The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, July 22, 1863, Image 5

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tri give in 16-day i S paper' alnost
, 4ectirate map, Ivhich shoF:vs the route
a the', rebel Gen.. Lee in
of thei North, the great hattle-ground.
at o..ettYsburg„. the lines of retreat of
l eade's pursuit; and the
re e 1 line as formed on the Botomac.
be . Ore the final retreatatross the riv
er. I All the points ; 'threatened by
Leek including Harrisburg ; Baltimore,
Wnshington, and the several lines of
Railroad are.alsc! accurately . located..
qr.e Shall henceforth publigh 'Maps ite
often as important movements in the
'war may render _them ,useful and' in
tbietitin er
• In•
,• • ••
,CninLEs -Brnn,L~," Chair
. .
...!man..of the DemocratiC State Conven
tinn; seemed ambitionsto,:get . out of
.att : linfortunate command, , and he-
Judge Woodward to pleas' • 'e, to
,allow him to, go and help defend
Pennsylvania. ',"ytToodviard generous
ly allowed him to reSign and go; ap?-
parently recogni'zht -the, iMprepriety
Democratic chairman - taking
any part in this war: Corildn't:wood- -
ward procurea jspeeial , dispensation
fora, few of his copperhead friends In
I;cew'York to go and help defend the,
life - of the Republic? . - . • '
I is worthy of remark that - every,
New. York city *Sournal that supports
the admmistration of Gov. Seymour,.
denounced the draft. -in the most in-'
liamatory terms the day bef*e. the
riot; They have the "admirable Sey t
moue and seem to know their, Man:.
Irthe'"advent of a Woodward" , had
oceuired in this State last fall,' - we
should now have a State in the,throes .
of revolution and the whole govern-
Mont would be on.the mery'vercfe of
anarchy. Let us not be tmmindful_
of the lesson.'
Tm Richmond Enquirer of the I.4th
teems to u
have givenp 'the idea of
entertaining forty odd Tnion
prisoners at - a cost of $60.009 per day.
It; seems . at last to have acqaired'la
conception of the helpless condi
tion-9f the Rebellion. It says:
, s , The fall of Vicksburg, the retreat of
trii;tm, the repulse of Lee, mid the advan'ee
on Charleston; are all serious• disaSters, the
most •.iserious that have attended our arias
eiribe the'commencement Of the war." " '
AN interesting letter from one
of our army correspondents, giving
some important details of the -gal , c
lantry of the Pennsylvanio., Aeservds,
and their heroic, young conimander,
Gen. S. A.,Crawford, is ()unmated 'for
want of room. • It will appear next
Week: •
'WE are_ indebted to the, Hon Wm.
D; Kelly for valuable public - docu
For . tberfr2alin Repcsitory..
Having. had considerable- intercourse with
lending men of every Election District in our
Bounty, I am glad to learn
,that , there is, a
determination on the — part of all loyal men 'te
Ali Mfr. COuntY offices with wounded 'soldiers:
-Col. J. G. Elder, for County Treasurer;
Capt.' J. .H.. Reed, for-Prothonotary; 'Harry
Strickler, for Register and Recorder, and,
(let me suggest,) Lieut.-Josiah W: Fletcher,
for Clerk of tt4P.llourts. They are all wound
ed "soldiers, and their election will prove the
~gratitude of their neighbors toward •their
Country's defenders. . PATRIOTISM.
Loudon, July-8, 1863. • -
ST'n- Democrats . of Jefferson county lutve
nominated J. B. Hutchinson, for Asseinbii,
subject to the approval of Clearfield, Elk . and
liaohn counties. ' -
THE .3taFs'achusetts-Democratic Stlite Con-
Ventio'n will meet in Worcester 'on the M'of
Oeptoepbor. ;
A Pa i y of Thanksgiving and Prayer.
Iltdsta „ soron, July 15.-13 p the President of the
Vetted States of America: • , „
Itime'pleased Almighty God to hearken to the sup:
pileathins and pmyers of an afflicted people, and to
T0w:0406 to thosarty and the navy of the United States
victhries on laud end on sense signal and so effective us
to thrall rcuorroblerrountlifor an-mented"cooddence
that Unionef theSo States will sustained, their'
Htnstltutionpreserved,audthelr peace and prosperity
perrOnentlyrestOred. • - -- • , •
lint these Victories have 'been accorded not without
strailices eflife,linth, health, and liberty, incurred by
brave ;torsi, anti patriotic oitineus -Domestic afflictions -
In every pan of the country follow in the 'train of these
fearful bereavements. It Is moot and right to recognize
and goatees the prieenee of the Almighty' Father, and
thskOwer of hand-equally in these triumphs and•
Now therefore be it known,ttratt do set opirOhurs.
day, the cth dry of August next; tote observed es GAO
Or national thanksgiving, praise and Prayer, and I.: In
vite the people of. the United States to assemble on that
occasion intheircnetoinary places -- of worship; and__ln
the (omit approved by their own conscience, and render;
the homage due to the Divine X4OO- for the, wonder
things He- has done in the nation's behhlf; and lik-•
yoke the influence of His Holy' Spirit to isitbdue the an.
ger ' , snick has produced and solong sustained& needless
and cthel rebellion ' • to chantre the hearts of the Mein .
gents; to guide the. counsels of the government with
wisdom adequate to 110 great a national emergency, and
tervitit-viith tender care Will consolation throughout the
length and brmdth ot our land alt, those ,who through:
the vieitositudes of marches, voyages, battles and sieges
hive - boon brought to sutler in mind, "(body, or estate: •
And finally to lead the whole nation, through the paths=
of rePOntance and submission toltriflrivino. back
to the perfect enjoyment of union and paternal -peace.
, witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand end
Canoed theseal of th,o, United Shad; to be 'arlired.
Done nt thetityef Washington this the two day? of
Slily; indite year,Of our Lord ono: thensaret:eightirrni.'
dred and sixty-three, and of the. iudepentlenco of the
United States of America toe eighty-eighth: --
, ft _ s.j . • ,--- • - ABRAHAM LINCOL;I. I / 4 . 2 ,
"Wm EtrisoD, Secretary of State.
i - ~.1
T ..; _
Affatis,lo New York.'
New Pork. July 20.—General Wool was
relieved on SaturaaY-bY General Dix:
The draft ifilhis city will not beaii until
the exact quottt ; of 'the city has been defi
nitely determined 'and, publicly announced;
by which time the-GoVermnent will be pre
pared stdelecuta it. POssibly a week may
elapse before this is done.-
The British' Consul hai notified the Police
Commissioners' ;that he lies' requested the
ship-of-war Challenger - lotake,a position in
the river for alp purpose ; of protecting col-
Ored - seaMen: who are subects or s , "Great Bri7
A card is published from Jtiniei T. Brady,.
Esq.; against"-mob law l .in. -which - he states
that ;the real authors of the late riots have
been kept in secure seoreey.
Morgan's Raid into-Ohio—An Cum:meas.:
Oil -Attempt; to Cross , the -.River,-150
Rebels KOled and Dronned—LlMO Ta
ken Prisoners—Cols. Dick Morgan and
Ward Among the Prisoner& ,
' Cleveland, C.Ttilly=" 20:—Ilorgiiti made' an
unsuccessful attempt to cross the Ohio river
yesterday near gooleyyille, but was preyented
y , a gunboat.
One hinidied arid fifty rehebi were killed
and drowned. , i-A' :thousand prisoners we're
taken, with their artillery,
Among the prisiMeis were CoI. Ward'and„
,Col. Diek Morgan; a brother of John.
The band scattered'among tbe hills.
Gen. Judd is' confident of the capture ar
the balance of the party tto-day4l.
the War in Tannessee---Sbn.rp Cavalry
Skirmish at - 4a:eh...son—The . Enemy
Sharply Punished.. •
Washington, Sunday, July 19.- - --3laj. Gen.
Hurlbut telegraphs fron Memphis, jury 114
to the War Department, as follows :
The enemy's. „cavalry was sharply pun
ished at Jackson, Tenn„ by . Col... Hatch, on
the 13th.
Theirloss was 200 in killed, Ivirounded and
prisoner's, 400 Conscripts released, and about
250 horses taken, with more. than that num
ber of arms.". i•
From Vicksbtirg—daeksott-Occupied by
Shernaan--Jobuston in Full Retreat.
New York, July 20.:=A letter from. Vicks-,
burg, dated the; 11th, says that;-all of Pein
berthn's troops have • left our lines.except a
few stragglers.••!
: - •
Gen. Shermaneccupied Ja*son,yestaiday.
Gen. Johnston is - retreating to the next
river east of the ,
Payment of State Troops.
Philadelphia,, July 20.—Gov. Curtin was
present at a meeting. of the
to-day, and arranged for the paytaent of all
the State troops called out for .the emergency.
They wilLbp paid before being - mustered out.
Lee's 4my, at llVlnebester.
New,Yorb s -July 20.—A Washington letter
says tlie: bulk 'if Lee's army is still at Win
chester. : .Ther6, are hopes entertained, that
the Union army may yet complete its de
straetion. - i
. ,
A correspondentin Grant'i army describes
at lengili 'the entree of the national troops
into VinksbUrg. From , this account We ex
tract tlie following interesting pare/graphs:
-Irow 'rut REBZI.S
All intercourse between the two armies was
prohibited until the 'final act of surrender
was consinn mated, but by the courtesy of Pen.
Legget, who command of the ceremo-..,
vies -on our. sifi c ,,,your correspondent was
permitted to pats our pickets and get among
the rebs'before.our army passed in, and thus
see how they endured the final pangs: and
he must be faithful to the truth by saying
that the rebels seemed to lay down their
arms very much as though they ;were glad
to get rid of them—very much like Christian
getting loosed *din his:burden. :HO could
not-discern even the faintest ray of that
proud, regret at not hiving ,been permitted
CO die in the last ditch, which' , Southern
sumption would have led him to look for. In
fact, I noticed one company which, marched
out at a! quick march, and marched back at
the double quick, kicking up their heels, and
generally enjoying the' occasion as much as
any of the "Yanks." o And this was not a
Tennessee, but a Mississippi company ; not a
Union man among - them, . but -every one of
them heartily tired of the,siege, and tired, I
think, of the wi4r; , .
'As soon as the ceremony of stacliing arms
was over, Gen. 3.lcPrerson, - simply attended
by his division Generals and staff, rode into,
the city, arid took formal possession. No
demonstrations 1 of -an insulting character.
were made by the citizens, 64?, , is usually the
case when victorious armies enter conquered
rebel tovflis. I have heard of but one in
stance of this !kind occurring during the
whole day, which I will mention hereafter
Gen. McPhersbn proceedol to the Court
House, and Coll Cthilbaugli and .14eut. Col.
Strong, of his staff, went up, and at half past
eleven planted the Stars and Stripes .on the
cupalo of the building, gave three cheers,
which were heaitily repeated by the officers
below, and .then sang "The 13 . a t t e Cry of
Freedom.", - All a which was listened to
With due (outward) respect
~by the dumb
crowd of gaping secesh' who witnessed the
pEMBERTONIEs ingAs OP Otrit , ricatTlNG. ,
The conference !was conducted with good
feeling, and ' Pemberton was rather disposed
to be agreeable to the point of facetiousness.'
He freely criticised the manner in which
had fought, and made, this remark : "Orant;
you haven't but one division in your army
'that will light Worth d--n, and that is this
!one," pointing to the ft:ont covering Logan's
division. Perhaps r ought net iiigive this,
!as it Might convey an invidious distinction;
tont I'mention it merely, to - show that the
rebels felt the less of High Hill Fort, which
was in Logan's front,. seriously. If the Men:
of .the chivalrous and soldierly J. E. Smith,
or of the 'persevering and intrepid Ransom,
or any others, of the righter -of the left, had
been placed *where Logan's Erteh were; they
Would have dpne just as
• Vicksburg, 'or: thatportionof Ithla enclosed
by the.fortifications, : 113 altnost literally a bed
'of iron. Piecei of -mortar and shots
'of varionsisizos. and - .shapes, some , in pieces
'ond:_ ome of, many sizes, all
in `conglomeratej Are everyivhere-
:1-sarir one pile of shells• And solid shot of
all'sizesr used by our army, meat.' the -deer of
a fine rendunce alittle back from the 'riser,
:and- estimated:46.v be , 800. in number.. The
,proprietor of the house •informed - ine' that
,ther: , were all gathered up
,in andnbout his
house. BY thiaitatement
,your ,readers, can
form judgOieht approschong"eoifectriess of
the ordeal Vicksburg Vag passed. .
init Stititttiiitlt:*irtbiiibttt*:'per
'Tfierrederiek Co . riespondentnf thp Herald,
gitestlie. following graphic arconnt, nf
strategy ttr avoid 'an engagdnentand his•siltr:
Sequent retreat: _ •
Genera , re trod, but notwithstanding,. it has
not beenasstfcceisfal a feat as represented by the disaf
fected; in fact, the affair has rather a consolatory-rehab
elisasterappended to it which should cemetitthe Gettyal•
burg link of ' affection between' 'the people, ;General.
Alelido and the War Department. The fiats of the case
and the cease of the apparently successful retirenteitL
may alter - the firitimpressiuns of the people in 'regard
tO General minute. who lute really worked with remarka
ble assiduity for the consummation of, the fondest hopes
'of the pnbita. _ Vett balsas not eucceeded as.fallY fulmar"
wild hoptarpredieted, ties not with him, but -with digit
overruling pre. idence who disposes all things -
Thro,ughout the days of the 12th, 13th and 74th, Gen.
Lee preserved a large force in our frout,lntreached in a
commending position. Wherever our forcesturnedthey
met resistance. --At the same time the-rebel chief:Was
doubtleseerossing his forcee.' Geo.' liteade;' anxiode
bring theaffair tea heed, tried by:every means in _lda
power to draw the,Mbels entitle at least to show their
-front. This fee could not be persuaded to de. At one
time he presented a sort of a- lint! of-battle 'With' his
' Cornea, apparently masked in the woods; but on ouret
tempting- to feel - this tine to dticover its''arrengeinent,
preparatory toe peneral attack in force, It was always
changed, withdrawn or its front located differently. ;In
deed to such ameitent *Retitle Serried, that it seemed,,
folly for our,troops to rush blindly. on the enemy's un
known position.. „Tithe wtls needed for Mir o generals; to
uscertain what, point was praqticable, and where the
greatest degree co success was likely to ensile. -
The occasion was' momentous. The fate of it great nar.
'Hen once and yet di-gained to bethe pride of the world
hung on the actiOn"ef a Single 'man.- The responsibility
was immense, raid General Meade would of course ballad
responsible foranyrash act with such a stake. Caution
could net be teo,excessive ; for t with so wily a foe and
So greit a risk an our part,We wonid het expect of onr.
chosen leader tliathe'wouldrsehl ascrifietrourartnykr
the sake of liciwing topopular clamor. A general is sup
posed to be. the judge of the actions of his own army and
those of his enmity. General Mel le did this. Ile did till
man or generkl.could,and Wisely. refrained from unnec-'
,essarity simaghtering his Men. If he was mistaken - it:
'wits not an entirely lucky .mistake for the ,enemy; far
the fatter was iri so narrow a strait, thanks to the vied
lance of our commanders, that he was only too willing
to sacrifice a email army from his; active forte for the
sake ofgettin,% off, the remainder''
With remarkable logicGeneral:Lee argued that cop.'
dared men were always paroled,while rebel artillery and
trains were not. Therefore he was compelled, :if ,fact.
'owing to vim vigorous pushing against his 'pesitien,' to
leaven large force to keep up his camp flrenand the pre,
tended resistaince to our advanceitntil he coull get. his
'artillery and trains on the south bank of the Potomac,
This done - nothing tine= Heaven 'could save . •' the , loree
left tocover his retreat. This he well know, and hewas
only too happy to be assured that, the large force left
behind would :don obe captured, so bad was the condition
into which Meade's And hiseWeateutegy had gettenhint.
IThis great sacrifice on the altar of the denion eifseeei.-
'siert is - sufficient proof , of the ability! of Heide and
'bluhders of Lee. He flies to Virginia, it is' true; but
,theories of the - dead and dying atirettyabitig 'are ring
-login his ears. His pride-is broken ; his spirit crushed.
;He entered Maryland inflated,. tattered, raged—a bur.
, league oa his former Self '
Our army is enthusiastic, and will advance. into Vir
ginia with high hopes of finally annihilating' the robef
ogre. Segos]] citizens ere depressed Ot the idea of Gen
, oral Lee evacuating under eninpulsien the Soil of lary-
Amid, anti consequently—although-It would hive_been
-prefer- ble to have captured the rebel army entire on
our soil—Union stock is at a preinium, and wo must nut
complain Hour Utopian 'dreams are put verified .by stern
realities, Virginia is open to us, and General nestle—a
live, active man—commands with Bubb favorable auspices
we can safely
_assert that the rebel General will not bo
able to attain a supporting distance of, his columns et
'R.ctimond before he is cut to pieces hy_out eager troops.
Our troops are ready to do anything that is ordered.
They. have confidence in the General, as,-indeed have
the people; for Gettysburg in itself is prestige enough
to warrant a lifetime's respite front the toils of the field
teeny officer.- It mast be understood further;howeyer,
in r,egard to this retirement of Lee, that a , day or two
Previous to its final discovery General Mende was led
to hello% that, reinforcements from General Ileanregard
to the extent Of some forty thonssnd men, had reached
the enemy. This fact in itself demanded caution on out.
put ; and, moreover, sinceafter our bolilmovethents the
enemy always showed a firm and strong:front; it was
'very natural. to suppose that he intended fight, and con
sequent ly it was determined to accommodate him, its
.the pugilists-my. "Our dispositions were made for
'whatever might transpire, though
: our advance was re- ,
landed through. the misty nature of 'the_ reheLmove-,
meats. Notwithstanding we pressed the rebels sore,
and Lee was doubtless much distressedtherehY ;in fact
:we have learned that it became necessary for hint to
even reinter-cc-the division which lie expected tit- anti
lice for the : balance of his army.. That, General 'Meade
'had so pressed, the army that he has been forcedto re
tire with great loss, whitest= forces, inflicting sesevere,
I)4=lAl:tient on the enemy, met with no casualties
whatever, is sufficient viudicotion of our commanding,
officers' conduct-without one . word from . the pen ofyour
"correspondent. ,- • •
There is not the.alightest depression here on the sub
ject,nor is there cause for any._ ;Though there-may be
some disappointment at not being able to capture Lee's
artily entire;our saidierk are gamble men and under
stand that such affsirs are not so practicable asset forth
in toe vaperings of thelnexperioneed. -There arc bright
stare glistening for , them in she South. Grant's and.
Banks' suites is in itself a tower of strength them,.
and through Its influenee they will advance with lighter
heartland Maher hopes than heretofore. Demoraliza
tion most 'east; s in the rebel rahks.from the', reception
of this adverse news; and the result of our - victorious
forces—elate with the prestige of late accumulating
victories and their attendant laurels fresh upon them—
' advancing on the shatter. II remnants of the otice,prond
and formidable rebel Anhv of yirginia.may be imagin
'al though not, ea.sily described., let as hew: , that it will
.Lring them finalliteitheir senses, through the medium
of the bitter experience of which the fast two years,
have broUght. They see themselvas gradually losing
'ground , the favorite:, projects of. their, skillul Genera]
foiled. and they themselves beaten rovi tercel telly
defeat ignoblyunddisduceinlly from the soil which it
weiftheir prottdboast:theyWould 'overran and disco.
thee! from the power of the legitimate government. -
When the final - brow shall have been given themdry this
gallant Army of the Potomac,' within -the next two
weeks, what hope Is there for therti but to throw them.
selves on theclemency 61 the government they hare so -
misinterpreted, and. casting from their pedestals the
rotten idols whiclitheytilve so long worshipped ptiv. ,-
ertY; starvation and disgrace - , : take up' the old • Mort once
more and be themselves again f , To 11,. in'the present
crisis of their fartuues, It must gonna -
TUE California Democratic State Convori
tiOn has nominated the -following tiCket:
For Governor, John `B4 DoWney; Congress
men, John Bigler, John B. Weller, and Jo
seith 31 7 Corkle; 'for. State Trinter;( Berk&
WE are credibly informed that Gen. Lee
occupied a Place on the "steerle of.the,
nary during the battle of Gdtyshorg, under
the protection of a :hospital
_flag, and there'
directed the,, movements of lis,troops.
Tn Governor of Rhode'sland has issued
a proclamation ;recommending all the cities
and towns to maki3 immetlate provision for
thO support of the families - of the Ineri draft'
ed from the'State. _
- TuE liaaeo Democracy of lowa have nom
hutted Mr., L. Fisher fot Governor; J. F.
- Thincombe for Lieut., Governor , and Charles
Maioa for Supreme Judger • 5
THE Connecticut
,LeOdatur . e:fadjonizied
'sine die on Saturday last'
On the 'lstir inst.; ,in WatertoNvii, N;
'by Rev: 'John Sessions,' Mr.. j. R. XfAir4 .
of Charnbersburg, Ta, to Miss Ru.,A SEia
sTorrs, - daughter oFthepificiating clergyman.
• Recently, at his residence, in - Antrim town
ship, Mr. JAMES - ,AIATTX,.. Aged 74 yeara.
He Was en liOncit, tune. and. - -highlY•respeeta
hie citizen. . .„
On the 11th ult.; thi.4 plaVe, Joan Nir'gs:-
:LET, son' of Jacob and Mary Shaffer, agedls -
years and - •
On the 6th , :iiist,,gthe , *ldence of her
',brother, Ciniford,. tn. -Guilford
township Miss N.a.s . cY CRAWFORD, in •the
70th year of her age. -
. • ••• • •
s —7- 7"
• Enipiop . ncna-';s942* roaccl - 1--We
`pay from tos7s per-otith, and all ezpaiteen, iguire
Agente;Cir gl*a'compfilton.. free:=—:
AddratrEstr imvin Aticluttn Comp t. jt,JittE43,
General Agent, Billez,Ohlo. alma 29, Wiy
-Prevention of tiOYleft*, *Lin Ste -ant Boil
; •
References tg4ti cOnn)ty.,li2,l. mika .o 3;
Gm Cot RecoP,,9 ll bot:t 0,021?0,;:otlwrs, Troy ; .Syraq:
cuss, Roclietter, s
AO.;4ohit Gibson & 70,
Phelps, Charles Ensign, 3b/M-14:Itt ins 00., Jewett k
Root.rindothers, - Bnifalot
&c., &c 4 des.ehteld„adifOrefiinvoed; Mitchell &
Ratamelelmrg, and 40 others in,fiiichanati; and throngh
out the West; Indiandpelid,' Ilairtentire Haute, Lo
gansport, Chicago. Springfield S t. Lonis,4t. fie.;
&c., &e. Cost about 40 to , 6oesti;A: per week. For , cireu
lar, address - I WINANS, .
ITfist Sr., New Tons.
• P.O. Box No. - Daly 22, '63-fn.
, •
Editor of Repository D&r Sir: :With
your permission I -wish' to cape- the 'solders - of- your
paper that I will send ,by -sett mail to all who wish
it, (free) a Recipe, with full dions 'for. making and
using a simpleiTegetableßelm,bat will effectually re
move, in 10 minutes, Picepteelotches, Tau, Freckles,
and all Impurities of the caving the same soft
clear, smooth and beautiful.,
I will also mall free to theavirtz Bald Meade or
Bare Faces, eimple.directiomt salittformatien that will
enable them io satin a fullstirth of t ttttttttt Hair,
Whiskers, or a Monsteche,,,inlesthan 20 . ,daysz' 411 ap
plications answered by return nal without charge.-
Respectfully yectE
„TAO, f, CHARM - IN,
july2l'63-3m. •2 , No;9 •eadway, New York.
Madame porter's Cara4.oalsana has long
tested the truldi that there are ftsbprinciples 'in Medi
eine as there ,is in Science, anehis Medicine is com
pounded on_ principles,suited.te
,inanifold, nature of
Mani The:cure of Cohle c ie iiiktuing open the pores,
and creating a gentle Internal, adnth„ and this is Cans
ed by the used this Medicine; remedial; qualities
are based on its power teasels:l healthYatuf vigor
ous circulation of blood thyouih to lungs, it enlivens
the muscles and assistitheskin4erferm *duties of
'regulating the beat of the system, ed in gently, throw
ing off the waste substance frotethsurface of the body.
It is net a :violent remedy,.•,imentellient, warming,
searching and effective. 'f,Odtbylli. druggist at 138
and 25 cents Per bottle. Duly 22.
a ."
The Conjesstona,ta pa T e l ence, of ,an In
ralid.—Putdished fur the befit t; alias a warning and
with suffer from Nervona.Dehifity,'&matare Decay or
Manhood, etc., autplyog 4.tliempttirpf , ,
By one who liar cured hhnOlf 'after 1,045,01 too great .
expense and injury thr 4 ough 'riedl4 humbug
By enclosing a-post:pilig:nliyigiseilenvelope, , single
copies may laeliarl of tli;latithoro
may ' 20,631 Befitird, Kinj ca,nnty, ;
- Ornamental Iron frorka.—Won& PEROT,
1131 Ridge Avenye,Philacielpliia,Fa., air for sale, upon
the most Favorable Terms, .yeto and Hutifui -Designs
greet variety of IRO, Ltmetefits,
Residences, cr.c., of Wrongltt, arta tasf Ito, and Ger/ran
t:zed Iron and Brass Tutlingi iron resgaialts, Balconies,
Stairs, Counters, Fountain6:o4tes, - Coknns, Hitching
lbsts, Lamp Standkrases, Ya dea, NotonStands, Sofas;
Chairs, Statuary, .Anfatais, and ill oth6lron Work of
Decorative' character. De - sibls forwardefor selection.
Persons applying for e tttye, Vlll please stlethO kind of
work needed.
ine 3,63-2 m
. ,
Card to taus Steering,-1-The'Rit William
Cosgrove, while laboring astk missionavyn Japan, was
cured of Consumption wiieti Ml,otiker mem had fulled,
by a recipe obtained from alearnetlphysicltdn the great
city ofJ.ddo. This recipe has mired grealum hers who
were suffering from Conricaption, DroMitis, Bore
'Throat, Coughs andJoldS, and the dobilityi,d bermes
depression caused by these disorders. ,
Desirous of benefitting bilkers, 3" yrill Senilis recipe,
- which "Mayo brO , Upt stO toe; to all k 4.0 need it,
free orcharge. Address 16V. t WM. COSCOVE,
dec 5, d 3 ly , 43J Fulton dvenne, Break, N. N.
7b the Young or Old, Male or hnate.—
if yon have beertsnffergetcfroni a habit indtted: In by
the , '.. OF; 210r11 . ,JESES, . -
It u-nfits than fur martiage,- •
dud is the greatest will 'Mach= befall
See symptoms enumerated in'adv,ertisementotd if you
area sufferer. - • ,
Cut out Meerttstittoot, • -
Aud'aind for it ut
- Delays arp,dangorous
Ask for flgirtbold'e, •
Tskt, itoutber,
Crites getianteett.
Bewareqf aunferfetts and Ituittitions.., iti l 9l4 634 m
• The Confessions iinct.e:ipe;:ience O,A No:-
Young dfan —Publishdl as a warning ad for the
especial benefit of young nion,nad those who stror with
NLIZVOCS DEnnzt - r,Lokt oP ggeott,r, RriasterottDscAr,
We„ &e„, by one who has cured lxitlivolf by sirnes !limns
after being put to . great expense and inconunience,
.through the neo of worthless modleincs: prom - bed, by
learned Doctors, Single copie,‘ may be bad (fret!, of tlio
author, C. A. Mannar, Eau ,:cirf!enpoint, Long Island,
by =dosing an addressedonvelope. Address OIIdRLES
A. LASlDElDT,Greenpoint, tong Island, Newluk.
July 2.4 *6.1-It- • ' ' •.1
Wanted.—Local and Ti7tivelling Agents in
ovary Town and County. 4.3rculare, 'with Teatinunini s
of (largynian and 1344ptific men, fia regard to tie lruel
nen, Bent frac. !SAM, 111 . 1tE,Jit., 0'4. 7
July 1.15,63- , st ; _ lioyibtiryportdasa,
PRICE tigillißENT
GI? -
MYS'I'MR,., 4k, 1B160!e..,
CLIAMftERSBURG, J'alY 2 1 , 1S
.. 10 13tm - ArnIED W00L......,.33
~ /3 CLoirtn - Szit, 400
8 ti raxmr Stu , 200
__,-4;0 FLAs 200
12 PAnio' Pumas a 00
7 Ct*PARED PEAcuza...... I 60
.., I'so bluzzi APPLE3..iI 00(01 60
BACON RAM.. .....
BACON 81DE5......
Socfr - Bms ... .
Wheat—White— ..... .
Wheat—Red ' 7 " . •
I Phillide p A - Mdikets.
• .._ . PO , It t Art#PIZEI4, JULY iB, ,1853.
I There is very - deniand for 'Flour,
either for export. ,or:herne use. Sales:,
prise about 300 bbla
6.50; 100 bblsaupeilneat.s6.sooa 131 i ; •
city Mills extra ats6:so 'The retail
ers and bakers 'Life buy m g moderately at
$5.5005.75 for super - Ike, $6®6,,60 for extra
$6.30®13:75 . f0r - extra family; 'and $7OBll
bbl for fane . y . brads,A.,..cording to quality.
'Bye Flour is - dull„at '54.5004.75 bbl,
Corn Meal is .sei' and Ann at $4.25 for
Brandywine, and.4'lo bbl for Pennsylvania.
,Rrat‘m.—Therciis Very little demand for
Wheat, and the offerings are light; small
Wes of l'enfisylvania'' 'reported , at
1400145 e, and 'white - at' 150g155e14 - bu.;-
according to Corn
Osi arrival
at'losel4 bushel.' Com is very dull; small
, .... $lOO
6 60
1 30
1 20
. 85
.. " . .4,•••14 ........ ••••• 18
' .sales: oepritile'yell9* - iii*iling ati 80, e, and
`Western mixed...At ..81®82 10 bush 14. Oat&
are, firmly : 4Al ; 2,5(0.3=461s of Finns* ,
Arai:kin sold' atlB(y,,3oe; weight: . , ' . ".1 f
Wiiiisw.r. l =There , is . - verY ;littlEi 'cioiAg'; ;
'small sales of bbls. are:making at 47647ie,
and &nage at Arz.1.64. Ifl gallon. ' :'
, -. . ,
Sunny 814 Seminary. will Open Tii . ostiay,Etele
Duty c 2 c.
'USTRAY.-Cante to - de residence
jukor,. the orabscriber,- .34 mile - : - .Bost of Greenwood,
bear the Turopike on the 6th of July, 11 H.N.4,i),
81.114:P, andl IttULEY. COW. Any.person proving pro!
pert) and paying enamel, can have the tam, by applying
personlly or, y etter to z, S. E. STALL;
• - - BANK biAMBERS:BUM, duly 20, 1863.
.STATES 5:20 LOAN.—The'Se'-
cretaryetthe -Treasuryi ~:having extended the
time tur receivingsubscriptions to this low the under
signed gives noticethrithe will continue to rezeivenab
sgyiptioga and furnish the bonds with as little delay as
phi 'able, Persons having substribeeheretofore are re
f:Pleated to call and receive their bonds.
July 22,'63-3t.: , G. 11. _
VOVICh:L-WherO'as;= Letiis of
Administration on the 'Estate 'et 4Zleorge 41," An.
uAr t on, late of-Quincy township, dee' d; Lave been grant
t d to theattbscriber; red.:Engin Quincylowtishlu:
Ail persons indebted to tho said ;Estate, are hereby re•-
gnested to makeimracdiate payment, and those having
c Kits or dementia against the Estate et said decedent,
will make known the same without delay, to • ;. • =
juivm_gt, - . LEVI , a KEPNER, Adm'r.
. . _
VOTICRI —Whereas- •Lettprs Tes
tiiiierit4 to the kistate of lames 'Beatty, iiite oP
Antrim tommihip 'died have been gttinted to the Bali.;
scribers. -
Al! persons ledebtedto the 'said &fate are requested
to make immediate payment and those hating clainsi
or demands against the Estate cf the said decedenttsill
make hnown the same without delay, to
JANIES - IfILL,. • - E „."
B. KENNEDY, 4°.°
July 22.'63.
Stolen, from the pnetnre field of !hearths:rail/et iirt'
the Riddle Farm , about a mile - and a half North of ClZam•
bersburg, on Monday jho 13tti Instant; A,DAR EC
ROAN MARR„mOdittm size, and has two lumps on the
withers. A reward of 2rtoenty Dollars Will he paid - for
the return of the Mare; or Fey Dollars for .tliorecoir
er.ftif the Mare aid conviction of the Thief.' - -
22. '6g. SOME!. BURNS: '
e, Stu() REWARD IL=-Stray.c,d'oT
V. len froin'the premises of Mr. Etter:inGreen
Town p. about four miles. from Greenvillage,. on Sttn;,
Bay morning. the 12th Mat:, aLARGE BA Y MARE. +KIM
a star vn ber forolicad, four black 'fat. and black mai:m
end teil.also. a' Might Batr on the right foto-shoulder.
no lefka sucking colt at home. The above reward will
lxi - paid to any one whi,disooverand return said' mare to
JOHN . C. AUK - -
3)117 4224 t
lIDITOI'B7 , ItO,TICE.,-4n the
Ex. Court of Com Men Pleas of FranklinConnty,Pona,
•,.y.yani a : . The Audi tor appointed by theCcrart, to make
distribution of the 'balance in • the hands of Martin
Mint:Leman, Assignee ofJohn - Baughtnan, to among the
creditors of said John, Ban Oman, will,meet the parties.
interested for tbe ',purposes of , his appointment, en'
Wednesday, the Et7t,day of - Augitzt nett, at 10 o'clock:
A. hi, at the office of Stambaugh A Stewart, in the bo
rough of Chamberlai:mg _ F. Sa3TIDIDATIGH,, • - •
July - 204863.-3 t, = - • - Auditor.
ATOTIOE.:-The. rtfiderr4ign.ed,lyirith
.m.miy others,•haie had their fence destroyed by
toe military C; cupation of this section, and arerpnable
to repair,them for, some time to • cOme .; Their crops are
thereforeexposed,to,sJatock that ; is permitted , to tan
at large. ' They, hereby give notice to tbeir neighbors,
and especially to the owners of cows, hogs, &c.„„ la towm,-
not to ailoWtheir itock• term at large, asin Justice to
themselves they meet enforce the laws strictly, They
appeal to alf neighbOrs to respect their,notice., ~ 4
.1•E,.11E/1, LEVI OVUER, '
nn.-g.OULITERTSOI , 7,„ 30,94t31i BEAR,,• ;
jut, .V.-St • . ~
co at Chambersburg. .714 241503:
Fortne-Ocemns K lit'Donaltll3A- --
Ford Mrs •Alairida MlllerMaggle .`
Fox Dation A McElwee_ Wafture
0 ilmoreMrs Mary 2 Millhciaso Owen 3'
Green LiettitJes • McCarroll Benj. •
Gaul Samuel ManyJarnes -
Gushart Miss Bozell H '
Sarah 2 Dipper Miss Mary
Grimm 'John L Sholl C, 11 -
Hayes Bard P Stouffer Franklin
Gambol:4or Mrs j Stouff Daniel
Hubs Mid, Scluidd Sohn •
ffollabireli Daniel Stofer Miler Ratty
Heater Snyder hev'M
Jiniesori James 2 Sline - Wm -
Jessup'D Schouten° 31'
lieer Thomas G - Steward J: Wheel.
Luthead Rolit;S er Messrs'- •
Louth Miss Mary Tuyforll •
Worn John W.. 4 Vaugunten Geo W
0,4 Pont OM
Anitielta Gustave
BalkleyEdinundlt j
Barclay James , I
Burnet - ,
Bax.ter Vass Anna
Printon ivm
Barber Joseph
Brown Anthony -
James FL
Cook Went 3W '
Evans Henry• •
Eesingor Annie ,
Emit Aden '" '
Elilln Wlnli
Fleming' James P
Frymirelliss Fan
. nie A
Fisher H 8
Persons calling
thatthey have b
July 22.
.r the. aterie Let
DROCLAMATION.—To , the - Coro-.
nor, the Justices of the Peace ' and the COnstabice of
She" Different Townshipti in the County of 'Franklin,
Greeting : lincnitill*e, that in pursuance of a precept
to nth directed, under the' hand and seal of the lION.'
JAMES NILL, President of the several COtirta of Com- .
mon Fleas, in the Siiteenth - District, consisting of the
counties of Somerset, Bedford; Felton and Franklin. and
by virtue of his office, the Coort of Oyer and 'l'erminer,
and General Jail Delivery for the trial of 'capital' and
other offenders - that:lm - and in the General -Court of
Quarter Session:tot the. Peace; and -IYrunst- W. PAXTON'
and ' JAI= O. CAsstor, Tins., Judges of• the mime
ty of Franklin. You and a cachet you are hereby requir
edto ho and appear m yourltroper persons with your
Itieords, Recognisances. Examinations, and, other:Be
membrancth before the Judges aforesaid, at Cliam
bersburg. at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General
yail Delivery, and-General Quarter *Sessions of the, Pease,
therein to bo holden .for. the • County of Franklin afo-o
said, en the SCCOnd Monday in August, being thelOth day
iiethe month, at 10 o'clock in the, forenoon of that day,
then and there tonothose things , Which to' your several
offices appertain. ' - '
Gbie la under my hand at Ciamberstrarg.gelsth "tlity
Of July, 1863., • " - ,SABICELWNDT,"
- sheriff.,
t, • J T-0 A D-B tr
49 - :o 7 4lier_ Streit;
4. (Near l3Fixdwa7),• • -
G Eft.i, by Doctor Thoe:T.Efible!Ate:Post Eurgeon at
iaew York, and Acting Mirllcal Dlrehni at White House
. Cloth. $ 5O pages. 12=0.. PriCo $l. A Liberal
iscouut to the trade. Each copy' contains: an auto
ph letter letter hunt General McClellan '
Dishop tutepso fatly Answered: His • Errors related
hod the Al•mr‘ic authorship of the• Pentateuch-clearly es,
tablished; by the Elev. John Caroming.' D. D., to a eerie;
if Lectures. C10th.214. I2mo. Pricesl.
TUE ACTRESS IN Illti LIPS,' An Epinxiein Win. -
3 012
ter Quarters, by a Lady of th Carolina. Cloth. 40
• :• i
pages 12mo. ,$1.25. .
DE GANAY ; Or, the Devotion caul FtddaY 4r Wontern.
An Episodo of 4he Colonisation- of 'Canada. = Byir,„
hull a Chevalier. Cloth. 312 pp. 1.2nv0. S I. • ',`
i LES MISENABLES, by Victor Hugo: FireVbis. in
Ore. Fantine, Marius, st. - 'Denis, - Cando, ~. Vableam
Cloth. 476 pp. tlso. SIM. •••• , i'' • • - " - .
BANS OF 10ELAND:—The Dorton of the Nara," A
Romance by Victor Hugo.-, Cloth. :187 pp._ STo. - 50 c:
1e Experience ofjoiw4/41tice phioni s t, by - R. 8.
, arin, A. M. Native of Charleston;lor thirty years a
• dent of the Cotton Staten andcoreanonly known tn•
tr,West as," the
, 41abgrutt Reillgee," I Cloth.: 319,p
-, •o. $1: _' - . - -', ,'„ - A • ,
-, , y0.W. Wright. Cloth 312 pp. I2nto. ,st,, •
• I TIDIES YEARS IN pin", cloth. ibso. 12aum
O WOODSAND WATEAS:--The Saidattes attet . .Vocket•
loy Alfered Ir.:Area. -Cloth/ 341 poi. 12cito: $1.23
VTR AND WEST .' BY Frbt.T. Voggeshall, Author of
Home Hitt said , Ilints, 4 Akoettr truil•%Poetry j:Lf she
teat," Ao. Cloth. • 31$ pp. 12roo, st, . . •
TEM warm , OF ,WATEIII4OO. -By Victor.- litbp..
laver Covers. 76 pages. -18nto. 15c.
1R5... ,V4Per Covorm 7 a 4, PP'. -IYttio. , no. „Cloth, $l:
OUR Nall OF FOUWACRES, and ths:Notutp We
matte by it. TM the 12th Loudon Ed. by Ilarrlet Ear
' chi na , pr t pvr Goren. IP - iiti- ,132 110 ; ,
, L W). ,Cloths, ,
4 These books trial he bought itt retail :mu, the 5100 4 0 t
55. 81111Y0011.
BrantaßY..-41TaligOlaatthl ; te beellttladti
opening the MI aeeefen nt Vua tiny) !ippOhlttl; peiktem.:
her 8. -.ltor ptullettlars, mlarew - -
inti tr.-it • ' Itve.IVEBA4 vES;Ptiteiptd.:
_„ . A•
0 , 17 Broattwery, , recur xew:
• AL 4 ie bo.),
Marrofacturers of sad Dealers la' allkiods
.2/ s - I,I•ISTR,KM:E,NTS
/411 Am* and importer: O.We:
- Werh, 40.! • - t'T
htesers.l& A. Pima A. Co. can famish tuiything la the
musical Ilakat the shorten possible itotterisitid at glees
that'd elir competition. , •
YIANU-1 . 011.1412, (D . kilv)froms2 4 -Stalsoo. •_ If • '
PLANoqo.llTES(tieconti-hand) !tom $75 tolll4 lacco ril.
lug to else and style of muse. • - .
SIELODEObiII °tall thstelebmted makelta;at mum' tat
liven' prices. _O . • - ' •
titd, ftemrone two:tight keys, and (tots ow to slt '
Gtlt N , F 11450.11 '
01,11tAlti3, ,11.4.11 , 20 E, Yiorm wia, vioLoNcyz s. -
kb:idea Musical lustritments. , -
A tie t verybest i -,4 61j1T„A
STSINIA St ;44.N.RN .0114N0S,
' ":
IVe anthill& oneof the Jargon antfccostyaluahleeata•
lopes in A,merka,,ond are' daily addiuk.. telt, Our lac
illtiskfor &milking ever,ything.lit,' . .tble :particular, act.
partkllept - -
.Every-Piece of Ilualcaial.liatiea, hilteri .firatea
for sale, at wholesaleanttretall. .iye hare canetout 0:%"`";
changes.arith the European publiallere..antl can there- .
fore, suPplaiany.forelgn_uiresic.44lrod.. "." ,
. - -TATREOGITIES , SENT 011.4218.,- • •
2/taieStagy, /I)4crif6 llegapt; 0 „h§
Dealer*, Tiathere. and §onitinaries, csji - obtafrs ,thoir
supplies of Iloilo by mail{ at a postage of only Two
Cents on each : package/1f four. oune e.s,os4ltrd_ four
cents far each rata-outlets or less welgbfef book& ~
Id. A. P0N9,4 - CC.,
July 12-l.t.
A - J
. .. ..
VERSE 41:170) r 8. dratra (cif ft Cdurt Of Oieit auct
farudner, Court .0f:44 nal* Sessions of tha ,Peaco; And
it Court of Colootbri rtoas4 to be tald st.CharabareborB,
on Monday; the leth dayOf Antiati A; 11186,3;”
GRAND 'Term, .1868.
li 'Tsang JohnA; Elerice3t elnirg; 'Beard Andrew. Ham
ilton Township, Sunman J olin, Guilford; llarahlust Henry,
Antrim; .Bree :knrW,geS Southamptotn Crouse Benj,
*emelt; Campbell 4rharlpe; Metal; Deardorf, John $,
Guilford; Frey John,Muutgemery; Feldman Fetel.,uham.
bersbitrir Henderson Upton. Geillibrd; Kaufman Sarni,
nil ford; ' Lehman Jacob. Guilford; Leek rone Sam% Wash
ington; McCurdy 8 0, Fannettv Stake - Daniel, Fennell;
Stauffer Daniel, -loottextenur . Stake William, Letter
kenny; Shank Henry, Anirim; 81lartle - Samuel, Mont
gomery; Speck Jeaepb, LetterkennA, Snider . .Theab C,
OnilforifotWilsaii Andrew, Waynesboro'; Welsh Henry,
Bd ijoselih,"lttontgcanery;Breiror Isafitit,-War;
fen; Bashey Hew% ..liosigomemßotiebreali
Virashington; Byers MtViti C. -Luton; Byers John W,
St.-Thornier, Baltener Banta! D, Quillen Dressler, Joseph
0, Southampton;-Dull Peter;Aulocy; :Dittman George,
Chambersbing;-Sidar satnueliNannetti NoromanDanlel,
Greencastle; Nortney William, Quincy; Gilbert Joseph,
Washington; Heitittleman Samuel Ottilfordf:Einbar
Benjamin;: st. ',Monist; Hannan Jeremiah, Guilford;
Hawkr John;- Peterr, -, HarbaufX l - 000 0 3 . •L'•AblincY;
itoltingerJacob:Gailfonh'•Harbangh Simon, •HrUnliton:
Jones Jesse, Metal; JOimam William, Banuet4'Leedy
Jacobi' - Letterkenny; leckrone Daniel 3,1,-Antilm: -
IdcLarlahan ,Antrim; -Holcsa litathevfii
McClain.;hfetai; Morrow ;William., Faiinei•fp
li cCurio'lunespf,, l lilercetabtirg; HOGeitian Gtss', Chnta
berslitirmjiliffer Sr., WaYmboni'; pli t rerren
Peter;, GuilfOrli,'MCCroliolk A A' Wan:en; - Oyer Jecob`, - ;
fiatoiltaxit Piithinan 'Fronlc,, St. Thomas;Hebncklain., 4
X. Ittrn; .William; Antrim; Small ,Biil t C, .
Dailbardl, Denimau'Samuel.l, - ,. Luigi= Sellers:l6llll'X,
St:Moine/it Skinner 13, Metal; Snivels , BaisitieL'Art.:;, -
triim, Thomas John H, Warren; Waddel Thomas.A;hrer.;
cersbnir, Welch' Jaseli 11, Waynesboro*: Watt' John,—
Chatatiorsburr, Walter Henry, Washington;,7
,„- „ -
We are now on theyerge- of (me' of the Most
portant elections Gait has ever taken place in our Slate - .
The great questiouls to be ,declded in October whether -
or riot. the EtatereoPminsylvania'idoidi continue to give
to the National, Government 0 hearty and unconditiotog
support in EAT, ortasto cresh the rebellion
-and rwitare
thellaion., /Vest- Gm moot vital imp that the
nubefalittchilnds of the:Union Athould - carry our '
State. and there - can to) no-doribt that Nab , will be the
case if.properchniliddtei tiro seieeted, imithesampalgn
properly managed.- One of the most important-Mingo •
to bo done is to circulate Onion documents, such. as news: , -
papers, pamphletsidc. -_ • • - • -
• ,TheNarrottEtimutsi. being - ext imeonditional Union
paper.sud uneampromising in its itupport of the Goy- •
eromuat hi Worthy of an, extended circulation.,.. It_ is
univeteally tnittedtbbeonoofthe handsoniest and
boat conducted papers published itr- the country. Its
pages are filletivrithmseftil and interesting matter,, the;
ablest wrlteriare employed upon He columns, and eVery.„'
thingpossibleas donate make it what it is-4: firsVelass
. The Gimp; will be thitilithed at the:following_ moder
ate rates :— One' copy, _orte;yeer, $2. :Five Caplet; one`
year, $B. Twelve copies one year, $2O; Twenty copies:
or more, erthienr,-$30.• copies,
copy of 'MOGI:col* will be
sent for ttati year to, the setter up- of the, club. -To
postmeiferaand.cauvasiers wewill Allow fifty, ovate to :
every two dullarsubecribersent ne: -We offettbefollevc.,
ittp,Nnip,intiEs - •:' _
to persons getillig up, plebs for the Guars.; -
EirstiPrixer--To theirensowsSetting up the- larg, est=
club over onellundrof,,a lielodeon; to ant not less than ":
Second Prize.—To the pe4cut getting 'nip the
lurgesteltin over One hundred, a Gold - Watch, :to coat
not leo - . . : - • • -
TlLirdPtize.—To the penal getting-up -the third lar
gest club over one hundred a Patent-Lever Sliver -
Watch, toexast, not less thenVerr. • • • • •
•In order that no toe making an y elfoti, to obtain' the
prises 06re - tainted el:lento Viarewarded, ire Will give •
to everyperson who Mies not take :a - Peat; Viieati-AVe - •
Costa for MN', enteCtibereegist on clutr-ratee. , -
' nth time of subscription to dommeuce_ with mai, picm
torl-4 number of the FourthlifiltlY, and 'the:thee in
which these_inbs Mutt besot:Wimp td anion-the 40th
of Eepttenner-next. Subscriptions should beitent in es o
fast an obtained.. Immediatelyafter thodbtl: ofEeptora- •.
beritheprizra will be forwarded tothe parties who shalt
gain:them., Everything willbe conducted bathe abed
veal° manner; and our, 'subscrlption,,boolts , be
°peal* the'examthation "0: all who 'Yell' cotter:A' be
g:eyrie:ls." ' • '' • 4l4lkit4e,; •-
Will please say,
W DEAL, .1'431.„
4 -3 Ostanusup IN - 2 sei
4 ' 27,00 #4 1 1 9:
~k ll2.4dtiocatet
1117014- daiii•l'arke.Gliikvin:
Oneo4o;:itiwYmir; delivered bl:Cerrier - .411 00
Onettniy,baeyeei, met by . ; ..... . WOO , 4
clue Copjs en* month.... +-1-40
tagu. ' wElllELYlSlrtArpio4oBlr- ' • s '
PubtOcci , •
One 7, 1 4(00
Two Coldet, One 4 0 4
Five Coyle". cue year ........:.« .. . .... 00
Au extio copy willimitexit toaoyferocu lobo sonde us
club of twenittooktillit }lf; e -
: - : *istost:ir EVENXNUI POilT -, - ' ' '
-," -, - AraTitithed *try 'Wednenlay. ' i
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