GREAT motion/Imm fro-h READING v PUBLIOF.’ _ . SAR'IAIN‘S UNION MAGAZINE OF LITERA TURE AND ART; Tho undaréignod. huvmg purchneod Iho huh ncriplinn lilland good wnll oflho UNION-”110‘ AZINE of New Yofk. pug-pow ”liming lhn Of flqo of Publication Io Philadelphia. and common~ vii). wilh, Iho nun bar [or Jnnunly. 1849, under mé‘lillo of ' _ SART‘AIN‘S UNION MAGAZINE OF LIT ERA TURE AND IR7: Thil Magazine was begun in July. 1847. and during the brief period or my existence, has then to rapidly in public favor. nl lo already have be mnn I firmly'oslnbliahed , RWAL 0F Tm: OLDER MONTHLY PERIOD ICALS. Nblnilhllnndmg in means under the manage wail of"- preuem nblo Ednor. Ila future publish. our“! Confidonl 01 making us far more desirable Hill. by; the intended improvomonls which their number facililies will ennblo lhem Io command.— Bnidu the varied and occnaionnl ombellishmomn. Iho work will contain. ovary munlh. T‘WO HIGHLY-FINISHED MEZZOTIN'I‘O STEEL PLATES. from picturea ofthe highest merit. engraved by J. Bertain. under who-e exclusive control the mice uion'hnd management of' tho Pictoral Department will Ito/.1, His partner in this enterprise has been many years connected with tho oldoet Woukly and Monthly publilhing establishment. in the country; no that with their united experience and names: efibrt. added to n LIBERAL AND JUDICIOUS EXPENDITURE. They feel nnurcd of being able to cater unecon fully and to tho anti-faction at a discriminating pub- HO. and of producmga magazine at real intrinsic value, lurpauing any periodical oflho clnu now tuned from tho American prou [ 'l‘heir aim will ho to lurnieh e Monthly mncol~ lany. that ll not only lively and entertaining. 'hul awful and instructive; in which DOMESTIC HOME TALES AND SKETCHES. Ctlc'nllted to elevate the moral and intellectual lacnltiu. Ihall ho aubutituted for tho namby-pam~ by articlee which occupy no large a space in tho populai periodicals ol the day. In mom—tho page-Fol" Sartaln'e Magazine will he web as nopa~ mu! will hesitate to put in the [tenth Qffl rinmgfarm ‘ fly; while in Iho qunlily and character 0! Iho em. bulluhlnenu. it will be made to distance nll com pollllon. [I will be emphatically a rum ma» lull. and of the meal attractive form. The conlonu at each number will be original, and con-111 of articles in prose and verse, by AUTHORS OF ESTABLISHED REPUTA~ TION. '|"he Critical Department will be conducted with the greatoat care and impartiality ; and while pen nonality and needless lutiro wlll be leduloolly a goldedmpimone of merit or dcmerit will be can didly and fearleuly upreued. There will be al~ 101 monthly record of all that is interesting to 10~ you of the Fine Am relpecnng the progress 0! Art and Amino throughout the country. The mine-t paina will be bellowed on the on ‘nvla'ge. not only to furnish platen executed with can and pkillt but in the selection of eubjecta, to adopt inch u from their dignity and Importance command attention; or from their beauty and nrliß< ‘ lic excellence. attract and chum. They will con llll oftranlcripu. either of ' HISTORICAL SCRII’TURAL PICTURES. ofunqueltionable merit. or of original paintings by Cretan-m: Aunicm PAINTIBS. and occalion ally ofcoinpmitiona by Iho belt uni-ts. made or pnuly for the work. Portraits of remarkable or eminent person- will'illo add to the interest and vulaty ol the urine. together wilh free and spirit- ed illuulnlivo alchingl. In Iho COSTUME DE PARTMEN'I‘. (which now appear. to have be come an indispemnblo adjunct lo a Monlhly Mug nine.) we shall pmem COMHED PLATES or “run SPRING, SUM MER. FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. in a Ilylo no way inferior Io anything of lhe kind now published. In conclusion. we beg leave to Ilnle. lhn avery prflnlu made will be failhfully and lilemlly fulfill~ od.(which than accullumed to compare the per formance! wnh Iho promise: of Magazine pnblnh‘ on will hardly expocl.)—lhnl the fin! numberlofn volume will be found to be alwayl a lair Ipeci~ mongfigvor, other Ihnl in lo fallow. except in il. pou'guing - beautifully engraved Title Page. : THE wwzs'r TERMS FOR 1849. mm. money “may: to accompany the order and pomge paid-u Single Copies. 83 00 Eight Copigl. 815 00 Two " 5 00 Eleven "' 20 00 10 00 And I copy gratin lo the postman“)! o: olho] per-on fuming a club ofelovon. ’ Al Iho Pnblinhors am doaimuu ol nuarlnining, II In: early'day. who: will be Iho probable lill for Iho Jlnunry number. which will bo iuucd early In ”camber. they offer as PREMIUMS, To Ihuo lending in their name: and money on or baton tho 1“ of December noxl. njlhor ofthe {ol- lowing Inge Engravingu. lbo pnco of qnch of which alone 1-83V00.—viz A'LARGR WHOLE LENGTH PORTRAIT OF GEN'Z. TAYLOR. f : , Rein-emu! testing on his Wnr Hague. Old Whi lay. Engraved on Neel. in Mezzoximo, by J. San tin, {tom Dnguonootypol Inken from life oxpmnly fol lbw plate. Size of the work, exclusive of Iho margin} 2] by 16 inches. ‘ GROUP OF PORTRAITS OF THE WASH- ‘ '>-' " INGTON FAMILY. Including Gononl Wuhinglon, Lady Washington. Eleanor Parke'Cunlil. George Wuuhiugwn Pul- Cup", and_Wuhinglon'n .luvorile Servant ,- Ingm vihg InMomlinlo. on steel. by J. Snnin. Irom lhn origmnl by Savage. Size, exclusive of margin. 24 by 16 Inch". , : Tho-dsznium- me not lfrom' old worn-out Max-lintplllu. but are quite fresh and new.— Thq Indulge; not yet had Iho first impl‘cuion prinip'd (tom it. and the former'hnn not been com~ plolo'd‘, nuny weeks. Both a'ria splendid Parlor Otnlfinonla. Ind ha been engraved at an axpomo ol' mote than 81.000. Ellhar a! those are offered to than landing-inma subscribers. as well an Clubs, lfln accordance wilh the above mum. and um prior to {hit ll! of December. They will be non! pamclly phfovthrough the mail, on card ml!- on, up a mains expense. Addroh ' JOHN SARTIN & CO.. 'l‘hhd'SlueLoppoailo Marchnnl'a Exchange. Philn. SPM" Blick and ‘thcy‘ Alpaca’o ul ‘Ng "me 0! V BIGLER 8!. CO. SP" . ' Pl" ‘ ‘ I],;lh2sign ofi 3"‘oct. 3|. . ’ ' CANDLES}. A “"89 u! auperim quality. lor sale M 3101.» MORTAR r ‘.“'l33LYE¢Pi9é3« Jim rm}, w hue ; Shifllnul‘fl‘ ”he Mung "I . 'Ucni2sm'c’as7f‘ ”\ngER & Co. 33,3102?!) arnllemen’u‘gm Merino 07,)8biitijfor sale by BIGLER & Co. ~ 'PQECESEninSb and menu-mom. x':¢]olh7atvjbe skirt: of ‘ 0.91 m «x . . BIGLER&CO."*~; . m" 1‘ . 1v ‘. ‘. . _ C ' 0 ”4110-3. an, -. v ..; . ,t x» ‘ , "w' , ‘”w .3” ~nl.\¢t‘t.-i:é”'kghh:~’ ‘ " '2: M..... a: ..‘ . ~, V v ”.1..". ‘ ~v m—mm-‘MA‘Nfidgfi » ‘ ‘l.“ «MW ' ' ‘ v - » - " ngmnfmw ‘ ; ~ ~ . A NEW. BLOBUIT. Just. Returned , : of.blLS.'PAlN'l‘B.nnd mmréggusggg. ‘ IS , jpyuswrrs ,Dnues, MEDICI .n - . NI. HILL ram Phil’a. "l-‘EC‘I‘IONAIu;. FRUIT§. .PATBNT MEDI- ”31%; I I‘‘9 f d mo“ CINES of various descnpnon, nnd FAMILY “7 , ‘1 ”89 0 0 new an MEDICINES of almost every kind. A large - Improved Dental msuumcms. “wr‘mcnt 0f ESSENCESE‘fflPSEiP'AqunI‘Ug| ALSO. a {urge stock of cnrelglly selec «choice selection of PERFUMERY, 8; a good variety of BEVERAGES among which are LEMON/10E. MINERflL WflTER, and a most crack article of mammxmmm WW9 . togemer with a large ussorthent of FANCY & other articles by lnr to numerous to mentign, has just arrived at the sign of V ”if“ TIIE BIG (INDIA!) MORTAR AND for sale u I'mle lower than you can Imagine. . ALSO, first rate LEMONS. for hvcnw-fivc cents per dozen. " Persons wishing any of the above articles may be assured nfgclling n first rate article, as the stock is entirely NIZW. Clearfield. May 1. 1349 Estate of Samuel Orr, dec’d. LETTERS 0! Administration having been granted to the subscribers on the estate 0! Samuel Orr, lute nf Jortlnn lownshlp. Clearfleld county. dec’d. all persons having clmms or demands ngginst said «state will present them dulytnuthyon~ ticnletl for settlement—nml all persons in debted to the some are rcquebted to make payment wnthootdelnv. SIMON THOMPSON, , ANN ORR. ‘- PM" Sept. 2. 1848.—pd. gma\ Stray Steers. ‘4? CAME to the residence wit.“ ol the subscriber in Woodward township. Cleurfielll county, on or about the 30th September Inst. 3 STEERS. rising three years old, branded ontthe hip: and are supposed to have belonged ton drove. The owner is desired to come forward, prove property. pny charges and take them away. otherwise they will be dealt with as the law directs. HUGH HENDERSON. Oct. 9. 1848. ROBERT R. WELSH, RESPECTFULLV informs the citi zens ol Clemfield county that he I! located in Curwensville. where he will carry on the businens ul 0400 K & WflTCH making and repair mg. ENGRfl VING. TUNING at various musical instru ments, such as BflG PIPES, JICCORDEONS. MU SICflL CLOCKS. ORGflNS flND DULCIMERS. Also. repairing nl MflTHEMflTICflL INSTRUMEN'IS. making GOLD flND SILVER W’./IRE. &c. mHe will also leach and give lessons on the Accordeon. flj’All his work [hall be done in the very best style, and upon the lowest terms. Curwenavilie. Jan. 25. ’48.—1 vr DR. E. GREEN’S RED dc BROWN “PILLS. HE demand tor the above medicine T in the Ihy—of 3 years, is deemed a uuflicientra‘p'o ogy [or placing it now ful ly before the people ; and the diseases [or which it is applicable have become so pre vulent in this country that a remedy enti tled to confidence. is a great desiderutum. The diseases 1 allude to are Hepatitis, (Liver aflection,) Dyapepsia. and lemale cumplainls in general. w'fne above pills will be kept con stantly [or sale by Richard Shaw, Clenrfield. Bigler & Co.. Be||_(ownship. Graham 4- Wright, Bradlord James McGir/c. Philipsburg. J. W. Miller. Clearfield B'dge. Irvin 5r Mcßride. Burnside. Seligaberger & Bloom, Cur wensville. do do Luthersburg. David Kinporl. Cherry 7rce. Oct. 20. 1848. nmcmmmwmma BECOME NEW. Dr. Wm. P. Hills, alter experimenting for ten years, and trying everything likely to be good tor the cure of Coughs, Colds, Consump tio'n. Asthma, Group, Bronchitis; Influenza. Difliculty oi Breathing. Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Breast or Side, originating from cough or cold; Had fan a. gentle emetic in any disease, has found by experience in prescribing for the above diseases, that the Fluid Extract oquuills is much the surest to perform a cure of any of the medicines now belore the public—and has i the advantage ofbeing at least one-half cheaper. ‘ Don't bean-aid to try it. It comes Irom on cx~ perienced physician, and is no new thing. it is only the best old thing in the world got up in a new form, ~ Also—lf you‘bnve yourself, or know or any one that has 'l‘etter, ScaldJlead, Ringworm, Erysipelns, Itch. or Indolent sore or any kind on the skin, arms, legs or feet, or any kind or brea king out on the skin, just go and buy a bottle or two 91‘ Dr. Hill's 'l‘cttcr Omtment, and use it according to directions and it will positively perform a cure, if persevered in. Erysipelns is always cured in (arty-eight hours by putting on plenty, and keeping open the bowels with some cooling medicine, such as salts and cream ‘bftsrtar. . - 'l'he'nbuvo valuable medicines are {or sale at Dr. A. M. Hill’s Drug- store, Cleufieldr ntglfgfie, albrea‘ of James Forrest. Clearficld Bridge ;‘ Crane & Brother, Curwcnsvillc; Grnhqm'fiq Wright. Grnhumton ,- Bowman &' Johnatomllihifi ipsbur’g, Centre the princnple notes throughot‘n/uru county. , Clem-field, 0.9 . 12, 1848. , , u'. tected premium teeth Irom Sluckton’o Mnnufnclory. , DR. S. W. STOCKTON has drawn the premium‘lur manufacturing the beat Metallic Artificial Teeth. not on ly inthe United States. but in London and Paris , and Dr. Hills has taken par ticular pains to select a choice lot of them. so that his patrons may be assured of get ting a good and substantial article. Dr. H. has also procured a very large variety of Extracting instruments, made according to Harris’ latest patterns. and he can confidently assure all those who are troubled with those abominable pests. decayed leeth. that the Forceps are \not on ly a much more safe and easy instrument with which to remove a tooth, but they cause much less pain at the time. and comparatively no aorenesa following. ,Dr. Hills has also a variety of other Dental requirements, such as Gold Plate. Gold Foil. Tooth Powders. Washes and Brushes. and he is fully prepared to per form all operations in the line of DEN TISTRY. such as inserting on Gold Plltcmton Pivots, Plugging. Extracting and Cleansing. And from past experience and succese, he feels confident of giving entire satisfaction, and warrants all his work well done, and to please his patrons. t 'A reasonable length of time given for tri al to all jobs over $5. and if not found to answer all the purposes promised. no pay will be required. Office at the New Drug Store, the sign of the GOLD MORTflR, A. M, HILLS up. 18. ’4B. Bellefonte Foundry. @fißfl‘flWGfiSo “TELCH & LEYDEN, would an nounce to their friends and the public. that they will coutinue the buli nesa 0! IRON FOUNDERS, at the old stand, where they intend to keep always on hand a large and varied assortment ol We have lately erected and are now fitting up an extensive MACHINE SHOP, with three Lathel, lor turning and fitting up all kinda of Machinery. uuch as ~Grits! and Saw-mill Castinge. Machinery tor Fbrgca. furnaces 6- Rolling Mills. inclu ding Hat Blast Pipes ‘lor Ibrnacea and Bloomeriea ; and MN be prepared to lur nish on the shortest notice and in a satis factory mauner all kinda of Machinery.— Now on hand a large assortment of PflT TERNS. of the latest and moat improved styles: including the tliflereot sizea, ol the Durkce (Y Brice Reaction PVater Wheels. fibPatterna not on hand, made on short notlce. We have now and inleod keeping al ways 11 Block ol the unrivalled VE'I'O and FULTON Hot Air Coo/ring Slaves, dif lerent sizes; allo‘flir’Y’igllt, Fancy Par lor 5- Nine Plate Wood Stoves. ol differ ent uzeo together With (our size: ofa su perior Balloon Con! Stove. as wall as Cyl ender and FANCY Coal Slaves. We will add (luring the coming season, sever al New patterns 0! Cooking, Air Tight, and Parlor SIOVEIu' , Always on hand a good assortment ol PLOUGHS. lo which we are adding sev eral new patterns this spring. Hollow ware of all kinds. Sleigh «S- Sled Soles. Wagon Boxes. Smoothing Irons. &c. &c. [fj’All the above articles. and eve:y thing in our llne Will be sold on {he most ream-able term: [or Cash. or Country Produce, lronmasters’ Orders, Old Metal, &c. Olders from a distance ptomplly attended to. GEORGE WELCH. DANIEL LEYDEN. Bellefunte. Feb. 18. 1848. AF F ICTED, READ ! HILADELPHIA MEDICAL IIOUSE~EaInb- P luhed 15 years ago, 23! DR, KINKELIN' The uldeHlJuleulnnd bout hun lo curo all forms olaocml diseases, disease! 01 the slim and solilnry habits of youth. is D". KINKELIN, N. W. corner 017 mm) and UNION Sm, between Spruce and Pine. one and a half square: from the Ezeknge. Philadelphia. TflKE PflRTICULflR NOTICE. Yuul’h who have injured themselves by a certain procuco indulged m—n habit frequenllfilanrnod from evil com among. or at school-ume e eels cl which are nighlfiy loll; even when asleep. and doslru bolh mind and body, would ufply immediately. awak nose and counliluuunul obllilylmmedlmely cured, and full vigor restored. All letters POST PAID, YOUNG MEN .’ x I! on value your his or your health. remember the Jclny oi e momh, nay. even a week,muy prove your ruin, bolh oi body and mind. Hencoler no {also modesty deter you irom making your case known to one who. irom education and respectability, can a. lone befriend you. He “he places hlmSL‘” under DR. KINKELIN'S treatment, mny religiously cuu~ ildo in his honor as a gentlemen. and in whose bwmn will be for over locked lhe secret oi the puliom. Teo mnny think they will hug the secret lorhoir own hearts. and cure themselves. Ales! how olten islhis a fatal delumnnmnd how nmnyn promising young men. who might huvo been an ornament to st» ciety, has (mind from lhe earth. COUNTRY INVflIJDS, finding it inconvenient to make personal upphcation. can, by stating their cuso explicitly. together wtth all their symptom, (per latter, pout-pmd.) hnvo forwarded to luom a chest contuimng Dr. K 3» modicmoeuppro printed ucconhngljy. ' ‘ Packggea quedtcines {orwurdod to any part of tho United mtcs at a moment's nonce. ' ' ‘ Poaw mu LETTERS, addressed to Du. Bmuun. Philadel hia. willvbofrompllilnuaudod w. Ilhoufveninomem n lho P lndolphm 8 int ofthe fl'imea, ‘ . jun. 28,1348. 1y .SUGAR can be: purchased nt very luw ptices by pulling m the More of JOHN BAT'I‘ON. Curwonsville, June 16, 1848. @Afifl‘nm‘fl-Io STOVES. PLOUGHS FOR SALE! FOR SALE 1.! YEP“) subscriber is just receiving a large and handuome lot of good: to suit the lull and wmlerdcmands—and having purchased them at law rules. he is dflermin. ed to sell accordingly. The Block cousins in pan-oi the loilowing ‘ , Cloths, Cnhcos. H Bishop den. Cnssnmeres. Linen Gingham. Cambric Muslin. Satunem, Bic-chad Muinnl. Juconen do Linseys, Cnmon Flannels. Barred do Alpacas. Cloaking Ind cl’k Lining. Cambric Handkerchiefs, Red and White Flannell. SMiD.Sllk & other Veslinga. Shirt-collars and Bnloma, Search and dom. Gmghams, Silk Serge. Black and other shawll. Also. many other articles of STflPLE and FANCY GOODS. Hardware, [A general assortment] S Queenswan'e, g ‘ Stat’i‘onary. Combs. BOOTS 8b SHOES, '4 very large sup/21y, such as Mens’ extra ’fine Call. do first quality do do (10 do Coarse WCDEIJBEIQG @(DQMI‘Q AKIN”) ENINXBQQ Womens’ Morocco Boots. Womeua‘ Guitar Shoes, . VVomt‘nfi’ Pumps. do do Kip, do i d 0 do do Rubber Shoes. do Peg Shoes, do Kid do Mcm’ do do WThe above goods will be sold very low For cas/L (lawn. W HEAT. RYE. OA'I S. nod other grain. as Well as BU 1' ”3'“, EGGS, RAGS, &c.. &c., taken In exchange lor gOUUa. ‘ Clearfiold. August 30. 1848. Courl Proclanmlion. HEREASIho Hon. Geo. W. Woodward. Pro» W (lent Judge of tho Cour! ol'Cummon l’lena at the 4thjudicinl district. composed oi the counties 01 Clinton. Mifmn. Centre and Clonrfield. and the Hon. James 'l‘. Leonard and Abraham K Wright. Esq'rs.Asuoocinle Judges in Cinurfield county. have issued their precept. hearing date thu 7th duv o! Sep‘ tember, 1848. to me dirvclchur ho.dmg n Court 0" Common Plcan, Orphans Court. Court ' 0] Quarter Seasiom, and Court of chr 4' Tan miner and General Jail Delivery, at Cionrfiold Town.fortho County oi (Sienrfieiumn the lat Monday ol December next, (being the 4th dny oflho month.) [Value is. therefore, hereby given, lo the Coroners. Justices ol the Ponce, & Constables 11l and for tho County olClenrfiold. lo uppenrin their own proper persons. with Rolls. Roconlmlnquisiuons Examinations and other Remembrances. to do lhoae things which their offices & In their behul! npporlnin to be done; und nll wnnaaaesund olhcrporsons pm‘ aoculng in hehull ol lheCommonwonllh again-l any prisoners nrerequircd to be then and lherenncnding nnd noldepurt without lonvo,ulthoir peril. Juron nro roquealod lo be pnncluul in ihmrultondnnco u! the nppointodlime agreeable Io notice. leon under my hand at the lowno! Clonrfielthin 20th day 01 October. in Iho ycurofour Lord one thousand eight hundred and lorry eight. nndlhe loveuly-second your of American In cpondonco IRON FOUNDRY, ./il Curwemville. Clearfield county. Pa. THOM PSONS. DALE & Co.. having purchased the Iron Foundry, at Curwensville. respectfully inlurrn their lriend: and the public generally, that they are now prepared to make all kindsul castings at the shortest notice and un thr most reasonable terms. Their Plougha. Stoves. Holloware. .Mrll-Ironn, &c.; &c.. cannot be surpassed either for benuly or servrce. They would cu_|| lhe particular attention of lnrmera to the Mill-Hall Plough Pal lem, which they have proculed, and which is believed lo be superior lo any other now in use. The] will supply all orders for cnslings al lhe shortest notice. and as cheap, if not cheaper. lhau they can be procured else when. aj’All kmda of Country ploduce— even cash—will be taken in exchange {or works Aug. 4. ’4B. IST 0F LETTERS remaining in L the Post Oflica at Clenrfield Pm. Ocluber lot 1848. Ba‘rvelt. Wm O Esq. Soy, Wliliom Block, Nelson. Metre”, Wm L Borors. Rev. F Montgomery. Wm Clemson. E|i>B Marks. Danl. H 2 Curr, AM“ Maghev. Robert Ellie". Hany Esq. Morrison. George Fletcher. N Or‘r Mary Ann Fisher. Dr. E Patchon. John Esq Guisenhurt. Henry Peters. Jdupb R Huber, Henry Peck, Mary E Hull. H 8' James. John llvrluckel Cornelius Sherwood. Nalhnn Keily. James M Stroall. Eliznbelh Kmmg. J Esq. Weeks. Daniel R pd WM. L. MOORErP. M. Marble Manufactol‘y, flt Lewistown, Pa. ' HE aubscriber rea-pe‘cu'ully inlnrma T the’inhnbitants at Ctearfiold count) that he uill continues, to supply all orders lor TOM BS, HEAD and FOOT STONES. MARBLE MAN'I‘ELS. and all other work in his [in ,uzlmiiderme prices and out at ihu beat material. _, EEZPl'nlormuiiou will be given an to pri cel, &c.. on application to J. L. Cattle. £59.. at Clgurfield. who will receive or-; dare and give all information ret uired. ‘ CHARLES S'l'RA'l‘imßD‘. vaisiown. May ‘2O. 1848. mucus usurtvd amt-1.7a: the stare of Bigler & Co. . ' PCS DRY GOGDg. Buckets and Tubs. Brooms. HATS. Beaver and Russia. Faihwnabla clulh lnr I S Mon and Buys. 2 Youlhs' Coarne Boots, Buya’ do do do Monruea. JOHN STI'I‘ES. Sb'fl'. Drugs. _2 Patent Medicines; Ch Ildrens’ Bums. pegged, d» «'0 ‘so’wed, du Red Morocco, ‘ do Black do F. P. HURXTHAL. EIKQEIL‘B‘X QafiVIBLDcS Farmers Look Here: Four Harae Power Tumbling Shaft and SIM}; Threshing Machines/or $75. 81 S. WILSON, of Slrallunville. S Clarion county,'Pa.. would rupee!- lully inform the people of Clentfield coull ly, that they hnvo now on hand and are manufacturing Four Horse Power Thresh mg Mullines m lhe low price 0! Salem!)- Hue Dollars. warranted to be good. Also. 'l‘wo Horse Power Thteuhing Ma chines not surpassed by any in lhe Slate. and we will warwnl lhem lo lhuesh in one «lay 125 bushels Wheat. or 1525 bushull Rye. 225 bushels Ouls, or 15 bushel. clo ver-seed. il' well attended. : They have erected a’ Fuundry ind Blacksmnhahup which enables lhem lo lell macfi‘mes n! a much lower plice than eve: offered In Penmylvania. PATENT CORN-SHELLER.—They are now making. nml keep an hand. a P.- u-nl Com-Sheller at lhe low price 0! One Dollar and 17!}; cents each. [lf/D'l'hc nubsctibets will receive in payment lor the above Threshing Mao chine: GRAIN, (Wheat, Rye nml Ontl. nl lrlt at Shaw’s Mull. at Clearlielu, or at ltVlll’B MI”, Curwenmlle. . RICHARD SHAW, Clemfield. and Joan PATTON. Cururnsville. ate the agents [qr lhr rule I)! the above machines in this coun ty, either ul whom wall give all necessary iulormation relating thereto. 8. 6L S. WILSON Sttnuunville. Jul) 20. ’4B Perry \ownship. Clarion Co.. July 8, '4B. ~ We do cenify that we have one of ”’ilwn'c ’lico Hone Power Tina/ting Mac/Lime, and thrashed In one day, at the burn of Levi Ter williger. 134 bushels of Wheat. nnany with confidence to lhe Farmers that they are good machines, and easy work {Ol two horses. ’ A SAMUEL IMGAN. JOHN KELLEY. Toby townshxp. Clarion cm, July 8, ’4B. l have one of Wilson‘s 'l‘wo Horse Power Threshing Machinqs, manufactured in the wen end of Stmttonville. lhia county. and I am con fident I can lhrcsh 120 bushels of when! in one day. I consider them a good machine and not liable to get out nforder. WM. F. BOONE, flttorney at Law, Plnlaa'el; Ina, WILL attend to the settlemen} of claims by the heirs of JOHN NICHOLSON again.“ Lands in Clam-field or adjoining counties. Dav ing‘ well acquainted with me Nicholson Title, persons desirous of extinguishing (he Nichalm» claim to thelr Farms. may have iheir businut attended to by letter (pust-puid) addressed lav Wm. F. Boéné, Pniladclphia. .. ' Augugsl 16, 1848, Latest from Ike V SEAT OF WAR. 1112/1013 and PLETW’YDEGMRED! BACON and WHEAT FLOURHD' hand and for safe by . , ‘ . ' ' . , CRANS & BROTHER. ‘ fCurmensville, Jam-'l6. 1848. = 6) dozen Gum and Buffalu Over Shh“ -~; at lhe store of ‘ BIGLER 81. CO TWO Bales Brownwimnga‘ a! Ibo store‘of BIGLER & 00.1 l DOZ. Fine Cashdi’ére and 'Wouleu' . Shawls (or sale by BIGLER& CO? l DOZEN pair ul um ,KE'IS he the - store of BIG I «8' & CO.“ ONE dozen pieces White 8: Red Plan» uels for gale by BIGLER 83 Go. E 1 11 Nova Scotia Grind- Stones. Brass Clocks. ROB'T N. HUEY.