Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, December 14, 1848, Image 4

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    -I _n,‘ All N V. ' .L. '
Nl’Allislcr’s Ointment
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fizsenszble Pcrsfm'atzon.
mfi'OYN'l‘MEN'l‘ [HS POWER m cnusr‘ all
'lu inchnrgp Ihmr pu nd matters and lhcnhcnla lhem.
, h is rithlly ldrmed All-hauling. lnr lhem is
sx‘arcoly‘n macaw/J exlornnl or inlernnl. that i! will
noLbonqfig, l have used It [or the lust mum-en yours
lor nll diacuabEMllle chest. cumumpliun. hvcr. Invnl
vmg lhe ulmosl danger nnd rcspnnsibilily, and 1 dm
clue before heaven nnd mnn. that run In one Hinglo
caschus it miled to benefit. when the pnliem was
within the reach 0] murml menus
l hnve had physirinna. lonrned in xhe‘pmlcssiunJ
hnve hnd Mimelvru ullheGospolJudgos 01 the Bench
Aldermen, and Lawyers. gcnllomon ol the highest
crudmun. and MULTITUDBH oflhe roou uso n in ovo
ry vnm-ly of wny, nml there hns been but one voice.
one uniledumiversnl voncc,auying. "McAlislor,your
Ointment. Is 9001).“ . -
CONSUMPTION. ll can him-,ly ho credited Ihnl
nvsalvu can have any «fleet upon the lungs. sound as
they am wilhin the system. But if placed upun the
chest. it penolmlos directly to the lungs sopurnu-s lhe
)vouonous panirles Ihnl are cunsummg lhem und ex
pels lhem {rum lhn system. It 13 curing persona of
consumpuon mnununlly.
HEADACHE. ’l‘ho Snlve has cured persons at lhe
Headache 0112 year‘s slumling. und who hnd n mgu:
lurly every week. so Ihnl vomiting olten luok plnCt‘.
Deafness and l'lurAchu uro hélpml wnh llkl.‘ we
RBEUMA'I‘ISM. ll removes almost immedinlely
the Inflammunun and swelling when the [mm of
course ceases.
COLD FEET. Consumption. Liver Crmpluint,
poms in the chest or SldC. lnlhng ofl'ol the hutr, one
or the other. always accompanies cold fact. It is u
sure sign nl'disense in the system to have cold feet.
This Ointment is the true remedy for SCHUFULA
nu. QUINSY, sorta THROAT. unoscnt‘rts. BROKEN on
non]: nun. FILES. all CHEST DISEASES. such as AsTn-
MA. urrnnsstori, “ms. also. sons LIPS, CHAPPED
DIIEASES. and ol the srtMt. There Is no mcdtcme
now known 50 good.
SCALD HEAD. We have cured macs thut nctu»
ully defied every thing known. as well on tho übllily
ol filteen or twenty doctors. One mnn told us he had
spent $5OO on his children without any benefit, \\ hon
a lew boxes ol'the Ointment cured them.
BALDNESS. It will restore the huirquicker than
an Other thing.
EURNS. ll is the best thing in the \\orld to:
Burns. (Read the directions around the box.)
WORMS. It Will drive every vesllgo 0! them a
wn . (Read the directions around the box.)
&RNS. Occasional use ol the oinlmcnt willnl
wniys keep cornii lrom growing. People need not be
troub'od with them ifthey “11l use it. '
FILES. Thousands are yearly cured by this OinL
(BETTER. There it? nothing honor lnr lhe tum o!
JAMES McALlS’I‘ER.&(.‘u..
Sole proprietor ol the above nll'liiL'lllO. -
CAUTION. “Nu Ointment. Will no genuine un~
lell the names ol James McAllialcr or James Mir.
Allister 99 Co.. are WRITTEN with n PEN upon EVERY
, Read the Following Communication,
[Received from an old, respected, nml well known
citizen oi Philadelphia, and then judge lo: yoursnll.
Philadelphia. lOih mu. lßlli, 1816.
, To T. B. Peienon No. 98 Chestnut. alrcel: “Ming
been re united to give my Opinion on the meme 0!
Mt: AquSTEk’S SALVE I am willing to enumerate
~same ofthe benefits which I have experienced in lhe
me’oflhe article. ,
In lheapnng of 1345 [ hnd an attack ol Erysipelmi
in'my face which became very painlul. nml amended
inmono of my eyes, being attended with fever, my ‘
distress was great undl became [0 he luurlul of Ion:
tng mly eye.
All mugh not much a believer in what is termed
quack medic-mes. I purchased u box and made uppli~
canon to my face. To my surprise the pain won it»
baled and In a week's time I wus uni-rely cu red, find
I firmly believe it was the naive under Providence
(an cured me.
From that “me to the present l have used the urti
ok an occasion required. and in every case where l
have used it, I have luund u decided henelil.
Alone timein going to bed at mghl. my lhl’Onl “as
so s'ord lhnl-l swallowed with diflicullg. but by an up
plication of lhe salve l wns relieved elore morning.
[have used II in cases of burns. brunses, uprmns und
flesh out: all wilh lhe happiest efleulsmnd one case of
polnomng by a wdd vine in the woods has been dried
up and cured by n lew npphcnliunn.
From myown experience I would strongly recum
mend it to qll,us 0 cheap convenwnl medicine. It
' requires no preparation other lhun to rub u on lhe ul
flicted part:
I haw become so partial lo M lhn: I expect lo lice;
, ”constantly rn mt!) lumrly.
C, . Though not om muus lu appear 1n prim, yet l can
,nol refuse to have this conununicntlun made public 1
Judged best to serve the cause 01 humamly.
: Respectlully Ihrne.
‘ M. ADAMS. No. 26 Old York Road.
[CPPn'ce 25 cents per box.
J] G E N 'l' S:
-' E. «3‘ W. F. Irwin, Clearfield.
‘ Messrs. flrnalds. Lulhersburg.
, John Pattonfir. Curwinsville.
.1 -u . Levi Lulz, rem/mills.
r ‘C'lcarfield. Dec. 25, 1847.-—-ly.
" " (AS jdst receiVed M his More In the
,A; ~building kn'own as Irvin's store
! Mule. at the river. near Curwensyille. n
“ “flu-assortment of
”fiffi Goofi§
ANDRE W‘ich will be lobud one of the ve-
JIWQ“ “Glued" nnsorlmenls of
.VDry‘Goods, Hardware, Queens
.72l 'zax‘yfll‘fij Grflcwies, DrugsandDye
'qtqffs; Tin-we, Books «9.lBm
’j_‘-"' 1 09317: Hats, tags and Bomiets,
" ‘V 'qumand Shoe «.x Tobacco and
, "“53““, ' UmbrellafigCarpet and
Carpet and thfon My“, CW“
"j..._._lf§¢‘:ct‘ix§a}f§§s, ngnts, 01“ Teéfiy
"”2; a: .:: (3‘: c' . . ‘I. I
;hazgyigh‘he‘is now. & is dgtermmedlflcon.‘
~gmgjn'ug,pelli_ng}AS CHEAP as they'cnbbe'
;fpgpghglyehgw'here in _lhe county. .'
.:PAH banks is 391 W . . .
. Curwenaville, Oct. 3; 485 ’
Estate ‘of Samuel 07‘7“, dec’d. 'Glen Hope and Little Bald Eagle
- E'I'TERS o! Athmnistrnnon havirtg’ Turnpike road Company.
L been granted to the sulticriberuun ‘, E'I‘TERS PA'I'EN'I‘, bearing dnlet
'thc eslluh‘ of Sumuvl ()rr. lulu 0! Jordan 1‘ 2t] tln_v of October, A. D. 1848, Im
tuW‘ll'h'th (’l'V'Tfil'm (”U'HVv ""C'”. 1|” mg been issUt‘ll by Ike Gnmnnruf Ihnl
perunnv‘ h‘pvlng Nauru m (h'llltn‘u's auutnat. Cummonheallh u!" Pcnnsylvnnm, in [,urvt
.;.“| 1'51)“:le plt‘i't'nl thrm llu'} nuthrn- ,umce uf an Act uf the Grueml Asaemblyt
Heated IQ settluutetv—nml nil Dt'thM Ili- of mid Communwenlth. t-ntttled, ”An Acl‘
tit-bird 1"»!th same are II'qUL’NHIIUI make tn incnrpm‘ute (ht.- Glen Hunt- and Lime
payment Wl'htm' W'M'» Buhl Englv Turnplkv rmd Company.”
“MUN 'I‘HOMI’SOI‘th \1 ~, ‘ Notice is Hereby Givm. That the un
_ Il m ti , ' . .
ANN ORR, lderhlgnl‘d, bcmg n llmelt-yvnf the acttng
Sept. 2, 1848.—pd. twmmisunnets, hnve uml'du hereby np
”Wfi‘ -" "'~""" ".-_... [mm at mechng 0! Ihé sub~cribers to the
cupitnl Mark I»! said r‘nmpunv tn be held
on Thursday [/16 Nth (lay of December.
.0. 1).. 1846. at 10 n’clork. A. M.. til
Nevellng’s Mill, in lit'ccttri:l township.
(Ik-arfiettl county, in urdrr to organize
sntd company, nml then and [here to elect
Scum Alarmgora of said cumpany ngrm-n
-bty la the prmtsinns t)! auizl act at Anem
x «:2 ——
‘ ft_--——-—~ .
Es/(zlc of Josep/z I'Vz'ley, (lcc’d.
ETTERS 01 Administration having
EA been urnnu-tl In Ihc? whwlihvri, on
the «state (If Join'ph \Vilvy, lnlo of Fergu
~tm lmvn~hip. Ch-nrfivld cuunly. (Hm-oa.
ed. all Immune inth-lmul In nml (‘utulv
wi'f lllflkl' immmlim- puvuwnt. .IHll thus..-
huvmg demands 32mm! the eumr‘ will pm
:«enl me duly nulhcnhruh'd lnr ~01“?-
.59 mi“?
:1": __
Fergusnn I'm, Nov. 2‘3, 1849.
Estate of Jolm Irvin, Deceased. I
ETTERS of Adminwtrnlinn havm:
L bl'en urunlml In Hm umler-Agned un
Ihc eslnle nlJuhn lwm, Jule 0! Pike lawn
ship. (Health-Id cnunly, «lec‘d, all persons
huvmg clump. Ur lh'fllnnd‘ ngnuut said og-
We will woe-WM lhem duiy aulht’nrltulvd
lur netllemem—aml all persons indebted
(01hr same are roqucslud no make pay
ment withnut (IPIJV.
Nov. ‘3O. 1548 -—~l3.
Estate of Rhino/tart IVctzel, dcc’d
BTW ERS M Admxmslrnuon huvm:
L been gmnlwl lo the bubwrllmn mi
Ihc eslnleul Rhmeharl \szrl. Inu- ul
Br“ louubhlp. (.'lemfipld county, (lvc’d.
all persons hnving‘tlznms or dcmnmh n»
gaind said esline “ill pu'rcnt lhem duly
uulhemicuted lnr settlempnt—und all per
snni mdebted In lhe same are requested
lulmnke payment without delay. 1
ENOCH B. \\'E'I‘ZEL,3 A, ~
HENRY WE'I‘ZEL- s‘”n "
Nov. 13. 1843-
NOTICE is hereby given that letters
testamenlury have been granted to
the undersigned, lixecutur ill the» last will
and testament ol Jameq Carson, Intv ol
Brady town-hip. Clearllcltl county tll'C’d.
and that accordingly all persons |n(l('l)l(‘(l
to said estate are requested to muke sut
tlemeut without delay. nml lhO‘M‘ having
claims against the same. will prt-suut them
duly authenticawd t'nr rrltlcment.
Brady lp., 00!. 31M, '4B. l
Executor’s Notice.
NOTICE is herebv given Ihnl lellms
[csiementury have been granted to
the undersigned Exvculur n! thu last will
and Hulament of William Harhhurn, late
of Pike township. Clearfield county. de
ceased. and that nccb’rdmgly all persons
indebted (o sand salute are chuv-lcd lo
make settlemcnl without delay. and (Imu
having claims against the same mil pro
sen! lhem duly uullwnticatml lnr settle
ment. ROBERT ROSS, Er'r.
Pike lowmhip. Oct, 26,1648. 1
HORACE I’. SMITH. Pllilndflphia.
Drugs & Medicines,
Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye-Stuffs,
Varnishes, etc.
JlLSO—l’alent Almlicines. {Medicine
Chests. Surgical and ()bslclrical Inslru
menla, Chemical ’l'es/s. 61‘. 6'o
Orders from Country Mvrchunls and
Physicians. by letter or mhrrmsu, amend
ed to promptly.
Nov. 13. 1348.-—6 me
F a very superior nuulity—nnly 2: {ow
barrels lell—4m aule ul lhe Mare of
lhe sub-cribeu. Hen: iu a chance lor a
bargain. v, f
Nov. 22.
1"?! .‘. ‘1 AMEN» lhe residence 0
‘gbw'fg\ a] We subscnbvr residing
er'fl‘in Demtur township, Clear
field county. about lhe 30th uf September
last, a Dark Red Heifer. nbuut two years
old. ”The owner mll come forward prove
properly.‘ pay chnrgn nml lulu- her away.
Nov. 22, 1848.-—-pd.
@ale of Town Lots.
WILL be sold \at public vendue in
. the town 0! MARIEN. iulForesl
county, on
Tuesday the 16131 ofJanuary,
1849. Terms 0! salad-KOne-lourth of
lhe purchase 'mdriey m be paid in hand;
one-fourlhjn six months; one-fourth in
twelve monlhs; and then balance in eigh
teen months lrnm the day uf sale, at which
"he a-good and sufficient deed will be
‘ giN b, (h? s‘” “HUI?-
\ . ,-
. Bro'mnm 90-11%“?!4' 48,000. ‘
JAMES WILEY. .’ldm'r
\l‘J‘J‘J‘ J‘JfJ‘J‘JJ‘J‘J‘
NW. 19.. 1848. —pd
t or Rent.
T HE sub-lcriber. Guardian lnr the mi
[ nur hrlru of Samuel llmrlt-r. (leL’tl.
nfl'vrs lnr rent lhl: lurm lately occupiml by
mid (luc‘ll in Brulllurll township. Clear
fielul cuunly. containing 150 acres more or
1035. wlh übnul 70 news under culuvn
lion. There Ii on (hr place a good
”:2 w a w" m: um. “i... a
"w;:‘i-{ Spnng of excellent waler con-
Venn-"l lo lhe houw. Also—a 510 ml hear
ing ()rchrnd. in n Ihrilly and flourishan
cmuli'lnn. 'l‘lu- above prupeny Will be
loaded lur 5 or G yearn, nml pruduu‘ or
the farm taken In paymom ul rpnl.
For lurlher puvllcuinro, enquire ofthe
~ub-crilwr. near the hum and l mik- from
Grnhumlnu. _ ANGUS GILL.
Bradford tp., NOV. 13, ’4B.
Home Industry.
2%? F pnd lawns. Hw%
{l. ~ub~crlber respccllul
w"|_ infurmq. hm friends. and Iho
public. generally. lhn! he i‘ nmv"(l‘oingil
on his own I]oo/\‘." in Ihc shup lutvly m:-
cupird bv Mnswp & Ilillburn. nn Market
street, whom he is pwpuvcd to make, as he
13 now making,
In lhe neutesl and must bt'lVlCt’thC man
ner. From his long ”perm-nee in the
buainvss, and by strict attention In hi.
~lmp. he lmpcs In rH‘eH‘C. as he Is sure he
will (11-serve. a lull .shurc ul~ the patronage
of the public. ‘
Ilium, and other cnunlry produce, In
ken in exchange lnr wnrk.
Nov. 28. 1848.
To ..thc Public.
RS. El‘ilm IRVIN respecllully
NE inform» her frivnds. and the public
generally. that she intends In conlinue
lhe Mercunnle business in lhe building
lulely occupied by her deceased husband,
in Cunvcnsvillc—wheve lheni Is now on
hands a large stock of \er-nuorled
Goods, which will be aohl on h'l'lnn as ac
cmnmuduling as lluy can be purchased
elsewhere in the county.
NOV. :39, 1847‘}.
ET has been rvpurred Ihnl I had lelt lhe
borough qulemfield—lhii is certain
l_v incurrvct. lum srlll living in the bur
uugh, and dwell in the huuso lnr-nerly oc
cupird by Sheri" Inn-ch as u 'l'uvern. Im
medialely oppusilu Bigfer & Co‘s store—
uml ml! use every exutiun to make my
cudomors Comhulabhn
. r . . O .
of" ['he aubscnbcr Ml” continues the
Smilhing business at his uh! stand.
Cleurfield Nov. 1.518
New Fall and ‘Wififi'
V HE subscribers are vecciving and 0
E paving n! thoir New Store in Cur
wensvzlle a large nml lu|| :usoercnt of
gomls of lhe churncler uuunllv to be found
in n coun'xy smm. which they ure prepar
ed lo 99“ ounlhe most reasonable term:
for Gas/1. Lumber, or Country Produce.
Our goods have been selectml with care,
and are well calculated for the cuun!r_v
and season. Thu-e who are in want of
Guods will find it to their advantage to
Call at "THE CHEAP Conmm.”
Nov. 14. ’4B. Curwvnaville.
Partnership Dissolved
{E-VHE partnership hevelofore existing
between Richard Mopsop and John
H. Hilburn, oi lhe borough of Clenrfield.
is (his day dissolved by muiuul consent.
The books will be kept a short time by
Richard Mossop for se-tliement, and all
persons knowing themselves indcbled. n're
hereby notified to call and settle their ac
couutq and save cost.
Clearfieid. Oct. 31. 1848.
quarilin 0! superior quality. lor sale
at the qiguof lhe
@HE subscribcr‘knowing that our country has labored under great
disadvantages for want of Medicine and artic‘es of diet for the
sick, ofa quality that could be depended on, has brought up a general
assortment of a
l to any that have heretofore been offered for sale in ths county.
; He also oll'ers the following instruments for sale. A case containing
Amputating & 'l'rephining instruments; a silver Catheter and hair-lip
needles. :3 Vagina Speculum ; a large assortment of’l‘russes; cases of
Cupping instruments; Stomach tubes; an instrument for cutting Uvu
la: Obstetric Forceps ; Pessariesl; Male & Female syringes ; large and
small injection do; Womb do; Key & Forceps for drtwing teeth. U
terine u pporte rs ; Catheters; Elastic Bag for drawiig Breasts; Glass
pipes for do., Nipple Sheaths; do shells; Sucking bottles; Spring lan
cets; Thumb do; Spatulas; Mortars; Pill cutters; Brass scales and
weights; Glass funnels; graduated Measures; Thermometers; Tooth
brushes & powder. He has an assortment ofdisinfecting agents for pu
rifying sick rooms, cellars, &c. He also offers for sale a supply of
including Swaims Panacea; an assortment of Pills, Oils, &c_
He'will supply customers with Spices, Perfumes, Soda and Water
Crackers. Blue and Black Ink, Ink-powder, Sand paper, British Lus
tre, Blacking. Pewter Sand. Wafers, Red and Black Sealing-wax,-
Fine Sop/Is, Dyes, Oils, Paints, Varnish, Glass «3- putty; all of which
he will sell at a very small profit for CASH!
Clearfield, September 12, 1848
fl valuable Scientific W’ork, upon the
subject of Gestation and Child Bit/11. by
R. G.Glclss.\'x~:n. M. D. late of Paris.
just published in N. York by the flutlmr.
THIS \VORK contains recently discovered
information upon :1 Hthccl of (ht: highest
importance m Married Perisons, or those con
templating Marriage.
It will be found of special why to those
whose means. health or other circtimslzinccs.
do not permit them to increase the number or
their lzitnily. without. great inconvenience, Htll~
faring, or perhaps risk of lil‘c. A method at
avoiding these troubles and dangers. at will
(recently discovered by a celebrated French
Physician.) is fully communicated in this work
scthnt any person may avail himself ol it at
once, without cost. The means or prevention
hcrc set forth are then-lore within the reach 0!
all. The process is new, sale. infallible, convc
nicnt, simple, and cannot injure the health 01
the most delicate.
Somc Epcotilnmr line clandestinely (under :1-
nothcr numc) published an imitation, (bearing
the same title.) which. besides omitting Mamas!
inipnrmu! portion: 01 it, dupes lhe crc'luluu§ out
When the price is ‘
For the gcmfind full. and complete Work
Copies of this work will be son! in a close;
envelope, single letter postage to any part of'
lhe United States. lor twenty-five cents scm.
post-paid, to Dr. R 4 (L Geissncr. Box 13456, of
lice [‘37 L‘.! Liberty Slrcet. N. Y.
N. B.—No Bookseller allowed to sell this work
Nov. 13, 18Ald.—-3m—ss.
'l‘hc Pennsylvanian.
The undernignetl. mlrmrn n-td proprietors of tho
Pennsylvanian, propusn lsslllng thnt pnperun or
utmul the New Your. highly Improved m m up
penrunt-o. und strengthened by the employment ul‘l x
now lltl In Its Cutnrnermul. Literary rind Mleculln-i ) ' - 7 ~
. 4
net-us dopnrtmenls. lts pultllcnlchnraeter Wlll (rfll hiladelphla lype Foundry
r‘ouruu rommn In the present hands. and “‘lll bul N 0 3' ”3,“: ST” NEAR THE EXCHANGE.
carefully nml zealouuly nllvnrlrd to Mny we not PHILADELPHIA. ‘
usltulour friends”: the several countiouuf lllld: 'l'lll“ Subscriber having made great im~
Stale the mlvnnlngn ul'rtll the old they can Oxlflllll . 4 - e - '
to Its—lr. View of the duly lhut its now devolved. Pl°_‘°':‘c'f“s ”[1 lllts‘ Tdetlmg crucaftmbhtigfifigg
upon the Drrnot'rnts over the whole Union. and "Pi“.nb 0"."6 85:1“ l' 111 I: 110. (:03 t ex
tho approach of the time when a new Executive—lo “5 m,“ rtcea, tev'nces 0' ‘.v 11ch "e n: .
probably a new pulley—its to be eulmitutetl Inflcened' tn beauty an- regu artty 0 cut, y l‘.",
plnco of me present administration? 'l‘hev "mynn the conntryiflatters himself that by a strict
rest assured that it is our resolute determination[Persu'ml ““6"“0" tolbustness, “nd empl-oxmg
h, make on, pupa, worm}, (If [be highest wnfiwnonc but the most Bkllllll workmen, he ta Ina.
dance and the warmest oncourugemonL bl‘é‘ll ‘0 OW9"
Ufiutlblluetl by our Inle doleat—unnwod lry Iho ‘ A SUPERIOR ARTICLE
arrogant rejutt-tnguof u party that him obtained A'l' GREATL r REDUCED PRICES.
lmw‘” by the “1"“ practices—we “'9 ””1"?" ',° He is continuall adding,r to his stock all that
ble "mm arm.” ”'9" "V" '" '"lemn‘i 0'” “WC," is new from the best‘lworkmen oftltis and other
ILESLi‘I'd '2°’l‘;?’v'"‘-"..'33WRIT; 12”,"..35213315 °°“"““°”' “‘1 ““Ymg 'lmz'tl ”Trad 'ri'BrEU‘
' ',i . . r ~ rope. agreat variety 0 ' ew 'acea ant na
:thZunlut‘ {:1}; Se“ mlrlrlnmstrapnmna ‘IIIL?;‘.I;°IIW:: menu, solicits the attention of Printers thereto.
ll 0 roaperr) sgove n n 0 ll g i . - . .
country, or that the Federal leaders Will be driven orificmmens WI” be sent to those “”3“an w
bn'l ' t ' f I' ll '
Indy(e::ectlb;:lli;|r:h Synge :33], hand mm w”c Presses, Cases, Chases, Ink, Stands, Gullcys,
‘g p. ’ Brass Rules, and every other article needed to
d The [Pmlwylmm‘f’l ll” ”"1”?” 'h" m” “_“fi' furnish a complete Printing Office, supplied at
5"?" 0 ltlwlDulmmluc i ”my "dull” 2:05:9522‘ the shortest notice.
a urn, an ma urge y ncreat-o s u . .
It will rclux no emrrt in the luture to deservothe German Book and Job'Tt/pe.
continued support urn party to whose women it is 0' the newest style and Of all 5’71“- carefully
nrdantly devoted. put up In founts of correct proportion.
Our lllOl‘fll’y and miscellaneous departments shall ALEXANDER ROBB‘
not be neglected {or the political. We desire as AUK- 18: 1848.—8m9810
well to mnlto a good Democratic, us an unexcop
ttunublo family paper.
Our Washington and other correspondents are
’ able and observant Democrats. who wrll nltend to
their dulies faithfully and fearlessly.
Wo confidently hope l 0 ,roceive the active cn~
ceuragomenl eiour friendq'in our proposed improve
ments. and annex the Tennis lor the Daily. Tri~
Weekly. and Weekly Pennaylvani‘an. l
The Daily Pennsylvanian le dollars a year. or
FIVE dollars always paid in advance.
The Tri- Weekly Pennsylvanian is published at
TWO DOLLARS A'ND FIFTY csN’rs. or FIVE copies to
one post office for TEN DOLLARS. in advance. This
is one ofthe host Ihroe-timemn-week papers pub
lishedzin the country.
7]“: Weekly Pennsylvanian is ONE DOLLAR a
6 copies in one package. 85—10 coptes.sB
13 copies. $10—27 copier, $20—50 copies. 035.
Remittances at our riokJree q/pouage.
Our rvxulors are already inlcrmed Ihnl by a vote of
llu-{St-lnnlc. ul Ihc L-low ol'llm llsl semen. the " Union"
was Hulrrlml nu one of lhojmrnnls in thChV'lho pro
('codlnun nml (lphuiox nl lhm body nre lo he publxshod.
A mmlur nrrnngmnrm 0n lhe p'll’l ul the'Huuse ol
Hr'prl'nvnlnln‘vx will, it is hoped, he made when Ihnl
lymly mt‘am. ll Is our purpose [0 make the “’EEKLY
UNION lmrr’uller. m it hm: been lwrclofora, a pohlicnl.
mmmen-ml. nml nmrnllnnenm sheet. and [0 Increase
rnxhor than (lunizmh Ira ellicipnvy xn these several
tlopnrnnvnlu 'l'u ullhrd space for llllfl purpose. and
at the name ltmc Io lurnilh to our subscribers our lull
rungrmsmnnl reports, up women) In lbsllP. durum lhe
wwmn nl'l ~unurmui. u CONG RESQIO V A L SL’I'PLE~
Ml'lN'l‘Tl) 'I‘HE WEEKLY UNION. which shall
('unlmn lhe lull rvportu an published In our daily odi~
Imn. 'l'hcrc WI” he 11! Icon! one numborol the Sun~
plnmonl per vak, uf the same wize and lurm mu lhe
“(‘ungrm-nmnnl Register" The prune ul our \Veokly
Union hm! horelylore been pul very low.
Inrmincd us no me In upnrn no efforts In increase our
nlrmuly c-xlonniw mn-ulnlmn. we prnposr- I 0 anurd
lunur hullfil'rlhord bul/l lhe WEEKLY l'mox [or one
ycnr.nnd Ilw ('oscmzssmml. Sun-LEMENT during
me sessionnl (Inngross, ul the same price n! which
the Wukly Unmn nluno him been mfhorlo pnhllahod.
qlz: 'l'u'o Dollars per unnum. Invurmbly In mhanco.
'I'HH WEEKLY UNION. 11l connexion \ulh lhn
Iho lull reports 0 delmu-sund gIrQl-cr-xlmgsm (Inn-um».
wrll he published muulher ul the low mle "f TWO
(.'LI'BS Will he lurnlshod wilh ono ropy ul ouch
ul the nhove nl lhe lullmtingv rnles: Flvv I'OpIPN for
8 Dollars. 'l‘cu cupios {or 15 dollars Payable In ad
l’oslmnsleru. h_v sending In: five subscnhom wnlh
Ton Dollnru enclosed, wlll be enlilcd In one rum 0!
‘ Iho Werkly Unmn uu'ii Cungrexsmnnl Supplement.
W'l‘hc Woekly Unmu muy be had. us hcrcmfirro.
lnr 'L‘FN lhun a year, by sending u pmporuonul nub-
M‘rlpuull. but In no (-:mo wnll Iho ‘longrelslonnl Sup~
plmnenl he svnt|wilh it unless lhe full your in paid for.
We «übrml l 0 uur Ilonlucrnlic friends lhal [his nr~
rangemcnl "Hum to mom an opportunity 0! uidmg In
the mpporl ofour cherished prznuiples by ausmmmg
u newspaper puhlu'nlmn. UNDUUDTIDIN Tu: CHEAP-
I-zs'run prnpurlhlll In tho quunlily and value 0| lhn
Innxlvr nflimicd [hr-ml “'llll‘h hm; ever in ”us country
lm-n down-d lu Um mummnumre of lhe delnocrauc
In Inkinz upon his own shoulders. lor lhe present.
lhn null- "Umun ' rsluhlmhmenl. lhe eduur I! aware
0! lhe n-swnmh'lny which he In nssumlngmud when
upon the llbcruhly ut she du-mm'rnuc purly lo mulmn
hun m hm new ellurls lor unefulness.
()ur vxrhungo papers, und nlhers. who puhlxah lhm
nulwe, m” "o lurnmhvu' wnh n cupy 0! the Weekly
L'nmn und (longrcbmonul Supplement
Washington. Nov. 4, 1848.
liRA‘RZER & BARRETT havejust
received a general assortment of
at their old alnnd. whlch they will sell low
for Cash or Produce consisting of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens:
ware, Hats, Caps, Boots and
Shoes, etc. , etc.
They invite uttention patticutnrly ‘0
their stock of Dry Boobs. and Latina and
Children’s Shoes. .
EE'PFor the ready cash they Wt" 39”
goods cheap. Nov. 22, 43-
ONE dozen pieces White 81 Red Flnn
' nelo fqugle by BIGLER 66 Co.
’l‘o Ihc Democratic Party.
Fa [l and W inter Goods,