6 9 2grintitural. -Dl - R E 11 TilitESHEß.—The _ tinbscrlber Li the only authorized Agent for theeale , ,Wheeler; 4 Mellfictes Premium. Two horse, 'Thresher Cleaner, with Railroad P.iscer;for '-- Franklin, and giron'Conntles.- it'tion'roody to receive order's for the name. • . This Machine is a Two-horse Power, and will Thresh '`,Esuldelean any kind of than. It is the-PREMIUSI MA ,' -MIN ki.-- haying , Caton the PreMinna. at " - the 'United - ;States,-and all.tireStste and County rain; idiereVer es... hibited. - They are madoof the best material, and war , anted , by - one of itae largeSt ' and most responsible ,- establishments in the United Statls.- It is warranted to ' thresh amide= from 150 to 40 bushels of Wheat,. and - -- 1. double that quantity of Oats iii a chly. It requires but . - taro horses; and no dritet. • Thu Power and Machine can - -both bo,urorked In an ordinary Barn Thor. ' , The Agent i l t ~ imself used one these Machines lest searrt for, four Ileenstantly.and can testify , to -the truthfainess 'ae = butte state offence. He hes threshed , as much as „10'i Beads erg - heat, in 44 hours. 110 worked the name two horsestenstantly fn the Rechine,and at the nli UM' time, the,y 'were , in al , good cobalt - lon as at Ho, therefiro, is prepared to refute the, idea, that they are hard on horses. He paid - $BB.OO for one hares used,ronls4 o 49 fir the ether, tad they rather Improved . than depreciated in value:: - Persons 'Wishing to buy will pienve make application soon, as it will taica some time to_get theta from Albany, 14.+.1'. - Trice with Railroad power at:Albany. $285, with freight tallied:l.l4cm- power, tatt.horse. with sanoolia , chine, UM; freight. added. The agent will - order nano but those - gold.= • • 11.011E111T BLACK, Agent; ” , -.lhfie 17,'633m:F , rayettevil le. Franklin Co., Pa. .... __ . vp., STROCIii MANITFAUTURER .1 4'. GrAGiffOOLTDRAI; IdIPLEDENTS.-4hop on liter Street,. between Queen anti Washington, Cham -"bersharg, Pal ' - -' „ ' WAGON fdAKlNG!—ltaving conned with his Drill ' , hod Rake Factory "thatrof Wagon-Making, and having ' ''etatiloyed One of the hest practical Wagon-makers in the county: he feels ednildent in assuring Farmers, and alt. ets needing this kind of work, that he is - prepared to render antira satisfactionta all who may leave their Or -`der/z.-". AU work entrusted to Mtn will bo - firm:aptly, and neatly executed, at moderate prig, either for new or old work: Farmers ire i ticked to call, g.ve him a:trial,' and get the worth of their money.- _. ._ --_ , ' - - BLACNBMITIIINGItie also carries on' the . - Mack= , ... imilthing, and employs a skillful worktatin,who !sable to doialltinds of Smithing which is required for .Wagona, - s. GDX-SPRING - GRAIN 'AND FLAT RAIKE. lie - contil nos to construdt his unsurpassed Patented Gaul-Spring Drain and Hay Rake. • - . Ataf• state and County Rights for sale. . .Inns 11, '6.1 - .. ' ' • - , - ,..-D. STROM. tVGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT ' 1 - 3;:AiIsII7FACTUREICS.—Ivar. L. ,lIO:FL.Rik BIRO, ~,Sixth Stand Germantown Asenno, , , , Philadelphia.. ... • „.I.la . unfacturers of . thO Premtnm Parrn i Ortst ill% _, , . •, ..,,, , Horse, Powera am. 1 hreshera, , . . - _ Circular Saw Ntnehittea, - _, Corn Shelters, , . `Strata - funs... , , .. Gultivatora, , . , • HatTovs, . . , ~, . , .. Plows. - _ .., . rl-I*'4tl li ev rfe r Zlra ri l l l y nt o ple a n p :ga r a e'd - ..attnet - for Circular and othlregs ' ' WM. L. BOYER d'; BRO.. Philadelphia,. , _ lEatExtrun FARM GRIST MILL, .The only rolialileP . Armer'selist MUL, .. laeimplq durable and efficient. - -- „Grinds all kinds of grain rapidly. , - ,• . is adapted to horse Powers, • . • - Every Partner should hare one. , - . Price moderato. -Send"or dea,crip4i , a Circular and,address I.—BOYCE. a BRO., • AgriculturalLinplement Manufacturers, - Sixth sk and Germantown A venue, Philadelphia. jkIARM., BELLS.—Myers: & Brand - are agenta forFmnklin co., to sell the LEBANON' LS. These Belle aro superior -to any . other Bell made in the State: I'Ve have sold a largo number in the amity and find them to give good satisfaction. These ,bells are superior in 'tone to any other Iron bell, and -.equal to taost brass.bells. All bells sold are warranted to stand, andif any should break, we will supply a now one in place. - June 17, '63 ,I I A.II3I'BEL4;S.—We arQ.Agenfa to sell theLobanottiron Bell. The best articlomado. .411 bells warranted not to break.. Call end =stain() our stock, as We are determined to soil goods at short profits. Juno 17,V, tIFERS & BRAND. TrARYESTLNG TOOLS: Forks, Makes, Scythes, Cradles, Snaths, ha. MYERS & BRAND. ,StatinnEM - WEOLESALE .ONLY. • AMERICAN STATIONERY- FAREEtOUST. JOHN J.PDIEBBITT, _ IMPORTER, WHOLESALE STATIONER, And Sole Agent for ~ FindBOr and Clifton Mills 'Premium Paper, , Consisting of Commercial Notes, &Foolseaps,, - • _NO:lBBeekinan Sired; near Nassau, New York. ProPriaterancTiol+s Agent for the following now " • -- and useful articles: , :Oliver's 'Patent Erasive Tps. This, Tip is different from any heretofore niade,' being mi.: ly fitted to any pencil, It is manufactured from vulcan .lzed Ribber of the beit'erasive quality; can be readily 'changed from ,One pencil to another ; and is sold at an extremely lovrprice. It lathe most - desirable article of tile kind in the market... - • Burnet's Patent Rubber Inkstand and Rack, -an opaque intstank, preserving ink from-the dee claw- Ineitecl of light. " • , • • , Green'e 'Patent Ink-Eraser t Paper-Cleaner, the bestarticte made for rubbing out pencil-marksow, complishing the work in ono half the time of ordinary robber.", ThePateititCoinbinationPaper-Cutter.s- Ruler Witew.andikofd article, combining the the uses of two 'indispensable things. • . Plates Patent- Portable Copying Press, e light, cheap, aid useful article. • /11 - erritt\4 - Brown's Pig ,Pen, -; - itiery superior stoel ; pon, Made and selected with the greatest care ; put tip two dozen in a box, six, boies en ' closed in"ainsther neatly finished box, the melt came • ,tolent shape possible for retailing. :Thitationa/Portrait Chess 4. Checker Board. most durable and cheap article for the millietx, com prising on tho,ununall squares fine life-like photographic &tares of all our Prominent Oeneralsand Commanders; *Leo the President, Secretary of State, &o. • The pictures alone are-worth at least douhle the cost of the Board. —.AU orders will receive prompt and careful attention. Calland examine one of the largest and best assorted 4-ilitoOkiolStationezyin the United States. ' - JOHN-J. .11ERRITT. Wirousea Sismonta,lBßookmamat., New York. The atm° named articles are for sale by/S, S Siar vex, Chambersburg, Pa. - Pill 16, 63.1 m hW STORE !-WATSON &. SON ave opened at their Store Roam on: the North wnst Corder. of the Diamond, opposite 'Franklin Ball, Chtunbersburg, Pa, an entirely now stock of goods, "consisting - Of 1300118 of alm.st every description.- Sta tionery.of all kinds, Envelop'es, Steel Pens, - Ink, &e. !Aiwa large assortment of WALL PAPER, WINDOW 3LINDB - varions prices, and'a great variotyof NOTIONS ND FAINT ARTICLES; Picturee, Fans, Vases, Ladies, end .klisste , Baskets, Fancy Soap and Perfumery. Also a gelid. Assortment of Worsted, Shetiand',Wool, A°. End a': great variety of goods too numerous to' inert to which thoffavite the attention * of the Public,' =4 re spectfully:solicit a share of the public patronage. t , and our stock.. • • ._ 'Juni Ty; Yea: - d WATSON. SON.; *#ifivare, Outterg, szr. ATTENTION. ,V 7,0 turtle always on hand; Shoo Thread, - tests, Beo red; Mothers, Shoo Irons ,&c , &c. du , - . • M:Y.EItB & WERS, &-BRAND sire 'constantly fresh Hardware , to which they - invite 1E attemion of the public. Wo have lame stock of Naileand. Iron, which we offer at reduced prices._ . Arew'GENERAL ASSORTALENT OF BumnitiG triarauALs, - auch m Magee, itgls; ic - Locks, alma, Putty, &c. - •- MYERS & BitAVP; OILS AND .PAINTS—Best Buck # 7ll ita.Laal, naced a, Oil,' and all kinds' oior., at tholomat mkt alm rilYtEB to BRAN D. a AIvJL'ARGE STOCK ,OF CEDAR Tabs, BuOleta, Churn's, .OF, Virater atus,4c: . MYER» h BRAND. GIIX PACKING ANi) iiELTING; ?duns *To, mid I ow e PRINTING, in e'vOry st le `,4ono r at,the 0.T6 of the FRAMIVIS -• __S~tcaicat> „,. , ~.. IpArtiriatomvxooK iitisrgrrAL _up DR.JOHNSON, the founder. of this •celebrated tnatitution, offers the most certain, speedytand-only effectual , remedy in the -world for' tileeta, ..trnetnres.. Seminal Weakness. Plat in the Loins, Couslit tional De. bility,lmpoteace, - Weakness of The Back stn.. , Limbs. Affections of the Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart.• Dyspepsia, lierVorts Irtitabilley, Dismtses of; the Head. Throat, Nose or ait ; and all those serious 4nd melan , "choly disbrdera Ittiiaind from the destructive habits ot -Wed h, which 'dee trey, both body and Mind. , 2 r ite:4o tiscret and Solitary praCtices are more tidal toth le victim than the song of the Syreas to the Marine illyesus, c blighting their most - brilliant hopes, or a i clputions rendering marriage, &c., impossible. i -.-, • YOUNG” MEN: ',l Young Men especially, whohavibecome,tilte vlatirna of Solitary 'Vice. that dreadful and oestruativo habit which annually &weeps to an tintiMely grave , thousand. of young Men of the most exalted talent add brillian intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listeuinv Senates with the thunders, of eloquence, or'? waked t< ecatitcy the living lyre; may call with full confidence. Married persons, or young men ronternphiting inar ilage,being awaronf physical weakness, organic debilit3. deforraities,Ac., should iminutliatelyconsultDr.Johnn ton. ' • He'cvhnplaces biroseltundeilhe care of DT. Jobnator may religionsik cons de in hid honor as a gentleman, at. confidently rely upon hkeskill as a. physician. s . • - • • " ORGAIsTIC, IVEAKNESS if - - mutizterza CURED AND rum noon nrscumin. • This diSease.' is the - penalty' inost 'freonen lirpaid L those wbo have-become the violin - C.3'ot imprOper indu genres. Yofing perions ate too apt to cohittit excess... from not being aware of the' dreadful comet; ences tin • may entme. l.low, who that undeistands the wattle. will Pretend to deny that the pocier - of Procreation Let sooner by thm-e falling info improper 114 a than 1 • the prudent, Besides being deprived of the ploasnre. healthy offspring, Atte most serious and nestructil, sympathy to mind andbody arise. The system become deranged. the physical and: mental powers: weakened nervous debility, dyspepsia. palpitation 7 ofl the heart indigestion, a wasting . .of, the frame,, aymmom of consumption - Office No. '7• South Pregeriek . 'Street, seven doors from Baltimore etreet, East side . ' up' tl‘ the eteps. Be particular in observing the na r ne . ,number,or you mistake the place. • • I:f.te. A CUBE WARRANTEV IN T 590 BAYS. No Mercury or Nauseous Eiruis; DR. * JO-.11 IV: T 0 g 31,onber. of the Royal College of Surgeons, tondon,'gre duate from - one of the most eminent •Colleges of -0 United States, and the greater part of while° life ID been spent in the hospitals of London. Par s, Philade phia and elsewhere, has effected BOMB of the most aster idling cures that were ever' , known. Many trouble with ringing in the head and ears when - asleep, gren nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and basl fulness, with frequent blushing, attondod.reoThetiMt with derangement of mind, were cured immiediately.- , It - leit the misguided and imprudent- votary of plea ; sure finds he has imbibed tie seeds of this?painful die. ease, it -too Men ihappens that' an , ill-tb*ll sense at I shame; or dread or, discovery, deters him tram applying to those who froth education ,and rtspectabiiity can alone befriend him;delaying till the constitutional Byrn!) toms of this horOldisease make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nom. nocturnal pains in,the head and' limbs, dimnerd,of eight, d4afness, nobs on the shin, bones and arms, blotches on the head, face. and extremities, progressing• with frightful rapidity. till at last the palate of the month or the ones of the nOsa tall in and the victim of this awful diissuse becomes' a horrid object of commisseration, till d,ath eats a pe riod to his dreadful sufferings, by waning bim to "that bourne from whence no traveller returner. TO-such; therefore, -Dr. Jobnston pledges himsell topreserve the' most inviolable secrecy ; and from.his extexhivepractict in the first Hospitals of Europa and A mcirica, he can nfidently recommend a ends and speedy cureto the unfortunate victim of this horrid disease, It is a melancholy fact that thousands fryl victims to this horrid disease owing . to the udskilfullness of igne. rant pretenders who by uso of -that deadfall Dotson, , tier cury, rain theconstitatieat,and either sendi the unfortn• nate to an untimely grave, or make the rridue of life miserable.' - - TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE! ;Dr addresses those who have injured tlsemselves by private and irnpropec indelgences. - These are some of the sad find melancholy effects pro deiced by early-habits of youth, via:—WeOMeSs of the Hack -and Limbs, Paine in the Head,-Dinniess of Sight, Lbss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dye. plpsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement] of the Diges tiVe Yunctions,U enema Debility, Symptoms of eons-amp Hon., &c. " ' -1. - ME:SMM; the fearful eifeeta on the mind are much to fe dreaded: loss of Membry; Confasioa of Ideas, Depres sion Spirits, EVil Forebodings. Aversion - to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude. Timidity,, fm., are some o the -„evn'ofr.etli- 11YETtS& BRAND Thousands of narsons of all ages can mils -judge what isyhe cauiabf their de6lining.health t loafug thoir becoming - weak; pale, have - singular appearance about the eyes, cough, anci symptoms of Consumption. ' Dr. John:sions Invigorating ltempay for Or- I , B y this great and important remedy; Weakness m the Organs is speedily cured, and full vigor restored. Thousands ot the mostatervous and debilitated, who, had lost all hope, have been immediately!relieved. All impedimentsto Da rriage, Physical or Men tal Disgnali flrutlon,Nervouslrritability,Trembling, Weakn ess or liWtanstieziof the most fearful kind, speedily cured by Dr. Johnston YOUNG MEN, Who have injured themselves by a certain practice, in dulged in when atone---a habit frequently - learned fr m evil companions, or at school, the effects are nightly felt,. Oven When asleep, arid if not eared,' render ma-- siege - impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man; the hope of his Conti= try, the darling arta§ parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consenirencs of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit.- Such persons, before contemplat• -log - • AZARRIAGS should reflect that a sound mirod and,bod,y are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happi ness. Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes aweary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly dark ens to' the view; the mind becomes shadowed With, de spair,and filled with' the -melancholy reflection, 'that the-happiness of another; becomes blighted with our OFFICE No. 7, SOUTH - FREDERICK ST.; BALTIMORE. . The many thousands cured dt 'this Institution in the last fifteen years; and the numerous important ,aurgica. Operations perfornied by -Dr. J., witneand by, the re porters of the papers, and many other persons, notice: of which have appeared again and again before the pub, lit, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. t , • , N. B, There are so many ignorant an worthies?. quad:a-advertising themselves as physicinne, minim thebealth of the already afflicted. Dr. Johnston deem it necessary to say to those unacquainted with his rep tdatlon, that his Diplomas hangin his office. Ness Norms—All letters must be pcot, peld, ark contain a postage sr amp for-the reply, or no answer! , wit 'torrent. - _ - Feb 25,'GS Lyra OHAIIBERSBURG YOUNG LA NJ. DIES' SEMINARY A new half Session wllleorn. pence April - 20th, but prtpils will be received when - mad) and charged accordingly. - There are accommodations for three or four more boarders only. Boarding for thosd who - go home at theOnd'of the week, US per-see. Rion of five nionths. Other boarders $6O. Tuition - from $lO to $l5. ' Rev. HENRY, ItF,EVES,-A..3.l.,_Princlpal. Rev. Dr. G. S6IIERT, French: and Germew , bliss J. GILFILIAN. English Branches and Drawing. bliss Z. G. DEFOIIEST, Music. Miss S. N;Ctritns, English Branches: All of the above are teachers of considerable 'cape& ence. For farther information apply to the Principal;": April 1-4 m. inHAMBERSBITEC T -F EMA LE SEMINARY.7-tirisisgements hate been made fp t_ opening the fall session at_the time appointed, Septem ber 8. For particulars, address jetty 270-1 t - • Rev. H. REEVES,Principat. • HE ; ELE v INTH SESSIONI OF -Snraiy Seminary will open on Tuesday, Sep ember ist.. • L Duly .11Q-0.011 BINDERY.-M: ,TIEEFEit Lai CO. have-removed their-DOOR' BINDERY ,to the, 'Third story of the MANcION,1101:1SE; On the Diamond; above Shryook'e Beek, Store. Entrance between tho, Book Store end Dr. Snively's office. Old Books; POrlodt , erds, Mtge, Nl:m*l4mm ke„ boated In anY style. Mane. Books made to order. Paper maledlo tuiy pattern. ,J IFIRD.BASKET-S, : - • tP - BathTubs. rcrantaine, • . Cutlo Fhb Bonu„ - - • - • , Canary Hemp, „ .f , • - . Rap° Und Haw Sedd, • • ' =• , St "SPANCILERR'S. MARRIAGE! A dEIitAIN DISEAS! ganic _Weakness TO STRANGERS OburationaL the franktin ittgositatu,s 411bamb4,sbutg, - -- 13tooverttts -- MEE ALEX. X. 3 : STOZIER. . _ _ . ATCOLURE & ;STONER, - ~.pDITOB:S4; PROPRIETORS. • ;-• :RAN : XL - IN OSITtiliY I:3,,iiablislied I'4'od on &TIBET; ... —*— -Forty-oiglif Columns. ' Itis printed oa • New , i „ . Clear Tyre; Fine, etrons. White Paper. T • 1...0344'0.R.5 - iirp, - R ANNUM , „.„ • .; „ • If notpaidwithinrtho'year • - • ; Two dollars and fifty cents, THE FRANKLIN. REPUSITORy • - gives a ..CordialAnd, &most Support • ' , "to - the ' national aUd - StateAdniinist r rations; • . , 'tattle- • . - policy of a - • Vigorous Pioseadtioic of the War ; ;• Unconditional Re-union of the United States _ • :Without Comptomise ivith Rebels in Arias! to the " Policy that exhaUsts every means - - within the ' : Pourer of the Government ; to §llPPress the Traitors' • - • " to the' eltuse orMir Brave SUldiers . , Inllie Field ;' tothe - • : Preservation. in unfadinu reverence, of the Sacred klemory ' ' of our ' "Hernia Dead. • THE FRANKLIN -REPOSITORY - ABLE CORPS OF'EDITORS, embr,aeing all the. Different Departments of ' -POLITICS, LITERATURE. AGRICULTURE," FINANCE, ' MARKETS Ice , And haa Able Corr6pondents in all the Eastern-Cities. ' at the . . National and State Capitals, and employe Competent Reporters on all - , Occasions of Special Interest. THE FRANKLIN REPOSITORY " • •• -is the MOST COMPLETE LOCAL PAPER published In the State. It has • Local :Correspondents ', Every Section of the Count.T.O . who report The Condition and Pror'pect of the Crops, the proceedings of : ' , Public-Meeting , and all • Occurrences of General Interelt. THE- PR4NELIN REPOSITORY is especially VAI4AtLE TO THE FARMER. 'lts • ' Agricultural-Department • wiltefontain _ _ Contributions from the mreoxperienced Pricticil Farmers in the State. The best method of Improving • Farm Stock will claim Particular Attention in ;As Columns, The. Eastern Markets -; Carefully and fully Reviewed each week, and the ' • Latest Reports giver. ' by lOgnetie Telegraph Down to the date of each 'Mlle: THE FRANKLIN REPOSITORY _ contains Weekly Reports of the Sales of Stocks. " Government and other Bonds, the value of : Our State Currency • ,- in Philadelphia; and the Current Monetary Transaction Sat Home. . VHE FRANKLIN. REPOSITORY • contains TUE VERY-lATIST NEWS Tuesday's Evening MEM and' • „ - • Mhgnetic Telegraph: Iteborted ekcli is iv iS ly fCrthliPaper. It will therefore be , - One day in advance a the City Dailies, 'With all Important News, , THE FRANKLIN -.REPOSITORY tto ~AROEST CIRCULATION - Arulls.tho • BEST AIIrjRTISING,DIEDIUII • aithp State, _ • • tint of tfiCreities. - , t,oiroulates ' In ono of tiii most thrifty. intelligent and'ivealthy _ :„ Seoticins of Pennsylvania. toiliis=ll,easonable. THE FRANKLIN _ REPOSLTQRY -= has the ' Most CoMplete :JOB TRINTINO OFFICE , In Southern PerMsylvunia.,, - , • ' • Ca,rds. Ciretdars„- - • - . Blanks, Iland-bills, Pamphlets, -&e:; Orders for Subgcriptiens, Advertising,' or Job Printing tharikfully received. Address : - ItcQI.IJRIC STORgi. ROOPEURTOBS, ChamberAttre, - SWF.NTIETTI YE ill, Plain or Fancy Color?; dond promptly"' and at • ' Moderato Rates; • ationtrvo - at Erec.- Y & RILL. -z-Zatv.:fpait, IL nership—Fhelindernigv:evhavw niatic: 130 d !nein-, ir011.6 ptit4tict of the Law itithesevernl , lonito of -Franit,in County. Otlit eon Market Street; in the room Heretofore occupied by T. B. Kennedy. - "fi. D. KENNEDY. - T..). KILL. Jane 17,'63 ;A.TTORNEY AT - ..t ; NEILL 17; 4ttorneyat:44to,-OMO on Mar ket St.. forinerly o&upieil by Reilly & IT, diteetly um) site tb&Court Hume, ebambersburg, Pa. -Alt legal entrusted to him nillrecelro prompt attention. He praeace r itt adjoinip t'on ties.' Anne 17,X.1. _ • ..• • 1V . S. S:SPENGfiR‘ ; Attor o tug' at iaw, 6amberabprg, Pa. Collections promptlyottte,ided to. IV. S. Stanger, District Attor ney and agekiflor 'producing Pensions, noway Money and Arran's • of: Pay. Office- in Prankihr Building. Sd door from the (turner. June 17,'68, =II A x-r , S. EVEREA"A 'Attorney:at - Law. e Office in Uri: 0 P1)0.. silt:1116,0 , nrt lionse,Tirubbotalinvg; Fa. Will in'actice in- ;hp sevenil CourtEsol Franklin and Fulton Connties, 'All lq' o n.al biotin:so ititrusteir tolns cares will - fectivo prompt uttent-lon. "• ' :Into - F. 803TUNTAt911. - STr.wln't. , T1113;AUGII & :STEWART, -At . torn-Vs at I , L.w,.ohaniberehnrg. Pa.. gtivii their until vi e.t attention ta the Praet lee of theli:Profeslhn. .46e- Office in the Town 7.1e11. Junol7. '.. T AUDOWELL-SITIRP4 Attorney ity 0 at _Lam Chimberaburg . ,-Pa. - Office in-Hrs. Bard's Buildings, directly vppciite the Ceurt douse. - ••; • -; r: • ' . .. ... _ . _ - 4 , -- 4 ,--0. sEtt-HAmEn, -Attorney at 'LE * Low, .rhataberabiirp4Pa. Office-41:1ln Street; above Queen; In the room formerly occupied by S. Itelsh or. Esq.-:- , , • -= ' ' ' Jonol7. jBGI.; .GEORGE EYSITR . , t,..)4 BRAKE, ,Alfarneys vt Law. hqvo removed to the room oil' nltio titreetone door South of Eyster's Store. Jtmo-17; 'O3. ' - ' " ' S. cliAßK,=Attgrney_at _Law,ihaß II reniosed hist:Mee a few doors Es!.t of ids fame* ocAtlon. on AfikrUet street: (South-We.) June 17.'x$3. eI_ALVIXIVI. DUNCAN, Aftorlney at, Zato. Offieb ba Slarket Street, in Lawyn'r's 11,64; oppositti:the Court ittozio: Junel7. L. FLETCJIER. Attorney at . Law, Chatabersbarg,Pa. Oilman East blarketstret, ite4clyopposite the Coact House. -aline 17, , A LEX. K.: 2 3.I'CLUREi-,_Attorney at ja., Law, Chanibefelnirg, rit—'oirace in the Prap.ktin #epueitory : June 17,'1i3, atntiarp, . . DENTAL REUEDIES ARE THE BESTIN THE WORLD. Insueng Vine Teeth and Sweet breath, and curing Tobthacheand Neurlgia. - Do you wish to be blessed with andad mired fir Pearly White and Sound Teeth? Use Dr. WM. B. KURD'S .UNItIVAIABD TOOTII POWDER, warrantor free from ac hl, alkeli,or any injurious substance. Price, ds,centa per box.; - rare --of the ordinary cheap Tooth Powders; which:whiten but destroy. - Do von wish to be ee tele_ that yetii•Dreath is 'pare. 'sweet and agreeable to husband or wife,loser and hiend? Ilse' Dr. HURD'S CELIIBRATED MOUTH WASH. trice. 37Tents per bottle. The astringent wash is also the best remedy. Iru the world ;for Canker, Bad Bredth. Bleeding Game, 'Sore biouth. - etc. It has blared hundreds. -Do you 'wish your'. childrea suffer from Toot Get Get Dr.HURD'S MAGIC TOOTIIMIIite, DROP'S./ ,1.; cents per bottle. Are, you afflicted with Neuralgia? Get Dr. W* B. !MAWS NEURALGIA PLASTERS. The most effective and delightful remedy known for Pains in the Face, Chest. Shoulders. Yeck,,or any plitt of the body. - They do nut adhere nor blister. but soothe and charm pain away. • Try them. • Price,ls and 37 tenth. 'Smiled on receipt of price. , , , A Treatise 'du the beat method of Preserving the Teeth mailed on receipt - of the price -10 cents. It is vnifiable little work, and should be Dr the possession of every person. Forsale at all the hest stores throughout the country. C-a rtes — As there are dealers . who take advantage of entr advertisements to impose upon their customers In ferior preparations. it is necessary to Insist upon having whatyoncnil,for,sad you willed THE stet, thoroughly tested, and prepared -by an experienctil and scientific Dentt,TreaBurer of the Now York State Dentists' As sociation, and Vice President hl the New York ;lay Deu-1 tat Society. Address 11.11D111) it CO., - - Juno 17,'634f.. Tribune Buildings. New Toth. TEETH INSERTED ON AMBER 3, • BAS EI.—DR. N. SCIIL9SSEIL. 01Re' still at his rail ieuee MARKtT STREET. near tho Franklin Railroad. Dentistry in all its - hi:Mehra attended to Wlth all the modern, improvements. Raving pnhliahed z.to this community f3r more _.than two years. that teeth on Anther is In eaery way CHEAPER Ow v. ETTER than teeth on any other material t h.ould stfy that I still see no reason - to change my opinion, for thOre are many per sons In ' Chatubershurg and vicinity for whom / have inserted teeth on Aldilltitt who can testify-to their i3npe rior merit. ..B. All work warranted to give entiefaction,or no charge. Teeth extracted -without- phin with perfect safety without. taking , Ohlyrofonu. For further. infer• Elation call at the <Hike. [June IT, 1863. W.R. W. SaTILOSSF,R, Surgeon. Jr-Dentist—Ate tindersigned has removed his Office flora the Mansion . House to the residence of Mr John Noel, Northwestcorner of the Diamond, and immedi ately opposite the Franklin Hotel. Office on the. -se cond floor—entrance through the . passage, to the right as you ascend the stairs, Jane 17,1863. AubliEA° VAL .= Dr. S. R.. : REID,. Pen we, bas removed his elks fr o m the corner or the e Square, where he practised so numy years, to the corner of Main and Queou Streets, above Wm. ReYser's Drug Store,Chambersburg, Pa.. where he will be pleased to receive the - calls of his friends:. [dunel7, 18E3: - Vbvoiriatto. R: A. R. SHAW returns his thanks to 'the citizens of Franklin county, for thelitt m tic encouragement bestowed 011 him the last three years. nuts Invitee those who-Intro• not mado trial , of 110”010PATRY to do so. i,onsuitutions fr ee. All •cu rablo- cases can rely on a more speedy cure than under any othcrsyttem. Dr, S. liarrotooYed to. North Nain street. a - shert distance below the point, where Ito can be found ready to,atteud to calls, either in town or country; when noralrrenton profession:it busines.s. June 17,1843. i - DE.' W. B. DROWN. PROF. P. WALE. DROWN .& WALK., Dec - tried/ ,Phy x) sictane: 'Olifice in Praiiklin Building, Ws.sr MAR REP grtanT,'Cinunbersburg, Pa. The above' treats all 'Chrobie- Diseases ,by means of IIA liVANDSDand the different, modific:itions of lILEC-' TRICITY, dideovered end tanghtby Prof. , Jane 1.04 tit,' tt - TIE: I, N. SNIVELY has opened' nu office for'the practice or Medieine in, the centre roent of the Manalon'flo- se. one'deor Sonth of Mr. Sh ry Dek'a Book Store, where be can 3o found 'at all Hours day and night. except when professionally engaged. • June 3, '63-31n*. JOHN :MONTGOMERY INill jjr,..sttend protriptly to all calls in his . tine. Office on Maui street, next door to. the Eagle Iletel. and nearly opposite the residence or the Ron. George Chambers. Charnbersburg, June 17,180._ IFIR. J. C.•RICHARDS .will: attend Ijipromptly to all (Ails in his" line.: °diction Main Street, next door to Spangler's Drug Store. - rige 0291cz, Hotras—Frorit 7 to 9, A.M.; 12 to 2 and 1 3 - June 17,189. • • r. tit - • - - - TUSTICF A OP PEACE.---H.ey DLVISDN, 'rustics of the Itacr—Cificeibiunediatc , :, ,ly opposite-the Indian Queen Hotel-" All business eni 'trusted to his bare shall receive prompt attention. • In struments of Writing; (Tall kinds, drawn tip inU antis -cutlery manner. . • June 17;'63. 114-IIAMMAN, Justice of - the Peace e ' Cllaml 3 erablirg, Pa. ' June 17,'83. TiFYMENTS.--Dealers and 3fart.:- . lufttectirera of Agricultural and - other Implements, can roach a large chum of yaluable customers I .lPv/ 111- alerita in the FRANKLIN - REPOSITORY. - ripo- 3.IF4RonA:NTS.The. secure profitable 'enAoin: is to,enviiirnen in the 1 , 14,1111 mm .REPosrrony. OB..:PRINTING;-. in' every - style, fj!, done nith, laze of the FRANKLIN =WEL' oRy. ~,_. -, 7 - ,Bapito;`,,fytttlWlft, &cf;" Q s. sirayooß; ' .. , . 17a' - ,. 13 . 00kSELLIR 4 - 'STATTON, Now occupies his .X#AT Sid - 110 . 014 firai - is pro Pirsd - ta traalsit'st husiness Nadih griater friOritias ,them even - . ', ' 800 S: •-• • School Books, Miscalls eons taoksi -1 1'4'Book, Lair,Books, Medical I3ooks,'Sundgv Schacht Books, ISllliturY Basks.. . BIBLES: - • . largo assortment OfPociet and Eamj,l:y Of an siies, qualifies unit stylcs of• binding. A great variety of all kind's of7ritirtgand Print= ing-Papers,af Frenoh, English and . AmOrioan man via-ottire. Also; Envelopes of ail ',Asps inad , ii ities; Ink. Pons; PenOits. India Rubber. Tapes. "Beals. Quills, Copy Books, Blotting Board, Kniv es, .Erasers, Writing Band. &T.: 4 Ate. _ • . . GOLD PEI S. The very I:Feit pans in the tnark . el.fully warranted, made by Leroy W. Fnirehild,of N.Y. . - • PAPER; - -A full vrtrielY oninttehis end Numb' Ttto HUNDRED differentliatterrig.tOgElthOr with suitable Bordering Plain, Velvet and Velvet Gilt. Oval andSouare Frames for Photographs. Frames made to order.. -• - For tictur6 - 'ilunes, of any 812 e; - CHEAP 'NOVELS Much !nisei than publishers! prices,. among . _ Which The White Cruiser, Tbe Ranger, •r - The Midnight - Queen.' v • - English-Top., •. ' • • - ' Maid of the Saranac;i - CapC•Efateltes... • • • Don Bernardo's Daughter, " Helene, , . - ' •'- 'Detrick% = Sketehes in France, • . - -t Verner'sP,ride. : Scott's Novels, „ 'Dickens' ,; - '' • Mii;Southiv'th'svis.loiels Mrs, Gray's Novels, • _ Bulwer's Novele, • Arthur's Novels, - - - • Luc% Sanford. - - _ Rifle Shots, • , 'Trial and, Triumph; Princennd Pedlar; , - • Annette; ' • • ' • ' ' East Lynne. ' • - • ' • - Miriam A1r0.4, , • • ' legends and Stori6. ` • Reif Jack`, - j .Rbil Sociut,' Bello of the Bowery, - Sybil Campbell. - — Grace Walden, , . , • Rival Beauties. - The Grumbler, , - • - Barren-Honor, _ The Squ're Falkland. Milrose. i rc.e? Price, Chips from Unele'Sana's Jack-knife, The Everlasting Fortune The Maneuvering Motley;.. - Marguerite do Valois,. ruggY. Night at Orford, ' ' The eirtiot Husband; 1 ., • .Two_Britna Donna's; _ Morgan's - Freemasonry, \ -The 1) ebt or's Daughter: • The Banker's Wife Highwa - man's Hide, Noblenian's Daughter, _ _The Scarlet Flower, The Wife's Trials, Cecilia Howard, • , —Lena Cameron, The Expectant. Les Misorables, - .500 Puzzles. • ENGRA.VINGS; s - „ . rranbit, German and AMMican Engra rings, Fancy. Traveling, Book. Picnic; Fruit, Knife and Clothes Baskets. • ZEPHYR WORSTEDS.. Single and Double Zephyr, ,Tapestry' and Split Zephy l- r; Shetland Wool, &e. - ••- - • - , NEWSPAPERS. The PhiLaddphia end New Ybrk Dailies received daily. Club', f'W indkiduals NV. W. SCHLOSSER ' *EMILY PAPtES. - Harper's Weekly, . N. Y., Mercury, , Y. Weekly, New York Ledger, etc received weekly. Harper's Monthly. Atlantic Monthly, - . Continental, Godey, - - Peterson, - , Ballon, Knickerbocker, :All the Year , Ro,und, - etc:, etc., received ss soon as published. " • " CHEAP' LITERATURE. - All the DiracPnblicatiorjs, Weekly Nouvellette3 Song Books, 'aid., received daily. • - • ORDERS: • • - ' • We take orders for all kinds of • - ' "XPRESS. We receivegeods by Expren rtsnr DAY from the Edst. Blank Dnods, Writing and Printing Cards, Rulers, •'°,:,..._,_ • Paper Weights, •• = " - Fancy Boxes, _ Combs and Brushes. 'Chalk Crayons, and all standard goods in our lino constantly on hand... - Sheet Music; for Piano, Guitar, Violin, Flute, etU. • - • • PIANOS. We purchase Pianos_ on commission, so alto save lour customers from Fitly toDies -Hundred and Pift.Y. Dollars. - • • _ MUSICAL INSTRIIMEWES * - We can supply a 4 kind of_slu4i6ll Instruments I , at prices far lower than usual. , ! .13-11:0TO.GRA.Pii-ALEtrilSl' We can sell Photegraph,Album s a t lower prices than they can be procured for in the cities. - • - We havo no hesitation in saying to our cortomaYs. that froth our long 'eiperienee, oni inanner of do ing business, and our groat facilities, Ivo do - riot fear competition; and have rm . doubt of our being able togive:entir:§ 'satisfaction." • - ' • .1- Come . and see our Vew tore; :our now niid'en- Urged stock, and form;yout oft ottinioh.s. quwaberaburg, ,TNake,17..1863. - • BLANK BOOKS ST-ATIOITEAT WALL PAi!Eit PICTURE FRAMES FRENCH GLASS, are the followiiag BASKETS MUSIC en*nit Vomit agentim. TO.IIN X - . POI lEROI, - V . ..4B.lty...arkra.britra , ..Adaw, • 204 SOUTH -It'OURTH STREEt. Ttia tmdersigneil, having resigned hie position es pay master in the •IJ. &Army, has opened at No '2et SQUILL .13TR.F.F.T f 'mn AGENCY FOR Path:PRIM) PENSION Saud for the collection of Orritedis', Semirsue', and all other th..titaa against the Government.' longeNperlonae ,as'Paymaster, has gieen - me -tom stud facilities fur becotning theronglilf acquainted ulth - this business in all Its details. Oa the receipt: hg - Mall, of a statement of the ease _of clabeurints, , w tll forward the necessary papers far their signature. -Persona at. •tentiou will, given to the eitsas at Washinr.,titii F'r Yo claw&a eoless successful. When. its will be cbarited - for colic-cut. k allsauis under add; and SW on all Ethind over that =taunt mid under sleo, [.argot claims taken'er,t -special arrangement. Fees in'Pension Cases as fixed by law. - - • , INFORVATION , FOR &ND INSTILITC'PIONS z•, : - CLAIMANTS: - , - Ali Soldiern of the present war,wlic: have served bite years, and Beldiers'iltscitatged ter wounds reeePimf in battle, without reference to time of service, are entitled besides their regtilar Pan to Stile IleuutY. In'ease Sokliersor Seamen are discharged for disability twoostais received senile in tite ice, they are entitled to a Pension according too the dis - - In. case of the death ,of the Su ler before, discharge, through disease contracted: or wiit ids receivedwhile lA service, his WidOW AS entitled to recut e the tied Beatty, besides arrearages of pay and pension iringtww e ti xe or widowhood: if the teddies . -die after discharge, froM diseese , con tracted or wounds received while in service, his widiawds entitled tea peasiea elliaper nnnanl. =' ' - If no willow or miner children. the mother el the $..4- dier or Seaman vahl receive the Paestum if dependant-on him wholly or in part far support. • Sf deceased. Seidler or leaves no videw, his „ children are entitled to the Same benefits as the widow, except when the children may hoover Eno alto of .1.0 ye!artt. If no widow or minor children, the bounty and pay vrill descend to the heirs as follows: _ r , to the Father, second to the blether. third to tho - Brother - a and ;;inters, and teen to the next of kin. -• Di'scharged Soldiers, whose clothing account :woe un settled at the time of discharge, can recover any balance ; due them, if the Comp my bootie are not destroyed: 'To draw' this baliince, write to pier Captain .for a descrip tive list.showing Clothing acceent, and forward it to me with your preliminary etatement ivihg l alsotbe date-of -your discharge -t c SeldiirS,WhO served with the nine months' Seim: deers, can recover $2.7 bounty and premium, without regard to time of service, if they have not already received it. Soldiers who were prisoners in the South, and Soldiers whowereabsenteta slck.turluufit.aro entitled te com mutation of rations. In commnriientiog with - this office, state the nature of your claim fully, and give the Coinpany and Reg meet to which you or the Soldier for whom you claim belonged, aa wed us ,yeur present Post Office aderess. REFERENCES._ Efis'Ex , elletiey ANDREW G. themitior of 'Pena sylvarda. " Ilex. 'Amex CAsixtiox, llarrieburg, JeSEPR GASSY, Chief Justice of the , Court of Claittist Washington. , lien; E:11. 'BROOKE, Chief Clerk of Pay Department, Washington. -' Ilex. EirtrAmi IticiMettsex, M. C.. Washington. Hox. l 3As. -P. STE.B.ItET, President-Judge, Distiiet - Carat, - -Pittsburgh. HON: iticCiame,Chionliersburg, Pa. ' flox.T.nesma A. Score, Vice President Penn's Raitßead, HON. WILLIAM B. TEIOMAS, Celle:tow of the Port, Phllafa. HON. C. , A.W.smsome, Post Master, Philadelphia. 'l, •• 1 " Mean Sr Co.,llank.rs, Philadelphia. • • - • JastrsDeNkte, President of Union Bank, Philadelphia STUNT & Varetsionee, Attornies, It , Wr t isr & Berm Merchants, . Lmaeuo, Rivenetea'S Co. Merchants, ' 1 " • EBSECELLIT, BAUGH & CO., 'DAVID FAUST & filerehants. BcxxosnN S, JAN'NEY,Is.4 & Co.. Merchants, 1,7 " u. camuts E. Monesst A' CA.; Merchants, - ", ATwooD, WEITZ Si CO., Merchants. .70IIN U. PLIMROY, Ire. 204 South Fourth Stied.: June 17. '6341. 13•ENSION, BOUNTY AND VAR ',CLAIM AGENCY.--Pensions procured for soldiers of the present war who are disabled by reason'ofwoenits received. or disease contracted. while in the service ofAhd Units] States; and Pensions, elvo Bounty, and Arrears' of Pay obtained for widows st or heirs of those Who kati died or been killed while in service. - JOHN IL ORR, Claim Agent, chamberAnrg, Pa Feb. 25, '63-ly Matebro ant( grineltv. QALISBURY: BROS,. & CO., • N 0.37 DORRANCE STREET, - ; WET BOSSET STREET, - ;` = - YftOVIDENCS,' IL 1.4 Proprietortiot one of the most extensive j ..tWEtRir . M A NT-Ir - A C T 0111.11§ in the _Eastern State,, Statet, , Reg to can' the attmtion ,of the - Community yeuercaly to the very , • • SUREBISING CHEAP. RATE . -- At; - which they are offering their Gciodii! - Bon? Foreign ankpomestic Mannfactuye4 In point Etegnnci3 and Real Durability! - -FOlt INSTAjE • For Tun= DOI-taw. 'we forward; nicely caified•Pact packed in good miler. the following etiorrneris,quantity of Jewelry, equal in finish to any Plated Gold, and not to be, recbgnized from Gold only by the:trying of acidic: 4 Sot Enaniel Vest ,Chaine7 2 Plain Florentine Pins; '4 Ear Binge to match- ' 2 Twist Mire. Pins; 4 Ear ^ hinge to tizatah; - 2lnain Pins; 4 Ear Rings to match; 25Ladies' Rings, Double heart Yn.rietp of platen's; 50 Union Limns; 50 Scarf Pins. Plain -and --= Imitation Coral; - 2 'Double- Glass Lockets, engine- _ turned; 6,80 x and - - ' - • k '-i• A 4 . . Glass Pins for portrait Or-bair ; i 3 Assorted Locket, Meart-and B . beßCharnis, and 6 Baud Brace- - lets.—ell- for lifteeir Dollsus.' A - -collection., of this kin& when - placed in the hands of any {one of ordinary in. telligenco, : -' 'fiiight to retail for at leant One Hundred Dollars I - .-'6atalogues..eontaining full infoirnation and Prlece_cilf Gekide,ttin be .obtainedrupon npirlication. .Orders by Mail, Telegraph, or Express, respect . SALISBURY BROS. & CO.. 87 Dorrauto & 67 Wcybotidt Stsip PBottor.Ncx, R. I. Janel7, - '63-6m.. WATOMS, 'JEWEL - Kr. & DIA— MONDS!—Lewis Ladomus c CD., SO2 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia, have always on hand_ a largo Stock oftlulaopid BILVEIt WATCILBS iultaldelor Ladies, Gentlemen or Boys wear. &me of our own ha. portation , extra Sae quality. Our issortment of Jewelry,coesists of the most cash 'enable and rich designs; as also the phi intr. Mid - less , peative. s s - Silver Spoons, Forks. Pie, Cake and Fruit Br Ives; also a largo , variety of Fancy.Oilver Ware, anitttblo for Bridal Presents. We have also on band, a most splendid assortment of Diamond Jewelr,y,- or all,-kinds, to which we inetto especial attention:' Par prices trill betound cdfiordord bly less than the putts articles are trsratily sold for—. ' AU kinds of Watches repared in the very best man ner. and warranted to give satisfaction. W.EDDING BAN GS - tni nand and ?trade to .order:: Call or address, LEVVIS LADOMIUS k C 0.,. ' = 802 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. cash price paid for old Gold' and Silver. - All orders .from the country - will redeye. eapectal attention. April 22.43!5in.., 'l' ilitiniinig; . ,14: titling, - sice 1100A114.14/ T. FELLOWS, • notraviANA) SIGN GRAINER, * GLAZIER, AND PAPER: • , HANGER, SHOP . . • , the 'Old Armory Building, (up staira;) : - .ncrt . dor_to .4 , 01 d Jail," PeifferAYolles Carriage Manufactory; opposite Brottrles Hotel, -and = CORN - Ell OF SECOND 2.Ii'D'hU.RXET STS • " . • .- Chnnibersbnro. Pa., I I re'pectfully take this method ' ofhanking the citt zone of Chambessburg and vicinity for. the :very liberal patronage I have' received at their hands for the 'past year, (iiny first year in this place,) and flattering tayselr that I , hire done, and and am - prepared to do r the very hest work in my line, I solicit a cominnance of past favors ': • - ,B. T. FELLOWS ! : P. S. I respeMihllyreferr to any of my parrow4atein Sister, Wm, Mcldenabart, Cot. A. McClure 'Roc Mr. , Nlceells, Presbyterian Church, Pr.llic.bards, of M. Wear & Co., Gateau nerd Messenger, J. Allison Cyder, Wm. C. Byater, 044 - my otliers for whom I have done wort—for character of work done, and expedition. • Altutel7,'63ll. • • •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers