s - LOCAL' JTEMS. TUE FRANELIN REPOSITORY.—With this issue we return to the old and time-honored: title' of this paper adopted by its founder seventy years ego—Trtz FnAxxias . Rtros- ITORT. * With this'na.me it was published by . 0-ZORGE K. HARPER, Esq.; for nearly half a, century, and enjoyed a degree of. popular Confidence and patronage .which,• in those dayS, was uipariilliiied in rural journalism. For many years, tine believe that Hon. GEORGE CEIA*DERS was ifs chief Editorial contribu;. tor, 'although. his name did not appear, nor bad be any lieenniary interest in the enter .. When the Ant-Masonic element be came the.pre' cminating -power opposed to the Democracy, _Mr. Harper did not her , Moniie ; With fit—he being an adhering Ma son.. The'Chtnbersbarg Wit'" was founded by JOSEPtePRITTS; Esq., co believe, and his oratiC but gifted pen made his journal a form idable-rival; 'bat as the political elements opposed to Democracy combined, the •Whig was ; prudently united with the BErosrroaY, and the title oP the paperbecame the .Repos 7 itor,y and Whii7. Subsequently -the Franklin rnteltigencer was founded by Mr. Miss, and published for Some time with indifferent suc cess, _when it was also united with the Re pository and W7tig. The-Trimsdript was the next "candidate for. popular favor. • It was founded - 11y R P.*HAZpLET Esq., with Ai. S. G. LANE as Editor, •and _was neutral in politics. The Armrican movement appeared on the surface soon after, - a - ad it engulfed The Transcript as its organ, with GEORGE ErsrEa,,Esq4 as its Editor, Who infused in to it great vigor, and had success been possi ble would have attained it. In 1855, The Transcript ias "united with the Repository and Whig, aid the paper was issued with the title-of Repository and Transcript.. In 1861 the'Dispatch was founded by G. H. Mzux ... Co., as a semi-weekly, and pul'shed with ece4derable ability and success, The high price , of paper, however, soon rendered . a semi-weekly,impracticable, and it was re duced to - a - Weekly when the other papers of the town were compallattodinainish in size to avoid bankruptcy. The Dispatch has now been united With thilpaper, and as it'is possible to preserve any evidence of the ex istence of all the papers•combined with -this one,. We go back to the familiar old title, and present - the Union:party to-day with a journ al, worthy, we trust, of: their confidence and cordial support. - The union is regarded as judiiions in'every view of the case; and as the Repository has no personal or factions ends to accomplish, but seeks to serve the entire Union party of this section' of . tote State, it will commend itself, by a firm,"ju diaous and independent course, to the', intel ligent-judgment of every lover of the UniSn cause.:. DEATH OF . A VENERABLE LADY.—Died at the-resldertee of her grandsons, Messrs. T. - ind a A. Cook, in this - ,place -on Sunday Morning the 7th inst., Mrs. Sarah Jeffrey; Aged 87 years. This lady, ~ born in Chailes County, Md., in the year. which proclaimed' our independence as a nation, possessed a remarkably - Accurate knowledge of many important and interesting events of our Bevolutiona4 history, to which she was either a witnesi,ler derived it from persons who Were ircimediate actors. .Residing for many years near Mount Vernon, she saw ,the Father of his Country frequently, and• preserved a Most vivid recollection, of hia personal ap-' Vearance: She,also saw oii:many occasions Tomas Jefferson, - and other eminent men, who visited - Washington after his retirement from public duty. 'She was, perhaps, the last survior'of the' assembled 'multitude at the inteirnent of the '' , Femfrini ;of Washington, and remembered Well many incidents of that solemn While in - Washington; 'in 1808, - she saw - Jerome Boneparte - and his wife, Miss Patterson, and had a,vivid'reeollectio - n of the excitement which 'that :remarkable, wedding at the tithe priodueed. 'The - 'hus- - - hand of Mrs. Jeffrey had an official position on .the United States sloop-of-war Essex, and died at,sea onboard that famOits' vessel in'lBlo. Mrs. Jeffrey, with hei family, came to •up in 1811, and resided here up to the tircui of her death; She was a lady of astonishing physical and Mental 'vigor. Arriving at good old age, she - passed from earth," :surrounded 'by 'her grand 'Children, dyingi' as she had always lived, in the; esteem anefeipeet of the .community., • - . • 01711 DRAIiED that We have- recdved a copy, of the address of Brig. Gen. SPINOLA on taking leave of his brigade of Pennsylva nia drafted , troops, at Washington; North Carollua.r . „ The brigade-embraces the 'l6Bth, 168th, 171st and 17fith Penna. Regimerits, ' the 158th being made up of men from this, and adjoining counties. The General in ad= dressfng his troops, says: ~ _. "Your conduct throughout has been of a character that has - placed the Brigade in an enviable position :, intemperance and immor , al practices,, as well as =vice .in its various forms;:have been strangers to the Officers and •Soldiers of the Keystone 'Brigade Instead of participating and indulging in the practi ces -which ara SO . prevpient and- demoralizing .among doldiera, you 'have invariably been found on the Sabbath day, joining with each oth i L e in- prayer and uniting your: voices in t sin ing praises tolhe'Great Ruler , OfilL" . , , ~ 1;61M:a fartroops in the service with so good a record;_ and we are assured that the .I_sBilt. is equalled by f .and surpassed by none;ri - the diicipline an ' ily qualities .of its ;then. •001.. MK - minx - has proven raOst accomplished:officer, arid he and his =Len are mutually proud of each other. OWNEES .0E UNPATENTED Lein. The ,act of 4.ssemidyin relation to . the graduating glad V44tation of unpatented lands by 'the ,com 4 +o sSioners a the seveial counties of ''e yls , will exPire byliti own limita. tio' , \on . e first day of August, - 1803. 'Those -inter d bad better take advantage of it in . time, and , have their lands appraised . by, the, eorazabsioners And patented,. before the date. above . given,. • . - 31.11,11szsza Alm learn that Mr. •Solomen Heiser and his son, who were arrastedriOine weeks ago in this 'place, and by Gen. Schenck , sent to Gen. Milrey with orders to' send-thera bey4nii our line.s; , haie been allowed_ to' return, and are' now at hoine, andhave taken the oath of, legiance tothe go!cierranent. , It is not, itublia z • ly lutewn on what, specific charges the Hel- sers were arrested,. but we Understand that, when with Gen. Milroy, 'they received a sus pension of, the sentence of `banishment until they could have an opportnnity to rebut the charges preferred againlst them. As' they have since been discharged, we infer that the evidence produced either acquitted, them, or mitigated the offencet materially, and they are entitled to Abe benefit of a charitable judgment.. Mr,. Helier should so - denteiln himself now that there may be no question about his loyalty. There can be no neutrals in this War. Neu,trality is in criminal.' BRIG. W. Crew; be gratifying to - bia many fr tion of the State to learn that the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps has been. assigned to Gen. S. W. Grawford, 2 and the corps has been moved across' the Potomac again for active service. Gen. Crawford was a Surgeon in Fort Sumter Where he lie hayed most gallantly, and has distinguished himself as a brave and . capable, commander in Western Virginia; under Resecrans ; at Cedar Mountain under Banks ; and at Antie tam under McClellan; and he now has a eommand Worthy of the ambition of any division commander. The Perthsylvania Reserves have wen for themselims imperisha ble fame, and their decimated ranks attest how dearly they have earned their laurels. We doubt not that under their neW and youthful commander , they will, if it be pos sible, add still - brighter lustre to their -hero ism. Pr.omonin::—We are 'pleased to--hear of the promotion of Sergt. Peter Cummings of Dattely A, Ist Penna. Artillery to the posi-• tion of 2d Lieutenant., Lieut. Cummings is' one of the original number enlisted. in, the artillery company of Gen. Campbell, recruit , ' ed in this section at the beginning of the Rebellion, and on. the assignment of the vari ous batteries of Gen: Campbell's Regiment was attached to Battery A, under, the com mand of the lamented Easton. '• At the bat tle ,of Brainesville - Lieut. CuWWings was conspicuous for his gallantry, and performed , his duty faithfully in the subsequent engage-, ments on the Peninsula, at Masusslss,s, South, Mountain, Antietam and Fredericksburg, and participated in the late fight at Blackwater'.' He'has been promoted for his bravery and devotion to duty, and we aro glad to chrOni cle this honorahle,recogmition of his \services. Thu UNiTE,D STATES HOTEL, at Harris- burg, has,. bean, purchased by Col. Wells CoVerly, late of Jones Houk; and David. H. Hutchison, formerly of this county. The Diited. States is located just between the Depots of the several railroads; and is alto gether the mostconvenient house in the city for travelers on the wing, and is besides - one Of the. Most pleasant hotels for persons who tarry a while at the capital. Mr. Hutchison -is well known to the citizens of this county as the most competent, 'and accommodating a landlords, mad his house will be generally patronized by them. It is a first class Hotel, and under the immediate charge of Mr. 'Hutchison it will be kept in tha very best possible manner. • WILE CiAlMS.—Persons having claims against either the State or. National govern ments for . damages, back-pay, bounty, pen sionS, Sm., can rely upon' pronipt attention to their-cases by committing them to Maj. Joan 11T. PomEnoy, 2":114 South 4th street,: Philadelphia. Maj. Pomeroy was long a resident of this county, and is-well kabwn as a gentlemen of the highest integrity and su perior:business qualities. He eras for nearly two years a Paymaster, and is perfectly familiar with the Whole routine of business - connected with . - claims. His 'card will be found in our advertising colunins. Ho H. IPOFFROTII, has nominated John McGuire Eaiton, son of the late' Capt. Heneliah Easton, as a cadet -in the Naval School. at Annapolis. The .fitness of the ayr POintment Will be generally recognized, and Mr. Coffroth has done himself credit in look ing to the claims of the orphaned children of a, gallant soldier 'regaidless of political . ' cOn . siderationS. , ArIIT3L'iC DINNER was given to' the • re turnednhielnonths' soldiers at Waynesboro' recently, t was got up in, excellent ;style, aad addresses Were delivered. by Revs. Dr. IDorsey,'Krebs"aila R.ester, and -Col. Rowe and I. H. McCauley, Esq.! The Record es timates that-there Were from 800 to 1000 peo present„ • • • -_ /,4 WE, nivrfu attention, - to the tidv'ertisenient of 1 1'hif.' McClure in to 7 day's paper. He_ is .thoronglily master of MuSie r -4s a competent judge of Institiknenti, anda gentleman of the highest,' integrity. Persons , throughout . the State in want of Pianos, -_Cabinet Organs, or Melodeons, eon' deal safely and, advantage; ously with him. • ' Tux •rarymis of soldiers in the service, cannot 'do. a greater kindness to our gallant boys, thin , to send them a newspaper from home. The itEPOSIToRY will besentaknailcd. in strong Wiappers; three months , for 25 4eats, sli months for 50 cents, or one-year for %LOD.' This .is little more 'than, the test Fhite. paper. GEOTIGE TROSTLE, &tiler Oki% pen- Eel Trostle,, of This Oleo; died recently inA.d-, ems county, at the advanced age of nearly 88 Years. ge wasithe father of twelve chit-, dren, and lived to :number -amongst his de •scendants sixty-five•grandehildien and fifty eight great grand-children. - f. . : tip franklitt 110°00Q, ihambirsburgjp,a. PROMOTED.—Lient. D. S. Gordon,l- 2d Regular Cavalry, late of Washington town• ship, has been promOted to a Captaincy Una ., attached to the staff of Gen..Schenck. promotion was 'well,ear ned ,hy gallant Vice in the field ADDRESS OF PRESIDRIFF WASIIINGTON, July ?fi." • The President announces to the country that the news frotn the twiny of the Patonme. up to 10-'A. of the 3d ,is such as to cOer the army with the highest, honor, to protnise - a great success to. the cause of the Union, and to claim the Condolence of 'all fort the nieny4tilltint fullen•; • and that for this he es pecially desires that•on this , day, 46 'whose wills -not ours, should ever be done, be every where remembered, and reverenced .with the profoundest gratitude. • (Signed;) 'ABRAHAM LINCuLIr. A medal of honor - has been 'rewarded to private Samuel Johnson of Company 9th Pennsylvania Reserves, for having by indi vidual bravery and daring Captured frora the enemy two colors at the battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862, and received in the act u se vere wound. , He will be transferred totlke .Invalid - Corps as a commissioned officer.!T' THE OLDEST HOUSE TOWN, AS A HOVAE:OR DRUG STORE - , IS MILLER & HENSHEY'S, On 'the Northwest Corner of the Diatnd, Everything, and morethan ' usually kept int-Drug,. FOR INSTANCE, • All Regular Drugs,, • :Cough Syrups. , ' • •, That milt sure Diarrhea,- Coe(tilde, Certain itentedies, ititearnatie ' • .1 . . . - i Worm Syrups, . . . 'And troion gas, C.,?(.lA.lrer Oils, .. ~ , . ~. Fluid Exttact Bacho; iindsayylllood,Searcher Ss mpir. illa Syrups. And-all other Standard Preparatioiai - of the "i'', • .- 'Day. ii ',SoLp.vabout nriy kind.% PE2PiNIEItT, the best of all kinds; r ' Hosss,and Cerrta Fewness, that can be renal on; 19snoazaspiit and. LAMPS , and ,KinosiNs LAIP,CI3IiIXED3 , 1. THAT 'WILL June gip uub eallaj (Dobbs. GREAT BA A RGINS Aji FROM NEW YORK 4 UCTIONS;I I ..-., . ~.. AT WALLACE'S, CORNER OF MAIN AND QUEEN STREETS. New style MosamiAgues, Diana chene Plaid, - • Twilled Musanibiques for travelling aresseS, Superior Muslin Del:dues in colors, - Colored Lawns and Crape ite Patty, t Black Silk, superior quality. ,-, I Superior Liyous Rai:Neuter Silks, (subllmeyriallty.) A large lot or 1' eu Cantbrly Handkerchiefs, ' A large lot o deli Linen, i. l -Jaconet Col rs, now style, i SOU Doze !Mies, 31.1eses and Men's Cotton Rope, White I; en und Cotton Duck, Superli French Doeskin, SuPeri • solid color Pulutille Fig Silks, /u I Sup-rfor Grey Loonorne, •--- Superior Grey Poplin, Beat quality Grey Leonora% - - " , bilk Is eck Ties null Coltuis, Ladies anti Misses' Fillet Mitts; - Marneillei Vestings, , Super bodies and-Me,nsAid'ajores, - I - - Handsome Now - style Prints and iiitigßearts. 1 7 CARPETS. . Brussels. Tely-et, Thret-ply(superi or flue) and on Carpet, - Fou Minn live-four Cocoa hnd Canton Matting; 1 - 4-45-4 r,-4 fi-r-41U-T.4 Floor Oil Cloths, i Superior Bolting Cloths, „ - Bonnet Ribbons, I. • Ditisnothl, Skirts. - - 9 [June 111 T 4. EW TOBACCO AND, SEGAR ATlNtlii.—Te the attrent of Chamberibiag and 1 , trinity: The undersigned, having been compelled to leave Virginia on acconnt of his Union sentiments. has come among you toestablish n business. hoping f tan his long extierience, and by close attention. ho will meet with a generous Support. ills stink will consist of all_ the best Matilda of TOBACCO and StiliAllS whichhe will sell us cheap as can belied anywitere in town. Don:t: forget the place. sign of the Virginia nigger," opposite the Franklin hotel. next door to ebry mire Book tore. tionth.enst corner of the Diamond June 17,1863. VRANKLIN .tuALL RESTA'.,UR- A.NT.--MARTIN BROWN,. Proprietor. Thiti well known Eating daloon fainted up in elegant style, and the undersigned in.preparcd to serve nii ERESIT OYS TERS:N.BIf, FROGS.. TIP PE.. CHICKEIs.iB, TURTLE and CLAM SOUP, and Game of ail kinds. WAS,HABAIJOII'S ALE, • constantly on hand. , Hu He renpectfully asks a inntinnanc'e of the pationage no liberally bestowed by hii_frichde and the public. Jane 17,'t13. 'MARTIN LtitOVN. pENSION, BOUNTY AND WAR - CLAIM AGENOY:--Pensions procured for eioldlers of the present war who arc disabled by , reason Of Wounds received, or disease contracted, while in the e emit° of the United States; and Pensiond; $lOO Bounty, and Arrears -of Pay obtained forwidowe or heirs of those who have died or been killed while in service. " . yy • - • JOILN , B. ORB,. Claim - Agent, Pet). 25, 4334 y. -• ' t - ' Chttenbersburg, Pa. ' IiIdkORTANT - NOTICE.--$s it, is inpor taut - that Vie Rioke of , thsi late firm ai ta,,. m.eltaLEIN ,& ,CO.; be settled upluitnediately, persons knowing them - hives indebted to said firm, for Stiliscrip tion, Advertising, Job Work, & l tre hereby, notified to calf upon the undersigned, at the:Office of, the Register and Recorder t in the Cour tilou,aNand nmke settlement' without delay. . _ DOER PREY. June 10, tial.m , j3OOKI3INDERY..--41. KITT?, & co, ho e re moved their BOOR BINDERY , Li. the /bird dory, of the lIANciON HOUSE, on the Dtanicits4 above 4Thcycietect - Best Biers. -.Entrance between - the Boole StorscandDr.Snivelytl *Mee. Old Beast, Itariedi. cals,llisic, Newspapers, 4:e;plxreind in any style. ;Blau]; !Welts made to order. Noe?ileAte,any petten4.. Nov: ;' • • • IRD: . I3ASI.ET'I•3; • ' I , *, Etatil Tut*. • -. „ Folintansr. ...!;:. , CtttleFi 4 1": r -,, PaitaTT Kefair. .. • ~4 ta.potkpdProrze'ell ~; - • , „Pt AP.4.4..fiKiaid% Drugs, jliebicittes, &e.: WDZD.E_ CAN BR -HAD, CHEAP POi{- Storm. - ; Anodyne Coral!, The Infant's Protector f • ,And Mothor'e Friend, Notie Others Kept at this Mouse. ER & HENSHEY'S, Chambereburg; Pa tobacco ait Stgars. ' lestattrants. , ,' Stoats !tub einuit. THE i , DEJTCH-SETT V aINT", LDO WN TOWN 1,-.Extensive ;tin, per and Atone coudirtmentll—The. undersigned npectfully in forms'his Mends and the public gainsay that ha has rettsdred his from the “D t th Settlement" up town, Id the' spacious Some funni l y occupied by ilinnich A Brand; and nearly opposit4Whitea C4oth ing Stare. has just received a large ass:art of COOK, COAL, PAttLOS and NIN.E-PLATg , °VAS of the most approved and latest patterns, why be can and is determined to sell as cheap, if need cheaper, than' CM he bad elsewhere in the country; . lle has also, and intends keeping co n imtly on hand. , a large assortment of Tin, Copper arm seat./ run Ware waded thh hest material and by good torkmen. - ifif• Persons_ in want of anything in pe above line are requested to give bins a call befare frchasing else. whore, as he feels convinced that he can sit them either us regards the article or the price. 1. SPOOfINti made and put ki at the gorieet notiee All kinds of repairing done neatly and eperlitiotisly„ Old Pewter, firm and Copper taken E exchange for Ware, or Pm highest price given in - cash • June:17,..1803. • JAA:O33.IfILLER. cza 11 - OIISEILEEPETtS; REID Gal labrixer's .Sunriu, .Air-Mhtl—kliew Flat lop t...ou.afisiti STOVE. - qhe plates are verPon.l7, and the whole /Ravels finished In a superior maner: - 1 warrant this Stove tuba superior to any iflat-ToiStore now in the market, and - respectfully invite my tierfas and the public to calland examine this Stereo} which there me several eizet. I have also a gregt - variety of otter COOKINO STOVES 'of every style; PARLOR STeirES, new' aid beautiful .patterns, together with a batty stock of STOVES fur Churches, Stores, Offices, Weds. do. - JURY S4I.TDIFIO, • Wholesale and Iletaii - Dealer in STOVES, 27/V-AND COPPER PARE. , N. }3.—l have been appoititc_O Sole Aptat tor Gana. gher's Celehraeed Sunrise Air-Tight Cookkovein Cliatu bersbarg. Pa. Jew 170883. T ETTER, ITAMILTOI Si CO'S Great Stove and Tin Ware, Stoiqcorner of the Inanwnd, can be 'seen the largest ,be st,and chi:ripest stock of Goods in Chantbersburg: Thal have COOK ING STOVES for Wood and Coal, of late,*atterns and all sizes, at fair prices. ' • - pine 17,1863. SPOUTING DONE . AV SHORT a Non. of first rate malarial andiheap, All work warranted, and cheaper thanttn be bottchi elsewhere in the County. Cali and see rr yourselves, at • ' ,EITER;II..AII'ILTO; & COl, nearly opposta the !tank. UTTER, lIA,MILTON 00. are 12/ prepared to pa up the beet LIGION/NO RODS nt cne;ip rates. ALWAYS ON HAND, ALARGE. aswtinorit of Una vori !tat Tin, tivanned and opporwaro, Sc., sold low at }ITT iltt . HAMILTON &,, CO S. LL WORK WARRANTED,Ittfd cheaper than can be bought eleerherO in :the county. Come antt z a e 0-41glInt tl cck, CALL FOR PARLOR AND DI NING ROOM COAK SiOVES. They are. pratty good and elleap: UTTER, HAMILTON & CO'SY A few doors from Shryock's Book Store. TO THE „PUBLIC GENERALLY. CHAMBERSDURG FOUNDRY. 'ue undersigned takes this method to inform the public that he has taken the FOUNDRY so !Ong carried on by Wm. Seibert, with all the PATTeIItNIS connected there- Arlth, where he purposes continuing the buSiness; and is now prepared to make ' • '„ ALL F..I.ND! OF CASTINGS that may be wanted by he comnitinity. Particular at tention will be paid tom king and keepin g on hand ev ery deieription of PLOWS, CASTINGS, MAGuN BOX ES, kc.. All kinds of Castings I;aade le order. New Plows, of diff-ront patterns, always on hand or made to order. OLD METAL taken ba trade, for which the highest price will be given. By devoting himself attentively to business he hopes to merit and receive a share of - public patruaage. June 17, 'B3. j ABRAHAM METZ. QIIVER AND BRASS PLATER Li AND Jar .A.ND STIRRUP EAR:Et—Tim sub sea ibor respectfully Informs his friends and the Public, that he continues to ca try on the above business it his old stand on Main Stree ,opposite the - G °rasa Reformed Church. Chataberehurg. Having enlarged his business. Saddlen and Coach:' mulct.; will find in his Store Room a general assortment of Goods suitable to their several regnireatats such as Fair and Country flopkins, Parent Loathe; Gig Trawl, full Plated, Tinned and Japanned; Self-Adjuring Tr e es, Pull Plated. Tinned and Japanned; Strairdig Web read Worsted Bain Web. lower than Cotton; Manes, Bite and Stirrups, Plated, Tinned And Japanned; each Handl e s, new styles; Curtain FrOaci-; Huh Bands; Bridle Fronts, Itoseates. Swivels and Ornaments; Iron Plater and Wood Gilt names, Buckles, Brass, Silver and Japanned, all styles and patterns; Ivory :and - Wooden Marting-ale Stump Joints and a variety of other Goods suit able fur the trade: . ink All kittdi`ot Plating, Sc., done with tentnests and dezpittrh. LEWI9 woinEß, UM!I=D NEW MARBLE' YARD.—The undersigned respectfully announces to the citizens i Flunkliti county that he had opened a New Marble Yard in the room formerly occupied by 'Or. Hammen, - directly opposite J.S. Nixon's Drug Store. Main Street. In the norough of Chambersbura, where-he wilt keep on hand or make to order all articles in liis line of business, such as MONUMENTS. TOMES and HEAD STONES, MAlsit LES. TA BLit & STAND TOPS, c., manufactured &On the very best Foreign and-Domestic Marble. ' Me respectfully solicits a call from those \stonily Loin want of anyarticleln the above line. lie is confident in his ability to satisfy all vile rany . floppleased to patronize /Jim, either as regards his prices, or the voillty, beauty, and chasteness of hls work: • Noy. 21. 'llO ' JOHN A. GROVE. W:H:WANAMAKER respectful . Iy Intones the -public that he bee leased the • B-11 I K YARD recently occupied by N. Wanatnaker, and has oppointlid - • SAMUEL ELM FORIN A PRACTICAL MEE/1A E IC, to conduct the business. Ito respectfully solicits the patronage bestowed upon the formor occupant, and-hoped by prompt attention to business, always Laing a largo supply of' SOLID, WELL MADE BRICK; of alFaryles and qualities, to secure all the trade, both city and conntrY. ltricklayers arc invited to examine our stock. WANT a'D.—About 214 curds of good. Wood. - " June 17.3 m. , I. EMI)ICII. • F. EMBICII• CIENTRE WOOLEN FACTORY. The snbreribers riorjuctfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they hare leased the above named Factory one mile north-west of Ch ;cabers burg, (best knownas llorst's Factory) for a term of years, where they intend to inanuacture Cloth. Seta. net. Blankets. Flannels and Carpeting from the fleece ot. yarn. tountry Cardingand Fulling attended to. ..Also--z Indigo blue, and fthey dying done to. order. 1110711*. -thoroughly repaired the machinery , they hope to bead°, to render getioral satisfaction to all who may f,ror theca with their custom. - May 11..EMBICII 5014.` . C. IL lITISIL DSTROCK, MANUFACTURER ,„ OF AGRICULTURAL IldFLlthitiNTS.—Shop on %tutor Street, between Queen and,-Washington, Chem bersburg, Pa. • WAGON BlAKMl—llaeing connected with his Drill and Rake Factory theta( Wagon-Making, and having employed ono of tho bait practical Wagon-makers in the county. he Feels dont:Went in assuring Farmers,. anti oth ers needing this kind of work, that he is prepared to render entire satisfaction to all who - may leave their or ders. All work entrusted to latm will be promptly and neatly executed, at moderato prices, either for new or old work. Farmers areftwited to call,give hint a trial, and got the worth of thoirnioney. • .• 11LACREMITHINGS-1-11e also carries on the Black smithin, and employs d skillful workman, whole able to do all lauds of 9mithin4 which is- required for Wagons, ter. - s'-' • • GIIN-SPRING GRAIN AND, RAN RAKE ' He contlsucs to construct his 'unsurpassed Patented Gurn•Spring °raw:find:gay Rake. Air State aud.Clounttflights for sale. June 17,'85: FARX.'BtiILS.4-ilryefs , c~ Brand are agentsfor trariklin co., to sell' the LEBO& ,412iLLS. These Bells are, superior to 'any, other Bell made in the State. We have told-a large numtier ii, the r:otulty and thia them to glve good satisfaction. These are superior In tone•to any other Iron bell, and equal to most brass bells. Alt bells *mid-area warranted .to stand, and if any should break, we will supply . a 'new one in place. Jane 17, '63. • -"V OTICE.—AII p6r§olis initebted 'by N .-- Book Account or Note, to IMO, & HAMMON, .&o:loreby notified to call told mottle prOTIOns to July 1, 1.863, and me c00t.% . [ May 20,'63,. jlianufactureo. ' Agticultard. D. STROCE BIYERSk BB.Alki) lid 1: tate Zile& , , „ _ A c CHANCE 0 WR MO EY I '.., The undersign , offer tit" Irate Bale; on second.; mounting terms , all t vale le TRACT O 1 LAND situ ated hi St. Thuniu .to ip, . ratikliti County, Pm, 3 a l miii miles North -west of th ',Wa d af St, 'Thomas, bounded by lands ofD. Wilson' nein, Wm. Premier, Barr. and others, containing - ~, - . 2.20 AelitS--, '' , g ‘ : • About 100 Acres ofthls Tract am.cirtredand . I': 'a fine state ofcultiVation, the arholti of which lac be n thor oughly limed within thelaat few years; the balance Is heavily Set with thriving Timber. There is a tine Lime atoneQuarry on the premises, from which a impeder quality of Lime is made. The Improvements cute,ist 'of a goad, two-storied Legand Frame DWELLING 1101838,' A Nilill BANK BARN, ureeted last summer: 'a 'Water power SAW MILIJ,te driven by a small Steam &igloo; and other necessary' and convenient buildings., - , The above . Property offers great induceMents to' puts =chasers of neat Estate.. It is located in a - finely Timbered region:and as the demand for Lumber, Stares, Shingles, ae., is and Will continue on' the increase, ms 'erorgetie business man could not fail to make Stoney Mit of tho many advantages , it ;possesses. persons desiring to in vest in a valuable Property are invited to - view this. Salisbury residing-thereon, will give any in formation thatmay be desired. Possession min be had ist any time. Juno 17, '63. - ' ' ' GAltialt. A SHEARSIAN DRIVATE'SALE, I OP TANNERY NEAR FAYETTEITILLE.—The undetsigtted will soil et Private We, the f4llcieting described REAL -ES TATE., to wit: ;30 ACRES' OF - ' AU rind er good recessed tillable, with a good Brick Dwell ing, a foyer tsllingyrell of good water 'Jaw the door, a go(Pd Mara and Thrashing Floor, a fine Orchard bearlhg the Vest fruit. , Also - TA-NNERY: of 321arge VMS, Bth a I;eaches with' limes and Pools Bark - Mill, Roller, Pump and Fulling Stocks, all in excel lent *order. the whole operating - by WATER POWER: Also a good Barkshed, all unsurp.msed lu convenience and labor saving. . The above property will be shown to any person on ap plication to Jacob B. Cook of Fayetteville ' or John B. m Cook of Cluunbersburg. Terntea be rensonlibie: "Juno 17, '63-tf • PE'TER COOK. TIESIRABLE . TOWN ..PRO_PER ju_ I' NOR BALE —ho undersigned 'sell at Pri vate'Sale, it LOT ON (Irmo ND, situate on bast Queen St, Chambersbargradjelning the residence of P. Haitanan. Esq.. having thereon erected a two-story 'WICK DWELL ING HOUSii, with a two•story Beek ark 'Building at tached, a Frame Stable, and other away out-build ings. There is also a Well of excellen Water and a Cis tern on the premises. . gSlr Persons Wishing to iieW tho premises and /earn the terms, can do so by calling on T. B. Kennetly,,Esq.. Clounbersburg, or the subscriber, residing in bhippens burg. sus—Possession given on the Ist of April next, when a good title will he mado by ; ,SA.IIIUEL KNI -LEY. June 3-3ns ' A ITA_LITABiIt FARM AT PRI TATE SALE;—Ther underaigned will sell, at Pri- Vete Salo, tho FARM. on which ho residue, within a mile of. Williamsport; and 'adjoining the lands of John C.. White, Mrs. Dail, and others, and - consieting of 307-ACRES OF LIMESTONE LAND, In ahigh state of cultivation, with flu improvements, and well watered, including a large bpring pear the door ofthoDwelling. A large port of this Wm is Meadow Land, heavily set in Timothy and Clover—but it is deem• ed istineosary to give a description of it as it is well known,tu be one of the best Ydrins in the country; be sides persons wishing to purchase, will of course view andJuilgo it for themselves. . Hay 7.0, - '63-43t DELLINGER. e 3 n 5 ur a are. ANKLIN INSURANCE COAT• t MANY OF PHILADELPHIA, No. 435 and 431 ',writ - nut Street. • ' Capital Perpetual Premiums, Uneipiled Tempora . ry Premiums, Total $4392,116 39 Statement of tho Aasets of tho Company on January 1. 1403. First Mortgages. amply secured $1,993,931 48 Real,Estate, (present value $138,3d2.47.) cost 133,970 77 Temporary Loans, on ample Collateral ace u ritie, Stocks, (present value 5 1 35,385 ltl,) cost, Notes and Bills receivable. 5143691391 t 3 Advance in Value of Real Estate over cost, 9.331 70 Advanee in *eine of Stocks over ..... 13.4 a 66 Total 4er The only Profits from Premiums which this Conn party can divide by law, aro from Risks which have been deterudn Er ct froiti the Chart,r o thi am*ny. '"But th moneys received as premiums upon risks which rent undetermined. endure outatanDing at the time of dechiring Buell Dividend, shall not be considered psrt of the profits of said Corporation,Or divided as • PERPETUAL or LLVITED rivsURAN 'LS -made en every description of prupm ty, in Town and Country, for Owners, lortgage.B.l Gnome]. Landlords, tite.,, Rates as low a's are consistent with'security. • ' Since their Incorporation, a period of thirty years: they have piid eveoPOUR miLta.oNp OF DOLLARS LOSSES 11Y thereby affording 'evidence of the advantages of Instirance, An well as the ability and dis position to meet with promptness all LOSSES BY FIRE Losses paid goring thoyear 1862. -DIRKTOIS. ' - - - - . Charles N. Banker, " David S. Drown, Tobias Wagner, -l' . zlsaac Lea, - - Smuuel Gtarit. Edward O. Dale, Jacob R. Smith, . - George Palels,. George W. Richards. Alfred Fitter. .. . - - " CH ARLES N. BA NCK KR,'President. EDWARD C. DALE, Vice President. - Jas. W. 3.l'lizuszAtt, See'y pro tom. air Applicati;invißde to DAVID OAKR. of Chem:the:a burg, who is an authorized Agent fur the 'Company, either pertionallyNr by letter, will meet with tzttentleti, Mirth 4,16113._ ChITR AGENT.-Afh:. JOHN GROVE, NL . ), of .Chambersbarg; is the General Agent of the -.Franklin County Mutual Insurance Company. Juno 17.'63, , WM. 31cLELLAN. qPO:NIFIER,Cir COPCZNYRATED LYE, THE PA4ILY SOAP MASER. The public are cautioned. aphid: the - SPURIOUS article - of LYE for nuthin,g,BoAP, &c., now offered, for alto. The o'nlY GENUINE and PATENTED Lye is'that made by the PENNSYLVANIA SALT IdA NETACTU RING COMPANY; their trade mark for it being ," SA PONIFIER OR CONCENTRATED LYE." The 'great' SUCCESSiI gde article hag led UNPRINCIPLED TIES to endeitror to IMITATE:it, in violation of the Company's PATENTS. • ' AILMANrifACTORRES, BUYEWS, or .VELGERS . O f thee° SPURIOUS Lyqa, are hereby NOTIFIED that thc; COMPANYhitve employed la their A.TTORNErg, GEO. 4ARDThit, .!sq. of Philad'a, and.. EA` NYELih.Esq.,,Of Pittsburg, • And that atl 21:412n7iti4CTURER . a, USERS or SELL ERS44s,III elolatioskof the tights of theiCcompea4; will be riOSECUTEDitt ' • ' • ' The 9Aosnazg, or coNenTim TED LYE fe for dale byall:Pruigidti,erocere and Couatrygtorea. t 4 TASE N r OTIOA! TbeitibStirss6tcll &mar:Vesta nz Mitrid Of . Tema,/ itolo.l . of 114 Term, in 18M. in milt of the. PENNBI ',Y4NIA SALr .31,ANdrACTUILINO CO* Parr vi,THON.AS G. CITASE decried to the Com pany, on lovereber 115,1852, the•erclarive right granted by a PateiS'oirned by them for: the .34P0.1VTF,7414 Pateiat (10-ed iNtotier 21, 1856. ierpeinal injunction' ECYL SA Te MANUFACTURING CO.• , • 127 WI:LXIITSVP:E ET, PltildelpliiN PITT 4k . D'UQP!SNp,WATiPittaburg. MI g i eggi ADMINISTRATOR% NoT r iciF,._. map ., hereby; 0, 0 1 - . that Letters. u Adiiontat Innen on ate Benito of Jacob 8. litdeloy;fi4o'd, teen tioonlitinntxAto the n 04111104 to4.4Ung te.ghinpene• berg. Bit nersOns Indebted to the said Beadle, ere Trettoted to mottoirninedtate 'payment, and Shoselnyin doj os at dengendb Ilgairtst the Rotate of cic . -todonsond 1' mak" know& the Amite, w1t134:14 delay, to - - SAMUEL-4:115MT, Om% •Intto a-OA , tYPI ikereits. betters tirAdinnt tatrauen en_the,Estate George,Stpmp; "lige it Peters township, deed, have , been panted to the -Mar scriber r res-loing in saki township. , - - • - perwitti indebted to the mid tatata,are renitence to mak-, 'Annie:hat - pnyntent, and theta - having *Wats or amoral , upktztat thb 'llvtate et said decellenti !tall intate, themhaow_ withunt tiv,lay,te •-- • • - ' - JOON i11033?0,Cd, •• .12Ile 5,''6 - VSTATA. OF Stslo.i RII 4 Noe ie hereby given that letters of-Admlolotni- - lion on ern Hante or Sitrtog w . Itttnier, late o f the Bar. ongh of Greencastle, died, have ha granted to the,. nndervigrind residing in said iterongli t •. - 141.1 prim:nig knonting thenioen , os indobood to sold -Its; tato ale reanested tomato iroroodia to -payment, oak_ • those toeing elaient,nresent therm properly cited, fir eretilemerit. JAM- PENBINGati June 30113-6 t. • - -Adrier. 0TT0E....--Wherewsletterii 3 OlA miletnration,otrthe Ititnte of blarttnrot Owerfuto,' itste ur Chnntberehnrg, docemed, ham been granted'' - the subscriber: - el 1 t paean% Indebted to the Enid 'Mats arc minima to make, tome/ante pap:tent, Ind those havingclaime or d.nuandi agolnet the Mato or 4,104. decedent Will make barown it:mean° without deb,' JOIIN MO:ALVA -' .Inne 0,'112-Pt. Adntittict trAIE OF GEORGE 131t.ENr I.lAltr.—Whereas, Lettorg of Adininisitiainu on tau &tete ot tieorge liarnharriEnte of .A Writ . ' town ship, deed, have hewn granted to- 'the ,untlersigtinit. Fo;„ siding in Said townehlp. ' . , - - All Persons knowing themselves Indebted to' said Raj tate will 'multeimmudiate p4ment and thasi hiving claims Will present them properly authenticated' fir settlement. • - L. MARTIN. fay 13.T3 ' - /Auer. "IVOTICE.--Wh'ereaLl,,Letters 1.1 ministration on the .FAtato Daniel tistYrnan, late of Zurgan 'township dec'd. 'firm been, greated_to - the subscriber, r tabling In Cumberland county,— All permits kneni fig , themselves Indebted to said Patalt will please make immediate payment, and those - havits„, 'claims present them piopirly authentic Med. for eettlia.A. pent. ' JOIIN Bran, May 2 3 1 , ..'&341t,Adm'r„ _ . jOTICE- OF PARTNERSHIP.— Notice is hereby gfren that the this day entered into partnerehip, in the; lOan..h-Slisting business, in all its various branches, under the name or Felder k Foltz. Tho said firmwill business at this stand lately occupied by P. -near, .Pelfrer Co„ and 'would respectfully solicit a • continunnee of the, public patronage. 'P: ifISNRT PEIFFAR, • ' Nor. 1 1 41881, • O. FOLTZ. 'PO THE PUBLIII—Inv Orson hivaing 1„ knowledge of the whereabouts of, JAMES P.IPOE, a lunatic, who made his escape from the 'Asyintu at liarrisbuts, on the Mat instant, will confer-a tavor by coltununimiting the fact to the undersigned, the legally constituted Committee of said innatio., • J met P. Peels stout: and about six' feet high, haw ' dark-hair and light- eyes, two aluirt fingers on right hand and the fore anger slit in the tirst'Jaint. Ills age is about twenty-two yours. -At the time, hi, left he were a dark suit of clothes and a dat k felt hat. - Address •• • - JOIIN li. COBHAM", June 3. • : : Pleasant trail. Franklin Co., Pa. .111.6QtrARTEILI, XiIIAVOST dfAßxeei , VAR DIBRExCL PP.ZiIiaItLVAITIA, ' Chamberslmrst, June lit ) 18V..4 ratentiOtt. 01 the publ'ia: - is,called 'o the subjoined circular from the Proist Marshal- General of the United States. - - _ , GEO. EysTgru -- Prevost liarshal,l6th District:Penna.': DIEM:MAE NO. 7 Prthvost INDittsuti,tiaantist's " Ytory Waishingtoh, D. 0., Ilia). t2d, - ALI mensvhe 'desire to Juin any porticidarllegintent;, of Cavalry now In the Bold, are hereby authorized to • present thetuselves at any time during ilia-, next thirty days, to the Board of 'Enrollment. in their respertiva ' Districts. Thelloard - shall examine them, and 'deter.: mums upon - their fitness for the service, andif found' to be St, the' Provost- Marshal of the District shill OA 'than transportation tickets to the general rendrtve'ml at the head-quartcrs'el 'the A.- A.:Provost Marsha Wed , oral of the btate. As Soon as they present tbenteelvee St this - general rendezvous:- they sliall he duly Mustered by - a mastering onil dislotriing elliter,and - paidl_by histithe bounty allowed by law. 4.talult D. ' ' .June 33t • ' provost Marshal General— - • $101:,060 00 ~ 835.824 63 . 171,525 65 914.760 84,625 99 84,901 50 1,549 50 75,312 03 . . NOTX.—The severalvaperwor the pfstrictwill p h insert tha . nbove for tliree weeks aratactid bill to tha Ytu~ roar Manama at Chamlierabarg. $L,3v2,116 ~ LISALIQUARTZII.B, PROVOST MAILTMAL,- 13Ta DLITILIOT Pe..7.lllgtW.ilA. • Clmbernbarg;Juite 114,1864. ' rFIE 4ttention of All Uflicerawho., have been hcrnotably dieeharged on acc4tut of thddbillty, is calledto- the following elitlidlar. —. - GEO. , Proyost. Marshal Ift/olstriet, Penwrylrynia. _ CIRCULAR No. B.—WAa DEPARTMENT, P:ovewt Mar shdi4letiond's Office, Washinatimetty- May , The attention of all °liken. who have heen hontitiLly discharge-41,cm account of wounds end disability,, ands who desire tere-vntor the service In the Invalid Cope: is collect to the previsions of fb moral Orders.' No.lo. at 1863, tram the 'Sitar Department4tilillslied in tbi,,ponera, throughout the country. Snob camas are requesthd to cottmlypreniptly wiiit the provisions of that order. and• to send their vvritteu appliuttion as therein provided, for positions in the Invalid Corps:(statiug the character of their disability). With as little delay as possibleto the Acting Asi.Btatt 1r441'05t Marshal-General of the fillet in winch , they May - - Such - As.tteg Assistant Provost lilitrshakieneral willat otiCe forward the- anplicationt. with his his endorsement, to the Provost Marshml-cien.' erritett Washington.- °Moen's' P.a. the Invalid Corps will be appointed hatter Motel,' upon furnishingthe papere'required Mistral Otd r, No. 105.0 f 1863„ from War -Department. Their, pay abd • entohnitents will commence trona data if ac cuptenre of such eppointments, and not from date of or ganization of the respect i Ire coMmands to which they may be designed. - JAM_ES_D, PRY-, Jahr Provost Manthal•General. Norr..;.-The several papers in the District Will please insert the above Air three weeks and mendbill Po the Provost Marshal at hauthersburg. $69,795 11 Linanonsiraus, PHOTOS? MAILSHAI; - , DIVRICS. • • • Claambersburg, June Ist, 180. ' firflg i llffiees of the Provost liarehitt aut • tatard,of Nirollment for the .ebare idetrlA, have been estaldialred in.thellasonie Halt on •Fetand street, adjohlingtheMethodist Church and town Hnli, and op posite Brand's gotel. - GEO. ErYSTEII. 4nrie'd-3t . Procoet Idarshel.,l,6t4lDlstaict i Ps. • • TATS, CAPS - , STRAW ()CODS. Tow now prepared to Amish tay ctts towers with nil the new etylesni Rate, Cape and Straw Goods, which 1 will sell low.. d. L.D.E.OPART. ' - . 4 doorsElonth of. tystar Mk& MEW STOCI of STRAW GOODS AtolapxiceB. - - Dzorooms,- Q OFT . ,HATS of all , colors, : styles,, and 4nalities,frim filly : etzta up;call and get 'bit - 'pins at . \ - DEepliltVai.. dune 17,'63 " - ' • • ' , seesicus. ninety a. °rosin. ArOItURFI. & STONER, EDITORS' AND Pf/BLISHAILS, TER - FRANKLIN. REPORITORY is published - every Wedneedoy morning, on a largo quarteFsheet. containing ROBNY-EIGHT COLUUNS.printed of t - fine paper and naw:elear type. Terms: TWO DOL LARS Per annum.J.N. ADVANCE, TWO 'DOD. DABS AiND.FINTE. DENTS. if: wet eta wall tior year 4 - eltalmistots of the OosPel, inFrai i ldin 'are furnished with the RaPonlTOU'r at per:annul: tar. Subscribers, residing out of the %IA ''Oser pay atria alySis armee, mad the paper willinall coal , be discontutnednt ,tbe expiration of the 4ittie*e which it humid. • • ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at 50. ceisit.St 'Scut:roof eight lints lor au° insertion. and.3s per square for eacb , srsbsequent insertion. AEI*" tions of a square *recounted as a full sqUan 9 *_____ Advertisements inserted by the quarter. bul —l, Yow.i: or_year. at a remosableredatliorG - Spend notices:, inserted. before MarriSrl Peaths_,_ars charged double regular rates,' NO CUTS, or bolsi., diVakYbstter. inserted,* advertisements. 1116- N°" 33 of *wagon:ma Deaths, hot, exql)*' ing five linen, are inserted without theme:, • All communications, of Malted or iudivldied '- Interest, arecharred ten cents per line. AP' JOB PRIMO/51.6f arta kind. tkn e inVulan end fisney.colors. at the shortest , notice, and atom , Mittabbi rates. O MitRCIIANTS,T,b,O ~ way to seam pp table cunam 4e t?anuttusi iR tho , nKLiN SJIMTIMY. , flats =anti Cap. El =SI