Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, November 30, 1848, Image 3

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    “ “53!?3‘1‘.‘ .'"Y-‘E‘E‘Zf'm’flwm ,
..’ H
Home Industry.
. GRA'I‘EFUL [or ,
ant lnvors ”19%;
&subwrf’bor ”mogul“, w" t‘ £1632“
I." “WWW hH. friends. and the
public uenerullfi'. Hm hcis no“. "Going it
an [li-8'0")" ”001?." in 'he ghop lalply oc
cupied by Mnmmp & Hillburn. on Market
slree'. When; he is pll’pflrcll to make. no he
Is now making, V .
IBC‘DC‘DM‘Q 39 E3l3l®lQs3
In (he neutral and must servicvnhle mnn
uer‘. From hil‘ long experience in the
buginem, and by strict unvminn tn his
ahop. ho hupes m receive. an he in sure he
will deserve. n'lull share of lhe patronage
of {he public.
Hides. and other counhy produce, In“
ken in exchange lnr wurk.
Nov. 28,1848.
To the Demou'atic Pal-Iy.
Our renders are already informed that hy n Vale of
IthSenulo. at tho ("[O5O nl’lhe lmn susmnn. (ho “Unmn”
mu selccled nvono ofllrc journals in “Inch lhe pro.
wadinga and debates ol'lhnl lmdy me In hoyublrshud.
A similar urrnngalnvm on lhe purl of the House ol
Roproxcnlnlivoa will, it is llopr-(l. lw mudn when Ihnl
body meals. I: is our purpose to mnke rho \\ ”va
UNION hereafter. us it lmn boon hnrelnfuro, n pulmonl.
rummercinl. nnd miaccllnnonus alll‘t'l. nml m nmrvnse
rnlhor lhnn diminish Ira efficiency 11l lhcso rxcvornl
departments '1‘!) ull'nrd Rpar‘c for llnn purpose. urnl
ullho unmo limo m lurnialr luour Mllvst‘l’llDé'l'rl our lull
mngrosaronnl rcpurls. we propose la lune. durum Iho
Fusion oannuross. n Cf) NG RICSSIO \' A l. SU l’l’l.E~
MI'ZN'I‘TO ’l‘lll') WEEKLY UNION. \\ hlch alrnll
runmin the full reports an published in our dmly orli~
lion. There Will be m lens! ono mnnlwrul lho Sun~
plemem per week. of rho same siza uml lunn nn lht'
uCongn‘raz-Jionnl llcgislcr" ’l‘hn pricunl our Wnekly ‘
Union has horotyloro hnon put vcry Inu‘. But.«le- ;
Icrmined as “a mo lo npnro nu (‘flllrlh’ lu lncremno nur
nlreudy extensive Circulation, “0 propose to nfl‘urtl l
loonruubsn‘rihrm boll: lhn \VEEKLY UNION lor one
younund lhe IfnsansssrosAL Surrnzuzm‘ during
Inc session nl Congress. at Iho sumo pncn at which
lhe \‘v'ckly Urnon ulonu has been hllhcrlu published,
qiz: 'l‘wn Dullnm wr nnnum.lnvnr|=ll)ly In mlvmn‘n. ‘
'l‘Hl'l WEEKLE' UNION. in mnnvxion mllr Ihc
[he lull roporlsmlohnwu nml prur'ocrlmgx in (Tungrmm
will he published [number 111 the luw rule at 'l‘\\‘()
CLUBS Will be lurmshed wilh one copy of our-h
ollhe nhovo II! [he lollouing run-n: Fun: copies (or
8 Dollars. Ten copies for 15 dollars l’.:yuhlu In ml
vancc. .
Poulmnsiers, by sending us fivo r-nlmcn’wm. wnh
Ton Dollnr: enclosed. Will he enlilml In (mu mpwul
the Weekly Union nml Cnngrossmnnl Supplement.
WThe Weekly Union may be had. us heremfuro.
[or less lhan a year. by sending a pmpmliunnl unb
st-riplion.bul in no one will the ’lnngrossiunnl Snp~
plemom be senilwilh it unless the full yrnr is paid iur.
Wu submil lo uur democratic friends llmi ihm nr~
mngomenl "flur- lu lhem an opportunity 0! nlding m
the suppnrl ofour cherished prmciplea by sustaining
a newspaper publication. unnoum‘xnm Tu: cum r
-531‘ \in pmporliun m llin qunnlily nml mluouf lhn
mutter afforded lhem) which linu ever in lhns couniry
been devoted to lhn munnlununce ofthe democrnnc
In inking upon his own shoulders. lnr lhe preaonl,
lhn “ole "Umon" esmblnhmem. lhe edilor Is aware
of the reupunsxb‘lily which be In Assuming. and relics
upon lhe libomlily n! she domm‘muc parly l 0 auslmn
lum In hit: new efluru lor usefulness.
Our exchange papers. and others. “ho publish this
notice, will "0 Inrnishcd wnh :1 copy 0! Iho Weekly
L'muu and (Tongrcssiunnl Supplomonl
Washinglon. Nov. 4. 1818
The Pennsylvanian.
7Tb» undersigned, eduoru And proprielur- of Ihc-
Penmylmninn, prupm-a issuing Ihnl paper on or
nhuul Iho New Yrur. highly improved in‘m np
penmnce. and urenglhcm-d by lhe employment at
new aid m in Cummercml. binary and Mm‘olln
neuun (lepnrlmanll. 11l poluiml clmmcler Will of
ruuuo remnin in lhe pro-em lmndu. and Will be
rarelully nml zenlml-Iy anenrlrd In May “a no!
"k ol'nur lrlemlsin lhe ’uverul culmlielnf lln-
S'nlo the ndvnnmgc of all lhe uid lhey can u'enll
lU ua—ln View of the duly Hm! I: no“ ulevulvod
upon lhe Demunma our lhe ulwlu Umun. nml
Ilm nppwnch ul Iho nml- “hr" a now l-ZxoL-uuve—
pruhahly I: new policy—in lo b 0 sub-muted in
place of lhe prenanl udminl-lrulivnl They may
yulauured Ihnl it is our renulule delvrmlnullon
lu make our paper wurllly nl Ihc lngheal cunfi~
dents and lhe wnvmeu onmnrugemenl. '
Umubduell by our late doleal—unavsed by lhn
aringnnl rejoicing: of a party Ihnl hnu uhxuined
power by the mom prucllccu—we are rewlved Iu
he more active lhnn e\ or in supporting our princi
plel. and in appoling lhe Ichemu ul' lhe ullru Whig
laden. A very lilllo limo only 1'- requircd lo
chow Ihnl the new ndminiutmunn will onher be
umqnal lo Iho pro-pornun government of thin gran!
counlry. or that the Federal leaders wnll be driven
buck inlq oblcurily by lhe very hand from which
may expert pulrunngo and power.
The Pennsylvanian has enjoyed the full tonfi
dence of the Dcmcrratic party under ivs present
editors. and has largely increnled tls circulation
It will relax no efl'urt In lho luture In deserve the
continued support of a party to whose success it is
ardcnlly devoted.
'_ Our literary and miscellaneous departments shall
not be neglected for Iho political. We desire as
wall to make a good Democratic. as an unexcop
v’ltunnbla family paper.
- ‘ Our Washington and other correspondents are
able and obscrvsnl Democrats. who “I“ ant-rid to
their duties faithfully and fearlessly.
We coufidenlly hope to receive the activo en~
couragomem of our friends in our proposed impgpvo
ments. and annex tho Tums for the Duly-(Tm
Weekly. ond Weekly Pennsylvanian.
The Daily Pennsylvanian six dollars a your. or
save. dollarsnlnays paid ”1 ndtinnrc.
' '.The Tri-l‘l’eekly Pennsylvanian is published at
Two DOLLARS AND rm! cams. or FIVE copies In
one post ofljce [or Tm DOLLARS, in advance. This
‘is one ofthe has: three~timos~u-i~oek papers pub
lishedln Iho country.
‘ 7,18 Weekly, Pennsylvanian is ONE DOLLAR a
year. Auvns m ADVANCE
x“ '6 coping in nn'e :pnckuge. ss—lo copies,.sB—
edition, 810 —27 cupiea. $90—50 copicu, 835.
Romiunnces at our rislhfmzrf ostuge.
- ‘‘i * HAMIL’I'Odic FORNEY
K ;RA’I'ZER & BARRETT two just
'~recen'ml a gem-ml“ ussmtmeux ul
Fall and Winter Goods,
5:! theiunldfi'audr Much ‘hey will gelquw
fur Casi/I'MPratlucc'mmsislingnf * .'
Dry .iGoods, Groceries, Queens
:“ 'Jware‘, Hats, Caps, Boots and ‘
’ I: ‘l'wi ‘Sholes, etc.) Etc. ’ ‘
'l'lie'y‘inv‘iw 'dvn‘éju‘lion puniculnrly l 0
their clock of Dry (limbs. and Ludies' and
phildren’s Slmeg. ‘ ~ . .2, . '
13(me lhqueady cqshghq .wiII gall
RQOdLChPflP- V, ._-” ‘ ~~1‘0Vv..2_.2‘ '4B;
would '(‘IpECWIIIW inform Iho public Ihnl ho'pub
‘llahba nnhfunlly for gr'munoua [Hatnhuliomby him
self and all his Agents. nn Almanac. called "A
Jayllfe’s Medical Almanac,
The calculation: for lhls Almnntw' ara made
with great care nml accuracy and for five dilTorent
Latitudes and Louglludon, so an to make them
equally uaolul an n (.‘ulnndnr in ovary part'bf tho
United States and Brtliali North Amorlca. Thny
are primed an guml paper and WIN: hanllaomb nm‘w
lypu. and urn neatly bound. and besides bolng tho
naatost and most accurate Calondnr prlnted in tho
Unllctl States. they contain a large amount ofval
unhlo information, tillllL‘Ll to tho wants’of‘ all, and
ol that kind too. w‘nivh cannot I)!‘ {mind in hnoka.
and directiom for thoir removal in truly invaluable.
and makel them welcome visitors in averyhuuae
they anlor. Every family should passes: at least
one nflltelo Annunlu. ”in Almanac for 1849 are
now ready for dialrihutiun. nf which he designs In
publish at least 'I‘WO MILLIONS. and in order
that every family in the United States and British
America may be furnished with u copy. ho harohy
Io forwnrd lheir orders In him as early ns pouihlc.
nnd they uhull ho nuppliod gratuitously wilh ul mu
ny copim us they may deem necessary to supply
their various Cuslnmvra. ’l‘hny are also invund al
Iho sumo lime. l 0 nml n r‘npy ul lhoir "BUSINESS
CARD." which “ill be prinlml and placed on Iho
cuvcr oflho Almrinacs acm lhem, nluo withom
They are alm requonlml logivo all necessary di
roclium how lhe Almanac! ulmuld be forwarded lu
lhem By law Ilmy manual he aenl by mail unless
tho postage is first paid on lhem hero
Orders (pou puid) directed in DR. D. JAYNE.
Philadelphia, will moor wilh prompl nuenliun.
Wanilien cnn nhlnin Ilmse Almanacs Gratis of
LEONARD & MOORE. Clearfiuld. Pn.. Agents lnr
Iho sale of Dr. Jnync'n Cclqbrulcd annlv Medi
cim‘s. ‘ Nov. 14 -—3 l.
For Rent.
THE sub-acribcr. Guardian fur Iho mi
_ not Mir! 0! Samuel Harrivr. «In-NI,
UfTers for rem Ihc harm (nteiy occupied by
fluid dec'd in BFMHUHL township. Clear
W'.-F. \uirh abuul 70 acre! under culnva
lion. 'l'heru i: on lhe placv u gum!
WM“ and n gnud lug Burn, with a
urhagli Spring 0! excellent waler con
veméul lo lhe house. Also—n 20ml bear
in: Orchtad. inn thrill} and flnuribhlng
cumlinon. The übuve propeny will be
loam! lur sor 6 _vruru, and produce 0'
the farm taken in payment 0! rent.
F 0! lunher particulnrh, enquire of lhe
~ub¢criber, near the farm and l milt- (rum
Grahalnlun. ANGUS GILL.
Bradford tp.. Nov. 13. ’4B.
Estate of John Irvin, Deceased.
E'I'TERS of Allminlurnliun havmg
L been gmnml Io lhe undersigned nu
lhe cavale “(John Irvin, Inle- nl Puke luwn
ship. Clemfio-ld county, drc'd, all permm
having claim-i nr «lemnmh against said es~
lute will present lhem duly aulhenlicawd
lur heHlPmem—and all permms indebted
In the same are ”queued lo make pay
ment without delav.
Nov. 20. 1848 ~43.
F 1 very superior quality—only a My?
0 barrels Icll—Jur unit :1! lhe Mme ol'
lhe sumcribevu. ”me ”u a chance lor a
Nov. ‘22.
;{W‘WW‘ CAME to the vhulvnceyf
K’Wi‘ké“ lhe subscriber rrdidihg
.129.“- iu Dccalur lownship, Clear
field county. about the 30th 0! September
tan, a Dark Red Heifer. abnui Iwo years
uld. The owner qu cumr forWnrd prove
prupeHy. pay charm: and (ukr hu-r away.
Nuv. 2:2, 1848.—pd.
$033331} @Q‘X‘J‘W‘Q‘Xo
Sale of Town Lots.’
WILL bv sold ul pubhc vendue in
lhe town 0! MARIEN. in Forest
county, on
Tuesday the Mill: ofJanuary,
1849. Terms 0] unle z—One lnutlh U!
the purchase mpncy Io be puul In hand;
one-fobnh 111 pix mnmhu: our-lnurlh in
twelve mnnlha; and 1h»: bqunce 11l eigh~
leen months lrnm \he (lay nl male, on which
time a good and sufl'luienl deed wull be
given by the subscriber.
Bronkvillv. Pm. Nuv.'l4. '4B.
HE public are hereby cautioned nut
T to trust my sun (John Burmoy,jr.)
an my accounl, as I will pay no mun.-
debt: 0! Ina coutrncling. _ "
Covingiun Ip.. Nov. 17. [8483'
{9&sme?? mamaflmazfi.
DR. JAYNE’S Alleralivc,.Expeqlor
flan! Cp‘rmiualiw. Vermiluge.’ Snn'ur
uve l’illp. Hair Dyé, 11;“;jl‘gnic and
Agne Pills. ‘ ,1 .
Dr. CULLEN’S Indian Vegetéble Rem
edies. (warrani‘ed minute nrnhwn‘ey'r‘d
tufneth). ‘. ‘ ~
CANf‘I'RELLB Coombovu'ngl.”XM'adic‘uled'
, Sahéuparilln. AmLDyn’pémic Po‘i'dé'r's.~,
nnd‘Fever and Ague Mixture. » { '
Dr.’ LEIDY’S .Sarsaparillh Pills. ‘
WRIGHT'S Indian Vegelable Pills. ;
WWarr'an‘tt‘d gammalur‘splu by ,
." ~ VICRANS 81 BRO'I‘H~ER,,
N.uv;'l'B4B; '(‘urr'ensviflm ,
Glen Hope and Little Bald Eagle
‘ Turnpike road Company.
LETTERS PA'l‘EN'l‘fbrnring date
' 2d day 0| October, A. D. 1848, hav
ing been issued by the Govcrnnr of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvama, in por
fillnltcaihf un‘Act of the General Asaemblv
of nuidithmon wealth. e‘ttt‘i'tled, "An Act
.tn ingwpbrate the Glen Hope and LIIUE
Buld‘l‘lngle Turnpike rond Compun'y.”
Notice is Hereby Given. That the un
tleruigm‘d. bung n mnjorjty of the acting
Cummimionetn, hang and do hereby hp
potnt a meeting at the subicribcr's to the
capital stock of said company. to ”be held
on Tlnusduy the 14th day of December.
fl. 1).. 1848. at 10 n’clnck. A. M.. at
Neveling’s Mill. in Beccnrin tuwnship.
Clearfield county, in order to organize
said company, and then and there to eject
Seven Managers of will company agreea.
bly to the provisions at an” act ol Aasem
Nov. 12. IB4B.—pd
OIL. CleI)Ll2'S. «S- SOflP
'V‘IHALE, Sperm um] Lard Oil.—
Sperm. mould and dipped Cun
(lieu. Bluin. Cuulile and Fulcj Soaps un
hand at the chm]; corner. 5' ‘
Nuv. 1848. Curwvnui'le.
fl valuable Scientific U'orlr. upon the
vubject of Gestation and Child Birth. by
R. G. (;lEIBSNKII. MI 1) . [ale of Paris.
just published in N. I'orlrby (he fluthor.
THIS WORK contains recently discovered
information upon a ouhject of the highest
importance to Married Persons, or those con
templating Marriage. ,
It will be lound of special value to those
whose me ans; health or other circumstances,
do not permit them to increase the number 0!
their family, without great inconvenience, sul
l'ering‘, or perhaps risk of life. A melhod at
avoiding those troubles nml dangers, at will
(recently discovered by a celebrated French
Physician.) is fully communicated in this work
10 that any person mny avnil himself at it at
once, without cost. The means 0! prevention
here bet forth are tlierelore within the reach of
all. The procels is new. sale. infallible. conve
nient, simple, and cannot injure the health of
the most delicate.
Some speculator has clnndcstincly (under 11-
nothcr name) published an imitation, (bell-mg
the same \ille.) which, besides omitting (he most
important parlimu ol'n, dupes lhe crcduloua out
0! ONE DOLLAR. ‘ ‘
For the genuine. full. and complete Work.
Copies of this work will be sent in a close
enVelupe, single letter postage to any put of
the United States, tor twenty-five cents sent.
post-paid. to Dr. lL G. Geisancr. Box 2456. or
fice 127 1-2 Liberty Street. N. Y.
N. B.—No Booiscller allbwcd to BC" this work
Nov. 13, 1848 —3m—Bs. .
. I
B Y \lrlue o! a writ oi Vendlliona Ex
pnnns. innued out 0! lhe Court nl
L'ull-Innn Pica» ol Clearfield county. and
Io me diucled, will be expused In public
uh: aI lhe C-lurl House In Ihc buvuugh ol
Cleiilfit'lll, on Monday the 4th day ul De
cember, 1848, a certain tract of lam]. nil
uule 111 Burnsule 'l‘lm'nship. Chmrfield
I‘nunly. wurlnnu-II [U Genrge GrIIfT. bung
lhe llollht-asl corner of 3qu lracl. bnund
ml by James M'Crcary on (he East. by
Hemy Mouser on the North. and on Ihc
Snulh by lands at Juhn Pulchin. conlain-
Inc one hundred acres more ur lcsn, wilh‘
II unull improvement and lug cabln Ihere
on. being Ihe Inn-res! of James S. Creary
in said land. Schcd, laken inlo execulinn
and to be sold II: Ihc propelly 0! James S.
(111-my. }
Y virtue ol a altntlar writ. lo we di-
B [ecu-d, will be exposed to publtc
sale at the same tune and place, the one
hull of a certain tmct ol land, situate in
Burnside township, Clvarfield county,
bounded us lollowu. viz: ()n the East by
land ol Samuel M'Gecnun. decuaued; on
the South b) lands ol David Fulton, jr.;
on the “'eat by lands 0! George Aclteaon
and others, ktwwn as the 54 acre tract ol
lund, sold by Simon Fulton to James Rud
tlle. mth about filtcen acres cleared, and
a cabin home and ulablc llteieon. Seized.
lukt'tt In execunon. and to be auld a, the
property ot Stutun Fulton. ‘
BY virtue of a similar mil issuul out
n! the aumu cuurl and to me dm-cr
w. ml} be exl’msed lu sale at the same
ume and, p‘ace.'qil lhnne cenuin mm» 01
land mum in Buggs lowmhip. Clrnlfiuld
counlyfi—QDp trhél containing 150 new».
being pui'l '0! (he Benjamianrdun survey,
Mao, 400Ԥ.CrԎs"10 perches in same mum
sh'tp nun't'yéd‘..:djn warrant to Fugue, "Mm.
400 acres Surygyed on durum! In Hugh
Dubb. togelhekfg’wilh u GI’inLMIH, 0 Saw
mill and olhér i'mpn-vcments thereon or
udyrimng.‘wilhlnur ucues ul luml situzne
in (he ‘VPt'ler Bruwn survey; wuh Dwel
ljpg h'uuse'lhe‘rqon. Seized and ‘ln_ken iu‘
eieculion and to be and n 8 the'prkupe‘r
0! John W. Miller, wilh notice lo ll
'l'erte Tenants. '
JOHN S“ ”3%, Sheri“,
S“G""-’50flic«.. women»; ,
” 012(320,‘ 13348:“ n ,-_\ ‘4...__
" H V @&mwwg?(clmimj~
017mb: muggy"; exp-Wm»
a) Collunxuué/ at}; “
din , Candle-yw ' I‘VTS‘M - *
> g ’ _‘jir:%'BßOW'HEß'S.‘,
4, . ' Curw’éri’é‘ville.
‘THE subscriber knowing that our country has laborcd'under great.
disadvantages for Want of Medicine and articles of diet for the
sick,ofa quality that could be depended on, has brought up a general
assortment of a , _
to any that have heretofore been offered for sale in this county. “
He also offers the following instruments for sale. Acase containing
Amputating & Trephiuing instruments ; asilver Catheter and hair-lip
needles. A Vagina Speculum ; a large assortment of'l'russes; casesxof
Cupping instruments; Stomach tubes; an instrument for cUtting UvuL-I
la: Obstetric Forceps ; Pessaries]; Male & Female syringes 3 large and
small injection do ; Womb do; Key & Forceps for drawing teeth. U
terine upperte rs; Catheters ; Elastic Bag for drawing Breasts; Glass
pipes for do., Nipple Sheaths ; do shells ,' Sucking bottles; Spring lan—
ccts; Thumb do; Spatulas; Mortars; l’ill cutters; Brass seales'and
weights; Glass funnels; graduated Measures; 'l‘hermometers; Tooth
brushes & powder. He has an assortment ofdisinfecting agents for par
ril'ying sick rooms, cellars, &c. He also offers for sale a supply of ,
including Swaims Panacea; an assortment of Pills, Oils, &c. ,
He will‘supply customers with Spices, Perfumes, Soda and Water
Crackers. Blue and Black Ink, Ink-powder, Sand paper, British Lus
tre, Blacking. Pewter Sand. Wafers, Red and Black Sealing-wax,—
Fine Soaps, Dyes, Oils, Paints, Varnish, Glass & putty; a” of which
he will sell at a very small profit for CASH! ‘ ' ‘
Clearfleld, September 12, 1848
S§7ILL be .wltl at public rule at Ihy
residence 0' th- subwubm in
Lawrence luwnship. on Saluvday llw Ulh
day 0! Docr'mher nt‘xt, the lulhminzpwp
le, in ull : '
Horses and Harness. Two Coils. onc
yoke qf (hen. Cows and young can/a.
Sheep and Swme. one W'aggnn. Sleds
and chains. Plough: and Ilurrows'.
Grain in the ground. &c. &c.
Sa'e In mmmence at l u'clock on said
day. whpn due ultemlnnre and u roasuna
ble credit M” be given bv.
Nm'. )3. 1848.
New Fall and \meter
V ‘HE fiubigribern are icceiving nml n
E_ pening M (ht-ir New JSlurc in Cur-
WensvillL-a large nml lull assorxment of
gnmls of lhe churaétpr umullv lo be found
in a cuunu] slum. which they are prepar
ed to NH on the mo“ reamnablv term:
for Gas/1. Lumber, or Country Produce
Our goutls have bevn ne‘ectrd wilh’care,
and are “all 'cnlcu'uh'd fur the mumry
and qentnn. 'l'hme whu are in wank ul
Gumlu will find it to their advantagmlo
call at "THE Cchp Con 'RR."
Nov. 14. ’4B. . Cutwvnqville.
2135 M A RKE'I‘ S I‘REET,
cuumus nuns} .
HORACE r. mnn. Philadelphia.
Drugs & Medicines,
Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye-Stuffs,
Varnishes, "etc.
flLSO—Palent Medicines. Medicine
Chasm. Surgical and Obstetrical Instru
ments, Chemical Tests. 131'. &c.
Orliem hum Country Merchants and
Physicians. by lellm'or ullwn‘iae. unend-
C(l In pmmp'lv. K
Nov. 13. 1848.—(51m.
Estate of Rhine/Ia” W'etzel, dec’d
ET'IERS ul Adlnlnlsirullun hnvmg
L been grunlml to [he aubncnbu.‘ ufn‘
me‘esluleol lewhall WuIZrI. lnle ul‘
Bell‘wowmhip. Cleanlield county, duc’d.
all persons [Living claims ur demands n-‘
gaunt mud Cslfllc will plesenl lhem du'y
uulhvnnculed lnr settlement—and nll
suns Indebled m HIE balm: uxe ll'qUt’elN
to make payment wnhuul I‘.-lay.
ENUC H. B. WE'I‘ZEL. _\ 1m"
HENRY WE I'ZEL. §- ‘ '
NW. [3. 1848
,‘L‘ou um 1c
" ILLIAM muLulg 21 um. bu,»
W cenvmg and "I“,‘fiauung In pull
ply ul lhmr um slum” 0! Dry GoudS.
"1 B uk'l‘frfl' “’“"lVe. Hardware ‘5- Cut-
Grocei't'es. Ql‘ee’Yßools 6' Shoes.
(cry. Hats 6' Q’
Oct. 25, L—~7-——-~~--«-I-—'*—-—-r
#76 S I'UVES. NINE Plate
«309': and Slow-pipe lnr bnlcal low
~t‘i lhe stun: ul .. ' .‘ ,
Cuv‘wcnsville Nov. IS. ’4B. v ‘
NEW' -' 'URLEH‘NE. “"I-He' ”aim“;
and Lu“ SUGAR.’ .Sle'aiuh syyup}
Eugul'-Huuwt-* HIM NEW :UIH‘HIM MdLAS»
SES. [{iOIC()FK“EI‘J‘. 'Black and (3mml
'I'EA. enmemum. Rue, smug»; vsmfwm!
Saharan», Ashqu’é ~u. k Sa‘il E‘ud'ysgflififif
lhe Bill'lelé—loriule ch'rqp'by‘ "5"‘34’5
" ‘ ‘CIIANbfiL BR”'['HERs3‘.~,§§'.
:w'm’cnsnlleg’; '
01“ th M‘H'by ghi‘ri lh ~t‘llell
N {can-mefln'y have bo‘f anledfo
me underaigmwl l‘lxecumr‘ he ”Rwy”
nml n-qancnl of WIH’ 'dillahmn, .'MD
M Pike tuwmhip, (\catfield “’U'H)‘. de
ceaml’. and univ'ccv'd'naly 8” persuns
un'cbtud 1o [5," wan: are Icqusled lo
[lumkn sultlcr‘m} “:leul (Inlay. and thou:
)cr— “”1“" “in: ”g‘uufl'HW gamm- w,” P’e'
‘lwm a,“ duly nan-nucnled ‘lyr ”Mlle.
11..» ROBERT R()SS,.E:c’r.
{he ldwndnp. Oct. :26, 1648.
‘ Dry Goods .’ Dry Ggods.’
Splendidns'wrtnwnl *ul' [)ry Goad;
f%‘ u! ”w _luh-u! sl_)lt‘n can beuhud at
«w: m»: CHEAP C(mxzm " The ...i...
.:ipul urnclc: wmch compmc 33” clock
are ' ,
Clo/Its.‘L‘usszmcres. Sal/incl”. Vesliuga.
Merinoes, l’lairlscfl/paccas.’Gingham
Mouslin De Luinesq‘C'rlalmeres,. 'Cali.
coca, Cur/am (/‘u/z'éoes, (Wee/cs; Ken'-
lucky Jeans, Bugging), red. ;Mdu,‘ ‘él.
lay and green Fianna/s. Canton 17?").
nelp'. Pol/gas, W3Ol (1900’5,, SIM, la.‘
[frown ;fllllslills. Bleqched' mmfim, 75
uriz/mgs. ‘Ziclcings- Salim. Vezam.
[rial/z 'L_in'ciz§l' 1.1.118}! ’8; ‘cq’qbn‘ Tablo
clot/x'mf-‘ras/x.‘ Bird eye and-'flu‘clcdback
. Tome/inma:Nan/teens; .‘Sillcs. -‘}.\s'il/c:aud 5‘
, .Ahbrsted, serge., P’fbpljyyl” 051,1qu Hose.
. Chm/9:18. 'b'uspglgderp, Cation & .Wool
'Shirlfi'hnd l):"iltcje}‘sl ‘Slu'r! cdf/ét‘aj and
magma, .r 61322522»; -:.j.m silk “"ci-iivata.
Eklglih‘gs. dea9.auy'.i liibbous.».j 3;" .1- ,
' c m. 55:31 ..BMLVHER. .
v ..<_.:
r havens"sivr‘api'xgjrsaemmmafi
l. ..- “'9 'lvr'ipuiv by..;i;;3,I,GLER. a: p 93,; ,
:, g",
. ._, nu ,
1 ;‘4‘.
Partnership Dissolved
fi‘qmc partnership hrrelolore éxisting
L Denver" “Ichuul Maw-p and .[ohn
H. llilhuglnnl Ihv buruugh 0f Clrurficld,
la Ilm day '{liapulved by muluul annum.
The bunks M“ be kvp! u ahufl lime by
Richard Mluspup lnr srlllx'lllNH. und 8“
persnm lemming llmnaclvus Indebted, are
hereby nflllfil’d [0 tall‘ and aeule lhelr ac-
CUUDIS and save can. .
Clvalfie'd. Oct. 51.1548.
Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinets, etc..
)RUAD CLU'I‘HS (:_lnll shadellflnd
E) prices. mack. Blue and Gleen'O
welcoming-.‘. Black and Fancy Caaaimeru
and Sallihella, Sulm Velrel and Fancy’
Vnhngs l‘." sale a! (he cheap camera'by'
Nuv. 14. Curwensville. '
1' ha: bt't‘ll reporlvd Ihnl l hatl le‘tlhe
E borough qulearfiehi—lhia is certain
ly Incorrect. lam slill livinzin (he‘bor
«ugh. and dwell in the home lnr-nefly oc
cupied by Sherifl Leech as a Tavern. im
mrdmlely opposite Blgier & Co’s store
and “all use every rxu'tiun to make my
analomers Cumlurlable‘.
er,‘?"|'hc aubicribcr Mill continues lhe
Smithing [mum-33" at I“. "la ntuml. I -
Clearfie|d Nuv. l, ’4B. L.
O'I'ICE is hereby given Ihnl letlers
N teslalm’nfur)’ huve been granted to
lhe undersigned, Executor ol the last will
and leslament ol Juan-s Carson, late of
Brady lov~n~hip. Cleurfield county dec’d'.
and that accordingly al! persona Indebied
(u said esiule are requvrlrd u: make set
llrmeul wilhnut'deluy. nml Ihuse hinting
clalm- again!!! I“? same wiH present them
duly aulheuliiiifil fur nclllemenl. "-
Bvady ty., ()ul. 3lsl. ‘4B.
Executor’s Notice,