a II ,‘r \l -ficr“ A menlncrntlr Banner CLEA RFI I'ZLD. PA.JAN‘VII.‘.B49 wWo (mo our thanks m (.‘npl. \VAL'I‘EKS lur nllomivoly advising us uflho lining-a ul llurrinhurg and for nn enrly (‘oeg ul’lho (invernm'u mvsange MO! course nothing has nu yet Irnnnplml In lhO Leglalnlure. as lhcy unly chaclt-d nn nrgnniznnun on Friday lmu.o Nobly Done. \ The ”and: bf R¢prcnenlulivoa [wing "Immy uh~ \'uled.giviug Iho fuur Nnnvoa lo the Wings. nu ma gnnlznlmu “an elTeclod nulll .Frlduy. lhn .nmnlmru bnlloting fur Speaker in the nwnmunn. On the 22d bullol. huwever. lhroo of lho Nuun-a vntml [or W. F. PACKER. and [bus elected Inn» The denmcruls [U n mnn vulul (ur Pucker. every hullm, gu'mg him 49' This is Hell Juno. Mny the Domm-rnla present lhe name show of unnmunly lhruughoul the session. Gen. Pucker “no Speaker nlu'nng the lust sos~ uion. and his qunllficuliuna nre at‘l'Olld to no other = The Message. Lasl “00k we promised 10 give our renders Iho (juvernor‘s message In [his paper—hut n 3 “e dxd not receive is unlil our shoot “as neurly full. We cnn only give u portion of it ll in much longer lhnn “e cxpeclcd- Tho Gov~ ernor occupies Ihrt-e nr qur columns in an ovi denllv 'hupeleua efforl l 0 argufy [he dllunl‘l 'l‘unfl' uf'42 inln' popular favor. ”in argument would onuwcr, pcrhnp'. ll Pennsylvania was lhe “hula UHIUH. We any perhaps. brcnnnc. even if she were the whole Umon. we doubt “helher lhoro ure nul many nervnnneu and comforts of life “hich her people nuuld find H mnre cheap um] ('onvenh cm In purchusu lhun lu mum 0r mnnulnclure.— Bul noxl \A'oek we mil Yny Ihln purl ml the Gover- nur'l Message hclnru uur reuderu. when they can judge [or Ihemaelws. SCALDEX) TO DEATH —-.-\ hula buy. non urCcnrgo Burger, of andt’nrd luwnnhlp. 1n th Mummy. was 9|) lmdly u‘nldvd one dny “cvk horn”: innl. lhnl dualh relieved ll OI Ila uutlrnngs nlvuul lwmxlylour huurs u l‘lcnvurds LOUIS NAPOLEON. Thr Ne“ Ymk Tribune Im- nrru 3rd :| h-Irl sh'hh ul lIH- Ple~illlhl rlx-cl ol Frunrv. m minm : A SKI-1’10” 0F LOL‘IB NAPOLEON —'l‘he lt‘\\?< ul llu- eh-(huu n! lmuu I\A|~l>‘e'ull lo the I’m-pnlehcy n! the I“.l'llLH Rrpublic um nu'uunlly rxdlc sun-e cuumny In le yard 1:: his huluv)‘ um] public (hnrnchfr. “llhrlin he has only lwrn knnu'n Ihmugh \hc ‘unlhh and!” n. 5 rm‘unu': am! Buu Ingne, In. pubhahnl walks. lmlulihruml in; ‘lw mmlh Llanmd In! llll'm H) hum!- lu'lt'llh, II;H|:"_’~ lulll'd In (“Imus In; H‘llU lulum. 11.- In'c hm, nrrthch-st. bven QnllHr\\llll run l‘u‘. :xm‘. he «int-~11”! luck lhc mhnn'ngc ul \dlhtl [mlum- and 91' mm 0 X'k‘llv'lCl'. \\ iu-zhrr lu- Inns ptnfil rd in I‘. trmm.‘ ru hr -« rn. Rum ~ucn I‘mH~ null I..H\ .w u r “-1) I] pnuuurr, u.- thr “Manly: In: :iu' llllmrlr Ihc lumu“ mg iHIIi Itull(l‘ .II I.l\ 111-tun : _ i (.l‘iil't" imuh NIIiHI'IIIII, sun UI 1.H111~,1 "ix-Kill! 11l Huiiutlll. “11‘ b-HI) 11l Putini (111 lIH' 2011111 Atllti, ithS. “I‘ ghli I’“ i H‘ttlsi Wrrr lIII' I'ZIII‘H'IUV anti .‘IaIIJ imul Hi, and lIuIII : ill! (illiliiHlU'i he up an ('5- wcial InVurl'l‘ .fth:- lUtlllr'l. ”II 111-- In turn 111 anmtrttlt In ID I‘LL”. hr -lu-~11 be sIIIe 111111 (111 the Chump (it‘ Mala. & “he" eIIIhIIIIeII by hIIII It»: the lan lIIIH‘, the MaIIIIai-un. the 3mm: I.IIuI~. thrll u bu) Ul .IQ‘\(‘ll wan, “Isht‘ll tn luiittw III") 111 all h 7,4111. ' “hen the I:IIIII|_V “It“ hnuuhed lIIHII Future. lllsllthur rI-lIIIIVI-Il tn Aug... lIIIIg. VIIIeIr he Irtenrd n gI-utl German elluratlnn. He “as ailriunlti taken to SIIII'I.€IIIIIII|. “here he obIIIiIIrtI lht‘ Ugh! 111 (Ill'l.('t|~'l|'l nIIII quIIIwIIcrII n cumu 111 lIIIIItuIY F-‘Jlilt’i. Atlrl the July Rev ulutloll, [it \HIIIII he w.I~ II r-‘elmld lime [lr-Incllbrll 1111111 Fvume, ‘le nutrll lint) 111 I'nlnpuny With It“ bmthu. and in lUBI lIItIk pull In a [lnpulnt ithurrt’cltnt) tignlnal the l’upe. This tlllHl'llH'lll Inllell. but he succeelll-II in making hla est-ape. and. hIo brnther lIyIIIg at Furii the NilltL' yemJte \th'li I‘inglmul. and nlteruursl Ictumed to SwI'v.eIIIIIIII, “hr”, lur twu or three yems, he (I-lItI-lIIeII hIIIIu-II wnh \nitlng pohticul flltti lIIIIItaIy \Hitih. uhlch (It) not nppeur to have bl'l‘ll I'xten-Ivuly '(‘U|l.‘—'l 'l‘he Ilen'h 111 the Duke 111 Relchptmlt In 1852. gIIVe a 111-w Impulae tn hI~ umbllltvus hape‘. HI- tint leVIIIuIII-llaly attempt, Ut Strasbuurg. In ()ctubl-r. 1836. cum. pletrly inllrd, but ultl'r II ahurt lIIIpItsIIII ment in Pam. he “av rent to I'll: coun try, The Illneuaol lIIs llmlher vccnstun. HI his letuln the lolhming “-1”. unit nf lEI II vmt tu Switzmhuut he took up his tesitlence in I‘lng'and untll his «com! lll ‘lempl at Buulugtie, In 1840. ‘ II: this nflair several lII‘ hi~‘ llllluwers were killed, and he “I! ll'llnerl taken and sentenced to Impri~onment Inr Me In the Calue uI Ham. ‘l‘ne [lnltlculars 0| his escape in May. 1846. alter nII incarcera tlun ul six )ears. are “ell knuwn. From that tune omit the em] ut September 111111. u hen he was reiumut as a Deputy to the Nauunal Anrmbly hum Ihe Depurlmcnl of the Same. he has' rcslded in England. A hale LIIudI-n Juurngl. in Ileacximnghm Inn-III: at Me. gnen the lIIIIuwIIIg not very flut'wing amount: m “ Ht: was unacrupuluus in contracting tlb'lgaliuhi thlch the llllulty heyuml his means oI re puynrn't ; and his most serious pursult ms themsludy 0| nlchymy, by \lhlth he expected In .lllive ut the dlscuv er 111 the phituaupher’a atone. Sn vigor “!!in did he [mm-cute lhls eprmlrll bCi ence. 111 II llit'li‘se thctl he had filled up as u lubumtmy ut CuIIIherIII-H. “111, rinlHll “I" 111. mm In the clthltnll empiric Whom he employed (Uhlti him In hummit- =l:2 ting the batter tnctala into gold, that he is said to have actuhlly appropriated hIS u-v. l‘llUt'l In anticipation. and to have tlmttt-«l the tint n-iiltmtl 0! Ms umns tn the [my mont nl tlu- lltlltltllzt‘ debt ul Flatter. tn unit! In ncqutre {hues un impettul throm hy purcha-e.” The liner mnjmily by which hu- WM v lcr'ml a velue-o-nlallvv aslunluhvs every mm. and gave h|~ lullmu-n the fifsl (“ll cnurngemrn! In bcinu lunh his dome an a camliclnlr lur [th Pnuidency. 'l'ndo-leul Hm ntknonlnlgml Republican parly, he received uh" lho ,uuppurt U! the lmglll mi‘le nml Orloanivds. and Ihune cmnhlnHl Influenten have clecu-(I him by an iln meme mnjuyily.‘ The real must 0010“ to time and Into. A MEDICINE FOR ALL SEAanNS.- IVrig/u'x Indi~ an Vrgelable Pills nuil nll rumplninlsnnd ull age-I and may be lnken :1! all limes, and under all (‘1!- cunmzunros. wilh perlu-I anfoly. They are nnlu rnl In lhc human mnslllnlinn I.“ fund; and thlo Ihey do no! inJuro even tho moat dclimle. them ll urnn‘oly n mnlmly In Iho whulc cnlnlngnn ufhu~ mnn Illa. but “I” ylehl (0 their Influence. Wrighl'a lmhnn Va'gclnhlo I‘lllu thoroughly ~cleunw Iho slomuch and bowel: Imm Mum" and p'ulrid humors. and purify the blond ; & nro. lhevo fore. (‘orlnln lo drive pmn or distress ofevory dc ocripliun from Iho pmly. BEWARE or COUNTERFRITS AND lmnnom.‘ Romomher lhnl Iho original nnd nnly gmmme In dian Vegetable Pills have Iho plgnnluru 0! WM. \VKIGIIT wrlllou mlh n pen on Iho lop label 0! each box, 5L7” The genuine for sale by R. SHAW. sole flgmifor ('lear/ield; CRANS 81 Buo- THEN. Curu'cnsvullc; DANIEL BARRETT. Lullzeuburg; and wholesale at (he qjlice and general depot, 169 Bars slrccl. Flu/u dolphin. MARRIED —ou Sumlny In“. by the Nev. —— Boyd. Mr. Imm WRIGLEV. ohhm place. In Mr- —--- SWAN. of Jordan lnwnahxp DIED --|n lhlfl Bnrough. on the 4th 'i’nst” Sag/m ANNE, daughter of John I. and Sarah Clmle,uged‘~’yenrs. :(3 monlhs and II (Inn "ire. 0n the lOlh insl.,al the residence of \Vm. Mantel, Inlms place. Mrs —— FET TERMAN, at an advanced age. A PLAIN STATEMENT 'I‘HOM PBONS Compound Syrup 0/ 7m and ”"0011 Nap [IS This mnlarinr. lhv mvrnlmn of n mnn H In) gnvn lhvsulljvrl u! l'u’nmnnry. Hmm'hml uml I’t-rlurnl [Miran-u Hu' nzml rlgld ('xnmlnulmn. lIIIF nu“ horn hmuro lhc puhlu- nrnrluur yourx Durlnui mi pan 0d ll [um pt-rfnrmnl FOHM‘ 0! III» mml N'IHHI’LthL‘ (-urcs nn n-mvrd 0| l’uimunury( unsumplum—~vrurml llu- recumnwndnllun nud lm- ul' physu' {llls m lhmr [‘fni'lH‘t‘. and the “mum-s: npprovnlni ”mu-Imin"! [lrmnm In nnhnnrvnml “were (uldr. mughs hump-(u “Hui, spilling of I-luml. kc, Curmivnh 94 U! I!» “mule-Hui powerhnvo be: h given in snmt‘ inslnnrrs, nml zmorn In nn lruv, Iv wwsnns. who, u! uny lime. WI“ let,‘ verbal mm. at mm 0! lhmr (Ullll'nlh. nut. lwwnrc nl xnnlmiunsmml pnrvhnsn 'l‘lwnly:..vu'~u ('mupuuml Syrup n! I‘ur lrum mum hut n 'n-rnsml ngcms. nr ul Ihmc “hm L' ”.1: Hunplclon o! tfr‘nllnu In tnunlA-rlmls. II 15 lnqm-ullv Hhcll um! lunhiv rm 012 mm :Yu! by :«mr- ul Ihu mm! 10>p4-xlxlb4- phyah mm H) [Y Yurk uh} i’lllludoiphm. Frog-um] unly by A snxzy & Du-xsox. N. i-Z. L'ornc r ul Fdlh nun! >prm e siren-Ix. Phlimlolphm l’rl‘pureui and mn‘d ny AUNICY (Q [)ICKFON. N E. cnmcr a! FIFTH unnl Sl’lll'FF. sireels. l’lnln de|phm. sum by A. M HILL. Clonrfield. Pm. and by Drngguus grnemlly. l’m'o 50c or $1 00 mt hnll‘e Arks Wanted. ‘“ ELVH Atkl. 90 NH lung and 17 I [ex-l wule—“llhuul ”Us, “nun-J b\' 'N' ~ub-n-hevs-lur “Inch lhe high”! mi rv- \ull ln- pzml. 'l'hv Alk‘ lt- lm llt‘ll~ erul In [he Spring. H. 81 \V. F IRWIN. Clmnfielgl. Jan. 8. [940 ' (:(HH) u-umuneul M IRON uml f§v NAILS. in“ rPcelw-ul an‘l h-r snlv ,1 ILe CHE \l’l‘ZKl‘ ('()RN|“.R. JOHN PAT'I'ON. Curwvmul'e,Jun.9.lB49. Executor’s Notice. NOTICE I- lu-veby given lhatiem-rg \mlamenlnvy hurl.- brrn gran'ml In the sub-crib"! uxmn [he Hlnh: ul Mmy Cnlnphrll. Inn.- «I! Laurence luwn-hlp, Clrnvlieltl CI-unty. (lcceuxml—nll prrmm kmming thrmwlvo‘i Imlvblml lo mu! ea ln’c me H‘qmuh-«l to make pnylm-nl wnlh nut 11141“, an lhmv Inning Clalllh agulnu same will pu‘u‘n! ”Icm duly aulhemlcn led lur selllvmcnt. - .. \VM. IHG LEK. Ex’u. Dec. ‘24. ‘48—47 CB. HORSES FOR SALE. @HE mh-rnlwr hay. 7770 G 00!) YOU/VG HORSES lur sale, will answer In \vmk or IMP. JOHN PAT'I'UN. Curuenuville, Dec. 18. 1848. LINN, SMITH 8L CO. W HOL ESALE DRUGGISTS, 213 a MARKET SI‘REET. CLAUDIUS B. LINN. HORACE I'. smrru. é Philadelphia. J‘JJJJ‘JJJJ‘J‘J-J‘J‘ Drugs & Meducmes, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye-Stuffs, Varnishes, etc. flL-S‘O—Palent Medicines. Medicine C/usls. Surgical and Obs/elrical Instru ments, Chemical Tests. 8-0. «3-0 Orders from Countly Merchnnls and Physicians. by leuer or otherwise. ulleml ed In prompfly. NM. 13. 1848.—6 ma. 1 DOZ, Flue Cushmen- and Woolen Shim-£5 {or sale by BIGLER 8: Co. Receipts and Expenditures (9)31? ammaxmmamw lb|e in law. for debts ht‘lclll'uft'. or ht‘lefllll'r contracted by Julm W. Mlllpr—lxe never havnng been a par! of said firm Auditor’s Nance. N punun'u‘e M an unit-r ol‘lhv Orphans I ('uurl ml the Luunly ()!_C|enlfie|d. Hwy hue appmnml Hu- ~ub~rr|bw lu au dll Hml ‘lmnbu'e Ihe ba|anrv m Ihe hands ul lhr Adnumplvaluru 0| Alluln Nt'Vlillg. «It-(HI, ul Brrcmla luulhhlp. Clratfirld (hunt); I thl‘ nppulnlml Manda] ‘hc 15!}: day ul Janna-y 1849/11! my offin- In HH‘ hmnugh hl (‘lrmHQ-ld [or heanng & aUIlllln: the uhun- uvnllrl', thn the hfils 0] ”he shill [\dnln lemg, and all olher perm“:- Inlvn~lwf In Ilw :lullibu'inn 0‘» lhl' bdlnlll‘t’ In lhr Imml- nlJunaihan Buyn- Inn. me -ul\|nng udmlmallnlm. we re. quested In nllvnd. JOSIAH \V. SMITH. And. Cleaafirltl. UN. 9. ulii—lMl . S" RAYEUnuav [mun the W; rc~n|cncc of the what”- nbw in aneuce mwnahip, "- " some mm In the monlh of June ur July, a large Red Cow, with Inlge hmnd. 'l'hc sufflmmw willrewanl any per-(m givmg him lII‘UIIIIHKIOH ofhcr Mmrr'nlmula an that hr can gel her. JONATHAN NICHOL3-' Dec. 12. 1848. ' fHALE, Sperm and Lard 0"..- V‘ _ Spam. much! and dipped Can dlea; Ru-In. Cad”? nml Fancy Sum 00 hum! at the cheap comer. CRANS 8L BROTHER. ' Nuv. [B4B. Ourwenuille. O I"rUN and Linen Culpel alum.— Comm Yum, ul aII uumbeu-Wjd ding, Candle Wick. . . . H Quepfl’g'wure, Queenswarc. [Jig/uhuua tun be uuflml in price A 21ml 5!)“; by Culling M 'l‘Hn'CgipAP Conn“; Come and examine‘aur mick. cums & BROTHER; Nov. 22. 1848. 'a ‘- counly. Partnership Dissolved. THOMAS MILLER. \V H. MILLER. JOHN MILLER. HENRY B. MILLER. PHILIP MILLER. Buggc Op. DH‘. 8. ’48.-—-pd Notice THOMAS MILLER, W, [l. MILLER. JOHN MILLER. HENRY B. MILLER, I’IIILIP MILLER. Dec. 8. lß4B.—pl| Stray Cow. 0/1.. CJ‘INDLES. 6' 3051’. @éklmi’lfl‘flfio BLANKEI'S al ' ‘ (JEANS 61. BRO I‘HER’S. Cutwrnulllp Nov. 14