. . - " . ”fix . . ‘ I I ' I n .. - > ‘,V ~ . r“ ",4, .» A .... ,V “......‘maun...’ <~p--A--""Tv'—‘ , , .314" . .‘- ~ , - .. ~. , w”, k .-. ~,. . -~1w>.;., - .V ‘ W. a,” “g.“fimnw . .__.‘ .. 1 7 .. v. . z um. . . u .-»- -.~rn.”“'=_"- ‘" , . , ‘ .. . n _. .y . . . ‘ ‘ ‘ . - ~~- v , ~ ~ ; 4 .q. . , .1 ‘ " , a; .r- -~ - - ~ ‘ , . . v - \_,~.,_. m— mu. ‘: i ~ 4 . ~. - _. x‘ V ~- -. 4v \. ; 1‘315' v. |,.- n , ,V “ . ' ;.\ ’l' _ H 071! .. V .. _l“‘,7’ h ~ .. , . . , _,v .. . ‘ _~: r“V 1;. 3m . i ' ‘gL‘ ’ ''’ " ' ‘ . , . .( , ' ' a ’\ w ’ V , ,‘ :1 _' ." , , . ,vr- ~ .-. ‘ - - . . 'A; h r in. .'- v m Jun. 1 ‘~ “‘) *)3 D W‘ . >i. .' . . "\. , ' ¥ ‘ -.- *lr \ 1.. , .. -. “; :__. _r';y. 1 u Ply; u; 1“,, - ‘ ' ~‘Ar 1'» n ' ‘ " “‘ m ‘- .. M,” 's‘ w: u: - {M _.___. _.____. . .. . ‘ - - 0 M . V ' r i‘ ",J‘ MDJHN um {‘l \ M 1 ;: 1:91,?!" mi . «w "ili li ()ahn‘ml . m; RIM :::;;12v:Mqoaifi'wwmsi A; I ‘l9" ‘2'? twain" "'."-.""'"'S gh ~. Mun-v 4 ”(A -7FAIR‘-”QFF'ER i; ‘:-v 'lc.:: {3'o9th People offliemffifldn [cou'i'y. -‘ 1: "1.3.1! I. v jot 90" Tm: snbpcribrrs.debp‘y lihxfd‘vfijfor lhowse‘furo and prnaponly of :lm’ people 01 Clonrfiolll county. and bring \vellh‘wdru lhhl'nblhiug wfll morn mum unlllymidip,aggqrgqg r'enl pyogpcqily lhnn lhe genot nl‘gfimmiun 0| useful mfnrmnlion nrhohg the pmplo, praise" ‘mx‘puum‘h K‘Kh-ekly' "paper. m Hm boroug'h ol‘Cliumeldelhowory low prim of . ' ONE 'BfllhhA’R'per YEAR, '| 1(In mlva'ncc.) , i I .-. To ennhlo us In do this. we must ltune'nt lonat ONE THOUSAND sub-(Tillers. This number. ll is lll‘lle'mlg'QIIlqipoinfill?“ within the limits olClonr~ field qnunly. if proper clottiens nro mndo But th’er’e‘mn‘l't'ho no holding back on the part ol’ony man: Whfl’catlzpuisibl'y get a {tapers convéymlto him. lt-wlll require the unanimous clTurLUllho Citizens vlzlheicvltmyn " Wc‘ lliere‘lure nnnenl to llloso of our fellow citi- Ir'rl‘d‘lkjltd‘doflrc the diuileminnlmn ofgerierul infort rnnlinn among thozpcoplo. In ttw llroir CHO‘HI and in fluence in helmlfol .tliia uaatul entorprize. Your county cunn'qt get .nlnng withuittn paper. We are llnfi'il'ligg’l‘u ptibliah nrio' til] lun‘él’ Inbur and mo~ "OY‘ 0' fifieli’el. 'l‘n‘enuhle every man to nuial in thus nuptmning the name and creilrl'ol‘ the coun tWl‘hEHfore.‘wn offer to red‘ucwthe'subscription whetwilliintlio-reuch ol all. ' ~ mu” )I"‘ For at lean Ihroo years. there will he no politi ynl oicitomenthnnd ~our pttperl will benrvrnor‘c tlie rhnrpcrer ofti'n 'lt'i'depcng'lait. t‘nun lhnt of 'eitllér u Partim‘n lit 0‘ ‘Neullal Jbulnul. That" ii, w. Ihtill approve. or conilcmn. u' the act: of either party may,;-lerrn.,lo queue—speaking our town lenti: mgullgnllzfilrpcmcn—nnd (allowing the free who of our colurh’n'l for others oreltlia’r party us do this sumo—V Thai-we appeal kilh’uw ntuoh confidence to the members clonal mrly‘umthe other L Outrinim shall he to .mgko oqu paper bendiqml 10.1110 people ol 'Clearfiold countyliy Inpbot’llné nnd defe‘ndi'ng lheir intereets—lby' ultti‘ng‘ to develnpu 'nnut n‘mke ttrolllay ltl'o vtho-various"resourceful rho rnuntywnnd'by laying before them. regularly every woek.n faithful pkptch ofthe. crank, grcnt'qud' small, as they may; orctir throughou} the world. I ‘ ' ‘ "When ohmic!) is to bc 'gained.' "uhzilliwa appeal in vain to tho friendlhip—lo the‘ llbornlity-u-lo the PMKlOlilmr-éw; thacounly pride—o! the citizen: nl .Cl'g‘arflnld younty‘l we hupe nnl. Then. gentle men. all ydu have It) do, u to nullsl us in procuring 'thir rrquircd number of aubsrriborn . - - nui- our intention w inno tho firsLnumber about Iliejfint of Why nogl.‘ :10 the meantime. perlom hayinfil’rmpgplmeu will procure all the nubecr‘h liel's'l iey r‘un."nnd info'rm' on. M lllo‘ February com. firmer-number they may have: ' 3 « Jr‘fl‘hn vapormhult be-prlnled on new type. and," large pml ,perltpps larger, than the present elizlo of the, lipsnzm'nnd contain as murh reading matter on any of the country .pnpera of Iho State. h Birlp cvcryjcnse the au‘hrrrlption price tSl),munt 'bé fold llffiih‘unCc—nn or before In May, 1849 3K: 9 rigncraw :3: D‘ W- MOORE. . ” 5 .v:;: Ann. .HEMPHILL. Nthao. [8484: , f. , To the nechraup Jim-(y. .Qur rough-rs are. qhgaglyinlmumdllmilnrvl n vole-M Ihc Sepqlo. nl Iho ‘(leEB 0! me lull scrulbxl. l )0 "Uillon" “'nilsdlchlul nsnn'o‘oflhc jumim’l’n in which the pro ceedibauuml d'cbmbsof that body me lo hq publulged. Agmilnr (hrrnnge‘mc-m on .1110 purl ul‘ tlucfllluusc ol I‘o )rc‘sénlmivru will, it is hurl-d, be mnilb “lléh'flinl 'luxly’tmed‘b'.‘ ”It‘ll nur‘purwso lo‘mnko Ihe"\'l'r.r.nu Umox hhreuflrr. as it has been hormulmem pulmcul. commqrcial, nuil nuam-llnneuun shcol. nud 10 mtjremae ‘rulhé‘r thu‘n‘llimldish m ('lnt‘lOla'l‘y In “new" several 'deydmfiehlm -'l‘uk ul‘fiml apnro for this purfnso.:und 311110,”qu lilnexo‘lurnillg luourhsuhargibersour lull Jppgrqawonnlrcpqgls, we rmpou‘ to wane. Jurlnfilhe 56551011 nfCon'gn-ss.‘h' CORGRESSIO \' A USU? LE~ I‘MENT WOI'I‘HE WEEKLY UNION., which shall ,wnlqmjhoJull rcpoflqaq published in our dolly eth- Imp. fl‘hcgo Will-halal lenstlone number'uf llm Sl‘lp‘ ' {nlfilllénll per weekml’ {ho snm‘o ~izo'n'ml loran'a’ he; vllfongmuinnnl~chisler." Tho priccul our‘Weukly Union hm: hcrollero bun pul. very low. A Bl”.‘lc- V Icnninml ns yo me to spam no efforts lo'incroixqo our already cxlunbfi'o circulation. we proposo (u nlrurd' ' mum snbsnihens boll: Iho “'KEKLY ,ljulou lor'onp younund lhe lluxqmszONAL Sun-Lawn durinF "left-salon nl Congress. ‘I lhc numb pl‘i'ca 'nl' mm 1 ~’ Iho Wellly‘ U'mnnulono has been nilhcrlo publiabql, ‘ .qiz: 'l‘wu Dullnn per nu‘mm. mvuriuhly In advance. ~'l‘lll". WEEKLY UN ON. in connexion mm the 'L‘ONGRICSSIONAL SUPPLEMENT. demeaning ’ illo lull'repons 0 ddbntcsnnd proceedings in Canyon. "willlfpublmpcd urgent-Lay the low mlu- ol jx‘WO ._DpL A.RSPER wean. '_ ‘ CLUBS Will In: {llmhl1¢(l wilh‘ dno mpy ofencl: t 'olinw above at We (ullouiug rules: Flw copies for _ BDollofB. 'l‘cu copies [pr ls|¢plluns ,l’uyublqmnd- vnnce; , " ”‘ Poalmn'sters', by Bend‘wg u§ flvb'mbscnhcn.“flllk ’ Ten Dollars enrjoscd,’ \an be enlilcd Io onacppiul “he-Ww‘kly Union nndfungrcusipfia} Supplement. H Who qukly Uni u may ho had. as héretufdre. ”(or less lhnn n‘ycur.'by‘ uendiug’fa‘ fireporlio'nnl sub ' ‘lt'rlpuun. bul in DO,¢{|sl\Vi“' the x Congressiohnl Sup~ plemcm be sonhwilh ilzunlcus lhe fullgonr is pni‘d’for. Wo submn l 0 our «ldnncmlic {rien a that this an mngemom nllern in man an upporlumly ol nidlng in ' Ihu luppon ofout'clwljshed ptmciplel by suummn‘g u «newspaper publicam :. usnoummw frlu: CHEAP' mun proportion to 110 qnnnlily um! vnluo o! the mullet uffordod‘lhem) Which hns evc'r in mm country been dovolc'd my]: Immanunca of the“ democratic . 5‘30“" ~ . . ‘ in Inlum! upon h'xs dwn shoulders. (or me presem. the “ole “Union"n mmnlnlunem.'lhe eduor 1: aware I» a“! tllexeprunsib‘lily “hiqh he jennumipg. and relied _-u}nn.llle itinmlityofshy dcmocmlg puny to sustain [hum m llin"fi¢W'eflorts‘lot’ Inaefuine .3 ' ‘ . " ;: O_m excpnnge'papan. and olhenu'who publish 'thi'l' . ‘oo}{ce,‘}vull Mlurniyhed ’wnh n copy 0! the ~Wcokly .‘il‘lngqln’ and CongregaionnlSqulemoni ’ " ‘ . ’ ' "‘ “‘. 7" lIOMAS RITCHIE. fl >Wnnhington4NW-r4. i 348 ‘Zfilij‘isglfioxr' '|.El"lERS"'ee;aaaning liu , . 3' flhe P'uvs'lfl ()ch al,Qlealficltl, Pp, ,Jifigaqy Isl; [8493'1‘ 3.1"" .‘1 Adan“. Barney I Hodi’ér‘,‘]ivhnr h, -‘ ‘Ad‘amg. 173“!" T M Huoygr. M'lilngm ' ' u . .zhmse, Joh’n‘R.. . 'Ha|'.'lld‘r"‘iv.l.e-. .. A f‘g‘nok'a'. Jonas ' ' '3" ‘l'rw'i'fipJamcd ‘ Q , (fr; Lydia , Jnulon.Sumue «- g ; ’Jgffllgvzllw'G 1"”3 ij‘éy l'spacfl 1,,“ g _ «31,65 H' ‘xfij‘fl; I"7l“Jil7.il}ger'.‘;[39olls.l9 1,31; SKEWQEindEIT 3-M‘L‘ver'gnddl‘Nauty E; K' VQPVWWMCJMMQ WWWSWAPMM,‘ : i- “%°*”"*'"A ‘ ‘ 1336-3211“; “WE"? : . aver.» rah-". 13.", aim " .1 3;. sscll'lafilf‘kaMflF34Ml37s'OQJOW‘ ;3 ‘ 2. 3% mm *'*'W"§anl: v. 3 Mm. ; tehanp &.l) 1.3;}; é‘wg g‘p‘u’ly .. g._?.’Gob‘dlél’lox¥;‘Shiu’id 'l’Ur‘b’giflki V3l 3.; ; (“tau"). “f 1534;; l""‘d"hf‘€,‘G \vtl .. 1 3 GN‘DD, Georgefl'j'," 'Vanl'ershJfill‘fl‘ 2 ' F 0316, ElQJMn'e'sz “\dene‘mjgfit, '_lh 9.; -;":‘.Houpv;:(‘ifl(m‘v “F3H‘ W“i|fifl“!9,’]a’“ 0-:‘1 WV”- " {qw'i'3 \VLJILVMINH‘EQ RM"; , ; zsfikwlfi£22,:ydléat-fiesMy; ”IH,. 1,,“ ;.y}.l,m.‘ I' "y “anunaN-gI-Arl‘apsf EEAS iuflntelé‘éi!”cll' "a" his Hum-"- . , bqlqinng'irk’OQWhjns .'l'win'a mm I'o’uae'.’at md”tiver.' near“Curw'cnsvillc, In large npgurugem M," '' , ‘ F A L‘ L: :AN 1,)- W [N 1' ER‘ , . = :::.n n V.’ H (‘fioos}§~,dl -' "0' A‘ Am‘ovquhic'll) will be lqund onc‘ul the vid ry‘ béé! uech-c‘lcdl{iw'nr't’mémé‘kif' 5"" " ‘ : Dry-Goods, ”Hard Ware," Queens- Wh‘rc, Groceriesgbrugs and Dy e” titqfib,‘Tin-waré,ißQVoke (5‘ Sta ‘l'oml‘tfy, HEfits,Caps und'Bonnets; ,B‘ools'fin'd ‘Sh'pes‘, Tobuch a‘fi'd ‘_ Ségars, Unib'fé’lla‘S‘, Cdi‘pét and . Carpet “ 'n‘n‘gl‘ 'CQt‘tOfl Y‘afin,’ Con ‘[cétjongljeéf?a'ifita; in‘ls’fl'qas, 4994 a 819-; ' ' "° ‘ ‘ “' ,‘Whlqfl he is 'now.‘Blyis determ‘ined to can finue‘hcnmg 'AS‘CHEA'P uHhey cun be bought elsewhere in Iho county. :p r ,lE‘P'AII hgvnqkmia‘u coll. ' ‘ ' Rugwensvjlle. Och. 3. ’4B- , .. u v . ) 'I" I- Queensware, Queenswaro. 'AI’J; p‘eraond tan be suitrll in pr'ite .1 'u and style by calling a! T 1”: CHEAP QOBfißfihz 20mm qnd emqmin: our 1901*- ; ‘ , clams & BROTHéR. No'v‘. 9.2."1848; " "‘ - ‘ifiParmership ‘Dz'ssoived. ‘ T 31“? Co parlmreh‘ip- hemmlore exist‘ .- ing' between the» undersigned." tia ding‘QLdgr ghe figm, qt Thqmqg Milk-{gr Brollzerspie |hie gay ditsseulvedqpy mu'mul consent. The hooks nlllbe luté‘firm qfe in the‘h‘n'niH‘bFH'. B. Mlller.‘ an‘diafl‘per sons having una‘eulcd accounts will come 'o[\Vfl[‘d““houl “flflyu .H , ..‘x' 4:, '. ‘ ‘ THOMAS MILLER, -. nglv‘MlflbEß. 1 JOHN Miami HENRV‘B. MfL an; A; A A mm? MILLER. ~ Bnggs lp? p'lfi'~.B.' “Bf—[pd ,l“ I . 3'1... ‘m .—.- “1),: Imiflifltlce ‘ ' ' IS .hereby giv‘en, ihfit jhe nhdersTgfied. Com‘posingWhe late"firm of Thomas Milib‘é‘flfiflhbihfifaflnor either tor main, willlbc' held responsible in lawn; lor dema heteluhvm torr-hemltcn. ‘cqnlmwz‘ by John W. Millet-The ,qyeyer haying bcven‘u an M s'nid‘fi‘rln; "h "r '"H ' fl" THOMASMILLER. “fill. MILLERL ,_ ‘ JOHN MILLER.‘ ‘ ‘ HENRWB.;MILLEK ~ , ‘ mumpimumn. fierL‘B‘; Wash-pd- ~ * > . emummomnmsma a J] Ivalu'a/z/e «Scienlific Work. upon .1118 subject of Gestafipu and Child Birthr by R. G. Gatssn‘eu, M. D . late of Paris. just published in 'N. ‘ York by (he flulho‘r. ' ' PRICE ’I'II'EN’I'Y—FIVE CENTS. “ ‘ THIS WORK contains recently discovered ‘ _ linfmmation upon it subject .ef-the highest i‘mportlance to lllnlrricd l'ersons, or these eon~ templntinpé) Murriage. ' ‘ .. ‘ ' ‘ t - It will elonnd of. specinl value to those whose means, health or other circumstances“ ’do not perrnit'therfi to increase the number 01‘ their family, without great inconvenience. suf fering,-or perhaps risk of life.- A method o|. avoiding thescwlr‘qttblea _and dangers, at will (rece'ritly‘ ‘dis‘coirered by A‘ Celebrated French Physician.) in fully- communicuted in-thia work so that any person. may Awail himself pl, it at once, without cost. The means 01 reye‘n‘lion here bet forth are therelore within tEe’rench of all. fl’ne process is new, sale. infallible. convo~ nienl,‘simple§ and cennot injure the health of he most delicate. '; '. . . 4‘ ~ ~. mcwnou. - Some ,sneculntqr has clundestinely (undenn. nothcr name) published qn imitation, (Behring théihmetltlen which, besides omitting the bum importantporlion- of'n. dupes the credulouu ndt 0! ONE DOLLAR, _ When the price is ' ‘ '- ‘ ' T"’ENTY-FIV’E CENTS. . , For the genuine. full.;nnd complete Work. ,Coples of this work, will be sent in a clone envelope, single letter postage to tiny part of the United States, {or twenty-fife ccnts‘ sent. post-paid. to Dr. R, G. Geisaner. Box 2456, of ficel27 l-2'L'lberty Street. N. Y. ' ‘ N. B.—-No Bool' seller allowed to sell this work Nov: 13,? lS4B.—’-31n~85. . ‘f, - 5 Drugs, Dychtuflfi, etc. , A Large assortment of Fresh Dnugs M ..“lh'e best. quality ju’st rrcéived. A?- pt‘licllcfi‘luimble \‘9' we, s‘ivc‘k chunkyer, such {ls'Bcrg'n'udu 61503}; "fibuich'cclnml moan, Cofisin'fitly'oh hfimf; “’Dve Sl'ufis. Pajmp, OMB. Gian.“ Pu'ityian'd Varnish. wholeoaf; and mail. ..;’l!ru,snes-. (Abdumlnal Suppuk‘" 4m.- sthil-g .bPHies-xpnd .n'nayiflwl 5' - ‘ll'lcl'eg nm [0 be [6661) vlé'vm‘wfeF-lIOI' DBL 'M' 'I'HE 'CHEA‘P' CORNER.‘ " ' ‘ CRANS'SIVBROTHER. meenn‘illeH ‘ IIMI CLEARFIELD,"PA.;JAN..‘Zr, 1840. to ii ’;N9v.:14.. . : m. l DbZEN' 1:213“; at ankE‘r‘s 'M the »~ ~ Ethre‘of'j‘w ‘v I"'BIGLER&CQ _ _ H --'M_A_l'__ WI . LIA ‘6? rfimgm‘flpabw .‘ ."i ' , . ... “l. ...nmlz igqo.;‘q§ 5,12] infi— @ 1,0339%! New". WI! upmfieq‘quf’wiad} dl‘pg. baifdlb-W’lclé.““ “ ""1"!" : UM ”'BL‘ANKETSM » ’ f' '1 H '2' W UCRANS aerROTHER’S.‘ ‘ MAINxS‘N'I‘A-r‘; M 'u) .xu. 3:. '.‘ .‘. 'CHVMQIIDVHIQ'; Q ’ ‘~'lP]'ECEB”hhMri'éd"Sat'iin‘cus . 9| m () immune M)l!'i§ln:&lom“v‘|'” " Jab) 9141 mm I'."an 01‘ ”I'm“; 056'” i“ 140.3‘3 mmB.au. 4.". 'Tho .. DEMOCRATIC BANNER" .ar'pubuahod '. weekly. MB2 pm- unnum—or 61 50 ifpnld rm nd vnnco. .... :No pupa! (fol-vim, diaconlinuqd‘(pqleaslut thonp~ [on ofthe edigqrfiunfil nll‘ niraur‘ngoa‘nro paid. VrAdvdflla'emonla. Gum m. thd‘uéunl tutoa. . WQEWflWy ‘- my...» .3515 G". 03‘." .. . , _ n 1 wuzLIA... , ‘ WM"; "-.H In F'—';':’l‘E+T . ._ Ukonbwahntrfiall-.whnrezi. ' M ‘ x. Eunh'-.»'°9.-um-fndo awn: - was. And 'méil in litfi'o‘u‘xl’onra'y lh'g‘ildd‘ I ‘An'd cola un‘whilo'\heyr.m' !. ”- Bql, ‘oyp Iho! from Roquiop flow I ' Lilko' Ilul'lllhfll gi‘d'tho’r‘nigmf' “ “" " 'A'hfl'dalllho du'Hum glonin qf an,“ ',.‘ ‘1 Smilo {oth with swoctgnylighpx _ y . Religion‘s ruy mmloudl-obucure. Bul .o'qu Ihngphrivqliarfingwul _; ll Bonds irn fadlunco balm d'ml 'pure. ’ Though limpen} rotmd it roll; - x Hishonn max ,brch wig}, aortow'n, stroke, Bul lb ila Inml lhhll. ‘ h ” ' leflbvdinmnnd. nhfningwhen,(hey’r‘u‘b'roko, ‘4 Religion gighlsl if still 3 _ “ l’ “' ' ‘j'Gold. The‘reclent‘di'acnveiyofauril'erouraanda on the Sacramento and its tributart'ea. haa made a aingularchanga in our. estimates at :the-prcaent ,valueol‘ Caltlornia; and out only this. iiut the lone orpuhlicsentimenl with regard'to its luture importance. We are beginning to consider woman he that ‘tol'al product of its gold.“'artd!ii6w it ‘will i'the'éNtttH presentietan'dtir'di’uf valuei ’Our ,merchantaare-comiag to the conclusion: thatda new. field is open-to their enterprise; and att those who have stout hearts. and: nethéréarmehta‘ not ah thick', are‘begin ning to get ready lor a start. We d‘o'ttot know but thatthere -woold have been‘ a considerable. emigration to the southern States in search of gold. if the mines there had riot been brivate property. Califor toia. these new! treasures are as yet tree. endothere-ia a clear field [or exertionr If we_.may.believaztheltenth part ol the ato -Irica we‘have heard" the placera. thus far diacoe‘e‘rcd'. ”aie" the richest ever known. and there is no knowing «how-much may come out oI them; In the meantime,“ the public excitement it; srather. intense on .thetsobjectr we propose to, throw upon it what light we can. We have seen.“ yet, an minute account oi the geology ol the “countrymy‘ any 'American vtaitore.’ 'Oa‘ ‘thetc'report will depend.' verymuch. the! correctness ol- the estimate 01-lht ureacon-l‘ taining the guld.and we ahail be able to} form an opiniei'n whether mountains willl ba'ivorih'exploribg.’ ‘ i ' Mineralogista tell on that goldia found‘ in the metalic atate. .in cubes or deriva— tives ol the who, or in thread: interlaced, or twisted, or in spangles, o'L'rounded g'ntins, n'r’liattcned ovoids. The mineral lormationa in which it is hand. araithe chryntailine primitive rocks, compact transition: rockl.‘ trachytic and trap rocks. and alluvial soil.._ The trach 'ytes. we may as well state to our reader», art: a porphnr‘yttc stone of a yellowish white, containing crystals at a glassy fel apar, and (rarely) of hornblandc. mica, trupyyritea and specular/iron ore. Trach yle melts into ii white enamel before the blnwcptpe. It is said that the cathedral ol Cologne is hum of this material. Gold is rarely found in veinsgol itself; it is rather disseminatcd. embodied in no ny masses. spread out in delicate veins on their surlaces. lying in cavities, or flatten ed out in plates. ' The minerals which ac company the veins‘nl gold are quartz. calc spar or carbonate ol lime. and sulphate ol barytea, or heavy spar. The ore attend ing gold are generally iron pyrites, or aul phuret ol iron, which does not yield to the knife. aml copper pyritels. or yellow su|-- phuret ol copper, which yields easily to the knile' This ore in distinguished from gold not only by a much less specific gra vity (5) but-by its emitting a :ulphurous vapm when tuned on chartoal. The other ores occupying gold are gal cna, or aulphuret ollead, blende or autpho-. ret ol zinc. accompanied by calcareous spar. and by arsenical iron or tniapickel, 'in' masses. or crystalized in rhombic prisms. We are particular in describing theaa'orea. for \we are in hopes that some way or other we may beenabled to ascer tain how tar they agree with those luuod in thelgold region of Calilornia. There inhowever, a wonderlul variety in the re lationa 0! these ores“ to gold”. We. may lay it down almost ea'a rule that it will he luund more certain to incite of tgnetta ort- Sim-and rarely'in any aeeontlary’lornta ii‘ons. 'The trachytra are now admitted to be of volcanic lortnation. "ch‘erthelear; the‘ otiueralOgista say the '“the primai'y a'uurre of’the gold" is not in these rocks: Uut‘in theL stenitee and green itt'nne 'no‘iph‘yriee bel‘ow'thetn. . 'l‘his’ is the 'opintoi'. oi the beqti- authorities now before ‘t‘l’l ~; ii. ~t' l". .. " us. ~ ‘ But gold Vilatuund Lmnu dbuudanlly in \he .alluviklr. in the-sillcieous,atgillaceom and [errugmous sands ulwivers. m We ach -900 nl low walcr. We can .WU lb: Cali -lorniana when: ,they,»i|| lfiml ”thq‘mosk Agolldrand all)“ ”kin [.g‘um :uyo hpeci-, gun [or .99; (cabipn—in, the ‘rc enleiing, (11%];qu lhuflrivers after n flupd.‘ V . ‘ w 'mzlg is nvpu n‘uelnernl q'pinim lth the gbhh shu‘nygllpa MidY gtai'ns 'lyqlu'nd‘in \he agiga'mg. lifidicnl'qgh‘eir‘prigin’ih'ihe,.l‘fbckn'&l'pohn him if!“ lheir'ifiour‘q‘e,'but"me moSténfinenL ’ "' ‘ ‘:- 1': 2:121 . h: "a“; geologists sa. ‘th'is-is not ' " 71 ~.. ~ g ff”? , PP the their "to 'hnvgogonfi‘fttiiemhm MUST BRUTAL ;,Asslror:rr."lia'if i’a‘ settler-saw rim-mm- ...},m b?” F“ ' “E“ UPON Hlsowskémsn. a”???llllmilzglfgold~sandedr'rivers oil th; ' 0; firm" "'A" “ham" Ev°nins-.-louiiialiit}; ‘. [(66 \‘h‘ué‘. -' '- . -n . . '-"' the op'eratiorla of the Ca‘ltittnfixfxnucnbe tt'in.~the"iii/lan)fe{w;§3?:p9&ga?lzbamd‘;_ We need only m'eufion!“‘ DWI”. "5:79."? na‘ bon‘ cap‘lia 1138‘! V 0'83.” ~ . . . c On, . , ~ ecomp ntatthatl’m co. the I‘tctno. the Rhinettha Danae ' lice Ofiico,:that ballroom/Kinda" ly the Emmi-as examples in point. ‘t- 't ""1 beaten'her and. he'r-intanr child remake.- The‘grea‘t’ bank of golden deposites is t‘yoyears'old. Office; cowellimmadiata‘r the. auriterou‘s sand. "black armed." a'nd. forot‘Jiiifl‘.‘ Goodwin and broughtthim but; otcoursed'erttgtnotis.‘ Soniecurtous facts partially exgargon._ In“, casst's'vas'thsn \\ are connectorl .wrth this circumstance. "3d ‘0 in“ for t'u‘ri..and Goodwin “an“. . t which we have not. now time to state;.W_e terday afternoon he wmam‘na‘ion'.g‘.‘v"o‘ ' only wish to knowtrdm' some of the Cult- examination. ‘ G. Papper.”‘yzht dofigfof torntans whether they hava met with any vilified," {m me People. and.Johit"'qu“ '39. 'finttes or‘carhnnaceous remains ot lorest ter. Esq.. for the Prisoneril t.) ”7,”. .J'npv “was?""de't'h home“ ”“0“" 1h" ' The wife. whose whole man'neriand’ap-l\. tn somnnsol‘ltossll wood “a gold occurs penance added confirmationvto thait‘tuth'of quite’singuTEtr,‘°i’l "injmany Pkwy“?! "‘ her story. gave in particular-detail a‘histo ‘So much tm Eur ". f'" ry otthe'vwhol'o transaction; the substance The. places 'viherg,“ 1‘ ts usually aunt. of which is as follows :‘ ' “1”" ’ more numerous than wig tnund are "WC." That she is an orphan ;:that ahe‘th'ds' 00394 ' Th‘ mine. int 51?ng at firm “’9' been married three years. andhhi-WWO' furpi‘sslhltse hi all other wuatrlmwfi‘fu‘; children—nna‘two' years old 'on' the-19311 9.! Ctlftl'pnra'ttye' V‘Wness, they M 2” “0 at December inst. and'tho‘otherzl‘montbs' ”bed 'hf" "'"Wflh" a halt more gold’iitl Old : that'her‘hnshand is s canal-boat cap~ twelve tunes more silver'q“m "mic.“ m, min, owner of the'bohtfiaM-"posseascd ”of old world. Silver and'gold. were. belore “her'meane”;‘thathe provides 'strellt’orhis the dtscnvery at America, suppnsut to'hcar him"). and is a perfectly“‘tediparatdimlh', to each other the relation 0! 55'to 1. 1“ hi“ ll!" 3 most dembhihc‘ tampon"; that they Europe the proportion is now about xr, “V 9 on the boat 'witilei’ahd summerrthfl l 0 1- [mm ill? fthy of their marriage he has been The gold in Mexico is chieflv found int ”."he constant and’ilm'hst daily mentors- I argentilerous Veins, ’as at Goanaxuwo. sing I"raonal liOlOfiiid’tii bergthat‘ihii‘c'att we here it is obtained one ounce in 300,... do nothing ‘0 Plefifih’hltn.‘ and upod'b'fl'y' The only'nurllerous veins, worked mi such, 09°”"0" 0' hT‘tlitmltia.fttction' tis' inflicts hits 'are fiat Oaxsco. 'l‘h‘a rivrrs of Caracas “Olen“ 9' h“l"‘j‘ih‘ph‘yshalls'tlgfieslt'lhit flow over aur‘iternus sands. Pt-ru is not ‘h" h" always "maria ditllilto’totha'sl reported rich in gold at present. The gold dest chmi' {o' what ”38"“ moonstone of New Grenada is tounrl in alluvial ‘soil. "e?“ ’3“3'B°‘°”iy loath”; “N he'is'iit the and is washer! nut in the shape nt spsng- dfmy habit.-when "L 3.3“" "93‘6“ .‘6 obey lea and grains. The gold of Chili ts tounrl *1!“ ‘3'"? .Commapdg‘tp'beat, ‘0 ""“lii'flll'd under similar circumstances. Brazil lnr- 1"?“ ,i‘? that he commenced on Stin'diy merly bmogm tha‘ motit' gold to market. QO'W maltreating it."and‘coptin’ned (in "Oi even excepting RUSBiD. which} now. Monday night-fki'cksd' ii'bfiil.6shlit—; however, surpasses her; All- the rivers P“‘_” '““’,‘h¢_°°ld mishhip-Z and “WW!" runningvtro‘m the Brazillian mountains "1}”? '°m9'!";lh°'°"““}ii“l"“"will”’ have gold, and the annual product of fine “Hymns wtth “‘0 ¢°ld"'-'Nv“‘lbk;“r6d‘h° metal'is now' rated at 85.000.000. head‘and‘body '°Ve,l’?l,.“me' 'Wilhiihibom' There are no very late tables at the pro. JGCkTl'Cand- by. Pullinit. h" “mm“. ‘tthd‘e' ducts of the American mines. We have .‘h° 99"} Mm itsusp’ondfléd inf‘i‘t‘qfifi‘ m 4'" ascertainedi byiaccident purety. newline _ The' Child W“? 'ptoduced‘ lil' émfllflhd“ estimate 3. made M plesent. ’ . , its appearance s'ent'ri’thrill'othor’r‘rii'amohg’ From 1790 ,to 1830—l0rty .yeatae-the the n“(mour- lift-asapprehendgatbat‘tae product of Mexico was— , , crowd would inflict speedylahaatisa‘psnt Gold, ‘, ’ , £8,436,453 upgn the brutal father, anggt'l‘required‘dlh‘ro Silver. 1 an coo ness to restrain tem. “ " ‘ Chili— . . , £l39'B'B-032 The wife and that ‘shgaadserdtp‘istae l . Gold. . £2,788.488 complaint of thsvctirtdiitét :ot‘ heiuhu'sb's'ttd. i Stlver. t £1,822.924 but In hope of hts’. reformationrhnd ‘l'rd‘tta iguana. Ayres— ~ _ fearot her own sstety._sheit“sd'.hssa:_rle-_ 3 Gold; ‘ £4.024.895 strainedtrqm urging his proaaarthonn '1 ii . sm". t . ~£27.182 673 Uzpon iho examination ‘ot‘theicads bra Add ‘0 this mnfi.__ “ Tuesday, the prt‘soncrhpldly;clatntpdtho \ , 'G'old. ‘ £3.703‘749 , Itgi“ thus to chastise thslchild.‘ The ba ‘ Silver £1 502 981 gratrate committed him. fully on both chat-l , ' , , ' ', gas, and he was remanded in jail. ' ’ And we have from Your countries alone ‘- M . 1880 mtliions 0! pounds sterling, or [our seven mtllions per annum. “ v If we add the products «it Europe 'and Asiatic Russia, of the‘Eaat ladiea'and Africa. which some estimate at'thirly‘six tons of gold per annum. We perceive that a vast amount oi precious metal is unear thed and somewhere in use. The relative 'value ol gold has certainly -chn’nged very much within a lew hundred ,years, and it probably will change still more. But we do not think it likely to depreciate one half in our time. [or many reasons,.though some persons imagine it will. The true secret of all this present ex‘ citement is this ;4 the Anglo Saxon race for the first time in their history. own and occupy 'gold mines of very, great value.-- {Hitherto Afilricans, Asiatic nrindians, have. he d them. and they have nev‘er shown that yardor, combined with perseverance which belongs to us. England never had any mines oi gold, or she would have worked them as diligentlv as she has those ol coal. The Americans have now a golden chance. and they are the first of their blood that have ever had it. They will he sure to turn the opportunity to accoun't. ' ' At our leisure we will reter‘ to some other interesting la'cts. in relation to the value of gold at diflarent periods. We conclude with recalling one singular cnr cumstance to the recollection at our read era. that when the Romans captured Jeru salem. they obtained so much gold. thel ‘hc price of it in Syria lell one half. N. Y. Post. A Qua—The following account to given of a cave in a limestone chatn ol hillo‘ not far from San Sebastian. Texas :-—"ln the year 1838. a Mexican. Don Juan Flo 1 rec, perceived the hidden .enlrenco to a cave. He entered. but ee'eing tneide a council of lndtan warriors eittingltogeth‘er in the deepest silence. he retreated andtold it to his compenionenwho,«wellprepnred. entered, the cave together-r and diecovered aboutlooo well preserved lndtan corpaee 'qufilNd‘lpflellte‘r onthe ground, with their handpJéldetl belowthei'r ltneey ; they were dressed .infinegblapketo. madeof the fibres of lechujlle. with gendele ‘rnarle of-t a spa.- ‘ctee olvliono on their feet.‘ and ornamented with colored acnrlu. with beade’ol' seeds of klimit.:pnlirthed bones, 810, ”whip lathe "’5 ',inaufl'tcient eceonntof a" very [mysterif .oue burying. plane. The ,Méxigong MVP» node‘th‘ntzit belonged to the .Ltbrtne. ennld Indian tribe'which from time immemprlal has roved and to mung over the Bollori de Mopjnwfl ' ‘ NEW gamma-iron.- I', No; strayifdmTum-"11% I IIE"1VI""D!).‘ IV'II"P*W*‘F-‘ Pszw‘iv: V .... . ~ IfIES I . - .4 , H I R E D G. IBLS: -_ We .ure inclined toplesd with lhe Phir lanthropist and Christisogin _ls1.or;_ol thie unlorlunple. lhnugh ueelu) class. ol;;our population. It olten hsppens thot persons the in all .ranlts_.snd.pml§ssi,one .qlvlil'e. having little or no money”; :Whero there ’ .ore no lriends, ,sble or willing to take them, the children must,b'e. putlool, to be: . raised by others. Young Women goon ups and must go out to services—lo ,hire in other people’s inmilies to‘do ‘hourework.’ They are too generally keptmt a distant -—kcpt in lhe kitchenglpr‘vgheo thel.'lnvo' a leisure heur, to go to tlie alley gqlelto see the passing world. They, are notper- _ mitted to sit with the-“ Mistress or the:- ,children; and whatis lqoolten. ,sodloo' generally the consequence? ~ Ween,”- cial beings.,ond must hero'spcietyi; if we cannot find-good. we nre'too apt zto like up with bad. and the consequence too Of! ten is dogredution and ruin. Why-not permit your hired girls. _when work ,1: o ver; to sit in the some room .with'you end your children? There they might .learn‘ whstis good untl-uselul.. sod go intotlhe world to make virtuous and uselul. gives and mothers. and bless you .lor your kind ness and consideration; A little. culture and consideration might, sodmo doubt would. save ,1: world of- tlogrsds'lioo,crime' 8; misery. ‘And who are too ulten charge able with the crimes they loudlyvcondgpn in the unlortunateclsss of ourlpopulstloni’ We onswergtthe heads of lntiilliel. 3,110! good Christian wives and niplheumllesdt of lomtliee—think of these tilting!” .t‘aét thetr‘hremember their own pfl‘prinngE" do nopknow the lot ol our lsmrlies,:;,¢Let us cherish tvvirtu‘s in all srouodlus. hoping that ours mny (should they- p,e,ot‘lil)‘;lie e quslly cared for. inilime. ,19 .mme..,._.,\Ve ask heads of families. each noggin“! may hired girls have bet-ti ruined bygypur peg-v lect? By your keeping,lhem~At-I‘gldild tsnceP By your negleet:,of lhetrgmnntsl and social capacities andjudieislfiullluro? rln‘flthe country. tlteyi‘ore generally treated more on an equality with thertgily mod the: etsultis‘. in»! some ammo omelet! end mothers. haw. inteiirly {lilyi‘rpgmhif , red 9r_bound girls. Let ugslmgfiggdltl; ‘ core and consideration lorslldthg‘isggmfind’ l us; the_,rn,or.e.unlortunete. All? 'Hlll'e..°“"j . .circ mml .auenlien “we: refitltttlm‘wem '1- Sllflllm’flmj tin '"lil'ylvl. ‘1 't'. 10ml "‘7.; Ho ;.. j: ‘T—‘T" 2 mi :i’l A hotel is to he b'lllhl" fiewtfyprlr. corner 0" Fourlhffiv'cnue;soil-t’l‘tvenly/ third street. Mlttchxill, cor‘frzm were)“. squirm. 9! Emma ' ’ ' " :‘r: ";'l my; :1. ' 3.113% ‘ L"";'u‘-{'" .:- ‘ “ea 1 ME ‘l‘ \ ' I i “245'” l