which lenWEg'r'th ui'ofi ihdsnad‘jnjtanm arrived on tile 15).; ;.:lnél'nh't..;¢g;;{Ne_wf 06:: leans. nml prnmiu- tu pfiblish the duct!"- mcnla 10-dav. 'l‘ 4 paper save; ‘ . [Penn w lvanian of Monday. “We cannot h' .ii‘m'é‘fp élé‘rlh'iéhhnl from lhc stavemcn: nvidé by "if? c vrrhsi pondenl. Cheru- um ntnmg Imam” far he: Nev/Ina that all 110 unrelplnrnl «Ifficvru navy» -S9'i!svn"s WE‘VE?!“ ~“zr._.-=7~;?!"n m r“. day, up that when “Qhoy'lonve‘ fhél'rfhhlm‘y' ‘m'nhj'i' (n‘fj'vh'é‘lm'= \y'iljl‘me Whiih Jahiflinfi: (fl (lx‘tlhir‘h ~GuilsifMamm aiid’rall his oflicers. men. mlcnmnd wuuons, walh Ihe alcvplinn m wn ornlhu-e mcnrfiyho “eoe obliged to rvnnnifi m M(ml1-rey.‘n1 hull qunngn, have brim «Inu- limep at lhnghl Ilia/fii2g£::llfi Ih?‘Shé‘nmw'lithyen'th gvgtihl‘d man must! active. m'mm-r'; in‘.c'nl:':: krijiné;,‘hq:(ngtal._ w‘hich'wa‘a‘ (mind in the 35%|!” Jupqigduq 91" '1 ‘99 f, cur'respwlnlp‘nx élngfiajgflh‘a‘t [unpg of g9h!“«:.f;upou’nd fishing hatle'be'on lreqdvolly founlF. and pifldbfi’k'dnxlfu‘ do on} nf lh'c cwvu‘tsnl‘ “idles “sth is lh mph! \villlqle(;!~ulic'lpuvy: 14:1;frrevu'iw9 W‘s ..m s‘infi'ml'iP’9x of! 10ft“ -§|Val‘_¢me_r 'B. he wntu, by .° pri ‘Ql’é lfi'l‘ér‘.‘h'n‘der¢is own signmdrg, which a'flflcflur'flfflm'uhl hnmnnml'v'lh'e ibfliol'o‘l mnmié‘atzincndutous:coinn-univy .Ihcraun N; f ~n'lmm2w'vé A.” “when! JIM?! C(fi. 3'o“!!!qu.l‘lfnrmg‘fl' ‘f Ngw‘Yh'k, in figu ifiilflfntiefiullV’fil‘rbll'rfhmid.w{fis rcgimenl Is disbagtled. amlwllhe “hols 0' lhem are uow englgvd inzlhe‘nol‘dmiéfiiu‘gsf. i Our correspondvm is 0! opinion that should nperégpfig ,gnf: pi “It“? -q‘ani¢'ir.nliolthgy ; h 321 ! p..u “ rl5O ,gneih ndfed mi tigh'ibthi‘uatf‘cfifl be 'min‘q'a‘x'g " con‘één’c'd mlcmidm‘i‘a’; ,1 :' . I . I ‘ '2- —-Ec’,om/lljév-'éilnrisl n‘llm‘r ‘ slateméntimerr-I Aimbddziflmdh; unrnmondencgi IronyMuo- 3 terry. which nrcéaarahtéetlby‘;ih_o‘rcspcc‘-4 ”bill” lplfilpc chgrppkr .qqd’ fidme 0!“ die «whet: u' m‘e tjl'sl’mSed‘h') believe thn! (-mm- of the sloriés current here relative to lln’szmmfl‘fifi .\\‘t‘ajlh of some of lhegtficgfi M the Ugfik}! Shale. 3mm . illiCalilurnind ave‘rlnlgll‘nrlhoxn‘firlbf Igutln. . It: has been‘ 'rb‘linixr'éfii'lhai' Uu‘l‘.‘ Sle'v'enspn 'liiis‘n'dufiiu; "fig‘bllfifili’jflifllfpl)? millim‘i bf dollars bl 'Edl‘tl‘cfu‘sll’, Mid fililvhh Inm'lly are soon as dfiQt’jrd‘liv’a'n'oul to him. 1! ii alkijlepnn “téflfithChfiL Macy. son of Ih’e‘Srcremé‘ {frflfi‘varghgs lfbf‘ninl’d. aa‘hiq Ishme oi, ‘l’hc’«|'u;d.'n'n'é Itpilhqn u] duhqk‘b‘.‘ “Th'eS‘e fl‘u‘n’tfi'r'g ag'e n'ql‘ i‘el'r'fr'ml m iii mir'mr're/i: ji'tfhd-G'Hc'lfll‘but‘rfohl "the guié‘r'h‘l 'uatcme't 1'? ‘{3‘6}:r'qimzrsphmlenthi! is high'ly ptu'batxfsé: ih’e‘v uxé Hut Vexngc‘hylul. ', "f V: ~l‘llll‘l 1w 'lzn." ‘ A . . ‘x I ‘a’iMo'hi-E Cé’i’fi—Cmni —Re;é‘nt'h6cnu‘h]l human-bi“ :gi§{¢_inttptlnnlliou nl Ihe di‘vchv,‘ N’s'fi-f 11' 26M t’lfiinl- near Cépiupn, 0:) the (Oil! hridr'horlh ul V'a'pnrnisn, 'uhlch [on ’rfflnnfé‘sffl—lfi‘e Fifiiin’t‘é he “be. 'fliijifjn‘i': Ihe‘sha'de‘i-‘ren 1|"- S..t’n'menm 'ulieein'ggw yhigh “Ezlhpughlfiwerg rnlheljpheatJ all”! ,lheamilcruus regions yo! nljaqovered 9r; dium‘épl‘le. "l‘ht- gg-id o-e nt’Cnpiap’o I“ ”grid lozyirldfiequnv pnuml-;n| gold 00' 0' ,ggls‘w‘m'mbas. .ujxic his rqual [fl about on!" l‘wgnl'stnj‘xaly pa”. 1WT‘”T"“”*?-«~”~‘ . mxnmupg—mn 'l‘uuday lan; by me, ng..1?,..P. Lane. M". GEORGE. Loxo. of Cymenqville. lu Mm - Rama» 0| 'Bmdylounship. _.._ , H, _ j 7 [NEIL-7- Ln_!his plucc.._nn Mondfy'lnu, ROBERT Lwas. only- son yf JQ-‘hn 4L. and Sarah Cunle, 3994);} y'a 9 1110’: {5l- 2? days. 90 Ihg pam‘a day. near \Curwenayille, MAB? fifisdcqr‘mu), agedgbnm 34 years, Jib-.‘ZSaivrday;'3s}- In Bogus-Wwwhin. _(§i:l-‘.';.Alu;.‘(_igughler,of Ggurg'e and Lydia Whip?” aged abofil 203 mm. ‘1 . f V Qn; Enema" la-u -p}s.o"m Boggs lnwn ship. Mrs. 7"?" Mum-m. uifq (John \V. 9131511 ‘EQQ; ‘n‘ mfim‘cfia ’HC 1 COU‘N r Y ‘ w“ «Meaning, A'l'ho‘Dcnibctpilc.Republican rum-m ml Glcnrfield rpunly'orp "queued Io meet in'lho Cuurl houw. un 'l'nordny evenfi‘gullm43o|hflnllvruf ”1". I‘ll" ppgo'qfnppmnlingin Delegate w Iho Blnlc Conven tion. to b'elnléla'h'lfmltslnlnrg,im"lhé 'hll day 0! Ju ly nut, and for other purpose-3, ._‘ _ .\ | ‘By order éf‘l‘lo " ‘ ' "’m. 2 " .-_. :é S'I‘ANDJNGACOMMITEEE. ‘ 513;. ,BTILL< .URTHER PROOF“ i‘;)F‘THE R 0 V‘ER .&"‘EFF|CACY: 0F Thompson’s Cmnpoum! Symptof Tar in .‘~. ".'.'J3"v§ ‘- f . CONSUMPTION. ‘,r '. i\ A I‘, 1‘) .V finmynéumh March. 1u1..1814. I hereby ccrkity, Ihntv in camcqucppoofrr pan "ed up? nifgledcholda. ‘my' lungs bernmé 3 ions “'an cf't'ilfi'ut'fd‘for' a lo'ng'lime I hikvb a {Tend wilh violent pain in tho brenhr, dhslindlo cu gh'Sc oéimfll’l nl'pcudrnilonv 'l‘ho-‘lymplotnn dz; k in~ «.Wfiflng’lr} Viulqn_qe,-l lmd rqcouraa; to who rem adieu wigh nqnvnil; miul Iguacd T/xpllnp-‘wn poum! Syrup o'f Thi'kvhic'h’effocted 'a pcrf ‘Oofofc‘l Itgd {akfin‘llzrc‘e scalar ‘ _ ‘ E. EV *J’wmred and «old» :AGNEK #:010th E. comer of FIFTH and SPRUCE slreels. dolphin. Vf, ,: ' 5’ «, ‘ Sold by A. M lllLL.‘;Clcn;fieyld, Pa.“ 'Drugfiim fi'exickillyg'l’ripb 50c or 81 00 ‘5l FF“) . '. ...-4* vrr.,- ( . 1' 3i? ' 1' ”THE I,ubpcrih¢r.~ respectfuil‘y u a... I'..,|hg‘cilizqnnglufllemfield'cou‘ ,A§}lgflx,)llqvg|!lpgzpublic,in‘gengrnl All .fiQE‘WIflFFUWflIhe :m'n *Hw -. .'1 54“”“LARGE HOTE‘ “’Herh a" Shfibév’é” C'o'rfnel' H‘husm "‘bflfoé’ghyf Ul‘e'iv‘fiéld, where'he'fi! ml (tq'gy‘auit'f‘lmijn allgwho fn'v'or hi lhcifflih’lynmgef :nml‘llet'eg'vminfil‘ Ih ‘ lhef'rim‘ll’Wdr‘bhwgl shall depart the" ~diuati9fied. '' ’ ' ‘ r , .(s‘fl'fihbfi'fidfi is nomwwlilurbiahéd vCllmbleiof enlemaini’ngtcomlonub‘ly ’u {numbéfluf‘penpléL 7', "3"“ " Hollis TABLE? Will. always bed-133"!” with ”it: best Iheliuatikn-tfa(Ford! i? "i? fléfi'honorablc .'cou'rt permitting) w fumhh'rll'iip?mongrsuril‘er‘é faml his 5 BL‘EAViII be‘well and carequy 3118‘ 4mm -‘.- c-‘vlllLlf‘l‘l BROVV/ . illnuary24. I 849: ' v pa) ,9: -...u mu: 1 =l= ;} !,Sr§plgn’lgl . Jon. B“. ‘Virfuo o‘l‘ rd“ i‘fitl'".b§.‘r GW'BE' Dusie, Speaker at 8 Senate of lhe Cmmnonuenllh 0' Pen syannia, dated ' aI ul- unu m... 8 ~ :1 dlrecml lu flat; bgOCEAMfiIiPO mg! an alumni!) ‘ will be held in Ihe li'S])l'”"°"iFC.WU dis 'ricli. in [ln- cnunly u! INlrfit-ltl. un ' Friday, the Second day /I"ebruary, 1849. 4M“ “11* "pu'ljiMl‘NM-I 61H; linu'édiiSekitx‘lbi’ffljt “lie QOKhlfit-nntmjul, I): (OW-Mtgmpp‘y Hie puc'u of! \Y ..F. J as: n. (mi gut-(1‘ pv {iiil'iu- W (“3:31 t‘w‘r'l‘llg’, lid fifi'é'firq'yéfi’u’flé M the gunstituthfluu cm“ of’ Aiééi‘ibtyl‘m sdch chairnm‘d‘e} ajndvjruvidvd. The Judges. Imvrciuru and other ufli~ 'c'm.who} Iwthe um alev‘lfqognmmrgr,lw.rf,-,~ :PI'IVHW'Ifi‘JN’EP‘d, 4,1 "9M3 ”H: _‘_¢'l_uj.]'u’. In their lPHmrchrW ml}.,figl’thuQ-hélnpd'o9 [ll’e'lhy ulgdwe‘ magib‘gwd. fd’r'l‘v'éljnu-gpugxu (il’htfldlh'g-6|{é"é]ed|iflti.‘.{ln ‘clrc! uxb‘elmjon m :suhw:uw.'-r‘.pln,ée.m Wm» H; w‘flmw If" {Mun-shim? Qjfii‘klfl'lnqi'h'bz‘,’ fungus; 9f (he.Co_nnmpn“fnlllfgl 'Péhh'nyi/unia: "' a fiA‘nd lh’e‘R'etfitn Ju'dgehmM"flip'fesp't‘H-i. 'riw :lisfii‘dié’l‘fi} h-qaiievr'Hnmert:.in§tllc cudrl‘Jmfiic- nn‘ttef;{\"(Jbglardmwmiml ( H“?! MisleridaH!w;2,dl‘ hm! (mmwmm We," and khgrg (u _dp‘l!lo?g Whings rgéjyfifc‘d uf “"3“" by ig“,.g..w.... . stun} ~ J; Jr),- ' "V - ' «‘1 ‘f;[JOHNl’S’l’lzTESLrSli'fl;z .' r'ishetiflfs‘OffiEl-wclenrn , ,4 5: I'm fie|(l.Jan.l7. 1849.; U ’ it'l‘mc rhubmibrddcaply nuxiofiu: fur Ihe \wlfql‘o 9nd proqunly.qfi [lho mupie oLV(?k.urlie|d 4:o"qu n'n'd bb’ing‘ \i‘e'lfl't'fiynlre‘lhal nblfiinkifill more muloi urx‘llly‘lnid micbuqlng‘tcug'thsberimltsnmlho gel-lol nylld' ' 1.0 no 1) {; lip! am; I upuule mm: muffle. Mi??? pm”, Infih'LTs‘méyl ol Clenrfleld, nl Iho very low prire of “ 'I‘HE: QQU‘NW'R YzzDOlshA'H . ” To cnublo us to do thin. we must have at lonul ONEHTHOUSMXD~aubscribera. :'l‘ll'i,s n'u’lhb'er. i 1 is balipycd. cnpibo (nipcq‘phhin Iho limitsflol’Clenv field S‘WPV' if [wiper Txcgliom , yup umda Bul ‘lherb thus! bc‘hon-iidfl‘fb lmék Bh‘ the parl'orim man \i h6‘hdd’n pbisiblj"gel Q'i‘piifiéfi cdfllveyéilifhhifii ’ ll MN rcqnire Ific'uunnmmuua'rflon uflue du'ubm ufmcvc'ounly. ;; ;: -; (mu; m ur; m .41.; . awn I)vaqu envsnwaiwmpf:leun WHOM .08“,- 1,231.13 whq dqguc She dbfliaelln‘lnnlllt'nll’ ‘glldgt‘n‘frul unfur slnnlibli§m‘ong'lhcf‘eupléleJlsp lh’m‘l‘ 't'frdrla’lm‘d ip l‘flfiéncb iH‘fiEllah’bf Iliis‘.bsnf¢ll‘é|llor'pfiko.’ ‘ Yuu‘v [coumy cannul gel nlung wuhouln pupem. \Yu'nre unwilling lo plxblllhmuo.‘ 9‘ a Immof labor and pm» My Io ourseh'es. 'l‘u cnn )lg‘cvclfy mun Io mpg-J iul us nunlnming Ihe name _n‘hd_3‘ru}lll 0! Int} noun. l)‘. hiei‘éflffic “130.1“?lonhijhbh Iho uuiucrlpliou price’williin‘lhfirqnghMllnll‘l'- '_ ‘ rll‘Fbrinii lebumbxco‘yunmjheeo xii“ he no polui mfimxcjlpmqn‘. pingZOMP nnpor will bmr more lhv chgmqlep s)qu ”Ind'cymdgny I'qun Ihol uf enher n Paftizainpr n .Acylyal Journal. Thnl ia, “a rim“ apprbvé,‘dr condeihd. u" lho'nch' ‘ul ouher pmly may lé‘eTn'm dc'servo—apeuking our own acnu~ mama os'lreeluen—and nlluwmg lIH‘ Irnc use ofuur columns limwihcrs ofcixhn puny m m, H...- Hume.— Tbul no nppenl \xilh‘pv Inguh runlidnu-r Iu xhe membvrs ul one party us the 0 he: , Qt‘u nim shall lo lo make our paper ()cnffil‘ml In the pmple ol Ctenrfiem c«.unly.t.y anppumng nnd‘dufrndin: their interests—by aidir'g l'o dé\‘rlup'é 6nd make yrufilnfi hlo Iho voriouautnsourml .01., rmc‘rounly—und by laying befovo lhcm. rcuulnrly every, work. “faithful; akclch ofthe even”. greal‘aud smallnnu Hwy may occur wroughnux Ihe world. ' w x .v ‘ A When so much is In be gamed. rim“ «3 urns-ll in.vnin la the friendship—m the Inhcmluy~lo me pulrioli-xxm—(outha county pride—u! Ihe (-Ilzzcnrol Clenrfiehl couuly t We hupn nnl. _ Than. gvmla men, all youhnvc m do, :uu run-in an in 9rumnnJlg the rrquired numbnt ol smurf-be.” nu lIIM I! in our invenunn to issue ”no firm iaumhqr obom' the firs! of May next. In Ihe mmnlunr, perhun! ’hefiinéTchgixscu ,uviH—‘pruyurrél,BVlriho uub-c‘r‘lJ he” lhey cum 6nd inform unfhl me Felnunty mun, 01m? numtgpr‘._uwy\unny.hum. ‘,. a‘ ‘ The paper Hm“: hb ivru‘lls'd on névy lu-afund us lurge‘. and pc‘rhn'fa Inga; «Im‘n' [Hiz’iJEi‘sé-hi' MlO9 in the linked. nriit'c’dnmhfns mdrh rmul'rk'g m‘nuer as nxs}"tl'flt!ne r‘ou'ntry finnera pHH'é Slalo.‘ " ' (rrln “my onsef‘lhu unhicrhfliunmrire (.91) mm“ by [hid in.ud'-MI uf’btlure‘hl Mny.'l’B49 i ' - n w. M 00mg." ' ' 1 n; J'.‘IHC\IPLHLI.. Nu\'.Bo, 18-18. 'V ' . '.l I" y ' 7;: rmarvksst-Wtamedea VEWELVEfAIkLTQO, lut'lung and I 7 fem4yithwijfidULfibsLl-aanlcd ln‘ ll.c,eubps(il);,r§T¢-l_qr which High-13mm mi ces wilhbe‘mid. . lfl‘hyAgkphxu be (I’M/w; erqdjn {he Spfllggajgye . .. ~. , ; . ”'3 ‘ '7 I: Ervs‘,\‘;“-zl“..l.'nz\‘,l!N:A I .., C‘pufficldp_.lfl_n"Br,lB49.‘l3\il I ) . GOOD nusorlmem, ul [Bo2l‘ und' [kVNAILS just received unJ lur.su2cl M HieSIII933[TI'IS'JLCDRNEBy .f. , ~ .. ‘- ~-J;OHN..PA'I‘JI:(.‘N. i Curwenaville, Jam-9. 1849,“ ;. ”(74‘ ' Coma ’l curd N 3 N.‘ ' N Phila} Executor’s Nance; g INOTICE'TS lTércby given Hm} “New. "’ ' ' \c‘dt'nm'enmrx’ haVE‘UQ‘l'n ‘grmvml ll luc gubhcu'bt'lfsllépu'n‘ lheA esme 0! Mary Campbell".~ |Mé“df Lumence- l'uwnahip; Clemfiehl county. deceased—nil perumq~ kusf'vfltik Ui‘jenieklii‘éé“in«lvb,!é,d :6. mam ”Ingmar; {gq uea‘tcitl tugnake.‘ppy mqm wi‘lh‘ out ‘dclfijr{and-'lhose‘h.n6ihu’vvlhimé’agmm' same will‘plesenv lhem duly‘ dulhemica (ed for selllc‘meut. -.“r'.::.:.:; (261,11: bonle -ur.ms ty‘. & ul- . he MEM 3am; IrLe‘bß 'Wi‘h [xv-‘33. "fi’grrn if 55-1“ ”"""““'3'7W- V~MHORSES ranging; , @B9l "h'izbct'fibfé'r had" ‘ ”’o' (W6ll YOUNG (lopismuaygsyg, wnl“ ‘hnSu-er uffibi‘lcf’bfivli-itie‘ ‘ ‘x';_"‘"¢~"-U ".u‘ 'l)‘."L}v‘.“a"y‘\ ““J‘QH'N‘P'A'IW’ONA Curwc'fi'svlllo.”6Bl9;llB:l99 .‘ ‘m nffiir~~~miiw+i~¢4ums44 - from ‘dfid urge H 1 .. 's'.- . «QwfiMQ—_' 1,, .1 W4)j Julep; Blow m Sbiuwgsi agmré More of ‘ BLGLI'IR 4g 00."! 'PWCGS Bindfi‘end ,Eanrxi;algmchl'.a u' 6 xlxa.slum‘ot-.-._.. . BIG-LEN. & 00.— f idml. AR H be c'l‘AL d'e‘d; N. 15,1)if1'z7imqiaififb} BLANK-[33118 111'; m}: '.\..§!9U} Urn :uf‘: a 2.:- BIGuER &‘CO} I .0: w moan w w 21;!) . r v ,* " ”‘A‘F‘A‘tR OF FER V >E9IxE'E‘A-Kfifli’f‘2.9‘93”"! fig!!! ~ r , (:0 111,V.|" .‘ U . 7‘ 's‘).,lll‘\ ‘f‘fgliy ONE.--‘DGLMAJI§) pevzlmnmm 7;; ‘ H 43: ;:',~;~(_ln-fldvance.) 7...; 13.; UNDbiiPrr§gfiyA§j‘E {KTWDII‘EIj'IIE‘OF v, w Maw-M7. BIGLER. 1W!- DL'C. 24.348.29.47ucn‘f ' , "I’Mli-Rmz’smmslkml: ‘FROM THE "READING EAGlsle‘J-Jl‘hore‘ \Vné‘ [ néyoh perhaps/n Mcdlcxiic'bfbughl ‘bcfuro’me Hmblic; lhnl has in no uhnrt «hm-Won Eli“! n ropfn‘a 'lmn us M ' .\ L LI S 'J‘M‘R ' S 'A-Lb-JUICALING'OH' .wonLD Hwy: '4lmtlsl‘pwrymdrson- yum huu Il'l‘nqolll'jlgl 91:13, spanks. warlml'vgn Ila praise. Ono-has. boon cured hy‘u. ol'xho mos} p‘éinlul Rheumatism? unu‘lhcrmflhn,l’lch. n Lh‘l'rd nl‘b .lroubloabmo pnm'ih ‘ the, nidb.‘ a [Oufllf ul'a aWollinggih‘lhe limbs;&c..‘&é. ll'il dues iiol gnvo iminédiulu‘ re‘liefJn byqry cqao, it cnndononnjurmbcgug npplled outwardiy. Aé'u‘uo lher cvldénc‘b‘ol lhoM‘guidé-rfu‘ Ida'lin 'powcr pos~ sessod bv-[hia whiny“ u‘u‘lfjol‘n [Lo (clawing Ceru ficnl'é.’ ”om. n reagocmqmqgnizpu olwn‘imdcrwra'clg luwnship in" Ilué mu‘hpyfiz _' . , , ' ‘ ‘ ' 'ff‘ 1 ‘ MQIDENCH'EEK, Berks 00.. March 30; 1&47. ~ Messrs. nlc‘rda (:u.--l desire lo Inlnrm you'lliHl‘l v. as enlirvly cum-d 0131 severe "‘in in‘ 'lho buck. ,by Ibéflnd;éj;NfAlliitqfd fthllsilodmg- Bnlyattwh‘xoh‘ I purchnaod frum you. l_auflered wuh it for about 20 years. qnd nl‘m ht wnu qfinmo lqslqep. _D_unng lhnl luno ljly'icdfvurguili mqujqé. “mick! we") p'mpt-nbod for ma by ph‘ymcqm‘z/and omenpersona. wuhout rccci~ ving any to iehnn 'nl.ln§l made I‘rmlo!‘ lhiu Salvo. “HP lqu§ulx layprppjor paypngl, exJJL-clqlion lam no»! enurply [(55.9 Virom‘mo pain, I,” cnjo at night n pchholulnnd Itwécr Heep. i hth nlao usu‘g lhe‘Sulvo I‘lmdfllur'lbulhludlosnd ”1‘12” camp‘lnidmwuth smug uthq 1p u-su )gn' uqr ,‘\ \z‘ H ,_.H a- 'g” f . {owmguopoifinictp . ‘ ' 'Ar‘bu'nd-thc Baffurc ’Dii’cl’ctbiilfor lilin’ 'McAli luw'r‘: Oir‘mnom, foi-Scro/ulh. Liver Cgfiiplaifil.‘ Erysiptlas. y'l‘c-ller. Clu'lblam.‘ Stald Head. Sore Eyes. Qumcmé‘orc 'llxrou!‘ Bronchitis; Nervpul Aflcaliona. Pdms. Disease of (he 'Sliihc, Jlead Ablié. .Afllypa'. Deafness. Ear Ache, ‘Bufiié: [00:413. all Diseaééa Q)“ the Skin. Sfi9é‘fibi.v’l’irilples’..l}c’}slio7.csa of the jo‘§La,-Sw' wg 9],; 9‘ ‘Limbah Sgt-cg, thmafim. P39130311} ]"cél- 05-211 '. Swellczl or 43'qu Brcagl. ’1 oulh’A‘dw.’ Agitafln (fr. Fade; (51c (fie! ' . ‘(rr'J'thiutmentl I‘lguodfar any'parl qflhc body or 51:103.th inflamed. .[rv acme an.“ it should be uppflidgflmé ‘1); :01: .‘\ (1.13” ‘. ; I . _ ' A 753,. '0 mmmlm I, agenumc un up rfléfl‘m‘fif‘gr 3;;.11135',_¢,!c41,11,131'131¢,u wriugr’ um‘dpcn'on“"bc'ri“mitl .4- . ' ' ' ‘ "" PRICH' ‘l‘aflfi "I‘YH’IVI‘.'CENTSHA‘BOX. ‘ \For‘sule Dy‘my7A'gmla'lh’lztlllaé prim‘ l‘cilia ambmcm ,lurthc-Ut'ilcd»Slaltg and bj‘,'l§7u)ggist} gg'l’erqlly JAMIfiSJ‘ MN‘LLISTER, ‘ ,2 m‘ Sui‘o Proprlelur u! the above Mod|c|n¢.v ~ [l3" [’nce 9.5 ce:2!s.l)cl'b_ox. . _ "1 .lI'GEN'I'S: 116' IV. I". lruéinr Clearfleld. Megan. Jlmqltl .r'l'z‘ll'hersburg. ‘1 " ”gm/m ‘Pdlfan'jr. Ty}: 'iilfibim. m: U 311 w)” [.uljz, I're)iclapi(7B.’j "_ "' '.’; 1 (flehrfieztdl-klun '1 55-1949,; :‘y.’ ' -* Orphans’ Court Sale. Ifir‘llurnuwc: ol‘ an mdcr of the ()sph ’ mi. 9011“ 9| Clemfiphr (ounly, helix! uIVC|Cd-l"llll“d 00 mi: 1ii)“: day at .Uecem Uri, A. l)'. 1848—;(hiére’wm be cpracd lo , PUBLIC Sig/’l'} at the couu hpbse in (he buruugh of Clear field, on M_9n«iay the twenty ninl/A day ul Jay-tum} 1849, u|.|'lhe|ulévrulul lllellbégtg 0‘ WHY” m llun‘hdi'n, deceased-[Quid in lays! being, lhq uuduidgdhnc-llnnl pant.) m a cr'uam Quack u! ummiuovrd LAND containing THREE HUNDRED ucraa 'sguwjul up 'wlnrranl. In Jnhn Duughlun, ‘buuhgul as Inflow”. ‘ ”in? Zlfrgmning all; bilih‘lnbt‘tbfio‘ (”ginnl‘gaéf,llss‘pe‘r'clhes to n' |3"'f"4,’° 50: 40 deg/era ”$3329 laugh ('s b» Ja‘nnea’lM-d ll; {l' curumher, wulh 50 t-lf'grjcfis‘ final [[ss ‘MHS'H'S by Jufiri‘Dris lrr luu Hu‘uck, mu‘lh 40 ll g'n-u erl 320'péi‘lcl‘ne‘; (o a b‘erch ism-...}, p'gce anogm mug, sun Vu')"ml 9.1.1 Scl‘xfr‘vhbx-r; ‘B‘2B, on muram urznpplxcalmnull773 fl‘he said (run ls‘SilGfie‘fin FevguSnn ‘tun’mlup in (‘e‘ cuunly‘ul Übeéifirhl» ~> ' .' ' {lTl’l'erma bf-SaluELCu’wh on confir mu'n'un ulhb'ulv.’ r H ‘ - - ~93!“ m Reimn'r 1:053:11; ngr of ”'2l: [lurj(ol§o’%.'dec‘gl. JMioWy-QYHB‘N.“ .A " |"‘ "'I” Ga'lmmps’mmmet «Salem jUIK'SUA’N"I:"‘fo in) m‘de} '5! “Ih'r: Or fl Jifi::§h§"o36{l’tt uf 'U‘irflrfh'hl county. man! M'Clcuv‘fiv’ld on ”W (5 1i dnj‘ u} Dec. 1848, (hull: vhll bcx‘x‘fiu‘vwl in . _ mmmrmm gamma a ‘ o‘lth, (wally sixlv/l, lip] ,ul Jaw“), Am!) AgJQuthU-‘c wrung”. gu “#ullchMnmpy Cleuufiehl cuuuly, (In: lu'luv~||;g.debcrlbcd money}, “' “.“i... _ ~ . ' ), e, «:11 mm mm» ’l'lflflL‘T on (MM) ‘L‘uulninlyg “0 new. mom: of'llc's’s, sit lumc'l'o- Brudy"!uwu(yhiy. £035: field ‘coun-.‘ Iy; adjb'mingland's;of:WiHi‘rhi"Wuin""nml' i Juhn Fry:- and other’v.‘ “lim'ufibil'n't ‘Q'IXTJ’T flL‘R‘lg-Sl C'BEflRED'Hwn-bdhfi‘éqnw ’ gm~ ,lpweflmgiflame, affix; wfi mg]? llama. {and gather ”35%;?" . “5%,. buildings thereon mg“: erected, mguher wun rYOUNG ORCHJ ,flRI) cpnunmng,ubonMOD flinging flees; [9ll the estate,onllcnry;.Feye. dec'eua'ed. ‘, ”Sawfly; mmm‘cuce m lUu’cldék Jul said day. uheundue aneudancc wtll begiwn-by Ihe udmimygrggqb‘ '2 fl " ~ ' V \mzefimfifg-an't Qp,covl|fi_,.rpnql‘iqniply “-a‘c,‘,=.a+.cf,,..,, .fishilualmm!“ st % ’- 3 , 47"th‘vf’é'l'it’nryffieua4.186112:1 I “060.6 '4 {B4B' I J 7’ ...‘ib3"h.Ll'l “7171)02'.’Ime3caa‘s’aéééé and \yun'eq .‘ Shawls lur sale by BIGIJE'R &‘C.u e ”NEW.” . ~~_-_.:.;:~~- .. _., -. . . ‘- . w~l ~' '."'.. My“ -"’ '"a [MILE-u: 3,»; »‘ any”: Quqhggfifi. Bu a P,- )y.¢'.§ §hqca @mr we éwé“vl‘ ”Tang 15321999 ', ‘ V? '-' “2.. Has: 7’" :r' ~\ , . ‘ ~15; ‘10???" 150.0,"! \YD_I,!.I"& Re’d ‘Flunl ‘ inehlslamek 39:; 31.19 mm .81; gm, ' RE ' 1 ' ' i Ismaimwd't‘clsmndiwrcs fia¢w&mwzxmm mwwu ‘lm ,"Mlll' “POI" 1848‘- ' ‘ m- 1" .- 4‘-2'.1“~L-" c-~:"-'. ' 11572.40 BLOOleJuniar, .Trcasurarqf , .Clnarfic/(l Manly. ’in account with said ' Aucaumy/rom the :31, dd)" bf‘Januury.‘ i ~./1. .Ds'lB4Blo‘lhe 5m lay 0/:January. i Jl. 51).u1849; inclusive. ' . , , } ' DR: [‘o nmoum‘nu‘ivod l,‘r'¢m'ok'ne‘in oflln-' ‘ ‘'. \an‘ed Lnugls pm} an”: [qr tu;vs.'§B;2lB3 90 TO'al'fiinuril 'régonyed [l9m Cohen-lurk. ', "3,984.53 I'l‘o do du"‘d!'Jf Eiln’nuffiue‘ul‘l'edlh'r'. “25‘00 ‘l‘" "do .(d‘q: vyirgggfnp, T9l Egan?” I%ch 70 35 UM ‘ , £ . 6283 93 Balbnl‘mduo il‘runur lrun'r co’umjyy’ .' ll 64 Hy npluuul pun] Jdru‘m. . _ $lll4 9.1 Byv u'u ElOlflloll‘cll'pt'llfl‘l '' ' [[o6o 32 By do ' (Mn-labia lacs. [94 74 By. « - do on trains. , ‘1 ' 242. Hi Uy- ‘. ' ~qu Aucusun. was". ~ ~3. 127-15 By do (Juxgmlugpuou' mug“. , 232 07 ‘ By I. du Ru‘nd Viewers. M 3 00 By do Prqilmuumr‘y‘u Icon. 136 16_ [if-" > do > 'Clgfl} lp Cummiunuyur'l. 15873 By I}; Wt? ff“ ‘Cpni. Fredmuml p‘g’us‘h ‘3B 22 By ‘" " du“ ‘ Fuél. taking Jim: (-2 lt.&'c 109 43 By do ‘ :A'udglu‘n' Nigel" 50 25 By ' do. ,Rel'“|,F'r &c ‘ ‘2l 58 By,“ ‘ dd "Corona“ i‘nqueu. , ~ "4.00 By do Priming conimcl. 108 62 By' A" -, Au , :Sluuondry.‘ 82¢. ' 149 79 Byw.‘ , '49,... Budge-. 1120. ,414 00 By , ..do ‘ . Clggk lg_Audilor-, ~ I 4 00 By , 'do Cuun-‘ul Fpu. ' 20 00 By‘ ‘ 'du SchoOl‘mohay’ und by ($O.. 360 76 By rv'Uo Courictier waguu. ' ' 34 50 By ,);do Ba}. duo Rqullaco lmq Imm. _55 05 By do Making 'l‘ren'n La[ld_ book. 200 By ” do " Cum in flu’mlcndu cnle. ‘ :‘ -;' . ‘ ‘ Commbn’h w L Allmnn. ‘40787 8.. 5(“4’0 Do’pru'y Gears Men. 1350 B; ‘ ' da’ liu'adno'n'oy mod by co. 10 61 By“ do ""Sheilfl'iboq, . 45 00 By: J- ‘~ d'q ' 'Audlu‘hg Prblh'yl uc'u 300 By -. Ldo .L‘unlmganl til. m Jul. ‘ 41 23 By do \ .Mulneyfiol'd lrulufindge. 58 83 By .. jot. Inlgnullon 'yanuqq orden 02 48 By 0' .‘ Ja'll‘conlrncl.‘ ‘ ' A 613 ()7 By . '(lu‘ _‘,l{ul‘undu. ' ' ‘ 230 63 By u'onoruuum m‘Colleclurl, ‘- “U ‘2B " , » $6,060 70 By Lo male“ n’m’oqoy Ironi Colleclurq,’ by dn'ccclon ol‘Cufhml'nioneu, ’ '- - ~30 00 By 'l‘mr'a per cent. on 912.324 6318! U 184 87 ‘JMQVNT 9f Oulslta’na‘ing debt: due ‘ Clear'ficld county from Colleqtzqra‘ (nyd , owners 0[ Unseated Lana'g.., ‘ ) . f 0;] fifioenied‘hndl,(eniimnied)B2obo 00 ‘ " UL'}Viieinoyefi'lߢnnlrt‘.llB4o ' ‘ 46 Ttiéa'Jlalgry, -{"erguuvoyn‘ " 3 57m ‘ Dhnml Sumh‘ anlou‘ 1841 .2 25 0M 83 S J;’ '01!” w; Cel ' " [OO 5 Jordan ’ ‘ "3.51 mi: 1842 34' 23 65 thnmbdfn‘wßLCbeu must --,3 9221311 02 Geo 'l‘ub‘blv _ lk‘crguwn I 21 44‘ :13 94 J MdQ’nilleflU Burnaiflw'lB43 ' I - ' =27 23 Gun llqy't llullon 23 92 16 27 C Néfl" Burmidb‘ 1844‘ 86 05 Jnmu Woods Chell- - 38 63- 12 99 J W Lamburn Chen 1815 14 09 15 76 John Bloom, jr. Pike 86 A. Irvin Borough 1846 10 .97 3 William! Chou John Ruyo Gitnrd V 647 Jmso Wilson Huston ' ' ' 8:! B 1“ Sterling l’iko 154-79 l 5 15 \‘V Mullen Beccnriu 1847 12 76 Wm 801 l ' 801 l .j“ . 75 10 ‘ H W'u'plo 5 Buggé _, .68 39 _. ' ‘ I.) Lnbordo. . , Brudy 110 43 J Weslu‘vor' ‘ Che-l . 649 J- B Barmoy Covmglon I.x 4 333111;? ‘ an Reahjr. Jordan 175 50 60 49 S Ardcvy Lawrence ‘ 75 ‘OO '5—65 R Dam/er- Penn 19692 8 42 Jpthhpfl‘ {~< Recgnriq‘ 1548 90 52 2] 15 R Wéliul“ non,“ " 76 88 122 l‘ Genrharl Boggl 80 ll) 752 J Wtiglcy ; Borough 18 26' .19-22 R W Moore Brady . 273 45 349 Wm Hupvur Limdfurd 199 28 22 88 ‘Nulhun Kern 'Burul'idu 3 ' 5200 H“ 102 87 Jul McEwen 'Cheu 4 121 77 61 05 I“ Gourmunl Corln’glon 65-28 Ehjuh Reno Decatur - 67 79 ‘3 95 \V L Moon: Ferguson 69 68 'l7 81 Dgn‘vid cm Fox 912‘ n 96 J'dlm Mom ugmd ‘ .64 09 33 as Gould Wiléun Husluni . "‘ 10 I 9 27 05 Henry Bmin ‘éJDldufl . ‘ ‘169 70 70 70' Jun Yulhovqflgflfipnhuum _{ ;,-' ,v '49 ()6 21 3-1 Phl’lp Anion Lawrence 259 84 120 3] Thus Urunn Murlll ' 105 36 2_43 Amu Spqupcr Penn -. f '_, JB7, “5, 9f 98 Sum'l Spence: Zl’lku: , P ' -‘442,37 9J4 51 J 1! Morgan Wouflwnid 54:91; )7 2:3 ~ . , _. . . _ . ~ - ' r: ' ' $5690 95—-—-—‘-——_‘7 Amuunkphpglplplldnng orderaj‘tpfim‘Z 49 . fS/IflG'b’LUUM, Junimz- ,TrrasuFé‘r-of ('learyiem county. in account-will: (he Townships/hr, Road tax. ‘ ,- . . DR. To hmounl received (rum uuaua- ‘ led land; In 1845, $1644 Id " l I. . 'i l CRQ By alnftpd Heccmla,’fp.~sB4 07,, , J ‘ By (10.. Bell. .. 14.17.36 By. ‘qo, filings; ~ , "12065 , 3.114110. gunman: .1940 ‘ ‘ . )pvdb‘fl Brady 1' | ".7956 By do. Bu’ruhghl "11/2127 .;BJ' do Burli‘ulde "'l‘ "59 :41 "_ I "By" d 6" Cn'ea‘t' ‘ " ‘35 22 " ' , By. do Cuvlngflon _§B 92 Hy(fo ‘pzfigtglur ...,‘V‘QIVOQV ‘ ' ‘ .By,‘ u‘o‘“_,,'F£-j"g‘uadn. '18; qg; .. 1 By d‘o.l‘_,‘,'F'ux “ 27543, ' "y" nortxznxiu'nrmg; '.'. 1 f 2874 f . ‘31:." s‘l‘s‘»: iG‘Jsh'quiaa‘rr 3:368:38: Z“ ‘ L '-: W §.-.‘.16"‘31Hu6w'6 ' 1,051.81 ".-. . f )3; ‘l<‘lb"_.:(t‘)rglan‘ \HzffiW-‘i T. ' : tun-dd -.7.;-...xxif'h.;u9.l-m.!3 35. ~ . : Jixw’ofl? Laqum 145-05 :'\».L'\'L .! -.fiy;..;sl«r» annia-z 269,46. 1‘ g ~ Jr; 910' 53:00“..-.;~-;-.‘-.-;‘;.‘L'-.'l4r-03w ' 154“: elm~.;,Pißet-.r:l .‘l;v;.._-rlo'9on.v . lip, 590‘, v.g\_“,'opd.war\ll {7.190 84 u .‘ ‘l‘- r-‘:.,“‘\'. Uh"? ,-\ '3'.-+l--'-." ‘, - 2 , ‘ ‘ 37:}: = r\\;!\s.l3o3 .85 “('l‘ ,: Bulun c e .due'lofinahpsmili‘lo ’2B'w.+-‘—-——-;~ _?i:r!H:'L‘il'!T-z§}. i 2M $164414 '.~"1IV‘)"'1“-: " ..\ ,y '1 E riL~S 18.4.40 ,nggM, Junior, ‘mqwfr of . Cleamml Eaunty‘.‘ ‘in' acfdunt‘wu m f School Dialrim. ' ~ ' _ Tonllunuut Mac-Neil {mm'ufméd-iv‘: ‘. f ‘ m! Innd'g’in 1848 , "31501,” H ,' ‘ ""‘CR. ' lediiqdhiuttj'pfiitlßvccavin. . i , dug.in'cjludingpené'v,lmet3 49“ my din " He‘ll ' " ‘189'291 fly "(in "Bb‘gfi's "' »' " "'22 65‘ By du Burnugh ‘ 12'39' ""4" ‘By do Brjadluld' 317 :12 ’By do Brady 74:71 By do - .Bumaide, W 34-91. my a... -Ch¢st« . . $ll.ll By 1d“ Cuvmgmn 4’76 08,: ;By doth-Decuur ‘ 884 96x By do Goshen 32 .58' in {By , do' Glrgrd 4-, - 59:29 .9114“; By dn Huslon‘ '67-‘B9. 434;;- ‘By. do dea'n . :25 06 {1.3” By dn Knrthaua .146’36‘r ißy do Layman “152.95 ’32; V By do‘" Morris "" "17616 ‘9 Sn, do'- Pen‘n -' p'UdD‘IG i'. By (In Pike , 25.74;; a By do “'oodwnld 352457 “’5 Wang B‘yl ‘du Ferguson» ,09’1 " mm'fif By do Fox ~ ”4.55. CI,- .n.¢'>} 36275 57 Bal. due Disnicts. 7: WE. Iho (.‘omminionera of Clenrfiald‘; county; hnving examined the nccounll ol Juno Bmoudn Eu}, Treasurer or mid coumy for ‘lB4B. d 9 find lhemfil nlmvo ruled—and Iho oulalnnding “Dbl! duo Iho county nmounling [0 firm 'lhoflinnd Ii: hundred and nmoly dollnn. Willie-Bohr handi this 5!!! day ofJununry..A. D. 1849. ‘.'!'ll~ ' :5 JAMES A. READ. r;- I .. 7 JAMES ELDER, _ Cos-39.}; new; BONSALL.‘ '~ " 4 Arman—W. A. sWA’LLA'cm'Cl'k.’ '2‘ ’ ‘ - ‘ ‘ ”'4 We. Ihe undorolgnodl hudilorl or 'Clulfiald county. hnvmg ulminod add tamed the account ol luu‘c BLOOM. jr.. Esq" TreasureuprCla‘a‘rfMG county to, 1848, do upon thalmzofiud Ihom pq 'r howdy ulnle‘d—nnd Iho out-landing ‘débl-Z‘duo 1319 county amounting ldfih: thou-and nix hufidnd and ninoly doll-In. Wilnen our handl thin 51!: do] of Janunr7.A.xD.‘lB49'.“ ."'\ [71.5. ; 1 JAMES M., SHAW. ,7 ' ROB"? \VRIGLEY, r: Audilon. ‘ - \VN.' WALLACE, - ' - Allen—W. A. Wuhan. Clerk. ~‘ :- "' 0275 57 Orphaws Court Sale. Y virtue of hu order of “)6 Qrphfigifp B,Cuur( ol the; cuunly ol",()l'eta'(selvd; mll‘b‘e suld a! publ‘icmale in ('be'gdl‘l'tll Hqune' in the bul-ouzh olcgéfirfieldi'fiq Mbnday the 29m d9} 0! Jnhlt‘nglll‘j” 1849, a ”(wee & Lu! iti ‘lh'e v-‘uid pu‘r‘g'fi‘gh. Rabid by No. 49. now‘in ‘polseépi‘on.of th,jC,' Welch. E~q..beinh theinlerfit‘pfbl‘hé’lii, Aim-d and Cavoliue Snnilh.“q9inoiji,' if]; A~ credit at une} year 'willibedgiven' 3,0 thé purchaser {cube largest .p'drlion of the purchase mon‘ey. ‘ , .' JOSIAH w. SMITH, Clemfield Dec. , Guardian; 18311848. g ‘ 4 18 50 Estate of Jas. fl”, Cathcart, de'c’c‘l. LETTERS 0! Admininralion ‘buing been granlcd lo the aubwflber. on the Nine 0! James A. Cllhcul.'llle of Pike lownship. Cleaafield county. dgc’d‘. all persons having claims or demandml‘ gaunt said estate will preqem Allen! duty uulhemiculed for Iclliemcnt—And numer suns indebted to the game are tequented to make payment wilhupl delay. :. ,u ‘ JOHN McCORD, Ad'mt. . Dec. 19. 1848 --46 , M , WHEREASIIIO Hon. Geo. W. Woodwud,Prel~ - ‘ dcul Judge of‘lbo Counol'CommonZPle" OI lhu4lhjlldit‘inl dismal. compared 0! Iho'coumiu 0! (Human. Mlfllm. (Icinlro and Clonrfields. and the Hun" James 'l‘. Lennard and Abraham K- Wright, Esq’ra.‘AsAoacmte Judgnd in Clcurfield county; haii'o issuqd their precept. bonnng date lho 7lh dnv oI'Do~ cember. 1848, lowa di ecledJnr hoflin p :h- r ." Couriu"Cunnnou I’geriil'th/mna &urt,‘C'aurl of Quarter Sebainm, and earl of Gym; 4 [Ten miner and Gener'alJafl Deliveryl ‘ _ b 1 Clcnrfield '[‘own.forlho Countrol Clearfioiusdn the 51!] Monday 01 Junuury. ncxl, ( )eing the 2th'_day ol'lhc month.) , 'l‘ ”H ~ ' Notrcc iaJ/zqcforc, lu‘rcby given. 7 ,’ Io lhc Coroners, Justicbn o! the Period, & ‘Conaldbkl m and for the County olClénrfield, ‘lo appearinzthair ifwn proper persons, wilh Rolls. Recordanquiuinom Exnmmulions and olher Remombmncemlo do [how things which their omm & In their behaltopbéktdn 'lobo done; and nll \Vrlncspcsund olberpersom pto séhumg In behull oi theCo‘mmunwaxfllh'ugamlt any prisoners nrorcquired‘lo be then and lherenttending and nulldepnrl without leave, :11 lhoirpent. :V‘Juron nro rcq‘uesred lo be ”uncluul in ghmrnlmnfinncq a! the upfiuihledtime nérp'onjblc’ lq notice; , . , Gwen undermy hand in lhp‘lownolClenrfleldnhi -9.othon December. In the yearofour Lord one lhousund eight hundred ’nnd tony eight. andtho novc‘nlyaecond your ofAm'edcuan ependenco . . JOHNSTI’FEB. sum SUGAR can be purchased fat v'ojy ' low pliccs by rolling at thc more of JOHN PATTQN. ‘Curwonsvj‘lle. June 16. 1848. , ,1; H lira—9 firufiwh‘v ‘W'hnw'Suénlx-f'tur sale by .‘ - BIGLERBLC‘O,” A FE WI. BA RREL'sare'xce‘lleyitifl [or sale by- A. M. HILLSww ~ .Cleurfleld. Nov. -14,‘1848.v1. - 4. f“ .. ; @AKIBWII-Bflfiw a QOI‘TQN up Li'gren'CChfpht‘hfiainfii eonmfmzb mundtauew—zwm 'ding. cqngveswiékx" ' 5' __ '.':‘I.‘=.‘BLANKETS at”. ' 1"“ ‘- CRANM; BRM‘uEms, -.Nov. 14.}. .... - .-- ~——~--~-Cupw§m¥iflc , "PlECES“as'birr’fi-fd "swam; in -- '. nihe’étor'e'bf"B‘izler'SL’Qnl‘.';'»,.~2' w. -.,1-.’22;SAIgT,-!~S,ALT-!v$1;.- 2.2;, 2F- : v‘e'r‘y‘éuperibr qualitylfibnlyghi‘: O‘lbg‘riwi ten—‘4o; "shlé'qfiifi‘dfilhr 'be 'gifi‘sfifiitflfiub} ‘Héi‘b‘ ib‘ 'a'c’c'h. ncagfli‘a bargaihi"",“ ' "'lf” > “, *'. . , MOOREISL'LEONARD.’ A V’ 7!! ’1 'C.'.'2-2\‘. i v . 8150;,21 Court l’foclanmlibh. EL E 1! , - NM MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers