The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, July 22, 1863, Image 6
13 gdcnLlnrL I TIM VIRESITER.:-- , -The - übsariber. is the only antherized Agent forthes'ale., sit eater Ak.ldellocit'a.premium 'Pao-horse Thrtwhar r,od - cleaner, with Railroad:Power, for Franklin and Adams Counties. Reismew ready to *civet orders for' the same. This Rothrnels a Tecii.herSe Pim:art.:and' Thrfbh, and Clean any kind of ilrain. fl( PitBMIUSin 111A CRINE. having itaken* the Premium at the United , States. sad allthestate, end County:A:mirk wherever hibited. They are aaade of the boat material, and war- Anted by ono :the largest and -most ' respoissible eatablishmenta iethe United States. it b warranted to thresh and clean from 150 to 'Am Willett; of Wheat, and: dcalbto that quantity 4 of Oats in 'a - day. 'IV reqdires but' two horses, and'ne driver. - The,' Parrer and .11nchlne can both be worked in an ordinary . Barn Floor: The Agent himself died one of these Machines last season for; four month/vomit:natty. and can Way. to- the .truthfrilneid tithe ,bovestateoffacte. Re has fltrealsed as motives 102 Bushels of Wheat,, in 4 hours. lie worked the sante two Imam constantly its the Machine, and at the bud of. the Alma ' :they wore in as ;bad condition na at Drat. Re, therefore, is prepared. to refute the idea, that they are hard on horses. lie paid'-Stlu.oo for onobortya, and pr.oo far the ether, and they-rather improved than depreciated In value. . = - • Perzons-Arishing to buy will please make appOeation • s ion, as it will take some time to get them from Albany, 1i,1.. Price with Railroad purer at Albany. s2Bs,Witli freight added. Lever power. four.borse. with same Ma chine. $255, freight 'added. The agent will order bona bath'ittliold. - • - ROBERT BLACK,Agent, Jane 17, 133.3m.5.: Fayetteville, Franklin Co:, Pa.. STRUCK,.IIANUFACTURER _, . o •OF itGILICITLIVItAL IMPLK3f ENTS.--Shop n ter Street, between Queen and Wushingthiti Chant herehurg, Pa. WAGON 6l.A.lllNGf—tiating conical edWitlahis Drill end Rake Pactory that.of Wagon-Making, and -having employed one of the bed practical Wagon.nialrers in the county. be feels confident in assuring Farmers,: 'and oth ere needing :this klnd'Of work, ' that Ito it prtparod to tender'inifire tathifiction to - till who may leattttheir -or. dere. An - work entrUsted to hlin will he promptly. and neatly executed. at moderate 'prices. either for'new Or old - work. Partnera nra I wiled to call, gote hitaTtrla4 and get, the worth of their money. • ~ „-.,- , - BLACKSIIITIIING I—He also carriel3 - on 'Oka 'Black. spatting. and employs a skillful workman, who Is able to du all - landi of Staithing Which La requited fur Wagoni, ... L . e. • ‘L: . . .. , . , GIIN•SPRING 'RAIN - AND' nil' RAKE: - . . He Cantle timi to constrict Lls unsurpasged — Patented Ounttlspring train and Day Rake. State and County Rights for sale. • "" . :Tram IVO. „ ,- .. . • . '., D. SITOCH. ~, _......--- s Airlenitnrel lioplement , Mannfactitrers, 'sixth St. ,Find Germantown Ayonne, • "- Philadelphia. • " • Maneactnrers4 the - .• - Premium Parra Grist Al in,- , r 4larse Powers-end Tlireshett„ - tircniar Saw Machines, .2 . • . - V Corn Sbellers, ' - Grain Fans, Cultivators, _ - • Harrows,' , • -Plows, ' , ' • t and OTery variety of appraredi: - , - A.gricoltural 'lmplemented!: ; Send, for Circular and address • , - - :143.1. L. - BOYER it 81104 . Philadelptim: Ratruk rta-Rtstmia, - _ The °my rellabie.r4rm .4. , ist darablo,and ' • - •-' Orin& all Mode of grain rapidly; - Is-adopted to - flooo Pdweiar - ' • •Every Fortner sliould " - ' ?rico modafato.. - , • Bendtjordtsorlptiio Circular and addieal - • ' • • ' • • •1Y,31. L. BOYER L.-811.0., ; • Agricultitrallmplerridnt-Mattufacturers. • • gixtlfit.aod GonaarAtown Arcane, Philadelphia. jaiyls. `oB4m. ' ; EaAßtf.- BtlitS:--,L.lll.yers 'th „Brand Vetigenta for - Franklin co., to Eell' tho Lg. These. Bells 'are superior 'to. any other nutile Inn° t3tate. havo 'sold a late number in the anitity and dad tham to give good ;satisfaction. Tlieso bath; aresuporior in tone to' any ,other "Iron • bell; and equal to poet brass belle. Apt belle sold are visminted to atatid,and'iftuly should break, wwwill supply a new Dine in place. ' June 17,x, - - -FAR3f . I3ELLS.—We are'Age'ntitd, Bon tbelfebanen Iron Bell. The I , lst article marls, tAuella witirintect aorta break. anthatamitte:our; stgcl t as pro are OetargLined to sell goods at short.prollts.; Jane , MUM., ticBRAND. ARVESTIG TOOLS.-Forks Stythcs, Cradles, Snaths, &c. - , . AIYE.F.S & BRAND. Ibihi',ipti.:lntiintiip.' IigUrIiOLESALE y y AMERICAN . STATIONERY 11 7 .41Z8T10 USE. 44ERRITT; IMPORTER, W.U.O.FgAi4 . 4 St4.IIONER, - , . ,"i And,Sole Agent for' ' . • Wiiulsoo and Consisting of Ctennterrint /Vacs ; Bill, Legal tr,BoolscapS, Xo.lElßcskroariSV:c/,`ear.Nassan,Areta York : ' Alan, o', - „Anitister, and sole Agent for' tlie''foll'owhig now , -, and Msetul Oliver'.7 Patent .Tips. • Thia • fioin unq herefofore tadde, being eal- IglittttlWanyjitmcil - I . t.'is'mannfactufed (Ord vtderiu ithhber-of the best' &Salve finality; car licrreadily changed from one pencil to another; , and is Sold at eh - extremely low price.' it la the most .desirable article of the kind itt the market.. 7 ; —; r, - Atii•itit'o]Pciteiit ,Rizbber lialestand - and Ratli„ au4i'quelfikstank, preserving ink from ihe'decompos 7 , it FrO i r i r 4 040/t• • -• • • exees's Patent Inkitaser Paper-eii:iner, the beat article made for rubbing out pencil-marks, ae cenftaisfifd.g the work in one-half tbe; time ortilhary rub ,„ , . . . .240 444 OgmbinatioliP4O-Cute4 Ruler amiss' aidlesaful,trtigle,:ccimbinins the the uses of `.two indAPOPPitiler Haft ARtfentlkiriable • apYingPrfOl ita*, k4o*aiigeni artoe. - - latrount's Pen a very-al:pert& :Stee =pen; Merle and selects/iv/int the: grestest-tare in a box,nix Wiesen-. aka ler another neatir Bathed hex, the , mast, &five, altatt sfigs*SluustitilvforrcirdMig..:-= . . 40.4tiOirl I PMkifC4e100/iet Tce**l6aril. A nioefsiiictieft3a for " the million, com prollptpti, ihejstMsualsquares fine life4ll7hotographic' pictures of all Our,lisTominent,eleueralland ommandervi also the President, ti&totrionSte.l4la. The ptctuiesl akotuyAramoEtteatfittetAmede the cost of the Board. All orders will receive Kong:Land careful "attention. 4.fittigpkep r ipberoppor t tho./ark‘wit qn4; l 2.l(Rwrtc.a: etoeks of Stationery in Vlits 4 , :lj3ltuil Brutes: —.WAN J. MERRITT'. T Ne ua l Al.W3cr sl l 39ll ;,P;tPePzkn'ls.N YPOF.i 0 r edisrtieles dre Toe sae t r slaty ocE, Chemberalurg, Pa „ 4 July 15, 63-1 m MEW STORDI-4.IVAtTSON/k3SONO hale opened at their:Store-Room, on the North %slat Corner of the Diakasted,44iffoilfte Franklin Hall, Chantbersbarg,...ltav au 4 entlyely mew ...stock of l goods, canalstingollajOH ,S'ofhlth.4,ey,elY:dascsjittfon. Bta ttohery of all IttnolaiZatiolOpist 4/Reel:Pills, Ink, &c. Alab dl6nga.asaortmalltvat IWAIT..B.&PERORIPPOW: BDlNDlmsious price% ;bats trhatantietY 0f1iK4.01 , 05. . AND FADIAIY.ARTILI,HB,,Picturee. FausaasesGadEesc ana aliases Baskets, &c.. Rama Soap and Perfumery. Also a good k6B6rtatontal-Worattg4iSttonal3ttWool, &c. and a greotssartotyg gaodatop ,httakerons,to,..lasort to w ~11,411.5 y 'nine the atteritron of the PhbllC, - aed, re 117solieltaltrareofthopublIcitatrofiage.VI'i 5 " egiercatt and oxaminevar htock." •f. 5 "." Ipttret33, 5 N281541)N 413011:".7' g L 431,U. .11.1.1 , ..,..... N. u.:.1'..1 i t 1i;4,., ;11 - ',A,_,, , ,412/1 , I,i. arottlate l . utterti f tiit:*-- , Z 9 LCU --- SOO Am ifo tre aliraytton hand, pia? . ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40/;t11.1A9.,:kc ..„/ 4 1 : 401 424 * - 41 - Thrtdware; ;to: whichfthiyiLii;ittt the attension et the public. -We have a large stock of Nails and Xron, which weilfrirititatditced prices. #USSPAWASKOPTITBn wick 41341144,4 mm, &rows, Igiel4,43latal Patiffilto. 2 , ; 4:j> 1 0 , 11 F;c.. MVOS. &;1111AND;:i. . • . a • • • ,t; •• E.7IIO. , AND ; ' , FA cf&.aletit,tilde , tuAtio . h(to:t4tifiiied ititidg•:b , colors;s1 06'60'64 Watt :TY: g .113.34 LA —LPG .4111 1 5T9M—OF s; Vattokkttdutiny,,i LIAARI.Wki.I.II4.I9+;;I' fIUAL PAC - KENGANDRELTING - ; Manilt 6 RoPtt".l!ii,it'iMgan4l',ltlehri rr; &MRS & BRAND. Top:RR-mop 'lll,,evev ,style 0 tonna tit 4 4ake altiolhilMtWalfrogToa, • - got. TkoilE LOOK HOSPITAL 1 , , ..1..? u 1a t o . h .l o ol f icsoN:, the fowl - der' oi r this _oeloral'ea tireato x6:4 B in t 'ilhr w t or e l:iir b s tat Y itf i tte d t " 17 , - SeminarXeaknees.P Ain in the Loins, Constitutional Do. bility, Inap_oterce, Weakness of the Beek ant. Limbo.-. Atratiolis ot the:l3diiei;lalidnitton - Orther 'Mart, Dyspepsia, Neryous Irritabhlty, Diseases of. the Headt TLreat, Nose or,lttial and all .thestiseriatis, and melart choty disorders arising from the destructive habits Or ,Youth, whictrdestioy both body and mind. Those stcrat and solitary practices .arerraore fatal to, tholr,viCtitter than theiong, of the SyreitS to . the mariner Ulysses; blighting Mot i most brilliant Lopes, or actleipatiotur rendering marriage; ac., impossible. - - „ - • ••• YOUNG. MEN. ;. ' Young Bleu especially, Who hare becoixte.tlie of &Mary Viceithst dreadful and riestruetive' habit Which annually sweopt to an untimely grave thoesends of young Mellor the most exalted talent and briltlan• intellect, who - might otherwiso have b at renced.listen Senates u ith the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the; livinglyre; may call with confidence. -1.1 - ARRIA.GE! Married persona. or young men entitomplatinganar,' tiago,beingantare of physical weakness, organiodebility, deforthitles, im., , should immediately consult Draohns- lie whoplaces himself under the care of Dr.dohnston may religiously cunt' delmhishonor as a gentleman, and oonfldeiatlY rely upon his skill as a physician.l - - „ .• - 411GANId WEAKNgSS -1 '• - ItraMorstmar Onnen AND PULL 916011;510111D: This disease-As the penalty most - frequehtly paid , by those who have. become the victims of improper indni genes. - Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from 9201 being aware of the.dreadful consequences that • may mane. 'Now, who that understands •the subject Will pretend to deny that the power, of-Procreation its list shorter by trCaq, &Mug into improper habit thartly the prudent, 'Besides being deptived of the pleasure of healthy offspring; the . most serfousand etestrtictlit , syrepothrtonoind audbody arise. The system become deranged. the physical and ,reentar powers weakened nations debility, dyspePslaepalpitatinti of the heartl inditestion, a waktLug„ • of - the frame, cough, symplom of consumption ; ' f)fice No. '7 Soitih-:Frederick Street; ~..„ seven_ doors from Baltiinere aired) East side, up the the steps.l Be particular: in absenting ,the - name-and liumber,or you will mistake theplace: - CURE WIMItiNTED IN TWO liiLTS.4O No Mercury : or Natireeits 'D R. -4 0 H ,NSTO.N, • Nember,of thelloyal College of Surgeons, London., gra dilate from one or the most eminent Colleges of the United . Stafein and the greater part of whose life .has been spent -is the hospitals of LondcM.Parbi, Philadnl phia, and elsewhere, has effected some of the most aston dehing cures rhat , were ever, knoWn.' :Meng- trohbled with ringing hi the head afid 'ears 'Whin asleep,:grrat nervousness, being alarmed at sodden sounds; and4nts}r fulness, with frequent blushing, attended sothetimeit with derangement of mind, Pero' cured- immediately. BEI A CERTAIN DISEASE! • ; When the rnisgnijeil and imprudent votary of plea surer finds be has imbibed tEe seeds of this painful die ease, it too olten happens that an ill-timed sense 01 shame; or dread of discovery, deters him fromapplying to those who from education. and respectability can aletie befriend him.delaying till the constitutional symp. toms of this horrid disease make their appearance each as related sore-throat, diseased nose. tioctnincdpains re head and limbs, dimness'of sight, ileafnesti, nobs - 6 e shin, bones and arms, blotches on the head, fate. a al: extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity. ill a last the palate of the month or the bones of the . fa in and the victim of this awfctl disease becomes a . orri ,bject of commisseraticn, till ilefth pats a po nd to Oadreatiful sttfferings, by seaming him to "that some Whence ,no traveller retains," To such, therefore, Dr. Johnston pledges himself to preserve the moat inviolablesecrery ; s end from'his extensivapmctite the first hospitals of Humps aid America, he ran c nfidently recommend a' safe atspeedy cure to Atte unfortunate victitabf thin horrid ease. , It hra melaticholy fa,tt that thOusanele fall victim; to thig horrid &emu oWitig , to the naskilfullneo or lgno• r.xttrptotenders who bq tiso or thttdeadful Tolson, hior curt', rnin the constitution,and either Wad the unfortu• nate to an untimely grave, er'rai&e the 'residue of life miserable. • TAKE .PARTICULAR NOTICE! MYERS k BRAND - „ ' Tir.,T.lidreisesthogginticji).ll.lro injured thetagelvos,hy - private asdintproper Indulgences. , - neje, ate goine'of the gad and melancholy effects Pro • duced by early,babita of yotith, viii-Weakness - of the Pack and Limbs, Painsin the !lead, Dimness of Sight, Loss of 3lnscular Poirer. - Palpitabloit of the'Lleart,Dy,f. pepgia, Nerions IrritabliitY,'Deranrment of the Digee. • five Functlong,Generul Debifity,SYmptoms of Consump ', the fearftd effeets on - the mind 'orajnuch, 1 *dreaded: loss of Idemory,Confusintrof Ideas; Depres; of Spirits, tin Forebodings;Avettion to Society Self:DistruA, Love - of sulimide.trimiaity; to., are sonic • lib evil effects. ' Thonsunda-of persons of all age/ can'tiow judge 'Ow ' 15 the Catde of their declining haaitli,losingthe , r vigor 't becoming •iveAt, Pale, have singialar apPearance about iheeyes, cough, and symptolis of Consumption: • , D. ;lohlistotes,./nrigqrati4: .404c4y for Or •- ganie Weal tress. By this great rind Important remody. ;Weakness, to 1 the. Organ is speedily cured, and fall Vigor restored. Thousands el the ,most i2ervotia, and debilitatedovlo, had lost ell hope, have been inunediately,relieved. Al. impedinients to Marriage, Physical, 3lental pisquali • fiCat itin, Nervous Irritability, Trerblin g, nevi UJ ,I.,,hanstion of the most-fmrfal_kind, speedily cured by Dr. Johnston. , . 'into have injured themselves by a certain practice, hi- I, ileigeil in When alone—a habit reiquently learned fr ro evil Compnidons, or at school, thir effects are' nightrl I : felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, render -mai- , Hags impossible, and destroys both „mind and body. , thowidapply immediately. . • , . , • , , What a pity i Wit a young man, trite hope'of his coon- I i , try, the darlipg - ot hie parents, should be snatch's,' iron'; • aritrosnecta and enjoyments of life, by the commune, ---; , Of deriatingfreto thepath of nature, and indulging in / 4 certain secret habit.. Suchpersons,'before centemplst t 1 ,n4. • „ ' 14.A.RRIAGE - ' alit -mid. reflect that. a sound mind and, body are thi •1 ' tncist me/ e,snry requisites to promote-connubial haPPI ' begs.: Indeed. without thise, thejontmoy thrin g it 1111 THE 'FRANKLIN REPOSITORT beieines a weary pilgrimage, tho prospect hourly dark- '• . _ .. _ _ ! oar to the view; the mind becomes 40mdowed ;with- de : .. .• . „ . , ..contalng • . ~ *spair,and filled with the melaithidy ,reflection. ths,, 4. ' 34 e kty Report.; 61` the'Salbg bf Stocks. the happinesr,of =Other-becomes blighted with ow l .- '., , ~. -.! _. or , _ , - ' ' `- andotherß 'al '' Goverrtment _cm , =!OrrICE N 97. .7, 'SOUTH FItIMIEBIaTt ST:, ' • ' ' '' • ' 'lids . iiikVof . , • •r ~- •,:. - - BALTIMORE. ---.- --7 , . '—' -" ' -'-' 0' 'State -Currency -..-,; ,1,,,. ~ . . . _....., • i • • a I 1.. , IA ~ i , ~. o 'll2lll , , ilrid t elniria,: , •,'., , .TO STRANG--BRS.,: , • - ''' '''''''--‘," 1 `:: afl e ' 3 ' • • I -', k ' the many thousands cured et thtulab4iintien in . tl3 . . Griot Monetary Trfearactions at 'Home. . last lifteeiye . ar'e; and the nainerous impiirtnal.„ surgica. • o f' , ' '',l i , :; .:i.:- 4 . "..;... ...4. ... , .1 -;•• 1 7:',..• 4 :i operations performed by br. J., witness/ d by, tile re , porters of the papers, and many other persons, Mke. of Which have appeared again andagnin before Sheilah ..144 T H ~ F : ___R A., iN ,H , II. L_lg ,R.E . r , 0 7.:1 5, ~, 1 . , ; .T .: ,, P,...4:1 1 .." lie, is a suflicientgiteralateito the afflicted. -!. . I -4: ' r - - contain" . I ti.,11; - There are so - many ignorant an vrorthles , "` : 4 ' : TIIE.Y.ERY LATEST. NEWS quacks advertising themselves ,as„Physiciaps, minim i ' - by , thb health of the alieodyirfritoted.s -Dr.4ofinst6n deem 'f : , it . necessary to sap to those unaoluainted re,itl . i his rep • , ''Tne4da..,Y's' Veniii4. Mini • ' Diplomastic,..titionT,AtlhaEt:,lzioirsiermil. . ; ' '-:-"; ' 1 •' ~}til4' ..,.- -"' - ' • • let il t a e t ;Vm n u h ii is t be past paid . nor , /' ' • '''''' :'' p • ' - - ... " ' -.- ""' - ' " obtain a postage stamp far thMreply,or no nns wer will ^ i „ Osent. - ' -..; - - ~.yeb 25, '63-Iyr. ... Magnotto .Telegrana, ..... ........, ' -.ll.eportefiriTlttitti:ittlilfroorreth!..s 1.'ap7:::::...':..", .. . - .. ..... _b fore ,1411 - 1?. Tir..ll"! „ - ' 2 '' " • 1 9ne (la in tulvanec.of 'tha City Dailies. t . - With all Important News. _ • 1 • 8 8,8.1 .• .. ,t !-...,,,....-.....•,‘ .8/..A.: 8 1..:. ; tiIAIIBERSBTURG 7 YOTT.NV 'Lii.• La.. .a2W(.§.104.1.1'41; k , li. now half .Sosslon;iriltc - ' - - . , ~.-_ • . ),,,',„'„; ..,....8 8. oc,(B B ,B*hri).gp,tlii logdovitawitt be r,eceived wfien toad, - . T : Tit', F p A.,',N K L;T:.;?g:. -- 13. g, if.9..1 TORY (11A Bcli.ltTgt* 0c.c.91711A5.11.,„ note, Are accorgraoriations. - ':.- '-" ' • liiis :dip' • - '. - : ' - .-ttir, 9X .0.0,11119,0,,,0arders .only, -Boarding- -for , ' • o who go iliontolit tbe:ood of -the w00k,.53& pot sop., ', .` .. B,I4.RGEST CIRCULATION' ; T i t, larifiNOgtoAthv.., PthOT.43fArif.s69,l,Tnittyn f,rzni• - --•-- • • and is-the - , ,-,, 7_. (t37 M" '' j'-' •""•1 ' '' '1 '''' '• '..- I. ' ‘' '' '-" -- '' " ; ' • BEST - AD'VEItTISING EIEDItqI . 149704.EN8Y , A413. Y.AlliMin.-4ktitiSipsi: :8 „, .-8 1 i '. . ... 8. in thottate, •.. . - OlOv.rDPASt(BelaWriP, grePChAndOenlrctt, •i .: .8 8: . ! .- .. -•-- :- titai - of.tho Cities. • • R 834.. 61.1:404.41. lingliettiktPckosAnd.ria, , , •,, ... . ... .. •_. -, n , ei . t6tirates. -._ ..•. -, . imlssz. O. MFOaVAn-, UtlfdP.:. 0 :.•ri .•1,., 21 2 1 2 2 . 22 7.' 'S. ; , Los V.l B /0344•MinTtexklilgliallAnknoligs.,;11/.....,:i .. ~ . : , Nln one <SC th - OloldatthritlYi .illtelllgent AtA, l or,th e k:34l;,ExistlfBw,horacorgonsjiterit 2 to enpiti-, . '.._ ...,....- - -.and wealthy. • ~. • •-• ate. - For ftirtherinformationonly.totukT,rimipal. ; . h i p011,„.4 8 „,.... , - ,5. , i ,, m ,,,, , ...,. :1 _, ;;: ,,.. i , :ix1r , 1 ~,, , ;;i ; ,_ '. - - Seotions of :Zeti,,,psy_lyntHitt.:- • _ - .. - __ - , c " - . Terma77l.easonable. . 4781 - 8;7 - 7.877;77•7.78!; - 88 - ;: - :i(2' - ....: -- :';',B, Tif t' „Fit A'N4C1 . ..1.*. ,Asl l 6 ITOR.X • _::;. --- .. ' • --, -7 ' . *-', • ''- . . - Xinsl Om .- . • .• 8 ~, - - —l ' '' ''.l 0 B PB.I.NT i - N - G !O ; FP,IC:t , -',„, T - ' , '' • • •Iti - etiathOti(Tentiiylvatan. 8 ,, 3' 1 •.• : • tiiids, , •Ctiviil4lll.'' '" ' ' -''' !,. -....f...11:', ' ' ' • , Biln..ith!, '''' .' • :, . - ' ,'...,-'' ',.. l( '2ltond-bills, ' i lOri../lictl. 'to- .‘ ' - 1 , r 8,8 ,c,-,. .i iy; .8. 1 . .ItB ' :3 . 7:8 , r gand-Vdl6r3; c'''' (4 ": , A,`" - • -!, .'. ~- • e PromP,d,', , 11-1 4:;..A.e. )11 rilipid - _i t _„ ~..,.., ; 1:1 "it ' 1 -litp}( 6 3.4t o :Bid ea ., _,. 1 1 filinfir - ii) .) i.:1 ,, , ,yz1 , . ). -.. i. , ~ ~, r l; o2 , l J o i r l Y i g,, g - er ," l l494 i ; ,, ' . ilisin ,:' oi . .tob, - nictltskiaker. aßY,T.Pcizi,ve44iMdtqA .:1 r ,- , . r.fiIiTISICOMMILAITN*IbtpraIETO;at , , , , ' 3: 4a. , : : :: ;trill) .7i9.. , .. F..; Irsori ctligAmbygigilf • r:( YHA fVfilLli .?; rr aV, p r tRANITiaIsTIEtALTPRESTA . 7.Crit; , rigiZHlNtkinTSlTlßOWY , ,PsoryNkcrs.(l3:iii*F4oll' nown Eatim810,41.45 Vat alp elegne.t4tylek rand, Richmclenrirpedrie Ttteirtre;ltra envitin?„4474 B 4 , r9N:P. • t,I:ERS, rimer FROUR,. TRIPS, CIIIChENS, TURTLy, en, , CIMI Arßo4n4 , o4entt nfraMleler _te I t;f: 11MUM341',41413;ANP.X41/DW,Lalek4l.A, ;,, LA , epaultp,ptly Ree,44,r.1, 1.1 JI:' 1 tje - ReerteetßlU94olcrAvntintray,revoCillp rstrifivz,‘ Illterro l 3 , lteeew,ecary, *Me* tont the pulAjc-, „, June /7;' 8 3. r r - IMAMS 0 495V11rt,, , • " • tat t 4 I 4 • I ft• -CandrEaria Alive clkar of thrittriledre ,LnltztiVinn 4n vg,INALpi nEpostTost, ie i IC tl , - 14/1:0. cwittt.tlemte-415 43Xx . s .iliaM'o b sitlVETA l o*Vil l g;it , Pi l i ..14 . .. aarLIM •tri chiral • YOUNG efft trokiiicsilcosito,rai,444nl4ool34yol ~ prospedecs - Argk.'s: kectvAg,, , • - gpftllT .8: Si'Oliiill:' It/reCLITIIE &ISTONER, .) ~_ :1, :EDITORS . k.PROPRIETiSRS. . ~ . ..."' - I__ TirE' FICAS,KIIII: 31. g .EPOS' frOitY sgyonwra rgAit 4 • Is pohlishettreciona. .., ~. ~ - . . _..z '' Is AltfaE ..QIJAAT,O, 81iF.ET• :. . , FortY : c i itht Colimns. , It is printed en- • i - z , - , , -, , p 1 Clear Ty ei • , „" • Fine, stronviiihite Pal)er.. • ,' ,-, .. - T FR , DI S : .. i -.-, -, -'t, - ... ,'_ ~7 .;. -Intdvanzo. . - , 1 -•,. _ ifl - not paid within thefear r , ~ , . , 1 Two doliars and fifty cents. ........ . THE FRANgiIY'REPOSITO-RY Cordial ea Earrieet Support - ' ' . '-. •; . -- -!., ' to the' ' • ''•• '' ''• -• ; i - • Nitioner arid tate • Admitils - tie . tioits; ' ' Y • flay oVii • • • - . ' :ViOrotti• Prthetifien of the War; .•=. , - ' !tattle ti to '''prieen offal 13:1;-union - • : - - 'rite • - • , - - . - , I t ea suttee ' - . , IS •Witheat - Coutpro 1 , with. Rebels la , Arms:- ',.. i . y to the f- - '-, •• - e • - " ., •Poiley that Ileubti e'veu means '"' •, i • '' .ithia the' '•• •• - • - - -'• Poiret the Gov'ernment• * to • ' Suppress 411 Traitors' 4abellion:•• ' . tdfho ' - Cause trOur Brave Soldiers - • '••-- - . • , , -• • 0 tho Fielt; '--'-• - ' • ' • • -'- • -" i i• • r lothe • 'Preservatiot ia , ,lanffiding retirtiriee, ' • t I • ; ofSaoted•Alemory • • ‘-- - - • "- •.' • : of ear •,- - ' ' - - • )(nth:l - Dead: - ' THE FkAlkiktlN: REPOSITORY baa an' • ABLE iORS OF,EDITOItS. - • " all the Difoeut Departments of • , . POLITICk - ' LITAUTI4tE, PINOCE‘, • liAititE' TS, &c. IME And has . Corr6pondenta ; 4 alI the 1 &shire Cities; ; • at the Natcoiai and State papitab,,: f and etoplo i na Cotaieteni Retorten Oeessioi Tliterest:- THE'FRAN ' t' -is the MOST MMPLETRLOCAL PAPER, , published tt In t'siStale: ' / llhes Local Correvondetits, ,BreiiSeetion,of the County, who report The Condition, and Pro , pea' of the Crops, - -. the -.the procoeilir4p of . " All pubii a Meetings- and all ' Oteorrenera of General Interest.; THE FRANItLIN,REPOSITORY 'is eapecially • ,„ VALUABLE TO THE'FARMER Tts . . 'Agrictilturel,DePartment r Weigle , Contributions om tho • moskerverionced Practical Barrners in the State.- :The best method of • improving Ford' Striek wiltoraint l'uticular 'Attention iii its Columns': fibs Easterit tlark . ots - are .; • - Carefully'aid folly Reviewed - ' " - coat 'neck, and the • iitest Reports givoit - ' ' byllognotic"folege'nOir 'Dost4t fo the'd:Eito of each Issue: . •.,,,, _lf 2 ,,, i,- , gutintgs:44ltili:-1 :,.., ~ ... 5,- vtnt - D - rti nyideitiktieti bade - assoCiatea aeiveaintlie practice or the LAP' hl-,tWeaelerai courts or- Frnnk,io Ccnty . ()Sh eon Market Street, in the room heretolbro'oecapied by T. B. Kennedy. - - ' ' Zuni; vrop. 8., KENNEDY, ' A: TT ( 1 11 - NEY: WM.; so* ItFU LP G Attnrrie bet forinerly 'occupied by Reilly - -Zr. ()pp -site ibeCautt Ulnae, Charnbersbarg,Ta, - butines.bntrnetedFohlm will recelye pratner attention. fle peaclice **lining C4nntlep.- Jane 17,'83,. _ _ _ . .w.• ST - tistG:Eß,' Attoi , .13( • heyii, at Law; Cbainberebnig, " Collections promptly, atioXfied to:NT, Stenger, District AMT." cm , had agent for- ptilenring i'eledone, Bounty' Moniy rind "Arrears Pay: 'Mite in .Plaukiln Building. Sd door 'from - trio corner: '— ' ‘' dente 17, Ta.- 101T_$::ET,FaTtE r 17.; AttOrltqli ' t V r * °Mee ,dicolliTL.;;;directly hpPo: site the t) •ert Marie, Chamberebnrg, ; vvin practice in tic Revere'. Gonna or Franklin , and FulteeCerintim. Ali 'legal liusine33 eriiinetcd to its, premptattentien.., F . o A u *TUMBAUGII & STEWART; aAt gm-m:0 id Drip, dnibertilaf. Pn,`kire'tlieir od id - option' ti title Prnct ceof tifOlr Proreitiioni °Moo in - the Town null. 17eO:' • tT: - 31'1)0-WELL STEARRA Attorney y • at ta - ta.Chalniii j iluarg..Pn. :Office in 'MTS. Barir# Buildings, dirScAly %Tustin fixeCoini lfinnse. Juosi IT. 1863. , , SE , l,TirrAMEß,„,Attiripzey , of j . Chanthe rebnrg,', , fllnee—kain - Street; above Queen, in the room formerly ncennled 10 - S. er4•Esq.. - • June 11.1863.; ME CIBOBGIREYSTER & R L BONE- BrtARN-4tawn.4. eV.I4 M, hate removed to the' room ue street , ° cis deer Sonth ofliystees Store. `, - June '7,'63:",; - f XecaS. CLARK, Attor4cg at, -Law; has set r e moved Ms Office 4 few doors lima' of his former tjettosn IfferkeVstreet. (Sootlpeldo.) Juno 17.'63. ' CiALVIN . M.'DITNC.4..N„LittO7,74 at VALute: •Lnlica eu M irketstreetc .lawyer'e Bow, nppoglin, the - Court flume. ° . • • June 17.'63._- m Attoiaziy cat I~tiiu o Cisalubersbui•g, Pi. Office on East Maikot 1034.ilpipposiip the e.utt #ouse. ' '4114 17.463:,,' A LEX. K. , 11. 1 0LURE, Attorney - at LAL.1.40, bliatabi6bp . rg, lin, _Office the iteps462,7 , . • tip°. DR::W.AL ' - B: . HURD'B, i4.ISIEIDIESIARE Til.g .6 RS? INTIM WORLD, Fine 'teeth and §vyeet Breath, and curing' Tootbactioand Neuralgia. • • , Do pal NVisli to bo bleseod - with and hd , idiedior 'Pearly White and Souud , Teeth Wu Tr. lINRIVALLED TGWU POWDER; warrtinteq free' frog acid, aikalior any injurious eubstance. Price.2s "Cents per box.' ~'" - Be • • .trked of the ordinary cheap Tooth Powders, widen whiten but destroy. ' • • • Dt,t you Wish to he ce tahri that your Breath.% pure. sweet MA fiZreedibie,to busbandoi wife, lover and irieridr Use Dr. 'HURD'S OF.I.4IIMATii:D 310IITII WASH. Price,'M Cents per bottle. - Tile astringent wash is ahlo the heir •rernetlyln - the world for - Canker, !Batt Breath. Bleeding Gum, - Sole Month. etc. It has cure'cl hundreds.. yoit wish your eliildrinCiinffer front Toot - hitcher Oat I)r.llUttlYS MAOIC"'TOOTRACILE DROPS. Price, 12 cents per bottle. • - _ , - „ ~ , Are yuu afilic fed with Rrnreigial Get Dr. WM. D. IIUttD'SNEUIRALGIA'PLASTI3ItS. The most effective and delightful remedy knoWn for Pains in the late,' tilmilders. Neck, or any part of the body. - They do not adhere non hlister, but soothe and charm pain away. Try tlieni.- Price, I,Vand-117 cents, -Mailed en receipt, of price: , A Treatise on, the hest method of Preserving the Teeth Mailed orretelpt of the price -10 emits:- it 74 valuabiclittle - Worttotnd should he in thepossession of . , „ every person. ' Porsale at all - dlarkeit storey thronghnut the country:: CAtTnn.4-2 As kheie aredealers who take advantage et nur adVertisernents• to immise upou their Mummers in rector preParatiotts. it is necessary tO insist upon having • what vita call fur, and will Orr THEMEST. thoroughly tested, mid prep trod by nu - ..etperienced and scientific Dentist, Treasurer 'cif the blew York State Dentists .As suelatii a, and Vice President id • the New York Jity Ban ta! Society. Address HURD &CO.. - '3 tine 17, - Trilinno hullillitga. brew Yntlt. REPOSITORY EETH INSERTED ON ' , AMBER 12 BIS icsenLossim, CfHe still at his rest. uvoce on EAST id ARK STREET. near the Franklin Railrini.' • Dontletry in all its branches attended to with all the_ niodSrn Itriprovonients. 'flaying; published to this community for, mote than two years:A:it tooth do Amber is in every Way EIIEATERAND BETTER than teeth on any other, ninterial. - X any that I still see no reason to Change my oplaion t fOr there are many Per, none( In - Chamberailvarg and "%iciiiity for whom' I have r I tiiore•i ;e e d rit t on:ANßEttwho can testify to their iiiipe• N. B. Aitwork, lirtirrttritoil to - give gatiefaction, or no eba,te. ' Teeth 'e*traatetr without at with perfect Without 'taking Chiroftirm. • ,FOr fitrther infur 'nation call at the Office.' •'" • Pune 17,1863: w. Bprgeoit •Licatist,—The undersigned hue removed his Office Own the Mansion blouse to tho resident° of Mr. John, ; !..Zoel, Northwest corner of the Diamond, And ately opriesiite the ,Yranklin !lota. :lituaL NI- the so-' tend floor —entranee- through thihpswange, Ns the righl 'as yotr ascend the Juno 57,1663 .•. . . D:EA.IOVALI—Dr.' J. K. -REI - D, Den ., xt, ad: has - r.boved his Wheel 'loin the comer ov the Public 'Sit mire, where hesirnetisees,i mnny, years. to the 'corner of Main ntstQuein Streets,' niitrie Win. Ileyser's Drug; Store, Chnnitilsfitir - g, - Pn:: - WhereliWoriti implenseil to receise the cnili:of his friends. Pcltioll'.lB64.• 1)• A-II STEPHENS I -FLEGVRI,- , CAL PIIT,BILIAN, is curingallCilitoracDissAars.i hottiof Ladies" and,Gentlenam.hy a now method in the nee of steEtriofty.obne, without any inedilnes or even any paid. ' ' • ' - : Boarding maY,lth,had. with, Treatment, by patients ffoui abroad at rethicisable rated, in the Doctor's Wally': -Ldstors applying, hc eii"culars.orfurt her infordpition, ; twill be promptly drovered. Office and residence at 1.415 Biaith4enu , 'Sqthariia PenitaylVania;' , beingl In central as well astielightful part oftlie. city. Cut this out fot farina reference. ' ' [April 8, TAR A. 1 11: - .811kW.returnti his thanks A to- the , cititt , OO of Franklin- county, for-the lib-.., taw encouragement bnitowed.tha ' l e, im the- last three` Years. 'and' inittes that with .have not' thade. trial_ of lIIIIICEOPAPIY to 4010. I.9nstfitations free. All cu, ?Ilk** cases den rely on a nice speedy snit, than ithareir' any_othcreystem. Dr, t. has removed to Worth ArftCri• rtreet. a short diettuld'e,bi,lowlbe point, ithere he can be tblind'rautxto attend tomils. either in.tearn or country., tibthnt on iirofeisionatbusitiths. - -' - ; 0nP:1 7 71 8 c. 3 i : dam; • ' : prtor,,p. ROWN - WW( i .xectricai Php. sicians. Office ht. ktAnighx.Building, Wlsr litatt rt,9zttErti Chetah, - - Ike "Above lreats'ell Owonie . by...Tao:nu of OALVAXI.9SI and the difftcpul cnoillfications of I:4EC TRlClTY,ttadiscoll?ted,nnktanghthy Pkof. June Id, 64-` tf ••-- MEE rilH R. I. N. -SNarlit% - has opened i an office for the praeoe - of Medicine In the centre pvni of Ole hta,radon iip , f4evide door, Oontb - of Mr: 8417 . - OWe Boolf. Etore, where he found at all hourA g ay . Ind niglit'.6Xcekit 'probe:llona* engaged. lute 3; 43341 m t, . • pMuE .1"010f-3414:AT-G0 - 241tItY, will a;tend promptly tp - tallOglAln n Ws line. &Bre en street, next door toatle Pit," note!, and nearly Opposite the residence of thelon.-ocorge Chambers. -q II ,ImPCSAM I .V! II P I P: 47, MO. r.! - RE 'ditAit 17in. rrlit ; c:ltr , DS atOn piomptly to all cnllain hie, line: OilicOon gtreet „next door to ilimnglentirng l 3topp.' - ger'Otna Hotritrot4,7 14 A. 11.; 12 to 2 and .ilutitictroftlepatt,. is opposite the "Tiollizillieeiiiiltiter."""All bushsßA en braSted tq his are naltreceive )rorapt attention:" in tnifento 4f-Wrilinch of all kincl4—dxsoinat - p in ti.-satis ractnili Tnitinvir. :• ,1nne17;44. IME tn, TrAmmkN;Justfo of -the' Peace,' zuwayea. , ptatistro. w. W. SGIMOSSER. pinsicians. =ES 8;..,,, a fencl iil . 43edia. ,:1 , ' -I ,i, 4•• = ,- ii - 7.- . _,. . . „ , _, ~ i..., k : 'i..i- , .:-;' k.: ILE* & - Stiatolsth I-. Se ring Rook, andiq 'Prepared to transact ‘ buSirre'A greater-ffinnities then over: i 1 ; Sch Pol ißooks.k 3Slioe4irpous *At, Toy' Bocao. Law BoolEs. biledjoal•Bpok4 dap.SPhoul Book ,- I! $iBToiS• •! • - • -A.largialsprtpent pf Ppeicet ramily.)3iblei; , • BLANK . BOOR* .*" " • ' Of all sisre. qualities awl Atykea pf ; • •, ' STATIONERY.'' >— 'variety fal lands oflVrt urandifri nt itllaperi, of Iffeeteli, inibrioarfinno- Also„ En v y elopes of all sibes and„gualitieb; Ink; Pees; 'Penalia;Tj A Rubb6:` taitek.: Seals, COtiy oki:Blettjng Bo ard, teiies';Diab 6 rEl Writing ,and, • • The' , v67 l -:kett Ciotti the iittliketftilli A fu4ylarioty Of pattern; and 1. u;) WALIi 'dtfroient tOsethoi riltkauitpleßardprings;.Playt,V9y4 p. 44 y!lydt • 'PIC-T . OIK 111t431,E5. • QvalaupguarqresfaiiP i.. 11 ogra s. ramos • itaifi to ?Filer; `'.'' - • s,PRE-11:Pg-9•11:48St, ,- Fur Picture Fraittes,ofunisize. •• °NEAP Much lower than Publisheiell•riOes. • gating vshich, _ •'; are the firlittsynit: -„ The'Whito - The,Ranger,_ 1 / 4 _ • ; "`' Thp Midnight Quuer,. ; • ; •.. ,; • English Toes,•• • • ' " ' JosenAuo, • " T ` • I lfu'd of_tho Sarartuu. •' • • ; • ••-• • Don Bernardo's Daughter. I, ;.,;•; r,• .11eletie. ' "'" -•••,- • • • David Duthelts; - • • _ - I t - " Skotehee_intFrande.: ` Verner's Pride. - : , - 't^ - - ";"2-: , ••••-••= - Drekensf;Novels; ;'• '". 'lfri.Sontliteth!fNtlirefs, 2dri. • '• Balfiret's Novel • - - - Arth*'s•Novels; :• ""- ' Lucy Sanford, _ • " -r " • ' • •-" • • and TrittrOph: Prince and Pedre'r.• • ' - ; Atioir;•• ' ,• , ; - • 'Leiends niid Stories •••' Ite'd 'jack * ••-; - • •- , • . Ited Stout, - " •-• -1 " • ' • Bellatoi'lhe Beaisri, 1 '1"; • I,l , datpli ell, , • •••• • ••- • ' r•-• '- ittiat Beautleo•. • '' '• T o Grumbler, •Bareen Honor. '• • ' • . : • , , The•Stfirhte, Chips frowiruple ?o,uk's. - Jaelt-isnifs The Everlasting Fortune-Teller, - 'The Marunuverilig. Ittfothei. - ••• ;- -- Marguerite de Valoy, • _{ , Foggy Night at Orford, " The Quiet ' • Tiro rritua D - ohrias.- -"- ' • Margan's Freurrravortry;--,-- - • The Debtor's Datighter. The • ' ' ' • - , - Ncibieinan's Dadilitor;. • * - ' ' ' • * • • • '" - ' The •,W ire's' r • ' • • 'l' 'iCoeilia soidartl , • • ' ' -• • ' ",' Lena CU'the'riiri.' , • • '•• - • '•' '• ' The EilPeeturit: • ' "' '" • r: 3liserables; ''• '• •"- ;500 P-ur,%let, 4Nfg-iA.vri , Tqs; :English[Frenehl Cler,man, and Arnencap • s : • ' r , • • ;"4. • " L 'r . ' -Filumy. Traveling, Book, Picnic, Fruite,Knifts end- Clethes Baskekse • • !,?;. • ZEPHYR WORSTEDS:' , _ _ • Single and Dimble Ze'phyr,- - Topestiy asldSptit Zephyr, :hetlanit'Vrecri, Sre . ..:&e: • -'• ' • - NEWSPAPERS - - • - "Oe'Philadelphitibild - Nejitork Dniliea received Clubs oittidividuals's - upplyed. • ' • *I'ERL I' PAP S • - - • Harpses Wf,e,kls', . , • • Frank-Leslie.; ' N.Y. kerbikii: '* ?-'. ` -1 • • • ' 04 . ; xecelved -weekly ! i. i „- , - • '''OtitiOD/PA.I4: Ifart , tesPnit4ly. .• • At.lauti,qgooll7, „: 1 1 .• - : Corkiitiont4 f !1 • „ 43 QA ° Y,I :I P,eterson, • •t ) 3 4 1 . 1 li ) . 1 4:t• ; rfleirrerhoiker,: • !44 .4 19;Y,PaL:ft9#?•,. 4 . : • • i , ic° l 7nai: ll, v.t°7k 'rpcei rgti, ppol;t_its. publiOed ,„ • : A. )- CREA.P!!LITERA.TUrEJ!!- 7"; 'Ali th'e Siine,:Vooktie, •!'• ' - • ' ORDERS. .1. W. O I'a4 l 4.lQTficr' 3 for ul3 kinds Qf Ellop4s, • '!•-• • 3 '" , . :We•rec4ve , ictiads by:Exprcuir.vrAY DAN 491 a PI 'Eust. 3111.pklYdeds;, ' ' ' 'Witting • :.• I,‘ • Piuley Boxes: - ' • -"' ' bolibaatannvatei,- E and. all tmiti~td . koo in ; bur ling cOiistitty du haia: f` ••':. • I - MUSIC , e.l Sheet 1510ic;roi:Plinio, Fiatte,lfita: •Tirtpurchoso Moos on conamissin* . lM as te'l save our customers from. Fifty to One:„.l3undredunctliftx. 'Dollars. • : IN,STATI,VF.NTS.; TPe cun'tinpplir any kibi:OCtiluilcafittstrumbnts at prices fiir lon.= thou tistitil. "1.• - •I, -; I, ' ' PHOTOGAAPIII:A:LBUNS! Wbban sell Photograph.Albtoni_ at pFices r thintifei" , mil bo procuibeilin. in - • We hive; Wei hesititioh itisdYing to oureutotters thatfrom our ion ~ xperiesoe„.our inattnoi of O hre bathes', aud - our steel facilities, we'douot feibr 'ebtaiietition; and have rio &hitt of our being able 'to give mart, saldsactioni • • : . COm'a 1444 Sioip; 6•EL' news den psritiditoci, --" ' d • 1 4 / I sl9ll „loth loullt 9 Anitits4 . 1 - QIIN bL pom - P,Roy, try'.Aß r .4.ND Nnvr Agzier; " 204 VA:MTH pLatiliZlinflA; n i t' The undersigned,'lnt - rib& resigned btu 'position:as Sal.T, master in the B. SArtay, hes opoiod at No 204 SIMITII STIIBET, au ,AliSiZtLif. SOS BittKAIII40••• PENSIONS, We collection of °Friezes', betnerste,..,, , and all other etsins Naha% Coveruleclit• , ,'- My long experience , as earneeter, has given ma unto anal factitticapr, bscoming ttierenghly sicquainted ma business lo all its det.dle. On flu Temilvt. hy of a stateinentrif Alie` totesof elaltromts,,t , w7ll forwanp: the necayssry,Tittpers fur their sipatttre. Personal a 4; ' tintion Will be given re that aSB9 Ilt.WMbillg esor No charge- h sucee.sful. when a will be china for' culleetitg Mena. tub we that amount and cede r Larget taken. ell speciatnrrtinkonent: in Pension Calle3 rie filtieCtoi MO, ,t INFOILNIATION 808 „INST-TttCTIONS: Alf Soldiers of the present war, who have. served "taui,, years, and SOldiersdisclierged for wounds r(xervel battle, without Ade - Concerto time of sec-ice, are entitled besilletetheir twofer AV, tiltluv Bounty. e • bionic SoldiefsisiSeamennredisclarged far_etirafia4 . or wgividoAcniyo 41201 vio 4crytee,tbrir to a Pension according to th'e -•- • csaatof the death ortbe Soldier befor, dipole/ft threugh disease - contr toted. or wounds received whit, sereicei dow3aoptitledtorevolve the Sabo dtp or a k, besides arrearages of pay and pension during her Idetinie -or Widowhood. • I , ,If the Soldier rile - after disclterge, front disease co tieUted or wounds recalted while in set vice, his troyattl entitled to a pealrot, of $1,113 per annum., . - If , no-widow or niitu r et-Aiken, the Mather 01 Alto SoI Mei. or Somme. will MCCiPO the Pereion, if dependant mit t him wholty-or input for support. If deceased guldier dr belman lent et no whiny, hti children are entitled to the - s.ituilainelitettsitai widow,/ except when tho, children may beover the ne?., , F Teara L If no`widow • dr minor children, the bounty and pik? will destwomi.te the hillyi as fillow' • Viist Fathbr, second th this Mother, third, toiliti *others ttad,Siitcrti, and then to thqnext of kin. hischarged SoldiCrs. whose Clothing' ecrotitit weevil - 'Settled at the itne of discharge, c an rtcovar nnyr,bitatirg due thorn. it Cm Comp toy books are nut destroyed. To draw this balance, write to your Captain sir a dessripi Live list. showing Clothing ,teconet, and•f,wituril It to - insi with your pielluneary statement, gitingalsolbe dateM your discharge Soldier*, v. ho serVeirtrifirthe nine meths' voltrateers; can recover, UT bounty and pi untlam:without regard to time of survlce ) lf they‘have not already recultud Soldiers wha,were prisoners In the Sonthond. Salchow who wereitbsent si67: fiarlongb,nre' entitled td mutation of rations. , , _ , ' In communloating with this ofßee; State thV hitter° 41 your claiinfully, and Ore therootpanY and hen. merit tOl. - which you or the Soldier for whom you claim belonged, aa na ling present Post Office ralt.ress. , . . , It,P.,FEIt.E.NOP.S. liig gi - eelleney . :A - NDiom Goierriar or Veza.:- eytyazia. - , flow. eistoN liinzithuri,;' Pa." 11.ox:Joaralt,Cakrr; Ch' Justice of tho'Court,of C r latine;;; . - WaShinged: - •.! • -I lEto;c. E 4 1L 33n00., Chief of pay Department,- Washington.' - - ' - 'am liDlrptD 4CPUEBSON, lg. C.. iFushitigteu., llos;JAa. P;S'Tinsa."7, Prasiatint Judge, District rout;' A. K. aleCtuns,Chamb'ersburg, flow. T.llo3faa, &AVM, ITICO President PatinlS ItTEMMAS, 4.olleeter of - the:Port, Philid'a, Ito*, C.,A.:Wat.DOII,IIJ Post 3laster. Philadelphia:' ,•; Untant. & Co., llank^re, Philadelphia. JAArr.BI.O7nAP. President of Union Bank,' 'l3guarr & Perns.nonn, AttOrnlee, IVELTr klEara,"Sletclients, tin Arm; &,Co. 3.Tyrehants, - ,Parretizri; Banos & Cu!, '• • - D4rm - . „ Sixszy,, YR. & merchinis; th,TAPJ.Ja o;idoll44K, Co;,_Alorebaaats, --: . • - ' 4 l+ ' Atcroon, VerilrriCa Co.;Slarcbants, ; • :JOUR !!'.I.'PITSIIIOYe .inpert, '6'34f. N 0.20 4 Sonth Fourth Btrert., . Z.ll9lCl;4 l° l 3 'elo' T rui t 'n ' rln N red P fo : ; ' ,,, v At . ui the preeent,nrar . y.92o are disataql !Treason of wo,Virtdit received. dr'illbeinie . centr.ked, the service et tli tfritel , States; and P,enejorie, $1,0" Irounty, 'and Airroaro of Pa,y obtilned for .pldorriror'noire of those wile! 114ver cifeo or been 4 ,vbfle in eeti'ico.- - • -• • ' '" • %JOEY Ikoftn; Mira Agent; \\ Clinmbersburgi • 111 — airlyrs—afftr,eluglrq. , ALISBURY-BROS. , &:CG; "r P Na. 40/44.1Nri1l *E2i;dridi, " •67 , W.EYB{3SSET -STBEE'y • • illekitlDEtiliE; Propriei - ora of ono of 'tile , loos: oitensive 3, pti B L AY, 4f1414 - ji ky A. CV o r r ,r} - § irrtfie • j. ;ititsGerrA stat*: ,, Beg to call the attention of the,community genertitlipto 431TR3fRI gING 'O.IItAP; ItATE s q At"tihicli;thej o- dit'e%iug 66141643a' PAUtT.PA • Both Foreign alai Treihiiistic - 31nitufactutoi in point of ElogincentchßeallAmbility! ' 163 Zor Ftrrrx*VnttArtsv:trn Prward, .rocked In gcod, order. fue following, enormous quatitily of Seivelry,-efitial' in finibh = to any Plateil kielt rOlrugo;,*ollwgd froul s citAtt only by the, .trylnwof-uro/11., ' - CSet;'grawael Test Cholas; 2 Plain Fiorentino Pitts.l. gar Itinp , inatelf; 2 Twint - Wire,:Pinel 4 PAP • 11laga,-td match; 11 Plain PittaF 4 gOs 7iingt fu • ncuAtch,; 20 . Ladies' him, Double liearr and -a varietY'of inittUrnst' l so .bloinar-50,§earf. Pr/ , and, Imitation Coral ; 2 ouble -.•6lass, ' turned ; Box, - ;,,, _ k Glasslnrks for pnrtrait: hairi, I2As/OrteaLtsc!ketir" Rout and 31io11 criurrus, arid Band Brace- Atts..4all 'forlielfteen - .Dailars;^ A: cplleotion of this kind, when • • placed in th e hands of any' - one of ordinary in- telligenee, ' • Ongbt - to retail fur-at lean-One Hundred Dollars t Cstalort, lea; coats' in tag tall lni etnation'hJ litlecla of q99lpla t Fan . a oPtairltd!lpur,,,t,,Poe4t,jun'.. Toleoii)li, Or . k.soress; tidly Solidi Add: . .) . -SALISBURY B tii)S. 4: 004 yr .i. 14 Dorrance & 6l'Vreybosse't Sta., June 11;'6 6m. Pfier. - n>rSoS, R. I WAT,CAES,,,,TEWF I I4I3Y 4,-,DjA v Ladomus d , clitinn; Street. Philadelphia, have always on .hinidi Sleek of EIvLD-an.-1-SIINSIk-W-AT-CRES- suitable for adlestc , entlenterelwAloyearear. 7 purism } hos sa • tourvesortinerii °LI ewelz.y. cousties of die iTtoi4 fhit t h. ionable and rich design s.; as alsethe plainer an7,d Ices e Stiver . Spoons. x. Veradte-4. L t .l: I!? ..!•ta, - A Forks. Pte_, Cake and FrailKl.omq also a large xeratty7iirleanc'y ilvir Ware, suitable ha- Pracints"i 3 r 'l , f•. , " "c We have also on; hand, a most'Apleddidtersortrainita Diamond Jewelry, 9 1 -4.lly:lands,- to which we initto especial pqg ntton: prices will be found vonsidecar bly le:14 MIA did *up ariteles:are signal Y Sold for;' -„ ' , "Allikittds of Wataiei tenured fa the ; v erY, - I;plit"tliaii4 etstisfiicitun: - •" WPAYDrNgiINO taliflaba Moo or Odart4 ' '" •: • ttins LADOtus * - C1).4, • - - 802ditest r aut S trladiutili." - = : i i :Si,-tiletileh'egit aih'isrieti padeet;P fil for aht - gei Cana' 'Safer, All orders., from ~thectitinttx: Vitfiktt6ntioh`, " c r'.: ' tireetriesi s••? z = i•:TI.I3En. • qt.d.4 . Es EL/; iMo illerVia*- L gr TiSX firt WASUINOTOXST.4.,NEW:iOett. 60741tNiVOTT Iput up iirtlnfoil-Patmdpapere ! -48 a a-boaraadlstlflalHi pres'idrikd ft&th.J.te -"Nre Ttit Atv4-10/,,, 'follow of oi 4 6 44 ;," "-"; I .rd 4/4 °Vali -brands oft Superior Coffees' . ecr4kai? 4i5iv. , 444 SO -one tarw :41l'orders addrteeed .to us, or to,eue. 1'00'0,184 tih*lersetie* :corner Waetdigrea recekiif intaelit attendee... The ..retail trade - supplied :elate jidititusiolisialutteViiridris " s 7 ' i'PAkitfqiik°" t4 P ri & 20,1344 i 4 ~_;;;;; - • P 044 --- TOrPTUNTING ixt 'awry st i yh; Jet - 401. Ipi4Atie**o.46 ' f 3ANELit laok4ll 91 _ c~ :ri ~Ki gal