hi II *milt s94,sihntg. CIX.A.3Ur33MIR,S23X7 . t&Z *eine'sday Morning, Angtl;.,lB3: ler JOIIN K. STIBTOCif IS authorized to relitirdSalacriptiono and contradt, for - .A.di*retonlo Sot the BEPosiron trine Evatero VNION COUNTY CONVENTION. , ,„ The Union men- of Fttulattizi - County,: velitaant tinction-or party; who are *Whig io" auito intiv'tordial auppcirt of the Atithinkteatran is piese• atitl4 of the We for't}ie forpreseitati tfitiho Union; tira re Bated to meet atilie naval planes:far t Wing such irtectilianp; on SATURDAY, AUGUST 16Th, 6eiweenthe ttactiani 2 , and 6 o'clock, P. 11., and. ELECT .OELD: dna to men In COUNTY CONYENTION,In Cham borabnyi, on HO /14 y, A U( UST 17 TH,, a tlll o'clock, err/AO! day, to nominate dectuzirr, Titan, to he mil., pigt : od - by the Union men of Franklin enmity at the nest attkatal election. GEO. EITER; Etunnon TATUM, ClMiemin Union Co. Corn. N ang. 1," 69 . 'SINGLE' copies of thei s itEPOSITORY e, AIX ; be, had. at the counter with or without wrappers. Pri'Oe five cents.. Tan Union voters of Franklin court ty` will' hold - their .Delegate Elections en 'Saturday? the 15th inst., between the hOurs of two 'andl six o'clock, P. Ilt.; land the Delegates will Feet in Convention, in Chambersburg,‘ on liongay, therith, tO Dominate n COIF ty ticket to be supported by the Union men tit the next general election. We entreat the Union voters to at tend the Elections, and see that pru dent and faitliTui delegates are chosen, and that where expressions in favor of eandidates 'are giveri;they' shall fairly reflect therpreferenees- of the loyal men - in the diStrieis. We Avant: titieket of; true and acceptable men, aidd - we can. then g,ci heart' and hand tit*ive it a triumphant niajprity at the polls. , !TIE lOUESIDENVS TEIANri.SoIiVING PROCUWATAON; • • • 'to-morrow. being tho day desig,na- te'd by the President as a, National Thanksgiving for our recent victories, And for the hopes there 4 begotten ofthe ultimate success 'of the national cause, we cordially add our invitation to our readers ta..join in the proper observance of - the day. • ',cry way it `is 'eminently proper fkir a4rofessedly claristiatt peeple to give • expression .to "its. gratitude at • with a,time as this, and,to supplicate the Almighty Pisposer of events to . continue to.grant'Success to our arms 'd wisdom to our counsels, that right and justice, and law and order, end filially:peace may be restored to . cur whole land." .1t is said 'that the coiner' before tte'dawn, saul it often occurs in human experi ence that, the hour — of struggle and tribulation is the harbinger of the -hotir of _deliverance find joy. We Lhznk it Ins rarely 'occurred in 'the lii4OrYlof any,: people thatlio many and so gr, eat, dangers have been avert - ed r and so many and - sotreat iiticces 7 ta9s , .achieved::in ;,the short space of three weeks. Had Gen. Lee'ainva f aion oftbeX been succes uI orth and 'the ;Array :of the Potomac been driven .in'a"MA from, theileightaof Gettys resillt 'must, havebeen un iiiieitkOkfiffs'asyous to, the country. ,Q,e3c4,o:tery-,hill may be said to be truly Alie,Tbe - rMopylm, of, the_ Republic.-.- 3104 Grant been finally driven ;_from Viellsbnig 'and that point and Port '.' . ll . iadsert been held'by the Rebellion, ;vitr ‘ is noteasy, to see how the military •pewer . of the 'Confederacy could have :bee'n broken . _ is.not to be denied the, ktoi , d ys'of Juneand*, -early days of. duly • the heart. of the ination 'heat hen,4 with appFehension, Vail: of gloom." 'overhung: the publie Mind; and eVery *eye was strained to 'catch the issue of the ~liter; :,f(irtlme of war. ;.Arid yet in the ,PhoTt qi4ce not' , a ,few . days' all these "Olonds•Were dispersed ' the hopes the nation bounded lightly 'from. the 'Opths of despondency, and the, "Ain. , vr ; of• our diseententi! Ncra 7 3 :changed 'into : gloriOus sumtaer. 'lsitnotemi nently fitting that the united and ex ,tiltant : yoke of thanksgiving from a 'joyful 'people:should'. go, cap to the throne 'of the' Arai_ ,estY7 voiced - and free;like the "innumerable laughtel , ;of the sea ?". 1., - evecially ? in this v:alley have meg,ent And abilpd_a* 'teasOnat tor fthanksgivin'g for the, flpeedy,"aiad ive Age permanent: deliVerenee ;sated us.'}Ye,,,,hoivo had toz asion. to zoo We: ptiepeive • Inoyeropp;t:, tile Rebellion bas,,ver , pwde i or`erhape ever yrilli;n4e; We, seigkaudfeltthe trail ;pew', Any .one hay, etandihg at a . giireicPoirt.t, ::witumed the passage o f Geti.1.,0, 1 41 ; army Lyilith its Powerful zsrmameot Us • bronzed yeterans;iiid its " eiguniza. tion and discipline, could not, - but - feel that it was a most formidable power,'' and that if its course was not speedily" 'arrested it 'must' do us incalculable harm, That vast host surged and dashed, in wild and deaperate fury around the heights of Gettysburg -only to drag back its - decimated ,and. dispirited' ranks ,to the: point froth whence it started a, short, tru4,nth. be fore. :We who for but throe, weeks felt the hand of the spoiler upon' US; With such disastrous ''results, have great reason te hothankful That the scourge has been.sb, speedily removed: "The enemy, said, Iyill pursue, overtake, ,I will'divide-the spoil; my lust shall -be satisfied, upon .them ; will draw ,my sword, my hand - shall destroy them." T h ey did indeed, for a season, "divide the spoil," but humble acknowledgement of the Di: vine Providence. we may say '‘ Thy right hand, , , 0 Lord, - bath dashed in pieceS the enemy." Any one who has comprehended the full details of the battle Gettysburg,—the singular strength a - the position taken by Gen. Meade, as if• constructed by the great hand of nature for some special purpose,—:the fact ' that he was ena bled-to gain this position just in the. niche of time,--the fact that he had not _advlinced beyond this position with more than a small part of his army,—and various other matters of detail_ pertaining to :the conflict,— must feel, if he has any adequate idea of a Divine Provid'ence, that the re: suit must be attributed to the "good hand of our God upon us." In sacred history there is 'recorded: magnifieent thanksgiving which, we may properly in our measure imitate: The children of Israel stood in safety on the. banks of, the Red Sea. The pursuing hosts of Pharoali were close upon them, hurrying across the san dy channel which bad given the fugi- Alves a safe transit. Their' statesman ,Prophet stretched. out his hand - and the sea returned in its-power, and the pursuing host floundered and -strug gled and perished in its waters. In the morning his dead were strewed upon the shore. Then did the states . nian-poet of' the ransomed people take up theh harp of song and pour forth an utterance which will ever remain the finest example of extatio rhapso dy.. And the whole people oelsrael Pined in one grand chorus; on the very spot 'where they had seen „the salvation of God, saying "I Will king unto the Lord- fOr he hath triumphed gloriously; the horse- and his rider hith he thrown into the sea," and Miriam and the daughters of Israel, with. timbrels and dances, answered back to them the stirring refrain "sing ye ;to , the Lord, for he hath triumph ed gloriously; the 'horse and his rider bath he thrown into the sea." _ Have we not similar reason for making to morrow a day of, genuine, rejoicing gratitude? - As te thepositive dates of the day We cannot express them better than in the language of--our Chief Magis trate--namely 'to "invoke the Holy' Spirit to subdue the anger which-has produced and 'so long sustained a need less and cruel rebellion; to change the hearts of the insurgents; to guide the' counsels of the . Government with 'Wisdom adequate td so great an emer gency, -And to visit with tender care and consolation throughout the length, • and breadth' of our land, all those who, .through the vicissitudes of' marcheS, voyages, battles and sieges, haire been brought to suffer in mind, body,,or estate; and finally to lead the "whole nation through the paths of repentance and submission,to the Divine Will, back- to the perfect en joyment of union and fraternal peace." SITOGE WOODWAUD AND FOREIGN. In a recent ; review of the political 'career o£ Judge Wood Ward, we allu ded to his bitter hostility to foreign ers when in the Constitutional Con vention. To this statement the Spit it take's' ,exception and, insists that we did the Democratic - candidate for' Governor injustice ; Unfortunately for - the Spirit it has issued to defy alike the record of ;the 'Convention, and the official report of the'debates, which stood Undisputednritil the Start: ling doctrines enunciated.; by Judge Wopdiva.rcl became a bgyier to his Pli*4 l - 1311 ecess. We give the Bpi).- 41's own words: • "- - • "The rot:darks - imputed to Mr. Woodward, in supportlif_ his a m endment, were not to ken diiwn by the regular secretaries of the ConVention, who recorded-the Ca ots"wa have just given: but by s..steuographer; who gave frintklittcliepieitab't Ipitactiburo f Poi him no oppottimitir for-tjoiri revision, bat incorporated tticm,rgarlied and perverted, into.the 44pablifihed. debates.". .., Equally unfortunate hi the Spirit in giving the political, coniplexion the authOr , of,the 'original - resolution. It was offered'hy Mr. Magee, of Per ry, a radical Democrat, and was as follows: , “Resolved, That a ComMittee 'he appoint ed to ipquire intolhe expediency of so amen-, ding.tife Conatittition of'Yennsylvania as 'to prevent the future emigration,into this State of free persons of color;'and fugitive slaves from other States and Territ'ories.” • - . A motion was made to insert the word "foreigners" between the words "of" and "free," and the motion was pending when. (sea vol. 5. p.-444 of Debates) r. WOodWard moved to amend t amendment by adding . the wo "And th4said Committee be alio instruct ed to inquire into the•propriety of so amend ing the Constitution, m• to prevent any for ei,gners who may :arrive in this State after the 4th of July, 1841, from, acquiring the right to vote 'or to hold office in thin Common wealth.'" • • Jere is a distinct ; tangible proposi tion submitted to the Convention, in judge Woodward's own language, in :which he insists not onrythatforeign ers shall not vote, but tkat shall not hold offi,ce in. this. _ Conanontoealth ! Does the Spirit allege - that this motion is al-forgery or a " garbled and per verted " report ? The official report of Judge' Wood ward's speech on the subject is found in vol. 5, p. 44647 of the Debates, and his views as there' ex - pressed - tak-e very strongest grounds in favor of the entire 'exclusion of foreigners from the right of suffrage and to . hold office, because, as he sayi, "they do not knoW how to value them !" We quote the material portion of his Speech Sir, I appreciate. as much as any man living, the many political rights and privi-' le..es which I, in common; with the people of the United States, -am now enjoying; and it is but my honest impression that We: do tut squander thoseprivileges in .conferring them upon every individual who chooses to come and claim them. He knew .that=a great por tion of those who came among us from foreign countries, consist frequently of the worst part of the population of. those countries, and that they Are unacquainted with the value of these privileges, and that, therefore, they do not know how-to value them. I think that in thus conferring indiscriminately upon all, we are. doing injury to our liberties and our institu tions; and I believe that,, if the time has'not yet come, it will speedily come, when it-will be indispensably necessary either for this body, - or some other body of this _State or of the - United States, to -inquire whether it is nit right to put this plan in execution, - by which foreigners should be prevented-from controlling our elections, and brow-beating our American citizens at the-p 014,". Judge Woodward - continues - : • o . a "And what claim Stave foreigners fromtiny country—aye, sir, from any country, which is strong enough to justify us in prostituting our political privileges, by. conferring them carelessly and indiscriminately on, every- in dividual who may reside here for two or three years, become a naturalized citizen, and then command our offices ? There are very many of these emigrants who know , nothing of po litical privileges in their own country before they emigrate to this. The world is unknown to them, or if they hear of it at all, they hear of it as something in which they have no participation. - Is not_ this the fact ? Sir, we all know that it is; we know that very many of these emigrants never enjoyed any politi cal privileges themselves—that they have no knowledge of them, and !Nutt of all have they any knofeledge of otir people, our government or our institutions. The acquirement of this knowledge is net the work of a day. ' They have no sympathy in common with us ; they have no qualifications to render them ft reci pients of these high political privileges." Thus stood Judge Woodward's record, its correctness undisputed until 1861, a period of thirteen'years, when so far from coMplaining that it was ." garbled and perverted,' he re affirmed his opinions, and if we mis take not, in the very letter which the Spirit quotes in a " garbled" manner to show that he "has no hostility to foreignerd." . On the 6th-of 'Septem ber,lB6l, in a letter in explanation and defence of his position- in the Convention, he says: "'Who could - complain of my proposition Certainly no foreigner then in the country, none on his way to this country, none who would choose to come before the 4th of July, 1841, for none of these were to be'excluded from anything—either a residence or politi cal privileges amongst us.: Nor Could those who should choose to come after the 4th of July, 1841, complain, for they would have had nearly four years' notice that . they were not to share in,our politicatprivileges." The year following, 1862, Judge Woodward became' the', Deinocratic nominee for Supreme' Judge, and be ing his first experiment - as a popular candidate; 4E4: felt the:' necessity of modifying, as far as possible his record of implacnble hoStility to, foreigners. He has never yet denied - the correct ness of. the record .which makes him the author. of the a:teflon , to exclude foreigners from voting and holding office in Pennsylvania,' nor, has he ev er yet denied that, - in his speech in support of his a:teflon, he disputed alikethe right and capacity of foreign ers to ,enjoy our 'free institutions.-- that the Spireshould, deny these palpable truths -for him, is probably natural enough but in the, face of a continued and Consistent record for fourteen years, beyond- periling .its -:teptitatio.-,fir - truth and fairnesa,-- it can' accompliil noth lug% , —.On the question' of .denying:the , right of foreigners to "vote Or hold, 'office in Pennsylvania, Judge Wood, ward has made his record, and by that he must stand or fail regardless of the shallow 'Sophistry of the' Spirit and kindred ,foes of - truth • KEEPING EEI3EL COVRAGE VP.' VaIiNDIGHA3i, the arch-traitor of Ohio, ptiblished an address to the cop perheads of. that State on-the 15th ult., in *hich he said-" Traveling a "thousand miles or more through "nearly 'ono half of the Confederate "States,,and sojourning for a• time at "widely different points, I met not a "man, vronian or child .who- was not "resolved to perish rather-than yield "to the pressnre of arms, even in the "most de,sperate extremity." It would seem - that Yal's dear r friends in the teuderly v denoininated "Confederate ,StateS" Must:have amused, him, dur ing his ,stay, with'. ,them; e elusively vithr,exhibitiOuS of the I 'last ditch," so familiar rebel parlance, or he has proved an apt_ scholar in their conceded skill in falsifying. The Mobile Advertiser, the leading; rebel paper in the Gulf -Statei, de plores the tendency to submission' that is manifesting itself in. the do minions of treason.• iays that "there are those .who are--ready to "submit, and anxious' fpi peace and "security of theitproperty on the ba-: "sis of snbmission i ."- it adds that. "there have, been sins of the white "feather fluttering during the few ."past gloomr daya." The , Riclimond Dispatch of a late date says that mea sures are being 'taken to relieve the *community of those "who . refuse to "perfdim local military service in time "of danger." It insists that they shall be made to "go quickly and "empty-handed." The Richmond En quirer of the 23d - ult. says that the reliance of the North on the Missis sippi region is "upon the corruptibili ty of the planter;• and it must be ' "confessed with sorrow, that there "has= been toomuch encouragement "for these hopesin - this regard." It adds that the business of the planter Makes - him a "sordid wretch," and that "to make money at home and "spend,it among the-Yankee's was the "blisiness of the cotton planter from the Alpha ,to the Omega." Consid ering' that there is but.little left to the bogus 'government of JeE. Davis but the cotton growing 'States; the Enquirer liar reason for. "sorrow" at the.disa&tion of the planters. The Richmond Dispatch of a late date says that Wm. Fitzgerald and John 'Kelly; of Tennessee, died recently in, Castle Thunder, having been "imprisoned since Februm7.- 10th, charged with disloyalty." PThe same paper an nounces that •"Michael Rosebury, No ah Hixon and Abraham Doherty, "residents of Richmond, were put in "Castle Thunder on SaturClav, charg "ed with disloyalty. Fifteen - reSi "dentS of Atlanta, .Ga., irrived and "were incarcerated on the same "charge." An official letter of. in structions' froM J. P. Benjamin, when he was rebel Secretary of, War, ad dressed to Colonel W. B. Wood, of Knoxville, Tennessee, says, that all the'"traitors of East Tennessee iden "tified in ! having been engaged in "bridge-burning, are to be tried snm "marily dram-head, court-martial, "and if found'guilty, .executed on the "spot by hanging. It•would be welt to "leavetheir bodies hanging in the picin "ity of the burnt bridges!" Col. Wood is urged to the "vigilant execution of these orders." —Perhaps Val. won't read and is therefore ignorant. It is clear that unless h 6 has closed his eyes and ears when both North and South, and res olutely avoided and steeled his heart against the prushed victims of rebel inhumanity in the - rebel lines, whose only crime is fidelity to' the cause of the country,. he„ has Most wickedly and shamelessly falsified the condition of the Southekn people in his address. While - the rebelpress with one accord :mourn the growm' evidenee, of disaf fection in their ranks; thelonging for submission ; the corruptibility_ of the planters, gi coafesbed with sorrow ;" and, while Union men are daily smoth eicd in Castle Thunder or hung in Tef,inessee, by - , an bit chii order,from the rebel Secietary of War, and'tlaeir labdies left to 'hang as II warning to otherS, poor Val.,,blinded by his trea prpclaims. to the, world thatfmen, Women and children refuse - to submit, ‘even in the; modt desperate extremi ty!" 'flow nit:aridly a traitor takes to lying! Nrwav y V3,404;11 - „ . The death Of Hon. lohn Jay, Crit tenden, briefly : announced in (~:ur col urns last week, will be widely regret-, ted by men, of all political persuasiois; He Was one of the few of 'the rate 61 statesmen who, with Clay, Webster; Calhomi, Clayton, Cass andlotherS as cotemporaries, made • the American Senate the admirationof the civilized world ; and extorted from-the despot. isms and monarchies of 'Europe the prefoundest respect . for the Republic. - - Mr. Crittenden was a. native of Woodford county, Kentucky, and at an early age was admitted:to the bar, where he rapidly rose' to 4listinetion. In 1816 he .entered publid life as a member of the Kentucky , legisiatire, and . in the year following hew* cho sen to -the U. S. Senate to fill an . un expired term. After two years of service he retired and again 'entered the Senate in 1835, where he remained Until called to the 'Harrison , Cabinet as Attorney Geheraf , in 1841. , In the, separation of -the Whigs .from the Tyler administration,Mr. Crittenden sustained Tyler, and was Chosen to suc ceed Chiy-in the Senate again in 1842. In 1848 he deserted: Clay 'and sap 'ported Tayler for tho' Presidential nomination, and was, nominated by the Taylor Men for,Governor of Ken -tacky. He resigned his. seat in the Senate and entered into .a spirited canvass with Hon: L. W. Powell, now' U. S. Senator - from" that State, and was chosen by a decided majority. Upon the accession of Fillmore to the Presidency by the death of Taylor in 1850, he caged" Crittenden again. to the Cabinet,aa Attorney General, Where he remained until the close' of the administration. In 1855 he was again chosen to .the Senate, for' the full term of six years, and at the ,ex piration of that time, he was elected to Congress by the Unionists of his district, where he-served with COlll - energynotwithstanding the 'ravages of age had - sadly enfeebled' his physical frame.. ,Mr. Crittenden's public career was not - marked by ; any crowningacts of greatness, such as characterized the official efforts Of Clay, Webster and Calhoun.. He was'eve.r conservative, moderate, dignified and able, and is hot, we believe, the author- of any prominent measure that has fixed the law or• policy of the government 'on any great question In the Peace Convention which met just before'the inauguration, of Lincoln - , he offered what is known as the Crittendcn compromise, propesing certain amend ments to the Constitution affording new_guarantees to Slavery. Whether in his' stronger and better days he would have sought to conciliate trea son by, cowardly concession to the Insolent demands of its authors, we can-scarcely guess; but it is no more generous than just, to impute - his per sistent efforts to i diplomatize with. mendacious traitors in arms, to the infirmities of age. Until his death he clung tenaciously to,his compro mise, and, although at heart earnest -in the wish and hope for the preser vation of the Union, his last speech, but a few weeks ago, Still called for compromise with 'the reb - els who openly resented any proposition ,of peace save on the basis of the sever ance of the States. .41t•tho green old age of seventy-seven, he calmnlY died at his own home on the 26th ult. and the errors of his declining years 'will be.forgotten in the veneration due to one who has filled so -high. a measure in the history of his country's great .ness. Tan Philadelphia inquirer of Friday hlst has a sensation letter from Jlar risburg, alleging that enormous frauds upon the government have been de , tected sit Harriiburg, and that, 'the "most corrupt practices have prevail, " ediu horse contracts - , and in clothing " and subsistence supplies," and adda that it is owing te. the f‘ neglect . and " corruption of £ he Executive Depart " went of Pennsylvania." A 'Wash ington telegram in the 'same paper states that— -, "The War Departmentis about to institirbi , a thorough investigation 'into. the, immense, frauds which were connived it bp the State authorities at, Harrisburg during the recent raid. It is reported' that the State troops were in ainiost a starving condition, while one heavy operator in a single -week cleared half a- million of dolleri."„ - Whether the - in-n t tirr has b6eit . posed upon' o by.lts. correspondento,-or has resolied` upon the sYsitemz,itie and , unscrupulous defantationuf•GOv , „Cu r- tin, we can r scarcely giess ; but memr the ntlief - musthe the -trtrfh. , Gov., Curtiraas not purchased anti cloth. ing, guns, artieleicif equipment;shoes, subsistenen,or hems for the troops recently cdped out for the defense of the border, riot has any one been in thetrized by hini to do sod eveti At; most : indirect maliner, The militia were clothed, equipped, armed, ntoymt ed' anti Subsisted from the -very =day theY ., :reported for duty, solely by -the- United States government, and none other than: United States officers, over w h om gov. Curtin had no control whateVer,furnished a Single - article of any, kind for them. Doubtless some horses were:purchased for the Caval ry,-but _by whom, or, at what price, the United• States authorities can tell, for they - had the supreme control of the contracts, while Gov. Curtin had no knowledge or direction in the mat ter. Beyond the horses we doubt whether there eras anything purchas ed„ as the national government had arms. clothing, equipments, rations, &r.., and supplied the -= troops from its stores. We hope that the luqUirer -will-con tinue to demand investigation when ever there is reasonable suspicion of fraud, and ,that it ;will not abandon the project - when the Pittsburg Con vention is over, and its sensation ru mors fall harmless at the feet of Gov. Curtin. If it happens to miss the men its correspondents meant, to hit, and to hit the men they meant tb' miss, it ,must pocket its misfortune • 1 /. but let it keep the ball movino-1 , Since the above was in type we b have received the following note from Gov. -Curtin, through the Inquirer, where it appeared on the Ist inst._ It fully sustains the facts stated in our remarks.: -- PENX , STLVANLA: EXECUTIVE 0.114.2dgER,1 HARRISBIIRO, PA., July 81,1863; .1 - D'Ean, Skr.:-4. noticed in your paper of to-daysk telegram, dated at Harrisburg, July 30, in which it is stated that enbrineus - frauds were practiced-in the equipment and supplies furnished the troops called into service to resist the reeent invasion of the State, and that complicity with such "frauds is charged to the Executive Departments. It is just to gentlemen Connected with these departments that the facts should be known, that all equip ments,- supplies and horses were furnished by:the trnited States, and that no - official. of the State Government was directly, or indi rectly, connected with them. The State fury dished nothing, except theknoney to pay the wagesof the militia mustered into the ser vice of the State, which was generously ad- , vanced, and will be disbursed by, banks. and other corporations, under the pledge of the President to ask an appropriation by Conl gess to refund the money thus advanced, at the openiiig of the next session. I, am not aware of the arrest of any_citizen of Penn r sylvania on charges such as are indicated ,in the, telegram referred to. It is said, howev er', that an Inspector of the General GOverri men; charged with the inspection ofhorses purchased kere, has been arrested by order of the Secretary of War. These horses were purchased by agents of the General Govern ment, ' and furnished by its contractors. None of these agents or contractors are in any way personally or officially connected with me, or in any sense, my 'friends. I have this day asked of the Secretary an in vestigation of the manner in which our peo ple were supplied who patriotiCally took up arms in defense of, the State; and in support of the National Government, so that, if the - want of sufficient supplies of subsistedce, (of - Which, there is no doubt), resulted from care lessness or the guilty may be punish .ed; and the innocent shall not suffer-by, in sinuation. I feel assured that yon will take great pleasure, as a public journalist, in Ma king this l coirection of a despatch -which no doubt failed to meet your personal observa tion. Very respectfully your obd't servl,, A. G. CinerlN. W. W. ILt.RDIwo, Esq's Alex. K. Il'Clure is improving his liisuro 'hours, between raids, in editing-the ItEroiit- TOUT of Chanabersburg; and has. after much tribulation fairly entered upon the campai&t. lie is not overly delighted with the Demo cratic nominees for Governor and Supreme Judge and seems - Puzzled to know wherb to commence the attacit.--Pittsfrurg Disity -Art Winn the Poet be kind enough to inform us where we can find the re cord of Judge's Woodward andLoWrie exhibiting - an earnest support of the government' in its , efforts to suppress the =rebellion ? If there can be pro due'ed one positive , 'declaration from either, counseling their 'countrymen to the duty of patriots in this deadly struggle for Xational existence, with out the usual qualifications which characterize every copperhead orrebel SymPathizer, we shall gladly record it, and the " attack " that seernste haunt the imagination of the P st o couYd net but fall harmless. ,We are alwa,ys , glad to believe men earnestly, unqual ifiedly_ loyal, and should rejoice know.that the •Demoeratio nOMineot3 are not outside of that class. Will the 'd enlighten us ? • - - State -meets THE. pion Convention at Pittsburg to-day-to uornijaste,cai didates for Governor : and Supreme Judge Dr. S. E: Duffield, of Fulton, IS Senatorial - Delegate from this:dis trict, 'and'Aiex. K. it'Clare Represen _ tative Delegatei—botil'aDinstracted. n =EI