Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, February 14, 1849, Image 2

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    ~ 6.3;"; Ftém‘ Ihe I‘Vlllhingto‘nfl Union. I,
_f:l__i.ljl¢resting Iron: Panama.
’§;§§;;g.-_;Z~lfsf”\\/fi hays ng‘e‘n furnish“! with the {o‘-
ngggi'vég‘fi-Jlifwipg cxuafla hum a lelvxer miltrn by
s2sls;s:l..‘sssfiegie'r'nl" P. F. Smith ‘a: Pap‘ma. dated
fm‘thcfib 313(4an Iny-Ihem hrs» 8 our len
‘lr lnln" ‘l’ ! importance,
lur lellu‘w cil
viait Calilm-
Ii ‘6, :32.
Wl4 ’
V 2
'{No ptepuration was ’msdc'herc‘ny'mc
atehhibpo’t company tor transporting pas
‘eqngern' aerosa‘ the isthmus, or affording
"them any'tntorn‘mtioo or aid in relation to
it; The roads are almost impassable. e
v'fnlot' mules, and the number of boats on
_t e gi'yer and-animals on the roads is en
j‘tiftv'elj'i‘nsoflitient. The public' property
‘wi'n'chttrge ot'the quattermuters has been
‘ly‘zihgla week at Cruces. waiting for thirtyl
:rtbgty'mules, to cm, it; and the trou
iq‘. ,vexation nnd~exposure, in getting it
‘up th’e‘Biver Chagtel to this place, bro‘t
pithy-plain Elliott. -the"seoior quarter
ftqpttte‘t‘h mined at cholera. of which he
jdtptl‘on the ni ht ot‘the sth. and was bu
fi’ie'd'the n‘e‘xt 'anat Cruces. in the church
“’V‘llld'.“ ‘ Mnjbr Fitzger‘altl hastoken charge
jott‘he property 5 but he in no’wlsick have
‘dl‘g'iilflilt’tffltncL, ,1 have directed all
stli'effnublicproperty and officers’ baggage
;[immune to be brought at once to this
Vp’l‘gg’ehwhich is more health]. The great
er‘ p‘hrt'of it will be coated on men’s
,bnettp. They are now asking $2O apiece
.fotgtitiuleilonds ol one-third of the ordina
‘qfiyeigh't, the ust'nlp‘rice being from $4
Jo‘sfifqrftoll loath.) I willinot attempt
’tb‘desc'ribe the roads or paths.
"rgqudet-ttheae‘ circumstances, I think
it will ‘n‘ot'be 'viise 'to send anything by
this route except a messenger swithn very
'exho'liLtig‘tikjuotit other arrpngctnt‘ots ore
‘tnotle’. flfl‘he‘. r'eeources'of the isthmtis tire
,ie;\t)’,ti,t:ejy"_f{,unequal to, the business now
fthfibhg‘ing‘ to‘tti. f Flottr is tu-dflay at $4O a
'hpgretj’bnd-ths, in hAbitants of the town
'lltethlat'thed'at the prospect of pestilence
ffflt‘Mr‘Lßirch'. a very fine young man. u
tn'égbshié iron: Washing'omfiis one of the
'wiéttm'sQotJ the choletn at Cums.”
' ,'W'e me also m'dcbted to a gentle-mun
jtl' thiiidity for the follomng interesting
i‘ktrdcts at I" lettei’Mllich he has l’eceived
from an intelligent officer at the United
.Stat'ez.‘ dual-4
t . PANAMA. January, 7. 184‘s.
“We roaches) this point 0n the,2d in" ~
find hard since been lodged comfortslfig
éjis'iughmt the Umled SlalesHolel‘. (tho
flenominated for the occasion andin View
o‘tthflotu're prospects ol Amrricsn emig
grs'tion to Culilmnia ‘ across the isthmus.)
fihichjs'infinitely better than any thing
fie had b'e‘en'le‘d to expect in this unchris.
tian' latitudqh This afternoon, however.
dé'shall‘lt'ske up' other quarters, having
‘s'e‘curfitl private rdoms, which possess the
silin’nlfs‘gejst least 0! plank floors. It is
gh‘nhthl':how long we shall be detained
here. t ,' 7 .
”W'l'he "California" has not arrived, nor
Hasfiin ,‘intejlige’ncye been received from
Hé’riTX’Fr’ench"man-01-wnr, now lying
afiPu'ndtbéflgfL' Valparaiso some thirty
' lofit'da’ys‘,sinfce.flbut had. heard nothing n]
\uqkiheisitéimé'rl jjlltjs. apprehended some ac
"f‘és'i‘duot ifiéy'hnlv’g: occurred; or me could
um" fp‘ave'sllnllen’éo' lur uhou or Ihe reckon:
~ ingsflj ‘spi‘lyl hope_,,_neverthgleas. she will
drrififiy '(h'é 15m Or 20th, IO as to enable
. us 10 gm under my, at teas! by the lot 01
« Febrnaf‘g‘.“ ‘ "
.‘ _ gsfl’hh-pmnge ac'r‘pu (he isthmus iaincon
68in“! mflicult. Such ' roads are to be
éoun‘dznovyh‘éé else-.xund such weather
.‘ j-.mugtrh.lso.»t'e;\;y\u‘:ior to (his parliculot
- latilddgfi :Whhd;\e touched .Chagrgs,“
v unufgiunt‘léglhnt- n‘mproviaion‘had been
_ ‘ma’gleJor.(he‘oanv‘eya‘nqe ol the lnails,&
>_ igabecame nec‘euar)‘ 'tokhgoge a canoe for
' mjotpurpboe. which wast} cordingly done,
'm'iou haMnior'A‘.’ Harria;\g¢ .‘n exnrnse
V oLMfidQthravelled in tho on! m Gar:
‘ gon’nl’ahou,t.qu.milen up 'lhe SW";- when
up unwed mulea- fan-inexbag‘, 39mm]
:moil'o. at on aggreguélfleoativolsii‘ _r 'We'
5 'fi“hillfilfikflljttuipu{or/(hue sum); hich
‘fiilijpmbghly boiui‘mbumd tom 1)} r,
‘ ,‘ “filled.,(nutijcnnwl,-)J;\ypnracjs' at tho, .
_, :lgeni {or Musrs.-Howlandi&_ Aipinwagl‘;
'1 >‘olhetwiaeq.'We; will .peuin Ihe receipts.lund
{ii-j‘tpg‘eggnl: .ibem'jloruouonanoe L 090". outsel-
Raucmbnwnh jhedéparlymem.‘ .4 -. -
wi'fgugne'cganrxy grm‘ngoments; [cottons-s
({{épqr'ling'_»th9_,.muls oven; jhe iuhmus have}
hag-”When?mnd_q..;;:t~They hwin. probably be
3%{sl33llQQl3o‘bxhrliéfln'e'xt animal 5 of the mail 4
’l3: 's‘zaivréléhmmfihaibT'myfcharge were i
«$- {3.521 .égggi‘ithg,fZgohgri‘nson,‘ In: pom
qu'w’i‘hmb w 1
-v *W.a‘r»w‘;-v‘=.,.“3‘.§~"-‘2 "I,,“‘=-‘l'-3i":=-i‘;-‘n‘?ss:‘::s3;;. ,V/“n. I -. -~ .
sent a! Ihe-time of our arrival. chheria‘
.nn iulurmu nne'lhnLNelnun has received
no Instructions (~pcciul) from the deparh
:fllt'fll in 'reppccl to In"; agency for the
mail Wuyld It not be “all (0 turnieh
lregret' to any that several of the pas
sengera who lett Chugres with us have
suddenly died with violent attacks nl di
orrhtnu, among whom are Captain Elliot,
of the army, and young Bitch of Wu-h
-ington ctty. These deaths occurred at
'Crucea, nix miles above Gorgona. Five
anti: 0! the natives. also. have died in
like manner. The attacks here very viot
lent, terminating fatally In the rnuréel ol'
fix or eight hours. lam inclined to think
they. were induced by" imprudent indul
gence in lruits, and ucesstve exposure;
for. notwithatundtog the climate is at any
time unhealthy, thin is certainly its most
health] reason; and with proper care. a
northerner may pass the present and en
suing month here as safely and securely
as undcr‘3B deg. north latitude. l
ry 7,1848
in’ California
‘5l. No ac
ted, Captain
Frbnch htig ol
,lhn! hngnl'n
that there had
lwm Cnlilnr
;old 16 the a~
francs. (near
*Conaul tells
‘ouncro from
,;,nnd Liqu
1h navy. cum
:erc. says that
male we have
This is said to be the dry season. by
which I presume in mean! th 9 are occa
sional briel intervals 0! sunshine; for lam
sun.- thcre has been ruin—and none 01
your gentle showcus “(her—every day
since we landed at Chagres. II ”111 be
the dry; Heaven preserve us lrom the
we! when 0! Ihis weeping climale.
Please send us papers and, lettvra by
every opportunity..‘ A’paper {rum Ihe U
nited States in uorlftxiu weight in Califor
nia gold, and the value 0! a letter is incul
[so any um
western coast
rking (or the
clerks in the
saible to pre
arrivr. from
no force
rera that w
There are aboulsoo emigrants, l un
der-land. on their male over the ialhmus.
and uuvnc'es Irom Tfllpnroian, up to lllt‘
19Ih uln, slate. that up (0 that periua
1700 persons had sailed lrom lhu 00d
lur Calilornia; that clerks lo the number
of 400 had abandoned-siluations Worth
from $lOOO to $l5OO. and that the mar?
chants were compelled lo call i meeting
and mine salaries, 81c. Besides this. I
learn them are Ibuul 400 passengers wait
ing at Cnllao and Valparaiso, for Ihe sma
mer California. The gold lever is awlul
ly prevalent here.
Leller from the Great Salt
[Aiken-The Mormons—Cali
_ fornia Gold, &c.
“The Pillsburg Gazette announces the
anivnl in' Ihnt CH! 0! Mr. E. Whipple,
one 0! the lending Motmona. [mm the set
llemcnl in .thc neighbmhood ol the Great
Salt Lake.
. Mr. Whipple left the Great Salt Lake
nettlement on the mm 0! October. and
arrived at Fort Kearney. on the Miaaorri.
in 51 days. The nettlement of Mormons
with which he is connected, is located in
a beauttlul valley on the borders oi the
Great Salt Lnlte. in the north-eastern
part of Upper California. The Great
Salt Lnke'is about 150 milen long. by 50
broad, and contains nothing living. It is
raid that three barrels ol water mll make
one 0! unit. The shares of the Lake, in
the dry season. are encrusted with ralt fit
for use. It has no out-let.
Nearly south ol the Salt Lake is a fresh]
water lake called the Utah. “high emp
ties its waters into the former. In this
lake, fish, the mountain trout. are louud.
l The river which connects the two Lakes
the Mormons call the Jordan. The val.
lay in which they are situated slopes from
the mountains to the river. on both mice.
These lakes. we may state (or theiulor
motion of those Who have not access to
late loops. are situated on the western
slope of the Rocky Mountains. near the
head _waters of the River Platte. which
runs into the "Miaaomi, the Colerado.
which empties into the Gull ol Calilomia,
nd the Columbia, which'emptiea into the
cific. The waters ol the Platte and the
C orado almost unite by means of the
SW 1 Water Rivet. which heads west 01
the “meky‘Mountain chain, and runs into
the P Qe through the lamoua South Pass.
Belw¢e_\theae Lakes and the. California
II a VI“
silt plili
mules o
600 to 7‘
From lhi
wuer h‘
sing (hem
The v
forty bn
sides by
side by Ii
the moun
formed ix
“Cu in ”)1
ler atrea
dan. aflu
ber grow
is spppli
a the m
In (M
niles fro
mm the
on the w
'a barrier
sin, and
range on the olher—lhe Mormons havp‘m
last foung'fa resting‘place. Abba: 7,000
Tpcreons. 13% 'ages." and both sgxes. are
n‘o'w-cullgc "ginghis valley. They com
ime‘n'ced arriv’inggjin‘ilhe .yalley jn July,
'l\lB47,?d‘nd last ‘aeagon‘lheyJaised a fine
039 p of‘ivhefal, hymn and" other produc
‘lfu'ns'.’ auflicientlprv Iheir own'con’aump.
‘UQIFNMI u‘f thus}: 30!",1heir {aim who are
.Jearlficoiping i 9. " 'Afler' next harvest
‘lhey'iwih‘bave'pr wiui'ona to‘ dispose o!.—-‘
The] hflVm‘two'gl-isl-millb and {our saw-~
mills in upéymim,’ and have laid out sev
ergl. villqgésfimd a town on an elevated
plnl.'which megooka lhé'wholc valley 8:,
Mike;- I'l'hgy’ ijejfigildihg substantial bou-
ises and surrounding themselves with ma
iny comforts. They‘expect s_ largesetni
'gration this. season from their brethren in
the neighborhood at Council Blufl-. where
llhere are some thousands caugoegatetl.
The road to Gregor» and Calilornia. by
the North Fork 0! the Platte river. and
‘ the South Pass. passes some 60 miles to
the north of the settlement, but a route
by the may 0! the Salt Lake on be taken.
which will not take the traveller out at
his way more than 40 or 50 miles. The
Mormons “ill be able to supply fresh
mules and oxen; am! after nut harvest.
provisions to those who are emigrating to
Mr. Whipple rays the road isvery good
all the way lrom Independence to wen u
the mountains. In 1847. about 1,000 wal
guns passed over it, and last year some
350. The trail is so well defined that no
danger lrom losing it need be feared.
Mr. Whipple recommends urn in prel
ercnce to mules, and says they will make
very goodtimei Emigrants usually make
about 15 miles a day. On some portions
of the route there is a scarcity of grass.—
For üboul'soo miles. buflnlo meal can be
obtained in abundance.
Mr. Whipple represents the valley at
the Salt Lake as perfectly healthy. & the
journey to that region as attended with no
dangers and but little fatigue. lle re
turn: afiifi‘in the Spring. .
The Mormons have established ferries
over the only rivers which are not lorda
blc on account of high waterl—the Ptatte
and Green rivere,—ao that no hindrance
to emigrants frutn that cause need now be
feared. No gold has )et been found In
the neighborhood of the Salt Lake. or a
nywhere east of the Sterra Nevada. as far
as Mr. Whipple is informed. What has
reacncd that region, was brought there by
the discharged Mormon soldier-t who had
returned from the Placer to visit their rll
With reference to the story that the
Mormons had claimed a preemption right
to the diggingn. and were demanding a
per centage on the gold lound. Mr. Whip
ple gives the following account. The
first dilcovery of gold was made by Mar
mons, (discharged soldier!,) in digging 0
mill race lor Mr. Stiller. As the diocov
I cry was on hie ground. he gave them the
liberty of digging gold. on condition ol
paying him a certain percentage. This
they agreed to do but soon started 0” to
endow (at themselves, and havnng lnund
come rich spot they demanded a percent
age from new comers lo‘r digging in their
ground, to which they claimed a rightol
discovery. This practice in general in
the mines. and the Mormons, Mr'. Whip
plc 9331. no more claim the whole of the
mines than they do the \\ hole oi Caliloruia.
We regret to perceive that in order to
secure the success at the hill, (or the com
pletion ol the North Branch Canal. a bill
has been read in the Legislature, ollering
to the Banks 0! the Commonwealth, the
privilege of issuing a new batch of small
notes. in return {or a loan of two million
for twenty years. 'We regret to see an
improvement, which has merit enough ol
its own to secure its passage. coupled
gyith-euch a scheme as this. The propo
sals to extinguish the Belle! “Sues, and to
carry through the scheme for avoiding the
Inclined Plane. however much both me)
be desired by the peopte. are‘ratherin
ducements in the bill in questionto secure
support than concessions to well known
popular opinion. It was by an arrange
ment, to secure an appropriation to this
same canal, that the “clue! isiles were
first forced upon the people—issUes which
have done so much to plunder oer labor
ing classes, and to" degrade us in other
States. There is not the slightest neces
sity or demand lur currouey ol this kind
now. Congreu Wlll doubtless piss the
bill to coin gold dollars. which in II give
us an additional circulating medium ol
this denomination of money; and. it the
accounts lro.n Calilornia are only WU“
ly true, there will be enough ol the pre
cioua metaleto make this coin ehu dant.
Why, at such a time as this, are wdcnll
ed upon‘ to approve another issue ol t'rone
small notes (to test under the bill ulldu‘led
to, llontwenly years!) which have hereto.
lore been such a bane to the industry rind
business of the country? We hope it i'lt
not be persisted in; if ll is, we truslli‘
may be defeated.—Pennsylvanian.
Nine Persons Poisoned to Deal/1A
Within two weeks, any» the Baton Ruug
Advocate of the 24th inst.. a family con\
sisting at a Mr. Boettger. his wile and
two chilbren. have tllt'd. in this vicinity,
,lrom nc‘cidentnl poisoningmnueed by drin
‘king water at a well impregnated with
icopper. ashes been proven. we under
stand. by on examination of the. well. in
which was lound an old copper kettle and
various substances of a filthy nature. and
by an analyst: ol the water. 'Mr. Bout
ger and his family. who wvrc amiable and ‘
excellent people. had but recently emi- '
i " ‘y from Prussia. and m
\e property ,whereon re
treated their unhnp- I“
able negro own he
'gtuer. also came to
\e cause. while mi in
team. moreover, that at.
loy ol Mr. 3.. died th
that three Inegroes B
tfield; dit‘fi'thO‘lioubl _ ,
\vhilég'ulitti‘tlglon Ihe '
t t‘itn'e‘ffit‘e‘iittus to
motorway; All
lptm'e'ttair‘!-,;thb time.
ere‘,’-i§fid.¥i.e‘rentetl no
ighhi’tho’od of their
921 r nt
l E L D. PA . Fan'v M. 1849
ncnl by the Governor.
V'.‘ lo bu Assoriule Judge 0| Elk
E. C. WmsL
where he in exp
An accident a
Iho maul distressing chnmclur oc
curred In Lun'rcn’fn township. 0 low miles {rum lhxs
plng‘e. nn Mondn Iho 29m of January. by which a
111110 bhy. some Cl)! 7 years ofngo. 'l‘he huher wna
engaged In fallingh Irco, fur fire-wood, accompanied
with lwo a! his rl' drcn—u hon the [gov alnrled the
children ran in iniwny, and tho fulhor succeeded in
snvmg one ofthe and narrouly escaped with Ina
uwn Me in hm ('fl‘lns to save the other.
citizens “adding
two proposed n
lmly the forum"
efl'om to gel 1h:
PLA.\'K Ron
applying to llu
charlon Io hail
of road In super
spruce 6L heml
at a very lnflu
citizens lap tho.
road ?
WGovcrnur Jotldron, some time ago. appointed
nMr.lliston.ol Phil olphm city.a Notary Pgbltt‘
for tho Dislria of Sing Garden. A certain Act of
Auombly rcquicn k, t such officer must be a resi
dent ot thy Dlltl'iCll‘ least one your preccdring his
appointment. This ‘alification Mr. Brown does not
posseasmnd the p 0 e of that Districtrefuaa to re
cngnizo his authority oliaving that out alsame nina
thousand votars tho uvcrnor might have tound at
least one man comp: _nt iu dmchnrao me duties at
Notary. And now. il‘ordcr to get hit: Excellency
out ofdifflculty, tho *gislature is asked to repeal
the ID much at tho lathqfirmg a year's residence
as relates to Spring Graen. ll haa passed the Sam ‘
ate. but its tntein thcflouso lB somewhat doubttul i
A few of tho proxpituscs for our proposed new
paper. which we ccnlbul at the December court.
have been returned, cpompanicd With very respec
table lists olsubscriber} Others have rotatned them
until alter the Sprintflection—whlch taken place
next Friday. Thu nil. tion! on oxccllent opportu
nity to obtain auhrcribh. and we hnpo our friend:
willembmcott. Aflerthat, they will please return
them. whether they haul low or many names, so that
we may know what toq
It in strange that than yhould be any hesitation on
tho.port nfnny citizon L "W county—and particular
ly those who are nbunugtly nble. are rinsing lumi
lion, and situated wherothoy can got 0 paper. In
some neighborhoods than]: no holding back, bul
almost every man has so, on his name. This In the
case in part ol Covrngtqa townahip. and in Morris
township; and in Luwrefio township we expect to i
get nearly as many aubanberu on there are voters.
Lot the other parts of thtcounty do proportionally
well, and we “'1“ have eéughmnd to spare. l
End olWol. B.
Wilh Iho prawn: num‘ér end: the first volume
oflho “Banner." under in present proprielon
Within this volume in réorded name or the mall
important even", both inthiu “fa vored lund and in
the Old World. that cvar-tnrlled human can. The
calling nuido of cwwm, nd the old dogma of the
"Divine right of Kingn'jnd the recognition. in
their llflld, of tho tntiot‘l doctrine that man in
qualified to govern ltttnselqln the latter. “ill per
haps mark an epoch of ndgrenler ltnpurlanco in
the htltory of the anuin an buninéu of tho \rurld.
than tho runlt of the war vith Mexico. and the ‘
cumequent dllcovery of n nrcnlly incxlmnrtible ‘
dope-ital of gold in Califoniln. The value, thoro
foro. of tho volumo Just cluhing. can only be prop
orly estimated in tha mightyf future, when the AL
ruin of today nhull have bccnnu mailers of binary
Bu: Ihe experience of 1M pun yrqr hu- mm
cienlly anti-fled us of onu Ind. and that is. Ihnl we
have not been rewarded/or our labor, and lhnl. uns
lou we can nlnrl under a diflorcm system. and
wilh brighler prospects. w: mu-l surrender our
pou lo omen. and neck olhyr means of living.—
Wilh this hope we have ofl‘acd Io publish a paper
on the call; cycle/n, (puymell in advance.) and Al
tho vory low price of ONE DOLLAR per your.
Mnny of our citizens. who properly oulimntetho
value ofn country now-pnpér, huvo entitled them
selves to our hearty thanks. by tho exertions Ihey
have made to procure lubscribero; whilo olhcru.
however. have given us the "bold shoulder." and
neither aubhcribo themselver nor urge other: to do
'lO. We Intend to perform all we promise, and to
publish a paper that cannot bo surpassed for use
!ulneu to tho citizen: ofClenrfiold county. I
The Trial “of ALLMAN.
Wu have taken lull and correct notes of
he testimony in the above trial, and had
| tended to publish it‘logether With an
gument of one of the counsel on each
a a. and the charge of Judge Woodward
7 the juty—in n pamphlet.~ But as an cf
'o will be made to procure e new trial.
I," e‘requostol the counsel for Ihe do:
an e, we have declined giving it to the
in ic until that queetion is decided.
I order. however, that the public may
v poucséion of all the facts of ihia mp: '3
lg lax _caae._\\?o purp'ouq'publishihg itln it:
a! mi'ipbgia ol’our proposed new paper. inn
bacnbipg I'm-the “Country Dollar," 4,";
them re. persons can procuto uyalunble pre
famil newspaper loplheir families, no mo!
well qblain Ihe whole llisloly nfvllhiq ‘l‘"
highly mglounm Iria‘l-V—at’én expenae. 100. d”!
ol'liulolmoieman the Inner would cqal a’- do:
lonc,‘if.Pu§liehed neparalely. ‘ '
' V ~l l
,now on his rouloto Wuahinglnn
led to nrnve Maul the 22d "13!.
ONING Cous'rms.—Tho
within the limits oflheae
raw commas, and parlicu
' are very nclivc in lbeir
tr billzll3 passed."
.—-Several companies are
1 present Legislalure for
plank roads. This kind
:«r to any other, and in Our
(k counm'. could be built
cost. Why don't our
lam Line wilh a Plank
Tle oth ”,Irict Redeemed.
The Democrn; of mil-Sanabrialdia
lrié'l have coveremhemselu all over with
glory. 'l'hey M 39 called om lament the
enemyh at a lime [their 3““ cleaning...
in the midst of‘v nun—ah! urder many
adverse circnnul cos, _m_d noutilhslan‘d
ing all, they have are Iluh lri L phed.
The ball has m ' beeannirlfillatled. &
will not cease iI revolutibdljuntil Ihe
Whigs have bran unleannd ivan from
every place of poticalfiawer. 'l‘he_l'o|-
owing is the oflic' l renal“ . ’q“
Dmm.‘ . hn'flon.
X 1367-! 1210'
1307 2 1756
‘ IH3 5* 97!
720 374
Majmily for Mr
The Trial an
The trial of Loruntz,(- anrjicc) Allman, tin
the murder of hit brothe Godlifd. in Suptcmlicr
In". In Brady township, n th‘i‘aumy, occupied
almost the entito January‘iormlgour courl.‘ Tito
trial commenced on Mnmit)’ M'zlnghtho Slu_ult,.
whon, after going through lhlbrrmgnmom; the
case was pontponcd to [ho nxli morning.~. 1011
Tuesday morning. after fihniung tho whololiu
of 48 Jurors, and some 20 In'nmn. a very' intelli
gen! jury wan eventually "in. Tho can man
than opened by the Deputy Atpnly General. after
which tome 30 to 40 witnclé Hero called by tho
Commonwealth, and many tfilom having lo‘bo
‘ interpiattd. necessarily ocu'pfai much time. and
‘wu not closed unlil Thumayi ivouing. Tho ur
gumentn of counsel commonfioddn Fridzny morning
and continued until Snturd.’ evening. "in “on.
Judge Woomunp, than, in man clear, feeling.
and aloquont chnrge, teadlnAbg wlmlo volume of
te-timuny. submitted the cm in the jury. Tho
jury retired. and taller bain out lomo 36 houu,
came Into court at 8 o'clocvon Monday morning
with a verdict ol “Guilly q‘murdcr in thefiru de
The raw wan most nbl conducled on bulh
'aidca. On behalf o! the Ccnmonwonllh by Dep'y
Au', Gen, G. W, Hzcxm {um-10d by 8. Hum
Px'rnmzN. (of Bellcfonle,) nil Wu A \VALLACE,
anw. AHd‘on Iho purl oflho defunct. by ILIG
Can-rm. (of Bellefome.) J. I: Sm'ru. G R, BAl'h
nun-T. and J. F. \Vuvm. Earl.
'l‘he"é\‘idcncc was of an mirely circumstantial
charurlrr. but of such ovonhelming forco'us to
drive all llOllhlß {turn Iho mid. of Ihe jury.‘ I!
we are conoclly informed. |o jury wens not do.
mined by u diviaiou of npinio as to the guilt of Iho
primncr, but from a denim 0 [ho purl ofaumo of
Ihojururs Io bring in u verdil u! “gullly 0! mm»
der in Ihe second degree."
Purhnp- few lrinh of 1: mm Iruly inlays-ling,
no! In any romnnlic clmrncler,cvor mmo before]
court and jury. The npncinq’hull of our com!
home was rrowdcd tho wholuimo. wilh eager and *
anxious, though perlcclly culxnnd orderly opec- .
Inlor's; and amidst lhul unzion Ihrong. i'l learned 7,
[0 m. that Ihe prisoner 0! ”no M “as Iho mall un
moved. He appeared indiflerni na to [he iuuo—
perfoclly cullom lo every nnrrnl {rellng oflho
human breast—4w noilher Ihctenrn ofa weeping.
henrbbrulwn Man-r, nor Iho uoqmn. deep-drawn.
melancholy rc-punue d “guiltv” from the jurors
mused Ihe lea-l porconiblo omuim. I
From the evidence, Ihe fullm fncll u-eré cn~
labholmdz~lfirnnlz Ind Godffi Allman lived
logclher. They had lvo nine". ‘ll] a brother. nu~
mod PHllip, in thin cmnlry. nndmlives of Germ!»
Trio Ihrce brmhlrn pnrchuld a piece oflund.
marrird. and moved lo (uncinnnli. God.
Jao wan! to Cncinnnti, luv Ihe purpow. is
fried »
lrged, of can”: mmey lu nelp pay for Ihe
Loranlz rcmmod ou Ibo and, Godfried
was a!
rclurned m Mayfm, and the nib brolhen lived ;
logoihcr. \‘iilled m-n-iunully. hf. Iho unmarried I',
linler.‘ Ou Tux-adv Iho slh of geptomhar. God~
fried and Luuiza Mubal were ma tied. The two
brolhg. Worked mullet {rum Wrdnesday morn
ing Ihe 61!). um“ Surdny evenin; the 9m. when
Godfrlod lento gorMnrshnln—scme Ihree miles
by on. road. and l9~nnd~a~hnlf by anolher. A!
lot lhu. nothing “I heard of Godfriad unlil Suns
day Iho 171!) of mtcmbor, when his dead body
was found 9 fewu'dn from {Em mad. with a bu|~
lel hula Ihrough 5 bond.- '
Suspicion hud halcned upon Loranlz previou-
lo lhfifinding Ollie body. from his peculiar con. ‘
duct. :0! well “Atom I! declarulion he had mnde.-'
mm in", did naf'get Lauiza Marshal one wogjld
(033 hi! life." I I f
'l;ij i; all n", and lhil evidence devqlofiéi
“ma 'llngulnflain of circumstance:‘; broughl‘loi.
“gm, iom at 1,! fame of them. by ovanlloffljzlo‘".
"me dingnmhamclen' Tho bullet [hut pnsch‘
Ihroughtlhe 1:11,: and picked_up wool“ afoul;-
body as {uu’rila appearance—lho cignificn
croasern i|._.d:ils mysterious Identificnlion;
large club, {and within three or four {O9: oh
dead body_;upponrnnco—nnd its singular ido
tificnuoni..mbut n qugho links In (his rem‘
hub!“ qhhimljgslimony. Inning and imignifica’]
or "mt,“hgs but when connected‘ with, oflt'e'q
parts 1) £be 'idcnco, forming a Weigh! ofldufiildbz‘
ny lhnl4nhxg‘Jluil to (area conviction in she hing
ho ciy'l‘gnalqncu wens so well and urcuf'gl'v‘a?
mu ed n_d linked lagether. no In bid-defiafifim
gll 1 : ixifhuily o! Iho lcum'edjnld _eit):qb'qhtf
nation-11p delenco. Thoy' employed lhoflf
gunman. and lnbpyed will!) a zeal unpretfi -.
lo ; bp‘f'ilhouflq‘t'nil.‘ There Ilood Iho um?
g" lg @in of widened—had i /. .oemad mm
nmy {and lo account {or « I nfig?
ln‘ Wu {lho pnsunor, or to; it K“
nut hfi'ore clear upd'plnlrfll‘ 9
11. co'ael for Ihe Common; ;
[y‘ fifurmmnd Ihin duly” L 3:
ondablo dignfly. if:
4511" 4311
"um .00. ‘
C¢lyicflon of
A Ilia ll.’ ”
‘ N 3???