II gm flame mans try; J CHGRAI‘F‘H‘X‘UL: Jar“ " ' ~ > .paal .lnv‘ms‘. Elna“ .uu‘cuber (capecllulv' ‘ “’33" >35, gig}. ifQ‘l'flhéfilnfl ;lrie(‘t)s;’ 'un'd Hie vljluplijc} u'mpnwy‘. xhlu‘h‘é v. n'pw “Going‘it OIQ'YJIQflQflI Hook." in Ihe mop lhib|y_‘_£§g:- cupmlmeva 81. ‘Hli‘l.lblur,o. mi Mink,“ ,guréetgfggjiqvfg”is plypu‘gfgd lb make. as he 111 n‘f‘wgg‘k'llfg} " ' ; .8 @193 @\E3M®m9 ' In the ne'a‘lutttffand most servicrume man. :uer. Frumnhin lottgnexpericnrdjn the Abus‘tnbisklfihmlléby Stu-cl attention tq h,“ .pbop. Itehbtreu tn reéctvg. ns-he in purgfie will tlcsettrté."a tult shame of :the patronage ofthe publictty «33".»2. N , . ~ A ‘Hideag‘andiiothetrcbuntty' produce, to Win in exchnnec lor'lwl'i- “ m. ,4: .w IJ()HN- H. [111.11%1311," Nov. 28. 18,118.. ' ' ""T‘TL' . LIST OF GRflND JURORS ' quFcbmary Term. 1849. " George Burger Farmer Bradford James “’J-Dunlap do Brady John J Burnt. do do Geo. Emrrger can do do Peru Smell? do ~ _ . Morrir VSninlLiSpbring Carpenter ‘ Burnside Henry Brelh _ Farmer do -‘ Dav-ndCullough , do do “Johfififirnes .‘ do ,Joudan ."I‘Jfihicsic'dvr‘y , “ do - do Pagr‘iflr ‘Da‘ifey ‘ do" Prnn vz'lThonlAs Fenlon _ do. do Andrew Moore do do Richard Damer do, do Wm Porlpr ‘ d'o ' Lawrence John J‘Rh’d do do Wm .A Reed do" do :.S‘am_uet Clyde- ‘Lumberman do Samuel Powell do do "”H'enrly Hilejr Former Puke 'V'Vh'i'T Gilbe‘rl Bl'knmilh ’ Bell (_‘;A)"o”x. .K’d‘oms Farmer Boggs 1,. John W M'riglnl ' do" Beccauia ’ Wm Morgan . Laborer Borough “LISTOF TIM VIS JURORS - For'Fébruary‘iTerm. 1849. -‘ JurH'He-garty Farmer Btcrarln cakfiifiifl'tigh‘ , fin; :- . do , John ,Litz do ’ do "‘fifi‘iH-Botdah‘ '* - do do‘ "“Efijahlflcece‘ do ' ’ "Docnlur ”'John'liughe‘fi“ ‘ do‘ \ do ’{;'qul'gcéik'nhrr‘ "’ ‘ do" Br'ndy HW’m ‘Fo’afy ' lnnkeeper 4 do '{'Jiv’§’.‘R-*Fdllon “ do: ~‘ do 7 ‘ 'G‘c'ulv’Wil'son' ' Physician ' do 3 " ‘Jo‘c’k'gdd Boh‘g'all Former A ‘ do Duvs’d‘Mc'Do'ucll do ‘ Bradlotd :71 A'dfl'fil‘Gev‘filihrl” " 'du‘ ‘ do "’ Malthflv JFo‘tcco ‘ do ‘ do Mfilgonouoy . 'do do dddotifflun‘ur" do do - ‘z’Joh‘n' Parks ‘do ‘ Boggs Fred’k Henney do' do » ~ Ab'm Bailey do Pike .‘u'Amleny-.;Krmzet do' ~ ‘ do "lijulqorie Bug-Er ‘# ' do 2206:? ,aaaripore 4 Bl’komilh do 3‘ Wow Blltoom‘ ~ ,Fnrvmer Jordan “Jogcp'h‘ Baltcfsonr )do do '1 ijfi‘if‘“ E'roh‘otrd do A do p. 05.“ 9",1103‘“ ;‘- do do TCW' he 1.1.1:? ‘O',“MCAK .- ' 'rfiilip'floyénér ‘ do ‘Xléxl'M'un‘iy ‘ do SCPllchcn‘ Metchan! 'G’ed;‘B Sifiilh' l, Fn'rmer Jamel Fulton do ‘ ’ Magthewpgden jr do l?Mli‘p_AMes " 'L‘u'mbefifino Hb‘duonLlec ' Laborer ‘ Geo, W Caner Sawyer w 'Jghn‘ib’looie . Gunsmim :‘f"'l§a.l’é Scofield ' Lyborex 3'” John- :Kln'g Carpenter Jayne: Allison ‘ Fumer f’ff‘Jgflfihjfid‘Bhe Melchnnt ‘WF' Co'ix'd'rigt Waggonm’kr ,A,‘.Leviol'.mz Merchant ‘~ James McGhee Farmer George Conovay do .‘ : J.op'gph.'.Y‘olheia do Snmugi Hoover do__ .; {ngudtew'l‘ozerr Laborer nPhlladelphna Type Foundry- Ifzo; 8. PEAR S'l‘.. NEAR THEEXCHANGE. ”vwl. .' :v-; 2 ~ Pmunzm’uu. ' "fiTHElSubscrberwhnving made great im , '[igoypt‘x‘tents in hit 'mcthod of gusting type and ~'}‘,“i\|inyg of metals. and had a thorough revision 3. sm? bin matricea. . the fades of which are not ex .~ z melted, in beauty and regularity of cut. by any 3" :in' thé bonntry; flutters himself that by a strict ”panama! attention to business. and employing n 6 figutthefmojnt‘ak'llhtl wpljkptcn, he isinn bmmrm . 5". 'l‘l’, 5‘ 2A SUPERIOR ARTICLE _ ,‘AT-tGIIE'A TLY REDUCED . PRICES. ‘ He is continually nddin‘g. to, his stock all that , isney from‘the bestwqume'n" oltlrla and other -;;¢”6ufilries,s£nd' hhvlng lnlely procured lrom [Eu rope, a‘grctcg‘ variety 0? New Face: anl Orna ,;.me_nlt,?'aplii;i§{lhe zillention of Printers thereto. (‘H' ”'Spefime‘fm'will'bc. senl,lo those. wishing to axxmrd'er:.~'-j;—- - r " Presses. (laser, Clmpeshlnkj fiends, Gullcya, ‘ .I‘.Brnsa Rules, and every other ntlicle'needed l 0 "‘ ‘Turn'lsh u \eon‘xplele PrintingOllice,'.‘au'pplied at ”film! aborteé’t'ri‘olicé. ‘ ' .' L ' j German 1 Book andv'Job Type. . -“ m;, lelhemcweat‘alylr and of all aizes,:‘c‘arefully “Hwy; I'JP I"; [gums ofcorrecl proportion.‘ , ‘ ' . ‘ ALEXANDER ROBB. ”Aug. 18, 1848.—8m8810.v ' , ‘ V .' d: : 1... i_ floats, Shade 414913,,507322439. .0, ._ ' '.,E_ Mnuld call'thézfiiurnnunkufg the ,i‘w pull'u“ genornflfifif-qi'xr nusyr;nirm ,er liadiea‘; 1.130013 &’ 811663;):(301'121-8‘ and . .1100, Gailqra-sMigses’ qutér'ZSL Shoes 4-,» ; Gar:(lemerta’- baarSe'Sz Fine 'Bb‘ala & Imm x 7‘rqek'ei;-(,a'/aildrehs’ Shoes and Ladies" Bun. r'fiflfél‘é’i‘Vt’lw‘c a fine lo: 0'! Ladiep’, Mis u’.’unidL-Genllonm.’a- Gum Shoes. , ‘ CRINS & BROTHER. Curwcmville. ' Nov. 1848. L's/ate of Joseph:V’iley,“dec’d.' , EFFERS ui Auln’i‘lfiumuun lmvl‘ng‘ EA ‘bct'u' gram-5.1.x.» M 39 AWE“ “Wm, sin! \me tffil‘alte"lil-JQS§[)_h| \S'ugf, ‘lnu; ”‘Ec'l‘fiu‘: mn um‘mlqip,‘v,.cleun_l'lu‘~|_'d.gouqxly; (”fifth ul. allxlxqtsygn’s .iu‘dubl‘ml lgyfzu’hl~ (mam (vill muke Im'uwuiglc payment. an}! {linu hnvmg dwuamla "gamut lhe sumo: will {m an mm» duly umhcuticulrd my reule.‘ mé‘nl. 2 , ,‘ > ‘ . ' '1 JAMES WILEY». fldm'r. ' \ lI‘JLI’ZABE'I'I‘! ’\\' ILISY. .Ildm'x. 1. Ferguson lp.. Nov. 28, 1848. ‘ , 'fl‘o {he Publlc. NERS. ELIZA IRVIN leupucllully ' 'inlurms her lvlrmhi. and the public genually. that bhe ”Hue/ml: luhumlmue {ht}; Mercunulu bunncn’ In Hu- buildlng Inlcly ncrupied by her deceased husband. in" Curwcnavl|,le--whore 'ihcru is now on hdiuls a huge ulnck «I well-numlcd Gouda. uhich Will be sold un Inn”. us nc cmifimmlnlinguas llny can be punc‘msetl elsewhere in the counly. ‘ 1 Nov. 28, 1848. REAL ESTATE For Rent. THE subscuibcr. Guanhnu lur Iho mi— ' nor hruu ol Sumurl Ilmrier. du’d, «Men; [or rem \hc larm lately occulut‘d by mud (lcc’d In Bradluld Inwnshlp. Clem field county. coulnmiug 150 news more m less. “ilh nbnul 70 news undrr culina tinn. 'l‘hz're in on the place at good nyj.‘ LOG DWELLING HOUSE. Egg“, and a good lug Burn, Milli n ‘_” Spun; ul cxcalhnt “ale! cun venmu lo lhe huusv. Alba—a gum] hear ing Orohlad. in a lmih)‘ and “(Mllahlllg condi'wn. 'l'hc about pmpcuy “I“ be lent-ed la: 5 or Gyculi. and produu: 0! HM: Imm taken in puyulenl 0! «cut. Fur luvlhcr lmuculnrs, ctquilc of ("Ir sub-miller. near lln: [nun and l unEc lrum Grnhumlnn. ANGUS GILL. Bruulmd |p., Nov. 13, ’4B. . v NE W GOODS. . RICHARD sttAw AS just teceltrd at his old stand a huge assortment uf . W&&&.& WRWE’IBEB M©m§o among “hich \nll be luuud one at the nest uswttmcnts ul ' Dry Goods, Hardware, Gro ceries, QUeensware, Drugs and Dye—stuffs, 'l‘in—wurxe, Stationary & books, Hat); cups & bonnets, boots ahd shoes, tobacco 6‘ cigarsficur pet chain, Umbrellas, b ass ' clocks, confectnonary, oils Paints. etc. which he is determined to sell cheaper than they can he bought elaetthere In the county. Cull und l‘XHDInl'. Oct. 25. 1848. Boot & Shoemaking. MCCLIN'I OCK 81 GALER. do H BBPECTFULLY inlolm their lriends'SL R Ihé public genemlly lhul the] have commenced the business of mm «arm n. Qmowmamsumm '1 ' in Curwensvnlle, 111 the bmldmg known as McNuul’s Tummy. on the sec ond floor. whom may on: now making. & will continue lo make all walk in their line of Maine“ in lhe best and mos! scu viceuble style, and at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. uslon Girud do ‘ do Lamrence (lo ‘OO ' . ‘lO. do Burou h dog Burnside do Penn Covinglon do Bell Karlhwl do whims, and Country produce gen enaHy, taken In exchange In: woxk. , ALEX. MoCLINTOUK, ‘ JAMES GALER, Dec. 8. 1848. NEW GOODS. Chen I§RATZER & BARRE'I‘T havejusl received a general nssqrtmem ul Fall'and Winter Goods, at their old alun(l.'-Whlch lhey “HI sell low for Gas/1m Produce consnsuug of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens ware, Hats, Caps, Boots and . Shoes, 610., etc. They invue allenllun pmliculatly to {heir slack 0! Dry Goubu,nud Ladles' and Childwn’s Slums. aff‘For the ready cash they will sell goods'chenp. Nov. 22. 'AB Dry Goods! Dry Goods! Splendid assortment of Dry Gomls A DI the latest Myles can be had at “THE CHEAP CORNER " The win cipal urllcltu which comprise our slucfi are ‘ “ , Cloths. Casszmcres. Sallinells. Vestings. Men'noes, Plaitls. .fl/paccas; Ginglmms. Mons/in De Laines. Cashmeres. L'ali coes; Curlam Chlicoes, ('lleclcs. Ken} luvky Jeans, Bagging. red, while, yel on‘oud green Fianna/s, Canton Firm rte/3.. Pol/ms. I’lf’ool “Hoods, Shawls, lirown- .Muslins. -=Ulfleac/led- Muslim," Dri/lin'gs, Tic/tings. ,Sulins. Vélvels- Irish Linen. Linen 81 cotton ’l'able‘ vial/w, Crash. Bird eye and Huclsabncl: 'l'oweling. Nan/teens. Silks. Silk and Worsted .Sergc. ””001 and callun_ Hose. Com/arts. Suspenders. Col/on 6- ”"00! S/Iz'rts‘nnd Drawers. Slu'rl collars and Bosoms._ Ginghqm :uul' Silkrcravals, Edgings. Lac'es upd Ribbons. ' CRANS & BRO I'HER. Cuuwensville, Nov. 14. ‘ ‘ ‘\ AFI‘ ICTILD, RLAD ! PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL IlOUSE—lislub- Ilulwd l 5 yours ngoihf' DR. KINKELIN' 'l‘ho olllcul,slncslnnd best hum IQ Mru u|l Immn 0! secret dxsensca. discnnfls M llmslun.‘nml uulilnry hnhile ol ymnh. is l)!L-K!NKr§LIL¥, N. W. earner 01 THIRD and UNION Sign benyéénfipruco and Pine, one and a hull squarcsfrom (he lg‘z‘nhngu, l’hllmlvlphiu. TJIKE I’flß TICUIMIR A 071(7E. ' Yuulh who Imvo injurod lhsmselvus by a certain practice indulgedJn—nlmbn lroquenll learned Irom evil companions, ur ul ablwol-dho ef‘l‘outs o! wlnch nro nightly loll; even when nsleap. nnd dean-u bulh mind and bodymlmuld upply mnnedinloly._ (Veal:- ncus and conalilununnl xlcbllily immediately cured. and full vigor rcsmred. All lam-m roar mun, YOUNG MEN 1 Hynuvuluo your lilo or yo'ur huullh. remo‘mbor Iho doluy‘ol u month. .(my, even :1 Week,mny prdve your min. hum ol holly 9nd mind. llcnco lcl no l'ulso modesty deter yuu lrum mnlung your cuss knnwn to arm who. lrom cducnlion nml rospuclnlnlity, um a. lone lml'rir-nd you. ”0 uho plucoa lumen-ll umlar DR, KINKELIN'S lraalmml. mny mhgioualy (-on~ l‘ulo 11l hu- hunor as u genllomnn, and in uhusn bosom will he {or over locked the secret ol Iho pnucm. Too many lhmk Ihoy will hug Iho score! lolhcir own henna. nnd Curo themselves. Alns.’ how olluu islhla n fnml (loluslun. and' how mnny n promising young mun, who mrghl hnvo been an ornament lo uu~ cwty. lms ludcrl from tho onrlh. CO UNTR Y IN VflLIDS, finding it inronvonicnl to make personul npphculion. cnn. by slulmg their cuno explu-illy. lugclhvr vulh all their sylnpluna. (per lollur. poul-pmd.) huvo lonvurdcd Io lhcm a cheat (:unluiumg [)r, K 3» medlcuwnupprw printed ncconhngly. . Packages qf Mcducines lurwurdod In any part of [he United Slates m u mumem'v nulwc. l’os'r run LE'H‘ERS, nddn-aacd lo Du. KINKELIN. l’hilndelphin. will be promptly nllomlcd 10. Sou advertisement in Iho l’lnlndolplnn Spirll oflhc Times. jun. ‘2B, 1848. 1y ’Bellefonte Foundry. STOVES, AND OTHER @éABfl‘IIEJQBo ‘ 7ELCII & LEYI)EN, would an § nuunce In (In-Ir hicnds and (he public, lhnt lhcy “I” cnulinue the busi nus ulJll’UN ["0 UA’DERS, a! (he nld stand, uheve they Inland In keep alwnys on hand a large and varied assortment ul @éAßflHlfi‘Qßo “We have laxcly armed and are now filling up an extenaiue MACHINE SHOP 9 with three Lnlhce, lur lurnmg and filling up all kinds ol Machinery. auch as Gris! and Saw-mill Uuslingu. Machinevy lo: Forges. Furnaces ‘3' Rolling Mills. inclu ding Hot Blast Pipes lur Furnaces and Bloomeries ; and mu be prepared l 0 lur mah on the shurlcsl notice and in a sum laclmy manner all kinds ul Machinery.— Nuw on hand a large ussnrlmcut ol [VIT TERJVS. ul the Isles! and mos! ilnpmved Myles. including (helllllcreut aim-5.01 the Durkee 6- Brice Reaction U'uicr "Wee/s. [Cf’l’nllems no! on hand, mudc on short nolicc. STOVES. “k have now and inleml keeping ul \ ays a Muck 0| ‘he unrivalled VE‘I'U and ULTON Hut Air Coo/ring Slaves, duf ereut mzes ; also flir 'l'ig/u. Fancy Pur lor 6- Nine Plate “and Slovea. ol (Micr em SIZE! logelher wnh lour sizes ofa su perior Balloon (‘00! Stave. as well an Cyl enllcr and FANCY Coal Slaves. We will add durilfilw coming seasun. sever -151 New palle of Cuuking, Alr'l‘lghl. and Parlor Slovea. PLOUGHS ' Always on hand a good assortment ol PLOUGIIS,IO which we are adding Sev eral new pallerns this upling. ‘llullow ware of all kinds. Sleigh §~ Slul Soles. Wagon Barres. Smoothing Irons,&c. ‘S-c n’f'ml the above articles. and c\e.‘y lhmg in our line m” be sold on the moat teasulwb‘c lennu [or Cash, or Country Produce. lrunmufilers’ Orders, 01d Metal, 81c. Olden; [mm a distance promptly attended 10. ' GEORGE WELD”. DANIEL LEYUEN. Bellelonte, Feb. 18, 1848. Look at this. a} LU'IHISS. UmrJ’alnL and Sweeping Brushes. Combs u! every descrip mpuuu. Acculdeuna, Vlulmu. V|ulm- Strings. Bend Purses and Bsgs. Brrasl Pun and Studs. Clocks and Wnlcheu. Looking-Giana -26. Toy boxes. Hats 81. Cape, of all shapes. qualllleb and ptlccn. lm Mn: ul the cheap corner. (JEANS & BKUI HER, Nuv. 184 d. Uunvrnavule, WAEEWW wwuwmmmfia 11. JAYNE’S Alleruuvc, Expectat- D an! Curmmutuvr, Vern-Huge. Sana uvc l’llla. Half Dye. Half 'l‘unlc and Ague Pulls. DuUULLEN’S ludmn Vegetable Rem cdma. ‘wnnanled to cure ur unuury te turned.) CAN'I'RILLL’S Compound Medlculed b'anupumln. Ann Djppupuc Powders, um] Fever and Aguu Mixture. Dr. LEIDY‘S Saraaparil/a Pills. W RIG.“ ["5 Indian Vegetable Pills. anrramt-d genunw.‘ [or male by CRAhD 81. “KO HIE“. Nov. 1848. Uurwenavule. I Y“ ELVE pleccs exlrn fine “line 1 animus: at the sum: ul ucl. 25. BIGIJ‘IR & Uo. SALT ! SALT! 0F (I may superior quality—only a few Durlcla lell—am aim! ul the More 01 mo aubacnbru. ‘IL‘IU r; a clngucc lor u Unlgum. MOORE 6i LEONARD. Nov. 22. SPEBM‘CANDLES. A luvgc quuu-I'y in aupenu: quunl)‘.lui salt: at um: ugn of the ‘ ‘ Uuws‘t. GOLD MORTAR. BLflJVKS' for sale at this 'ofice. READ A N'Dfifimfifiw; NEW‘ DRUG'BL‘ CHEMIGALSTOREI; v'mm'r'né) @HE subscriber knowing that our country h'n's"ldboré'd'u_‘ndei‘ gi‘em disadvantages for Want of Medicine and a'iflicled'of Met fo'v {be sick, of a quality that could be depéhdfia’d'fifl; haslbl‘ought'up 'a’gefibflal assortment of a ' ' " ‘ “‘*V"I“ -' ml to any that have heretofore been ofl'ered forhsale‘in‘this counqru awn.» He also oll‘ers the following instruments “for Sale". A'oasei-conftaining Amputating & 'l‘rephining instruments; 'a silver'Cathet'er an’d hair-lip needles. A Vagina Speculum ; a large assortment ‘of‘l’rnss‘cs ;‘ Cases of Cupping irstruments; Stomach tubes; an instrument for cuttinngu la: Obstetric Forceps ; l’essariesf; Male & Female syringes ; largetund small injection do ; Womb do; Key & Forecps for drawing teeth. U. terine upporte rs ; Catheters ; Elastic Bag for drawing Breasts ;' Glass pipes for do., Nipple Sheathsl; do shells ; Sueking bottles';'spring lan ccts; "I‘humb do; Spatulas; Mortars; Pill cutters; Brass scales and weights; Glass funnels; graduated ' Measures; Thermometers; 'l‘oo'th brushes & powder. He has an assortment ofdisitifectihg age'n'ts for ‘pu rifying sick rooms, cellars; «Src. He also offers for sale a supply of including Swnims Panacea; an assmjmient of Pius, Qifls; 850.. He will supply customers with Spices, Perfumes, bode. a_n(.l Wager Crackers,Aßlu'e and Black Ink, Ink-powder, Sand paper", B_rltnsh L'us tre. Blucking. Pewter Sand, Wafers, .Red and Black Sealing-waxi— Fiiic Soaps, Dyes, Oils, fiat-"(F3 I{7mg}:sligsééar'ss (SF/nifty; Mi of whlch ' vcr sma )m It or _ - he vull sell at a y [l ffi . HEyRY LORAIN. Cleal'field; September 12, 1848 DR. 19'. SIB/£15548 RED {K2 HiIKOWN PILLS. ‘ V ”E demand lor the abuvc medicine E In the lanl 2 or S )‘eurs, is (locum-(l n aufllciunl upulngy [or placing it nuw lul’~ ly below the people; and (In: dlscnfic: lo: which it is applicable have bccumc bu prc~ valrnl in this counlry that a remedy enli lled m confidence. is a areal desidcmlum. 'l'he diseases l allude lo are Hep-anti». (Lhcr ulleclion,) Dyspepsia, and lemalc cnmplamls in general. [IQ/“The above pills will be kept cun slaully IUI sale by Ric/lard Shaw. Cloatficlll. [fig/tr @- Co., Bell luwnship. Graham 6- Il’righl, lluulluul James :lerir/r. l’lllllp-burg. J. ”’2 Ali/(er. Clvarfield ll'llge. Irvin 6' Illeb’ride. Burnsnlc. Scligsbcrger & Bloom, Cur ‘ wensvlllv. (10 (10 Lulllclslhuvg. David Kinport. Cherry 'lch , 0c1.‘20.1848. BECOME NEW. Dr. Wm. l’. Hills. ultcr experimenting for ten years. and trying everything likely to be good lor the cure oi Coughs, (,‘ulds, Consump tion. Abthma, Group, lh‘unclutis, Influenza, Difficulty ol Breathing. Spitting of Blood. Pains in the Breast or Side, ut'igtnatmg from'congh or cold; and lbs a gentle emetic in any disease, has found by experience in pl'cat‘l'lblltg lor the above disenscn, that the Fluid Extract ul Squillu is much the surest to pcz'torm a Cure 0! any at the medicines now before tlfe public—and has the aduntugc at being at least one-halt cheaper. Don't be nlraitl to tr)" it. It comes lrum :tn ex~ pericnccd physician, and is no new thing. ll is only the bent old thing in the world got up in u newlorm. Also—lf you have youracll‘. or know of any one l'lul has 'l‘cllcr. scald-Heal], llzngum'ln, lirysipclas, hall, or lmlulcnl sorc- of any kind on the skin, arms, legs or fuel, or any kind ul lu‘ca king out on lhc skin, just go und buy a bollle or two of Dr. llill's Teller Ulnllnenl, and use it according- lo (lircclionu and i 1 will posnivcly‘ perlorm u cure. il persevered in. Erysipclllx la always cured in lorly-ciglll hours by pulling on plenly. and keeping open «he bowels wilh some cooling medicine, such as salts and cream 0! “Mar. , The above valuable medicines are for sale at Dr. A. M. Hill's Drug More, Clenrfield; at the stores 01 James Forrest. Cleal‘ficld Bridge; Cmnu «K: Brother, Cnrwenmilie; Graham «.8: W right, Gmhumlon ,- Bowman & Johnston, Phil ipsburg. Centre county; and at the principle stores throughout the county. Clearlicld, Oct. 12, 1848. U. wm. nv. Boom E, flttorney at Law, P/liladel/ Ina, ' WlLL_aucnd lo [he seulcmcnt of claims by the heirs of JOHN NICHOLSON against Lands in Cluurfieid or adjoining counties. [3O ing well acquainted with the Nicholson 'l‘ille, persons desirous of extinguishing the Niclmlgou claim to their Furnis, may have their business ntlendpd to by letter (pout-paid) addressed (0 Wm. 1". Boone, I’uiludtlphia. Augugul 16, 1848, NEW 81. SEASONABLE .1 . {KNEE} S. . ‘ ILLIAM BIBLER 8:. Co., me 16- W cewing und openmg a lwsh sup. ply M ”Mr old slnnd. conslsllng in pan ul a general umurlmvnl ul Dry Goods. Groceries, Queensware. Hardware (8- Cu!- lery. Hale: lS' Cups, Boots 6~ Shoes. . Ucl. 25. lB4d. ~ V ()UKING S'I’OVES. NINE I’l‘Me' (j filmcp ul.(l»§lu\'d-ptpe lofisplu at 1'0"“! price: at [he More ul " K JOHN I’A'I‘TONL ' Curwcnsville Nov. IS, ’4B. 6 PIECES English and French Broud clulll at the stone at 7 Oct. 25, BIGLER & CO, svmam’ma' QUALE“? , PATENT MEDICINES, In! .I i'vl i! l, I! .l ') ‘h ' H AR D W A Rv-E. , 'ILL SA \\ 6,. Omaha”, ~Compnls. NE, il'enon. ”and and \Yoml SM”; Blond Axvs and Double bills. (all wunan- It‘d ;) Fllnuf all deactiptmns; Hum-locks and Ilaudlcs‘; Iron 'l‘eu-Ketllei; Bran Kelllch; Smunlhing lrlmb; Drawing luuvw; Knivn and Kuhn-Butcher, Cur vmg unu Pen-Kulvvs; Ra'mrs; Augeri; At'zcs; Clll'flt’l.‘ ; Steel uml lrnll Squat”: Cullce Mulls; Sleigh and Cuw Hellr; [‘vuce, llaller and Ll'g Chains; Cast- Slerl; E-ng'inh uml American Blister b'leel ; Iron, Nniln’, Spike: and Cupenlera’ fouls, ol :1 gmul qunllly. lor,snle by. CRANS 818ROTHER. Nnv. 1848. Curwensvllle. “ 800/rs which are 800/cs.” i' ‘HUSE who are in mm! M gum! ven- R (hug matter lor Iho Coming winter cwningn, can be supplwd al "'1 m 5 CHEM CORNER " Mcmuins ; 'l‘rnveia; “lblmu‘s nl America, Franco. England. Rome and Gwece; Wm-ka on An: and Sculce; Sat-g- Hunks; Schqu Huuki; Epi‘cupnl prnyrr- Books; MthmllSl, ”ap'lal and P-nbyle rum Hymn um] Psalm Books; Bum-g and “Hummus. on hand. The lolluwng ‘huico bunks {ur xa'e : Nope/con and his Jlara/lu/ls. Washington and his Generals. 'l'uylar umL/lzis Generals. Li/e 0/ Gen. Lewis Cass. Life 0/ Han. Sea/l. Land ‘l’enn Lives of Marion. Franklin. Jqfl‘er'son \\ imluu-l’upen; LHWI um] \N’allmgk‘l’u pt-r; Stun-a and Pencils; Gold. SWcI. um! lvmy l’cu»; liul. Blur. and Bl'nc‘k Ink. on llnnd. CRANS & BROTHER. Nun 1848 Curm‘unwlle. ROBERT R. WELSH, D ESI’EC'I'FULLY minim: [he citi- E‘, zvus ul L'qulhcld county that he In locmud 11l CUHHHIH'IHE, “here he will Canny on \ln- business 0] CLOCK 8~ U'fl'l'Cll making and repair- lug. [2‘ A'Gfifl VINO. TUNING ul vmious musical instru- mems, such as - BflG PIPES, flCCORDEONS. MU SIC/2L CLOCKS, QRGflNS JUVI) I) UL CIMERS. ‘ Man. rvpumnq ul fiIfl'I'HEAIflTICflL INST/301111937 S, muking GOLD JJNIJ SILVER ”VIBE. 631‘. ~ ujflle ui'l a‘au lunch and give lessons on [he Accuulrun. .. “TAN hls “urk {hull be done in the \er_\ but slyle, and up--«. the lone“ termr. CUHH’IhviHP. Jun. ‘25, ’4B -I_yr New Fall and, Winter GOUBS. VE‘HE vsubscnbor» are receiving and o _ pemng a! ”Mr New SIUH.‘ m Cur-- went-WINE a huge nlml lull' ausnrlmenl of gumls ml the “Human usually‘lo be lound‘ In A cunniry smm. which Ihey are prepar ed to squ (Inrlhe mom (Pusllnflble terms: for Cash. Lumber, or Country Produce“ Our gomls- have hen-n seleclé‘il mhh care. and are well (‘ulculuu-d lur lhc/ ('uunfl'}. and “who”. 'l'hmo Mm are in want of Gumls “ill rim! il In “.9", advnnliagll wt call at "THE CHEAP CORNER" ‘ CRANS 8L BROTHER. ' Nov. 14. ’4B. Cur'u‘e-mville. " Clot/Ls, Cassimcres, Sattifiets’, eta} ROAD CLU I‘HS 'o] all alluded muli: juices. lilmk. “mi: and Green Ow ve‘tcualn‘afi. Biuck umli'l"2uu'y'Cumsimertgi and Satlinmts. Sam: Velvet nnll'Funcy Venting» luv snh- n: (he cheap corner, by CRANS 8L BROTHER. . Cum-onsville. If No‘. -Fr “NE (lumen urnllemen’s fine Myer'ln Shins lor we by BIGLERBL Co. i( t (Miner 'l’B‘l’Hlfg ,!: !.~