ri mud, m suffer, mainlai Anor- ojur gave in their vordicl. Iho oounlol once nm'cll for a new trial. run! in or emo Ly Tho 'nrgumom Will take 'plncu for th• real 90’ j Jua‘fho 1% Lawn Ilni n —abo years of ,gomplexli to n?! r m" m"? black ace. *pee [E] OFFIC L R FIE TURNS ~OF CLEAR D COUNTY. oan Jolmalbn. “ , '53 ' 29 \ 117 41 '. .89 ' 9 ‘ 49 ‘ 4 19 5 31 J 00 :20 17 ‘8 ' V 10 00 . ‘ 16 " ‘l7 35' : 54 A , L 8 ~.40 ‘ ._ ‘ ‘1“ ‘ ['2 . I 3 ”'lO ’ ‘ ‘23 '26. V 28 22 22 16 ' ' 12 19. 7 2 , 6 :fmrfi?! b “E",e‘n‘cej gmidy, ‘ Bridfq'id,‘ ‘* Bagg'a',;:-' ; WWW“ 5 .u fijratd} ' ‘anhah‘ofi ‘H‘dun'ldn', ’ vßeéqglla, - - Eannoidq. : flap“- ,y , Chedrfi " b Wbdljirn'rdn Jordu‘w ‘rj- , Covinglon, [)ecalur, Ferguson. .‘l Fox. .' ~ GqchenL P‘enp‘." ‘ PM}, it . 3 ..‘flOT W 313 720 374 or Drum 346 ! -m New Orleans Dolm. Bcpnrl g'c (Gen. Taylor [or - IV.“ In our-Farewell 1 l e Cllizoln‘s. ~ ‘l3 you > 00613. Jan. 23. 1849. Lidifors ”[103: 'l‘liisttiurning there was “ofponloncopl aqthjeting ul tho citizens 0! ”HI lolwn—r-plled Llogether (0 pay 0 pa“. mg. tvrlbuleito thtir most distinguished towrinman.§thc Pt aident elect of the U nited Stale’. . ' Al ‘ll 0,.:10rk. . M.. the procession “in lommllili lm to! the ”army House. nnd marchq) to G-n. l‘nyloq’. residence. The inembnn o!‘ '1 won: moat kindly rc ccvivcd at thé uimpfle but huepllnblt do ell. in'g ofthe eneril. “ho had bvcn but a pho‘rt time fituionslyinfmnu-d 0' the in tended. visit Alter a sotiul and miafll- ‘ lanctiuq-cnnyt-ranlion, 'l‘. B Thong Esq., adldryrat-ed the Geqetal as lollotrl: ""‘ 'Gélie'ral—l = V: been dt‘puled by your lbllow‘cttiziy to bid you their a dieu": .on this intot sting occasxon. It u. fiilh-“paiolol mpg»! on: that they have as -'e'mblcd to sayfajtwell. In porting (mm Jan. myhiug rcctmiles them to limit lon liar the full knowledge that you an: need -‘ {-'d‘by your country elsewhere. lit-lure m- GnflPIBII ul'th_ so) that youwill lent: bt'hlllti 3t-uin Baton Rouge a uni ted community 0! petsonal frlehd‘, over; member ol nhic. )uung and old,juln in, n héli‘lléll pray: that you and your lum 'll‘ may. in your more lit-me. be blessed “'m, long We, cttittued heallh, and our bounded plot-pet y.” _ ,r "I'o “hid; (3- (ml Tailor With much ,t_nttlltofl. '9 j“ . .' I assure yvu It ts m than}; character that lowlcstizens on this or “ hum [have .known] .ter at a cen'uty. Haj) \n “ishe-. l should hn to [chain the office! cute, and have await the ptnptc have, with seen fit to elevate m llhOUgh :1“ lcnr I am barge the glut and Im led upon me. )et be a? Lens. I hhl” rndenv: i cut regard lofear.fa ,ny une. Pmmt me Ing. to i'nvnke God’n/ 1.”. and may lie grar ' "1f- thllem} “clings Hf- fl mecl “NI m canon—"'s" mme lhan or (1 (gs'pSuhed In] “Such prelerr now about to among you. my sullcituio ,anplhrly-r-und ,qqplified Io di‘ lanythuea im I“). “How-cit !ulfll Ihrm.wi * gnnfl‘ection [o trvignda, al pa *’ flog; upon yo Lou-and your and ‘prospter . Among thur ‘ lingnccaaion. tilizenu 0! (hi -.‘ seemed to [col h; vlzbnéuhpge 9‘ Kim . iEaten TT. , .1"???- J J 3"; ‘uylou .ifi"::‘"aslfir ~ féf‘hthem’ n '_,.»“ru{,"?val.ni u T ’ ~ w 2'24)":va “if?" THE 32’1": .‘i .' > mics may “any 0 Furru-flll”. nssemblvd (m lhia are many 0! film mm and purielp. an as! deeply lhqdo ~lu'nce and llinfifilsh them a mmm‘ I proccrdsm .or}? um Ills Mung} In»: «I Ihen by; Nu’fiona‘ Cari ME RIZE FIGHT BALTIMORE. (belwen' Yan téumd yestc 3 5‘ RbCk" PUiH lhv é stern 75h ,x ool’a s'nnd, l r . “Su livan ,\ 7 mlsfl'sli'uut 0!) Mid k ucked 0w , (I- but [will 9‘s blzl j dnimdd "fit “ bio ?Suill nn dwv U3l; L"lle'lrniging, 1 re, 5 ucv’ My. -l'er._l ’urth cnmc‘ 5 in l I pod conduit) and 9? SI 'lhe l4t inclu. {Ual b} bolh', mud“; 0n cu’uhd,‘ unfit); ma"; nmlu d his ~ ? 05m ‘16:!) , mmeng .i'rgra p3o,}; H epxca g; [min hian cased d; 3' hflfi Flu-cha‘c‘ery.’.l‘§ 3, .. d» huS'pufliéhcdjhpi '“n: 'Y, 5-._ 4 ‘1 '9‘ ‘ fiizr fig . Vllfer,‘ 'P.’ M; 13-Mt1..10 a; “1375‘ {-51-}: {o’9l“ 6:2? Z‘Q‘Fhm t". ‘_ [ig‘l'pw ped ‘45. mm!" H)! hm} whim“ 93116“ W Mfl ’telcct xteen r kHyev‘ Qulid. {mum thin); ‘and 'u“ ‘p‘rellj u'u'rid , N} inl mu E’fl 0d 9'; ti d (7 ough algu ‘ll lhr'o‘ am can bjulgd '; ‘ {she-rat ‘ Jrew’fl g imettscariarost.*:',mc m lhul an offending cnizén ahobld "dignity xi! Iho law should ho Iho prisoner. i-n some 35 (Jr-40 5 fool Wiigln. heavy eel—dark ‘nvir,n‘nd‘ dark sunken oyu. and tionrl‘or- Senator. 16 ‘23 .87 my lcso lhal “[9 res he I)? fi Philips mg and Susquehanna .7'ur¥pilxe road Company. " O'I'ILE is hereby given I.) the stuck hold rs in this mud, Illa! an elec. liun will 1) held a! Ihe house at Willian Parker. in hllipsburg, on (he first Mon day in M ch marl. between me hnurs m 2 and 5 u’uock. P. 51.. 19' ch'cl an. gcra hwp' ensuing your. ' B} ‘Jdi'i of the Buanl, " “('s' 1\ \V‘. HAGSHA W, ‘l‘u’r. ulpl' . . ' 84. ' . Iwrkigb 51 9 "I n hi. Ink ipa! ”cull: until Sullivan's Irie péd. [mm the ring. alter "ell the gran wards Wilmingtof 'l‘hsse who winwas qur.'aher its con injured, bul Sullivaj The seconds 01 o ‘ have been arrested ‘ [lg/er I/ze Pugi been in " training Gorana'own. Md. battle whh Yank ‘ come olfduring commenced by W wilh weights. M) ed one mile each before (lie fight. I lluec miles. “41 spiking at nsusp‘ mg 160 lbm. Whl somerset by one; fist. He also u “balance It; hn so (ha! [hey‘ are nutmeg grater. to daily bnlhc wlmkey, & toy “e was d number (yuaw “an! Ihe trznnin netief. MARRIEDI-On Thursday 25th Janu try. by Row. P. P.rLane, Mr. Amos Bow «ALL to Miss OATH/Hutu; Kumz. both 0 Bmdy township 0n the Bth met, by J. McMurray, Esq. Mr. DANIEL RonAmuan. of Chen lown ship. Clearflcld county, to Mm; CAROLINE 51.1.19, 01 Milcnburg. Centre counly. DIED—In Lawrence township. on Friday morn ing 96:!) January. ANNA CLARA. aged 5 yearn : On Sunday moming. 4th February. at 5 o’clock, u. m.. HANNAH. aged 7 yuan—and on. 1‘" "“30 d.y_ a. 11 o'clock. 9, w_,.M-un' ‘nflnaann. nll duuahlm. of cm. Chariot S. and Mary \Vonell. (Commum’cbled. Seldomhasil bean the melancholy duly uflha l prcu lo record, dual In ten shun duyo. by— the di ponsnuon of an ovaruruling Providence. three Iwcel childrou have been called out of one family (tom limo to clormly. 'Bul ycucrdny they weio alrong in beallln. and hadu fair. so far n [he mortal eyo could lee, to live many year,“ Now they real in the cold. cold grave. Surely "in' "lliE”'riiida| of life we urgln dculh." But an innocence in moal accoplnblu [0 Hum. wllu ll pohorlul Io nvo unto Ihe uuclmonl. may we nol flnd übundunl cumulu lion in lha ‘hopo. (hnl when wo the“ have don. with Ihe Ihinp of limo, Ihau lamented childnn mll be found at Iho righl hum! uflheir Redeamctl Our luu,il Ihcir gain. STILL FURTHER PROOF OF THE POWER & EFFICACY OF Thompson’s Compound Syrup 0/ Tar in CUNSUM P'I'ION. ~ humour-nu. March 111. 1844. I herd)! cerlit'y. Ihnl in cunlcquoncc of repeat 0d and neglected Colds. my lung: became utiouo. Iy nfl’rclrl, and fur a long limo I hurt: suffered with viulthl pmn In Ihe breual, chum-no cuugh & dlmcull eyreclurnlion. 'l'ho Iymploms daily in~ crcnung II violence. I had recourse In vououn rem. adios. will‘no avail. unul I used Thompmn'o Com pound Syr qf 'lbr, which effected aperfert cure blue I h taken (lire: bottles. E. EVANS Prepam'mnd nuld by AGNEY & DICKSON, N. 1;. camera} firm and SPRUCE uuvcn, Phila delphm. ‘3 Sold byd. M. HILL. Clcnrfield, Pm. and by Draggisls phemny. Price 50c or S! 00 per bullle Wm.’ Lm‘mdue In the Common Plus vy. at Clemfivhl county.— Henryfilfbple.‘ Capias "Sux Slander." The .31ng to this suit have amicably selllcd n. pm! the (lek‘fldanl makrs the following (ate‘mcnl, viz :—| new, made cl)“ insin Man, in any manner. again“ the Plain! . William Lumadur, respect ug n [la n Skull Hone. Whlfh I had in 3y pompi :u. The bone. below It came my puss siun. hall been bandied. and ’y some 0’ had bern sawed In two pie- Lct. h ch as H Some physician 0-" hlenulog l hull it. cxpovimvullng on u. had no ”on, l on lhc place or man lor in whi I I go! iv, to nmke any charge, r pul an} 9pm! in (irculatinn. n-I'pt-cl {mg the sol ..Lumuduc; and any report of ‘1: Manama charncu-r now in ur(u?a!inn flEainsl 11l said Lumndue, {or uhich I nm gin-Has (I aulhor, is [also and unlnuu— tied. In cr pul um suph in rirculutiun. ’ HENRY \V’AI’LE. dale. Feb. 2, 1849. \ A quark” 0! BR}, - quullly.nud xvii" and for salt- Cmap, by - ’- SELIGSBER: Curuensvllle, hp," Mcclmg at Go nty‘anll 65:: PERSONS hnvlnghusi gas lolrnnsnrl wuh ’ Cl ‘ board 0! Commwsiun )5 ol' Ulcurfipld 0“ ul- in will lulee “01100.“ an said Bond Will be In 5‘ onduy “y ',lheir office. In the borough otClenrfield. ~ ’ the 13m olFobrunrydinle‘fll E (“h ‘ _ Auasx.—WM. A. WAL ’ ' ‘ ‘ Comm’rs Office, l2|h ‘ Pom-1849. - 2 deen Gum uhd )‘7 lu‘Over Shflé" : atlhe More 9/” LER & CO' 1 NE d ,‘luicqeu ,' MP: 8: Red Finn Myfisale b/BIGLER & Co., 11/: ,I' ' / ’ ... , nasdrn ’ Bulb 1. and Via l "I|.ch i" uswn.. cdln'm. whip~ List and Classification lam“ ”WHY @F Retailers 0! Foreign Merchonrllze proceeded “" and Liquors in Clcurfield coonly, rrnchtown.— lor 1849. .- iim state ”m Borough of Clearfield. inn nol much ' “A“. TAX. ”"f ”Wefc‘L B'glor & 00. no now Is 910 00 lil'd Sulllvon Moore 81 Leonard do 18 IO 00 “ Kralzvr & Barren do 13 10 00 F& W F Irwin do_ 13 10 00 ‘F P Hurxthul do‘ 13 10 00 Richard Show do' 13 v 10 00 A M Hills liquor only 10 00 J S Radobach do do i 10 00 Bradford Township. ' Graham & Wright Liquor I'3 Joel Sloné Liquor only , q PikeTawmhr’p. John l’oll'on ' no liquor ll Cram 8:. Brother do I 3 Eliza Irvin Liquor 12 Sellgsbvrgcl do Bloom do 13 Jones & Boa'ly do 14 Wm. Fleming liquor only' Z Miller «in do ' Burnazde ’l'owriohr'pH John Palcliin no liquor 18 VVllliarn Body do 14 Jos McMurrny do 14 do do do 14 A B “'ullcr do 14 Bell Township, 'l‘bmnos McGheo noliquor 14 Stewart & 'l'hornns do 14 Ferguson Township. Jo‘m P lloyl no liquor 14 Lawrence ’lownshfp. James Forrest no liquor 13 Archlbsld Campbell liquor only . Boggs Township. I. L. Barrel! no ”(war l 4 Alexander Stone liquor only Jordan Town/lin- Patchin & mm“ uu uq‘uor 14 DJ McKeeghen do 14 Girard Township. Jolm P:lchin - no liquor l 3 Bugler 5' Co. do 14 Covington Township. Franci; Lomoll Liquor M A M Laconle quuor l 4 Alpll. Laconto L'quur 14 John Barmoy Liqnor l 4 Levi Lulz no liquor l 4 ' Kurllwzra Township. Jacob G. Lrbo Liquor 14 'Morn's Towmhip. Thomas Kylar no liquor l 4 ’Beccaria Township. Isrorl Connor no liquor [3 ’Adam Ilarahbnrgrr do 14 John B. Sldwnrl do 14 ' ' Brady Township. Daniel Barrel! no liquor l 4 chv'ul Irvin do 14 ls &F K Arnold do 14 R W Moore ,do 14 Joseph Lyons do 14 Penn Township. Joseph Boone no liquor l 4 vns U: h Hy this t.-—"l for 51 repnra Sulliv cmui ing lc be m ns person has no days near ry In his great n, wlnch is In g-spring. He miles per dny. ulavly incmns lay”, so mt on the clay :was I walk twenty lao pm tisell daily by tdcd bag of sand, weigh h In: cmlsetl tn lhrow n low lwm his powerlul d some black chemical lea Ihe flcbhon his hands. no rough: and lmnl an a He also ljad' Iwo avgvncs km from fhend lu {out in rb him uilh;onue brush-r llyrg'irovitll'd with a huge gg-. and in about. under _ ol the ring In a'l its va- l‘ a ‘AKE NO ”CH—Persona l inking themselves ngrievcd by lh {Mega ing clauificmon ml! lake noticllm un Appeal will be hold a! the Commlfisionen’ ulfice, in the borough of Clearfielx’on Sat urdny the 3d day 0! Murchnoxt, l which. time uml place Ihey can attend 7411 make knunn their Complaints. HUGH LE Alercanti‘e flp Fvbvuary 5. 1849. 4 THE TIME TO TO OUR FRIENDS 1N I NI) U CEMENTS n. 'r comma and .i. r. SANDERBOI, Editor The publishers oi the DAILY NEWS Golie mg ”‘6’ lieu! iriterosia of the party dI-mnnd a who exlcn~ inon at cheap and thorough Whig per '“nd hm“ iiig frequent applications [min i covyfil’y {0" Ihe liirmulion of Clubs, ulfur mag-)3“! 10‘1""1' 70 Clubs 0! six subscribep, (hav‘ [hamper acm to [0 Ihe same posl timcq; for 27 gul‘llfi Per nnnuin L and lo Clubs 01 'rwa 2.0}150 D!“ l P" unnum. The terms ol llie Dni News. lovllngo subscribers” in 5 Dollars [in nnn n. -' i . ’l'h'lz.‘ DOLLJ! W’E/KLJ’ NEW S, u chcnp literary undilumily ‘lirnul. published eve. r Siilurduy, 13 (u, inhed Jungle subscribers at JNE DOLLAR pfjnnnim; 51nd lo Clubs at tho lolluwing low rate : Sf “UPI“. s‘lo“"in Tllm- TEEN copies. lOdol‘m; ‘M-tti‘v copies, 15 dollars; 'I‘\VENTy.gEVEN cqnm. 20 i “are; THIRTY-FOUR copies. ‘25 dulliiia; ['onTY I“! copies, 30 dollars; and Firm conic-33.! WHO'S. The Daily Weekly Nonscunlaias all We :lcsl mlelligcnce. wilh a you nmounl “s‘".er zinc-r, and cliOlce ltndlllg. and has already u will; ClrUUluHOn- . 'l‘ho coniluclori 01410 New: um “Hugs. and llii-y n J 0 doloxm'unod lo smm no eflorl to mnko bulh theft duxly and weeklymlmahf. tmcicut oyguns of Ihe wmg puny; bul mic (lying ling, spm‘ml nuunlion ml! bo mud no firm! nous. anmlure, IheArls, Sciencesnho: presls ul'l‘rudo um] Business, Iho A'lurkolu'aloj vnlh all such other matters as an um cc-saary to Mko 0 8001‘ Family and Business Paper. No ['ll ml] be forwarded unless payment be made inv ““"Cc. Igndall papers Will be dwcununued ‘ u; the .31 lh_o umpauharribcd (or. \ , may be romiued by mail. posmge paid. If kO2 me publthcrs. Address, A _ 4. r. SANDERSON & co. ‘ "'“Mmuu, N E. corner Third and thainu: Hoots. l’hxlunclyéniu. m I} GMIWQ‘IICQNo A L pcrsq‘h: cue hen-by caulianed a ; inpl'bning ol _pel|ing the [allow in; p: 10:1}; HZ: ‘ ‘ . I One 03/ Mare, one Set! a); Harness. one uggy. .one Tmck I agon. one Bu u. one Mantle ,Cloclc, and one [)g’l and and Bedding. “ WU propatl] wuu- ’purchuaed‘by no a! 15“! ’. sélc as the property 01-Chnllva k 9. Murliu township,"Clcurfié‘ld 4m.“ 0. he 25th man. and; In MI in ou‘Nfith of- said Clarke; "subjec: lo . Ur.» ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ > ‘O3 AHAM & u RIGHT. 0.26.1849 - IM IBLANKETS u u _ BIGLER-& co, fl Vr.Q4 ‘hmc‘re pod W‘" kamm 51/180 I 5 00 10 00 15 oo 10 00 18 75 15 00 lo 50 10 oo 10 00 5 1000' 700 700 700 700 7O 70 111 10 00 10 00 7 00 1009‘ 7 o‘o 7 ob] 700 10/50 1050 10 50 IO 50 7 00 1020 [73o‘ r flxfiOUNTflf aulslanding debts due Cl:ar/ield,‘¢‘ounly from Collectors and owners of Unsealed Lands. On Unoealndl-undm (unlimnlcd) $2OOO 00 G. \Vikemoyfl’, Penn 1840 446 Thou .Henf. Ferguwn " ,' 357 031110] S [1 Gibson [By 226 014 83 s J Tut; Che-1 ‘ 100 s Jordaq Jordan 9 8-1 ‘23 65 J Lam n Chen 392 l 02 Geo T 54- l-‘ergulo 21 44 13 94 J McQulon Burnsi 1843 27 23 One “of; Hunt _ 16 27 C Nofl'f Bur ‘ ‘Jnmen Wood: C 9‘ J W [Ambum Len 1845 loom, ' ' ° £11123" J Borough 1846 S Williams C‘hou John ROY blful'd Jo,“ Won “union 8p S! ing l’lko _W“g on Boccnrin 1847 Wm" 0“ Bell u/Wuplo 3088‘ Laborde Brady wwom Chen! J B Buruoy Cuvlnglon Jug Roujr. Jordnn s Anny Lawrence . R [unven Penn J 0") Shofl' Beccariu 1848 y'Welzol Ball .9 Gearhnrl Bogg 'J Wrigley Borough R W Moore Brady Wm Hoover Brudlurd anhun Kern Burmmu Jul McEwen Chen F Gourmom Cavinglon Elvjuh Reeau Decatur W L Moore l'exguuuu David Curr Fox Julm Mel-ac Guard Gould Wllsun llualun Henry Swun Jurdun Jun Yoxlncrs Kurlhnul l’luhp Amu- Lavueluo 'l‘hua Bron n Murru AUm Spuncer Perm Sum'l Spencer l’lku Jll Morgan \Vuudunnl 10; oo oo 00 00 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 .' Y‘ raizer. SUBSC IRE !, THE cqu T 3,! T 0 42 (13 s: 35 690 992‘ Amounl of oulslnndxng orders, 82,642 47 lSflflC BLOOM, Junior, freasqrcr of Clemflcld calmly, in again wu/z Me Towns/aijwj'or “out! (a, _ 'l'o amoonl recencd homullst‘u- It‘d lands m 1845: 551544 ,5 CR. By 001’! pdlfleccunahb- $B4 97 B'y do Ben I 4! 86 ' 15] do Uoggs ;" . 20 85 T By. 00‘ Bvadlyd 19 40 By (lo may 79 66 By do [3ollth 21 27 ‘ By do Bugl'l‘ldc 59 4'. . By do CW 35 22 u] do (.p’K'lnglon 88 62 . “.7 do y'ccaiur 41 03-. ‘ lily do {IFL-Iguson 1868‘ ' u, du é- Fox 27 43' liy‘ do" Girard, 28 74 : V By ill/ "Goy'wn 36 38 ,4 _ 05 , “05(0an 108 B'7" , w I), /!0 ‘ Jordn'n‘ 'V .39 2'3“ _ ‘ By, do " Khrihaus 7’3 35‘ gig, do _La\vlrencc V 174 05 0 '~ do Mania. . 269\467 y, do l’cnuw . «~ 74 03 v' .- 3} "do 0 Pike‘ ' [4O-00 _ By d 0 “'o‘ozlwnlidl 120 34 . ' W 31503785 ‘ Balance duc‘lowmhpa, 1,40 28—-’-’_'._ 4-‘ "' . . , _ ‘31644 I 4 I ; n_d Expenditures It. :I-‘ 1' = -" 338331351!) @@WSNFW "or 1848. h ' [S < C C!) i'v’C DOM, Junior, Treasurer o ar/iel‘oumy. in account with said my ‘ll the lat dayjzf January. _D. i 8 10 the 51/: day 0/ January. I). 19. incluazye. '. . . , ‘ DR. I an! lvcd l'mm ownem ofUn nod x‘ndi and union {or taxes. $82‘183 90 uunl boived from Collectors. 3.984 68 o‘> d 7 0”. Evnnn. fino ofl’odlnr, 25 00 o ‘ tedomp. 01 land sold In co. _ 70 35 To a W‘Trcnsur lrom cgunly. / L 7 CR. 91 . ‘ md Juroi’i‘. ’ - “114 :up Eloc'non uponuol ‘ 1050 32 I'Ju Con-labia {6oh . , 194 74 tdo on lcolpl. 242 16 idu Anne-aura. wages. _ 127 75 -do Cummiuioncn' wages. 232 07 do Road viawon._ 143 00 do Pru|holwlnry'l Icon, 136 16 do Clerk to Commiali’uwn. 158 73 do Cu“- in criminal [fun , 38 22 * do Fuel. taking cure ah. &c 109 43 do Au’duora' wagon. 50 25 do Repuirl. 6m ‘ 91 68 By do Cowman inquealv 400 :By 5‘ do Priming" comrud. 103 62 rfly ‘ do Slnlionnry. &c,' 149 79 By do Bridger, &c. ‘l 414 00 By do Clerk lo Audiprs. I 4 00 By do Counsel Feeq 20 00 B) do School money {ted by Co, 360 76 3; do Court crier A'ngca, 34 50 B; do Bai. duo R. WnHMn lnlo iron. 55 047 do Muking'l‘re‘a’llfmd book, 51 00' do Com in Horn “10 Cal“: ‘ Common'h va Alimnn. 40 81 By do . Dcp. Au'y ‘u'u fuel. .13 50 N ' do Road monoy‘uwd by co. 10 61 y do Shanfl‘ fee I 45 00 Ey do Auditing iolh'yl nc'u 300 y do Cunungoryox. ul Jail. 41 23 By do Money bj'd from Bridge. 58 83 By do lnlorosl n various orders. 92 48 By do Jnil cor-Incl. 613 07 By do Refund. 230 68 By uonoruliom to Coliimorfi. 119 28 By Lawn-town moneyfrum Colloclon, by direclion of Cogmisuiunon, 30 00 By Tut's pet conwu 812.324 63 MI; 184 87 ido 1844 1529/10 BLOOM. Junior. neasurqrrof Clear/field county. in‘accounl wuh. Ilia School Districts. ' ' ‘ . [‘o amount received from unson led lands in 1848 81501 27 By amoonn paid Byccolia dis , including per US$l65 49 _ By do Bell 89 29: M 1 By do Boggs £2. 65 By do . Borough I'2. 39 * By do Brndlord 17‘ 72 ‘'. «a By do Brody 74 71 2‘; By do Bumside, 34 9| _ v- 1! By do Chest 3| 71' . T,“ B do Covmglon 576 08 ‘ -‘F,g,_ 13;]de Decatur 334 96 ‘ f’: By do Goshcn. .32 53 a . gf’j; By do Glrard ' 59 29 3. By do {Huslon ‘ 67 39 By do Jordan 25 06 By do .Karthaua ‘46 36 . ( By do Lawrence .52 95 ‘ i By do Morris 176 16 :_ By do Penn 49 46 By do Pike 25 74 By do \\'ooderd 52 27 I, . ” By do Ferguson 09 : By do Fox 485 6 2G3 93 11 64 86,275 57 - $1452 06‘ ‘l' Hal. due Dislricls.- 49 zl—g—mf—fl . $l5Ol 27 WE, the Commissioners of Claims“ county. having examined Iho hccounla o! Juno BL‘ooflJr. Esq. Treasurer of "mid connly {or 18482-60 find ”1.," a. 3‘10“!" ‘lnlfld»vr.n¢’ Ill" oufltnlllflng dobll duo Ihe county amounting lofiva Ihounnnd six hundred and mnoly' dollars. Wilnen our band thil 51h day of January, A. D. 1849. ‘4’ JAMES A. READ, ' JAMES ELDER, Com’rl. BENJ. BONSALL. ’ Arman—W. A. WALLAUB.CI’k. We, Iho undersigned Auditora of Clonrfiold county. huvtng examined and rovucd thonccounll of lOAAC BLotm.jr., Esq.. Treasurer of Cldarfluld county {or 1848. do upon that wé finddhom 3'- ü bovo {laletl—nnd the outstanding debt: due Iho coumi‘hmounling to five thou-and ail hundnd and ninety dollars. Witncu our hundl Hm 51!: day of January. A. D. 1849. , 86.060 70 JAMES M. SHA\V. . ' ROB"I‘ \‘VRIGLEY. gfludilom VVN. WALLACE, , Auasl—W. A. WALLACE, Clerk. ' 86275 57 V HE.subscuber respectful!) Informs E Ihe ciylizensol Clearfield county._& «he travelling public' in general that ;he now occupies the known us‘Shaw’s Corner House, in the borough of Cloarfield, where he il'prepr red to wait upon all who favor himhfih their patronage, and determined ”Inf/9" Iher man nor beast shall depnrt the]: To!” dissatipfied. , I"1 ‘ The House is now we” [amid/d. and capable ofentertaining comlollu'zyza [£7so number or penpie. .’ , . His TABLE will alwayaf prowled with [he beat tho marketafin' I ; hus BAR (the hanorable gaur! [Jenni/WEI W'l‘be furni‘hed in proper Older}lnd W 5 81" BLE will be well and “Mu”! amended. wnJLp'M' BROWN. January 24. 1849. , 23 92 86 05 38 63 14 09 86 10 97 18 50 6 47 12 29 15 76 15 15 154 79 12 76 75 IU 68 39 110 43 6 49 ' A FAIR’OFFER ‘ To Ihe pcofie or Clearfleld Nun's“. , ‘ _ 36 i 1 _ 176 50 60 49 75 00 5 65 126 92 8 42 90 52 2] 15 76 88 l 22 Tug aubuxihgfldecply anxious roguho walrus and prospemy a Iho people 01 Clenrfield county, and being wowwnro (hm nulhing wnllmqrp male. “an, aid ”11/nuns renlprospcmy man we gone;- a! diffusion r/uaeful ml'ormmion among the peoplo. prnpoac to'lllblilh a weekly paper. In the borough u‘ Clcurfild: ul Iho very low pnco of 0N)! BohhAß per YEAR, - (In fltlvance.) . flNDER THE NAME AND TITLE OF 80 10 7 52 18 26 10 22 273 45 3 49 199 25 22 88‘ 200 ll 10:! 87 121 77 61 05 65 28 ‘ 67 19 3 95 69 b 8 17 84 9 12 11 96 64 09 33 as 10 19 27 05 159 7u 70 7. 49 06 21 : I ‘ngE COUNTRY DOLLAR.” ,"l‘u cunblo uu‘ lo do thin. we must have]! In" IVE THOUSAND subscribers. 'l‘hil’number. I; is believed. can be ruined uilhiu Iho “mile 0! Clau ficld counly. ll proper ucrluvuu are made. '13!!! lberemua’l be no holding buck on [he pnnof any man \1 ho can posunbly gel .1 paper conveyed lo Mm. ll wnll requiro Iho ununimuuu cflbrl ofthe cilizem. oflhc coumy. 259 84 120 105 36 243 157 m 9’95 442 37 :}4 51 54 96 7 22 We lhoralorc appeal to Illuso of our fellow (-ill me who desire the duwminuuon ofgenerul infot mnlwn among lhc people. to use Ihelr client and in fluence in behull ol Hue uaozul outarprize. Your counly cnnuol gel clung “uhuul u paper. We Ma unwuhng Lu publlah one at a lust of labor and may ncy Io ourselves. To Elluhlc awry mun Iu aulsl m lhua nuvlmning Illc name and cred" of Ihe coun ty, Ihcrcfure, “a nfler to reduce Ihe nubncriplion price wnhilllhe loath u! all. ~ ‘ Fol nl leasl three years. there “I‘ll be no p'olllio cul' exéilcmenl. and car paper will ban morq lha chumcler ul‘au Independent. Ihnn Ihn:of_ qilhern Partisan or u Neutral Joumnl. The! in, we Ihull apprgve. ur condemn. as (by new a! mum puny muy_v|uemlw deserve—speaking our owp unli~ mum at: freeman—um] nlloiung Ihe lrco use afoul; culumuq fulfblhelv ofcilhor pnrly lo'do Iho ”mm—- ’l‘hua'ira -oppeul will) us much confidence :6 Iho mombérsLUl 'uno puny as Iho other Our aim lbnll‘ be ‘m mglm our paper, ,beneficml V to themeople of . Clodrfield qumnlhuy uugpumngqnd delending they ihlexrau—bymidjng ' w develope, nndmnke prom:- blo Ihe \uéidug'jxéb’omcea 0! [ho calmly—llnd by "Win! ,bofofo nhbmhggulurly every waek. n’lfnllhfulv sketch ol‘lhe e'vénga.=grcnl and small. as they'hiuy occur lhroughpui theiworld; ‘ ' - ,' GE I V When no pmqh in lqug gained. uhnll worapponl in; vain‘ loylhe friendship—lo Ihe hborulilyzdo‘mu pa'lrioligmelo the county pride'—ol Ihe ciliieni’ or Clenrfléld county I We h‘opo nol. Then, k'enllolv men.‘ 0" you hm‘e lo do, in lo assist an m‘ pr‘oqming Ihe required number at eubscribbra" : :‘ f3l :" It Linn; inlemion l 0 iuuo lhe'lim numbé; about . the fin! of May nexl. ‘ ~ v ‘ 1' ‘, The paper bhull ho pnnl'vd on new Iyp's.dnd‘u' large. and perhaps larger, than .xho pro-en: niiéqf lho_'BANNm, and conlnin us much feuding tunnel-r) as any oflhe country papers of lhe Slaw, .' s ‘ ’7. ‘ 017'!" qrrry cmo Iho aubacnplion pricé (81) mun be paid in admnca--un or below In! May,1849. ‘ ' , D ' W.‘ MOORE. ‘ . V A. J HEMPHILL.‘ 1; Nov. 30,1848. ‘ , - ' 2', 20 'PIEChS' damned Saum'c'unwt (hejatwc ul Blah-1 & Co} . PUBLIC HOUSE; 0 IN "/‘iiw‘v‘ _. a ~1~ ' in El - 1 E}! - '1:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers