UM .‘ - - - • . , :PLOTIIING.:I33IVORIU -3 . 1 :‘ :Xi FRANKLIN IfOrEr, poz,brA-G. CO ItN t',ll rob` jt,ST AlttiEr Pf .orr mid the In3mO11). VERSBEritti, Pa. JoliN T itoSNINSON. ih - oprieter.. 114e-tt ride rs,igued give. 4 notir.o to his le7.iOn. Of eTnerous ratrotts Anti to the public generally, that ha hat: nun' on kttrld,;rtivi offeri to purapmere, far cash, the largest mut' _ON ott, affra:tit-e mtu( , R. of" _ 7 ItEADI';-MADE CLOTHING, vlarthe Spring and Summer Selisons, eirer presented this risen. Iths 1014 e4tabi4slied oi:tractor' for selling Onvtirpsosed Ln Style—Fin/AI and ,s pureliases Durabnity, m bi in determined to maintain, and making - iris the Eatstern Cities this season, at the piopitions time, -;pnalileg hint to offer ;151.1i patrons garments- at- Prieis Cheaper thin tho - cheape,r. liernalees`tliesriiiitategnents i n no. Eplasting or vain spirit. twit Luits'ii discriminating public to give him 0 gall mulJetine for thernselvos inithe trade in this section. offers ‘f he beltimincentee,s 4.6 Of rhasers,• The material of eyinggrienient li:r• bin purchremd 'from tirstr Such as: Jayne's Family Medicines, Aycr's Pectoral, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, - Heinthold'sPrepazations, ' Hostetter's Fitters, - - Drake's Bitters, : -Gervina Bitteia: Wishart's Pine Tree Cordial, , Tarrant's Aperient, _ • • " ' • KennedY'S Dfseove7,.: • Hunt's Liniment, • - • 4ypophosphites. proberisach's Pills, Wright's' Pills, liorse's Brandretilla Pills, Leidy's Townsend's Pills. ,Porry Davis'' Pain Kjiler.. yi . ' ••• Worm Confections... - Worm rands, ' - _ ' - Plasters, - - . • ointraepto.; • , _MasheS, Lotions, .rith'many other. articles in, thiS line , all of :which are sad only_o?1, the renreeentmlon of the makers of the articles, r‘ BAZIN'S, LUBLN'S, EPRIIII'S and other CHOICE' PERATMERY AND SOAPS Hair Dyes, Pomades, and' other articles' or thellair, among which is BR,OMATRICROS, HAIR FOOD, Ono of the ,liest and most elehnly articles for the flair, containing no grewm,, , yetrendering the• Hair-soft and • glOssy,'ana. preventing it from preinatarcly _falling off. NINON'S GLYCERINE LOTION, • .Whichis just the article needed for the relao‘,— al, of Dandruff• from the Scalp„ and leaving - the hair soft and -glossy. In presenting ' • these two'at:tieles for the,sair, the, - ' PrOptietoi futs`the satisfaction of • knoiing tW6t thek..da'Sall , - ` that is_ represented. • , XIXON'S TETT - EA QINTAIENT - continucas much " favorite- as - mini and: it can ' " -and do e -4 perform remarkOlo cures Of Skin DiScascs, .and is guaranteed in al! jf i is ttSl4.ll), use for Passenger and ;Freight banit l e u i trim narriibUrg to Driftwood, (za .Poik.) (177 mileS) thrd Eastern:Divisionennt l frtnir Shetneld'-iP: trfo, (78 rn113,),9n the Westernkivision t „, , " • St EfAli TINE OF PAS NG TRA.INS itilkileabes Narth - • • - • ' ' tl5 HX.P4p,$B TH4„lN , lpayes North- 2 .1. r 3,00„,t,.;4 Cars run tbrough wrtnotrr CJIANGE both ways on thesd trainobetweenPhiladelphiaand Ldck. Haven, andlie• ; . .Areen Baltimortann teektlaren„ Elegant Steeping Cars on fhb Exprt 4 ss train bothWafsi Porinformationrespeeting'Patssenger business apply at the H. H. Oorner'llth anti Market streets,,Philadelphia.- And for Freighfbusitress'of the Company'liAgents:' S. it liingston, Jr,,Gor - ,l3th and Market ets.,l'ailatia, j*W.Reyrnilds, Erie. Baltimore,wa: H. H. HOUSTON • - eneral-Frblg era, Plu u lelp - „. if. 'HUM, 'Gen'eral Ticket Agent, F , • JOS. D, 2CYTTS, June 17, 63j General Manager, Williamsport. • . - A ENTS .of =Soldiers In ;4 0 , e s vice, or in Hospitals , tail firiishilet tiili the tPsBlTOßTtlireeiiiotliePor2s'ohlits;"ebmoUtbekt _ bQ cents. or one Yee; for V-. 40, ROTIIERS of Sol:diets itt- the Ser; .vicsiorinmpapiwg, c Prtiiskt :Omni 3iith , the LE,POSIVOIa dace . months Isml2s:Sente; ii?th6n - ths 150,"catits. or ,onelear for $1.00.!, =•- - secur4 rpiofttabie : euttol tu. -the ,<• WESTVV.A.-11D wittcstpf CrithsL c - -- DDIN G- - ittElt AILVANG. UttEAT HUNK J4NE frota.}„tfte, - Notth and North west fur Phtlidelphis, New leoftq 41,4itting, Lebanon, A I tentowu, Eastup‘ ke.. Trains leave lE4.u - 1 . 14)11:g for Philadel u hia. Nevallork, ll&tairig'w Pottsville, arta alt it/ter - mediate statifths; at 8.04 and 2.00 _ , a •, Nevi 'York Pap ress leaves 'rfoitiabUrg, nt thertiututquaintrig.;._. - : • • Fares f im m Ha r risi,u q; :To New F0vk.,55.15;,t0 plat. Beigageittated ibraugit:2 lteturnigg, Xork at S i n, Neettr,,a!ol• 1 - 11..: 'Li; (Pittsburg frlxpress,) - Philadelphju, at 8.15 'Weeping cue hathe York Rxpresa Trains through to and feomPittabni ';,t-Without chanko.' -" • ' paolpngura,hq the Catawisia.Railroadleayel'ainagno 'ac . 8.50 A. Ja., - and 2.16 furPkii r laderpida. ?Now York, and art.lVal Points.: I • 1, Traias leave Pottavillo at 9.15 a. M., and 220 P. IlLi fur Philadelphia, Harrinnura• and New York. • ' An Acctaarnedatien-Pit'asen,.'er train leayea Reading, at 640 e,,A.,-and-rettkrits frpm PAlLl.delphia .. ixt, SAO p. above' t ;nine -tut- 'daily, undaYa . A - StindaY tram 1 titVel..Pattatine at 7.80 d., lryatii PliibuielphlatieS.l6 v. Commutation, Miltn.%,t 6etiqonyans rietiision Tiekete at redusect fatal t,O atticribmALl.Vutnti. - Gen6iniSypar7utendent. Ju,i'o/7,A66a . tf. '''',.:, '::: T 0 'him 616 QENERAII4 . I,. - CRAM f; ;'FOUNDRY : .13.ta undersigned tai e.+ th;gtaathod , :ttanforni the Palk ;hal he hag taken tl. .UNDRI se.lang carried on h , Beibert,'viith fiat PATTRIUCS' connected' alai& -I , oo,'Fitero he porp.,,;az ‘,l6ntinn!ltgAlle, hosinoss,ond is now prepar — ed to =lb. , : LILL KM CASTINGS' thatiaayte:witated 'hy 'oonainfiriitY. l- I , articidar at tenth:3n will IN paid and,keeping on hand el, - ery deseripNenef PLO W:4 CASTIIItIh,'YiA4:I9N bOX All hindiatieth , gi'lleifie to oiler., • . , - New phiirs, of din pittorne; 'alWais on 'hand tctiirder METAL_ take:: in, trade ; torsitidelc" - the.hlghat price:NV:l44A - • • By devoting btrrmeit attentively to bitsmesa to - merit and receive a Agit, of pUblic patronage. June 37,."133. I ABH,AI:IL4 DIETZ, IL VER Al !,' BRASS- PLATER AND BIT AND A I,7RR aub scri.befrespiietfaily ilkil,rias his friends and, the Public, that he continues to caY ry oil the above business at hi‘ old stand =titan t eet.opposite the,Gertnan - Relbruled • Cher„thiphanatiersbtig, , -. flaring enlarged his huSiness, Sgelitrs 'and Catch makers will find in ho, titre ittxom ageneral assortment of Goode-tatitable toiteir. several suchreordretheats pair aial Country llogsli ins, Patent:leather; Gig T foil Plated, - Tinned:,/apannekSeirAdituding Tr Plated,.Tinned and Japanned; _Straining Web awl' Worated.Rain Web. lower than Cotton,• ,Ilames, Bits and Stirrups, Plated, Tinned add .Japannedt: Obach Handle's , new styles; Curtain litanies; flub Bands ; Bridle Prants,l Moseates, - Swivels and Ornatneutts I rot:LP/ate:l and Wood Gig llamas, Rankles, Brans, and - Japaimed, all styles and, ,patterns; P/ory auk; Wooden Martingale illaga,Stanip Jointb, and it nwle, , ty-of other Goad Bail able for the trade., all watnesu and despatch . . '' LEYVISIVWEIL2- Afar& 24 ?63;=-Gri - • - • " • - E,WI LFp4 TA. RD.—The I LA undersigned re , pecl rally, the citizene ur Fianklicyconnty, !tellies 'opimed7O. New Mnrbte Ytird tbC4r4nateernierly •occtipied `by Dr. liamilto'n. irectly, iipposite, J. S. N Dtalg Store, Main Stre;et, - in the it °magi% of Cliamberf3burg, where be will keep on hand or Make to order all ..rticles in his line irfltruswes:, :mich asiSIONDMIP,STS. 'rosin Atia STONDE. SiANTLt3, TA BLD &STAND 'RDl'Sjai.; ntabulactuii..l from ties eqy best Berein and Domestic Marble. , ) Ile resisectfolly "sod telt., a call Irmo tilt se Wile Inv bent want of any articleltt t'in,thoeci `lie is cOidident tt ills.nhiliqt to tratiely, hit writ kuray, pl&und to patronize 'him, either as regards his prices, orttke.:l4ltlity, heapty. Mid chastetiehe of file work,. :; - Jidy 8,163. = " '30141V-A. GllOl-V, 11 - . WA NA NXER gespectf , til- . iyinformalte;ublic that 101 - 4.leasedthn. • • o . recently occupied by N. 11 ...eamaker, and has appointed SAMUEL ItAMVOLID,.A. L'iIACTICAL to 'conduct:the, busiuess. " Ito reapeetfoilY 'solicits the patronage Pe:downs' upon tie farmer oCciliamt, and topeo by prompt attention to business,. 1,,1T5&T,8 having p , ..4.413e supply-of ' .• SOLlik., ' WELL ILADEI , BRICK, - of alletyl4, and _Anal to enco t rLe e tzquicy hoth :city and_conntiy. , - 1456. Bricklayers arc invited exintine Oar atOck. CFAv cora; or &psi may,l2-3mf • ' • • kincif. = • = PENTRE WOOLEN FA,CTOTRY. - 1(.../ The r frabeiriberei- rest* - their trienha and the pnblie-`ggnenlais thdt timyrhayo' .the above named Pao tory one mile north Test Chambur burg „Omr I . 3:iOvvrt as . 11cirera Adefqyy lot . a term, of years, wlie're , TheY, intend' to` manufacture'.Cloth;' &Mi not, Blankets, 'Flannel and Carpeting front/ the f once`et yarn - . CountryCardinandFullingt tteudedlo. AIRF— Ilub;'end; Andy dying " don 'to .order..- thoroughly re - aired the machinery] tb4hplie tube able to render general nitinfantion ha alitw_Wmay fearorthan with their cgstarn., -; • - • - Mnf.V63-116, *, , `;lsl.:Eiti3lo3l,t `lnsettiance.- Rliiiil4TL TI STIRANM COM - - CP •PiALAIS4Latl...kPlic - ,'. 1 435 !and 487 t,nestnnti3treet." - • • Capital ~,, .... ... 'sloo,liitl_oo Perpetual Prendeme m :896,13a tinexpiredleekieraryPremintei I - 171,525-65 Surplus: . .. 1023,76641 -•• • - , Taal $ 2 ;4. 9 '46 Stateineht of the Assets of the fkmi - patieerraanuarp.l,, • , , ,„ :1665. First Mortgegel;,.amplyeecnred • ' ..,;•,$1,098,1331,46 ,Real. Estate, (presentvalue $1.15,T.E2 • .'473'c05t 145,970:17 •Teteporary panne, on nitipie Collatinif cities• -•1 • <,625i99 .Stocks, (present vidne,508,365 . ..104 _Notes and - Bills reeeiv4le ' ;1,649 60 - • ' .. ; .• -- " ./ ‘, A .. - 44•71. 9 , 3 • 91 1 .1 ) 3 AdyancOn'vanao`of-Ileaittitate o4et pos:t;,: 9,351 "10 dvance in :44tniial: '•••' .- • • - • t 2,302,116 39 only rTh..• The °elrate frOni Prediiiinti 4hich this Com. pant can divide' bylaw, are c r ,„ 5 ,1 , 4 5 4 :-whiclx travC, been determined"; - - • Berm:l - (b"m*nii. l " ' 4 !• the moneys received. iv piemitilms 'risks which remain undetermined, and i;we eolefeadiogat the ,time of declaring such Dividend, shall- net be Considered - 11.5 parte!' Old Profits bf Said Corpciatiorrlbr, divider-as PERPATVA or 'Zit'Z'ailp:NPßS:' made Eind,Countiy, for' -• 'O4vnere,sloitkages.' Greund,l• :tat &c. Dateline lemes.a,reconalstent Since: their Incorporation;-a period! pit thirty Tea" •they have _paid over : FOUR 8r1LL101 , 74 iM"--,DOLIARS MASSESPutv; • ihereby'orording•,oltbincii 43f the • advdatages otlnauraneei Nei/V.:talk 'ability. and dis position to meat with prompineelinllllabilitles, , . ,LOSSDSDY.,i'IIt,D.,.•; '--:e ";,';_ ';. Donee pairr4iiritig tlib year .1.861.".....":„."..::.569,198'1.1. ..;•,,, • • ; .."..: !-•!, - • , •-'—...;.:.- 4 .....!;,' , i '... m - 1 .., ~, ,-,` DULECTilltFfriil 1. .?:•;;•( - ' • ;;'. J.. I . ' • ake Zl.l3ageker; ..f .Da4l4 5. Prawn,' i ' - •. ! Tobicds 7 4 ' , Vileri .`-' "`;- rivi4-teh; `." .. - - f • - - Earouelerant. • '- - Edibalito.-Date, •-" 1 "' - ' .: . Jaeob..ll./3seltb,". .. --- ; Deorgel'al* - 1 ,;'-'' - ? r 9eeagey. Richards, • - -,lifet‘Fttler,? - r . - .- -.;.e • CillilitE4 N:ttAliCtSEß,'Priisidene, .--• • ". • " EDWARO 0: DADA Ala° PrW4iiit,'-' . !TA Ti r • _,trAtuSTER4 Secl;iiroli :f.' , - ,:• z; %;/", . ;`.. _, :-"Zeir;APP(FAaI ?nada t9,Dsvm ; Av. ; of Charpbe,a - ..liurg,,' *kilts Ain autbortz,e4' kgen . ;for, tbeOomja4ay either Vetsextellyor by tatter, ailltideet with attenttcei. _-March 4,180., .. • •S '`: •, ' '••• ,: i :ir. ; . ~... ;' of Chamberehrirk, is the 'di;iteriii AiOnt - nt the Franklin Ocrtintylatrtidil Fninunrico'.'OneVtanyv - " -• • , - . *WM : aler*filt;'" l Vk!ir, ticii Mains 4 (At B Kliiitbtit itict Vicinity:, The sindettigned, hating hat cinnyeilnkto kayo acccrnot ewe° waxing yontdestablishajnanlyeA*eplegt-orits long ciperience, and 14 elate itterittorOer will meet with a generous tilliPtitt; lank will consist of all be but brawls ofTOBACCO andll.F,edlla, which he will iii l checipsyttaa hetddanYithCre'in town:Decal forget m lece,Wign of the opyoeite th e NauglitrileteVilext door to etillecka g u i t iti.eant corner Ithelllaniond: f jj1101;18f8:; .7 '. , R. ViSif 10pLANES printed pg9lnptly, and at 13. 7 0kes,:iate4 thtltaC 4 '3K, A44,Rg4.10U0 : 4) 0 IMILI