The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, July 08, 1863, Image 5

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• r 2
IronathClaton Surrenders lUtt
On Tuesday 'afternoon Gov- Curtin
•ieceiihd xi, dispatch from the Supexin.
' tendent_cilf the Telegyaphlines stating
. .
;that Vicksburg was -taken by Gen.
Grant on the 4th inst.,•and a reliable
gentleman just from ifarrishurg in-'
forms us, that it , has been. officially,
- confirmed: thns ; has ," the silver li
,Sing: to the clone that gladdened
the national heart froni the bleOdy
nal of Gettysburg, broken into noon
= tide splendor, and day by. day the
cause - of Bight is gathering fresh
innphs. ; .With VickSburg in _ our
hands, Grant's splendid army .of
'16400 veterans is releaea' 'And. can
it i:l?oseera,ns, penetrate . ihe..veri'
of The, 114611.i0n.- Heaven
speed the 'great eaue .-- ;ot gOpnblican
Nationality andFreedoin I
~dsizfll.ll,HkEllo=LOriF, lidBP9ll.T. • •
. - .
1 P. IL—The fob
Ipwin,gi,desps.t4 just been reedVed : ;'",
• Squadron, Flag
• Ship Back kiratpk, 4.--lion. Gideon ,
Seeietdry of the lsinVY':—Sir: I have
4h'e r t,honor to inform yon that' Vicksburg has,
:Surierider&i to the 'United - States foree.l on
dais Fourth of Tuty.„ , ,
Very respectfully, yollr serv't, -
?' .1) 'Poia
, Cota , dttiloni.4 of tll6 Suairender.
Ilium 111., July 7.—The despatch boat
just arrived fiere trim IriehOurg: 'She
lefeat 10 e*clock on Sunday m9drilm,
The - passengers announce •Thai: General
---iPopahcrton sent a fin of trueg , on the morn.:
Ingof the 4th of July, and offered to surren
ler if his Men were allowed thrr.m, arch out:
:General Grant is reported to have replied Mail should .leave except as prisoners
•. . •
• ' General Pemberton then, after eonsulta
. tion,with' his commanders, unconditionally
- sUrrendored.
,- , This.rieWs is perfectly - •
, , • . -
Re 11101 c (Niel
.in Franklin Count
L .. • .
4t,04111)" , , PZISS
_.!, - ....4lGARATiampins lanAg .-,.
Elelien Days . cor Rebel Occupa
tion ftga Force
The •HDuteln :Wants too Sharp
- •fo the Rebels!
Leekileadquarters Shetter's Woo ds
He COuntrates Ink 01es upon his %talcs
at Gittpborglr:
Ile Retreats with his Shattered Legions
tapas the Potomac
Ira another 'part. of to-day's paper we give
scletniled account of • the ,occupation of this
'panty by the :Rebel Chieftain Jenkins. It
was written'after his departure, and its pub
lication delayed, by, the metupation of our
valley by the entire • Rebel Army a few days
afterwards. •
(inn, , JokantEr nErun.N.
On TUesday, the ult., Gen. Joni:ill's
gterrillue returned to dhambersburg, u the
the advance of Gen. Lee's entire army. He
demeaned biintelf us before; and restrained
his troops - glulerally frotri serious acts of wan,
tennms. It was evident,' however, - that he
Wits' bUt the .forerunner of the whole rebel
• kniobs, and on Wednesday
• Qr.NEL'AL-EIVELL AltifyleD,_. •
With him pomp : the - first column of rebel
infantry thdt had ever penetrated a free
State, Gem Ewell 'is a gradnate of West
=Pant, and was for some time a 'civil engi-,
Abel orr the Columbia Railroad in this 'State.
While, thus engaged . hp married Miss Merl
vaine of York, Who has'since separated from.
him - and -lives,in Eastern Maryland; Soon
after the-commencement' of the Ite.bellion he
joined the rebel cause,' - and has-risen,- we be
lieve justly, to the position of One Of — their
first generals. He lost a leg at the second
• *battle Of 'Bull Run,, and when- he rides on
horse-back is Always strapped to his/horse'
Porps is Jackson's
,old 'command; and
' numbers about 20,60 men.
There is a marked difference between the
' elsracter e of the rebel infantry and cavalry.
The latter are; a 9 s. class; superior men in ail
respects;,and generally well-behaved,' whilo
t,ho infantry - seem to have no conceptions
4biive cuing, sleeping, fighting and stealing.
Their:dress-consisted of every' style and col
- Some lied butternut 'cloth, some half
Union uniforms;- - and sonic' every, possihle
taixtlire - df hoes and-fashion& • Indeed they
were not uniform in anything but : dirt, irn 7 ,
pifiepae, thieving,,Ancl implacable ha
trod for the . ,iTanimes."
Trit Taßl"N't '! • -
lien heie!wer.e
The rebel I'l4 file
exceedingly jubi6hut the o cers,
ny, instances,e F' e greatest , iippre-;
hensionarat the lot' the invasion;; !. The
men seemed to tirat - the Army
Potomac was in. t
rear in the Shatiando
lah arid Alley:had no foe 'before
them but the 31"4 and they were; jolly
and insolent in anent degree, mid gave
the widest fititudO'eir thieving prOpen-'
sities. Thew did oubt that‘ they ; ! i ,vould
go into Harrisbutithoxit a contest; `Harry
Baltimore arid-Vngton,with littlo loss;
and then ;select ;U - Ifortable ppsidon in
Pennsylvania, 'anity until our tcming
wealth should be al-sed. - After the:fruit
lass- advance upqn s i lisblit; a feW?'etturn
ed ! by this route; hbore with sullenness
the reminders - , of ?people, that thek had
forgOtten to take Dsburg..
General Ewell:tie _rather unwOcome
guest of !!mine hoSirostle; of the Fru;nklin
House, on Tuasdaiht, and on •Nlldnes
day:he transferred.; headquarters ;io the
Brick Church;
, 4 1 1 , 1•0rt1i., Of town; - 11e
made the folkiwiiequisitions iniform
upon our people; ',loich• - - it will 14 seen
that he Meant to beiberal wholesald i deal
- He:Aqua-ten" d Army uorp.lo .
:ne. 24th, 1863.
T_ o- the Authorities iis 2,l ?tharshir.9,
By direction of Ll,Gen. It. S. E; 11, I
require the followirOticles - •
6,000 suits crothirmeluding hatsi;boots
andshoes. !
, 100 good saddles.
!, •
100 good bridles. I
5,00 u bushels graitorn or oats.)
10,000 lbs. sole lead. • ' ;
.10,000 lbs.. horie sh. •
400 lbs. horse shoeils . . , , ;
Alsp„ the use- of Pting;office, nark.
printers to report!at Al -
All articles except t4in will be del lvere4
at the Court Hous ° e . f are, at 3 o'clok, P.
M. to-day, and - ihe gn by 6 o:clock; m.,
to-day. HAamor,' ;
Ilaj. and; Ch. Q. d Corps De 44,.m.
Headquarters . I•Army Corr . ( '
' .
;:le 24th,. 1868. ; f
By command of Ltlen. B.S. Ewell, the
citizens of Chambersln; will furnish the fol
lowing articles, by 3 oock'thiS afterpon.
0,000 lbs. lead.
10,000 lbs. harness Iche4 ' 1
59; boxes tin.
I -
.• I,OOJ curry -combs .9:thrushes.
2..000 IN. picket rope
400 pistols. -
,Al/ the caps and poctlr in the town; _
Also, all the'neats foioil. I
'' - • , Wm. -,LLEN, IL an&C. •
Subsequently anothtirequisition w:4 sent
in for the following attics :
60,000 lbs. bread. \ `
100 sacks salt. ‘) \ -S J
N bbls. molasses.C.":
1500 bbls. flow,
25 bbls. vin?gar.
25 bbls. beans.
25 bbls: dried fruit.
25 bbls. sourlitraut,
25 bbls. potatoes. •
11,000 lbs. coffe e :
10,000' lbs. sugar.
100,000 lbs. hard breti.
A meeting of the eitt , ,ins,:wes caliekand
it was solved that thotenYouNioikd not
be ompl.i'ed , with for 'many reaso , , but
mainly perhaps. because tietosvn had n Lane-'
third the argil es requiril in it. The'retcls
then proceeded to :help themselves, ipi some
instances pretending' to ?ay in rebel 13 crip ;
but in fact plundering the town relentlessly.
An officer, said to be 31ajn• Todd, br?;leer of
of Mrs• Lincoln, took cline' of the waling
operations,, and well nid lost his h' c 1 sev
eral times by some of ourperaged ladfis who,
resisted his searches.
HILL'S CORPS :Jar.lVEs. 11 w
The last of Ewell's Ceps came mfr,dap.3-
day, and 'lbnj'hursday and Friday Hill'
arrived, putting , . more then half thdl'tentire
rebel army in the neighlerhood of(,llaseln , '
bersburg. They encamled all„ along the
Greencastle and - Fayetteville , roac. and
wherever they topped,, tie desolatieß was
complete. -We hope hereafter to ive, a
more detailed account of the desolatiOn that
followed their fatal tread,' , 4!
• anie. LEE AIiEIVE'S. I:1
I: i
00 Saturddy Gen. Lee .and Staff reifehed
this place, and the -Commander-in-Chief
seemed to think the beautiful grove Obir.
Shetter, a mile East of town; a more lip,altby
location for him-than the borough of 6am
bersburg. He pitched his tent there, Od in
that heartsome grove was planned the 'most
sanguinary, - and to him _the mostlhted,
battle,- or this' sanguinary war. Hel g)ent.
set'reral days there, as if uncertain whet,t, his
emcivement , *ould be: but his,original:plang
were evidently disconcerted by the I, rapid
ma'rch of Meade; and he was compelled to
call in his 'force, from every point, to 'Secure
a good pcOsition on the South Mountalet from
Which he. could give battle, ViTith.4lmost
incredible 'hate he summoned his foes to
the Gettysburg road from York, Otirlisle,
_Hancock, 11cConnelsburg,' Chamberßburg,
and by ThOrsday his infantry wale. :One to
meet the fearful retribution in store fo'r`:thera
at GettysbUrg. `' imbeclen's CavalrY, had
.passpd Thursday,
,and on Friday WI rear
guard, under. Jones, had passed thrOUgh to
-witness the defeat of their- chieftain. irn all,
Lee_passed some 47,000' men and l 9 guns
through this - place, and .Longsfreet's:Porps,
the largest in his command, went to Oettys
burg direct from Hagerstow n by Way4esloo
ro'. Gen.
Lee is about 'ilfty-two;94rs of
age, stout built, of medium lacighto l „ 4 . -
gray, and rod& 'gray beard. Hci 'is t{; quiet;
thoughtful mien, always courteous, 4, DS a
commander, , seems to aiwi. :at restrainingthe passionst,and thieving prOperesitie. of his,
troops within the rules of war. '‘Hdi issued
two orders on the subject, Which:e4hibited
considerable earnestness On his part 1 , ;main.:
Min the seputation 'cif 'himself e.nti'4=errilY.
A.l the orderi issued during the rebtSl cam.
paign will be given in our next issul: ' '
- -,?.‘ RAILROAD ItRIDGES ME4TRirft,p,:* .
' - On Wednesday -morning the ! ' desi*tiort
of th `Railroad building's began; slid they
li 1
franiAt epOsitorp s , Crant
were completely deine;lisli b y undermining
the foundations and batterfidownthe walls.
The destrictiOn is cornige , and considera
ble damage is dori
• to ArPac l - The Scot
land hridge was - burnt 0 11 , and. the rails
have been torn up in rid places.. ;
rts.n. mAnOureivrEt.
ah ,:i n b i i es pr u n t s g burgN ow g,_ Carlisle and 1111 e.
were sucOvely occupied by
therebel forces; and 0 Varly took pos.
- session of 'pork and to ireatened 'Columbia
threatened Har
d(' have cap
had he moved
that Col: Frick withih4 his men and burn
ed the bridge. Gen. 10es
t ris ur b e u a rg it , ,, f w or t s h ev l e it r t a l l e d i a l y i A d .y ee
promptly ; but be *4 intimidated by the
assurance received odfery hand that (lens-Couch, McClellan, si f llandivay number 4
troops were there to diend it. Gen. Couch
*as there akole, withbut few militia; but
he ne'ver faltered in M determination to 4 9 .
fend the capital• to thi last. It' is n ow well
fortified, and in additi' to the army of Gen.
Smith that he has-sentto swell the columns
of Gen. cede, he'hal enough left to guard
the lin ,or the Sustinehrina in any e ven t,
0 1 ednesday Lie gave- battle ; to.
Meade's advance, and - gained ,a teMporary
ailvansatttagye,andby his superior numbers; but,on
d F
ridatna hurled his battal-•
ions againstthe linesof our troops time_ and
a ga i n , only to see.than fallback in confusiop,
and decimated by the ,rich harvest of death.,
On Friday night, - exhausted, 'defeated, de
moralized and the tower of his--army num
bered with the deader writhing-in the agony
Of ghastly wean?, and left to tee mercy of
his 'foe, for care an, sepulchre, Lee made his.
second invitsion of Franklin county. with
sullen, heavy iteßlisfritgmmts re-crossed the',
South Mountain, tad took the shortest rautc
thro' the hills* forhe Potom4d. Once there,
we hope to. hear sat - again has he'met the
Union legions he so Willingly sought when
hOanded on theiree'soil,of the North, and
that the remnarr;of his armed traitors have
been destroyed ct captured. .At theftime of
this writing weave no word of Meitdc hay
in; reached Leon the line of the Potomac,
bat we know tbd the gallant Meade is pur
suing him sway, and that he will strike
with resistless try whenever he reaches the
retreating foe. God crown with final victo
ry the great cars; of American Nationality i
Quite a •nun:ler of negroes were stolen by
the army of On. Lee, and
. evidently ,With
the sanction dofileers,' All age.i and condi
tions were tata f and carried off to their rear,
and a they vre•taken past. rebel encamp
ments, cheerfter cheer would go up at the
triumph of th negro-stealers. But few were
taken off, homver, as the negroes in many
instances esoped,, and go hurriedly did the
columns men-from here.that a number Were
- - The rebd retreat, notwithstanding the
fatal; disasta at Gettysburg, was conducted
with Gonrpmtive order, although thousands
of dispiiitalsoldiers deserted their ranks 4nd
are now concealed in the mountains. Many
of 'tlitir -sounded were: taken with them.
It :liable men report that—they took from
10,000 to 12,000 wounded through Grevn.._-_
castle on Sunday and Monday last. Their
train commenced to pass l .there on Sunday
morning tt 4 A. M.; and continued until, 11
A: M. Monday, All along the roads, over
which Mir several columns passed, wounded
have been found—some helpless, others/ly
'and many dead. The -inexorable taw's
of War, requiring the Jives and care of
wounded to be 'subordinated to the safety of
the remnant of the army, left these poor
wretehesuneared for and apparently unpitied,
to die and find hospitable graves in the
land thy:sought to desolate.
- On the Ilth ult., at the residence of Capt. 3. Sprecher,
near tihsmbeisburg,hy the Rev; J'. Dickson,
ellterS:..4. 1 „ufuettyehnrg.toSliss MAttosner It.. datigh
ter of Mr; Duct or Esq. - , - OrAdauin county.
On the 4th ult., in the ftentral Presbyterian church, of
BalthiOrc, idd, by the Itre,iisieph T. Smithy D. D., We.
Kasnin, hisq Charnheriburg, to Miss .ELLISS e.
COLUERTWV, of Battituuru, Mu.
• .
On tho loth nit., by Wei Rev. H. Ifeckerman. Mr. J.
licaut I.lcrroa,t of Olvonberstmtg. to Mien Elate J.,
&mill ter of the late Judge Taylor, of Bedford,
On the , 9th nit., at the Mem= parsonngo. by Roy.
J. Stock, Dlr. JOEIN 11. Irons t, or Str.usburg, to 311 co
Ii4IIGAVIST FRAME, of Chtubercburg.
On 10th alt, by the ea e, Mr 4ACOD R. LurieAr,
toDiiesL?AT%S Itoussu,bethof Chemberhburg.
On the 7th ttlt„ thii residence of her
grandsons, Messrs. T. and S. A. Cook, Mrs..Sanatt J kJ.
PUY, Aged ST years.
On the Oth alt., at 10 o'clock, A. M., nt the residence
of his mother, in Cliamberslinre, Mr. EDWARD 1.. Starts,
aged Geo Years,. 7 months and Oil:lie.
A little while—a little sthile-±:-
And the-dark graveltall yield its treat;
Yea, render every Ileum ut)
Of human dust.
_What matters, than.—what matters,
Who earliest - Joys hint &mit° rest ? '
Nay, " to depart - and - be with Christ.'
• - le stirely best.-
On the llth nit* fa -omen totrashipeddre. Penns
Purr, wife of Christina Me, aged 64 ysess,B
anti 27 days. .;• ; •• ; ; - 3 ;-
0„. ill'Connelltdairg, Pa," Telescope;' Dayton; Ohne,
Forster and Mansfield papers, please cdpy.
• ,On the lPth nit., GEORGE , %O3II I 4A 3 N, aged 25 Yeao,
months, and 2 daYs• ' ‘• .
• Taceekty, the 26th of, ay. after a protineted and
Nara' "Maio of a ,pulmonary,dbaracter, Oaenaz•
Pasrni;or ,rAteCotte,:p r ataldin conaty,-pa., in the 64th
Year of hie ego: ; •
On the ad ult., la .Delayati, Taunt' aplenty, 111.. Mu
Lam Ts. hlcDcaratte,thsughter of Win. • ;dap - well, corr.
racklyief this anunty.dathe -- 26th year at ter age. • '
Pin z !Clu,s:Ropwir:,
M?'"STMXa ,
ihrrrit .........
'Ea° o 4 ...........
... . .
.B- 00 1
8 6 ‘ 90 sIDEO
• .
0114.WIERSBURG.1%lit 81593.
1O NiruhErt Wioz, .. . •CO
. ... ' 10 17KwAsItED Wool— 40
; 8 ex,tonrx 88ED 900
. -8 TwoTnr SEED 2 2
4 toe Fut: ento.. 3 00
.. ~. 12 PAran ..... 300
7 U.EPABED PateArs. 180
1 00 Dam Arrip.B.„.l 0001 CO
POTATO - MARKET. tr. ' -
• SO
•••••...• - swoo ni
asburg , PI-
IAT.A.NTED; TO RENT, i arfirst class
DwEiLLiqa: car. cake of
the ttreettlin IteKeeitor nly S.-3t
WARN, Tabs,. gnekete,-Chiums, Baskets, Water
Cans, ac. - _ft mysrtstlittAND.-
Ix, BUILDING III.A.T . BRIALS, such as Binges, Bolts,
:Serowe, Locks. Oloss,lntty, LO.
We have alv.'ags imad. Shoe Thread, Lasts, Beot
Trees. Leathers,Shoelrbus,&e , Ae:
June 17, . ATYRRS tit BRAND.
VOR TE:s.TP4A large Bank Barn,
With Stabling,,lare Darn Yard, and other wave
money', lb the Ilfrongh, Enquire of •
June 174 t. ;D. L.JfACILRR.
VARA/ BELtS."WetireAgentS to
iiiiithoLebtinonl4oii Bell. The best article made.
All baits warranted nut htbreak.' Call and examine our
stock, as we are_dotermlned tOBCil goods at short profits.
June 17, , -j , „ • _ hiIYRRS & BRAND.-
"VIYERS & BRAND •are constantly
receiving fresh Oartlware, to which they incite
the attention 01 the -puitlic. We have a large stock of
Nails and Iron. which we offer at reduced prices.
kJII. BROTIIERTOS will bon candidhe for Clerk of
tip, Courts, eullject,.trY the nomination of the Union
County gonTention.
Waynesboro', June 11,'614c. • •
John U. eayergid lsanc Burkholder, Adminis
trators of Jneeb WcaYdr, deed, late of St. Thomas. hay.
inglunde fr.B nal ilbstrihntion of tire Estate, petitioned
the Court to be discharg•ed from their trust. The Court
order notice to be given to all partioninterested, to ap
pear on the VCO7O .ifongoy of August. to allow catum, if
any they have. why the prayer' should
,not be' grantel.
By order of the - coati - . • •
Clerk of ,the Courts.
Juno 17 3t
Q.. 7-0
PECIAL ti ©TICE: and after
August I Ht,_15.1i3. thiiitrivilege of converting the pre
vent isnue of LEGA% taNDEIt NOTES- into the NA
TIONAL PEE t'ENT. LOAN (poquitonly called "Five.
Twentlen'f) willcsncc. i
must, theref,re,a - pply!bsturo 0:16 lstof August next.
JAY t 00filt,
SUascntivrrox Aor:Nr,
114 South Third Street.
June 17-3 t
TpIANos! :A, v ..
R. A. 7TCLURE t sole agent for the celebrated
Pianos di3lirersd; and piitMp in perfect condition, in any
part of the State, at
All Instruments warranted for flynyearti.
Pianos from vthcr factories will be furnished, if desired.
l,Charnbersburg, Pa.
Juiae 17, '63.
removed from 262 S. Second street, to 807 CIIESTNIrt
Street, above Eighth,lwhere they him opened a well
selected stock of 1 •
Bedding and Mattirpses of Every Description,
The manufictnre ;lad sale -of Budding will also be
c'oatinued at 202. B,'S i cond '
June 17. '634nn
Illustrated' with engravings of the Roman,
Orem:in, 'matte, Nr4r Celestial, 'Aqueline, Turn.up.
and Pug Noses. with the character revealed by each black, or hrar" Lit's—thin and pale.,ur full
and red,prim or pouting, 'scolding or loving, - 'Mourn—
large or small. lista—light or dark, coarse or no,
straight or curly. CliZEfig—thin or . plump, pale or
colnual. Tenn—regular orirregular. Haas—large or
NlTE—long or short, :Jun—rough or smooth.
All to be amply illtiStrated with engrabings. Tho walk,
talk, laugh and-voice, all indicate, character. No may
know an t3Ce! :from a dishonest, one. and we will
shiiti how: ligMes the above, we shall tteat on En
7110LOGT. or the Natural History of Man: of PHYSIOLOGY,
and, file Laws of PO and health'; of Ptustoo:tostr, or
Signs of character, end how to read them; of Pnne
a Ater. the Philosophy of 51ind; and Of PSYCHnLOOT. the
science or the Soul. !3lsts. t...".th reference to all his rein.
flow; of life, social, Intellectual, and spititual.nnd what
each can do beer, will be elucidated in the PHRENO-
New vide= cuminences July lat.: A banilsome quarto
miintlilv, at only a year.' gimple numbers. 15
'cents. Please addreis FOWLES. A WrAiLs., SUS llroasi
way, Now York. [Juno U, _
mAsoN 47, HAMILIS"'S
. ,
bontaining the - •
;sl‘ol l , Ayßi t COMBINATION:VALVE
la. Eve* fattra'aseiti ntEd for Five Years.lia
PDT* tnou $7O $450...
" The Cabinet - gr'nn le the only instrument which
combines the requis tes. for church and parlor music ;
for the sci room and the social feetwal gathering.
For while it 111:11 , S,e69•0 prlWer fur the occompa
himent of a large bborna. it is, from its capability of
all shades of apreesion, anti wonderful creremde
and diminuendo. mast effective as a sob instrument.
It is capable of °reit, esttel Mete; and rapid music. vs
arpeggiu4, act From Its sustained tones,it has
a deeidod aiisantsg . over the Piano-forte, for the render
ing of pinny of the {choicest murceaux Of l thit masters,
suchAs syntplionie4; quartettes, etc."
• .it.A-ibIeCLIMB, Cliarnberehnrg. Pa.
.General Agoilt for Pennsylvania.
N. B. The nnderained will !fell and deliver, in good
condition,. thtblnat Organ 4 ' anywhere in this State, at
factory _pikes. AR Inquirien by letter promptly an
-nwered. (Junel7. ' 41 4-tt] R. A.idc.
, 11013S141*.tiD SION PAINTIIit,
In the , Old • A ;nui4 Building, (up stairs,)
next door toJ- 4 ,01d Jail," Peiffer 3
CarriagelManufactorri, opposite
• _ Hotel, ' and
. .
Charaber.4burg, Pa.
I resp'eettally take this teemed of thanking the eft!.
- a ins p 1 Chinitibrishprir_and, vicinity for the very liberal
patronage I hato rkceived 4 their hands for the past
.3'etir, (my first yeti iti thk Otto.) and flattering myself
/ that I have ihine.thei and. ant still props cv to de, the
very best wink Inlay line. I nolicit a. cunt innaneo of past
favor. - ' r : U. T. FELLOWS.
P. S. I respectfully refer ta any.of my patnnis—James
Rymer, Writ. 51cheinthan. McClure. Rev. Mr.
IN keel le, Presbyteestu•.liurcli, 11 rds. Fisher,
or_td: Kieffer .t Co.l German gef 'AI Messenger. J. Allison
Fyster, Win. I% Ryider. and any others for Nth , . n 1 have
duno,work—for eharacter.of work done, and es.pedition.
June 17, j I D. T. P.
R E.ll. Tj ER.—The
- subscriber litho only authorized Agent for the sale
01 Wheeler b. Melloca's Premium Tvrcshonto Thresher,
hnd Cleaner, with Railroad Power, far Franklin and
:Adams Counties.; Refs nett ready' to receive orders for
the same,, t
; This.Meath° is h Two-horse Power; and Will Thresh'
and Clean any kind of Grain. Itls'the PIIEMIU3I MA
CHINE, having taken the Premttnn at- the United
Statee, and all tho State and County Pairs, wherever ex
hibited. They are * , made of the best' material, and war ,
anted -by one ofi the largest- and moat - responsible
establishments in the United States. It Is warranted to
thresh andelesifrkan 159 to ,200 , 4
double that quantity °Wats 4., _lt - requires but
tWo horses, and nodrlver," Tlvz owor end 3lnchine COD
both be worked inlan ordinal;' Floor. Tho Agent
himself used one aftheso.lSni shines taistseat r on - for tour
months constuntlY. end can ,;•.. ,testify - to the truthfulness
of the nbove statooffacts, im ,as-threshed - es mochas
102 Bushels of Wheat; in l 4.14; hours. lie worked the
same two horses censtantlf y fa:this Machine, and at the
and of the thae, therst,d, ere in aagric4 condition as .14
drat. Me, therefore, is plttropered to Witte the idea, that
they era herd on horltrp ,, . } le paid P 60.00 for'onithorao
used, and $40.00 far ft," io ether, and they ritther_improved ,
than depreciated i o .Avalue.
Persons wishtm tointy trill please mat* application'
sxm as it w i ll t. ko some time to got them from Albany,.
N. Y. p r fr o 4th Railroad prewar at Albany, 15285,1;41h
freight folded.lever power, fou± - horso , with sameilla-.
c hi ne . :rei,glit added. The agent will order hone.
but those ea' ad: ' - ItolliffiT BEIACH,Agent,
J une 17. '8.3;,...*0. , Fayetteville, Franklin C.
110FIC YD BILLS, from the larg: tto
4 me sentat. in plain as fancy colors, pti dat
at ' to of th FRA.NhLIN REPOSITOtit.
s lietti3botrtistlintio.
_LL Rakes, Scythes; Cracile3,Sraths, tc
(ITT'S AND TAIN-TB-:—Beit Buck
‘.." fiend, White Load, Linseed Oil. as I alt - hinds of
colunt, at the lowest oath prim+. myna a BRAND. ,
Nj Have become the- Proprietors of the UNITED
STATEn fIOTEL,, near the Railroad Depot at ITARDJB
- Pa - This popular and commodious Lra
been nowlyrefitted and furnished througneut its _Jar
lors'and chambers; and is now ready for the reception
of guests.'
The tavelli ngpublin Will findtho Milted States field
the Most convenient, in all perticularsof any . Hotel in
the StatecCapitel, on account of its access to-the' rail
road. being imesediatoly between the two great depots
to this city. • jilinntsmani, June 17,'63-4f.,
Waynesboro' Rec . ord, Iloredsburg journal; and
Greencastle R2ot , copy ;m., and charge Repository.
R., ALISBURY BROS': & CO.; '- ' • .
. N0..37 poRp . ANCS, STREET, and
- • ,
.-- , '... ~, 1•; I'DOVIELENCE, Pa r l4 ' .
Proprietors Grime of the most extensive J E WE LIVY
. -
Eastern States.,
„ .
Beg to ea She attention of the community genererEy!O
. ~
i the very .. • .. , .
. , _ • .
At which thcy, are offering their ' Eiv?ds!
. .
Both Foreign and Domestic IdamaDietnree in. point .01'
,-,,' FJegatice and Ewa Durability! ' '
For FnPrzrzt Dotuna, we forward, nicely carded tind
packed in good order. the - folloWink enormous quantity
of Jewelry,
„equal in finish to any Plated' Gold. and not
to be recognized from Gold only by the trying of acids: .
4 Sot -"Enamel Vest Chains; 2 Plain Flarentino Pins; 4
Ear Rings to match ; 2 Twist 'Wire Pins; 4 Ear
• Rings to match 2 Plain Pins; 4 Ear R login to
match; 25 Ladies'•Ringa t lionble Heart and -
• • a variety of patterns; SO Croton Em— •
• blame; 50 - Scarf Pins, , Plain and -,,
Imitation Coral ;• 2 1 Double. •
Lockets. engine.
tura ed ; 6Box . .
-., and - I - • • • • -
()Ass, Plr.•••i for portrait or hair; 72. Assorted Docket,:.
• Haut and Shell Charms, and 6 Rand Brace.
, for Fifteen Dollars. , • • . •
- collection of this kind. When
. .
14aced in the hands of.any . •
I one of ordinary in. • '
Ought yo,retall for at lease One Hundred Dollars! -
Catalogues, containing , frill Information'and Prices of
Goods, tan be obtained upon application.
triL. Orders by lfall,Velegraph, or Ripritiel re-sired
SALISBURY nuos. & co..
37 Dorraneeti. 67 IVeybosset Ste:,
Jane 17,'636m. - Psovromr, R. I.
' Philadelphia, Noy. 1,113c42..
The undersigned, having been appointed SUBSCRIP
TION AGENT by the Secretary of the 'Treasury, is now e
,prepared to furnish, at once, the • .
New Tri , enti Year per cent. Bonds.
of the - United btates, designated as ". Five• Twenties
redeemable ut the pleasure of the Government, after five
years, and authorized. by Act of Congress, approved
February 25,.186°. -
The COUPON BONDS are issued In sums of $5O, SlOO,
pee, SLOOO. - -
The REGISTER BONDS'-in sums of $5O, $lOO,, $5OO,
St 0.10, WOO.
Interest at six per- cent, per annum will commence
tram &tool purchase, and is .
Somi.annuallyi which is equal, at the present' Korinkun
on gold. to aboutlkonr raa CENT. PI M ANNUM.
Farmers, Merchants, 7ilechanics, Capitalists. and ail
who have any money, to invest, ehonld know and rennin
her that these Bonds are, in effect, a FIRST MORTGAGE
upon all Inxilnsuls,-C- , uforv, Bank- Stocks and Securities,
and the' Immense products of all the Manufactures,
&c., in the conutry: and that the tall and maple provi
sions made for,the payment, of the interest and liquida
tion of principal, by Custom Duties, Excise Stamps and
internal Revenue, serves to make these Bonds the
Subscriptions received at PAlt in Legal Tender Notes,
or notes and checks of banks at par in Philadelphia.
Subscribers by inall will receive prompt attention, and
every facility and explanation will be afforded on-applin
cation at this ace.
A full supply of Bonds will be kept on hands for imme
diate delivery. • JAY COOKE,
Juno 17.3 t. - - Subscription Agent:
„ .
The undersigned, having resigned hit position as, Pay
master in the U. &Army, had opened at Nb 2019011TH
PENSIONS, and for thectillection of Orriens', Sotnums',
and all other Q.k..rua against tho Govattunent.
Ity long experience as Paymaster, has given me unu
sual facilities for becoming thoroughly acquainted with
this business th all its details. -On Vbe receipt. by mail,
of a statement of the -ease of claimants, 1 will forward
the necessary papers fur their signature. Personal at
tention will be given to the cases at Washingtim..
No charge unless successful, when $5 will be charged
for collectiy MlMS tinder $BO, and $lO on all sums over
that tununbt and tinder $2OO. Large: claims taken on
special arrangement. Fees in Pension Cases As died by,
law. - „ .
• CLAIMANTS. , . ,_ ,
All Soldiers of the present, War, who haveaerved two .1
• years: and Soldiers- discharged for • wounds received in. ',
hattli., without reference totinae.of service, are entitled
besides their regular pay, to Slue-Bounty. - - , ,
In case Soldiers or Seamen are discharged for disability
or wounds received while in the service, they are entitled
'to a pension according to the disability.
In case of the death of-the Soldier before tifschar,ge,
fluting') disease contracted, or wounds received while in
For rice, widow is entitled to receive the $lOO Bounty,
besides arreareges of pay and pension dutingher lifetime
or widowhood. . . ~ . .
if the Soldier die'efter diecharge.from diseaseion.
traded or 'wounds received while in service, his Se vi is
entitled to a pension of SUB per annum. . •
if no widow or minor children, the mother al the Sol.,
dicr or Seaman will receive the• Pension, if,' pendant on
hint wholly or in part for support. ,
If deceased Soldier or Searaluo leaves no widow, his
children are entitled to the same bone is mt the widow,
except when the children may hoover ~ ,the ago 0f1.6 years:
If nu widow or minor children, ttio bounty and pay
will descend to the heirs as follows:4 ' _
First to the Father, second to the! Mother, third .to the
4 1
' Brothers and SLters, and then to • he next of kin.
Tiltwharged Soldiers, el thing account was tin
settled at ho timetildlicharget4 can recover any balance
duo them. If the Company &alike are not destroyed:l 'Pir
draw this balance, write to yr our Captain fur a descrip
tsaajist. showing Clothing an drountond forward it to me
• I.,wirtftour preliusintwyeater i nent, giving also the date of
your discharge - .
SeldienS, who served wi thr the nine months' Volunteers;
tau recover 527 bounty and 4pre.mium,withenitreg.ard to
time of service, if they ha • not already received It.
' Soldiers who wore pris , ,onersin the Soutlhand Soldiers
who woreahsent on. sictic furlough, are entitled to can.
- - ,
mutationef rations.: i . 7-' • • ••,
,• In comMurticatlna,V;;;lth this olliceotate the. mttura of
your claim folly, twO,f2 give the Company and Peg' mint to
which yon scr,tlse,... di:Adler for whom you tidal belonged,„
U wellise yontflitrasent Post Dap ndur.nstr. • -!; •
_: -
~.0.4,- ,,, ...„, : • ,- • . . .. -
- " A- RE,PBItI.I4'CBti
. - .
e'dcellency Alsnazw CL Guava, Governor of Penn=
sylvents.: •, - • ~ - • , ~- •
HOT. SUION PANSISON, Harrisburg, Pa. . "
Flom JoSzrrt Csarr,•ChiefJustice of the Court of Chiefs;
Washington , _
llca, 14,11. lasoosz,:Claef Clerk of Pay BRllTtoltits .
• Wean' ngl on. . -] - - -;• , •
Hem, EnSTAllittcPurason,•ll. C.. Weakinitan. ..,1 ,
HOzr. Jas. P. Sratturr t lPresident JcidgeOletticti Court,
, Pittslnarsth.
Plea. A. 11. McCtona,Chambersburg, Pa. • -
110.a.Thowsti A.Seovii Vice President Pinata Rau Read.
Hon. WUJIASS IL Tnesiss, Volloeur of tha Port, Ph1:4 1 4 41
HOT. C. A.Vistaoan;Post Heater,. Phllidelphle. ;
tettikiateo l llinkers,Phillulelpltla. , . . - • -,f -
JetraThmtP, Piesident of Union Bank, PltileAelpkiec
IhrtUrt It FAUSTISOISIni, Attornies, - ,' - - (S.
/40 4 4 WiatrtlCßOMMegCbUd24. - -., ,',! I ",-. ,
LUDWIG, raw= is Co. blertheut4,, - “
Patroness, "%von k Ca. I• ', -,. , . • 4
DAVID FAUST a CO., Merchante,,
Batsman - 5,31.1mm Jct. * 00.. Mira twits, '._ " " -
Cnatusta. litotiove .7; Co q , Ilerekante,„ „ ; 4,1 -
- .
hatros*Nyn:rra k co., kterektints, , u
.. .
' JOHN „.If. P173,136r,''
/7 Jane 17, ', • R 0.4 &rale Pentrth &reef.
• . . • ,
Abitrlistaituts: •
I\l'OT 'ALC . 010LIC. -' •
DR. Rdeir a tA:NirS GEBii4N BITTERS,
Da. C. M. Jackson; Philailelphili4Ta„,
Will effectually cure . ,
Diseases orthe- Itidndys. - mid all &dui; arising
from rdisordernd Liver or Stomach., • • ,
Such as-Conftation, Inward Piles ,- Fullness, or
Blood to the Bead, Acidity of the Sten:mob, 'Nau
sea; Heartburn, Disgust for' "Food. Fullnesspr,
Wcaght the Steuart!, Sons. Eructations, Sinkiffg
or Fluttering at the Pit of tho Stomach. Swimming
of the head, 'Hurried and Ditlicult Breathing ) Plot.
tering at She Iloart t Choking or Sulfocatintbonsa-
Bons when - itra lying Posture: - Dimness of Vision;
Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain
in the Bead, Deficiency of PerspirationAellowne,a
- ofthe'Bkin and Ilya.--Pain in the Side. Hack, Ch&-t,
Limbs,. Az., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in th
Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and - great De
pression of SPirits. - - • •
And will- ruiSitiyely prevent .Yellato Feberi
Aver, &c. They contain no ALCOHOL:DB BAD
WHISKEY They wilt cure the above diseases in
- ninety-nine caeca ontof a hundred: -
Induced by the extensive sale anclunivemal pop
ularify el Roofland's Getman Bitters (purely yogi--
table), hosts of ignorant Quacks and nuscrupulacts
adventurers have opentcl upon suffering humanity
the flood.gattseef Nostrums, in the shape of poor
whiskey,vilely compounded with injurious drugr,
and christened-Tomes Stamachies and
Beware of Abe. innumerable array of Alcoholic
Preparations, in 'plethoric bottles and big bellied
leas, under the modest apPellation of Bitters,which
instead of curing, only aggravatadisense, and leave
the disappointed sufferer in despair.
Are not a new.and untried article. but have stead
the test of lifteen years' trial by the American pub
lic fand their reputation and said are not rivalled
by any similar preparation. •
The proprietors have 'thousands Of Lettem - from
the most eminent CLERGYMEN..LAWYERS.
PHYSICIANS AND CITIZENS. testifying of their
own personal knowledge to the beneficial effects and
medical, virtues of.these Bitters.. _
Do you want etanelisP Strqngthest you 7.
Do you scant a goo appetite?
Do you want to build up your Constitution
Do you want to feel-welt t - • - • •
Doyou want to get rid of Nervousness
you want Energy,
Do you want to sleep well?
Do you want a bri e and viportruifeeiingt
. • If you do, use
from Rev. J. 1 117eWon Brawl, D. D.,
et .E.XOf the
Rnivelofredia of,Religioult Kigawle
Alttifiklyaot disposed to favorer m rid Pa
tent MeB ernes ingeneral, through distrust of their
ingredients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient
reasons why a man may not the bentifita he
believes himself to have received 'front any simple 1
preparation, in the hope, that he may !Ana conttib- 4
ute to the benefit of others.
I do this the more readily in regard to lloefland's
'German Bitters. prepared by Dr. C. hi: Jackson, of
this city, because I was prejudiced against , them for i
many , 'years, under the impression that they were
chiefly an tileohdlio mixture. "I nm indebted to mY
friend, Bobert Shoemaker, Bag., for the removal of
this prejudice by proper tests, and' for encourage
ment to try.them: when suffering from goat and
long continued debility. The use of three bottkes of
these Bitter a, at the begitinin 'Tot' the present tear„ ,
was followedlry evident relies end restoration to
degree of, hodily and mental vigor which I had not
rfellforsix months before. and had almost despaired
~of regaining. I therefore, thank God and my friend
, for directing me to the use of them. • - •
• Philadelphia, Jane 23, 1861. •
There are many preparations sold tinder the name
of Bittera,put up in' quart bottles, compounded of the
cheapest whiskey or , common
,rutn, costing .toni 20 to 4
40 cents per yagon,the taste disguised by .47/Wre or Cluf:
riander ed. • .
,This crass of Bitters has caused and win continuo
to cause, as 'hong ai they can ecsohl, hundreds to die L .
the death of the drunkard.; PP their use the I:Weft
'is kept Continua/tit 'under the influence of Alcoholic.
Stimulants of the worst kind, the desire for Liquor *4
created and kept up, and the result is at/ the horrors.
attetaltaa upon a drunluird'eMettntlxleath: '
For those teho desire and MULL HA YE a Liquor
iiittersoce publish the .following. ri.ecipt. Get UNE
-and mix with THREE:QC:II 2 AS OFGOOD BRAN- g
HY OR WHISKEY, and the r. , e/t Will be a prepay l
ration that wig tar excel in in iVinal virtues and
trim excellence any o f the numero Liquor Bitters in
the market. - and will cost much-leas. You Wig have .
.all the virtues of HOOPLAND'S BITTERS in con
nection with a pond article of Ltotior, 'di a much lent 3
price than these toferiof preparations will cost you.
- We call the . attention of all' h%Eing,relations oi 1
friends - in the, army to the feet ouat • • Boodand'e
'German Bitters"willcuronine-tenths of the disea
ses induced by exposures and privations incident to i
camp lite. Inthe lids published almostdaily in the '
newspapers, on the arrival of the sick, it will be i
forind that a very tattle proportion are suffering I
from debility.: Every case.of that kind eawbe rea- i
dily cured by Hoodand's German-Bitters„ i Disetisee i "
resulting from dist*rderii of the digestive organs are q
speedily removed.' We have no hesitation' in sta
that, if these Bitters were freely used - among
our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved- that,
will otherwise be lost.
_, • 1
' ' We „call, partienlar attention to • the fell - Owing re 4
markable and,vrell authenticated cure of one of the' ---
nation's hero's, whose life to use_ his own langnage; -
-f has been saved lathe Bitters: ','.
YEILADELPHIA, August 21,41162. 4
Messrs. Jones & Eroans.—Well, gentlemen ; our
Hoofland l a Germanßitters has saved my life.. Therm
is no mistakein this. • It is vouched for by•numbersj
of my comrades. some of whose naitiescre append-4
ed, and who were fully cognisant of all cireirm-; , , -
stances of niYease.. , .l am,andilave been for theta:Ai
four yeam,p member of bberman's celebrated Bat
tory, and under the immediateterdmand of COL& i
R. B. Ayres. Through' the exposure attendant npi
on my arduous duties. I was attacked in Novemtpir,
last with intboomatimi of the longs, endives , fo'r- 74 - •
days in the hospital. This, was followed by great_
debility; heightened - by an' attack of dysentery. - .IZ .
was then reraoveddrom the White House, and sent 4
to this city on boardthe steamer " State of btainti.T
from which I landed on the Vitit of June. , Sias*
'that time I have been about as low as any one tould,_,
be trail_still retain a spark of vitality, . iror aweelt - -
r`lnore I was M ,
scarcely able to . 8.4.10 W. t
hbagt: -
hid if I did force a morsadown. Hero immediat — a 4., '
ly thrown nett/tan. •
. I could not even keep a glassed water a t py,ft,.., i .
-numb. Life could not last under these eirriums ,
cm, and. accordingly. the physicians. who had. btpi
working faithfully, though unsuccessfully . to.reso
mo from the grasp of the dread Arthek. ankly to
.me they - could do no mute for me. and advised ate
to sec a clergyman, and tO make snola.dispositioa f‘
my limited funds as best suited me. An acto
once whci t visited me at the hospital, Mr: Frederi .1
Steinbron, of Sixth below Arch. Street„advised m i -:
as a forlorn hope, to try your' Bitters, : and kin
rocured &bottle. ;From the time-I commenced t*. .:
kinathem the gloomy shadow otdeath rmeded. ard„
- I
am now, thank God fotit.gettanl batter. Them "•.'
I have taken hut two hada% 1 hay.eleined - tda 1
pounds, and I feel sanguine" of being pormi
remain my wife. and; daughter. from whone,l ttl at --s
-heard nothing for eighteen months i, for, gentlemen
I am a loyal Virginian.. from the VacinitY of. Frotit '
Royal. -Toyour invaluable Bitters I eye the air- 1
. tainty of life which has taken the Place of 'rube -
fears—to. your Bitters Will 3' owe the privilege 'rube-
again clasping to. my bosom those who are dearest -
to mein - life. -.•- Y _
Very rely:yours, .
We fully concur in the truth of the above - eta -
Meet, as we had des trod of seeing- nor - COW 0.
Mr. Malone, restored to health.- ' ,
JOHN CUDDLREACE,-Ist New. York Batter*. -
• _ GEO. A.AOILLEY,_co: C. llthAfahiti. ,• ,
' ' IeE.BIiENCEB.;&t Art., Batt.' Fl '; •
'' 13
' J.. FASEWEL - Co. II 3elTorrajnit. _ ,
_• HENRY B...YEROM_K ea. B' % '' '' ' 4
'.• ItENEY,T.McDONALD,Ecif„ 6lh Wiwi. 1
••• : JOHN F: WARD' Co. B.lith Maine. - • ,
--HERMN KOCIAiCe.'i VA .Y. . .
. - NAT: B. THOMAar. Co. . 95th Fa. ,_
--- - A: J: KIMBALL. e t o. A. Vermont. ..
--- JOHN' JENKINS, C 0,73, lilOth 4. • -
11 ' , E*.A.:RE .0-,CoUNitiIF.EITIO'.:
1 - 8 , 303 that the ettaideirepf-".C. tit JACKSOgiI _-1-1
vi i. ~-_', iv on the IVEAPP w r or k,trelf
~j al l,l o 7= i,•,,.•, 7 ! , : . ?!,4i
PRICK PRII --.••••
Should OR KALFEOZ:YOR SCOW ,„..---;
'Ma your:n ea rest drutglating harems^ lek,'; . '
do trot
that be at p in u tty o fe hl eif a egdin th ita e re. Irat ti V e d.LoO7::
*ThinnWill laniard. "CUM ed 6 VI '.-
PRINC./FAL OFFICE .442 %N. PA. :Kill
~.. . _
• ' -• ' , - N0431 Aattltenllitr.' - ' '''- l!'''.. ~ -^;.,'
, -
(Successaystodlit.4o•4lo, r P 4 . 064,-',,7';:
, • ‘. IZOPiii .._ leg;
~ ' FOR SALE y Enmesh* aletvin . •
tom in the Urdt h ed States . sand De ,
Rune 174.