The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, July 22, 1863, Image 8

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„ftztult4l:: : ;s,clio.olioTg.
• .
BORDM DEFENCE . - pane - E.—The retreat, of Leo
:Witla hiS rebel horde•neross ilie ' i'eternao ends
all fears, of future invasions by the enemy
'lnforne.;:but we:shall-be constantly liable to
'reliel,'„Ctiy.tlry.raids 'unless we take efficient
measa*,•to' have such a Military 'organila 7
Akin 4 can defend against such- marauding
'expeditions:." -It • is not probable, that the
theatre of war will 'be in close proximity to
The - I"oloirtite; for sorne time : ; but being just
uptin tireltorder; We' May b - e visited at any
time' by a guerilla band, such as Mosby's,
and suirei'much therebY.
00 not know. what disposition will be
made 'of the, militia' by Gen. Couch, the
commander of this Department; but bow
eversanipie may be his force for ordinary oe=
casions, - it is'due to ourselves that we have a
'reserve force that, _could be called into ser
vice in an hear's, 'notice. - We' entreat our
young men of military experience to hasten
the organization of an artillery : company.,
None ,but reliable and punctual men should
- be taken init. '• We are assured.. that as bat
testy 'otartillery can be had for such anof
ganization, with ammunitidn, complete,
and With a little care' we could - Soon have a
-company, which for local defence would be
werth 'thrice ita number:of improvised' mi
litia. We should by all 'means have a bat
tery here all the time; but we efinsectire one
only by , having an . effeetive Organization to
man it.; • We Irust`that :this important Move
ment will not be longer delayed. ,
;t r is , equally important
. that- we. should
have not less than three, 'and if possible five,
cavalry companies organized, equipped and
drilled at stated periods. We presume that
Glens Couch would still receive into service in
his 'Department_ e.veral hundred men, and
niforriti arm arid equip them; if they would
Tarnish their own horses, • for which they
would , paid
ilar government rates.
•Inca relieved from Service, thcSe - men could
keep up their :organizations and be ready to
answer for defenee.Of the border at any
moment. Instead of having terror and con-
Tasion.among,st otir people when threatened
with amid, our cavalry could be in - the field
at• Once, acid, scout the: lines, ambuscade the
oe,;and*ake marauding most dangerous
basineSS. , One thbusand men, with someex
perience and well 'commanded, would have
made Jenkins', first : advent into the county
quite too ancomfortable,for binalO remain. a
whole weak Stealing at' 'his leisure; and the
filet that it, has been done once, gives abund!:
ant promisathat it will bo' done 'again unleis
we prepare to meet it. We earnestly urge
upon owe citizens, especially the, young'rneir
who halm - horses, to-take prompt measuresto
organize O.avalry 'volunteer 'comPanie4, to be
ready -to respond. to a call at Any time . for
theAsfende Of the border. ' '
- Important as are Artillery and • Cavalry
organizations for the purpose nf securing uai
tigainat, raids,-it is scarcely lesgiinportent tbnt
infantrY'aompanies ahould be• orgarffied in
every district anddrilled as much aspossible.
Indeed. yeryable-bodied man, orrather every
rainlihqiiable wallz , or, pull, a trigger,
should bean soine way•be prepared to aid - in
the poplins:sU defence against rebel plundering
expeditions. •It must be remembered that
the opening of the 'Mississippi cuts half the
entire territory Louth,' from the so
called Confederacy, auff,•yast supplies were
steadily received' EOM southwest of the river.
Tiptaleingthitsisolated, the present suffer
ing or rebels must, daily increase, and
'necessity will diive them to piffrider . every
sec - tptiof ',Cotuitry within their reach and
stieasily reached and so rich
in 'w - lisit`they most need, as -the Cumberland -
Valley?' Welielievthat we are now abim
dantly able to Proteet-buiselves with the aid
the gOverninentean ' iendeinii; and let us not
be humiliated and . robbed,•agati for want of
organization and effort - on • the part of our
• • -. •. .•
ntrn people. - , ,
Raztare-I.Nrunßremr . r.--The • brief, .
iOllB careeroof.Gen. .Lee on Northern - soil
wig minked 'by the'itieit reelless inhumanity
. tOhisownunfortunatewarriors. Even when
linshed• with the high hope -of success, those
;Flip died from disease, or, skirmishes, were
buried, if . 'at rude' oles scarcely large
- enough to hide the bodies : and his sick were
,left, Chambersbkrg, with Out medical or
other supplies, and that too Filter he had rob
led titir , Druggisfs.Ofall lnedieines, and de
stroyed .our hospital goods. After hiikre-
PuLw at!Gettysburg,,. he commenced his, re-,
treat`Without even' trying to bury his dead or.
minister' to' his . tbensands Of wounded ;who
could not be Amoved:.. To his foe he left the
li6lMS . ..forms of'tive thousand of his ,troops
for sepulchre, and Tull -ten thousand of those,
most setiouily 'wounded' Were allowed to lie
on the gory field to Writhe in
. agonies,or die,
unless the, humanityof' strangers, Nvl;ose
homes they sought to
.desolate should in mer
cy,carei for them. The lines'of his retreat
were straWri with:exhausted nien,—some dy
ing from, wounds, some prostrated by over
eiertion and i disease, and they were left
tiimitied and unburied. 's Those who werebut
slightly. wounded at Gettysburg , were com-
Ve;lipO s msrch With', the wagons: in which_
were as were At/table to walk.'
Nlit4aSal•thr4ffraire eightto ten thousand were
thus straggling : 4n sullen,..almost despairing
efforts-to - jaa'elijthe Potomac The wagons
wounded were )driien-yapidly to
escapeetiPture, and the entire line was liideous
• *ith:th.6' agonizing shrieks of the Enterers
whose shattered limbs were thrown from side
to sideby thenneven roads; Those who found
relief death Wereeftentlirown remorseless
ly into, i'field or fence-corner, 'and left :to,
thehiunanity of enmities. , Fiera Hagerstown
*.glintris Port the , same revolting:Seenes
werawitnessed after:Lee's final retreat across .
ilia - Potoreie.. Nearly :every house _on ltia
route; including,,many : in WiPlaMsport, was
left filled with his - Womided, Witfiout medfcal
stores or food, and thoaO ; who survive,
.artiri:Charge upon the hinditers - s',of Aeloiral
people to whom, according to the Richmond
Enquirer, Lee was , to • miniiterwith 4 , Are
_ ,
and "iword." " ' _
Pun C , lTlZEX_PnisolirrisHThere can 110
rong,rir be any doubt that Messrs. 'Dr. James
Hamilton, Adam _B. Hamilten,- J. ,P,.:Cul
bertson, D. -M. Biker; George R.•Caufman,
Chas: W. Kinsler, Gethie .8. Reck, A.
M'Giath, Thomas M.'Driwell, Martin Hoov'pr;-
James AnderAon, James Sing, Jr., William
Meng and J: Forter Bi:own, citizens of
Charitbersbtirg,_ and hi connected
with, the military service,'have been'taken
to Richmond `ah.prisoners. by the rebels.
They went to 'RegerStowri witbdut
arance," when it was- occupied tile' 'rebels,
and 4 some “conititutioriacitizen," as Oxen.
Jenkins - would say, doubtless • informed on
theta, and they were arrested in their rooms
ut the hotel arril t marched dr. 'Rev. 'Charles
Steck and ? William- •liitzmiller . Were with
them at the time; 'but Mr. Steck was luckily
oierlooked, or Wei belieVedVbti a citiziiniof
'Hagerstown, and he was.-not:taken. Mr.
Kitzmiller 'was taken, but ran the gauntlet
of a volley of rebel bullets at Falling Waters,
and made his escape. „ •
' We 'learn froin Mr. kitzmiller, that:during
the !stay of our citizens in= Ragerstown-L
froni Tuesday Until Friday—but one ration
each ,was issued to then by the rebels;' and
but for Miss MeCamerori, Mrs. Daniel Funk,
arid-some other loyal ladies,-they wouldbavC
starved., During the march 'from Hager t y
town until Mr. X. made his escape on the
following Tuesday; but ime'ration was issued
to each prisoner—making but ts'o iations'to
each man during an entire week. = They
killed a steer: on Sunday, and in that. way
got Some • meat,,and a 'friendly ivoman, sup
plied them with some cakes; • but they all
suffered ranch from. hunger.- 'All were in
good health, 'notwithstanding- the expoihre
and t deprivation of food, when Mr. K. left,
but Mr. Martin Hoover, - Who was much
. -
hausted by sickness. - •
PiomorED.L---We are gratified to learn
that Capt. Wni. H. Boyd, of the Ist New
York CaValrY, has been promoted by Gov.
Curtin- to •the Colonelcy of the 2d 4 Begiment
of Pennsylvania Cavalry raised for the de
fence' of -the State. - Col. Boyd has well
earned hii.zpromotion by his gallantry du
ring the rebel .invasion; and his new regi
mentlias been favored with an - ciperienced,
breve and in nil respects iapable , ccramander.
Wiz; . hofte 'soon to tif. the prOniotieti:oi
Lieut. Palmer,' who showed.equal gallantry
with. Col: Boyd 4 insCeuting, and ciliserving
rebilmovements,' , With their come
pond they caPtured - trvei -200 rebels during
the,' ilLyasio'rk; - besides titc:largo., number of
reberdeserters_theys gathered up. .
...tiontudiTu‘ a.AL r lntPLE o ntimrs.- 7 The ad-
Vertisement of - Wm• L: Boyer & Brother,
1 1 ;hilidelphia, in "another column,'is worth)
of the attention tvf . our :farmers. We have
tried various implements manufactured by
them, and, find thein all that they. are repre
stinted : Theii: Farm Grist Kill is a most
:Valuable machine, and yeally ,indispeasaby
to true cconomyin-feeding giain. It "will
Chop fifteen hushels pei.houi,ivith one horse
attached to a tread power, and corn meal for
family use can be .groniid fine eremirse.juSt
as 't may be wanted.
•.. .
t„ ... . . .
' :: '• All under good fence and tillnble, pith a goo 4 Brick Dvrell
• ,
T.Bu Spirit . and appeared this week •nearthe door, a'
tOd . ' a ß la rt a r T n e a r tfc l l l l: l T 4 w t a ti l n l Ator, ti water lno orchard _bearing
~ . .
enlarged td a the'size of the Rueosrrout, arid 1 the best fruit.. Also . -
presenting , ' 1 s • very'-handsome typo,,firaphical i
i of 321aine Tate, a large L6aches with limes and Tools
appearance. This evidence of the erio -- Ale
... ...,'''' i f . l rett k ite ll 'i:,%; f;l P ic4 l gPt i rt f i n u g li by .ItiergYi n Al e ri - .
its. publishers - will- dpubtless !,:nt apin:.:—. 4 ....... r .: / Aloe a go'od • liarksheo, all •Intsurpard in cdnvenience
by, its party as. it deserves, and greatly,in- mad Liter saving.
The abov' rop ert'y"' 1011'6 - ehowri to en,y person on am,
crease its patronage.
,'lt is now the largest
,p, , lie l it.ii,r k f i e dacob..ll. Cook of Fayetteville, or' John B.
and 'one 'of the 'most vigorous Democratic 1 L 'F' sj „ E n o o r
t:, 63 ..". • ,
,L . ..rersa coc,E.
papers in, the,State out of. the 4eading
Politically we hope to record its discomfitei.e
as , often as.electiOn'dainomCs round, but we
wish-it abundant pecuniary success,
To_ INv.& - Lin - the
attention of our invalid returned soldiers to
the iiaothei column of Capt.
George Eyster, Provost Marshal, callihg for
enlistments in the invalid corps of the army.
This effort of 'the , govetnment is at 'once Wise
and homane,.a.; it secaies experienced soldiers
for certain duties which would otherwise-re
quire able-bodied men, and at the same time
gives emplomentand compensation to many
men, who; from disease Or wounds; are un
fltted for the ordinary Pucsuits of life.
FATAL. ACClDElsvr—:—We "are pained to
learn of a, fatal accident' to Mr. Kyle and one
of his sons, near Green wood,' on Thursday last.
They had in some way come into possession
of a shell, and 'in Sttemptintto open, it with
s chiel, it exploded,: killing Mr., Kite and
(one of'his son's, and seriously, if not fatally,
:wounding another son: This is'anoiher sad
;Warning against handling such missiles u 8
twain, the County Superintendent, gives no
'tice that he will :exaMine applicants for,
schools• at different places in the county da
ring the, month'. of August, commencing at
Chambersburg on the 3d. Private examina
tions will be given only in cases where n suf
ficient number of teaChers have not. been
,reeeived at the public examination.!
OWING- to the•rebel,invuloo, the draft has
•been necessarily , stponed in, this district,
_but we learn • that Provost itaishal gyster,
.011 be heady u a few eeka, _when he will
proceed promptly to draft._
.1:e will beam-
'pl,y prepared to. save dihitriet frOin the
riotons scenes enacted in. New York. ' • '
- ,Tan Cumberland Valley 'llailroad'wa.4 re
paired to tbia - point; oa :Mandaylast, - and
trains now run regularly again. . Tlin. lino
Hagerstown Mich damaged,, and; will
laot. be'repaired in kip. than 4b4.ty 446,•
_igir, 31c014410 . 0,0441; 40100. - 0 P.:44:12: ;P-0.
DEParrwriomi - ,SToor. : —A. notice ap
pears in our advertiknecolunms; signed by
a number of property-holders, whose lands
have kin - stripped of fen*' by tropps,.ap
lealing jo the oWni;ti of.cowi:liogs not
to ultop them to. rpn ut large., It .tnust, be
rementhered that . it, :utterly, i'mpOssibje for
farmers to rebuildtheii fences ut -once, and
every dictate of Austacc ' demands. that all
owners'of Stock keeOf eitcloca at home:
AwriLtril . Cosiiktv . y.—Sitivelg Strickler
Esq. is now raising an Artillery - Company
to go into servicesfor the defence of the • bor
der underGem,,Chueb. It'is i d; the first
importance-that the company be filled, and
with the well knoWn 'energy of Mr. Strick
ler, we doubt not that it will be done 'prompt
ly." A battery of g.uns will be furnished by
the government as soon-as the company is
organized. - ; ; •
WE invite attention to • the advertisement
of Mr. MESS*BIiTiI, Cashier'of the li.ank,
giving notice that subscriptions will still be
received for the - 5-20 loan-at par; - 'As high
as five millions of this' Wan linVe been - sub=
scribel in a single day, dUrinitlieltiSt week
hy: the loyal people.of the North, and cer
tainly no better,invdstreent eau be made.
CAVALRY Comr-visvr,*--Captain . Hutlinger
has his cavalry company • 100 men. strong.
It will be equipped andlMCduty here in a
day 'or two. is
,cOtnposed principally of
young men f'rom,Franklin county, and will
no doubt do credit to Its members And the .
TarChankbersburo• Bank resumed
- . .
ness on .londay last, rand is now prepared to
go on as uinal. It has not-suffered dny lbws
whate'ver by:-the , .invAstou—all its trioney,
notes, bonds, und Otter.valuables, ha;ving been
removedin good time to places of safety.
A GENTRAL' catit wit be found in our ad
vertising column reqniring all pers ons having
government prciperty,. or:property captured
from the rebels, to deliver it up .to the Pro:-
vost, Marshal, of Chainbersburg.. Persons re
fusing to obey the order wilt be arrested.
_,Sost,E sixty rebel prisoners passe& through
here on their, Harrisburg on Friday.
They had been captured atOr near Williams
port. ; --riey owned up, that Lee had, been
sadly:.detbated and his army broken alike in
numbers and spirit."
The undersigned 'lifer at Prlrato - Sale on. its corn
am...ling-terms; all that 'minable TRACT OiL.s.ltiii Situ
ated in St. Thomas township, Franklin Couilly, fa,. 3
miles North4rest of the village 01St. Thomas, bounded
oy lands ofD,Wilson's Heirs, Wm. Brunner, Barr. and
others, containing , • - -
229 '
About 100 Acres of this Tract are chaired and in a fine
itote et - cultivation. thri whole of,which has ;been thur
migidy timed within the last low years; the' balance is
;wavily set with thrivingil'iMber. There is a line Limo
itonotdparry on the prebises,:treni .which .a , superior
quality of Mint is made:" ..he Improvements consist of
d paid, two-storied Log and EfameDWELLINtI
A FINE RANK ISAIIN, eroded lutsuinmer; a- Water.;
Powdr SAW MILL, nad a &TAY and SIIINGLE ,1513 LE,
driven by a small Steam Engine, and other necessary
and cOnvenient buildings. • ' . '
The adore PrapertYollers l;;T:t inducements to per
chasers of Real Estate. it is prated in. a finely Timbered
region ,and as the dernand fur, lumber, Staves, Shingles,
to.. is-and will continue en, the imams°, an erprgetio
easiness man could not fail 0 make.-Aloney out of the
many adVauta,ges it possessoi. Persona desiring to in
vest L' a valuable kronerty•trAi:ilAited -tO view this.
Shearrmill. residiug tiOreon. wiligive any in
form:A[on that maybe desired.. Possession tan be lied
-it any time. -
June 17.'f$.
NESIi. - .PAYETTENILLETIIC- underaiined will
It'n at Privato Sale, thq toltawiLir dedcribad
CATS, t 9 wit:, ' , • -
TY FOl3. SAL.E.,—The 'undersigned Will sell nt•Pri
vat° Sate, a LOT OF GROUND, situuto on Bast Queen St.,
Chamborsburg, adjoining. the ;residence of p, Kamman,
! having thereon erected twostoryll RICK DWELT,
LNG ROUSg, with a two-story Brick Back Building at
tached, a Frame Stable, arid other. necessary
lugs. There is also a Well ofexchllent Water and a ClE
tern on tho.premlses, I'- • -
, • tar - Persons wishing to view. the promises and learn
F ',the terms, can do so by calling on T. B. Kennedy, Peg-
Chambcrsburg r or the! subscriber, rchidiug In
- •
tssie.Possession given orisaie. Ist of April next, wizen a
good titlu will be made by;. SAM.U.EL KNISLEY.
Juno 3•nt •
SA P als:47 IFj.P,I?:, or,
Tfi l E FAMILY §bAP.3jASER._
The -public are - cautioned against the :SPURIOUS
article of LyE fOr making SOAP, kc.,.n , h'w offered Tor
sale. The only GENUINE and PATENTED:Lye is that
RING COMPANY; their trademark'• for it being SA
SUCCESS of this article, hoe led UNPRINCIPLED PAR
TIES to, endeavor to IMITATE it, in violation' or the
Company's PATENTS: :• • -
these SPURIOUSLyes,%rei hciroby NOTlFiEDthnt the
'COMPAIVEhaVe emplbyed as their ATTORNEYS,
!GEO: HARDING, 'Esq. of Phitadtz,•itn4
s Wit; *.ll..#,WEa f iEsq., of Pittsburg,
'ERS of Lye, in vlolatlOn pf ilia , right; of tha company,:
will be PROSAVVTED at onco.
for solo by all Druigista, - Q4bcens and,Conntry Storol
.The Pi ST ir Es CM : MT CuTTlM,Weatcrn Matelot of,
Pennsylvania, No.l of May - Tort% 1.11 , 1862. to suit of the
.PENIV:S7I4I:4IO.ei SALT 1it4107A401 . 71.1211 q SOit
.P.AgYvti- '7'11648 . M - CHASE, decre e d to the Cara
way, oia Nirsetaborl6,lBl4 the exclusive - right traitolf
by a patent- *Wised' by.thera for the. ,SAPONLPIER
Patent itittat OctObei 21 - 0.156. Porpa* injunction
awarded: . , _ - '
SALT AT.A.I , TOApTiriuNG co.
,OPPItrEBI . : -
427 WALNUT STliKET,'Philadelp4iia,
_Z..; DUQSN:*WAT,,Pittal)urg
• .4141
SiiV.AIISI . 4.N,
4- •- -
- - A 0 117. - ,iItESOLAJTION_ PRO :
";' ' ;
-Ile it resolved by . ; ,the Senate 'add ,Flinye of ,17f;preientd.
'l4es of the thnimonrdenitie of re fillotreofitt in Cericiaj
43semigy, 144, That'tfie fallowing ton. tidments litipropo:
ted tOthe Constivation of the Gcannionwealtb, ittaccOrd!
41We:with the prorielf neatthe tenth trickle there'll; '
There shall be NYadditional section to the third artlelo, •
t' ‘ uftite*Constitution, ti! dosignated'ns, settlen fOur,', as
Totten's: •
' Stertox 4. Whenever any Of
_the qualified electrra' . .of
thifcCommonwealth shall sln ;any actual ,milltaty sor
vire,undet a remaisition - Trrini the president of - the UuIS
ted States, or by ,tho ‘authoritY, of this Corantonireslthi
such electers may'exereise tne right of ,todllnA in all
elections by the citizens; nnder'such regultitionS mat*
or sltn{l be, prescribed` by law, as - fatly as if they, were
Present t kelt' Mal WRENS of election:, -
There shall be two addititinal 'sections to the eleventh
article of Constitution, to be designated as sections bight
and nine, as „follows:. , , H . • ; •
SECTION 8. No bill shall ho passed by the Legfalaturi
Containin more' than one stibleit, which shall be clearly
expressrd intho title, except appropriation
Sterld:r9, No bill shall ha lonised by tho-Legislatin4
granting any Iniworsor pt ',lieges, in any case.' where
the authority to grant . such powers, or -privsleges, has
been, ormay hereafter be, conferred upon tbe'corirts of
this Clennurnerealth. - JOU:4 OESSNA; - •
Spea kir ff the Banat orßeprcien •
• Spealeei• of the Sen r
Ilarrisburg,'July 1, 186.3.
PeniFylvaniet; SS: Ido hereby certify that the fore . -
and annexed is a full. true and correct
3tr s. .copy of the original Joint itesolutiens the
G floral Assembly, `entitled "A Joint Ilesollitose
proposing certmn Amendments to the Constitfitiori,” as
the same:remains on e tle hi this office:
In testimeny , whoreof, I Itaye hereunto set -toy hand,
and caused the seal of the Secretary's office to be ahixbd,
th & day and year above written. ' ELI SLIVER.
- July 151 Secretary of the Contmombealth:
CHOOL 'NOTICE,-:-4The :ieverai
-.,Bwitctis of Scheel Directors, tile Pub:110 and, APO"
cants for Schools, are hereby notified that the EXA3111.4-
ATION . OF _TEACHERS for Franklin Umnty, for - their
respettpro districts, will be held in Chainbersburit.Angteit
fith Siren township, the 4th;, Southampton, thohth;, Ma
te:levy. the' 7th; leargan; the Bth ; Fattnett,. the leth;
Metal', 11th; Peters, 12t11; Warren,: '1314 nercerebtirg,
14th; Alontgemery,lfith; St. Thomas, 17th; • areencastle,
19th; Antritn;l9th;%Vaynesoorti, - -Oth;lVashlnaton,2lst;
Quincy, Guilford - 24th, erd - Hamilton, 25th. The
examination will open as 9 o'clock, A. al., at the Usual
plabeeofthe mectingagt the ; Board!, *lore punctual at
tendance of all ctincerned trill, be expected: - • •
Private examinations exeL not in accordance with -, thi
spirit of thefichuol law. Teachers, therebre, should not
expect. nor Directors iequest such examinations, eat' ey
will not bb aCcotde,d; except in cages whore - la ,stifticieut
number of quslified Teachers has. Let been s.cured lathe
publicexatainatioa; in such . cases the request' of - th'et
Board hilould,be their le - •:,atactOn of 'a proper ureetina.,
and not - the request of metaboxs in. their individual ca
pacity., . : , , • • A.•SIIILWILIN,
July 1.5,6341 t County Srip't - of Common Echooli.
tJRDINAIV T CE.=Be it 'enacted and
oraiiieccf by the ThirgasUria'rouin emu:deif Vic
Borough of uhunkrabu,rg, and-it ii hereby enacted and
ordained by tne - nutherityoME damt,...That the Twenty
-Fourth Section of the tionendiporungh Ordinances In
relation to building, making or p acing nny Rick %
Heap or 'Parcel Of 0 ram, Hay, Bitraw. Chaff or Fodder, or
other Combustible Material, passed the 35th day of Jnly,
1853, and 4. .. An Ordinance with referonce; to the keeping
et Straw, Hay, and tirass within the limits of the borough
of I iunlien , buig, andieguliating the erectios, of Stip*
Steaming Buildings." passed the Sth day of January, A.
D.,3553. ha and the same aro herobyi repealed.
Passed and ordained the 11th day of Juno. A .D. 1863.
J. T. HOSKINSON, Burgess.
• C:IV EYBTER, D. 11..-TirasnEn,
Attest: PETER 01E10 Ettatrlt ' 21,t0n Cm
O. O. Sonny yea. Si-e'y • - July 15.6 t
J John El. Weaver am! Thrum UnikhOlder, Adminis
trators ot Jacob Weaver, lec'd, late of At.Thoinas, hair
lug made a final distribution of. Ore Estate, petitioned
the Court to be discharged from their trust. ` The Court
order notice given Co all partiesinterested, to ap
pear On the sicfml Monday of-Al/gust. to show cause. it
auy they have. why the prayer should not be granted
- By-order of theConrt.
Jnueti•at. Clerk of the Courts.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Admillis
t,ation On the Estate of Jacob El li.nisloy, der'd, have
been granted to thii uhdersigued;iesi.ling in Shippens.
Ail persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested
- te - Mahe immediate payii‘ent; und those having claims
denruids against the Es tete of decedent, will Inake
known the same, without delay. to
Juno.',-Gtr Adair.
NTOTIQE., herefts; Letters ( , f .Admin
Ll istratton ori - the Retain of George Stump, late o.
Psterta township, have been granted to the sub
scriber, reel. Ing in said township. - - -
All persons indebted to the sold "Estate, are requested
to make itamesliat payment, and thosd having claims or,
demands against the Estate of said'd&edent will make
them known, withutt4 deldy; to
Juno 3,'63. ± „Anm'r.
-jo Notice Is hereby given that letters of Administra
tion on Lho &tate of Stmon.W. - Rupley, Into of the Bor
ough of Gromleestle,"deed, have been granted to- the
undersigned ieslding in said Borough.
All porsonsjinowing tlietaselves indebted to said
tale ate renruisted to make immediate psyinent. and
those having present thorn properly authenti
sated fur settkrnent. :Jll.OOll PENSINGI3It,
June 3, '&34. Adm'r.
NOTICE. _Whereas, Letters of Aa..
lj ralistnrdion, on the Estate of 7.4iiigaret &semen,
hate of Charillsrsbarg, deceased, haiie been granted to
the subscriber all persons indebted ro the said Estate
are requested b make immediate payment. and those
havingclaims mr demands against- the Estate of said
decedent will flake known the same without delay.
Juno 6,'63-fit , Administrator.
IttiQTICE7---.Whereas, : Letters ofd d.
iniilldtratsn on . the Eiliate of Daniel Gaytnam
taco of !Aron Msnahip, clec'd. hare been granted to
PlabSCriber, n aiding; in Cumberland county.
Ail personglititadhglbemseltesintlebtod to said Dalai(
wilt plellsejuakeiminedinte payment, and these having
. .'claimapreaenttbru lipporly.authentipated for settle.
thent. JOHN HYSER,
I May 21, '63.8t, Adm'r.
Notice is beeby given that the undersigned havf.
this day entered Lto paritterihip, in the Coach-Making
business, in all iterations branches, under the name of
Pain - sr & Foltz. 'he said firm will do business at the
stand- lately occrtred by P. Nitres eY Co.rand.
Would respectfullylolicit a contkourince of, the' pnblie
patronage. P: HENRY PETITE% -
Nor. U, 1861, C.C. FOLTZ. • - T.
TIIE, 02,P1IANS'',C9111tT OP
Franklin count)Pae--Esatchf Georg sLunizdei'd.
Thu Auditor hppelutd by, the Conrt to audit,settle and
adjust theaccount A , Siuduel Lantz, Ashniniiitr.stor de
bolas/um 'cAmtestazteforatirre:xo of said-George Lantz,
deord, chid 'hake diet Ihutian a the balance io tau bands
oftho accountant,, tri meet the parties . interested ..for
thopurpose of his apiliitment,.on* Tuesday, theta day,
of August, 1863, ;at 1, o'clock, . A. M., aL / is OPCICe, iii
Charabershurg. LiutlA-1111, .1111 t, C,C04., Auditor,.
the -
Chimberaburg, AMAMI containing a aura of
money, which t,he own •aalf• tuiy6,l;imiling at till.'
Office, identjfyingptopittarid payingoaat )1 advertl4-
,Ing. - . . - jnlyls-24
,X3ROTHEltglf:B6ldfdrg theSei
vice, or in Hoeiiitsi; can {Orals's' Iliad' with. the
eCISITORY-three. =We for 25 cents; elk months for
50 cents, or one year - • '
trrttEN - , the Sey..
vice, or in Hbsptet carciOrniair the.,
.P.barTORY throe mon +for .2.5 nont4relxmono. for .
50 conts,'or ono year for 100. • , .
EKREN:TS . of 4oldidtii4O.,tbe
OS in - Ifcktellaticen -faretelt theiortth the
REPOSITORY three month forts- cents; six months far
50 cents, or ono year for sho,. , .
I:3itirElftENTS.4ialers and Man.
ntacturere of Agrictilt}eLata other Ttnplementi;
can reach a• large thee of vluablettstomere by OM
limo tlio-Fltaili tAff ItPOSITORV. -
yo wily to.
-Secure poditablo cuslpio iciAtivinTtay..;bl:tbo
1E:)-AXPHLETS - prOod be"ststylis
and iciwast",rata, Oaelf tha FSdNIfLIN
POSITORY,, " _ -
lowest xatee, at, the oill of the; lilthat LILY .J?..t-
PyrITOItY. ' '•• -
iFAXCY PREREC,iii. every :era
---tiot : Lo*. l 4o3, -- 401owtt, %tient:id darstch - aV
PusgsfeelOitintl , 4tzt
.48A :ffoßA' O,IIDROtsTgRE, •
On the gorth;we'sl, Coiner. of Uc Diamond
EverYth644 , ..anct Imoro thatt Ih:3t:tally keit la •Drirg
' Stordi;
`.7 : yOrt ;ICaTATIPZI
Ail Bovalr Dr*,
, .
,Cough - -Szra
Altirtay'aPap . phoratad Cordial ? ,
That wiikaura pia - 01;93,
ogdiata, cortain itoraatlktqt
_ Lifoi%coOto,
u...knodspo Cordial,..
~„ , '
lad i # o -
Fluid listract.Buchtl,
Lindsay's Blood S.,carcher,
Sarsaparilla Syrups.
And all other Staiidnrd l'reparationa °tithe
Dut. • ' •
/Vp , ...e Ot h ers lioprpt "Mb nOnSe.
SoAPs, about (arty kiudgf
Pzormer.y, the but - of All ttihde
• Elonst. riuttt.trus. PciwziEne. that can bo•rolied . pn;
EzaosEtrepti l iaidLmixt!s, atO
'Emosttrt, Lutt. Onto:ass
THAT WILL : 33'0,T • It H.F.A:H,
• . MILLER & itEg,SHET'S,
Jane yr. • : Ch•iiuberebnrg. Pa
. .
K EN' N 'F.A.) VS . A.‘ lediCal 'D isAvery,-
Ayer's Saraaparina,
:Zetne'aemiliver - -Oil;
Liadsixis Blood Searcher, ' - `
' . " lituvOr's 'ratters,
. • - —• ' ' ' ---' ttestatterla Stomach hitters,
Swain's Panacea., - , . :,- z .... " I ,
.. 4 ' -
Brown's Essence:of Jauraicallinger, ;. , ,
• ' • . tteluibeld'sExtraet Briebn. • '.:‘,*
' • - 'tsar/ill's Medicines., :-:,, .• ..'..... - ,/
, r- Spaiding's Throat COnfootions,
, . .ffrottk;Troett6x;P:
and other reliable Medicines at - .4 d'A f igilL.Eß'S
cs ` taves: anKininitre.- - _ .
i..b)liWN TOWN 1---Exten-siCe .7tin, 'Copps* and Afore
4:J4114/4i/tent /—The undersigned respectfully in
forms lie friends and the politic generally that no has
removel hitketabliskunent from the "Dutch Settlement" I
,up tOirl to the spacious hoer 'formerly occupied by
Minnick A Brand, and nearly:opposite White's Cloth
ing Star-.
' lie has itlat:'ruceiitid a. large itasortntertCrUCOOß,-
COAL, PiltLOR and 'NINEA'L sTit tiTOVES of the
'most applaved and lit - Mif patternii which - he can and
dot rmiutd to genes. cheap.l l Dot a little: hientier, than
can be had elsewhere In the country. ' ,
Ile has also , and intends keeping conatantlYtm hand.
!a large nestrtment of Tin, Copper,and Sheet-Iron Ware
made of the best material'and bygood workmen.
l'ersaas In want of anything In the above line
are reque*l 44-,give him a call before purchasing else.;
a here, as he tei4f.scbavinced that lee can suit their either
us regards th• article or the price;
SPOU EING Made ,and put up- ut the' shortest notice.
'All kinds ef 4A:raring dune neatly and expctitiomly.
Old Pewter, Onu L
s and Copper taken 'e - cliang,e for
Ware,or the lignestpric_e given in cash-
Junt , ll,l„Sa; '
Zaghert , Sunrise .Air-2Yghtc=qi. flew nit 'lop
-4,,tynllvll STO ire.; Thu pia tes tiro Very heavy, end the
'wtiote'bture ishfinished in a snperiormannor, 1 warrant
this Stove to biy itaperio't to ally Lrlat•Top"Stovo now in
the market, ant",tt-frpiic "fay itiVite ray friends and the
public to call ap;t:Omintino thip, Stove, of which ',thero
are several attes t • .- : • • - ,
I have - alsti - c:. Oat variety- barer , COOKING
. sroyEs of every styier - PkftLOll STOVES, new - and
beautiful pattern's, together• - With a heavy: stock of
STOT.4 for Cluireites, &tyres . ; Offices, Ilotela,sc, ,
• - ' - .7tolN S. Lubwig;
Wholegale arnitCfail Dealor in -
33,-!-.1 .441# been appointed Sole ,Avntlar•
gher'seli raFecl St4iiisb,* . -TfighiCoßk Stciv e
berabarg, Vs. • ' ' ' .fune 1863.
.... . _
Great sgee atlii Tin Ware 'itcco,ieornet of the
thauiond, can' be pen,. the -Jarge t sbest, iind chetipc,At
' , stook of Goods in Charaberslrarg A They have ZOOK
' ING,STOVES fer,Wood,pnd 9x4,cif lateatpat terns and
1, all aizet. Tit fdr . r,LpriCea.4 , - -, -^. .. [.Tone 17,,i863. -
1. s p otritN - G.:DONE,' ~...A.TI .smaßir
NOTICE - of first rcite,material :and chpap. ,
All trfirlr siarranted, and cheaper than can be 'nought
: el:sew:in:rein the • C'orditzr, - Call tind'ace for "yourselves,
1 ' at: :. ', -', • •-•- ETTERAIAMILTAN i: CO'S'i •
[ ' , _ • _ , , _ ,nearly opposite thellank.
prepared,toput up,thr best LIGItTNING.iIODY.
At Oeup rates.
Eissortmerit df tho vary/Jest Tha, Japannfiti and
on..pens-are, &c., - ; -
cheaper then, can he boitgiit elsewhere in-the
county. Coracan4.t.Lb—ihare buy, at
NTNG B. 0031 :, con. sTovi,s.They are pretty, -
good and cheap. BrUER, BANIII.TON & CO'S.
A few Idoore from ShrlOck's Book Store..
Iro AO lanai Gods.
, ‘J; 41VOM NEW Y OEN divrrroxs!
Ney style Mosambiques,
' -
Diana chene Plaid,
Tallied Mosambiques tor travelling dresses,
Superior Muslin Delalties in colors,
Colored LaNVIIS and Crape de Pany, -
Black Silk, superior qualit Silks, Superior Lyons Radzemer (sublinfe quality.) -
A large lot of Linen Cambric Haudkeichlek -.;
A large lot of Irish Linen,.., ,-,-
Jaconet Collars, new styli, -
ou Doyens Ladies, Blisses and Men's Cotton Hoar,
White - Linen amiflOtpon Duck,
Superior French Doeskin,
Superior Solid color POlntille Fig Silks,
Superior GreyLeonoras,
Superior dray Poplin,
Best quality Grey , Leonorasi
Silk Neck Ties and Collate,
ladies and Misses' Fillet Mitts;
Marseilles Vesting%
Super Ladies and - Mons' Kid Gloves;
Handsome New style Prints and Gingham.
• CA.R.PETS,;,- - ,x,
Brussels, Velvet, Three-ply (superiarlint)and common
• Carpet,
Fonr-rour five four Cocoa and C'anto'n Matting,
4-4 5-4 6,4 8--4 144.4 Floor 011 Cloths,
Snptrtor Bolting Cloths,
Bonnet Rlbbcins,
Balmied Skirts.
' ellb Ctiftr. • s
GOODS. 'atrium Prepared toihrnieh my cus
tomers with all the tiewstyles of liatit,Capeand Straw
Goods, which I will sell Tow.' *3:L.DEORERT.
45loorsEioutli of Eyeter.dßro.
at' lard ' '
QOl l l l lIAI% of all'-colors, styles,
aad#lo. canto app,cal t t not
gains at
Hcarlquarters,Prorostdfarshal, _
iuUo Zkirfrict,- /inuanarania, ,
' qataboriburs, julyl+; 18t4i t '
5.+% • • -
eitiritctir art; filitili-sketalir oftradi
teavailhhentaelrss"oi thie Oil' gibo)Y4 l niat.:
Vueatlnataboulttbettunie at<th* etica 0t the
skim- a 'Eardliniefit ) , 11 3 11::' Soraitul- ,
8 .
Chamt4tiiharg. .111Y$TM,
, Captain and Proroft
= ' -forsscut) • '
W 42.' 4 , 9 - kirtinittt Adittioatt detterars "GYArii: <
ki l5.
FitilltiALropung 40,105.....Theorganfaatiotill
Invalid Corps ishereby autberlied:
Th la corps - shall consist of i.)taapanite, , '
beretiftOr therightAnsit...of _ -
TbnAtnilitiiies shall bentade vp iron ISte 'OlOll4 .
kair,cri'l • . -
I + Jiird;' Bp
. : " -; ' *' to" • •
iiicelsling • ttiosi , otHc‘ari anit-inllsted:trica
. who rtiate beau hOtioral4 discharged :bf"
. cotitratted 'll3 Oa - 4 4 +Nth *b4
dwirt 'the service. In'ilie case orttl6i
tar; applitiou,forappointnient,
PrO'rest 31aislial'olAhe United States thrOuglii the , i 43 ke r :
&tailed - as Acting' Asaistant Prolfost ,
State.' No applicant this kind willtre v - 3)6141404 -„
less the following'cteiditletie are completely rutin led.
• Thnt thespplivent produce tho corgi:tame:id
Surgeon, of the Board of th6l.Pistliet ir*
which heresid,that hob andl. field ;
ELMIIIIIIIt of ,rounds or disease, and is nu; liable' to-drafts
but is& tor garrison duty. - -
-2 , That baturnitili eindonce offinhontlsi dlstharooll
Arvin - tit bf.wi.b.hda or disability, cotracecti awhile .of
3. ThSehis psodeco iecormenilationa
niental. Briipule,,and intisionCiniinnitalors,underllatodi
he rointiorly served; that Wurlhi btnas thus 'phi.
*idea for, add' aipabloof.ret ankh% adequate' servide Ad.
thd thisernment - lateen it shalt inlymutiCidiliiiis get'•
this last : evicre"nce;ll4 tray , haillie.,‘• tista lilted the' Met
.two points abeini; satisfy the Denni ;of Ennit I lima that
Ifs.deseirving;',and .proseut its sprtilicate'r' ot tho Wt.—
Ilds evidence 'twat bet obtained' by 'the niVlicant;' s;n4
inusebo tnitria - witted. with Jail! . upper:Cl ion for appliltit..
- if there lie di - Acting Aisititrint Provost Marshal Geniiie
for the /State:3lre "pp !canon irntybe t nwarded throe&
the-AdjutafitGenecal of -ti isdesired'te en . 'i •
dense thereen such facts in- the military 'history of On*
applicant as betnny know, or as are .afforded by- his re
cords! and 'forward the auto to the Proven! , Marshal '
OP,Minifet the gaited States. - ..EMlL•ited men inine.44/
dischargerleit'ammnt pt disa.bility; desirltik ' reiehMet.
in this tmrps. will present thiniisetVes 'to the Ward 'of
'Eon:dimwit for the district in width they reside, for es. •
, ntnination by the .$ll-4cOn' thsreof, YchlY shall examine
them and report the,
result to the hoarder Enrollment.
_ The ireardshallthlitt consider each cassrand if the ap
plicant fit found to fulfill the tnadltleris sped ft ell istluw
Boardeliall give him a certificate to that effect, TIZ
That he ismtitit fur service itithe field.
2. That he is tit fdr .•••• "-
3., That-heis Meritorious end deserving. „, • :•••
4. That lie'eaulhonerably ilisebarvitrorn thesorvice-'.
The Provdst Marshal for the:District shall then !semi
the OPpliestionivlth.this'certifieataer the' beardrite• the
, Acting' -taslitantPiMarshittOeninal or tliCtitate;
wile alai promire such evidence of service and char.-Ater
as the reimras of the cettlpshy towisielthe belonged.Ja
file at ilielieadanai tete or the tiltate may MAW. and if
satisfied that it is a raeriterious pale, and that the man
ig.deaerving, he' will (Unlit binx in accordance with such
special liilydttbthe Prevost - Marshal General . , mby fatal=
Hein ,i• t '
Medical Inspeetonh Enegpani2in of hospitals,
Milktary, COtninSMlttre, and all iabein,
to discharge t inffliff: existingliawS and regulations;
forhitidea!tetiordischargmi, miy - pion - undp r t,
control who MaY both fut servicsla the invalid-Corps: •
The'ykoiosk Marshal El eneral is el earg,ml
cutimi of tiffs ofilor,,find the troeipsorganized under tkii.n
control ofida Eurealu - -
dly-otder.of the Se.getary of, War.. ,
- ,
v-ALID-voup - s. •
those faithful:at:MorsL 'who, from wllande ,
harclgllipsof war,are 410 longer A br act Ira field tia;Y:', 4l 4
'bo,reCelyed iii,thlsenrps of, lioper,Lnlistun Kll l : 7 bit.
for-Ores - years nulossloorter, discharged. • Pay sta. :ill
lowances,,eamo, as, 'for -officers sad men of the- Dalted:.
Stat. , sinAttitry; except , _Unit ; no 'premiums_ or'. bottntv,
,fec.„ enlistment will be allowod: This will net
any pensions or bottaties which may be ilakibr prliclowt.,-
, Mgt following smile= has been aduptift
and men of - the, Inraild.Curps : -
YOE upactats,-4 . roc;r:cosX---Or
'd,arlt-blue velvet,' adlar And cuffs:ln all etlierrospocts,-
ac.cording,tothe prertt pattern for- eflic . ors IntllAtrY,
„Sboulder-atrape—TAccording, topresent'tegulatintia„,b4
work tar:dark-blue . •
iPantaloous--01-bine „cloth, with doubl stripe of; -
Varlt-blue,clotb. dowu Shp outer eel:ni t -et:eh , atriPs tale• . t
hgtf incit'svide,-witn space -beta' ran el 1.4. t m r cig - htS gran,
_ . orage cap—Pt : eat:at - , ,
.X/QE ENLISTED EN.--Jacket--01-sltyrblue ere
With dark-bluottimmlngs, cut like the caNalry,-,jatketi
'to condi well down un tlm alslomen, : ,
~ Trowsera.—Presentregnlation, sky-blue.
t'ordge call---resent regulation. --
' lion who aro in-aerVire, and unable 'to, perform:
'elk:Alio field duty, may be tran-ferred to tbls cerw „
".. - dystiatl,lnspectore,Ciurgeorrtitt change-0f .11041,4,18.
Military '-f.Wo uineders, and, all 'others rteihro.ity' s
dlschOrge, undeF existing taw and revsit/took oro7
forbidden to grant dlecliarges to, anymea ,
control who marbe tit former vice in the luveltdG.iirps.:l-..-
- }bob e convenience s-er vice, the men will be seloct,rd,
or.t. hrtio prides ill - tiny: Those who oral:nest nildol eat
'rued able bodied, and cepable ai performing gitard,d'AtY...
etc., etc, nil he: aimed with musk% s-igned 14,
comp ehri,of the 41114 Ilattalion. ThoPe of the,tiort,
',degree :of eilleietali intludirrg•Chore who have. 1'0e..,8;
hand men arm; and. the-least elfeotive; incliding,thoso,
.Who-heTelostn,ford er- leg, to the ,ceminniee
,of the S, e, - .
Hound -et Third '111;01411one they vtilk-lre- alino4 ,wA;Dik
The. dote,. n chiefly in-Arlanprovost guazi,hianti
.garriseturfor znards for lio'splialsentlotlier,rhablry
' balfdin'gs; 'and as clerks, orderlies, If found ttehtli- . *
Sarji they inapho tedigned brio, ts, etc,
cting... , psistant XL - ovoid Nler*hale.qe_tveal. coo notate- _
''rued ilpreint : oilleern -theJtegalarsOvice:of of the,
, firealitnrps, tq 'ndininfAttaqVt , oal4 Mtn t
dello men who hate 6mphtap fulfilled tile prifstillied
condit.MiiKof to-the
LAVA t the alird)omit , iinnidt-,forietivice-re the
Thit.he is-Su, for the duties: or some ; o1 them, MAl
toted _ •
3. That, If-not non in' theserriee, lie trap honoraVy
discharged.. -• • • • • - - •
2. That hiciritotiothfntabiniesilerg:•„ - _•. ,- %
Fod enustnient .os-fattfterinfortention api.4y to the
Boaid of linrolmeiti fee tbdtlistyiet 'in crhich', the appli
cant is a resicluit,.:
The cotitities of Atlat4.'lhankfin, Fulton; llNlford.
and. Somerset,' Othistinins , 4ll.o Sixteenth Von Mona)
District, the, -1 - Itubinarteii et the B/L
oaroc. rp)ment
. • and•Proveet Marshal Cur the. same, being at .tanitietsL
!msg..' . GEORGE: - )AST dic
caPtoin and Prnmq MakhoL:
July S*OF
llE,Angvn.catts,,Pr,eAtti.eirrunSuKot - k
, 4 - Clumbnrburft, •
ovrer A raust property, unit all prc,ptxtyca
front Rebels: oovin rtmeeinea of tit Ixeitt; le la 'A l t -once
be dellecrettlip to the Prorbst :Slat - Ant iu pa, tolv ,l 4,flri
Inrernettioiicencerning ft lodged with hint.
Citizens - whet:elle obey this ocdir will ei etc! 1 . 0 1 3 AV:„.,
rested' nod -gent in hluttlabnciel,ir trim.
' By" of ler_ or) aj. Gen:Concur _ • _
3nty* 044,1 N.-POTTER, Cot k
Mr.HISRERS, T ..—.;-,-.PCiatrea?e-8- . #5 Pnt -
Zaitop Caitirireni;Or Fr•o-/,' emits; tar Bahl
/leads And. calebraled arlitla)la .1 "r"`
rantod to brine,..kott a Collector Whis4c ers. on this It"
(sit rape, or a Incrlllowth -of hair. cra A Bahl , lissaLik, liaml
than sit weeks, tind will in no way stain or injure. the
skin. The Frener! Cmun le manngictoroc. 11 Dr. ter4PC
,latreans, or ParlA',atid ie the only: reliabli• - ar tHe of khc
kind- -"ITE0 oc other."- - . Warr:m. l 'rd in, trrC,7?Jtalf. ' _ Ile
Boil itrill tie - "th 4 itiork.' 'Price $1;00, Inkovrtal :04 'M..
ft:cloWholisalesoid Itntail by TROA..t. ellAttli.l.s,' ' ....,
-'""Chictistaiol riro'ggist. 831 Broatlimy, Ilene Yal l :', -,..
P. S.--A Box of thrt %picot cent to - ' any' cull ,' ' l 3r '
return mail, on receipt of price) anttlEktentskposil 1--e.
fray 15, 63 '
4,t : ,' ' ,is
- svax. g.i'clitii. 'I-
rR irmtiv
N 5.,,
ElitToßsArnYptualsEa, ' li''
• int vtAxinint =pommy ihi . .Pub
i n
6very Wednesday morning. on - alteigaquatle, „.
containing FORTYEIR.W..COLUMNS,praI i ,
fine Pativrr and ntor.blear_trpe, Terms I. TV it) - .
LAM per anal:kn . :4.lN '.A.D I I,ANCZ or TIVCt i
LABS ANDFI.III" CENTS, if not paid I. "sio't
year. - -
1111... Ministers of. the Basta: ; in, Praniviiiktga n .
are furnished-faith th'efiwzronr . oict net
in advance. t, ,.. , , , . 1 • -.•
-Wt. Subecriberk - residing out of tho , State.
"'axes:hi/it in radiance, and the paper will in al/ taaki
be "divas tinned at Alto expiration of the times ,
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