4- c fraullin tc►oitorg. 011..A.IltEMP,S3STMG: Wednesday Julyls, 1883. Joint li.:Smt.Yogit :is . authorized to Ireeetee Subscriptions and . zontmct for idrerttrernent, tbrtheßrrostror.r irithe to - rtorn cities. "! Gov. QtrirN arrived here on Mon ,day evening-frOm the battle-field of G . tittyrsburg, accompaniedhy Gen. W.' Commissary General of the State. He has been At Gettysburg itterseiOal days, giving his personal ; attAtion 'the care and: removal of nr" PennsAvania wounded, and it is purpOse,, we learn,- to moire 'with Gen.-CoUeli's colunin, and remain' un -tfl the final, struggle has been, fought' .en the banks of- the Potomac. - SITIIATAO4., ':At the , time of thiS , writing . (Tues 'day - noon). .there has been no 'gen -I,eral engagement between the armies :jar, Gens.'Meade and Lee. = Skirmish inillas,been almost ,constant for sev , end days, and the loss on both sides has been unusually - , severe for outpost, ,engagements. G-fu. Buford had quite a spirited fight with the rebel cavalry a little west Of Boonsbpp'• on Friday, and Gen. Kilpatrick engaged the reb els at Funkstown' on Saturday, rout- ing them laandsomely. , The same day a part of Sedgwick's corps - engaged Lee's extreme right under Longstreet, .near, the old Antietam battle-ground, anti compelled Longstreet to fall back some five miles towards Williamsport witlißonsiderable loss. On the west Mulligan has, had heavy skirm" 134;dit t ,a., but has steadily advanced don `the Natiolial road, until he now holds Clearspring, and the impertant posi itions on the Potomac,, within a few miles of Williamsport. hese collisions have been bit of tforts on both sides to feel thepositions therespective forces. The decisive ',T-bititie has yet to be fought, and it ' ;'promises `to be' deadly and desierete ' beyond precedent in the war. Lee fights, from necessity, not choice. Like stag atrbay, he turns upon. his pur ;seer, bemuse the ting'y waters of the Potomac forbid his escape, and _the remnant of his shattered army : must fight for existence. That they will to'so, and with the energy of despair `atteinpt to'save the army of Virginia, -though it be behind monuments of. ' their dead, we cannot doubt. '..:Lee's position is naturally a stiong .44, and. he has „doubtless added ev, 7 ery possible element ,of strength to it, that' military genius could suggest. His lines are short, - covering the, sin gle ford. at Williamsport, and_he has 'certainly received eupplies and am munition from 'Although fall thirty thousand of his army' are mumbiered with the dead wounded captives' or deserters since he entered Tennsylvadia, - still he has probably ~thousand left, .and'-. 7 wlth,,,the choice of position, and the advantage of entrenchments 'fie 'hopes to bold 'hiialines_until the Potomac falls to a Teas' abie point. - , Gen. Meade is immediately onLee's ,front,;. ; , with 'the - preponderance in numbers; with equal 'skill in officers; atleast equal courage and eiperience in his ranki; with an army fresh ;from T ithe "eignal. triumph of• Gettysburg ? „ Sinifenxious to complete the destine d& *ihey .there - so effectually coni. Gen,-Kelley threatens Lee on' his left' flatile:litid Gen. CouCh Is .„ .r,aindly pushing his large column - -dOWn) Upon 'the 'foe. ' .X Iced. Lee is 4VoilefeV encircled' by the ;iiwollen gifitopiacin his rear;/by Keitey on his le me; Couch on hie leff,fiont , iinAlby:Meadefrotn. 'thence, round tb Potomac at Sb,eplierdsinw*, *kin the great struggle - is to bi;- `ia:ade is for Gen. Meade to determine, grid that Will : be, we-feel - assured, just . When he is entirely ready. ` , .;.ThieGen.Lee will escape to Vir ginia. with his -command, hoWever dis.' :ictrons may he the issne7 of the im pending battle, there ean beno.,ree sonable doubt. ;Sensation newspaper correspondents habitually prate about the certainty, of ."bagging": Lee and . hie imily; but it ranst;be elearta ery refteciirig. mind . that it i» not dabs. Bible. den, Meade may Trietieally ,:destrov Lee's mini if he, can break hhithesen and fortified lilies; =but still he ean,save theh reinnant. 'of kis men And:take thera, howeier heartless and XOpeless; to ' , their` desola,ted .hoznes aniFeriunhling, government Bat .to break the rebet lbj.es in'their present pOsition would be an aehievonfent as :yet 4Lbknown_ ha the history of the War. If lleade shatfight him with equal loss, and coraperhini to retreat hastily .acroisa . the Potomac leaving .his ? dead, wounded aryl despairing de serters behind him, he will have ac complished; all we can hope. to realize. Indeed he Will have accomplished ev erythirig. He will hive-saved Penn: Sylvania; saved - 11m7land; ._saved Washington; saved' the heroic Ariity of the Potomac; SAVED Tfl REPUBLIC / 41i Ai 11l The supremacy of law - is the( only'', safety of the citizen, and we cinnot, especially at this time, inculcate the. sanctity of civil and social order with too much earnestness. One of the in evitable results of -fraternal' war; in all 'agcs, ha's been a tendency to raw lessness; a disregard, of constituted authorities a contempt of rulers 4 and. unless arrested by the. power of the govetrnent, has ever ;resulted in anarchy... - It is not to be disguised that the evil fruits of lawless teachings have - been manifested in the,,Noi-th. For More than a year past, with a consid erable portion 'of reckless political Waders, thesafety of the - Republic has been subordinated to the hope of petty party triumphs; and.the government has been assailed at everypoint while: engaged in a deaths-truggle for exist ence. Every measure adopted for the suppression' of murderous treason has been perverted and. condemned, and 'even the solemn enactments of our highest legislative tribunals have been denounced to the very verge of resist ance., Efforts of the government to save our heroic brethren in the field by sWelling their numbers have been ,met by resistance to the draft or in sidious or open hostility to enlist ments; and the purpose of the ad ministration in the prosecution o£ the war has been unscrupulously falsified, and declared as meriting the scorn and contempt .;of the citizens, rather than their earnest and' cordial co.ope ration'. This is lawlessness ,in spirit under every guise, and often so in fact; and it' is not surprising that it has' inforced a lawless tendency look ing to retaliation. , . Especially would we warn Union men a g ainst this insidious, this -fatal evil. We who sustain the govern ment in sacred work of preserving the institutions of Our. fathers, do so in the name of the law; and we ap peal to its paramount claims , upon every citizen, when we ask all,menin the North .to join in preserying the life or the Republic. Nye call for men of every persuasion to fill the ranks of our volunteers and conscripts; and we do so because it is a just and law ful duty.. Those who share our polit ical faith' have control of the different branches of the- government; 'lave made our, laws lboking to the pfose *ion of, the war . have determined the particular line •of policy to be adhered to in our holy effort to pre serve the Union - of the State's; and howiever men may differ as to partic ular measures or as to". the "policy- of the administration, we expect obedi ence from all men, in the war policy and efforts of the gove l rnment, not only because Patriotism would so dic tate; but Nye expect it-yea, we en force. it, because the lard demands it at their hand. • ' The crowning object of this war is to establish for ourselves and for those who shall.come after us; the sanctity of government, the immutability- of law; and in noway;canthe cause4f gvvernment , be so Succeisfally 'im paired as l&lawless spirit amongst , onr,awn people: i Men may be law less in purpese;-'guise lawlessness with 44en 'words in speech, or commit• lawless acts, insolently- by actual hos :May to the , government and its mea sures fla it the lawful authorities, and not la,wleSs mobs, should correct such abuses - and punish the guilty with an unsparing, hand. , Men will make fonliah speeches--as i 'very_ efimincn these days, and never 'was v..ry un common—to punish them to speak to empty benches and Undern.onstrative brick and mortar, is - the - sorest of pun ishment; and' if men, make. wicked speeches r _ the laws ,of !ii,insylyania and Congress afford due process and' aniple penalties. If Men' Violate the articles •of 'war by Correspondence with the enemy, let guilt be first - clear=, ly.established, and then let the guilty die with the fitting ceremony of mili tary If Men print sillynewspa pore, venturing tion threshhold of treason as far as they dare, do as to preserve the tlaira .t loyalty, Ulla infinitely better for loytittaeli'tiili-. Mit ,fraMliniteposiOw4g4tunbroburg, hold their patronage and quit their ' subscription Hats, than to make loyal and disloyal _alike , pay :19r„ guling their offices. The one ifr-the proper remedy to - ev.a - a/regard,' and , en force respect, forarzF,:-Theuther lawless remedvAich places loyal and disloyal. upon the 'Compon level of lawlessness, and . invites the foes 'of the government to disregard all the solemnity and claims of legitimate en rolments. - LetitronSon and .treasOna ble b'e held to the strictest' se cOuntability-in the name of the law, and let all' remereber that , the safety of persons, of property,' of life, and, of all our civil' and religious rights, depend upon the supremacy of law. EMOI I / 4 " STATE CONVENTION. The Union State Convention, called originally to meet at Pittsburg„ori the, 2d of July; waia postperied to the sth of August, in consequence of the rebel, invasion. The Union CoMinittee re-' cognized the fitness of postponing all" political movements, while there should be a foe upon loyal soil, and thereby - relieved many'delegates to the Convention who are nowin the ranks to defend the border. —The -names of quite a number 'of; able and meritorious men, has been suggested for the Union nomination for Governor. Messrs. Sohn Covode, of Westmoreland; J.l P. Peuily,and J. K. Morehead, of Alegheny; W: W. Ketchum; of Luzerne; Jas. IL Camp bell, of Pottsville; M. M'Michael and John C. Knox, of Philadelphia; Jas. L. Reynolds, of Lancaster; Heister Mu en i erg, "of Bells; F. Jordan, of Be. ford, and probably others whose na tt es we do not now recall, have been advocated by their respective friends; bht the Manifest unwillingness . of the party to. relieve Gov. Comm from a re-nomination bas deprived the strug gle of its usual animation and "earn-' estness. - - - - - 1 Rarely. in the history of politics in this State has therAeen. such a spon taneous expression of preference for a candidate as has been exhibited in-the demand for Gov, CURTIN'S re-nomin ation: We have I.eason to know that he earnestly desired to be allowedlo retire at the close of his present term to rest from the herculean labors im posed upon him by the war, and to recruit his exhausted health. . In fact his declination was regarded by self. and personal friends as an imper ative physical necessity, and it was made in the best offaith, andwe doubt not that to this day Gov. CuarlN de sires nothing so muck,. as that his party may accept it. But in the face of - the formal announcement of his wish and purpose to retire, half , the delegates have been positively in structed to demand his acceptance of the responsible trust, and with those previously chosen, _ fully . two-thirds of the Convention will insist 'upon making him the Union standardibear er in the coming contest. His match less fidelity 'to his great. ;State'; his ceaseless devotion An our,. brave- sol diers in the ;field; hiS earnest care for our wounded, and heroic, dead, and the, high measure' of ability he ,lias dis-, played and the success achieicd in his administration of the government generally, have endured him, to the people of Pennsylvania, to an extent. that is measured IT no party and against whiCh the fiercest politieal malice must ; hurl its weapons harm lessly. His' re:nomination, therefore, may be regarded' as 'settled; and reluctant, Gov. Cunrth cannot decline it. - ;. The nomination for Supreme Judge will probably be tendered to the West, and if so, ',Judge AGNEW ) of: Beaver, will'doubtless be choSen,.' Re of the ablest jurists of the • Stateohid would be an ornament to the hig4st judicial tribunal of the State., , TUE PRIOGRESS,OF THE W&JL The sincere Jatriot has Irmeh Ito mourn in .the repeated: disasters our arms, and the, diaappoiatmentj of cherished hope:if.Of success diger 4uarters; brit 'we -must not lie -i nin:dful that mach .h . ao `Nen. ‘ahedflY accomplished irk narrowing the limits of arnied 'treason; ',and most achibveml history of war have 'been heroic troops. „ When the rebellion ope) 1111 diain qblood, it held undisputed sway mall the - ,Gulf States; exceptii,:tg Only, FoitsP,lelcing 'an(l , TOrtngas';'it had- entire possession of of Tennessee; , of-Kentucky almost. o of :N o rt h rn ,,_ , Caroline; and:bf South Carolina:,l • _ , started this wicked; • wanton •E , ' war— with the conspirators prepared,_ as far as • :the labor:of- years,withirt „the government could " prepare_ them,- , to , enact.the crimsoned tragedy: that has since : raised into history. But two years of confiieion the field have re-" stored Virginia to. the gov ernment arid added a new State to the gitlaXy,of : stars on our - rational flag, Missouri has been redeemed af ter several sanguinary battlesd and is now under a loyal government, exer cising its , funetiens over the entire territory' oftheState. KentuCky has been. Wrested riom the sPoiler, and excepting a'very small corner in, the Cumberland. Nountains, is' •'entirely under loyal -ml . Tennessee has been ,more than„ hal, recovered, including its capital. Liaisiana is -nearly - re stored to the 17ton. ,- The Chiefcoin, .mercial city of the Gulf, New Orleans, and the' capital of the, State; with a large portion of the: territOry, are, 'permanently, web4ieve, restored to . the g'overnment. Arkansas i has been •stic,cessfully penetrated bYOur . troops; and; thebrilliant victory of Ilea Ridge taught resPect,for the old flag' in " mistakeable tortes- portion of its - territory is held by the Union forces. The 'Mississippi liver is opened from its'isource to the Gulf, excepting ,at Port Hndson; lint the fall' of Vicks; burg secures the early and Complete navigation of the Father of Waters to the trade of four people; be sides relieving tieimmense armies of Gens. Grant and Banks ibperate againgt the : rOellion . elseWhe're.— With - the Mississippi opened A rkan , sas and Texas fall back into the Union with litth .diffibulty. Florida has been measniably" restored to the Union, and n: Portion , of her terri tory is held in tile tiame of the gov ernment by the humble negro who, from being his ntster's slave 'and ,chattel, becomes his.preceptor of loy alty and enforce§ it' at the point of the bayonet. Georgia, North Caro lina and South ithrolina all' heve troops' on their - soil and the old flag s waving along the coast, and Old . Virginia has surrendered ui; Suffolk and Norfolk, andtheentire line of the Rappahannock to the: Ridge, and the. Shenandoah Valley - beyond..i Mary land was invaded by rebel armies one• y'ear; ago, and restored to loyal rule by the battles of South Mountain and `Antietam [ ; and mhen the rebbl hosts Were thrown defiantly upon Pennsyl vania Soikit was only, to find sepul chres for ten thousendof his Warriors 'amongst loyal hearts, and to leave full twenty thousand' more bleeding - and helpless .on the line. of, retreat from the . bloody - field" 'of 'Gettysburg. Thes6 are, some of the substantial re sults of two years of, war, during which time we had to prepare, in ,all respeets, for avdeparture fro our es tablished habits ofpeace. Be of good cheer, loyal :hearts.! The cause of Right progresses slowly but surely - r and : it ants bu fidelity from ourselves to inaire its the - rough and permanent . success. TILE PENIVSYLVANIA. RESERVES. The remnant"of the heroi3. Penn sylyania Reserves surpassed, if possi ble, their LieellStimnedgallantry; at Get tisburg, under the lead of their youth ful commander, Gpn. S. W CRAW :Fop. , The Philadelphia .7 . 7z.q,zrirer of IVlOndaithirireeordsihe'achieieinents of this justly famed division.: - "All will remember that the Jattle of Thursday was -mainly nri overwhelming at-' tack of the enemy on theleft of ourOosition, 'and that the brunt 'of the assault was borne for several hours 'by:the. Third Corps, under Sickles, which was at lasteompelled to give way. He was literally overwhelmed. Then the Fifth Corps, and parts 'of others were' moved in, but a portion of the Fifth was turned and driven back, end disaster was ire- The'retreatingeolumn came press in ;back on.thollesenvest,when thee. Craw ford, seizing a color, rodeup and down the line of his Division, keeping his' inen steady 'until the Way, waS clear, when he ordered a charge on-the advancing; and almost victori one enemy. This was executed .by .. ;the 'bri gade of Col. - ,l4.faCandlessind the Ninth red.- iment Of COL Fisher!s brigade. • Ledby these '•gallaitt - officersin person, they charged and drove . back the enemy, wbenyictory *as Just 'ith in their grasp, prevented them frnm gain ing, the hills, where - our -left *old liave tieeii turned, and where , they in Sews moments more - would have be.en, in titiOngst !ourtrains and inour . rear. This ebarge,was witnessed by. a large number of our OZftra, who attest its priceless :value, and we have nahesitation in declaring that it saved the army'frOm de h'feat on that day. Thatlighlionor due to the Reserves, and it should bd given: withodt adz t . " On Friday the bilged . o e feol. McCandless and the Ninth-, of Fisher's, were the heroes of another gallant action: folding the po sition. they - had so handsomely ; wotti . 'they Were again ordered forward:. TWo brigades of the RebelGeneral'Hood 'were iroosSes , sion of the hill called the "Hound . :Toti.'.!— : Theie ehar'gea' - , : driten, out and'ilindiedi by Which means the tr.bphieri of the &ay intrq augmented - by a stand of colors, -onetwolve ptainder 'cannon, thr4taissonsoind ore hun dred prisoners., - But' tnore.'than' thati the' tonOr of• the army:lv . is saved=: by the reeap turO of more 'than. ) sto, i4ousand stands ;of 1 arms, whiCh the enemy ' taken the previ ous' ilay, and by the rest° lion to our own lines and the care of .our wn surgeons of an immense number orwo ded men. „ ' "The lleseivei were .fi ting,on the soil of their dear old State,' an .noble as were the deeds, they had done' befor ~ they were, eclipsed by their conduct at Gettysburg. Their ser vices in that important battle, and the fact that they savedthe fortunes of the day at a most critie - al period of that battle should not be for a moineut overlooked, nor should the names •of General 'Crawford, Colonel 'Mc- Candless and Colonel Fisher be omitted from the' ront rank Of the heroes of that memory-; ble field." i • • :FgarlAnno, Woon, Copperhead M. from New. York; -soraPtimes tells the truth--perktps not so much be cause of the intrinsic metit of the ex- , . tide s as / for the, - sake of rarity or re ference': 1 tie wrote .a letter to the rn late. De()critic 'meeting in Philadelphia, ealle - i (\I( t denouncethe arrest of Val. iandig in, in which he stated, With more candOr and courage than Patri .otisin,orPiilley, the real, purpose of thdv Copperhead leaders. He thus flings his to lre - hreeie: banner "iaut do not let us •forget that those who OrpetrateSuchoutrages as the arrest and ba= nishrnent of Mr. Vallandigbam, 'do so as ne eeisary war measures. Lettis-iherefoit'strilce at the eauee; and declare forpeaee ; andkgainst 'the war!" , • ' - . Gov.Biglerand othersioawl e speech es at this/meeting; but not one word_ was said' in' denunciation of Fernan do's proposition for the summary ar restrof the War. On the tontri'l- , sentiment was—reeeive, with more --- emptiatiebation by"the leading Managers of the meeting, from BILLY MCMULLIN down to Gov. BI9LER and the short-boys, who furnished applause to order, than Woon's declaration a gainst maintaining the, unity of the Republic by resisting traitors in arms. We thanlc Fernando Air' the :truth, however, and Bigler & Co., with their just share of bypo cricy. ' THE quota of troops called for from Franklin county by the Proclamation of the. Governor, to aid in, the protee,-' tion orthe State is 840, and it is due to the cause and to ourselves that our full number be contributed proraptly to the common defence. At least one Artillery , company and several Cavalry companies should be organized, so that we should have artillery, and scouts trained and ready to respond at 'a moment's call in any future emergency. We know how sadly our people have suffered, and that the phindering of our stock and driving away of hun dreds of ne,gro laborersi have render ed it next-to impossible to spare many - men from our fielda; but the future safety of the border demands that we should respond with our full .quota, _and five entreat each district, to fiet aboht raising men at once: A. H. STEVENS, the Vice President of the bogus Confederacy, came down the James River last week and-Sent a letter to Admiral Lee asking permis sion to go to Washington to deliver a message from Jeff Davis and person ally confer with President Lincoln on the subject to which it referred. Ad miral,Lee referred the letter to the President who declined the interview, adding that the customary, agents and channels were adequate for all, necessary communication. The con tents Of Davis's•niessage to the Presi dent are, not known ; butit is pore than probable that Stevens - believed Lee's invasion to be successful, and he hoped to find Lincoln prepared_ to kn tertain some propositions for pedee upon the basis of separation rather than have Lee thunder at his capital. THE FRIENDS of the Union cause cannnot :organize too early pr- too earnestly. Our opponents are Mak ing extraordinary exerti6is to estab lish _themselves firmly _in every dis trict, and they must be met by tictive and systematic effort if we would Se cure victory. Thousands of Demo crata tire , loyal in pfirpiiic, and need but to understand the, disloyal aim of the 'Copperhead leaders to estrange them from the foei of the Government and bring : thein into the Union ranks. Be this cini.worknow:andhenceforth, to -unite in effective orgatitiations ERy noYi.i. NAN, without diStintiOn: of party. This .works wants *untiring, judicious organization 'and labor. Our cause deserves It ;let it not be de nied its,just :Walrus , upon evei-y :pa:. triPt! . Northern Contra' Ethlroad has been repaired aid is, - now running trains ru,k,rularly both to Baltimore and over the . Etanover branoti. to qet4' . - burg. , _ SownEitS in ;the service are, fur- - 'Hated iiithlibtfritsreSiTOßY: :at the _ rate Of $l.OO ,per .annum bat- little more than' the Cost: of white paper. The friends of our brave- volunteers could:not in- any- other -way furnish - such sait acceptable- evidence of their - . l'egardforthes - defenders 'of flag !as . by sending them: a weekly , paper from home. ThOiltEi , OsrrfnlX - , 011? be Mailed - to - ', soldiers .in strong wk - appers, at 25 cents for threllmortthS 50 cents for. six months; and $l.OO per annum. ;The paper vill.invantbly be " discontinued at the expiration of:the period for - - which it is - paid.— 'Remit- - tances °ante made in postage stamps. IT IS a h eal t hyay sign Of the times that the 'peace-'movement inaugUra ted by Wood 4 Po in Xew York is not encouraged by ; the. Deraocaats generally. True, Wm. B. Reed, 3. Glancey Jones, and'a few c!ther, fos sils,--write letters to Fernando in favor of peace;.but the shrewder leaders ancljthernasses'are unwilliig to sur render tbelcountry thni shamelessly to treason: Will the Democrat State Conyention at Harrisbnrg .to daY be remhed by Wood & Co.?, Another day will determine. • THE EIChMO, cidapatehes.from Lee's army* stating that, - he had defeated Meitde, captiired . 40,000 'prisoners and was then marehin tx o•Uponßaltimori! Bully • for Lee! Meade will wipe his ,spec tacles when he finds that he has been so soundly thrashed, half his army captured, and Lee vegetating down' towards Baltimore ! THE new State .of West Virginia recently elected its first State officers. Arthur L. Boreman was chosen Gnv ernor, and J.- L. Boyers Secretary of State.-- This is a new, thrifty, free Commonwealth added to the Union; and thus is the glory of old slave-rid den Virginia passing away. h our advertising columns will be found an offieial notice of certain amendments to the Constitution, pro posed by the Legislature. By one of these, soldiers in the actual service of the United States may be allowed to vote. The other proposes -certain-re strictions upon the mode of Legislation surrender bur columns 'almost entirely this Week to the detailsefthe 'battle of Gettysburg, and a hiStory of the rebel invasion.: We' hope shortly to complete -the -record of - war upon loyal soil, and dei-ote-our usual spaCe to the progress and less crimsoned triuraphs of peaCe._ WE ARE glad to "record the nomina tion of Hen. Thos. J. Bigham for As , sembly by . the - Union men of Alle gheny.:: He has served many -years in the House, and is a Most, faithful and,able representative. Such -men are especially needed in the legisla ture at this time. Judge Answ-rof Beaver, is strong ly urged for the Union nomination . for Supreme . Judge. by a - number of the Western counties: He is a sound Jurist, and would make a - most capa ble Supreme Judge. are compelled to omit several editorials, including a review of the Democratic State Convention, its can didates and platform. TEE late municipal election in Wash ington City resulted in the election of the Unconditional Union candidates: C: L. Pinsnma, Esq., has been -re nominated' for Asseinbly -by the: De . . moerats of. Cambria. , POLITICAL - The We...iitiote of , Polumbus, and the Voty freund of Oineinnati.-;the leading itentoetat le German papers in.Ohio—refu.se to support .Vallandighatn. . _ The Democrats of Somerset county 'have rput in nomination A. J. Colborn, Esq.i the. Somerset. Bar, for:f Assenil?br.'. W. :j;. •Baei, Esq., was recommended as rt mai* for . the Berate. • - • • • The • Democrats of Washington CountY have nominated Wrn.'ltciplcins for tenator,r Wm: ; (Tenn and Isaac , ifiewkirifor bly, and Andrew Brice for Rro_thonotary.— Washington elects a'Senator, with Greene. . • The' HOU. Charles'Biddle - kw' ieslitirci the appointment of thairMari of the Dario:, &die Gentral . diminittee ef'renniyit i-ania, "in order togive, as apri ‘ vate or in any_ sphere th'at.,maybe,open to him; his whole "exertiond for the' defense of . Orm invaded Commonwealth." Whr. : Tesiglif Is it against any ride of the De ocratic,par ty that forbids ita leading-.members for the Union? .„: - of the'tth OE