WirEN the go - v_ernment - ftils for ne ,,gro Soldiers to defend the, Old Flag and preeierve - the IZepublie, the cop perheads indignantly declare that this "is a, white man's was" and they alone Shall win our , battles, and muse not_ fight on equality with negroes. When the goVerinnent calls for white , iolunteers, they denOnnce theiWar :as • a" nigger war" and discourage talents by 'declaring that the ." nigger worshippers" must fightit out. When the Anthoritids refuse negroes .as substitutes for white I men' who are drafted, they denounce the govern ment' because it does not regard the negro soldier-as on perfect equality with the - white. "'Father," said an inspiring youth s "you must either quit_ praying 'or swearing,' I don't care . . much which !"' GEN. ALEXANDER HAMILTON COETROTII, M. C. from this district, of Course had his, share in the.glory-of Gettysburg He unfortunately - did ,not get there :midi after the battle was over, doubtless owing to ' bad goads delayed trains; but when he did get, there he valiantly berated - the tnion troops for,hurning a few rails and‘drinking butter-milk - , and rushed to, trarrisburg to recover damages. teen last heard from he - e.-as explain ing to an itinerant tinker how; he had been elected .to Qopgress from this district—all the residents and fre quenters of the Capitol having heard . the tbrilling story from ten to forty times 'from his ,own lips before.-- Lightning . anl elections do strike queerly:sometimes TR - E Hagerstown Ircividand Torch appeared last week again, firmly as - ever devoted to the, cause of the -Union. It justly deprecates the split in the Union ranks of Maryland which has resulted: in two candidates for Controller. The Union. met of - Maryland cannot affordto be divided. Their enemies are the enemies of the Republic And they 1 / 4 7111 be united; and may trim - 411.1f the loyal men divide their titrength. Loyal men,of Mary land! the hope of your - State _is in mainthining your ascendency l Men Must bo suberdtnated to the great cause of a common country !, THE- Fulton Democrat, edited .by the menaber of the Democratic State Coininittee for this - cli#rict, seems ex ceedingly ambitious to get up a small draft riot in Fulton county. In a late issue an editorial review of the conscription bill thus apologiies for the cOpperhead thieves and murder ers of New YOrk : "Is it arty wonder then that an ,excited populace should refuse to submit quietly to laws supposed to be unjust, and believed to he unconstitutional? is it,grangethat we should have riots and resistance to the draft, when those in high places have set an exam ple of utter disregard of all law, an example which a populace more virtuous. and more patriotic, than their present rulers have been slow to follow ?" WHEN Jeff. Davis had a succession of advantages in the field by the bat tles of Chancellorsville and the pulscS at Port Hudson and Vicksburg, le -exhibited , his 'eminently Christian character by proposing to Murder half the Union officers in his bands. When his murderous hosts were captured at Port Hudson and Vicksburg, and routed at ,Gettysburg, Jeff. postpones hanging and_ appoints a day of humili-, ation and prayer. Sensible Jeff.! —A - Hicksite quaker authorizes the 'lndependent to say that the "friends" addressed 'by Gov. Seymour . during the New York riots, do not belong to the regular meeting! THE DRAFT. COIiSTITUTIONAL. lirlie,Act of Congress of March 3, 1863, for; enrolling and c.alling\out-the national for ce 4, commonly known 4:0 the:Conseription' La*, has already been adjudged eonstitu grim). ".The .District Court : of the:United Itates for the Eastern District of Pennsylva- 1 nia, over which judgeCadwalader, an extreme I:),emocrat, , preSides, decided the question in a' ease arising on a writ of habeas corpus on the 7th of March, 1863. and_ fully affirmed the --constitutionality of the law. The question , arose as follows • . A deserter who had been drafted under the abt of July 17, 1862; was arrested by a Pro vost Marshal on the authority of that provis . ion of the act of 1863 which legalizes the nrrrest of persons called into service under any act of Congress. A.' writ of habeas Corpus was glinted by JudgeCadwalader, and on the re turn to that writ, the 'case was argued in full. Much of -the sliicussionwas upon other points than that of the -constitutionality of thole*, but that . piiint was necessarily raised, was argtied, nrid.wa 3 fully, 4,dc..tided,, , , Judgp Cady wander gaysl . ' • , ~ , ..._ oiThe Constitution. :of the :United States \ authorizes Congress to raise armies, and also ~to call forth, and organize the militia of the several States. .Thider„ this tioo-font power, both rec t mlar national armies, and occasional militia forces from the "several States, May be raised, either, by eonscription: other . :modes. i 5 Wheaton, 17%) - The power to 'raise them by . conscription. may, at a. crisis of extreme exigency, be indispensable to pub lic security." . Various questions of the construction of different, portions of the acts of 1862 and .1863 are-very elaborately considered•by the yarned. Judge, _int his reasoning_ is at too 'great length to be quoted here, nor is it our province especially to investigate questions which are merely questions of detail. It is 'enough to say that on all the points:* discuss ed Judge Cadwalader sustains the, constitu tionality of the law. It is to be remarked further that no Court or Judge kkag t yet de nied it, and, indeed, no argument has.. been adduced against it which a lawyer of repu tation would be Willing to. present as his own. The law stands, therefoii,,,,before the 'country, with the presUmption lin its favor that every law has, and with the judicial af firmation by a United States Court of its constitutionality. No loyal citizen can hes itate to render henceforth a cheerfUl obedi ence to all its provisions, and to support the officers charged with its enforcement. THE Democrats of Perry have nominated 'John A. Magee, of the :Democrat, for As sembly ; John C. Lindsey for Prothonotary; Wm. 'Grier. for _Register, and James B: Hackett for Treasurer. Magee was chosen by :seven majority last year by the home vote, ,while the volunteer vote defeated him by about 150 ; but he got his seat and served nevertheless, devoting his energies to ad vance. the policy of the ultra Democrats.' If the Union Men of Perry will do their whole duty this fall, they will be differently yepresented. They should bear in mind that eight additional votes cast by Union slug gards, who staid at home last fall, would , have made Kennedy the member, and his vote_would have chosen a Union- U. S. Son ator in place of Buckalew. THE steamer Imperial, the first -boat from New Orleans, arrived at St. Louis on Tues day. morning. A large crowd of merchants ,another citizens greeted her arrival, and a national salute was fired in ',honor of the opening of the MissiSsippi. The steamer Albert Pierce sailed - the same evening for New-Orleans, with a heavy load of private freight and a large' passenger list. The Continental left on the previous day for the same port, heavily laden -with Government stores._ TIE Chicago Evening 4urnal, of 31 - onday, says: We learn from one% f Our citizens, just returned' from Ohio, who is well acquOdted in the locality which he, visited—Paicesville and thereabouts—that he_ did not dftnd one Democrat who would vote for Vallstndigham for Governor. From another source we learn that bets are offeringin Ohio - that allandig ham won't carry three. counties in the State. are glad to -learn that Hon. Wm. Haslett, editor of the American, has been nominated by .the Union men of Butler county for Assembly. He served with unu sual credit in the Senate - some twelve years ago, and will bring to the House great abili ty-and experience and equal fidelity. He wiflpf course be elected. - DANIEL S. DIcKiNsoN made a speech in Genesee, New York, on. the 15th. inst., in which he used this emphatic language : • This rebellion has its existence to-day in the hope of having help here ; "and its sfrn pathizers at the North arc more guilty for its continuance than Jeff.. Davis Ir . is understood that the Goverpthent has taken decided ground in the , matter of the rebel fled now being fitted / out in English ports, and has notified her Majef:ty's Govern ment that the sailing of _these vessels will be considered an unfriendly act on the part of Great Britain. - BfirTL - 8 J. CLAY (a brother of Cassius M. Clay, we believe), hai been othinated for Congress by the Unionists in' the Ashland District, Kentucky, in place of, the Hon. John J. Crittenden, deceased. THE number of New York rioters known to have been killed in their attempt to sub vert the laws of the 'United States. is said to be ninety, but believed to far exceed that number. A LOYAL newspaper is already issued a Port Hudson. THE RETALIATIOIii OUDEU. WAR DEPARTMENT ADJ'T GEN'S OFFICE, WAsamoToN, July ;D.—GENERAL ORDERS, No. 262.—The following order'of the Presi-' dent is published for the information and government of all concerned : EXECUTIVE MANSION, -WASHINGTON, D. C., July 30, 1863.-r-11 is the duty -of every Government to give protection to its citizens,. of whatever class, color or condition, and es pecially to those who are duly organized as soldiers in the public service. The law of nations, and-the usages and customs of war, as carried on by civilized powers,;permit no distinction as to -Color in the treatment of prisoners of war as pubic enemies. To sell or enslate any captured person on account of his color, and for .no offense against - the laws of war, is a relapse into barbarism, and a crime against the civilization of the age. The Government of the - United States will give thesame protection to all its - soldiers, and if the enemy shall sell or enslave any one because of his color, the offense shall be punished .4. retaliation upon the enemy's prisonersin our, possession.. It is, therefore ordered, that for every soldier of the _United, States killed in violation-of the law, Rebel soldier shall be executed, and for everyone enslaved •by the eneniy of iold;into slavery, a Rebel soldier shall be placed at hard labor on the public works, and continued at • such 'labor until the ,other shall be released and - receive the treatment dile to - a prisoner of Var. (Signed)- ABRAHAM LLNCOLN. - —.By order of.t•he Secretary of War., , - (Signed) - D.- TOWNSEND.' Assistant Adjutant General. t. franktitt ilepsitimActinigtobitti, rtt LATEST XEWS! , IMPORTANT FROM - ORTH \s, CAROLINA. , • _ J'efll\ Davis 'Pertiouned. ME The Balelgh "Standard" Threatens \Revolution. NM A DELEGATIA TO \ WASIIINGION PROPOSED. FORTRIM , MONT.OE, August 2.—The stea= mer Escort arrived this morning With. New= bern dates to the -- lst instant: \ The Raleigh Standard denounces -Jeff. Davis_as, a repudiator, in whoa - 11m confidence should be placed, and whose efforts to estab lish a Southern .Confederacy a fail ure. • 'The Richmond Enquirer calli up \ aii Jeff. Davis to suppress the'Raleigh Standaack and wipe out the Supreme Court of North Caro lina. The Standard says :—"GoVertior will stand- by the Supreme Court, and the Standard also, if necessary;, and if Jeff. Da vis attempts to - use . physical force to suppress the Standard, Davis will be met with- phys ical force, and a revolution in thls State will be the result. John Mitchell, the editor of the'Richmond Enquirer, is an agent of Great Britain, which has long sought to divide the Northern and Southern people." The /Weigh - Standard says that "North Carolina has furnished 95,000 soldiers fdr' this war, 40,000 of whom are either killed or wounded; and that North Carolina should send a delegation to Washington-at once and see what terms can be .obtained; and not wait for Jeff. Davis." . . The recent cavalry raid, under Col. Spear,- from Norfolk to .Jackson, N. C., found the enemy intrenched strongly at Jackson, which commands the approaches to Weldolk Maj. Anderson, on the 2Uth ult., captured the enemy's pickets and took possession of an important bridge, theieby defeating the enemy in, their intentions. FROM THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. Crossing of the Rappahannock. Lee's Army Elassed Near Culpepper. A RECONNOISSANCE AND A FIGHT. HEA:DVARTERS ARMY OF THE PQTOMAC, Aug. 2, 1868.—Geri. Buf,ord's cavalry, artil lery•and a supporting infantry i. force, crossed the Rappahtumock at the railroad station yesterday, and thence with his cavalry. and artillery he proceeded towards Culpepper, driving Stuart's cavalry before him. When near Culpepper Gen. Buford en countered a large rebel force of infantry and artillery, and a fierce fight ensued} lasting until dark, when he withdrew to a strong position east of Brandy Station. The loss on both sides was considerable. This reconnoissance confirms the reported concentration of Lee's forces near CUlpepper, and indicates that his present headquarters are at Stevensburg, four miles southeast of Culpepper. !I The 1:9 - sutler wagons captured near:Fair fax on Thursday night by Moseby and his band, were recaptured with all their Contents on Friday morning, near Aldie, by the 2(1 Massachusetts Cavalry. A skirmish ensued thetween the guerrillas and our advance guard, but on the approach of the main body, Mose by fled; closely • pursued -by the cavalry.— Several of the enemy are reported killedand wounded, but no report has been receivtd of the result of the pursuit. ' ' This morning a detachment of our cavalry killed two and captured two others of Mose by's band-'near New Baltimore, and were en gaged in ferreting out_others. The weather yesterday -and to-day has beerrly far the hottest of the season.' All is quiet to-night. , FROM SOUTH CAROLINA! Genl Gilmore Successfully Approaching Sumter. HIS SIEGE GUNS Wriailh A MILE! Improbable Itunior about itosecrans. NEW YORS; AtliUSt B.—The steamer Ful ton, from Port Royal, with dates to'the 31st ult.,_arrived during the night.' Her officers report-the siege of Fort Wag ner still progressing. Gen. Gilmore has Mounted a- number of two hundred pounder siege guns within one .mile of Fort Sumpter. He is • confident of reducing both Sumter and Fort Wagner, in a short time. • The New South says : Just as we go to press it is reported that Gen. 'Roseerans is within 30 miles of Savannah. [This report in regard to Roseerans' where abouts is, of course, sensational. "Old Ro soy" will march as fast in hot weather as the next General, but an inland march of 400 miles away from his base of supplies, in the course of a fortnight, is "too big thing," for even him to attempt in the face of the dog days.—En.] Yiebel Conscription In West Tennessee. Col. Richardson, the rebel guerrilla, has issued an order, requiring all the men of West Tennessee, between 18 and 45, to re port at his camps under the rebel conscrip tion act. The following are the instructions given for : carrying out this order : If a , m an should absent •himself from liome to avoid this order, burn his house and all his property, except such as maybe useful to this. command. If a man resist this by refusing to report, shoot him dovin ; if a man takes refuge in his house and offers resistance Set his house on-fire, and, guard it so that he may yot get out." , - The officers of the steamer' Courier, from Helena,l report the arrival, of Gen. Davidson, with a large•cayalryr 'force from TilotKnob, Mo. He captured ,about 500 rebels, 'tea miles from Helena, and brought them in. - Fire 'at Serarptaii, Sonarvrox, ,July fire broke out in the cellar of Mathews &Gilmore!s drug store, on :Lackawana avenue, et 9 o'clook: last night: The--fire extended to the four story building on the north. owned by John Koch, and from thencoto.the banking house of George Sanderson,.on'the sofith. - Xoch's building lisaliadry datnaged. Geo. Fuller's a nd Sandersores 'buildings _were...totally de stroyed.'' :whir their contenti:'.. - G. A. and J. F. Fuller, and 'Matthews & Gilmore, and , the ",Union"- and "Feter.Willinnw.on" Ata- , sonic Ledges lost evert thing. The fire briig •inated from benzine oil. • - DIED. On the morning oft the - 4th inst., in this place, Mr. RICHARD .RDRDEN, an old and esteemed resident, 4-4 87, 'years. - On the 2Uth ult., near Frederick, Md., ..TAIES R. WEA.Of.Y, aged 88 years, 6 months, and 21 days. On the 24th of May last, in -Can'ton, Mr. GEORGE KIEFFER, aged about 65 years: M v r. K. of t+-native of this eotinty, being a; g brother of Dewalt Kieffer. He lived many years in Clearspring, .31d„ whence he re moved about five years.ago, to Canton, El. On the 31st-ult., at Strasburg, after, a ling ering illness, SAMDEI, ,GILHORE, Esq., aged 66 years. . , On the Bth inst., suddenly, at QuineY; Mr. G-EO. A. ANDERSON:, in the 56th year of his • On the Ist of - June, i at Camp Falmouth, Va., Coiporill Gnonat H. C. •M'GnmEss, Co. G, 14Uth Regt P. V., aged 21'years. This young twin was a'child of the covenant ; the son of the licV. J. t ArGinness, formerly of Shade Gap. lie was conelx:ratnd to tiod, by baptism, - in childhood, tuni rt,museentted by his dying lather: Five years ,be f,re his death, heilediceed himself to the God of the C's errant, in a written form, Mond among hie papers, thalanguage of which evinces thP idelligont earnestness of the transaction. 'sue sincerity. of his piety and the consteimicy of his deportment, amidst the temptations of the c,iUip end the perils Of theneld, - are amply attest ed by his 'ufficers and felkivraildiers. Though Ilia - last days were omit far from home, and the Closing hours clouded by - delirium. yet his moth .r and sisters have the sweet-consolation of knowing that he was watched with tenderne. and \of having - his, remains deposited In Chartiers church-yard. , _ Preyention ofincrnstation in, Seer= Boil- , ers.- , —WINANS' ANTI-INCRUSTATION POWDER AB. MOVES. AND PREVENTB. TRU - DEPOSIT OF SCALE, AND WITIIOUTINJUItY TOTII IRON Stiltal Yens , USE. T References in nit parts of link cOuntry, AlbanY. Gas Co.; Raton, Gilbert & Co., and. othe,rs, 'Proy ;_,Syrai cuse, Rochester, Auburn, Lc.," L.C.Joltri Gibson it 'io., Plielps,-Cbarles Ensign, John R. Efann& Co., Jewett & Root. and others, Buftilo: Cleveland, Colu s ichns, Runes vile. Lc., Lei- Gib. Shield: Miles Greenn*, Nitchelll lituninelsburg, 010140 others irreincinnath and through. out the West; Indianopolis. Dayton, Terre Ifante, Lo gansport, Chicago. Springfield, St: Louis, St. Paul, Ac., Sec., Lc. Cost about 4 .to 60 cents per week. Fur eircia= - H. N, IVINAIv'S; lar, address 11 With!, SY., NEW YORK:\ P.O. Box No. 6. - fjuly 22, '63-6rn. . _ Editor• of, itepo'sitory—Dear Sir: With our permission I wish to say to the readers of :your paper that I will send by return mail to all who_wish it, (free) a Recipe, with full ,directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that .7111 effectually re move. In 10, minutes, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaviisg the same soft . clear, smooth and beautiful. - • I will also mail free to those. having Bald Heads or Bare Faces; simple directions, and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a iliocultir.he, in less than 30 days. All ap plications answered by return mail without charge. 1.. ' RespecHully-yours, • - 7----, - - THOS. - F. CHAPMAN, 1 , Chemist, j a1y22'63-3m. " , No. S3l Bioacivroy,New foik. Madame Porter's Cara - tire Balsam has long tested the truth that there . are first principles in Medi cine as there is in Science, and this Medicine is com pounded on principles suited to the manifold nature of :lien! The cure of Coble is in keeping open the pores, and creating a gentle internal warmth, and this is cam , ed by the use of this Vedleine. Its remedial qualities are based on its power to assist the healthy and .vigor ous circulation of blood through the lunge, it enlivens the niuscloaand assists the skin to perform its duties, of regulating thelmat of the system, and in g'ently throw ing off the wasto substance from the surface of the body. It Is not, a violent remedy, but emollient, warming, mu-thing, and effective. Sold by all druggist at las and 25 centsper bottle. ' Duly 22. The Confessions and I:',...perienee of ,an ,In= valid.—Published f n the beuent,and as a mourning and A CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN who stiffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay or Manhood, etc., supplying at. the samo time . TUE MEANS OF SELF CURE, By One who has cured himself after being pub toa great expense and injury through medical huhibug and quackery. - - By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope, single copies may be had of the author. NATIIANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., may 20,63 Bedford. Rings county, N.Y. 76 the Young or Old, Male or Female.— If you bare been Naffering from u habit indulged in by the . YOUTH OF BOTH SEXES, WIIICII CAIIST.B SO MANY ALARMIVG SYPIITOLLS, /t tVits them for - illurriage, And is the greatest evil:mm(6 can betell MAN Olt WOMAN. See symptom enumerated in advertisement; and If you are a sufferer, -- Cut out the Advertisement, and send fur it at .once,„ Delays" are tiongeroos Ask for liekribold's, Take no other. - Cares analtnnteed. Beteareof Coutiterfetts and imitations. July IS, 63-2ra Ornainenta Iron Works.—WooDik PER(r, 1131 Ridge Avenue, Ph Pa., offer for upon iho niost Favorable Tontts, Neat and itrrittrifut Designs in great variety of IBOIV RAILINGS for ameteries,. Residences, A*, of Wrought ono Caat Iron, and _Galean ired Iron and Brass Tubing; Iron Verandahs, Balconies, Stairs, Counters, Fbantahnt, Gates, Chitanns, Ditching Bats, Latap Stands, Vases; Ilsbles. „i , rower Stands, Sfax, Chairs, StaittarY, Animals, and ali r other Iron Work of D.coratiVo character. Designs fortvardod for selection: Persons applying for amc, uiiiptaianestate the kind or work needed. • June 3,0-2 m The Confessions and 4xperience of a Ner, yea ilumg . Nan.—Publislied ex a warning and for the mpecial benefit of young mem; and those who suffer with NERVOOB Dtanury, Loss on 'Simony, P laytra DECAY, ac, & r., hyena who has vowed himself by simple- means after being put to great expense and inconvenience, 'through tbd use orwortblea* medicines prescribed -by learned Recter's. Single copies may be had (free) of the mither, C. A. Lsatatay,_Esq , tlreenpolnt Long Island, by enclosing an addressed envelope. Address CHARLES A. LAHBERi',Hreeninint, Long Island, New I'g:h.. - July 22, *7t- Card at the Seering.—The liov. William Cosgrove, while laboringas a missionary InJapani was cured otConstuisption When till other means had failed, by a recipe obtained from &learned physician ltt thogrcat city ofJeddo. This recipe haS cured great numbers who were suffering fium:CoasuinPtion,, Bronchitik Sore Thrcut, Coughs and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by theso disorders., - • • ' Desirous of betiellttlog others, fwill send this recipe, 'whiCh I have brought , home with me, to ail Who need it, free of 'charge. Address Rev. t , COSGRBVB, 'dec IS, 439FultoriAvelaue, Brooklyn, N. N. C 2- ,Nmplopient I—Agents . Wanted Will pay from $25 t eVS permonth, and all erpouses,to active Agents, or give a commission . , -Particulars sent Erie.— Address Earle Simnel Mumma Ceram:, R. SAIP:rs, general Agent, Milan, Shio. ' april 20, 604 y Wante4.—Lo,eal and . Travelling-Agents in every Town .and County.. Circulars, milli Testimonials of Clergymen and Scientific( men, in regard take bind need, sent free. _ raw_ 'MLR Jin,da 5 3 34 t 16 REPORT OF:TgE .4fgßirPms . -PgICE. CVSUENT ; • - IrZ,CDPIEL. coratECTrs; wrzE.LY: CErAIif.BERSBURG Ang.4, 1863; 2.- ...... 10;WAsttm .-50 101Uriastom 33 LA.mO ............ 8 CGeoTit 4 00 8 ThiIOTUT 2 00 SOAP 4to 6 litax 2 00 Gam 12 PkiteD PEACHES. ' 300 flncos So i 13NP&IISAPatctiza I 50 :Soup Bums 1". 1 50 neon APPLES ..... 1-00 P CHAMBERSAIIRG FLGURAND GRAIN MARKET. - CORRECTED AT CRAMBERSDtrTha MILLS. Elcoar - White ...... Flonr—Red Wheat—White - IT - heat—Bed • Rye Oats POTATO MARKET. Stercer4i'ow Pink•-I}Sca PhilOilelptiti Markets: PirEADEEEnni., Atig. 8, f 883.... flowt—There is rather more. doing, the demand having somewhat increased both for shipment and hothe consumption.. The sales for export reach 4,000 bbls., including: 600 - bbls. good Ohio extra family at $6 ; 400 bbls: Aelect brands do., sits6.so; 700bbis. Peterson Marshall's do.; 600 bbli.'ltroad Street Mills extra; and 500 bbls. Jenny Lind fam ily on terms not 'Made public. ; The sales to the home con - sublets have ranged from $5.37i for superfine, up to .$7.50 for fancy lots, ac cording to quality. RAT PEoun—The demand has fallen off, and it is selling only in a small way at $4.50 barrel. • , - Dour ALFA L—Nothing doing, and we con tinue last week's quotation. WHEAy=The receipts have fallen off, and it is "held firmly at an , advance, but the de intirid is quite moderate. Sales of 1100 bush. fair and prime old red- at. $1.3001.35, and new at $1.30®1.33. RYE—There is but little here, and we quote new at 93®95c. and old at 103®105c. Corm" is in- better request, with sales of 5000 bnshels at 76c., for,y_elloW, and 74e. for mixed Weitern. OATS are dull, •and we again reduce ottr quotations, 2@ i Be. V bushel. Sales of 8000 bushels Jersey and.Pennsylyania at 70075 e. \ weight.' .SEEDS-1n Cloverseea there is nothing do-, g., Small Sales of Timothy at $/2502.75 bush. Flaxseed, if here, would command WuniKr- - --The demand continues Small salts of. Pennsylvania and Ohio bar; :sets at 47e. ;,,hhd.s. at 46c., and drudge,at 45 „,®45/c. , Ariu. abbertiumento. ;1711(00Y gkeph Rhea, a rad ju about 12 years of age; :lea tie residence of-his leather in 2outhamPton township, about the 4th ofJnly, ; Iny person,having information\ respecting his where. 1 bouts will confer a special favor to his bereaved parents, y leaving word'et, or addressingthisefficr [aug, • , STRAY.-Came the Immber Yard of the subscriber, the,second,week of Jeff. is is' rule of our to vn, SOUR SMALL. MS. Any per un provlp g property and paying charges, 64 have the anse by applying ..//40 SAMUEL SfallE,By. • Charnb'g.ang. 5 NTOTICE-L-Where4s, Letters Ire& LA tainentary a the 'Estate of -Samuel George late _yr (litdlferdAownship, deed, hale! , eva 'granted to the linbacribera. - • All persons Indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make irnmediat- payment, and those having claims of atm:Leads against the Estate of said decedent, will make 'them known, without delay, to JOAN ROWE, Greencastle, - MARY GEORGE, - Guilford tvrpi aug. 5 • ILIRIENDS‘ of Soldiers in . the Se vice, or in Hospitals, can furnish them with the 'it,,,,POSITORY three months for 25 cents;-slx months for -50 cents, of one year for.sl'.oo. . - N . ..TOTICE---: , Whereas, -Letter's Tes-; tam entarc on the Estate of John Myers, late of Etterkenny township, dec'd, have been- granted lei the subscribers.- • • All persons knowing themselves indebted toeaid tate ate requested to retake immediate payment, and those having claitas,present them - properly anthenti cated for settlement. • SAMUEL MYERS, Letterkenny hey., - JOHN - GAYMAY, Senthanlpton twp - mtg.& - • - " Executors. DROTHERS of Soldiers in the.Ser- II vim, or in Hospitals, can famish them with the' woposrroßy threemonths for 25 contls Ina months for DO cent& Or one par for' $l.OO. XTOTlCE.—Whereas,..Letters 11 tam eatery on the Estate of Solomon Shook, late of the Borough of Greencastle. d^ed, hate been granted to the subscriber residing at Upton. - All persons indebted to the satd Estate. are requested tomake.immedtate payment. and those having Oakes 'r demand 4 against the Estate of denedent; will make known the same, aithouttelay:, to aug. 5 • . . GEORGE COOK, Ex'r. FRIENFRIENDS of' Soldiers in:the Ser vice. or in Hospitals . can furnish them with the DS Chree months for 25 cents; els months for 50 cents, or one S•ear for $1 00. , ' P'TOTICE.—W 1 hereas Letters of Ad ministration on the Estate of James Maoism, goof the Borough of Chambersburg, dee d„ have beta grantee to the subscriber, residing in said 'Borough. MI persons knowing themselves indebted to said Ro tate, arerequested to make immediate payment; mad those having claims or demands toainst the Estate of decedent, willsnake known the Same without delay.. t o aug. 5 ' LYMAN 8. CLARNE, Adm'r.. hr CENTS. will pay for the REPO e SITORY three months to be goat to a Soldier In the eerrice. . lkioTlC.t.—Whereas - Letters of Ad-' ... ministralion en the Estate Of Mary Lindsey, Wi er the Berm& of Greencastle, deg% have been granted to the ~ übstriber,- r esiding in said Xterounb. All persons knowirig themselves indebted to tmid Xs• tate, are hereby requested to make immediate payment and (him having claims or demands-against the Estate ofsaid decedent, will make known thesame without de lay, to - - , DAVID L. LINDSEY, , • aug. - fw - • • ,- • - • ' Adm'r. i rl GENTS will pay for the REPO !J - v SITORY six months to be sent tcf s(Soldier in t t monthsservico. `. - 1 TE A_RDWARE.A.I'M.UTIIERY W. W. KNIGHT:a BON, Imparters and Dealers in AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND GENitisi, - • • HA R WA RE • " ' 509 Commerce Street, ,1 Eatwaea sth and 6th and Mirkei andArchSta. - Philadelphia. - tiuk.ls;)63-tf $1•0 4 04( 1111 X l eria a 1:00t r totToti ll' t to E 4 1) 891,1 1 ; bertlco. IRVING ,FERAIiE -COLLEGE, - - a fECTIA.NICEBTIRGy PA. The attention of parents having daughters to educate, is respectfully Mdled to the advantages afforded -at this Institution, for acquiring a thorough and accomplished education. D. is easy of amens, is healthfully - and pleas , • antly located, employs a ftillcorps of efficient and expey. rimmed Teachers„ is chartered by the Legislature with fun coll e giate powers to confer Literary 110110111 upon itsfiradnutes, and its terms are as low as they can be in view of the comfort of the students and the permanency %Mho Institution. •- The FALL BESSiON wilt contra - Mace Viredusaity, September Zatt, Students should outer promptly and as tarns passible patrons should write or come an and, en gage mauls in advance. For Catalogues address Aug :I C:4t • • ' 'A.,I3:3IARLATIf; President. 875. =I EARE NTS. of Soldier I,he.SpN vies, or inliospjtOts. cut riszolob.them. with 04 MORI' three - months for 25 centAldi 50 coats, or one you fur $l.OO. . : ; JBATHEWT,EATHERI:—The sub,: scriber has far ade at his Tannery, &One titualt palish *mid Slaughter Solalauther,_- - ' Elps,Calfskine; - • _ • • - litumeen and 'Upper Leather, •-- - - Morocco and Lining Skin*. • Also—A. large stock o 3 BOOTS SHOEd, Horse— The bleteet market price paid ' for Illtlett gal Skink . • s, • •'• J. - 'NAMES,. ang. 5.3 t • rannettahurg. Pa. - cMARDS printed in every 6tyle, lowest ietee,ht the eke of the BRAMCLIN RE ORA: RAND-BTUS', from the to • the einnlMet. -or, fenee_ etdare, printed - tit e ce of the FRANKLIN ItEPOSITCrii Y. -• , $l.O - 6V) - - /16 ItIV:8' - 'oF • THE,RAITTLE-or GROUND ATORTI"YSBUIVEr;PA.. CirmarllST, 3(14 ;and l'OTAidt:*.j7zgeule/phi'sr, Itespectfulliannouncesthat,aldedzpitsepallY b3' aptom. inent Leitler • of a ettyaborg. who t_rtts_ a MOW guide to, our forces during the bottles there, he has succeeded _irk making severe:: ine photegraphic views .of promlneht parts of the battle-ground at that eventfuiplace. TheyAriiptiblished in if allies of coven 10 by 32 Weirs. arid will he sold rubscriptkut onlj, - ; the proceeds aloe to bo need for the benefit of our idat andwoandett The subscription books and samples are now featly. _ • The lima are, via: • -. 1. Major Oenenil Meade's iteinignarteri,. 2 The Mehl of Battle. July;. 3. "Otir Centre-400 MM: east foga, Cemetery nin. 4.' 6atesdayef the Cemetery, • 3. 'l'heliaminary. llesiderice of the 4 , 01i1 Patriot." , 7. Bab:mid Corps Iloipital and Headquarters 17.8.Sant• tarp Comm - hedon. . Tho price of the set. mill by 610. :Orden; ehouldjin given atone to awn e paid. ?riots and prompt delleCry * r.. G 1711311 U N ST, • : Photographer. ' 704 anti 706 Arch et., Phila. sag. 641 t. IVZ.NUFACTURD,RS: can ' reach Serge class of thrifty doaterit.,by eavrux7su¢ct fa ' " , INVIN REPOSITORY. „ • ArOHANICS who desire; to ex end their buoiness should, imams in the PtIhNILTE REPOSITORY. VIPLEMENTS.--=Pealors and Marl -1.-ufacturers of Airfoil !tura!, 'and other Iruploeteute, can reach a large clam of valuable customers by arm:a rms° In the FRANKLIN REPOSITORY, TIST OF , A the Post Oft. Anderson Perry Berry Jim 8 2 linrlins am AG - - Thortaileld Rol Bush Abraham Motley A 1 . 9! Boone Charles A Baster Bed ' Bookinbn .Bamnel Bregger MrsElbth Burkholder3llint Bence Miss Sarah Brigs 'brie] Brown Philip Bear Peter - Btird Andrew Cook Charles Anacker Charlei 2 Douglass WM'S • Denison . ° D Bitchier Bmannel Delleman John Dewess 'Prank Dickerson -John ' My Batt A • ?cream calling that they hairs bee atim pEPAMPIITATS printed in best stylesf and lowest rate, at the office, of the_ FRANKLIN OSITORN, IQ,LAIIIg printed proiliptly, and At ifio'west:i4tee., at the cake of the FRANkLIN RS AISITORY: - a • - - VAXCY - PRINTIXG, j2.Ladet4 of - colors, done with neatnets and despatch it the win A. KIM: REPOSITOIVI office -4 • ' ITAMMMtE I i4:12/1 \ ;,61I'Mark 'if St., 'I I A - traditiViia: ' ,J. 4WD. EWE. - I - • • • amts. siortiiteSos; Th.,tindereigned would respectihilk th e ottentioa 'of COUNTRY -14.EIVOTIANTS to their large end well se lected frOok of ' • H Ait D W A 11 E I • , „ . , . .. gatijig roxklepecialarmngemeua for tle Pottrnade, we flatter ourselves We' can offer' inducements to put.. cluma that will remutterate:thi tillable of CLAM iu'ing-ouratock. We flak but a. trial, to convince they &wary Dads, that' we are prepared 'to sell low, 'am accommodate. ' --•.: = Our stock of, 21thle itpd. .Poc7cet , Cut /ay- 1 / 1 U V. li tniir large, celected with 411 t -y16.8 care s aid !nebulize,. avert ty that cannot hat trait all tastes. • - We have constantly on liand a large fussortmens of B'uilding Hardware; . , Took& Cutlery, 0 '• " ' •• • ' : ••Pius, Tool. Boxes. - - and Chests, :Saddlers, and homelier, Toohry . - SereWs, Nailri Storeeverything in Short, pertaining re JIM dies Ilardware Particular attention paid to Country orders._ It is 'our aim to secure the confidence of our ctistomers, cud to this mid we are particular, in filling orders; to give the best' and eta cheap as though the cask/mere _were bri;lng• in person. Give as a trial. , • - • Reveasose.--J. K. 9ktrely-48q, A. K. illeCtiire, B. Ipotes i Charnbersbax,. - _ ivag. 5, ,exir 'OlCEMNYTtht*Mmonttu3lfet.:iteiat BFPO . • .50CENTS' will pay - for t,he REPO , : 131 TORY ebt-ment.bs to be !seat to t4',15610er be; tee service. . 06 . _ pay fcr - tlte REPOSI- Utoi*qoar,'tO be sent to Eolateif Si o - TO iu the Borii6e. _' SAP 'publk are cautioned - jpilkst thei-:91 1 1111i011S . artieles -, of LYE for =Mug SOAP, Ate now erred for sale • s The only GENUINE and PATENTED Lye is that , made by the PENNSYLVANIA S.ATIZ. MANLOTACTIF-: lIINQ COMPANY; their tradimark Abr belpg " POltutm, Ott CONCP.NTEATED , LYE.". _The great 'IIcOESS of this article has IiSitINPIIINOWLED TIES to eadearor to LIiITATM it, is violitku of the Vompittly's PATENTS. • - - , All .3f.,42i 77RAOTURE/33,28/110E$, or BHLLE of these SPOZIO 03 Lin, 'are hitreliYlVOTllkeD that the 00/fPANTItave employed as thek A TI'ORNIOS, OE9. Ri!,..RPTN42t, L ,*g. 'of and wm; •B A 1171Vi r tia;, Esil;9) INtAttrtirg, And that all 444NUFLICZITR82i41 . f74.1g4forSIZZ" ERS of Lye, in I , lolistioa of the Betts of the Company, will he. Io.ROIREd/TAD at once. =_ r - The UPONIXIBIZ, or CO/VVENTRATED LYE, Vl' gala by an Draggisb , nmere and 4T:alt,r9 Stores. • Theeram emulate:we Cosay.,Weetetti IKetrictof Waneyleanta,l4o.l of 314, Tenn; hi 862, in snit or the loAtnitjEL VILNA SAW' _..it.4.I)TUFROMUNG CO PAZErvs. i'HOMAB G. atig i*feed to tbO von ar , s om b e r 15, nu, the aschestee:right granted: by a patent 641'4 by, them , for - the 4aPOIWITE7; - Patent dated Ottobor 21,1856. perretai !hianction: awarded. - TILE PIOINSYLVA7SI.3. CO.SALT lIANITE6,OIIIItiNG . - . . 127 WALNUT STREET, , Plmorlelpbia, P r rrST *:' l - TitECtS" W , PittOurg', * ' . 4 0 1125 t .6 " 32 / 43 / 914° ' • , PAD Mteertisements. LETTERS Cent Chambeirabur Fieleu D L Cht , legor MlN'Mary Ganse Mathias Herr J ' Hendricks - lienderoon Frank Knoll Jacob Kemp Jefferson 31 Leep Mary, Loudon Albert ,W Lyons Capt T6osK biartz , Saninel Nl'Corrunek Vt,Ci McKay Dr B. fi.„ M'Lnughlln .A rtieumin lie 24 ftrAchei C Ii Parkei it 8 •-. . • Pant Paltrier Mai Mir. ends, Rodgers Ashton R Robinson Geo Sowers Samna 2 I Scott lira Rani& r the' Move Lette • advertised. .3. BMIT — . 11 k - EICHARN, . 6111farket - St.4 PAW,olptait:\ CONCENTRXTED LYE, , THE- FAMILY - SOAP , MAKER. TAKE , NOOaii El 11 emaming in Ang.4, /BE3: Sittle Joseph E Stoke W A Shipley Robert Sprague Albert • thrigert Leiria W Sharp Robert. Bathyal' Other Sharpe Stober Jamelat ThoracteJW Thorp Atm Ear Tice u. H. Madam John Vanlneton Itenry Wotherhold • - -- Williams Beni M Williams - George Williamson J A WomelsclorfAqtrt Wrlmar Jeremiah [Wthp:6-r4 A AV' Witdiangtott _IA in, Yet*. in 1.0111 please say`,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers