The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, July 15, 1863, Image 3

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The ilemotrats of i Greene: - kliktilty
poplinated Dr. A. Ptitpn . for Assernbts.-....
; Union. liartSl trf - Armstrong Canty
have nominate(' W. • 491Caff 'Assembly
and james S. Quigley, tint' l'Fotlionotary.
laga. l'hoptas Hoge has
as the Union candidate for Senate in. 'Venan
-go. Conn ty, for . f iL4e9ll:ily and
C. E; Lytle for Protheinotary‘.-1:
There is 'not".i newsiiaisei noiipublisbed in
llisOuri, nor": tiiat is fief' an .
alvplyed adyacate of enianeipittion,:on such a
Aasis s shall raos,t speedily , as wail LP sge/YI
remove slavczy front the State.:,
The tTliione party. ofr,..Beitvcr county have .
,poirnipato - \ - ' - ni, Henry. for Assgmbly;; Jo-
seph l e talie for Shiriffaral A. B. Moore for.
- .itteCQtr'.. - Ir. Henry he ''served in the:
legidatitre-With cre4it,and we 'rejoice 'that
' - lie-is tri - bezeturned. ', - =':- - '- '
• "conference of Democrats of the State of
%Indiana; wilo disapprove 'of 'the stronk:
'7,round taken =by leader's of the:pasty
pathy with.the reVels. have:ealled-,...Defno- ;
,t •
eratie State Convention . , to assemble; at
dienapolis on the 13th. of; It will
be a mass meeting, and' be largely at
' The Union_ State Convention of lowa,
tominaled k.-Stiti],sie for Gov-.
ernor. Col. Stone isa lawyerprofessicin,
and was Judge of =the Fourth Disrtict Court:
; Flien,the war, began. He - enlisted as-iT-pri
,,:ykte, was elected Major, captured at
Veld a year in rebel prisons, flintily es:clung
e , appointed ColOnel of the Twenty,- , Second
'I - OW r a,'.e.nd has since been twice wounded,
~• •. ' ,
'4: . ;;AT: Tod, of Oliio, has issued a ama-,
warning the Coppeiheads of that State
1.4 forbear resistance"-to the.-Cniollment, and
xaturn tO their .homes:, 1111 e,
'kloverrtment, both of the State - and Nation,
must and shall Ate, -maintained: Do not in
,citt‘bge the belief; for a, itionsent, i that-thlire is .
fiot , , , a power at hand tocompel obedience, ,to
-what I no , ,v - require of you. , time,,carinot
given Ybu fOr scheines or machinations of
any:kind whatever." ' '
• -
The ' , Demberats of Bedford' County have
:,ttotninated- B. F. - 3feyers;'EllitOr of the
*fie!foi+,Assembly,Bhannon fur ;Pro
thonotary4ohn Alstadt for Sheriff,, Samuel
Davis for\ Associate. Judge and .dames B.
Farquhar foy Treasurer... The Iytga er . says
that not a''.rilaii that had sent'a sonic) the
Briny; or at= anytime expressed` in
'oppesition'to,lo". ; , Davis &CO., is this hor
-ough-, amid seeily r , e a "delegate. ' true,"as
'lre have henrci , it'r:ktateti, that Irv. Shannim
,'lithdre7 subSv c qiption, to theT6tunteer
B . Pgray Fund beeanse his poiitieul friends
demanded it.?
Little Slavery,DelaW4retakcsbold grounds
in support of, the Administra i tion—and, no
one 'feature of the policy \of air. Lincoln is'
more - earnestly - , supported than tbe Frocla
friatien 'and 'the use of coltir'ed i tiOnps. 'Ladt
:week ;An ithmense outpouring, 'Of:the - people;
of Delaware roar place at DOei.',:..G-eorge,
Cannon presided, and. speeches li.",ere
; Gen: Cannon, G-ert.Se,herick, Hei,ry Winter
Davis and others: The following
were adopted .
Resolved, By
lo,yal people.of tike State,
'Del6.‘vare, in maSS , assembiti6"met "that'
contest we know r.Oissues.dxcePt, the:
p,reseryation or destruction of rhp American
Union ; that ' we recognize no..partief snVe
those_that two fOr our country eritgainst-it.'
• .Resolved, That there is no intereSt - whi&li
IS 'not ;subservient, to the publicigoocl,
iight of person:or lirciperey'sviiich the public ; safety.: ,
Rgsolved, That to the Administration is
entrusted the 'maintenance of the unity of
the Great Bepublie,[and — therfliis - war should!
.not;:iorrninate nntil the flag of the :United
States. shall wave in undisputed dupre .zusry
-oier the whole' land.
Resolved;' That to thiS end We invoke the,ltheirs'.4 the mere will of the Federal Exe
:National 0-oVeriament to employ, all . the • evtiVe. .
means in its - power, "flaring regard Only to Resolved, That the Democracy of Penn
-the'usagcs of=civilized- warfare.' sylvania has heen ever . :the cauSetef
Resolved, That we 'eavil:not at its meas-. the Union :;, It was in,,and for the
sires, nor erribarassits. operations by - collater- 'sake of the Union, that our party-Was matre;;
al issues ; but having . full confidence in its -that `we denoance .the•least intimation , that
_integrity and capacity, and asking only that the Democratic party entertains, now, or, gv,-
it: shall save the national life, at whatever 4 has entertained', or ever can entertain; the'
cdst of "Men and money, viespledge to its sUp- , slightest sympathy with' the'presentgigantie;
-port the co-Operation , of-our arms, our ineans. . rebellion, or with .traitors,•in arms , against
and our votes. • the 'government, , would ever consent to
-peaceluPoii 'any - terms involvingddistriebi
berment, of the .1.1 - ni.Otas utterly unjust; anti
in proof of this, we p int With ,expitation to
'the laVish contrilintions 'to the war in' bided',
and treasure heretofore 'and nowt being made
by the hundreds of thousaxids of Democratic)
citizens, who were aonitlie "first to flyy, to
'the rescue the Union anti'lierilrtheir fives.
in its defence... •
.Reso/ - 6cd, That as the true friends of the;
Union, and feeling a profound , tinietY for;
Its fate,. , we.• claim. • and, exercise, _the"!
right - to consider, discus's, ascertain and urge,
in bectiming teirti9 upon-the 'people and the:
constituted authorities; . nwhatever 'tneasUres:
will, r ail our judgment, be, •most likely . .to :
place Mid' keep the Whole' nation: and - -Vinori,
-together ander, on*fedeial govericient.': -• • • ;
, Resolved, That, when, this • war, began .we
'had' the soleinn.pledo of the federal adinin T •
istration. and of the party Which placed it, in
power, : as eT.pressed,in , the resolution passqd.l
by Congress on duly 2:2d, 186 - 1,-'that it "Is
not waged on their', paitin fink spirit of °pl.
pression,or for any. purpose -of, conquest ;or
subjugation,. or purpose ,of - oireithrowing . or ;
Interfering 'with the rightstailiablished
stitations,of those•Statesl. bat to;defend-and
maintain the supremaey,,of,the. Constitution
and to preserve the Union, with'alf
nits;. egaulity anarightsofithiseieral-fitztes
untiVtpuredi and that as ,soon m these , objects
are adeornriihed the ought to cease."
But the federal administration; aetingfinider
the influence of a : small 'faction of ultra ;Alci l
olitionists, always opposed to the Union, and
without the consent of_the greatmass of the
people, has tirtalletitinged its groind, avow
mg and proclairningits'puiptise.tahe
differenii:and_ thus it has greutlY,- 31 14.9a
ourjiist hope dpeice.
'The resolutions wereunanimously adOpte
hYilie'donventiOn; enilMatastk `slieitW
of applause,
Dvdoca.)..rrei StA.T . E. — Colk,•vt . NrioN.—The:
4iressiire.i2pon our colurims.until now.hai ex-,
- eluded-the proceedings and platform of the
late Democratic State Convention.. Dr. Geo.
W. liebinger, of.,Philaidelphia, was chosen,
Aemporary President, and Hon, Pinley-at- ,
te.rsgn, ofWashingtovoias the permanent ,
4 i'resident.- ,The first liallOt'for-GoVei 4 nor . rO-::
suited as follows:
Hiester Clymer, Cass, 1G
W 4 11: - Witte, 47 Ricliard Taus, 1,
Geo.W.Woodwart:;9 'Jacob Frv, dr. 21
. N Strickland,; 3' W. •Bigijr,, ' •].
-John Cessna., 9 Geo. Sanderson, ' '6'
H-en.W.B.Franklinf Black; • 2,
thie balloting then continued withciut mull;
Turiation,,excent by the, : withdz~wgl ,of the:
mimes of some ot the cquclidatep„an,dthe
erease Of the Totes for,„* . r,
,Clyrner,and„ Mr.
;Witte, - until, on the s eyenth they, stood
equal, each having 55 votes, , Wad,
Nyard;lB, and Gen-Franklin 8,
8 ester Clymer'
tii r illiclm'H.`Vitte,`'
'Georg W.' Wood*aid,
3Yilli m B. Franklin,
, Hughes, arosernfterthfs
:bgen anloaneed, and said that he
ins to *ith6a - * . the 'name
* FL Witte, and 'eallOd , iM.el l 4
to go foithe:lfron,Geo. - wo,9awptra.
• I , le h:inch' and, last liallot wag then taken
,liadiesulted• j.,
lliester Clymer, ,
Nimrod Strickland,
• ;Hon.:W4lter 4. Itinfrie;
4u.sifee was urtanimolisip:ntipliiited for _Ye;
- ele4 - fron to the•pe:iitin of : SupipM64dge:,
;:- $ in. F. W. lleghes,' frOM the committee
oh resolutions;; said he bad ttie rhenor te•re
pert,thp following FeK ueons,• w 11e e-
tunthimously,a4opted in committee: • • ,
•That•we:approve the resolutions, upon 41:e
stnto of the country, p eased
,_by the :House of
Representativea of this, Commonwealth, , on
thp 13th day of April last, and in addition
thereto, and as a. forther :expresidri 'orour
views upon public affairs, do resolve as fol
lows: .
Resolved. 7 Tliat wa ligliili-" -- tenew our Vows
of fidelity to the ; Constitution of the United
States; the great charter-for which our, frith."
ers struggled and fought, and 'Whieli Wafres-,
they; tiferfz,4elves-expmsedit,
"to form a: `more perfect :Irnion i, establish
ju - stiee, misnie.'domestic 'tranquility, Provide
for the conimondeferfsei'promotethe,geriefal
welfare, and secure, the blessings of liberty to
ourselves _and_pditerity." " =
• &Solved; That inhintnalf the. Cenititu
„tion embodies, thp,pnly. , guarantees : we have
for public liberty and private right, .as with
oiit •it :We "Can' 'haVe": riO hope-Of 'piofection,
from ,bloodshed ; spoilatibn and - anarchy—the'
man' who, Eangt:Ts at , " the_ Constitution as it
is " "prciiies - himself to be defidient in the firit
elemennif patriotism; and any. officer of rite
Stale or Federal Government who swears to.
support the Constitution; 'and'afterwards,;
' , With. •• .the 'oath ;on: ,cop Science,
:violates: it, is wholly, :unworthy -of public:
confidence. - . •*; •
Resolved, That among the rights which
,the Constitution provides to every citizen,' is:
that of being secure in his life, liberty and
property, .so that he cannot be deprived of.
either:without dile Process 'of law,"tt
by n competent judge, and h, jury of his neigh
burs, with witnesses to confront, him and ,
counsel to defend him: " This 'is so just in
sc.;, necessary :,to the happiness; -of the.
people for whom gover,nment.,is made,
and 'so - plainly written down'in 'the Federal
Coastitutiba, allfthe State Constitu
tions, that ;my person. : who can misunder
stand it has not, in ohr amnion, the' mental
capaCity which fits" him for public' station.
,Resolved ? - ; That we, ba:Vc. lieard, with in
-tense alarm and deep,indignation, that seine ;
of ' our ; political - Opponents" -, for the
President of the Vuited_States tt, power
erto wholly unknoWn in America and never
exercised in-Europe orAgitz,.'ekeePt by the'
most despotic, monarchs,, namely : : thepower,
to arrest free citizens for the 'expression. :of
their. honest opirtiOns" On public - affairs , arid:
that, the :_President has ,not, only ; presumed to
exercise this'power,hituself with the modera-;
flea and Mercy- his oWnntittire might
prompt, but has delegated it to many, subor ,
dinates, and they ,- - - again - tcf ,- others in 'every
part of the country, until its hideous. pres
ence is seen and felt allOvei the land: • :
,Resolvdd., That among the numermis`ofileers,
to whom the Presidenthas given this terrible,
'power above the 'laws. and abeve'the people,
there • mhst ; . in ,the nature_ Of • things be: a
large proportion who are totally incapable, of
wielding it either honeStly' ; or
poll i dans filledVithpiTtlZEtil rancor; i;riades
lv.ho,do not cure for justice, ruff
s and ruanswho"'
delightin trampling it under foot ; and there
-fora we are not - surprised,' tolearn" that the
Worthiest men. have -been., torn from their
hinilies,,jUdgekknocked down on.the bench,:
ministers of the' GOSPer iroprisoned in loath-:
some dungeons, and respectable women treat-,
ed with a brutality which it would. be inde
even , to_narne;--and all this, 'in' Many
cases, withbut , a pretence that •the victims
were gitilty:even of a political offence, much'
less of any crime against:the laWs.
Resolved; That free - .government cannot
_exist without a Tree-press, and the.,Copstitu
tion.,"(if this' State,; as well, as that of the
Znitk&States; has declare& 'that it Shall be
free. Those persons, therefore, in, ,office or
:out of office, who attempt to suppress books
'and newspapers by Violence, are the enemies
of , . this government,,and ought. to be,them-
Seli-es suppressed.
That we heartily thank the lion-.
hearted -Democracy of , Ohio SO' the .MalilY ;
vindication that they have given to the Con
stitution aghinst" the - great - crithe committed,
upon it in - the arrest and deportation of Cie..:
mint L. Vallandigham; and we assure them
Of officordial 'sympathy' in the great strug-,
o•le they . are" making 'fOr •,:tlibir undoubted,
rights.'. t
1 - • 'l?esotved, That the 'plain duty of the'Chief,
:13tagi,"Strate 'of this Common wealth. , requires
4im to rise whatever ; power the lawhas placed
IE,, •hands to 'protect the ;State' and ,the
pe,olefroimlnwless outiages;,ebme from - what
quit...ter, , and, no man is .fit to be
Govltriior 'of this State Who 'will,:consent - to
hold his own libertieS and let the people hold
. _
~r 62
:13, -, .
;,_ -75.'
. 4 ,
FiFICE 'OF - , SAY - Coot.E; •
, strROXPTioI
• NOP:-
The nralesbichea. itpi l owt e d , ,sußze ß ip.
TION AfisNT by The S.ecretall of -the Treasury, is now
vrepared tdfurrtish,•atutice, . •
• ~ Ararrrege s titY raif, Terrel 4. 80?,p54,,, ;,.,
of thtrnited ''Aittes; "dashitatd ''as 4 EiVe-Twentles,"
"redeentable itt;the pleasure of Governmeist f atter five
years„ -- anit authorized by Adr of - Congress, approved -
Fehruarx, , 2:4_lBo2. - .
The WENN BONDS are igried In sums of $.50, $lOO,
$500,51000. z • :
The REGISTER BONDS in soma of
• $5O, $7100,S500;
slo; o ;s4sDina.. -
Interest at six per cent.' nr,enntun will commence
from Date of purehase, and re; • ' - - _
• A B:L,T t ;
~Semi•annually, which is equal , it the ,pre,ent premium.,to abont &Gni ntwcnit. PEA AtiYUDt.' •
Farmer,s, Merchants, Meckatiics. Capitalists. and, all
- Who Inife motet yto Inves4ihoutd•knoW araliemena
ber that these Bonds are, in ditto 111 7,9IORTGAGE:
Bhdroads, Canals, Balt Stooks- an , ' Securities,
and the l in i rnense, Kotlacte,l3o4 the Mattuficouls, &c4,'
"&e,..; in the 'conntryt 'and ttratOe fun , and a m p l e pr bi v,
skons made for the payment et the lotertlt
thin of t.finoiridt,bi , CastoniDsties, 'Excise' Stamps and.
Inte94l,Revenne: serve:. to Jake theEe gonits the -
• r INT'ESTII:Ehrr -rif MARKET.'
,pabseripi ions ieeeived at NI in Legat Tender Notes,
or rieite's and' Checks' of bunts at par in Philadebbla.:
,gubscrilicrs py,lDgll will:realto, , prompt , . att e titi on , - dnd ,
every facility and explanatioil,rill be' afforded on Appli-i
- cation at this ollice.i • , ' f • i ,
A fullaupply of Bonds willb. kept on hands for imrne.:
Orate:delivery.' ' , •
Jo.° 17-3 t. .
.• , Subscription Agent,, • •
5"01.4 4 1),L NOTT,4,- 7 0n.a
ditinst let, 1863, the p keg° of gen - sorting the
sent i ef1,133/I.L -, :eetita , N - 011:3 into -the }NA
TIONAL SIX E.111112P,Nr., - hag (commonly. calletl"Five
'Twenties") will c erise. • • '
All. who wish to inveet hat YLVE.TW-PITY LOAN
mnst;' , therefoio; ly babe tfici let of "Augnet - neit: •
JAY UlOfih,y.;.,•
t SthiSciirritoN '-
1/4 Senth Tilird-Strset,
Jmio :1.57-Ct
IMPOPaAlltj\ -- cillcE..-,7As it is
iinportktit itinCtlie"Boas of the 'late firm of G. 11.
NERKLEais . I & QO.. be eetiedriP:immediately. persons
knowing' themselves indelitsl te said firm, for Zr{bserip, „44-iirt4iirg,Jo4llP4r4 4.; aro hereby' notified to
call nneu the undersigned,4 tie Office of the Register
and Redorder t COurt Kokse, and make, settlpment
without delgey. r - P. DOCK FPX- Y.
• Jfine i • • ' '
VOTlOE.—Altposonsihdebted by
, ok Account or, Nita, LTTEP. II AMILTON,
nro Loreby-itottited to'callitubettle prOvions to July 1,
Iq3, and save cools. '- , • - '40414.`
SON Sr, 111311,1.N'5,
.:AuTom.4trpi SWELI,I9IBLE. 'BELLOWS, 8.N.F.,E
Eeail Ininameret iTerras for l i ive Fears:
• . .I',RxcFs, CO ro $450. , ,
" The Cabinet. Organ u th' only Instrument which
-combiries the' minis ites,br faitrch and 'parleir music';'
for the schocl room an thisocial festival gathering.
- Po while itlioksFssei sesclSit posies' for thee - commie-,
niuient of !slug° chons t his'. from, ,its capability pf
all 'shades of expreisfoc. and its Wonderful Crescendo
and climinuendo,,most kifeceve Os a- e ? lo-,Instrament.
- It p
eahin' of orcliestal fects. 'and rapid mu4c. ,
trills,arpeggios,'etc. Rant ib sustained tones. has
'a deblefed advantage hieitheliano-forfe, for therender
ing,of many Of the chd 4 e4t paresuni of the Ina:sten,
such as syinplionies, qucrteliti, etc."
R 4 A.:MrttitO, Oliambersbnrge Po.
(lens:it Agent fur Pennsylvania.
The unddritg - nei Of t . ' sell and del iTer, - in aq
condition; Cabinkd Orrsq nty . where In thin State, at.
rickey prices. All ikinirks by - letter plyamptly an
swered._ -, (Jne.137.1.13-tf.) R. A .51-e.
SI'CLURt, soli agent for the celebrated
- DECKER 13110TItte (SEW TOM)
_Pianos delivered, send pit op in perfect condition, in any
part ut the State, at •
An Inatramente Mrrnded f,)r five yehrg. I .: •
Pianos from other Letoies Will be furnished, if desired.
RA. MeCIA7II,E,. • •
Chambersburg, Pa.
Jane 17,'&3
ignOrYttg gj'ouses. ~,
Au ii7simittiv ar,HEAD . & - CO '.;
_ ur• - .En 7 tra' rapn o ,avdPlP7inission.'Nerehant,o'ol-th
Second Stte--%Posite ihe .
cw.itsEßLit2yft rALier -RAIL /ROMA. DEPOT
Cam run regularfy to 411 from r_bila.E: palthnore. -
' . IiENTS, ': •1
PEACO CB, ZELL I.: Iltxc no, No
_B9 Market St. üboire Bth-
Pr. S :—X.ykene Talley,Broken, Egg and, Nut.cotd: (dl•
reci from the Trines:) WilkeFfbairo and 'Pine Grove
Foundry coal, .T.,ncler p.n.] Bh , ie - glO.. Salt. Plaster and'
!lanced: tenieut, kept cdustantly- on hand.'
°rein, nun pyoduee,ot elitinds. - purchneed at. the high
est eash priees:` %ITN DEELICII, IMAD;',k
4 „ . _ ) Hom : E . Th e F or warding biawineas will. Hereafter
be conducted to , •C":II7,IISTEIt CO., at the Ware.,
ah°ll4;Or° or the
patron- ' Cl g .. e ßai ,H7 4l' -w- here
6't.l-le?' hope to,
t ` o, t':Cell'e:
DEPOTS—DoziIy Co.-30ii,liarket St Philadelphia,'
and John BinAatn,lsl goviard t I more_
• Juin 17 . - f..RYSTER k-co.
tnaiA.T • • J A cofiLiEt.p.i.
iGt II;I39PI " I4,ZELLERoPtoduke
AND C6311115g0N, DlLDerinzi;ts. and Wholmre C 3 to-
*PDI, - YO - rtit 'Welt Curter or tiistb taul Market - Stri..itg,
Phihidel r hio, [Jane 17,'C3.
P n i l fijuib P4Ptr-golifiing
• _ RANGER 8110 P,,
. .
. . . ,
In the Old'Armory Buildflip" st a2 r,s , , , y
.next door Yo s , Old Tail.,'! Pelf& t r Foltet
. .-Carriage. Manufttelory, 'oppOsite • -
- , -: Br otril x ' Hotel, acid' , ... .
- to - stg OF sEcOND A.i.TD 3i:ARRET STS., '
C' ' 'P4
• 11' ismbrsburg, .
." ' t respecOell y take this mot nod of thanking the tilt-'
zenn'of ciiii.mbeimbutit told 'vicinity for Ohovery liberal
patrOnitgolhkve received at
their liends for' the pent
.your, (my fast year ill PO ' 'AK eal , tid, flathning InYeaf.
that I. have done,and.ond am .ntill;prePat'etk to do, the'
very best AVOrkitilny'llYCY. I Oliclt atentinuance ef past
favor. .; . . :, .-. ::: • • ' -: I . .T.PELLoWs. -
. .
~$) ee , mectrnuiretOritt hay of my pit:me-James
E ; st erg win'Tmoi, en soui l Col.A. Meet:aro, Res Ur.
Niccons,Rieibiteruitt hurch„Dr4 Itlobardo*Draisher,
Of. M.SieffOr Co4ermati' fiord: llotsonger, 3.41 Mon
Ey s t a l.op tn . C. xyl i ttr;OET altY othetit for otliobi IMP:
% for
thametzt Or - yre:4 Ilene / aPil extol:ll*p.
"j4 - e 17;
Tw at
CO: linv'e removed their; 11 00 X 13usDkar to - 06
rd stot• - of the - 0113S.:BON ROUSE; en the Diamniti t
a b ove inneek's Book 8 -tori.i. •; Entrance -between the
Beek - Store and Br.SovF.lY'cogrc_e. ;Bid
Newepepere, - ke,„ bound in any style Blank
Books tatidli to order , ' riiller ruled nunattern.- ; :
• • •
JLP ;/31411 - 208, •
- .Cutte Ste 4 Apne„,„
Omittl7.-lietaiol; -
• - a.t.stertql,ricts.
E a AMPIatET6 i)iiiiteci in best st l yle,
ndleffest 4 rate; at Via ;facia 'Of
te4:-411.—',:e`to3r le
, '
, e , it rt il e , at tha (Mob( ttai PRA.U.Liti RE
' ,
rrt. N. 1 0 VPROPIUG,Tirt"
eiets of colors, done with neatness and do
o•kkANltal -AMMO/1r '""ch4
. ,
~.. 0...., -; ; . i, •.",,- ~-„..7,-.
-1 - .4' 9tti - urg
~. .
ALT - 116
Vts AM*: iht ,FirtAge,.Cliatabertbuitaa:: I
tthe eibscribui would respectfully inform the Trarnl-
MjniniiniiyOntire pninfliged Mid fake,'
lie lets ptitli46l Mid lekettes
sle7nof this Hotel.: hopes te.makeitpue of the most
tlesGrblo tilice‘.siforstiinigeticitid others' t-ckStuP at' thist
can be found in tiny country;tovu,t
itIS TA.D.LE Ii St 1111' be'siriiitl lfith the luX•
pries andsubstaicti ale q the season. , ;
• HIS 011.0111$,ItS Ilia large, if ell ventilated, and fitted
pp in modem . style. - • -
FITS be widtippllecl with ala a and choice
JleiQol6ll cif the Very..bea lquors. • .••- r, • - ;
' 111 S ST.AtILZ *III ;sliver' "bit" Provided itrttL good
wiyoloagmeOpve*le,r fer,Stacy, ndd sttendicl ttac , utful
Plg pains witty be spared ituyend'er attire Si tisfectiett to
itllhis guests; and *Oleg hitnsplf to endeavor to please
Lilht solicits biliberal_sbuteafthspnblic Patietingtf.• '
• une 17 'fia. JOITZi AtILLER.
TT — N",lok ifi
iu , Sittnifed ou thUnciiMor r oilli(n' and Queen Streets,
• near the/NMl:mud e,Bomgh. of Choral, e rsburg, Pa,
TbeiltdOn3iiiied resPeettullytanitudeit to the tmvel4
ing public thatthie Hotel imabeen, remoilled; • It - has
hen. 'raised to IllitEkl - STORIES 'ld Vag& lino
three story; Boel,Buliding,bas. hems ,addekto
an irrtinsnee am mit Of loom for 'the neenratnOdatlbn of
the public geno*ll34,,The morasare,hArge and copeatoi:
able. numbering in all, - thirty-lire. They are all well
furnish:4 ;•tilli-.',,000.1)) '3 r FURNITURE: 'Persona
stopping at this 'Hotel canlmvo either double or single
,rooms, with or ytithont Brain ~tbom.' 'Esblo is 0 1-.•
supplied ikutir the BEST IN THE 1.4,,0c. , r, and
will seat oter,loo peisops,, 4 , : ,
Tho Bar is' fi lled ivithlhoCllblettrLllliAtS: The
Stable is imo4tOles, 9f the papstrrindern style, 'mid; the:
beat in th e llOrough of Chatulier4fintal. '
4une.l7','Pe.; ; , „, , 40113 FISHER, Proprihtor.,
EttI:YETIPINTXtCYLIEIi4 I -}irest side flf
the Pa/fa .rioare,Chambersburg i l , a.f.
The sebieribOr wduld respockitilly inform the Travel
ing Communitythat heiratlessed,and taken possession
`of this ComfinidiGna Ifelibpc's 'to nick 0 16f0n0 64
tat desirable, places fur strangers -and othor . /..t0
u bef 'nadir', any countrylowti. "
• Mat all times be, spread with the lax
iirie.4 an tials of the season. j• -
AISCHA ' are largo, w,oll,yentiltited,and.fitted
up hmitodern et -16.
Ins BAR will be well sonpliedWitlirt large andclunice
selection of the very befit Liquors.
STAiILE. .provided ivith-good,
wholesome provender for stock, and attended by careful
No pairis will be sparfedito render entire satisfaction to,
-.4 111 AS gust ; and pledging hiniself to ondenVor toplinSe
all, he solicit. , 4)eral share of the public patronage.
-t -ritersbur t r,p4l.—mlettzt pßqtr, ptroprietie.- ,
g purchhiedtbia Well-known Hotel, (long known
.pus sllliers. and „recently as Feist:di Orove'e.lthe.Propri- ,
pledges himselt that ,no pains shall be
minister to:thOWarits of his goesta;': ; ' "
'The character; horetofore sustained by the House as_ a;
comfortable Moine for thh;Sojourneri Shall ilk safer in
my hands if a constaut effort to please and accommodate'
will-sustain' Tho proprietor; thereforti, ' solicits a
continuance of the liberal patronage heret,lure.extend
ed tothe.Wltith Swati2 , • • •
In addition tolargo:Stabling, be has TWO LOTS and.
a pair of list and Sroco_ScSmiti: - for the accoMmodatibn
of Drovers and hoteliers.
1- " Jane II; 1-Stiaic ' '• - - hritinkEL . '
;-trans: covtEtt, f ' ;DA.I7ID 11 .
Nlj Rave become the Proprietors of the UNITED
.SI:4TES , HoTE 14, near the liediread Depot'dt HARRIS=
BUItO, Pa. Tide popular and commodious Hotel hits'
-been newly, matted and furnished thrciugaou 'its - pa4 ,
lore and chambers, end is now ready for the ;teen.*
-of guests. . ' • , • ' - 4
The travelling public wllttlnd the United States Hotel
the most convenient, in all 'particulars, of any liaiol in
the State.Capil, on, account of its access to the rail
road, helajimubdfafely hatweeri Ithri' tiro treat' {repots
in this city. a , [lkaatenFuo, dune 17).'6,3rtf.,
ezr: 31ereerSbcirg .joaracd:, and
GreenenstlePilvt. copy 3131., and olist.Tge . Repozi4ory.- ,
IL Sired, Chambersbu'ig. P. .3011 X W. TA,VAlit,'
rropilitor. iteeoinmaJationa and lair eliargea.
W'S/Aek rards and Scales. aro pl !waled with Alin
premises foiqhcr 'cieritenierteepi Drorere.
sive stabling arid yards for nurses 'and. Carriages.
June 17; • `-' _
• • • , • ,
- .l6terfes "o:fLti^i; beatii dad Aari
ty, by'llorace Welby. OneNolalidine..platli,handso'Me
iy printist withi an emblematic frontispiece Price $1.40.,
It it thfilcnltito give unyAdeqoato ids of the varied
and curious topics of which this eminently interesting"
voinmes treat. ,It to a - vainable array, of .the hest
thoughts, improsskins and heliers of the moat ,distin
'gashed minds on the Phoncortenk oaf Ty,' Death and Fu
turity; it is twill commonplace book us some Thought
ful divine might hive-compiled, aria to Its thouonel add
onoirefei etices to the works and opinions of our best and.
greatest vrciteisris not infiirlor, ns 4in - Intertking litera
ry curiosity, to the famons"ll.natorny of Melancholy.", .
rrailht Bostan Tratuiripi
, !The work before ter by fierace,')Velby gives
,the Tot
lowing opinions; beliefs and superstitions history
Mid itteimtnre htford in any manner; pertaining Lt - what
may be- called the mysteries of humanity. Life 'and
trine,-tho IP:dui - ear the soul, spirlinal.lite, 'dental. phe
nomena, boliefaud skepticism, tietth, the resurrection;
dm_ and discruisbdund illustrated frem tlie , highest au
thorities, fremi tuulition n.hd Scripture, Egyptian legends
and ' Christlanificts. GreelCibblel, end Pitgrinni - Pro
gress. A trul y ' religions spirit pervades the book: it is
tho result of patient r dearefi, and to this ithilotopher,
the psychologiA, the physioligin—to the, curious. the,
Vida& the bunldne; 'it appehls i•ltti 'fall and fro/tient
knowledge, suggeltion And aspiration." '; ,
- • At , .' G. UltWOßY;Publisber;
!6;11 „:0.44 Wejker st., Nor vbrk.,
, •
66 OS S. TIIEITt 'Szpi*thicANak;
Ilittstrated with engrityings,of the Boman;
Grecian, 'lndian; Negro 'Cclestiat; Agneline. Ttimnp.
and Pug Noses. with the character revealed by each
, Eres-Atlne, black, or gray. -Ltrs—thinand'pale„offull
mid red, prim or pouting; sColling oC, loving ; ...lotrrti
large or small. itilll-=light or dark, coarse or fine,
straight. or chrly. Clears—thin_ .or • plump,. pale, er
colored. "Thr4h—regullir or irregular. P,Ar.s—large or
Nr.ca4-longior abort. - F.Satt—rough or ,entootlt.
All to be aniply illustrated with engravings. The Walk;
talk, laugh and mice, rcll indicutc,charucter, Wst. May
know an honest face from a dishonest one. and we will
show galy. ,n 61.1c4, the .above, Are treat on
TIIOLOGY, 6r flit; Natural History of Man,: of PHYSIOLOGT;
end the lima of , Life and, ilealthr PliViongoxi"; or,
Signe of character, and bow to read them; of Pmez.
. tteLeni, theTbilosophy of ; and (If Percitnto4Y; the
.Science pf the, Soul. 'M.O. with reference to all his relo4
;Mils of ilfe,:gabial;
each can do best, will be• elucidated in-the PHIttINO
New volume Commences July lst, handsorue,quarto
inerithly, tit onlY $1 50 = ti -yeaf. - Saniple numbers,. 15
cents. Please address FOIYI,I4t WP,LI,S, IRIS 'Broad
-Way, Nevi York.- " '[.lime
riTHEf TtEAT . "'o.A.uSE *go . -
MAN MISERY.—Just Published in a. Bentddi
lope; 'Price 6 I bte. A ,Lecture by ,l)r. Cniverw ell. on the,
Cause and CtiraufSpeiraattorrhtea4 Cohattialition,'Men
tril and Physical, bebiiity, Nervommees, Epilepsy,
Oared Nutrition of the'irody; LaVtitadef•Weaknets of the
Limbs and the Back; Indleposition,.apd Incapacity for
Stady'and LMior; !Dullness- of AriprehotiAen I:Logi -of
Memory; Aviersion pi Society ; Love of Soliitniel, Tinifdl•
tk;"3elf-Disteust ;•Dizziness IletuiaclierAiNctienn'tif the
Eyes; Pimples on .the 'Face; Inxeluntary zbimmisi tans,
and Sei.ual Ilitapacity ; tha 'Consogutitcek 'Of Y - thitlifal,
Lndieurotionitia-,fta- • , ' ' -'
- "Ad. This dutirable :. l:iini''chirii"pririis that the'
- above enumdratetioafteuself-afflictedeyße tiny. - be re
moved with Ont Miedleine and Witlibn
cal operatione r andahonblhe atthy_,cty . ery youth. aad',
everyman in the land, • "
Sent-uncle r kir, 4o atii riddiel,tri itirnoieidej enve-i
lope, en tin receipt plain cents-or two postage etampe,i
,by addreasing,. CHAP, J. O t JSIJNE 4.01;
• - Zist'Oftite Box, 4586.
MaYiA764-§4l. • , 4 4, 1 , - 1 , . 4 ` - If.! ,
A. 11 41 frEM'45OOO3 V_Or*tiflOripj
Gd.L.D PLATE& Persops kbayinvilprr.t•oot
4rtificiiil TOO' roil:kaiak tipoO , 4abld; Vat Wee
small 4nanfidttee t :tikn oPtctip.,the Wave :prick either in;
'Cash or In fiirtteotitatiy, by caitintsblibn
. ,DR. ABM Deati 0;
eiaßialtr iii Men 864* . Aviv IVELlieYsg i s!
A TEll;446o:iiv.atontit:p.,4l3!
V wait Agents at $6O a montP .antenaeva 114 d, to
Ben oar erlastittg Pencils, Oriiital Tanatti, tied;
.cep, viatiat4bd4oagaatt
teeh birculars a6nt free; "
itaitafpi. BaavAoord';3.raine.
W. -AIX Atorl—,T
• • want:io gie-f
Tienthi expeliskS P 414,4 4 1! ray: now-, eUe5p,,F41,444 ,-
Se winglittiefils es. Address' 3INDI9ON,
• PlaY./? 4 . 6 . 1- .., .!' if? 4- , 40E4,Z:
tAidTVD; TditENT,iti
DirELLISG tigglAW . ; 'PO at tha 'Ace' Of
first eIaE a'
the- ' P IJtO
ISTlT , RYllotEli'irdei-Xitrkit
tilt TaglitilTlViTiliiiii.442T-&
. • 0rc.103/L - Ter.l7ocfrittlitietva svppert d evelTelrart
at thel , teactoit tb ctiiaf the eiteting afroaiitts rebel.;
ikon. fa, in tei Iluxuble Itidgment, the! beetteet efloye'
tY,undeiiry4nati asl lug iasors fro rti the pupae shodla
r'e'ilulf et* to.exPreie'bpsviews, ibthht:thrypt'opleattty
net - beileceVed. I teller& all the candidate, ,arhorbare
offered theteaettea for tlie•attirport
Mu areas 10 al as I itn; but.' fe Alt to be my duty 44 1.
that inAlt,thrliP enaraln Ute Alltairtiatratioll
Oa the platform of unconditional loyalty, 'Again 'offal , .
myself as rtcandttlete f4the.ointe of CLERE...OLI'Bit
COURTS—anblers 'to.the decision of tile approackinal
' i tronVintThu, - - , :lt nominated 'child. eledtt.d . ;I,' stilt
- ao my duty. ;If some other Candidate: is, nominated 4
billiard" flier thulalraii . trip •ititifultStYgiikKirt'in'a
most earnest efforts for his election.'
" " --- 1 0 '112NRY 2110V011.
-,-Bette,r known:fur thar prtthtittlallor."
Gre hie:n.9oB. A.l Ay la -
Mtir.ens:7-Encouroged by !kponaherrer Hriends,,l
idler tepid' to yotii COnshieratlOn os a - andidtite tor the
ofeoisety,Treasuxer, snbleOtto the decision of Al*,
Union Nornifiatirig -ConVentien. '
8t.,-Thotn4s, ktaY.,2714P3, -,14A-tss EV.ADHL-
R. 8,-2 As I am disabled too certain ex 4_o; .T hope toy,
irfenkiftjll not - eipect - reetii-call Wit them erion
to the Nontination - E.
113111410110),N r OTOI T HFe ' Ack
sorts et Vidnilin 4 ; 5 41't
4e+utpuvdlibernl,enpporf on..a PrataltaLT4slnnl4 . -tte;
- Aide of PrOthonotary of said County, I again annotace'
my self as 'eaudiclaie ibrlthe, noMintnlonf.aitlM ,netti
meeting of the Union County onvention, Wedging my-:
self; if maul nntr94 and'AeetetU td tb enlace
itY‘ [Nam! , 18,'6346.] H. SEIANNON:L&YLOA.,
ER .--Henry Strieller, of Antrim 'a
candidate fotlifgf4ter,find Iteebr,tiet raPF-tankttri,qoutL•j
'anbjeat tO the next tialoti Nt;kninating Convention,
andtaost,req.o,ctrtilll Bµl4o:ta,tyti anpnnrt T I linion -
Men: ; ' ,Map 6,' '
- -•
ntifidatele;l. offer n~yseH ° as n•
candidate for the °face of Prothotiptltu t knNecte tliei
Untaii-NoipinitilinaVentidii. • ' - ' -,r
". 4011 N rigtEED-:
jr into for BEVIS,TiIi AND RECORDER ot;
.0 0 TintIt$1 11 (ibot tO.tho dooilitoli the Zinto'n•
Notainathig Con Ten Wm of said County; -
711e - reeishurg,liarff,"ll3; 1 - .
110 - EG-ISTER 'AND - .}trE'COCilitrllit.--.
_Charfes•TV.,Lego,pf Green. township, will, be„a
Vancddate for Bigier4r and It booidetinf Flanklfn &mu
ty, leabjeot to , . 11 ,0:31ec410111 - 4f, 1 1 014110 n DOminsting
Convention. •
- "fay 6, '63.10.
l3alftoTllFAtTONlirill lieu attotidatOfOr Clot) of
the Courts, subject to the noutiuttljqn of the - IIu10 1 1;
'County Conibuthfib • • i ' • •• - - • "
Wayposboro', June 17,0134 e. • - ,
CIL2RTi ' OP, 1 1 ,tiE COURTS.—The!
undersigned wilt be'a candidatelietore tbi;
pat iqg eqncontiort of the.llnfoh prty,ofthis County, for
thii - office of Clerk of the Ociurts.
Ma 13f 61i
--John Pitzler- of Green boa sena.;
ate for; theilondidtion ter Clerk at he - &nrile,'sitbject ,
' s to tbo lin,ton.N.orainat!ag.Coareation dr .Frank,lia Cosily
13 - • ' H 'April 29, 'o4'6';
-porNaor ntEABtfßtitiA'.":3r.'
crisute2f itillb6 cataidute- f4' County 'fieiguter ,
subject to the' Union Notuinoting Cohvention . of Erunk•
lift County. - ; _ . Grtititownsittp,:ittiiy ,
vo - ROTH-ON - 0 H. -
Dou i eg bez candidate for ,Proth'puo•i ary,.
sect to tho thirottqi6miliating Convention of Franklin:
c 4 1 1 0 1 ,t7.;,'. •-, • ;' 2: ANA •8•;'60••
•IyA.: *11)11: EIkER;'II:TNDERTA-:
'tends td the -bizisiticisti in all its various= branches: Par.
ticalar attention paid Laing' out,;Dresing,,
"ilaeingllicadearitage Ore'large custbid;aial - or buying.
Ids stoop. cheap - for ca?h,-he can furnish , f -
at lower rates than any other estab islunentin town• or
county.; Ile - does not 1:121.0..e1ia1r . Vniteruffdr his tereiceil,,
but u..‘ an Undeetaier offift? i „ , ii years' experience in. tz f e.;
&fulness': 'VerSous re4uiring 'the irot'eices •of an-Under
taker for their-families or friends, would Hush rented- -
te their adViinta. , C•to gietihirr.o call. • ' • c.
• lie is els& prebareeto preserve bodi9 during thenift,.,=.
tiler incitiths,'uny length of Bute. Having pit - chased tile;
e4clUSiye right, to . No !-, , .
- j, , :
Snicic;2.'s Impmed Ale4h.odof corering - .cpjfins,:
Ire is thereby enablod to furbish a Ilts:cs COVERED Cormi"
ot eu eiceediaglsi joyorate., "WO bavitig 'snew and;
elegant ILEAlitiri. bo is prepared to Jurnish Collins to,
I•alirPatt of the tVIIIIty de.dred. ,
Orders during his absence or at n,igat should be left at'
'-his edsidedeeiltiest - Makket "StiCer; - opposite Miller's:
lintel• • - , J [3upal7•,, 863."
The undersigned, eoeetful,i - onoponees Ile, the'
eaiioneof OhOmberetKiii; ctrid'rkeifilly:;tist, loikrakOn;
the Rooms irurnettiotely adjoloirig ithe'qffice-,et Dr. §ue,s-t
error t,otr 'street; where he 'intend4 to thrOilioerin
eTerX ,
. ~
•• • CABINIED , WARE ~ - .
, Such os Sofas, I Parlor, !l i able% . 1 Common Buoaus
;Arartdiohes; ~ I' 'Breakfast 'der, - i 1-Breisl4 :Jac):
lIPIV style,, • , Dining do, Safes, Sinks._
-thnititia, , - • - ' Wok CM. , ei,- ' ' VirdalrStarida, !'
'Rocking Chairs, . Liecretaries, . .B,odOteada, dm., ,
, Vino Par.'do. --, , ClOthes 'Horse, Mystityle.'
'. 1 .A.11 m
work. constrartod, :by , Ith m il-ia:Waritcrited; from Abe:
lharai goa - doviii to the most 'comthi, work. , t
iLtldntinW4ilt be'glieh to -4hO' making
Conine of any:desired style—.cloth, Walnut 9r pb erry,
ceiltenitintbet'; when yint-titly Finnitnre'ffum,
rt,AYII).M. GUTS: 4, ynunre. tietting the fatest qyle:
dtni the beitqt Woik.
June 17,189. DAVID W. 011.08S4AN.': ;
'kJ ACTORY.—The subscriber • Informs the. `ublic',
thuthe'cOntinfies the mannticture Ortlie carious articles!
in his lino,ntrhis , factory upoull'eft 9,u00n Street, a few'
doors from 'Main. Re has always on hand or Is prepared:
to npnufactura rpm , thellhortest nptice,Cane Bottom!
and ,IVindeor Chairs, With Plain and Curtain Bedsteads,!
, Pier,. add Card Tahles, Bureaus, Tißell stands -anti BLhk
' , TURlS7NOrianli its varieties, attended to with proffrpt=
- ness and despatch. ROUSE PAINTING, in all its;
..brinches,"EXe , uted by competentininds.' ' ; ' •'4
PAPER RANGING —Particular attention will be!
giren. to %his department-Ara' eatisfaation"in.everyrin.'
stance guaranteed. , '
- Raving employed sufficient ireimlier coinpetein
hands, the undersigned feels assured of being euabled tot
fill' ull mil fin' a ..workniardikaMabiidi., 'reap etfidly
solicits the same. •
• , June'lt 1863, ' - '
ii:EA.7-011Alk AIkiD I CABINVX!
lui wAity,nooms,OSlA.Eir SCRAPTE:Lni 65ite-!
Z.essor to /Cita Creej MANUFACTURER OF mums:
'and fIABINETAYAB,E,idiom' street; tithe - doors With;
of 'Huber ir, TolberVa Hardware ditore, ChanAberspuro.
r J FIJIMIUEF ALL 'cots, -
igwoir - 4,4 i,, taiiii , ii, made' lo..6iilai. -'ljen - 'itiariltilada!
manufactured as neatly and clamply,as clty.scorlc.. ~ 1
, MIME ani r ,II.II ) ATIMING 'and PAPI.3I. 11.ANGING
doe neatly, Rod 11 and:, illqw, in .Town, pc ‘
jca-IleiT, all.'4inda, In glair lino* blle.MM. :
protaplly at d ' to; at' niotlerata icrides. • - ' . - 1
4/ . 5 . 31.3 : 17 ' 8 . .• .;.,. iif - - : i7. - 1:' `.. .. - t)11,,, - .•
= 4:R - I'Bl:h•Eire
moved from fa Second street, to .807 LIIESTIirr
Street, Igsrive , *Loeb t 1i 4,3 , opened 2 a' well
sqlected stock o .
tAlliitTs;•ls - 11; ) ctOTHs AND'' MAT
-449.(1411VM4--AMVIII4O of, Ei.qty De4cription,
11,10T-loz prvical Tooltarit. -
Pl 4 TZO:Fc_ 8, O,EVA R 42, rll, - , : i.o,ggi
~•! •
Tht irLaWariituf o l4lga4r 41/laThig' Sin slaw
optioned at 2815. Second strep!,
is , E 1 • EltirLlE 'L. iiiitiEtt. r
,7,101 6 . 17 , . 6 : 34111 , - . ..../ LOWLEY.F.7.7per.
4K, OEx - Talvig pol or. p e. RER , O ,.
'ArrOfix do‘nitzs to:tie Bint ' a. Solditir
$1 00 i l e c ; P
o gl al f %b t e ll een e t ß t E a P o2e S
• (81 YP g rlti
the Service.
, _
, 4
~:,. , . 1, t.: \::
„, :c =,•:, 4,libtrikt.
NatAl' C Irate
a•lkY` 9 6o - Weßini t Aiii)liiiiitT. ' A.-
„,, ,„„ „,131J..,: . EN',AtTr s = ; A.' ,. .P .. 1 , 4 t
._' .
~,- . l_
DA:10611.4.1013 - G_tit3rAi s il3lraliS,
tiop - iredby .. - —•----.
, DL' &If: th:vSkaotryPhilad .:
elWrii: - Prhi l.-4
:- ~...- 7 , .!, '1- I , Will trfeettisliq-cure, , --- • ---%
JAM.giffet 4 b2(P 4 : 4 6I4ItiViVZIERVOITS
Dispases 'of the''Efdfidy.s.. and - ail lis6atei - tifising
L 4. ,:,froirelsdisold.fftedAror or StOunteh- , c ~b
'Such asCistitipation, Inward Piles, 'pullnesa or
- Rrooti ti Abe, ;ideaB:4OIBANNI th D.Stlto4 AO
sea. Efea.rdnern, Dist 'for' Food,_
rtulness or
IWeittixt fn:thettotentelli , Stior ,Ernetatiti* - 6nkitig
orEltettertnql at the Tit of the Stomaeh Swim:lung
:of. the.trito.-.lloried: aroiXtiMoul t Broa,thin4Eitt
tering at th e jloArt; Qhokeng Orgt . dfocatink - den..s*- A -lying ; pstg.% DimlnEs. of IritaoP.
Dots or \VOA before the Sight, gore!. and Dull Pam
tin thalleadaitfectenty is DPerantrattote;Ydliotities
of the Skin on d -E - reS, Pain in tho Side, Baek, Chest,
Limbs; - 5... t:, SuddOWElnSheiscdf-Heaf, - 13iirningitittie
~ETech, constrt.intagtniinto of Evil, and groat Do
-- 4 ("-- --- vreaston;a Sirits. ,' ' , ` 4 T '-'-'&:,
`And will ivositi , c3ly. provrpt Yellnut Fever i Bilifro
' . 'erelj W6.i ThOrtontaiitAWALCODDl; 01V BAD
1 ,wgikEy r yitiey,,will - c,* 0.1110 atidya diem"is
' - e,..'"'-'iliiket3 , -±tilittdaseg' out bra Itiatilrof. ,- •
Ind aced-by thrrexte4sivecalit and universal pop
nlarity of llootittatßs,Germaal/itters (purely vego- -
table), hosts of iliac:fruit' Quitelcs and undorupulous •
adventurers have oprenuttipon aufferinghumanitY
tho9dod• of ostreanq 3n. the shape orpoor
whiskey,vilelY compounded. with injurious drugs,
-o.nd Or:lsland Tonies,,Stomachies andliitteM"'“o
Beware of, the innumerable array of Aledholie '
, preParatitnial fir pliithorie bottle:4' an& big;belliod
kegs, under the modest appellation Of Bittersorhjoh
-inSt odd . otteu ring, Only agkravate diseasa;.'aridleasie
the dtmpcinted eu h erer irtdocßay..,
- ±fool7. G gII t TOS - 1
iot a' heti anifiiiiinediatiele,lint btiverstood
• : tbetetdrof Ofteen years!, trial /I T:the ! America - emu* Is
lie; andllicir reputathinaad sale" are not rivalled
-bY any e4pildr preparation' s " ' - • E - 1
The proprietors have thousands from
the most €entinent, VLE'IIGYMEN. 1,4A./ 4 /YRI/4.
PHI SWIANS AND" CITIZBNS, , testifying orthca
owri .Personal knowleUetothe beneficial elleetslarid
medicaLvirtues of these. Bitters. •
% - fto veumant maerhinp 'taHrcerkithen Teat
Do pou :want a good appetite?
Da-vbiiudbadtobuitti COutifurion't A
11 1* . tag, ( 4 1) /eq Mi
4-2 1 ;6)1V bit `I
o get ery 871_8 • - "
Do you icaqt,Enermly,,; ,
1)&1nm tprint!ti.•giceviecti ' • -
Do irou leant rt btu andsrigotouaiectling
' If You 'use
„•. • •
'Erellr-Rezi t Neietoo;Broto2l, , D.:D., Editorthe
Encyclopedia of Benguela Knowledge.
Althoughnut 'disposed: to tivi-oitor - recommelid
tent,hledicines in general, through distrust of their
eflects, I Yet ItneW of nesueleleiit
reasons why a mart may not testify to the benefits he
have' reheiVeCfrom amf Matto the hope that ho Pay - ales con-trib
titis' tei the benefit Of ethers;
•I do this tin:more. reatlily,in regard-to Rooftand;s
"Elerman'Bitters. prePared'hyllr. C. 31.`..ruckson, -- of
.this city. begonsa trusAirniu,dleed against, them, for
Many Years; finder 'the untireision that they were
chiefly an alcoholic mixtre:: Vita - indebted roy
friend, Robert Shoemaker',Ese., for the remoiral of
:this prejudice tl).Y..PrOPer_teStSe laTcd for montage-
Mont to try them, when' suffering from ' t artd
long eel:dinned Th6 , nse.of three bottlix of
these Bitte l rs, at the beginning of the present, year.
was-followed b 3 evident relief, and restoration teDa
degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not
;felt ;for SiXzionthig: berate, mid ba`dalinest dehfiaired
of regaining. =T theretbro thank .t4od alai my friend
-fer.directiug, me to the fuze 6f em. - I
t, Philadolphia;iTnne • -•,
di-elnianuyi.epirationa s old - in:der -the name
Afi Rittere, put ttp,-in: quart bottles, eonipounded-of-the
eheaptitiehlikeg V4ra; costing from 21 io
•Ifl cede „e'er gal/an, the timtg dfsgussed by 471:2-feen(79-
llama,' geed; "
- cla,ead Bitter, hatt eaueed and eta/ cora:lune
to etrate At.itSitta'ait thelrean'be.co7d; hniuilecre to die
the.deat4A6 the . - their, use the- eiletitn.
'kepf - cdtttinniilly under tote milueiwe of Alenhigic
Stiatnialite , of the worst kind; tka derie slot Ltotarife
'Cleated and kel tip, 'au& the result is all the horrors
itcridcmtiipiat crettvattecee i_ife - anct deist h f
Tel" theme who &Rue and „WILL -HATE: a Liquor
zliittersstrevublieltitho foßalcing,:receilit. -Get ONE
and flax with.THREHQ GA R.TSOF GOOD BRAN , '
D Y 011 IrfaSKEY, and the result will beseprepa
-I.atia.' oirbt far ,- tiled '-iet*iedieinal i,irtuci and
true cifeltenee [IVY of the. trozcrawe kitteer•Bitteri in
-Puy vairket,'"irtßeM toe •'7lingleleiis. • You 4nild 7tatie
the eirtnes.64 INGEZA.ND' BITT. EA'S instin,-
-tiei.titni-Wath rfrootictitieleof Ltentor,' at a rite/alas
Pica tlstuttheast inferior-preparationewitl cost voui
• •
• .
i cj
,We 'call.the. attention of nly-having;rebitibunor
- triettds'in'thtrarinyi 411e.fa'et that • Hoefiand's
eurefaiwa l ytiths of-tbOdisea
'so badnted'hy e*posuren and pnvations incident to
- 4 AM lists published idluost daily ktie
newspaphrs, on the - arriVal of the sick, it will be
found', ;that- a 3v cry largelprun ordeal are •s affebigt
'from debility; Eyery ensa of that kind can be ma
lt:WY eured - hylllooflantrseermataitters. Bindle:Sit
malting from disorders of the digestive organs - are
'eptledily'remozed. We haie: tesitatiOn :nth
tuis that. if thnse Bitters Deere' freely used among
Saldibrzi : hlarldteaS of livui Might IA sayed.-tblit
will otherwise he lost.' • • 4,
• , •.•Wli 'enll••phitititilar tittentiOnti tlio tellOWinerc
,markable and Vtpltautkentieac4 cure,cf one. orthe
'fintion'S ilsd his awn litigu4e,
beep, • - t -L
• .Pritt'AnELMA, August 23, - 1862.
Meesre. Jones dr lrentleinen.Arour
Hoofland's Germanßitters hassavediny life. There
is op mistakedwthis,..l4 is vututhed forhymnbdbers
rof my eoltuidese,"seinia of whoSe - riames Weappend
:cd,, and who.Were-Tuk comfit:lit altthe *impard
• staneeSofinY'ease, m
I a, and have been foithelagt
YOSP,#riltinher of Elhormith'scelobratispjait r
zterif. "Mid wider the iiiniatthato command of Cant.
Ty Ayres.- 1 Through theLoac.pospre "attendant
bn Iny'arduons'Antits,l *as attacked in November'
ris4 AY. itftinfra tzpia l .t4tarings, and.vrath b Y 2
aity# is was iollowed _by greet
deWlitiAingasenissi 02km:014301r adysenteryil
was theirremoved from the 'White lionse, and sent
onilloarldthenteamerP State Orldahrn,"
fibre which • I landed - On the 2Stlt of.3nrip. Binge
.that time. lhalt bebn. abent aS lost as anzonfi
be end till retain a sperkof vitality. Fora week
Jrr,taoredmas,--seireely- ribla,ta swallow' anythibi,
and if I slid force mbrsel down, it wall immediate
throisn'iln.allicht. f' 110
I could not even keepri glass. of water on my,sto
-mac% otifanotild witilist Wader theSe eirministen
ens, and. accordingly. the Qhysietans;who_badleen
Itorkint filitlifellYtthotifitinfttiocessfallY; to raids
me from thew asp, of the dretel Archer, fraelsit.leld
nto thelt odd do - no niere'-foi me; Mitt ttdiram rile
to see a cleromaia,und to make such, disPosi - Or
'riaylitniteftiftinds agbdit e>iited roe: -An stec
/ince vrlcci.visited,pie the_hespital,ldr,-Frodflick
Stelialiron, , of eittla belire , Mth Street; edvlo4
as aloi)orn. hop,e, to„tm-yonr.-Bitterg; - andltZV -0
o ttiredlixittle. • Fronk - the 'Woe I tomniehe
k ro gtbam.theg,loo shadow ofdeath'reeededomild
k t f,ertoohaor forit:gettineetter. :ThOugn
4nkve tolten,kut tne-boft_lesi haVa gataWten
Pdtmdg, and rice - sangidne of being, permitted to
rejoi., Wilten# idatihter. nem %n e TIPY:o
'headlcothildh forAtliteen mouths; for, gentlemen
lam alloya ) V,i_mintatt.;frout , Nicitity. of Mut
'Royal.''To our )nvabaahle Ilitters I. owe the Fc - E•
taint) , of life which bas :taken: the ' place of Verde
fears—to your Bitters .will I
„owe the •privilege of
again ,olatylqto , ilakhbidm`thalthe are; 4earest
tome e. -
-• • ,! NettettlilY
We fully concur in- the truth, tho above .statst
weilitardespeired•-of Seeing our oeftride. II
51r. Won % resterctrlcibiltki- - • • r
' , 4301M-M-DbIiEBACR; st iveise 'York liltittorY4
Lswisr ORRVALIER;9 4 ,4 New - York.
EPRNRElklst s P,att4; •
''l:lslrASSitiErawtoAj ;sot Venent.
HENRY B. , ,Tpßo&M,Vo';.#3, -: ; f :7
'HENRY T. gdcDONALD.Co. COth Maine.
,JOI4N.F. -WARD glo.sErstbßlatne4 , • •
111 SOCI Co. 12d N:Y '
MBAL.b. uo. A. zo ermont. •
494: Pis. ,11 ul5
like 4)0 , dett "i` tsittl'7 ,rllO
t; Oeq:thit of tfel 31113 - AcKsON - AL
ip og the IiTRAPANI eeb b o ttl e .
1- ,r-ttac ti r: "(6 - OTS,,
OR ALF Doqo , t
sh cat akt i tet Vdttf tfia
do not be pnkatchutpieft tetexicatingPrenim
vaamat MayZed'itilatita but sendlivo
and wapiti Or,wartlALetnely_pcmirettAexpme.,„
1,1031 AncOrnttrr.
''" *-3°J 46 - ITitS4
opectaiiiiioßeldvdaa4o4ll 010;::;k'i.-5177
,r , olttsAiallt4oziiistaittivilacatitittese — ty
town in tho truiteut states. Rune 17-Iy..
~...••••• r ~ r) ci
E 3