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' 811 II TOL. 70. gnu:fain c'lllgoitoni: .Pllll - /ADELPHIA AI irnatis Philadelphistx-PrittiVit Or. -; Trunizoiloitt of ItegintentsLrlie toyai - ',. - PintiotettP of • the' City-Tile eierg,7-;- ItcJoictito,s Over the union Victories. • orrespondecc . o of qte FraDfdin Repisitory. - . , • July 18, 1863.. , Fur several weeks there has, been but one , question en Ihe lips of everi , petson, old'and Toang.-aiiilliiiirtire - absOrbing';'the vital sub • )get of the war: , An apparently fatal aP.' had - tali:en posscssiOn. of .our .peopleNrevious to - -the entering of the-rebel artily into Penn- sylvania; but when it wall:announced that' tlie - CaPitalOf the State. was in linger, rind wheu all' felt-that, if it:could-not be,stfccess fully defended, the rebel. hordes--could- ap-'' pear on the banks of the Schuylkill, the'es iiiternent bCcame Recruiting fOr the . „. -defence of,thc Statewas vigorously puShed,' and .the , city,soon exceeite.d,„ the requisition made by the GlovernOr. - • • -those were anxious. days and' 'nights preceded the 'battle of „Geityiburg. „Person yiriu,. met - was' agitated. and -alarmed, ~andi fear of ,approaching 'calamity. • was'depieted in ,everyeoUntenance., If Lee ihould successful, what Was to Prevent hira:from.;rriorching, On- Philadelphia, or - on Baltimore, or .indeed eutercinga.‘dishonor .' able peace, at the cannons mouth, in the Streets "of-"Washiagton. Ne'ver did weigh- tier issues 2inhg on the - result of a singfe battle; and, under Providence, the Army of the Potomac proved itself equal to, the Maier= eney::, All honor to that army - and -lea!der. They-saved a.' State 'fr.om: de7 stNction and, a Nation from disgrace, if they could not--what was , perhaps too . inneh to hope' for—prevent the shattered tolumn's of the "" - eneiny , from recrossing the nitornac. , The, first ,report ,of Meade's victory was' re ceived here with every demonstration-of joy. :vcrethe ' tidiags 'of'victory borne to more : grateful ears, I The sense of uneasiness, which lal.for:dayS 'hung Oyer thecitylike2i . - pali r -was removed.;; -Men saluted-each other in jo-Ffal stra and a' feelieg 'of relief `vies apparent in. everiftee. • • : This eity, although troubled W i th -a '.IVW. .42,6pp:rheas, has -been.,tboroughly.loyal ever, 7 '4sinee‘ithe cpenintr,' - bf the • rebellion; - ana- the, loyal ',sentiment never -Was stronger than 'At , _ the pi*ent:time. 'TM-sit:act was clearly mitrii ! . . ft!sted,. during the dark days Precedinghe, - battle' of Gettysburg: -Many touchino• - ,in- ' could be given in illtstration,:and - • ' uas. nom. moil. , Wonky oftmaxition, Wan. the calling of,t\vo - 'hundred 'clergymen , in .a body on and tendering him their se.rk , ices - in wt;rking n the entrenchments - of the city. • : ' The draft is quietly progresing, here, and I no 7 imlieation of trouble appears,' nor is any • k.ipprehendeV _,„The Union League' have sent,' under their ftnispiees,threC regiments for the ;deferice, of the State. - ne - ts of the fall of Vicksburg, f6lloiv ingics closely onthe' victory at•Gettisburgy • .eAused nearly' 'a surf it. of g'ocd,.neWs.` Be . .... .4.les.the usual popular manifestations of de light, the state House bell was•iiing-on the occasion, which is only done when' great ,„ e.l•,,eritkpeeur. And now we liaVe the victory , o4Port . ,Hudson, 'which, should about finish the Rebellion in - :the Southwest: BRIEF WAR 1T.E1176.. ,Aaispatelt dated Cairo, July 15, to'the Cincinnati Ga:xtte, sass:. ;Parties froth lic- 16na'repiesent that Gen. Blunt, has " eajiture'd Boa 'viith a large nunaber of prison- ors. • Leo is- said ;to be pushing as rapidly as possible for Culpepper, and will hardly atop until he is beyond the Rappahannock... The 'necessity of feeding,his army, which cannot, weltbe accompliahcd at -any great distance from Ricbrnond i hurry_his movements. -General Sherman has advanced as‘ far' east t froniVielsburg as Bolton, halfwhy , - - o Jack , son. Johnson, bah. his 1/eadqatifters at, that . placc.'at the hist, accounts. ; Sherman :has ,. ,bdin unable to find any traces of 'the main liodiUldohnston's army, and has been'rnuCh ctelay_C4 in the rectcL3 by obstructions placed them- • ' Geri. Shernian's victory oviT Johnston's Tear guard - turns - out even more ihiin first reported. Instead of capturing two tboussnd prisoners, it aeons - that he took fthe entire division ' comprising the 'rear guard, ,„. "nninbering some six thousand;, infantry, coy- airy andartillery... 'Johnston was re..« -treat across Pearl river, with Shermandiotly pursuit: aheaxer of dispatches• we have ,furthet details.oE the capture of-Bort Itacistin.,-.11 Gen. Banks, lie WO possession of the town on the' ,9tli inst. The garrison consisted of 7000 men, and e took a1i0.../e,G . field:pieces, ihlsiege guns', and ,10,000 small arms. A mongst the prisoners- were Major. General - Gardner, Brigadier General Beale, and Coy lonelsßteadtnan, Mills, and others. A f w Gays Sinw our Mick troops at GOod- nel}'s Lndln 1„, on the Mississippi river; were it attathed bY the rebels. TWO gunboats were . :sent ,up,: and succeeded in , ,driving.off the at - Melting party, and shelle , khetn' for fifteen Milds along the rixer.hariki• They aUo res= cued a number or bias who bad been made prisoners. They were also pursued phi, and many 9£ them killed; lan the flight 'hey left all the plunder they had seined. THE SEAT OF ;WAR, - PENNSYLVANIA; INDLAIARYLAND ' •ci Scene of the Great Battles betwcan . the• Rebel 'Army under the Command 'of Gen. LEE; 'and;the 'Army of the Potomae- under the Command pf Gen. M&tDE Showing also the Defensive position assumed by laßt'S Army' frona - Will)amsport to Sheppardstown.- iz 11 •IP A +, 416:b..E; \. • lONIRC • ' . /-i i., --- . \ CHARLE_ATtWIZ ki - WINCHESTER , -' s . :.,---4 7‘ \ ov \ t. -ilwitchus,c, 4 N KOMI= 4 . ..... - • - 40 - . • , , tir 445iR,S Grip ~- ---,,,,,,. • , ~ -, .. s. .- ,4 , , . • _ , TuscAttoßA. The : fallowi,ng! are :Ge . n.- Neada's . dispatches amnpuiteing_the retreat of Lee: ifeadguolers Army of the . Pot6nta,c; July 14,", 18(i3.-11 - 1- IlArruck . , Oener'sl47 - 1. Chief i—My Cavalry. now,;occupy Waters, , having evertakeri, and captured a brigade. tit:infantry; 1500_strong, with two tw,o: capiions, too flags - and a faige number ,of mall Arra. The ezte'iny are'ctti"acri,sa,t4e • GroitGt G., MtADI , Utti ' Headqua-rters Armj of, the. Potaina4, duly 14. 1863, 'B,BO P M.—To Major , General HALLEcw. , :—My!cavalry havesaptured five hundred prisoners •irr addition to those pro-. viously reported.i • Gen, Pettigrew, of - the Confederate Army, -was killed this nierning•in'the. attaeir on: the enemy's.rear guard. - • . His body is in lour hands, ._ • . • (Signed)- Gen. Genc.ialkalthWe's official despOlcb; datOo • July. 12thi contrrns the previously, reported brilliant advsaice of , that officer. - - He: is on Mc . right road Ito ohailes . and proceeding irt_ the most ‘ effeetrvewdy., 'Having - cleared 'OA all: the 10'0 , gebels, baVing'eapturedeleveri of them heavy guns, he-has pushed- for Ward his infantry'-within, siu hundred' yardsrOf Fort Wagner,, Which is situated on the nertheastsnd i of - Morrif Island, opposite: tu, Fort-,,Suniter,-sif a •dis. tince'of twelve hren.died yards. • Thisbrings General" Crilnitire..within' eighteen hundred iards'Of Sumter itself, ciu' its 'within reach' of the guns with Irhiehhe battered down Feint Pulaski, At list: the attack' on Cbarlestorl. gives bright promise of success. FANETSIWRG v BE Mdt 1 144 \ 1\ : 0 ; G I r _ , OPt MERC 4 '' ct ki 4% 4> - :7r CII 22; 1863 116 0 4, \ • - ~~ 0, 4 -40 05 FF.OII 4. & - , General lieintzelplari; do'grous of weer. taming Whether - the - rebels „occupied . the Shenandoah Talley in any Pee, sent out a reconnoissance of cavalry and tqtillery, some three days ',since," which discovered' but few of",the eneray. Thfi expedition pushed on to Ashby's Gap, and'found it held by a'force Of ihreeor foUr - hundred rebels. - Col. gallantly dashed upon arid drove them from the ,- Gap, capturing =a rebet•adjntant general and . a 'riumb'er of other 'officeis. • • • • • 'TktE Fulton:from Port Royal,. brings news to the 15th inst.:' Gen. Gilmorehadmadean assanlenpen: Fort' 'Wagner, with'a brigade composed of the 7th, Gonneetieut„Oth Maine' and the 47th and 48th New :York, .with the Pennsylvania in: reserve. :The two first li - tuned; regiments etuallp mounted he pisrit viere:foreedbaeli by the ina.dereus firdof the _enetnY , Oar troops were badly; cut upOosing , near , 800 men in the attaek..- . S.fter' the i'opilise Gen, - Gilliore:throi up intreaelinaeats, 'near the fort, and, - when the ; :Fulton 'left Fort. Royal he -was. rbesi4,ing4ti with 'stprospeet of reducing hate a daffy 'or two. MOnitnrs; the New Iyonsides and, ii of Were engaged in born herding FOrtsemter, and the effect ottheir fire was plainly visible. Large brenehea were made , in the walls .andsieaeh shot struck clouds of dust and ulna_ were thrown into , the air, : , Gen. Terry -held flames Island up' -to Secessiouville. _There, was, roach sickness •among,the troops at Port!. Itoyat_and the ail acent posts. Ifl kLeit 4 fArt‘, 4. "3 / 4 IP L r iI pA\ 11711 • --- 41 JOHNS VILL r Ivo OD say)? 0 - EW MARKEr - / AMAX ALEXANDFUA RIOT IN NEW I.YOREI COPPERHEADS,' RESISTINC 'THE DRAFT ' Conscription !Offices - Illestroyed f -Al itUrtiTSER' OF .CITIZOIS . KI/LLED itoit.4e Ei and Storcesl:Piundei&l; . 1 1 1 13E' RIOT f;;W:7=-31/"Zr),I Onthe,l3th inst, a-mob broke outin New'. .Yorli, ostensibly4o.,resist thedraft about to: .b e . made, -and for. three,days it „defied-the -civil and military; authorities. ;.. _ . , The several, conscription ::of6.ces were de stroyed; the houses °kilo lklayet,-Post, 110A ter.and many other buildings burned, and a .number of citizens. itilled:k, Eyery., negtx . .l' found on the - street waa,brutally beaten and, many , IntallY. ,{,, - Gov. Seymour • addressed ;;he. mob, while :ffe rioting; plundering arid mundering.rt lag on•inseveral -party of :.tbe e cityi , ,Ana. aa sured-them - that- he ;was . .ttveir:f4end—rthat: Ahoy had beenlis friends. ase t ured,tbend that he would stop - 4hp. 'and beige 4: , theta in gingerly teiTres • 1 11 1 eY'L did not- go however, , nor did ; owytqur-act; the draft stopped, and after: tbreedays of' the most shameless- parleying - Ivith -a mob s ; be conipelled toissue)a third - proclamation 'd ec laring .that thepeace-of: the; city, must. be preservelatall hazards. , , iEThei military. werp.o..called - out under ; the' ,command of- Gen:, Brown, and •in several, in stances" had-to tiro-:on the mob : to disperse; .theta. O'llrieu, most brutally murdered by the mob. ' rr.vnifinsi • Wl_ JEWS- MI iota SIPAMAN.SIe . • • A - P 1 -Thieves of every grade swelled the mob,. and it finally-"became: Mere plundering. horde.: After three days it - was coniplbtetir, niastVred" and order reigns againin GOtharn. The goVdrnment has given ainelai , notidei that the 'daft will be made' in New Tor*, and elsewhere witliont I Aiiur"os rnE.,; July 1 .--r-T.413' first news of.the retreat.of ..Veentrid army . into Virginia:Was recaiii-ed.at RAgerstOwn at ,four _ &chi& this Morning, : from. a citizen. 'Who lived Within their 14i ' General eo ending '$ fidiviaion, at that point, On had his men. in the roa4, and ',readied. illiainapbit: at 7 o'elOch, Where lie' found.s r4belisolclieis , , .;,?Flai had I delierted: " .T4e,fiewa reached, 'Ouene ea e s. /), ea a -" op*:_ters sat'Ave o'cloeli; 7110 Oen.: Buford's' divisiOn of , eav,ithi'wm ;. arderd. lug ; :Wafer/4:0/e* tliey4ga n it'ell,and'atiptured.a ; ; I}rlgude of, urlder 9 - pfAieraj,Pettigspa*, who was : , • T popitioli of 'tin, rehals", was :natUralii,a! strong one,( their woritiWere, not 'of . neibunt,, idonstruetel; title • pits.. - '2A,fter I,,effhad retted.'iktVss:itie liyor it was ascertained ife.ootinieneedlo mosid, his, artillery t*thf' , TPr t 4evillY- as yest.oo4Y. .morning . , which „Was . eon:tinned 'dliririg:tixe WAOhi day., dap4nding.,n ln iost wAtollyuri), the 41 1 4 11 7 0 : 4 A ..6 4Y 41 31: - tc 4 . 1161 4 , "wg 'FIDA in cheek. Gan., .Ifettde held 4, 'ffanday; ` - e . entugts;•_eoptifatin . g . of . his corps.eiimmander,trhen„CPA - ,kinnstion of 'attack wfa4lfidely diseusied.' All:the., aisetablelWere in. raver , Of anltin:aedittte HIE _ G . % 4_ UNII / 0- ~CHESITSi Vf \ *MUNSTER UFW.: , 1 \ \ , =NM rwm k E=Ca ,SBURCH IN TO ME SC Lk or j ' . T4E 4T4P4.,011,. !;,E-IN's:v,isomi!„ ENE MEI - COCKtIE MEE TION *IN ' ROL+ trziei;o6ll - iiriOci,'l'ourn, Sykes at Tiench. ' = •fize. Meade hinkielf'i4na in faliOr of setiVia - cipeittions, but ilndirigjri&eorpsonnnandlifs equally divided', he; hesitatid to give the=n?- 'der; - and flui - rebel'fiFin - y -- 7,05" allowed niitka its escape: ' - An •o;der issued oil'onday events*. . , „ for a movement along ',the' whole morning.,, - " : .Yesterday aftsernoO,i about .2,000 of - ilia tailititi,_*biehittiiyed: in 4t&• viAnitS. Of • liagersti*,iiiire taken'to ttia, 'fro put into potion-. Thoy,Werb diptely ordered to tha - rge:Vio enemy,, was promptV - done;but trot-withont soveie • Fill OF Pat: The Mississippi Olpoen.. tint.l ;6r aL (VIP ::!Stnn °" 1:1 4 11(4 vnto4 Yrikkit 4 _ • ,on Ahe 9q% i nstant. • _ - ''' - " , IYAsttutorolT; ;July l''' l ,%,'. . 'Thi..',#,Voiiirki dispatch 'l4ii inertreceix&i:, .V - i(iEsiii;rlta 14144 4 'July ,11:--8 t... , iv'. Miij. Gen. ka t ite4; Cerierat-iii"Vt'" - , The folloiiing disputds'ltas just, luteoif 1 ',:xiiiiierug(Ggp..:Jitsults i ' . , ; o Apriqty.:l l 4,:tilinisoic...R* Bt.,k, is , 74finAvq;.,- - iltomisim4p. is now. oiu*,ol. „..I.,,heivat,ll,s:bisuoi. ,tci",. -,W4,312,,,, , 0u tluitv,o o, .I.:tr 4c.n- 4' Poo t 1(14100, tlurf,ol4l-ote4Aito.... *lid t.latkAgi‘rwoz/L =', • '; - , ...' - -'.' := Ajitys) 3 4l- ,t4O form "*,ssPs' l ”‘ 4 6*o 'ol,ll=Aegnorninit = !rma : ' . Gen' NE Mil •c , NO. 26 : EZZ3 . ~.~~.~r.►..iui; ' yr EMMilag lIMII = • t • ..„. 1 : ii '''c / l ~), f " .,: ., -•:. . , c _ \ ,... 1 ~.., a . 1 - 441.,:: ,- 711(- i ,--,., ::!'• • .l ' i.‘ .•lit '' : ~A ...): ..,, MI =hi 111 INE