The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, July 08, 1863, Image 6

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e'• TllttAttitg'
It is ititte.d'that an .. qpeaition has 'been
Sent into the interior,of Floridn.
: Ali the grants of Inrjoughs have been
.stopped-in Eciinter's department. ' *-
Threetbousimd rebel prisoners from Yid s.
burg, have. arrived ntindianapOlis.', . •
• ,:The "Colored Massachusetts regiment has
'arriA.ed at kurt ! lleyal, §onill Carolina. •
' The number. of soldier's now in the,hospi
:tale. at Washington is about six.thousand.
Col. Grierson has been appointed Briga,
Bier' General, for gallant and distinguished
• .„
service; • • '
Indiana and Michigan have been formed
in military district t -Gen. U. B.
• Wileca. in
Sotithein papers estimate the losses sus
tained in late Southwestern raids at fifteen
million dollars. - -
li'(:6ter has received,:lpstructions
from Washington to place in confinement all
relief officers that he may capture.
'FromNahvile we.learn that; our fores
.Nuke `pursued the rebels ' to'-
-Aluit that place ha'beeti evacuated.
The Federal lopes in Grant's, campaign
bitie been greatly; exaggerated. The total'
vrill'not exceed seen thousand at:this' time.
.. , I!Phe report that, Gen. Stoneman hal resign
,command of the Cavalry Corps, -and
Gen: Pleasanton is to stieeeed him, is discred-
The Mississippi troops in Bragg's army
are represented to be in a state of mutiny.—
One regipabnt has
_men ander guard for sev
pral days.
A Murfreesboro' aesPatch of tho 9th,,says
the refugees who have arrived there, report
` l .tWat-Valla:ndigbani had beqn imprisoned by
th 6 rebels
;rail l'emberton!'theyebel commander at
-yieksbiirg, is . , a itatise.of the city of 1 1 hi10-
aelphia, and ,by .connected with the
Poe,iet• of. Priend,& '
- "'4e . if Davis has' revoked the exequutur of
; the : fßritiih Consul it Richmond. He will
• i)rabably next undertake to veto 4. bill pa;sed
hSr: the Union, conisresi..
the' Springfield letter of the . Missouri
benzocrat contains exposition of an armed
. „
earapl.raey in Illinois ,itgainstt.h.zi Govorn
merit; hi the interest Of revolution.
corresponde - nt from Louisiana writes
thpreliels were commencing 'tile con
scription of 'the : negrOS wken General Banks
0, - anced and occupied' Alexandria.
I]. General Minter has issued an order draft
able-bodied Men, not, in the employ-
•.mcut of the government, who may lie found
departMent after the 6th of June.
riltp,firder - fo• mustering Gen, George A.
:IdeCall-otit of the service has been revoked;
-and it is-stated'ilint "ho has tendered his res
ignation. A score or so of Useless Generals
_might ;"gO and do likewise." - ,
The Richmond Examfner'of Saturday
tredia tlie Confederate deapaches from the
Sopth*eSt, esOcially those which state tre. 7
mendoms losses Grant's army. It calls
them._" blatherskite " telegraixiS. _
At the late attack on Port Hudson by - Gen.
Banks. the,•2nd - Lousiana Negio Regiment
distinguished itself : ..especially in charging
upon the, enemy's, siege guns.. , They lost
rieitrly all their' officers, and over 600 men. *,
• . ,
blockade, runner, while tqlng
tiv get Out of CliarleSton, was discovered on
the;. night 9f the 20th, and sunk .before she
Could gain thit bar. The crew., are supposed;
to lave perished. She was a large steamship:
•Geh Roseerans has ordered' all officers of
the rebel .army .now held-'as prisoners, and
'.ivlio•inarlfereaftOr be
,iaptiiredin battle,: to
be placed in close • confinement and strongly
gttai•ded: - istotie will•be'paroled or exchanged.
` 4 3'e;n. ;', 'recently. order
suppressing the circulation of the ,Chicago
-,9•ll4l'New York .World.- The Presi
dentivisely, suppressed the supPression of the
TiM.ssyiiherenponGen: Burnside acted upon
the liintry rind suppressed*.entire order. -
i 1 older that
thersiek and wounded of the.
t.appahannock may be, benefit-',
tett, bithe - profits of legitimate track - th it,
the privileges:Of news-dealing will be"gi n
to disabled sailers, thus abolishikl tlfp.ex
tortiotutte monopoly, of the ordinary sews
tecieri 3 . " "'
:EnrOpea" n news brings us 'statements of U.
Large, meeting in Sheffield for the recognition:
of, the. South,. and the departure of Mr. Ma--
sail for Paris on instant business of, diploma-
The. rebel loan fluctuated greatly on
ila:e'news of Jeckson'e death, and-American
sieurities had all iidaneed.
The; rebel, deetrine' of State Sights'.is
worlincr• its. -- own cure in , the dominions of
The• Raleigh ',Standard eritiei
eises the - Davis Government severely,' and
tiireatens that if matters are' not mended,-
144th Ciroiina shall leave the' CenfeSer4
DWI endeavor to.„terce eare of heiself. •
. Gen. - -Ullman, in the ,
. (411,1f • Department,:
has raised nearly four thousand •recruits ,for
the Corps d'AfriqUe; .The :recruits - ura still
coining in rapidly. The new counties trav - -
elled by the tinny of (446 , Banks r ill thrash,
it is said,:thOuSands - of colored Volunteers;
and before long the corps will be completed;
The Dunkers, . at their recept
tional assembly, held. atldorrisOn 'Cove, Blair
county; referred the question of the to
ti committee. *A
reliort was made and adopt
ed, declaring . purpose to sustain the
'government Oey , :the Jaws and that they
would pay the comnatationfiied for service
in' ease they they were drafted; and raise
money fOr th'osq of their me . nibers Who Were
unable to do: ib.% They,: accept literally the
peaceful teachings of,tli n e tcyperand cannot
- ''During the latelia 'of Stotienianis'eaVal - -
ry -they weresjoiod-in.ilpu_isa v e,Ounty by a I
Union refugee' isdit'; 6qen lurking in-the
woods:to escape the: Confederate, authority
- fin entire year, la ) cking one clay. Re :says
there are numlers,of 'Unionists all through
the South hidine;themselves. in caves. and
mountain fastness mail- they can escape the
Confederate thrall)
The fallowing are some of the, regimental
losses at Vielisburg. • Among
. others, the
26th lowa lost,'in iilied, wounded, and, Miss
ing, 162 ; 1 . 71; 47th - Indiana,
1.48.; 24th "loWo, 201 ; 84th Indiana, 60;
11th Indiana, 'lo. i i; 46th' Indiana, 85; . In,
the battle 'Of Raymond, the-23d Indiana lost
128. thef'battle. of 'Champion .Hills, I
Rovey's Division ',alone lost 1,600.
Gov. 13rown Peorgia, in a recent letter
- aanc6nting to gi r; , , ,nontination, ' B4B :
we should navel , Under ' any circumstances,
consent to a reconStruation of the old Union,
or to any politicallunion with the Abolition
Stales,' upon—any _terms whatever.
should we ever layidown our arms till the'
independence of these Confederate States is
- Unconditionally reCognized." There's Com
fort for Wood's Pdace men.
The people of
,Louisiana seem to be in a
fair *ay to secure ;the sitUthern rights about
Which they prate' so much. As it sample,
.we have the fa'ct 1114 a caiavart, of contra-
bkmds, -nuMh'eiing:s . ixlliousand, was lately
escorted into New ,leans, together with
three thOusand mules and horses, and a large
drove of horned cattle.. These were collect
ed in the Teche county, , west of the Crescent
eltr, where Banks bas, lately, : been operat
ing.. - -
The_ colored troops - in the service, on ev
ery an& nienti oned• - with
_praise hbraetical
officers -are enumerated as followse General
Thomas' recruits; ! 11,000;: undel. General
Banks, 8,000;
s in ..kfinsas, 1,000 1 ; in South.
CarOlhia, 8,000; in ]`forth ,Carolina;8,000;
under General Roseeinns,'s,ooo; under Gen
eral Schofield,. 2,000; _Massachusetts regi.•
uzents, 1,200; in the D trict of Coluttibia,
800; t0ta1,130,000. There are also 5,000 Col-i
ored men in the navy. •
In the Ohio Deparbient, Gen. Burn:sid 4
has issued a new .erdei, admirable 'ie . :: ii ;
sincerity and earnestness. He directs the 1
his officers shall exercise the greatest car I
and justice in making arrestp..i and makes th,;
argument, in view of an unjust clamor rai
a against him in certain quarters; ;
in time of war...the soldier forsakes home an'
family surrenders innumerable rights aniq
advantagesns a citizen, to defend his coun
try, so the-eitizep„shonld,itt least, bewillin
to make a slight sacrifice fon the salvation
his country.
Capt. A. F. Duncan' of the 14th Pennsyl
vapid" cavalry, now , on duty in WesternVh
ginia,-writes : • ,
met of Stonewall Jackson
Webster: -She is a very. pleisant and Intel
ligent lady, and as good aVidon woman a'
ever I saw. She is the wifef of Mr. Arnold,-
„lives in Beverly. Mrs.: A. fled to
Webster when the Rebels approached Bev
oily. When she heard of her, 'brother's
death • she seemed very much depressed, buV
said that she would rather know that he was , •
dead •thau to have him a lea'ar:in the , itbel•
army." '
-The Thiid Brigade of c•Pennsylvania
serves, Col. Fisher 'commanding, who have
been perfu ming guard duty in Washington,
joined the headquarters of its division June
Ist, on the Virginia side. Gen. Crawford
will assume command of the division. • The
men ivere in fine spirits, 'and cheered as they
passed through the streets, glad to be in the
field- acitin. Captain Auchmuty, who was
with Gen. 1 41.Orrell in • all the battles" of the
Peninsula, is Gen. CraWford's ; Acting Adju
bMt General and Chief of Staff. it is be
lieved that this favorite division of.rennsyl
vania would be increased to: its,full number
'by returned nine months' volunteers, were
they called for.
Gen. Hunter has written a letter to Jeff.
Davis in which he say's:— . ~.. .
' The United States flag must protect all its
defenders, white, black ,or yellow: Several
negroes in the employ of the giivernment, in , ,
the Western Department; have been cruellfti
murdered by yoUr authorities, and Others sold
,into, slavery. Every outrage of This kind
against the laws of humanity whiCii inartake
place in this Departnicnt 'shall be- followed'
j ...,hy,the 11Jan - 164i - tit° excentfontof a rebel-of the
highest rank in my . possession. lylan.; for
• •
maid.. hese execution's will certainly take ,
place, fat every one 'murdered; or'sold.into a
slavery Wo so than death. On your auther-;!
ities will rest the responsibility
_of this bar
barous policy,,Will bre held responsi
ble,in this worl and, to conie for
all the blood.tlx - 'shed! • • ; " ,
- The summary e ecutiort in - Tennessee of
two . ebelispies.of hig t tnilitary rank, ,is re
' ported, - .16, - -; telegraph. I,one `of them - 'was
_Brigadier-General W. I :Orton Williams, a
brother of , Major Law (trice A. -Williams,
late 'of the United State4Army, 'The other
is raentieyoiirthedesptlhcs as Major Dun
lap: GerierdWilliaras thlL:k'near "relatives in
Philadelphia, to whom tile p:2,,,..Cf 7 s of his awful
fate must: he a terrible ' shoek lit,, Butsuch ti
fate was'deserved. Theie tWo - mo ..t,' - clOtiink *
themselves in the unifors , of ,VnitAltjts
officers, holdiy entered tip camp Of_boloae7l
'Baird, at Franklin, Telqie.iee, .Witli_ forged
orders from, :Adjutant ~ se neral,lTownsead
and General BOseerans, i 'rooting them. to in
spect our outposts:: The i triek'wris, discover
ed ;they were, by order , of 'Genera :Rose
erans,- tried by'`eilri:lfai,tlol, and, they Were
hung as spies' in half:a daYaf!er they came in
to the eanip. This is rthe. liroper mode Of
`dealing with such Cases: ; 2 The.,high;rankof ,
r : the offenders aggravate - . 'thcir :offence. - If -
they had e!igeeeded'iniMilOsingniiiinCalonel
Baird, they might have 'chained iniormatian
Which would have - ''enabled "Bragg to :defeat
,our Emmy - in Tennessee: " , '
i A: , .. - 1r. , ;, j,•,' -, •
iranklin UtPosltorn, balibtr°burgle
. YD5~lPf~~B.'
Ivicc.lleojk - /,'§plg7RETß6lts• .
ssyvsTivra TSAR, ,
4 •
Weelair 'an a ,
Forti--qight Columns.
It is printed on
New •
ClOr Typej
Fine, strong, White Paper, - -
•' r _ : ;.- 1
, in advance. '
If not paid within the year "
' Two dolislr; :and/tn.,* ec
'gives a • • •
Cordial and_Eartlest Support •' -
'to the ' •
Adana! Mid State Administrations :
• •_ :-•••, to the : ' - f
policy of •
' Vigoroui Prosecution of the War;
to the- "
Unconditional Re-union
-• ' ' ' •' of the' " •
United States '
Without:CoMpromise. with &bets in Arms
• to the - " -
Policy that exhausts every moans
within the . •
Power of the Government
Suppress the Traitors' Rebellion':
to the'
• Cause of our 13raio Soldiers
• • In the Pion ;•- • '
to tho " ' • ,
PL.,eatrvation, in-unfailing roveroneo,
of tho:Baored Memory
• ofour
Heroic Doad.
has an,
embracing all the. •
' Different ,
Au'd has
Aide Correspondents
• in all the
Eastern Cities.
at - the
National and State Capitals,
and employs
) Competent Reporters
on all
- Occasions of Special. Intereit.
- zls the
• . Li the State. • , .
It has
Local • Correspondents
, /,
Every Section of ther,CsfUnty,
who report; ; •
- • The Condition and i'rorp)!et, of th o Crops,
the pioceedings of
• Alf - Piiblie Meetings •
and all •-r•
Occurrences of Alerieral Interest.
is especially
Agricultural Department
will contain
:Contributions from the
rtiost experienced -
Practical Farmers in the State. -1
- The best 'method of
\ Improving :Farm Stock
. will claim
, .
Particular Attention In its Columns.
\ Tha Eastern Markets
Carefully and fully,Reviewed
- \ each 'Week,
anti the
Latest Reports - given - '
by Magnetic Telegraph
Down to the date of each Issue.
contains -
IVoekly - Reporfolof tho Sold of Stook%
of •
GoTernment and other Ponds,
. the value of • -
' . Oar State Currency
in . Philadelphia, • . •
and the ,
thirrent, btonetary Tragsactions at home
• - contains
• Tuesday's Evening Mail
• - • and - •
Reported exclusivelY for this Paper. •
- It will therefore
', be •
One day in advance of the City Dailies
••- ' With all Important News. ,
hits the
LARGEST gigouiden6.l.l
arid is tho.
in the State, •
.• • - Qat ed tticyl` Blues., • •
It circulates
lis.,one of the most thrifty,intelligert
- 'Bad wealthy, •
...Sections of Pennsylvdmia. -
- • Toils -41,ell;sortitile.,
_ _
Mosa - raPloto
In Southern ' krailasyliarnik
Cardttr.Cir - 'Flan;
• Blaa • •
Utma-billa, Pomp
Pula pr runeiCo
dono promptly
and at
Ditulerato %tea,
. • :
".Ordors -Subserillions,
P t tingthnntcfullYteisoivad. Address
• • nh mit ilereb*Tif 4 ). ;
' • -
. - •• • .
r e It..EtU"-Eship-11)hetiei:e2S'irl-eLrlitijac e!ettefiein--,
sei t eA i n the eteeti the Lan! in the eeverel 'the
I , Fiinkqn' County, to on )Ifirket Street,ln the coop
tbretnf4Ne oceripied !!r• B. KOn ed, '" ' ' '
_ • - .T. R. lorqqgpri
Jnne 17,'63'
TTQR - Nr,Ei L'Alv.-,TVIL-
.36.tsr SlGLPlllnrnry tit° . :4-of6:0 on'slnr ,
ket tlt,.
Orrtil by Reilly directly
bpp site the court
,Itv, Chambersburg. Pa. All legal
DiminfA4 entrusted to ill will roceltb promin attention.
Ho will prnctice iu wiping colutleg. hug 17,'63.
X & W.J. STENGER, Attar-
Imp. at Law,banibersbn—Pri. entieetions
0 014 Pity, attealied s, Stenger,' District Attor-
AsY anti azent for probing Pensions. Dininty • Money
and Arrears.- of - Pay. 11ce in Franklin _Building. 3d
doer &mit the turner; • ' l.lln° 'll3*
S. • EVERITT, Attorney at'Lazy.
.0' Office Inslr3.3rd'sdweiling. directly' oppo
site the,o urt House, CipMereburg, Pa; Will - practice
in tbescrerra lleurtooqinklib and Fulton Counties.
All log,nl butanes% tainted to Lis care will receive
prompt attention. June 17,18n3.
f',..ll.BXtrainttaya. - •
.., floss FgeNtdltT.
t , i . ): '
.. ltl3/tUall4- • STEWARTi• At
_ ,
.larn.y.t at Late:Chttciensburg Pa. glee their undi.
I tied 4 1 , ttentiohAl the Pt iett of their Profes:fian. -
. /avvOffice in the,Teteptik .! June`l7. '6:l,-
tP.O reita , Chanaberft *lice it t Mrs; )33rd's
It ndirectly - opiKsitaloOdurt House.
Jun 017.1363. • • • •" - •
Cl Ciniintiondpm; Oftlcel4tniu - Stre'et
tVOrney .(zt
nbove Queen, to the roonitivorly occupied by S. Reish.i
er, •-. '
, . .
. .
NJ; EtitAKe,.. Aanrneys aunty, have removed to the
mill on , Min Street,'ortoeuS'outh of Eyster's
June W. '63,
CLARE; Attorney, at has
". ;r '° doors Enet of Ids foriurr
Illocatfori:'cie Nl:irLet street.(mbtli•Sido') Junej7."63.
°At..YIN At. li t; Attoiley at
Lam. 011iae on Mnristreet. in 'Lawyer's
opposite the Conrt Honed, , Juno
riVL, FLETCHER Attorney at ,Law,'
o qbambersbur g ; 'Otto ou 4.1.3 t Mirka street,
nearly oppes , ite,the 0 vrt R4rwt, - Juno 17.'63. ,
A LEX. R. ..11'CURE Att9rney at.
Chathberaburg, ra pMeo in Ulu
, Prankiin
&epos:tory Litulgings. - - Juno 17, '
R. W. 411. B. 'HURD'S DENTAL
iusueng Fine Teeth and Swee: Breath, and curing
Teethe:he and euralgi.i.
Do you wish to be blessed with 0 1 0 nicerl f , r Pearly
White and Sound Teeth? Use V. Wit. D. ilgitD'S
BD TOOTH POWDBTO - arrantod free front
acid. alkali,or any
. injurious substmee Price 25 tads
per box.;
tar, Beware, of the ordinary, clap. Tooth .Powilers,
which whiten but destroy.
Do-yon - wish' to be rain that OarDilath is pore,
sweet and aureenble toliusbandor wh. lover and 'tient] ?
Clio Dr. lIURIP'd cEcutut,ATED - UouTri
Price, 37 cents p?r bottle.. ." • • "
.• The astringent wash Is also the hot remedy In ,the
world for Canker, Dad Breath. Beating Gums, .56r0
Month, etc./It has cured hundreds.
Do you .Wish your childreo sufferfront Toetlisphe
12 cents per . bottle. '
"Are you afflicted With Neurolgial Get Dr. IL
41:TED'S NEURALGIA PLASTERS. lle most effective
Lind 'delightful' remedy known= fi3r . 1 , 43, in the Face,
Chest. Shoulders. Neck, or tiny part obhe body-
They do not adhere nor bidder; lint euthe and chntra
pain away. Try silent.' Price, 15 andti cents. 311.414
on receipt of price.- • , , , -
A Tre also on the best method of Preserving the
Tooth mailed on receipt of the price -11 cents. It Is D
rain tbl • little work, and slihuld be in th. pessessioa of '
every person.
- For sale at all the beat stores thronghf the country.
CALITION.—As there' are dealers who tic advantage o f
our advert'setnents to inwcwe upon the!: eustomerlf in
ferlor preparations It is necessary to lota upon bavinii;
hat you call for, you will run tut. thoroughly
tooted, and prep-trod by an experioncti end scientiac
D . 4ntret, Treatittrer of the New York Stietentisra As•
sociation, and Vico Fresident of tbe,Sea-York ity Den.
tub Society. Address - WSt.Ytahßlt CrY.;
, June 17, '63-tf. Tribune Ilulldhart. New Yotk.,,
BASE.—Rdt. N. SCI.II.9StiER. 0133 e still attde rest:
oeuee on EAST lICAT the Franklin
Railroad. DttittistrY in fill its in niches attrolled towith
nil the modern improvements. liavingimblished to
this community for more than two sears. that teeth on
Amber is imevery way CUEAPEE AND IlFTTlift than,
teeth on any Miler material:l oeuld, say that I Ntakeee
no reason tech:lnge my npinlon:fur - there ate many per
sons ire Chambeisburg mid vicinity tot )stwn I hvis
inserted teeth on A3lll.Elh, who can 'testify to their snplL•
tior merit. - -'• ,!
N. IL All work warranted to givo patlidactlon, or no
charge. Teeth extracted' without pain vial - perfect
anfoty wlthont Lakinc.: Chloroform. For, farther- info: ,
riatioti call at the t Mice. - [Junin, iSti3.
DR. W. W. SCIILOSSER._ Surgeon
E!enti.o.—The underdignerl has remreV,his illfleo
tool' the 'Mansion Milts° to the 'residenet:.l4
.Noel,Nerthwe4 corner - of the Diatnand,' eel fmmeitt,
sitely omaistie the Franklin Hotel. -Utilen ott the Be:'
cotal floor.—entrance through the'ltegage r td the'tight
as you nsceud the stairs,
June 110863
tist,has' run-owed hie olike irt,hiYthei comer o' the
uWic Square, where he practised so many years, to the
corner uf, !vain and Queen Streets.nhovo ati an. Ilryaer's
Drug Store.,elottalioreburg. Pa..wherebo will itepleased
to reccife the Fulle.of his friends. , - (Jun 017.1863..
Ly CAL curing all CnitottiebiskAsr.:s '
!Junket Ladies 'lllittaentlerneri,by iti the
Ilse of tectr iv ity alone, yritimut any nUllilnespt oven
any pain. . .
'oarding may b; had, with Treatment, bypaticnts
from abroad at reasonable rates, tn- the Doctor's. family.
'Letters applying for cirenlork or IllitlieHnforinationi
will he imunptly answered:Office and resldence'at
South Penn 2 . 4 quaros - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, being
luAt central as well as delighttul part of the city. Ilia
this out for tutor(' refereacei. [April 8,,,a-3m.
][)R. A. R. SEAM returns his thanks
to the Citizens or - Frani:lin cotkWty•liir
ern 'euenuragennotrt bestirtr'd 4Llllnl t 1 ,la'st" three'
'tent's. nod Invites' those who have not ntade ",trlit or
110:tiCEOPAT to •do so.. Cbnatalationifre 4 e.
table cases can rely bh -0 wore speedy cite than , utith•l
any other spite - at. Dr. B.',lf•ts . rent We - tOl/forilt , dtudti
street. n. short distance hal O,W; the twiint. Where Ito San he
toned readyto attond • to caller, either in tOWlVOr•cotintrY,
when not absont on pruresslonal brisinese. - • : :2- 7
Jurie 17,18. ca,:
DU. W. D. artew;t. . ' P. tvstE,
1 ROWN & WAI I K, EketricalT4.
Yranklitt ifs.4r 241.
ILEV STILEET, Chambereburg, - Da. •
The nbove, treats, an .Cheenle Diseases - by meamtil
°ALVAN'S:ilea:id the differeut-buslttlenthis of ELEC.
TRIOITY, an discovered end. taught by yrof.
, .
T.) I R, .1.- X. 49X1 1 1:111.11 - Ir'iThas, opened
JUP AU °Mee for tho practfce of hfedicinetn tau ceUtri
room of thallariatoh4loai'd.:oue - faior South bf - Mr; SLrya
ackl Iklok.Stoye,Nrhorela r al:rho 'found at hit hourall4y
rad night :excilitiib - auprOfessionally obegaii.
J ul. /e l4 B-3 r. ll '' ' '
palifu: ,JOT,&;,'lsiOlcit6crittt,BY
attend promptly,faidl calla in Min an
street, next dbor - to the Eagle Hotel, and yearly ,
ORniiite tharroidenen atthe trinale s ofge , Clinunbtity,
o,ratierabtirg; Jima 1881: - • '
R. J.'-C: RICIEAV - DS' I iattend
ipromptly to oil tails in 'hie sine. Office on "Rei n
street, next-floor-to Spangler's Drag Stork ..-. 7N.
Rei'Orlrren 'loons—Prim 7, fa 1,31:; _
P.M. .„ , „ „ .:jitne 17, lit 3.
3OOtictO Of ttie ea
118TI.ct.0Y;titit, pkibE.—im•
)3. DAVISON, 7us4ce of (No Picut Y6coinunochte:
ly oppcsitcrthn "Indian Queen }lntel" 'MI bindnelt ert .:,
treated to , hietare anti! redetvil prompt; 'atterdio*Vn.
strumepts. of Ifilt s irig, nillrinde, drawn nplin tfinti t .
• factory downier. ' ' " ' -.3une`l7;qt-
D HAMM A N, triatke of , the 'Pate,
.1-1 1 C ham ! iertlbui7, Pa' JuDeFtl
' - At(o - iiji:, - t#. liiii::
w. w. suntossnn
Dolts, stotiontit AEI) Gods.
• ,
S .S; , 800 § V SITRYCiOt I.: STAk, ..• • '
A% & TRNER, '
Nairoccupie; his lig g km* and Li Dr4 ll teli
'to:transget basiness Vii gl . 1.0 - facilitiesthan
aver, t , :,..
,v . - il ‘ ,:,, ~ i
1„ , , ;13W- ''''
_- ~ , ~..- , • , ,
SOtool .2ooks, Idicelje°,us 2
, 001 isr , Toy ,Books
Law Books, Xedical )394. t illltlY ..SehO (II Banks,
:Military Books. ' .-pq ''' ' '
411. 4 e —,,,,, -
; 4 1 arie assortment of Yket and Fan3l4 130)10, i
'- 11 , LANI B ° C)- KS ' • '
or all dm; qualities to : i . itY/e 4 Of
t'• 'STATiNF*Y.;"
, A
, 14z , 4t..cittrie • 0 ,6 f: ai dnli of iViifininnii Print;
ing Panora. of French, V llBll and.' ATheriOn m in
urmturi, Envel4 ofallsizesaxidnualities,
Ink, Pens, .Ppnoils.' . Sonia.
- Quills, ,d.p .- y , l3ooksallott.g, ) 3° *..F ul v*Rra4r 8 l
warranted, mid by Leii Iv • Fai:rea . of Y.
131;1..TD-4PER: '
' i-arieti of P-atias Ana
. . ,
Nearly Two Hwanty,thiferent PP,ttbrus,to,q,cithe f 4
with iF,ifable Berderinelain;-Velvet I,tidlielret
Gilt': , 4 . ;
• , ' - PICTITIOFRAXES, , ~. , .
. . ,
• , Oval had Square Franr f' )l l'hotggraPhs. • Fraita4
triad° to order. ,
For Pieturo Friames, - ofY size. -
• . •
than pa - 1)10 6 V Prices, "among which
-- aro therallowin - F: " I r •
- The MIRO Cruiser; -•"
The Ranger.
The - Midnight Quell, '
English Teak, • '
:Joseip - '
Maid of the,irannii. - • ' • '
- " Capt. Havrici: —
pon Bergrdo's'Dattintor, • '
Helenoi• •• •" ' ' • • '
Davibatiohs, ' ; ••• ' ,
•• ' Skefhos 113 Frinice.' ;
' Vinee r sl i rldt3.2
' gott'elsto - To - ls, . `
• • - „Dickens' Novels.
Urs. gdtah-veth.'llirov9b
Mrs. Gay's Nevelp,
Arthur's .'1,: . (53.4;e1i,
Lucy, Sanford,"
Trial iandi'riannab
Prince and Pedler,-- 4 4
East Lynne.. - t •
Miriam AlrOY. ....; • _
Legends and Stories..
Red Sttel,. 7 .
Rod Scant,.t_ -
Belle of tlinteliery„
Sybil Oen:tuba.,
Rivetßeauties. 4-0
The Grumbler, -
The Squire;
00i•;us from Uncle Sran's
- The Byerlasting Fortune Teller,.
The Maneuvering , . •
Itforguerite de : -
Foggy Night nt Orford, , • '
The'Quiet Disband,
~, •
Two Prima Donn - n.3' ,
• .• The liable - Fs Wife. • s •
Righwayroun's Ride,
'• liobleman'iDaughter,
•• z Scarlet Flinver t -•
, •"The•Wild's TrialK
• . -Cecjlia Iforvtird,
.4erta Orimeroa,
- • •• ' The E.l;ettant,
• ' - f5O Miserable%
•-• s• •-•!-; ;. - - .500 "Pt vales.
• - :E:1 4 GRATINGSt f ' •
Liman 'and -Amariente!
7 BA.Sg.ETS... •
r0110.. - TravOlitg, Book, arid.
Clothes :
- •
: Single and- Doubt! Toi: , &4rs undSWit
Zeikbyri Shetland
NEWSPAPp§ . .,
',IILO i ladeliAda and "Sgetlf :York Daillei , :ieeeive
Clube",or individual
- . .
• ; WVtlitY .
Weekly, • " - • -;
. ;. " -
N. Y. Weekly,
- • - Nest Ybek !Ledger, Qt4i.,
received, sreeblr, ,
-•I • '
• re.ter•ow'
; -
.. lii»ekethacker,
- „ •
• " t ' ' Altth& . .7"..ear 1 . 0,1115,!1 ?
'• . • etc., eta.,
• : ;-. • •:
received as sObil a,4 Published . I
-AU the Dibe Publienitoiss, XOttcelli3ttes;'
Song-1.34 ote., reeetvcd daily.' _ i
14'e,take orders for all kinds'of gobdi. r • '
• EXPRES_S. • ,
' lV° reecicefloods liyEsprots;kvattiniYfrom the
Blank Deets; "- )
, Writing and Printing Cards,
;, 1 /34.',10)"gt
Pap 4 Woights, - t.
Fa n cy Boxes;
Combs and Eirns4s,
• . ,Gbalk Crachls;•
and all standardgoods in our lints constantly
1 - ' , ' :atuSIO.;
Okeet,Mtisie, for Ratio, i 3 attar, E e.
—We •
rn hw' .
a pianos oncoMmitsiett. : 16 re - strre
---customers fremliffy tritne titY
" call.P. l oPlY any kind ofrigusisA Astrunientsi
atiprtieS`ibr lefier than
ia 3 , l 4S•
Vino= sell' Phoingreeh - at ).o-wer--Prices
thin their anti bepineur'edTorlh thneitieS.
' Nre Biro no hesitation - in - saying to our eustcintere
t;ils.t from our long 'eitierienee, 'our manner of-416'-
1 4 business, and our groat fatilitieS, iVo dg not fear
oottlimtits,on,and: have no Aloilbt ouTlaing . tibia
011i've entire etstisfeetion. •
Come and. SCO ;our New ,Stor.e, our .new: and ea*
/Red stock, and form your own opinions.
Clambeiebnig. Jtino 17. 180 3-'
t •
• ~ _
„CY DR. ,101111 SON, gat fdirreler eif dal, c e leb r ated
lostittition,offers the Most certain !speedy, nod „only
eleCt nal' bearideffil*,*ntiti Le I,pect,i, sti v it it rio.
'Seminal Weithttesit.P lib in thLom,sveonatitutional Do-
Witty, Impotii,bofinkonst• - thaof - Weak ana Limbs
Affections et `the Didneys, Palpitation of the Demi',
llYseepsia, Nervous indtabillty. - Vistiases of the lie.",
Tbroat, Ness or ?kin; and all those., miens end melan
choly disorders arising fron t the d isliglis's thabita of
ronth, which destroy both body and Ina . These secret
and solitary practices are more lit their Victims
than the a •rig of UM Hyrena to' the nibs - Met' Utyents,
blighting their mast brilliant hope , or2l , tcticipationa,
rendering marriage; tic,lmPeisible. ''' , '
'•1 ,
•., , , , . YOUN97 MEN '': V ~ , ,,fl•:'.
Yonng, ?den espetiolly, wil e ° lye erne the victims
pr &tit:try. Vike,that - dreadfal 'and •i eistroctlt'ditatit -.
which aanun4y sweeps to an nntime grave thortaands
of young inert of, the most (grated - 4 east' and brilliant
intaimt, who might otherwise have tr, trAncett listening
s e wttea a itb :the wonders of eloquence, Or •weiro4 n
ecataCy'tlie living lyre; may call N%ltl 101 l confidence.
" .
'an ea Per,M ls ._,r rIIIIIR,Ireen clatetnphitimg ,Inar- '
like, is eingawttrear idlYsicalweakn • o rrot tile debility,
deformities, die : , should ireme.tilateliconsolt pt. Johns -
' lie whr, places hi itself under the cltre of br,Johneton,
I may religiously two - dab' his:norm; it mmtlennui.titi4
confidently rely upon his skill ea a lz ,gletep s ,
' ' ' or 4 ' ~...1,:,,.
, , b ANIC Wkat ES$ t -
POODI" ,1 1 14. oPaP ;13D HULL 'V
tai ~..l'A‘g/tED'fi_".,,
'Phis diseases the penalty
. moatlfr eanently paid by
tbeSe• who have betimes the victirni Ofiraprepee w il l.
eliee3. 'Young aeisons are too Naito commit excesses ~
from not being nitare of the dremiliii rmisennemee that •
'May chattel Now, rfho the: rinderhtnndi -the , ebbjeet
will pretend to deny that the pew* of Priertsat r on la
Vat sooner by theese filling into int droper I.nidPthartty
the pra•lrMe, Belida being deprival! of the. Moneure of
healthy .olTspring„ the most aerloma and ~eattncti'vo
symplithe tontine and burly arise. the eydtem beet-mets
deranged, the physical en I mentnt, powets a - tali - tiled,
,nervons debility, dyspepsia. relpitFinn of the bract.
indikest ion. upvasting of
- the from cough, spop:Nnis
hf consumplidn ."` ' ' '• **
Office No. ;7 - South' FrecleritA , Streit, - :'1
'seven doorkfrom_Baltinisse *Wet, Rtet• aide, op the •
the steps .' li p' -- partiettlar in obierying the name and
titirnber,or;yol will inishihd the Wee- •• .. . I
*ay A CUR D WIi.IITIANTIA Di s twc , DA11.5. aPI:
,No lib:miry or IN'antCie Divs.-
• . „ ..
, D11•J 0 HNS4TO'N' - ' •_
it mbar of the Royal College of +eons, I.ontlen gre
. e 1. ,
dilate front one'of the most. emi ent Colleges oi :the
United States and, the granter pin of Whtwe life has
been spent in the hospitals of homier,. Path, Philedel
phia nod elsewhorS, bins effechsl senile of the that akitit•
ishing cures Chit were ever hneltrn. klany ,Stenhied .
with ringing in the • head and earl! whew:l/deep, griat
nervonsnoas, being alarmed, at sinkten sounds, and-bash
ifulness, vidtb frequent blitshing, it•itensiod sornethaetf
with di:rumen:lout of inindoversoftretilintriediately.
~. ,
When . „
. tbo' ; ,misgitided -- and impiident '.% ditty' Of- deft-
,surriiinds belies .unbil,pd 41 a sot& of. this painful dist
e.ftlit,.. it ' fori often' liappi•ris' that ,an 1114fineir sdnie - of
shame. or dread of discolerY, dotes him3rorb opplyitig
to these/adm from -efibmtiou 114 d respeetabliit, ; v., can
most ii`efriendliirn. delii 7 yilit," t ill fhb coriatitadorial *nip- ,
toms of ~th is horrid. disease make tlielrappeaTaege,,earb
as ti'eetated" fiord threat; diselise.l nei4e noettirnai Pains
fir the head and limbs; dintneid.Oo siglit;; deafness, tad* .
on the shin. buses and arrna, &foto:hes on the- h,,api,411 co.
and extretefties, prOgrr , saing ; with frigirtful - middle:v.
• till at last the. palate of ,the ..enonah or l'iiii,kpirie.v,ot the
"nose tall in and the victint - Vf this fii-ful disease heel:Two
a Ilifrrirl'ubjevit or coniraiss'oritieilktill, &nth 'jrate 'a Fp.
rind to his - dreadfut sufferings. byiaenolng 'hint. to ;;;
bourne from whence no, traveller.; 1 ettirnt." at inia r;
ro - ,
therpfore. , Dr. !Ansel( to'lirrerztle) the
most inviolable secrecy - 1 And frorallis extensive practice
in thiri Brit ffespiridet Of Ferrriple'alwl A iherlik hi, ' birr
c-nfidently recommend a Safe and sPead,3' cure to, ikt ,
unfortunate victim .bf 'this horrid (isereie. " ~.
It is a melancholy . " fact 'that tho sareds-failvviettine to -
i t
this horrid disease owing to the u "Sifilfultnees of lane-
rant pretenders - who - brinilie:Vrtiatdcadfrd poison, lier- '
pury i •rafo, theaconsti (alio!), an sit er sernt
d thearn 'arta.
mitt.e'totuvutithriAy,thve,. or pialrp.;the risidg,`Cof Ifjo
roilerable ' *; - 4.1
' •lir.J. adili'ist el ilnrie'vehb have i ijured thOinsolve4 liy ‘
private and ituprlpee indulgences. a
~ -TPcPd ~e•leare some of. the touland ,14p; •-•W laueholy_ offeete,pwa
dif.. 14'*iffY,Irtibits:of yon it,4 , .'..,istiritiiii,or) flex*
Rack anits.yrnba, Tafel lir tire - ...bitititeirk Of 'Sight;
Los of AliikentierieWer.fstilVildtilla br fhb Trilfrt, Dyri
pepsi.t, Nervous Irri n}biiity-;. Dural "tent of tile Digo....
five Prontione,tferterel,petrility,S ziptonzl,OrS ..j tTympl , -
`thin. din. r
- '..",;,-,-.?---: • ; --• , 4 '= , t.: ^ -.,
.2, ~ ,IX ~
- iii4iTALIT, thOlirlifill 011tiVIT te , Mind are mueii to
I e dreadedv lease Itirrerry, - Weftillimiof Ideas, Depres.
OIL rrt or Siiirit.,, Eyil Vol eborlingfc ?.veulion to Society.
Self-Ifistruet, lawreoffiollitude,!Eluzidttpotc:i nre_,:strrili
, "or tro....bvie,oilt: z ,:.. 1 , ~-... , , ~.
- Thousands of 'persons of:4 1 1 aged , nn now judge what
latbo'c..l,4e.of theirtlecliaires :heal h. having tbe , r -vigor.
becolning , A-eak. palk;hoe sinind r appearart,i r •if.4bea
1 1 ,.
tlit4YWlZTengli..euithrirtatktomi - of ens - umptiori. '": -"-
" 'Dr, Johnstad 3 htvigg"iyitiiigi Ro!iedy for fir,-
.. :-;: ,, .i . •f "?=-- T Yii;'lloil i ;s: : '-'-');" ' ' '. l
By•thia great ,airtri ifWVint.:, remedy. Weak neg.% of
the Organs i-1, speedily tuned. ad: ful; vigor restreed.
PißTande- 0 . 1 ,t4e Jung' nerv,vinc,and dokilitaferhwbo
kAll bist , 4lliJiolpolavril taloa E , h
i'64inimirs- 0 5he 4 :1 4 . 3 %,, eitysii.iiti,,orlfental Die'vsriti:
ificatimi; Neer volts I:XriliklettittirveiktrO Wealcuegi or
lexnanation of the twist fearful_Unillopeedilj cared by
wi;oh3;etniiii4iiia;?giqvccii.,:r nicCirisin prreetiee. in,
dulge i irr -when stun C.-.A habit frequently tem ne.l fr m
e Til'eolop9 sions„or st,sehool.'slia, effects areoxighlty ,
felt," even wherrE,ashidn,:and if iiritliunid, 44;6AM...snit .*
risge . impruoilt, ancl - destmys blth mind- and btdy, _
- shnuid apply ittuned:lately.
.. - i
- What.axittithar*,younglimi, tilte hcipe bti hilkol 2 =7 •
tiytiVedarlingutht,i.virtnitti, sf; IA id BA dilio I: from
'all protipectS arid eniomients on ifeipy the (man, Tiii elle t
of da l -Intl - I*ft, 4-.. hirritii - pfliii tit* and indulging 0 is
eertarn a ecret-liabitl,' Suellyersonio before, Contemplat
ing ' • -•--,-... * ;.-.. ' ..; ~,,`," . 0.,, ..: r .r . ',-,7 ef -
4 .
~ , ... ... - ...,
ihntildzoflectlhnt zn, if otmil 'min l: end body' era th e. -
inaAt ne,Si•sary requisites In , prom to
.(}311111111111). bappi
ttelis:' Indeed Vithortt tliele, the tviener thiroitglt Igo
hediunes4kreafY pilglinufge, the piokpect huurly,dnylc-i
',Oita the ylesk , ; the mind' become* shadowed' with le.
."-spair, 404 illlol w j th' t 116 raelaiictly• iellecihstillat ,-
thirhappmes4: of ttqctlitre.l4ecolne bighted ,with 611 r..,,
OVit.•'" ':-• ._f ' •- -='. ''' ' :-. ! 4 ' A . ''
,:- ' ..._ " -:.
— OFFICE No. VSarfili '1 . 1 . ) . i1i - It'k S'4 4 .,'' - ."-•
_ 5. .... -
' -'• . - BALTIXORI,- ..v '-', ',?' Vs--7
- , -,:.,....,T.:, , , y, ..„ •;41,..,
• -
Tlta tria.ry thottsamicettrarl
laaCtlfteen yeire; and tits_ noinerent important gittrs leaf „
.0p drattena pertunned by Dr.,‘,11; Itntabsattlbr:Prla
portersaftliil pap era ontl matey, ottt p.eramtegtaticea
arrybialkliave apki.tirad.
ebt gultrantrr,tatbe trillietea
8;: 'Vitro are ;so many, 10;14a - ht. - an
• quacks roly,arttatait theclanav'ruiting•
I .:00)111kb of3l4alreallY a nliel ed • 'Pr• !ligAni , tolk deemei
:it TieqsirY to say" 'to thrialinimemnlinted .bla rep.
- utatlam they bla Diplonma
Zilt:Titts Iptlcs—Al,l letters ft fa poet paid .
contain' a postaZe a' amp for the.r£yt ynor no answer. will
.be sent -, - _lpt) 2.4,763-Iyr.
Wainsooo:7W - Orth.Pt : o,llD l
QOLD PLATA'S.. .Porsons bavlns . ., worn =Out'
A.rtiilTseth mounted upon Gold Ibtte: in Inrwv,or,
small qtemtitles; vim obtain tho bigbestpricejottherier
kushotiu emlumgo for Dentristm by exiling upon,
•-" - • 1111;'3."1f,.. ltlllD. - 11eutIlt.' -
timser of Hain and Queen streets, .übove,neyse. ?Iv
brag StOre f etimbersbitig, ' June 10, 63-3nl
VET' ANTEto . -460. -
V, want 4wtittt ,eipenaea p
801 l oar -Br orlasting.Tatiailai Ottetital. IlinuetaOtitd ) ;-
tbirtatn other new, '. lls efa CAU:10T1111; 14ItideN •
teen'clrealats • aint:ftea';'-adcltess - .
MAN *-171.411Ki
May - - 13tddarnrti,Ataintt.
VV- •A N .1 1 EL , 3;}... - -4475,: a- 40#1.1144=1 - A
want to biro &Onto tn,every , - toady. , pt, s7s, a ci-, - !
to tttiOxpenies.paid, to edit rny , now cfavtp- 'Plitiatii
Sowing Machines. Adarttaiq - --j- a l'ititPl3oNit , •• -- •
, Na113.3m... , Albeit, Maine.: ,
k .
. • ~,,,,,---- ,
iriANBEtS33I3I I 4 YkYVA.IIIA. , % .
NJ DVS tBETAINA.III/ . A arahalf Sesstok-w.0 3 !
- bnce Afrll 2Ottqlnit priplliiwlllbe received wbetires* 4'''' ,
attd. chore) occordiegl.T., , ' Th ere Are aceottAeladtittorkiret
for three or Soar more bieratro onlF. Ikkulti Ak,jiatj;
tboao wbo ti) bome at•tho end it tliti 464; woo "Per•str- '
Edon of flyomontlut,, Other bottrderar.:. Ntio# . ftkay:::- ,
'• - ' '4. ~ - • ' ,
, EfE RNY per -•—
ItevDr.ff.' Evan?, French tried fierraest . /''
. 'Miss 3. Gu.nualt. 337411411 , 4t1ta.ches 4ad Di4iiitit,‘R
MissiAT;Dsrotrarr; Usage.. • ,
bliss B...N.CotinS; English pmxpello4- - " , •
All of the, above aro teachers of goalfderable(*putt : : - t
attcb".' Nrfaittietititforinat4cdripeitollite Ping
tl!tr 01. •
• k • jtj
TO StR-4.10:41-SiT
, CtiuratiotiaL