The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, July 08, 1863, Image 3

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    ti.4141,1/11.14110 . - oi:Otig,
A WORLD TO ramatErtS.
... .
. It -is O, gray' efault
:Of our Farmerss
in Franklin' county thata they do nOt.:
. _ . .
i . :-
' nterchangv:viel'Y more through-. the
- ineciittna of the.lPealpiess, on Matters
,to , Agrieultnt;•: alprpgreSs,
hawhithertd been very -j rare to find
a CO/ mufti ition in any of-:Our pa
from , . (Ilea - - farmers; : ion the
practical re.,,, 1 is ote.xpertme,ntS. in
- t,lie different - branches! Of, farming,,L'
Indeed *e do not -no - A-rerneniber of
an.x„.-SuCh articles within several years,
and. it is not creditahle4o oui farmers
that stich is the:faCt; -We: have in',
Fra,nitlin , Onnty, - 9.5, thrifty;Ag:'iiiiei r
ligent and
. o.ssnceessful faimers as. a i
class, as - - t an. be feund',ir.). - anY'part - of
Fonnsylvanial — bpt;.theY are far front'
lzkeping - paee with the age :of 'prog
:i.e.sS. as utatifested. In ahnost,,ever„; -
other branch of - AndustrY . around
-then'. True.'. , they . .keep: UP. with tile
intproveMents in Agricultural '.imple:.'
ineuts ;- but-that- is nneeeiCsity,residt . 4
ing from the growing s'eareity' of
haw: And ive-doubt not that they
-- toad as inuch on the tilaject.'of
ing as, the average - 'of farmers iriiitiler
portion of •the ,S,tate';,And,Ulake-eN
pritnents based:::- upon - suggestions
thus obtained ; ithi;,Ut, -- fvee
interchange of-views 4lfcl7zesiilts;, all
efforts at progress nnigt . lie nee'esSitrily,
etriitimseribed and in many, instances
utterly abortive. ; • •-•
Ttiere are
• Inan -farierS ,who will
roil:lily, contribute to Me!
„OluinhS of their locallwers 'to 'ad.,:
s'ance the claims of -so,Waint itious
\ Candidate, and will 'spend -days - and
itifylits., in promOting.political Move
inkts. +. All this is - very' well=;;Lindeed .
e4infnefidahle in its place but to the
great rsuit of their. lives---to” the.
erowniiviXtildustrial interest of our .
rich and grewing ,Coanty,. they - will
gh-e , ,"their rriechanieall,
out any systemAie. effort at subStatt.-
tial progress. an' 617'0r of fl o'
_,common -magnitude,, and should
promptly remedied. Every farmer :
Who makes a step of adv'upelnetit'in
Agriculture should comniunica.te with
others through theipress;).ind receive
in:.return :the results -of similar , ex-,
perinients - :made bY his. neighbors.-- .
fly siich an interchange of vies
ctiktulable advant 0
aaes , ' must result , to
, ,
our entire ftirming . community.
course, there are'boek-headssand big
ots in every. channel of industrY who
won't learn—whd ',discard :progress,
and affect a .couteinpt for everything
designed to increase the products of
oar lands by any proc.',Css . unknown
tr?' their fathers _ Such Men :are
fast fading caWayi.' before the lights
_which are floOdiUg as from the emi- t , '
nen+, intellicts and sound - practi
ce -minds devOtO to the elticdaticin"
cif cause and efrOt in the growth ; ol*
There is no, excuse for farmers he-:
lug ignorant of the general principles
which-, govern hi 'the procluction . iof
different--crops, from different - Soil's. -
It needs no collegiate educatiOn-Hno
vast number of iv,olumes.and patient
research to -master the caliseS
-.- ,prodne.z. the results passing under our
observation daily:- It does. however.
, require. the
,exerefse Of a, ratinrial
-..riiind,lond the gathering ofthe inul
. titude 'of ideas '3.oating through'
newspapers and" 'other; sources ; and,
the practical test Ofsieh ideasr "This
is - within the range of our farmers as'
a_class; and they haVe.bnt_to employ
their intelligence with half the
ity to
,their purstilt that they employ
• their handa,.and . ,they' Still yearly be=
eomoMore and - more masters .of their
calling. -To this' end .we entreat our
fanners of Franlilin County, to con=
tribute their views and experiments
to the:columns - Of the Rtrosrroßk.
'They will be ever welconie, and .heni
- in our power to aid --- theinin 'the in-.
castigation of any subject, it wilt be .
-4,oen. It-doe s riot requ
Ma ire.*
a-inaster.: :Of gramiaar
thoroughly versed—in '..:Webster. - to ,
praetical !article', r 4 - 43Ns't
paper.." What is needed ig . therestilfs
. *of effortA - Made by fanners - to' hasten
the reclamation of land;.,to: increase
the .preducts ofcrops; toimprOve, the
breed of stock;, to diminish the cost
of tilling the soil with a fair measure
of success, ThoSe
but a: alight taxi upon our , intelligent
• • Airmen% while the results:to:the farra
:‘.f. ing coYnmunity atial•ge will be inval-
Our ptzblishin.- houses- abound with
booki . Orteewry subject pertaining to
Agrultitre, and th7„9a,nlapt be read
,too` tt - InuStr.• renieta
bered that ier 'an :the theeri4's „of
educated minfare studied, the Pirzie•.•
tical xperieod, mtelligent„atul ob.l
;serving far -w:anted to'giveNubi
Stantialsueceile, farininW IniBfro
years past t.4Editor of . thiS p pe
h as g i vet i Oral, share of :time
to the standard authoiiities
lon the differ& ilranches of .ligilent
respects indismaible; but :we ave
often l earn ed41:10;11-an-hour's italk
with an expoaced farmer whq we'
had sought main :to learn fro4 - the..
Oretieat writq; and: so At is, ith
hundreds - 'of (hero rho ,most•
the, a,ceidents time acquire,
portant practi4 information . 4.iehj
like most'ptheJhing,
Whea l , ice understood. We
hope' to gyre, columns it ides
from Some of he_ writers on
Agriculture'inhe State; but - we es
. eciallydesne Ot on • Fran4bn coUn
i ty farrnm•sgmandly shall contriblite
'their views anitaeries briefly on any .
and 'every of.the subject, and
thus slimily , e,41 others'wants, by
PifitPal coun.el'ind mutual improve
ment. •
• •
In to-day'siaar be found-the
„ ,
advertisemeni t Robert:- Black
irresexatingtoli improved
tread hor - se - -p 4 Vr and, threshing ma ,
chine ; and'WeNestb,: urge our -far
mers tb .fulli4isfY_'4 t ernseive
observation - , , alci experiMent before
they discard powerstfor the Old
hork-poWer, are aware ; that . a ;str4tipiejadiee`. - ainongst
1 oar Tamers: , alanst the buse . of the
treakpOWer,'EanOsnewSpaper arti-
cle-wil.lhe - lik4-lo dissipate it; but
we feel quite skethat a - fair-trial and
_an unprejudieeijidgMe t result
in every' instaqin substituting the
tread for the leer power,.•
It,is a commia,:mpressiOn thatthe
treatd,POWer is iyr Severe on horses,
but ifis as errorits asit is common;
Trhe, shbrie n*ed to - the
be- tt'id and fret and' ex
hand lairaselfSola:vhile at sfirtt; bat
whertonce brok4 O it, rt..eare and
kindness will:don 1 very short time;
it is no Mora
,sqe? On horses than.
the lever-power- - ; Ideed-we are fully,
satisfied from civil observation and
a thorough praeic4rial of both,that
a good tread-po*vill-- gl7e-dotzlik
the power Niith irtsa,me number of
horses, and witt- pre. ease to per
feetly broken larK than ,a ',lever-
power., This enideration alone
shotild mike the- trid-poweethe fa=
vorite of farmers; bathere are many
other advantages by* : - 1116a - rki Unim
portant. The ordir,* deVer-power
cannot be put in a lien, and it must
stand expOsed to all Inds of weather,
and thus preventitSse on wet and
stOrmfditys, or a shl must he built
fur it: It is bulkyaneannot be con
veniently put away 'ider S.helter,„ or
'can bh moved only Wh great- troub - - .
le.:,FAn the other ind the -tread
ltiTt*. for two horses-whieh is fully
equal , to any four-hcre lever-power
—is 'but ten feetlon by four feet
wide, and can stand any ordinary
barn floor all the tinaiwithOut
fel' with ,the otdi t-v , Work done
l in the ban. It is - .lthys ready, al
wayS dry., .and'eaa- Need' with two
horses and four handifOr threlhing
on wet - day when Outook :work can
not-be done on, the fa-1., It also
very; - ' convenient far tachink' corn
shelter;-fOdder-entter,,hoppi ng -mill,
circular , saw, n'ave' tried a
tread-power thorough, and Would
not for-,an ,ever-power
ever invented. It start in thebarn,:
floor all the time.; arid v -A l one horse
on it; we cut all theff64, Saw: Wood,
ch - oP all the grain we id, and with
two horses can - thresh r ain jot ds
". we 'Wish,' Or may be ab to usi the
straw, and shell Corn
,itthe rate of
fkftj , bushels per - hour.:,
Simple as are th es e p eyinust
be under4llALl;ss
care is, taken theChaLti
chinery Wilt gum andihmdalo th6m
run •hard, as will any l i a chineyy
y not properly greased. lig cheap
est in, the end-to. use sWe i `o follu
bricating them, It, takda ra t
' little
and it riot gum at klf any
have- malainer,y that has allow
edto gum, by, neglect, spiisnf tur
pentine will take it off:
Mr. blank' , gentleme )I:bigh
character, and we '',CotwriO t i: his ef
fOrts the 'favor of. 'our tliers.--
We havn - never 'seen . his kocular
power, bitf tilits spoil& fhp
adl i antages.of -the
-1 A
` -1 '' .7s • t y
-A , & r
,eti t Li 3 -ran - tflositonYi -4,4vtunt-ersturg-
er, lid keel 'well isstird
good r aa .eithaerTivannot imt, make a
frierid of every:" fie 'lives
fair trial •• •,
Naiil 43 oooß7eTTEn.
.• In the. report ii the-Committee,
Butter-of the Fisa_ktlirt - Co- on
.4tig. SOciety,'the s llowingdirectioris9 , glyen 'for' maftng good Blitfer:::
--' ;To - Make thal eftbnfter; reqtiireS
many'Pre-re-4.4i5188; 'hut for ,all'prac=
tichiparp,,,vo main.poirtts7cover
'the :whole; g;roul. , ,d,:'Viz..-- - ,Liqt.'-'Neat-'
liess ;• 2d,. , skin If any dairy,Weiriati
expects to' Mak' mice ; knitter, *without
.the ' in o st '..s;cruyii_Yo ,netztiierse, ~slie; . will
find herself gratly, Aisappointedi—,
From the monout when the -rich and,
Ihmeion s -fluid , i; first draWri fro - firth&
co w ' is,, : midei, f,f; the time- when the
butter, is. read'. for .the table
-of - the.
connoisseur, tie least dirt, - the - lease
must--or 'unplesant flaverin the, at
mosphere of tie room,, the least
speck brforeip matter efany'kind,
must beahiolitely and.perfectly kept_
fro m it,, duriat all its stages , 'of :Man
rifaCture. -,,,lrd'aet, neatriessis the sine
- quithon: of thebuttermaker'S art; A's;
well may
,We suppose that; any;9f ,the:
laws thatregilate, the , physieal World ,
will be revelled,- as to suppose that
good butter tam be made -without the
most' scruputitt
,zzeatnes4 in ev'er'y pai•-•
'acuity:,' - - S
The:seczinOndispen . sable qualiftea=:
tion of the perfect butter-maker,' is
sitILL-a- word -- : bf ' quite •
significationha applied to thiS sub-,
ject., To acquire that skill requires : a
clear and diserirainating judgment, a
well educated', 6 . ).d experienced mind,
and a minute and accurate observance
of , the physical 'laws - Which regulate-,
the -various COnditions of' .the ti milk '
arid the cream: While undergoing -the
transtormationinto britter... . To be"a
successful butter-maker,-therefbre re
quires no inconsiderable degree of ed
ucation, intellect and ingenuity: . Let
us,' then, analyze, this' skill of
manufacture, - and . see what. are its
_Most important elements: ' -
To begin then, we
_twist have good
milk, andto_have good milk, we must
have go - od cows, '', and to - have good
cows, requires a/selection of the best
breeds, and of the - best milkers. from
the -. "best breeds; far 'that purpose.
But that carries ifs into another 'de
partment' of agriculture,. which we
h ave no time here to diScuss.
, Assuming, then, - that we have, good
. 41 ilk, the next thing is to place it,in
shallow pans, {tin is:a suallypreferred,)
and in a degree of .temperature , eith‘'
er ; worth nor very cold.. Abdtut 62
degrees of Fahrenheit; is-supposed to
be the state of the'air in which cream
will rise most perfectly' And here
let us reniark, that,, every housewife
n - aims to make the beit of butter,-
should have a thermometer constant
ly at hand, and should be a : frequent
Observer of its condition. ' --,- - ,'___ -2
If tnilk- is' kept, in a teMperature
much below 62 dcgree.S:, the cream
will not rise so rapidly-and-so-per
fectly. If kept much above 62 de
igree‘A; the 'Milk wilt' become acidulated
too quickly and the quality' of the
cream thus injured; Equalization of
teniperature and a free circulation of
pUre ale are among - important cle
nients of ' the butter-maker's
The time requisite for cream., to rise
naturally and perfectly, varies with
the temperature; from 24 - to 40 hours.
As soon as the cream has all risen to
the surface, it should be separated
from the milk, and with much care;
for the less milk that is taken up with
the creani, the better will be` the but
, Churning is the. 'n'ext operation,
and it is one - that determines 'in no
small degree the luality of the bUt
ter. If' cream is put into..the chUrn
in a state' much colder , - ,111411' 62 de
grcess of the thermoinete - r,
it will re
quire much more time- and labor to
convert it into butter, and the butter
will never be of (food quality: Let
the cream thou b - e''bronght to an even
'temperature of 62 degrees, and the'
Often laborious operation of churning,
especially in winter s will become com
paratively easy. If the - cream is
much warmer than 62.. - degrees, 'the
butter will be, too scift, the white, and
in most particulars;quite poor.
As soon, as there is /a perfect Sepa
ration of the particles of 'the cream
which make the bfitter;from the, more
watery; parts Of the -milk, -let the-hut-
ter be ,taken from the, churn, and
then comes the'quite difficult and del
icate operation of working=, over and --
salting it, both of whieh require great,
accuracy and judgment.FOr, if the-
Milk is left: and , mixed in, with the
butter,. One 'thing is. sure--the butter
will never have that compact andsi
smooth appearanW , --Aut r- fis- 7 . oueor
Sure, indications, ef goed ihutter;
Livhati is "more, in t' portaUf,,:butter :left,.
Lin that - condition- will notr - keep long
,without becoming musty or, troy.
tVeiT, one that aims, at nialtinethe
.hestof butter, niuSt
. separate 'entirely
the 'parti,eles theJuilkfrOinthe„ hat
ter,- immediatelk7Tafter 'churning.
Washing the , buttektrith 'told 'Water
is practiced Senae, l but , the, ,Most
skillful - butter-makers_aoinplete, the
separation of the . solid fronfthe fluid
,portions hymanipiilar labor alone.
The form in- which- butter:ia . pre-.
pared.for- the table. or,£ohthC market,
is one , indication
,of.',the skill: of the
makeT.: Butter put up in 'small cakes
dleval:form; and Stampailyithai;de
. Nice ;of fteiverS, ;leaves"diamond
figures, is the most belcutlful, and
seemingly adds to.:tlie - Ohid flavor of
the article; 'lworder - 4 to Jell for the
highest prici, it'Shaidd4ways be put
up, in that:forniiror-in 'oblong pieces
I , of about , a `-pbunq
Such areMiim reqUi
eth e, sites.of the
skillful -inanitfactUre of iood
without.4Vhiph we
,Venture to assert
withgreat Confidence, that the best
ofibutterciiinbt - beiriadc,
Dbefi `any' good -'hbriseWife, ;When
she had read this report, say, "I knew,
4111 that :before 'aie,-AfbeCihen
we ask her? - small degree of
.assurance,, Machin,, do . you. practice
at these ri4s-fcir,_nra:king good but
ter? If yow , 'wily is it that so
large a proportion of the butter that
sent:tO Our - nitirkets:- so ;very' pbor ?
" HENRY '.G r lig)±slAN, Chau-Man:
, .
Science . has, net: yet enabled man
` . .eftlier to ce,:rfiiii - 43 pihdicforio elia - nge
the weatl!eic y ltfiangbr in generali.
the succession- ofitlie seasons,. seed
time and. li t ryeat,4,l-ye guaranteed
the Almiah; - Ruler, vet: 'they are not,
alike proptioifs 'to -all localities: At,
times the North - is blasted with -un
timely, :frosts, Bile- the, Sentli
yid with st(fishitio'f 'the' FritBCm6Y be
parched with.-®drouth while the West;
is rejoicingi' rettesting, showers'.'
But the cultivater-may do something.
Tro7ide bimplf:,agajnst"such
thi,c . renCieS. j_Fir - st; , byi a mixed
bandry.. corn' atinted by - con-:
tinned rain,lthe grass in meadow and..
pasture - will'groW With iinWetitedifix.-
uriance?,' and - what L IS'IOA ixi.the:PlOW
ed field maY be ; fOund - in the cattle: '
y arid -andthe- hay:irio; :._> se, Who*:
pen& ittoori *heat: alone: May grow.
rich if the-Snows' of-Viiii . er'-and 'the:
rains of Simmer-are propitious,'but
It4y;alBp:_lopq: all - N.vhe4 the,seasonS
chalige their aspect, and are unfavor-:
able. Thogsands - have paid a heavy'
price for , experience by :Which
this leesOn; has_been4eariied, and ti - o
longer_ trust to a - single crop. .
Draining is,,a,most-, - efficient regula
tor: by':e-onnterbalarice .in
some measure the effect of wayward
Seasons.'there- be ZOO: great a-rain
fall, the water -speedily finds an out
let from the root>.;: which , it would
otherwise droWn. , If drouth occur,
the porouS - soil is, -enabled: to draw
Moisture from beneath and, also con
dense it from the 'air which can enter
from above Corn on a well drained
field- will pass safely through a soak
or a drouth which would diminish
one-third, the yield from-an undrained
compact, sell. Frequent stirring'
. of
the soil; keeping it, loose and light, is
of paramount importance, especially
in drouth.- The 'rapid% evaporption
which goes on at the surface under
such circumstances, cools the adjacent
air, and_q-. auseti it- to deposit copious
dew, alid.rndisttire from below - will
alsol . be drawn upward_to'supply the
Wilting plants. If in addition to this,
mulching be praetieiible, to prevent
-the too rapid escape •of moisture,
drouth may be resisted, for a length
ened period. This may be done in the
garden and fruit yard, and:to some
extent -in the corn -field, wlieie straw
or refuse hay is plenty.:
- it is less easy to,Jeep grass lands
-in heart- during di:if:4th, 'and other
measures should be resorted to where'
the; stock:of cattle -is large, and 'the
amount of pasture and: meadow only
just sufficient to carry them through
a favorable season. 'A field of corn
'or millet should be sown tho,preSerit,
month, to be. 'Cut and fed 'green, in:
August and September. The:latter
plant resists drouth ,even better` than
corn, and an-acre v,lll yield a supply
for several head of cattle during the
period when droftths are , Most' fre
quently.injuriOus to past Ores. .There
need be no:loss if the' crop. be-not
wanted .to supply Summer deficiency.
A food 'froui the Soilingpateh at' night
will make: itself felt in_ the milk .pail
'in the moaning, and *hat 'cannot he
profitably-used in this manner can be
cured and: usedrto'advantage -in Win 7 . ,
ter. There •is always less difficulty_
in disposing superabunda - nee of
feed,•than: •in-eking Out a short: ; sUpr
ply, and the wise: - husbandman will
endeavor to err on the safe side;"if at
all. • ,
From th'e OoriaantoGzn Telegraph
The clovers are justly - considered,
as aniongAhe /best and inost-valuable
of the-cultivated grasses - . : .- Yet Awing
to an, error in cutting and cnring
theMi a;Vory considerable - - portion of
the :AO nutritive matter they con;
'Cain is lost. I. have now a. inoW: of
red clover Sparsely intermixied .with
which ,are_small-Auantitiee. - 4 White
red-top,e over, and-herds grass,,which
Was. cut. .7wilery the honeysuckle Was
in -full bloom and:Made in ' . #46s=eo6l4'
'According laid down Soine
tirne''since in 'the; cohinini -- ,,e - y ‘ our
per for guring. this • kind: of hay. I
must .say that I.althoughhad - not
'much faith in the - inatter'at'Arst; the
result hail • fully - virnyed Ihe'COrr.eet-.
- ness'nf the, Writcei..--viewS, And:that I
no _longer - doubt 1 the theory upon
whieb,*ffit:ctibe is 'base*
If elo4*-AS cut Wheniri bloem, - ,ntict
prilltoi to
„remain ,undiStUrt.lefl=in
- th,(6W' .4041 theforeriooii 3 Of the see-4.
end day and then, .turned, , :eqosing
the under and - ,iinwilted nide.'te - ' the'
sun for few hOttis,''oid#en pitched.
elareftilly into Of -- siity ,p6undS
- "weight, pured hay, and there alloWed
to_ stand till cured,,' the tiay . 'will be
heaider, brighter, abetter flaicor,And
Voss'essed'of far greater topuiiihnient
than hay of the same kind- made-, - in
the ordinary.- mariner. The, leaves
and fine heads,"w,hich are inevitably
loSt by drying in _the ordinarY way;
in consequence of their brittleness
when dried,'and in this Way' p'reSer*.
ed. ; The flavor.; of the 'hay .T 8 also
vastly superior. One ton of good
cloVermade in this way, is worth, for
feeding, two' tons 'dried' in the, old
way; and deprived by tUrnin.'4Y, - spree.
ding , and filching; of. its- heads- and
leaves The, fermentation ;which 'it
undergoes in the cock is never-suffici. ,
ently vigorous to disSipate any of the
alimentary properties, and'it if:irately
sufficient to 'be perceptible .by lhe
hand: That the. heat is very inode4
rate is sufficiently attested by the fact
that the color, not only of the foliage,
which is 'naturally of a deep and viy,
id green,
,butjthe blight crimson' Of
;the flowers is retained,. - which would
not be the - case -were the ferraenta,
,tion vierous as many would lead
us to believe. - Any, grass, _cured. -in
this - way Will :be ,more nutritive, - of
bettereolor and ' greater weight.: than
the same grass made in the -c4d Way)
WESTERN HOTEL, Weatlfaiket
:1 V 4, Now The Briclo, Chambersbnrg, Pa: - •
Ihe sub - scriber Would - respectfully inform the 'Preset.
tog .coacmunity that he this purchased and takenpossee
Bien of this Hotel. lid hopes to make It one of the most
desirable places for strangers andotberete , stop at that
can IM fonnd in any country, town. , ,
HIS TABLE will at, all times be - spread with the lux ,
nries and substantiate of the season.,_•
HIS CHA3IItEII'S ariflarge, ventilated, and fitted
op In modern style. •
HIS BAR will be well supplied with alirge and elides,
selection of the very best lingoes., -
HIS STAB always be prorided With goi:d'
wholesome provender.,, for stock, and attended byearefel
'ostlers. • ' - - •
~ No pains will be spared to render entire. satisfaction tc
all his guests; and pleding himself to 'endeavor to please
all,le solicits a liberal shoreottliepuhlic petition+.
Jun el 7, '63. - -- ._ JOHN AIILLEIL,
- .
. • . .
TTNIOX HO TE L.-=This This - - Hotel is
-14,...) situated on th& corner of Hide find - QUesM : Streata,
near the-Diamond. in the Borough of Chambersburg,Pit.
The UndefidgriedreemeCtfully announces tathe travel-
ing ptibliothatthis Botel hus been remedied. It has
- been raked. to - THREE STORIES in height. - A fine
threestory Back Building Las been added:to- it, giving
an ithmence amaiunt' of rdom for file accommodation of
the public generally. The rooms faro large and-comfort
able-, nuinbering" in all, thirty-live._ The* are all
furnished with GOOD .NEW StiRNITURE 4 , Perseus
stopping arthiSHofei can have either donble,or aincle
rooms, with or withentfire in them. 'Me Table - is rd
way's supplied Nilth ' thb BESTIN THE MARHET, and
will seat over lie persons; • - " -
The Bar is filled with the CHOICEST LIQUORS. The
Stable Is two.slories, ofthe Most modern style, , and the
best in thelloreugh of Eliambersburg.
,J one 17 i'o3:,. • JOHNBI3HEIV,PrOn-rietor.
lILINTLOTEL , --West side of
ju the Public ! Filature, Chatnbersharg . ,,Pu,- .
The subscriber would respectfnlly'inform the Traiel
ing Community that he has 'leased and taken possession
()tali Couiraixliontellotel." lie hopes !Omaha It'One of
the meat desirable - phices for strangers and others to
stop that can f innd in any country town.
JIIS TABLE will nt all times be spread with the lax
urles tinii - subistantialsof the sesson.l
lIIS CIIA,ILBERS'axt large, well ventilated, and fitted,
up in modern style. -
MS BAN will be well supplied with alarge and ohaice
selection of the yery best-Limners.
HIS STABLE - will -- alWays be provided with good,
whidesort e pnerender.for. spvt, and attended by -cariful
• No pains will he spared to renitetentire satisfaction to
pleat; and pledging lifmielf to endeavor to please
all, be solicit • a liberal abate of the public patronage.
N„ Hor 9.
Having purcbased this well-known Hotel, (long known
as Mille es. antt recitztly asi Weis t Grove's.) the Propri
etor pledges himself that no pains shall be wparsd to
minister to thu wants of his gutete. -s"
The The character heretofore sustained by Met:louse- e as a
comfortable lionle for the Sitiourner,shall nut suffer in
niy bands tin coral:tut effort to plats° and accommadato.
wilt 'sustain it; 'The 'proprietor, therefore. solicits it
continuance of the liberal patronage beret.fore 'extend.
ed thn'" White - Swan." '
In addition tolnra Stabling. bo hne• TWO LOTS and.
a pair of liar arid- &rota SaLEB for the accommodation
oi Drover!, mid Buiehot's.
- Jon6ll. 1863
NDIAN 'QTJ 1T0T.E1 4 , , M ain
street,' charnbefsbiliz/Pa. -.10115Z W. TAYLOR,*
kioprietor. Fine accottmodations and low charges.
AEI - Steck rant..cand Sea/ei , are connected `with ihe
prerpises for the convenience of Drovers.- Also-:-Exten
sive stabling and yarai fur /Drees and Caerlitges: '
June 17, 'tig.
. BOOK,- =Just
Published: '.Bf;vatiier ivr Life, Death 'and raturi
ly, Uy Horace Welby.,One-Vol.:12 ino.,ohlth, handsome
ly printed 'with en emblematic frontisplecA , Price $1.50.
It it difficult te give link itdopiato idea of the Varied
and curious topics of Which -this i, rinently interesting
volumes treats , . It - Is ;a;-vainnrray of the best"
thoughts. imureasiona'auttheilali of- the Most.diatin
gniebed taimas on the Phenontenii,of Lite; Death and Fu
turity; it is ouch as shale thought.
fultliVine might have coMpiled, end in fte thousand and
one iefei motes to the xturks and opinion, el our bestand'
greatest writers ia,not inferior. na. an interesting iitrll%
ry curiosity, to the fantoua"AnabetaY dialeluucitul} ",
Aromthe Boston Tranteripi.
"The rrirk heford tta brlioradet IVelbygi:resi the .
lowing opinions, beliefs and 'superstitions which history,
and literatUtt offal iiintYlmantior , pertalnirig to what
luny: be called „the. mysteries of humanity.., Ma and
titre, the untrire of the soul. dritual lire; mental phe-•
humane, beliefand "skepticism, death, - the resurrection,
Re,., and diacussodand ilfitatleited froni the tighett au
thorities, trope ttadition,abd Scriptute,Egyp,tianlegetuls
all 'Christia n- fads'. Greek tibia.: and Pfigrim'a -Pro
greda. truly religiuna spirit pervadei the / book; it -is
thereauleof patient re search. Mad to the philosopher,
the psycholog!st ; the physioligist—to the curious.-.-the
pions, the bb mane, • appeals with full and frequent
knowledge, suggestion and aspiration." : - •
' ' L GIIEHODY, Publfsher,
Jane 'H. 'B3 ; , No. 4,6 lValkerst i Now York.•,•
T" 'GRE, , 44I:-CA:USE OF
IIAN 511E11Y.--JUst.Ptiblished in a Scaled Dave:
wPel-Price o cts. A Lecture by Dr.-Culver.vell, on the
cause and Curs of Sitenrrettm,bwit.-Contrunption, Men
tal and Physical Debility., Netvoneness i ..Dpileim.. -
pared Nitrit ion'arthe Bodyi - Liiktitude; Weakness Aff
Limbs and the Ilack,• Indisposition,.and - IneaPattcYla
Study . .. Mid Labor; Of 'Apprehension; Loss of
Memory t Averstou,t o SOciety ;-Love,eficolitride; '
tit'Belf-Distrust; Ditncineas tMerC(teelle; Affections of the
eyes Dminie-14ns. -
and Sexual Intapiclty-;"tll6"Conseoences of Youthful
Indiscretionmte., I", •
tar. This Mtn - liable; Lecture eles'rly proves that the
above enurnamtel,-eften selfltifffichad -evils, -maple:re:.
moved witheut medicine and without dangerous sure-
Cal operattons,Andiffionlihtareed by ' r eza
every man lir the land.
fient.under seal , to tuiiMiliess,in a plainortialid
loPe,'iin the receipt °tale cents or. two postage statcTql,
by eddreaslagiODAD..3.Ci 31LINE4V1 -
; ! 127 Mow York, Post Office Dec, mq,
I, May 20,'63-6m.
• 104iaka t l tistlerlj
•On ; tile Nortft:
,west Corner attlint Ttinmond, ;bppoilito RranhUn flail
f ehplnberiburg, Pa-„ vairety__newaock of -zodile t .
,eoadittng of'l3ooKU , pf every' disi.riptian.'
of all lOW .Vaittc;Pagt Stoet!Peus;Adk,.; is
Also a largA atmo'rtment of WALL ROSH.; ITINDQW
BLISDS, trurimitiprilia; and si oe:it VartainfLOTlONA
ANDFANia AATTPLEat PtctpxseiPtnlN.Yeeetti.l,a4ft
aatt stdistes alley Boa p And Perfanerjk,
AlsiyAinctd. Assartana Witr_atedi Shittnnd ' , WOW An.
And a great, vartafor goods too numerous-1o; Inscirt to,
which they.inato ,the attention and ri
zaPeattaly solicit a dial:4llLn itnblic patronage. -
PleAsenal and,caamia otrrltoaw •
Jitti 17, ' '
, .„
L,i ori the load between Greencastle and 44ierle
ueCB BILX COAT. The 110er - will be liberslly ro
werded,byretutning the same to WS Ace.
i - 441i_i.ii.i)s!'il: - *01!-'• '----Y-')
„,,, cr\
ors IJNION,'IiiITHOUT Ili' - •
Ott *)3er.—llacultditlcipal support of every it
ors o PreeldeuttO crush gutexistingi strooletie re •+'
I fob' is, Wray litimble jiidgritent,'thellest teat of to 6
ty, and everyman hiking 'furore front the Wale ab - ottl '
petzegrif r gitto exit zese his:slew, scut het the people! may
not beileC4itil. I bellereall the 'candidates wie have l
offered therattlyee forthe support of the Union CobVill
non are AB loyal ma em; but.l fe 4 it to be nit illityler
say that la all. :Maga i.sue4in the Adtalmatratioa - , -
Oretivi platform of unconditional loyalty; I. ugalu offer' '
my ealftisaotridldatit,for the. 'Office AfOL'CRR OP MR;
COURTS—subject to the decision of the 4proachlng
Convention. _lf reinitiated and tlected3 wartry tir
do my ditty. 'lf some - other Candidate Is nominated. -
however he shall have my arat t ,meat a.riliPart "4'1 . 0 7
thost cornea (efforts fur his election. • • ,
, r.- -• P HENTM4110111111:' •
Better kruirrri a - litho *, Virgiala Tailor.”
•. Oreenci,,,,llay 13 , 63..t0 ~, _:- :' ,-.- ~ f2ri ~..
Citizens:r—Y.ncouraged bra nitniber of Ftlenti*,,
Myself' to goer con s ideration as a candidate Yoe the
office of thmrity Treastitor r attlijett to the tlachion at LLe
&t„. Thomas - ,- ; ,l4apir4 0.„.13LD81L
P. 5.;. , de I itri . dikiabled to* certain exteitt,! hope my
friends will not ended hiebicitli to -anthem ti arias
to tbe Nomination., :.T.
'tens otFrnnklin Conneyl=-Thiufking l you for your
tx and, liberal aupport oa former oteeasion for the
' JtEcoar ProthOhotery of aaldVounty, I again aunonnua
myself as a eataiidrytelar the 'nomination :at the watt
cif,meeting of the taloa County C onveation, 'lac my.
!rilotainated d 'elected o fill the dilt a awith g
ity. rMarcil 18.'63-tr.L.) K. SI:LANNON', TAYLOR:
'EL - tip:o664lra - Torinship . , la a °
coutlidath for:Register' anti Recorder for,Franklia cOutt-:'
fy - iabjeet to the bexiTnlod - Neininating;Goarenttoit.
anduteet reepectfulty.yelltite the, eupport of aI Ihtlitra
Sten. - - ;" - Mir
110R0t110VAR,Y:--- . At the sotici
Vittorio:lA tmmbei of my Mende, I offer tnyaeffaiin
candidate for the office of Prothonotary, auNer,t , to the
Untclti Nominating Contention. ' - -
.Chamb'g, May 27,'63. , , • REED,:
I.J.:_COYLF.,..w . illbei a
. ,
ranklin Connit ;ouldeot to:the doclsion of, the ilthid;tt
Nomftiotitig Can venti.n of said 6zu nty.
Matcorstrorg,Aloy 6, 1 63 • - .;
'.Charles RV,CORD.ER.---
.oharles W. Lein, -et Green township ,, mill
,trivia'4mila:de for Rekhit.r , anil Ithecirder rif Franklin '
ty. enhjeet to the: deolefon- of: ;the Nnion'Norninatil;
COnventfori. 7 ,.. • - Mny 6,t634c.
kLEW. 'OP THE • COV.RtS..-L-Tliet
..riedersigned will he icarrdidate before -the' hrerei•
ruttingeonventi. , zi of thielTnidn party of this County, for
the taco et" Clerk of the CoAta. ,
May,l3,'Bll.' " W. O.3IITOII.ELL.
oTOreen Townshiri, ;1411 be a
date for the noin'tiati infor.Cler4.of tho ilifidiAt
tithe Union Notuinitiag_Cuirontion of Fialikliri Cowl.
• tY•r , AnFil 29, 'E3
`4,,1 'grin nett will be a candidate for Counq TiPnsurq
entdect tq the U nien Revaluating amYeution of Fria,
lin - Conntp: • Green township, Mey la, 113
Denveli will liik a enii6liiie for Protlionwary, nab-
Ject to the Wen ;ititnivating Convention, of Frani:lib
County. - April S
ClAirs, Cabinet-I°l3am &C. 17
tend" to, the business in.all its Tatiana -branches. Par
ticalar attention raia . 6 Laying out, Dressing,
flaying the adyautage of a largo custom,and of haying
Lis stock chezip tut' coati, he can furnish '
_1 •
• - I
.at lower rates than nity . other establishment in tosin'or
county. Be dues not as n Chair &Taker offer his serVicsa.
but 640 rnsrerkilm. `o:f.)4Asitt pars' cxperfnice the
Mainers: 'Persons requiring the services of an tindtrys
taker fur their families di fricidda, would find it mated
ally to their advantage- to give him a call.
He - is - also prepalen to , preserve bcsilee during, the Burn
mer month& any, length of tiros. EMVing ptirchased this
exclusive/lea - " .
,S?iier'S Inproted Sl — tizido Covering Cofi s, I
he is thereby ennhted tofrirnish it Elmira COMEDCOrrrig ;
at an exceedingly low rate. And also having a new ands
elegant 1111.411S4'he-In-p - inPrired to furnish Coffins 14.;
any part of the county - de:trod: get is Agent for ,•-- vi
, .
~ . .
'FISX'.B' PA ZETIT if ET A B . tili'La CASES.
Orders duringlis iitrsrne7lo7 - it niglit should be lett at
his residence, West 'Market &runt, oppnelte Miiler
Motel. ' -..-- ' r - - '' ' `... -;,, ” (Juno 17, 1883. - I
iv - tw CABrgEt-WAIiE ROOM 8.:
IA - The mtuicifeibiolf tk.tipeaful'Y 'tion r oitneee to the; of ChemberabArg and vicinity, thatle has taken
the Dooms linmetlfafelytitijohiing- the office of Dr.-Sitio
serott,ou Main etreq,..v.hrehe intends. tgjnantlfaciur•
every discriptioniil t- .
'" . • '
' • ' 'CA 111R - gt:Vir : AltEr, ' '
Such as Smfas, Tiarloeiradef,'f- Coulicion Ilithea4
IV arill obes, ' 33reakfast Ao. . Droning do. , ,•:, 1
new style, .131alhi: : - do. sates, Sinks, -,• • r
Lounges,' ~_ i
.330*AI:saes,— . ',Wash Stands, ...i 1
Rocking Chairs ,.. Becretsziee,-, . . lledsteturs,&c..
"Fine.Pai, do. - ` Chitties Haub; "tieW style._ - 1
All work couetrodeed by Mai." , war,raritecl,from;th
Ilatit Soft flown to %ha most':tftilibivrork. - - ' • , - , i
Plirticnlar attention tyll4l‘ giveu;to the snaking ,et
Co~aa -0F tny'dosited ityle--Cloth, Walnut or Clierrz.
Ilemember, stela yott, buy your Furniture vac..
DAVID W.'-GlIOSSIW."; you Are getting the latest style
and the best of. west.. t 71' '•
June 17 , 1863 . ' 'DAVID W. GROSSIVN.
T 31 — ANtrt-,
FACTORt—Thti - 'stibicriboi'lliforma• the 'Pada'
that his continues the mattufsetoro one various, anklet,
hi his line; at his sfautbry West Queen Street: tt' fo
doors from Main. Ratots aksvays on band or is prelut( l 4:
to . man ttfacture.nporr; t*altorteit notice, Cane notiorti
'and Winda,,r Chairs, vritlttinain and Curtain Bodeen*:
Pier and Csad'Tablei;:iltrreans',Vish Stands and Boo st Cases. ,
attended to - with Prompt.
nets and. deepatch.„ pOIIBEI PAISTi2I II , , in :nil
branches,reuevofedbyrompotind hands.
PAPP,B, ITANGING.:-."-!'articular attention Ital•;-
given to this department and eatiefisction in every,' - '
stance guaranteed. (D - 1 L. • -',' • '•- • -
1 . 11 eriiPloyed a In:indent iromber of compete 1_
hands eriudoreignedisfibvsattred•of - kin? eilableC`
- n lonia a warkmanagasks aer,ancrresitetfalfr
policitti:t l asitni3 _l l / I ZELEto' ,
• Jatio 17.1863; - -
Pliß ''
• .1) :erAIOTZT-;
WAR F.:lthOlit,S - P4b112 it ' '.IOZIOPLELD, tqlot:
tam , to John Cret,)•htitIMPAFTIIIIEU OF OXIA/$4;
and aitaltlFlVSVArtZlittiin itroot, thiee doors: South
Of111;bor It TolbettrolitordvtattStore, phamberabars4:o
..;-;'. Fljili•lXTV, 4.F.,, OF 414, KINDS,
u T r
ihya.iii on tirind - Wmaile s 'tn. ordar. ,VonlOan OH .s;
l' i nnufActured - Rt.akttlY a.nd'okettpls , ligtiti work. ' . • -
110118 E and SION PAINTING and PAPER, JIANG • 9.1..
Bona. aont)7,' f.lMO. l 3lttPlti,: - Unit' atosp, .in 'lowa ; '"
Oduntry'„ =
Or norAdtkig pt talc* f dit in' tingr- lino of' 'instil ,
' panptly attended to, at taoderateprices. , ~ I .
-t1 PC!` 1 ,. 7, .. 1 , 8 0. '...:. d Ti. '. -r - .... , -2 . -•-.
isv l kittireit;
minting and Oomt—oppeitesth mistfon Iferck e irnts,ll.
second Stree
CUMBRRZAITOTraX.VI 4I7 .IeA/TA - -XO r AD ii 2671.02%
Cars,run rogriarirecountfrs_mp#4y
• 1.41. _s• .
PEAcOcz,Y,nr„kdt IlmOsstvlilt4EoShlakket etZaNnts
• 1 . -pmaLAßghpazt..,.
P,B - TOPA .4 1
i taig 4 124 h 3.nt.ctier,W.
seer. Silica the mines, sire, and Pins Op
VonAdrY Coal, Lwalltr , implAtkigkMatici Mister ' !, 1
Hancock - Cerr i ent, &ea *stistrty:stri
Grain...end Prisl,s,co.4ll3rit, Pencrrar it the' billicrr.
est cash pices. BALD),&O4,
Nuao-7033. Pt3'
„ „
giotrq t , flmvli)lli'4ob4thsegevarittatto
lieviondaqed VYqma
ESIA'i Ltalituiora. , .2
. June 17. 'B3. • Bil3l'ER : - & -g1:" 1.2•;'
'atoms , L.'oliaJtil44-';.l fi:,l'..C.':', =. ..'4Acoly- 4 !,
tilliLlSTjt ZkZ , Mgy,,,groti '01:
ll,XioteBaiiettoriteig :And Übolosale re t ,
cent, North. Weed t'eratr audCßtarket : , W.
Philadelphia.. • ' , - ',. thaalY, W., ,-
***tig: Om.