: 65%;") __ :‘r xmw , ' ~ -:5».- fxfi’fitfi => flww m Wig,» .13.": N , .V »x~;~:_:>efi:2~‘s; -,~. ‘flf‘: v-“1,-wr‘.-'$.7m~§~ "-:;f\‘.d:'ul““',‘ sng :35; 7:12. 13;; #495,351» ,-, 5a 1); V: ~~’ Afii‘l‘fiifii‘f§&§§:§_fif ‘* ‘ - ' Aggqggrw‘ 3:3;w2v"":":,' 5311:1313“ '5" “Mun, A » .... ——............,.. $33,354 :.f'ja43';.:r» * “‘l3? 4‘ 3‘“ may . “LE AW Fé'fi'firn 41”,»: if“! m’ .j N énl's Snlufdnifi‘Gh'z‘ol'tcaz 1‘33'31“ w; 2 V < ,5 ‘ M K ," ~ :..‘.‘§;fl.‘:~'. l 1." I“l,“lu “WICN 0 ‘3!" .7 II" \ {W 1”“ "n'v.x,/‘.,‘:T°t““z°‘, ,n‘hlflni: " "'Wu‘ .ez-L; .A ’. ”3&3; in.) ~.} ,’ g), .-¥9l'. heed'ifiohnow. whqno days are brief, firmware Ihe pni'g'n'l lioal ‘- 9 - « ~ Fér'yvimilhoihiiljumfld fulling‘lcnf. ’ . 'Théyfiqnqzmnyfado and dio?= : QM heed ,I,ho:o,.nuw. \\ ho 'hnvlcybcen mo .' “A-Wllen}§!h§r"fiiondn lmvu Hedi ‘ "Ravdru.x‘ho fu'r‘n that Mindful you. ' {Any Mbnuxid your Acradlw-ho'd. , . fi‘hu Ipuf’nfifldy upon lhg onMH._ “I ,A pulntfind'flyilhorod’thing.“ . ‘ =And yol lliip r'aot that gave it birth '- ' May callik‘bnck in lpnngp .‘~ The‘ rougvmnxjggo in: every hug, . And magi uppn lho plain. . Am! yet {ln} by‘e‘nlh ‘of spring rongv A In blo'orpil‘pg'hcnllh ugnin. ‘ ‘ But that; we love. who mop! wilh dumb. And fallfiwilhin hie luck... , ~. The warmqsl‘lifiring or aur‘nnier'o,l.alh. ' ' Cu'n navel-cull Ihem’bn‘ck! g ‘ ’ Than he'od lh'bm'now. whale dayb nro b'rivl'. Revere ma parent lio; A j- _’ For withlhe autumn’u falling loaf. ‘ 'l‘hoy aobn mny fudq and die. . Baltimore. 1848‘. ' ' ' ‘ d Tembi’e Tragedy a! Sea—On 'l‘hurg. .. BY morning. the 12th imt.. ‘the Ennilah .Bttflqoner;.r\melio of Glasgow,_ anivzd at :39'51295.‘ lfi‘dhtreas. part ol her crew hav lng muttnted, and murdered the captain. .."lafitcerg'o. and first end second ofiiceu; \thaetttculue of thie- tragic occurrence _ ,-_§t.',e. 8' nearly est we, have been new to ga r:‘nflF‘hm-cnwfodlosnu~finhewAmglia [on Mazatlan‘on the 9th Septembet‘yn-nnd ‘the‘ count on the 19th, with“ a cargo nnd‘SBOO, t 000 In specie; bound for China”; Mr“. Cook ”Mink”. v andgMatyerdaon. a carving! - word. being fpasaengers; 0n the night of: the 3d October, in the'middle watchytinee: Joi'_the't:re‘w allackedthe eecond mate,.and' flint!!! hide; The 'captain and Mr. Cook. ,hearingthe noise. cameondeck, One of the ruffianefien stationed at the l'orecaetle 'helcb, to.prevent the watch below from co ftnvmg'up. and the other two attacked the . ”captain'and Mr. Cook. killing the latter. and badly wounding the former. The cup lainzsnccecded in getting .down into the ‘ cabin. and, having procuredacutlaes, was t again going on deck. 'when'he was stabbed in the neck: andlell backs ‘iifeleea corp-e: l 'l‘h‘erlddiee,‘e{l~‘rightednet the noise/and the: 1.0.... out]. murdered. were ordered to lltheh‘ etate room ; the mate was secured in! ’hteLand the murderers took possession ol': _ the cabin. end ehnpcd their course tor the '~._ coast 0'! Peru. 0n the following morning ‘ thefmate wee told that he could‘have'thc ‘l‘oat.‘tahdvprevitione. if he chose 10-leaVe ,x. aqcsiel and tnke .the'ladiea with him.—. .I}, erlprelence .of, lowering the boat, they :indtlcedhitn to colon deck; when “10th uponghithfend; having wounded himbed gly, ,threwpbim overboard. They . then rthreat: alt thdlettera and pipe") ovetboard. and getting out a lirgo.quanllly of gold, , ethey d'tuded it .among the crew. compell. .. :inngO"; Wim- at the perillof, their lives, .to take a-lbalq or the money; and then, '.cniiitig for vine, they commenced gamb .ljngg. .Eo: twogdlaye they held undisputed pqeqeepien.'competlmg- the ladies to sit at table wlth them. and threatening them With death if they did notc'omply. It is more ' easy to ifitafline‘ than.\dehdribef.their feel ings; ~ No "I! 0‘ bOp'B-‘benmed on tbelu , tnreybnt. than)" to _a‘,lrind Providence, deliv‘eunce was at hand.s Sandwich 1.5!. and: Polynesitm. Gotcha-u. ‘ :Elop‘emsn‘!’ Extraordinary—on Fri ,diyf's'vepi‘ng last.‘ It most verdaKyouth by (the name 0! . George G, Dean, "~95 arres ted on a charge 0“ Fatll'm‘c?“liip steal , ingéthe clothing ofaman’s Wife—nit}; the wife in them!;‘. The circumstanceswere as toliows'a—‘A Mr.‘ Ransom carting”. with; .instheztovn;o.' Biehtendi Owsgo ',§9!llii]r. being a farmer, hired a yo’usg - gibanlojsi‘ork for him. The young man l -h'asbeen in his employ about ayear. and ‘itiseems Mrs. Calkina took a strong tancy , to him—+so much so that they eloped to jg‘ether.‘ -The husband followed them, and traced them ‘into Madison onunty; thence Ainto Oneida county, to Utica. and finally -to this place. where he found them ; they were passing as man and wile. The bus 'band of the woman caused the strippling :tlogbe' arrested ; he has locked’up until the ..gnext dayduhenha was brought outtor -éxamination. Upon -an investigation of “ ahecase. the boy was told he would be ’ ' discharged upon condition he enlisted Litinih'e’lt’ih the United {States service lot 4‘ aisles“. , Ha, seemed pleased with the icon ,itions otthis,.sentence. and in charge =of:thofoflicer Wentto «the barracks and en :lia’ted: “The woman is a smart, buxom jb‘olgin‘g la,iss,,'ahoul_34 gears ot a e. and ,whejrijhe l‘earncdnh'a‘t the boy hafi done. ' weptmost bitterly, and said she, would 'hsvs'him at the end of his enlistment. it ‘ahs had to‘rtrsvel to the end-ofthe earth. ’fl‘he'isd‘ “between 17; and 18 years of ' sgeggjsnn, :his _‘ attachment _,aeerns equally strong; 41.1: aays‘he will harsher when .hiatime‘is out. However, Mr. Calkiup tools-"his Vitiqhbmep where they will on ilqttb‘te‘tlly'ji'etnniti atflpeacei-at. least; till n ._th_e.’é*pirili°hil9f‘fiwfflm- ..“Tne no: ' mllbog‘ke‘pt,itigconfiuement at the bar. ;_ .racks'until this. morning.- when hewiill be ‘ _: .olldtyedl'tqt parade our streeta'dr‘eased-in .g.iageing.blur;.-,—,Syrgcuse-,szar. Jan. 27: I'M/3.. 5" I. .f..~" ' L, , ~- .. ,thé ,Stthp‘llNOrgan-o! thehlsfihgaya, Aha} infwmnuon had {cached ghatclly. of a ‘- rum: idis‘cnvuy‘of gold {cglunl m| lhe‘vu ~ ' ~..w .'.-~ ‘23 .- . . . . - . : . 2.";"l'gunuyupl~thsyflockyh Mountmqg; about man“ i.‘,{j{u.T;Wny_.:_l)§3§9‘é€|kfilm‘xcl‘)’ OILS}, ‘Lpim ‘nnd v:;;‘;'_f-;’U§9flflf§§3fil¥¢l§find.‘gbld.xs_:--tgfl\ll'n‘q m the if: gaggapmqrand'upon :théazimnumfiin 1.; {My 9);. :‘fi;;;;: apeshhonrw‘ Already:,omvluog'rfnmms. new ;.:~.;'," “1 I, 8:011!" «1511.3 ~- :7": .’.:’~'.-.m.'?:.:.:A. c._ ‘ " 9'! ~ .3. 9'" 3‘ rv- " .::::::‘:»i:::-Iri-.:333;:22:29:??? “554653211111'r‘t‘i’. v“ M“ J'm‘u" mu. r : u-~-t.;n~-,\_.v.,-',, w-"vw In": 3., x. . "’:A”‘:;"’ ”Luau, '. .m‘v'fnw, ._ "w; “1.. ,4» wJ 1; I,“ . . mec'"viS'r:x-~g-i.i>»‘-r.-‘v‘, is 347% Hit".- )9- , vw ‘““z-:':‘."-‘:,“.-’La :;.'.~"‘ 3 . , 'l': vflb‘aeifl‘x'.«xv’v29:l2:s4i:.:w::'w.:-.£~=«.~.:~:r;~-r:‘,-~mph fi‘iflévwgsmr ,_ .24 ‘55-”, ‘ {iwit-‘Zififf‘jfzf fvE":l':'~.":33‘s‘333."?3s\‘~.Lt:3l}{3l:i?“.‘3¥:"'. 55'77337‘ "I ’37‘l-1". gins , 4,333.; :.- - gr; 1. .yr-Mw-H‘. "é ’a-Qiy-r-fx‘jg"; t..«‘j~l'3;'f~fj ~71 Z , .' gliffi'flf '1“ ‘ . “I"7m’é‘3ls2";j;’}l€f;;ss":l_;i_,. '« 3‘” ‘-“°r ‘ =64 _ 9 ‘ “ ~ ‘ ”WQLMQJHV “xx 333413? 1:5.” .ur-t:.-..1‘ 1" . . ‘ 2 , V‘ 12' 3‘3?“ is" '“‘ Wax “wan" ~-‘ -.». wv ; 9‘ .: ~- x. EM 9-' x“x ..-.~f'-t~,.s‘g-t , gs», AfiwegLMEEtwi ”ya-7w; ~;-«-;¢...u «.2 < ,; .;- "'4 . f ‘ WWI» .. .i’ m‘.-,;, v- I. ...-1“. VA), '1 ,4 " ROUTINE-121“ r :‘' .K ‘ F nP'VGr, DerlTOPS.‘A’wflgcfiltxgu": HT phblicuhntlmsinsé 516: t‘ o mugh‘l’ ‘lion as m “A LLI s'r FIR 3:30 “'0" ”5" wgnLD .S‘XXLVE. Aln'msx ivflf‘flfil‘; mu 611 ml 0 insponl‘a'wnrml ' I ' aboen c n y In}!!! pramo’ ‘ ,unolhogg‘lgll'g T’ln'lcf’s". TTITTinTTTTT'pCTmuIII”!“qu the side. are" u - i' “- m""”°""‘ “Wigner; ho! \‘T!‘i’ltn‘Txfgl‘TT‘xTTLngrgTTulfl'lgnl‘2lqu 6“ an . , . var: 3333:: -,Ezzne‘m‘mwwww'y- *4 aossed bvlhiss v 0 “'o' sul' u, mu m? WT,“ f‘ l. , . you) the fol 1mm": tifmm'éf’i'l‘, n§%ps§.‘;9’"' WW." 0' Mum?“ ; - :; MAIDEN max ‘Borka eo Mn ‘ , . ‘ . . u rch 30,1 «vglgflrffcilllllgTlT-E‘TI‘T'AT desire lo_ Injnrm youél‘l Iho uso of—lTT'Alliul L'l n‘sevcra Fall) In (no bad" purchased from mm! 8| Effigy?) Ingls'nhllo' TJ‘M . . 0 ml: u uru uuu‘ {31:31. Eggdni‘ghghl tas unable to sleep. Dunng formd‘b I . oua mudxea. which wdro proscn "‘mamnz P :Yfilffllm _ld olhcr persona, wqhuuln Wm. amghl§°lazsmw~mdm 0“ 9”- Sn' ~ ‘ flow dxfiircly Iraq ,1 m llioolng'bfii‘vpfffizyfl ni‘ {Jimgorxrlplgglawolcg lopp, l T!!!” also. used (11955:? 2 o no I d anger poqlplnlnlz. u-uh ainf‘J ‘lurhgppy rcsull§._ , urlnond. » ' ‘ - - ' ‘ JQHN 'HOLDINBACHFx Around the Do: aru\l')xrcclionsf9r u‘sing McAL‘ [merit Omlln‘lent, far. bcrofula. Liver Complaint. ‘Erysppclal, leqtllfr. Cluglnm, .Sfaid chd, Sun: Eyes, Quincy-Store roal. ‘l‘T‘r'xclum.Nervouuiffediam. Pauly Dm‘use qf 01.0 51mm, Hcad Ache. Asthma. gefigzaklzfg 1144.628}?! . f. Conn, 01.! Diseases 9/ '03“: SToellm qt; The 11m” " 6:0" S‘W‘cv’l of ”M: II"! ‘0 Id Fg C .Im . bores, Rheumatism. 7-255; aim 33;” 373’; £1: 33" “4’ ”mm" ”m“ n L'.- Cu ’O - Ointmmt'ia ood \an 'at or limbs when inflamed? 11301052 ch 3’ This“ applid qflan. ‘ \K ‘ am be CAUTION—No Ointmemum be mu'n e the} mum: 0g JAMES McALLISTiIR it, $355: ,wuhra pen 0 every £31351; ' For iale by my {Agehla in all (M principal cilie's wadtowné m tho United. Slate's 0715‘ by ~Druggi3la Emma, ’ JAMES'McA IS’I‘ER. gal? Puggriolor‘ol Illegbov Medicine. ”Ct ~ can 3 cr 013.. EC? :flxG EIVPTS: ‘. ; ‘ E. & W.iF.erin, Cleagfield. - ', ‘ Messrs. Arnolds;‘Lullxcrsbixrg." ‘ ' John qulb‘d. jflflurwins'qflleQ ‘ j. . LCUi Lulz. Irene/Willa. l v I } Clemfield. Jan 153‘1849.y—1y. .' ‘ Estate of Jas‘. fl. Cut/wart, e'c’d; LETTERS of Adminityralion having been grgnted to the ~ribei‘ on me estate of James A. Cfllhmrl, Intpe of Pike lowrnqh‘ip. Clearfield noun). dec’d all persons having claims or (rfilnnda a: gains! said estate will present than duly aulhenlic‘afed for settlement—and in per sons indebt‘éd to the same are requesfu to ‘muke payment withom delay. "—\ ‘ . .JOHN McCORD, Ad’mr.\ } Dec. 19. 1848—46 - ' Arks Wanted; \\ VEWELVE Arka. 90 feet loug'and‘v ' feet wide—without ribs, \vdnled b} liio' suchribérs—[or which the highest pri ces 'will be paid. The Arks (o be deliv ered in the Spring. ‘ - . - - E.'& W. F. IRWIN. Clearfield. Jan. 3, 1849. PRICE TWENTYfFIVE CENTS A BOX. GOOD assortment of IRON and A NAILS. just received and for Izmlil at the CHEAPEST CORNER, . ' _ JOHN PA'IVI‘QN. Kl“ Curwc'nsville, Jann9, 1849. .. Execuwr’s. Notice. NOTICE is hereby given lharleltera \eslamcnmry have been grantcd'lo me sul‘criberé upon the estate 01 Mary Cnmpbc, late' of Lawrence lownship. Clearfiel county. deceased—all persons knowing emselves indtbted lo Bald es (me Me H’ eslul (0 make payment ivith‘ out dciuy.n those having claims against same will pf cuLthcm duly aulheul‘lcn tedfor selliel nt. ' ' . WM. BIGLER, Ex’r. Dec. 24. ’4B. 41d), , ,_ , Home - - t dustry. 51'“; GRA'FE L .ilor ...: .. = .- past In re mew tsubscriber rep ouul- 23"” 4' ly informs hlfl fiends. and the public generally. ‘hathe‘: ’nu.w “Goingil on his own Hook,” in the hop huely qc. cupied by.MosBop 8L Hillbu .-un Market? street, where he is prepared‘ make, us he 15 now making. ', , BGDCDWQCQEIBI Q In me neatgst‘nnd most se’rvi‘cea 9mm; o’ér. From big long gxperi‘c'nce“ m“; business. and by strict Inuemio‘n o'his shop. he Impas‘fio receive. as he is ‘6 Bhe wiil d‘eaew‘e. o l_u|l share of (he putro ge ofthepliblicu *‘ ~“ : - Hides, ond-‘other tauntty' ‘prodiice.t_ ‘ -ke{n in exchan'goior work. “' N " JOHN H. HILLBURNfl; 'Novi’ze; 1848. . ,7,fi- 0 , WO-Balea Bromehirtmgs the I .otdrawdt; w; _ BIGLER & 00., ; ~ Piece-(Bush npd ..Funcy;,Alpaqu'. a" 6 firestgre 9f; ‘BIGLER- & co. ~- ME E" WP:I , .. w. ~ ,v,’ -. , 7-, Sji-MMJVM - gm‘ WW ~ ~ ‘7 ~ Hum-w 4: ~ ' V ac; U égyrirg; 1:w ff; M's, V-,:>;.'¢.‘z,x,-‘..g',-;. ..L‘...:..‘1;;.. Ml,; 15 - pun, ~ A; -} 4, ..um V I'.“ .. ’5; LI. .v. .a. ~i'.il:,‘.u;.';( gig-AL. Ls,,._". «‘3 :"..‘ 2L}; : '3'!.-_.‘.:.';;. My“: :4} . 1.-.:‘3‘l. fi “-,;.3,-'._;;...; .1 7» ' "TV . I? 'I TTE'ir'j‘“ f: T tarry?" ”3'" 77.177177}er ",1 " ‘., ‘‘ ' V ' ’v‘ 1 .‘ ‘l' n" ‘.' ‘h ' ‘/ V w; ".1 i \ ‘ ».. ”93’ - K ' v g,- - a: .. - ;~ xix-M .. . r- ,y. A 7,: . V, A- . . . , , - . _ § \_‘. \. H“ 45 . A 1” . , , ‘ v ‘ 'r - ~/ , . '.-1 ~ - > ' » / - ‘ = , p_L—.ljJ , s - - , ' ‘ \ ‘ x 7; ' z , - ‘ » —\..' ’~ . ...,, “M Béfinefianayymgmln'yd «, 'r‘ll’OVES; AND ;OTHER t \ emosmgmcete. ‘ . %%7 ELCH ”8i LEYDEN,’ ‘ would an: ' ‘ "noun’ce lo‘tlwir ‘lrientls‘. and the public, lhiol Ili'ey'é'u‘ill' cuutin‘ué 'the‘b‘u‘sl lien/sign IRON FOUNDEII'S, at the old stand, win-ye they'intend‘t‘o keepn‘lwa'y‘s on hand u_‘ ‘lotge and varied 'oeéprtjnenttnl @cfiESflIENQIQo- ~ . p N We have lately. erected and are now filling, up allexleuaive . ‘ ' , MACnINEJIOP.‘ ' witlithree Lathes, _lorg‘turning and fitting op all kinds 01, Mnelnnery. such as Grist 'and Sawsmill;l-C‘ugtings.’ Mueliinevy tor : Forges. Eufnaccs'lSEßOlNng ,Ma'llsi inclos gding ‘Hotf Blast ‘Pipea lpr Furnaces aml filaggneries ; and will be prepared to lot. ‘nish on tlie‘ shortest notice and in n antis .locloiy manner All kinds of Moehinerb'e- Non/on build, a large assortment of PflT 'TERNS. ol the latest and 'most inipfos'etl atylclt. including the tlllleren‘t»,‘ai?.es, ol the Harlem 52'. Bribe Reaction He’aMan/welg. wl’éltems'lttM on hand, made on short notl‘ce. . H T i ‘ ~ ' '.STOWE§.. ‘ ‘ _ W e have now and intend, keeping ol ‘w'avla a student the unrivalled VE'I‘O nnd ; [ru'uronrlbt Air Cooking Stoves, dif ‘fem'ul sizes; atw’flir Tight, Fancy Pur for (9' Nine Plate Wood Stoves. ol dilTer-‘ lent sizes , together “ith four sizes oft! su llrierlor BalloonLCfoal b‘love. as well as Cyl fander and" FANCYCMI Stoves. We ‘lell odd during the coming season. sevet ‘glNcw pntterlnsuol Cooking, Air'l‘lgm, Qnd'.l’urlur; Stoves. ; . PLOUGHS. . I. "I" wayg U ' PLOUGns?tllallllxc‘l,affdnffigfllwflzfl (rul new patternsv this spring.,-Vflollou-. with? of all kinds, Sleigh & Sled Soles, Wagon Boxes. _Smoo!llinglrons,&c. g-c .I'ZWA” the above articles, .and every thing in our line will be sold on the most rEasoimble terms for Cash, or Country 'Prdduce. Ironmaslera’ Orders, Old Metal, &c.‘ Olders from a distancehpromptl'y intended to. . . l i . . rkvma xrglho ‘1 cpflfl' um i I dun )0 as u \; ‘l'Hn‘. ll 7 I 5.30 ‘ {flun‘ pol Earl I!!! “i 'f 455: “L" a)?” 1,: ~, . ,1, §~i‘:""\"xiv ' 9 1””: ..x in!" . ~.:».>n'r.‘:s"‘r"“" , 35,}: r._.; 2 ‘ “:15: -* " 2- :rvrrrrm ”2:71;. .» ”:2 - 222““‘53 w H ...- .(fid-A—l 3; m '49:. . .fi ‘ GEORGE WELCH. : . DANIEL LEYDEN. x Bdlefonle, Frb. 18, 1848. Bhiladelphia Type Foundry RO. _a run ST.. NEAR THE EXCHANGE, ‘» ‘ ' nuunamum. THE Subscriber 'having made grcht im~ prmbmenle in his'm‘elhod of Easting type and mixng of metals, and- bud n thorough rc_viaiont of ‘s mnlrices, the faces ol which ire not :5:- cell (1, ln beauty Img! regularity of cut, by any ii) tl - connti‘y; flatten himself that by‘n strict per; nnl attention to business. _nnd employing noncbutlhc most skillul workmen, he isir'm ‘bled lo ofl'cr ' ; A SUPERIOR ARTICLE A? GREATLY. REDUCED PRICES. Heb continually adding to his stock all that is newfrom the best workmen of this and other countrits. gndhaving )ately procured from Eu rope, agrcnt variety or New Face: and Oma mentaljgonlicits the attention of Printers thereto. Spe . ens willbé sent to those wishing to order. ‘ P 11334315, Cases, Chases, Ink, Stands, Galleya, Brass R es, and every other urticlc needed to furnish c: complete Printing Office, dupplied at the shor gt notice. , Girmqn Book and Job Type, ‘ Ol tho n vest style and ol'ollsizes, carefully \ut up ngounts ofcorrect proportion. ‘\ x ~ l ALEXANDER RO3B. 1 \Aug. 1% 1848.—8m5810. ' BQO‘Z‘KQL Shoemaking. Mc'CLlN'i‘o'CK & GALER, Rnand'rwuv infoun their friends & 'the‘wblic generally lhul they have commeigeuxhc business of . g“ Rab/w «mnfl - Lag; QMQLEBBAHSUWQO ‘s‘"‘:“"' Ulcflfwhsviile, in the building known as ,lcNaul’s-Tinnery, on the sec ond “Don'Wilßl’ilhey a\c now making. & will conlmlmo lo‘uiuke all work in lln-ir line of business in‘the b at and maul up yicenble slle. and ‘8 lb shurlcsl notice and on the lmosl rffisotpbc lerlns. WHid‘tSt oan COUQ [y pruduce gen erally, taken In efcllarige;lor walk. . ALEX‘.XMoQLIN’I‘OCK. ‘- . .‘JAtnEb‘G'Alsnß Dec. 8, 1848. '\‘~, ~ ' s46}.me mmmw ‘ R. JAYNE’S Ancm‘vgmgigi‘tw D um Qa‘rminntive, Verdun-"sum. “ tivve P||ls,'flair‘ Dye. Haitifogic and ' Ague Pills. .7 ‘ ‘ 1.; Dr. CULLEN’S lndia'n chclaua Rem ' cdics. (w'arlwnlcd to cure or. luck re_ aturned.) , ' . ~ x CANTRELL’S ‘ Cumpdund Medic} d Sqtfinpyrilla. Anli’Dysbeptic Powdgfi nud Fever and Aguc Mixturefi ~' Dr: LEIDY’S Sarsaparilla Pilla‘r.‘ WRlGl'l'lT’S Indian Veg‘ylable [lB. W'Warrn‘nted genuine; lor anl by ‘- “- CRANS 8L BROTHE, ’~ ‘ Nov. 1848. _ . Cu‘rwens He; _. » ‘Bnrrel’s‘ Brown & WhileSu 6'pa‘le‘byni‘ .BIGLER‘BL , FEW BARREL‘Soj‘u‘cen Algrrulmby ' ‘A. 5L H ~ Qleurfield‘.‘Nbv. 14,1848. 1 wmmua ~44 @OI‘TON ‘u'nu “Linen .cnr Mud. , ColtonYarphpl all mu 9. "mg, Cun‘dle{\«\f_ick.»,,. " - '.. BLANKET} HEW '- --CR;AIXS 84 ‘urwknsvi e (“'l4: , R! ECjaS lhe'jupo'rf \. .' \‘;: aka}; : "WWW? r.,'; A 2:", ”I v.l /‘// .99.“ A .stl"i w" 5 I _ _ 27J1" ‘wf'Ll t t {3.2” mm,” ‘ I‘, .Y Zau—L‘V : , I; n ‘ . .A 1 Mas-:44 ‘fzxig‘afigflgfl ' .P’ kA'7 . {EFHI‘LSU ‘i. ’disad sick,ofavq assortment many that lave lit: toforeibeen offered for sale in thiacd'unty”; _' n He also 01ers tlwfolldwlng instruments for sale. “A caselp “wining 'Amputating‘ltgz’l‘rel ining instruments; a'silver Catheter axillfiifilip needles. A Wagina pcculumj; a large assortment of'l‘ru‘ss V5.0a538 of Cupping instrumeuta Stomach tubes; an instrument for ctfing'Uvu- In; Obstetric Force} ; Pessarlesj; Male & Female 'syringesy'largezafid small injectibn do ; omb do; Key & Fbrgeps for drawing ébtho’ 3d. get-in; up‘potte rs 3 (’ltheters‘; Elastic Bag‘ for drawing Bl‘fiétssGlaés pipes for (10;, NippltlSheatlis ; do shells {Sucking bottles; {pringflau acts; T hulnb do; Siatulns; VMortars; Pill cutters; Brass scales Mill weights; Glass fun ls; graduated Measures; Thermo ebfi; Touth brushes & powder. e “has‘an assortment of disinfectinngdlts far pa,- rifying" sick rooms, ce lars, (Sm. He also offers for sale a Eurfily of, , d .r, including Swnims Panlcea; an assortinent of Pills, 0m” 850. I, ' He will supply =custo‘mers with Spices, Perfumes, .Sodgz ‘ d‘Wnter Crackers; Bluc‘and Black Ink, Ink-powder, Sand pnper,’ B' tish Lug. Ire, Blacking,vPewterSand, Wafers, Red and‘Black Séalij -wa_x,—— Fine Soaps, Dyes,oils, Paints, Varnish, Glass @- putty; afar which he will sell at a very—small profit for GASH! _ 1 HE N RY =L(RAIN, VE‘HL demand lor the above medicine ’ in the last 2 or 3 years, is deemed a sufficient apologfv [or plocingit now lol ly before the peop 9i and the diseases for which it is (applicable have become 50 pro valent in this country that a remedy enli tled to confidence,'is a great degideralum. The diseases 1 allude to arc‘llepolilis, (Liver afleelion,) Dyspepsia, and female ’complaints in general. ' w'l‘he. above pills will bekepl con. stnntly lor sale by . ‘ Ric/lard Shaw. Clcnrfield. . Big/er & Co., Bellmwnahip. ' Graham Sr ”’right, llratllord James fllcGirk. l’hilipsburg. 3 J. W. Miller. Clearfield B'dge. Irvin & Mcßride. Burnside. Seligaberger, 8:. Bloom, Cur ' vensville. do do Lulhersburg. _ David Kinport. Clierl’y Tree Oct. ‘2O. 1848. i LINN, SMITH 8!. (:0. .g WHOLESALE DRUGG,ISTS,§ \213& MARKET STREET. - .1. ouunws n. LINN, g 'f‘.‘ ' " HORACE p. mun. Philndclbhiam ’ JJ‘J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘JJ‘J‘J'J‘ 1 Dru gs & Medic: es, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dy Stuffs, Varnishes, etc. . ' flLSO—Palent filedicinefilledicine Chests. Surgical and Obstetri:g{l:nslru ments, Chemical Tesla, 6-0. 6-4.; .‘ Orders from Country Menllnmts and Physicians. by letter or olhemlc, unend ed to promptly. ' '. Nov. 13. 1848.—6m|. ‘ a was. F. Boom), - ‘ flttorneg/ at Law, Phil 1; Ina ‘ WILL :mend to the settlement {claims \ the heirs of JOHN NlCllOl N ngui l Land-s in Clanrlicld or ndjuining c mics. - ing (Dull acquainted with the NIC lson 'l‘il , persons desirous ofcxlinguishing e Nichols: claim to lhclr Farms, may have Hair businc attended to by letter (post-paid) (Jdrcsscd - Wm. F. Iluonc, I’niladclplzia. '. ‘ Augugst 16, 1848, ( MWUEEOQRBQEIB fl valuable Scientific ll’orkfiupon Ila subject of Gestation and Chili Bin/l: b L R. G. Gxarssmm. M. l) , latt of Paris Jim just published in N. l’orlrby he flat/mt Adu News TWENTY—FIVE (EN’I‘S. Ada THIS WORK conmins rccenlli discoverc Amé‘ information upon a sul-jcct'o'l llic liighe BUD importance lo Married Persons, (1' those co Berr templnling Marriage. Bull It will be lound of special vzmc 10/lhos Bu 1 whose means. health or other circunyfanges B_" 1 do not permit rhem to increase lhsfiullmbcf 0 192; \heir family, without great inconv' lEHCC, Suf (3,5 ch Turing, or perhaps risk of life. A melhnd-_ 70“" fluvoiding‘vlhese troubles and "3911*"? W‘“ ‘nrlc .Vcenlly discovercd by up! ebmfcfl ”@110“ Md I“vaieian,‘; is fully com ”5““?! W ”"8 “fork u" so ‘5)?» nn)l Person . avail huyé'?“ 0’ I! at ‘ “ WFveiwilhout cos lltmeagbl Pfei'cmion .ieh 1 here” for") nugpdelore wi In ”Wrench 0! 51.0. ‘ ra':2°‘“:%’?""’“'““r“We “‘3?" len D . nno lure ‘ \' than; alrclicutc. I” r } lire bul?" 0' .“rv w ‘ fiCAonN. ‘ ‘ I??? e Speculator ‘ - ' . .t' r :er nnmo) llllbli§iififllfiilg¢§tmyly (under. a- i 'i lramcu'tlm whichjpcsidémMayor), (tramps. _ v ; 0 M Parlion; on: dupes :bomlitlng‘tlia ma‘u ‘ ‘ DOLLAR, s’, .“le’lulouaom r PrfCeio V' - NTf'FIV‘E;‘L~MTS,L ,1 . C'»_‘”}',"‘"ff °”_'§’l‘!¢‘9 wqu: ' :85" 3"“ be 59¢"! in a as»; a s Q! Postage “fun i" " H 7 {or .‘u , . V J .Pnrtot l G. GgßLy-five cent; 53,-“). ‘ a W. 122:" 99r24§5;-:§_r. ; ' Unwed tfifit";‘ I]: 2'; .. . .' 5 K ,2, {2,15 \x. - V ”33* ; \';"'. Weirx‘kg . 3w.» U“! COD When For (he go. Copies of x ehvelope, ai’ngL tlheflnitcd Smtesx post-paid, to Duh fice 1271-2 Liberty;k N. 87,—Np Bookseller“ NW? 15'; 1848,43:§ d :Sasil' 91:55:00? ERN V 223 ONO v a 'f «.1 1 ‘ ‘1 ”i 1”/:, .4 fig” M" 1:2 ::.v If -.__—; r‘wr i fin .4 K' ‘nwgi‘Ef—‘Z‘er_ ‘ ‘. ; }".. > .f "z’ " ‘W‘ Jr ‘ friiLxljfil - » ND- PR‘fiß-Iw «:4 v 1 a 4 , ‘j. N . t , _‘ ..r ' ‘ '2 -"!)HZ"\|L‘HI : . -. . ' ..‘ -. 11"“ {:r' 31:: .I, DRUG an; CHEMICAL-STORE? :f [E knowinglhnf om; country had laborefl u'nd _ for Want of ». Medicine and articles of diet it Could be depended on, haslbrougljfi up ,a ‘i i fl Clea rfield, eptgmbcr 12, 1848. REID 6!; BROWN PILLS. ‘\ Mai “9.2. r; x V‘- ‘ AF. rt.“ Jr ‘, In; ‘- -. M ~ & = . , s. ‘l - ‘ "- s'“, I’3" , ,1 , ‘ ’- i'Ti-V'F‘JH‘ilmm. I ••••••••im. gamma QUALITY, PATENT MEDICINES, JQDERN PATTI! AS just received :4 hi H building known as house. at the tivcr, mar Cl large assortment of 1, FA L L A N D ;W _ 800198” Among which wiH be Hunt] the of the ve ry belt selected ansorlieuls‘bf ‘ ' ' Dry-Goods, Hardvare; Queens ware, Groceries,Drugs andDye titufl's, Tin-ware; Books & Sto . onary,- Hats, Cans and Bonnets, Bobts and Sheer Tbbacoo and _ Segars, Umbl'e as, Carpet and Carpet and Cot‘ n Yarn, Con— fectionaries, Pa; Its, Oils, Tg'u's, &c.,&c.‘ ' ' ; which he is now. & is determined to con tinue selling AS CHEAP us they cambe bo‘ught elécwhere in Ihc‘pounly. WA” he asks ffi‘x'c'lu. " M'“; 4 Curwensville, Ocl. 3.’48. . , NEW 8:. SEASONABLE ‘ G 4) 01158. . r ILLIAM BIGLIP &'Co., are (a. W curing and opejng n lresh éup~ py at the” old stand. dnsfsung 'i'n part 0! a general aasbrtment bl Dry Goods, rocen‘ea. Queensware. tfllware‘ 4501:1- ry, Hats <9 Caps,'Bao!a v-S‘lxacé.” Oct. 25. 1948. ‘ i ' " E h 0 um unl G( cal s i‘g'fi 201 M " - 25;» a («k mi; 243-21. INA 2 NEW GOO lew Fall an Wmtey _ Gflflflfinn m» I ‘HE subscribers are l’ eiving and o‘- T‘ [ peulng at their New lo're in cuff-3,0". rusvllle a large and fullnssorlmeht‘oléi )ds 0! the character usun‘y to be loun'd ‘u cuunfiry alone. which fly are pigphf'ai’,§ \lu sell on Ihe mos! re’unnble [CHM-{:l} ‘Cas/A, Lumber, or Cox try Produce; ;,?~,' \ goods ,have been seleged wilh “WE-j \ale “ell culculnled l lh'e country"? season. These Mmé'in‘ wam'bf u will find it to thegadvublhgfi'lfi/ 1. "TM: CHEAP Conga.” t, W fin~IER-;.-'>: ‘rwvn'flilléi‘fiiii S'l'xQF LE 1 'l ERSWemaming. .in': ""3: he gust Office at Qrgqfichw g; {y m. 1849. M ‘3? 'i' , 'Uixrncy llooVL-«lqafi'd E3O, 123’” .v q.. 'r M $003.1?” "1" ‘J "n R. ’ a” u 433;},71'7‘4'5; :3“ Immljfgz’érre'w L‘ dis hum, vr’z‘ksrgflfiW 'G , Jon's/3.lfflvégiyiflli‘.’ H if)! R. 'Lil'zj e'r'; j " “LE; >.‘ afimuel _ Lifé, ood.~ _ “1323;" / ‘thames ' hind. qy'DQ'i-J.' L 53"". L ‘3‘ . . Madaldyufifirlé}, . Abraham Map .'“"II8':L,’-', L: ' @3slode May Miami:29:43:51.1; Licjxp'rd . Me; 11._;.W-jxp€;;;;gss%; 0:811 D Su’r. '.or&7iPlqu:~izie'éfiiér'f‘i‘ ‘VITSUn»‘Sd Tuit. .h-Rei‘s' ’E;éa~‘i~:‘-a:i:;“- W 9 B "WT.- ‘GiiW "59:53)"? c'Jr'ge. ' ; “it‘ll"l';ijamel_?:.‘;‘}a-;~,rg.,ggf ids-hex wwemmL-msa'ezw 999-311? ,I,.\~‘tuam's”.=:l§e‘¢?*{§£’z.a, " 5;: “fa-"- WWW «gt; ',~ L '.:\J. 3I L mi. .1.“ mm: wag: :Nmfi'fie 5,? 3563‘5.!0'V-0-WI5I019”? xix {glaze-ol;» r 53:75! rag, f‘ ‘23 .-, JOHR‘LPATT W—‘e'flft‘ quy‘ CRANS & B v. 14. ’4B. | '0: w M «3n; .5 13m“ éséitfiri Jfiiie’iéfstgl ZI m $4,? s . m ‘4 ‘. g,.‘.‘:. _‘ {4:45 -‘ «v ‘y "“1 3;... 4. fl Pr r ; k , ' may ' 2n,""‘l%},fi?¥fi 4 h,;§l/,'é‘;f;§f¢tfl“§~;in¥l “VW’l'H‘Q‘EV‘f-VTFE v' ‘ g ,3‘ "T"'f"',~s V fi 13 lESA II MI ‘;."\. OM ‘ Sfé'é' or 'the . ens!“ .. .rc-V‘ . ~1 \n .M m K 2 non: ii: the vin'n store wensnlle,"n NTER MEI ,_ 19.. ,5" - \. . ’r 3,1. ;- =wa . - . . 3'51; P M : ~'., V; f ’5; .. 55‘ ,7" It; .7? M 7". 33“} {11,3 H, . r 3152, 31.635: 33";