The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, July 15, 1863, Image 5

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l'!1E ''O.Tii"AS:ON''= ENDED!
' 1 4 ' P 7 "ai r a s ;, lA'S' 7 4 '-
CnAMBERSBM I 9, July 14-2 P.M.
Official inforraatiOn has just been
Melted at :the headluarterS of,Gep.
7..ieneh that Gen) Lee completed his
poutOon bridge at Williamsport yes-
Orday;and crossed his entire army over
the Potomac last - 1
• Mo s t of hiS artillery waS
,got over
slifelY, but considerable of his, baggage
Ind alnuniber of his horses were lost
in; the' river. Part of his - army :and
tr4inO'orcled the.river,.so great was'
Lee's [baste to retreat,. and the ions of
agons and horSes -was heavy.
-- 'Geri. Kilpatrick . entered ,Williams
pOrt this morning with his Cavalry,
and the entire line of the Potomac is
OW held by-the. Union troops'.
iThiis ends the second and last rebel
GOn. ,Leo. cam& upon loyal
soil. this time with the fitree - farmy the
*Feilled Confederaey ever 'possessed,
arid it, uponiti.4 ownde,solited
soli-with its . columns broken, its num=
berktedneed nearly if'net quite'one
half, ydeaths, wounds.; captures and
desertions the brief-spaceth''t
• .inns o
;ring his fatal campaign the rebel
strp‘hold of the Vest, Vicksburg,
has' fa and he retraces his steps ,to
e armed' traitors of the South
siOtt n by the .avengiiig ,swOrd Of
&Usti e
,at every point f
tfi: day dawns brightlyjnon' the
Oid":public!. After two' years of
miiig d disaSter and indecisive tri
' • urapb:, He whd declares '" VPIGEANCE
x 51.14 E," has interposed to stay `the
blood relentle Ude of treason, and
tti pr
serveto us and to posterity the
Tiee Arketitutions of the Western
Ai - et, Him
Wort . be pivised '
Thel Capture of ,Vicksburg.
Oeitureiai between 25,000 and 30,000 Prtsoners.
Great 'Number of Cannon and Small .
- it. Arms Taken.
°Amp, July 8.
' -- By ithe arrival of the - fiteamer Ilittgara,
yob_ Lieut. Dunn, of Gen'. Sullivan's staff,
from: Vicksburg,, who is a bearer . of dispatch
pi-I'mM Gen. Grant to the War Department,
welave a confirmation of the capitulation of
Vick - sburg.
;Froth reliable sources the folloWing par;
4tixilurs of the closing scenes of the siege of
}Vicksburg have been obtained :
; 'This first flag of truce received for some
talie was on the. first of July, asking an es
-loort for 'two Englishmen, who had been shut
‘up for sorae time in the Confederacy. • This
'irequest was granted.' On the. previous . day
'the rebels made an unsuccessful sortie on our
[soldiers out of the rifle pits.
I General Jonston was reported to - 'be only
Itiventy miles oft- Our men were in line . of
i llattle - ready to receive: an, attack; , ,
On theflag of truce came into our
'lines,' brought by two Confederatem3fficers,
one of , whom was Major General Bowen.
The Messengers - were • blindfolded, -and re
mained awaiting . the return of Gen . ' Smith,
Who tookthe dispatches from Pemberton to
4nc.ral Grant.. After an hOur had elapsed
their eye were,unbandaged: They convers
ed'freely with the Union officers. _ One of
Wan's - aid that iron enough 3iad been thrown
into the city to stoekitamense founderies and
build monuments for all who had fallen.
,The : messengers were again blindfolded
and-eseerted to a-safe point,from
could enter their own lines.
• Great , curiosity was manifested by the offi- called from this stage of existence on the
'Cora:and soldiers to learn. the contents of same day and month of the year, and now
Gtrieral Pemberton"a _dispatches, which was on this last Fourth of July, justpassed, when
finally gratified. ; we have a gigantic rebellion,'
• at the bottom
The rebel general luidiseenfit to intimate of which is an effort to overthro*' the prin.
that an unnecessary effusion of blood and ciple that all men are created equal, we have
loss of life might tie prevented by , the cease- the surrender of a most- powerful position
tion of hostilities, during which, commis- andarmy on that very day. (Cheers) And
laiouersmight be appointed to agree on terms not only so, 'but ina succession of battles in
of 4tirAiider. He also - intimated • that ' he" Pennsylvania; near to us, continuing through
could hold the city for an
_indefinite period, . three - days, so rapidly,fought that they might
'Gel. Grant's reply was very brief, saying be called one great battle, on the let, 2d and
that Pemberton had it'in,his, own bands .to 3d of the monthOf July; and'on the 4th the
stop bloodshed at any, moment; that com- cohorts of those who opposed the declaration
rUissnimexs were unnessary, and -the ,o,nly that "all men ,are created equal" turn tail
gtipailitions hecould accept Wcire an, uncon- and run. : .(Ltcmg continued cheering,)
ditierial surrender He concluded by paying . Gentlemen, this is
,a glorious theme,
, ap
'deierve& tribute to the bravery an& &lm.. the occiefon for a speech, bia,arb. not pre
aneont the rebel garrisciu, and said . that 'if pared to,make one worthy "of the Occasion.
they surrendered they Woula be treatodWith I would like to speak in tones of praise duo
all thesourtesy due to prisoners of war. • to-the many brave officers and ,soldiers Who
I Therebel messenger had. not gone - long have fought in the -Cause' of the unioni and
when Pemberton sent again, asking per- liberties of their country from the,beginning
send _ interview, - which, ' General Grant of the war. _There are trying occasions, not
promptly acceded to. , - onlyin success., but for the want of sueeess.
I •At 3 o o'clock - P. M.ohe same
,dEO, 'a eon- I dislike:to mention the names of officers lest
ference took place )about _midway between l'inight do wrongto,..those I might forget.
the fronts of 1419 - simit , s. - The twogerierals ;Recent events bring up ; glpriowinames, and
went aside, and /what Was said during :the ;particularly prommeiat ones; but these I will
conference can, 6rily be Judged from thaire- :not,mention.• • Haying said thistiueli; trill'
emits. *fter little more than an hour terms • now take the " ';=-• '
vere agieed tiOn, and the , rehels suirtinder-
It was arranged that the7federal 'forces
shOuld enter at 10o'cloek on the next morn,
ing, and the rebels all be paroled (the officers
Allowed to retain their horses) and given four
days?, rations, to be taken from_ the rebel
stores. They were to be - considered as pris
oners, liable to exchange. The enemy, num
bering •from 25,000:to 80,000, by this arrang
ment, fell into our hands, along with their
small arms, forts, defences, &c. 1
Pletit3l of cannon were captured, and their
quality is equal to , the best in the confed
eracy. • • ,
At ten o'clock on the morning of the.4th
of July, General Steele's division marched
into and garrisoned the city, the bands
playing the ='iuitional airs of the Conterid
ing forces. The scene wes witnessed by
thousands of Federal and 'rebel soldiers,
many of whom,. for the first tirh in Aveekg
had shown themselves - with impunityabove
the rifle Pits although, during all'this timethey had been within-live yards of each
• .
Gen. Grant came to the place of rendezvous
smoking a cigar; and appareitVtheonly un•
excited person in the vast assemblagp.
Gen. _Pemberton first remarked _Oil he hid
been present w,hen,differentfortress64. had sur
rendered to the Federal arms in the Alexicon
war, and in those cases the enemy were grant
ed terms ,and conditions. He thought his
army_ was as wclPcntitlai r to such fiviors as a'
foreign foe. --
. Gen. Grant listened to his argunnts, and
then - proposed a private conversatiAto which'
Pemberton agreed:
The "Stars and Stripes" were„ soon after
seen floating above the buildings where lately
the rebel ensigns' 1111 d met, the lareize; and
Vicksburg was again in loyal possession.
Not long after formal possession of !the city
had been taken; Colonel garkland shade his'
entrance to take charge of the Past 'Office,
and agreed to establish. federal -- niall routes
with the rest of the world. . j 2
THE GREAT vicx.ncuto cAAßrarlir
Among the reasons for the surrender,. we
may mention. now, that within two - weeks,
the topograplaicid engineers of Gen. Grant's
army discovered a high. bliif vn the river;
which had been strangely overlooked before,
and which conimanclea the strongest fort that
the rebels had constiteted;for!the defence of
the city. This hill - was taken possession of
by Our force's. and the moans , - Lwhich were on
the gunboat•Chicinnati, b before she was sunk,
mounted on it. From this fact, it, is evident
.that Gendral Pemberton,, seeing there was no
hope of is holding out any longer, at once
surrendered. ' •
The following is a chronol peal record of
the siege of Vicksburg fit:ri lits first incep
• !
31412, 1862,—Flag Officer Farregut de
mands the surrender. '
May 28--Ftirragui passei'Vicksburg with
his fleet. J
• June 28—United naval attack urTonl.
July 24—Naval siege nosed by Farragut.
Dec. 28 en. Sherman..drifeated.
Jan. 2 ? 1863—Gen. Shernmri withdraws
Jan. 2,`,4, 1868—Gen. MeOlernand prepares
for siege operations.
Feb. 4,--Gen. Grant arrives.
Feb. I.B—Gen. Grantgommenses bombard
ment. 1.-
March 21—Admiral• Fan' agut arrived.
Aluich 25—Two gunboats-run past.
April 16—Six gunboats•run past.
April 17—Fire opened from peninsula bat
teries. •
April 29—Admiral Porter shells and pas
ses Grand Gulf. _
Apr;l 80—General Gram lands at Bow
linsburg, and moves on Port Gibson.
May --Grand Gulf and Port Gibson cap
tured. - - • -
May 12—Engagement and victory at Ray
May ft-:.-Battle at Mississippi Springs.
May 14—Occupation of Jackson.
May 16—Battle of Baker's Creek. .
May I6—Evaeuation of Jackson by Gen. t
Grant. • c.
May 17—Battle of Big 'Black river bridge.
May 18—Haines and Chickasaw bluffs
May 19—Gen. Steele carries the rifle pits,
and Gen. Grant's right and left rest upon
the river.
May 22—An unsuccessful assault made by
Gen. 'Grant. • -
July' 4—Vicksburg • surrendered to Gen
Grant. •
On receipt of the news announcing the,
fall of Vicksburg in Washington, a large
crowd, accompanied by a fine band, proceed-.
ed to the White House,
The President appeared at an open _win
dow, and spoke in substance as follows:
Fellow-citizens' I On very glad indeed to
see you 'to-night; and yet I will not, say. I
thank you for this call, but.l most sincerely
thank Almighty' God 'for • the occasion on
which you called. (CheerS) How long ago
is it! eighty - odd Years since, on' the - 4th of
July, for the first time in the history ,of the
world, a nation by its representatives assem
bled and declared "as a self-evident truth
that all men are created equal." (Cheers.)
That was_the birth day , of the United States
of America."' Since then the 4th of July has
had several very peculiar recognitiomi.
The two most distinguished - nien engaged
in the • passing and support of the Declara
tion, were Thomas Jefferson and - John Ad
ams—the one having penned. and:. the other
sustained it most forcibly in' debate. The
only two of fifty-six who supported it being
chosen Presidents of the United States. Pre
cisci,y fifty years after they .put their hands
to the paper, it pleased 'Almigkty,..God to
take them'from this stage Of . action. There
is indeed remarkable events in our history:.
Another President, five years after, was
franktin itepositorg, titimintsburg, 'll4.
Three ettecirs were' 'given, - and after the
fausic , the larger portion of the crowd pro
ceeded to • the 'Wei' Department.' Ledd
cheers were given. forllf.r. Stanton, who re
turned his thanks for the - compliment, and
spoke in hig,h'eulOgy of the recent deeds of
the Army of the Potomac and of the succes
ses resulting in the fall of Vicksburg. He
expressed his confidence in the early crush
mg out of the re.bellion; and - anticipated that
successes will follow successes, and elaithed
that we had achieved great victoiles over
the rebels and copperheads.` •
Gen. Halleck briefly addressed the multi
tude He remarked that it.had been nearly,
two years since he took command of the Ar
my of theWe.'st.; General Grant was under
his command, and that • officer had now
fought fifteen battles and won fifteen- victo
ries: Now he is , three-fourths of the' way
down the Mississippi, and to-day or .to-mor
row he will beiff_PortHudson. '
-lir. Stanton proposed' three cheers for
Gen.-Meade,three for - General Grant, arid
three for Gn. Halleek, and nine for the .
Union. These were enthusiastietill% gbien,
when, the band struck up a 'spirited atr. - -
Senators Wilson , Wilkenson and Lane, of
and• Representatives Washbtirxie and
Arnold, of Illinois,- alsd made speeches,
which ,were • frequently interrupteil by ap
plause. • • :
A large number of persons proceeded to .
Secretary Seward's residence. He said that
.he, in the beginning., was against the war,
and desired to put it'off if possible. It that
was a Weakness, there was a warrant for it
in the cliaraCter of Him who died to save the
world. • He desired the.cup to pass froth. him
it his .Heavenly father pleased; '. If not,
then he would accept:it: -
. -He waited until the war was made, not by
us ; but by our brethren'of the south against
us. Self-defence, he argued, was -the best
cause on earth.- With this no 'nation could.
perish. _He waited to receive the war, not
to mak6; it. No nation could be saved with
out sacrifices. If he could--not save, the
country, he was here at...the expense of all-het,
held dear to be buried in its ruins.
Ho spoke somewhat at length and hopeful
ly of, the future, previously remarking, -:" If
I'M,. let me fall in the public streets- and be
buried under, 'the paVement, and let the as
sassins of, my country's liberty tread upon.
me till there arise from:my grave some dven
ger to 'restore the, liberty pf my native, kind."
Mr. Seward was frequently interrupted by
. .
. .
• , LATER. ,
i Irrelligenee from Vieksbur,,o , las been re
ceive( to the sth inst. Quiet, prevail4d in
the eiy,-land a sense of relief was experienc-;
ea deibtless, which has been a- stranger to‘
the poitilation for more than, a year. Tine-q-
I teen -gneral officers had lcien paroled, and'
the garison were to leave for Talladega, Al
abama,in a few days. Numbers df thg pris
oners Pe. averse to the parole, and express
their dire to take the oath of-allegiance
and be ent north. Two_thousand five hun
dred petons were killed during the siege and.
the beam calibre of our guns is said to have i
kneckedthe Rebel works nto undistifiguish
able heap. The citizens were not allowed
to — drap : .tpon the army supplies -except in'
extreme eses of destitution. Five dollars n
pound wa.the (price of flour, and one dollar ,
would puchase a; pound Of mule 'Meat!---
Surely thcbistory of inside affairs at; Vicks
burg wouhprove a thrilling one.
from • the teriOr of-Xississippi _ state that
Johnston Nis in rapid retreat before General,
Sherman, - 910 was. in hot pursuit: After
the fall of "icksburg, Gen. Grant.despatch
ed an offer)f assistance to General Banks,.
at' POrt Thlson, and' it was believed that
Gen. Gardeer befOre the week was ended,
wouht - find Imseltin the unpleasant predic
ament whidhefel Pemberton on the-memo
rable Fourtbd July Anno Domini, 1863. _ _
The Diseees of Error (Les 131alitclies .
D. Ogden, M. D., author and pub
lisher of the able work, do hereb • premise and agree
to send (free of "rip) to any gating man who will Write
fyr it. a maple My fur . perusal. The proper study of
mankind le Mr-N;Thls valuable work es issued and sent
forth for the bertha: HAllfering ImManity. It treats in
bimPle langungei all,the diseases of Error. Including
Beininal Wcaknet lier4ouS Debility, Indigestion, Mel
ancholy, IturanityWasting Decay, I mpotency, &c.,
giving safe, speeditnd effectual prescriptions for their,
permanent cure, tce.ther u ith much valuable informs:.
tion. AD who fal 4 , mo with a desire to read my work
altall receive a camp oapyby return mall,free of charge.
Address AMIN' Di OGDON. M. D.,
reap 20, 62-3 m No . - 60 Nassau Bt., Neff YOrk.
Children 01CCritttch of- their , ss to
oilds—:No Matter the ; disease may appear to be
seated, its origin mi 'be traced to suppressed perspira
tion, or a Cold. Craps Mad Lung Complains are direct
products of colds, Ishort, Colds are the harbingers of
half the diseases that'll:Het homanity, for as they are
caused hy checked pspiration, and as, fire-eighths of
the waste :flatterer h body 'teepee through tho pores,.
if these peredare clog, that propOrtion of diseme ne
cessarily follows. Ep' clear, therefore, of Colds and
Cou she, the great prtusers of disease, or I. contracted
break them up immettelyby a thnely.nee of 'Madams
Fbrter'sCurativi Balta. gold by all Druggiate, at 13
and cents per bottli Jan 29, 63-1 y
The Confession.init Experience of an In
valid.—Yubliithed for I) pandit, and-as a warning and
whObilTer,from Noma Debility, Premature Decay or
mia o w, etc a opplyb at the same time "
By ono Who had cured Insult after being put to a great
expense' and [Wary t l pugh ;medical buinbug :and
fly encloillpg a postld, addressed envelope, single
enrolee may ho had of tlanthor. • ,
ledford Kings county, N.Y.
flay 20,631 y
- - ..- -
. ,
Card to the Stftretcq.—The Re - v William
Cosgrove, while labori4 a missiohary inJapan, Was
cured of Conqmption ID an othernmans had failed,
bye. recipe obt4lJnoll fro earned physiclau in the &Cut
eityof Jtddo. This, reel as cured great nurebere Who
were angering from minion, Bronchitis,-Sore
Throat, Coughs and - dol nd the debility and nervous
depression caused by - th isordem,
Desirous Of benefittin era, I will send this recipe,
which "Iwo broni • all who need it,
fiVie'of Ohav*: - ' Ai 'COSMIOV:E;
' deo '5, 4,1,7' , , ,
~ ,
' Cir - nameite42. OD & PESIQT,
1131 Ridge Avenue.,2-,.. .for for sale, upon
tile most Randable Terti*sto and Zieaatifui perig l it
in 'great ;meaty of ' MailiA/L/NGS for Cemeteriep,
ifs,Raid:anal:o ,OoViouglina Cast • Iron, andGairmi
ited. i ro s - ria4 o erti,es.*ti, iron Verantiohr, .13alccmier,
- Sian, Cbiagen, Ybantall Gates, (35iumnt, IfiteXiiig
Posis;ZalaP-Staildiy Tasetabial, .preioer Sianels,Afeq,
Chaiii. - Blaraargy, .idiiialinifall etbe'r Iron Wirt of
Demarativerelaameterr. Deis 'forwarded for select*
Parsons applying for isplelliplease state the J itind , of
waXis: aaallall - '
_____,4 June 3, 63-3m,'
- Iffaitia.;=L: Zo . cal, anTidiellizii- Agents in '.
every TowiLintonti34 killaiti,ivitli Testimonials
of Clergymen and ilielentilleen; In regard te the Mist;
. peso, sent free:: ', ' - :: TO) `HALL', J 8; ibi.; ~
Poly 1 , 5,03-St,- r- -Ltritt torypart,lldas4
. A " , ,
: Eftt:P[4i'nerkt- 1 " - :•45 , Traitieti:l- - -Wimill
'Pa9teala V. 5 tas ls Pai' M' 3ll doll expentiii, to aittea' giver a C°Mln 153 l
19 ?aft:dal seit.3 frep.-
iiddreas , Tam-.sminso * , omp A r r „ p,. ,Im k t E s4l .
c a
GatestiLigiattillilati;Ohlo. 1 , , - spril 254'63:17 t
. • .... . •
To the Young' oi• - •Otd, .Ataf,e• or Female.L 7
'Ryon have been senenng from a habit indulged in by
S EXeS,.
WILD CAMS so itiogr stARMIn armrests;
IL unfits thamfor , Atairictge, . -
Audis iiie`greateet etil 4.010 can
.." 3IAN t Olt ,WOBIAN. ;
Seenniptome enumerated advertieeitteit s and it you
are a auirever. - • • —•• , - - -
Cut out the Advertisement,- •
Aud fiend fur it at once
Delays are diingarOn.s . '
Asit.for Itelmbohre,
Take no other. ;
_ _
Cures kuaranteed.
Betoarelf Countafelis and Alitatians. July
On the 11th inst . .;Alearl Grindstone Hill,
WILLIAM, son of John and Barbara Apple,
aged 1 year, 7 months and 18 dayS.,
)P, IL I C,E €,lcnaittNT,
CIIAMBRUSIITIRG, Jilly 14, 1863.
EGOS I io llNwAstrai Woe. • 37
__,,. 2 , - -
TALLOW " • . 8 DUMP 8= 200
SOAP ‘.....4.112.6 Flax 18x3) , ' 200
BACON 11A1L5.:—...1: .. :.. 2 42 PARED Br:ADDEM. , 42 - ..2". 3 00
BACON SIDES : 7 11.8p.taetkPE4cuzs 160
,60 Dnizo Arpus....l 00®1 60
COIIitESZED-ATliAli.Xl:tislit.Tße MILLS. '
'' ..... ... ... .... . .. -* $7 00
Flow—Red ' 6 50
;Wheat-,White c 140
.Whent—aed . " 1'25
R 36..... ................... .:.......»................:.. 85
Corn • 80
Cate 70
Mercer, New...
Philadelphia, 'Markets. -
The FLOUR market is 4trcinely dull and
prices arc unsettled. _ There is very little de
mand for shipping, and, the only sales were
1000bbls, s lew grade and good extra family at
$5•75€0, and 100bbls. middlings at $4.
RYE FLOUR is dull at $4.75, and
sales. , •,'
,In coot sit there is nothing doing in
fixed quotations. I _
WnExr—Sales of 4000 and 5000 bushels
prime `Penniylvania Red ::at Si 45, part
afloat and Part in store; 350 15 ishels Indiana
Amber at $l. 51, and 300 li.. good White
;at Si 55. 500 bushels Penn: ylvania lye . ,
sold at $1 63@1 65. ' •
CORN is less active, and yellow closed dull
at 87c.
OATS are unchanged: 2000 bushels Penn-'
sylvania sold at 713 c. '
Uc,n) 3bititisemetitt.
Chambershurg, July 13,156.1. E
aENERAL ORDER. , =—All U. S;
-ClovernMent property, and all property captured
fiver nqw in possessitia or citizens, will - at once
he delivered np to the Provost Ifarahal in this town, or
Information concerning-1i lodied With him.
Citizens whojfail to obey this order will at once be ar
rested and sent to Harrisburg-for trial.
By, order of Maj. gen:COS/CU.
jnly 15, 63-31 All. POTTEII,Capt. & A. D. C.
Franklin county, Vt.—Estate of Gthrge brut:. dec'd.
'rho Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and
adjust the account of Faumel tont; Administrator de
boa is rum cum testanwitetanrAleir of said George Lantz.
deed, end make ills ribution of thri. halanie in toe hands
of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for
the put pogo of his oppolotteent,on Y uesdaay, the4th day
of .Augus4 1843; at LO _o'cinck, A. IL., at tds Office, in
Chambersburg. [jrilyls-3g- JI R. CCOK, Auditor.
Treacury has anthOriaed me
To Continue -my .4,4eney far a Brief Period,
and until further notice 4 shall Continue_ to receive sub
scriptiene to the
5-20' LOAN AT PAR,
at my Office and at the different Sub-Agencies through-,
out the Loyal States , JAY 000 KP,
j915-3t] Subteription Agenti 114.5. 3d at.. Philadelphia.
The only yeliabiel'simer'sGast•Mill.
Is simple. durable and eflicient.
Orituls ;01 hinds of grain rapidly.
• Is adapter to Horse Poweri. • -
Every Farmer Should have. one.
Price moderate.
. Send for descriptive Circular and address
WM.:LAWYER - A:11110.,
Agricultural Implement Manufacturers,
Sixth st. and Uortruuttown Avenue, Philadelphia.
Julyls. 'll3-ara • t
WIIISKERS ! , =--Pelatreau's Stimu
lating 'Onguent, ar Preach Circit. for Raid
Heads and it Are-Paces.—Thiscelebraled artielo is war
ranted to bring out a fall Bator Whisk era on the smooth•
est face. or a tine growth of hair Orin Bald 'Head, inless.
than six weeks, and will in no way stain or Injure tho
skin. ,The French Cream IsMutnnEmtnree by Dr. M. l'e•
intreans. of Perla. and is the only rolls bit. article of the
kind. ••11se no other." Minx:eta in emery case. One
Box will do the work.. Price $4,00. Imported and for
sale Wholesale and Retail by TIDIS. E. CHAPMAN, ,
Chemist and Druggist, Sal Drimdway, New York.
. .
P. q.—A Box of *be Ouguent ,sent to -Any address. by
return MAIL on receipt of ptlee,: and lb cont 3 for p estage.
July lb. 63 4t - .
WT,4i• L. 'BOYER &BRO.,
AmgenHurd Implement 111anufacturers,
; St. and Germantown Avenue,
Manufactnrers of the ' •
'Freud um • Form Grist Mill,
Horeo P.owersane Threshers,:
Circular Saw Alneldu es, .
Otra Shellers,
' Ornln Pane, , • •
Cultivators,. ..
Harrows, -
Plows, • •
and every variety of approved
Agricultural Implements.
Vend fur Circular and address
July 15..a-1 y
tlio Post Off
Attson nilory .
Attrinnsuir JoLtd B
Belt Lewis
Maar Magdalena
Brown Thomas
• Barber Anna -
; Bitner Christian
Brown William
Bailep Mies Nancy
Byers Mrs Snsanß
, Branthavor John
,Brown Edwin M
• Bonder Wiliiam
ooklyp t N. N
Doyens larellarleit
Cuff Isabella
Cone 31nce Sam=
ChrtstianMisaA E
Crider, Moe Auna
Ctokllina Watt'
Cook Mks -Fiban
Cartz Samuel
I t Clinton Rev.Tos J
Collins Milford '
Carter Charles
Dulabaum John
Dickson Jouephlne
Duck 51lee Sarnia
Dire:ller Martin
Davie Sobp T
Eberly We Mat
Ford Vim -
Fairfax Jolla SPDardellfarrisork
Frey Frederick Matthews '
'Foust 31iss Leah EVEreargit *nag
'Fisher Sir E3S Wade tlredfdla
,011bert S G • • 1117ey Pan
'Gordon David Manley Charlie. •
Perform - tolling fof tho Ohms Lett*
tauNtyo toq !durum!. .7.,
*7 80
at) at Chaftlbersbu
etnitaning in
rg, July Ist, 1863 :
Marro Gabriel
Nleivander Mies
Mary Amanda
Sicking Jacob
Plum Daniel
Parker Mrs Maria
Rhreer Miss E A
Ripper Miss Mary
Reiner John D 8
Ruler Danll
Stork Zacharias
Snider MISS Margt
Snider Catharine
Sullenberger LI 2
Serlesllles Beckio
Stauffer Mrs Magt
ShOup Samuel
Smith - Miss Sado
Shatzer DavidD _
Spahr M P
. Sneak Daniel
Gilman William
0801 Miss . Sarah
Goebert '
Ethics Abilson
flaifeastiaa Misar.
llocivor Jacob'
Hunter Diana
Jackson .liebccea
Klein George
Kline Joseph
Hammel' WlMail
Reanaly,Win 4
Simi* Georg',
ljavett 111116
Streetsllls& Jano
smith Wm T
,Tolbert E
Turner Lizzie
Toms Mies Hattie
Thoto'peom Hiss%
Williams Mrs Blgt
White Mn Ennis
Williams George 2
Webster Wallace
Will Samuel
WP'l,• - ris Hies& E
. . AW
Ze Hatay .
361 ti,Tfm &
Leashar Samuel
Lonnie Thoa W
Llttlatiza Margt
I:oath:Mad Mary
Tanta AtimEarahE
Lahr, Miss gaunt°
Luta' MlsaMamt ,
El!trorgiri - Mt* Car
[Marley Faanso
*riu, D l4..
MID :i , soed .. iS i t Me ;
nts. :-- , , (,:'_,:.
.7.1. • • _
Q. INAITOR--Be •al enacted and:-
tiße —ftiflwalarui Tow/4164=qt, of the
i 7 .m .07 4+ of Chant/dram% aneVil i 6 herebjyenad d arid
rdainsd bytite aufhiritypf the game, That he T'sreny
eiartk,Sectlan of .the General, Borough 07dinances
: rlatibri to the banding; making. or ,placing any Rick,
. Or: Parcel of Grain, Straw,'Clialroaoddor, or
tber POmbristifile litaterlal, passed tlx6RAth L dayof
•35a, and "An Ordinance'. wltli'referenro to't)ie keeping.
StrUW, RUA and tikaiiwithle lbelimits of the borough
• tinialliPerAhluV,Ond r/gulating tb¢`.orection:of - Btiaw
_leapfrog Buildings," paissedthe Bth, day of Tattuury;,,A,
eridilie 'sArois are hereby reimated.
Fussed and ordaitiffillieilAh day otjune..A. 11,186 j..
j T' HOSEJSSON, tiurgeo.
CArßratur, „„,_
RMIES, :T:Jc_Raluxr, .
%fleet :L. 'Tatou
t3,l3.Biitiitxsa ge`s'y. : Tidy 15.4
• ~ m eTITUTION. • •
it mated by MO:nate and - flbuseqf ,Represents:::
?Jinx of - the .therhionwerdih of Pennsylvania in Geneva
nimbly met, That the Sill-owing am eudm entabo grope-
41 to the Constitutbm of the Caannimwealth, in accord
- nee With the previsivneof the tenth article thereof: ,
.Therilliall be an additional seftlon to the third MIMI°
*the Ctinatittalonito.b&deitignatcd•as sectionfoureas •
SzcrictS,l..-Whencier any.of the gialilled electers. of
, dirCatinionwealth Shall be in any , actual military aer
) cm, under a requisitionl from the President of the rid
; si States, or by the, authority of this Commonwealth,
tell electors may-eitercise the right 01-suirrage. In all
talons by the cltieens, under such regolatlcrua as are, .
• shall be, prescribed by hei, - as Lilly_ as if they . were .
esentat their usual place of election. .•
There ishall be two additional netiolllltcPtheeteventit
tile of Constitutio'n, to be designetedAs sectionseigbt
; rd nin4as follows: -
Reason B._No bill shall be passed by the Legislature
• more than Case subject, oftdch shall be clearly
• ;Preterit in tub title,•,except appropriationbills. -
Surma 9. No bill shall be passed - by the Legislature
ajrtingany powers,-or, any-case,.. where
&nutitority to grant-Such powers, of prirsleges, hair
'en, or rosy hereafter be, conferred upon the courts , of
to Commonwealth. - JOHN CESSNA., , ;
• Speaker ofthe Bonn gf •Representatftes.
• ,; - , JOHN P. PENNEY', -
. :Slieriker,of the Senate
Ranisbers, July I, 18.83.: -. ;
- ParrisyTtenia, SS: no - hereby' Certify that the fore.
going and entitled - is a • full; true arnicorreet"
L. S. }copy of the original Joint Resolutions et the
General Assembly, entitiedsM.Joint Resolution
• °passing certain Amendments to tiiiiConstfintion„. as'
.e tune remains on filo in this —•- -
,In'testimony wheratif,`l,harelierermto set sly-hand,
• alimuse,tl the seal efthe Secretary's-office to be itilixed,'
e day and year ebbs% written. a ELI SLIFER.. -
July lb, 03.te '.•Serretary of the Coninummea
-JOll.ll - 4". 11BURITT,
' • .• ' And SielerAgent for ' 1, • -
Windsor and Clift.On Mills Prentitcni, Raper,
mslitingefeMmnereird Notes, 13111,,Legal &Poolscaps,"
No. 18 Beekman Sired, near Ngsgaq,.2l?:vii York.
taxi Proprietor Sad sole Agent ; f o r; the- following-, new.
- and useful artirltil; • ,
Minor's ; Patent EraSive'
'Ale Tip is different from any beretoibte Made; being earl,
'fitt.d Lonny pencil.' it is mannfictured from Vulcan;
ed [tubber of the best eraelie • quality; can be readily
mmged from one pencil to another ; and is sold at an
• Aremely low price. - Itis the most clearable article of
• e kind in the market. j ; , •
hirnees Patent Rubber Inkseead and-Rack,
,opaque inkstank, s3tnierving ink frdat thb decompos
. geffixt of light. 1 ,
'rceies - Patent In7L-4Eraser dI Paper-Cleaner,
1 5 best article made fotqubbing out pencil-marks, se,
mplisking the work inane-hod f the time of Ordinary
, -
^he Patent CombiriafionPaper. ! Cutter kßider -
I new and useful articie combining the the uses of two
ulisnensable things.. . . -
Platt's -Patent Portable Copying; Press, '•
light, cheap, and - ' - •
;.., Herriit. i i rbion'a "'Pig Pen, - • ,
• very
_superior Steel-044 made and,seleated_witk the
reatest care ; put up two dozen in ate; BIZ boxes en
. used in another neatly, finished box, gl7) , blest] calve.
.eotshape possible - for retailing:-- -
the National Portrait Chess - .5. Checker Pear&
Most durable and che4p article for the million cam
; rising on the unusual squares tine life-likepliotogLphic
tautest of all our prumWent enemls and Commanderm
,so the President, Secretary of State,,Etc. The pictures
lone aro worth at least-doulde thneestof the Board.
All orders will receive prompt and 'Careful attention.
Call and examine one of the largest and best assorted
stocks of Stationeryin the United Stites.
Wzbetxsiar. StsruMMVIR Beekman-at, New York.
The abot e named articles are for sale by 13, S. BUSY.
ocx, Chambersberg, Pa. . in's' 15, 83.1111
.spondtztatto Hid PAclataationef the Governer, this
issued, calling for SIXTY THOUSAND men,for the
doer= of thilitateito iie mastered: into the sersiceofthi
State, for the period of ALM:TY DAYS, unless sooner
,It la tirdered: ,
I. Camps of Rendezvous will be established by the ,
United States Government for districts ,comprising the
ndjacent comities, a; such points as may be indicated by
the commandant of the Susquehanna and the Depar
tment of the Alonomndiala, in clutrge orsvhich Camps
Cemnianders and skied Surgeons will be appointed.
11. Squads , and companies =will be received at the
reamps, and, as rapidlyas possible, organised into sem-,
patties of not less dem: sixty-four men, and • tato regi
ments of ten companies elch, , and muotered into the
service of the State, by ellicens appointed by the Adju,
taut General for this purpose. '",
1.1/. Caldera willi be elected--cempany eillows.,l4 the
men. and Yield °facers bY the company or line offlerms.
TranspJrtatiOn to the camp of rendezvous, near
est their location, will be famished *the United States
.Government, on application of anyone actually having
charge of a squad or company, to the agent at the mistr
eat railroad station. ' ,
V. Troops respondimeto . 'Bib call'e the Governor, will
be clothed, subsisted, equipped and supplied by. the Gen.
end Government, alter arriving at their rendezvord.
i VI. Annexed is the, qUota - required from each county,
,nn the present eill, attar crediting those - counties which
;had already responded,, - under recent orders, with the
number of troops furnished and actually mustered into
,service. Adams...,... ; J .
469 ,4
Allegheny " i ' ' 3600
Armstrong., - - "' -' ' - ' 720
Beaver , 600
Bedford, ' ~ . ::......„.. ....... . ....... .1,- 540
' Berks.. '' - - ' - 1738
' Blair 1 - 1150"
Bradford ''' " ' 866
- Burks ' -' ' ' .. ' F -- " ' ' ...... ,13.47 ...
Butler ' ," - 640
Cambria ' ' - ' 08
- ! Cameron .. ;, .. .a .--...,......:.. ....... .-....- ' 70 ,
' Ca rtxm ' . . i ...... . 426 : 5
Chester ' i' • 161:
Cantle.' ' ; -. 640 '
Clarion . r .... ......,.:-:.........., .... .'-'... ....... ;.,: 620 '
' Clinton ..... ... :-............ .......«..... 296: '
• Clearfield...
' Colunibin' - , ~........-....... ......... ......," 321
. . , ... „
- ' • ' ' ' 080-
Cmnberiand„.........1.....-... c ' ..... 687 '
• Dauphin.: ..7.. ....... ......... ,74t.
DPlaware.'... . ' 255
Erie. -....i.. .. „:. .. ~.., . , .......... -..........-...,1000
' ' Fayettei. r , - "" I
'Franklin ' , - i . 840,
,Ifialtim. 'lBO , .
arma.' ' ` ' ' 1 - ' :120
Greene- ~.;,.
•' ,
. Iluntingdan. •'
' ' '
676 '
Jefferson., ' 360
Juniata..,....: ......=,.............: . .............'; 297' '
~.. larszlittar '- ! , ' '2154
Lehigh • ' ; - • 00?
. . , .. „
Luzerne,;.:... ' ' 4. "....1 ..... ........:-.,....1447
X4cougas ...... ' - - .623 .
_',. McHean......."...
.11MMin :... 0
- 320 -,--
Monroe. •••”.....'-. .340
Montgomery w.. - ' 1281
, .11outour,..-............. ..... rls•••fif... , ... !.. •+••••••• 1 75
. 2 Portbampiton • ' ; .472
,;,PeriT,..„ , . - ..... . ,:'.,........,....- ....... „........: 460
. Phi1atte1iti;in:. " .....,;..,,,......„,..... .... ... ... ..... .. ~ ..... 7718 -
-2•21ke,„„„, . - ....‘ - 160
• Pultar. -- - .... ..... ... : . „...p., ' • ' 210
echpylkill,.... ... ' „. 1313
~.... ..... pa••••••• 1••••• .........
a n Yderglaill.,p.p•J•ll4loo. ........ °V1... , .
...ISO . .
. SO
Busquellan7l.: ... ...: ~ - , 665
-•. . .
i,,,• i __
. .
• t 4l e ... :::: „tk
:•t* , ........... ............... ••., . ; ... pew AM
V eluagor ..--..... - .„ .ort- , .......»...y.... 90 i
• Ararren - ....:;•..i.t. ` 1 ' ' .. 1 '' i - ' : - — J. ..ASin
Watltingto g xi ...., ...'
•??•••••••••4 i
640960 i .
i - Wayne., • • '
.. wonwreioit c
... , _ •••••••1 . ? .... 1.•••,.. . is,.••' . :7,
. .. ~..,-, ..... . ....... '•,10A3: ~
Wyoming •......... --DV- ••
-'l , Yprk . 1....... i 7,. 1 ' jr:.....:4- * s - ,-
- ;••l'llt - '. • • , : : ‘• •—,;:-
• , - .:., ,T; -..: t - •,-- - 7 ; A.G.CURTII4 ' - f ,
Goveinoi.anA egnmander-iti.Oett ,
it•L av 99312, Adj. Geaeial otTentissivialA. - :
en) e Xdisentento:
F... _
Q:111 :111CD-tOn aka -,-Drmond, in,
Clisrubersburg, a - liMitit contaiiiing.a . eon. of
monoy,whicir the owner qatt-ithre b,:wcalling'itt "4,1111
Office, identifying proyort,), and eying ctest ot ofivectis.
sng. . - . --itil3rls3t
QCHOOD ' - NOTICE4- 1 1110:. j343-i4Stal
k, Baird! of - Scheid bireiltors,lbe public 'and Ala b•
tenth far Behools, are herelat natifiedthatthe .EXAMIN
ATTON-OF TERCH,BRG !be Franklin .Catuitt'for - their
respectivellistriets ; slll be hold lu ,Aar t
3d; Greenlowiishiti;tlicitithr Sarithamptcra; *oath; Lite;
,tam the CUL; Letterkenny. the 7tli; Fannett,..Gtif loth;
Ifetal,llth; Petets, 12th.: Warreti, - 13th; Iferceraburx,
Montgentery,lsth; Stifibisma l llth; Areettaistle.
16ttulintritn,10th; Waynesevro',Oth; Washilutton,2lst;'
Quincy; ' 22d; Gitilford : 4th, sod Ilatitilton;2sth...-The ,
examination will open as!) o'clack.A.l4., at the . , usual,
phicos of the meetings of the Bosnia , whereon:Lettsi et:-
,tendance of cm:teemedbo expected..
" -Private exaniinationii are' hot in aceordanea with 'the
:spirit of the school law.? Teachersi therefore. altotild not
expact, norDirectots lequeet such examinations,. aS ey .
'will - not be accorded, except hi cases 'Where Et Iniffictint.
number of qualified Teachers has no t been secured nth°
,public extunination; in Mich cases the,,reqUest)of the
Board should be their legal netion at a propotraeatiag,
and not the request of •members in-their indfildnal sn•
putty. _ . - • 31lBLWAIN,,
July 15,4143 e , Conisty tarCominon -Schools,
tlErvAratfottpB. - .'_ . ."
°myy those faithful Soldiers who; from .wounds or.the
hArdships ofwaicare no longer flt fir 'active field duly. Will
.be.receiveddrithis.Corps of Ilonnr, Erilisthients will-be
for three years unless sooner discharged. Pity and Ai
16tvinces art* oilirers And inen , or the 'United
States Infantry;- except tent na premiums or bounty
for enlistment will be allowed. This will not Invalidate
any, pensions or, hunpties.whiell may ber.dctis for previous
services. ' .
The` followinguniforrn liar loson..adopted for, officers
and men of the Invalid ()orlon . • •
1101 t ead--Of - ilky.thie cloth, with •
dark-blue,velvet collar, and vim's; In' all other respects,
acciailineolliblutleiftpottorti for tracers of infantry. -
Shoulder-straps=According to presentregulatleas, but _
worked on darltsblue velvet. . .
. .
lantalOonc-44 sky-blue elOth;With double istiipi of
dark-blue cloth down tho nutrrwatn, each Stipa one-,
half inch widelwilltr sincelmtweenof thrOe-elghts or an-
Forage tip-Preterit fegnlttion.
ShMISTED agN.-Jacitet-Tof_ekr-blne.korsey
;with daticblne tete:mat:pl.-cut like the_ cavalry jacket s
to come well down on the alplomen'. • • • -.
Trowsers—Present regulation, eky-blue. - -
.FOragilcap--Prefintlegniatioti.' - • ;:"
Men, who are still in-service, end unable to - perform
effective field duthMay be tran-ferred to thils corps. • ,
Medical Inspectors, Burgtams in charge of Hospitals,
Military Commanders, and 'ell Omni having authority
disa'hnrge,under existing laws and regulations, are:
forbidden to grant discharges trany men under their
control who maylustitfer eeriire inthe Invalid:Corps.
; For the convenience of service, the men will be selected •
for three grades of duty. Those who are Most efficient
and able bodied , and callable
,oftmrforming guard dad'
ete.',' etc., silt* armed with '_muskets; anti assigned to
companies of the ; First Battalion. Those of - the nes.t,
degree of ifflcleney,lncluding those who have rostra
hand-or an arm; - awl the least effective; including thous
who have lost a foot or leg, to the companies- of the Be.
;end or Third' Battalions; they will by armed with
words, , • " • : ! ,
The dales Willie &fedi to act as } provost guards end"
-garrisons for cities; guards forhospitalsandother public:2
buildings; and as clerks, orderlies, etc. If found. nem- •
sexy they may bo,assignedtu forts etc.. - . _
Acting insistent Provost Marshals Herieral are autho.
- sired to appoint officeni of the Itept.Aor 'Service, or of the/-
Invalid Corps, to administer the .oath of, enlistment to
those metvisim have completely fulfilled the prescribed
conditions of admission to the Invalid Corps viz:
I.:That the applirmat is unfit ter service in i the field.
• 2; Thathois ftg tfr tlMAth.*Or.iome of- them, indi-
3. That, if not now theservice,•he was honorably'
discharged. • • •-• , • ;
' 2. That he hi meritorhius and 41C9erilni. •
For enlistment or further information apply. to the
[Ward of Enrolment for the •listrict in which the appli
cant is a resident, • , -
The, Counties of Adams. Franklin, Fult:on,: l ßedf.rd,
and Somerset,.
,conslit at e 'the sixteenth - Congrewdend
District, the feachitarers of the Board ,of, Enrolment
'arid Provost- Marshal Ibr the same. being at Chamheit
burg. . • ,01.:011(113 BYSTlitt: -
Captain and Provost. Marshal, ,
leth Dlsfritt, L'en't:
July 16.8 t.
, . .• 1 Hatdituarterr,Prillarshaf, , , . ,• - '
ltitft District, J'ennsilreinia, .
-' -Chambord:re reJtily 14', 'UM.' _
- 1 7 1sTITALID CORPS.—The 'faroVitkli:
_IL extracts are publiebed for thelenefit °fetich av Oah
u, avail themselves of the offer of the government., Ap.
plfcatiotis shciuld be made in person at the edicts of the
Board 'of 2,nrolfrtiatit, , Masonic, 11111, ' Sec* nil Strig3t,
thtunborsburis. - . - . 0.1101 - EYSTEIt,-
. Cap Min and , P„..ravost 3fars' hal, 16th Dist, Peunh. ;
.. tOPPIMALI - - - ,-. -
.. „ -
lihrlkissrtsteni .., 'Wehrle den era 's o,ffice, I
~,- 4 Washhigtoia, April 28, 1863. 4
GER - ZEAL MEWS 340.1,0.--Tho organization an
Invalid Corpi is lumehy: authorited. ', , . . .
This Corps shall consist of GOtaParile!i, And if it shall,
hereafter be thottghl, hastier Bettallions.. ' - - )
The Companies hate Made AM from (the : follouting;
sources, viz; „.
4 - - si• - , 0 - ;D. ,I.* : :' :*" ,* i , -
Third, By accepting thoee officers_ and -enlisted Open
who -baTe been, honorably discharged on‘ nowt:int of
wounds or disease contracted in. the line of duty, and &Aro to ref-enter the service. ease of
an of
ficer,,apptication for appointment -must- be:made• te:tho:
Provost Marshal of the United States through the'ollicer
detailed As Acting Assistant Provost Marshal- of 'the.
State. No applicant of this kind wlll be - corusideredom:
leei the following condi flout. itrettaapletely fulfilled;
- :That the appileant produce the certificate of the'
t Surgeon of.the Board. of itoroliment' for, the District in .
whichho resides, that he is unfit fettle tiVeliel.tratitA on:
tabcountof Wolin& or'diseaso, and is not'llable to draft, •
but fiat for garrison duty, , • ' .
• .; 2 That he furnish evidence oflionorabledischamoaz'
aclfOnnt of wounds or disability, contracted in the lin,a of
...B. That be produce recafrUnendattinifrOm'tbe - teeT'
'mental. Brigade, and Division Commanders, under Whom
'he formerly served that be is worthy of being thus ',pro:
lvided for, and capable of returning:adequate service to
the Governtieht ' 'Dream it shall be impraCticable to get
this last - evidence; he mst,T , having established the Urn:
two points above, satisfy _ the Board of
hideserring,:and 'present szertifiCate , _of, the' pct.. -
This evidence must be obtained by the
_applicant, ; and
diet be trafismitted with - , his application for appdint.:'
• Inhere hew 'Acting AseistaritPraiiietlicirshalGerteist'
for the Sta' tc; the app icatbawmay t 4 forwArded thrdngis•
tho Adjutant General of the State ;who is desired to en
• dorse thareoti Stich-facts in *the Military - 'history of the
epplicant as hammy knowior as , are v atiorded by bit re
cords, And forwaid the "seine th the Tier* hiaishal
Geheral of the United Statei. ..Enlisted Mesohonot
discharged on account of ditability, desiring to re.eplist
in this present thennelVei• to the -Board or
, Enrollment for the district In whiCh they made,. for eX4 4
I !amination by the Sorgeffei thereof, - who shall suable°
them and repprt the result to the BoArd of hhirolinient.
Thilioard datft theirondliet eacticase and if the ap
plicant is found to conditionEsismiflod:
the Board shall give him a certificate to that cfrect;,•vis:
• L'• That he is unlit for Service ietlie geld. - '
That.he tiflt for garrisorrduty.„-.:,! . • i
-- That hit meritorious end deserving,
4. That ha was honorably dbeharged from the soridce. ,
The Provostillarsiml for the District shall thea t tend
the ap p lication' With this certificatupf the. hoard, the
Acting A wilitaut ProTostlifarilial General of the 13
who slodl procure such.ovidenciof service and charact ers
as the recoras of the company to , which he ;belonged, on,
file at the headquarters of theliato* may Show. And
satisfiluithat atneritoridtis case, ihd l that •the Mats.
to deserving,ho will etalt• nine fn accordance 'with truck
sgecial =lfs as the pppuktalsirshattletiatal tattyeiltab- - ,
Medical inspectors, Stirgeoffs-in iharge"Uf •hospitaii, ,
Militarygommandare, And art ethers having UnWrityl
to disehorge, ender existing laws and. refilltAtiensi
forbidden to grant dlitchatgeis to any men under' their
control who may-belt kr service in the itivsiida
The Provost Diarshaltientiral is charged with the-fate
cation of this order, arid' he troops orgelsised' mulct the
control of his :
By order of the Secretary of War.
T6Wnserid, Assist. Adt-Generat.
ju13c15,!684W. ,
lab - anti (1131/1?5:
. .
IiItATS, '- CAPS'''' AND` m ,TRt,:"Pie
-1:100DS. liini now prepared to 'feutali I- - c 6.2
tutotra- with 011;the gm otylgn of liate;‘Ospn and him;
Gooda, which 1-w#l felt low. _J. L.DECililliT.
•.,•., 4 , , •.' - ,- 4 dooisSonthonllistot &"*.o„ ',
ak ataldpiliet:st - iEttiERrS.
OFT _of, '6lorti; . st,„*lbe;
grit biro
J dn )
6 11 0 31 4 74 A , • - r ',,,PArCEII4. ,‘
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tIORIENDS of Soldibrafilti.the•Ser
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