The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, July 29, 1863, Image 4

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    . r ..~'
17: Ci3A.32C2B.MRS3S,t.).tea:
'',lATetinesday orrii g, J 1y 28, 1863.
Jog: K. SIitLYOCK is authorized :to
researeSobscriptlonsand contract for Advertisements
Su the P.EPoerkoirr in the Eastern eities.
EERATA.—In the first paragraph of the
article on third page, headed Pruning ,the
,Peach Tree,
reidttnauiating soil,: instead or "undulatory son," is
erroneously printed: -
' I SINGLE copies of the REPOSITORY
be had at 'the' :counter Nv.. A . th or
' 'without wrtipp9rs. Trice five cents.
MERE is no truth whatever in the
teleoTapbed here on:Monday
MeCon7nellsburg; that the rebel
--cavalry had pressed the' Potomac at
;ittineeek and :were limning uptbrougb'
4!ultott county. 'the rebels have not
appeared on the 'Potomac itt any
',s"ohat during the last
_,-.•-There has been considerable skir
mishing between the cavalry of Gens.
` Meade and'lee for some
, days;' but
tee bas far avoided a general
:engage - Mont, mid most likely will be
Mile to reach his old line south of the
Ba.Ppahannock without a decisive bat
. -tie. He is evidently trying to do so,
and it is scarcely in the power of the
-Union army to prevent him. If so,
.",,the Army of the,Potomae will hard
:_}y commence an offensive campaign
the nest thirty days..
Gen. Grant has been keeping the
„libels steadily on the retreat in the
l'Southwest. ..Toluiston was compelled
in evacuate 'Jackson, and retire still
.1:- farther south.. The Mississippi river
lIONV oPenfrem the head of naviga
lion to the Gulf.. The 'steamer
from St.' Louis, arrived at NOw
I.,prleans on the,l6th inst, having. met
no obstacles. on the river. -
The . siege Of Charleston progresses
favorably. An attempt to storm Fort
:Wagner at night was unsuccessful,
but so were two such uttacks; at
Vicksburg and two at Port Hudson.
Ve'give the details in. another col-
Morgan hag come to grief His
men were captured, piece-meal until
he had but four or_ five hundred left,
, a3ad they with their chief were gob-.
"bled-up on Sunday last. Invasion of
"...Northern soil seems about at an end.
'Foster sent, am expedition into
lrth - Carolina htst week, which was
~eminently!' successful. • The railroad
over Tar river was destroyed,
(with vast 'quantities prciduce, ma
chine shops, ammunition . , cotton, two
., an unfinished iron -clad,
and a number of wagons. The cap
;tures were 1.00 : men,490 neg Toe- and
300 horses and mules.
-The_draft had been made peaceably
minor° than half the districts of this
Sta;te r and 4n perhaps half the North,
and a few weeks more will completeit.
We look for the 'machinations of Nor
thern traitors to: effect breaches of
.the peace in various sections, in hum
hiltation of the Coppex_head ri.-
ots of New York; but the "national
atithorities'are doubtless fully prepar
for such exigene3es, and we are of
t fieiaily assured, tht.t: in no instance
Will the , government allow the laws*
7siO be defied or even evaded. In
'The drift . gill be
. made; the provis
of, the law enforced in spite of
the . cowardly and treacherous, and
'the mere addition of vast numbers to
aur-,galla,nt 'armies in the field will be
the Surest harbinger of Peace.
Probably our heroic soldiers now,
In the'Reid &tad crush out this cause
less and wicked -rebellion,. but it is
'neither Iv* norjust that the task
should be left to-;them. •The bogus
.Con'f'ederacy of treason is new strug
lin the last; violent throei-of
death. INTell,nigli-One hundred thou-,.
``sand of its' cleludedwarriors have been
subtracted from its armies within for
dap, by death, wounds, captures
„fraddeserters;endthe,remnants of its
•ebinmands are stricken with despair.
--At - every point"their marderous flag
has surrendered - to;-or receded before
the' vi4teirioufl hosts of, th,e Union,
and but for the-mad-u m bition of the
'arch •
h french of this bloody drama, the
war would nfr,vir, ,j,)d. over, and Peace
..ensitUnion again bless the Western.
•Warld.. 'Bat its• dying ago
nie,s,it evinces the deiPeration known
only :to relentless crime. Instead
of being content withlthe _deselation
"of a million homes, "the Chief of the
:xlo/rdnions ?of .treason 1 , 4 a called for a
levy cii niasse of the mile inhabitants
of the ot!.th. Few and hopeless-will
be the urn, who can answer such.a
call, for nearly every available man
is already in the ranks, and more than
half the territory claimed by the gov
ernme'nt. of 'traitors, :has beeo hope
lessly )severed from their power; but,
howeler futile, it shoW§ that *aeon
will die only when it ban 110 longer
hope to live.
In but one way' eau our. govern
ment, follow up' and reach the full' fru-
Rion of onr recent crowning victories.
-Let - ow. armies be prOMptly filled up
'so that at every point shall .be
clearly invincible. Let overwhehning
numbers threaten the 'traitors at ev.:
ery and their battalions 'will
vanish in hopeless terror; until scarce
ly *ill un :army remain
.to_ bear aloft
the banner of crime. The chiefs will
find 'their power gone--=-their lives in
peril—their-bloody workracceraplish
ed, and they too will vanish to some -
m4re :congenial home for treason,
than can be found within the limits.
of the Union of our fathers. Sangni
nary"' battles Will henceforth be un
knovn in the history of the rebellion,
and in due time.',eace will , again:
dawn upon our beloved country.
TheSe happy, peaceful fruits - Wilk_ we
trast i result; froth. the national 'con
scription, and every loyal heart should
bid it God Speed in the name - of the
Itepnblic. • ,
--43 ad men have 'sought to in-'
Haute prejUdice against the draft.—
They have appealed to the basest !
passions, arrayed the poor against
the rich, and by every'posSible means
invited lawlessness and anarchy.—
The '6300 - exemption clause has been
perverted, and its aim, persistently
belied to weaken the loyal men of
Minable Means. .Let ;them remember
that but for the $3OO exemption clause,
every man would be compelled to
serve either inperson or by substitute;'
and the price of substitutes will in all
probability be three times the amount
fixed by Congress. So far from dis:
driininating against the poor man, it
effectually limits the price of exemp
tion, and defeats the shameless traffic
by. unprincipled brokers in substi
tuteS. The laW is, on this point, pre
cisely the State law of New York,
which was signedby Gov. Seymour,
and , is the law :of - civilized nations
where drafts are necessary. Let men
of all classes stand shoulder to shonl
' der in this work. Remember that it
is the sacred cause of Nationality we
are called upon to defend. It is the
cause of every man---the hope of ev
ery household—the last refuge of
civil and religious liberty; and it
appeals to the approving judgment
and the earnest effort of every patri
ot and Christian. Let no loved ones
learn the cruel lesson of want because
their protector is defending the cause
of a common country. Let no sorrow
stricken home of the bereaved mourn
alone for their heroic dead. Their
wants, their sorrows, are endured for
a,Nation's. existence, and they claim
a Nation's liberality, a Nation's sym
pathy, a Nation's gratitude !
- When the impartial historian shall
come to record the victories, defeats
and embarrassments of our Govern
ment in Ai- sacred effort to preserve
our free institutions, the most appal
ling chapter in his chequered pages
will be that devoted to the covert trea
son, the cowardly misrepresentation,
the base appeals to partizan preju
dices, and the thin-guise of hypo
erisy that presents cold professions of
li)yalty, to, a loyal people, while
neath rankles the deadliest hatred to
the preservation of our na ' = a *ty,
save upon the altar of dishonor.
The Democratic State Convention
- held its sessions at Harrisburg, while
armed, traitors reveled in the Cum
berland Valley, plundering our people,
holding possession and exhausting the
wealth Of our towns and districts;
insolently defying alike National and
State authorities, and inflicting upon
the fair fame of our Commonwealth
the dishonor of rebel occupation of
our soil. 'Some of the delegates in
ayr,tendance were fugitives from their
homes, and e their families and property
at the mercy, of the minions of.xaur
derous treason. The people of - the
State_were flying to arms in obedience
to the call of the proper authorities;
and the measured tread of recruits
was unceasingsaromid the halls where
in were congregated the magnates of
DefilLeracy struggling to obtain the
power and spoils, of oleo. -
The main- duty of that Convention
was to nominates candidate for Gov
ernor, who, if chosen; - woild be
charged with - the' maintenance -of
peace, order -and security of the citi
zens • and the honor of the State, and
to 'declare the principles and policy
upon which the Government shall be
preserved and-' administered;'''How
that duty . .was discharged, let - the
record answer. A man was presented
for Governor who has yet to utter
the first earnest word of encourage
ment to the Government in :preserv
ing 'the life of the Republic' against
unholy treason; tend whose every de
clarations upon the subject deny the
power of the Nation to meet armed
traitors with arms, and thus• assert
its inherent right to live. • A platform
was pregented by Hon. F. W. Hughes,
who signalized' his Ale,votion to the
Government, when the war, 'emin.-
inenced ) by tendering PermsylVaUia
as a free offering to those who have
by wanton, wicked war, made millions
mourn. Avowedly a friend .of the
deadly foes of the Republic, he could
do no less, in a loyal State; than guise
treason in every resolution, and at
tempt to poison the - whole fountain
of honest devotion to the "cause, of a
common country.
That he succeeded well, is .a pain
ful, palpable truth. Of the eleven
resolutions adoped, not one—not so
much as a single sentence or line,
.breathes the spirit of an earnest, lion
est,friend of the preservation of our
Nationality. In reckless misrepre
sentation; in the recital of imaginary'
errors of the administration; in -the
denunciation of every measure adopt
ed to give success to our arms in - the
field and to our honored flag; in de
fending the came of open, insolent
traitors upon -s6om the hand of the
government has but tooleniently fal
len—in ail Adis they are matchless in
vigor and elaleurate in terms;: But
they 'are wanting—sadly, *holly
wanting in every expression of devo
' tion to our Conntry's'cause; in every
impulse of patriotism that looks to
the subordination of all things to the
'preservation of our government; in
, every expression that would cheer a
soldier's heart, or solace the thous
ands of bereaved whose loved ones
died that Freedom might live; in, the
reprobation of the relentleSs murder
ers of our gallant sons in the'call'se of
mad ambition and deadly treach9iT—
in all these they are silent at the
The, PEOPLE of Pennsylvania are
loyal. They may be defrauded into
the embrace of treason, but they can
not be' marshaled ender a traitor's
flag or on a traitor's platform, if not
deceived by _subtle, insidious foes.
We ask every man, of whatever pop
litical attachment, to peruse carefully
and ponder well the_ platParm from
which Judge Woodward hopes to
climb into the ExecutiVe chair. Rad
Seymour's speeches and platform last
fall been half so frank in espousing the
cause of our country's foes, he would
not have been clothed with the pow
er of the Empire State - to prostrate it
at the feet of a murderous, plundering
mob; and if Woodward can be suc
cessful, the bitter foretaste of Deino
-cratic rule - given to New York,will
be the ruling power of the land. An
archy will hold undisputed sway in
the great States of the North, and
treason will compass the entire gov
ernment in its triumphant embrace.
Loyal men of Permsylvania
well of the entertainment "to which
you are invited !
THE mission of the rebel Vice Pres
ident Stevens. to Was.hington is fully
explained by the publication, in the
Richmond papers, ()fa correspondence
etween Stevens and Jeff. Davis. Ste
ve z was instructed to en s deavorto get
the b gus government.out of the diffi
culty it has involved itself by an act
of its Congress and by the proclama
tion of Davis, reqtdring the officers of
negro regiments to be held as felons,
to be tried and executed byrthe State
authorities: As the United States now
holds three traitor. 'officers for every
Union - officer held • by the rebels, the
game of butchery'proposed by Davis
turns out to be a - most tinprotniiing
enterprise, whereupon he becomes
suddenly impressed with the most
sublimated notions of htunimity, and
wants a new cartel arranged , whereby
exchanges can proceed as heretofore;
and he wishes, as he tells, Stevens, to
"divest the 'war of the savage char
" aster which has been impressed tipOn
" it by our enemies, in spite of all our
" efforts and proteSts Good for
Jeff! • When he found : he, dare, not
hang 'Union officers, although he gas
donme4 them to death by public pie
clamation,he meekly propoieS_ to ar
rest ihe ", savage character" of the,
war! Ile , insists that, Bur,nside's.ek
ecutiou Of the rebel recruiting officers
withinlis' department was " baibar.
" ons, uselessly cruel and can only lead
c‘ to - the slaughter of prisoners on both
,We begto,inquire of Jeff.
- how long a Union; officer would be
allowed to recruit for the National
army,,anywhere within his lines ?
andhfiw many minutes would be al
lowe dlini for prayers b efore , he would
swinkto the nearest pest or tree after
his arrest? If he should get an'hour
of gr4e, lucky would be. his star in
Anew A. Curtin; the Governor of ii sov
ereign State, the sole commander-in-chief of
its forges, whose power 'under thO cireum
stanets;extended even to ordeling a draft to
be made for State defense, goes to Washing
ton Cify to ask Mr. Secretary Stanton for
perinikkon to call out the militia of the State
for its own defense. The servant went to his
master, and the master refused his humble
petition, presented on: beaded knee.--Spirit
and 'limes. - _
W giVe the abovre its we find it in
the Spirit;' italics and all. Perhaps
that 'Journal - did not . know 'better—
perhaps it - did._ It matters not which,
for it's ignorance could be pardoned
no lees than its malice.
_Goy. Curtin never -applied to the
national authorities. for permission to
r 1
call out the militia. He is their com
mangevin-Ohief, and' can call them
whenevelq in his judgment they are
needed to repel invasion or suppress
insurrection. -He-did however apply
to the President to'clothe, equip, firm,
subatst and 'pay the militia, . and the
PreSident promptly directed that it
should be done, and officers were .de
ailed for the purpose.
End Gov. Curtin called out the mi-
Mitt': on his 'own 'responsibility, and
organized them exclusively tinder the
Stag laws, he would ha - ca been com-:
pelled to call the legislature,—an ap
proPriation and a'-loan would have
been' necessary; the . clothing and
many of the arms must have been
purchased, and in the course of sixty
days be militia, might- have' been in
the field. - Gov. Curtin . preferred to
save million or two to the State
and also to save the delay ha getting
the troops oh the border, for ,which
the Spirit is excessively indignant. -•
If the Spirit prefers that Gov. Cur
tin-should have imposed the cost of
uniforming, arming, subsisting and
paying the militia upon the people of
the State, instead of imposing it upon
the :national government, -it 'should
say so frankly, and not resort to a
palpable perversion to justify . an at
tack upon the ExeCutive.
31a. STABLE, Editor of the Gettys
burg Compiler, has been discharged
from Fort McHenry.
,He, took the
oath of allegiance to the government,
and gave his parole of honor to ap
pear at any time to answer charges,
should any be preferred against him
sufficiently grave to demand the-cog
nizance of a court. For his own sake,
as well as for.the, sake of his kindred
who shall survive him, eve hope that
his record is clear, and that he has
been wronged. The man who could
play the part of a spy for an enemy
at his own home, is the foe of order,
of humanity, of every Virtue, and is un
fit to live. Of such a crime we should
not, judge a man guilty in haste or pr.-
judice ; but when dispassionate proof
fixes guilt, it, would be an act of inhu
manity to every loyal house-hold,ao
the veriest fraud upon Justice; to per
mit, him to live. Mr. Stahle has suf
fered some for his country, -and maiy
boasthis m artyrdo m likese ore s of fools
before him;
,but 'he should not be up
mindful that an' hundred thousand
patriotic hearts have 'sealed their de
votion to a C0111111.(Mi. country with
their life blood, that he might enjoy
for himself and posterity the Free
Institutions of Our fathers. If he'will
not imitate them by rallying to the
Old Flag, in the field, let him atleasi
disarm suspicion by giving , heart and
hope to the Nation's cause.
WHATEIrEII may be the fate of Capt.
Sawyer, Ist New Tersey Cavalry, one
of the Union officers' selected z - to-lie
executed by Davis in retaliation for
Burnside's execution of the rebel
spieti and recruiting officers, he will
stand out boldly as one of the noblest
heroes (A' de. war. kfter he had been
advised that he had been selected us
one, of the victims of rebel vengeance,
he penned a letter to his wife which
breathes the loftiest patriotism. -He
concludes as follows t'
My dear wife, the fortune of war has put
me in this. position. If I roust die a sacrifice
to my country, with God's will I must sub-
mit; only, let me see you- once. more,. o l d 1,
will die bedoming,a, man and an officer ; but
for; God's sake do not disappintine. 'Write
to me as soon as you et.tlyis, and go to Cant,
Whildin ; he will lavise you what to do.
thave done nothing to deserve this penalty.
Ilut- you must submit to your fate. It will
be no disgrace to myself, yell, or -the - chi].
dren; but, 'bu may point with pridr; ; and
say; give my husband my children
will have the consolation to say, .4-was
made an orphan for my country: God will
provide for you ; never fear. , - Oh! itis hard
to; leave you thus. , I 'wish the ball that
passed threugh-my head in. the hist battle
wOuld have done its work ; hilt it was not to
be so. lfy mind is somewhat influenced, for
it - has•Corne so sudden .on me. ' Writeto me
as soon as you get this; leave your 'letter
.open and I will get it.- Direct my name and
rank, by way of Fortress , Monroe. Fare
welll farewell! and hope _ .it- is all far, 'the
best. I remain yours until death: -
! -
Captain. Ist New Jersey Cavalry.
yALLANDIGIIAM has 'escaped the
blockade, through the_kind aid of Jeff.
Davis,' and is - now in Canada. The
Chattanooga .Rebel was the first paper
to nominate him for Governor of Ohio,
and it laid dawn - a plan for the cam
pain% which thus far has been 'faith
fully observed:by Val.-and the
Democracy. Between the Rebels of
the South and the Copperheads of
Ohio they would elect him; but for the
fact that the loyal Buckeyes, without
distinction of party, will east 50,000
or so majority against him. The re
bel armies are now - defeated or cap
tured at every, point, and the crown-.
ing .effort of the patriots of the North
will be the defeat of the apologists of
treason and defamers of the-army and
government, at our coming elections..
,Seff.! When the loyal bal
lot-boXes ;thunder in Pennsylvania and
Ohio, the last expiring hope of tree,-
-son will perish! "
Tin Spirit wastes a column to dem
onstrate how it might openly, defy
the conscription law; but upon the
wtble it. concludes
,it won't The
common sense of the article is e)R ,
braced in.. the concluding paragraph ;
as follows
"The eonseriptionis a lawof the land, passed
by both Houses of Congress and approved by
the President, and until it has been fuljudged
unconstitutional by the proper judicial tribu
nal, or legally repealed, it remains in fUll
- force. and every citizen is bound-by it. So
long as it rematris'n_ law,, it must be obeyed,
no matter 'how odious its provisions may be
considered. When we totally cease-to, be a
law-abiding people, the days of constitutional
liberty are numbered. We feel that We can
not too strongly urge upon our people, by,,
every consideration which the good of scicie
ty can plead, their duty, - under all circurii
stances, to respect and abide l:lygiteprovision
of law. There is full redress for all real 'or
• aginary grievances in thcconrtasand the
ballot-box. And this is the Only means bf
redress which the Safety of the people will
BEN Wotan, brother and echo of
Fernando, evidently wants another
riot badly in New York. :In - his
Daily .Netcs, of a recent 'date,,he in
.sist's that the military force, in New,
York city, which is preserving the
peace against Wood copperhead thieves
and bullies, "should not be tolerated!"
Such innocent atutisement as hanging
men to lamp-posts, butchering citizens
,sacking and plun
dering prilart' residences and stores,'
arid defyinlne.laWs generally, should
not be restrained by ti, "military des-,
potism." Ben and Gov. Seymour,'s
"friends" should, have free scope. If
this isn't a free ciiuntry, it's time we
should know, it:: Forward, Benja
min I—progress, Fernando and the
Peace Democracy !:_
THE New York Commercial Adver
tiser sayi that Gov. Seymour sent for
Gen. McClellan during the riots, and
begged hith to go up to the scene of
rioting'on the East side, and address
the people, stating that a speechfrom
him Would quell the, riot. General
McClellan replied --" If Igo up to the
" people, 'as , you call them, it will not
"be with a 6peqeh l but with grape
"and canister 1" It is needlegs to say
that Gov. Seymour had no further use
for gen. McClellan. .
THE public opiniqn is well settled
in the conviction that a man should
not . hold one important , office while a
candidate for auother.• Mr. tong
streth tried it in 1848, and lost the
Gnbernatorial-chair thereby. Judge
Woodward his aceepted.the nomina
tion for Governor, but still sits as
Supreme Judge. Will he resign?- 7 4)r
does he distrust th'e devotion of Penn
sylvania to his send-loyal platform ?
WE learn that the Union League
of this place has invited Hon. Wm.
D. Kelly; of Philadelphia, to- deliver
an address in the' Court House on
Monday evening the 16th.of Auguit.
He is one of the ablest and most elo
quent champim of the Union cause,
and we hope thathe will comply with
the request.
_ VALtirtniuna?i, #1 his 'address to
the Ohio Copperheads, says that he
- found:no Men in th;s Sonth:who would
obrts9nt'to submission. 4acl a loyal
maifpassed through the dominions of
treason .as he did, u different story
might have been 'told; but no: true
man would confide his opinions to a
Northern traitor. ,The Mobile Adver
tiser says that there have been "signs
of the white feather fluttering during
-theffew past gb:(6my days." Val. didta
see it, hofiever, although the South
ern Preis admits acid laments it I
TEM attention of farmers and fruit
growers is invited to the article
and illustrations on our third page,
giving explicit directions how to tann
age and prime Peach trees. Thi s - d e _
'Heim fruit is too much neglected 'in
this .section of Pennsylvania. - Peach
es can be raised on almost any soil, but
a large portion of Franklin county is
admirably adapted to its cultivation
in the highest- degree of perfection.
WE give in to-day's paper two-com
munications. on. the subjedt of our
local nominations. - The MEPOSITOET
is" open at all times to Union men, to
express their preference for any co,n4i.
dates for nomination in- a temperate
manner. The Editors di) not pretend
to be in any degree, responsible for
the views thus expressed by - eorres
pendents. ,
WE give on the first page_of to
day's paper an adinirable portrait of
Maj; Gen. Geo. G. Meade, the Hero
of •Gettysburg. A full biography was
given of him in the lincosrrota of
the itth . inst.
THE national .authorities exhibited corn-
mendable firmness in refusing to liken to the
appesits'of Gov. Seymour, the' Herald, and all
others who sympathized with Ind apologized
for 'the rioters. They demanded that the
draft should be suspended in New York, but
official notice has been given that the draft
shall be made in New. York and elsewhere
as soon as the; officers are prepared to make it.
The New York Times says that , there- is a
remarkable mange in. public sentiment' con
cerning the draft, since the opening of kst
week.; Very many who were formerly. op
posed; now favor it. • Indeed, the determina
tion to uphold it seems to be universal, except
those; inhuman rioters who . conststuted the
mob. The rioters took • a very bad- wny of
convincing the public of the justice of their
V.s.x.r..6.Nnionsm, from his secure re
treat in Canada, has issued an address io the
people of, Ohio, arguing - the constitutionality -
of his deportation to the rebel lines. Of COMTE
he calls it tuaconstitutional, Andre-ws,thelead
er ofthe New York mob, the murderer . and in
cendiary, who was afrested the other day, also_
alleges that his arrest was unconstitutional.
Well; Andrews followed out the doctrines of
Vallanc4gham to their natural sequence; and
if the instigator to' tiot and bloodshed has
been unjustly dealt with, why not the perpe
trator*. the - crimps. Is it not a maxim in--
law that the instigator is equally guilty with.
the criminal ?
Tat" Gettysburg Sentinel says that notwith
standinethe general disarrangeinent of busi
ness, in consequence of the late terrible.bat
tles in thatloCality, the full quo& of State_
Tax of )I'dams county was paid into the
Treasury, at Harrisburg, on Friday. last, by
H. B. Danner, Esq., County Trewirer—he
being among the first to do so.
THE National Guard is the title of a large
quarto sheet publishe.d weekly in Philadel
phia, by- Leader '4it Creamer, at $2 per an
num. It is an able and earnest &tampion of
the Union cause, and deserves a generous
support froze the loyal - people of th'e State.
See prospectus in our advertising columns.•
PIE Government is in want of Acting As
sistant Surgeons - in the navy., Gentlemen
wishing' to enter this branch of the-service
Inuit be over thirty years of age; =are
sent good testimonials as to character,..etc„
and willing to undergo an examination as to
physical and professional qualifications:
'IE3 New South is the title of a neat little
paper published at Port Royal, South Caro
line, by Jos. H. Sears, Esq. It is devoted to
the prosecution of the war and army intolli
gence,'and inus.t be a most acceptable -- *lsitor
to the defenders of the Old Flag ix that hot
bed of treason. " • -
WE. have gorley's .Lad,g's Book for... August,
with colored fashion .plafes,, a beaUtiful stcee
engraving, and a variety of choice literature
besides the departments devoted to home.
keepers, female industry, &c., which are un
surpassed in interest and usefulness.
TEE Democracy of Butler have nominated
Jacob Zeigler and Sathuel ,Maiihall for As•
sembly. -" Uncle Jake" runs about once a
year out thatway t and usually deMonstrates
how nearly a thing may be done without
aetly doing it.
HARDING, of the Philadelphia /*-
quire?, was drafted but week. At last ac
counts we believe he had net killed any ne
groes, gutted any *houses, or robed any sort
of a row about it.
'Piz Democrats of Forest county hive nom
mote4 Samuel Xinkade for Prothonotary'.