El TIM BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. A. Full Account o e Threi Bays) Conflict -Ks a conhected nariative of ,the memoratfe battles fought on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,' t4e Ist, 2d and-3d of July, neai Get-. tysb,nri,.-41- ., '4qatns county, Pennsylvania, 11111 viltiable'for reference, and also satis beery as a resume of the details furnished in ,our-despatches, we think :the following carefully written account will be acceptable tiffr?n,tr. reiclers Gen. - Meade took comtnand of this army en Sunday, the 28th ult. At that time his headquarters were .at Frederiek,:and Lee's nt Hagerstown. ft will be- seenpat he was the southviest, and; Cousequently,injhe lear of the. foe,' imminently thiveateninb ., ' hi p s line of retreat. The army of the Potomac began its campaign from that moment. ' Or ders were issued to the several' col:ps to move early in the evening,_ and on the raornink•bf, e 29th our whole brilliant and hopefel. hest Intas in'reotion towards Pennsylvania.' The, First, Third and Fleverith' corps'encanip4 4n Tuesday at Eminettsburg; the Se, cond n i nd 'Twelfth alSo_pitehed their tents near by : The Sixth cops marched - to Carlisle Wed; - xiesday• morning, the first day'of this Month': ibrever,memorable.. - The First Corps, und'e'r.' Makir-Genoal Reynolds,,,and Eleveilf4, under :Major:General 'Howaid started ikbr Gettysburg; Bsynolds'..lieberunttmd, therafrived 'The corps, in. the advance, Marched' , directly through ' the town. . The`enemy_wasdiScovered posted i3x a wood le, the westward, -near- the Luther-, nn •Theolegiefil Seinfbary: The beginning of tale three days' conflict Was at hand:. - . •;! THE. EATTIE:.Or WEDNESDAY. One - . Whoibi-41-heen in the "_,prestince, whe . sow Sits abiong , tliO echoes, and whose brain' beeinswitli rushing memories of a conflict so recent and. So-Vast, may well paiise before at- - lempting _ to indicate its magnitude, er de iteribe ita progress.. . Bashtis the advance of Oen. ReynOlds has-beehpronounced by - many • 'firefber otriCers who now'lairient his death, I pstion whether it wan.not after all for this. ii t:' - It served-at Onde as,,,a reconnoissance; ' ive4novettient which that enemy might have bowing _the enemy's exact position,and pro,, _a , hie 'force, and as check upon, any otlen ,ol-itit .upOlze.,:it secured:.tlie_Armyof t e e Potomac the .commanding position- on 'emetery Rill, from which the battles of the wo o succeeding days were chiefly fought, and. h ich, had the rebel commander anticipated. e enongement,-shet would doubtless 'have. ttncured himself. 'Not less, perbaps,-than , e skill-of the generals who directed the ttle on oar _side, gave ~us the ilietory. en, therefore, the heroic First. Corps and 'lid its fated' commander -placed , themSelVes in the terrible -.dilemma of VY ednesday morn ling, they won-a knowledge-by their sacrifice !worth ail - the world' to us : thereafter. The liorps marched in the 'following•,order: First vision; under - Gen. -"Wadsworth; 'Third tteries, under Col. Wainwright; 'Finirth_ 'vision, under Gen. Doubleday ; _fiveTall -division, under Gen. Robinson. , -,,,, _ • ' " - 1. „ 'A portion of our artillery took positiOrt- half ' trinite South of- the Seminary. The enettik. firieneirtire an it with iheh fierceness its forced he batteries to retire,,-which they rornmeneed. dikilig in good 'order: 'Gel:lr.:Wadsworth lin inediately 'conk to their aid; two 'of • hii_ rmititerits, the 2d Wistionsin and the-Twen- • ty-Fourth. Michigan charged :the Rebel in: , Sanity; forcing' them in turn. to- retire. '-.' The batteries assinised• an excellent position fur, - the i r in the rear;"Veliichthey„ held durinn. the • day. Geri. Reynoldi - now rode ,forsverd.tO ; 44' pect-thOfteld'and ascertain't he - most favor= - We-line for thedisposal Of his troops::-One -•• 'Olio mernberi:of his, staff were with him': - e enemy atlhat instant poured in a Cruel nsketry fire - upon the group of- bilicerss; a, ullet struck 'Gen. .Reynolds .-in.'tlie' nark, ; ounciing him.- -mortally; - Crying:Nadi - out, E h voice that thrilleiPthe hearts:of - fns 'soldiers, ' 'Forward! for. GOd's - Sakti; forward!" ,he Inturned for an instant, beheld. the prderdbeyed y a line of shoutingqiifantry, arict.;talling; nto the arms of Capt. Wireox.,- his aid, who •ode beside him, his-,life went out with the t i ordsr,c'l Good God;- Wilcox, I am killed." ' - 'i 'The nornmand 'el:the corps devolved upoti. • Gen.. Dohbleday,', Who hurried tq the -front; . laced if in positibn; and• s aNyalted a Charge, hich it - was seeatlig.rebelS - : vir - ere abeut to An ke. eminence lin ,whereon.steo• piece ~riieds was the traportaht point,- thence; rtb,tobed.tfeaded.. - „, The, i rebe).4 nairtinceil i d . reaustantly'ebarged uphii .."by „Meredith's ' ,o;peried2tire , "from their entire line:.:' - They os.fiern brtadi s- i-,3vlro,v4tlrOiit firinin shot, =1 t with',:ai 'tremendous` ,clieer,2liielleil furl t;'" ar..d with such swiftness;c-? ,-- • till - ;,.44 lr dliild . eierly 'WO of 'he feo, who were taketcpris ,%J., *:"A -, ,Stritrigl, column immediately : , ad +: - d`' against-;usfront the ,wOods.. and, - . ... , ..'s into • '• .g . k,',volley,afhir valley was pohided tOni,,,,.'aaa not', wager. ',`,Titeir;prOinciity Lind ingth i itt hiSt beeamb . so :Ibreatening , that e brikacks Of the, Second' divisitiewersi or ered to inake'. another charge - ,:which; was . , , ven more'snecessfid. than _the. • drst. j( Their 'S 4 hirt, b l a * yot e a fa n d ~ C'.a .S 'f i ii 0 1 a drivennclie tie „ lial retreat, more than tweire,i-inientsfall eohmelesawtuertne• itlag-into•our-bantla.„alive.-_ Our-ranks:iiiffer- . ` 4il fearfully its this demonstration; and it was eyident that such .fighting could not long. go. - en.; The Eleventh corps no*' made its are , : ,martivice, and its General clioward - yassumed otiontiraanci Of the forces. :bteinwelir Was or-. „fered,tOhold Gettysburg and' Cemetery hill r tnll his artillery being placed la 'the latter - sition. The other twO divisions of the ~ 1 iivecith, corpse under,,Shultz and Barlow, ii ehsiipported the First Corps,, on the ,right in time to resist two desperate: chaxges by ,I;well's, troops. 4 third charge. was -now 4,afidis by theentire rebel frrre infioat; which Artnprised tliecorpiofllill and Ewell, sixty _ two.-thousand strong. The shOch was awful. ,The, superior numbers , of the,,foe enabled - - theta to, overlap bothdur flanks, -threatening us with shirounding' arid capture. - Their main effort was direted against our left Wing• ;old- •notwithstandii4--.tht., gnpant -fighting • 'Anne by' onr 'lioldieralit- that point, they, at /mt . obtained such s'advaritage that Gen. - Seward-'warfare rOtiro.;hiti command through th`iTtowatothe east, which was done, Allgood order,lheicethpliments-ef the rebels xiieitnwhile - fallin6 thick ain'ongj it, in the, shape „ of slielh;irelie . and _canister. The • IWO - corPs'weie..plAced, in lititi bf 'battle - on' , Cemetery Rill iitvening; hiving withstood', '- during,the entireAtiy_ the assaults of an en-. einY ; oiltnoinbering theta three to'one., Not Without grief, not without `misgiving,_ did -Vie Officers and soldiers' of thoiemcorps, con ' ,template: the day's etigagetnent, ' and 'await, the - onset they' 'believed-' Was' - to , dome.' Their 'comrades layin heaps beyond,the vil-, ;ago Whoie,spires gleamed peaceenllyin., the jitinset before theta. Reynolds the 'belOyed,, And,,the brave, Was - 6ad, and Zook sliffriber . ' lid bbside him. Barlow, Path, Anaily 'field - , Ka. scores of line officers had' been• killed, .Ttie men of tlzb.First corps alone could in few instances thin tospCtilt to'the ones who • .atood lipsidO . ,thezu ili,the 'morning without,' meeting with a vacant spa Ce.- The havoc in that corps !was sOLfrightfur as to decimate it fail andrthitt„inthe EltOW l , l norp's , iaobly rescued rt.:OM the - shspicloW*hielf rested upon #befolie— r Wns yeateci I e,4great. Yet 'the little army flibahed ready,to , fall'-'ai3Othereliad ti-ken to the . last:man.' 'With What' a - thrill of relief Gen.' Howard, whci bad sent messenger after mes senger during the day to Slocum and Sickles, EAV in the distance at evening - the approaching bayoneth of the Third and, Twelttlf only they can tell who fought beside...bin - I:" 'ThO - se, corpa:arrived'assamed4kisititniA-IW - the right and left.9f the First nnitEleventh , on the heights Asout Cemetery 1:13i11( atjdi,isk. , The enemyinade-ne - further 'demonstration Abet might, _Gen. Meadq, pn4 staff at,rived.-- beforell. o'clock. The ebiriniander then ex amined in the and ,PoStesi: the ,severalj corps in the following order: the Twelfth ISlocum)on-the'right, the Xleventli (Howard) next, the - SecoiicitHnncoek);'„V.irst day),,ancl Third",(lSiekles),lW:the - cente - r; ....the Fifth .(Sykes):. On ;the extrOniiffleft.' -The sit-. uation was brilliant, :Commanding. 'tor al - ' first -,t* :history or this army's-cam - belonged - A4 advantage in.the, decisiiel:attleS - ivirich ensued. - - ~, " 111.• heights - on- -Which. -our troops' _Were posted;:Sloped gently, mdow' nAv'ard - froirr our front, -I Tho stretched in a serni,clicieH, its Cenvestentre , toivard Gettysblirg;-the - ek r ,' tiernes:toward-c'the south - West ,and south: . •LUdges tin the intetior.sides gitye our soldieks some instances pailial sheltdr7frOiti=.4lQ: tillery.,_ Every rOad•was 'commit - tided by aay cannolwand,the ioutes;by which' Lee might otherWiSe: soonest retreat in 'case of,lid * de feaf,Wore alrijn our possessicin. At ,every •one weaker than others reserci,werutjdi•- biou4yArsted,-"and the cavalry—iin arm - Of • tke:servicti "scarcely brought into plaY in -some rebent and destructive.liattleik•--pi4tee- Iffil bath Our--flanks iiiimmehse"nUitibers.- I Thui. the gie - 4"thillyliiy::dowit to ilepp at aitike„mt - the morn: of s 6 day - more Erintru_mhry,tharCtike losti., • . _ „ BiTTLE ON TEItrieSDAT. SpActaele tlfe...'‘ un of... Thursday rOse , , the'reiernor of at least - that tlOrtion of oar.forces who witnagsed it froin. Cemetery linger', Fronfits, crest the mil.zzles - Of pointed to iVar,dr'the h Gls 4loyand 'the town: bluffs' to the'ri:ght;:ancl-left additional artillery froini. : -- -ed, :and away on ;either side, in u.graceflif and' ,majestic curve, thousands ; of infantry mated into battle line, their bayonets gleam-, i;likejer . pents' scales.'. The roofs of Get; tyshurg.in thaValle - ylielafi, the rigiir Waeif- - iarid.along the ,borders of, Roak creek, the, - Orchards ihr thAvii` ,on the left, the fields, gide:a and beautiful, in whickthe cattle, lacTO calu'lly grazing, composed a ..scene 'of such' pace as it appeared wis never made, to lie marred by the clangor of battle. i' l strolled out to/the cemetery ere and devi was yet melted from the grass, and leaned - against a inonument ta listen to the-singing of birds. One, 'note, milder than the, rest; 'had just, bro.- - ken_from the,tbroat of an . oriole:hr ithe` foli— age above me when the sullenirattle of.-mus ketry on the 'left told that skirmishing had begun. Similar firing lioo - u' 'opened along the entire rebel Brie, !and although no nota ble deinonstration was made - during the fore:. noon, it was apparent drat the enemy was feehiiia our strength prcliiniriary to rouse de clAii* Wert. The day wore on*full of anxious suspense. It was not until four o'clock in thecifternoon: that the enemy'girve, voice:in earnest'. He then began- - a heavy fire 'On. CorieteF.Y.' Hill: It 'must not be thought - :that — this , i wrathful fire,Was unanswered. Otir artillery' I began to.-play Within a 'few•inonfona and burled back defiance and like—dektotiction tipon'the rebel lines._ Until Six o'clock- the roar - of cannon„,trie'ritsb of missiles and the blirsting of beillbs---•filled all the air._ ".T_-he', clangor:alone:, of „this- awful 'combat might well- hate confused and, awed -a less cool and Watchful-comfnander than. tzenerztil'SSeade; It did not eorifUse him.' "With " the caleitla-, tion of a tactician and the ve of un ex ieri-, cncedjudg,Ad Walchhil from his headquar ters on the hill whatever'. Movement under' the murky..clond which cnveloPed the rebel lines miglit'ilrst disblose the intention which 'it was evidenethis , : artillegy firing eoverda., About six o'cloOk silence, deep,'' fully nutted as )f V_lriagic-to dwell upon the . -Only the groapunnherird before of the Iwouli. (led andZying, only. :4-lie t tiMinaur--a -morn. in,qrciemory—of the biceze through the fo liage, .checked,-thut, could.. not ftitly, resteahi I it. Ltit - Lk; fallii try_ingA;eheering, the men. reiiied,_ The i • bb,(f.ls came sn Tore furiously,. halting at intervalspouring..,;yqlleys that struck our -tr-oops down.n .. i.Sl:dres: • - - • General Sickles, fighting.desperately, was struck du --tliejeg and fell. The 2d Corps come to - the - aid of his' deeintaterVOlum - n.- -The battle- then grew featful. -Standing firmly up against the storm, our troops, though still outnumbered, ~ g ave back, shot. for shot, volley for volley, almost death. for death. 'Still, the enemy was not restrained. Down he came upon our left-with a momen-. tlim that nothing could check. The rifled guns that lay before our infantry on a knoll were in danger of - ciiptitre. Gen. Hancock was'Wthirtded;4k , the thigh, General Gibbon in 'the shinilder.' The sth CorpS, isthe - Ist and 2d wavered anew, went into the breach • with such shouts and such - Volleys lii -- made the rebel 'cOlitmti tremble at last. Up froth) the valley behind; another battery came roll-, ine• to the heights and flung, its contents' in; an instant down in the midst of: the etierties, ranks. Crash! Crash! with flisChargeadatif ening, terrible, themusket4itring Veit the enemy, - rpfertaing, after'each - diseharge With we - mining celerity and' firmness; 'slag pressed up the declivity:.' 'What hideous carnage filled the, Minutes bet Ween the- ap penranee of the flth Corps, and the advance -to the ;support the columni stfill ahotheii',:eollimn - ircith' the ' - ,right, I art .- not} 'bear to 'tell; 'Men Mt - thttlegvei fall'itt, autumn before those horribles'aiichargeS:L:-; Fitifiring'for int iifStatit, the rebel columns;' seethed aliont;;torecefie before 'the' tenipist.) gut their - effihers i - who beseett throught, the smoke of the eonflict"gallOping ; ,and sWitighig their` - swords ral-1 lied them' anetv, arid the, next instant they whole line iprimg forWard.'as if to break; through Mir ,o'Wn -? bY mere - weight of 'rabbi-, II bars; -- A division frointhis 12th Corps fr'o'm] ;the right reached the scene at this nistatit,? ~and at the same time Sedgwick came up, Frith i' tbe 6th corps,' haying_ finished- 'a march of' nearly thirty-Sir. consecutive TO what resew they eame,' - their officers alliv and _Old theta. ' 'Weiiq as theyyiero; baraaptel alp franidin, titpositoin, gEbambtraintrg, Pa. :ed; hungry, $t to .drop for slumber as they , ',were, the wislifor . .'yMtory was so blended hvith _the- thotight of exhaustiotr , that they. • iiasf tUrn'aan masse into line of ,I;hitttle,.. , ,and went 'dirvirti on the enemy' with (14ith weapons and cheers on.their ''-Oe'relpel, camel's back was broken by, this ferithe:r:u— His line staggered, reeled, ,mod drifted slowly back, while the shouts' of our, soldiers lifed up amid the roar of must, ketry - over the bodies - of the dead and woun , s ded,• priclaimidb the eotiapletEiness victory the division' of Slot' cam's corps"Mi - the"eitrercie right left its pest to, jointa this. triumpli, _another column _of ithe enemy;Mideri ebturnand of another, i.*ell, hailHdiditted under=, against our Weiikeifed iNV,ing, , iditss,the failUo 10-turn.ol,F became known it - seethed determination I . o%E'onquqi': ittbiAiwi,Ptthe:field overcame alike the enemy's fear of death and his plan. -for -- victory %elsewhere, - The fightirirwa's terrific, dridl4, fiftesti..minutes the attack which_ the tlitle,diViSiptis of, the 12th corps` -7e-re sublatedwas7intirefilidouS flak_ 'any- I tithing ever-In'iwi `in the historycf'this~'ar 'their.,supportl" the 4.4 ,gorps followed; and frOnf du:sit-into dare s, oniii half :vast nine. o'clo4; - t6&< battle raged Ni . 011,01 • 19d for - tuner and'dnabte:' red fury. Ouk- troops yore ..compellc&-by 'overpowering,/minb . ers---to4all-'back a shcirt ,, 'distance;:fibanclening, `i).dvantagecius/2poiition , to 'the enemy,. wha hinighty over / his ad' antage and. 'neade-,desk partite by defeat in other`,,guarters,•tlicritalifie ea last f -stru'ggling eharg,4:itgainst that divist ion;l6k our right wing coininanded Gett*: . GefrO.:, l General,,Geary'l- freciya _ immortal=. tligingelxesl;by:;,their resistance to•thii_ .litteM y rt:-,' : "They Stood-like adamant, a Move less, machine,' before whose volleys the rebel Withered 'and went liy.'hundreds After a slaughter in= -1 ,cdriceiVtible-f_tlie - rmulse. of ,Ewell : wascem `plete, and he'retiral, at ten' o'clock to ,-, 1 _the position. 'before referred - to, The firing,ll from all"- - quititer,of. the field ceased soott at ter, thathour, Trod no other attack-was Made r until morning, "r! _ TII.I._BATT-LE Or ritlDAr. As 'OrEQ;Avho stands in Efiotver and looks down 'lengthy pageant _marching th rough- alliciratighfare;gl ads it innipssible i l / 4 p the eloso~ to recall~i#z ,oider the appearances And the:iii6idiaits"of , :th6,seenb, so _Li who'sif this evening' 'on a cam P-stoat beside the tains-: t-vf the 3n - ornament aghinst :which Fleandd lie- teititig;to'the,mbire of yesterday; find iriva-; PtisiblbeltKriecall.withrdistinctness the details -pf Ahe'unparailelect - battle,just blosed: 'The 'Conflict,' Waged7hY,l6o.',9l)(l-nien, which . lA'r occupied, with scar - ad - Yr art interval of - resti the entire_ :day,,,frpm.:l A.l,!af-until 6 o'clock thisevenitig; - contains so Muchao near, and such' - Vphiminoils: matter of ,iiitereit as cue mind.!;c:afinot grasp without time - for reftOci: fiat.- „„, .--TbelaSt engagemeat.has been the fiercest Mid most.sariguinary Ofthe war. It was be gun at daylight - by Gen. , ,,Slocam„--whose , troopsimatidencd - by the ; log of ,many com rades, and eager to istrieve the position lost by them on the yr - deeding evening; advanCed ..ana_tieliieiOil a destructive fire against the .'rebeg - "unde . r ,That general's entire TOrce reaponded.with a' charge that is merrio-r. cable even beyond those Made by them Yes terday. ;It was deaperation 'against courage ! The lire of Ilic=7- enemy was mingled with” • y,elfa, pitched even above its clangor. They eatee on„and on, and on,While the national troops, splendidly handled and wellliostek stood unshaken to receive them. The fire, :tylth - Which' , , they did receive them was so rapid aritts=a, thick as terlekiveloPerthe ranks of its AeliveriXs7.witli; ipalt that shut them Thiel 'sight 'thiring the battle which raged - thenecorwrir&,fOr six drWlholi`rs. Out of this pall' n i - strag.o6itame to the rear. Theline searceyyllinened from its position -during the:entire conflict. Huge masses of rebel infantry threw theniseives into it itirain. and again in, vain. :Back, as a ball hurled' against Ar"rock, these- masses recoiled, and. were rdo - rmed to be - Thirled . anew against ,with-n i herceness unfruitful of iticeeSs- , --irtilf-' of carnage.; as before/ The strong posi; ton occupied by Gen. Geary;•and that neld by Gen - : Birney; met the first and; hardest". assaiilts e but only fell back ii short: distance before' fearful odds, to rezatlvance/td, re-as sume and .to hold theik place in company with Sykes' division of the . , -.rifthic'orps'and Hum phrey's (Berry's old:diyiion) of.the. Third,' whan . , , judiciously T . einfOrced with: artillery,- they realeWed andtoritinuedthe contest until its close, -It moiled' as if thagray;uniforined. treop,s,„ v . r,h=t3' were "advanced and re-advanced. by theii= of leerl upTiii - the very "edge - Pf' the line of sraoke",:iii front of .ocir iniuntry, were' impelle'dtry sjime terror in theirrear, which they We're as unable .to ',withstand as they', were; to' make headway against the tire' in their; front. It VITA - hard to ,believe such *.desperationivoluntaiy.'' it.waS 'harder toes-, liege t,liat the cofirage which withstood 'and 'de eatdd..„it s w*Mertall; • enemy' gradually 'drew for Ward his Whole line until in many places a hand to bfind centlict *ra,ged for-minutes: Hi.Fertil lery,ensWered „ti-ylinis r played upon ourcol .4triu`S With frightftiliiiesult, yet they 4.,hinot, fiattle*Siiis "way . evenly :Contested/for tc'time,-;bur 'it a time,when.it . Seenied-Ir9blethafieal which side , would gain th4- .. - Aletcry . ,- - 'a reinforcement arrived and . \verb. fornied. 4itsuch a, position as to enfilade tliefeneink'ancirteach him - at last, the fuillty-of hilt aorta., - -Disorded,- routed, and &infused, his - whoy force retreated, and - tit 11 - -o . clee.kthe - battle .ceased and, the stillness, of death -ensued. The . ailenee,e6ntinea.until.;2 r. u. At this moment the rebel artillery frdik all . points", in a circle radiating around our own, began-,a terrific- and eacentrated fire on Uemetery'llill, 'which 'v,`Tas held, as I , have previously stated,' by the Eleventh and ecotenorp's. - The' flock, - Of pigeons, which,. not ten minutesprevious had darkened the sky 7aboVe,.!were . - ecurcely - thicker than- the; flock of horrible missiles thatnow, instead of sail-, -harmlessly. above, descendedupon our , position. The atmosphere Was - thick with shot and shell, - The storm broke upon us so . -iiiiddenlY' - that soldleis - and officers ---Who= leaped, as it began, from - their tents, or from, la4y tiettas 'On the grass—Wero:striekeiw in their rising with mortal' wounds and died, some with cigars" between their teeth, some; with pieces of foil:4lin their"-fingers, and, one: at least;=e Pale young Gornmn, from Penn-, syrvaniaj-with a miniature, of his sister- , in hia"hands, , that:sternia& more meet to grasp nil artiat'syencil thatra musket. ',Horses fell, 'shriekingsithaWfid cries as Cocipertold of, and writhing . about in helpless agony.. • The . Boards of fencei, teattired - byeiplesion,'fiew in sylintere thioughihe air., The earth,torn up in --eltitideblinded'' the eyes,' 4f - hurrying, mien and-through the branches of the.trees, land among the gave-stones of , thEi cemefOry,! 'a 'shower Tof destination, crashed ceaselessly.: Ai,' with • litindreds-of others, I• groped. tiirobgh this iienapast of:deatitfor the . Bhelter Of the bluff,'"em eld man, a private in a coin-, yazirbelonging to Alic 24th Michigan, was' 'Striick-'serircelrten. feet away:by a,;canncar "Wbieh , top through him, extorting Buell', a_ low, intense cry of mortal pain as I -pray f God:1 'triity. -n4ver 'again hear:: The Which seemed - alone"'devoted to: this raih,of death,- was, clear in; nearly units unsheltered: places* Willi Eve minutes after the lire began.l . - Our batteries responded . .immediately.—' e :Three honid of eatinonadii ensued, exceed iii,fiereeZgss*Oy ever tin.cehimdied cannon, were'fired - 'Siteultane-, ously until 4 O'clOck, then: the rebeli s igan.ti ;Lin Oen Ihnivoodg' frontink,Ohrdenti•e,,'f,o_f.,ntedhY,the FirSt'abd'• Secofid corps:, 'Gen. Vouhiedars troops' met this charge with. the same heroic courage thathad so often„_repelled The enemyin his desperate atterapts, Tfie. charge Ti lt s made, dpiritedlY„'but lesa ,x,en9tivinsly than "before; Gen. Webb, commanding - the SiconOrit itile,s46iind diVisfort 'Of the ,seeziia cores,-inet „the main fur_y ~of the attack ,with a steady Ire thitt served, td 4.etard t 1 ex enemy's ad •Vance`for a uhintent: - .` Tliat'Mdment was oc tcupled by ;the, rnbql - qpierai , A:rgiisto4l in - steadying his troops behind the fence. Gen. :Webb 'immediately 'Oidered. a charge, which was madewith such eagerness and swiftness„, ;and suleported lifitlarnumbeidiniir troops, as enabled surround the ene ,my, and capt'dr,e' gen. Armiatead an -000 s',ofhis men. The, carnage whirr acconipa riled this charge and',.* terror itispireirby„ it-were so great.* to reduce the foe to actu al cowardice. 'they :fell' upon their Otnees and:faces, 'holding. fcalvArd'their guns'and -t/gging fdr mercy, while,their escaped coni, racks panic-stricken and' utterly routed- ruilied-downt , iterag - the ditches and- fences . • - ti.„irangh.the fields and thXoUgh Gettysburg. NV& a colunin rem ained itos. make* Oahu's start. Tfie triumpliAnght fOr during_ these days Belonged at last to-the abble-Army, :Or the'Patfithrle. • TRACES or' i 4 STRUGGLE "AT ITHE CE?qt ' r ": , • . , - - ''3l - onivuents s icrid head-stones lie here-.and - the* _overtilined: di.aveg, bnce carefully `tended.- ! by, some loving., hand, have been tiainpled, by,,horse's'..feet Until the vestiges of verdure thave - •diSappeared., The neat and i'vell=tialocd.shrUbbet.y.. has, vaaishedy•or is fiat a broken an4.-wfthereditaii,of:-46,hiled brush2WoM. :lies a deiteyar r , tillerq faSt deo - Oniposiitg, - „under the: , _VA:atiitherlit the OM garments of some Wounded soldier, stainedsdod satura, tell with, his,:C blood. Atros-57:- , - stone, bearing: - the words, "To' the , ,itietiany: .of our liehived, the crag, it Meats of a musket shattered by titre shot. Pin the. centre of a space encloi..ed-- by :an 'iron fence, and; Coiitaltung - :dozen = grates; a lett- rails are still standinewhere they were erected : by 'our, sohliers ana served tii•sport the shelterltents 9f, a:bivotiackir . kgi, A family has, heint . hrOken_m. Traginenfi - hy a shell,' and only the 'Wise .I*,• 7 ‘ " With 4portion.-ollhe ins:4ription. thereon.' ',Stone...al/4r stone felt - the effects of the feu d'infer that was poUftif qon the. treat of- the:: hill. Cannon thandered, andl foot • and hOrse soldiers - trAtopl4d;-OVer 4hd, eleeping_place of the dead. Other dead were - added -to those — who are resting here, and Malty, , ',wOunded soldier still liVes tore= member-the contest above those. -- silent,graves. . rostrioN OF . CENIETrax HILL—TM • ME The .hill -on Which this cemetery islocated. was the centre:of our - line of battle andTtlie key.to the . whole poSitien. Rad the;4ibers .been able to carry this' Point, they would have forced us into- retreat, and the whole battle would have been-lost. - To pierec.'-our L line here wasee'sgreat endeavor, and ' he" threw his-best brigades against it. Wave" after wave of living "_valor rolled - ::up that slope only to roll back agliin under the deadly fire of our Jtrtille7 and infantry. It was on this hills a little to the right of the cemetery where occurref' the-c - hargc -. Of the famous' brigade:of Louisiana:Tigers. It. was their boast that tliei'were , never yet foiled in an attempt to take u battery., but on thi's. occa sion thcy_suffered a-defeat and nearly -armit 'illation. Sad and 'aispirited they -mourn their repulse Viand tarrible - 16sses - • in the „ • charge. -• TE.E , • Retracing my steps,„ before -reaching the extreme left, I returned to the centre ,of our pOsition, on - the Cemetery Hill. 1 dol' not folfow the path by, which. I come, Init take a route along -the 'hollow, between the two ridges. -It was across this _hollow plat the chars were made in thP assault gd. our position. - ,-.3lnett, blood was .poured out be tween these tiyo_swells of land. ‘ „ Most of the deadnave-been bur,ipd, where thay.,fell;-,or gathera in little- - 01Sters beneath some spreading tree or Celsitte - clumps of bushes. Some of tlia,rebel dead Are :still uncovered. .The.first that meets my 'gaze,- CO* upon :suddenly, 'ail descend a - bank, soma three or four - feet in height; to. tha side of a 'small .Hei lying neap the'spring, - A if he latuteraWled thereto obtain st; - draught' of wnter. 'His hands ure,:outspread/tipon the earth, find eltsteliing aethelittle tufts.agrass litiversaeOand canteen' ;are stil Intrigirig o him, and his; hat is lying near hini". His musket is gone ; 'either tied off lay hi 4 comrades, taken by tatne "relic seeker, ,or placed in the acouniuni:ted„.herip our OWii,soldiers. ..- "Vie liody of another rebel attracts my at tention by asingiziarcilumstance. /The face is diseolored in the extreme, black4is that of the puresf-Congo'ne,gro. The narisli are as delicate as those Of a . ladyraid of snowy whiteness, With; the exeoptio'n of the face, the body is'but,little swoßen; and there are no signs of the conunencement of decompo-. lion. S`e'veraY b'odfesithat I find 'Show black ened faies,nut nii4n.hers- than -this- display .such a contrast beffeen" the color of the - fnee and hands. Near .11. small white house on the rebel line lies the body of -tin officer, evident ly a lieutenant or captain. ',Eiji right arm is extended as if to grasp the hand of friend; All possible positions in which a dying man can fall can be noticed on this field. , SMELLING GENERAL MEADE'S HEARIZIIA.ATEES . The little farm house on the Emmettsburg road; 'Where General !!Meade held • his 'head quarters during the cannonade is moSt fear fully cut-up. It is already known how Gem Lee masked his artillery and opened, with one hundred and thirty pieces "at the same moment. Two shells in everyseeonetof time fell around those. headquarters. The :shells tore through the little - white. building ,ex- ploding and. scattering. their fragments in every' direction..' 'Not a spot anywhere Nv4 Safe.• • One 'shell through .the another in the'ehimney, , a third'shattering a rafter* a ftourth cutting, off •the legs of eclair in which •a, staff ofdeer was „seated others severed and splintered the posts in front Of the h'onse, howled through the trees by Which 'the' dwelling was surrounded; and raised deep furrows of ~ the soft earth_,,' At, the ',fenceirt • front of the, building the horses of aids and orderlies Were standing. A dozen. of 'the' frightened animals fell by - the" rebel '•lirOjed tiles,•and others briiki) away and fled ml the y Wildest fright towards,the rear. - Oue •itaff ofdeer, .and another,', and.,4xnothCr, were • wounded. • Strangejb.say, amid all this iron hail, no one of the staff Was killed. EVery Man stared death full in the • face,' acid" had little prospect '2 -of escaping unhnrt. - Barely!. .in the history-of war has; there beena:scene to -eqnal,this.. • ; , • • tuz's - AbDtZSs' TO Aro FninarackfiTulyl2,lB63.hefollmin - g. general order :or General 1 E. Lee_ta the, AX'C.E Rebel Army, issued from Hagerstown, on fi i Salutlay,, ` wits = t ynd when General Rilpat "thll,epkttidthe'- 'rn on Sunday morning'-' •'7 . -.naxaa.4 45 nEas—No. 16. • ,_. .1 - 14 - r.s.*:_qtriat'r.#4,l, A a llilt OF NORTR:pM, 7 . titotxi.4l, July 1 3.—After the lent and tzrying'mwheakel i red with the forts-- tude that has - eYer.clittincterized the soldiers of-the Army of Northern ,Virginia, you have penetrated to the country of ourtne inies; and recalled to the defense of their own soil those' who were engaged in the invasion of - atm.' Y.carlaYe'fotight: h'ilerbd . iiiid- sat: guiztary battle, 'ilich, if not attended with the success that has hitherto crowned your:ef forts, was marked by the same heroic spirit ',that has . cozapande4 the r•- pen t ,of, your--:en nmies,' the - gratitude 'of your "country,; and the admiration of mankind. ' ' . - - Once more you are called upon to meet the enemy. - from whonr - yotrlart-n-tetrn so many-fields; the name's of which will never Onqi more thy eyes of your cou#try-.. men are turned uilon you, and again do wives andi,sisters, , ,hthers and mothers,; and ,helpless children;' lean for defense on-four :.4rong arms' and brave hearts. Let every soldier remember that on his ourage arid fi delity depend all that mates life worth hav .,ing,l, the freedoba'ofthli,TOTMWZ the hbnor Of - his. people and 'the security of his hbine. Let each heart' grow strong in the reniem brance- 'of our glorious - past, and in the „thought of inestimable blessings for ' which wl contend ;' - and invoking the as sistance of that henigir" POWer which, has signally blessed our efforts; let ub go forth- in Confidence to secure the peace and safety of our country. yo'diers ,your old en emy- is before you.. ' Win from him honor'worthy of (your Tiglit-cause;• Worthy of your comrades dead on-sn many illustrious fields. R. E. LkE, Gen. Coin. THE CONTEMPT IN WIIICEE THE IiEE. ELS HOLD PEACE SNEAKS. We take thWfOligiving rein l arkable article from the Richmond Enquirer, of ',nue 12th, in which the, - Whole tribe of--reace who are endeavoring to entbairas the Gov comfot to the Re.bels; at brought undeff the old-time .Slave-driver's lash: ' - ' two TEARS tur,NeL'i if two years, , as molly _persons hope, we May probably have peace—that is, always provided we continue to repulse and defeat the inVidi rig enEtny: — :Tlie Yankee ; I:l6'frioc 'Tracy" is certainly arouiingitielf,-`atid'Pepar _Tag for a new struggle (at the intßotliox,) -Sin the great cause of the "slioili;- ,- orita they wall it,,the cause ef, Constitutional ..t f ibOty. .Those'demoeratslara evidently begbining to PeciiiilatArinfor. - 4heir next Pis-esi dential election:.andlifr• - they hays the good luck to be helped on said sustained by more 4nd more, serioue;disasters of the Yankee many iii the - field, there is no doubt that the I present, dtiVOl]int ts - Of the said spoils at Wash ington may soon be - s 6 di4redited and decri _ed that ,our enemy's country would be ripe 'for,suclipeaceful ballot:gin:a revolution. It is sincerely to be lipped that those ear nest champions , of constitutional freedom be helped on and sustained in the man ner they. require—namely, by continued and -SeVere reverses in the field.; and it.is the first and most iirgent duty_ 017 our countrymen so to help and. shstain that Demodratic party.— 'sit is nothing to us Which' of their factions 3718.7 devour the f‘stioils';" just` as- little 'does it signify to us whether they recover or do not recover that constitutional liberty which they so wantonly threw away -lithe mad pursuit of Solithern conquest and plunder. But it is of the utmost' i4Partanc2 to us to aid, 2n,,,stimulati4\ diStiffection among -Fan ` I,:oCS : apinst their :ojan Gcaernnsvnt, and in ,demoralizing and dis:Sintegrating'.society in ' - tho.t"Vod-abandoned':country` We can do -11tiVo - nly lin one way-gamely, by thrashing their armies, and carrying.: the war -to their Then, , Andeed. conscientious constitutional 'principles — Wilt bold sway ; peace platforms will look attractive; arbitra ry:arresti beconieT - odidifs,- and-Am:hens corpus be qtioted at a -premiurn. This LS the only. -way wecan help them. In this sense, and to this cad - a, those Democrats are truly our allies; arid-..-ve shall endeacoti to: do: our duty by them. But-tkiey . evigently look for other and fur ther help* outchand4.and of quite*di:ffer rent dinibt -they .arc plea Sett for the present; with tie pticient aid which the Confederate ariny,:mafOrding them:, Chan :Rellorsvillewais God-semi:6 them,sand the tremendous-repulse at,Port,sllndson is quite a pink* their : plat form. Yet they under stand very yell that no' matter how :,o.indly their armies may belappilyizeoten ; no inat r how -"completely. ;I:442coln'SNpresent ',war policy'May be conderniaby..its results,: yet ..allthis will not be enough to 'enable thOisf terrified Democracy to elatch the "spolls;"--: or, as they phrase it; -to rieitare the Vonatita ,tion of their fathers. - This, of itself would • beverorive them a Peace-Democrat President an`d~abinet; it would only result in another Abolitionist adininkfratipposithw now Sec retary of War, snitneiv Coinsaander-in- Chief, and a lightly i , different - ;iii•ograrnme for "crushing the. rebellion,g :- - Those Black Republicans are in power ;rafter lone: \loft ing, pining, intriguiniiifthe cold shade of 'the -opposition ; aratthey have now the • nu mericatpicifelidertin-C'e so decidedly that they -both.can-and will-hold onto the offices with a clutch like death. The Democrats can , obselutely-nothino Withont "the Solith,". as they persist 'in terfiling these Confederate States,; and they cannot bring themselveS to admit the:thOUght that , tee : would refuse' to tmite with them (as. alas . 1 we 7csed, to do), in a ;grand Uni6ersal Preiidentiak can!"paign,_ fop q , Demoertiti-it Presido4.4oith a Peace plat form, and the " con4titlition as it ln , fact, this ',whole two Bears'', war; and the tWo 'years' more war which, has yet , to be . gone , :.through, Is,ifself, their - ey,es, Only a Pies- Identiareampaigh,,OnlY somewhat more vi . Vicious thantordinary: This - oiplains the- Vallandigham' 'Peace Meetings in -New' York and -.New Jersey ; ' and the "manly declarations" Xi. Rory- do Seymour and other patriots. - Da not let us forget ? " says Fernando Wiled; Writing. to •the, 'Philadelphia: Meeting, :" that: - those who perpetrate such outrages as: the - arrest and banishment of lif.r.!Vallandigliani, this° as-neeekary warmeasires.f Let. tts,- there fere, strike at the cause and declare for peace and against the war:" ' " ' ,This would tound-very_Well f.,he " deelaringlforpeace " couldlavd,any • effoizt whatever ,;I:lrusging nabli. falling froini tower could arrest his fall 14 declaring ag,inst v it, thenthe!deelar.ations:- of Democrats' "against - the `war . ;Pt sortie availi • As. it- they resemble that •: letnphatie.•prenuungenient ton:4unt: " Let it-be-proclaimed , upon - the; housetops, that no citizen of: New' orkriall; ,lie;arrestetf*ithent jirea - est Of law." There' , is Gab ling" of -bra - while from' the housetops -whatreverybc4y.kno-ws : to be nonSenze-. = 9Jr this resolution of the New:Jersey *solved, . 4 11iiit.lrt 'the. illegal, seizure and; banishinent of the =Hon. hani, theT: la's ofir'countrY have -hot , tutraged,) the *ma: of• United States graced, 4nt1.4110 lights:pi, every eitizen men need, anorillat‘it43low 'the duty of a law res*Jing-lieoplitn+.74;pldof the Adminis ration that itat once and forever desist'from ticli f . 4leectii'4f,erispitanri crime. tE nt h il _ =. l , • starling that .1 - tr,„ Sterne saw in the cage, said only ft ", can't. get out." R would have been more ‘: man iy-2•'-to_scre9m, 541. AemAndl6, getout-- - 4, pro-- claim on the housetops that ietintt. 4 ' Another of the' New, . - ,),er,•:ext. es liitions -thre wsaikinstructive.-light-upon , _thia,wlm4e,- Inovenient, and - its iihjects.- - - ;W - ;Wkrenow.otir deelaratiinv' . oftsittichineot tb the',Union, pl'eakliwtb 'l4 friends, 21 )4recerfouna, our U_lltrtiVeriEtg siip port, and te,its,enenaies, in •whzitever Oise; our undyinehOsillity; and that; 'God, will stand stand hy - the Constitutionand I itilwstil l Ot4' ooo 4rY,;ahtlizAdOrtlibititieti4 stileldy,lll,ln444l4`ata and.rights; ”peaceablirdt , ,w u en wp re ibp, i t i f we must." . . ,[GrAntt , Olicering,]; - - • This phrase n "wherever fpund, ,, that' there are friends of the - Union in .this Confederacy-, and , the" resolution -, pledge's to their:the supportof, "the N'e,4,-,l e r, sey.Demperacy 7 -net, s'urely_ witlmut, col,' valent return„ • To'-thihsanie Mieting;Gen.litz lobia"kor-- ter - writes - -"tYletter, eontS'e,' far the Constitution and resistance to despotism,. and ending thus: - - • "The contest of arms, howeier, not be required; the Certain and 'peadefill ren/Ov_ ' will he found in ' the ballot-box. 'Let its: ntl poiseas our spills in 'patience: -The remedY'is , Geri. Fitz TObti - knows well that the remedy is not theirs, Unless ' , the South " consent to thiovi Iti'votes :into that Same' ballot-box„ and it is for this ? , utid this ertly, - that. the Del mocratic,hookiis , bated with .. , ,Feace.'' ,But in a speech of Senator, Wall ; of New Jersey, before a D.6,itoei•atic. : Club nf Philaclelpifi (which We'•fifids.printed in The Sentinel), is , passa - ge - Moie trilty'expounding the Deino cratic plamtlian any-other we have seen.::- - lie sa . Subjugtition and annihilation beingalike imPossible, ,I, iu 'faViir of an immediate cessation of liostilitins: 'for : an armistiC6— , - that amid thedtill of the strife the heitt, , ilf. passion shall have time, o cool, and the caltn4 majestic voice of , reason can be-heard, ,Int -the midst of a calnil am; for endeatliq lng to learn fiekthos.ein arms against as what' their demands may be? and inviting their co-operation in tlie'nanni a.ooliilll.o humanity, to some plan of reconciliation to. reconstraction.,4 which the, sections may lithe- upon, dinore" stale basis-'—n plan' in which thOluestions Upon which we havetlii fared so long may ,be harmoniously adjiiiteth and each.section, by virtue of the greatness developed in this war, may , profit by the ex perience. If :teal:tall be found . tht‘t sectioimi opiniensand prejudices areloo ob.stirtide, and the' exaspetations•ef,this.war !have burnt-too deep to settic,it upon the basis s of reconcilia tion oi.reconstruction, then I know that and reeonstriietionnre . Here is - the- whole plant Rti armistice,'-end then •"invitint , otir -cii-operation.! During that armistice they hope that the "calm, ma jestic voics of reason" and a , `common Chris tianity" might, do soniething considerable The game, - as theYeitleulate, *ould' then be on the beardi with stakes so.temptingl- Wall , would endeavor -,t'to- learn sr,om,. what9ur demands are." Anything in - reason he would be prepared to-grant --- ns;' hilt if:We - replied, our demands are,..that you bring away your trockS, froth every • inch of our - soil, ,that- you leave 'the Border States , free , to _decide , bscineir _own dtAiny,• that you ev i ticuate all our forts and toikris which vou now hold, and'make 'us"rid of you and the whole ;breed Ofyou- forever; then Mr. Wall would "exclaim, ,What!;-d:Pi you,call that the calm, majestic voice: elf sea son? Is that your common Christianity? He would say, 'when- I spoke of ,the cal`m jcstic,,4-e.,- I meant the. spoils ; - •w - iien silk- a eoinmon Christianity, I meant moneso,;.iLet us talk rationally—how much - , common ,Christianity will you take take ? vain is a net s:pread the - sight of 'any bird. -We are aware of 'them ; and vie:'Svill wads them well, and the friends :_of Union, , "whereseever •. found!? Our „rip's . go,a further_ than theirs—we disorganize and-disintegrate society in. their country that they will rush into armed' rerri lutiOn and'ana? Ve'spit upon' !hair' Ila‘e lot4lion- ...We care not-what they "denuind" in resolutions, nor what helpless trash,- they proclaim on the houietops. ,We de not. -be l ieVe in their power to attain so much as - an arniiitieelor two years to' cothe. - If 2itn: fir; mistice, -indeed, were offered,:and;thelitEved4 ingtroops were withdrawn, of course we should not object to it,t-and-good - use could be made of it: - • -;- But, mark Well, yd -arm istics mongers Dirring.that'susPension 'of- hostilities alroe , gotiations.tuu.st'he between Government Ahd government. Our .should--- -snore strictly guarded th'an . ever. No negotiations or frAterinzatiOn" of parties by pliblic meet lags or private conferences: no bargainti,V with the calm rice t 1 , reason; no seceet pock- • eting of „Wall's ."Common „Christianity:7 But theie:Will,be none; and,,wo are glad of Oar sovereign , indepeildence is Already Won and paid. for with treasures of, brave blood. shall not,he 'sold by perliers, to be built into a - ...rankes platform. - - Tait Lotnaymt.x. Jostriait.—an, ly Consetvativc and pro-sliveri.,but sot el, ;telly pro-rebel sheet—thus tartly telnikes th'e- more rceklOss'' Copperheads': We look id the' mph-onus -of the Phiktdel-; phis; &ming Journal ; ,vi e read the speechca of Team ,factionists and the .resolutions of their meetings. ;and while they haVe n 6 gird of conithendation encourngeinent:. Toir those who are engaged in fighting the 1,006 of.this 'way for the preservation of the Tinian we find that they - are equally and most sig 7 nifidantly 'silent in cOnderninition and eiecra thin Of the Rebellion-atid bf thoseavho =ilia enticavoring_to overthrow- the Goya/mud: When such men propose aa armistice, we can see - , but. little difference between lhem and, the rebel - in' arras ; 'the former would de-' stro the'dnantry byqumtingstrat%f, and the.. batter by , opott assault: :The patmotic De‘ mocracy, -to which we tuna avitk hope and encouragement in ,these ;pi-rade' truttc:is ktriallt in favor in:staining - 0;e Governin'ent in all' theSe nieasures Whichit deems pensablytnecessary to secnre;tt peace by.pat. ling down the .Rebellion, and'„the antrl s tea dily and resoltitely, it adheres to this;par the 'more extended will belliC l ieopei Of itia usefulness, and the' tifore-brilliant-thesuis aesses which it must,achievebefore ; the- We have from. - tebel paNmof late dates. the 3d ofJul.7 ,the people were told that tees Artily, is autieh-, ing toWnx•di Mathooke. , A- - eonaiderable nthnber of his won were-doing so, hi , prison. crs Of wstr, as , ,the Enquirer will learn 'MY soon. , Grant lad taken Vieks,burg o his liatitTaL,playftilnesi - of spirit seenak hav6-shownitself by bi Rending otit'parties olyntigreesi t inform JOloiston'S' army 'that he mended to:make assault . on... the:Clty oe ;bat:4l.• ME