The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, July 22, 1863, Image 3

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. ,„
_ :l;clrlstragg/ersc - apturlptat that Bragg's ,
•a.rriLy is completely demoripii.ea,
-1314 i9'pleee's us it reecaei. ''• '
' - 'lll3O or 4eneral beeW'rthsifru:6:3. to
"t 4 4oCommarra of the Thirteenth' A:tm'y t`bips .. ;* .
emplace of G'en. ,
illy 'direction of the. President;;
Middl6ton,.loth Nevil. 7 (irk,u;rtillery,•
- fins been dismissed from the,!serviee, ; ,
~,Gen. lrepowell ha's been orderkto.NPW.
4orlC to organize the 4rrn.,y Retiring Board,
recently ordered. hy.the War '3)epartnient.
``. f eel. Tune, of the Baelitaili,-hai been , or.
tidrea to Pittsburg, to open a re'ndezioug P3la
the deafteci inch bf Western' Pennsylvania.' •
'? - the igei t v - )7ork tlr regintent-i doing
oat , duty -'ut : Frederick. 31 d, rand, Colonel;
4ifer,tsliuS been appointed : , coyilinandnut ot,
.A.Fting Siirgeon-General Smith has orders,
e 4 the rebel Nvoituded to,be sent to the hos
pitaiss nt lia p vid's Cl : Leifer - and point
t(okout. ' '
A.ndrew,lehrL=i•if',•- o Teh a'
aessee; • i
gaiia , to have authority to - kaige tiliirty fhou'a
and moil to:ace - 14)y En:it Tennessee. he
lAave speoy.gueeess.
.During the :first :Ewe - days of - t.491.1 7 '.* . e,''ea1)-
taietl. nearly thirt,y-si:K. 14ou.sand_prlietaers,
includingfhose eautrht •at - .V . :ici>qhur.•
_tisburg, franovar, 4e;
GenE. rant - aml.Fernherton, 'the: victor
anquished '.Colainancle'rE 'Vicksl ? urg;
wbie tientenante'in 'the :same" Vbgitrint in
tha• - •*ar with 31 - dxico., 3
{;Thirty-one rebel flags, captured lit Gettys=
fiezig, have been - recivecl. at the‘War Depart.
/unfit. 4klany of:them •are, torn i.)zirl3alle:ts
ftp,tl stained with blood.
The gov,erTn9t hies established at
West Chester for paroled 3irisoners. It is
Under command of Capt. Elder:, of the U.
. . .
S. ittrny. The c•dnir, is oiled Cluiap Paoli.
Sixty-six - thoiiiand five - buildred Rebel
prisoners are now in bier bands;:atCbrding to
official statements, -and fifteen , „thousand
:Union prisoners in the hands o ofthe Rebels.
pr&ners captured at ..Vich.sbur,,a•
tho4igh paroled, will not be allowed to leave
that' city 'until .regularly exchanged.. This
order; hoWever, does not include o
he fficers.
' :-Artiong the drafted men in Bestbri lire two
CatliOlic clergymen, six •editOrS; ~, t he U. S;
Di'striet Attorney; the Provost MarsbaLGen
anlartillery armorer, : and, three John
The •Preisitlent has proniigedGen. Grant
,rank of • lajor General and. :General
:td that of Biig:'General in the regithii
They were p • keviouslY.Alitjoi Gendrils
volunte. , :ts. • -
' ...A ;Washington'diSpatCh says :..Gen.:Hoolt
or:will probably. be assigned to th6 ,
of the. fore&.. operating on, the , Pwilinsula.:—
A. few' days ago he ask - ed . to be t•esioied to
t:iiicobamand of his old division.
order of the, President; the, appoint , hient:of John S. Phelps, 'is 31.ilitarS-Cieni,er
fir'pf Kawas; and of Anfos F. Eno,' as
rtitii,ry,jare revolied,:.and the (awe of2lilit4,=.
.ry-Oovernorin "said State is, abolished.
. The Charlestoii ! l.4 . rcutw anq., the (.3harles ;
ton Courier, 49 . 1", announces that
hereafter the price of their aily paper's will
be twenty dollars' per :'`JA efore the
U'arliaey wia‘e published at eight dollars:
j.4'stine inontirs: a g o, in - his ,sileoch;to•tlie
Alisaissippi,Legislature ; JetK. I?;iyis declared
Copfederpcy must, tgiirt.
Ote. *, qf jas:no;,:*been
sole to defend tiie'river—theretoiT it ra.114,.
- 7 -
the brave Gen..giekles who lost a leg at
(InitYStritrg, his triends Will be i gritified to
is `doing Heil. 'A.fter:feneiing• his
vonnk'and., , undergoing:timrititatien, ire was
conveyed .to Wash ingten• 1)y tl .cyookel route,
tf4 avoid- enemy,. •• .;
...4cOrding':to a, recent examination 8f ,the
-.reco,r49, _since tho cerningneerneat of the' war
- ha:Ve lOSt, thiitv-seven Generals by death
twenty-tis of i'%-hom were killed in battle '4r
die(fbi ieason'Of ea:sualties, adilitioni
sh.ty="peie d.eheyaLs have'been. ivounded.-
mitzered. , _ , t •.• • ;,
Tho , indleations.are that • stile:Government
will demand, under the Ocnyeyiptipalavir t
about 400,0 p p: Thnleyy will' be
made .by Congressional
"districts in,ste4d. of
diteCtiy on the States,' as herelof - jte, and the
',lnumbei• 66h'clikrict-will'be'rcquifed tO'raiSe
draft vary .from 200.1 'Mh of
Gtinetarltletnle; the .n - e 47 Oonirrto.n
der of: the Army of .the Totonnte, - I;.vde3eril*
ed.ip : stall, slim, gray,bearded man, wearing
gla9es, an old slouched .1).10119,
with. cordar - oy pants tucked bto his long
. He ,unguin y , lll et) An . ,
oespeecli'itid; fthniliar free
,The whole style' , of,k
mstuk t ix)i and:plain to. 'severity: ."_,Geh,
.11e,44 isr grqzylsono)f, Gecn:ge . Xeaa, of
P1:14,, an eminentlrishrspa r tnerjin merchant
.W111Q3,0 aria (diecieec Fitzlimmops) in 1781
s2o4illititii 'the rund r fOisthe'ietief
l 5 "`tlie fatnishing'army of Gen': Wasiiiiigitin.
• f , •• • 4, -1
Official notiee has been •re . delired - at the
Navy Depaftbie — rit.lif flie - dalltiite of the iron
atearner Neptune Glasgow. ~§lte. . .wAs from
Havana, endeavoring ,to get„hato :
the V. streer,Laelriavranna,. - discovered
14thheron the ult., 'ehideed t!er-• oie - than
'WV '
Iluruig the chafe most of tlid'egrgo:ind
the, moils wel'e • thrown. - overboard. - - While
conning in.with the Neptune, the „l i ael:awazi 7
• rgt-,cgaiPd s I:ne••ke t gaVe eliase,, and was
funti, eaptui:lng the .Rebel steanier Plan,
' cotton arid
of rtisinckwrif Mobile for HaVarta.:
ithowt BO hales or cotton wam throwti over 7
boar& i , ; •, .4 • •- • •
• Geneial Sherman Moved immediately •af
te,r the fail' of Vicksburg of Joe
. tll4 of tlin Big
Black fiver, and • having udder his command'
a large army. •On the day following
reported Ili haviiag Liabt rind; 'Mts.& a: johit
stqn, in o battle, which-proved ' yery sanguin-.
,th? defeat of the jtelli?l,s .
and papturA!:)f, tivo; thousand prisoners.'
No futlher partiertlars are given.' `Jackson
is said tole our posSesSion. -
Generalßoseerans; the invincible, has put ,
Braigeto aliarOSt total font: Tristeill-ofttOp-
ping' at'ehattair6Oga: and 'a'traitink''the ap
proach of the Union General, itfagg•retreated
to, :}Atlanta„io De • Xi% • county, Stoorgia,
where it • is presumed attempt to stand,
naiess,'BosecratiSshould thfeatOn to folloi
thmight that the main iiply of
his army had henn'sent •on to Riehtim4d to
do'garfisKmi duty 'Lae Mai;
niflcent - iniasion 'of the Noith:- During:
fonwaid nioVement, 'Eleneral;Rosecrans •has
captured over . fourthoustsid. prlsoners.
-On •tlie 3d. inst.;' Gen. •Foiter sent file' ad
Nth ;York; Cavalry, .under : Col:. Lewis, •P.
operate sin the railrpad. at ,Warsaw, North,
Carolina: on the , roadjunniag , from Rich- .
Mond ) to WirmingtOn..' The e'ipediiiOnlias
returned" to, Newbern, baring, been;
ple'telYr'suelceSful in its - Mission: , • " Two-miles'
. • -
- railway - were tornup,' :the' rails 'being
twisted and rendod.v?hollY useles, arpd for,
five additional miles • the ,culverts, bridges
andtelegraph - were de:.:troyed.„ I.arge . quan, l
titiesoff small arms, stores, Sm., were eap:
tared "and. burned at Knoxville,' together
with the' armory lOcaled: there. 'This will
seriously * interfere. witty- the cOtnniiinitation
botlfden: these two impintanl,places; r.
" • ' •-
Father ! in the hattio,'s fray,: • -
, Shelter his dear head,. PraY
Nercie his young arm with the - Might
$ ...Of Justice, Liberty :and•lti'ghtl . <
• Where the red' hail d•eadliest.falls;
' " Where stern duty fondly calls,
Where the strife is fierce and .
,Father, guard I- oh, rquird,m,y child! • -
• -.,Where the fodnish swift and strong, -• •
,striving for the wrorig-;
Where the chLshing iiiml3 men. wield
• <':' Bing above the bittle-ffeld; •
; Where the stifling air is hot, •_
• With the bursting'shell anctshOt— •
•' Farther!' my-brave boy's breast •
, Lct no treacherous blade be pressed!
. Father! if my woman's heart- r ^' ! ' • • -
,Frail and weals in. every„part r . - 7
'Wanders. from the mercy-seat
After those dcar,roVing feet, • '
Let Thy,tenddr, pitying . grace , • .;,
Every selfish thought erase; ,
,'-' •If 'this robibet!'s lo•vd r ,be Wrong, ' '
Pardon, ble'ss,land make me.strong. i.
• ; 'For wheri silent'shades tik-Jlight ;
Shut- the bright w,orld itoa'my fight ,
When itround;the eheerful'fire,
Gather'broth&s, Sisters,
~There Lmiss my
,boy's, bright facc ';
From his oldlamiliar place,
'Ent inirsad. h'eart'Wanders back ' • '
• To tented field and bicoutic: •,
• Often - in my iffiublecl
. • Waking,—wearily to .
Often dreamin g he is, near,
l'Oill - thin,,,l - evii•Yanxious -fear— •
. ,Often startle by the fl ash ,••
. 1 Of hostile; swords
,that meet and clash,
} sill'tlie,'cannen's' smoke 'and roar '• • -
Hide hint frotdrby eyes ance'inoro.':•-•
• " . • . • •, ..„
' Thns I dream, and hdpe, and i)rav,.;
Alt the weary hours' a,way •; ; • •
But .know his causes just,
-And I centre all MY trust " • „
thy promiiel , -;--"4-kg thy day, . •
So,shall be thy- strength"---alway ,
.IC•dt T need thy "guidancestill
Fahey, 'let me, do'Thy will? • • ! •
"- •-
If nevi sorrow "shoilld 'befall— ' -
If_myrioble boylshoulcOtalr—z.
If the bright head I have blest, •
, .
fan'the'nold earth should find its rest;
Still tvitti , alta'mother's. heart, '•—
~ ! Torn and..gAvering ; -ith the smart;
I,yfehrhim, 'neath thy ehast'ving•sod,,
'; To'his 'eonntry'arid his apd.-:" ; '
'tittutit , to." DEtiocitArs. - -4p. - the' hearty
speech of ilohn Brough, Vnien:Oandidatefer
4Ziovernor. of Ottio„atllayton, on the gh, :of,
ho says of ) fighting Democrats:
‘,sVhile -there arc some acts of,the Admin„-
istration which I cannot "'approve, 1. - *cipilgt,
firget the' faet-that every 'gallant 'mart who
Is, prosecuting this' war hi' the' leaC of the ,
aritty ow:the bloiidy_ plains tief"lit;rlrisylVartiii, ;
Tennessee; - or Mississippi; Denmerat,
bred and born: ,- [Cheers.] My friend
Thurman, in his speech the other 'dity;-' - said ,
that McClelltyl was reirai - V - ed, because he - was
a Pertlecrat, while Rosegrans, , ,
Republicart, was Fe:apfng all the iglories ,Of,
the' war: • [Lailetter.T-T ,- taii
nni 'sorry! tluit
-brother ursn-has,nqt : r c adhi g ory better
,that: [ltenewod' laughter.) Bless.
Your Roy has always been a Dertaderht
and worker.m the party. Very:, ina.ny of
the men in- the' ranks are Democrats, and
while they'are fighting the hattle`.4 of 'the
country, you.starath - home, carping and. 'say
you-cannot ;do anything,becaulte Republicans
are idthe 'head' : of the "Government f . That
is'not , Worthy :yout`= :Ala:when .; man
_comes and , puts; that argpment in ,
~your, ear,
you. shOhlcl pit another down' his tltidat.
lakie you to determine
On the 18th: of Dec. ? 18 twenty: , days'
before the hattle-of .Now-Orlean;, General
Juekiou'reifiewed and addresScd. his troops.'
The Battallion,of Men 9f color,he addressed
"Sonnrans:--Fiom the ',"-sliOrei" Of Mobile
I. l colldnied yoir 'to' arras:; I , ' invited ybii'to
sbhre, in - the perils, and tbejglery
of • r ypui white countrymen . I expected
orYoui; toil' Was nOt:tininfikimed'ot
those :qualitieSowhick, must :render you, So
formidable .to ' an, invading _foe., knew
that You endurei hunger and' thirst
dnd :ill - the hardships of war. :IZ-Juithi that
..ycitu.,,,loved - the - land ofyour naavity, and
.that, like.' Ourielves, you had - to defend
that is ' , most dear to mini, But - you ;surpass
!fly I have feu/la-in you, lanited to
these qualities; that noblee - enthusitism which
•liiipelsine,tii great - deeds." • .2
See dui pfeterial biography of :Andreiir
laetsei, by . John Prost, L. L. D., ptges .815
mid 31.6; vilace the 'reader ‘rift`find this ad
P'repaied by
. • Du. C. iJackson, Philadelphia,
.W R. effectually curb
LIVER e`ci3l-1 , 1,A1NV,-"DYSPEPSIA;
Diseases of the Kidneys. 'and all diaetives arising
from a disordered Liver or Stomach.
Such its' Constipation,- Inward Piles, Fullness of
13104 to, the Head, Acidity_ of the Stomach, Nau
sea: Ifeartbuin, Disgust' 'for Food, "Fullness or.
Weight in the Stomach. Sour _Eructations, Sinking
or Fluttering at the Pit of the-StOthach. Swimming
of the head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, But-,
teringatthe Heart, Choking •Cal Sag:Seating Sens's,: •
Cons when in a. lying posture.. timness of,,Vision;
Dols or Webs before the liight;'Fever and Dull Pain
in th Head, D eficienos, :0# Perspiration,Yellowness
of the Skin and Eyes. Pain hi theSide.Baek. Chest,
Limbs, 4ke.; Sudden FluShesoilleat,,ldurninginthe
Flub, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Be.:
pression of Spitits. '
And will positively prevent Yellow Fever, Bilioui
Fever. ,te. .They'eontaiii no, 'ALCOHOL, OR ; BAD
WHISKEY I' They will cure" the above discuses in
• • ninety-rtine ciasint out of a hundred.-.
• - ; „. •
• Induced by the extensive Salo and universal.pop;
ulasitrof Roolland's Hannan Bitterp.(Munly•vege
tabie) hosts of ignorant Quacks and unscrupulous
adventurers Have '4:Mem& upon suffering hum - unito
tlie.flood-gates ,Nostrums, in the shape-.of poor
whiSkey, vilely compounded with injurious drugs;
and christenedlonics.Stomaellics and Bitters.,
Ilekare of the - innumerable arraY of Alcoholic
prPariftiens, in plethoric bottles .and
kegs, under the modest appellatiiM'Of /3ittersvhiah
instead of curinvonly a.agravitte disease, and leave
the disappointed sufferer in despair. -
Art not . ii:new and•iintried article, but Wive atig4cl
the test of fifteen years' trial by the American
lie f- mail their reputation and • sale are not rivalled
by any similar preparation.
The ptoPriOtors have thousands of Letters tram
the most eminent CLERGYMEN. LAWYERS,
PHY SICIANS AND CITIZENS. testifying of their
own personal knowledge to the beneficial enacts and
Medical VittueS•of these Bitters. •.
Po you want aontething to strengthen you t
- youirtiut a gOodo,tpetitit? • • '
•Do you , want to build. up your Conatitucion T '
.Dayou want to feel well X •
Do you Taut to get rid of Nerrournerr
.Da you want Energy 1 - •
po sfai want toefiep well .P • „,, - ,
Do you ioant a Dinsf: and vigorourfeetiiig r
If you de, use • ,
Frain, J. ..Yetaton Brown, D. D., Editor o/ the
Enevelopedia . .Know/edge: • '
although not disposed to favor or recommend Pa-
Atentlledichies in general, through distrust of their
ingredients and.ellects. I yet know of no sufficient
reasons why".s marclnaY,not testify to the benefits ha
believes himself to have received from any simple
prafaration,- in the hops 'that be may thuS- contrib.:
ute to the trOacflt-of others.
-I do thiathemore'recidilyin regard to Iloofland's
German Bitters. prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of
this'citY. °because was pie.rudleed agailist them -kir
manmyears, _under the , impression _that they were
chiefly an aleoholic mixture. 1 atrt indebted to my
friend, Robert-Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of
this prejudice by proper tests, and for encourage
ment to try . them. when sufferinvfrom great and
innictintinned debility: The use of three bottles of
these Bitters, at the beginning of - the -present year.
was followed by evident relief, and' restoration to a
degree of, bodily and-mental vigor which I had not
felt for six months before, and had almost despaired
of regaining.. Itherefore thank God, and. my friend
for directing me Lathe use of. tb mix.'• • -
Philadelphia, June 23,-1613/.
There arc many preparations cold under the name
Of Bittere,ptit up ist - quart bottles,:cimitiouhelecr of the
cheapest whtskey or common rum, costing front 20 to
40 cents per gallon, the taste disguisedAniae Or Co:.
riander Seed,
class of Bitteii•ait' 'caused and will continue
to cause • as long as they can he so/et; ; - hundreds to die
the - dal - A of the -diunkard:Ey . their ttte the system
is_ kept continually .undcr
,the snfluenee , of Alcaholic
St-Neu/ants of the worst kind; the - desire or _Liquor is
created and kept up, and the result is tdithe horrors
attendant upon q drunkard's life and death.
For those tohatie.eire and ILL Ili PE a Liquor
Bitters ' We publish the following' receipt, Get ONE
and iii ix with THREEQ UAR TS OF GOO DAR A N
-4Y ion wHisKEY.- 0)4 the reknit will be:a prepa
*Olen that teal far excel in medicinal virtues, and
true -.excellence any of the numerous Liquor Litters :in
the.,market, and will coat touch lees. You will have
all the virtues of HOGII'LAND'S'eon
nection with a good article o fLiquor , at a much ieee
inicethawaeie ii k t:erior prepa'rattciat wilt
' ' WO 'call the . atteritiei di Ulf havii4 ,- relatiohs‘r
friends _in the army to the, fact, that "lioollanits
German hi ttera"'wi 11 cure tone-tenths of the disea
ses induced by exposures and privations incident to
camp life. In the lists published alineSt daily in the ,
newspapers. ; on , the arrival of, the eick, it mil I be
found' that a 'very large proportion ' , are - suffering
frpm debility; ; Every that kind can berea
dill, cured bylloolland's German Bitters. Diseases'
resulting from 'disorders of 'the digestive organs are
speedily removed. We have no "hesitation in sta
ting that, if these,Bitters were; freely ,used among
our soldiers, hundreds of lives might, be saved that
:will otherwise he ldst. •• , ,-, , • • ~ ,
We call particular attention 'to the following re:-
markable and fve/1. authenticated more of one of the
nation's hero's. whosejile, to use his own language,
has been saved bY thellitteraz!:-
•ittegarij Tutees c , d; -Esaas.---W ell:, gentlemen; , roar
Hooffand's German Bitters hos saved my life. There
is no mistake in this.; It is vouched tot by numbers
of my comrades, some of whose names are append
ed, and who were' fully cognizant of ell the circuni
stances of my, awe; Lam., and Iwo been for thelast 1
four' years, a member of:Sfierman's celebrated Bat
tery, and under the immediate command of ,Cupt. ,
- R.' B. Ayres. Thrdrigh the expbsuro attendant-up
on my-arduous/Judos, kwas attacked in Noy - ember
last with inilimatoatioxi.of the lungs.'arld was for 72
slays in'tbe,hospital. -This -Wag.. followed, by -grqat
debility', heightened ' by' ifti attack - of il-ISentery: I
was ; then ramoved Item the ,1,11i40-Illiuse, and sent
to thid city on' beard the steamer ' State of Maine,",
'from which. 11,1andcd on ltbe 22tli of Anne,: -Since
that time:l hive - been abbot as low as any one could
lie: and:* still - retain a ihiark of - - vita,litr, ~ ;Fkr A !week '
or paore I was scarcely able to swallow anything,*
and if tl;diit force a morssd down; it waslimMediatu- 1
ly thrown up again. , ,
1.• 1 could, not:even .keepra glass - ol,wifter on , mYstu
mach. Life could not last under these circumstan
ces, and, accordingly; theptiksicians, who ha-di:leen
working faithfully., tiniagh unsuccessfully, to,rescue
me from thegrisplifilidiliiiid - Afelfer,frauklv told
me they, could do nolhore• foryne„ ; a$ ad ~ k ised me
to see a clergyman, and*, make such disposition of
- my limited funds as best suited me. -Ati , acquaint-'
ance ,Who':•-isited me fit - stlte.lioAllitel„Mr. Frederick
Steinbron, of Sixth below Arch Street, advised me,
as a. forlorn I hope, l tO try :Yonx , Bitters, l And kindly
prochred,a bottle. From thetimej commenced, fa
kingthein' the gloOnsyfilladovNif death receded.-arid
Lam now,. thank Godlor it:gettiag better. • Though
'l' have taken' 'bur tits bottled.' 1• Nude gained 'ten
pounds. and...l:Seel sttugoine., of being.perpoitteCto
rejoin 'my wifd and' 'daughter, froni'wherth•l haVe
heard,notbing for eighteen moot/mi• for, gentlemen
i c im e loyal Virginian. froth' the vicibity' of Froht
Royal...Toot,iriitivaluable•Bittera It owe ithe,ceT
taintir'•of life-which has taken - the 'plait of Vague
fearsilo - Teor Bitterd Will I one. the •Pri.vilege. df
again cla.sping to mybosom those who are dearest
tomein life, ••••• , , ( ' ',,lf - - ,• ,• ~ ,• ,
I . Very Milli yours, ISAAC MALONE. -
1 ; „We fully. coucrir in Abe truth of the `above-state
ment, as we bad despaired of seeing our comrade,
. 4z l
Mr. Malonewrestorod to:lieu tli.i i, 7 .•. . r ~ 3
JOHN CUDDLEBAOK. st New )'ork Bu n ters., .“GEo...A.:AcKLEYt.ed. 'lllthildaine. .7." : 1 1 .
LEWIS CHEVALIER, 924Nere York. ~ •
- J ' - SPENCER. Ist Aft.t Batt. , F.,- • , ~' . i
, J. B. FASEWELL, Co. B. 3d Vermont...
' l HENRY. B. JEROME ercrj B: '••• ' r! , • • • ' 11 ,
I HENRY T. IIIcDONALD. Co. C, Gth Maine. , -
I -- - "JOHN'F.IVARDi Ce. , E.sth-Maiim." , J - ,-,• ' - 2,
, HERMAN-KOCH, Ch. 31,172 ii N. y. ,
i NAT:B. THOMAS. Co'. ?:95th Pal' - 1- tr . :- ' ll
Ai J, KIMBALL. CO. A3d Vermont, .- . • .
'JOHN JENKINS, Co:. 10Gth Pg.•
BEWARE 9.F.cotlatiir i j - ts;
•• See that the signature elf ." O.' M JACKSON,"`'
- • ' - ' ' l4 P I I I II I 6 B ESWEINT I t i l',ll l A tl i `?' ''.-
• _. OrtHALF,D4Z.TOR-$4,90 -, -
Should your nearest druggist•not have the article,
flo.nothe put off by any atilt irito.earing prepara-
Cons that may be offered in Sts place, but send to us;
and we will forward securelyNAM. by empress:: ',•
-.;.; c,, - 'NG. 6M Auelit STRUT: , ',.,'1 - ' . ' "..
"(Suciessots to C. If. jitottiOn'i'do.)."
FOR BALE by Druggists
,a 1,4 Dealers in every
wren is thelluited.Ststosz I ',EJunol247.
ill)t„frattitlin,.,ll43oitoxv, , :iilllenjibtrem9-
r A. s + s,
F linnu iuL
nyvicp,'OP, JAY .0001:",, • '
•,,• )!:,,' -• sultSClthollON
1 14t3 1 :411'11 11 .1g 0 4,10. 1 ,-T,
r • •1
• *iis ti t lgii , 1;160.,
The,;suldereigno-d, liuviugbeeli ,ttiSpoiiit4llUßSCiilP
.lozi AGENT. t k y Alto, Secretary of the Tretteury, ie now,
pared to forniali;'nt tied, ' 0 • '
.7‘.oenty lißr Six vet tent. Bolds,-
of the United :gates, designated es Elie-Twenties,"
redeemable et the plekstire of the floreintuenf, after Aim
years,Aritherrzed. by
~ict of Congress, approved
ebrUary'2s4sb2: •, • 'I • . ..„ , 1 , ,
- The,CUD PON, DONDLare issuedju:sums of 4 1 9 0 :
O, $1000. • -
The REGITFI?.. BONI?S tn- Eums p 5% slo9,_Pm
Interest , at ail per ; cent. 'per annum-,will
• cominiincs;
fromdae Of purchase, and is ' • ' •
t • ibLitPiLi),:,'
Semf,antpally, *Melt is equal, at, the present yrotaitou
on gold, to,abont Blain Pee CeNT.-PEA ANNUAI: " •
• Fartner* l kterch#lo, Medal:wick Gal4t4lists, ;and all
who have,,Rny money to evest:should' kneWand temitra.
tser.thitt.theseljorqht are; Ia effect,a FIKST. 5104TGAGI
upen all ItaUreads,panals, Dank" Stocks an' secnritietc
and the immense PrOeCts 'O.O the bltutuf,tornres,tc.,
&c., in the, country:. and that thci fill and ample provi-
SlOnsleade for the piqinentAf. theietereat, And; llqnida-.
tion of principal; by Custom Duties; Excise - Stamps and
rnteimal Revenue; sbriet•etdmokke.thme Bonds the
' gubserthtiOns teceived At t. , Alt in, , Legal Tender Rao!,
nr notea and checks of banks 'at par in Phlbuielphia.
nbacribara -by ihnit will 'receive, 'prompt attentlog,lind
every facility and ~eceplanatipn will bo afforded on app•
cation aitliia , oirite. 'l' ; „
A full supply of Bonds will bo kept on inuicts for iuimo
~intodeliveryi• = . t t .JAY; COOK% •
June 11-3 t. - . Subscription Agent.
Q.PECTAL NOTICE: -,,-9n. and laft,er
kJ—August lst;lB6,'lliC privilege of converting the
sent - i esneotLEOAL NOTES into Atte: -NAV
ZION AL SIX PEN CENT. LOAN (commonly called “fiVQ. ,
Ti4nties"): -will cerise: • , ; ~-•
- All Icho wish to invest in the 'STYE TWENTY LOAN
must, theteilire,e`pply before tb ISt Of. Atigust. next:
"' • • - fitinsCmPrime'AarAt', ;
. _ - Spu9,Third Stmt
Juno:lT-It; '' ' -
. =TlE Treasaj' has authotized lite; '
Continv,e 421,y Agency for ,cr - Brief ; Period,
and until 'further notice, shall continue to receive sul;:
sqtiPtibne 'to the , - t •
~b-20-..LOAN- AT T'AR -
at my, Wilco and at the different Sub-Agencies through
oat the Loyal 'States i•- ; .` r JAit CtiOf 1I -1.
jylS.3t] Subscription,A gel:A.ll4 --3 d it., Philadelphia.
ATPa i rAINT 1011,0 - E., ;,-i. - s - it. is
Importantthatthe Reeks of the late' firm ot - G. Et,
DIkIRKDDIN..t. CO.. tatsettled tioDitniediateiy, - persdPB
knowing themselies indebted to mild firm. tor -Subscrip
tion; Aticergrillg, Job Work, eke., are heteby_ notified to
eallupon theondorsigned, at...the Office of the Register
.and It esordori. in the court liouse 3 sod•toako , settlement
without delay. P. DOCK FREY.
JultelCh 63-Dui -i ,'' .., ':,i, - ~ , .',,-
, Book Accopat oi Note. tO Xing 4,.FinvauxoN,
are hikeby nottfia Co can and settleidovioas to Slily 1,
IFAZ . L7, And CO9p.P . , I • INny
. , , .. .
IArA 8 0 IT, & li li ML I - ITS , -.. . CAPIlitgT 0R6'..4.1114; , -;
Cvntaining - thn
Every butivhent lEtt
far= mm , 570.40 SM.
"-alie-,Cnhinct Organ is, -thd-oidy.itstrumenf- which
combines tho requisites. for chi:oW add' Parliii music;
for the schocl room and the Seelal,fi%tival gathering.
,For while it pOsaesseSentricient plawet.l4 the ixecOmpa
ninient of alarge chorus, it is, from its capability of
all, shades of expreision, Weaderftil - citic,nde
and diminueade,_most effective 11.8 n,solo instrument.
It is capable of orcheitrnilffect4; itufiapid ifen4ic. ah
arpeo p s, etc,. From its sustained tones. it has
a ileeided'advantage-over thePiatto•forti," 'the 'render
ingOf many of the, choicest, masters,
suety as aymphonies,Anareettes, (+SO." — '
R. A,„?ticCLURRi Olonnheralarg, Pa. ,
- ' General Agent for Petincylvenia,
N..lll'The nndersigned atil and deliver, in good
condition, Cabinet Organs anywibere in this State, at
factory prices...l,lLineluiries tiq lettee;prOth.ptlyatt
meted. „ [June 17, !ea-to .31c.
111 ,- JANOS - • .
It. Az able akebt for the celebrated
Pianos cielivered t and put up in perfeet coudition l in any
'part of tho State, at' 1 " • •I- ; , r
All Instruments ,warrnted forAyo yearkt.
Pinntits - from othOrtictOileti wilt tie turniilidd, if 'de'alied.
IL A. „}lctgaltkly •
Juno 17, ' "cli,tnikeraburit,. Fri.
f . ii,ioiii . tily,'4:: , :gfi,its , e. - ': ~*
T.T' ND - tRIJIC.II,' iNEAD":& CO:, i
v v RruArdind and tco,mt3i43iiti:• lifer!rhdpisNOrth
Second Street—oppoalte the
Cats run negularly to and from ,Phila. k Battlmorg.,
`• . -:AGIZTSt • ' "
Pa.root;ZEF, Mincluam, No SO Market st. above
• • •• •.• PIII.B.ADELP.ML - A. - '
P. S :—Lykets ;Valley, Broiled Egg and. Nut coal (4.:
-net teal • the !mlnei.) Vilkeetiarre' and- Pide 'Oro*
Foundry coal, ‘ ;Lumber and Shlaglm Balt. ; Plaster And'
Hatic&k" Cement, keptunnstahtly'itth 'bond,
,graha t enci,P,roduce, ot kinda,tourehused:at the high-.
eat cusUprices. 'VnINtI.EII,IIOII, .NE4D,.4 CO:
• ,
01714BER.Tai- VALLEY' , IVAIrt-
J , MUSK. fibs ForsiardingAnshicita yCul hettatbe
be conducted by 0. W., MATERid CO., at, the Wares! hotwor; thee; , Y.'ltailrolad,..whei'ellthy'lltrph
o liberatPatratkagif, • 1.4'
DEPOTr. £o:.a6b,:3l47Trit: St ;Philade/phia.,
,and Jahn Diagham,lsl, Ilbward St,aialtimorc. I • '
• Junti'll' Nir.l,`YBl . oll. k'CO:'
THOMAS L. GILLISI.I - 4 '' • 7lB,l 2 p l iift:
lIJiI PIE ZE-Ti-LFMAy Prod:tee
, L i t - AND ,CommissioN !qui Wiiolesale.GN
-aerd, 6ixlh MAT iratket Stritu,
(.7u-qe 17, , '63.
Ol intiti gi 3il Mi VaPtr-Oungilld•
• • 110V8r. ANb SIGN `PAINTER,.
"tHOP .
I "the Old A-, i 4 Building, stzlees,
, izextdoor to 4 ..`0/d cfait,"T,elrer. 4 , ll" c odth,.
Carna . ge,*anglemprs, ppyofite:. •
, • Brown a Hotel, - Tut
' obP.NEr. Ok. I§tCalt i li .11 , 11314YA1tK T Bre.,
- t :4- `iebalkibbigtitg,
3 I : 4l P earnl / 3 , t#4t. 1 1 13 1 1 P 30 54 of MaAIPS, Oft 6 4
zins ofChaniberantirg and ,viehafts for the very Liberal
ya;ronagol„lmied•ecui7edgt, 00.4 WO ; fon -the Tait
year, (my Slat yearin this place,) and flattering myaelf
that I have done, and and tim Mill MlT:red to doAtht ,
Eery jine, I. selyp Acentinnance o_ipaat,
favor,- • ." - " r.-1411.16WH.
Lrespebtfallyrefer td an' of TY tratm- - .gfarret ,
syetei, MeLenalatua;
Trosbyterian Chtrolt„Dr:Biebirdlißrrnal)fls"
of 11. Kiefer lemon' nerd'Sfentenger,'.l.4.lhaim
Eyet r , WT. O. 7tYeter,,....andnnymo,ofcrr !alum ; Limy"
done work—for character of ctoalt ; ltai2e, and:expeditiOn.
L - , - .linael7, '0.37W ;r: : - .7 I. '• :WV!.
- •
haVe ie
300.0.'8r108RY,--4-14: f rflq7
rnoiredibeir' dI C - 121tiDSAY the
j Ord story of theltag9N,llol:lMtooliatfOlalnomfi,
shore Shtlockki 'S'iiok Store. 'l , .)Wrenht 'between the
Raok-Store end braasisely'e rate, 0014 ; Soolus, i Piorlodi
eabOttude, , Neirspspers,'&4; bound Spy Style. tank
Books misdate order. -,1 3
. 4terffido!:!tef_spz pelferft. - , •
_ T; ?80., ' •
IDIRD - tiiSEPTAT r • . i
' •
ijr • B at h Tu b e. - ; : „
Cate .113,inthe ... y '
. _ , Pi g 04 1 )2111., -
Rapeaad itseett.
us raj
1 7 ,VtgatER - . j itort*lT k4 r iai
7 814 heal the ibidge t 'Cliliuhei§buri, , p4,7 :‘ •
Ale Rubscribtr would Tednutfully idfurnt_the Travel
ibg ctehmatiit, , that tibliaup4dhaseitiad tukau ee
thusuf this Hotel. Ily bogus to_make It one, the meat
idtfelii for- straugara and ut4iers kip utbp at 'Haiti
can bp fuuner in arty coulltrz. town. . - •
- 1118 TABLE want tinit.a hi spree with italux.!
tries anti subatontlala ofthe.!temoP._ ,
Hell , ittaibtek 'dui -fitted
lu modern style. • - 1
fIIS be „ Witti-U:isrgh
sclectioh of,the very best t, • ,
STAB:4 with bo' prqiclud with 'kubd
wbolutonio plyreuder fob stuch,tund 4tteuded .4 7 Fafidul,
ostlers. '
Nb patnswill bp, a Parka:o render entire eitistaoint,te
nil biS - gueils; utni pludihk- f alideliyor to please
bouollclt, lc-liberal:abate of the - Pnb!in patronage.
Jan 17; .3 63. _ JOHN HILLER.
„ . ...
TTITION, • Rotel is
1,..) situated on the'ioiner onfahitiMl4:itteelt ‘Jttestk,
near the .Diamond. in,the Borough ofCluitubersburg, Pa.
'The undersigned respectfully annohnceirto - the travel-
Ing;ohlielhat this Hotel has ;been, ramodled.; ';`l.t _hats
been riilsed to T1.114.10' sToluss 'in' bight. 'N. fine
tire e story.Bacg Dui/ding has ,heon. l adderflo;it,; sl.ving
an lanuencit amount of robin rot the accommodation of
the pnbliezenerally, • The toema re,,intgo.and torOfurtl
able. numbering: in thirty-five. They are alt well
famished , with ,GQOD . 44sw-y,trßNlTUttE. , ,geptioUil
stopping at this Hotel tanliare either double or single
NOM.% with dr Nithdtit fitd i tthalrt. -..:TbD !raw It. nil
vaayssupplied with,th'e BEST IN, THIf 41aBF>t T l and
willseat over 100 persbris. • .2, •
- The Bat Is filled with the.PHOICEST LiQuoss. The
ltlabld twostorleti. of the Most modern etyle;:andAtai
begin the ItorougltOf Chambensburg, - - ,
; 7 83 - ,/ • ''.lotlN cPrePrietiii:l
RANRIIIIV-11.CitE114- , fß,§t'ide of
12; the:pi/Ric Square, Chttso4relinwPa.,
The subsCrlher would respectfully infanta the T . rifel=
ag Comtunnity , that 110 Ms ; loaicd . en di taltettPMeseitn
of thliCenimodions hotel. He hopes tq make it of
the most desirables plageb 'fort strangete lentrothetlf ta
stop that can be found in antoonntry town.
OS TABLE villa elltinatellie (spread with the'ln.T.;
nrles and enhetiebtials of the season. ,
liZS CLlAslttEßE4etelnrge,Welltdotiliiied;4idlitted
up in modern style..
.-1.318 . 11,0 Will be Well stipplied Witb`rilttrketindabiii
selection of, the very best Lignors. , -
' -
JuIS 5T.4.111.1 always be Prtivided with •iiSed,
wholesome provender fur stock, 111:0• farap!
NO pates will bt: spared to ronder.eiltireettistiwticqi,to
all his gifestVend , Pledginiiiirdielf endelivercte'please
all, he solicit. a liberakshare ef . the public patronSge, ;
June 11, '63. - ' - ' ' DANIEL Till/STU.
If It 'KSVAN 'llol'l4 Clicvm-'
TIT oftersburr i ;;Per,— Proprietar. ? •
• Having paschal; id this well-known liotel,Qoug knows
as Millet's, and recten ay itB Welittt4liiive'tOther
etor pledgei hirastlif that no pains, shall bedspared Fo
whoister rtr,the - Wants of hifigtugsht ' • - - •
The character heretofore sustained,bz,the house as a
cOmairthble Boni torahshhati' not'stiffeiln
my. hands ifs constant effort tp please and accoiniaodate
will sustain it." til4 Voipiiritor, therefore, • solleita a
'continuance of the liberal natrpuage huret,fora • 14494-
ad bathe" White rintrn." ' . - - • • '
addition to large,Stabling,,hp has TWO, TOTT-,acrd
; a Pair of Ilsr• and Erbes ,V..Lur.s - for 'the tecommedition
of Drovers and, Butchers. - - :
Jaffe 17. 18a3 mcifin entovE.
i • ditLLB ciittntm. ; ' DAyn) uttfcatsdit.
Have become the_ Proprietors of the„UNITED
BriITESHOTHI4, "Wear the 'llailiciad:Deporat HARRIS
BURG', Pa. This popular tuad cmumodidus Hotel has
_hem newly 'refitted and furnished thrtsugatit its par.
'lord and chambers, and is new ready-for,
t he l., reception
The travellingpubfic will find the United States Hotel
the tried convenient, in all 'Partiicufais; bf Slip Hotel in
the StateSapital, on account of its• access ti the rail
roadji,t3ing immediately biti - ean ttitt+o)treat depots
in this city. -IHatuuSenno, June 1.7,,!Rtf:
' IVOrteshoid' Hererd , gercersbriii Tourtial, ana
reettgastle Pita, Copy pm., and charge Itirds497:g.'
L'lmmliersburg., Pa. '01:1HN- S 9. TAYLOR,
rroptiefor. EOM lacZemtualations cliirgee. -
AB- Stivd: rardf and Scales are Connected with--the
premises for the convenience of Drovers ;
sive stabling-and garde for Lf p Et e
'Juni -17 4 , '63. - 1 •
Published. gysterip -Dina and
.o', - by flerace Welby. On e: V0L.12 mo., cloth, futialsotreS.
ly printed with an emblematic frontispiece ,Price S 7-50.
tit it dillicult to giVe aftYndequafe the i,Varied
and curiolis topics- of vadch this eminently interesting
Vtilmhei•treats:i •It is , a -Vildable -arrky at tlui best
thoughts, impressions and beliefs of the-meet :distin.
-plaited mind on tbdithenomenk oi'Litc, death - and En,
it is such a commonplace boast as.some thought
ful divine' might have eonnided,- and in' its thon.aild
ono references to the work; and ppinions ogontlitiimi:
gifidest writers Is not inferior,' mi an diiteresting Merl- -
xx, curiosity, to the famous, ,, Anatenirof
Prom the Berton !Thanscript., • .
werirAefore ns by' limes. Welby ;evil: the :fel
lowing opinions,' beliefs Mal superstitions which history
litoratur,e afford iManYlnaimer , Pertaining-0.140 d
may be called the mysteries of humanity.. Life and
tijap,.tho auttnre of pie SOVl;Spiritutd: life,'• Mental - '
uomens, beliefsnd skepticism, death, the resurrection,:
+attd'discnstedandilfnstiatedfrothtbo highest san-:
dimities, from tradition mai Sciipture,Egyptian legeteis
and iChitatidni facts. :13ieek ,
tress. A truly relitious,spirit pertadesthe„bnok : it' is'
'the result ofpdtient skirch; and 'to ' th e . philosopher,
thelisychologilt, he, physieligist—to • the - parlous,. the Mons, the hernatte; apPealr'iritlf (Virtu:id frinuerit
kg°7o,e'W, luggestioriglfaspiitaidni,' f
'' - •' ' G. OItEGIAT, - Etiblieher;
June,l7. „.
6 6 . VO I SES:!' , --TuEiß' , 7 SI ONlVldAls.tog.
: .11Inspnted, with -ongrallngs_of
,the ROW;1
0 iecian; Negro; " enlestial;4oinelinii,turninp.
and , Pug Noses. with ; the character, revealed" by each
idirkSl-bine, blick; or gray. TAprkt44htn, nig 016. pr rall
and red,prita. or pouting, beetling , or, Atevs*-
large or small. Has—light - or dark, coarse .or fine,'
streight -or I.carly.l(CuAaT.
irregular. st-thin,; or tlionfp,, et,i;e , or
colored: Pena—regnlor or Itarts—huge or,
L ateen.. _Nr. ex-rlddg or , short...•ligAw•trongli IntootfL
All' to be ataplY iflustrhfed With emniings. Thema,
Se% laugli Ind'yoice, o.ll74ndicate.chstattel.: W.e.thaY •
know an honest face from. A dishonest one, and we will
hew, iffieSidea; the. bove; welthall:treat
-notoor,,or,the Natural History, of Man: of PIIISIDIAM,
And O n rds* -AT and 41`eilst; o 1 PsisiouiidaliJbr
Slaps of. character, and- how to_ read tbetn,; pf Puna
ltornoti the Thiloic.niki tif Rind and of PArbitolbhr,itee
Science of th,e§oul. Meer with referencoto rel9,i
'thins °flan, ar,cialOntelredtual eldHtnal, kid *hat
each-can do hest, will be eincidate4). ln;Oft
xew.voinzue commence! guly.lst A hatdpcolnet qq94o
ideally. it 'ontr:sl`.So 'teal.: Sittig° numbers, IS
mut& • Please addymyON'ilpl h NVRl,l,i4_3oB , ,lltona.,
way; Row lark: '[dune - 17; 833!31.;
x _ll-2;"GiltAt 61' ittl-'
two; Price 6 cts: Loc;ure t,y Dr. EtAvervell, op the'
Cause and Cairo Of Speitnatto'rrbte4-Doinnimptiori; &tem , '
tal and Physical. Debility, NerVOClrcSg. EPTI -3 3r DR.
pared MatritlOM . of the itodyi; thatitadet West esS of the
Llmloaml 34¢ - Badrg,lndießosttioni land .I.Ucapticlty for
"Ztndkand' Lab'cir;. Dhlhiess drApprellonsion toss 'of
Memory; Pkvergon Lb Boclety ;I..Mfecrf s9 l ltudel T.lnlidf
tYt'Bidf-Dlstrist ;Itfizlnesa Ifeadache ; Affections of ilia •
Eyes ; on! = InvoluutaryniDnmli,lens,
- and - aextillntapaclty ; the Consequences 'IA Youthful
3110telcretibuot6:otcli. • ; ,} : ri
Mr Title .pultuirnble Lecture clearly proves that the
&bon:Mann tratek atoll evils; miry 'De.:
moved vithqut medfolne and.vothout OriAgerona eurgi
tsl and ahotild be Temlby At ers ybuth and
every man in the land., • t,,
lett nadir seal; Way adlreks,ln a plain; sealtil sifeve..
lope, on the recolpt of sizc,ents tri,4:l lo staile staxaPa)
'by -= 1 " ' ctitSSO: ELINMS CO:,`
127 80wery ? .15154 Yor,lt i ;"ol4 OfflOoiEol4w.,
Foy', dub;
. _
* - ',iiittip.,`,-;45?). - 944;iih of
4 I
GVZki PLATIV. liergone hemina trorri on)
Artj cint4Terluoilatt4 tiffoti) l 3ol4sateatritkezcep
can obtain the Xgliest price, either in
Vithtir extlinte tor Oentrittbrittr tallingritiett
DR. J. K, R D, Dentin,. -
terrier ataliin an o .iletiristredV 4 thotv-WiriathYairs
Drug Iltbre, Chembeniburg,, Pa. Jun o 10 63.8 m
, ~ . ..._ ,
,AVitl),-4860 -05 f,, caliontl , a I—W,
want Agentf ati6iia. l :23onitijez`peilse`iiiirtid, to
Ben aue)Everhtitiag-nensi , 000/tIVAT6I4II,-.ltind
thiikeenotbefnew useturand - crolottii, altlclek Big
'tel ll *cilia* • Attettee. 4,110e00. r -.- -11-0?- r., 1 )
, . saor.:t CL S,
'l-313.i.jOarrt.. :- .- , s I'R - Bidddroid,Zabfe, '
- not 1 9 hiP/Agento "eviory - ;itliwatrliat 1.76,8
zatonth;expotioes traM, to 'set nir now cheap Fanil4'
Siwlog.'/OcchPit's, - 4d4lTek
134ip 41,fred lifatne.
,0 1 IA : ENT. , r 9; *Ts *4'
DIOLLING.IIO .ff.%ingi4cieltte Office of
the 04 1 414 , 11104,, EnitolB,•±Ar;
`••• • •
- - 6,8114'.--linnditisrmal support of erery teeit
e T e *strident te:infnatctliCexlitift'7ltrocions'iObol
lien els, in my humble judgment.. tlie best kit of loyal.
ty, and every men asting frain the public abed./
tertftinfred,roCehbriebra r eonailthepeeplitaint.
not i bbidecelficf, Ilk-Dere sai the - uvirdidatte Sehohave
offered theMseh'es-for theMapporter thelasien Conven;
gowate pa 'eye/ as,/ alniblzt 4 fed it-to be .rrry dtitYit4l
say that in, all - things I . siristabilha Administration.
On thoplatibrin orancenditiorial lenity, I againAline
nr3 solf AS a candidate for the Mike efCLERX oF TAR
COUISTS--enblect to-the decision of the approaching
Convention. Ifil - blirtiiebinilittakied,l gilt trY to
do ray duty. If some, ether ~Cfmadidsla is nominated, --
tiesever fps Shall bate try.'vrinsierr support and my
most earnest etfortaSer.irte -election. „
—' • ' • = - 1 1 .1113NRY 3111/011;
, -136terksawn as- thel 4 .l;Arginia,Tatior.l!7r
- Orienatstle, Ms/13'63-M -
C l.- '
- `74IBASURZ.R.—FeIIow
Oaten! —lincouragedsy,a mum erisf j'aendo,
cher myself to yotmconelderitlon ea, oezpmndate for,
office inVotinty. Vaasa! erl suldeelto the declaloriot the
Alaimo Nominating Convention.
'Bg.Thenlic;llo 27s , rf$C ' ELD EB
, 193:14,Att opldisoNedto * cerfahkextbet„ hope lam
facedown! net expo Wine to. Call to Bee them colons
tQ , Ole Nemiectlov., i• !, . awf ;
r earty OTTIONQTARY.—;FeIIow , Cif• zens of 'Franklin Connty:—'rltankipt yen forlorn,
• and liberal support on a former occasion tor Oki
Jiticu or Prothonotary ofsaideounty, M tk ennonneie
Myebiraiii•earidtidete for' the. notniontion at the next
'Reeting.of thalTnion. beauty, Cony:4lo°n; ddedfdrittukft
self,sif ridininatOdah'd (dented tofill theottlee with
kit.-, , OlarchAVdM•te,) • LAIXANNON TkYLOX•I3
ER.—/Ittnry - Stria:ter of Antrim Township,
candidate fa andisidorder.for PrOnktin 4 'Oniti
ty suhjectto the next 'Colon Nardi:toting Oonyenti^
and limit retpeot fit& Volietti theritiptiort of a I ' Un iod
Mon. • May 6 '634c,,
1111110BOT40,4WTAIIT.--tql, t taw. solipi r
tation Of a., nimbor of my Mott T. offer ,m aitt
candidate for the oe bf Protium° rr, subject - tb tbl
'Union NoutinattPg Convention.
Olianateg k May . • •' `_'JOAN
. .
AV-11Y ',COYLE b6'a cAndil
j doe 4,2 1% EEC; TSVZ R IND ,REORDER
Nrnuklin Cennty;sutgeot the deaden of the 'Linton
'tiptop:matt tlonvention et}iti Couptt.
'ldercerstinig, Afriy
- ASE '.,00'Ri).81t..- 7
jl o 7o7drlts W. tiyil7io . !' d6on'fiiitteilip; will toe.'
cuudidate for Itegist r, undliecordur : of ii:ran!illn. con*
ty, subject bi ,tbeSle'dision idt'tfie Union is omitustini
Cunveuticm. May 6,-'63.0;11
pp - u - wrs.wm.
'11 4 .} IL BROTIIEILTON will be a candidate for Clerk(
the Courts, ebbjeet Ebe lidielbatielv of the
ontity Convention..
- I:Waynesbitoi, Jutiall,A334o.l • ; ,; • • - • J.,
C,9F ""
THE C0V11T8... - -,LThI)
, undersifned 5414 be wcanditintp, iterate •the &nib.
luting - Convention ot the trialati'pakky "efthit, bounty; tti*"
the Aire uf el . tnit,,erthe.poute - ,,L
mpoqs,.e.s. ' W. G.KrionEtt.
ILIOR OtERK. 0Y1141 . 41 bouxiTB2,•
J.: —Jain Littler, of Green s
Tows a K frill be ri Cal:tar
ot° for the nomittatton for Cant of the. Conrts,,fitthjfct.
tOth'e f7nion lionifiiiithittoiientfonbf Frankßh Court.
Criswell will be . a - candidate roz: County Treasurer'
entlect to the iltionliominatindeofentiott of Fan/4
tin County. Green, toWnship, May 13; '6B-tc„
OT 11 ON b i l l Aki r ..--Tf. Jr,
:Poir'ei r e ehir iao7(kuidiiht6 , iiottionot Ot7, it:11
,ImA to the Union :Nominating Convention' of ,Frankill -
County. April '63.1
ClNirs t eattinit•Vort i s!cc.
teude to the. busicess,ip all its' Tali= ,braarhes..:Pst.
tictitaP'attention ofd lAyitig
Having the advtunagenf a btrge,cnspre, an& of buyingll.ll' ; Stank . 6eati roi-cash; he eStiftiralsh
at lot errata than nny.Othei estahlistnnent in towtriir
bounty. -Iler dues not as Chair,ilakerlffer his services,
&dim aa% Iqyaker of ififtais experi t Lae
blintzes:: Persons requiring the services. of an Under
enhel% for-their families or friblidspitotqd find it inattif•
ally to their advautago to give him a call. • ,
preliiiretttO lift rte ficabia.dindo,T, the;mitri
mar months, any length et tithe, Having purchasq.4 taa
eitiusiveright to•nae • • •• • ~...
Snider's Improved Methorietr Coieris - ag Co .
ut nn meeedingly low rate. And als? having a new and
latittn. KEAP4 I 3. hEbiipreparad3wlnralsh'
exiy part stlthecsuary desired. Jo Ap_at for .
Orders :dada his'absehasie atliteit shorild tie-14
his residence ? West Market Street, -opposite ; motto
:Mtg.; . - pane 11(53t."7
VFW' 'llOl5
Eillndersiirdir rifspil3 , ihnoimeeg die
vitizno of Chambersburg, and,TicirdWthat bo has t0k.02
Abo imidedifitt4 the , offibo of Tr.'Sbiair
iserott on Main cared : , w.hore i tte reAds r,;o4pufgFtlits
mars-discriptfort - '
• CABINET-WARE, • ' - ',` • ;. f
tUCV B Seal;, , ;.. Parljatilet4 i- etarittichlifirelir
ia - rebes, ' 'fire sai da. Dreeshm do.
• tiotegfiel i• • ,• I Mitantr,•inefa;•l 'i taw, Stistp, -if t
lounges, - .toek Cr , ,
,Wash Standa, t
Itocking - Ohalia; ' ','floneetittlesy• - f firedsteads, an. •,1
line Par, do. Clothes Horan; new style.. - ..,
- 1111itatiVeanitiinttkIlbY hiail'il;Wiiiiinted,ironi tie
finest &Z. down to the most coMmetotork.' . '. i i 4
- 1..... . -;,11:1-rt % , : z,t , .4-... .... 1.7.44,1, •.1 4, i .
• ' COA'RINS. -- - - 4 .
... 3 , ' I, 3 , ~ s ~.. , ~: • ~...„;-,. • - .• -: In
'' Par 'tictilatatteration-wilf be given. to the inakinLof
Coffins of any desirentetyloattratcreftersi.t
va„,,Remember, when yrs trisy„your - Aura:ire' fres
DAVID W. ClittraMMOnbrif oat* the lat.:Staten
and thelyeatel -- 1 ?: .
~,,, 1 -..• 4; - -,,,. • 1 -
June 37;ue. • i n s ___Di:eittossmAx.
slibftaber Aafortzuk the pato*
ihatliObiatinues tinienandidtuideirtheiiriatil
liit*ne f Made. ilietory,MionMeat QgeepEtreet, a
doors fromblain. 4e has always on band',ot le prepared
markkfacttrelk'nPolgitherntiot natteiN Cane Battle
and Windijor Chairs, with Plain AndgurWri BedFteoge f
Pier =dead! 'lntaelii tlititeauliWith So n
mad kook
-;13111.11114(14Ts1 alitflohaiiiiikitt&idea to iijih i pl4tia•
nets and deopateb i BpfirBg,PAAT9SiGi
bninctimigiieetited by odMpetent be,.-• • - •• • -
PAPPIC trAIWINGre-Partioulay,_ attention will, ,bps
aci ti ff s department aridJaabjefltetfo'n 1n every' in
stance guateed. _, • ; • ; .
Ifakrifrg- ran emptiyelainitHeitititiaterithcii" iitdompetOnt
Ansbr:tbe undersicaoA (colaonaaed - pfi being anabied_3o
All nil entail; irth Vrolintatato manner; and, seepetfult*
sairle• '1 liarini
Jape 17,1863.
CLLEA- 1 " 041111111
=sot to Jahn °roe.) ANUFACTEMEM, -011,01111,W
and CABIRET-WXRE, Moto street; three doOM BeMtio.
Stl* c fqßW.VßßitP"!kte asnbe 2 i 3 burg•
birid , *64,6 gads 44okt:tett:red in. tbatipana obrilply ro
sdoridf Aeatly,',OxpeditToriirlyriaalL , '&044: iit V43wlPlite
CoorOrr.. . • - T
'`ice= Itopoliini of On Ike ,
of boom
promptly, at !moderate
. J
I J ii ~i
• Oli,cllED - 10 - 13.
' 0014 A
rera v re c tilin# 282 s MettradAreft,Act 807 it:LWyttq'
Streocalkive Iligtthrirtike iheg va °Part"
Ifyrcedpykck c+t A :,;;; - ,
pAAVII4§, - 74-41rf
Beddiii_ T
P.441.1.igh 4 V /,!! YAR /0 , 04- la VA- Z171:44
Wart/ 1341,91% - •
• '04,14 wiit &LW ti
TOYt n ec''' 2 .P 8 "9 ,11 4 1 1 cr: . :'
i sa
- ,-Nnirrasto.tra:
0. 1 /NTMirlatiark*r th 6 REPO 3
fircOnAltusse =sham t 4 twoosat tosamdifTla
Si #ill pay,,for,fb - o jiEPOS -
14. rozr-ton yiez to 4 litit're aNish
April, 29, ,ate.,-