The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, August 12, 1863, Image 2

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%he pure, the bright, the beautiful,
I That stirred our hearts in.
Th'e impulse to a worldless prayer,
The dreams of love and truth;
;The longings after something lost,
The spirit's yearning cry,
/The strivings after better hopes,—
These things can never die.
"rtio timid hand stretched forth to aid
A brotherin his need,
The kindly: words in 'grief s dark hour
That proves a friend indee(l,-:
gbe,;plea for mercy softly breathed,
heii justice threatens high,
;The sorrow of a contrite heart,
4 ' These thing shall never die.
Thk memory of a clasping hand,.,
t 'The pressure of a kiss,
.And all the trifles, sweet and frail,
;-,' That makes up love's first bliss; "
With a firm unchanging faith,
And holy trust,and high,
:Those hands havili clasped, those lips have met,
These things ghall never die.
The cruel and the bitter word,.
' That wounded - as it - fell;
The chilling wdnt of sympathy, •
L . = We feel, but never tell.
The hard repulse, 'that chills the heart.
Whose hopes were bounding high,
In an unfading record kept—
These things shall never die.
Let nothing pas's,. for every hand
Must - find some work to do ;
Lose not a chance to waken love--
- te firm, and just and true.
& shall a light that cannot fade
Beam do thee from on high,
'And angel voices say to thee—
.; 'These things shall,never die.
The disentontlied city of Pompeii_presents
objects of commanding interest to the stran
ger and travelcir such as he can hardly find
e]sewhere among the ruined cities of ,the
world. 'When we walked among the ruins,
Some years since, three miles of streets had
Ikea-opened to the sun, which had remained
buried fOr eighteen centuries. The walls of
the houses were still standing--the sidewalks
and pavements in good Order, and' the fresco
Paintings on the walls, and the,mosaies of
the floors were still fresh and beautiful. But
s-new chapter has recently been opened in
the history of Pompeii for the reading world,
And Some of its'inbabitants have come into
Tiew after a concealment of eighteen build
' ied years.. A letter in the -4nthenceze.:4 in
fbrms us -
that two hundred men, women' and
girls are employed in excavating at Pompeii.
'Their writer sayS:
The excavations are being carried on in tWo
- -lipots, near the temple of Isis„ and near the
house called thatof Abbondanza„ but we
Are more immediately concerned with the
former site. Here in a house in a small street
just opened, were found the bodies of Skele
tons which are now attracting crowds. Pall
ing in a mass of,pumic stone, those unfortunate
persons had not become attached to the soil
and it was easy to cut away the ground be
neath them; but above, fire; ashes and hot
water had been rained upon them: from the
fiery mountain, ctiusing their death, and in
suring . their -preservation for nearly two
thousand years. On removing the debris,
which, consisted of the roof and the ashes
which had - fallen. into' the interior of the
house, something like a human form was dis
tovered,,though nothing but a fine powder
was • visible.—lt 'occurred to City. Fiorelli
that this might be a kind of Sarcophagus (ct.e
ated by Vesuidus, and that within were - th
jemains of one of the victims of that terrible
erilptibn. But . how to remove or preserve
',heal?: A happy idea struck him. Piaster
of Paris was poured into an aperature,the
interior having been discovered to be hollow,
in consequence of the destruction of the flesh,
and, mixing .with and uniting with the
hones, restored to the world a Roman lady
_of the first century. -
Further researches led to the discovery of
male body, another woman, and that of a
!young girl; but; 'that which first awakened
the interest of the -excavations was the find
ing of ninety-one piecespf silver money, four
ear-rings, a finger-ring, all , -gold, together
with two iron keys, and evident remains of
a linen bag. • The first body, so to speak, is
That of-a woman, who lies on her right side,
; and from the twisted position 'of her body
liad — been much convulsed. Her left band
lind arm' 'isre raised and contorted, and. the
lunickles tre bent -in tightly; the right arm
is broken, and at each end of the fragments
one sees the cellular character of the bones.
. The form, of the head dress and hair are dis
- .visible.' On the bone of the little
'anger of the-left hand are two silver rings,
ome pf whieh'is a guard. - The sandals re
,-}nain,,or- the soles at least, and iron or nails
ere unmistakably to be seen. The body is
nfueli'bent, - the - legsare extended its if_under
the influence of 'extreme pain: • By the side
tof this-figure lay „the bags •, of which I have
already, spoken, with the money, the keys.
.aratihe cast of .it, with all,the remains inter
-liiingfed or impressed on the 'plaster, is
preserved-in'tlic same room.
raising on to an inner chamber, we found',
- the figure'of the yOung girl lying on its face,
veatingon'its 'clasped - hands and arms; 'the
legs ate draWn up, - the left lying over the
;'=the - body is thinly' covered over in
some parts by the scoria Or the plaster, while
the ski:Ill - 1s visible, highly polished. One
hand is partially Closed, as if it had grasped
iornetlimr , ,,..probably her dress, with which
it Covered her head. The finger-bones
'prOttrided'ihiptigh the incrusted ashes, and
, the Surface' of the' bOdy, in various parts,
- Ils'distinetly visible the web of linen with
Which it bad been'covered. There Was ly
'lng by the'sidb of the‘Child a full-grown. wo
- Ulan; the left leg slightly elevated, while the
- rightarin is - broken; but the left, which is
is_perfeet,,Mad - the hand is closed. The
Tittle tin,ger - :_has an iron' ring; the left ear,
''Wliichls`uPpernitst is very conspicuous, - and
'atands o$ from 'the head.- The folds of the
'-rdraperY, - the 'Very Web remain, and a nice
' - obServereart - detect the quality 'of the dress.
• The last figu_re I have to describe is that
' of a 'mai2,' a" splendid subject,, 'lying on its
'hick-With the legs stretched out to their full
- There is an iron' ring on the little
h4l left hand; which, together with
the arra, art; supported by the elbow. The
/Olds of the; dress pit 'the arm, and over the
whole of the apPer part of the body are
b• le; the sandals ate there; and the bones of
'ono filot,protrado' through what might have
teen a brokeii sandal. The hair of the head
- and beard—by which I mean of course, the
liraCes of thetn—are there'; and the breath of
',life - haB only tole inspired into this and the
:ether three figures to restore to the world of
the ninety-intir century- the Romans ',of
' fret - century.'
The first was' the 'mother and the head of
the honseb;ld, for by lieraide was the bag of
• looney, the keys and - the two silver vases, and
; silver - band-tairror, which - was only ioUnd
-lon tle
Friday:. `She' iigas of gentle birth too; the
licaCy of her arthsand legs indicatelt, and
• ,sloiltarei coca' The hands are closed as if the
very nails must have entered into the flesh,
and the body is swollen, as those of theiithers,
as if water' had aided. the-cruel death. The.
-child, perhaps her child—does not appear to
have suffered so much, but, childlike, it had
thrown itself on the ground; and wrapped its
dress about its head, thinking thereby to ex
clude all danger.. I judge so far from the
marks of the folds of the linen" around the
arms and on the upper part of the body, and
from the . partially open hand; as if it had
grasped something.' Poor child I it was not
so tenacious of Wells the mother, and soon
went to sleep. There is the figure of another
woman, of a lower class, a servant perhaps,
and I thought so from the large projecting
ear, and the ring on the finger, which was of
iron. She had suffered much; evidently, as
the right leg is twisted back and uplifted.
she lies on her side, and the left hand, which
is closed,"rests on the ground; but her suf
ferings were less than those of her mistress,
as the sensibility was perhaps less acute.
The man,-:than like, had' struggled longer
with the storm which raged around-him, for
be fell upon his back, and fell-dead. His
limbs are stretched out- to their full length,.
and give no . sign of suffering. .
A more touching story than that which is
told by these silent figures I have never read,
and it is with comparatively little interest
that I 'closed this day by visiting the sites
where the laborers are actually at - work. They
are cutting out streets beneath the roots of
large trees, and carting off the soil for many
feet above them. Walls are coming out in
view every moment; with the large red in
scriptions, and the popular jokes of Pompei
ania. Many houses have been completely
uncovered with the exception of two-or three
feet of sand, which are left on the ground
floor,'and cover up the antiquarian wealth
which is reserved for the eyes of distinXtished
visitors. One house I remarked particularly,
as it is the largest in Pompeii. There are
two large gardens in the interior of the blind
bags, and marble fountains, around which
were found the figures of a wild boar being
pulled down by' dogs, and a serpeant and
other animals, all of bronze. On the walls
are' elegant fresco paintings, andin one small
room, a sleeping chamber,,is , a mosaic - floor,
a portion of which was repaired and that
right artistically too, by sonie old Roman
mosaicist. Among the many improveshents
which Cay. Fiorelli has introduced is the es •
tablishrhent of a museum, in which many
objects of great interest are deposited, all
discovered in Pompeii. Thete are the skele
tons of two dogs; and sixty loaves ,which
were baking when'Vesuvius burst forth, and
which were "drawn " only the other day:
There are the great iron doors for the mouth
of the oven. There are the tallies, too, and
hammers, and bill hooks, and colors, should
the artist need them, and' medicines for the.
sick, and pulse for the hungry. Vases and
paterae of plain and' colored glass, light and
elegant in form, are there,-and candelabra,
so graceful that one longs to grasp them.
There, too, are brasiers more ornamental and
more useful' and elegant than any that mo
dern Italians have made.
Bruce, in his " Classic and HistO"ii9 Por
traits," gives the following sketch of that,
effeminate creature, the Emperor_ Heßogs-
Indus :
In his magnificence, Heliogabalus was tru
ly Oriental. - had beds and couches of
solid silver.. He adorned others of his beds
with gold. - His chariots glittered with gems.
They were drawn sometimes by elephants,
sometimes by stags, and sometimes by beau
tiful naked women.. His drinking and cook
ing vessels were of silver. He-was also guilty
of the luxury which at a later period, St.
Chrysostom : charges as a sin against the
Christian ladies of Constantinople—of using
vessels of the most precious material for the
most i , rnob,le purposes.
He bad cups artificially perfumed for
drinking, and others on which laciNlious de
signs were sculptured ; an iniquity not con--
fined to ancient and heathen times. At table
he reclined on couches stuffed with the fur Of
hares. r the down of partridges. . He wore
cloaks heavy with gems, and used to say that
he was burdened with a load of pleasure.—
He had gems in his shoes, sculptured with
designs by the finest artists. He wore a dia
dem of precious stones that he might resem
ble.a woman. He is Said to have been the
first Roman who wore ° robes of entire
silk. He never, it is said, wore a ring for
more than one day, or twice put ori the same
In his more refined and elegant luinries
he was the rival of the .ancient Donietrius
Poliorcetes. He had' beds and cpuchei of
roses, and walked amongstlilies, violets, ) hya
cinths and narcissus.
When lie wished to add the piquant flavor
of cruelty to his enjoyments. he - Would stifle
a courtier to death in a; bed of flowers.-He
swam in water perfumed with, saffron and
precious ungents ; and wine and aromatics
were poured into his fish ponds and his
In eating and drinking he appears not so
much as a glutton,- but as the chief of all
royal epicures—the equal in' gastronomic sci
ence. of the' renimned Apicus.
_He joined
with all who studied' the pleasure- of thepal
atein admiration of the dish whickthelio
mans made of the teats of a newly - ffirrowed
pig—the most celebrated of ancient luxuries.
After the example of Apieus he indulged in
dishes made of -the tender
. parts of the heel
of the camel, and of combs tornffroni the
heads of living cocks. Thig littter.delicacy,
Cassaubon in his commentary on a passage
in the Augusta historian in - which it is re
ferred to, tells us, is at this daythat is in
his day, tnethundnd y,!ars ago—paisionately
sought after by men of, learned. palates.--
Like Vitellus, he Seettis to have Wallis ap - pe-,
tite whetted by the expensiveness of the
dishes which he procured ; and in sacrificing
the rarest and most beautiful birds for the
sake of eating their heads, their brains, or
their tongues.
At one entertainmentlie displayed on his
table the heads Of 'six hundred ostriches,
whose brains, as well as those of the-flamin
go and thrush, were amongst his favorite
repasts. He also indulged in the tongues of
peacocks and nightingales, believing that
they had a medical virtue in averting epi
lepsy. He also made diihes of the entrails
and sometimes of the beards of the mullet,
of the eggs of partridges, arid- the, heads of
phfaients, peacocks and parrots. We wont
der at- the destruction of creatures" so lovely
to the sight, as the peacock, the flamingo,
and the pheasant, for - theparticle of delicate
eating to be got from them, but epicurism
and gluttony constinie and destroy all other
The genius of Heliogabalus stone partic
ulary btight in the cooking of fish, In this
department be is said tolave invented ' neW
modes unknown to 'Apia's ; but . with a re
fined hatred of things common ' and cheap,
he 'weal. never'taste fish'af, all when he was
near the sea, but always took delight inthem
when far removed from water, just as he took
a fancy for having snow brought - to him in
midsummer. He offerWrewards for the
discovery of new dish of exquisite flavor,
and h.ehad a humorous Way of stimulating
Zip JrankUn tlepotitorp, thambersburg, a.
the invention of those around him in this.
science. When a courtier, after exerting his
best skill to please him,- produced a dish
which he did not relish, ho made the ingez
nious artist himself continue to eat of that•
diSh and of nothing else, till his faculties,
sharpened by disgust, *enabled him to find
out something superior for his master. . -
Like Nero and Caligula, Heliogatialus had:
his jocularities—generally practical , ones—
sometimes merely absurd, sometimes char
acteristically cruel. His most harmleSS , en--
• tertainments in this way, consisted of the
suppers -which he would give one" night to
eight men, all of them blind of one eye,
sumetimes to eight afflicted with'gout, then
to eight 'deaf men, ' eight black men, eight
tall and eight fat men.
He keptlions and leopards, which lay at
table with him, in order to frighten his
friends. He would get a company filled with
drink, and after locking them up for' the
night would let loose amongst these lions,
leopards and bears, with their claws pared,
to terrify them ; and many, it is said, died
of fright.
At other times, when daylight would
break in on the company who had been
drinking the night before, they would find
themselves in the arms of ugly old blac
women. At other times-he made sham en.-
tertainments, like the Barmicide's feast in
the Eastern tale; setting his.guests down to
dishes made of wax, ivory or stone, painted
after nature. He collected , serpents together
and let them loose to bite his visitors. He
would tie his courtiers to a wheel and have
them whirled round in water, calling them,
in allusion to the mythological fable his
"Ixionite friends."
Fearing a violent death from the ven
geance of the people, Heliogabalus had made
preparations, which turned out to be all in
vain, for terminating his existence in an ele
gant manner. He had poison mixed up with
the most precious articles, he had- ropes of
crimson and purple - silk ready to strangle
himself with,, and golden swords to stab him
self with. He had also a high tower built
with rich adornings, where he might breathe
out his last in royal state.
The manner of hi'S death was just the re
verse of. all that hd desired.' After being
slain, his body was first thrown into the Com
mon sewer, then dragged through the streets
and cast into the Tiber. According to Her.
odian and Dion, the same indignities were
inflicted on the body of his mother, who
was killed at the same time. Dion repre
sents Heliogabalus as having been slain in
her arms, and states that both their heads
were cut offl, and their biadies stripped naked
and that the one was thrown into one place
of the river and-the other, into another.
On Major-General Logan's arrival at Cairo
the other day, fro i m Vicksburg, he addressed
a circle of welcoming friends, in substance,
as follows:
It makes no difference whether you call
me Democrat, Republican or Abolitionist—
as some hare of late named me. It does not
change my feelingsdoesnot alter My action.
lam for my country every time—for my
country first, last and always, and am fight
ing for the-right of that ebuntry to be num
bered among the :honored nations of the
earth. - Until.this is brought about, and this
Rebellion crushed out, I am_but an Ameri
can citizen. When that right shall have
been asserted, then, should we find that there
is something Wrong in the fabric that 'our
fathers reared, something we desire to change
it will be time enough 'to (vale map and de-.
mand the change. ?Vow welTaVelfhis accurs
ed Rebellion . to root out: It must be rooted
out. - I am for using event means • and all
means for putting it to, an end. If the peo
ple of the North would use the same force
Jeff. Davis and his minions use, and were as
unanimous- as they are—for in the South
force of arms compels every man to act as
though lie sanctioned the Rebellion; whether
he feels inclined or not—this war would be.
successfully terminated in -less than six
Every mother's son who is opposed to the
war should he compelled either to, take up
arms against or for us. Then there would
be no talk of peace here in the North, no
talk of resistance, no such men as Yellen
digliam, no such cowards as those who sup
port all such men and say these things.
Vallandigham says he has traveled over'
the Confederacy—using the term -"Confed
eracy"—not the phrase so-called Confederacy
(for I do not acknowledge the existence of
any authority or Government in America
aside from that of the United States)—and
has not met man, woman or childtwini does
not sustain the war, and who is =ter
mined to fight it out to the death bit
ter end. Vallandigham there simply lies.
He telli what is not true, and lie knows it. ,
Vallandigham, aside from the leading men
—Jeff. Davis, Toombs. and Stephens—did
not, I venture to say, speak with 4a dozen
persons while taking his involuntary trip
through Dixie.- Had he done so, his report
would have been of a different color. The
people who are fighting against the Govern
ment—the poor whites comprising the, rank
and file of the Rebellion—nine-tenths of thetas
do not know what they are fighting for—do
not know what they are fighting 'against.
A majority of them do not know anything,
and hundreds of them never saw the Ameri
can flag in their lives until theysaw it march
into Vicksburg in triumph. They do not
know the Fourth of July, or anything else
that is good ; but poor and ignorant as they .
are, let them express their own free minds,
and they will, utmost to a man, demand a
Speedy termination of this war—would sub
mit to almost anything rather than fight one
day longer as' they have • been fighting. It
is only by the force of bayonets that their
army is kept together. Even that cannot
prevent their deserters from flocking into
Jackson by hundreds, to take the oath of
allegiance or to join tlieUnion ranks. And
I tell you - what I know when I --say that, it
will not be many days ere the entire States
of lississippi and Tenneswe will be knock
ing loudly for readmission Vo a Union which
not,long since they thought their puny ef
forts could quickly dissolve. They are talk
ing of it even, now.
Speaking of being united, I tell you, by
the Eternal God there never was a more
truthful sentence than that of Douglas :
" Those who are not with us are against us ;"
and I reiterate it, and add, those who are not
with us should be hung, or should be with
their Southern brethren, fighting with them.
Let them either aid the Government or go
Where they can bolster up the'tottering for
tunes Of Rebeldom. - Better have a oiozen
foes in the field than one fighting us behind
our backs. _
To all Copperheads, peace men, agitators,
anti-war men, be they Republicans or. Dem
ocrats, for we have them hero pretending to
be both, I have a word to say in behalf of
our brave soldiers. You have undoubtedly
been told that the war has its opposers in the
ranks of the Union army. It is an accursed
and foul aspersion, upon the fair fame of men
who are willing to spill their blood and give
their lives for theii country. They are for
the Union. They fight for
,the people and
- their country, for the suppression of the Re
bellion. Let me say to all opposers of the
war:--The, time will come when men com
posing thiegreat army will come to their
homes. They have had their eyes upon these
unmitigated cowards, these opponents of the
country and A.dministration; the Adminis
tration, I contend, is the country, and when
they return, it will do the soul of every tmly
loyal Man good to Fee the summary manner
they will cause these sneaks and
-peace agitators to seek their holes;
You will,excuseme,:gentlemen- if, in say
ing what I have said, I have been rather
profuse and heavy in the way of emphasis.
Two years away from -civilization, with my
men,,has made me rather emphatic in all
thoUghts and words in regard to certain
things. I speak emphatically because I em
phatically feel that which my tongue finds
to say.
Sweetly sang the morning stars, heralding
the rosy
,dawn and , arrowy sunbeams' dint,
glancing in golden light over the dew-gem
med earth, wakened its dwellers from slum
ber to the activity of life. -
'Within a quiet dwelling, on a shore of a
Jake whose rippling surface , is glowing with
the reflection of golden light, a mother clasps
the frail form of an infant son to her bosun ;
raising her heart in prayer to God that his
life may be useful and happy—such a life as
fit the immortal soul for a home - of eternal
light and joy. Low bending from above is
a beautiful angel clothed in garments, of pu
rity, and—the - silver radiance of its wings
overshadows the new-horn babe with a halo
of guardian love. The web of life justbegun
stretches onward through this mortal to the
immortal beyond the shores of „ time, and as
with prophetic eye: the guardian angel sees
the dark, silver and golden threads, that
make the woof of life, woven into it, she
breathes a vow to shield it from danger ; and
music, sweet-toned as a seraph's lyre,, floats
out upon the soft air,. as on the shining wing
she soars to heaven to write the name of that
babe in the book of immortal life.
Childhood is past, and youth has come.
The woof of life has only silver and golden
threads, with here and there a shadowy tint,
while he whom we saw so frail and helpless
in his mother's arms, now, with noble - aspi
rations, looks forward, seeing only threads
of a brighter and more enduring hue. The
Sky above him is calm and shining, and flow
ers grow on either side of his path way,while
that sweet angel spreads above him her over
shadowing wings. , .
Time moves on with noiseless step—nobly
he enters upon the arena of active life, and
into the woof of life is weaving a name that
future generations, shall repeatand bless. It
is asummer's eve; and within the room where
he first opened his eyes upon the light of life
he sits by the couch of her who kindly cared
and loved him in infancy and childhood, and
with moistened eye watches for her lamp of
life to go out. Then- there are dark threads
in the woof of life, - but the angel wings - that
overshadowed him on the day of his birth are
hovering over him still.
Again are the golden'threads in the woof
of life. He stands before the altar with her
*hem he has chosen to be the partner of his
days, and utters the responses, that bind ;two
willing hearts in bonds stronger and More
enduring than his life. Again the beautiful
angel bends low, whispering of a home of
peace and love, end he 'walk; the - earth with
a happy, trustin,gleart, while threads, that
make up the woof of life are only of - silver
'and gold.
YearS are gong. They are many darkly
hued threads mingled, in the woof s of these
years .7 - here and-there are diirk tints where
tlre,Simoon breath of disappointment swept
across hispathwaya .darier thread, as a
beautiful' immortal exotic, that had bloomed
awhile in his home, was exalted to heaven,
in its native clime, leaving a- memento both
as bright as the noonday sun, and dark as,
midnight, while a lonely mound Jells us
where rests the Mortal casket,.
Silver locks shade his brow, but his arm
is strong prptect her who has walked by
his side for many years, and hopefully strug- •
gles to hold her back from the embrace of
the Angel of Death. - In vain he hopes—the
loved term' he presses to his= heart becomes
•Pulselesi end cold. In that. dread hour of
darkneis he is not alone—the angel is near, -
and once more folding him iu her shining
wings, tells him of that other life, upon an-,
other shore, where hearts severed may be re- -
united; only a little while waver* of
a few more threads' in the woof of life—and
he, too, will no longer walk life's, pathway.
From the windows of a dwelling a light
streams out in the still midnight darkness.
'Within, a weary form is resting on a low,
couch, the eye dimmed by four-score years
wanders from .One to another or the group
around; and as. the hand of a fair grand_jehild
puts back the snow-white hair from the thin,
furrowed brow, on which the dew of death
is gathering, and kisses the sunken Cheek,
his mind wanders back to that golden morn
ing when before the altar, and , he repeats the
name of her who, with hiin, there pledged-
I their vows. -
The beautiful angel that has followed hind
through life,- is with- him . in the hour of
death—the silvery :brightness of her wings
overshadows him; yet still he,lingers upon
earth's cold shore, 'till the Morning stars
pale in the eastern sky, and the golden sun
light glazices-over the dew-gerined earth.
The last thread in the woof of life is woven,
and the guardian artga. spreads its wings to
guide thefreed immofral to a heavenly home,
while strains of seraphic music never heard
by mortal ears welcome another dweller to
that clime where 'nodark threads ace woven
in the"golden woof of life, beyond the river
I of death.
Mr, Wilkeson, a special correspondent' of
the N. Y. Time.% with the Army of the Po
tomac, thus thrillingly describes the terrible
storm of shell which the enemy poured upon
the headquarters of Gen: Meade:
Eleven o'clock—twelve o'clock—:one
o'clock. In the shadow cast! by the tiny
farm house 16 by 20, which Gen. Meade had
made his headquarters, lay wearied staff
officers and titpd reporters. There was not
wanting to the peacefulnes of thy scene, the
singing ofa bird' which had a nestiii a peach tree
within the yard of the white-washed cottage.
Lithe midst of its warbling, a4ihell screamed
over the house, instantly followid by another,
and another, and in a moment the air was
full of the most complete artillery prelude to,
an infantry battle that was ever i3Xhibited.
Every size and form of shell known to Brit
ish and American gunnery, shrieked, whirled,
moaned, whistled; and wrathfully fluttered
over our ground. As many, as six in a sec
ond, constantly two in a second, bursting
and screaming over and around headquarters,
wade a hell of lire that amazed the oldest
officers. They burst in the yard—burst next
-to the fence on both sides, garnished, as
usual, with hitched horses of aids and order
lies. The fastened animals reared and
plunged with terror. Then - one fell, then
another—sixteen lay dead and mangled be
fore the fire :ceased, still fastened by , their
halters, which gave the.expression of being
wickedly tied .up to die painfully. Those
brute victims of a erne' war touched aIl
hearts. Through the - Midst of the storm of
screaming and exploding shell - s, an ambulance,
driven by its furious conduetor at full speed
hresented to us the marvelous spectacle of
orse going on three legs. A hinder one
had been shot off at-the hock. A shell tore
up the little step of the headquartera cottage,
and ripped bags of oats as with a knife.—
Another soonearried off one of its two pillars.
Soon a spherical shell burst opposite the open
door—another ripped through the low garret.
The remaining pillar went almost immediate
ly to the -howl of a fixed shotzthat Whit
worth must have made. During this fire,
the horses at twenty and thirty feet distant,
were receiving their death, and the soldiers
in" Federal blue were torn to pieces in" the
road, and died with the peculiar yells that
blend the extorted cry of pain with horror
and despair. Not an orderly—not an ambu
lance—not a straggler - was to be seen upon
the plain swept by this tempest of orchestral
death, thirty minutes after it commenced.—
Were not one hundred and twenty pieces of
artillery.trying to cut from the field • every
battery we had in position to resist their
purposed infantry attack, and to sweep away
the slight defenses behind which our infantry
were waiting? ' Forty minutes—fifty min
utes—counted on watches that ran—oh, so
languidly ! Shells through the two lower
rooms. A shell into the chimney, that- da-:
ringly did not explode. Shellg in the yard.
The air thicker and fuller and more deafen
ing with the howling, whirring of these in
fernal-missiles. The chief of staff struck—
Seth Williams loved and respected through
the army, separated from instant death by
two inches of space vertically measured. An
aid bored with a fragment of iron through
the bone of the arm. Another cut with an
exploded piece. And the time, measured on
the sluggish watches; was tai hour and forty
,minutes. •
The Am'erican Union, a Democratic paper,
published at Steubenville, Ohio,' and edited
1:y ) 'John Sheridan, refuses to support Val
landigham fop GOvernor. It has been the
Democratic organ of: Jefferson county for
more than thirty years. In an article pub
lish on the 15th of July, the Union refers to
the noise made by Vallandigham about
States' right, and an armistice, and Observes:
" If the party adopt the peculiar views on
this subject (State rights) of the great South
Corolinian, Joha C. Calhoun, then the for
mer pesition 'occupied by the Deniocratic
party has been wrong, and we have but found
out since the latter day Democracy arc play
ing he deuce with the party, that Jackson and
all such ordinary men as him didn't know
What Ikniocracy consisted of, and of what
ingredients it was composed, notwithitand
ing the history of the country shows,that
when secession raised its head with John
Calhoun for its leader, that he proved to be
the man for the crisis, and the 'Pilot weath
ered the storm' cr‘hhed the great Nullifier
and his followerX, and as long as he lived was
thanked by the whole nation for his prompt
action fdroso doing. It was never mooted
again until after Jackson and Calhoun
died.** -
The editor of the Union defines 'his position
thus: • - k
" We,' as an editor, stand to-day where.
we did the first day thg , first gun • was fired
on Fort Sumpter.„.. s li t t*ly the :whole party ,
stood with us theft, 'as we bLieve it does now.
We will not be intimfdated or wheeled into
a wrong position. We will stand between
the camps of the Israelites and Phillistines,
and we can cry, in the hour of degeneracy,
woe to the leaders of the great Democratic
party, until, like ancient Ninevah, the peo
pie. will awake and come up to - the purifica
tion of the Democratic temple, and over
throw those whe.nre trying to place the par
ty in alalse pnsitio.p. This will be done."
" JoHNNIc, get' your dictionary, and tell
me what the word Democrat means," said an
old Vallandighammer to his hopeful son.
The son complied,' and read as follows:
"Democrat—On'o who adheres to a govern
ment by the people, or favors the extension of
the right of suffrage to all classes of men."
"Hold on, John; does it say all classes of
,men ?"
• " Yes, dad."
‘.! Who's the maker of that dictionary l"
" Webster."
- " Oh, that blasted old Whig ! I always
thought he, was sort of favoring the niggers!
Johnny, you needn't read that dictionary any
more. Pil see about getting the•right kind,
when I next go to town."
A touxu LADY named Taylor, meeting a
former acquaintance named Mason,_ at a
party, where the latter was assuming much
importance in consequence of her wealth. and
who did at deign te- notice her, revenged
herself by stepping into the group, surround
ing the haughty belle, and thus addressing
her, with the most winning smile:
" I have, been thinking, my dear Miss Ma
son, that we ought to exchange names."
= " Why, indeed ?" '
"Because my name is Taylor and my fath
er was a-mason, and your name , is " - Mason
and your father was a tailor!"
how do you like the looks of the
varmint," said Southwester. to, a Down
easter, who.was gazing with: round-eyed
wonder, and evidently for the first time, at a
huge alligator, with wide opened jaw, on the
muddy banks of the Mississippi.
"Aral," replied the Yankee, "he sin' twat
yeou may call a hansom critter„but he't got
a good deal of openness when he laughs!"
WREN streched upon his bed in the agony •'
of the gout, it was reported to Chetiam that
one of his official subordinates pronounceat s
an order impossible of execution. " Tell
him," said he; rising-up and marching across
the room on his swollen feet, his face stream
ing with perspiration from the excrtitiating
effort," tell him it is the orderof a man who
treads upon impossibilities." V -
THE Ft. Wayne .Gazette says : un
sophisticated Butternut, of one of the back
townships, says that the cause of the oppo
sition of the, copperheads to the enrollment
of the militia preparatory to a draft, is from
the fact that every Democrat who goes into
the army and lives to get home, is sure to
come back an Abolitionist.'
A COCKNEY tourist met • a Scottisli lassie
going barefoot to Glasgow, "Lassie," said
he, "I should like to know if all the people
in these parts go barefoot ?" "Part on 'em
do, and part on,'ena mind. their own bpi
ness,7 was the rather settling reply. I%
"Mx wife," said a wag the other day,
"came near calling me honey last night."
"Indeed, how was that ?" f , Why she called
me old beeswax."
ST.NAZ.N. ' 110 TEL, West Market -Wl,-Near the Bridge, Chazuberalrorg, P.
The anbscriber would respectfully inform the Travel
ing community that be has purchased and taken *seep- ,
elon of this iloteb lie hopes-to roake it one et the meet
(Wirableplaces forstrungere and others to stay et th a t
can be found in any country town. -
MS TAlga; will at ail times be spread with the bas-
- ,
fles and SUUSULT4I3IB 01 the season.
HIS CHAMBERS are large, well ventilated, and tt:eed,
ap In modern style.
MS BAH Will be well supplied with a large and ebole.
selection' of the very best liquors.
HIS STABLE :will always be provided with good
wholesome tor stocts and attendrd byeareful
NO - pains will be:spared to render entire satisfaction is
all.bis guests; and pledinth himself to eadvaTor to please
alt. be solicits a liberal share of tbertblic patronage.
June 17,'63. • 3011'S ItILLEIt.
HOTEIL-4-This Hotel is
situated on the corner of Main and Queen Streetei
near the Diamond. in the Borough of Chamixreburg,Pa‘
The undersigned respectfully announces to the tracel-i
lag public that this lintel has been remedied. It has,
been raised to 'MUSE STORIES •in height. A fine ,
three story Back Building has been added to it, giving;
an inimence aritount of room for the accommodation ell
the public generally. She rooms are large end comfortt
able, numbering in all, thirty-five. They are all well
furnished with GOOD NEW FURNITURE. Persons
stopping at this llotel cart have either double or dingir
rooms, with or without tiro in them. The Table IS' al
ways supplied with the BEST THE 51A1111r.T, ,and
Rill seat over 100 persons.
.The Bar is filled with the CHOICEST LIQDORS. The
Stable is two.stories, of the most modern style, and the
best in the Borough ofEhambersbarg.
June 17 - JOHN FlSFlER.Proprietor. •
T'RANKLIN H0TV41.17--- West'side of
the Public . ..ftare,Chanibershurg, Pa.
The subscriber would res.psettnily inform the Travel
ing Community that lie has leased and taken possession
of this Commodious Hotel. He' hopes AO make it one cf
the most desirable places for strangbrs and others to
stop that can be found in any country town. -
HIS TABLE will at all times be spread with the box -
uries and subetantiale of the season.
HIS CHAMBERS are large, well ventilated, and fitted
up in modern style.
HIS BAR will be well supplied With a large and cludfir
selection of the very best LiiplOTE.
HIS STABLE will always be provided with gas d,
wholesome provender fur stock, and attended by careful
No pains will be *red to rondor entire satisfaction to
all his giiest; and pledging himself to endeavor, to Ware
all, be solicit , a liberal share of the public patronage.
June 17,'4.13. - DANIEL TROSTLE..
berstittrg, Gam. Propriebir.
Haying purchased this well•kuown 11 , 40, (lung known
as Miller's. and recently as Waist Grove's.) the Piiiirl
etor pledges himselt that no -paths shall be spared to
minister to the wants of his guests.
- The character heretofore sustained by the House as. a
'comfortable Home fur the Sojourner, shall nut sulTet'in
my hands ifa cormant effort to please and accouirmidatf ,
will sustain it: Tile proprietor, therefore, solicits a
continuance of the liberal patronage beret. fore eateneL
ed to the "White t-wan." _ - ,
In addition to large'Stablintt. ho has TWO LOTS_ :and
a pair BAT and STOCK SCALES for the accommodation
of Drovers awl Butchers. - 4 -4
Juno 17,1863 MICIIAEL OROVR.
TULLIS COVERLY. D.IVD) FI • uu temso.v.
-Have become the Proprietors. of the UNITED
STATES HOTEL, near, the Railroad Depot at HARRIS
BERG, Pa. This popular and Commodious Hotel has
been newly refitted and Inrnislied througnont Its par
lors and,chambers, and is, now ready for the reception
of guests.
The travelling public will:find the United States Hotel
the most convenient, in, all particulars, of any Hotel hi
the State Capital, on ,necOunt of its access to the yaji-•
road, beingimmediately between, the two great depots
in this city. Illannisntrao,Jime '6341:
.@y-Waynesboro' Record, Alercersbarg, Journal, and
Elreencastle Pilot, copy 3m., and charge "(epos-fiery.
A:Street, Chtunbersburg, Pa. JOHN W. TATI,OII,
Yruprietor. Fine accommodations and low charged.
air Stock Yards and ..Teaks are connected with the
premises fir the conven i csceuf Drovers. Also—Z.l.'4lr
sive stabling and yards for Horses and Carriages. -
June 17. '63. -
• 547 Broadway, New 'York.
(L,te FI4II, POND & CO.)
Mantdactarein of and Dialers in all kinds of
Publishers and importers of sheet 7Elttsic, Aka irt4
Works, ds., etc., dc.
Messrs. W. A. porn & Co. can furnish anything in the
musical line at the shortest possible notice, and at 'ale,: It
that defy competition.
DIANO-FourEs (I‘ e v..) from $225 to $BOO.
PIANO-FORTES (second-hand) from Sib to 5,300, aciorit
lug to eize and style of ease.,
MELODEONS of all the celebrated makers, at n11111,4;2-
turers' prices.
FLUTES, from oneto eight keys, and from boc. to SIX;
in price.
kinds of-Musical Instruments.
'A set of onr very best VIOLIN§TRINGS, Win ; GUITAR
STRINGS, $1 ; BANJO STILLNGS, $1; sent by .ittait
-. postage-paid.
We publish oneof the laigest and most valuable Cotst-
IlOgne9 in America, and are daily adding to it. Our
for furnishing everything in this particular_ de
partnrent are 13NLMITED.
• Every piece of 31u:de published in the United States
foruale, at wholesale and retail, We have • constant
changes with the European pnbliehere. and_ can theta
fore supply any foreign music desired.
Music Sent by 'Mail, Po. tage Paul, on Receipt of Jo
' Marked Price.'
Dealers, Teachers: and Seminaries, - can obtain 11.elr
supplies of ItiisiejyY mail. at a postage of only Two
Cents on each package of four ounces, o, less * and fads
cents for each-tiur ounces, or less, weight of b00k,..
tt WM. A. BOND & CU, -
nly22-Bt. 547 Broadway. New at,
_ _
Cdri taining the
IS, Every Instrument Warranted jor'leire Years. -41-44
MINES TROT% - :,..' , 70 TO $459
"The Cabinet Organ le • the oily instrument.- ahleh
combines the requisites, for church and parlor music
for the schuel room and the social fest,val gathenr.y.
For while it possesses shfficient power for the utthotay,a
niment of a large chorus, it is, front its Capability
all shades of expression, and s wonderful crtrctlte"
and diminuendo, most effective as a solo instrument.
It is capable of 'orchestral Vats, and iapid music. ke
trills, arpeggios, etc. From its-sustained tunes, ft has
a decided auvantage over the Plane-forte. fur ills reno'oir
ng of many pf the choicest .thoreeaux of the masters,
such all symphonies, quartettes, etc."
It. A. McCLUIth; Cliambershurg, Va.
General Agent fur feunsylyaula.
N. B. The undersigned ail!: tell and deliver, in pad,
condition, Cabinet Organa anywhere in this State. at
factory prices.' , An inquiries" by letter
meted. - [June 1.7.)13:3-If.] R. A .11c,.
PIANOS 1 . .
iR. A. .IPCLIIRE, sole agent for the celebrated
"Pianos delivered, find put up in petfrct condition, in Dig
part of the State, at • • , 5'.. , . ,
"All Instalment's warranted for Ave gears. ,
Pianos from other tutorie A. s w McCa ilt be furnished, if &sited.
Chataberstnirg, Pd.
June IT, '63
at anb Capo.
GOODS. Tam now preprired to furnish-my &Mt.
touters urithnllthe new styles of Rap, Caps and Srraw
Goods, which I will sell low. J. I.DEMIERT.
4 doorsSciuth - of tyster &Dm_
614 prices. at DEatiors.
QOFT" ItATS- of all colors, €36. lea,
ki and qualittes : from Sfty Cents up, call and get 'bar
gums at,' - DEO:IBMS:
fargeclass of thrifty tloalero r by ADVitliflso in
VANCY PRINTING, in every,Ta-
JL: riots , of colorz, done with neatness and deep il& at