The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, July 29, 1863, Image 8

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ABOUT Tat- PRAM—The . Conscription
bill is necessary v'ehirriipoui in-order - to co-v
-& .detaits of enrolling, drafting, ex
emptiag, substitutes, erganizatiOn; 45,:c.; and
numerous" orders have' been issued. - by the
War Department coveripg:-,questions not
clearly definekin the law. ,
the lair the persons exempted are;
. the
only sett of a widow' or infirta'parents ; one
of two seas,: 'both:drafted; the brother of
children 'Under twelve years of age; and a
drafted an having
„already • two'biothers,
actual members ofthe family, in the service.
In each of these cases'the party Claiming ex
emption must swear that his parents, sisters;
brothers or Children, as the case rmy be;
dependentnpen his labor for _support,. The
same fact must ,be certified, of „their own
kno - wledge, by two respectable heads of fam
lies in - the district. Aliens, who'have not
declared their intentions, are ,also exempt;
but Upon this s point the examination, to gizard
against fraud, will be very strict. It has al
reedy been deeided that persons who have
illegally,c'xcrcised the privilege of citiz,en
ship, by voting before becoming naturallied,
arambject to draft, •ji/stly reaping the con
sequeriees of their owz fraud.: ' ,, llepeaters"
and. 4 ‘shoglder hitters," who have exercised
their abilities in unlawful hection
'will bear this fact in mind. The' fo:rms of
application, for exemption are Clear and the
instruetiens explicit, eon'seciuentlythose Who
rely upon false'er defeetive claims until the
Meeting of the 13i:dr& will be liable to griev
oils disappointment. , •
Lable-bodied men, not otherwise enti
tledi:may,be exeinpt, by furnishing a said
tuts, or upoll payment of's3oo. If a substi- .
tute is provided, .the individual - drafted is
exempt from service' during the period f
which he has. been drawn-three - years; but
in case, Of paying $300':13 only" exempt froth
the operation of the present draft.: His name
will be placed in the. box, should; another
di aft:be ordered, and if'agairi d rawn he ,will
be compelled to repeat'ff v t e cesilof paying
$BOO or farnishinfr substitute, in 'order to
. _
secure exemptiOn.
Those who are drafted and 'do not procnre.
substitutes, but`serveLas the 4aW:directs, are
to be paid-the United States bounty., •
EVery drafted man is te, he placed in all
respects' on a;par with a volunteer. "
Men Who, 4301E1 the 3d of- March, '1863 were
in the military service of 'the. United States
tts subsitutes under the draft of 1862, aqd
whose -service has sinceespiied, are.not
ble•te'tho present draft, but persons for
whom they were substituted ate liable. to
draft the same as though, they had not been
drafted and furnished substitutes. • In serv
ing tho notice as required byleircular No. 44
/min the Provost , Marshal General's Office,
a reasonable timeta report sball in each ease
be' granted- by the Board of;: Enrollment to
tile Men in the State service Who have been
or -may - be drafted.
The,Collector.of Internal Revenue in.each
district is.:authertzed by the Secretary of
War, and directed by the Secretary of-the
Treasury •to receive ,exemption money; for
which he will iiie'dttplieste receipti:,. One
of these must, be deli"vVt, o; - the board of
enrollment on or,before'the qs,„ a drafted
person. is ordered -.-to• report_ • or.duty,
when wiltbe ftirnisiied:by. the board With
s :mirth:lade -of exemptton, istating he has
bieardischarged from liability of the draft,
by the payment of three hundred dollars. '
The-Provost Marshal General has issued a
-circular 'of instruetion in 'relation to the
draft in which,he Says c Al'4 Men who have
been mustered into the United States service,
under the of. the President of the .'Uni
ted States, dated June
• .18gp, or:
• troops
for six months' service, or• who have volun
teered for States service Adend, - .are liable to
draft 'under the enrollment act. lf any of
those who have heen mustered into the Uni
ted States service should be drafted, they will
receive credit for the time they haveierved,
or may- yet serve,. under their present en
gagement. 'Those'so drafted aretobe taken
up on the- descriptive roll Of drafted -men,
ficalled through their present command
itigOfficer. They will, until further, orders,
continue on duty with the Organizations to
which they may belong titi: the "time of the
drift,'and, at the expiration' of that service,
will be assigned to - three years' regiments for
- ,theceinpletion of their term of; service.--
Those called out by ?Governors of States for
State service and are not mustered into the.
United,;States Service, will, if drafted, be
duly ;:notifled through. their commanding
ofticeis,•and required to.repert to thakrovost
21i:tribal of the district `'where; they: were be enielled_into the United States
service fort three years fronn!the.dateof such
• enrollment. This settles thp_onestion of the
liability of the militia to the draft. •
-*person- drafted into 'the' militi4;serviee
of the United States - ,..elaituing_ exemption
from the draft by reason of any disability as
provided in said act, has the right to have
the quption of his disability - submitted 'to
and-paSsed µpm by the tepid of Enrollinent,'
whose •decision thereon in final., •If the
Board shall have ; decided that the claimant
is liable- to'seric, he has theyight, after such
decision against him, to pay is Commutation
money, orlo' furnish his enbstitute, wlthtn
such extended time as-may be fixed by, the
Bdar,d of Enrollment for' his eppear;ince for
By the President's proclaruaticn of May
8, no plea of alien - age will be'allowed to ex-.
emit any person'of.foreign",-birth frbro
; draft who shall -have- declared.: on oath his
intention to beceme 'a citizen, of 'the:Unita
.States, and tho shall 'be found within its
ilirnita at tiny ote time during .014 Continuance
,tlicrebellion at or after the expiration: of
-sixty days from the date i
of . he prochunatien:-
• -
The time thus specified expired on Moridayi.
the 6th Of July.. - •
' A special dispatch frothir4shington states
that-the men 'raised - under the draft
_are not:
to forth' new' regiments: ihemse,fir,e#,... but,
are, 40,0dd. to fill the , regiments
the Army" of
,the Potomac . and ; othet armies.
They thnS'af one& get :rithoug veteran,'
well disciplined, welt drilled Soldiers and
in a few weeks they . be quite equal
theSe in military capacity, and ;Power of
seryiee. ,
The Drafted men who are now called into
the service of - the United States will become
soldiers under more enainiraging pis ! :
picas thawany of their predecessors in- the
`ranks. It is a very different - thing to . enter.
an army flushed with victory* after ',victory,
and' with a reasonable - prcispect. Of, an early
peace, and one which haamet with a series
of disheartening reverses, es Was the ease on
almost .every previous' occasion 'WheM-the
conntry - was called upon ;for new '
From present indications,' we
~would not- be
surised if the drafted should not
get into active service; or if , they the
prospect's, are that they will have the honor
of helping Co finish milk the war against trees-
Onj without being called upon to endure long
and fatiguing campaigns, ~ They ...Wilt have
another Very important advantage over those
wkii first went into the service. - Then war
on'such an extensive scale' was a new thing,
to both goverinment and people. „There wore
many drawbaCks Mlle welfare and comfort
of our soldiers. Officers knew very little
More about taking care of the men than the
r itemse v •
me i n knewabout taking Are, o es
as soldiers, While the Government was by no
means prepared to dO-its duty to theni, es
peiiially in the Quartermaster's" department,
as it now is. The men who -go into the ser
vice now will have the benefit of all that has
ben learned - in the past' two years, without
being called upon to endure - .the hardship's of
the experience by which the - knowledge was,
in,many cases, so dearly - boUght. Although
called into the Service for three years unless
sooner discharged, the chances now 'are that
th4y - Will hardly be more than a year in, the
camp and view; of these facts,
many are conaluffing to report for - thiti in
stead of paying commutation, as .they had
at 'first thought pf doing.
Benjamil F. Carter, of 'the 4th Texas regi
ment, diet. here the, Academy Hospital on
- the 21st inst., frein the effect of wounds re.
ceved at the battle 45f Gettysburg: He Was
a 'native of Tennessee, and emigrated' to
Austin, Texas, in:1853, -where he practised
la* and rose to some distindtion hiS pro
feesion; In July, 1861,Infliienced. by. the
Triad spirit of secession,. e abandoned his
and family, raised a company of infen
try and entered the rebel service. Since
then he has, we learn, won the esteem of his
,rebel, commander, for his bravery, and rose to'
die command of his regiment.. His regiment
43:terribry cut, up at the second Bull Bun
114. ht.; again at Antietam, and almost de
stroyed at Gettysburg, where he fell mortally,
*blinded,. and,his Adjutant, Lieut. Brown,
also fell seriously
,disabled.: Both of them
'were - brought here, tuid,:with the rest of the
prisoners in the Academy, received every
possible medical attendance from Dr. A. H.
Senseny, and all their wants, were supplied
by the kindness of .our citizens, known to
tliem only as strangers and foes.
• CoL Carter is now, we believe, supported
athome for. the office of District judge, and
would doubtless-have been piorxibted to the
star of a Brigadier, had he survived. • Since
he entered the service 'againdt his, country,
death 'has been busy with his loved ones at
home, _upon whena he had, by his position,
and influence, done much to bringthe bleat
tulable evils of. civil war. His wife and two
children died while he WiLS at War with the
government that-had nurtured him from his
birth, and a little daughter only 'remains to
'mourn the; ust but hard. fate of a father fal
len in such a cause,. and finding a hospitable
grave among the people he sought fo
During his—illness he learned of the sur
render of Vicksburg, and he frankly declared
that it sealed the fate of the :Rebellion.. He
said that the 'Mississippi open to the trade of
the loyal Northwest, and. Texas and Arkan
sas isolated from the so-called Confederacy,'
its destruction.was only a question
. of time,
'fatalt . daY must surely cpme. Thus
despairing of his bad cause, he died a stran
ger "in the land he would have desolated, and
his remains new lie in the old Methodist
burying-ground to await the call from, Him
who shall judge - all - men in the Great Day.
• NEW RATES UV Posmenk.—The new Post
Office laW yvent'into operation on the Ist of
,July. The following are a few of the most
important Changes :
411 correspondence addressed to any .Exec
utive Demtriient, of any officer thereilf,
`must be yre-paid . ,. ecept official communica
tions written by some officer of the Depart-
Ment' or an officer-tinder its control or respon
sible to it,' and in such -cases, under the words
Official Business," 'Mt the 'envelope, the
officer must sioniis mime,- with official des
ignation: -•
Registering letters, 20 cents.
- The single letter rate of postage is three
cents tlifouglieut the - United States. An ad
ditional rate of three cents for each additional
half ounce 'or fraction. If 'postage is partly
thennpaid'postage will be charged
.at double rates. .
Drop letters two cents. An additional - rate,
for each half, ounce or fraction.. ,
, two' eents."eitcli, iiiihree for two
Transient newspapers two cents each, or
two Cents for paakage,of newspapers to one
address •under four ounces: : , Two cents for
each 'additional rate. • • • •
' Postmasters will Charge and collect postage,
at the rate of three cents for each half ounce,
on any newspaper or : periodical so. written
upon as to give any infdrmation than that'
contained in the print, The same charge
wilt be: made where it is: o enclosed that, it
cannot be eaamined without destroying thti
,Wrapper. -
Book's - at double the newspaper, rates, , •
the franyin Utpasitorp, igliTnbershurg, tOti
RWIRICED DIOR ":THE ritiilEms.,-31.essra.
ffoover, Anderson, MeTig;-King and A. B.
lEfareilton, 'of this' county, - who had been
captured inHagcrsteltn, by the rebels,were
taken 'across the , Potemac to Falling Waters,
and there discharged, on Wednesday last:
They had a sorry time of it with the rebels,
particularlyAn proenring rations; They
fully confirm the previous reports .of the
destitution, of the rebel army and the,dispir
Condition of their. soldiers. They were
discharged _ without even being paroled.
The' other party of our _citizens, viz: Dr.
Jaraes"Hamilton, John P. Culbertson. D.
Eiker, Geo.-R. ,Ciufnum, C. W. Kinalti,
Geo - . S. Heck, A. C. •-MeGrath, Thos. Mc-
Dowell, and J. Porter Brown, were last
heard from near Winchester, and have
doubtless been taken to 'Richmond.- :EffOts
have been made to have their wants supplied
and to procure their
_early discharge. ,
Since writing the
-above A - ve I learn from a
colored woman who left • Winchester, on
Thursday eveninglast, that our citizen pri;--
oners were all there at that' time, in good
health, and were being subsisted by the
Union people of Winchester. Lee's at.-
my-bas since moved south, they have doubt
less been along. -•-• '
AT a meeting of the Union League, in the
Court House on Monday - evening last, the
chairman, in obedience to a .resolution, ap
pointed Messrs. Capts. J. S. Brown, J.S.Eys
ter,-J. Deobler, S. McKesson, Gee. Miles, J.
Jeffries,. Lieuts. J. W. Fletcher, W. McLen
agan, Col. 3. T. Hoskinson, W. S. Brerett,
C. S. Byster, S. M..Shillito, L. S. Clarke, T.
J. Early,' P. Creighhaum, Nill, G. 0.
Seilhamer, Hon. Huber, J. W. Deal, D.
S. Fahnestuck, L.. 8. Eyter, W, F. Byster,
J. A. Seideis, H. S. Stoner; W. -elwicks,
Spangler;: W. Heyser, S. S. Shryoek, B. F.
Nead, J. Link, J. N. Snyder, C. W. Burnett,
3. S. Brand,,P. D. Frey, A. McElwain and
A. Hamilton, a Committee to make arrange
ments for the reception of the members of the
158th regiment fromthis county ; 'This regi
ment under the skilful command of tol. D.
B. McKitibin, has justly won the admiration
of the army, and their prompt re-enlistment
for thirty days to defend Pennsylvania, should,
enhance our tribute of gratitude to them' on
their return. We hope that the Committee
will do full justice to thesebrave meu. The,
Committee is requested to meet at the offic e
of col. Stumbaugh en next Saturday evening.
MAJ. G. Coven's staff, as at present
arranged, consists -c)f the following named
gentlemen : '
Maj. Shultz, Ass't Adj't General.
Maj. Burt, Aid-de-Camp. -
Capt. Potter
Capt. Le Boy, Ass't Adj't General.
Lieut. Col. Bell, Commissar.'
Lieut. Col. Thompson, "Quarter Master.
Surgeon Ring, Medical Director.
Gen. Couch's headquarters are in the buil
ding owned by - the late Matthew Gillan, on
West Market street, sand the head-quarters
of the Quarter - Master are in the Seminary
building, on Main "street.
A CUMBERLAN3; 'county _correspondent
says that " Gen. Jenkins is apparently a
religious man," and ,that, at Ireakfast he
". read u. s portion of scripture and then offered
a prayer." We are right_ glad to hear it.—
'When he breakfasted at the house of the
Editor of the REPOSITORY, he neither read,
nor prayed, nor did he manifest any fervency
in this section excepting. whew whiskey dud
lager got the better of him. Re was then
exceedingly enthusiastic on all subjectS; . and
had a religious vebn struck him . , he would
probably have justified the opinion of, the
Cumberland writer.
GEN. JENKIS'S, of *honi-- - many of our
citizens have rather unpleasant recollections,
was wounded at 63ttysburg.
.The Richmond
Enquirer says he was wounded in the head
while making a reconnoissance on the left,
on the morning of the second 'day:' of the
-fight at Gettysburg. He was standing with
map in hand, holding his horse by the bridle
reins, when a shell passed immediately ova r
his head, cutting n large gash to the. bone,
passing through his horse and killing the
animal 'immediately. His wound is not re
garded as dangerous. -
LIEUT. BROWN, Adjutant of the 4th Texas
regiment, is now in the Academy Hospital,
seriously but not mortally wounded. He is
devotes to the cause of treason', and when
asked whether' there was , not some Union
sentiment still in Texas, answered ,--" No,
we have hung that all out long ago! "' They
have a short way of reaching the "constitu
tionality" of such questions in the dominions
of Jeff. Davis. As the Texa§ ranger says,
they administer the, oath' of allegiance "jest
RECAPTURED HORSIIS.-u7WC have received
a number of letters making inquiries as to
re-captured horses; For the-information c,f
all we would say that there are no recap
tured litirses,'that are known as such, in -the
.hands of the military authorities in this
county, There may be some, however, and
we are authorized tb - say that in any' ease
where a, citizen , jdentifles. a horse that his
'been re-captured by 'our iroops from the reb-,
els . , he will be returned tOlis owner:"
Tni Bedford hiliarei., says that Brent
Lyon, 'son of gs q ., and Mengel
End, son of John-1, - Reed, Esq., both of
Bedford borough, erilisted,in the rebel .ser-,
vice during the late invasion. 'These= pa
per apologizes for, the:Editor of ' the' Gazette
opt enlisting in the robe' service;;:by stating
that, as he is a candidate, or the Legislature
he could not leave handily. •
, •
AN ingenious - and .most useful Almanac
has been prepared byA.N. Ranhin,,Zsg., of
this place, by which any date can be ascer
tained for.tWO theasand•Years. It is simple,'
and. perfectly accurate. lEte`hasho it copy
righted and printed, and it willlefor sale
in a short time: -Ifirerrybuainess man and
indeed - every , housealicujd have , •
Tux:fan:lMay face and incoherent speech or
Alexander grbison will,no mere:bp heard
upon. our - streets: ; _lie: died reeetttlfat - the
Alms - Housp. 2 Ntas In . theirulitary service
during the Ir_ar of 1812, and it is said suffev
ed nn injury in the brain from . thelick of a
herse. For many 3. , :iors he-has beelta priv
ileged character on the streets, livVagupon
the eberides of our people, and -sleeping in
stables or On the Court Housesteps. •
- Tftz new post office law, which:went into
effect'on the Ist, inst., requirew the, Post Mol
ter to make oath that_he has not 'furnished
any box or delivered any documents or let
terw'witbout pre-payment. The - postage ,on
single 'newspapers PONy is two 'cents, and
must also_ be ~prepaid. A ,new 'two - cent.
:stamp has jukt, been' issued by the' Depart
ment. _lt Imam the .face 'of , " edd Hickory,"
and . is admirably suited to the time r s. ,
WE , have,three hospitals. in Chamhers
buyg—tyve occupied by, Union sick and
wounded, and one by rebels.' Dr. Senseny
has charge of the' - Academy hospital; Dr.
Richards of the Town Hall; and the public
School House,- occupied by rebels,-is in charge
of Assistant Surgeon Gamble r of ,the rebel
army. The Ladies' Aid Society has done
much to relieve the wants and minister to
the comfort of all of them.
CAPTAIN CARMAN, of Harriiburg, and
Lieut. Myers, -of this place, belonging to
the 107th •Perm's Regiment, were captured
at Gettysburg, and are now in Richmond.
l.eingoffice7, they cannot now be exchanged;
hilt Jeff bavis's threat to hang .Thlion -offi
cers won't kay, inasmuch as we hold three to
one of his commissioned traitors, and -ex
chankes will don btless go on as usual in a
little time.:
F111T.01 , 19017,1 , rit rrkm.-George 'Trott,
of Thompson township, in 158th Rem merit,
died recently' -at-Little" Washington, N. C.
Charles L. Henry, of -31eConnellsburg, in
same regimenk died on the Bth instat Hamp
ton Hospital. ;Henry Harmony, 149th regi4
Ment, was killed
,at Gettysburg. The Re
publican says that the t eounty is ‘swarming
with rebel deserters." They are mostly from
North Carolina.,
STATE Tix.-:-Geo. Balsley, Esq., our
efficient County Treasurer, has paid the sum
of $86,567,30 into the - State Treasury in ac
count of the quota: of .Franklin county for
the present year. This is within a small
fraction of the entire amount. The "Green
Spot" maintains her credit in•spite of inva
sion and immense losses sustained by reason
Of military occupation.
THE Patriot-Daughters of laincaster have
sent a liberal supply of articles to be appro
priated to the Union Hospitals in this place.
The list embraces clothing, jellies, Wines;
dried beef,' apple-butter, fruits and many
other articles. They-are doing, a noble work,
and many sorrows of the wounded are so- -
laced by these kind ministrations.
- THERAnnomx—The necessary haste with'
which the railroad track was repaired be
tween this and Shippensburg, compelled
change of schedule. The trains now leave
for Harrisburg at 8- A. M. and 12.30 P. 31:,
and arrive at 11;30 A. M. and SP. M. The
schedule tbelow Shippensburg remains u -
THE Union County Conimittee is called
by aeo. Eyster, Esq., the Chairman, to meet
here on Saturday next, at one'o'elecit. to se=
lect a delegate to the State Convention, and
fix the time for the " Union County Convert=
tion to nominate candidates fdr County oft
cers,_and Assembly. A full attendance is
reqa est ed.
STABBED.-31r. John H. Schoonoyers,
member of Co. A, 35th regiment Pa. Militia,
was stabbed on the street one night last week,
by an intoxicated soldier. He received dire
stabs, one of which penetrated the lungs,
but isdoing quite well and will soon recover.
The criminal is injail.
IVB learn from the Mercersburg Jourwil.
that Mr. JoSeph Wolf 1„ of that place, has
been missing since the sth inst., when he
Went , out with the detachment of troops that
captured the rebel train on that day. He'is
doubtless in the hands of the rebels, and
most likely in Richmond.
Tu-E-attention of farmers is requested:lc)
the advertisement in to-day's Paper of Quar
ter Maiter Denny," calling for fifty tuns of
Timothy Hay., Eighteen dollars per tun 'of
2,000 lbs wil, be paid on delivery at the'
. -
Warehouse in this place. - „
THE old rebel regiment raised and oriki.
tinily commanded by ',Stonewall Jackss
which entered the rebel service one tbousad
strong., was here with Lee -with but_pinety
four effective men in its ranks. ' '
DR. 1i o. S. PLATT, wimseryed mostgal
lantly in , the 126th, htis returned, from the
East, and resume - lithe practice of Dentistry
with Dr. Suesserotte. . •
- 31111111,1"'S CAMPTLORATE' CoItVAL tle4er
Lilo to cure Diarrhea and Cho 51(erbila. Tt is
and speedy. The teitallesi'ehild- can tekd'it-
It la prepared and sold 'by 3lUler & lleashey.
MILLEB. & 11ENSH EY hav6 just received
fresh supply pi pure Drug*, Patent - Medicine,' Tdilet
Articlea, &c: 'Phey' are now prepared to supply the Pub.
lie Withi anything wanted In, their line. ,
. •
, , Buwlypur r ikerosene Oil frota
le client Zit oie ol ; 'the hest 04 Comphates hit 'the' 'atete,
aid alviayi oolle the beat-oft sibolespie aud
' '
' OO TO Geiwicks' wholesale and retail attire,
tfbe the large stock and getbargairke. . ;
IipIiiAMPICLETS printe'd best styles
_L and Itiwest rode ) at, the °lke ,of the RELANKtIN
CARDS printed. iu: every at
IL/ lowest rates; at tlat ottetiai the PitAMi.LIN 1.10-
Pu:4l'ol3Y. ' . •
V.A.NOY PIaNTING,"in every
riety of colors, done 41th nostussiand gespatai at
Drugs, - lieteltirinciti kr.
On the.Northi4st: Coiner of the Diamond
Ivsl4.nm blai, ,
Everything, tbsn is usually kept in Drug
SOR r.sivr4...s7c.r`; -
All Regular Drtigit,
Cough Syrups. _
Marmy's Caroptt9reied cord:W . l,
That vitt , coro i Dlarrhoo, -
Cordia!, Clerteln Iteoiel3tes,
Atllodrie Cordial,
- The infitut's Protector ,
- - Aral Mother's Friend,
- . .
Roan Sync
...And beietigei, - - .. - •
6 - Ativer Oxlst ~
• , -.. : , Fl;aid'gr,tract Bachu, .
• - . Lindsars Blood Searcher,,
, .
, Saraparilla Syrups, -
Ana All other.,,S.t'antlani Preparations 4 the
None 01hera House
Soire, ittanri. foity;
PERFUNEEY, the bead of Ali kinila
Honer and CATTLE Pawn as. that can. ba relied on;
. i43eennar.Oth and LAiITO, and
Enos/Ns - Lamp CrolNari
June 17,'63. - Chayrkberablirg. Pa
TT N V - . ()very,
. Ayer's' Sarsepaiillo,
Seme'sCod Liver Oil.
Blood Searcher,
- _ Stover's Bitters,
• . ' Bustetter's Stomach Bitters,
wnin's Panacea, .
Brapn's _Essence of - TameiceGinger, .
kielmbold'sEitract Bucher.
Radney's Medicines '
• ,-
Spalding's , Throat Confections,
• Browns Troches,
and other reilable Medicines at • - dPANGLER'S.
*totes anti 41Cintortre
bDOWN TOWN I—Extensive Tin, Copra , and More
Bactlishment!!—The u mndorafgried respectfully in.
forms his friends and tre public generally that he has
removed his establishment frum the "Dutch Settlement"
up town, to the spacious Rodin formerly occupied by
Minnich tt Brand, and nearly opposite White's C.oth
ing Store.
Be has just .received a largo assortment of COOK,
most approved and latest patterns, which ho can and is
dot rmined to galas cheap, if not a little cheaper, than
can be had elsewhere in the country,
He has also, and intends keeping constantly on hand.
a. large assortment of Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware
made of the best material and by good-workmen,
Persona in want of anything in the above lino
are requested to give him a call hew° purchasing else
where, as he feels convinced that he can suit them either
as regards the article or theprice.. -
SPOUTING- made and pot up at the shortest notice,
All kinds of repairing done neat lyand expeditiously.
Old Pewter, Bruks and Copper taken L. exchange for
Ware, or the highest price given in cash.
June 17,1863. JACOB B.MILLift.
tagher'r Sunrise Air-Tight!—A New Fiat Top
word/1U STOVE, The plates arevery heavy', and the
whole Stove is finished in a iniperlormanner. twarrant
this Stove to be superior to any Flat-Top
,Stove now in
the market, and respectfully invite ray friends and the
public to mill and examine this Stove, of which there
are several BiZOIL• • - _
. I have also a greet variety _lsf other COOKING
STOVES, of every style; PARLOR STOVES,now and
beautiful patterns, together, 'a heavy stock of
ROVES for Churches, storek , ,'Ofitees, hotels. de.
Wholesale and Retail Dealef in
N. have been appointed Sole Agent for Della,
- gimes Celebrated unrißeAir-Vight Cook Stove in Chana;
lieraburg, Pa. - -• June 17,1863:
L i_ Great Stove and Tin Ware Store, corner of the
Ouunund, can be seen the dargest ,best, and cheapest
'stock of Goo in Charobersburg. They liave COOK
ING STOVES foriNdoil and Coal, ot latoatpattorns and
all sizes, at fair prices. ' [June 17.1863.
1,3 NO ficE, of Spit rate material and cheap.
All work warranted, and cheaper than can be houcht
elsewhere in the Co ty; Call and sea for yourselves,
at ' Enna , HAMILTON d CO'S,
nearly opposltL th a Bank.
- IL -I TTER7- . IIAMILTON & CO. - are
f . prepared to pat up the beat LIGHTNING RODS
at ateapratesv ' .
11. assortment of tbo very best Tin, Japanned and
8 ' ld I°lr. tri,".HAMM ' TON SC 00'3.
cheaper then can bo bought cisewheio in '-the
county. Come and see—then bulc. at
NING ROOM COOK STOVES- They are pretty',
good amtcheap. HAMITATON'& CO'S.
A "few docira from Shryouk's Book Store.
ate, attb gang 1.50r.0.
New style Mosambiques,
Diana chene Plaid,-
Twilled Mosambiques for travellifig, dresses, -
Superior Muslin Dolaines in colors;
Colored Lawns Crapede Pany,
Black Silk, suporint quality,
Superior Lyons Itadzemer Silks, (sublime quality.)
A large lot of Linen Cambric handkerchiefs,
A large lot of Irish Linen,
Jaconet Copiers, new style, -
500 Doyens ;tidies, Misses and - Men's Cotton hose,
White Linenand Cotton -Duck t •
Superior French Doeskin,
Superior solid color Poiritille Fig Silks,
Superior Gtey Leonoras,,
Superior Grey Poplin,
Best quality Grey Leonorris,
• Silk N eck Ties antikrilarsr, -
Ladies and Misses' Fillet Mitts;
Marseilles Vestings, , r - - -
Super Ladies and Mans' Kid Gloves, -
handsome New style Prints and Ginghams. •
Brussels, Tolvet, Three-ply (superior fine) and common
, „ Four-four five-four Cocoa and Canton Matting,
4-4 5-4 6-4 5 - 10-4 Flooroll Cloths,
Superior Bolting Cloths '
Bonnet Ribbons, -
Balmoral Skirts. ' • - [June 17,'63.
GOODS. I am - ricii prepared tic thrash my cus
tomers with all the new styles or Fists, Caps and Straw
Goods, which I will sell low: • d. L. DECIIERT.
- • 4 cloorsSontb of Eyster *Dm
-L. I 4t old prices. at Dsonwra.
.§4C:FT HATS' of. all Colors, styles,
wit! qualitiaa,frOut fifty ceata ap v call aad gat bar.
. ,
lailttarg fotires.
- Ifiadquioiere,Prerod Straishal,
• Mit Dtxtriet, Peunvintsria;
Chambersbarg, July 21
.198. ,
ViVALID TfalffrWiltr: -
extracts aro lath); ished fm the beneltt of each ae whits
to avail themselves of theater of the goverameste.
p_ll4mtiolie Ithunla be Made halm:ma at the Watt a that -
Btard of Enrollmast, sfueorid fuss, ilerwat- Street,
phombereharg. - . ORO AITS'S_
°Wain sal SProvost Ilarshel t Met, llama
• Tro•rinenvoint Adjutaßt iknercirs_Atier, t )
Washing n. Apsit 28.18611. -
ORDERS ISOAu6.—Theargaalsarlest
Lthtrcky - -
*U.SVVIVIshaII consist ofeempeake. !. 13 11 4 04 -
heresaer bethought hut, v.( BaStalliout. • • "
ThO ComPanies snail be fastie - up frem the ftehaffag
smarm - -
*- ‘•
- S. A
Thi 7 A 'fly IttCOPUTig tlime officers and ealisted ensn - f
'ho hale been honorably discliarged om actanat of
wounds or disease eetatatted is the line of duty,-and
who desire Sere-enter the service. In the was of an
gcer, applicatlim ttrappeintment must be made to Wm ,
Provost Marauder the ilidust tru th , t ii rmeg h thoo gi cer ,„
detailed as Acting A:fable:a Provost Marshal albs -
:State.- .hio applicant of this hied conaidtred
less the following conditions are cumptately fitful led.; -_
1. That tbeapplicaut - iiteduce The certificate of tiro
Surgeon of the Bowler Enrollment for The District in
Which be reside 4; that he is unfit fora t hire field dtitY, ort
account - of wounds or disoase,and Is not liable - to draft,
but isfit for garrison duty.' •
2 ' That he furnish evidenof bonorablediatitarge
account or wremds or disability,"rentrarrid In Gatlin* .
duty. • ' •_ '
3. That lie produce resomateadations front **Rae.,
mental. Brigade, and Div iskin el,kfinnandere, - Under than -
he thrinerly served, tb.rt he t= Worthy of bring thus, pro:
Tided for, and rapable of t cturning adequate sorties 19',
the Goverinusat /it case it shall be impracticable to get ,
this last evidence, he Miry having; - the first,
twe pointsabeee, satisfy the Beard - of Eitrulinient that..
lie thttervingoad present its certificate- of the. fact. _
This evidence must be obtained by thuLapplicautt and
must be transmitted with - his' application for
. .
If there be do Acting Assistant Provost Illarshal ilener'Zil
'for tho State, the app leaden may be - forwarded iltrougli
the Adjutant General of toe State, whole desired tr k urt-. -
dome thereon suclefacts In the military historY of thir
applicant is be may know, or as, are- afforded by, ,
cords, and for Want -the same to the Provost Marshal
General of the United Statei. - Enlisted men lamer - ably -
discharged ou account of - disability, desiring to ra-etilist
In this,corps. will present-themselves to Ake -Board of,. ,t
Enrollment for the district in whit h they reside Old eX
mutilation by the Surgeon thereof, who shall examine
them and report the result to the Board of Enrollment.
The Board shall then consider each case, and if the ap
plicant is found to fulfill the conditions specified below.
the libardshaligivo him & certifieatt, to that effect, viz r
' _That beds unfit for sorties in the geld. - _
2. That he is fit for garrison duty.
3. That he is meritorious vlttl deserving. • - -
4. That lie ./03 honorably ditieharged from theSorrice.
The Provost Marshal for the District shall than send
the application with this certificate of the' board, lo the
Acting-assistant Provost Marshal General of the state,
who shall - procure such- evidence of service and character
as the returns of the company to which ho belonged, on
file ut tint heathy:al ters of the State may show. mud If.
satisfied that it is a meritorious cute iiMt that thernitil -
is deserving. he will enlist him in neArdauce with - such
special rules as the Provost Marshal General may vault
Medical Inspectors, Surgeons in charge - of hospitals,.
Military Commanders, and all others having. authority
to'discharge, under existing laws and regulations; srb
forbidden to grant disabarges to any men under- their
control whonmy ha fit for servieein the invnlid corps.: •
The Provost Marshal Genera is charged with the van.-
ctitiun of this order, andthotroops erg - 44 . 12A under the •
control of his Boman. ,
' By orllcrr of the So.:rotary of %Vim
B. D. Townsend, Assist. djAkenera ,
AU - V AVM - Cox PS. _ - _
oniy those faithful soldiers who, from wounds or the
hardships ofwar, are nolonger br ac tire field duty, will
be received in this Corps of Honor. Indictments wilt be
for three years unless sooner discharged; Pay-and al
lowances name as - for -officers - and men of the United
States infantry; except that no prerniano_or—boanty
for enlistment will be allowed. Tlabi will wt invplidaie.
any' pensions or bounties which may be ;due for,protione „
seriices. •
The following uniform has beta adopted for *Dicers
and menet' the Invulid.Corpp: -
FOR OFFICEII6,--Froek cont—Of sky-blue cloth, iiith
dark-blue velvet collar end cuffs; Id all - other respects,
according to the present pattern for officers of is:Autry,
Shoulder-straps—A,Ccording to present regulatiotic,but
worked on darkAlue velvet.
. . .
Pantaloons—Of sky-bluo cloth, with double stripe et
dark-blue cloth down the uutereenro, cacti stripe b/le
htilf inch width with spice I,ty - eezi of threo-eightn of en
Forage eap—Present regulation.
FOILENLIgTED MEN.—Jacket--Of Sky-blue kerttey,
with dark-tan° trimmings, cut be the cavalryjacket;
to carae*lldcwil on thehlxiomert. '
. , _
Triwrsars-4re-sent regulation. 13k.y.lati:C.; - r .
- - Forage cap—Present regulation. - - ' •
' Men' who are still In service, and unable to perfopa
effective - field duty, may be tran-ferilsl to thi s coma. -, ~.
_Medical Inspectors. tkirgeous in , charge , - of flosnittits,- -'-‘
t z
Military Commanders, and all others haviii atigiority '
to discharge , under existing laws and ret.f latien - S. aro
forbidden to grant (Unhurt - 4a' to tiny in - enl'.._ der-their
N ntral - who noty be fit for service in - ttie,niMill Corps: -
For the convenience °ervier., the men will be Selected -
or three eadoi of duty. Those who are Most efficient
and able bodied, and mtpable of - Performing guardxl•sty
etc., etc., wilbe armed With notskt.ti. and k , lguttd
companies of the -First Iluttalien. • Those of the next
'degree of eilicienf,y, including those who hare Cott a
hand oral' arm; and the least -effective. including - Meter
who have Imam foot or leg, to the companies of the Set
coral or Third _Battalions; they will be armed - with
The duties willbe chiefly to act as provost guards and
garrisons for cities ; guards for hovi Cal sa mi other ppbt le
buildings; and as clerks, orderllo, etc. if found neeest'
sexy they may bo assigned to fie ta, etc. -
Acting. assistant Provost-Marshals General ate atithot
rized t, appoint officers - of the Itegular Service or of the
Invalid Corps, to administer the -oath of , enlistment to
those men- who'have completely fulfilled the prescribed
conditions of admission to the - invalid Corps. viz: - -
I. That the applicant is unfit for service in the field.
2. That he is fit for the duties, or scene of them ) indi
=Wed above. -
3. That, If not now In the service. he teas 17
That he is meritorious and deserving.
For enlistment or thrther information appl
Efoard of Enrolment for the district in Whir
cant is a resident.
The counties of Adams. Franklin, F Bedford,
and , Somerset, constitnie the Sixteen ogreasiunal
'District, the Headquarters of -the rd 5 -Enrolment
and Provost Maraud fur tbs-ernire7 - bcing 'at Chambers
Captain and -Provost Marshal,
16th District, Penn'a.
July 1.541 t
• lirsuovsnitatet, Dr.PAR.T. 01' 6C5Q15.111.41M.
- Chtunbersbnrg, July L. I£6l. •
nil* tone t property, end all,. property raptured
fruniftebels:now in possession of citizens, will nt onco
be delivered up to the Provost Marshal itithie town, er
information concerning it lodged with him:
CitIZEMS who failto obey this order will at 'onto be or.
Coated end sent. to Harrisburg for trim. - • • -
By order of Oen-Caren. _
july 15, 53-31 J.N.POTTEri, Capt.& A.D.C.
W eating Oaquent, or French Cream, for. Bald
Beads and Bare-Paces.—Thls celebrated artlele is war
ranted to bring out a fall set of Whisk era on the stanoth•
est face, or n lino growth of hair on a Bald Bead, In less
than sii , weeks, and will in,no Way stain or 'injure the
shin • The Pre nth Cream is mantra armee by Dr. M. Pe
hornet:is. of Paris, And is the only reliable article of the
kiwi. `Tee no other." - Warranted in asp./ case. One
Bon will Price , $l.OO. Imported and fot
sale Wholesale and .Retail by TILOS: H. tan PHAN, '
Chemist and Druggist,B3l Broadway, New York; i
P. Box of ,the Ouguent sent to any by
return mail. on receipt °twice, and lb cents fur peeing".
July ID, 63 4t
ALEX. soectuns. 4. BENET EL5 70347 . 2 .
lt/PC . I UR E & S.T ONE - R,
every Wedneiday_morninmen a large quarto sheets'''.
eontainingFOßTY -EIGHT COLD. N 8; as
fine paper new. clear_ type, Tema Twawa r ...,
BARS per annum, IN ADVANCE. or TWO, DOL' ,-- - 1
LARS AND YIETY cm's, if not paid •witktin t4a ,
!fea es. r. • -' . .
Alinistera of that:loom, i s cranhim County, '
are Dunished with the Itsrostroar at Sip 07 linflUtt4 •
Or' Subscribers; residing , out of the-State ; *fait , .
pay orictly . inadtance. and: tbepaner will in all eases
be disecintum'ed at the ea - Matron of-the- time Ihr
which it • . ' -
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at . 50 emits eel
`square of eight lines - for one insertion, and 25 cents
nor square-ter each subsearamt insertion: Vitae
tions of a square are counted as. a full sqiiare.
Advertisements inserted by the quarter, half.yearsc.-
or ear. at a reasonable redaction. • .
-special potiees, inserted , before lldeiriagit,and
Deaths, are charged double feaalar sates. •--- • • -
Ma. NO OUTS, orholl. display letter, inserted
adeerAisemetts. - - - • - •
?TOM: Notices of Marriages end Deaths; not cateeetl7. -- ;, -
,ing five lines, are inserted without charge;
• ilia` All conruninleatiOna..of limited or iniliiriduei
interest, are ebrat.ert cents por line. -
AlEir-JOB PRlDanii, of every kind, done in gale - "
and fancy ecilors, at the shortest notice, and at red 4 :-'''
aonableratet. 4 - ' •
.. ber