El Zfp;foitpald -.lprtimP WAIL ITER3I.•:. iffenry,aii4-35:enii;ofIa a, lias been , re -1,544,1 ' 66, .Frartitlinlias be-e 4 oidered a.a coiit mnrta in i tQUlßil:s46 , , under : . Xt ts'yyz:lipose'd: tic; make; Cxen. , .of tiie Afx:i4 s are-:tFigade, 3.l.llitaiy Go verp.oi Norf4, entoliiiit.- • A pound of • beef costs - in Tlichtikond - pre-; ciselyns'intieh as s sherry cobbler, , viz ; one. bliai and fifty 'cents. Gen. BankS has issued tin` order' agtiinst pinridering• plantations, and orders :stolen piopertt ,to.be returned.. Generalif.unter, it is understood, is, to be Sonth4e'st. to , superintend ,the reghnents,in place.of, Gen erai Thomas, returned to 'duty here. - ben. Sherman, Severely :wounded ; . in , an assault it 'York Hudson,: the lateet, advices intatir, - continued' to improve rapidia, , ', •and it Wag,. - eipeeted Would .'soon leave for '.the North. z: , C Judson', better' imothi as " Ned Buntline;'-now aprivate in the: First New IT* Mounted Rides, has been sentenced, to' iitiptiklument 'fbF the term' of t# - ;), menitTis for" , desertion:— Major W. S. Hancock, U. S. Volun . • . • ter§; by direction of the President assigned' to the command of .the Second , Army, Corps,' in plate of Gin'. D. ITT. Conch, transferred to Oth.dther'COMMand. In the vicinity if Wilmington, N. C., tioar . ,ilin border Of South. Carolina, large ntimbcrii of deserters and conscripts are, in treneited,::an- d succcessfully - resisting Rebel atithOrity, liating.hnd three :severe en6ge ritents alfearly:" ' "he itebel retary of War has or4ered all the-ITCrth Carolina regiments into other, Stites for. 'immediate service, on account of flue gr:oi4pg' disaffection - among them. Geor gia and, South Carolina e' , troops .are to tak their places in-that State. •. • -•- - " From statements Made' by correspondents t Vicksburg shortly .befor e the s`urr~dder,l4 is believed that PeMberton was' induced to capitulate from bavina expended all ,his ammunition. - Certain' . it is 'that he bad for' seN t 7eral days ,thrown • nothing.' but short pieces of -railroad iron , and such like missiles:' • .The recent fightnt, Helena, Ark., appears to have been'betWeen Gen. Prentiss and a foree of 15 - ,9¢0. rebels under Gens. Holmes and PriCe.', Gen.: Hurlbut, however puts down their strength at - 9,000. They were after_ nine hours' fighting, with a Ipss of 500 . 161' led' andol'inded, and '1,200 taken. prisoners. :I The, Union loss - was' not More than 60,men.. - An officer tvhohas just arrived at Indian - apolisfrbm.the:Libby prison at RiChmond, says that it'iS'iniderstood that Col. Streight and his officers are to be fumed over to the Governor of Georgia, tobe. tried for,. steal- The Goieinor• of Indinna has -called Ake Seeieti ..Nirnr:s: attention tist thiEi inst. ter, and no:more,Rebel officers will be ex changed until thtese officers are released. Oen. .Bentatnifi. Flanders, 'writing- from New Oriehris4O4 gentleman'of rtiladeiphia, pays the follolng.tribute to the 'bravery of the - colored 'troops : . • . - - "The` '44 pimoas . re.port of Al:those who: were in the recent severe tight at Port'Rud ~so in regard to-the nektoes, is, that 'thef fought .''Thev , have • completely conquered the prejudice of the 'array-against them. - - YevOrwaithere before such an extra-- -ordinary revblation Of sentiment :IS that of this - ,army -in respect , to the nekroes as soldiers." • •Col:Ricriar4,TheinaiZarvella (tbe - French. lady) whosoincarceration -in Fort Lafayette, fer , piracy :So es:cited the ..Copperheads and! out ot..c 9 n g iss, and ;Who .was 'reputed ..by. his sympathizers tahave lost his reason, from confinement at the hands despotic .Administration," - haying, ,been recently ; , qtanged. and sent , Smith; lms regained his health,• and is novhiii:hisvay to Europe to Onimand ,a Rebel 'pirate. :Wollner if las' friends 'are satisfied now? ' 144 peirtens ' n6f, - ,''aViar(t, that tY the provisions - of-the enrolmentlim, drafted men; are 'entitled: same allowance, !Vey and bounty as volunteers. • The Secret „ referring to aS.ToIIOWs; 1 . Ste; That` all :persoius - illicis..enrolled shit3LbeSubje4' for tivo-yeare after the first day of Julyzsucceedinethe , enrolment; to be '4414 bato thelnilitailsririce.ef the, 'United tares, and; ti;Onitinue in;.Serviee-iluring the present rebellion, not,, however; exceeding the' 'terra of thle3 yerS; 'and when 'Called into ,service -Shall , :be -placed on, the seine Bing, in all respects, as volunteers for three t or during the ;war, including advniice pay,:aita betuity as now prevideci'by The . ac:thayiriggond into effect on the first day of July, those ,enrolled under its provi , sions are liable time•tp,lie called into _ By. the nekv,optler, of the War . Department all men enlisting itithe'i•egilaitirmy for five y' service v~itbin. ninety l f4ya are to-re ce4ef,iq-a; preMitiM, advance pay and boutitY', of so2.,'as: ,- folh*s,. viz: R'remitim on , l enlignient, .o;l`iidvanee pPy, first payMent 1 afterpttateri $).4 pd - vp,nee. laounty,.paid star depot after, being aceepted; ;$4,1 Botttty,to be, paid at the f , econd, regular pay- s aftei, enlistment, Bounty' to be paid at the-11 - rat pay-day after twelve monthi' ser7ieersso.—The %amity to be paid at-the:- firet Vay-day, After:two Tears!, setWle'e ifr s's9l: after years' serpice, ,50; tied- at thee_i iiratioii of eerii'ob; -. St5; 464' bCinitt3; ,of $4OO aforei:64qbAll he ; and paid 4O ; now 'in , the A.'egttiar tern >O expire within, one year, and.who shall:re-en list within tw0.131911641/efpba the expitittkki of theirpresent teritrAf 1et" . 60,.'•' , • ' • - pension, rig *up; :110-.HN PaKEROY, A ' Anafir 4-ArD;Iti`:AVTAGE:gt.7. I ; 204. SOtali FOURTIT - ,BO,EET = .- ' - 'The undersigned, hiving resigned lilsPositiOn as Pay- - master letthe U. S.Ainiy, has opened at No :hll - SOUTH FOIJItTIVSTABSI';',Uri AGENCY FOR 'PROCUItING PENSIONS;tiIid for the collection ofOrnarmA Solansite', dred:all other CLlnustigninit the Government.,," • , My long experienCe PaYthastei,liati glreitMe' seal fullities for bicoining '.theroughlY acquainted with this business in rants details. On thereceipt. by Mail. of a statement of the. case ,a• claimants; I ' for Ward the, neeessary_pripors for-their signet' tire: 'Oedema at tentien Will IM given to the Cases at Washington. No - charge unless successful; when be charge for collectirgellsums ender $BO, and slo,on all sumsove., that aitiount and under s2oo.';' Larget.'claims, taken Oe sPecia(itrrangement. - Fees inTenalun Cases. as flied b) INFORMATIOI • FISH 4.Nit, INSTRUCTIONS -TO • - CLAIMANTS. -Ali Soldiers of the present` war, Who hive served -two years," and Soldiers 'discharged for wounds received in battle, 1 without reference to time of terviee,tire 'entitled [ besides 'their regular pay, to $lOO Bounty; • - In' Case Soldiers or Seitnenaredischarged for ditabfilly or tdounds•received whili in- the service, theylll.o entitled 'to a•Pension according to the disability. -,*- •*) In case of the dwth of tho Soldier before discharge; through disease contratted, or wounds rebeived.whllo in 'service, his - widerwis entitled to receive the SLOG Bounty, besides arrearages of pay and pension-daring herlifetinte 'or widowhood. - • - , • • • • - -If the Soldier 'die after idischarge,from disease con- , traded orwoundo received While in service, his widow is entitled to a'pension of $25 per annum. • - If no widow or miner children, the mother 401 the-Sol dier-or Seaman will receiVe tile Pension, if dependent:On hlrkwholly or in part for support.. • - Iflleceased Soldier or Seaman leaves, nd 'widow; his children are entitled -te the sante benefits as. the widow, except when the children may be over the nao of iG years. If no:widow or- minor children, the bounty and pay wilt descend to thoheirs as follows: , Filet to the Father, second to the Mother, third. tO the Brothers and Sisters, and then to the next-of :kin: • • • Discharged' 'Soldiers. whose clothing- accOunt • was un settled at. theliMe of discharge, can recover any-balance , duethem; if the CoMpany hoolositre not destroyed. To draw this balance; vnito to your Captain for a descrip tive list, showingClotiting account, and forward it to nie -with, yourpreliwinarystatement, giving -also the date of your discharge, , • ,Sehhers,whe served with the nine menthe volunteers, can recover s27.boutity and preminm,without regard to time of service,lf tneylniver notalreadrreceived it. • , Soldiers wbe wore prisoners in the South, and Soldiers who weresbsent an rich furlough, are • aptilled to com-'. mutation of rations. . _ - • - • . • . In communicating with this "office, statea,the nature-oil your claimfully, and give the Company and Be" montto ..which• lower the Soldier for whom you CIAMO 1901011ged, - "as well as your present Post Officead,ress... ...• , - REFERENCES. His Excellency As:a.k.a. Corahr, Governei -of Penn , sylytuaia. - • . - • ''..• LION. tHMON CAMERON, Harrisburg, Pa: HON. learnt CASEY, ChiefJustiee of the Court of Claims; 'Washington. • • • - • Hos'. E. H. 8r.005.r., 4Cialef .01erk of Pay Department, . Washington. • , • ; • . Hose. EDWARD MCPHERSON, M. o...WRShillgiOTi. -; • Hoge. Svmmer, President, Jtuism, District. Court, Pittsbn,h, ). - How. A. IL I.lcCrmr,Chambersburg, Ps: - ItoucTuostisrk. Seorr;Viee' President 'Peian'a Itatl Bowl. - Hon. Wrexuas B. TnousS,.Collector of the Port, Philad'a. 'HON. C. A.Wer.noren, Post Master, Philadelphisw, Danxm. Co:,Bankers,'Philadelphia. - J•kurs,Dustap, 'President of Tinton Bank,-Philadelpl4.- BEELITT & VAIREHORNE, Attorniet, - "•• , REEOELOVEIST Enws, - Merchants, , I',,,PMa).F.-`rE#PER Co. Merchants, , rEITCELETT, BAUGH it: Co., DAVID FAUST Si CO., Merchants,- " • ".• BEN/AS. JatiNtrola. S Co.;Morchanta, • " Custom E. Mortoau & Co., Merchants, $4- ATWOOD, WIEETE Co"lileschants, , JOHN, 31., PUMBOY, •• Juttel7, 'O3-tf. No. 204 South Fourth Street. _ MIMI ENSION;I3OUNTY - AND'W.A.II _,CL4.1 . 31 A GENCY .— Pensions procured for soldiers ut tbe'Present veal...who are disabled by reason of wounds received. or disease contracted; widlo in theServietiof the United States; and Pensions, $lOO Ili:minty, and Arfaats of Pay obtained Tor widows or heirs' of 'di:leo° :who have died or been killed *bile inmervice. ,• - , • _ . JOIIN 7t. ORR, Claim Agent, Feb. 25, '634j , , • Olambersturg, Pa. QALISBIJRY BROS. &'00.„ • Ki • • N 0.37 DO . RANGE SiWBET, and • 67 WE'rBOSOT-STR#2; PROVIDENCE; Proprietors of ono of than:Loaf extensive E L .11.1A . NUFAtT011.1..ES filth() - Distern . States Beg to call the •'attentton of the eorryikunityg'eneraity to SURPRISING CHEAP RATE -- At which they are offeriag their Goode! PAR BUISPAESUIO Both Foreign and Domestic Manufactnree in i)otrkr pf Klegance and Real Durability! - Per Freriam DOLLOB, ,we forward, nicely tented and packed in good order,the following enormous quantity of Jewelry, equal in finish -to any_Plated Gold, and not to be recognized froM Gold only by the trying of , acids: . , . 4 Set Enamel rest Chains; 2 "Plain 41orenthio 4 Ear Hinge , to-.match; 2 Twist Wire 4 Ear ]tinge to match; 2 „Plain Pins; .1 - Ear 'Dings to match; 25 Lollies' Dings, Double Heart and a variety ,orpattorns; • Ena. blems; 5Q Scarf •Tins;_Plain and „ , Imitation Coral; 2 ;Dotible;.', Glass Lockets; engine- ~ - - tarried; 6Box. . , , Ghee Pins for or hair ; 'l2 Aisorteif Locket, Heart and Shell Marais, and 6 Bead Brace. : lets,—oll for Macon - Dollars. t . collection of this, kind, when . _ placed. in the hands of any: . , , - oncrof ordinary in. telligence, , Ought to retailf.mut least One Hundred Dollaral 1111 Catalogues, containing fnU Information and Prices of ' Goode, can bp, obtained. up on application. t. "" Orderi by Hall, Telegraph, or kspreis, - respect- fully solicited. . - SALISBURY BROS. to CO., 3T, Bornince 67 Weybo.iet Julie 17;763.61n; PEWVEntuicr, B. 1. WATCHES; JEWELRY v ,MONDSF.-6Lattrls Lindomus - ct -Gb.. SOT Chesnut Street} Philadelphia,• have always - on • band it large Stocl trf GOLD and str,vna, WATCHES 'suitable for Ladiesi i Gentlemon or Boys wear; &me bfour extra fine quality. • • • - • • Ourasscrrtment of Jewelry consists of the Most 'Posh :lonableand rich designs; as CliBo t pia In e shill to s: ex eneive.: • • • ' ' • Silver Spoons; Perks,. Pie, Cake - •and Pratt also a large variety of Fancy S liver 'Ware, suitable. for ;Bridal Presents. . "• We have flier:eon hand, a mast splendid assortment of Diamond Jewelry, of all kinds, to which we 'InV ice espeeialattentlon.• Our prices will he found considera bly lesslhan the same articles ure usually Soldier. : All. kinds Of Watches repared irrtho very treSt nian•• net, apa warranted to give satisfaction': • • WEDDING - RINGS on hand and Made' to ;order. cr.-address' —• • • • LEWIft•LADOIItOS „ • 802 Ohest nut Street, Philadeirdnis. P. S.;:!iTh cr high est . cash Trice Old for ‘okflitatrand 'Silver. Ail orders' from-the tountry - 'will redeye especial —.April 22"68:31±1. , ,::.,,,,prot , s - anb . :Slationtr9 -''''.. INTANT!STORE I:;,WATSON opened:it their- Store dloom;-on. tire North rest Corner of. the Diamond; opposite Franklin flail, Chambsrbburp, - .art entirely new- litock.ti 'goods, consisting of BOOKS•of almost every -description! Ste tlonerylof .all - Idnds, Envelopes. • Steel.Peng;•. Ink; &O. Al so gime assortment of WALL -RAPED, •W'INDOW BLINDS; various prices, and Great varletyofNOTlONS , AND PA.NOY •ARTIDLES, Plcturee,Dans,.Vases,..Ledies, . and Misses- Baskets, ..t.o„ Imam Soap and Torfatnery. . Also 11,41)&1 Assoitment of Worsted, Shetland- WOol ; :&d. 'and a--great variety of goods too numerous to -Insert to which theyinvite the attention of lies• Pabllc, and• spectfully solicit a shore of the publio patronage. , Pleaiti call and examineour•stocki • . z..• June 17, WATSON.S SON. )3 17 OST..-031,Thititadiir, ilia 4thins . t., 4 Vii . the-road between. Greermastle tind . 'Mitidn, • LatIVSMS . COAT. - The finder will be llbsfally~e —nre4d hrrotutning . the Immo to this office.- • Juiielo,3t - DpRQTTUIRS , of the.Ser _vieo, or 11; Ho3pitata , can famish- their with the O.SITOn {brae mouths for 28 cents; eia'months for .50 ciitits; or 6titleat for SIX FOR• INSTANCE: ? ~ ;:i.; Kankitti ct Aspositat# t „ .4 1 5 -a _ „#'5:01g 1 .2! L-Vs* ~tto~~i~tu~: . ErEZ.CRY S. S'roNsa. VicQLURE IN_L EIiITORS - WPROPRIE„TORS. THE - FRANICIaI' REI'OSIT'OE'Y tS pUblielled WeeklYpt . l 7 . • - - T., " AlGD:QtrAttell) , SHEET f Eorty,eight.Corttnita.`: ttis printed orr-7---:77-'l' t,NI I X "; Cloar,TYPe. IMEIMMEM ,-F- 19 - o ', l .14,1, 4,11 ( 45 .4N.N.v..m, If not paid within the) , ea - i . ' 7 Tv . dittiftY cents. .1 -:.......x..... TIE FRANKLIN ,RK,I'OSITORY sires a .Cordial Aud Eamat'Sapport ,; toltho • _National and :Bt,itto ,Adinialytration3; 'fotho of:a. 4izotons'ProSeciti6l of the War: • . to,the Unconditional Re-union • Uulte __Stat6.4_ Without Comprondse with Rebels in Annsl to tho • - Policy that exhausts every means stirithin the . Power the Government to SulipresS the Traitors' ',Rebellion to -the - Cause of our e • . • • - to the • Preseiviticin.:in urtfading reverence, - ; ofour : .. •• Heroic Dead. . FiA.N.kLIN Ti-Epo'sitoßy • ,', has art - • • ' • ABLE CORPS,OP.EDITOItS. • • embracing all-the L. - Differeilt Departments of ,• POLITICS. • -; . „ • ; • AGAICIJI,TIIit. 1•• • . , • FINAN'OE., • • •'. , MAAKETS," Jo' And lma . - • ; Able Correspondents '. • , „, ; in, all tbo. ' ' • Eastern Cities. • - AtOlP National ancl.State Capitals, • , _pad omPlors - ; - - - - — Competeni 4 Reportera • • - Occasions of Special Interest. . THE iFRAN REPOSITORY, "is. the • -MOST COMPLETE LOC - IL — RAPER ' " 'publlsbea ki the Sate. • ;"-, . It has • - Local ..CorreipondentS ' = , in s 1 Every Sec the count*, ho report • • . The -Conditiori . nd Prof poet of tho Crops. " the proceedings of All Public Meetings . •• 1 and all Oecureeneb.4 °Oen eral Interest. „ THE fitANXLIN 'is especially_ VALIJABIX TO THE FARMER. - Its • - Agricultural Department • twill contain Contributions from the niestexperienced ' Practical Farmers in the State. Tlia beit teethed of Improving Farm Stock ' will claim , Partletdar A ttention in its Colum ns. The EasteZrt Markets are• ' .CarlsfullY and fully Iteviii.yrsd' . „ • _ \.—caeh l iveek, \ and tho • ' • - ,Latiist itoptrts given 3 . 18 Matti qOI Ogral* . Down toile d ate of each , • , THE FRANKLIN REPOSITORY .;centains "Weekly *petits of the Sales of Stocks.. - of ' * l • - - Governpatint and; ofhert , Bond?. -, • the tal neof • Otii!Statc' CurrencY I nod the Current ikinnetn - I . 3•Tinnsuctions at lldtire.„ THE FRANI . I4,IX:',,It:E - go§_ ITQRY contains - • TILE ''r.EIpi.,,LATEET *Eits • T u esday's•Evening Mail . and ' Magrieti6: Telegraph, Report f tid oadinsii oly rfor this 'PtiPer. "- Itirill,t6refore One day in adcaute of the City Dailies With all Important News'. THF ? , FRANKIsilqsT.'4 - .KippsITORY • . bas :iho • - LARGE 1` CIRCULATION • •,: ": •- ' 'aiiri , • • •.. •' - : • - 9,* - It circulates . •• Tn one of thd mijit - thriintOligetit • , tl , t4 Beetibus of Oginnsylvania. • "• - - 'Perms=-AeisonOlo. THE , 144.1sTEj4i,N; REPOSIIOY ; has the • , ,Minit'C'oritpleto 3 0 7 3 ' P4X/ 4 1- 1 - I , I g,,OSP;P-B SOnthern:Pentisyli;iinia. ' Ctinis;tireulars; • , '• lland-h i al% Pamphlets, Ito.. • • 'in - Pipin;pr Fan Colors."'' 1 .iane Dim:aptly 2 and ' „ MI • • ~ k A \ ''' "k'paeriid Rate's. • , ' '' - ' '•- t i ‘s - - • - • -; _„ .. °rants 'Air t ibseklptiorw, Advertising. , " n ! , . , Tott; : Printing thankfulli, received:. Address • ~., , --. 1 , - i, 2d0C.1.111E , -, - 1 . 'STONER; PrAPlttarons. '. - .-' - •`• '' •'-' • 3 %- -'-' ' 'Clultabeltbirg,ll%) V..-,‘ Attarims „at Pty.. Pare , v.irsh.ip , „-The fint`e theitil soh-is:l4i tiapla'actic urn@ Ltiw 111 craeltral conrts of Frank - au s ,connty. °Me on Markep StrectOn the, zoon:!: luiretotore ocenpfed, brT. 13: Kennedy, - • , " T. B. KEN ~7une,17, '¢3 ATZPI E fili' - ,i'ttTi:ig '-:- . -- 1",;;--2Pitte*i 'og ‘ itra l ri - et St— ftirutetly wen - pied by Reif*-4 :14hti]rp,'"diricatly oPluOte thp Court House,'Chambershurg, Pm: in: lego,l business entrusted to him will receive prompt ntteutigli4 Ite will'practiee in radjOilli4 Con!ties. : , TUTfa . / , ' 7 , ' • ' „ . hi. & Attor= ILA o no's- dt,l47c,.o4thersbrirg, P. Collections . promptlyo%tieddfd : 4 . Stenger,l _District- Attar• nary ituti .gent - tir procnrini . :Pinsten4.4. bounty 'Stoney and Anrolre or Pay.' Office , in , Tranklin'Tll.llditi.tr. -3cl doer from_ tbe earner .: • : ' Jileet S.'EVERETT Attori4 _ . Wp OlHce In Mrs. Itsrd's 'dwellin, directly :oppei, site the .nrt ClinintitiabUrg; Ps. WITi IW:idles in t r be secs rat Courts of leisnitlin•end.Fairott-lOodlities. Ali legal bushaes4 eninasted 'to lgs. care lOW respire prompt attention. , :June VT, P. 8.8711Z1311.11G11.. JOIThr STENVATI.T. Q , IT TUMBAG3I ,&- STEW ART; At; torn,* id Lem arunheritnirg. Si... ve. their" attention to the Prtietiee.of thelhprofcissinh, - ' , l Oflbielit ti Vosvit 711110'17. 'AI.. JMtDOWELL s"llARPR.Attorfrey o Zaw.Otiatabersberg: Pa. Office in Mee. Zincing DuiWinks, directly oppeelto the Court Heine. - - . , O.• SEILIIAALER, Attorney at tiMmberebnik, Pa.. Office—Mor Street, above ,Queen, in the room forpterly ocetkpleil _ -" ' • , JuTlel.7.lSo3. GEORGE EY.STER , it E. .3; BONE' . BRARTiAttarnos at , Z4M, hr i removed 'thti room on blain Stroot, One do9rtiootknf Bylltor'ElAtore., , June 11, _ • ... a S: CliA4K,.Attoimey at. , _Lazo, has'', 0 remarmi Ills Office's. few_doers .lia st of lit s fo rm'et: ocloion. on Market street, (Souttr•side.) • Juno 17.'63: fIALVIN AL-DUNCAN' AttorodPat!' . . kj Law.' Office on Nistiket Street, in Lawyer's' diVesite the r Conrt Muse. .Inns 17, '63.. 1 • „ rp L. FLETOTIER," AttdrOei atl49, 1 . Cliamberstnir,Pa. 011icec;la East .11atket'street,i tiu.trlYlipadAta the'thart Ltunke. Juno ; A:L. .M'CIAIRE,. 'Attorney. a t Law,Cbsmberebntg,Office in .the,Frank2in`, ,Aelusitopy , _ „ , ,„ 1'1,'63. 'DR. WM. B. ;. HTJRD'S DEN'I'AL' „ „ IttISIEDIES ARE VIE BEST IN THE JITCR4:O, r'insueng rine A'neth and 'Sweet Breatii, -, arid 'raring I ;'..toothache and Nertraigia.• • • ) — Doyen wish' lo be hi essed with, and ocl , iiired f,rPearly 'White and Sound Teeth! ' Use IV:11.' 13: lUtiDiS UNUIVALLED_TOOTII rowviali WPrratittri tee-liorn atid,alkall ; or any t nJurinus snlistatice, .Price.:s cents' per box, - , ..„ , , ./ia• Beirarei . of:the °raining cheap Tooth.?owders;„- which whiten but: irestrov. ;• Dot you wish to tie Cl 4, thin that •nttr'Brent! is purk• sweet and agreeable to husband or wifc.lover a d iriendT Use •Dr: 'HURD'S CELEBRATED bI q UTES.WAS.B. Pride, 37 cents per-bottle: , - ' • , The astringent wash in Piaci the best remdy in the • wor,i,d for Canker , Bad , Breatit.•Blecding,(apas ? ,Soie Miinth. etc. It has cured Ittnutreils.' t „ Do you wish your children suffer from ootltathe ? Get Dr.IIURD'S MAGIC TOGTHACILET. DRIPS. Price, Licentsperhottle. • 'Aro" yen afflicted with Neuralgia' ? Get dr..,WM B. ItURD'S NEURALGIA PLASTERS.' The soot effleitiVo' and. delightful remedy known- fdr Palos ; I , the: Face, Chest, Shoulders. Neck, or any part or the ody, They donut adhere nor blister. but noose and charm' pain away; Try them. Pilco, IS and' Si mtg. 'Mailed on receipt of price. t • A.' Treatise mt. the host method of lesnrying _the. Teeth mailed on receipt of the price','- - liftents, It Wit: viiltiablu little work,and should he d'possession' or every pelvon. • Fur aisle at all the beat stores thronghit tbe country. Cktrrlos.—As there are dealers Who tea advautage o-fl nur.advertisetnents to imp6seifion ttor custoniets in ferior preparations. it is neceseary tainSt upon having what yun call for, and you krill GET TitEEST thoroughly tested, and prepared' by .au. erperhincl and 'scientific Dentist, Treasurer of the , New York grte Dentists' As.; sociatiun, end Yice President of the Nu York '3ity Den tal Society. Address -_ WM. B .:DRO Julie 17, , ' Tribune Buildlgs. New Toth'. TSETH INSERTED-AN AMBER: 41ASE.-14t. sclltos.:3Eß. 91) atilt hraresi deuce on EAST MARK ET . STREET, tar the FimekNei i Railroad. Dentistry' in ill its brainhiuttended - to`avith all tho modern, improvenionts. lining initdrahod to thin conpinnuttyl9rmore than, .twoyrrs, that tooth ran' Ambe6s in every way - CIIIIAPIIR Al) 'BETTER than tooth on any other matorial.l ssoulday that 1 still sow tee roaaun tor: Lange my opinion, for-iiiOnio - mitny sane t 4 Cliamberelmrg93nd, vitluityor Nyhom I Duet inserted teeth on A3.lllElt ivito can trlify to amp. sope.! riot merit. . N. H. MI worlc'erarranted giviniltinfattion,or'lin, charge.. Teeth extracteillwirboutiatin _with perfect' nafety without taking Chlureform..For further infer timtion call'at the ( Tree. ' - Rune 17, 'iS63. "DR. W. W. SCIIIJOSER, Surgeon Dentist,-;-Themndorsigned 11; 'removed his Office' - from the Mansion !Ouse, to the aidence.Of -3lr Jolin. Noel, Northwest corner of tho.Dinond. and hunted', ately opposite the Franklin 'fete Office, on the ire.' cond floor—entrance through thuhesago, to the right: as you aseend the stake. - ' Jane 17 1863. W. . . yE3IO.ITAL.I)I: JK: - REID, Den: fist; has renfecell Mike OM'ille corner or the 'oldie Square, where he practise'se many years', to the, carper of 3lain aml Queen Street eh - are:Wm. IleySees' Drug' Store, Chambersbnrg, Pn.,Terelae will be pleased, to recelre the calls of his trlentll [Junel7o.B63. , . R. A. H.' STEPITI•TS',' ELECTRI:i ' CAL PHYSICIAN'. iscuigall CUR . ,ON'IC D/SE . ABFx;! th of Ladles and Gentlemenor a new Method In the' tise.of Electricity alone, yri alai any /5141:Ines or eyew amiptiln. . 'Boarding may be, had, wlttPreatinenti by patient 4 from abroad at reasonable niti in .the Doctor ' s f.tmlly. Letters applying for circulatorthrtherlnformation x wilt be promptly answered. , crgt- and residence at'l4lB South Penn Square, Philatletila, Pennsylvania; lining in a central as ,well as_delighti- pair,of , the city. Cut this out for future reference. [Apiii 8,'63-3M. , -W A. R. SHAW. turns his thanks the citizens of Frnilin county, for the bbl era encouragement, Imstowacm. him .the last threq yearn. Mid invites those whirtve not made 1111-,VICEOPATIIY to do so. - tdrunati'onsffrei. Alt anJ rabic cases can rely on. , rria sperslysure than nn4er any other syltom. Dr. 5.. - lieremoved to r Nerth mcein. sire& a short dt.tance`holowie point, 440 re he - c.au bei found, ready to attend to cal ISittior in town or country wheu Sot`Absentoa professini birdness, , June 17, 1863. : „ „!, • ,2.„. ■ • Pit. lv: D. nßow,,Y.'• ;' • • '*- ' ''-': Inter. P: irALS. 110tROWN 'ST, 1Y Ali,;Elatricat Plll4 1 jj4aiciarts. Office In Pt ltralallittrigi Wzai - 51Atil . Err STRUT; Cluunberatinrg, • ; "‘ . i• ' • •- • ,„ The. above treats al) :C I t I/tsp. : see, by means of GA LVANISSIand the diffe t mod illoatloo4 of 4LP.01, TaICITY; as dlecoveredite tight bY Prot - Donna. ' - • Jun410;6341', '- - ,'-,• ' - :1 "c; • - 1. kpcoo an-o9fce for - ihoiiindo of Bled lel zit) in the contro 'room of thirltlanrlon 110 ache door South's& Ile:Shry l ock's Adak Store, whore boil - below:10 at all hours day and night ,OStept when fdirilonallY. aimed. S 3 4 1 .1 1 e Iia•PFIVA - , - • :.• • 11151 .f,C; ; AI S OS.i 114031iBAY ' ; : Silii at tend Pl,einitYy Main street, neat door toldEligta Hotel 'and nearly. ogiosita tladriaddatra 6f- s'4n. George Malmberg. etaberebus&anno - 17 Eta,' 10. ,EICARDS..wiII . attend Jl,Apromppy ta all 11 his Dui. -Me ott Maitt. Stroet r next door to Sp r's Drag Dtare , f DD" Orrin Hotaut—Fd 7 to' 9, it: AV; 12' to 2 and P. lA. r• : •• • . i , - June 17,1862,1 - ,:.;tiOiti#,,r,t4i - - iltati.;4'.;. TtrkliCE:,OF HE PEACE:--Hi traillAVlSQN,LTintilthe ly oppoatte the Indian on lEtotolP All butilnataen, trpated hl. t Caro elm dye. prompt attention. 'lay iirtinictsta til-kinds; drawn tiP in a dais factory mnaner. ;; - , June 17,13,, ME t ice ,of'o u ro t bait ; ~ieii#i~t~~.> pinsicias. 11014 stationtiv& Jana) Vilatfp Q - ' S.` SARYOO.II;': tSivAirtplitg, SrnlijannitiandistrOiiiol td transact btisinea 'with Eiteaterldellitlii thin = • :• ' BOOKS:cs- , Sctiool-Booki,,Minellaneoun BOOP.s,'Toi ita* - 13tioks:Isecutia toolis,'Stinday SolioorßOoks, ~liilitaryßooks: " • • ..,• BIBLES. •A laitteassortitefit of rookol I'a • BLAisit. BOOKS Of 'all siies: qualities and Styles ot binding _r - - _STATIOXERY. • great varinik . of at kinds of Writing' and Print ing Papers, of Wench, English an4Amerieurt ma n ,. Ufae4ue., ALsn i -Rnyetnpen,of tar sizes and gualitins,. Ink.: Pens, Peueits„ ;Indi Rubber,. Tape% ft.eale, 404 0 0 0 , eke, Blot,ting Boa rd , Knivee, Bralere, Writing aarul, ± ,te.;Fte., , ; • ;; GOLD IFENS. The very best Gnu) PENS in' the market; fully nqinantbi l l;ina'de W:FfitiiaiiM, of N•t• - vi4ety of pattenislind qualities, i B IlmrpßED ilitresent patterns. tcigether v4th suitallediertlerings. Infant, Velyet and:Velvet PICTU'RE..I4IU3ItS. -,pralanquereKtames for Pllete,graP/ls.'i Fiable3 made to older, . , •: , - • FRENCH GLASS, •:" •: • FOr • Piotuttigralinis, of any size. i ,CrLEA.I" -• Much lover than publishereptiCes, among which , • • -• - The Whit(' Ciniser,- •"- ; • • ; Tho , Rangoii •••• • , - „ The Midnight Queen, ; • 1 -• • English Tom, , J4sep ; ; • . ; - , _ Maid of the Saranac, _ • ',. - • , Don Bernard O's Daughter,.„„ • , fleleno; •, _ , , „ . Sketches in Franco, - • , • ~ ' VernOr'sPridO; 'Scott's .11 2 6ve15,... • ' • Dicken's' NOrcis, ' Mrs].Soutlireill'slCOirClS, Mrs. Istovitt, ; • linlw / eis'NOvel4 ' " 1 ' Attbar'S 14 °vets ' ' ' Rifle Shots,. ,- ' 'Trial and Tririniph, - '"`.• Priwie and Pedlar, . Annette, East Lynne ; l .• : " fl ' If: Legends: find ted - sok- ' Red Scout. " ' .Itille 'of tlie;,Boveyy. ' Graee'Weidon; ' Beauties: ,; The Cfrumbler, ' • • ''• -" '' - Barren - Honor; , • ' Faljtland r •'1 , ' - Milrose; Chips from Uncle Sam's Jack-knife, • • The Ev'eilasting Fortiintaeller,' ' ‘. ' The Vaninui-Writig Mother, - Marguerite Irtilois'.• • - - Peggy Eight at Orferd, • the Quiet Husband. ..-; Two Ai tan Dininas, ' -; Aiorgan's Freemasonrv. ' . TheDebtnes Daughter. •Theßanker's. , Wife: -_- • 3 ‘ Highwaymaii.s Ride, NObleirtan's Daughter, - - • - . The Scarlet Flower, The Wife's Trials, • - Heyardi _ . - • . „I l ona Cameron< The — Expectant, . I • , Les Miserablei,, .500 Pumleti, ; , ENGIMXINGS. '1 English; French, Harman and 'Anterican Engra vings. • BASKETS.' ; - Fancy. Traveling. Book. Picnic, 'Fruit; krti e and Clothes Baskets. ZEPHYR ,WORSTEDS. :Single a ad.. Double Zephyr, {Tepestry and Spli Zephyr, Shetland Wool, &c., &c. • 'LIsTEVSPAPERS: ThO Philadoiphia artd. Tiroiv•Tork Jiailics ieceiCod daily. Clubs , or individuals supplied. - -WEEKLY- PAPERS. • ' Harper's - Weekly, , • - •• • _: • • I• Frank Ltslie. - • N.Y. Marcary., ; . - Now YOrk'letlger, rceei ocl vieekly: PERIODICALS. , Harp Or's Monthly. - . -. • , ' Atlantic Monthly, - • Continental. • - Qodey, r' • • Petersen, •, • ; '• , • : ; - ',Knickerbooker, • ' •.• - 't rt • :411.the Year itonni;. ; • • - • . Cdrnlrill, etc 4. etc.. ' received as soon as vutdistod. • .• ,•• 'CHEAP' LITERATURE. ' • 1 it All the Ihme:Pulthoations, Virge y - naval a es, Song Books,Son , ~ • • ORDERS. • - I'Vo'tako orde'ra for 'all kinds of go'Ods. •)W0 recejie vila bylixraws ViNEY.D.Al , l'nim thAt - • Blank Beetis,' • : Writing and Printing Cards, Rulers, • Paper Weights, - • • kiticylaxes. ' eginba and inualiezt, • • . ' '" ••'' ' •' • • alba Craimas, gad an itaildard goads 'in our lino abasttutitbygi '• • 7 Mast irtasia, fbi Glgitar, Vitali', Plata'. eta; - • • Itetitog: Ne.inirobaseiPianos on 'cointaisolim.-so as toizai•n our,OnotsittChfroni Fikto OneallrldMandlifty, 11118IC:ALL :ristSTAIMIENTS: • •- 1 lkOs . taat Triairinnokta debilsea forioirer thou ritual , 1:; , IW/ or t o a4,o,lt. Wo can 'On Photograph Albin:as at lower prices than thc3t can he Procurator ill thotities. • him o no haeitatfoOn eay ng fo'onr customers thai &Obi lonir'!ltieribico.° our manner or bi-` ing nyi our 'grant faciliiies, irci . dotOataii `competition.' anc hive: no doubt On' to stir, entire satisfaction.' " = vopp iu2 , 480. 9 cur stOi , , oc c oarßf gd 1 44. i! ) r l l, l 7qur.innloVinionk . ; Chainlieisburs. Juno V - ';11 , inaL7I3thItEI4OOKIIIOLISPITAIi AP: - Ztithrititbsi the !founder f reet t lic'e t tpfi rt itii - efectual- remedy in the tiprld for Structuret. institution, offers the most certain, speedy, and only , Silminal - W4*netts. P3iD in the Loins. GJD iltitilifulzal tear hility,ltnputenet t iVottimft sr 06 7. 811 P1Z alf64 JuTeptEitis h hadopin Paliv tux,* thii 1100. Dystreptia, Nerve Disiwies sof Via ITead t TLroat, Nose or .kin swill! those serious and met an , choly disorders arishagfront the destructive hahlts oe 4"outik.whichdestroyhoth hodynnetntind: --Vitirstftwteret ali'd'solltaryces there :fatal than the tyng ttor:.Pyropyrto tbrtinarinor blighting their tonsr:brilliltht aticipations - rendering marriage, imsossibio. _ - • TOU,N 7 41 1.41. r 3 - - 34. • A rOati# Men w. 4.5 Shard hecOmi th4;vlSt(rit, of Wary - vitt:that dreadful' Ad neetidetivo - t which annually swestrsto sn.untimelY k rave, thousands of young meworthe most exalted tai opt and brillian, futelleetOgho f :Ai3ktPlintielSolutieritranbia't Senates-with the menders of eloqnence, or wakett to% testacy the living lye mettell With tun confidence. _ 31a.Ritjx\ GRI , • : Marrted persons, pr young men ccmtempinting, mar ria s tirb e ti i gnw are of pbysi4i I iveakam, orgattietlebility,„ deformities, &c., should immediately consult Dr:Johns He ' whi, places himself under the care of Dr. Johnston ma r s relighmsly.contide iti Nie honor es a gentle2itameo confidently rely upon hie tiltill as a pliyincian. OicGAITIC. WEAKNESS 1 IiptEDLITILT tiftED UM V/0911, norm P.D • , • This is rho 'penalty Most frequently mild by those who have bet.ome rile 'victims of irnpirper - indaL genres. Young:persons are too a pt to conitnit excesses iron, not being awarenf,thii dren ftibminerequenroil that May maailii =Nei*, whit Shit iinderstands' the' etibject will pretend to deny that the power Vroareatiim I,,et termer by'thb.e-f.illitt iiito thaq - bi the prudent, Besides being deprived of the measitropf heidtkirspringr Orr serious um!' - iistruoilve aympatir-to mind and body arise. The itystenVieconse deranged. tho phystMi nientai powers wa m kened nerrous 'debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the.' heart' ind it, eat ion, -a wasting.of-the trains, ilytuptotrt attonenhipiiuu Office :7: Saiathr, Fre*.lick Street; ` ' seven doors from - Baltimore street, - East gide e , up. tlw the steps. 'lie Pritileular in observing name number,or mistaketho place. - • _ - W. ..ctutE WAIIT4NTED IN TWO DA:K§t.ltitp •, 4! cury rl Nauseous Drugs.' . DR. • Jll . 1+,37 ,S T.O N -• - , tf 3ninlitii " -bf tießoyfilvoiiege of:inigeons, London, - gra dilate from one ,of:the !nest - eminent, ,C.llle - ges ( of; the United Status . and' the ge,eaker part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London: Paris i Phildel • ptibi find elini*ltere, bits effetteil some of the moat olden lAinz cures that were ever .known. May -triphlrcr Ith:tinM the. head ilea' tart( ' when usle'ilf,, - greht netrettsam, being alarmed at sadden sounds, and bash. •fnlnessi _with:frequent blhehicig, -- ai tended - so - riletinfOil with` derangereent of mind. were cured immediately:La' CERTA4Y 72115E4.V:! ' When the misguided, 4nd inipiaulent_votary of pelota, sitrelinds he has Imbibed ti e seeds of this painful dis ease, it too °gen hopper:if that an ill-timed, isonati el stiititie,tit dread of'discuvery; deters hiM from uPplying to those who froui education and respectabliqy coo alone beflititidhini,delayirig liifthe constitutional hytoP. l l. toms of this librrid disease make their ti - airceral.ed;Spra throat, disaised nod isectatint i impii; in the head and. limbi, difriness'of sight, dentures, nib,s on tlimithin, bones-and nulls, blotches on the hdakftreiy, afid - extremities. progresiing _with frightful rapidity,, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bonesofi the nose tall in and the cloth' uf=this awful disease becomes 1 a horrid object of commis eration till; di sib, puts a pe. rio& Voids dreadfnl Sillier ligailby iferinitig filth 't.li l'•that bourne from whence no, reveller returns." To. surly therefore: Tit. Johnston p edges blintiiiitt to priiierie 'the , most inviolable secrecy ; end from hls extensive practirs in the lint HoisPitals'of Zureps and, America:die - earl c •ntidently recommend ri; safe and speedy cure to .the unfortunate thatim of .thhi horrid disease. - It is aMelnicholy fact that thousands fall victims to this horrid disease:owingp the onskillntinces of.lenei , rhea Pretenders who by tad of that deadful poison. bier cury. ruin the COMIC tunnel, and either send the uh'orto nate to an untimely grave; ur make - the residite of lite miserable. ;_ -, i ' f 'TA . ..KE PAMTIeITLA.II NOTICE! Dr aildresses,thosowhii have blur ed tlieMs'elvedby . private and improper indalgences. ,Wheseotrii soma vf-the . slitiand •molancholr,effectS pie (laced by early habits of youth. viz:—Weakness of the- Sack und lambs, Fairish! ;tbe liead,Pinifiess - Lbss of ,Ifiisanlar Power, Palpitatlin of the, Ileart, Dye. pewda, lieryons IrritnUjiity, Derangement' of the ItiKast ' tive -Function.,Deneild.Debility, Sy ruptoms of Oultatimp tion,&c. linnets:l;Mo feaifal erects On the inindarei.Mnclite, I e dieaded: Liss of Alorn,ery. Confusion of Ideas, Deprest.- alois,;• of•Spirits i Svil• Fordbedingt, Aversion to Society, Self-Diatrust.Love . of Solitude, limidity, &c., are sumo of the evif.effects. : • "i — Thousands of periens of nil ages ran now fudge -what - is the cause , of their deelipitiklicalth.:losing the - x.740Y, ' becomingcesib. pale. - hate' sinculitr appearanCii about the eyes, cough. and eymOtoms of consumption. , Dr. Johistwis - .4zz:,(ioratiitg Aciyedy,for Ot * •:1 7 .•• :•• ,f groslc cairness., - Bythii great and hnrio, rtnnt remedy, Weakness or thsf)rgans Is speedily . oared. and full - vigor..restorph, stiost;;nervistia and debilitited.s.hb bad lost all hope, have boon -immediately relluved. All impediments to 3farriagei Physical or Mental Wept:ilk deaden, - /leirenslirftabilitY,ftranbluig, ExliinctiOn of the most land, speedily cured by Dr. Johnstolt - , Yoll BN, Who luvVe injured I ticumbiy, e by a certain practice. in 'duke i in when atone---aihabit frequently learned fr rn evil comp[lniene. or ,tit SPIIOOI., tho, eff vets ar,e, 4444 felt; Mid if riot - cured. ilituderritia rlage imiseisible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What that a young man, the hope of itteoomi. try. thicatirli ngof hie w.trent should be en itteliellionA prosp,;ata,miaenSoynibute of life; by , the:otiikipiMMi efderiatingh,,trit he pitth of nature, and indeiginpin it ceitain 'secret habit., ,Stiob persons, before contenaphit inir '• - • IMM 31"'A.ItRIAGE reflect t het fit sound mind and, bodT,urn ; the; most n e. equnT'requisites - to"promote connubial Lanni mien: Indesol.Withuut these, tbejonimby through life becomes n weary Pilgrimage, the prospect bendy dark= eir to the ylew; tho mind becomes shadowed •with;Y:le. 4014 and filled with the mehincholy refl..etion, - .llmt the lutnnines -of quaother becomes blighted With" bur OFFICE NO. SOUTH - FREDIIRICIC'ST4 BALTIMORE. - - AN . • ... STD ANGEB,S -• p theta sends 'cured at this Ilvititution in the last fifteen years; and the numerous important „tees! Operations performed' by witnessed by beterstif the papers:and teeny other persons/ notices VI . ;WI k tOr,lanve appeareilugain andagnin before theptat. lie is a aufficlint guarantee, to the afflicted. • • 1•1;l1r There_ are so - ninny ignorant an' wor 'bless quacks advertising themselves as Physicians. *kilning the health of the already afflicted Johnston- deems it necessary to say to those unacquainted with, his , rep utation. that his Diplomas Siang in his office. • rsgrTsats . ,NOTlOu—Arietters Must be' 'post pita; 1144 contain n posts,. e of nmp for: the reply, ortio answer will he sent. ' • • Feb t',5,,634yr. ebpcatinaL O.IIAMBFAiSURG YOPTG-'llA xj SEHINAItY new halt 3esslon ears'- tame° April 20th, but pOplltivrillbe terelvaiLlilido heelly a nd eltargeitacwrdingly. There arc wononedatione ;or three ,or 'Tour pore boarders only. Boarding; fu thoee*holco hotniiat the end of the week.US Ude aim:, 'tiorcof llremonthe. .other boarder's - 8130. ' Taltlettlrota SIO to $1(?'. TEACRERS. - ReP.ilatt'Y iityzs;.A. M.; Principal. ~ 1 tev.130.(1. &mutat; French and German. Xpglish, Bronchia and Drifting. • • - •:f 'lilies Z. C. DEVORZW4., MU*:' t ' • !I • 'l4lll3l:lT.Ctoivie; English • •All of the above itt 4 e Mitt - ant "Ot coasidottible ence.--.lor fhrther itiferttuitheie apply. to‘the April . tstaurants. kitoittuicaut -trktar StrAgit--, Artl 7 l. g-Kaatf.isitoivi4;iivprieto r ., weli iini-Eatlng:Sotoon nitisit up in titgont - stile; aid ttio.irofterSignedjsVroparod' triseive• ittsEt TEII4FIBI4 ) ..PENS, T1)4.1%. - CELICILTNS.; lIIRTI4I tiTurCIABI - S01:11cOrul Game (Ant kinds, - ;;- constantly ori luldv* , ; ;,.b• „tie reepectfully ,Stakit afoptlapanceat the .ostiOillto sklitierailibed°,wed bY Iscnds and theppuWlc. Jiro ' '" r malms•auoviA:- AXANTIFACTIME'R I S can rptieli, ffiLlarge ellias:otthrifty dealers by w)TEIT//2YI-41s the rrIANKUIt IMOSITORIt. _ r#eILAMCS.-v . ..hoAtsfre -to .es-. -iternd 041.1 bastaeis alaTald ADVESTDSZ' -......W4t4MgriATl%,rf 11111 El EMI EMI liMa