The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, July 22, 1863, Image 7
:Cletipog. .. 1863. Ftat- LOTHING EXPORIUM, 17R-A .-..NKLINIIOra Iltraariva,toß,Nlito# ,rAIfEF:T and the DIAnOND, mat. ainto: Pa. SOHN T 110SKINSON, ProOiletor.', undersigned gives !ware to Itia le4ion of getkerorti *trans and to th6Ai.tiblic ene rail y, that he baa TV - grail Vatrnil;:aricl offers, to porcha:iarti, for msti, the, tat : gest, ar44 inottqdralire Etolil of , • .-. , _ - • READY-2V1A.0. CLOTHING, for the Springy and Sumner-imasons, cver.presentml in this pilve „Ilia long estiblished' character for selling 0 0 unsurpassed in Style, Finish 'and Durability, h 6 is determined to mairitain, and making Ids prireliases ‘n;the. T.+ tern Cities this scason z at the propitious 'Ono, lae'hint to tiller hii, patrons garments at 'prices ehnaper.thaa tho, cheapest. Remakes these statements in'iMboastlng or vain suirit, but 'asks a'diecriminating trublic to give him a call and deckle fur themselves who, in the trade in this section. offers the best indueemenPa co`pitreltasers. The material of every gatlnent' apld by tilin la _purchased 'from firit;:ei ass Houses in the princi p t 1 and the manufacturing is done under his own .supervision in this place, by workmen of eeknewledged abfliti% With his stock of RIADy.irADE CLOTHING, bO,invites attention to a large and splendid ttatit GeftticuienN : . . . . ' , FURNISHING GOODS, ' . .1 *tact!, homirrantg to unit the Most ilisthlionii tasteoi --tortmat economical ;motet. - -' • ' • „ , :Hop 1,18 Plato in remembranro awl give him a enii; ' • risrue 17, ki3. - , • JOIIN T. 110.310. i.N KM. F -2 „ELLIOTT ,) CLOTHIER,-,SOuth . .. • west Oarner of the D1.,13101VD. next door to the `Banlr.,. CI lAnnfiliSßlllto, lets just returned from the City • with' a. large stook (if superior and seasonable Geode s such as CLOTHs. CASSIAS BRES. , SATINTTTS, JEAN-, CORDS. & e., for Coats and V ELVET:7 - ..SATINS, llt 4,BSEILLES,and other Testines. Also—n Very fine selection of IttIAGY-.MADE CLOTHING, which he is prepared to sell at the very lowest mark"t prices. - I,(ItI3TOIkEIt WORE,-As he employs n first-rate cute to, be is prepared to troth.° , up nit kinds of Garments, rot 3fen and Boys, to order, in the, best. styles. Satis faction will be guaritriteml. it, large assortment of Gnxrtntun's Frii. - AlSiirso Goons, And' Ase•Sitirts,., Drawers. Collars, Ilamilretchiefs,. Bus peideracCarpet Hags, 'Umbrellas. be., 4c,„ nlvays on *silk - Give hituttcall and save money. . (Juno 17,'G3. J. WitITE, AT --ERCHANT TAILOR, 1 4'.A.211 , DEALER IN. EE4DI:NADk; CLOTH ( .0•,.--(IIOME MADE}— .- • , 1 '...; . - CL TIIS. , • • CASSIMERES, • . , YE- TING R, , . GENTLEMEN'S FUR:VISITING GOGDS, ~ , ~ , 111731 OVERCOATS,. :' U3IBRELLAS. far Piece Goode sold by the yard, and no' charge Ibr Cutting. - Mao:lents sold to persons Ndlti `cv telt them made at betrut.., . ' • .. .Machine Sillt;Chalk, and inch measurerqold. Three - dams , North of Eyeter's Dry Goode Store, Chambera barg,Pa. - - - - : t rameli.lB.l3.: II :MOW. WONDERFUL SCIENTIFIC DISCOVBRY.—At the pie eat thine thOughtful minds everywhere ander - 4ring pi:Vie revelation of new and Iliiportant discoveries in scienee, and when a theory ie presented claiming tcillave discovered new light and td haVe removed the veil of otrenrity from a subject of the highest Importance, upon which much has been weitted, It is proper that the entire of this theory be presented and carefully examined Mid tested. which is destined to transcend to importance to tuflering, hunlan ity, all other discoveries, the lightning rod and telegraph nothrxeepteil.rhat t.l L. hmnaneystern iA - hnt galvanic arrangement, with its acids and alkalies,-torr stituting;the positive and negative forces, and that every mental and physical manifestation, either Itisitiltintary,is tied result of this antagonism ;that dips tioti, elreulation! , seersition, rind excretion are -whelly-at tribiltable to tholaw of electrical - influences; that the' nerves Are the conducters of EL . ECTILIITTY: and that there ih a polar netion established through 'Ore nerrou s system fetich connecto'ivith every part of the body, establishing and BreSrvlag_O proper balance of the electric element, which - eenstitntes health, and a disturbance of which Sasses disease; that" there are strictly but ten/ conditions Illse4se:--the one positive. the othernegativei Mid' as Etgazitscar possesses these two inherent principles, it will,dfapplied :recording to the electric polarities and respaireulente of the systein, arrest-. or, id other words, -nentiollze the aseas'e by the restonitimi or proper polar octierr: We also assert that all drugs taken into the Sys tent act strictly upon electrical principles; that from decomposition the intent electricity is set free, and that, ttiongh the eleetriml polarities of the tremens system,. aft Changes are produced either for good or fur evil ; that In the incipient stage of disease it may tend to equalzti theforces ' and restore harmony; but alter the eskri has e. becom refractory, paralyzing the nervous communica tions, and changing the constituents of the fluids, and arresting the digestive aetion of the stomach and its power of approbation, nu-internal process of niedietition oreehae, or ever can, sneer .. .Uhl in removing - the canes of tits disease. its only tendency being - to multiplyand cote plicatethe symptoms. the contrary, ELECTRICITY being the vital element trPoil Which lifedepends. ran be - directed to any p'ar't of the body, and even after the vital functions seem pare- - Ina posteSses the power of arousing the dui milt en rritlerf, equalizing; the circulation, and tho,eystehr to a gelstistrinizig system. One 'very important, feature of this treatment is, that no time is lost in ctirerimeitting withillsease. By moans of electrical test ,au accurate diagnhirie is given at once. determining the locality and chitractor of the disease. and indicating the treatment to be painted. The curienteare perfectly under the con frol irf the operator, and can be regulated to snit the delicate nerves of a child without r.nyun pleasant sense. thin: JAB those who have long sufhlred from painful and obstinate disease—Acute, Chronic, Inflammatory or - Otralytie—nre invited to call and pinumit CONSULTATION • .! DR.-BROWN ,t . PROF. WALE. 0 irm in Fr* • . . . (I f "ili n. Bui • . - Id 1 ng. We..q,t 'Sfarli . e.t Stieet, 4111 r_Vvm-the' ornei• unite Diarnoud, OluthaitialxurN.Fiz. June 17, ' ' t.f .. _ . EOONO MY IS WEALTH V. Mit: YOUit COCGII - FOlt TIIIETEKN, CENTS The Bes Pond Che(ipeat Ifemseheld Remedy in - • the World: , , 4 - 41;t0A3iE ZADOC,PORT.EIe.4 - - ,'6OIIGH R.E3LEIDT!,! 133 Madame Zacloe Porter's Curative BalScrin, is wiuttmetell !fused according to the directioneAO cure it' alt citsee s Coughs. colds, 'Whooping Cough,, Aett,rna, allaffections of the Th scat and Ltuipai t • ttini 131e.danzt. Zadoe" Perrier's Balsam PecPutd •tvith all the rei lei te'estre and ,ski)l,,frern a nnut,idnatiol3 of the bait reui,idles the va‘emble kingdom afturikf. - Its remedial qualities are based on ite power ttn assist the healthy and vigorebe circulation of-the 41 . 1 00 d. through the lungs. It is not 'a violent reniedy, nullieat,%carm ientelling and ifTectir;c!to he t‘Lroby the - oldest per eon Ur 5 ttuuoist - • • • 'Madanvs Za dacPoi-ter's Balsam . fiaelr e n need by the pablee - for over 18 years and' has ‘ l3 'red iteprettent salve Gimp y by tieing recoinatended ' 7 "We who hard tilled it, to their 4ifilictedlcieuds and • , • • • • • MOST , iMPOBTANT. • It s., lame Z 1 inc Porter's Curative tutisain' is it. c. ortlich brinis itlu,the rem h every, tints„to ktep It cilrliutent 1,0 use. The timely use of a single bottle will 40 burtorth 100 times its Gust.• I - • ' IN 0 T ; • sfit your money: DO net-be:Persuaded ti) Purchase at ls. to St, which do not *contain t- l*: virtues of 6 c t; pottle of Mairarce Porter's Curative Sainte, tho apaiinfacturing which is as great Othtit of iii u„."" ;nay, other medicine; and the Very 1 W, prie s At I di, it Is sold, makes.tho to the Eel r apparent and unprincipled dealerd 'will s ettnaell la l imed other medicines" on which.thel ~• profite aro 'r - ttnleoithe customers I nsist!upon - ha big Maclaine andueneother. fk , r - adtimi.,'.,Porter's ,eliaisern, price L's. cts., and largo Bottles nt 26 - s 'i" arid tako no other. It you can nottget It at one you can at another. reold by all Druggists and St i lreleeporti at, i'3.ct9. ',i-&-Lirger bottles at 25 ce. s BALL RUC si.EL, Proptiotorn. ' New York: Stir le Arid 4acob S.Ni;on, itierslitirg. -" ' • • ' : 7i) - WAUD ASSO — OstA.TION - ; , 4 1u. - PILILADELTIIIA S Ihi,EtZiefO:f the Sia. and. Distressid,. affitard "-dent and Chronic 'Divan. and t,Tccial,o for MI - Digates of the Sccuat Organs • maCAUADVICE - gilren gratlq, by du) Aiting —VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatoritam, or zai weAkness, and other Diseases - of - the) . - Boxint -of ; and on the NEW REMEDIES emplOed In the ns ary,:cont to the afflicted "ln sealed letter enveV. free of chn.rgo. Two , or, thien:entuips for, postigo l e acceptable. - , -t r ee, D.B..l.smuni HOUGHTON, Acting Sur goward Acsoetation; No: 2 south Ninth Stri c t, 3dolFhifhPa-.- :Sept. '62 17 ME!EIN=E:M COMMEEns XTI ' cpii • i• • 'At jib time siisicetlieeiMiinoenement of Nix- PERFECTLY RELIABLE MEDICINES •, ••, To offeetti thoSe who are so unfiirtiiritite as to bo compelled" to indulge in such - luxuries.. The • 'het is, that unless there are large and rapid sales, no establishment, can supply its customers with strictly fresh and remedies, in the Shoe of Ditiics and cheinieals... , :TiMe ' aftd6ts Minh more • rapidityintiliY.inord esti- ' clesin rtmaia,iiii than hi any ' other merchandise, hence'the as ' eessity of rapidcliange' of stock to secure 'to the putehisor just what is wtmtel .'NTNON isiablo. by rapid changes in stock, alwaYe to present the very best to his. customers, He 4 desires to keep the above facts be . fore the comrtitlity,- and to 'stilicit continuance cifTaVo - is. 'lncorniection with his full • • - - " stock - of DRUGS AND crf.R.VICALS, PATENT MEDICINES OF STANDARD CHAR ALTER..,: • , Such as: i• Jayne's Family Medicine's. • - - Alyar's Peetorul, • Ayer'sSarstepa'rillp r . Ay er',B • Pieparationi, ' llostetter's Bitters, • Drake's Bitters, - • - Genisan Bitters, Tree Cordial, •"•.- ' Ts:rinist's'Aperient, ' Keruied.y!s DiseovirY; • • 'Hant'apLiniment., ' • Hypophosphites, Hobensack's Pills, - Wright's Pills, , • . Morse's pills, Brandreth's Pills; . - - • Townsend's Pills, •- vers - Ywat . 4.l's rain Hitler.. • • Falinestoik's - Vermilhge Worm Confoo`ticins, - - - • = Worn! Candy, • • PlaSteri, • .ointthents. . • - 'Washes, Lotions. with• many ether articles Is this line. all cf which are sold oirty orsithe i-epresclitcitioo • the'rnalicrii of tilt article!. --' LI ' IN'S, EDRIIIIB - ' an other • CHOICE :PERFUXEAY,AND SOAPS Heir Dye.% Pomades, tutii. • other artieles'roethe jlair,'amorig which NIX.O-N!'S—,BROMA:TRICHOS, - E • Ifl.llo F Op D. l _ , , One of the best and most eleanly 'articles for the - Heir, tontaining.iio grea#o, yotrouderiug ' the "lair - soft - and . , glot , syt and preventing it from prematurely - • -falling off . ••• . " GLYCERINE LOTION, hicias,lust the officio-needed for the , rertior , 7- al of Dandruff Item the Sealo. aaddedvink the hair soft and easy; In presenting, these two articles • for the Ilair,:the Proprietor has the iatistietion of ' , knowing "that -they do- - 011 - - that is represented. ' • ' NIX.,O'N'S' VETTER _OINTMENT HORSE AND CATTLE 'PO-WDDH; In less than one - ; ; - 'year add .6. half OVER -VitraS sy-v.ty% HiPSDAP.D PACKS HAVE. BERN sou), and the sales are on-the increase. It is just • ' ' thi'privisior for: - The Home,, . - . ' The COW,' ' ' . The Shaer). • The Hop.. It is,neatlyytit up and full directions go with each - pttek,:% nundieils of tUstimonials eduld' be presented, but Abe' prO- - Printer 'ilednis' it to let it travel units own merits. , •, , Is made only at Nixon's'for this',Cotints. And has 10 h o st of 'friehds who 'can testifp,. t . • te , its raerits::l Nixon is able to offer a large stock of • . , Trusses, - - • , •,,, . Shoulder Braces, , . - Sup"pOileTs, - , . . also , • . Bandages. , ~ Combs. • ' • Brushes,, , Toilet Powders„, • - - • . ' Perfumes, Shaving Soaps, / Toilet Soaps, ' , Pocket Books, Purses, , , Ink, • • .-Tooth Powder, _• • - '• Tooth Waibes, Tooth Bruihes : - Sponges; • Flesh Brushes.- ¶' • • Pure Spices. " • Stobe Blank, • Saponifier:. In• conclusion. Nixon begs leave to IV that hie sock bOtept lait„,t'o.tbe tory beat point, and will include every thing, eal. , • • - • "'cola- to h * • , tech and isonifort to the afflicted,. • - besides' i3deb articles as taste requires. _ The imparpnblever in business israormand,as ail * merchaadisn'eaii ho'bia at loner :aka for cask than time; • ; ;deairea to ‘roaki; , DVStaRTZISICTLY EMMMIEM=M ~~ '~tu~~;r `t~~ - ~uie t~ i ores. Drug Stor - 0.1 hiis , there beer so FM AND COMPIJETE A STOCK of Fresh "and he offers a full assortment of • eontinneiai Inuch a.-• favorite - aS ever and, it can aad `(/ , )e-a perform remarkable eures,, of Skin Diseases, and is 'guaranteed in all - eases to set as represented: RABER C.ROUP:SYRUP ' • ' = , 5 . .4beiTraMeim-141613ositam,ottpinibatbittgiVit . , - .• _ Sa . btrefi,4laittiii, ADDLERY - I ‘.SADtllzitt.t:-. 7 54d.- 0 dies. Biiiilrs,•iiarnr9s, Collare;Truni-4, blgn ef ti HOltBN-COLIAR._ , • - - - , JEIII.OIIAiI OYSTER respectfully rettirnshls thanks to, his patrons for, the liberal encouragement received from them befettifore,and'he Would invite theta and the cemninulty gamer:dry. who May need tiny thing, in . 1 . 43 llne,te.giVe, him #, call at his. OliD, STAND;en the lAA side of Main Street;Chninberebnig; five doors South of Hilbert Tolbert's liardware Shire. where he keeps cort 7 srantly ou hand-every viriotY of ,S4D DLERT AND EARNEST of his Own Manufacture, and lie is prepared-, to sell the rxinna at terms tliat, defy, competition. Every iveticie offered far sale is warranted to be made of the' best Material and by compettint'workmen, which will be hilly denianstrated on an examination thereof. TRUNKS AND VALISES.—He would MSc) Oat , the attention 14 persons Wanting a pad; 'neat, cheap, and siabstanial Trunk orNalise,,te -his assortment.' Judo ADDLE AND HARNESS. MAiN IIFALh)RY.—TLe undersigned would respectfully announce to his friends and 1110. public- generally. that haS Mhen. the SADDLE' AND IIANNESS.SHOP for merly carried on by Matthew Gillum •dec'd, en -WEST MARKET' ,STI:EET. near the Cbnococheregue Creek in thn Portnt* ofchambersburg, where he manufactures Saddles. Br CS:111d. Harness, and hoc constantly on band ctn exce , lent assortment of CoilartyWhips, &c. He empleys none but the best Of Workmen, had con structs.nllworkfronathe best material. TRUN nod VALISES. constantly on hand, all of which will be sold is cheap tt.i the cheapest. A contintr.m. oof the former pa tronage of the shop is most respectfullyselicited. ,J tine 17. G 3 . . JAXES B. GILLAY, WHIPSI WHIPS;?WHIPS' 14- . - Wltztas Srinuro SO:ti corner ornate and Washington Streets, Chembersburg, Pa, manuftetuters of 101 kinds of Will PS,' each aa Wagon. Carriage and !tiding Whips of various sizes and, of superior quality, which tkeY offtr to the public, either by. Wholesale or Retail, at very moderate prices. LASHES of 1111 lengths kept constantly on hand and forealb by the dozen. very cheap. They alawmannfacture guierior, lIORSR COLT LAftB,lcl which they Melts nttentibn. - Orders from a;distanee solicited and promptly attend: ed to. r • • - ' • .lone 17."63. QADDLES flianiess Gears. Bridles; halters, Whipt, 0- waxicon hand, lit our Shop*. , DI lIIL t tancoN... OUR STOCK OF SADDLRS AND 11r)Vies to vgry superior,. and the prices, will snit Come end see, DEIHL & GORDON. fiUR . WORK IS WARRXNTED itnd vre believe cannot bo boat.. We einploy on Journeyman. - DEIRL k GORDON. UARNESS OF EVERY DESORIP- R tlon, Broad Genre, Plow, Geial;, Coliare, &c.. on hams constantly , dour own make: ; - - - ,t-GOP.DO.N., WRUSE NONE BUT THE BEST Ltettber. and keen none but tie beetmode g oods. I nn d sell at reasonable prltes. • DEIHL Si GORDON. Coat, gumber, &c. Cf. A.. DEIT4.' r TENCH3.I'DOWELT,. ~EITZ & M 1)o WELL • IWTLL' PA T" THE R EN-CASH FOR ' &OUR, WHEAT, - Canty, OATS, CLOVER. SEED, ,Tfitropyr.SFF;.D; Anti all kinds of O. D U C . : ' ,ILI;L - IFiND OF r - S4LT, COAL, . LI:r.2I , IBER PEMENT, MASTE , • 4WD SA ND; Vos'zkLE, - - 111111M1 C If A ' T DEITZt...irpoIITEL;'St iiaßtno:tidE: AND: Neo the'ltailrepa 0 H M ,B Sl3 11 G, PA . , . , AND F Un North Carltsle Sreet, - G*EgN-CASTL,g, 11•1 Jane 17. 'o3.' NEV COAL:!- Li:llillMt!' 'LVAIONN!—Le.O CONNT L SON, NE' purchnsciithe Coal and Unbar Yard ot. George A. Dells, s ill c tltinnb th cat' mt tht smite busthiss, and wlllalwaya haveon hainl a lag e p p ybr Ltiniber and Coal. They will be prepared to rl hit urilhed at the shortest notice. They respect:oU Solicit the 'Patron agfeuf the late Orm and the Patio ,generallyi and nit who may dealin Cull' and ritunlif to Ors them . p call. feeling tosnre , llhat no Means be spared td accent mbdate those tea "-, Jane I.7„'ea-tr. . yo. EBERT & SON.; Pads ank Sops. IV-Ems' SHOE ST 01E.--:-Th e scriber :takes this inethj of informing the ttt. zens of Chamberaburg and vlcnity r thnt he has; lust returned from Philadelphia *lll am ENTIRELY- NEW. STOCK of Bootsand'Shoes, - of trery variety, style and pattexte r o j tid, of tbo best inannlgtures.- - • He has.= old t Sliopkeepers oquttd. -Els Whole stack is netc; ,"Give him n colt yott Cur easilyiralt, yourself. Ile invites the Ladles, espetialf, to eall;as he will take pteasurefitsliowlng his goodf Store in the room for:, merly Frederick awl, Esqi,as a Law Offleu, cital i niere *bendy eh& TOY tt purpose - by Repine Eye , : tor; Esq., , two doors librth'of Ifotel,htaiuStr cer,, Charabersbork, •—•- , Ills largo and well seletteVtock, he being &practical- Shoemaker,"eonaista of Lade - g alters, Boots, , Slippers eudffinakins.;• Mises' add- Ohlrenlit Iliots and Shoes; Gentlemen's,Ositera, filippeVl3oots.and Brpgans. ~ De not forget the-place, ko trouble to show Needs at the NEW STORE, two ; dcap North, of. Fislo3la „Rotel, Main Streeet, Chamhersbuti Pa., by - ,dune 174862. : ; PETER FEtblittillii CIALL - AND 5E447 1 118 UNDEIt, . . .... IL/SIGNED announces this numerous friends and . cuutonlers, that he e Ontimis to-faith - also:Are, tO .Orifer, and keeps. on hand, a tali pd corhplete assortment of Tailotis qualities and style of 8110E8 - and ,GAITERS.' f or udi or ,, misses anCelidren., His assortment of BOOTS,SIIOES,.pe.,.,foriaI and Boyle wear W :otn l i plete;tot which Ito respect Vinritosutts'ution; , w or k . , orall Tana made to ,ora n a tied rc t id.d*bio roan : ner and at short notice. U and see beforepurchasini otse!Wltere, aline . will purchasers that he sells at verytoitall Profits for ea . 'Don't forgot the - plaeo4- neml3.opPQsltft Licata fent Store;Chatnbersburg, Pa... . • -- - '', - 131400:111.74=7411. _ .. .. - Jane 17,1863. -: ? =I lIELMBotteS: GENTTIN7, i'ARATION. , HI 0-HLY CO:Re.ENTRAITY.),It . O3t-' PbUND "FELIII),-11X.TRAOT IAMBI; " z , .. A p,ositiveend - kpeeifie retned.r- -- ; 1 ter Mgeases of the , , BLADDER,dEAVA L T.,,' tozipsiCAL.'z'AvithLlNGS. , ; This m edicia a -in erenaes tho' power of -Digestion •and .exets w tll3 6 t r e b a ts tery ntp or hj a agh ai T o altipn, , • , Depositions,and allUnnatn- ••• - • • • . . rat. F r n e l i t u rg e e e r m nts arc} , • well as Pain and Inflammation, :and GOOD FOR MEN. WOMEN AND OIIkLDREN; 11E.L.MBoLD'S EXTRACT .13tTCHIT, -For Weaknesses arising from :• - EXCESS_ES, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, - - • EARLY INDISCRETIONS, • - ; '• , OR ABUSE. • ' • AITTENDRO - WITII TAE _FOLLOWING SY2tl',TO3lB: Indisposition to Exertion, • • Loss of Memory, • - - Weak, - Nerves • • - • Duran' of Diseak, • - • - , Dimness of Vision. •- • • Ilot,Rands„.„ . Pallid' Countenance. • v. - - Dryness of the Skin, UniversalLasAtude of the /Amulet System. . Loss of Power, v -Difficulty - of 'Breathing, • ' • Trembling. v , • .• • 'Wakefulness.' • - ' . _ . Pain, in the Back, Flushing of thti Body, • ' • • 'Eruptfonsvon the Face ' These ,symptoms if allowed to go on, which the medicine invariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY; EPILEPTIC .FITS. Iu one of which the patient - may ox - pire. Who can saythat they are not' followed by those direful tlfseges: - "INS ANITY AND CONSUMPTIONA Many aro allure of the. cause • , of their suffering, bat none will confess. TILE -RECORDS' OF TILE INSANE ASYLUM: and the melancholy deaths by Consump- tion bear araple witness to the troth of the , • ' , assertiou. TILE CONSTITUTIONONCE AFFECTED 'WITH - ORGANIC,WRAENESS. v • Requires the aid of undLcine strengtheri4nd in vigorate the system, Vhicia HEL:4I.I3CLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII Invariably does. ' A trial will convincer the most skeptical Ft3i.AhES, IT A LllB, FEMALES. Old or young. single. married, or contem = plating marriage. In many affections peculianto Females the Extract Buchu is unequalled' by any ether remedy,. as Chlorosis 'or RetentionjrregultiritY. Pain fulness. or Suppression of Customary - Evacuation, Uicerated'or Schirroits elate of-the Uterus, •Leileorrhea— • or Whites, Sterility. and for • all epreplainteinsidentp. • the Sex. whether' , 4116-Irons Indis- ' cretion, Habits of or in the . • ' OECLIRE OR CIIANOR 'OF LIFE. ' • (See Sympiem's above.) O FAIIIII/LOIILD.BH WITHOUT IT. -- MEW AIR LINE RO):1' - TE.— .Three II Traini Daily td NeW York, and l Philadelpbta. ` Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant I . • - tra On in a s n m l in aft lea er v - Af e md the ci v yi nad Aprt ei l p t i O a th a , ti l d 6 2. 63„ ead th i e tig P iw assen uro g ad er Medicine for Unpleasant toad. Dange- - Remus Diseases. ' Detiet, at Harrisb argifor'N est, York and PhiltulelPhia, as ' ' follows, viz ' l; . 'FA STARD. HEI,3IBLD'S EXTRACT )3UCHV - • , •• __-- ' • _ -2 .• .`-- • , - • - and , ' •EXPRESS LINE leaves ELarriebarg at 2.1 b A, AI on ", - . • ' HELMBOLIErS IMPROVED ROSE WATER,iiPe 'Main , Arrival of th nnsylt Railroad Express - Train from _ ' the 'West, arriviogin New ;York at 9.'30 A. M., and Phil* 1111.3 . . : - • delphia at 8.20 A.:::111._ A.pleSpihrcar is attached-to the SEC'RET'-.DISEASES,''. Oulu through froM-P•ittAhurg without change._ ' , . ; lit AIL - TR AIN-leaveeMarrieburg et 9.00 A. li. - ., &Thing . „ . Ip' - all their Stages: '• - - ;in New York at 5.00 p.ilid., - and Philadelphia at 1,60 P. y.. Little , Or no change in Diet; . _-A.t itttie Expense:. _'- ' FAST LINE leave , Harriet:a:mg at 2.09 P. If t , arliPlag . . . No Ineonveniente; , ~ in Not , York, at 10,25 . k: i 5., ,, and Philadelphia di 7.00 P. an - AND NO EXPOSURE. ,' - . -- --- WESTWARD. •,•• •''- • It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to i - PAST LINE le'aves. New Ifork at OA A. 3L . ,1111d Phila Urinate, thereby rettoving ,Obstructions,_ I I're- ' / 81 Ph venting and Curing Strictures ofthe Urer ia at 815 A. as, larrivlng at Narrisburg at 1.3.6 n. x 14AIL TRAIN leailes• New York at - 12,00 hoon, - and the, Allaying Pasha and Inflammation,, •T Philadelphia. at 3.30 e:ns.., arriving at Harrisburg itt - 8.29 .. '- yo frequent in clam of diseases, ! 1 PAM. and ezpellingall poisonous, dis- EXPRESSTRAIN lattics'NeW York at 7.OdP. u; ar eased. end wor,n out matter. i riving at Harrisburg et 2.10 a. si,-aud 'connecting With TITOi7SANDS UPON TII.OIISANDSI the Penn sylvaula ExpressTrabe for Pittsburg. , A sleep. '-'' Who have been the victims lag ear!gals° attached tii-this train. ' •' ' •- ',• ; • -' •.•, of Quacks,' and who-have paid • . , ' Connections are inade - at i Harriebtu* with, truing 'Ma •- : ' heavy fees to beturodirta'shorttime, - - t s B have found they were deceived, and that' eennayivania. • Northern Central and eumberland Valley railroadi , and"Ut Ridding - for Philadelpfili4Potto; the Poison liak. by the use of 'Powerful As- t Ba , villa,Wilkesbarr t e: Allentovin, Eastonotc. . checked through. pare between New York . tringents, beettilried up in tho systete. to - break - out in ail aggrav,ated form, perhapsußer Ilialtluaah. d ati e,pi d it hin„ arr s ib m or ta g, y Bll l 5 mr ; ber a t i en s3 lla in rr s is ti b . 7 . s . and Phila _ _ " '' ' ' -"- ', ''' ' ' J. J; CLYDE, ' '' ' ' _ L., - • ' ' • ~ For tickets or other iiifoimationoppixto - (lentitni Agent, Harrisburg, , U SE! •ARRANGENITTATE-- ' HELMBOI,D'S 'EX.TRACT' DUCIIU ... '1862. . • ' '''' i•"'' • '• • 1863. . .. ' for allATections and hisini4cs of . i ( INTERE-14. ' . THE URINARY 'ORGANS, . CUMBERL ARO RAZ' I.EY 4ND FRANELL4f. ':. ~ INTER " - •- - •: nAILROADS. _.. , , '• , . whather.existing in -•- ' ' CIIANGE 08'liftUUS.•=-Otr land 'after "NotartY, - NO. MALE OR FEMALE, - - FROM WHATEVER' f vember 17,1852, P443mtger Trains. Witt kill ,414py . , as. CAUSE ORIGINATING AND NO MAT-. . rallowe, (Sundays ,e-canted): . ' ' r lta .iiNti HAR ' 'TER ROAViLONG STANDING. ' : ••-:' •, i FOR CHAMBERSBU, ,• t . -,. Diseases oil these organs require the aid of a:, "f. ; ' , '' ' ' RISEURG :'' • '-"'" - ' " v Diuretic. . - i' . : ' ''•• "".‘ ' "1 - , •• ' ' - lIELUROLD'S • E X_TRACT` , DUCHUi ; Leav e pragetatrom.,..,. ... -.... - 1....,“ 4.00 '_ - 2..45, ; , - " • Greencaetle..., - ' 7.37 3.35 ... . IS TIIE GREAT` DIURETIC, "'< '' .i irrife`ats •- —" • 217 4.29 el.nd-it:o certain to 11 alio rho destivd affect on Dhca- i ..Niiiinbersbctrg , r >... . ses fur which it is recommended. - ''''.l ' . ~, .: Leave, fvf. r . m .:....-. 8.30 ~ . - rus • ; , -...i.eaie9,shii , iumsbnhf' - ; '.. • - 9.00 ' :1.23 ' :-......,-.-. rN , - Neuvu.;:., .. :: ............. - 9.33 . - !at:o ; ; .1., Carlisle ... ....... . 10.10., . 242 EVIDENCE .DF THE MOST • 'RELIA. •1- . ' N - Atechinie4biU•g—...........:....:....:10.42 ' 3.12 - BLE AND RESPONSIBLE CHARACTER - will accompany the medicines. 1 ArrlyeatHarrishurg - '.• t . - .- : ILIA_ : 3.9, • . ' FOR CEIAXBERSHURGANH HAGERS-• CERTIFICATES OF , CURES- OF''''DlS: - ,' - \\ "g l t il. •• • ' ' •'''''''''' ' -- i' ' - A3i. 'OS. • EASES-OF FROM EIGHT TO TWEN- --' • 3 1 leaves Harrlstaci•g.:..•;,‘, •"' ' - • 825 135 Ti YEARS STANDING. t : '' .." Meebmilcabirg.).........' ' ~.,. BA7 2.15 1 c - Carlisle ;V- ' ' '1 - ' - :4927 -,- 2.55 - ulth'natnes }maim tp "science and fame. 1 • Newvilje N... .... ......10.02 3.29 , "PHYSICIANS" - PLEASE "NOTICE," 1 I. • ShipliettfMk '''' '' '•• '' ' - o - sa T - - .4.00 ' ' we make no secret of Ingredients. . Arrive at Chaniiversour^ ' ' •' ' 4 - 11.05, 4.30 Leave Chambersburg .11..111 .. 4.;40 HELMBOLD'S- EXTRACT BUCHU ' u Oia rena'afte.l. ' Vii." - witfis, , i , 6.2(0 1 . Is, composed of Buchii, Cubcbs.Janipor BerrieS/ --? A rrive 'faceted with great &in:by a cempetentdrug.- • ' r r at Harrisburg :—... 12.35 : 0.10 i . . etir:Multtnu close . emztectiona . at Ija_iztenrg or!th ''gh.i. Prepared invacuo. laY H. T. •' - ' tra '" fer Phim°l P nt . 2 - , r‘ew Yt'.ra andilct Bl - I rg , nd, LIELMBULD. Practical , and Ana- with trains for till pelntaWest..-.. - • 0 14.-LULL sup: lytical CA:enlist, and sole Manufacturer of -'' " - .*' .. ITELMBOLD'S; „. . ' 'H.R. Oftice;lJnaicilairs . bat*. Nov : 17 . 0862._ ''-'-- '' '-. GENUINE ',PRE,PA:RATIONS.-; , ' AFFIDAVIT. - - ' '- -- 1 11DHILADELPHIA. kIsT.D BRIE' Personally appeared before Me. nu Alderman of City of Philadelphia, li. T. HELMBOLD, who f . ~,,,I:, :t :r i; •a l n t t iA TLßOKO -.lids cat ilnt, traverses' the' North. ! '..lorthw e es . t r ebentles (31' Pennsylvania to the bity being duly sworn. ,d(4 say his preparations ~,,r an =Lai: E 10. • ' ( It 11115. 1nia1:161103 , 4 , bY i the Itrarayleanict 'Railroad - - • • contain no narcotic, no mercury. or other , . . iniarions drugs, but are purely. veg. ' : Onapany, and under their. auspices- is. ,bel ng rapidly. " Jpened throughout -US entire:length. —• ' ' • ' stable. H T HELMBOLD. , ' tic= ilarrisburg to DriftslocaL,(24 Fork:) (177 miles) (m It is now la use for Passenger. and Freight mil e s) o w n' Sworn and. subscribed before me this Z3d daY, ,o,k the Eastern Division end from , Sheffield to Erie,. (78 November, 1851. • 1 . . - - . ~. mites,) fin the Wastertifilvtalon. ' - 1 ' ..,' . WILLIAII P. , HIBBAD. - Aluetman. -Ninth st.', ah.Sace, Phil a. TDlr. OF P4S.SENGEII THal...lltll4T -- MARItIBBITItac PHYSICIANS IN ATTEND.A4TCB FRO 4 8.-A. Ex HA l l as it s Al T i la.;7 3 ea N v o e ri sliiii; '' '' .r.: ' ..-...- ''''' t i ltt : M. TILL P. 'Ay.., _ . _ ...„. -, _ • Cars rim throngh want= ogancra bbtli- ways onAheire PRICE 0.. Ptit' BOTTLE op. Sta. FOR pp. - trains between Philadelphia and ht,tt,k. haven and be... Delivered to any address; securely packed • ._ twten usitimote'ind Lock Heron . ' -''' ' --- • • " from observation. 'Address let- ~. • . -. . . LieuttntSteenkng:Cals ow' the Szprese train both Inkti. ( For information respecting passenger business apply at tors for information. '• • • ' I the S : 11. Corded llfhardildarket streets, Philadelphia. - -"intonfiderien to ' - • ........ ~' ~, - And for,Predaht, business of the Cumpany'sAgents: IL T. RELILBOLD, - CHR24.I. CI 1: . 'B: B: Kingstonv..ll l .,Ccir.lathand Mutat sta4.Fhilluitt; . . Depot 104 - SOUTII TENTH STRERT, j Ar Y " L4e4. ' it. R Baltimore,Did - Below Chestnut; Philadelphia. - - .Y.11,-, rill, &pat N.C. .. . Ir. - 11. HOUSTON, BOWIE OP CtiIINTERFEITS AND ITNPRTH- ... 1 -,. , ? it4enerallrbiglit'Agenti Philsidelplilif ..". i - • ' CIPLED DEALERS;- - -- ' • .. • • h :,, ~ ~... ~ , , JAWIS 14. BOCK% , • ' .-- ''''aeherelvicket Agebt; Philadelphia: Witt/ endeavor to'diSPoie of theliarva 'An` &other ar - --; ~ . , .., . ,;, ~, , jos. D.mygre, Belts on the repatation , attalted'br -", -* " ' ' ' '-'-'-'" - ' .lane 17, 63] General Manager, Wiiit. RELMBOLD'S GENHIN E _PREPARATIONS. "• • • '''' F r ' “ - Helatbold'lrGenuitie Extratt Bachn; - ' '.. • ', „ Helrabald's Gentkirte Extract Sarsaparilla:: - Relmbold's Genran&linpsoved Rose Wash. - ! . Sold b, praggists EFeryyvhere. ;AOK FOR ; )043.1.1 ROLIP:tA.X.E .NO , -- - -• .' :- 'orRER2 I , , ", -- - 'Cat oat the advertise:near:tad send for it,:and avoid '.,.. ..- imposition and exposure.. Describe . „ •: , , syalpteins ufallcorlt , J ,- , - munications. • , • d# RE S, ADVI et GRATIS:I ..-:: '-- • ' • Sept, 10.'62.17. 102 • ;' V • - "• 14 - - r • ..]: r ( • srztv:AivAitAlL L-semmkßylitt TABZ*. - .174 - fa and A•ort Phirgreqphic - t, on and After AiONDAI I :,. APR'', 2004181 W - - the Patkengor traina, of :tbei: Peonsylyarda: RMlrMid Company Wilt depart from and arrire_at Ann and Philadelptda abs Sollowt: _ - ": ' ,T7Vit . A - f . tD THROUGII R.i.PRES3 TRAIN leaves Ilarrisbarg ,rdallyat 11.00‘.-A. arrivetat'We3t , Pbiladelpbid at PAST IAN): IC i a . veit'ElartHstiur ' g daili(exeep tltonda4 nt 5.45 .A. la., and arri4re3 at Vi:elit btlaoelphia at 9, ',.ll N;'Af a l e ijCUS t lt ' lA b giZ t a t, t ' o u n c :r e jai" . , • I6At;tl trarrlsberg,at -arrlvea at:West Plialfal4- Iphia it 12.25 P.ll', IrAST TRAlN:loaiesMarriststrg daily (extent SnridajP) at 1.00 P•;74., and arrives at West Phila!lelph4 at 5.00 P;41: • • • • • - HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Co,. linable, leaves Harrisburg at 4.00 P. - dd . ., and arrives at '-West Philadelphia at 9.30 P. id.' • ~, - •: . ; r! ;:,W.ESTW-ARD. RALTINHHH, 'EXPRESS TRAIN leaves liarrlsbUrg daily (except Mceaday), at 2.00 it.; Altoona, 7.15 - A. U., take breakfast, and arrieis at Pittsburg at 12.00 noon. PHILADELPHIA- RXE'REOS TRAIN, leaves Marls ' daily at-3.00'A. U.; 'Altbdna' at B.OO'A. tr., take breakfast, and arrives, at Pittaliurg at 12.30 P. N. t, HAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 115 P. N.,lnke :supper, and arrives 'At Pit isbargat 12.30 A.Sr. ' • FAST )LINK - leaves Harriaburg at 3.00 P. tr.; Altoona at 8.35 - a. tr„ and arrives at Pittaburg at 1.00 A. U. - HARRI:33III r .ACCOILMORATIONI T RAIN ..leaves • Philadelphia at 230 P. ts., and arrives at Harrisburs at tr. " • " ' •' ' - WAY 4CCO3IIHODA.TION 5:00 11, T_F l AlNleaves Philadelpbia nt P. irrives at t arTisbitrg at 0.40 P. R. Chia train runs • • ' - r • • - . - - Supt, Iliadic Div.'Penn'et RJ June T 7, , 1863 .7tr•-• ••• ' ORT ROW • NV AlklStritiiEll : Tbig • " • !three trains daily, to, and fton - Baltimore and Wash : . m gton City. ' Coronations made With trains 'ld Penney irinia Eat ; road, to rind fromTittslnarg and the West: TWO TRAINS DAILY to and frem" the North - and West Ilr'4.neh Stisquehanna,Tlndra; and all - of Northern : Neyr York. , , ~" On and after Niindc4,:April M 65, /863, the Passenger Trains of, the Northern Central Railway -will arrive at wad depart from' Ilarrisburg, and Baltimore as follows, via: , . • BOUTRWARD. 'WAIL TRAIN leaves 3ambitry daily (except Sunday) • *6 leaves Harrisburg 66 arrives at Baltimore BXPRBSS , TRAIN , leaves 'Sunbury daily _ ! (except Sunday) 11.07 P. X. mien 'ffiutisburg (except - ;1. Monday) - 2.00 A. if, " arrives at Baltimore daily & (ercent'llcmday) 6.15 A. a. lIAURISBURO ACCOMMODATION leaves ," • Ilarriehiitg t ' 6.30 A. 11. •, NO.I;THINVARD. - - • iI.6.II;TRAIN leaves Ralt6ore dally (ex- , cc cept Sunday) • H. cc leaves. Harrisburg..:. 11b P. 3t. ,arrives at Sunbury. ? 31. EXPRESS TRAIN firvies'lialtirnereOry..":". 4.15 i.ll. (alines ,tis Harrisburg 1.35 A. it Ip.ves Harrisburg daily (ex- cept Honday)' - , arrive!, at Sunbury '" HARR ABBE() AOCHISMODATXHN leaves, Baltimore daily (except Sun , , day) • ' . 2.55 P. It. " - arrives at :Harrisburg. 720 P. M. For farthetinformation apply at Hui-Office; in Penn sylvania Railroad Depot, Harrisburg( ta iu t rgi i Gat Supt. JUI3 17, '63.4f, June 17, '63,tf. 1863. Aii - ENTs vI6, fidnikti them *IW the PA itr;POSITORTgate month!, for 23 cslnt.n six taouths for. 50 cents. or 'one ytai (di $1.00: - - IaIROTHERS of Soldiers in-the Se-r -ju.viceot caudurnish thetn, with the ttztOSlTO*lVtlitee month's - foittscontr, en manikin* 50 centa, , cot ono eyeatt,for ; , ;.; • ryo = MERM daiTS.—Th'e - vv;..ay to gemix4l4birtitite:itlik6s-Ii to AntatttiE in. the Ji N HUN REPOSITORY, aes or COO er• OE - 11)EA_DrNG RAIL ROAD:---SU3i- Lt j ; Usti:AT TRUNK LINg - from the North and. North west for Philadelphia; ifeleYorlii - Reading, , Pottsville, ,loebanon, Allentown, EastorkAn r • Trains leave liairlebtug for Plilladelada. NOw York, ,Iteztding,..Pottsrille;aud all intermediate Stations, itB.oo A. arid 2.00 , ~• . New York I,,press A:lt., :griming atNew. York at .h.. 15 the same ntertdng.. - Pares froth' Etarrisbnrg To New York .ss.] 5 torhila delphia $3.35 and sLta. Beggaga checked throiaghl lletnrning, leave New York , at 0 4; .0,12 Neon, and 7 P. M., (Pittsburg Expretis.)ve...Phtladelphia 4 5.15 s. siiand 3:30 rAg. , ' Bleeping cars lathe, N ew YOrk Express Trayfli through tS aruffrom Pittsburg witliont change. ' Passengers- bYthe VatawheOt Railroad le4ye.Tattnuine itt 8.50 A. N ; tilid"s P. for Philadelphia, Flew. York, and all Way ..1 ' - Wain leave Pottsville at- 0,15 .s..rte.,,anf:2*.P.. (704 tai Philadelphia; Harrisburg andNerir YOrk: An - Accommodation Passeagettrain leaves lteadhrg at b.OO s. ss., and returns , from Philtuielphla at 5.00 P. st. oa- All the - above trains-. run , dailyi - Banda's' ix eepted.... ' A Sunday tram Prtves Pottsville at'oo d, is; and ,Philadelphia at 3.15 it. = • • . - Cominntatiou t Mil en4e; Sezigon, and EXctirsion Tickets at reduced rates to and frodfau points.' - - - ' - _ • -General Superintendent. Juno 17,185114 f: : - , MO THE PUBLIC- GENERALLY: . . cHA,MBII(SUUIi4 roupwhei: pine undeisigned take:ll4Mo method- to inform the public that he bestehen the-..CtUNDIVY so long eeri•ied on by Win. Seibert, with, nil the PATTeatiS connected there witb;*bert4 he Purposeei continuing the business, end is now prepared tomelee; • AL,1 4 „111.-NDS OF CASTINGS , titatitia . y be wanted tv ,the community: l'erticrilar at. teiithin will be pat snaking and keeping on hander. ery description of PLOWN, Ci4STLNEIS, 'W .460 N "BOX ES,AId. • - • All kinds of Castings made to order. • New ?loses, of did •reitt patterns, alwarhand or made to order; - • • . , - OLD METAL taken in trade, for which the highest. price lit' bo given. Ey devoting himself attentively to bur:lnnis he hopes to merit and receive a share of public patronage. June 17,'63. • . AgnADAM 'METZ. - LINER AND 'BRASS- - PLATER -AND BIT AND STMIMP NAKAR.—Tite ARElb scriber reepectiblly int ,rms his friends and the Public, that he continues te - tarry on the' above tatsinnie at his old stand on'lllain Sr re,t,uppositathe German Reformed Church, Chambersburg.• - Having enlarged his business, Saddlers and' Owe. makers will find in his Store Room a general assortment of Goods suitablat6 their several reuttlremeats,Unch BS Fair and Country flogakine,Patent heathen gig TreeS, full Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Self-Adjusting Trees, Fnli ,PlatekTirined and Japanned; "Straining Web and Worsted Rain Web., lower than Cotton; names.* Bits and Stirrups, Plated, Tinned and -Japanned; Coach Handles, new stylar,. COMM Vmmes; Hub glands; FrOvitgy lto,seates, Swiills and Ornaments; Iron Plated and Wood Gig names, thistles, Brass, Silver and Japanned * , all styles and patterns; Ivory and, Wooden Martingale Rings, Stiunp:JointiSAMl a variety of other Goods matt, able fur, tbe.jrada. - • , _ IKO- all kinds of Pluting;&o., done with neatness and despatch, LEWIS, WAMPLIM. March 25, , . - 10,10 A. M. 1.15 P. x 6.35 P. 11. .. 3.00 e Is! , , 5.3 S .14 t4 TE w , lt undersigned, respectfully annqnned bathe citizens ut Franklin county that be has-opened a New Marble Yard in the room formerly occupied by :Dr. Hamilton; directly opposite Nixon's Drug Store, gain Street, in the Borough of Chamhersburg; wherd he will keel) tat hand or make to order all articles in his line of, businebs such' as -SIONEMF.NTS, TOSIDS - and HEAD. STUN Es'l SIANTLES; TARII,hI *STAND TOPS. to., manufactured from the very best Foreign and Domestic Marble, He respectfully solicits a call from those isbu tretybe itt want of any in the above line, - Ile is confident in his ability to Sett sfy all *lto may be pleased to patronise him, either as regards, hie gripes, or the quality, beauty ) and chasteness of his wuik Noy.M, W IL -VAlTAMAKEleitspectfut. 9 , ly Wirral the palled= he has leased the • • BRICK -YAII,,D recently . occupfed by N. Wanamaker, and has appointed SAMUEL ICA.IIPORD, A PRACTICAL 31.ECTIANIO, to conduct the business. Ifs respectfully solicits -the patronage bestowed upon the former oceopant. ailifhopee by prompt attention to 'business, : always havingA large supply of —.-SOLIP;AVELL -MADE 'BRICK; of all styles mad. qualities, to secure all tlie trade, both city and country. ulS .Bricklayers are invited to mist:nine our stock. - WANTED.—About 200 cords of good Wood. 'June 17.8 m, • -- - ' H. EILBICEL.F: E31131C13. - TRE'WOOt N FACTORY.' 1 Tao sulircribers respe Ctfelly Inform their' Mende ono. the public generally,. that, they have leased the above ruined Sac tory one mile north-west of Chainhersi burg, (best.ltnowla as Muth, Factory) fora. larm of years, Where they Intend 'to 'manufacture Cloth, Sank. nt,Slankets, Flannelsand Clirpetlxig from the fleece of yarn. Country Carding andFulllngattextded to. Also—. Indigo blue, and fine) , didnedone to' order. Hairtrui thoroughlrrepaired the nattellinery, they hape to bo able. to rendergenern)'satiefidloii to all Who may laver them with their °cistern: • - .Blay - „ BOL-1. VRINKLIN 114SURANcE: PANY OP PIIILADIIOIII.I, No'. 435 aka '437 taunt/ant Street. • r • Capital ..... . .......... .2400,000 00 Perpetual Premium 5,.......... .. . ... .. 895,824-63 Unexpired Temporary ?Tashi:nu.. 171,620 65, Surplus w 913;60 31 Total • 11 6 Ve. Statitnent of the Assets` of the Company on Jahhary 1, First Mortgages, amply seamed $1,993,931 46 Real listate, (present value $133,322.47.) coat ,123,970 77' Temporary Icons, otrampleCollaterul Seca. . • ....... 84,625 90 Stocks, (present value 398,365 16,)cost 84.901 50 Notes eudllills 11.519 30 Cash ........ 75,312 03 . St:Z .4 RX' antimiEtatire'pyrit con, ' 0,35171 Advaure in value of Stocks stir eon—L...., 18,47 a 6G t 4,3 9 ,418 3 ,4 , At!. The only*Prolitntrom Ptemirate, which tins Omni pang can divide Dg tawi s tirtit 4 einalakilrbio h xe been determined, , z:s.. .4,7_,,L1 Extract from, 711, Chgrter qt: t4e Ormparty.; • ' - diet Moneys'"eadieds'''. premlti me - ninon' risii ' which remain •Ondatermilled.filldnre•AdtEdirnatidat. the time of declaring etch Ditddend,shalli not be notaddered • actiart of - the lizards id , said: Cforparatiani of 1411V3ded ' - Psentdir, ey ery dpecil p Sonof ropertyr is • Ural and•Outitilgi for ',Owners, Mortg a ges , Ground, Landlords, de., de: ' Bates melon? as ate conthatent.ditli. anatirl W.; : Since ; their Ineorporatd* neriod."of,th they have-paid over FOWE - 311LLIONS OP' i f r =2` LOSSri RIDE; -the;lltiLittordiim nvideinesof Om aseer i tegea ruserance, 11/1 la all at the ability and dia. ! position to ineet witii-patrapasiniall llibfGtibb - • „Lopes palistiring the , ,Test 1842 ;DVSS 11 t • ,—;.• • . • - • •r- r ;- • • . •WS, =• •• ' tasiickiii, — 'David 21*.taa. Wagne Wattles,. • - • -a= 131311 . 173 .• • Estirmleatp., 'Ai Smith, • • George les • George Altred:Ritier. ' • CEA SUS &DA NOES% President.' •, • 1 -- • EDWARIIie. DALE; ,Vice-Presidenb': ' 4 , 1 ULU'. Ards.uarns, Seel prntem. , • • ••• Application, made - to - Minn 'Dina: dEiimbiLii bur sho. is - an Atithorited -Agent fur-the °Mkt* r either personallyerfay Rater l wiU . meet,wlai. attention. ( March 4,1863; - - ' ' '• ' • 1868 kydZ tbarifbeiribtitg,is this 13enerai of the Fir4gin Conatothittee:Compatkr , r. Stine . WAL. MbLBLLAN. ... _.lZ.ilb:ll:iiol.o,Pll#,S.c' - IVEW TOBA.CCO, Stein, sTogn e .o. sac Ctinceitijirehanibaslblny Ile s vicinity Thatindentiped, having holm cotopolleci to. leaVolfitginiO adobsint of tia.llnion nonfiniento,-haa come among lon , hotPr a t'ligW* lBl ofi" slgf r ota Song ,aapOrisn*an. ohne attention, o win meet :with gowinnus insikport: liiirstock •Ssill 'consist of all; ho sr. brands of TOBACCO !Ind MAU, which he wflt, - so n po o hioiiissanibalianiukastharcititinft: Dafftioriiit • .th rt ploso, sign of thp•slipto-Virginiti 3 .11404. 1 pcniitso the ffotel, neat &JO to chi7ocit es, Bonk glare * Bazattkoat entaiorot this DiiiinefaL Juno 11 11.110841: - 1214-NKS printed'ptomptly,:arid sit 'owes rat* ittiva of the SILANItLIN Itta'OBITORY. 1 , . . ' 1 nitufactures. JOHN A. GROVE IRIZSI )iioo:iia);-,; t-