.mqa-EEFE‘H-S- “i- TNE Gaonsu 'R‘ATZER & BARRET'I‘ haw jam 1‘ received a general "unrtmrnt of Fall and Whale/Goods, ' at lheir old "and. \vhlch‘lhey will ~ell low for Cash nr Produce cumiuung of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ql'leens ware, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, etc., etc. They invuu- “"l’nliun . - ' ‘ Ircul I then alul kof I); , G PM 8’ ylo Chilthn’s Shoes". 00bu,und Lud'cfl' um! ' It? For the ready cash they will sol good" chrnp. Nov 22. '4B. Estaie of John Irvin, DE'ceased, E'I‘TERS 0f Adminulrnliun ha‘vlno L DN'II E'M'U‘d HI lhv undersigned 0; [he estate ulJnhu lrvm, Inn- 0! Pikeumn. ohip. Cleaffield county. (Inc'd, all persons havinz claim» or demands agaimt suid eu me will present ‘hem duly flulhvnticnled lor wQemeul—und all- lwrmns indebted tn the same m rchurnlml «0 make my. melll wuhuul (Ix-In. \ ' ELIZA IRVIN' Admfix Nov. 20. 1848 -—43. SALT ! SALT! I‘, y . F (‘l sulpefu‘ qlmli y"- ‘ l ~ UNIV 3 lew pulnla‘ lK'H—hll Sale I}. It“ ;lIIIP ()1 h _ «Humid!!! lll'le I. n Chdl t‘ r [as IC ‘0 a MOORE & LEONARD. Nov. 22. STRAY HEIFER. ”"91"”!!! A ME In lhe resulenre of ' (i flat?“ lhe SUD‘CIIDCI‘ residing “f“: In Decalur luwnihlp, Clear- field mum}; nlmu! lhe saw «I September lul, a Dark Red Heifer. about lwn yum: old. Th? onnl'r ul‘l Ct'lnt' furwanl pruve properly. pay charms nml mkr her away. , . JAMES HUDSON. NM'. 2:2. 1848.—pd. @CQm-WBQ @QDWIWQYIQ Sale of Town Lots. ILL ln- ‘o'” a! publlc vrmlue in W the [mm 0! MAIUEN. m Forest counly, on Tuesday lhe 56m ol‘Janum'y, 3849. Terms 0! NlH—on.- lnurlh ul lhe purchase money In be pnul m hand; our-lounh m 9i! umnlln; une-luuuh h: helm months; and Ihe ba'anu- m righ (rm (numb-s Irom the clay «1 sale. at much (i’m- a good and sufficient deed WI“ Dr giicn by (he 9ubscnbvr. . ’ CYRUS BLOOD ~Bronmm. P... Nuv. 14. '43. ' @awwuwmg THE publlc nle lu-n-by caullnm-d nn lu (pus! my son (John lh:mu_v,jr, willy accuunlp,ps I will pay no mun dtblu at his conlrnrling. ‘--‘ . JOHN BAR“OY.Sr. Cnvingh-n lp.. Nuv 17. 1848. ;.* Look at thlS. . LUTHES, Haiul’unl Ind Sweeping G Bras/«es. Climbinl mer} (Iv-Crip- Inplinn. Accoulwun. Vznlinus lem- Suing» BvMLPuuv: um! B¢g~...,Breasl- Pmran-l Stud-4. . i'Clnrknm-d Watch?» Luoking-Glasa 01-. Tu” buses. ’Hb'n & CAIN. of oil nhapru, qualitim and pricea. lou ~n|r at the cheap corner. CRANS & BRO l HER. Culwenswllt’. NM. 1848. Glen Hope and Little Bald Eagle Turnpike road Company. LET'IERS PATENT. branng dale - , 2d day 0! October, A. D. 1848..hav lngnbrrn murd by Uhe Gmevnnr m the Commuqueallh uf Pennsylvania. in pur lpu‘n’rrn 'an Act 0! lhgflGrm-ral Assembly. 0' hid Commulmenllh. entitled, “An Act loincnrporale the- Glen Hope and LINK Halli'Eag'e Turnpike ”Md Company." . Noh're is Hereby Given. ’l‘hat lhe un glenizned, 1’0”": 2: majmi'y of lhe acting dimminwnev’d.“lius‘e and do Hereby up pyml a meeting 0! the sub-cribers lu’ lhe 9W!“ Hntk u!" said rompnnv in be held ‘gm Thumlny the 14th day 9/ December. .41).. 1848.1! 10 u’clmk, A. M.. at Neveling’s Mill, in Beccarin lownnhip. Clenfieldlveoduly; in “ruler to organize "igquynpgpy, Mid. lhen and ther:- (‘o élecl S‘Wfl Managers ohmidjcmnpnny uglrca-fi 31'1'3Jhnprovisiohl of wit! Bclrul Assenr' I‘M . , . _. “.‘ISR‘AEL‘COOPERJ JOHN -'P. MATHHS. MERRY BJIWRIGH'I'. LEWIS PALMER. WILLIAM SMILEY; JOHN BWAN.jr. Commisoionera. Nov. 12. 1848 -‘—-pd . mum'mam mammmmmgu DRAJAY'NE,S, Alli-mum, Etprctur ‘ IMCanhilmlive..Veruiifugé. Sana; ”We Pullu,~ Hair Dye. Hair Tunic and .‘ ”lell! PHIL ' ‘ DE-CuIoLEN’S Indian Vegetablejlem “Sal“! {unnamed to cure or mcmey re ‘. Mped.) , CANTRELL’S Compnund Medicated ;‘Satsapatilla. Anti-Dyspemic Pumdé'rs. D‘nQFvHr and Ague Mixture; “C'l-EIDY'S Sarsaparilla Pills."'" N ' .mperS Indian Vegetable Pills. ‘ .. “Qwaflanim-genulnr. lnr sale by A ‘Jfi‘l'. .. CRANE & BROTHER. q ‘0731848.' ' (lurwensville. 'Queenswure, Queensware. Alf!“ hrrsunu can be wile-4| in price 0 4.9!!“ nl)’!§.by Culling at 'I'HE CHEAP ; lezn'. Crime and examine our stock. V 2134 ,CRANS & BROTHER. .* 9-h%z1.348.-«. , _ , OIL. CflNDLESHS~" ’SOJIP. .'“THALE,-~ Spgrm .afiil Lard Oil.— ' Sperm. mould nml dlppfll Can. «Has. Rmin. Castile and Fancy Sonpsm hand at the cheap corner. CRANS & BROTHW. Nov. 1848. Curwonnilln. _ @mummammwma _ fl valuable Scientific [Var/c. upon the subject of Gestation and Child Birth. by R. G.Gmasmr.n. M. D . late of Paris. just published in N. York by the fluthor. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS THIS WORK contains recentlY‘discoyered information upon a snhject of the highest importance to Married Persons, or those con~ ‘ templating Marriage. i It will be lound of special value to those whose means. health or other circumstances, do not permit them to increase the number of their lamily, without great inconvenience, sul l‘ering, or perhaps risk of life. A method ol avoiding these troubles and dangers, at will (recently discovered by n celebrated French Physician.) is fully communicated in this work so that any person may avail himself ol it at once, without cost. The means 0! prevention here set forth are therelore within the reach at all. The process is new, 8.1!e, in’allihle, come nient, simple. and cannot injure the health 0! the mOst delicate. (fiCA UTION Some speculntor has clandestinely (undor zi nother name) published an imitation, (hearing the onme title.) which. besides omitting (In: most important portions orit, dupes the credulous uux 0! ONE DOLLAR, When the price is ' TH’E NTY-FIVE CENTS. For the genuine. ml], and complete Work. Copies of this work will be sent in n close envelope, single Icltcr postage lo any pan of lhe United States, tor twenty-five cents sent. pnsl-pnid. to Dr. R. G. Gelssncr. Bux 3456, of fice 197 [-2 Liberty Slreel. N. Y. “ N. B.—No Buulrsellcr allowed \0 sell (his work Nov. 13" 1848 —3m—335. Boots, Shoes and Bonnets. ngl would cull lhe nllvnlmn nf lhe §' pub'lr ng‘rnllv In our a-surlmvnl n! I‘adies' 800/s & Show, (:‘ailcrs and Hal} Gailerv—Jllisaca’ Boom & Shoes— Genllemcns’ course 8: Fine Boots 5L Alon rocs—Claildrcns‘ Shoes and Lazlies’ Bon mls. “'9 base a fine In: 0’ L'ulieb’. Mis es’, and Gentlomrn’. Gum Shoes. CR) NS & BROTHER. Nov. 1848. Curwcnsvlllc‘. SHERIFF SALES. Y virtue of a wittmt Ventimnna Ett- E pnnns, itll'urll out ot the Court of Common Pmmnt Clvmfield county, and to me diiectcd, will b! expnaed to public Inlc at the Court House In the borough n! Clrmfield. on Monday the 4th day of De 'cember. 1848, a certain tract oi land. sil uute tn Burnside Township. Cl'earfield county. warranted to George Grufl'. being the northeast corner 0! Stud tract. bound rd tiy James M'Creuy on the East. by Huuy Muner on the North. and on the South bv lnmh ot Juho Patchin. contain: Ing one hundred acres more or less. with a small improvement and log cabin there on. living the interest of JHHIEI S. Crenry in .-aid land. Seized, taken into execution nod to he unit! in the property of James S. Creury. _.QLSU— BY virlue M a similar writ, in me lli' reeled, will be exposed to public gah- a! Ihc same \imc um! |)'GICP, lhe nne» Inn” of a certain luuct ul laml, gimme in Uurn-ide lnwmhip. Civavfirld cvunty, bounded as tollows. viz: ()n the East by land 0| Samuel M'Geehigu. «lwrawd; on (he Soulb b} lands ul David Fulton, jr.; on (he “'99! by Innt‘s uf Geurge Acheson nml others. knuwn uuhe 54 ncrc Iraci of land, sold by Simon Fullun lo Jami-s Rid (“9. mm about fillet-n acres cleurcd, and a cabin non-e and ulable lhetevn. Seized, lhkll'll_in (’Xe(o“on, und'lo be sold as (he proprrly 0‘ Simon Fulton. ALSO. BY virtue of a litllliar writ issued out o! the name court nml to me direct‘ rd. Will be exposed to sale at the same time and p'are, all thmw certain tracts oi land allunlt.‘ in Boggs towtinhip. Clentfield county—one tract containing 150 acre... beinggpart ot the BonjuminJordan survey,» B'so. 400 ncrvs IO puchcs in Sitlllt‘ town. ship eunefyed on warrant to Pogue, nit-o, 400 acres sun-eyed on warrant to Hugh Dubb. together with a Gttst Mill, I: Saw mill and other improvements thereon or adjoining, with (our acres ol .tand situate In the Peter, Brown survey. with Dwel ting house thereon. Seized~ and taken in execution and to be httltl as the pmpctly ol John W. Miller, utttt notice to‘the 'l‘rrte'l‘ennnts. ‘ - JOHN 8'” “ES. Shcnfl Sherifl’s Oflico. Ulenrfiehl. 0c1.20,1348' NEW GOODS. RICHARD SHAW HAS just receivul at his old stand u _ large, aseor'uwnl ul WAEBIE» £9 Wflflwmm @DMDSIo amdng which wxll 0e tuund one ol the Deal nunrunenlh M - ' I Dry Goods, Hardware; Gro . ce'nes, Queenswarc, Drugs and; Dye-stuffs, Tin-ware, St‘atlona'ry & books-Hats, acaps & bonnets, boots and shbes, tobacco 58' cigars car :pet chum, 'Umbtcllas, brasé clocks.. confectionary; oils Paints. .etc. ‘ _ which'he In delurmined to sell cheaper than they can be bought elsewhcre in the comply. Cu“ unul examine. V “09:125. 1848. . , c P'U'BLIO VENDUE. WILL be sold at public pale ut,lhe maidence o! the subscribe: -in anwncv township. 0n Sutmday lhe 9th day 0| December next. ‘he following prop my. to wn : Horses and Harness. Two Colts. ,ona yoke of Omen. Cows and young cart/e, Sheep and Swme. one I’Vaggon, Sleds and chains. Ploughs and Harr‘ows. Grain in the ground. &c. &c.‘ . Sale to canxmence at 1 o’clock on unit day. when due attendance and u rensuna ble credit will be given by. Nov. 13. 1848. New Fenland Winter GOODS. VEVHE subscribers are :ecciving and o _ _ peningut their New Store in Cur wensnllc n huge and full assorlmenluf gum]; nf lhe rluimcler uumlly to be lound H} n cuunny mum, which they are pH'par (’ll Io w“ on the must reawnnhle term» l’nr Gus/a, Lumber, or Country Produce Our gouds have [wen selectul with care, and arr “ell calculutvd for ihe cnuntry nml neuron. 'l'hme whunrc in wan! u! Unmls uill find it In thelr mlVumagu to cull at "THE CHEAP Conme." . ~ CRANS.& BROTHER, Nu‘. 14. ’4B. Curwvnsville. Drugs, Dye-Stays, etc. A Large unnumenl of Fresh Drugs ul "“ the best quality just received. All articles suitable lm Ihe thk chamber. I-uch as Beuuudu arrow, 'l'npiucfi. lgolund mon, runslanll) on hand. [he Stuffs, Paints. O‘ls, Glnh, Putty and Varninh. whnlesale and win“. 'l'rusws, Abuluminnl Suppm u-rs. Smking bullies, and n variety 0! car Hcle: nut lu beJuuml olsvuhele—lor sale at THE CHEAP CORNER. CRANE 81 BRO I'HER. Cufwornntilv Nov. I 4 LINN, SMITH 8!. CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 213$ MARKET S'I‘REEI‘, CLAUDIUS 3.1.1wa, 2 HORACE I'. SMITH. Philadelphia. JII’JJ‘JJJIIJ‘J‘ Drugs & Medlcmes, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye-Stuffs, Varnishes, etc. flLSO—l’ulenl _lllerlicines. Medicine C/lesls. Nurgiml and Übslelrical lnslru~ ments, Chemical Tests. ;S-c. «S-c Orders {mm Country Merchants and Physicians. by letter or otherwise, unend ed In pmmpily. , Nov. 13. 1848.—firm. Estate of Rhine/tart Wetzel, dec’d LET"! ERS of Admlmblralion having been granted to lhe aubncnbeu on Hm eslateul Rhioehart \Velzel. late ul Bell ummhip. Clemfield county. dec'd. all persons having claims or demands :- gainst unul “tale will pun-em lhem duly nulhchMed lnr nettlement—and all per m-ni imfcbled In lhe same are requested to make payment willwul (May. moon 3. WE'I‘ZEL.§ MM HENRY WE'I'ZEL. ‘ ‘ NI'V. 13. 1848. ”Books which are Books.” THOSE who we in wan! nl good [en‘- dnug mum-r lur llw cuming winter eveningp, can be supplied at ”run: one” consul.” Mclnuiw ;Travell; lemlc: nl America, Francr, England, Rome and Gwecr; VmGa on Arts and Scincc; Song- Huuks; School Bucks; Episcopal player- Books ; Mcthodial, Bap'lal and Prusbyle lian Hymn and Paulm Books ; Bibles and Testaments. un hand. The following choice books lnr pale : Napaleon and his Marshalls. Washingfon and/11's Generals Taylor and his Generals. Li/e of Gen. Lewis Cass. Life 0] Gen. Scott Lives of Marion. flank/m. Jrfl‘erson \\ indow-l'upcn; Letter and \Vutmg l’.:- per; Slate» and Pencil” Gold. Seal, and Ivovy Pena; th|. Blue. and Black Ink. un hami. CRANS 81 BROTHER. Curwenswlle. Nov. 1848 COOKING STOVES. NINE Plule Sun-cu and Stove-pipe for rule nl low .nces a! the ulme ul JOHN PA'I‘TON Curwensville Nuv. 15. ’4B. CBLBQDQIERL‘BHWBQ NEW ORLEANS. Wlmc Havana and Loaf SUGAR. Steam Syrup. bugnr-Huuw and New Orleans, MOLAS -5E5. Rio COFFEE. .Blnck nml Gwen TEA. Cliocolnie. Rice, Spices, Slzuch, Snlnralus. Ashlmn’a buck SA” and Suit b) the banal—lnr ulc cheap by m. GRAND & BRHTHER. Curwonaville. Nov. 14. @éMESIPLfi‘E‘Bo OI‘TUN uml Linen Carpet clmin.-—— Q Comm Yum. ofull numbers—Wad dlng, Candle Wick. BLANKE'I'S m ' CRANS & BRO'I‘HER’S. Curwensvllle. Nov. 14 NEW 8:. SEASONABLE G 06“) 8. C ILLIAM .BIGLERBIJ Cowmp (a; g 3 sewing and opening a lrehh sup? ply m mrir old stand. Cumming in, pay! 0‘ a gnu-ml usaorlmem 0! Dry Goods. Grocerie‘u, Queensware. Hardware LS' Gail lery. [Jamey Capafloolu 6* Shoes. On. 25, 1843. ITHE subscriber knowing that our country has }abored under great . - disadvantages for wantof Medicine and articles .of diet" for the ‘sick-, of‘a quality that could be depended on, has brought'up a‘generd assortment of a ' WM. BROWN. to any that have heretofore been offered for sale in this county"; . ' He also offers the following instruments for sale. A case containing Amputating & Trephining instruments ; a silver Catheter and ltalr'lip neeclles. A Vagina Speculum ; a large assortment of Trusses; casts of Cupping instruineuts; Stomach tubes; an instrument for cutting Uvu la {Obstetric Forceps ; Pessariesf; Male & Female syringes; large and small. injection do ; Womb do; Key & Forceps for drawing teeth. U terine upporte rs; Catheters ; Elastic Bag for drawing Breasts; Glass pipes for do., Nipple Sheaths ; do shells; Sucking bottles; Spring lan cets; Thumb do; Spatulas; Mortars; I’ill cutters; Brass scales and weights; Glass funnels; graduated Measures; Thermometers; Tooth brushes & powder. He has an assortment ofdisinl'ccting agents for pu ril'ying sick rooms, cellars, &c. He also offers for sale a supply of including Swaims Panacea; an assonment of Pills, Oils, &c. He will supply customers with Spices, Perfumes, Soda and Water Crackers, Blue and Black Ink, Ink-powder, Sand paper, British Lus. tre, Blacking. Pewter Sand, Wafers, Red and Black Sealing-wax,— Fz'nc Soaps, Dyes, Oils, Paints, Varnish, Glass & putty; all of which he will sell at a very small profit for ”ASH! Clot/Ls, Cassimcres, Sattinets, etc. RUAI) CLUTHS. (I! all shall”; nml B pnrea. Black. Blue and Given 0 vud«~alll)gs. Bluck and Fancy Cfllbimi'ft’r and Sallinuh. Sutu- Velvet and Franc) Vemngs lor um: M (he cheap corner, by CRANS & BROTHER. Nov. 14. Curie-mulls. IT has been rt'puru'd that I had lei! llul boruugh o! Clealfield—lhis In cellaln .l_v Incurn-cl. lam all“ lnvmg In lhe bor ough, nml dwell In lhe hum-e lur-uelly oc cupied by 51mm Leech as a Tavern. im Inrdlulely uppoulc Big)” & Co's store— and WIN use every rxulion lu make m) customers cumlurlable. [GD'l'he sumcnbcr Mill continues lhe Smithing buunens 5! his old Hand. Dry Goods! Dry Goods! Splendid assortment of Dry Good: A o! the IMeM My!” can be lmd al "THE CHEAP CORNER." The Will cipul aruclu which compnae our stock are Cloths. Casmmerea. Sullinelta, Vestinga. Alerinoes, Plaids. fllpuccas. Ging/mms, Mom/in De Luincs. Cashmeres, Cali coes, Curlam Calicoes. Lhec/cs. Ken lucky'Jcans, Bagging. red. while, yel loy and green Flannels, Canton Flan nels. I’olkas. I’Vool Hoods, Shawls, [frown Muslins, Bleached Aluslins. Drillings. Tic/cings.’ Salins, Halve”. Irish Linen. Linen & cotton Table cloths, Crash. Bird eye and Huckabaclc Toweling. Nan/teens. Silks, Silk and Worsted Serge. I'Vuol Bud comm Hose, Com/arts. Suspenders. Gallon Sr ”'00! Shirts and Drawers. Shir! collars nml Bosoms. Gingham and Sill: cravats, Edginga, Laces nml Ribbons. WIILL SAWS, Cross-cut, Compass. i Tenn", Hand and Wood Suva; [inma-Axes nml Doublelmu. (all wnnun ltjd ;) Flll'htlf all dracupnuus; ”out-luckb‘ and Handles; llun 'l‘ea-Kelllcp; Brus- Kellles; Smoullnng Irom; Drawing knlv'ea; Knive- nml Folks; Butcher, Car ving nml l’cn-KulveuLßazorgJ‘ Augwa; Adm»; Chum-la ; Sleel‘flul 24011 Squares: Cuflce Mulls; Slflgll and Cow Bells ; 'l‘lnce, Hallcr nml Lug Chums; Cud- Sleel; E'lglllh and American Blister- Steel ; Iron, Nail.» Spikes and Curpenleas’ Tools. of a gumd quality, lur Nllt' by ‘ [and Penn EXECDYOR’S NOTICE. NOTICE ts hoteby given thnt latter: testamentary have been granted tn Ute undersigned. Executor ol the hm will and testament ul Jnnn-a Carson, “HP 0! Brutly 'UWn'lhip. ()lenrfirltl county tlcc’d. and that accordingly all persons ltttlebted tn sand estate are requested to make set tlement without delay, and than htwtng clutmqngntnst tht- same will'prt-rent lhem duly authenticmetl [m- ptltttvmem, JOHN CARLILE. Ex’r. Btutly lp.. Out. 3!“. ’4B. Executor’s Nouce. N 0 ”CE in Imeby given that lelleu lestenwulmy Imu- brpn gunned lo we Illlderaigned Executor uf lhe hm will and testament 0! William Havlahuru. lute. (II Pike luwnnhip. Cleulfield cuuuly. (le-l ceased; _Vund that uccuuhugly; all perwns'i indebted 161 nm exam: fire ‘ refgunted' 101 hmkeseulcmcm Without delay. nml 'mose Iniviiig claims ugniuel lhe s'nme will pre sém lhem duly authenticated lnr settle. meul. ROBERT ROSS, Ex‘r. - Pike (uwnslnip, Oct, 26, 1848. ‘ READ AND PROFIT. NEW DRUG 8:. CHEMICAL STORE. SUPERRGR -QUALITY Clearfield, September 12, 1848 LGOK HERE“. 7 JOHN FLEGAL Clealfield Nov. 1, ’4B. CRANS & BRO HIER. Curmensvule. Nov. 14 HARDWARE. CRANS SI. BROTHER, Nov. 1848. Cuawenswlle. PATENT MEDICINES, Philadelphia Type Foundry. NO 8. PEAR ST.. NEAR THE EXCHANGE. THE Subscriber having made great im provemcnts in his method of casting type :nd mixinfcf metals, and had n thorough revision ul'his matrices, the faces at which are not ex celled, in beauty and regularity of cut, by Iny in the country,- flnuers himself that by a strict personal attention to business. and employing none butxhc most skillnl workmen, he in im blul to offer . He is continually adding lo his stock all that IS new from lhe beat workmen ofthiu and other countries. and having lately procured from Eu rope, a great variety 0! New Face; nml Oma mcnta, solicits lhe attention of Printers thereto. Specimena will be sent to those wishing to order. Presses, Cases, Chases, Ink, Stands, Galleys, Brass Rnlcsl and every olhcr anicle needed to furnish a complete Printing Office, supplied at khc shorlest notice. German Book and Job Type. Ol the newest style and of all sizes, elrcfully put up In founls of correct proponion. THE partnership herelolore exillinz between Rlclwul Mossnp and John H. Hilburn. u! the borough ol Clearfield. 15 Hug duy dissolved by mumul consent. The books will be km! a short lime by Richard Mossop {or aelllement. and all pen-«ms knuwing themselves indebled. aw hereby notified to call and seltlo their ac counts and save cost. LIS’I"OF GIL/1N1) JURORS. For Dec. Term, 1848. Wm llunon Farmer Burnside John Byers do ' do John Rowlcs do anr‘enie lCIarlL-Bnmn do do ‘Mullhew Caldwell do do Alph. Income Luunhermen Covnnglou 'John P. Rudrr Farmer do lJosrph Swaw do Bog“. lJeremiah Miles do . Brady lßqubey Puller do do Henty Goodlauder do do JomesJonaon do do John Klfk do do Wm Brulgens do Kurlhlul Jun-rs Flegal do " Goshen John Pele”. jv. do n I Bradlold Jag M DIXUII do - do ‘ Imac Johnson Plnslmer Borough Sam’l McCruckcanannu _ ‘Plke Job England , do do *\ lruac Caldwell do do Lil: McCully do Deqamr a‘ l) Rnule Physician Beccnriu Jun. W. Guthrie and H Chan Evans and S. Wilaun. ’Gao'rgb Felon, John Mulhollnn, vs J F W‘Schnan'. V N. N Sobim, vu Crin. Orr, s'. Miller; A. &D. Smllh. vs MnL Irvin's, ud'mn el ll William Hognrly va Rubarl'B. Hegarly. Joseph Wiley. vs Polor Owanl. . Hyman Grnlz. cl ul vs Jacob-Puller. same. \‘l! Mono: C. Event. _if Jnnm‘mn R Amen. vn Adam Shmh. I'f . Jnu F. Williams use vn Clnrialinn Harm?" ' . WM. 0. mecn‘. I" " ' Oct 25. 1848. _ ‘ n r. mom-a Ce Sughr 4m sale by BLJLER'sI'CO. 6 Bunrls SW01)“ Suuurlmu‘w MM”- m's lor Milk/y BIGLER 8900' l DOZENI’IJR u‘ BLA'NKE'I‘S it the}! “fire A ' I BIGLER & 009 ,~ yEllduzen pim'vu “' MI? 81 Red Flint} 03 nels lor sale by BIGLER&COM, HE NRY LORAIN. PHILADELPHIA A SUPERIOR ARTICLE A’l‘ GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ALEXANDER 3083. Aug. 18, 1848.—8msalo. Partnership Dissolved. RICHARD MOSSOP. JOHN H. HILBURN. Cleanlicid. Ucl. 31.1848. TRIAL LIST For December Term. 1848.