their most zealous efforts, the patriotic and liberal platform there adopted. Print' ed. 'fhint as the County of 'Franklin and ndjoli lug (Militia have Milliken their whole duty to the Gov ernment; complying promptly with every call for tt °opt and ever emeinget the forcniret in the payment of Mats we instinct our candidates for Assembly in thin drat riot .to honorable efferta to pi cc nre from the Stalk Govrranneut the just remumsration due our peoph far . linksi.trsufferesintiyiebel invasion and military occupatioa oreb. county. theticket- nominated thin day is a or thy of the cordial and zealous support of es Cry loyal Triter. embracing rts,.,..itdoes men mini have Attested their devotion to; rffffliceuntry by heruiC . service on the tint , en their maintedTtntizsts& honorahre seals and it appt,ile with no commorrearnenstne.se to the pats iotie of Ali parties fur a generous and triumphant support. . .ffeso'red, That thlsConvention cordial', and heartily approve ibis nomination of A. NI Crhyitc for Govermar,- and DArla ALINFIT for Jzdge of the Supreme Ctinrt. 'OIL motiop, adjourned. . . - E N4DTlCE.44hereas,,Letters- Tee. tam eutari. on th ;state of John ,Myers; late sif. Werlienny,tewnshilh.ol)4ll2sse'hserr gTanted Lam, anhstribens - Ail persosurknntring thetoeffeefindelded - to tate are requested to make immediate payment. and _those having'claints, present, ,them.preperfy authentll cated for settlement. SAMUEL MYERS, letterkonny twp., JOHN GAYMAE,-Southampton twp. Executors. - on MIIEI "LTC UTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice. I ‘ ,la hereby given that Letters TestaMentary tot putts of D4niel Conrad, !moot Peters township, deed. have been granted to the undersigned , residing in said . township. '"" . ~ Alt-ipersonsknowing themselves indebted to said ES- Site trill please make . immediate payment; mid thews having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. ~.. , . aug 12 - DANIEL CONRAD. Ea'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Letters of Admlnto tratton on the Bstate of Samuel Burns, latti•of Greet, township, - tleceased, have been granted to the under signed, residing in said township of Green. All peisonektowing themselves indebted to said Ito tate will please make Immediate payment; and those keying claims will present them properly anthentinatea for settlement,— JACOB7.O9K, 4dministrator. -Aug 12.67 t II ItOTlCE.—Wlieroae l Letters of Ad'. ministration on the Estate -of James M'Kesson a , f the Borough of Chambersburg, dec a, have beak granted to the anbseriber,'residing in said. Borough. - All persons knowing themselves indebted to said i'St~ tate, aro requested to make Ammediate payment: mg those having claims or demands - against the Estate • decedent,Will make known the same without delay, to ang. 6 , , • ' LYMAN S. CLARKE, Adm r, -- NTOTlOR—Wliereas Letters of Ad. ministration on the &tato of Mary-tindsey, Into oz the Borough of Greencastle, deed. ha'o been granted to the,,ubarriber,2midittg iti..raid Borough. • . Alt persons knowing theinsialyesindebßa - to said Bs tato. are hereby requested to make imniedinte payment and those having claims or demands against the Estate' of said dediglent, will make known the same without ie. lay, to DAVID L. LINDSEY, ang.s , Adm'r. VOTICE.--Whereas; Letters of Administration on the Estate:of Cleergti A. Al derron, late of Quincy township. dedd, have immigrant id to the subscriber, residing in Quincy township. All persons - indebted to the said Estate, are hereby re , - . quested tcoatilts; immediate payment, and those haricot c !alum or demands against the Estate of said decedent, will make kimit the same without delay. to ' July 22-Bt. LEVI C. KEPNER, Admen. "VnlCE.—Whereas Letters Tee- tamentary to the Estate rf James Beatty, late of Antrim township, dec'd, have been granted to the gab; scribers. - AII pemoneJudebted to the said Estate ere regnested: to make immediate payment, and those basing claim or demands against the Estate of the said decedent win make known the same without delay, to JAMS WELL, 1 . - T. B. KEN.N.EDY. , ""r" Jnly 22;63 NOTICE —Whereas, Letters ot! Administration on the Estate of Isaac St rite, latii 'of Guilford township, dec'd, have been granted to th• subscriber. All perms knowing themselves indebted to paid Estattk, willplense make immediate payment, and these having claims preientAhem properly authenticate for- cattle moot.'JACOß 1. ILESS, July 29, '63-k .. s Adm'r. NOTICE.—WherOis, Loiters Tee. tam tntary on the Fstate of-Solemen Shook, Sate, or the norongapf U reencaetle. dec'd, have been granted' to the subscriber - reading itt Upton. • All persons Indebted to the eaid ILitato, are regneatpd• to make immediate payment, and these having clan* or demands against the Estate of decedent, will mob'' , known the tame, without delay, to_. atm. • GEORGE 000 E , ix'r. NOTlCE.—Whereas Letters of Ad haitratior t on the Eatateot William Syner, late of Vrankiltt County decid, have been granted to the subscriber, residing in void county. All persons indebted to tttoaald - Eatate, aro hereby rc.. Quested to melte immediate payment, and those having ehdras or demands. against the Estate. of said decedent wiltranto knows the aanaerwithont delay. to sus. 12 44 R. ETTER, Adm'a. 3'013 -PRINTING, in every style; 4tin, at tier, caw or tbe YRASIZI.IN ItEnSlabrir. - Ist 20 30 12 -10 18 30, - U U - LI 7 iLegat flotitto. CI