The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, August 12, 1863, Image 8

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Grand Ratifier:Hari Meeting
• 'An immense - concourse of the citizens of
Harrisburg; with an equal numbernf citi
zens and soldiers, assembled -in the State
Capitol grounds on Thursday evening, for,
the purpose of ratifying the renomination of !
Hon.--Andrew G. Curtin for Groyernor, and
Hon. Daniel Agnew,' of Beaver county, as
Judge of the Supreme Court. While it was
thus to ratify
.their nomination, -the main
purpose of the assemblage seethed! to be °a
serenade 'to - Governor Curtin, A, splendid
band-of music wasin,attendanc.e, -and after
the.serenade was ended, lov. Curtin appear
eclio address .the crowd. His appearance
was the signal of great enthusiasta A particu
lary among the soldiers, of whom large
numbers were- present from the' different
camps surrounding this city. After order
• was restored, Governor Ourtinnddressed the
Crowd substantially_as follows:
I am much obliged. to you for this expres ,
lion in favor of my nomination by . , the con
vention which assembled in Pittsburg yes
terday; and I take the occasion to signify
my acceptance of that nomination.. [lm
mense applause.] It _has.long been the,cus ; -
tom hi Pennsylvania to brin,geandidates for
official position before the public, hy,- means
of such representative bodies ; and. in this
'instance thereare circumstancessurrounding
And connected with the election of delegates
- and the action of the convention. 'which I
faql are highly flatteringme:'
- /laving administered the Executive Gov
ernment of Pennsylvania for, • nearly three
years, in times of great public excitement
and distress, my course has been strictly ob
served, and all (raayncts have been, subjected
„to the SeveresSc tieism. In the coming
canvass and ele , they arc to be submit
-led to candid and generous people; upon
their verdict I confidently rely, knowing
that it•is beyond appeal. [A voice: "Go in
Andy ; you are bound to Win P'] .
'But,'rny fellow-citizens, the .Adloinistra
• Con of the goi-ernment of Pennsylvania
sighsinto insignificance when compared with
tle greatstruggle in which_ we are, !engaged
for r th . e vindication and supremacy -of the
National Governmenta struggle which in
volves the preservation of the national life
itself, it is at ouragovernment, my friends,
the - blows of the rebellion are all aimed.
They Would overthrow that great system of
• = human freedom which lies at the foundation
of our national structure, that noble idea
which struggled into life in the Revolution,
-irrid'which found shape and form in the De
c laratien 0" Independence, as it proclaimed
to the world the equality of man hiscapacity
for self government. For such a govern
ment, its founders passed through their or
deal of blood and self-sacrifice. and .handed
it down - to us with the teaching; of the
- apostles of liberty in that age. They gave
,a National Government with all the at
tributes of power and independent nationali
ty, and within which the powers reserved to
the States are so well defined and in such
parte c t harmony, that there can be no eon-
Aid of authority where properly understood
aid honestly administered.
In times of profound peace. the theories
Which', would set up State, authority ; against
the power of the National Government might
be regarded as the dreams of the visionary;
but now, wherran armed rebellion is striking
at the very citadel of the National fabric,—
the assertion of rights to States which con
, ilia with the powers dedicated to the Fede
raj Government, or obstruct the execution of
the laws by. the President—its visible head
;---must be regarded as an insanity; second
only, to that which influences those in armed
,rebollion, and as giving them aid, sympathy,
- and comfort in their treasonable purposes. •
- The people of Pennsylvania, with t'ew ex
ceptions: have, as yet, ; been steadfast in their
fidelity to ,the Government. [Applause.]
We have given our wealth freely when called
Upon, and have niore than answered all re
qturementa made upon us in contributions of
. our people to swell the ranks of the - National
armies; and I feel, this night, I have a right
to' ay that in the past two years and a half
awn eventful history, the administration of
thegooernment in Pennsylvania has been in
Iperfect harmony with the sentiment of our
_people. [A voice "That's so," and im
mense applause.]
this is not a time, my friends, to differ as
to men, or to stand in the way of the full
- execution of all the legitimate powers con-
Jerred,upon the President, by the Constitu
.ltion, and, the law ; and I pledge - myself, as
'heretofore, to give to the Government of the
United States an active and constant support,
and to maintain its authority and the:execu
tion Of its laws Within the State of Pennsyl
vania, with all the powers given to the Exec
utive offleelor that purpose. [Cheers.]
Every Pennsylvania freeman who lies suf
fered martyrdom in the support' and defenCe
Of Our Governtrient, and .every wounded and
-maimed hero returned to our midst treat the
'battle field, strengthens the ties which binds
WI to it, and increases our obligation to pros
aerate this war to a perfect and successful ter
Mination. Until then we have not performed
our-duty to the living nor the dead, nor Shall
Our trust to those who are to follow us have
been fulfilled; nor our obligations to' those
who have lived before us been discharged
until treason and rebellion are driven from
this hitherto prosperous and happy cduatry.
There is -nothing on this earth; in the
works of nature or art,, which can compare
with the sublimity of the struggle of this
great people to maintain their Government;
• and all our sympathies and all, our, means, if
necessary, should be given to the comfort and
1 Support of the brave men who stand in 'arms
in defence of our free' institutions. [,p
plauSe.] They are there subject to the, con
trol of-military authority - , and we have en
couraged them to go;.- they are, restrained
. *id-controlled by the needful rigors Of mill
tary.diseipline; they are exposed to the tri
obi and vicissitudes of actual war; and every
word, thought or act which would either'
take from their efficiency, withhold, from
them proper supplies, distract or divide pub
lic opinion, or, worse than all, discourage the
means by which the Government would re
plenish their diminished ranks, is treason
and ingratitude to them, the besfand bravest
.of our fellow citizens. [Great applause.]
,I-rejoice my fellow citizens, that the_ eon
vcitt.ion which phteed me in nomination has
di Mired in favor of an amendment to the
Constitution • by which the citizens of the
State teparated from it and in arms fOr their
country, shall enjoy the - right of suffrage.
Sttrely they have shown by their presence in
the field, the highest and noblest exhibition
of Viya/ty and fidelity, and should be per
mitted,- wherever they are found, thus to
exercise a. right, held so sacred by the -Amer
jcan citizen, underlying; as it does, all the
operations of our Government.
kfaving accepted thelziominatierr, I will
make an open and vigoreus contest for suc
cosir,..and will treat featly_ the distinguished
gentleman who has been placed in nominu-
tion as our Opposing candidate-by the politi
cal organization -to which he 'is -attached—
I 'would not •succeed' by assaults upon his
personal character, nor would I have ray
friends conduct the contest with defamation
and detraction for their allies; neither that
candidate nor myself can claim any peculiar
fitness over very many of our fellow citizens;
but we are made the representatives of oppo
site policies, measures and opinions.' For
myself, relying upon the right and truth, I
expect to prevail in this election. For this
end,l will use all honorable and fair means,
an will give to the canvass, my active; un
failing and determined exertions. [Applause,
,A voice, "Go in old man; the soldiers' are
with you." 3
I-would not conceal my gratification at
the presence, here, to-night, of'a large num
ber of 'the volunteer soldiers of Penns
nia, and the pride I feel at the col
manifestations of their confidence ant
'spect. [A voice--"We intend' to be al
ballot box."J lily relations with yet
your' brother soldiers for more than
eventful years have always been pier
and no man in Pennsylvania, whethi
official position or private citizen, has
highly regarded and esteemed you for
patience, constancy and courage. I
be insensible. indeed, to all the
pulses of the human heart, could I fail
feeling of gratitude to you and your fel
for the services you- have, rendered to
country; or in according to you all the
pathy and support of m- in your
uppc, ly 63414.4..
mission. [Great applause.]
. RIES. •
The cuts in our show bills represent '
Tribune prize' Strawberries"—so ni
because we' purchased them, at a very
price, to bestow exclusively upon the
scribers of either edition of The Tribune
186$, intending to send one of each kir
every subscriber who expresses a wish
that effect:at the time of subscribing. This
will be _equal:: to a prize of $1 50 to,each
subscriber, as that is the price charged by
nurserymen for' similar plants. indeed,
neither of: these prize Strawberies could - be
obtained at any price whatever, as we have
secured e very plant that can - be produced in
the year 1863, exclusively , as prizes to our
subscribers. We have incurred the large
outlay necessary for this purpose, because we
had an earnest desire to see thepropagation of
improved fruitgreatly extended, and because
we believe: that every one who receives these
plants and grows the fruit will hold The
Tribune in kindly remembrance for enabling
him to enjoy such a good gift of a kind
rroVidence, and will thereafter feel an k in.:
creased desire to improve all the list of fruits.
It is thus that health and happiness will be
increased. -
- As these plants have all to be grown from
the few plants that we bought- of Mr. Fuller
in the Autumn of 1862, he will not be able
to send them to subscribers until after the
Ist of September, 1863, when they will be
carefully packed in oiled silk or paper, and
forwarded, through the mail, at our expense
or by express at expense of the receiver.
The three plants will be sent to each person
who sends to us a , year's subscription for.
either the Daily. Semi-Weekly, or Weekly
Tribune, indicating at the time of subscrib
ing that they desire the. Strawberries, and
the distribution will be made in the order
the subscribers' names and request for Straw
berries are received.
- Single subscribers will receive their plants_
by mail, dope up in oiled silk, or other suita
ble oiled substance. '
To Clubs, plants will be sent in packages,
to correspond - with the number of names. in
the Club ; and where • the number will war
rant it, they will be . sent by express, packed
in boxes.
- New , subscribers who desire strawberry
plants should say so at the time they Send
their money, as we do not intend to Send any to
those who will not appreciate thorn. They
are too valuable to be wasted. There ,ate
parties whQ would gladly contract for t •
elusive right to all thes• nts, at 2o cent• a
piec ; ; e many subscribers who
would not, as soon as they see and taste the fruit,
part with their prize for a $5 " greenback.'•'
The following statement is made by An
drew S. Fuller, horticulturist, Brooklyn, the
originator of these strawberries. Be says
"It is now between seven'and eight years
since I commenced sowing seeds of the straw- e
berry for the purpose of producing new and!
improved varieties. I have always selected'
seeds from tho largest and best that could be'
obtained, and the results were that I produc-.
ed some few good varieties each season; yet
they were not such as I was Willing should
go.out as my seedlings . Every season I se
lected the seed with more care than I did,
the previous one, and found that I made:
constant improvement. I therefore deter
mined that I would put forth extra exertions
and see if a few choice varieties could not be
produced. In 1859 I obtained the best varie
ties known, and by fertilizing the flowers
one with another, 'I expected to produce ;
strawberries combining greater excellence
than heretofroe known. In this I was not
disappointed. I produced that year many
thousand of seedling plants, and the fruit of
many was really excellent, so much so that I
was urged not to throw the plants away; but
as excellence, and not variety, was my oh
ject,'l destroyed 'all but the most promising.
I determined from the first that no plant
should go out a seedling of - mine unless it
'combined greater excellence than any 'other
strawberry known. From the selections of
that year competent Committees from the,
Farmers' Club- - of the American Institute,
who. had the matter three years in charge.
made a selection of three sorts, ripening ear
ly, Medium and late, and these I preserved
as the firm] result of my seven years labori
ous - experiments to procure improvement in
strawberrie.s from seeds. These I intended
I to dispose of in the ordinary way of a nur,
seryinan's business, and should have done so
but for the desire of The Tribune Associa
tion to make a gratuitous distribution of
these truly excellent .strawberries to their,
subscribers. I have therefore contracted to,
furnish them exclusively for that purpose.:
Not one of them can be bought of me at any
price. If I had - kept them for sale to indi
viduals the-price would have been 50 cents
each or $5 a dozen. -'
4 , The earliest ripening ono was named
CoL. ELLSWORTH', in honor, of the martyr
who lost his life when Alexandria, Va., - was
first 'occupied by the Union army during the
i)resent war. it is a very-large variety, of
crimson color, conical in. shape, and, having"
slight depressions, .running from calyx to
poi*, resembling the .sutures on ,the peach;
with. 'a , long neck, and calyx parts readily,
from Try, quality goad ; flesh' fwd.—
Altiurgla largest'bf the three, it is also
Cie Trailftliit'*peDi:o4.; ;- ‘,lii* - tisb*, viz
the earliest, ripening at the iame time as the
Jenny Lind and Early Scarlet, and is-,very
productive. • The original plant, eighteen
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" The next ripening is called theMoNrron.l plants 'very . vigorous , aneproductive. This
It- is very large, of a dark bright sear/et I sort will - teeome a great market fruit, the
Color, approaching a crimson in the sun.— i color and shape being very aitractiVe.
Berry very solid and firm,:of fine quality ; 1
I '
14 The third, A•om its color and origin. is
-called the BROALTE. SCARLET. Although
this variety is inferior in size to the other
two, yet it possisses•merits that will alWays
make it a great favorite. Its; shape is a. reg
ular oblong cone, color the most beautiful
bright scarlet. Flavor, the very best. °. We
have the unanimous decision of the judges at
the great strawberry show the past season at
No. 41 Park Row. 'New York, on this point,
as they awarded it the first premium ovenrall
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months from the time the seeds '‘ore fawn,
produced over 200 perfect berries,Simritging
from I inch to 1 inches in diameter.
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its numerous competitors. .Int is a
very' strong and vig orous grower, making
monstrous stools' the first season, from which
an enormous amount of fruit stalks are pro
duced. Add to this its lateness, which assists
so much in prolonging the season of this de
licious fruit, and we have in this strawberry
something as near perfection as possible,
though not as large as the others. Yet this
is not small, and among the sorts most Culti
vated, ranks medium to large."
The -aboie description of=-Mr. Fuller ! , in
addition to all that we have- already publish_:
ed, must be sufac:ent to satisfy all minds that
we are offering no trifling prize to our sub
scribers, as an indication of our good will,
and Certainly with a hope of their continued
good will to as. -
Wm. S. Carpeviter said 'in the. Farmers'
Club that the Wilson was extensively . culti
vated in this vicinity as a market frutt, aiu
proved very profitable. Of all the strawber.' ,
ries that he has growing, he - must continuo
to give preference to the Col. Ellsworth, one
of Mr. .Fuller's new seedlings, sold to The
Tribune. - The.other two arc also very fine,
and a great aequisithin. •
The Cot Ellsworth arid The Brooklyn
Scarlet, exhibited by Mr. Fuller, took the
prize far the best two quarts at the Brooklyn
Horticultural :Society Exhibition, June 16
',and 17. Owing to an accident, The Moni
tors were, not exhibited. -
We hif-ye only to add that the colored prints
given upon our show bills are as exact' rep
resentations as can - be given, and in no re
spect exaggerations of The Tribune Fatzx
Single copy • 3 cents.
31nil suloe.ribers, on'eryear (311 issues) $B.OO
One Copy, .one year (104 issues) $3.00
Two Copies, Ctrio,yea. $lOO
Five Copies, one year- $12.00
Ten Copies, one year - $22.50
An extra copy will be sent -to any person
who sends us a club of twenty or over.
The Semi-Weekly Tribuhe will be sent to
Clergymen for $2.25. _ '
One Copy, one year (52 i55ue5).....„.... $2.00
Three Copies, one year . ---- $5.00
Five Copies, one year $B.OO
Ten Copies, one year $15.00
Any larger numbers, addressed to names of
subscribers, $1".50 each. An extra copy will
be sent to-every club of*en. ,
\ \\
Twenty Copies, to one address, one year,
• $25, and any larger number at same price.
-An extra copy will be sentto clubs of twenty.
Any person wbo'sends 11.1 4 club of thirty or
over shall receive TheeSemi-Weekly Tribune
gratis. -
To any person who sends us a olub of fifty
or over The Daily Tribune will be sent with
out charge. •
the ieekk Tribune is sent to Clergymen
for $1.25.
- At Post-Offices where full Clubs cannot be
formed either for The Semi-Weekly or Week
ly Tribune, subscribers to the two editions
can unite at Club prices, should the total
number of subscribers come within our rule.
Tribune Buildings; New York.
iß.eat Ootate *ales.
The undersigned oiler at t risate Sale, on aCCUM.
inuoming terms, all that valuable TRACT t/kLAND situ
ated in st.Thoruas township, Franklin Dimity; i a.. 3
miles North.% est oldie-village of Si. Thomas, bounded
by lands off). Wilsou's Heim, Win. Fieaner, Barr. and
others, containing •
2 2 9 ACRES. -
About 111) Aeresof this Tract are alnured and in a fine
state ufeultivation, the whole utwhich has been : : thor
oughly, limed withuithe last feW yeirs; the balance is
heavily set with thriving Timber. There is tt fine Lime
stone Quarry on the pi eniism. from which a aupeilur
quality of Lime is made. The improvements consist of
a good, two-storied Log and Framo - DWELLdNG MANE,
A FINE BANK BARN, erected last sumnier: a Water-
Rower SAW 511L1., sad a STAVE and Sill NKLE O II3I,L,
driven by a small' steam Engine; and other necessary
and convenient buildings.
The above Property egress great inducements to par.
chasers of Real Estate. lt is me:main a Wooly
regimi. and as the deuiandfor Ldmber, Staves, Shingles,
Sic., is - and will continue on Ihe ilicrease, an ea ‘rgocic
btisinesi man could not fail to mike ..11oney out - of the
many advantages-it possesses. Persons desiring to in
vest in a valuable Property are invited to view this.
Salisbury Shearmin, residing that eon. will give any in
furmation that may he desired. -Possession can be Lad
at any time.
June 17, '63. GAINVER h Sll EA Rll AB. .
triblat FAYEITT.b-WILLE.—The undersigned. will
se,' tit Private sale, the folltorrh g described War, I'S.
TATA to mr :
AU under good fence and tillable, with a goo Brick Dwell
ing, a never nitlng well of %flod water hear the door, a
g.,od liu n and Thrashing .Floor, a fine Orchard bearing
the best finit. Also •
4d:32 hrge Vats, ilargeLeaches with limes and pools
11 irk Sitll , Roller, pomp and Fulling Stocks, all in excel
lent order. the whole upolating by WATER POWER.
Als , i a good Barlished, all unsurp izsed in conenience
and hilior saving.
The ithove property triii be shown to any person on ap
plicatiA to Jacob B. cook. of Fayetteville, or John R.
CookurChambersburg% Terms will be rears. noble. -
June 17. '534 f • • PETER COOK.
-TY FOR SALB.--The undersigned- will soll at Prl-,
vaiittiale, a LOT OF GROUND, situute on East Queen 14 . t.,
Chambereburg, adjoining the residence of P. Hammen,
Me., having thereon erected a two-story BItICIi DWELL-
ING HOUS with a two-story Brick Back Building at
tached. A Frame Stable, and other necessary out-build
ings. There is also a Well of excellent Water and a Citt,
tern on the premises. -
+air Persons wishing to view the premises and learn
the terms, can do so by calling on T. B. Kennedy, Csq.,
Chambersburg, or the subscriber, reside% in "iihippone-
":*--0- Possession givenv on the hit of April - next, when a
good title vrill be made by r+. AMU N ISLET.
, - June 3-3 m .
ITANTED.--ss'ooo worth of '•PLD
GOLD PLATES. Persons having worn out
Artincial Teeth mounted upon (Mid Plate, in , large or
small quantities, can obtain the highest,price i eitherin
cash or in exchangVor Dentrietry, by calling upon'
DR. J. S. it . lllD, Dentist,
corndi of Main and Queen streets, above Wm; Heysnr'S
Drug Store, taittmberabtirg, Pa. June 10, t3-SID
vorplated Tea Urn and Pitcher_taken by Colonel
.Ib;tatosh of Ilufords Cavalry from a rebel prbsoner, and
supposed to have been stolen iromaotnecitizenLof Adams,
Cumberland, Franklin or York County. h ve;.'been left
in my hands to be tecialmei by the owner. ' who can
have Lb,. same by proving property and paying cost of
advertising. J. It. - WELSH,
July 29.3 t. Waynesboro', Pa.
WANTED.—S6O a Month !—We
want Agents at s6oa month, expenses p id, to
sell our Everlasting Pencils, Oriental Burners, and
thirteen other new, useful and curious articles, Fif
teen circulars seat free., Address
May 13-3 m
,BALED HA Y.—Fifty Tone gocid Timothy fifty
in hales of 100 Dv, to &Albs. each, for which I will pay
Eighteen Dollars per Ton of 2,000 tbs., at the Quarter
master's Warehouse. Chamberebarg, P.
rapt., and A. Q. M.. tr. S. V,
jnly.29, '53
NV- A=N T E D.:- . 475 a Month .1-1.
want to ItireAgents in every county at $75 a
month, expensca paid, to eell my new cheap Family
Sewing. Machines . Address. S MADPON,
May 13 3m Alfred, Maine:`
WANTED. --4 good ROOM with
BOARD, fors airtler 7 lieutlerean: \Address J. F
8., ttsrough Post (Mee. - Uuly 29,'63.
scriber has for enhiat his Tannery, 4 fine stock of
ap.a.dah and Rianghter Sole Leather,
Kips, Calfsktns •
Harnessi and Upper Leather,
Morocco and Lining Sting.
Also—A largo stock Of BOOTS 2110Epp Morse"
Collars, ao.y&e.
The highest market price paid for Hides ani Zkins.
Fabnettsburg, Pa.
FANCY, PRINTING, iii every va
riety at' colors, done with neatness' and ilespiltch'st
/12208.121 MY ate..
Biddeford, Maine
kept juntas.
23_ posor.o 'alums staIiNDAIEN'S TO TR4
t., ,,,, aTITUTION;. - .
lit irreolecd, by Ac Senate and Houseof Veprearga
tipes nj 4- MG Ctimmorntrialth of thanslarnaia in Gescrat
4tseathly etst,• Thnt the tAloaring - utu fldnietits hemp).
sett to the Conatitation of the Cminetiweisith , iri fteortt.
ante with the provish mei the tenth article fheyeeft '
There shall be an add.' tion,al sectiou to the third ankle
of the Constitatlony to* he itealguated as sectioff four, u
fellows: ' ~ _ - ..
. .
Ssettos-4. Whenever any of the qualified elect , ra or
this Ccrausonwealth shall be in any actual military ser
vice, under a requisition from il, Presolent.of the tint ,
ted States, or by the authority of' this Commonwealth!,
such,electors may exercise ti o right oi ° suffrage is all
elections by the citizens, under such regulations asMs
orShaltinwprescribed by it.w„ as fu ly as =if they were.
present at-their 115 Vatilmcia of e Lion:
There shall ha twoadditie sections to the °lir entb
e ,,,,
article of Constitution; to be gusted as settions eight '
and nine, as follows:i -_ _ .
Stenos Ir. No bin Shan fig passed by the Legislature'
dull 'doing more I nation i abject, which shall be clearly=
express 41 fit the title; except appropriation bills. '
Stertox9. No bllMhall no passed by tho Legislature.
granting any powers,. or privileges, in any case. where
the authority to grant such powers, or priv<deges, has
been, or may hereafter be, conforrrsl upon the courts A
this Commrawealtb. ' ' JUlt\ Cts:iN.A.
- _Speaker of Vie Boars fl ltepresentotiver. '
' JOHN P. rt,NNIN, .
Speaker of the ,enau.
.OPpICE OP Tait 9EMI2TM . 0P 11.(.6 COM.Itom9E, %Mit
- - Harrisburg: did. it Ittro,
Anntyfraif a, AW: Id,' hereby cm ti:y that thcl.
going and - . nnexed is a fall, true and correct. ,
s. }copy of the original Joint- ilesolutipms a dm,
Vonertil Assembly, entitled "A Joiiit lutitattauf%
propoidne. cortam Amendments to * the Constitution," es
they:one remains on tile in tilts office.
In testimony tritopmf,l bare lie, canto set my hand,
and caused Clasen' of the Secretai y'a ante to bet:nick
the day Itnd year above written, ELI Lle'liB,
Julyl6, 63-to Secretary of the tbormonue44ll,
(111,D113AN - CE.—Be it enacted anti.
kir ordaitied by the BOryeisund Anon Cineneit of Ma
li”rough of t,hambersburg. and it is hereby Aborted ma'
ordained bitte dathority of the same, That the Twonty-
Ponrth Section of the tleneral 13orough Ordinances' In'
relation to the building, making nr" p'Heing any Rick,
[leap or Parcel of Urain, Ilay, Straw, Chillier Fodder ,or
other Combustible Material; passed the 25th day of J ulya
1853, and "An Ordinance with reference to the keeping
of Straw, flay, and u rasa 'vitt& - the limits ofthe borough
of I lunbersburg, and regulating the erectbm of Straw
Steaming Buildings," pnBard the Sth ddy of:January . , A.
- 1).,1803, be and the same ore hereby repealed.
°Passed and orditned the 11th day of ono, A. D. 1803.
1.10SKI:SSOIC, Ilurgess.
• - C. PT Pave., D. it. Luislisa,
J. W. BIWA, T. ~tams.
Attest: Preen. Carronaeuu, 714021 °dawn..
G. O. Sntoimunn. e'y july- 5.41.
NOTlo.—Whereas, Letters -Tess
thlnentary on the tatote of •-nmuel George. Into
of Guilford , ewitship, deed, here been granted to' the
subsea there.
Alt persons indebted to the said Estate, aro requested
to make Im mediat p.tyment, and those basing claims of
demands against tat F.stet° of said decedent will make
them known, without delay, to
301111 I.tOWE, Greencastle,
MARY GEOLGE, Guilford twp.
Executors, ,
.—Whereas, Letters Tea.
foment:vs' on tho tistate of John !ilyers, Inter of
ettorkenny township, deed, have beat grouted toil&
An poisons knowing- thentselires indebted . in said Ea
taten: e'requested to make immediate payment. and
'these having claims, present. them properly authenti
tatted for settlement.-
SAMUEL MYERS, I,etterkenny twp ,
JOUN GAYSIAY; SonthaMpton twp •
Executotn. ,
Wag 5
JO~ICE --Whereas, Letter Tee
ttim untnry on the Fstate of Solomon stmek, late
of the Roronen of Greennistle. d have been granted
to the tubscriber residing at Upton.
All pereone Indobt. • the said Estate, are requested
to make immediate ynt t, and those hating china
•r dernantts tnntinat e •tte of decedent, will make
known the came, wit tett clay, to '
nog. • GEORGE GOOK, Ea'r.
VOTlCE.—WhOreas,Letters of Ac!
.ministration on the Estate of James - ill'E - ealott,
late of theatorough of Chambersburg, dee n, have beta
granted to the subscriber; residing in raid Borough.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Es
into, are thquested to mato immediate payment: nod
those basing claims nr demands armitist the Estate tt
decedent, will :nuke known the same without delay. 4.
aug.S LYMAN S. CLARKE, Ailm'r.
MOTlCR.—Wheieas Letters of Ad
ministmtion on the Estate of Mary ~ .Lindiiey, late
oi the Borou,th of kireetteadle, deed, have been granted
to the .nhacriber, residing in said Borough.
Allperaons knowing themselves indebted to said Ell
tate, are hereby reqnesteal to make immediate tmyment
and thimo hating claims or demands egnioet the Betide
o f said decedent, will make known theennie without de
aug.s Arlin'e„
VOTlC.E.—Whereas, Letters, of
Athitinittratkn on , the - Estate of George A. /Al
um. ,urt. Lite of QuinCy township. deed, have been pant
; d to the subscriber, residing in Quincy tolun 9l l l P.
All persons indebted to the said Estate, are hereby re-.
quested to make immediate pa3rnent. anti those basing
claims or demands against the Estate of bald deCedent,
will matte known the same without relay. to -
July 22-ot. LEVI C. lit:PN ER,
NOTICE. - - --Whereas Letters Tes
tamentary to the Estate Jaines Beatty. linnet
Antrim township, dee'd; bate been granted to the sub
scribers. .
Al pertions indebted to the Said Estate ere regnesied
to mane immediate payment and there having tithed
or demands nailed the Estate et the said decedent still
make knew n the same without delay, to
. . ' JA311:18 NILL, 1
Pity 22.'62. T. B. KENNEDY.
NOTlOE.—W.tiereas, Lette - ra of
Administration on Um Estate of Isaac Strito,i4O
of °Miran] township, decd, lame been granted to the
An perrroas knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
dill please make immediate payment, and those haring
elaims present them properly Authenticate for settle-
Ment. ' JACOB _
July 29 '63-6t
,forlzazting L.
Fbmeardinp and , animistic's- Merchant , North"
SecOnd Street-111'1)0BM' the
Cars run regularly to and from Phila. is Baltimore.
PIACOCR, ZELL t liuscnam, No 808 MarketSt-aboto
P. S Valley, Broken Bgg and Nut coal (di.:
mat from the mines.) lirlikeebarro and. Pine Grove
Poundry coal, Lumber and Shingles, Salt; Plaster and
Hancock Cement, kept constantly on Mud, Flow.,
Grain. awl Produce,ot attkinds,purchaied at the high
est cash prices. WUNDERLICH, ?MAD, 8 - CO.
June 19,'63.
HOUSE. The Forwarding 4Jusluese will hereafter
lid-conducted by C. W. INSTER & CO, at the Ware-'
house of the C. V. Railroad, where they tope to receive
a liberal pAtrottagro.
EPOTs—Buz by & Co.. 365, Market Si , Ph ilea aphid.
and John Bingham, 151 Howard St.alaltimorc.
June 17.'t3. ' W. EYSFRItIc' CO.
TILiONAB L. 6RL1.110114 ACoa ZULU.
& ZELLER, Produce
kit exn Comtnesioie Idascoamra, and Itilioloodo Gro-
Oeta,liorth 'West Corner of ninth and 1.1140 . t &Meta,
Philadelphia • Rode 17, !ilt
ATAi. u'or.cuit. t ' nZNICY S. STONSV A _
.46 rtlE FRANKLIN REPOSITORY is published
every. Wednesday morningon a large quarto,
c ontaining COLUMN.., printed ou
tine paper =anew. clear type. Terms; TWO D Olr
LARS per annum, IN ADVANCK, or TWO DOL
LARS AND FIFTY CENT if not paid within, the
tm.Ministers of the Gospel, in Franklin Ominty.
are furnished with the Rgrogrronv atslper annum.
in advance,
g' Subscribers, residing out of the State, 17lia
Da y strictly, in advance, and the Panora ill in all eased
- be discontinued at the expiration of the timo for
which itis_paid. -
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at 50 cents -per
square of eight Hues for one insertion, and V. 3 coma per square for each subsequent insertion. All frac;
dons of &square are counted as- a full square.- ,
Advertisements banned by the quarter, half year.
er•year, at a reasonable reduction.
•SPecial„notices, inserted<!before Marriages and
Deaths. are charged double regular rates. •
ticira. NO OUTS, or bold, display letter, inserted_ .a
advertisements. - •
le.'Notioce of Marriages; and Deaths, not- exceed'
ing five lines, are inserted without charge.
- /Sir All communications, of limited or individual
interest, are-charged ten cents per line.
'JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done in plain
and fancy colors, at the shortest notice, and at rear
sonable rates.