=2 M’Allister’s ointment. ~\ r 3” Insensible PWsz'ration. [llé OINTMEN‘I‘ HAS POWER to cause all T EXTERNAL SORES SCROFULOUS HUM. ORB, SKIN DISEASES. POISONOUS WOUNDS, to discharge their putrid molten! and then heals them. It is rightly termed All-healing. ior there is scarcely n disease. externnl or internal, that it win not. benefit. i have used it ior tho lest fourteen years for alldiseoeesoi the chest. consumption. liver, invnl vmg the utmost tln‘nger and responsibility. and l de~ clare before henven and man. that not in one single case has it iaiied to benefit. when the patient was within the reach oi mortul means I have had physicians. learned in tho profession. I have had Ministers oi theGospel.Jtidges ol‘ the Bench Aldermen, and Lawyers. gentlemen of the highest erudiiion, and MULTITUDEB ofthe roon use it in eve. ry variety of way. and there has been but one voice, onsnnited.universol \‘otce. saying. "McAlistor,your Ointment is soon." CONSUMPTION. It. can horely be credited that a salve can have any cflcct upon the lungs. seated as th‘ey are within the system. But if plhced upon the chest.iipenotrntes directly totlio lungs separatesthe poisonous particles that are consuming them and ex pels them irom the system. It is curing persons or consumption continually. HEADACHE. Tho Salve hos cured persons oi the Headache of 12 year's standing. and who had it regu lnrly every week. so that vomiting olten took place. Deafness and Eur-Ache are helped with like sum ress. RHEUMATISM. it removes almost immediately I the inflammation and swelling when the pain a! course ceases. ‘ COLD FEET. Consumption. Liver Crmplnint, pains in the chest or side. falling offal—the hair, one or theothcr. always accompanies cold feet. It he sure sign oi'disease in the system to have cold feet. This Ointment is the true remedy for scnosum nvsrrxuts. sun MIEUM. Ltvsn COMPLAINT. sons Ins. QUINSY. soar. 'riiiton. nnothuTis. menus on son: BREAST. PILEI, all CHEST Diseases. such as seru us. OIPRESSION. rams. also. sort: Ltre. ctmrnn HANDS. rations. CUTANEOUs BRUPTIONB. uxnvoug DIIKASES. and oi the EI'KNE. 'l‘here II no medicine now known so‘ good. SCALD HEAD. We have cured cases that DCllh ally defied every thing known. as well ml the ability oi filter-n or twenty doctors. One man told us he had spent‘Bsoo on his children without any benefit. when It lew boxes of the Ointment. cured them. ‘ BALDNESS. It will restore the heir quicker than anyother thing. URNS. It. is the best thing in the world tor Burns. {Read the directions around the hex.) WORMS. It Will drive every vesttgs at them a wrgb (Rood the directions around the box.) RNB.’ Occasional use oi the ointment will al ways keep corns lrom growing. People need not bet trouh‘ed with them ii they will use it. FILES. Thousands are yearly cured by this Oint. ment. 9 “A ‘ TE'I’I‘LR. There is nothing better ior the cure ol Toner. . JAMES McA LISTER, & Co.. Sole proprielur ol the above medicine. CAUTION. "Nu Olnlment mll no genuine un~ lell the name: ol Jamel 'McAllirter or Jame: Mo. Allr'uarié Cow are warn-nu wilh e PEN upon xvznr bun." PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. Read the Followmg Commumcalr'an. Received from an old, reapecled. and well known cilizenoll’hrlndel bin. and lhen judge lor Imm”. " lfhiludelphia. lOlh mo. 1811 i, 1846. To T. E Peterson No. 98 Chestnut rural-r: llavmg been regle‘lled Io give my opinion on lhe menu at Mc'AL'l Eli's SALVE lam willing to enumemle some oflhe benefits which I have experienced in the me ofthe arlrcle. In "as: spring of 1845 I had on attack of Erylipelnn in my‘ ce which become very pornlulmnd erlended intoono ol my eyes, being extended wilh fever, my distress was great and 1 serum to be fourlul oflos my my eye. Ammugh not much a believer in who! is termed quack medic-mes. I purchased a box and mode nppli~ canon lo my fuce To my surprise lhe purn soon 0‘ ’bnled end in u week's time l was cnllrely cured.und I firmly believe it was the aulve under Providence-l Ihnlcured me. Eromjhar lime to the present I have used lhe nrli« elé'nn ncmsior. required. and in every case where l hive mediLl hove lound a decided benefit. A! one umein gomg to bed a! nighl, my lhmal was so sore thntl vallowed with difficult .bul by an op plicnlion of lhe ealve l was relieved galore morning. I have used rt In cases ol burns, bruises. llpmlns and flesh cum all With lho_bnppieal efleclsmnd one case 0! oomonmg by n wild Vine in the woods has been dried “Fndacured by :1 low flppllcmiuna. . > my owuexpenenca 1 would ntmn l recom mflfl‘mgllms n_cheup conxenmnimc‘iliemo. ll filmed Pannrepgmlpp other than 10 ml, 1: on theol , becomu. - -. . {eéollfi’mav m ni-Pagg'y ‘0 "."m' lumen m keep Thou hnor‘um iii. n. ' .‘ no! refuge lo have this coilipligeiirl'" pnm'VOl l (ful?- g’udged bcul lo serve the uni» M‘Lm“ """"’ while If " Respecllully thine. “mu""Y‘ u . \YM. ADAMS. No. 5. Old York Road. J; (finPnce 25 cents per boa. “,.;; A .‘.C‘ .6 G E A'T S: r, ~ “E: 4r W. F. Irwm..Clearjr., Meters. flrnoltls. Lullrerabu': L --- John Patton. ‘7'" Curwinsville. ~::,‘-,,.Lgyi Lulz. Irene/wills. “chmzfiem, Dec. 25, 1847.——1 y. MFNEW GOODS. " " ‘JonN PATTON, Jun, _ ' V tA’S jua'l (waived ul hi: Mute In lhe - .'bullphng ktiown as ltvin'n stone h‘uube. m [be nver. near Cunvensville. a lame numrmwm o! ;an-LL. A N D WIN 1' E R j’lf‘? ;' 'GOGIBS, ‘ 'prng phich will be lound one ol the ve 13$?" helecled anortgnems of ‘ igy.l-Ggods,“, ‘Hardwape, _ Qufieens ..; mwaxtm, Graceries, Drugs andDye mgtitufi's, Tin-ware, Books &t Sta §;~’-:b‘n§g§y, Hats, Caps and Bonnets, 1.112139%???“ Shoes, _Tobacco and ,-e,a‘,,s¢gqra, Umbrellas, Carpet and " C9EBBEA£Hd Cotfon Yarn, Con ‘lgig§lonaries, Palms, Oils, Teas, ..;;Qbi-s &c‘: ‘ ._vu ilcy‘fie‘vis now. & in determinedho can”; il.}fiyh‘aéllmg .AS CHEAP as they can 66 t by gfwt'els‘esi-h’ere inllhe couutyfi .J ."ll’fi'flA'll he aaks‘is a call. , ' fl‘; Cur’wensfille. ON. 3. ’4B- _ GREAT INDUCEMEN'I‘O TO A READING ‘ PUBLIC! ' ' wt“: ‘ smums » ’ " UNION MAGAZINE OF LITERA ,. TUBE AND ART. 'l‘ha-undcrsigned. having purchnsad the nub scriplinn lisl and good wnll oflho UNTON MAG. AZINE of Now York. purpolo removmg the OR [ice on l’ublicaliun lo Philadelphia. and cammam mg with ma nun bet lor January,lB49,vundefl Iho lillo of - I SARTAIN‘S UNION MAGAZINE 0F LIT ERA7 URE AND flRT. This Mugnziuo was begun in July. 1847. and during Iho brief period of its exislonce. but mon to rapidly in public favor, us to already have bo come is firmly calnblished RIVAL OF THE OLDER MONTHLY PERIOD , ICALS. Nolwithamhdmg in luccena under the mnnngo- mom of“: present nble Edilor. in future publish era loel cunfidonl 0! making ll lnr more desirable alill,l\y Iho Intended improvomonla which their aupenur facilities will enable lhem Io command.— Bolidun the varied and occasional embellighmonls, Iho work will conlain, every monlh. TWO HIGHLY-FINISHED MEZZOTIN'I‘O STEEL PLATES. from pictures of the highest merii. engraved by J. Sariain. under whose exclusive control the sclec tion and management of the Pictoral Department will be. Hie partner in this enterprise has been many years connected with the oldest Weekly and Monthly publishing establislimenie in the country; so that. with their united experience and oatmeal eflbrt, added to a LIBERAL AND JUDICIOUS EXPENDITURE. They feel assured of being able to cater euccese lully and to the satisfaction of a discriminating pub lic. and of producmg a magazine of real intrinsic value, surpassing any periodical of the class new ‘ issued from the American press ‘ 'l‘heir aim will be to lurnish a Monthly mtscel~ lany. that Is not only lively and ' entertaining. but useful and instructive; in which DOMESTIC HOME TALES AND SKETCHES. Calculated to elevate the moral and intellectual laculliee, shall be substituted {or the namby-pamw by articles which occupy so large a space in the popular periodicals ol the day. In shori,-—the pages ol'Sarlain's Magazine will be such as nopa~ rent will hesitate to put in the hands «ya rising/hm fly ,- while ir. the quality and character at the em. bellishments, li. Will be made to distance all cnm- ‘ petition. It will be emphatically a menu nae» zmsz. and of the most attractive form. ' l The contents 0! each number will be original, and consist of articles in prose and verse. by AUTHORS OF ES'IABLISIIED REPUTA~ 'l'ho Crilicnl Dopurlmem will be conducted with the greatest care and impnrliulny ; and while por~ qonalny and needles: Inliro wlll be seduloully n voudedmpmlom of merit or demorit Will be can didly and [enrleuly expreued. There Will be al so a monlhly record 0! all lhn! in mlercalmg lo lo verl of Iho Fine Ana relpecung Iho progren ul An and Ankle throughout Iho counlry. ; The uunou pnml'will bo bestowed on lhe en gravings, not only In furnilh platen execulod wilh cure and Ikill, but In Iho aelecllon of lubjccu, lu adop: such n: from lhclr dignily and nmporlance command unenlion, or how their beam) and arm uc excellence. unmet and Charm. They will con llll oflmnlcnplu. eilher of HIS'I‘ORICAL. SCRIP’I‘URAL PICTURES. of unqueeiiunnblu meril. or of original paintings by Cluniinxo Annie/m annm. and occu-ion ally of compo-ilione by Iho bell uruals. rundo ex prenly {or the work. Porlrnile of remarkable or eminent per-om will aim add [0 Ike interest and variety ol Ilia loner. together wuli free and spirit ed illuliralive elchinge. ln llie COSTUME DE~ PAR'I‘MEN'I‘, (which now appear! in haVo be came an indiepenmble adjunct lo a Munllily Mug nzine.) we Ihnl! prelenl COLORED PLATES at THE SPRING. SUM~ MER. FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. in a ulyle no way inferior to anything 01 iho kind now publiahed. In conclusion, we beg leave [0 Halo. ihni every promiee made will be laiililully and literally lulfill~ ed, (which more nccuaibmed to compare iiie per formances With the premium ul Mngnzino publi-h -eil will hardly oxpocl.)—lhui the 6m number‘ufa Volume will be lound lo be always a iair apeci~ men of every oilier mm 1! In lolluw, excupi in He wine-ring n benulilully oiigrnyed Title Page. THE LOWEST TERMS FOR 1849. WTho money always 10 accompany we order and postage paid.“ Single Copies, 83 00 Elghl Cupicl. 915 00 Two " 5 00' Elcvun " 20 00 [’ivo " 10 00 .. And ucopy gram lo_ tho postmaster or olhcr pcnon forming a club at eleven. A: Iho Pnbliuhua are. demoul ol ueeorlnining. at an eur’ly day, what-will be '.,h° prubnb.e lm lot the Jammy number. which «ill be qued curly m December. they otter u To Ihuse landing in lhclr name: and money on or before Iho 1.: of December nexl, ollhe: ol'lha tol~ lowing large Engraviugs. Iho pnco of each 0! whnchalune lo 83 00,—vnz: A LARGE WHOLE LENGTH PORTRAIT OF GEN. Z. TAYLOR. Represented rolling on his WM Hone, 01d Whi loy. Engraved on Neel. in Mezzulinlu, by J.‘Sar~ (in, [rum Dagucneolypeu luken uom mo exprenly lur this plalo. Size 0! Iho work, exclusive 0! Iho margin. 2] by 16 Inches. GROUP OF PORTRAITS OF THE WASH ING’I'ON FAMILY. Including General Wa-hinglun. Ludy Washington. Eleanor Parke Cualil. George Wuulnuglun Parke Guam. and Wanhlnglon'u anumo Se‘rvuut ,- engra ving m Mauollnlo, on Neel, by J. Sumo. lrom lhe ongmhl by ngnge- Slzo, oxcluuvo ol matgm, 24 - 16 mche'lf; . . fl‘helov Premiuml are not lrum old worn-um Irrhyino ptnleu, buxure qunelrosh and new.— prlnlél" has not yel had the fir-I Imprenion plelod ‘er il. and the {armor hul not been cum~ Ornaments", weeks. Bolh nra splendid l’urlur of more lhnH-JWVO boon engraved at an upon-e m mum W‘./1,1190 wither 0t lheao are oflerod Cluba. ifin accowug 0 subscribers, us well an new prior lo Ihp lalwuh Iho abqvu Lanna, and mm perle'clly safe Ihré‘Qacember. They vull be era. a; a mflmg oxpcnao.‘\{ha mail, on card roll- Addreas JOHI\ ‘ Third Sueolpppoailo Merchniß'l‘lN 8‘ CO-. ‘ -—-———-——*~‘-————‘-{chnnge. Philn. ‘ Pieces Black and Fancy-‘—-~— 6 (he More 0! .. BlGLElflflfiig a! SPERM CANDLES}; Ar— quuuuly ol superior qualnly. lor ”u? at [he sign at me Oct. 31. i \WELVE piece: extra fine .“ mm Smmngs at _lhe ulure ol ' Ucl. 25. BIGLER & Un. I ‘NE dozen gentleman’s fine Merino, '= ‘ Shirl: lor Dale by BIGLER &‘Co. 6 PlECEgEugnsb and French Bmd.‘ ~ ‘clolh at (he ulmeol ( ‘ ~ ms. 25, BIGLER &‘ co. ES= ’I'ION. PREMIUMS, GOLD MORTAR. > . “EnrMTQ-hkv‘u w—sm'lfl ‘ A &EW BEERUIT; 'o't OILS. PAINTSpnnd-PMNT BRUSHES. DYES'I'UFFS, DRUGS; MEDICINES, CON FECTIONARY. FRUITS}.a PATENT MEDI CINES of various description, and FAMILY MEDICINES of almost every kindr lA’lnrge aasunmentvof. ESSENCES of supci‘loi quality. a choice sélccUon'Of-PERFUMERY, &‘ngo’od variety of BEVERAGES. dmong which are LEZUONflDE. .MINERflL FVflTER, and a most crack article of ~ ' SAfiSS&W&W&&& mmAma togeiher wiilia large nsaonment of FANCY & other articles by {M lomumeroua to mention, has just arrived at the sign of THE BIG GOLD ~ 111/20 R T A R AND for sale 0 little lower than you can Imagine. ALSO, first rate LEMONS, for twenly~five cents per dozen. ‘ Peuons wishing any of Ihc above articles may be assured afgcuing a first rate article, as the stock is entirely NEW. Clcnrfield, May 3.'1848 Estate of Samuel Orr, dec’d. LETTERS oi Administration having been granted to the subscribers on the estate of Samuel Orr, late of Jordan township. Cleurfield county, dec’d, all persons having claims or demands against said estate will present them duly authen ticated for settlement—and all persons in debted to the same are requested to make payment wuhootdelav. SIMON THOMPSON. Ad , ANN ORR. E m ” Sept. 2, 1848.—pd. ROBERT R. WELSH, RESPECTFULLY iulurms the citi zqu cl Clentfield county that he ts located ih Curwemvtlle, where he will carry on the bustnens'ot CLOCK &S- WATCH making and repair tug. .. ENGRfl VING, . TUNING 0! various musica'l instru ments. such as 3.46 PIPES, flCCORDEONS, MU SICflL CLOCKS, ORGJYNS JUVD DULCIMERS. Alan. repamng ol flIflTHEfl’IflTICflL INSTRUMENY S. making GOLD ' JINI) SILVER W’flRE. &c. Kr’He will also teach and give leonono on the Accordeon. WAN his work {hall be done in the very best slyle, and upnn lhe loWest terms. Curwenuville. Jan. 25, ’48.—l yr DR. E. GREEN’S REID & BROWN PILLS. HE demand lor the above medicine T in the last 2 or 8 years, is deemed a sufficient apology [or placing it now ful ly belore the people ; and the diseases lor which it is applicable have become so pre valent in this country mat a remedy cnli~ tied to confidence. is a great desideratum. The diseases I alludello Ire Hepatitis, (Liver aflection,) Dyspepsia. .nnd lemale complaints in general. ' [l3°The above pills will be kept cun stantly 'or sale by Richard Shaw, Clearfield. ‘ Bigler (3? Co.. Bell lownship. Graham 15' FVrig/It, Bradford James McG'irk. Philipsburg. ' J. W. Miller. Clearfield B'dgé. / Irvin «S- .Mcßrfde, Burnside. Seligsbcrger & Bloom, Cur. wensville.‘ do do Luthershurg. David Kinporl. Cherry Tree. Oct. 20. 1848. amcmmu‘mumca BECOME NEW. ‘ Dr. Wm. P. Hills, utter experimenting for ; ten years. and trying everything likely to be ‘ goodlor the cure of Coughs, Colds, Consump tion. Asthma, Group, Bronchitis, Influenza, Difficulty of Breathing, Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Breast or Side, originating from cough or cold ; and fos n gentle emetic in any disease, has found by experience in prescribing for the i above diseases, that. the Fluid Extract oquuills is much the surest to perforn} a cure of any of the medicines now belore tli‘e public—and has the advantage ofbeing at least one-hall cheaper. Don’t be nlmid to try it. It comes Irom an on perie‘nced physician, and is no new thing. It is only the bent old thing in the world got up in a new form. Also—lf you have yourself, or know or any one that has 'l‘etter, Scaldchnd.‘ Ringworm, Erysipelns, Itch. or Indolent acre of any kind on the skin, arms, legs or feet, or any kind orbrea king out on the skin, just 730 and buy-'n bottle or two of Dr. Hill's Teller-Ointment, and use it according to directions attd"it will-'posttively» perform a cure. it persaveredin. ,Eryaipelns is .alwaya cured( in tony-eight hours by, putting on plenty, and keeping open‘ii the bowels with some cooling medicine, auchos salts and cream of tartar. ~ The above valuable medicines are for sale at" Dr. A. M. Hill’s Drug Store, Clearfield; at the, stores of James Forrest. Clenffield Bridge; Cmns & Brother, -Curwcnsville,- Graham 6: Wright. Grahamton ,- Bowman & Johnsgon. Phil-H ipaburg. Centre county. and at the principle, stores throughout the county. ' ‘ Clem-field, Oct. 12,‘ 1848, WM. F. Booms, Vtorhey at Law,"Tltiladelfi Ina, \QL‘atte‘na to the settlement of claims by Lnnda‘q heirs-at JOHN NICHOLSON againat ing well“s;|“f‘_ie\i gr ndjoining counties. Be. persons deifl‘u‘e taith the NicholsOn Title, claim to thelt" 9” ‘Riuishing the Nichqlson attended to by I???“ 659““ their business \Wm. 1". Bpone, Paddghiqu) addressed to ‘ Augugst 16, 1848, - ' - DOZ. Flue Cnshme. and'k—é Shawls lor sale by BIKER &‘nlen WA Z; ."3 . - any-2a. flu?“ . FOR SALE 12 FOR SALEM HE subscriber is just receiving a large and hnridsome Tot 'uf goods to suit the {all Y . and Winter demands—and having purchased lhem at low rmca,’hc is determin éd 10~ sail-accordingly. The stock conaiua in part at the lullowiug ' y - i Cldihh », ' ‘ Cancun. Bishop Lawn. ‘ .qummerel. , ' Linen Gingham. Uambric Muslin. ' . Shmnem. Bleached Muslins, Jaconen do‘ Linseys, _ Canton Flnnnela. Barred do . . Alpacas. 55.. " Cloaking; and cl’k Lining. ‘ Cambric Handkerchiefs. .' Red and White Flannell. SM'm,Sl'|k 81. other Vcslings. Shirl-collars and'Buaoms. Scotch a‘nd dom. Gmghums, Silk Serge. ‘ . Black and other shawls; ' Hardware, [A general assortmenlf] S Queensware, 2 A. M, HILLS Stationary. Mens’ extra fine Call. do first quality do do do do Coarse. wcommma" EBCDQD‘LK‘Q 4mm ”31(0on Womena’ Morocco Boots, Womena’ Gaiter Shoes. \Vomens’ Pumps. do do Kip. 'do ido do do Rubber Shoal. do Peg Shoes, do Kid do Mens’ ' do do [CPThe above goods will be sold very low For cash dawn. WHEAT. RYE,’ OATS. and olher grain. as well as BUTTER, EGGS, RAGS, &c.. &c., laken in exchange [or goods. Clearfield. August 30. 1848. Bellefontc Foundry. “fELCH 65 LEYDEN, would an» nounce to their lriends and the public, that they will cnutinue the bust‘ neas ol IRON FOUNDERS, at the old stand, where they Inland to keep always on hand a large and varied aswrtmentol ®AQQREICBBQ “'e have lately erected and are now fitting up an extensive MACHINE SHOP, with thee Lathes. lor turning and fitting up all kinds ol Machinery. such as Grist and Saw-mill Castings. Machinery lor Forges, Furnaces & Rolling Mills. inclu ding Hot Blast Pipes lor Ihmaces and Bloomeries ; and will be prepared to lur niah on the shortest notice and in a antis factory manner all kinda of Machinery.— Now on hand a large assortment of PflT TERNS. ol lhe latest and most Improved styles. including thetlillerent him», 0! the [)urkee & Brice Reaction U'aler W'lteels. flPutterna not on hand, made on short notice. . STOVES. We have now and Intend keeping al way: a stock ol the unrivalled VE'I'O and FULTON Hot Air Cooking Stoves, dit lereut Sizes ; also flir Tight, Fancy Pur lor 6- Nine l’lale Wood Stoves. ot differ ent sizes together with tour Sizes ofa su p'erior Balloon Coal Stove. as well its Cyl ender and FANCY Cool Stoves. We will add during the coming season, sever al New patterns ol Cooking, Air Tight. and Parlor Stoves. PLOUGHS. Always on hand a good assortment ol PLOUGHS. to which we are adding sev eral new patterns this spring. Hollow .ware of all kinds, Sleigh «Sr Sled Soles. ‘ Wagon Boxes. Smoothing Irons, &c. &c. RCPAH the above articles. and eve:y thing in our line wall be sold on the most reasonable terms for Cad/l, or Country Produce. lronmastera’ Orders, Old Metal, &c. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. ’ GEORGE WELCH. DANIEL LEYDEN. Bcllelunte, Feb. 18, 1848. Court l’roclamalion. WHEREASIho Hon. Geo. W. \Vood wurd, Pres~ dent Judge of tho Cou r'. of Common Plans 0! [ho Atthjudiciul district. compound 0! (ho counlieu ol CIIIIIUH. “Mimin. Centre and Clcnrfield. and the Hon James 'l‘. Leonard and Abmhnm K Wrighlv ’Esq'rsAssoocmle Judges in Clcurfiold county, have issued thoir precept. bonrlng date the 7th dnv o! Seps temborr 1848; to me diroclchor ho.dingu Court 0" Cbmman Pleas, Orphans Court, Court of Quarter Seasiona, and Court of Oyer 4r (lhn miner ‘and General Jail Delivery. at Clonrfiold Town.fonho County 0! Clonrfiolu, on the lat Monday _Ol December next. (being the 4th day oflho month.) thce is. therefore, hereby given, to tho CoronemJusticee ofthe Ponce, &. Constables In and for the County ol'Clearfleld. to nppcnrin their own proper personslwllh Rolls, Recordanquisihons Examinations and other Remembrances, to do those things which then offices & In their beholl uppermin to be done'nnd all wnnoases and olhorpomona pro secllxnglnlhchullol lheCommonwonlth ago: at any prisoners urorequired to be than and there minding and noldepurt without leuvemtthelr pcnl. Jurors are tequeslod to be punctual in lhclrultendnnco ol the uppoimedlimo agreeable lonolice. ‘ Gwen Underm hand 11! lhotownolClenrfiolthis . 20th day ol 6610 b“, In the yenrol‘our Lord one thousand oigthundred ‘und lorly eight. and the .eeventymecond year of American In tgwndenco ' ‘ JOHN STITE . Sh’llZ tr. qlozen Gum and Buffalo Over Shoes u'l life more of BIGLER & CO. ‘ W 0 Bales Ban Shir’tm‘gs fi't'lhd itore OI ' BI'GLER & CO. Also, many other articles 0! STflPLE and FflNCY GOODS. Combs. BOOTS 8b SHOES, 3 very large supply, such as @éAßil‘llli‘lCßQo DRY GOGD§. Buckets and Tubs. Broomn. HATS. Beaver and Russia. CAPS. Fashionable cloth for Men and Boys. Youths’ Coarse Boots. Boys’ do do do Monruen. AF F ICTED, READ ! [H LADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE—Estab- P llahed 15 years ngo, b DR. KINKELIN' 'l‘ho otdcal. sums: and boat hnndvlu cure all lorm: 01 metal diseases. diseases nl lhe skln and solilnry habits of yuulll,is DH. KINKI'JLIN, N. W. corner 01-rumb um! UNION Sim. between Spruce and Pine. one and a lmlfsquarcafrom the Ezrhngc, Phlludciphio. mm: PflIITICULflR NOTICE. Youth who have injured themselves by a certain prucuco indulged m—n hulnl l'rcquenlly learned from evil mmpumons, or u! school-4hr: ctfucls 01 which are nightly loll; even when asleep, and dentin bolh mind nml budymhould apply immediately. (Venk new and cunalnununul delnlily immediately cured, and full Vigor restored. All loner: roar mm, YOUNG MEN .’ “you value your Me or your health. rcmcmbcr the delay 0! u monlh, nuy, even 0 weeknnny prove your rum. bolh 01 body and mind. llencolel no false modesty dolor you Irom makmg your case known It) one who, lrom cdscnunn uml respeclubrhly, Lun a. lone bol'rlond you. ”0 who plot-cu hlmsell under DR. KINKELIN'S lrenlmr-nl, may rellgiously ('on~ l'ulo In his honor as a gentleman. and In whom bosom will be lor cvvr locked the secret ul lhe puller”. Too many think lhey will hug lhe arcrel lulhcir own henna. and euro themselves. Alnu.’ how ullen rallus a fatal delusmnmnd how mnny u promising young man. who mlghl huvo been an ornament loso~ curly. has luded from tho earlh. COUNT/3 Y INVflL/DS, finding il inconvenient to make personal applicnliun. can. by slnnng their case explicitly, Ingellior wuh nll iheir uyinpwns, (per lolier. post-paid.) lmve‘f‘drwnrded lo lhem a chest cunlnnnng Dr. K 35 medicines appro— priuu-d nccorilnigly. Packages qf Illulminn lorwu rded to any part of lhe United Slum; 01 n moment's nulwc. Pas-r mm LETTERS. addressed to Du. KINKEIJN. Pllilndelphin. “‘lll bu prmnpily intended 10. See advertisement In lhe Phlladclphlu S inl oflho Tunes. _jun.2B.lt£lB. 1y IRON FOUNDRY, Ji! Curwcnsvil/c. Clcurflcld county. [’a. V ‘HUM PSONS. DALE 81 Co.. having E purchased the lrun Foundry. at Curwenswlte, respectfully intorm their triemlu and the public generally, that they are mrw prepared to make all kinds of caatmgs at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Their Ploughs. Stoves. llultowure. Mill-Irom, &c.; &c., cannot be surpassed ctther {on beauty on servtce. They would call the pnrlicula’r attention of larmers lo the film Hall Plough Pal lern, Wthh the} have proculcd, and which Is believed to be supcliur to any olhel now in use. They will supply all orders lur castings a! the shorleal nolice. and as cheap, if not cheaper, Ihau they can be procutcd else where. [CT‘AII kinds of Country produce—— cvcn cash—ml! be-lakcn In exchange {or work. Aug. 4. ’43. Marble Manufactory, flt Lewistown, Pa. THE sulncriber respectlully informs - the inhabitants ol Clearfield county that he still continues to supply all orders , lor TOM BS, HEAD and FOOT S'rom-zs, j’ MARBLE MAN'I‘ELS. and all oth'er } worlg in his line at moderate prices and g out of the best material. V = aCPlnlorrbnlion will be given as to pri- ~ cee, &c., on application to J, L. Cattle. " Esq., at Clearfie‘ldsa who will recpive or- \ dew and give ullvinlormalion required. CHARLES S'I‘RATFORD» Lewislown. May 20. 1848., ‘ f 20 PIECES uslorted Sentinel“ It the More of Bigler 81 Co. SUGAR c'an be purchased ‘at very: ' low prices by calling at the store of ’ h ' JOHN PA'I‘TON. ~~ _Curwonsville. Junew_l6_,r_lB_4B._ >.. f l DOZEN pair 0! BLANKETS an the slugger-3%, , 'BIGLER 8; co. ‘ ONE dozen pieces While & Red Flln Dell for sale by BIGLER & Co. 1 Dru .9. Patent Mgdz'cines. Nova Scotia Grind- Stones. Bras: Clocks. Cbildrens’ Bucks. pegged. do do sewed. do Red Morocco, do Black do F. P. HURXTHAL.