The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, July 08, 1863, Image 1

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    VO t. 70:
Jenkins' tebel Grit - di - las on a gait
AqtrLt 'WEEK. IN
illy - HOE 801111E0 KG MITAERED'i
1300,000 of 41 3 roperty Stolen
Franklin County has had a full week of
rebel guerilla rule, and is now, in the'South
ernyortiOn,plutulcred of all horses and 'cattle,
excepting the few'succesifully'seercted in the.
mountains. -,.,* * '
• Tat.
On Sunday evehing, the 16th* inst.,..the
dark ciotidsof contrabands commenced rush
ing; olion us„ brin4in;y . ; thb that Gen
MiltOy's forces at' 3rartinF,burg ha& been at
tacked and scattered, andrtbat the rebels. un
dm' Gen. inpdes - were advhncing- upon'Penn
aylvania- With due .alloyilance for the
ca ' manifest
alarm of the slates, it was manifest
that the rebels were about to clear out
Shenandoah Valley, and, that once done, the
Oumberland, with 6.ll'•its teeming Wealth,
ixpuld be at rebel mercy. pn Sunday-bi , 4ht,
our people were much eicited, and the ques
tion of•protection became one of paramount ,
interest. - To inquiries the! authorities at
lil'ashington answered that the aspect lA' the
war just atiiresent :rendered it unwise to
divide or weaken the army of the Potomac:,
encl . , that Pennsylvania must furnish her.own
men - for her defence. A call from the Presi4
dent was' issued. to that 'effect, which is no
ticed elsewher. • . ' • ,
On .11.Miday morning the_flood of rumors
train . the .P.oteraae fully- Confirmed •the ud-
vane , of the rebels, and the citizens of
' Charfibersburg and vicinity, ,feeling unable
to ieSistthe . rebel ' columns, commenced to
• maim prompt preparation for the :movement
of stealable property. Nearly horse,
good; bad and indifferent, was started for the
montitabis as early on 31ondai possible,
a pnathe' negroes cl the ,different roads
Northward - for hours, loaded rith house hold
,effects. table babies, et,:e.; andllorsei and wag
ons'and tattle crowded every ;' avenue to pla
.'safety;-,"AbMit stifti4,449'e'brl3in4l2l
moinci4;tlie advimeaj'aiiitoy - s : Vtreiting
wagon T train dashed ix town,' attended bY 1
a feW e - avaltY, and, sacral affrighted'vagon...
masters, all
„of whoniselared. that the rebels
were in hot-cursuit, that a • large, portion of
the train. was captfed, and 'that the enemy
was about to eur Chambersburg. This
startling infOrmatn, coming from men in
uniform, whO ha*il)ught valiantly until the
enemy 'had got daily within -Sight'of them,
naturally gave ;fresh impetus to the citizens,.
and the skedadle ennini;:nced in ningnifl-
cent taxnestnis and. exquisite confusion.
Men. women .nd children who- Seemed to
think the re!ils so many cannibals rush-
ed out the turnpike,' and . genera ly 15ept
en the leadi4 thoroughfares as if they, were
determined,o be raptured; if the rebels were
anywhere ; i"rithin' range and wanted them.
We watchd the motley cavalcade rail along
for a few ;ours. when it seems toluis;ti 'occur;
fired to sone.ene to inquire...whether the rebels
were not:eine distance in the rear; and a
fevrmomints of reflection and dispassionate
inquiry atisfled the peopiclibat _th"o enemy
could, , toOie upon us, for 'several hems at
least. Tiri railroad 'Yam' - were prankiit and
aystemati9n their efforts to prepare for ap,
other fires and by noon. fallibeportable"prop
erty of to company was safely under ecintrol
to, be hailed and moved at, pleasure. The
more tb ou kht,thi. portion '.of our., peer& 'who
'felt, itta,„ dtity to keep"but of rebel hands, re
maineti until the(cutting of telegraph coin
munitation;sOuth,l and the reports - of reliable.
scout s rendered advisable to give way to,
the 4uerilla,army ',of plunderers.
tenmstle;"being but five miles north of
' the i tliarylan - d. , litte', &rid in the diredt - route of
the/rebels,: iva - s naturally enough in the high-
Est e4itement .on'Sunday night and
3 / 7 iiday morningl - Exaggerated*umors had
ef?eourse flooded them, and every half-hour
a' stampede was 'nada- . before'tlie imagined .
thel columns. Hon; John. Rose at last de
r 7.rmined to reconnoitre lie -mounted a
;, -rise and started: out toward Hagerstown.
:, it I adistance teyond, he was captured by of rebels and how until
efund" up. ; Jenkini asked Rowe his
and was answeTedCorreetiy. •• He sub
nil,* asked who was with'
what Rowe's name was, and upon be;
'cold that alp rutie hind been given to
horrictly, 1;!.e .- irpißted that the'llajor
=/_ teen an officer in the United' States ser
-:-.31.r.,'--. assured Jenkins' that the
.-. : C
~ .'r
never in the service, and he
-,.,::. ! , -.stisfied. (jeoldna• had evidently con
', :, ; led Major Rowe With his dork,Htlingal
.'-'•,' 'I Wenieniiitt' Cokknel Rowe of the
.:ii, i 'nsthen asked Mr,--•-.—whom he,had
?,2.. ' l , for - at . tho last Presidential eteition:
1445 . ..eredthat he had voted for Lincoln.
~....,": iehJenkirp gave the following ehaste
-, f . 1 le reply—" Get of that 'horse - you.
-7. Abolitionist.". The her was stir
/ jea, and the sane Inastion *as pro
'-'1 led to 'Major Lowe, who answered that
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rKLIN:co .
hehad fri for Zomew, and had beratched
, el r eiYt.linlicli'man cffiris ticket. g d
kins an.syd--- , „ , ; ea can ride' your horse as
- long as i like ; _voted 'for ,Douglas my
self"_ I ; theii. dtaanded -to linow what
I fore ‘ e? Win +Grt4,l-42astle and what Tertifi
cations:4'l6lp.m' told kiln - ITthat the town
was" defeess, ;•b Jetillitis'.seemed to be
cautious *in`i :.; he ', he caught in _a trap.
*' 074' ca,ti Sly,'teconnoitered all
snapiciou4ildiland finally being fully
satisfied tltheres noili gun in'positicin
andnoi a;,n und4rms, he resolved Upon
f-aPtni-ingltc)wnfF A brilliant charge of
caValry.. '.!de co r gly, divided his forces
- into . two' enn i
i, e irged uponthe vacated
streets,' aniaclieOlie . centre of the - town
'Witliont , tfra. - oil mane „ This brilliant
'achieverneip, soon', lifter entering 'Pennsyl
vania, seerdeliaeorrage the gallant gun
/ilia chief 411 ;more daring deedi, anklte
'lmMedfideOtntert;:.:a. , !,o, citify' ' stablei
` and nnittlrc''Sr.Y . a.tV.cle within_ his• reach,
that seemedinittl4ilincy of his nien: , , He'
announced frills milt for ears polite that
he had Comi berb . l . .id. 'destroy, ' iind that.
he would bel: at, oi4peastle. , l'finj: Bowe ,
:informed hihitt . hexmlil : lnirn Greeneas-'
tie, but tliat!,icadd'r,fid his' depreilations
, and his mu# eauci it'nbOut, that, point.
Jenkins pocl as, , he blustered, and Jen-_
kilts didn't bia'nfiddiroi. 'Pie 'probably
forgot tO'apptie torch.' Generous teach- .
ing of ritemor- , _.. .1 '.• • ,
.lENltms Nts UyOH ciraitarnsaluzG.
The rebels , e 6-ithntty . under the im - -,
- ha s
pression,t wou , he thrown in their -
wafbt an 'eafont, ald they pushed. for--
ward fOr!ChngsbUrg. .4t.bont 11 ?cloak;
'im Mon(l4lsniktitey el-rived at the South
ern - cral'of an 4 the same htensely
Strategic rmovelts exhibited at GreeneaStfe
were displayer te. g:,tvetal kht,oWrt .
fOrwiltd.cautiot4:reconneitre,-and . few
of oir brave tl po.ptared them arid; took
their horses.. Itpte - Of , Wiai• whetted - the
appetite of 4e4 Ond . - he-resolved to cap. :
tute'the town librilliant dash; with Ont so
much as a dern*suftender.. He divided
his forces into - 4.a1 columns—Onut us:*
bundied , in adie as a forloin q hope, 'to
whom was assig the despcilte task of
charging upon teapty ana. undefended
streets, store.boxpoitt,r beds, 4 Ce., of the
.. ...,... 'Creatures to obtaininfor
ancient village
. Toairsbersbintg. 2 . Every drug's of Messrs: Miller, Spangler, Nixon
matiorqc c 'ibe doubted; but they spurned
precaution, that., 4 , tegYicoitld, invent was_ aid ..11eYser, and told them . to • make onk r a,
an atteinp claim their respect because'd
taken to prey:El:lQ:4k.. iMen-pocril detailed lill, or if they could not do that, to-guess at
to ride, alongthe!ltmi3 borklvo,,t,he:cliate l te amount, ant the bills were.paid. ''' po '! -bt- ,, P on " e fe l;li s ti -P - t1y .7.,.1 1:. ,.e 5 • f th air ei l r N;C C :tb ilße er . i T th o
,viatzpadt,.:biWl.,,L,Sk•dri.,as„tie.isible li'-a-so4r merehauts: and dr/ 1 -ggist'l ll ' l4 s l6 11.. 101 e I,Jeekini, ; / litd&sßions of s
to plant artillery "tit 3ot.poki - 41, - attaidigii-ifigitielt - rrt - m i eo. - 070,4.--_-,ebrillicii.%,ktitd siitip with
..; . e.tais,wei.-4:•:,--.-weiLif you
the redoubtable Jenkithlid not So much as that is•never payable; and ,la . worth jult. Its believe; wEtii fight, take your gun.and join
a swivel in'his army. lie women and.chil- weight in old paper ;•.but Jenkins hadn't our ranks Pit is -needless to say., that the
dren having been sufeatly, frightened by "green=backs," - and he had confederate scrip,
.the threatenedbooinias,of artillery, and all and such ,_az, * he had he gave :unto them. for did not obey. To another
•he said;--",,7 had such men as you in the
things being in readik the forlorn hope Thus he dealtlargely in our place. To avoid
adanced,and the mosßsperate:charge ever the jealousies growing out of rivalry in bu- South, • we:wd. hang them!". They say, on
all occasio,Ahat there are but two modes of
known in the history/altar—i n Chambers „siness, "ha patronised all the Merchants, and ie nee ....di sii ,
Ist or "-subjugation—and they
burg at least;—was
,itisi — bown the street 'bought pretty much • everything- he could
stoutly 'den)at the latter is possible. Lieut
came the iron clatterohoofs like the tern- {conveniently use and carry. Some , people, .
Reilly had ,t :returned from -West Point
pest With a thous tladerbolts; but the , With the antiquated ideas of business, might the <lt the- ( s reached here, and of .his
great plan Ilit failed roue particular, and , call it stealing to take goods and pay for: Pre sPn ,e andialldence they, were minutely
the column recoiled hire it reached the them in bogus money; but Jenkins• calls it advised, for t* 'Oiled atthe house-and corn
piamoild; -i. - mortar:li
,on the street, in businesS, and for the time being what Jen- pelted his sistc.4i go with •them into every
front of Mr. 'rite's 6 building, had not kins Called business. was business.- In this roorr-tosearchir him. Go. Jenkins' also
been 'observed in the lonnoitering of the waybe robbed all the stores; drag stores, &c., had the fullest Vormation of themov - ements
town,' nor had' - villin,ii) perhead' aavici of less, and supplied himself with many of the Editor dlhis paper. He told at our
, ..
, p s , i more
him of it. His/force t?` furled against it; I articles of great value to him, . • own hquse, wheie , had left, the direction
down went soz(ie men it bang Went a gun: I;.. . - . • •
Ji...aa.r.s.s RI.GULATES THE CITY FATHERS., ,IVe ha -
- 9.;•k.i I• gone, A described the horse we
To strike y .iertar-bed'rl'hve, a gun'tirjd
at the - same: time, was niz s than the strategy
of Jenking had bargainek m ; and the charge
was broken and fell bs' A few momenta
of fearful suspense, ePa.t . , Mortar-bed wfis
carefully reconnoite.,,4(l,:(l the Musket re
port wiis s: found, to be in s iddental discharge
of a gun in the bandg uric- afhis own rata
who had fallen,: Wib . .. ?e id ness an d do :
worthy of Jenkins, iftrii res ni ve d to re ne w
:the attack-without ei. - enie f orma lit y:o i a,
Council ',of war: Again k ° s t ee d s of war
thundered down the itreiand, there being
nothii,tg in tie way, °rete ll° OppoS i t i6 l,
and the berbugh, of thg; ja z s in trg was aa .
derthe rule of .Jenkit's. ::::avitig won itby
the most determined: an4rilliant prowess,
Jenkins resolved thathe-ldd be magnani
mous, 'and king to be teken
from our peoplel-eveptii;such articles us
.be and his men wanted.
JE.mlNsmtcamrs , ,wrzl lnE EnrroL
Jenkins had, doubtbss :4the paPeis in
his day' and kneW tlat t pre Wfore green
fields in the-, "Preen ankwhat is
rather remarkable, at might hb could
start for a forty acre etqvqrsteh 'belonging
to the F4litor of the Bzt , oa xk y without so -
much as stopping to ai4 WI he gate fight
be found, evett italts called te`faul
it; but the March- was - ciaAued
,antil the
gate was 'reafeled; or der file
right" Was given, aadJe4 Wa..,q in clovcr.
Happy- - fellow find: Atriant and es
tensive 'clover as if by lust): By ,Way
giving . therde-yil his due,ili be said that,
although there Were ov acres 'Of
wheat, and eighty acres of il l apt - oats in ,
the same field, he pritectetN os t carefully
and' picketed hia:hAe.4 so could ne,t
:be injured: And eqial care.s.talgn of all.
other - Property am' the Vie, excepting,
half-a-dozen a - 014i lattzs4 tsw in 8 - h ee p
which were necessat: it 80, 1.4 furnish
chops„ his! l rnp. f eies. were
wantonly destroy,ed, potiltr*as : net_ dis
turbed, nor did he r i lni . aimelour Needed
cattle'. so - much 4 'to or quality'
'of their steak andrlsti. "Son f hig men
east a wistful eye 4n . the gi al i n i
.in the; spring; they were • protected by
voluntary, mrder, a 4 'Eavci a few quarts of, de
•strawberriegathered with every care,
after first asking emission, nothing in the
gardens or about the grounds was. taken.
Hav - ingji B 4 taso of, rebel love for horses,
last October, whet Gen. 'Stuart's officers first
stole our horses, &d then supped andpinoked
socially With us, ie had started to the moun
taint slightly in sivance, of Jenkins ; '.oderipa 7
tion of,the toivn,nd, being enable to find
them, we arelapy, to sad that Gen, Jenkins
;didn't - steal our sew assortinent-.
However earnest an enemy .jenithis may,
be,, he don't seer' to keep spite, but is capable,
of 'being very jolly and - socictble when he is
ircated hospitably. 79r prudential reasons,
the .Editor was not atholne to de the honors
at his 0: - Wn table; but ,Jenkins NiaP,
not liar=
nor was his appetiteiMpairt
He called ulten the ladies of the hol
theirhospitality, behaved in all xi
ft, gentleman, and capresied ' very
grets that he had not jienfalki
F riona acmaintance of , the ,E 1
beg to say .118E,:we reeiproettethe
General,:and Shall be glad to
w a li n e d irt s b ar is g - . or mt Uel . war ßee
,q is tut fo in ve t r a . iif n F ai r l e y n 2 7cii 4
Spent muclof their time with Mrs. ..11 - cChir%
and• the fonpar • showed his appreciation of
her hospiislity by taking lief - revOlVer'freni
her when-he An order .having
made -fortho citizens ; to. surrender all the
guns andpistols they had, Col.' French took
the pistol
,of his hostess.
, manyrifies
he didn't get that Were in her ; keeping, We
“da"nalhooseto tell;" ,
'':'txr..nrsntrYS 01:TT THE TOWN. I
Hors seemed to be considered contraband
bf wax and were 'taken without the pretence
coipens'atiop ; 'but other' articles were
deem* legitiniate subjects of coixifiierce even
betw4u enemies, and they were generally
paid Pr after a ; fashion. True, the systera of
,I, ; :ts would be Consideleda.little informal
Sn Vsiness circles ; but it's his iv , and our
pecfits agreed, to it 'perhaps to some extent
beepse of,the novelty, but mainly because
of he necessity, of the thing. But Jenkins
wq libettl--eniine'ntiv, didn't
sto to higgle about ri few Odd pennieS in
raking -a bargain. For ,instance, he took
Jenkins, like most doctors, don',t, stem 'to
have relished his own prescriptions. Several
horses had been captured by some pf our
boys,, and notice was given by theigeneral
commanding that they , must be surrendered
or the town would be destroyed •The city .
fathers,, comnionly known as the toivn coun
cil, were.. appeided to in order to avert . the
impending fate threatened. us. One of the
- horses, we believe, amVsonie . of the equip
ments were ''cotuld add returned; but there
was still a balance ill favor of Jenkins. We
do not know who audited the account, but it.
was finally adjusted by the council appropri
ating the stun 'of $9OO to pay the claim,
Doubtless Jenkin.s hoped for poo dollars in
• "grcienbacks,!' I.Tt he had flooded the town,
with , confederaie scrip, pronouncing it better
than United States currency, and the coun
cil evidently‘ believed him, end desiringto
be - Oceonimodifting with a conqueror,.deci*
to favor him by the payment of his bill'4
confederate scrip. ft was so done, and .Teix=,
'hilts got just $OOO worth of nothing for, his
trou/O. He took -it, - hoivever, without, A
MUT.MIII, and 'doubtless considered it tt'clever,
joke. -
Sore wasthe disappointment of Jenkins at
the general exodus" of horses from this place: ,
It limited *.s..ttooty immenslW.c 1- Fully live
hundred had beefitakenfrOifOluunbersturg
and vicinity to the mountains,; ; aud Jenkinef.
plunder was thus made just so much less.
But,be determined to
-make • up for
-it by
stealing all:the arms' in the town. He the*
fbre issued an order requiring the citizens to
bring him all =the anns, 'they had, pub,lic'or
private, Within two hours; and • search„ and
terrible - vengeance werethreateneala ease of
disobedience. Many. of our citizens corn- ,
plied 'with' the order, and a conifittee"of otn.'
,peopl? 'was appointed to taken list of the,
,persons'presenting ' arms.. Of cOurso very
many did nOtoomply, but enough did so to ,
avoid a general search and .probabje - pang
of the town,. The arm's , Were assorted—the
indifferent 4iestroye4, - and. the good taken
along; '' ' .7z#Htna:TAX ' itiA 1"2
On .
Taesday afew of Milroy's cavalry, ta<
Martins -
coping- - larg, were. seen ; by the
redoubte4Jeakirts hovering in his front.
Althougbit I
in - member; and,with
oui the: V a PPetife .for a:battle with his
two 0140 .inert, )le . took on alright of
huge pt'ar:/fis - and prepared to sell 'his,
eoninianetearl, ns possible.; pru-,
dent gert*wever, h e provided fully for, ais
retreat. o,:ttrill blast of the bugle brought,
his men lit:rins 4 With theutmost possible,
alacrity ; tloVieketswere. called in to ,swell
'th ranks horses and haggage, consist
ing. princii4k ofstolen goods, were sent to'
'the rea4seiti.ol' the .town. the surgeon took
foi:cible; pc l : o 3sion of, all Our, buildings:
housess dc., to be: used as hos - -
and...i.Wcially requested that their
wounded 400 be ,humanely treated in case
of their suddkretreat vithout , belng able to
take.thOin aUac:i The beroqat two brilliatit
mns, was
:dspeet of
Toy a . lit
id treini
he shock.
the 'some.
enkins 'in
.Vhambetig, and the militia at,:
burg ; vv,e:OJmorirntarily expecting to'be
cut to-piep the other. But these armies,
alike te4in their, heroism, were sicced
the - deadttisli of arms, inasmuch as even
the Mest;toved ordnknce is not deemed
fatal it dge. of fay miles. both Ariities,
as the Ai' rePorts go - , 'shaving aceom
plished 'tkurpose, retired in good :order."
notreis PLVNVERED.
As a:rtwo .believe that private houses
werc,nOtA bylenkins' forces; bdt there
-were sonixceptlons. The residences of
laessrs4 Bier and Gipe. - near Cnambers
bUrg, Iverpth entered (the families being
absentyaridandered of clOthing, kettles, /
and othet!.iles. Bureaus and cupboards
were all tined of their contenti-, _ and such
a.rti'cles; fey
. wanted were taken. We,
have net,l*diaf any instances of the kind
in, town.
A vtit.i4 of our - citizens - exhibited',the
craven 4t . :Kthe genuine Copperhead; but
JenkinS'afis'isien; in tit instance, treated
the ceurtesy.'. That they made
use of Serrpich'Creativ to'obtai nfo
rode, and added Ist there , were ,people ih . -
Chamb'ersburg kficicutly epwardly. and ,
treacherous to gii,mch information of their
neighbOrS; _Whei,',Was suggested that such ,
people Should be s 2; within the rebel lines, ,
heinsiSted that theiuth should not be made
a, Botany Bay for li.thern seoundrels.
• Quite a number ofegroes, free anclislay.--
men, women and chiren—were captured by
Jenkins and startealouth to, be sold into
bondage. Many etped in various . ways,
and the people of *castle' captured the . '
guard of one negro u t in and discharged the
negroes; but, Perhag : full fifty were got OP
to slaVery. One neil effected his escape.' by
shooting. and , serioul wounding his'-rebel
foreed to gun, from the rebel
mid lit'ed; wounding loin the,heado.pd then.
skedaddled. , Some It,h'e men were bound,
with ropes, and the cljdren were mounted in
:1:1;pnt or behind the I bels on their horses.
By - great exertio.oeVeral citizens, some
of the, negroes were 4cberged. .
The southern herde of , this _county has.
plunder? of everything in the
stock line, excepting- sth :as could lie Deere
teal. But it was tli c tto secrete ,sthc.k, - ;as
-rebels spent a fulllveck. in the .geuntr, -
-and leisurely hunted - horses ,and cattle
out molestation. lie eitize.ns were un
-111!,,-14;) protect-themseiVo, - and owing; to the.
- 2, ,t - of promptlieSs of 4:),citizens eisewhere
Xe l sPond 'to the : eta. t'e troops, - -aid - could
10 ad- 1V0 ,19 -Ve ,'aufticlent data ,to
*ratite the loss i3113441i1d by ti*.cetinty ;
best it!cannot fall short oti.sttartiir of a mill-.
ion of
,dollars,.., jt:is a t'arful.:blow:_to, our
-people, Coming es . it de?„4, in, the.'4l liroogeSt
season of the year, and liviny . cr_oppers,- who.
' üblittle
.. .else., than, that , stock duips,bcen
rei:idered almost jfyiot.ertirely bankrupt by
the,rol-- Ifthe people c:ll'•ennsylvanialvill.
not fl ht to.proteet,the ; *e from' invasion,
the, sugereirs,lpva a rigbt inclairn poiripensa7.
tit:M . lOM the' common, tresury of the State,
The S,atto professAs- to proVeet its eilizensin':
ihe enjoyment of all their , rights,
iiiiiqusticein - wittlivaidingtitocomnam trib
ute individual sufferers'. Among the
many unfortunate, , perliaps•the greatest int.
'ferer;-is ek-sl6tiff -Taylor, from *horn the
rebels captured a drove' of fat 'eattle is -Fol
- ton'coanty. His loss is some
_ The route of Jenkins Was' through the
most densely' populated :and wealthiest por—
tion of the'county; From this point "he - fell'
back to Greencastle and' south of it thence
be proceeded to Merceriburg, from Where a
detachment crossed the qove . 31auntain to
31cConnellsburg and struck doWn the valley'
from there. The Main 'body however was
dividekint6 plundering parties; and 'scoured .
the whole southern portion of'the
spending several '"days in. "about: Green
castle and WayneShoro'; and giving Welsh
stun a pretty intimate Visitation.
The rebels seeined omnipresent according
to reports: They Were on several al occ „
since.-heir, departure from this place just
abektik re=enter and. the panic-stieken
made a eorrevonding exit' at the:ether side._
On Thursday the 18th, they Were reportg,
within two. miles of here, in, larre, -force t mut
it general' skedaddlo',toek place; and iigain.
On Sunday, the 21st, they were reported 6m ,
ing with . reinforcements. 1l few ran off,,
but most of our people s knowing that there.
was a,'Military force to fail . ; hack- upon- be
tween this and Scotland,. sllouldere4their
guns and fell : into ranks\ to give hattle..
Prominent among these we noticed 8ev,..311.._
Rice:ails, whoSe,veoplo missed., a .sermon , in,
his determination to pop a few rebels..
SccTLe3ll . D 88IDG BI4tNED.
`One of the i firsi acts done by,-the,.rebels
here was to march down. to, the railroai
bridge ; at SCOttand endtburn• it. The ware
bonse of Mr. - Criswell and se4ral pars, were
Spared - upOn satisfitctopr assurance that they
Wer_e privateinaperiy. As, soon as the rebl
els,fell back, the Railroad - Company ;com
menced to rebuild the bridge, and on Sunday
evening the list, trains passed over it again:
The only. other instance ofi. Aring property
that. has reacbcd..tts, was the warehouse of
Oaks & Linn. ' . l.t.wasjired just as they 'left
the town, but the citizens extinguished
We had not the,. felicity- of, a personal in-.
teryiew wigi thediptinguised,gnerrillachiet ,„
but our special reporters took his dimensions
and autobiography. with general, accuracy.;
'Re washorn of..his mother.,at a very early
age, supposed; to, be, the'son of, - his
father. Hewesflogged: through school in
his boyhood-years much„tp other, children;
and may have -startling , , traditions ; touching
his early,Fhpricter,juch„as the :; lnt.telio,:and:„
cherry tml which proved;; that, Washingor, '
could not:lie; but it •is for the , present re,
garded-as_ doubtful. lle subsequexitly. gradu 7
ated at Jefferson College - in-this State,= in the
smne class, we believe, with 3..: McDonnell,
Sharpe-Esq., and gave promise offuture ustl.;
fulness and greatness. His downiard career
commenced some five years ago,: when in an
evil hourhe.became a member .of Congress
from Western , Airginia, and from thence
may be dated his 'decline , and fall. , From
Congress he naturally, , enough turned fire,•
eater, secessionist and \guerrilla. Ho is of .
"medium size, has a flat bet \ geod head, , light .
brown hair, blue eyes, immense flowing
beard of a sandy-hee,qmd .rather a pleasant,
face.- Re professes to. cherish thetamoifre t ,
gard for-,the humanity .of, Var, and‘seema
sensitive on the subject• ,of - his reputation , ai
- a humane. military leader. He pointed:- •
'the raids of the- Union troops,• who left• in,
many instances wide-spread and• total des° ,
lation on their tracks, :and expressed the
hope that henceforth the-Union:raids would
do no more damage to citizens than he does.
He takes horses, tattle and articles necessary
for the. army, es both sides - treat, them: as
contraband -of ver, and' help themselles :on
every, occasion- offered.; He pointed with
bitter triumph at the raid of - Montgomeryin
Sella! Ceieline;. and at the destruction of
Jacksonville, Fla., and Jackson, Mississippi,
by our troops, and reminded us , that his At'
VOW wcrein accordance:with civilized war
fare, while those , referred:to of our troops
were. barbarous. , , : ~
4r;SNE.kre FORCES.
we do not. learn of any one who was able
to, count Jenkins' forces accurately,' but
the best information we can gather, he had
aboxit •tvcr thousandinen. • They were clad,'
as rebel soldier i usually are, in the southern
butternut cloth, and without any regard to
uniformity. •They curled •.pistols, rifles and ,
sabres, and , are'classed as mounted infantry,
or independent , Villas; although they are
recognized as part ofthe rebel army., We
believe that Alier plunder. became their 'own
Ovate propertV instead of the, property of
the re.bel,authorities, AS is the case with their;
regular, treops. Theyhave thus a double in..
contrive to plunder. • • • . _
„ • - niLLY 123 ABMfl i. ;
'We have bed much comPle,int , of our
people for not irwhing to arnes.'and driving•
gie invaders away. It must be remembered
thUt:the entire setae*: haltof our county;;
en braeing tworthirda of our population; :was`
occupied lrythe,rebeis, mholutd-heavy sup
porting goluvirm - est.Williarnsport , ~ Every
olio of Oni 8 : . ineS t tbleatena' lusyly Wigs:
own-floor, and ameentrationoas iispOssildE
Our people genera)lY - dhltheirduty,butittey;
Were repiredbiniheir respective neighber
hoods to picket and;groteet, in,Some degree,
their stoekp i:24..Conceetratieriof oarinen at-
Chamhersbuigi :or Greencastle,- or Idercere-_
woulalteveleft 2s A o peopleWitlitheir
- property entirely defenceless. 'ln the Valle),
--; --
` -.
the- citizens Niere under ..,arras; - and had tbii
'roads barricaded for defencc, but-the Soutki
ern portion i of tbo County is open and unsuik
e1 . !.0 defence bysmail parties.: -
ARRIVAL OP NEW Tour rnbops.
On Siindfiy - , 28th, the BtlNewtork MP's
arrived hem, having marched _from Ship
pensburs„2,end- they were received with 't
wildest, r entimeissin. Considering that they
are ondir:terder in itaiatioe of:antrenn
syliania regiments, they nierit„as - they wiy•
receive, thsting zintitade of every Ml*
in the Boider.
The old : ln.en,of the town organited.
PanYal.‘tiled-hy Hon.- fiearge Ohambersifor.
the: defence) of the town.: „Isione -were ,ftd
thitteeunder - ,on.Mondayeveri
.man capable , of bearin,lanns had his gum,-
and was *some organizasion to resist this,,s
rebel's." -
Dgictocititsof o#4ltr - 4kruitq - hav,:e
itwalkd T, B. Searight.
- Democra4cßtate Con.vatition of at
ißangoviktigust 6",t6"naminattifitesiatTAte
for Goveiller. • - - . ,
`Laileasterotutty bite it►struofes the delis
gates to #l.ettaburgSuusquttiou to support
the renotatitaticin lam: Curtly- ' •
. _ „
The Dettodrats -i6f-Neste - have
nominttt AVxtiht* ;Patton foi',
semblikaa 5.2 1 ; Temple' fog l'ilithoncitat * y.
The Kentucky AlptricAtos ytominstei
General Greene City Smith; uticonai--
tionai trnitherescauticins*ksacceett
?les !rL
T h° ,P ethp e rm Y cfrf - 40:0"XVountill a YA'' :
nomiosteMe following ticket: 7 Assettlblye
J. C; Chsimbers PrcithOnotarY, Dole'
Boggs; Register and Recorder. J. S. Wits*,
HOn. c ßen4 WintoiDairlihns beeri noiw
nated.for Otmgrers, in. the,trza District of
ace9Pted thq F4nod 3c Y
speech in
'after, his ‘,PeneCi'sPPeAL ;le New. Xerk, and,
r haA'rakinterview with the .3 - 4 President: $07. ,
_Chase reftzsetkto Wl)4 and the sot=
Aiersfon;gaird. ,alenk the raiireacii-,sho4ted,
traitor!! at him on his Trey - home. ;
The'rebel State Convention of •TentesB*
for the nonunation s candidates 'for .Go*er.:
of , donii;loti: ' general
Was :14) meet T iti k : ; VrOchesttii
travelling'ofecotive, aixtOng*hoiii
th 9 present ';Goiiitrtior Andrissi
Riduird. -141eCana;•=iind Barititiff
- •
dersim; - ' - Where the seat of GotreininentWill -
be lOcated•Viehave not learned: , *- •I•
The. Democratie _State Convention,,which
met at Columbus on thellth ult., was , large-
ly attended. ..x-9OVernor presided:
14:.'V i allandighani wee neminated'as i
eirP*Priert,the first ballot:, receiving 440,0 k
the 461. votes, and: Eicerge t .E. Pugh, Lieut..
6oVernoracclamation, 'NO . = Hubbard,
Anditor • It S.linapp TreasUrer and
Tan Trump, Supreme Judge. • Resolutiena
were adoptediertes tingagainsethe PresideOilt .
Emancipation Prberantatien, conaemr4nit*
establishMent of niartml law; in the loyal
Stites whei:ewar doet ;not exist,-and thif,
suspensien,of the, writ of habeas corpus;, de
:nouncing Aim banishment ,
and calling On the_resident forhis rotors,
fleas-• and , favoring the freedom of speech:.
'and tli Frt .declarmg that
tliey_Will allwith delight and the Se
ceded Stisti,i to return to their.;; allegiance;
and` will 'cooperate - with them restere
p!ace• -
•- Far The ltn itipbsitary..
Oilistridiett county %list riq itOlot son:
Than thou 41 worth Odle sacred =ins
That gait'our Ditto Inui,oni And totinde.,': .
Of him whnse blood thou slinefli ; nl.4 \ Washington,.
Not fOr thyrgittlinnofferrd'at 104 . 1ife,—
• Tho leftiestoeuzie atone that gift might %it
Nor for itribilinn i s star-started at song t;1
-Thievery Linnene niersecto strife,— -
Thou only for Or threstenntoosnitri fought: •
Thy kindly nnbire loved the Binseeraere .
• ,Tbin Mars and eery winning graoo
• Love,' tiler, Wit be6torrf, fliund fitting place- ,
Intheelrboiendid ; piligerriseireetdiSoistitorn-i
4odirinstliverftethisext4 finished beim cite •,,;
. :-
Filll isvni thee: -
Beforetho ciesth,steridof eiteb. Vicksburglngs..l
Too prenlE tcerntbey to srin, too brim td.shati.,l
_ -
To 5b4 qsy tilikin.ol9i Yeti?Opf dared to ftel,
lint„ on 15c0,u1.4).
And irbila
Willa: 4t.dertitinirfOrtitindifthott crisd. ; •- - - r-0
"To sueintxteasYtilands.l:l2sKtoo Istst .: i ,
_Forward. In; tarn. snit lake me to‘my,fatel''.. -, t ;
Butnot,tonnindfni, Bathe ebbinit tido . _ I__
OfOp lintrotont. ofiov'dones lar away.
Affection rutsd thy beartyith won* nisi,. 4
YOr it. evi;.Pe, O' o : ll 7Af*Ysen 11
~s4 l ded. 1
We 'tilittiot 014 #tei dead; bat fontr # l4,3 l lr .1.,
;. TO theintoothoOthat iatrawret be trori„ - 1
• Thatic,4. - withyotiirittetatitthaftctionirik4Sl4 '
1 4'l/ Untie: We Alio lionoed !Air estiroaktott- •••,
. :
Nina' . ; " .- - - 1.,, ,' "- '
' . God's saystsvotneNndolall atul - btinttt
.To show ityysiriteti o'nr-lbettos•brei* 1-'
That burns inSouttittresttlast—lts /I(;4dartortsaysr.,
Convert to stotkini;',liidtinitintbny asie,, , ; 2,. , '.. _ ::
'• -:.--Move itssAtort *abet I that bossitshiainntr. i
i Bo oins the ;?Ifondrartasktoliestlittdesilt.,t - . '•'- 1
, - Andintriir Mtn bask ttistriintik, ktiM t oplifttiiiii
~,. ; , . totatset- , .:.,, 1,- ' -- t.. ' ',-, ...;.,-.:. • 4 ';',-.:',,-.1 ~
i -Atom ttli klitdrekdttokettsrtik,ii .s 7 3. : 3 '
avtg rost4
All that coniddteorktliaitittisiniaastiill.
'"l4oarctltlistto Wm." '' bp ikar latest sdr a isit%.'
1 Cot. Washitatton is rosidhrsosoitstrits.-43161 ",, l—
NO. 24.