II . . ' Her the tranklinitepositery.. COfiliTY N0.11.1N4.T10 1 51 3 . - , *e are Pleased to learn that th“.6m-ta.n .nicAtion , con tig ue d, in the_last issue of the PIitASICLIN RE.1 , 04T0111", signed. " Patriot• istri,'-t• has met with "a fatorable reception. ..It is highly important that our Couray tick - , efitiCadd be composed of men whom no,: one Can doubt. Our candidates should have but One idea, viz: th 4 .prosecution of the war utrimet vigor :fidtil this anholy xe • hellion is completely crushed. This much is due to the lOyal citizetwof Franklin county. -On the other hand, the citizens owe a =duty to those brave men who have risked their Hvei and sacrificed their health in defence of their cauntry. - This duty .(Pairiotism". fair-; iy recoil - died when he recommended Col. J. G. Elder, Capt. J. H. Reed, Harry Strick)er, and Lieut. Josiah W.Fletcher as candidates for the (Tikes of County Treasurer;.Prothon otnry, RegiAer and Recorder and Clerk of the Courts. These gallant men- haVe all ""been wounded in service, and more or less incapacitated for labor. The first three have already announced themselves as candidates for nomination, which they will without - doubt receive; and wejenow-it is the wish of many that Lieut. Josiah W. Fletcher should be nominated for the office of Clerk of the Courts. We hope he will adopt the suggestion of his friends and "announce . him self at once as a candidate for that office. , Around - a ticket composed of. those above Mentioned the loyal citizens of Franklin county would rally unanimously, would do themselves honor, and their candidates an net of 'simple justice in their, triumphant LOYALTY. election For tho Franklin Ropository. ASSEMBLY:I The time is near at hand •when the uncon'- ditional Union men of our county will meet in Convention to -select a candidate to,repre `,'sent them in'the: State Legislature. In the present crisis of the couptry it is necessary that men of the highest mental and moral qualifications should be chosen. There are many citizens who believe that Col. F. S. STtrlstiletrou -possesse,s4 an - eminent degree the character peculiarly requisite, in these I tmes, in .a•legislatot: . The ability and hoo- %V of the Colonel in civil life are well known ' throughout the county, and he has abundantly proved his devotion to, his country in-Oie present war. All know how he behaved and how'nobly he sustained the honor of our, State and county at Pittsburg Landing, and Arw ably he 'conducted the command of his btigade during a large portion of his teitn of +vice. It is well known, too, that should our enemies make an electioneering campaign :necessary, the , Colonel would be as brilliant tv campaigner as he was on the field of death dealing war. , UlitoN SorDIEs: For the FrataAin Repositor) COMEIVCIVICATIOIV. The unconditional liert of Franklin 'county will soon meet in Convention to nom inate a ticket. 116:name - Of Col. James G. ,Elder, of St. Thomas, has already been sug- -gested.for County Treasurer, and would ask the use of your columns to earntly in- gist upon, his nomination. Hii qualifications • for the position are universally conceded, but, as your readers are aware there'are other considerations aside from mere official fitness which make his nomination desirable. Col, Elder has served his country, as well the :wound from.'which • he suffers bears witness. And it is to requite in some small measure the disability thus acquired that makes the Union-loving-people of, the county extremely anxious for this opportunity to testify their affection and gittitade to the Colonel for his serviees on the heights of Fredericksburg. - - WAsHINGTON-,-M:mNaurr: CHARLESTON!! BELS ATTACK JAMES ISLAND THE They are Repulsed - with Fearful , slaughter. , , UNION ASSAULT ON FORT WAGNER DESPERATE ffANO TO RANA PIGHTIK. GENERALS TROWG AND SF.Y- 131 OUR 'WOUNDED. OPR FOR RETIRE TO THEIR OLD POSITION. Admiral Da!Omen's Iron-Clads in the right: - SPIEN1111) OROISM OF - THE UNIA TROOPS, ACCOUNTS or TIFIE ASSAIULT. Beatusegardls Despatell6 to - - Jell: Davis. NEw - Yeax, July 26.—The steamer Ara :go from Charleston bar at 6 o'clock on the afternoon of the 28d, arrived here to-day. Among. her passengers are General's Strong and Seymour, wounded, Colonel Jackson and Lieut. Colonel Rodman, wounded and others. , • .._ INTERESTING PARTICULARS TIRE ATTAcr...e On,the,l9th the Rebels attempted to drive Our forces from. Jame Island. The attack was sudden and unexpected, but Gen. Terry met and'repulsed them with . great slaughter. • The gunboat Pawnee, which supported the left ; flank,-grounded, and a Rebel battery opened upon her, firing about fifty shots,• thirty-nine of which hit her. She subse quently floated off and opened - upon the Reb els, putting them to flight. Our casualties were small, and the Rebels sera -taught a lesson which they will not soon forget. The bombardment of Port Wagner was renewed on the morning of the 22d, the iron clads co-operating with thearmy. ' , During the day Fort Wagner was silenced for some time, and her. colors shot away. The neV - Union batteries were opened upon the Rebels, doing great execution. LA TER • A charge was made upon Fort . Wageer, and °Ur troops, after a desperate struggle, Mil were obliged to fall back, which they did in excellent order, and held their old positions. "The loss on ourside.Was quite severe;, but ouru total loss inkilled; wounded and miss= ing'Since the 10th, has Only been about - 1000: The Forty-eigth New York Regiment lost about 25U men, and only three of its officers escaped unharnied. . „ The Catskill was struckaiaver fifty,titnes. but is all right. She went to Hilton Head, for supplies and:coal. - 8,E13.ML ACCOUNTS tab' VIE P!GBT CHARLESTON, July, 18.--The Ironsides, five Monitors, five,rrun Mid mortar-boats, as sisted by two lane batteries, mounting five guns, fire . .,el furiously at Fort Wagner. One of .our g carriages was dismounted. CHARLESTON, July 19,--After n furious bombardment of eleven. hours the enemy as- . sailed battery Wagner desperately and repeat edly.. Our people fought desperately and repulsed the attach with great slaughter. Our loss was relatively light, but' includes many valuable officers r. .. - Brio% Gen. TalWar° commanded on our 6 G. G. T. BFAURF.G.A.P.D. CHAALESTON, July 22,—The Richmond Whig says ;—The enemy commenced shelling again yesterday, with but few casualties.— We had in the battle of the 18th inst., about 150 killed and wounded. The enemv's loss including prisoners, was about 2,000. 'Nearly SW were buried under flag of truce. Col. Putnam, acting Brigadier, and Col. Sliniv, commanding the negro regiment, were killed. CHARLESTON, July 19.—At dark the ene my, numbering 10 regiments, made a deter- Mined assault on our works. After a despe -rate assault, Instiner. until 11 o'clock p.. m., they were repulsed with heavy loss. . Our loss is about 100 killed and wounded. The enemy's is estimated at 1,500... • We captured over 209 prisoners, including some black troops engaged in the assault. All quiet to-day ; burying the dead. CAPTURE OF MORGAN - AND HIS BARD. Unconditional Sander to General Shackelford. CAPTURE OF 200 Di BATTLE. Snbsequent Surrender of Six Hundred. HOSTAGES FOR COLONEL STREIGHT'S OFFICERS. • • 013.1CliN.A.TI, July 26, 1863. The following has been received at head -quarters : Heedguarters, in. the Field, Three miles; South of New Lisbon, 0. July 26, 1863. To Cot. Lewis Richmond, A. A. G. : By the blessing - of Almighty God; I have succeeded in capturing General John H. Mo - gam Col. Cluke, and the remainder of the onareand, amounting to about 400 pris oneis. / will start with Morgan and staff on the first train for Cincinnati, and await the General's order for transportation for the re mainder. J. M. SaAes.i.EFortD, Col.-Com. CLENT A LAND, o.„July 26, 1863. Major Way, :with 250 of the 9th Michi gan Cavalry, forced Morgan'to engage meat at 3 o'clock Sunday morning, a mile from: Salinville; Ohio, and roui:ed him, cap turine.'24o prisoners. Morgan; and 300, es , . Caped,• but were all captured 13_,y.Shackelford, at 3 P. )I.' Sunday, nearlgew Lisbon. Morgan and his staff are now prisoners at Wellsville,. Ohio. On the ISth Wit., a f:the. Butted Brethren Parson e, by: the -Rev. J. Dickson, Mr. ITProN M.OORE to - Miss AMANDA. REA, both of this Place.. Prevention of „Incrustation in Steam Boil eri.—WDZANS' ANTHNCReSTATION POWDER 4E• MOVES AND PREVENTS THE DEPOSIT OF SCALE, AND WITIIOUT INJURY TO TR E IRON SzczN Yekus iv Est.- References In all parts, of the country, ViE: Albany Gas Co.; Eaton, Gilbert & Co., and others, Troy; Syra cuse; Rochester, Auburn, &c., .404 John Gibson & Phelps, Charles Ensign, John IL Evans & Co., Jewett Root, and others, euffolo: Cleveland, Columbus, Ranel.: vifie. Le, 4c.; Goo. Shield. Miles Greenwood, Mitchell & Rammelsburg, and 40 others In Cincinnati; and through out the West; Indianopolis, Dayton,.Terre Haute, Lo- gansport, Chicago. Springfield, St-Louts, St. Paul, &c., 4c., 4c. Cost about 40 to 60 cents per week. For ciren- ar, address P.O. Box No. 0 Editor of Repository—Dea - Sir : With your permission I . wish ,to any to the readers of your paper that I will send 'by return mail to all who wish it. (free) n Recipe,, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will effectually re move, in iq mtnutes, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all IMpttritfee - of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, 6 trui.th and beautiful. I will also mail free to those lumina. Bald Beads or Bare Paces. simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Lhzuriant Hair; Whiskersk or a Mereitsche, inks, than BO days All ap- plications answered by return mail without charge. - Respectfully yours, , , 21108. P.CHAPMAN, ju1k2.1'634m. The Confessions and - Experience of an In ratide—Pahnshed for the benefit, and da a warning and A CAUTION 'TO YOUNG MEN who suffer from Nervous liability, Premature Decay or Manhood, etc, supplying at the same time THE' MEANS OF SELF CURE, By ono who has lured himself aftetheiug put to a great expense and injury through medical humbug and quackery. By enclosing 4 post•paht , addressed envelope, single copies may be had of the anther. = NATHANIEL MAYEsIII,E99., Bedford, Hinge county, N.Y. -may 20,6313 REPORT; OF TEE MARKETS PIMICE.CVREEENT or- m - ars 1 1: 1 -miz 3§1z,0,5. • CEIA3iIIZILSTRURG, July 28, 1803. 10 Won]) Woot. 50 /L 0 MOVLSHED WOOL 33' . .... .i........ ~ :8 CLOVER SEED. 41210 I 8 TIMOTHY SEED 2 00 . 1 4106 Air Bum 200 ' ~..... ' 12 PARED Paltoggs ...... ... 3 00 ........ i Usp.mm PEACHES 150 150 Darert APPLES... " 100 Bony- TALLOW SCUP 4..., BACON' HAMS, Main SIDES., SOUP BUNS Crith.BWROURGYLOURANIS,GRAM • MARKET, „ CORIIECTD Al' CITAMBEIMIURG 'MILLS Flour—White .. .. Flonnzejled Whcat—White4... ...... ...... Bye Corn 0at0..;. .PO TO MARKET. &forcer, New SO Plnk-Eyes MARRIEA . H. N, WINANS, 11 WAit ST., NEW YoI ly 2.,'63-bin Chemist, N 0.831 Broadway, New York COR4E6rED, WEEKiY. 11 001 6 66 ...... 12.6 the Ain't -tin , ftepasitom'j, =tlAntbergbtwg, LATEST NEWS! EXPEDIIIOPi TO WYTHEVILLE, WAstimoTo,,,,N July 25,; 1863. -- The following has just Teen received at the • headquarters of the army 4 ,from 'General Scammon; , - CE.AnixsTowli, July 24, 18t18: 4 Gen... Kelly: , Col. Toland, with the- 2d Virginfa Cavalry and the 84th Ohio Mount ed infantry, cut the railroad at Wytheville, and destroyed two pieces of . a:rtillery, 700 muskets, and a large amount of ammunition and.stores, and had a shatp,fight in Wythe ville. , Captured 125 prisoners, who were pa roled; killed 25; wounded not known. Our loss is 78 killed, wounded and ; miss ing-, Seventeen were. killed, including Col. Toland and Capt. Delaney. Col. Powell is very dangerously wounded, and is a prisoner. We were fired on, from houses, public - and private, by the citizens; even by the women. My men totally destroyed the 'town, and reached Fayette, yesterday,. rafter 'a march of about 800 miles. E. P. ScimaioN.. Brigadier. Gmeral. Lot:its Napoleon 'and Mexico-41e De• Glares that Country an Empire—llloaci• million, of Austria, to be Offered the Throne. , NEW Yew:, July 27.—The steamer Rea nolte,-with Havana Oates to the 22d inst„ has just-arrived: An arrival from Vera Cruz, on the I.Bth; at Havana, states, that Mexico was 'declared an,Enapire, on the 10th inst. Maximillian, of Austria, is to be proclaided Emperor, if ho will accept; if not, Napoleon• is to select one. A salute was fired at Vera Critz in honor of the event. :Beath of the lion. John 3. Crittenden. FRANKFORT, Ky., Idly 24.—The John J. Crittenden died at al o'clock this morning, without pain or struggle, iri the full possession of his faculties. Disease, gen eral debility ; age, 77 years. The Five-Twenties. ,PIIILADELPHIA, July 26.--Jav Cooke, the snbscription agent, reports the sale of 51,85U,Q00 five-twenty bonds ut the various agencies on Saturday. Deliveries of bonds are being made up to July 6. ',Philadelphia Markets. ' PH4LADELPIII4, JULY 27, 1863. FLouß—Sales comprise about 800 bbls Ohio extra family at $606.25 per bbl. The retailers and bakers are buying in a small way at $5•50®5.75 for superfine; - $6®6.111- for extra ; $6®,7 for extra family, and $7.55 ®8 'l4 bbl for fancy brands as to quality. Itve Ploqr—about 450 bbls sold at $4.50 per Corn Meal is scarce, at $4 for Penna. !GRAIN—About 8.000 bus. Wheat sold at 180®136e for fair to prime red, closing at 133e.13 bus. afloat. Pfrye _is scarce at 103® 105 e for Pennsylvania. White wheat rang es; at from 1370-240e'" bus. Corn—about 4;000 bus. sold at 80e for yellow. and 75® Tic for Western - mixed. Oats--3,000 bus. sad at 75®76e, for weight. Rekii allbertionttento. - ISTRAY,;:---Carne to the residence LA of the subscriber. near Fayetteville, about the 2d of July, a large 1311INDLE COW and CALF. 'the. Cow is supposed to be about nine years old. The owner can have the same by - fully identifying and paying charges. r Z•at. JAMES CRAMMED. WANTED, IMMEDIATELY.--:= yBALED HA li-::Plfty Tone good Timothy Hay y 14 Wes of 3.00 lbs, to 30012a5. each. for which I will pay Aiglifeen &Ware per Ton Q 12,000 li t at the Quarter master's Watehouse,'Chambersbarg, Pa. VDENNY, Capt.. and A. Q. 31..1U. S. V, Jul) , 28,'83 STRAY.—Came to the residence _U,4 of iho subscriber, 2 miles south of Oliambersburg. bete een'the Waynesboro . and Greencastle road. 6 head of Sheep and 4 Imaubs,oll of which are tuarkedwith the Netter N. The caviler ern have sheep by fully felentely log the same and Pir:ying charges. July '.3 St. VONDEROW. ' TWELVE TEACHERS WAN TED. —The Donrd of School Directors, of Letterkenny township will meet on Saturday, the Bth day of Augur!, 1,863, fur the purpose of employing one Female and oleven Male Teachers, to take charge of,the Public Schools of avid township fur thb ensuing session of six months. By order of the Board, _ , July 29, ' 'DANIEL GELNVIX, Sec's. • !N - OTlCE.—Whereas, Letters of Administration on the Estate of Isaac Strife, late yf Guilford township, dec'd, hate been granted to the übscriber. All persona knowing themselves indebted to saidEe tate frill Welter, make immediate payment, and those having Wins present them properly authenticate for settle unt.JACOß F. HESS, _ ! July 29:'63 61. . _ - Adm'r. TTNION COUNTY COMMITTEE. The Union County Committee wilt meet at the Dame of Eyeter b lionehroko, in: Chdunbersburg, on Saturday, the lat- day of Ategteet, at "one o'clock on earl Flay, tore ect a Representative Delegate- to the Union tate Convention. ano toad/ a Union County Convention Ito nominate a ticket to be supported by the Union men f Franklin County. GEO. LASTER, • 'July 29. - Chairman Union Co. Committee!: 1A N ,OWNER WANTED.-A La_ vor plated Tea Urn and Pitcher taken by Colonel Mot n [oat of Butirds Cavalry. from a rebel prisoner, and supposed to have been stolen tram some citizen of Adams, Cumberland, Franklin or York Cenuty. ii re been left lin pry hands to be reclaituei by the owner, who can been tit. same by proving property and paying cost of advertising. J. 11. IV July 29-3 t. Wayaonboro'. Pa; MORY:FEMALE COLLEGE,' , CAREEISLE. PA. Tjus Institution of Learning. for 'Young Ladle's will be opened on l'ltradatr, September 3d, 1663. Ilia Presi• dent will be assisted by an efficient corps df Teachers. The Course of Instruction will embr cc all the branches necessary to give young ladles a refitted and thorough Collegiate education. - , For Circulars and porticular information, Address the undersigned, Carlisle, Pa. R.l). CHAMBERS, july 20,'63-10t. President. Beastquarters, Provost Marshal, 16th District, Pennsylvania, Chatnbersburg, July 21.1363. MO ANSWER 'NUMEROUS IN tit:hies addreised to this office, the following is published, being Section 1 of Circular 22, issuedfrom the :wean of the Provost Marshal General, June 12,1863 : The "designated rendezvous".' at which all persons drafted into the service of the United States are required to report, under section 12 of the "Act for enrolling and callingont the National forces," , shall be the Ifeatiquar. tens of the Provost Marshal's Dietrictin which they shall have been drawn"ln the draft. , OSO.EYSTER, July 29-3 t. - ' Captain and Provost. Marshal. LETTERS e e at Cliamberebla [teary Joha liIST OF the Post OM. !ter Jacob /3. Banger Thomas J 2 Breolthelle. Mrs .IJary-: Bowers Eliza Its Conrad Jackson Joshua Jones) B - Jones , R V, • Jones Ltent 0 Kohn Btu! '• ' Itissellelin; Kate Keifer d P Crider Anna E Cook Mrs , , Chita Chrietopher Deryttipr James Diem William 2 Emery 'Samuel 11 Grove Epbriam Glaze litrs Mary GOMM Anna If Getßielts George Gip° Joseph Garber Jacob Lightner William tarkhove T B . Landis Jacob B Lennie D vld . , Lowis Warren - leY A Jackson McGuire Thomas- McGinley Mrs N IfnrrpphyMfs.Maryl McCloor Vigillant O'Neill Henry PetrikiaLientllW PlkePeter Purdy William Parker Elmer Row Peter or the above Let advertised. J. nemptill H C Hoover Hewett Charles ichard E Harris R Praderidlt Hayslett Eurith ffa Persona 0;1114 that they have July 2s. 'Rao abbmiscittento.' KEROSEXE.. • ' --- - • wILLLtrI OtTAVICE.S; wliotecsalo and retaiIOROCEE, on the- Dthmond, Chant burg, Pa., line iron appointed Agent for Franklin county of one of the beetS Enos OIL COMPANIES in the State, and will don OIL, wiroz,Es4At AND RETAIL as low any Rouse in Pittetiorg or Philadelphia Look to your intem.t and bny:Ydur OIL Where you get It the Cheapest. end whereit is always warranted to he the very first quality, ' _ ralliE NEW YORK - ILLUSTRATED NEWS. TUC BEST FAMILY PICTORIAL EVER PUBLISLIEDI_ ITS rICIRIIti '241,E3r0b,X.9 of ART. - lla Original Mater isArnished by the Writers. ItContains the Cream of be English Magazinee—Essnye Poems, Novels, and Personal Hosatp. TUE NEW YORK I.I.4,I7STAATED NEWS t i : fs.l . nstrnetive;! Entertaining and idiv6. TERMS, S3,S6 I PRR YEAR. , . Sankp'e Slvies bent, fret on .Applicatiori. . Published every Wednesday by . , THOS. B. LEGGETT .b. CO., . • N0.90-Beelcman St. N. Y. fni) 29-qt 111CPTIBLI:0' SALE.-The subscriber, =residing, la Green township, one. mile East of Poi merino. on the Baltimore turnpikei will sell. by Public Outcry, on the premises, on, Tuesday, the 11th day of August, 1863, thefollowlng Personal Property, viz; • One good MOOD MARE and 001 T ;1 yearling Colt; 6 head of Horned Cattle, 3 of which are good Mitch Cows—one having a Calf nt ter soda; 6 head of Hoge, two of which are.good Brad Sows with Pigs. Also. 1 falling-top I3uggy,with Pel6 and shafts;- 1 set of double Harness: one Ortrad-Vond PLANTATION WAGON, and Bed ; 1 pair of Hay Ladders:l three-horse Plow :1 two hors,. Plow ; 2 Shovel Plows ; 1 Corn Coverer ; 2 Bar rows; i Grain Bun; I' Cutting Box; 1 Grindstone, Also—Three seta of HORSE -GEARS ; 1 Wagon Badill 5 Collars and Bridles ;•2 Horse-Halters;2'Graiu Cradles; Shovels, Pori:timid. Rakes ; Double and 13ingletrees ; 1 Lag Mufti and many articieSnot necessary to enumerate As the subscriber intends, td relinquish Farming, the above Property will be , Sold without reserve. Sale to commence nt 16 o'clock, when attendance and a reas onable credit will be given. JOHN t 3 .BIGIIAM. July 29-t-4.', THE PORTRAIT MONTHLY, P,ADT I, AND IL—NOW A'EADY. PRICE.IO CENTS EACH. if. you want to know who are the great' men of the present day, and all about them, subscribe to the PORTRAIT MOSTLY. Sub•wription price One Dollar a year in advance. Thi4 work is pliblished on'thelsth of every month. Each number will be composed of sixteen quarto pages, elegantly printed, containing some TIIIRTY PORTRAITS on ins ' " MOST PROMINENT WEN' OP THE DA - T With carefully prepared and anthenticlliographipi. A History of the People of the Day. Subscription Price, $1 per annum. 5 Copies to one address - 4-1 50 10 Copies to one address 8 00 Sample Copies 10 rents. ' , • The New York . ' , Trigg and "PottnArc Ilcorriky," togetn er, furnished to Subscribers at 84 per year. Published by THOS. B. LEGGETT & CO., July 00 Beekman St.. New York. NEW HARDWARE STORE. ' - L. U. EYSTER • would respectfully infutin hie friends, and the public generally, that incoientixtion with hl • HEROSEND OIL AND LAMP STORE, , he has commenced- the` HARDWARE business. at his new Store room, one door north of W. iluber's Grocery. I lis stuck consists in the following articles, viz : ' Building Hardware, - ' e House Furnishing Goods; Table and Pocket Cutlery, Mechanics' Tools, , .. Nails by the small or keg, Farming Utensils, such as - .'. 'Shoves, ' - : Spades.- .. , •'' - -," Yorks,. _ • • ' potato Lifters, - . Scythes, . , -etc., etc. 1 Also, 011ie& Paints, Berisele, Linseed, Kerosene. and LnbrleaOng Oils, - Lamps of all diseriptions, , - Chand• liens for Oap and Kerosene. „ PrnitJars, best quality, &c., Sce ZZ- Agent for Sale of EVANS WATSON'S Fire . Proof Safes , UnlY-2M6S-tf. •-• PEOPLE- OF' FRANKLIN COUNTY, MAKE AND SAVE MONEY. WILLIAM •GELWICKS, • - Wltolesate aid Rtail DEALER IN . has just returned from the'Etiiitiina opened the folMw log list of FRESII 3.I.6IIOIIANDISE, which heproposee to sell CHEAPER THAN 'THE CPEEPEST:..j , 100 Barrels Brown Sngari ; 40 - White ,4 00 a • Syrups and Molasses.. 3000155. choice lams. dOOO " Sides and Shoulders. 400 Bags G. A. Salt; GO Bags•Mhton Fine-Salt; 1000 Sacks Table or Dairypalt , 50 Boxes Prime Cheese; . - • 25 gross Essence Coffee ; • 1.500 The. Excelsior Coffee. 00 bids. No.l, 2 and 3, Mackerel. 100 boxes Scotch Herring. % ' ' 50 doz. Twine and lied Cords: 100 Dozens Corn Brooms ; 1 75 Dozens Aesortiid Brmilies;- 50,000 Sega. re at Manufacturers' Prices; , 100 kegs of ,ails. 50 dozen Currg-C . ombs and Horse Cards.-, - • - • 100 gross Matches at factory prices; 200 doz Mason's iliac Blacking 'at,factory prices; GOO doz. packed Smoking Tobacco. 25 gross Stove Polish. .• 25 gross Indigo it boxes. JOU lbs. Indigo in lump. ` • 100 doz. Pint and half pint Flasks It:Factory prices. 25 " Wine Bottles. 100 " Fancy Soaps. WATER; •, SUGAR, " SODA and . 'FANCY • • ' ••-• "-'CRACKERS, by the barrel, . PAINTED BUCIL - ETS;by the_ do-SOn," , _ . - GROUND aid' lINGROUND :DICES, at wholesale prices also, " 11017SEREEPING ARTICLES, STONEWARE, ' ACEENSWARE, . NOTIONS, &c, &c., in great variety. TOBACCO OF ALL KINDS, - from 5 lbs. to a box, st City prices, together with linty- Area ox articles not owned, au of - vb . [di will ba politely shown to customers, and it not satisse4 after ev.mina tion, that " - ' HIS srocir IS THE.ZARGEsT IP ZEIN TOWN AND. HIS FAMES 2111: -. - ho will not - expect topsolie , ales. ' I am determined to sellgoodi very cheap and thereby sell the more of them - . , - - emaining in July 28,11303: RhodamierJemrh Rankin Miss Reba Reed James or iiwaringenlll 1) -. Shamb Hiram Smith - Samuel G Shellylifortiinor3l Itzeibrook Joseph Smith - Francis F Smiley Robert 11 Shenk Joh& Shen Samuel Shellhas Adain Shellhatuabrahm Thomas Miss Eliza Thompson L Vnoglnten 0 W IVa:ron Jas The epecial attention of conntrY merchantejs invited to this atoc); of merchandise, as I can and will sell geode as low as any house hs the cityo. Woodburn Joseph Waggoner sol Warr Joseph White CharlotteL Wilson Thomas - Walton Geo P Wolf Uannab. J •rs will please say W. DEAL, P. M. On all articles I can'do navel', ant on many starlet better, than I; aingle barrel, box, pa4ltogo or dozen could bit bought bar In the city. July 241, 1 4134. WILLIAM OKLWICIIiL wbo have lost money by the _ REBEL INVASION;;-- and to all othesa'who'deairelo 013AXIIIIISBOUG, WIIOLESAGE AND RETAIL, =ME ,; 1 „;-,:if - ,*, 21,1)brOisett.ratoi:.r: NU.,yA:NTED..—A good ROOM 'ivith ou r h w e l l or s . ingle gentlemaa t :i jirran _ Treadqurptir's Itch Dielnct * Pennsykania,' • ;. • • Ohimbers,burg, - 1n1y,.23, 1853. ) - THE FOLLOWING CIROTTLARS, trom.thd Ea - rem:of the Provost Xarshid General (kpAblishedfor the Information ot.all concerned. - GEO. ETZT,EIt, - Captain andTroTost Marabia: • _ '444 ~War,De;mpartment, • , , . ;.Prireiise Marshal- General's Office, ' , Washington; D. C., July 12, 1803. , - To answer inquiries made to this office, it is, atmounc: „ • Ist. Any drafted person payings3oo; under 'section 13 of the Enrollment Act, is thereby exempt from further liability under that draft, but not from any siabsiquent draft. 2d. Any drafted person furnishing an acceptable sub: , etitnte is exempt thim military service (Or the period for which' said substitute is mustered into the service. 3d. A Substitute, once mustered into the service; cale. not be drafted while in service., • 4th.-A-drafted man cahoot :pay - commutation moneY or present a substitute, after he hear reported - himself to theßoard of Enrollment for examination. sth. Men who, on the 3d of March 1863, were In the military service of the United States, as nn• the 4,,frattof 1882, and whose terms of service have since expired, ere not liable to the present draft ; but the per. sons for whom they were substitutes are liable .for draft the same as though they had not been drafted and fur: lashed substitutes udder the draft_ of last year.- . 6th. In serving the noticeas required by Circular No. 42, from this office, a reasonable time to report shall, in each case; be granted by the Board of ,Enrollment to men in State service who'have been or may be drafted.; TAMES B. REX, Provast.Blatshal General. Section 4 of the above eiriular is modified by Circular 51; which isas follows : • - - , _ _ [CIRCULAR, 210. 51.] - WO'Becalmed, Provost dharshal General's -Office, - ' Vi'ashingtott, D. C., J tag 18,1883. ' The 4th paragraph of Circular N 0.44, issued from this office July 12,1863, is hereby modified so as to corres pond with the following opinion of the Hon Wlllleazy Whiting. Solicitor of ,the War Department, -which '6lll hereafter govern in all ensile in It Is' applicable: -- OPINION. - " A person drafted Into the military service of the United Suttee', under the provisions of the act of March 3,1863, chapter 75 Mr ',enrolling and calling Ott the national fin ces and fur other purposes.' claiming Hemp ; Lien from draft by reason of any disability submitted and passed uponby the Board of Enrollment, whose de.' cubit thereon is final. If the Board shall have decided that the claimant is liable to serve, he has. the right, after, each declihm against him, to pay , hie aimmutatiOn money, or to furnish his substitute, within such extend• ed time as may be fixed' by the order of the Board of Enrolment for his appearance for duty. (Signed) WILLIAM WHITING,, Solicitor of the War Depot traent," JAMES It PBX, Proiost Marshal General, ritCritaCVZAR , NO._ 47.] • ' • • t - tear Department, _Provost Marshal, Genera Ds, Office, -• ; t Washingtorr,D. C., July 17, ISM. - I. Drafted men become soldiers in the service of the United States by thelitet - of their names having been drawn ID th a draft.- The notification, served uptmlbonn by the Provost Marshal, le merely an announcement of the fact, and an order for them to report for duty, at • a designated time and plate. - - SI. The folloWing opinion of the Bon. William Whit. log, Solicitor of the War 'Department, is published . for the information of unconcerned: " When a person has been drafted, inpursrutnce cf the Enrolment act of - March 3, '1863, notice of each draft be served on him persorufily, or by fearing a copy at hit bast place of residence, requiring him to appear at. ze designated rendezvous to report tor duty. Any person failing to report for duty after. notice. LEFT AT 1118 LAST PLACE OF. RESIDENCE, or served on him per, sone) ly, wit bout, fu raishln g a substitute or paying $ 30 9.- is pronounced by law to be a deserter;-he- may. be ar rested and held for trial by court-martial,. and SEN.. ,TE.NCED TO. DEATH. . "If a person'after being drafted, and before receiving notice, deserte,thenotice may still be served by leaving it at his last place of residence, and if-het does not ap pear in acordauce with the notice, or- furnish the snb l3titute or pay the $3OO , be will be in lawn deserter and Lust. be treated accordingly., There is no way.or man uW In which a person, once carol ed,' can escape . his public duties, and when drafted, whether present oretb pall, whether he changes his residence or absconds, the sights et the United States against him aresecured, and It is only by performace of 'his duty to the conntry, that he will escape liability to be treated as a criminal, • (Signed) 1 . WILLIAM WHITING, - - , Solicitor of the War Department." 6 . ' - i - i JAMES - jelly 29;933.4t. , Provost Handed GeneraL" - eaz e frEitate *des. CIIANQE TO MAKE MONEY ! The undersigned offer at Private Sale, on comm.' u,ouating terms, an that valuable TRACT OF LAND situ-' ated in St. Thcanas township, Franklin County, - sea.. 3 tulles North-west of themillagi of St. Thomas, bounded, by lands of P. Wilson's Heirs, • Wm. Presser, Barr. and :others, containing , —22 . 9 A , C-R ES: Aboutl.oo Acres of this-Tract are chaired. and in a fine state ofenltivation, the whole of which has been- thor-' oughly limed within the last few years; the. balance la heavily set with thriving Timber. There is a fine Lime, stone Quarry. on-the premises from which a superior quality of Lime Is made. The improvements centrist -of a good, two-storied Log-and Frame DWELLING HOUSE, A FINE BANK DARN, erected last summer: a Water- PoWui SAW iflLL,atid a STAVE and same Ix MILL, driven by a small Stem Engine, and other, necessary , and convenient buildings.. The above Propeity offers groat Inducements to, pur -ehasers Of Real Estate. , It Is located in a finely Timbered region, and as. the demand for Lumber, Staves, Shingles,. Ac.,lt and will continue On the increase, .an energetic business man could not fall to make Money out of -the many advantages it possesses.,. Perscins desiring to in vest in a valuable Property are invited to view this. Salisbury Shearman, residing thereoe, will give any in formation that may be desired. Possession can be had at anytime. „ 1.2., , GAltyka A.SHEASSfAN. - 13R1. 7E SALE; OF. TANNERY Agl:1All • AYETTIIVILLE,--The undersigned will sea at Prise Sale, the follocring described REAL -ES TATB,to „ 30 ACRES' OF LAND. All tinder good fence atid tillable, with a good Brick Dwell ing, a never failing well of good water near the door, A good Barn and Thrashing Floor, a line - Orchard bearing the best fruit. Also • ' • A •TANNERY' of 321arge Vali, 6 Large Leaches With limes and pools Bark Mill, Roller, Pump and Falling Stocks, all in excel. lent order, tho whole operating by WATER POWER. AlsO a good Barkshed; all' unsurpassed in convenience and labor saving. , - The above proprty will be shown to any person on ap plicatien to-Jacob B. took of Fayetteville, or John, B. Cook of Chambersbnrg. Terms will be reasonable. June 17,'ES-tf - PETER COOK,' TAESIRABLE TOWN PROPER, TY FOR SALB.—The inidersiMsed will Sell at Pri vare%Side, a LOT OF GROUND, situate on Fest Queen St., Chturibersbusg, adjoining the residence of P. Hammon, Esq., having thereon erected a two.etory JIRICK DWELT, LNG 1101184, with a tivcsetory Brick Back Building at tarched, a Frame. Stable, and other necessary out-build ings. There, is also a Well otexcellent -Water and a Cis tern on the premises. &dr Persons wishing to view the Premises and learn the terms, can do so by calling on X. U. Kennedy, Esq., Chambersburgor the subscriber; residing in &limns burg. , - • • - Ate Possession given - on the Ist of April next, when a good title will be made by SAMUEL KIMMEL June 3-3 m 46ttageb Ault - *idea. $lO REWARD I—Strayed or Sto len from the premise's of !dr. Etter, In Green Township, about four mllea- from Greenvillage, on 'Sun day morning. the 12th Inst., a LARGE SAYllA.B.poirith a star on her forehead, four black feet, raid bled Maw and tail,also a alight scar' on the right ttireehouldef. She left a sucking colt at home. The aboth reward will bo paid to any one 'who discorwrand return said mare to -JOHN- C. AU; • • ' July 22-3 t. . Newburg , Cumb'd Co., Pa. VORTT DOLLARS; REWARD.-'- Stole% from the pasture field of thesithscriber, on the Riddle Vann, about a mile and a h a lf N or th o f ca m• bersbarg, on noladay night, the I.3tis instant, A DARK ROAN MARE five 7=B Oid;lneditllll size, and has tiro lumps on the withers. A reward of SO will be paid for the return of tho mare; id good condition, , _ 4 1:1.4f . ' SAMUEL RUNK. VSTRAY.-L,•Came to the ieshiene& of the onhsciihar,- 14 mile East of 13,41enw00d," near the Turnpike. on the Gth of July, 11 HEAD, OF SIIOEP, and 1 MUFF COW.. Any pram proelnAtro portyand paying cnarges can have tbe same; by ay ing personlly or by letter to S. B. ST • • 1 01 Y 24t.'63. otr N.D ---On` 'the Ustriaelad) in ChsZbersburg, a PURSE cog a tram of money, which the owner can have by calling at this Office, identifying property anduasiur i coat of adgertia. Leg. , jn.l7 2.5•3 t. . MUNI .;,,, - ,_ ............. fto,,i Al OINT RESOLUTI,ON Li. PRO POSING CERTAIN. AM*NDMSNTS To THE omsTITUTION. 'Be it remised by ,t7tt Senate and Howe Egg . = mkt. tivesef ehe Conivusuwatith Rf aistirgiattnia its &Soar .Assentbiiiesoi, mac themlowing inneenimenbs he preps sed to the Constitution of the COnunontstnltb, in accord pee with . the provigh rut of the tenth article thereon ~ • There shrill be - on additional section to the third swtiels of the Conatitqlew, to be aisignatesl as section- four, as SECTION 4.,Whonever any-of 01 , 3,qt/tithed electers.ef this Commonwealth shall be in-any scrod military ser vice, under a requisition. from the President of the Uni ted States,.or by the artthority of -this Commonwealth, such-electors may exercise,.tne right of suffrage - in all elections by the citizens, under suchregulations es are, or shall be, prescribed by law- as fully as if they, were present at their usual place of electicur.•., • • There shall be two additional , sections,tothis elimentit ankh:kilt Constitution; to he designated as seotionseight and nine,as • followes •• • • - • . , Suasion shall ho _passed_by the Legislature containing mein than one a abject, which:shall be clearly expressed in the title; exceptappropriatiortbills. Swims 9. No bill shall be- pasted. bylire Legislature granting any Ponta, or privileges, in any case. where the authority to:smut- such-powers,. or privaleges, hits been, irr may hereafter be, conferred upon. the Courts of this Commrnwealtb. • JOHN CIISSNA; - Sporneer of the /louse of-Representatives. . _ . JOHN P. PENNSX, • , • , .s'peakerAfthe Senate, • Ovvics Of TIF, SEE'RETAttI: MIKE CO;4IMONWEILLRI4 .11arrisburg;.1444,1883. - , Pennsylvania; '84.. t dki hereby certify that the going and 01111e.U.41 a fall; true and correct - I. a. }copy of. be original Joint • Itesolutions ce the general Arse:ably., entitled "A Joint UMW, ion Proposing certain Ammo neuts_ to- die'COUlitittitiCao its the same remains on file bath's &See. - • , in testimony Flierila.. 1 hate hereunto set ,ray haul, and canoed the seal ei the Seeretuy's office to be affixed, the daynrislyeat abort: written . - Ind turya, 31 4. 1 5 , is, 63.14 - fli erAzry of tits --Csananonwealth. • IartocLAMATIO.N.- 7 -To ner,theJusticee of the Peace ' and the Constables of the .Dliferent- Townshipg in,-tin, County et-Franklin, Greeting: Snow - nil ye, that-in pursuance of a precept to me - directed, %under the _hand and final of the Rex. NILL, President of tne several Courts of Cont emn Pleas, in the Sixteenth- District, consisting of Ike counties of Somerset, Restful - 41, Fulton and Franklin, and by virtue -of Ida office, the Court of Oyer and ,Tenniner and General Jail I elivery for the trial of capital 'and other °iterating therein, and in the Geneiralurt of Quarter SesSione of the Peace, and ' , intrust 'W. PAXTON' - and -Jima 0. Cantos: Esqs., Judges of the gains conn ty of Franklin: , You and each of you are hereby roquir. • . to be and appear in'your proper persons with your Records, Recognixances, Examinations, and other Re membrances before 'the Judges aforesaid, at Chinn bersburg, at a Colin of Oyer and - Terminer and General Jail Delivery, and General Quarter - Sessions of tho Peace, therein to be holden for the -County of Franklin afo,e said, on the &smut ifonclay in'Augurt, being the loth day qf the month, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to no those things, which to your several emcee appertain.. - Give nunder my hand at Chamberebnii, thelt.th day of July; 1863:. ' - SAMUEL BELN'DT, - july2g-te. - • rherift several SCHOOL NOTICE.—The' Iloards of School Directors, the public and Appli.• cants tit Sehesilk ire herebv notified that the EXAMS ATION,OF TEACHERS for Franklin County, for their respective districts; will behold in Chanibersburg,August -.3d; Green township, the 4th; Southainpton, the Sth; Let terkenny;the 7th; Lurgan, the Bth; Fannett, the 10th; Afetal,11111; Peters, 12th: Warren; 18th; hiercersburg, 14th; Montgomery,lsth; St. Thomas, DUN Greencastle, 18th; Antrim,l9th; Waynesboro', xOth; WashingtonAlet; QuineY,' 22d; Guilford 24ittoed Hamilton, Ssth. The examination will open all) o'clock, A. IL, at, the usual plaeos of the meetings of thelloards, whereptinctual at tendance of all concerned will be expected. Private - examinations are not in accordance with the spirit er theschmA law. - Terichers,therefaro, should hot expect, nor Directors iequestauchexarninations, as t- ey will not-be accorded, except in cases. where :a Buticteut number of qualified Teachers has bet been snared ettoe public.examinattom iu such cases the retitiost of tho Board-should bo their legal action at - a prortenneetirg, and not the requ(sit of members In- their individnalleaß. *ityr , -d.. AL'tITiIYB2N, July 15;63.pt County Sap't of Common - _ ARDINANCE.—Be it : naoted- ,and 11,5 ordained b,9 the Bargesinnti Tothi Cannot/ of the ittrroutth of tiutmbersburgi and it is hereby eaaeted and ordained by the authoritgof the same, That the Twenty- Yeartli-Pection of the Ale/lord Borough Ordinances b relation to thehuilding, Making or piachag any Bick, Heap or Parcel of Orein, - 114,y, Straw, Chatter Fodder, or other Comb'ustible Material, passed the2sth Jay of July, 1853, and "An Ordinance with. reference bathe keeping of Straw, Hay, andt3rles within the limits of the borotiglk ,of Ctiambersburg, and regulating the erection of Straw Steaming litfildinge," passed the Bth day of January, A. 8.,1136.%h0 and the same are hereby repealed.L _.— Pad.ed_and maalned_ths , taab--‘tay-oraut.lB63. J. T. BiOSKIBSON. Burgess.. _ . 0.14 :Bram, . , D. 11.Taastuat,- .Z. W.lttars, ' - • T.'S:Banff Attest: • • - Pre= CaIaGIEDAVN, .Tenon 0.0. Sffratnnta, See'x. July 16.61 IVOTICEi—The---iiridersigtted i with IA many others, have had their fence destroyed by the militaryoc motion of this section; and -are unable to repair theta for some time to , -Their crops are therefore exposed VS all stock that ha 'permitted to rah at large. They hereby-give notice to:osdr neighbors, and especially tatho owners of cows, hogs, an., in town, 'bat to allow their stock. to ran at large, as hi justice to themselves they mast enforce the laws strictly. They appeal to all neighbors to respect their' notice. - -11110114.111 r MIME, - WU. SKINNER, DANIEL • J0H14.11,4-DE, SAIIUELILEINTZIIII.4.3, WBI.IIETSBR, S.GREENAVEALT, BAAS. IL BURNETT, - JOB:KELLES, ALEX.MAKTIN t DR. E. CliLlitilitTSON, .1081111 A BEAR, - July W.--BE • - BIIE6T, ,VIS:INISTRATOR'S ;'Notice Is 'hereby given that Letters OtAdmitifs tractoa on the Estate - of Jacob B. Knisley,deed, have been g granted to the undersigned ; residing ShipPtme .btir. . All persons indebted to the said Estate, arereqnsated to make immediate payment, and those histring claims or demands against the Estate of decedent, will make known the same, without delaytd ' KNISLEY, June 8-6t* MOTICE - Wtiereas; Letters•of'Admin istratien on the Estate of George Strinip, rate O. Peters township, deed, have been granted to -the sub scriber, residing humid towishipp . Ali persons indebted to the said 'Estate, irerequested to make immediat payment, andihose having claims ria _demands against the: Estate of said decedent, will makfr them known, without delay, to • • r ' JOHN •THOMPSON, 5 Anm'r: June 3 , 363 AuStATK Or'. - SlllO LI, W. MI PLEY.4 :Notice:ls hereby given that lettersofkdministra. Lion on the Estate Of Simon Mr,llupley,late otthe Bor. ough of Greencastle; deed, have been granted to 'the. undersigned residing In said --':- _ Ail persons knowing themselves Indebted to -said 'EI tate are requested to make -immediate payment; and those having claimir,pretent "them properly authenti, cated foreettlemeht.. JACOB PENSISGER, June 30634 E... , .„ Adeer.'' Ex. UDITOR'S tho % dont t oreommonVicds of frankiii . CountlsPellk qty.:tali: 'The Auditor appointed by the Court, to malte distribution of, the maimed in the hands of Martin Ileintrieriaan, Assignee of John Baughman, to among tido 'ciedittna of said John Baugliman, will meat the partied interested - for the purposes of his appointmentond `Wednesciay,lho Mb: day of dtigust ne4, at',lo o'ciod4 A; M., at thoodieb of Stambaugh & StewartAtrthe bot rough ofebarabersburg F. B. STUILBAUGH, 'July 20,1803:4t. . • - Auditor, IVOTlCE..,—Whereiik - Titers , of. Aidnikgstiation on the -gnat° of Giorte 1. In-' clarion, latoPf QUInCy township, decd, bavebcangrant= ed to tho subscriber, rosidingin Quincy toltuddii: Alipersonitndebted to the said Estate, are hereby re% quested to make immediate payttent,and those haring , o Wins or demands against the Estate of eakt 406114 wilt make known : go saute - without doing,l July 22,-(St.' IiEVI O. REPNEJI, Adner. NOTlCE.—Whereas - LettOrtf Teter :taineutary to the Estate of piames.Beattglate Annie!' decd, have been granted to - scribers. - - -Ar personsindeirtedto the said Estata'arif ritanded to make immediate payment, and those' having - claim* or demands( against- the Estate cf the said decedent win make tooth the seine without delay', to . • • - JAMES. Nat; - "fv!"3/11•'• July 22,' 63. POTICE."-L'—Whereas, Letters eff.Ad. Intletatation on the ftstate of Bfaigaxel, Carefitt te of -Pbatabesebenoleceeeed..have been Vented abe subeetiber; ,all name' fedebted to the eald iodate. , lye requested to make lannediato.psyment, and those EutTlngclalma or &metls 'against Aka ro.st.., at said decedent teilltnike/xtrwil On sazge'sitbont delay. , Jolls C,ASP.MAN, ,- " - l.dminlitrakc Jai[Ai e; MANS' _COURT' greekiinemoty,Ps,„,- - Edsts Reams Ztuaz, &AL Toe Atulltar'appolAted by the Court to audit, settle sad adjust_tbs account al• &mad lasts, Administrator de boots non: coo tostasseute anus° or said George Usti, deed, and pate dtstribation of tbabalatthi in tae bonds °Mot ecanastainVorill elect the partfeJe liatediated Ise tbapsmoso able siva/S*4)=4m Yuesday,-tkailth day , Sj! 41ogult, - 1889, at In o'clock, A. R., at kis Mks, in Chsocabeasborg, (inly4.3t) JERAXOK,Aitittat. 8