‘éra‘ll'vflh if“ . .‘ ‘ I,‘ ~.~ , H\‘ s'; ‘ y ‘s‘ uA'rlcFUt.‘ W?“ *‘ “" ' . 1.; . ,u»l?§'.‘!.;=;.!i’;‘!UP.-l“-‘Lfi‘u _ s -,é§g)'scrll)er figsps'cufl "' .. ‘ ~ ij 'iggiulms 'hln ‘ lri‘ex'filé‘, und the ' "inhlilio‘ ge‘nernlly“ mm i\ll;~,')3Jum "fluingj! ‘ On his mm #l9ng KIN ,jlic; ’gl‘lfpp,lfi'd‘il-I'}‘f {c} [(‘upied bv (Mug-gi‘pi& "liilburn'; n'n' Mu‘rkcl Mreel, \yiwfx’fiqiis [)lrpuqulmwukflnu hi: In nuwl 'makipg" :4. 1, y,' '.' . 'JBGMDWE @‘QMGDU’J. 2*" In ‘he vwnWSllfml mus! sérvi'rvnble'lmnnl nor. FrthQh'ifi- long rvxper-iénce in lhei ' businers. afitllifiy snic! fnnémiun Sm hi's' ,nhop. he hifP‘ea'Wn rerclv'c.‘ as he i)! sure ht ' will dcserflj n’ 70'” shnrczofHh'ejmtrionngc' of the pubfitf. '53 r ~li - 7-? x T ' Hides. dh‘dwilheu countt-yn'pwducr. tn’- ken in exc‘fl'éniéi Inr wmk.‘e"s: ~.u nuJOHN 11. HILLBURN.‘ 3‘ Nov. 28mg“. A ’1 ‘ . w Wrtf— U'“ “"n‘r . . . _ . , “snag pmNu szozg ' ~ ,5 Fofxft’ebtuary Term. 1840.. 'George Ba'ré'er‘i Farmer ’ Bradford Jamea W Dhnlép 'do 5‘ .v - Brndy’ John-J Beh‘flxs do n ' Ado | GemEllingér‘aen do ‘ E »do .1 Peter Smellw~ - do Moxrio Saml. Seb'rlhgf" 1' Carpenter Burnside Henrv-Bre‘l“ ‘5l Former. , ~ . "dog‘i DHvid‘McCuHough do . do Jun. R Amt'B - do 9 Jordan James Qinr‘rrf’ 1‘ 'do“ v . .do' P’aj’iiékviflbilq“,"Wlo"l " ”Penn Tflqifiqé Fe'mon " ‘" do I .1, _ > V “do Amlmw Mob!“ ...-)9 o. .110». RichardDanver «1 do .. I.a do Wm Porn; “1} V " (102‘ ' "Luwrénce John gjn&ell-,;l}‘ ~ dis-2;, do “HEA- 2999131,, ‘ I: (.011 i do Samuel lide' . r-Liu‘m'bgnmnn ‘dn - Samuei Powell -. do do Henryn'flile jr -, ,:;Farm.er o. ‘ Pike ,‘Ym‘TfG'ilbut ~ :Bl'komith ' Be" Méfi‘jfldi‘dfilj' I‘Farmer ‘ "' Bogga J’oh‘n‘,'.W,f )X‘rigm ’51}!!! f L' Bec'c'mia Wm Moignn'm Laborer . Bfo'rough ."I "( ;I. 1.111;." ‘.H“‘.'F-—' ' 4 A ‘ LISTQIvI'HTR/i VISVJURORS- 4 “Lego? 'Feb’r’tfiorié Zea/m. 1849- Jaus‘.“H Mm} '3 ounce Beccano , Henry B wright. “do“! 1‘ ' do‘ ' Johp‘tim' _" d 0 ’ ' ""‘Q. ' mgwfldan, II «In - do I'3“}!!th ..4 . on"? ‘ ...DFI‘“ J 'hfifiyzbqu 4,0; .x ~ , so». 30;“: CF:‘|’{"J vah ankdeQ‘per u: .430 i I .9 '9!" 1 ~..9.1“,’ . two»! gggifih'il‘sfdnu‘w‘ PhVfi‘lq‘lfll I 1 “do , Jag'cfinpifidhfih, .‘ Farms? do Dui'u'd firi<:l)'§‘)'fiaiéilM dc.‘ .' '. Bradfofd. fiddt‘fi'Gpm’hfiil ' do " _ do ’ )galgh‘eifi Fo‘xcoc . 'do _ ‘do ' 1‘ ‘HlCono'wp’y'fv ’ “do; , do‘ ‘ Jélloh'Hix’nllfi ' ' 'do y ,do John rocks; . . A fjdo ~floggo Fy‘e' _’( Hgfln‘ey ' do'v .1; . do Ab'm ’Bo‘lley do ' . Pike Amhony Kudzu do do Gepf e {logo ppm) ado w“, Awdo '1 “G"C’§niamore“’) Bl’k'sr'nigh - (“gdo' . Wmfimo'om- 4 ‘ Fh,m,-::tsz 9 ‘J‘ordim 'stebW‘Ph'tlerso’n- “‘ do; 3 ’54 ‘ " don? Ohril‘iofi‘Erehafd . "do" -, “ ' -‘ do“ DIME! Cilh‘can' "do do * ThdaL’rMcKea' ' dc" ’ ‘ ‘do‘“ Phigfi‘flévém’f ' ' ' do; ' ‘ Huston Me ."Mu'r'ray‘V" do - ' Gira'fd S C-‘Pathhen ’ ; "Mcrchant‘ " do Geo. B Smithi‘f”: "Equn'ét‘j' ’ Ido “' JameS‘F'olloo'd“ ' do‘, - Llorgpce Matthew Ogden jr ‘ do ’7' "‘do .Phifi‘p'fifingég. .Lumhflfimqo‘, ‘ 3 do Hodsob‘liyUej,“_",La“b‘of‘¢r" " ' do , geemw.9orerin "Sam. do John Moore ‘4 , Gunsmim Borough ’ljop¢;Scbfield ,' Lubmor , .do IJoh'd;,King’ 4 Carpenter B’urnépdé JamfloAllia‘on. ‘Fauner . do ‘Jogoph Boone ‘ 'M‘e'r'chorg! " ‘ , Penn ,E'TCQudrjpt‘j *Wh‘ggon‘n'flkr Covingxon Lévi‘lhfli " ' ‘ Mcrchanl ‘ Ido anmu'McGhee " Farmer , Bell "-Geo't‘gfe-Conowny . , do" Karlhnua ,Joscthmhcro 7 .~ do 4 do ‘ fiamu'ei'floo‘vu ‘ ‘do . Movm‘ lAhduwfl’ozer " Lgborer Chest fPl’lilddelphia‘Type Foundry: Q‘E’HQLWQREA'" st. NEAR‘THE EXCHANGE. ;;.,,;~xm;m:. ..-: - ‘BHIL‘ADE‘LPHIA- ' mv‘:mßUS'ubsqt-iber havin'g' made great ‘irh ‘brdfiéhfiefitsq‘jfiz‘hig mbthgd'pr casting type and ".p'xjpglpflmpktglg; 15nd had a, thorough revision‘ 961.1,, gnawing, Eghe faces of. ‘whichue not ex-. ycelleduin‘ beguly'and .regulutitfy' of dut,‘by any: «in thg‘qo‘qp‘trywflgile‘rva himaeil - that by a strict; péidi‘r’nfll-aftbnfion " tdlbusingqs, and employingi tifn'é‘lin‘tépe m‘ost skillpl workmen, heisinnj mu t'd‘o c'r'W‘? ." ' " ' ' v 9" {fl-'"fiysgl’EflfOß‘AßTlCLE' ' ‘~ 3 » - 9&1" GREATLY} REDUCED. 12121qu g _ ‘ Heis cofitin’u‘ally pdd‘ing to liis'stbck uniting fi‘fiéfi’fiififlhé but wog'kmgnof this and 9th; ‘B3umr'é’gr'gflg bnviq'g ’lnlcU’p'r’ocpx-pd ’from'l‘iq4 fade}: §refiigflafiély 0! New Face: and omm: menm‘soflc'ita the gttemiqn pf Printeruhergzm; :mfip’eumetid ‘fw'ilrbé sumo "those- Wishing td‘ orderi-iili .M 4:; u,, :23, ‘ Presses, Casein.;crmaes, Ink; Stand}. .Galfc'ym ..Brnm;Rulcs,~ find-gvery ggthgr arti‘cle‘needed Io: fiérnii‘h a coffiplc'l'e Printfnbpflfge; Humid at, 1. cfligr gatinnlige-qq : ;,v, 2'.4“&;'-’:'i);r"i 1- .1 , p u. ~ . 5 . ~ ‘ "'"infisrmgfiflee’sflnsilnbgfilne» g-’ ‘ 6!”) e neweh style and 9h“ HlZ‘efifc’fll'quu‘y' ~ putupm fun?“ othfldétpx‘dnor‘fiofi; ‘ ‘ , 5 if "j“ALEXAfNDER norm. ; . “Jagsm'im‘wemmo; 1'- ‘ ' .. f ;77:;13,ee€§r§!m§7¢ns€ vfieaegifqgm ~ ‘ ‘ 2%}?thgcqfllhemmennoj3ll3ll4 1: _ . , .;i--4publu-2eneraliy moor anon-{men ff; 1 617'Ladigfi’fi’flbfigfézf SF g}:{;_Qailcra an ‘ s*?wa -I;v'.m£s.r.lm...\ Lima?" £20143.» £4. B.llm ' ' liemenq’fqph‘tsafiyflnc.Baq€a.&.Men ;-2 U.C n. . _ .JM’. . I v . . ’ ‘ . 325115?» m‘rflflzflm fills??? Mast $51.41“wa =:£;_'v‘..-j-:;ny 0:25;“ 9' have d'fine lo; ol'llfmdgggt,,Mjsi *M’ ‘89!) 9| q ’4l‘Gum's mm; ‘» \‘Q’chkwsmnowm 3‘33: 315377317307. 1348', " ~‘ 1‘ ~j Qutwtnsvflle.; _. -A ~ V. v'. ~ ~. "V,- ‘sfr ‘ 19mm bf'ao'sépls -Wl'léj/,»' dw’ii“ J ' ” "7E i"'-t‘ER‘S ‘ipi’iri'A-ilh’)’fizi§ih§iqi‘v‘fi "viik‘v‘i'héi .31 been grnutml‘li»flllle.‘£fihsctiberi, on ‘ \uc mum: M Joseph \\'ilu_\-.,|ule ul Fergu snn‘tumnhip, murmurmom. '«l-érb’upl ed. . uhhkpel auusflmen-llw In ~uli\’-.eplu‘-lr wilelwkc.lllflug‘glialu pnynwm;'«ultluhuw hqymgul‘éulnmls‘mgannsf Ind ua‘am- w ill [flu fin” them duly nunu-micuu-‘d' i'ul: heme menu‘ ~ _ w. AJK-M ES M'l’LEY‘.‘ ".fldm‘r; “I ‘ ‘ ‘EMI'Z'NBE'I'H' ' V)‘ ILEYAflIIm'w, J’l‘jg‘i‘gliflnl ’ll'»,N:0v?8, 18418::va "._ ‘ T’f‘Tw—r “mm-.- ' r”"". ‘ : . "770 n the. Pubhc. j. > ' ' RS. ELIZA IRVIN Mupecndlly NI inlorma her hirmls. and HIV pubhc generally. that she intends» In cunlimu- IllelMcrcamile busi‘ni-ps in Iho building luxoifiuccuuiul by her dccegued husband. in (3. 'fixwunille—yvhel'e llxeré is “Ilu'ud- nu Ham]: a huge black ul .well-nmnu'd Gouda. which will be sold on Irnm us “(33, cduf‘mhdaling ns Ihny can be puvc'mwd qlbgwhcre ii: the chuly. ‘ ‘ "‘ , "' _l\{nv‘. 28.1838. EAL, ESTATE Fonßentp ~~ THE sun-agnpcrggumaian for Ihe mi; nor heirs (It Samuel Harrier. (lcc’d‘. oflers (or rent the In‘rm‘lnlely occupied by Wu! ilec’d in Brndlmd' township; Clear» fiéld cuuniy. rmnuin‘ing 150 new! mate 0! lé'sé.‘ ,w'uh übuul 79 wife"; unde'r“culuva{ tion. There is on lhp‘place a good . . "LOG DWELLING HOUSE,; @913; "and a‘gpptl lug Burp, with ‘a' -- _‘§fi_ . Springol excellent water con ngxllélll lo the lmuae.’ Also—n good bear}; it‘lg‘Orclund. in a thrill} find floutiahlng condiuon. 'l‘he:.abuve propelly will be leased lot sor 6 Jean. and produce or the farmelukell in paymenl ul renl. "Fd'r lurlhér pu’ticulun. enquire or the lufibpliber. hear [he lurm wt! 1 mile lrom Grahamlun. . ANGUS GILL. Budlord lp., Nov. 13, ’4B. . NEW GOODS; ~ :- . RICHARD smm , ‘ AS just received at his uld stand a ‘ large ussorlmenl of . 536312.11. <33 WWWIBEB G©®E>Eu qpung sybicl} mll be lound um‘: Vol "1915*?“ hsbbru'fi'énls of " “ \ H ' Dry Goods; Hardware, Gro ceries, Queensware, Drugs and Dye-stuffs, ”Tm-wage; fitnfiionary & bpoks,~Ha.ts, gaps & bonnets, boots and ‘s‘ho‘es, tobacco’é' cigars car ' pet chain, Um‘brellus,-brass - clocks, confectionary, oils Paint‘s’. etc. . which he‘is determined to sell cheaper lhnn they, can be bought elsewhere In the go‘umy; ‘Call and examine, LL; Del. 25. 1848. . . ‘ Boot an Shoemalung. Mo'CL’lNTocx & GALER, BBPEOTIULLY inlolm their ltiendsSl R the public generallyfthal they have éommencedit‘he bueiness‘ o , ‘ ‘ , - mew MM) % ismommamumcno A in Curwensvilleniit the building knowu as M'cNaul’s Tannery. on the sec ond floor. Where they are now making. 81 will continue to make all work intheir line ol business in the beat and most sei ‘ricenble‘ style. and nt-the shortcut notice and on the‘most reasonable terms. " KPHidea, and Country produce gen erally, taken in exchange tor wun'k. ‘ ALEX. MoCLINTOCK. - ‘- JAMES‘GAL'ER; Dec. 8. 1848: ' , ' RATZER & BARRETT have just received 0 general assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, at their old stand. which they will sell low for Cash or Produce consisting of , . Dry ,Goods, Groceries, Queens: wane; Hats,- Caps, Boots and ‘ . Shoes, etc., etc. - -:‘ --sl'hey invile attention pulliculnrly to their stock of‘Dry Goobsmnd Lndiea' and IChildren’s Shoe-s: "* ‘ » - ' WfFornlhe real!!! cash they will sell goods cheat). ~ ‘_ ’ Nov. 2‘2, ’4B, . ' .‘ l ' ' Dry quds ! i, DM- Ga‘qu !‘ A Splxlewtlvd assortine‘p! (if Dry'poq'dn of lhe la'lesl atyle's "653! be} had at ”THE CHEM CORNERS” 'l‘h'e priga cipal uruclegfwhich comprise 09f: slpgk are 4, . . u Cloths, Cd‘ésinficras. Sallinqtlo. flying}; Merinb‘éé, ’Plaida. fllpqc‘cas‘. Gingha'rm. Mauslih‘Dc Lainea; ‘C’dslahzeréb, Cali-f coes. 6mm Calicpes'.‘C/leclcs. Ken: lucky Jean's. Bagging. refd. wfiita, gel. \ log/and" great; Flannela. 7Canlqn' Flam kinds. £9lk“. Wool Hdads, Shaw‘ls. ‘ Brown-1 Muslim. qudthpd Muslim; Drilli'rgfsg" fickin’g‘b." 'Sdljns, ‘ Valuers; Irish jwinf'en. Lihm‘ 8t pollen [Tab/m clatlme’rds/z} Bird eye‘ and Huc‘kaédfl; Towelz‘figl‘ \Nankecm." Silks. ‘Sillc 'nnd .Woraté'd Serge. qul a¢dficolwn Hose. ‘ Com/om; I‘ks'usp‘ende‘rs,“ Cotton’ 19- Wool ’ ‘Shirtrnndwbrawers‘. Shirt-collars and 521308917333. liaill'g'haln and Sill; cravats; y Edgo'rigfsflLhces qn’dallibbom. . v i n 1113013 'CRANS &- BROTHER, ,t‘ ' ‘qug‘ 14. . Curweneville. t , “' w" 7"3""-’.;’ AFFIC'I ED FLA!) -: , ‘ 4k HILADELI’flIA;'MEDXCAL,VHOUSE—EsIub- ll‘ ‘ Ilshedls¥aurfiingdrlirDßlKlNKELlN' 'l‘ho ' “ Idealmuwulfidd Win-tin lo cum 111110 me 0! some! lsousos. dist-mow!" Ihe Ann and aolilnry’ihnhila 0! I all”). is 7|)". KINKELIN‘V'N‘AV, corne’rf oljnunn ‘ nd UNION Sm. holvuu‘m Spruce nnd Pi'uemng and 11‘ rmlnquai'ea from (he Egrqhngc. l’luludcmhim . mm; IfflRTLCUI;flR‘-\A'Q§I;IQE. Youth who'riM'c iblju‘red thémxel‘vulb'yatr'cortain pflll'llCO indulged m—u hgtnt'fln’q nontlg‘leumggzl'rom ‘uvil mmrnmona, ur,“ ut‘ arhoul—~thu c uvth‘bl whtch mo night yielt: cvo’n wlietmsloop. nm_l_.d'eslt"o both mind umt Vbodfishould ufpiy immediately;~ {Vault neus nttd cttnutitut‘iulnul! ebtlilyimmedmtelyfiurcd. and t‘pll.yigmj resulted. ,All zietten rosr' plun,’ , p- - .. YOUNG; MEN! ‘ “you Value your lile‘ or y‘yur hcnllh. ,temcljhber lho dc-Iny elrnrmonlh. nnygeyen‘n we'ékgmny prove your ruin, bump! body nndmil'nd. Hencéle‘tinolhlw modesty deter you lrom making your case known In nun who. irom.-_edul:nlinn and respectability. um a. lone hel’rirnd your Hoguho places? himself under DR. KINKELIN'S "eminent, mnyJolxgioualy con fido m hiljlollof as agonnqmun, and in whom bosom will he l'ur'cver Ideked the secret of the patient. 'l‘oo mnny lhmk lhoy win hug the secret lulhcir own hearts. and euro _l‘hemsolvos. Alna.‘ hnw one” 'isllus n [and deluwm. and hqw_ mnnyn promiai‘r.§ young, men, who mlghl have been un.nrnumem lo..§:~ cluty. he: lmlod from ghe ourlh: g _ { pco UNZJI'Y [NM/.1125, ‘ finding il iucunVoniL-m to'muko pcraonul n'pphcnllun. ‘c'un. by‘stnling lhcir cnab expliciu‘y, logciher wuh'hll their symptoms. (per lotwLJmut-pn d.) have lurwmfded to them n chest cunw‘iulng DJ", , K.'s modicmcanppra primed ncconlmgg. " ' ' Packggcslofm wines forwarded to any part of lho United laws '0! u in'omenl'd nouco. Posr mm LETTEnB,‘ nddrcased to Dn. K ”mum, Philadeiphin. will bu promptlyynltom'lc’d to. . Sea udvonigcmcm in ”10 l’hllndulphm S int 'oflho Timéa., ~ , _ , ‘ . jun. 28. 1&8. 1y -§3Qllefontq Foundry. STOVES, AND [OTHER .. :QékB‘Q‘IINCBQ; lwr ELCH a LEYI)EN,‘. would ap . ;noutlce ta their' Manila and the publtc, that they will continue the busi 'neqs 9| IRON. FOQNDERS,‘ at the old Istatid, where they intend ‘to keep always ion.h.nnd a huge and varied assortment u! ‘ (MABE‘EIEVQQQ . , “'e have lately elected and are how fining up an ext'enbvi've _ MACHINE SHOP 9 '- ' with three Lplhen, lur lufning and filling up 3“ kinds 0| Machmery.‘ each u Grisl and Saw-milLCualings. Machine-f lur Forgea. ibrnacea & Rolling Mills. inclu dung Hot Blast Pipes lor Furnacca and Bloomen'es; and'nill be preparéd} lu lur nish on [he shonesl notice pnd in‘nu‘lid factory manner all kinds of Machinery.— va on hand a large assortment ol PflT TEENS. of the latest and most impnwed nyles. inpluding the diflcreot sizes. 0! the Durkee‘ & Brice Reaction Fl’urcr It’lleels. fii’auerns not on hand, made ‘on short notice. ‘ ' . STOWES. Vl er have now and intend keeping ul wnys a' block ol_!he unrivqllqd Vlijl'O and FULTON Hot Air L‘ookingfilovea. dif. (cremains; also flit Tight, Fancy Por lor 6- Ninequle.Wood Slqveu,‘ul differ ent 9_l'l.eB légéllier “ilh {our sizes ol'n su perior Balloon Coal Slave, as well na'Cyl ender and FANCY Coal vaes.’ We will add during Ih’c coniing aénsun‘. sevet ul New p‘nllems ol' Couklng; Air Tight. and Patlor Stoves. PLOUGHS. Always on‘lmnd a good assortment ol PLOUGHS, to which we are adding new. eral new patterns this spring. Hollow~ ware of ‘ull kinds. Sleigh <9" Sled Soles. Wagon Boxes. Smoothing Irons. &c. é-c. ' trail the above articles. and new} thing in our line will be sold on the most reasonable 'teyms for Cash. or Country Produce, lronmnstg‘rs’ Orders, Old Metal, 816. Otdera from a distance promptly attended to. ' GEORGE WELCH. DANIEL LEYUEN. Bellelonte. Feb. 18, 1848. Look at this. CLOTHES, Hair,l’ainl and Sweeping % Brushes. Combs p! everyzdeaqnp mpliun. Accoudeons, Violin». Vlolm- Strings. ~jßradilfurses and Bugs. [smm Pm: and Studa. . . " Clocks and Watches. Looking-Gm“ ear Toy boxes. _ . Hn(s& Cape. of all .ahnpes. qualities and prices. (on sale M the cheap corner. CRANS & BRO I‘HER. ' Nov. 1848. Cutwenavnlle; mmmme’ mmwmzmwwa ' R. JAYNE'S Allerauve. Expectur- D «M Unnmuuhve. Vermiluge. Saun ‘ [We Pulls. HanuDye, Hair 'l‘ouic nnq Ague Bulls. ' ‘ ' Dt. CULLEN’S Indian Vegclnbh‘. Rem .cdleb‘. (w'utranlcd lo cu‘re .ur. money re ‘ turned.) , . l v .; CANTRELL’S Cuunpuund ‘Medicaled VSursnpurilla. Ann-Dyapepliq Powders, ,‘aud Fever and Aguu Mixture. Dr,_ ‘LEIDX ’3‘ fiqrsaparilla Pilla)~ WRIGHT'S Indian Vegetable Pills. WWa‘rrnnfied'g'e‘UMlle,,lor sale by . w. 'URAND' &'BRO,_I‘-.HER, ‘ r~::‘N“" 1848.? ‘ . (Cz‘ 2‘AlUdejgéfivi‘l‘lc.‘ f, .‘WELVE pieces‘ extra fine ‘While 4' . ‘Shirlingu'hll theislnre ol .-. Ucl. 25.. - ‘1 ‘ BIGLER & Uo. SALT 1 SALT! ‘ , :E a v,efy‘,qu[)crior h’paii'ly—‘only nfifew O‘ifiuérél‘s’lle—i—lur"Bale u! lhe'lere of tha subaéribetél“ ll'uro' H‘lh’éhunce lor a purgain. ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ’ ‘ ( ‘ f;'-, MIQ.QRE 65il6‘E0NAlng INoy3q29fl9'l3} y'\. I "'1‘“: - ”331,93 3“ PEfiNIIQANDLES. A large ,‘qua‘ntityfltfiup‘ér‘io’i‘. q‘t’nlifif.’ to: sale uuhoaigum'he " “ ' j “ "'O6:. :sn. '7 Gopp MORTAR.- iii-"C.“ _’ ‘J‘ .‘ v‘-..”“J_‘u x-uw .l‘. _ 6 Barfé‘nigjfuhCSL "Suh‘rhnuue Mo'las; _ 'Bea (or bale by BIGLER 'Bl. CO' ’ I » ~ . “ 1r " .' " '.‘ 99‘“ I" ‘- Q‘; ‘ ‘ ; 4 .'l 4 4 ' v . .. .‘r ~ ! 1 s 1‘ .“ ,y ‘ ' ‘ - -' ‘s' w, ,1" -, i i ". 1 :33‘15; h: ,‘1 ”334.,(7 ‘l‘ -- \“,“v‘*"“ 'IIA‘IH' ~ “ V" ' r . I _, ...x‘ .4 : . , 1,1; rill I" 111 'w;b.Rucl&. CHEMICAL,‘STO_ “E II " I V.. ‘ . ‘V‘HHK‘W . . WrH-E‘subs Xb'efi fifiofilging‘fllat ouglj'fflquntry 'hng'lzib’ou ; , drisadvn , ges gfowwant of "Medicine and al‘liglesd ‘sickgdfl‘ldfiuaxli ”t‘hntfcould‘ lic depended: on, has broug Assortment. Ofa ‘F'ij'f ‘}, -"'- . W‘- WM 3 ~ , ksqms‘gmna ,QUAM'I‘X , . ‘ ”3-. 4', ‘IN, ”1"”. - 4 ‘ . . .- 7 .mh;-1e~5,,-u tto'a'ny .thntg'h'gv‘e regoforc been ofl'eredfor sixle in thia unit-I d." 9.»: “He (11st pfféfis' efollovi’in‘glinsu‘uments' for-sale; Ac sefcontainipg Amputatingfifl‘i hipi‘ng,instruments; a silverOgilh‘etc--I'anq-‘hair*lip‘ needles: A Vagi aSpeculum; a large alssortmenLOfil‘lpSse's'gyéfs‘égfgf Cn‘pging i‘fistrume 9; Stomach; tubes; an instrument‘fq c_utt,in'g“,’U,gu,-, In :_,‘ ,bstetric F are ‘9; ’Pessa'riesj; Male & Female ‘syritges ;:lprge kind small injccyio'u do; Womb do; Key & Forceps fqr 'd-raan teeth“ --lU¢'\b tcrine’ upportefs‘; meters; Elastic Bagfor drafling‘Bréhstg; Glds§ pipes for’db., Nip'pl Sheaths ; do shells; Subking bottl ‘ {Sp'qiygélé‘gé cété;"'l‘hohfb do; S atulas; Mortars; Pill cutters; B 55. [scalesmnd weighté;' Glass funn s; ‘ gréduatqi‘d Measures;;'l‘hetnlo 'eters;r’l7ooth brushes& powder. c has ah assortment of disinfecting gdnf’s'féy pdf rifying sick rooms,'ce_hrs,=k&c-.- 'He 'alsb‘dfgrs‘for saieaquppffofia ' .7 I.‘ llr‘."u__"' . .;. PATENT MEDICINES, ; ; » l , " ‘ _ . ‘ ,‘(m 11».'1.‘-'-.IU including Swaimé Punakmi {an hsso‘rtment of Pills, Oils, &¢=," ' He will supply customers with Spices, Perfumes, . Sola'» arid’l'ng‘tfir Crackers, Blue and Blacl} Ink, Ink-powder, Sand papell Bl‘illfihllzllf Ire, Blackiug, Pewter Sand, Wal‘ers,l..Red and Black Sealing-wax;— Fine Soaps, Dyes, Oils, Paints, zVarnis/z, 'Glass & putty all ofWhich he Will'Sell at a very sulallnrofit'ffor (EASE! p"' 11 .“,"”,"’ f f « .' '. ‘.. f HENRY: JOR'AIINJ. Clearfield, ”September 12,1‘3848. Rm» & 'mtowm mus.» ~ . —-—-’- li, 7 HE demand lor the above medicine E Nye/Ia! 2 or 3 years, is de'uml u auflici nl apology'lur placmg'it n'MSfuL ly,bclore the people ; null lhe (“581188th which it is applicable have become so go valcnt in this counlry that a remedy "i” lled lo confidence. is a great llesideracu l. The diseaqes'l alludé‘lo Ite llvpnm I. (Liver Median.) Dyspepsia. and leumr complain": in general. ;\ rf'l‘hn above pills will he kept emf stantly lor sale by l ” _’ Ric/lard Shaw, Clearfield, ' Bigler (9 Co., Bell township. - Graham 6,- W'riglit, llaadlonl James MtGirk. Philip~burg. J. I”. Miller. Clearfielil B'dge. Irvin & IllCßride. Burnslilp. Scligsberger 81. Bloom, Cur weusville. do (10 Lthershurg. ' David Kinport. Cherry ’lrbc Oct. 20. 1848. Till/'2l. LIST FOR JANUARY TERM. 1849. Archibald Shaw v: Lennard 8.: Mauro Pater Newman ~ ya Joseph l’lnn. jr. Thomas llemplnll vs Samuel Sebring Jacob Snyder \‘a Henry Bfflllh u nl Jam" Mnemonul v- Julm W. Muller & Sum R-churd Shaw n 'l‘. (k L. R. Cnnler William l’enrma u N, & Charles Clever Junuthnn R. Amen v- Adnm Short Junnlhun Buynlon u Juhn Gun ~ Elia: Turner v- Jamel 'l‘uruer Wt“. F. BOONE, filtorneg at Law, Philadel; Ina, WILL attend to the settlement of claims by the heirs of JOIIN NICHOLSON against Lands in clcnrfield or adjoining counties. Bc ing well acquainted with the Nicholson Title. persons desirous of extinguishing the Nicholson claim to their Forms, may have their business attended to by letter (post-paid) addressed to iVm. F. Boone, Pm'ladzlphia. Augugst 10, 1848, NEW»&.“~SEASONABLE 1 ' ‘ G 0 $3 5 . ' ‘ IeAM BIGLER & Co., urete- W cenving and opening a lresh sup ply. at their old stand, -COI)Bl§llng in part ul a general assonem 0! Dry Goods, 'Graceriea, Queensware. Hardware {3' Cu!- lery. Hats & Cups, Boots (9- Shoes. Oct. 25. 1848. ‘ ~ - , OOKI-N‘G'ISTOVES. NI‘NE Plate 0 Sluveé’uud Stove-pipe for sale at low prices a! (he More of f - JOHN PATTON. Curwensvillu NM. 15. ’4B, ..‘_ ~ PIECES Engusa and Fleucfl ‘nmu cloth at {he alone 0! . 1 Oct. 25, -vLINN,~‘SMI’I_'_HLBc~OO.‘ i w H 0 LEASALEDEW-(5181.33 213-5 MARKET, S'I‘REET. ‘ i omuvmus 3114“,?!" 3‘5 ‘ ' ' . uomtm Mandi/[gr Philadelphia. ; ¢¢N¢¢ir¢wfwéi , f ; Drugsfiév Mediums. Paints“ pus; j mass, jn‘yéygms; I VhrnlahGSLEtc-f7;! .' I * flLSO—Palentfl,gMedifinesp Medicine Q/mls. s Surgiqql; and Obslelrical lnstru; manta, Chemical-Tesla.&c.étc- . = ’ ,fO‘rd‘ers from Counlty Mrrchunls and Physicians. by. leucr‘d} qlhemi‘s'e', ‘alledd edlln [irofii'ptlfl 7 - " .’ We :19.- .194a-4-6m‘v» 4‘ ;. ‘ NWO Dales Brown Shirnggi at Ihe 1 *uldfiéubf 1‘ 31“ ‘w BIGLERQCO'. ; 'Pi‘edéiißln'élé null Func‘y' Alpaca'j gt 6 the sloth M ’ ' BIGLER’GL 06. “2 I= IMIE BIGLER 81 CO, Ml= HARDWARE. ‘ ILL SA\;,\'S,VV:‘Cms cul, me'paas, Eli Tenn", ”and an! WtuUll ,Sa'vy‘sl; L'num.l Axeé nml Dnublebins. (all "amul lell ;) Fllt‘li of all Il9ECfl)llllll8; Dollar-[ORR and Handles; lwn Tea-Kettles; Btu“ Ketllea; ',Slnoulhing lions ‘; Owning lgmveu; Kniveu'aml F 0 9; Bulchpr, Cur ving and l’en-Kniwa g. uzms ; ' Auggri; Allzes ; Clnssels ; Sleeluml lwn Stiua'leb: Cuflce Mills; Sleighgayd 'Cuw Halli»; 'l‘mce. Muller and [Ag Chains; Cut-a Stu-l; E'lglllll and American Blister- Sleel ; Iron, Nails, Spillgs {mil Catpenlcu’ Tools. ul 3 gond qualilg". lnr sale by l cums SLpRO'I‘HER, _ Nov. 1848. ' Curwensville. \“Boolcs which are Books." ‘HOSE who are in mm 6: good ven ding mallet [or the coming whiter m nihga. can be supplied at ”rm: vuln co mm.” Memoirs ; 'i‘rnvels; Illstoues u! mericn, Franco, England. lhllu¢"&f|d Gt ce; Works on Artsnnd Scion-{Sogg lio s; 'School Books} ;‘ Epfii‘ubéljfrife‘ih 800 s :IMclhmlist, Bopnil nnd‘Piesbng riun Iy'n'm and Pam“. Bwk'u‘; Uiph‘a‘s‘odd Teal menls. on hand. "I‘m: ’follofiing choi c books [or sale : A ' A poison and his I'llart'liollsl 5 7 ' ’ -‘ H shinglon and/11's Ge'ncrala. ‘ ‘ Tr [or and his Generufs. ' ' Li 0/ Gen. Lewis Cam, Li 0/ Gen. Scan. ‘ Lam! Perm Liv of Marion. Frail/din, Jqfl‘érsbn Wind .v-l’upgrs; Lonerndd \Vlillfl? Pn per; SI Ice and Pencils; 3’91“, Sle‘e .‘Zn'ml Ivory I on; Red. Blue. 3 thock Inlfi'on hand. CRANS & BROTHER. Nov. 848 Curwensvulle. ROBERT R. WELSH. RESHECTFULLY informs Ihe citi zenp ol Clcmfield cuunly that be I: located if} Curwensville, where he will mny on Ihe business 0! CLOCK «f li'flTCH mulling and répnir- mg. I . ~ ENGRfl VING. TUNING 01 various musical imma mcuta. sdch as , . " BflG PIPES, flCCORDEONS, MU SIC/IL CLOCIfS. ORGflIVSYflND DULCIMERS. u“ ' - All“). repairing ol flIflTIIEMflTICflL INSTRUMEN’IS. “making, GOLD JINI) SILVER W'flRE. ($l.: ', , M EL’jbllc will also teach and give 19qu on the Accordeon. ‘ , ~ ' (G‘NL his work {hall be done'in'i-t‘ne very'bebt style, and upon lhe |owesl lert‘m. quwensvillgLJan. 25, ’4B —-1 yr .. NeWFall and Wintgr GOODS. VE’V‘HE’aubscribers are" veceivjng and .0- _ ,pening at lheir New Store in Cur weqsvllle n .Iqrge and: In" nuifill'il " n! of good" of lhe c'hhmcter: usuallyflbfie oujpd in a country store, which ‘héy‘ui’ rig)"- edlo‘scll unllhe must reaéhhaule (bang for Gash. Lumber. or qu'mtfiy’l’r'oddéa. Our goods haw: been selécte "whhcqio. and in Well culpbluléd‘. for '{h‘eaij‘oumry nod-season. 'l‘lms’pfivho are in wanna! Goods will find it-lo~;lhgir advantage,» ’c'alll {L'VIIHB CHEAP Consumfl .4; r .x ‘ ' . CRANS'&,BRO§KH.EIR; u N 99. 14. ’4B. , . ; ”-‘Curwennvjllesv Clot/18,: Cassimeres, Satiimtsgzta BROAD CLOTHS. ol‘ull ‘ah’a‘dcsinml prices. lHnrk. Blue and'Gtcerfi‘OJ vermalings. Black and' Fancy ’Ch'laih‘wreu nnd:sMtineua‘;»'Saiin Velvérdndl'mucy VenlingNdr male «I (Im‘chchpnoomqg ' CRANS 81' BRUTI‘HE Curwen Nov,:•ti NE dozen genllc'men’i fine 0' Shirts for \laylerygßlGLEß I - )‘mi nhldw -v ‘ .1) Invinn IN di 01114 i Mr A ‘13.; "”J‘ a (Jammy: .f,.vdiét};féhlfih§ pup mgepernl .n . .: ~"-‘J7““’ ""1 ’ ifciijglsi 35-! 1': 7 V; ‘ he". iglijl f" 21113-52; - .ET-wuuximifi, , -<-g%~;n.;; I ' 7 am ””3011." , 7 . 1;1' wztfiv ' ..A.._,;:W*"°‘R REE“ m" 1.7 OCIA'TIC [INN . verannum—ar. 81 1011 2-5. I‘me : #erav vnnce. _ “No @o9ch (’O9 quho ; “’WMJ or!‘ A ~ , hf) bt‘discnnpu'cd ‘ nqrgilnnul (I am:- omelq.~&c..il lho 6 MM. KEEPER /Ta HAR) D Oyer tr 7ale e Lo 1 - 11:21:. A. .0. 0031 M pagan! tank! Iheu‘d'fl'ell. ('hé legml on! century.) Mum“! ion. lince he ”band’s ~11 dlfllb‘fl'é’ he imp had been ind -a lvnt‘ gradqauy d 0! ihekel bb‘d ”Ami“ on Hi Iberenvém'ent {gm hér it’h‘h’dn'ened 'a'd k'nd di‘ipqh'eil‘ to afipah‘n Td’anyto'rm.” 'l‘ ' "4‘ [Twas und éa’being.’ whos playcdaome uniloum, lain .lner kindness .' led him. luab Owith an came he Ind lnisn) Wilh suck; wretched told e'r arid daughl "00 lhé’m (bul goodness—“ht se'nices'-—lhe l :lhrivingé “05 ' aihce'lh‘e‘ soldier ""101"!!le y -he--slumber'e'd a! if he had beret “new war dtum; .exulled: in the my blllle. jighadr so i coungzls lhnl quit; uccessur; ”mm-31‘!) Ih] mibl’mlunu l’ vr'qr‘td, ‘he‘ hm anm'é‘r‘s'. and} iii! i! were lo'e» pith :‘ay.”-b'e w 'lhee. and la x'wn‘lxdel no N pines: 'lhnnj me “ilh.” (hone 11H" ‘- dy re ged use we ME r b lle-ipok blchl. lie his, but Ihe ing to m . complele. This “a account (If bul booth 1h: plren . you blinas‘ amwene g Finding her ref 't'ul acq we“ I» ,w as Ii! flowed, by lhe ' ‘he 1 smool .pnssifl 3'o .: Ito ‘2 ié_‘ 'lh'e'» ' [OQ 4 El ' 1.