Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, October 20, 1848, Image 3

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    Adam Eluntsmnn of Ten.
'nclsee. '
This distinguished democratic politi
cian ol 'l‘enneuve. formerly a member of
Congreu from thnt State. took u Taylor
shot; when old Zack first came upon the
political' turf an a no party candidate for
the Presidency. But since the General
has come out and declnrcd himself: wing,
Mr. Huntomun has abandoned him. ’ln 0
letter to the Jackson Democratic Club.
he IDV! :
l Fpok? ofGeoernl Taylor favorably un
til he came out in a letter lhn! he was not
an uHm whig. Now whelher this means
that he in a so" Whig. or n lender-footed
whiz. [know—l care not. Ofnll the pol
ilicinnu which exist. the soft or tender
tooted are the mo“ obnoxious to me. In
nlgad (Ibeng a nn-pauy man, at ht nl
fin! declared, it turns out that he- betongc
1n the lenderlooted Whig party. as he
himself shown.
lnerer rlirl, nor never will vote for a
political officer. who will not come out
trunkly with his opinion: upon all subjects
mounted with that office. It he has got
no optnionn, then I conlider him a fool
upon those .lubjt‘cll: it he have any. as our
government i 0 peculiarly founded upon
the opinion- of the people. we have a right
to bit. if he wants to conduct that governo
ment on Its chief. I never wish to see a
man exalt himself to ouch I high & migh
tv position, in his own estimation in to re
fuse. to give hisopiniun to hi: countrymen,
when he i: inking them to office upon him.
This it: nrrcvsely or worse than the prac
tice 0! Kings. and should b 9 scouted by
over] man in a tree government. Wr
should never vole tor a man. who would
but comlesrencl to inform hls countrymen
of his npininno.
Slnce I have seen Gen. Tayinr’u lelterl
and cnrrnpnnllencc. they have convinced
me lhat he has no qualifications Io din.
rharge lhe duties of chiel magistrate. A:
Daniel Webster say. he is n more milita-
ry man. In that c-apacily he will always
«In honor in himself and counHV'
lnm personally ncquninled wi'h Gener
nl Can—«val much in his company whrn
he war. Secrelary 0! War. ”Is conduct
nml services. Linn. as Minislcr ol France
nml u St‘nn'or in Cnngreci. has Balisfivd
all lhe u'n'lul lhhl lu- iv; a man ol first rale
lalentu uml qualificnllnns fur any civil
nppoinlmem. For lhe {meaning reasons.
I ought um, I cnnnnl. nml I will no! vole
for Taylor and M. Fullm'm'. but if soured
I I'll” vole lnr Can and Bullvr. In (In-
in: In. I consider that I am carrying vol
”ume dcmurtahc doctrines, which I have
horn advocating lnr fnrty jean. and (x
-prcl to die in thnt laiEh.
n Gcn. Shit-Ms. in um.- 01 his ;peechea in
Uni", Ihu- sprain of lhr bulchcry of Hen
ly Clay. at lhe " “Wig Slaughter Houst-
Cunnnlion” in Philadelphia :
Clay has one “maul-lion. howvvcr, I!
rnmnlnliun it can be called. Afthough
n-anilell and perhaps abused by his eno
mi'en. he nrwr wns «li-grand except by
his own lrienda. A cnunuymun of mine.
by the Mme of Dunno-Hy. WM 3 buxcher
111 lhe army. llemm lo allend 'ohi.
duq-y as n butchglj” UIHiLPVfig‘II came on,
and lhrn he’finultl pnMCll up some kind
n-[unifmm nml pitch mm lho- lhickeat nl
lln‘ fight. AI Chrpullepec he gm In ad
mlncc of lhe line. and having on a eri~
«an uniform was mistaken [0! a Mt‘xlcun.
fiu'll upnn nml killed. I won came a
cron‘nnd recognized him. An. hn! Dum‘
m-lly. i‘ that you. and .at» ynu wounded?
Yea. «;nmul, Maid he. I am badly wuun
”rd; lam as guml a~ drnd nI-W' Hui.
gv-thnl. said he, thunk GM]. 1 was not
blind by MW Mexicans. h was an- own
hands lhn! phul me. Sn wuh Hem-v
(May. I! was on! lhr [)Pmnrms whu kil‘
ltd-him, but it was Ins awn/fiends.
“Loony Arr‘Axii.——'i‘lw Louisville Jour
nal ol October 10. SM'! : Yesterday after
l-Uun.’Mr. Rubl‘rl Ewing. a yuung man oi
a v‘uv highly flammable lamllv in this
rilyfimle lo lhe house M Mr. William H.
Kyliy. (zallwl him am, and lur home uiie-
Liv-I grievance, slrmk him will; a whip.—
MuKeily .eized‘ his assailant by lhe rol
lar, uheieupun lhe lull" «he» a pullol 8;
she! him. the bull enlning near lhe it'll
ra‘r, birnking bolh jams, enlirely ~evering
Ihg' lengue near lhe ioulsfand lodging. as
Ihé‘l-iingrun supposed, nenr lhe righl em.
Mi‘.‘E“inmpvllutihnoling Mi‘. Kelly, re- ‘
mt-un'rd his hum Ind nulc mi. The mar
rhnl iulmmed us last evening that ho had
heard of him lonr miles [mm the rily on
lhe Sail River road. and mu W 0 police
officers in pursuit nlhinv. ‘ ,"
A [lighlful nuidenl (any! the Sn. Lou-
I-LRtpubla'can o! oa.. 4) occurred on lhe
v 1.80!) uIL, in Mnunl Plgacunl, lowa coun
ty" 4% number ol persons were engaged
in mining th rupulu‘ n! Ihé Congregation
ul IClhtuch‘ “hep lhe scam-Id gave way. 8:
“wen men Ml In lhe ground, a distance
at unruly mm feel, the limbera'going
with Ihrm. * , a -
The head 4)! Mr. 'Pixlcy-Maueriously
Inunalod‘nu'd hu ‘s'k’hll lucmreil. Mr,
N. Lalh‘mp'p righlfgihnulder u-up‘diplacm
{ediml lrg‘bamy 'hr'xingle'd. L, 'O. Pal
mel'q Intelqbuve the eyebrow was severe
1y 8!)!- bml 'nvikle 'r’fim‘imd, 'l'; V. Taft
"Milt-F. ‘Ngfi‘mn. “em injuved‘ by lhe
luHin'gHilfibe‘r'.’ 'l5. "Fine mm H. Higgins
uevsglguinjuykd', bul'not seveie'y. ,-
[l'sl S'r'mmoz S'l‘bny.—A‘ 'lewnwepingi
mince. pajama New-York-Sun. u duce'n‘l
iy.‘_drm‘ggil’,i‘mi-ldlviobgr'd ymnnh ‘lpok‘e '9
Nnmé ‘li'oy'n‘ ih' '(lh'iiln'a'lti‘udgt'ggét‘. fipfldgfnmijfi
ml ‘h’v‘m '.:h‘li"e‘ tim: nl ;thy..mgp'!d fart! I
Imm” bug which she hid'u‘i h'tfi’gfigtlfiuia
certain number in Mulberry street“ The
boysmonsented. took the three cente and
started with the bag. while the woman
walked rapidly away in a contrary direc
tion. ' The boys had carried the bug about
‘ a couple ol~vblock9. when a strange move"
ment ineldo induced them to examine the
contents. which were an old pair 0! boots.
a'wauhbonrd. and n line healthy babe a
bout a month old. This development in
duced the boys to change their destination.
They carried the bag to the police station.
Irom whence it was taken to the Alma
Home. The woman who gave it tothe
boys has not been discovered.
IZPNarllzrnp Conuxcled.—The trial 0!
Northrop at White Plain». for the mur
der of Maui» Goodheart, bv stabbing her
in the breaet withta shoe knife. which he
had nhurpenedjeveral day: previously, 81
carried !“ his brean: pocket for the pur
pose, wan concluded on Monday after
nnon, 9th inst. The juty were out only
fifteen minutu. nml returned with a ver
dict of guilty. Judge McCoun deferred
the sentence till Fridn.
’ Enrslnus. on ST. Amuom's Finn—Wright‘-
‘ Indian Vagelable Pllll are an easy, Info and cor.
‘ mm cure for Erynlpalul. bacnuso lhoy purge from
the body Iho-w poilonoul human which are Iho
came of St. Anthony’l Fire and ovary olher mnl~
ndy. From [our lo six of mid Indian Vegolnble
Pllll. taken one. in lwanty~lour hours. at mghl on
going to bed. will in a Ihorl limo make A perfect
euro ol the most ob-tinnle ultnrlt or Ery-ipelal; a!
lhe lame llmo Iho digs-lion WI“ be improved, and.
the blood I 0 completely purified Ihnl all kind! of
inflammation and pain will bo driven from lhe
body. and hcullh and vigor will bu given to Iho
whole fnma. -
Bzwm: or Coun'rxnnt'rl AND MUTATION! .‘
Remember that the original and only genuine In
dian Vegetable Pill: have Iho signature of Wu.
WKIGHT written with a pen on tho lop label at
each box.
If? The genuine for sale by R. SHAW.
sole flgentfor (‘lear/ield; CRANS c 9 Bno-
Lullaeuburg ; and wholesale at (he qfice
and general depot, 169 Race street. Plug/u
MARRIED —On ;Eé 551-0! ocuobéfiiy‘ )hfiflv
Thoma: M Bryan. Mr. Autumn: Gone. lo Min
SARAH Mars all of Doculur lp., Clonrfichl county
l WHEN dtlenne invades lhe physical frame. nu
ltme Ibnnld he lost in procuring n proper
remedy to “felt the mnlndv nt nnvet For the
Chlll. Allhmn. obllinnlo Cuughl. lpmlng blood.
pain in the short. nll diu‘nnen M the Ihronl
‘TAR Ind WOOD NAPHTHA' in auperinr In all
olher remedies. opt-mung mildly and plealnnlly
in the gonernl lynch. utronglhening nml healing
the lungs, loathing irrilnllon. one-ling lhe rough
ullnymg norrom mule-mans. and importing (one
to the debilitated lrame. Thou-and: have been
restored In health hy the unplrnlloled emrncy of
thin excellent medicine, and proof abundant in of
fered ofil- luperinriw over everv olher romedv.
Prepared and wld by AGNEY & DICKSON. N.
E. corner of FIFTH and SPRUCE Illaels. Philn~
dolphln. _
Sold by A. M. HILL, Clearfiold, Pa.. and by
Druggiu- grnomlly. Brice 50c or 81 00 per bollla.
BY virtue of a writ nl Vendmnnn Ex
punan, issuml nu! m‘ lhe Court «II
Common Pieaunl Clemfirhl county. and
to me divrcled. “I” be expused In public
‘-a|c M the Court House in the butulléh u!
Cleurfield. on Monday lhe 4‘h clay of Du
ccmber. 1848, n certain tract of land, ail
uale in Burnside Township. Clvavfield
rnumy. warranierl In Gomge Gmfl‘. being
the northeast corner n! semi lmcl. buund
Pd by James M’Creurv nn lhe Eus'. by
”only Mu~~er nn ihe Nnrlh. and on lhe
Snulh bv land: of John Patchin. romain
ing nm- humlrcd acres mnw or le‘w, with
a sum“ improvement and‘lug calun their
on. being lhe inlvres! «I Jame- S. Camry
in said land. Seized, taken inlo exerulinn
and (o be «old as lhe prnpeny of James S.
Cream". 1
-—fll, SO
Y virtue ul :1 similar writ, to me «li-
B rectal, will be upowcl to public
“”0 at the name time and place, the one
half of a certain tvact nl land. situate in
Burnside town-hip. Clearfivltl cnuntv.
buundul as lultnws. viz: ()n the East by
land Ml Samuel M'Geetmn, Item-awd; on
the South by lands 0t [Mild Fulton. jr.;
on the “'est by lands of George Achcwn
aml othern. known he the 54 acre tract at
land. sold by Simon Fultun to James RHL.
dle. wnh about fitteen acres cteured. and
a cabin home and stablethemnn. Seizrtl.
tnkru in executiun, and to be sold aw the
property of Simon Futtnn.
Sherifl’s Ofl'lcr. Ulearfield.€ ‘2
Oct. 20. 1348 -
Philadelphia Type Foundry
NO. 8, mm sl2. NEAR THE sxcumuu.
THE Subscriber having made great in).
provemenls in hia method of casting type and
mixing of metals, and had a ihorough revision
ofhis mairiccs,‘ the faces of which are not ex
celiad, in beauty. and regularity of cut, by any
in the country; Butlers himself that by a strict
personal attention to busineqs. and employing
nonebutlh}: most pkillul workmen, he in ina
bled to offer
He is continually adding 'lb‘his stock all that
is new from ‘he beat workmen unhia'and‘ other
countries. and having lately procured from Eu
rope.,a great. variegy 0! New Face; nnujflma
menu, solicit) ;hh'n'tgeqlion ot‘ Printers thereto.
Specimens? ‘will‘bo‘ilént'lo thoue 'wishing to
order. n A u ‘ .' .
Ploughpupea. Chases. Ink. Stands, Galleya,
Brass Rules. and every othfimrficknecded to
furnish a complete Printing ‘Oflice, a'u’pplied‘at
the ahorleatn’oxice. n. -’ A ; '- .
.Germrm'flook and Job Type.
OR the npwest style and of all sizes. carefully
put up m founts of correct proportion; '
Aug. 18, 1848.—Small); -' ' ’
Election of Electors
PURSUANT to an Act of the General
Assembly of the Commonwenllhlol
Pennsylvania, entitled “An Act relating
to the elections of this Commonwealth."
apptoved the second day of July, A. D.
one thouunnd eight hundred and thirty:
nlne. I JOHN S'l'lTES. Sheriff ol the
lCounty of Clenrfield, Pennsylvania, do
lhereby make known and give notice to
the electors of the county store-aid, thul
an Election will be held in ‘thtyCrionty of
Clearfield. on Tuesday next'alter the first
Monday, [7th] ol Not/ember. 1888, at
which time electors of a President and
Vice President of the United States are
to be elected.
I also hereby make known and givc no:
(ice. that the place ot holding the afore
said General E'eclion in the several elec
tion districts within lhe County ol Clear.
field, are al tollows. to wit:
Al the court Home in lho borough of Clcnrfiold {or
Lawrence township,
At tho house of Wm Hoover lor Brndford township.
Al the house of John Guns tor Decuwr lOW'DFhIP.
At ;ho house of Samuel M Smith tor Boccurin town
a In.
Atthe house ofJohn Drnucker. (now occupied by S.
Evans.) for Pike township.
Attho house of Jacob Mum-or tor Covipgtnn town-
At thghouse of Wm. C, Pool) (or Brady township.
At the school house on Spencer's hill [or Penn tow'p.
At the house 0! James Curry for Chest township,
A! Congres- Hill schooll house for Gimrd township.
At the house ofJumes Allpon tor Morris township.
At the house ofJuhn Young for Burnside township
At the house of Aleph Ellis lor Bell township.
At the house ofJnmes McNenl lur Jurden township.
At the house at George Turner lor Ragga township.
At the house at Jessa Wilson for Huston township.
At the house 0! Thou Davis lor Ferguson township
At the house ofJnhnl Bundy lor Fiix township.
At the house ol John Whitestdc for Wood werd town
shl .
At thg Public School~lmunc [or Gushen township
At the Frame house formerly occupied as u hoardidg
house, lor Knrthnm township.
At the court house {or the borough of Clcnrfiold.
lalsa give Notice. as in and by said
Actl am directed. "that every peraon
excrptingjllllirru ol the pr’utv. who shall
huld any office nr appointment of prnfil
or trust under the government at the Uni
ted Stntec. m ol this State. or of nny city
or incorporated dislricv. whether a com
missioned uflicer, or otheruiue. a subor
dinate officer. or lgent, “ho is or shall be
employed under the legislative. judicial)!
o' elmutiw department nl lhii Smto or
United Stntr~. nr 0! any ctty or incurpor
aletl (liatrict; and alw, that (Wary nwmber
of Ct)n2r9~fi, nml uf the State Legislature.
and at the lute-cl nr cumlnun cunnril at
any City. or cnlnmisemners at any incur.
pmflletl «lislrict, is by law incapable of
hnldmgur unciaing at lhe unmetlme.
the office or uppuintmem ut judgr, inspec-
Mr, M clwk ul any ell-clinn of thin Cum.
nu-nwulth; and [hat nn impeclur urjuclge,
or ollwr uflicer of any ~uch elvctinn. shall
be eligible lo‘un'v olfice then to be voted
(”,._n i
Alan. that in lhe fourlh necliun o! the
Act of Anwmbly. cumled " An Act relu
ling lo execuliuun. and lor olher purpo
ses," nppmv‘ed April 16. 1840. it In en«
acled lhal tvhe aluresnid 13m secl'on ".hall
nnl b 9 cunslderrd; up to prevent any mi
lilla umu-r ur buruugh officer. Iron; set
ring as juulgo’. in-prcmr or cloth. almlj
general or npvcial elecllun in this Cum
Puvsuanl‘iu lhe provuiom of the sixty
firouecliun «I said not; “every general
and speginl clecliun him” be opened be
tween lhe hum!- ul=eight and len in lhe
foremmn. nml shall. continue without in
lonupmm or udjourmnt-ut uuhl seven
o'c’uck in ‘he evening; “hen the puHfi
9hall be (:UICd."
Aim, lhulwhe judgnul lhe (lielricrp
Moro-an], uu- by ‘nhl :16! wqulvrll '.u
me»! ul Ilw Cuur' Home in (hr bnmueh
nfClHrlir-Yxl. on Friday the UH) I-I N-v
vembw. 1848. then'nml "me :u perlmm
Ilmse dune» required u! them by MW.
levn Hildl‘f mv ham] at my «Hive m
Clrmfie-M, HM: 16!) day ul October. A.
l). 1848.
JOHN S'l'l'l'ES. Shorffl'
Dr. Wm. I’. Hills. utter experimenting for
ten years, and tryingr everything likely to be
good tor the cure of Coughs, Colds, Consump
tion. Asthma, Crimp, Bronchitis. Influenza,
Difficulty of Breathing, Spitting of Blood, Pains
in the Breast or Side, originating from cough or
cold,- und fox n gentle emetic in any disease,
has found by experience in prescribing for the
above disenser. that the Fluid Extract oquuilla
is much the surest to perform it cure of any of
the medicines now belore the public—end has
the advantage of being at least one-halt cheaper.
Don’t be ntraid to try it. It comes trom an ex~
perienced physician, and is no new thing. It
is only the bent oldsthing in the world got up in
a newtorm. i
Also—lfyou have yoqrscll’. or know of any
one that has I‘ettér, Sc‘ald-chd. Ringworm,
Eryuipclnl, Itch. or Indolent sore of any kind on
the skin. arms, legs or feet, or any kind of brea
king out on the skin, just go and buy n bottle
or two of Dr. Hill's Tettcr Omtmcnt, and use it
according to directions audit will posntively
pct-form a cure, it peruavered in. Erynipelu is
always cured in tom-eight hours by- putting on
plenty. «and keeping open the "bowels with
some cooling medicine, uucb as salts 'and cream
of tartar.
The above valuable medicines are {or sale at
Dr. A. M. Hill's Drug Store, Cleatfield; at the
stores at James Fort-can Clearficld Bridge.-
Cmnu dz Brother. Curwcmvillc; Graham &
Wright.’Gmhnmton ; Bowman & Johnston. Phil
ipaburg‘,’Centre county. and at the principle
stores throughout the county. I,
Clcarficld, 0ct.,12,v1848. _ . ‘ tr.
'l'lne RI. Ru. Alonzo Poltev. D. D..
Bighnp‘olft'nnaylvanja. \frlll punch in lhg
Cugn Home in Clemfield.lvn_ 'l‘undh‘y
evening, me24lh inph‘u bul? pm .ix‘o’
(luck, p. n}. '
> V.
;—— mm . . )l [3'4 '
THE subscriber knowing that our country hBB_labore'd U‘nder’g‘reu.
disadvantages for Want of Medicine and articles ottdiet forrthc
sick, of a quality that could be depended on, has brought up a ge‘neral
assortment ofa Q _ " w I “fly“-
to any that have heretofore been ofl'ered for sale in this county. VT.
He also offers the following instruments for sale. A case containing
Amputating & Trephining instruments ; a silver Catheter aqdlhfilr-lip
needles. A Vagina Speculum ; a large assortment ofTrusses 5 cases of
Cupping'instrumeuts; Stomach tubes; an instrument for cuttmgflvu
la: Obstetric Forceps; Pessariesf; Male & Female syringes; largeiand
small injection do ; Womb do; Key & Forceps for drawingteeth. U..-
terine Supporters; Catheters; Elastic Bag for drawing Breasts”; Glass
pipes for do., Nipple Sheaths; do shells ; Sucking bottles; Spring, lan
cots; Thumb do; Spatulas; Mortars; Pill cutters; Brass scales and
weights; Glass funnels; graduated Measures; Thermometers; Tooth
brushes & powder. He has an assortment ofdisinfecting agentsvfor pu-‘
rifying sick‘rooms, cellars, &c. He also offers for sale a supply of.
including Swaims Panacea; an assortment of Pills, OHS, &c.
He will supply customers with Spices, Perfumes, 'Soda and Water:
Crackers, Blue and Black Ink, Ink-powder, Sand paper, British Lus
tre, Blacking, Pewter Sand, Wafers, Red and Black Sealing-wax,-—-‘
Fine Soaps, Dyes, Oils, Paints, Varnish, Glass (9" putty; all of which'
he will sell at a very small profit for GASE! .‘ ,
Clearfield, September 12, 1848. I ' ‘_ '
The undersigned, having purchnsad Iho luh
It‘rinlion lit! and gnnd mll oflho UNION MAG~
AZINE of New York. pnrpnle rcmovmg lhe O!‘
lice of Publicaliun m Philadelphia. nnd comment
cing wilh lhe nun bar 10: Juiiuury. 1349, undvar
lhe lillo of
This Magazine wan begun ir. July. 1847. and
during Iho brief period of m tux-lance. hu riuen'
no Inpldly in public lnvnr. an [0 already have be
mme a firmly pulnbli-hcd .
Nomllhllnndmg ill Inceeau under lhe manage
ment of!" preaenl ahla Editor. in fulnre publllh.
on fer-I cnnfidvnl 0! making I: far more desirable
Illll.l‘y lhe Intended iraprflqucnln which their
aupanur lucililie- \vlll enaSle lheln lo communi—
Banidu lhe varied and occuuional embelluhmcnu‘
|ll|o \vurk will cunlaln. every munlh.
frnm piclnru or Iho higheu merit. engraved by J l
Snrlain. under who-e exam-Iva conlrul lhe “let:1
Mon and management of lhe Plclural Depgflmenl‘
will be. His partner In lhil enlerpruc has been
many you" connected with the olden Weekly and QEIBAXSX 031380
lMonlhl pnhlinbin eulnbhahmenll in Iho country: ,
In Ihalywuh their gunited experience and earnest $5 Reward. . :
‘fm’f‘nm'd'd “3 ‘1 y ‘ ‘ TRAYED away from the (caldeuce or
.IZIBERAL AM) JIIDIQOUS LXPE“ D’TURE' the subscriber. in Lawrence town:
lhry leul alsnred 0! bring able ll) color sucreu._ _ J
1 fully and lulha saliniaclian ula ducmmnalingpnb. “ml“ ”we 1““ m lhqee lnonlhsuagm 0‘
‘ Inc. and of pruducxnga magazine of real Inmnslc I’D/{C 0/ large Oxmélhe one 'NIJM-Il
vnlun. surpassing any [lelludlt‘fll oflho clan now whne. wearing a bell, 9nd 1: “T,” on hll.
”sued from lheAmencan pren- . llnrnll, and n”. 01h" It‘ll. n ““1: mix“!
'l‘heir mm mi! ha in (amid: a Mnmhlv must-9L Will) black 'l'llev are Dbl?!“ 8 ",3” old“
lan .lhnl in nu! nnl livel and enlerxnlnln . bul ~ ' ‘ . '
nnell'ul and lnllrnanlZc; inynlnch E 1”" "bull“. {cunld _“ l” ibe given ‘0")!
poms-rlO now: 'x'Achs A.\D SIiETCHES; pmwr. dcllvrnng sand oer w thwal:
Culvnlaletl In elevnm ll‘e moral and :ntl-llculual hm. \\ ISRAEL NICHOLsa
lacullie- nlmll ht- huhsllllllE‘d for lhe namby-pumy; Sept. 26' 1848
hy‘nrlivleu “Inch uroupy IO large n apnea in lhe
pupnlur penodivnll ol llne day In mnn.—(ha
page. ol‘Sanaln'a Magazine will be such an napm
rent will hunch: to put in the hands ofa rinngfmm
I'ly ,- while ll'. lhn quallly nml Chnratvler 0| lhn cm,
bellulmu-nlu. i 1 vull he made In xlmlam-a allot-ml,
petition. ll mil [)0 emphnhcully a FAMILY MAG»
ZINE.Ind of lhe moul unracllvo lorm
'l'he conlcnu ol euch number Will be original.
and unusual ol rniclr- in prose? nml verse. by
The Crilical Dcpnmnenl will be conducted wilh
I the groqtoal.‘ciue an]! impartialin ;nod whilo pan
canal", and needless “ler WI” be seduluuuly‘n
\‘uuicdmplmom u] merll q; demcnl w'lll be chil
xhdly nml learlrmly expleued. 'l‘hele will be‘ul~
so a monlhly record nl‘ull lhnl is inloruliniz Io lu~
I van of the Fine Arln rupe‘clmg Iho program ul
Art and Amy: lhmughnul- lhe counlry. \
l The ulmo-l paling mll be hculowcd on lhelono‘
gruvings. not only In l’urnivsh planed oxecnlqd “ilh‘
care nml nlull. bul In lhe lolcclmn of lulnjocls, to
adopt such I" {rum their dignity and Imporlunro
commnml nuennon, or from lhuir'benuly and unis
l lic en'vllencehullluflnnd charm. They will con-
Hill nl’ Iron-drip a. miller of
ol unqueuhunublu ment. or of original pumllngn'by
Cuuwnu'rzn AMERICAN anmw, and occasion
ully ul cumpuamoni by lhe bul urn-u. madu ex.
preunly for tho “urk. Pom-ail- ql' remntkullh‘qr
ommenl ‘pemms will ‘nluo u'dd I 0 Iho Internal and
variety ol lhe lencl. togolher mlh free and lpmlr
ed illu-lrnlive olchlngl. In the COSTUME DE"
PAR'I‘MEN'I'. (which now uppean [0 have be
come on indispemnblo adjunct lo a Mouthlx Mug- . . . A , ,‘ W
uzinc.) we shall mean! "' , lh ' _" g r ‘ ‘ '—‘3“
COLORED Pij'Es‘or m: SPRING.- SUM~ «7,79% ,S" ay- Steers" '-
MER. FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS.’ y; ”:12? 1' AME (0 lhe 'ruldénfl”
inn”: $532306:ny Inforior lo anything 01 We kind ~‘ n 5.4.“. f M 'lhe gub.éfiué(:’l‘nx
.. .\ l h _ A ' 'u ' 'v '-
‘ In cuncllillon; flute beg" lehv'o loplnlo. that every W ""dwmd ”WNW"- . Lhm‘fipm codP‘lyi’l'
promise made will be {sublullyfind literally fulfill~ 0" or “b 9!" "W .30!!! S.""":""ber “9"“: ”'3’"
ed. (wlnch lhuue ‘uccuuomed lo ‘conip'nre lhe per V‘ 1" 3 STLEIL‘R‘ A“ =5l“ 'illl
formnllceo wuh Hm prumilcu at Magnzmb publllh «hing ”nee you" old. Ur'nmlell‘im lhe'hlfii;
7.21:2?'r.'.l'z,°:::::;’;"'.:;:1:2“.'.:":::.”:1!°:r ..... W“ hmm..,g.a:.%
- " u ‘ » , l )1- ‘.- ,m “
men of every olh'er Ihnl in lo follofytex‘cept in Ihnl dflwe' H The "Wm" M “Dwell ”45nd,
panel-lug p benmilully uilgraved 'l‘lllé Pag‘é. " ,""'““"'v PH’V‘LS‘ pwpm)’. fifly'Chl'rm b 8
TUE mwusra'anms FOR 1849: ' ’ take. them auhy.‘ ulllwwiw'l‘lhvr'
Who. money always Io accompany lho order. dull wilh‘dtltha-w (lilonQTV' '
, . and poalugo‘pnldLQQ ,I , é - -‘ ; HUGH ”EMERSON'
Single Copies. 'B3 00‘ Elghlcobielh $5.00 ol' 9 1849 J.,-‘3‘ w '- '- -
'é‘wo-h" ~--.‘ _' 1333' Eleven. ‘2' " 20, 00 -“ '. ' "." ', fi‘
ivo -- ‘ '. ‘ aw _ . ; .‘ ." "j H‘. .M: on] up" _gflu'
And a «.Ipr Kim- I!) lh'o"pqlllnnucrl In other Nf’hflggafll £1" 33:11:,“ 1%“ RPCK'!!|:£IIU. Phflldfii‘
pemm lurmmg‘a club of élonn. ‘ . phmJl- “I";nulhoriy'hgenl. lb~recmye and ac! P
(A: Iho Publulun Ito dulroul’of Irccnnlnlng. for lublcnpllonu.l”°""°m'""'&c"
u an cud] day. whuiuill be Iho prbllMO lul luv, __.—W .
uhnHJommry number. M)" .h nil h‘a’ uucd em '. " ‘_‘ , .'. . '. I ‘ (when
‘iFDcfcmezt'l. they 08‘" "KI. I “3; ' 'S'BM‘N'JS [Ol '8“ 0“?!” flaw. y“
To vhuuo lending in their nnmoa u'nd m‘énoy on or'
before Iho In of December next. eilher ofthe-fob.
Inning lugo Engravingn. Iho price of «ch' of
which alone n 83 00,—viz: .1
Reprennled rolling on My War Home, Old Whlc‘
lay. Engraved on "eel. in Meuulinlu. by J; Suv
lin. Irom Dagueneolype- taken Irom life exprmly
[or lhil plane. 8:20 of lhe work. excluljyo oflho
margin. 2] by 16 inch". ‘
Including Gonenl Washington, Lady Wuhlnglon.
Eleanor Parke Cualio. (300th Washington Path
Cull". and \Vu-hgnglon'u {nvorue Servant. .' angry.
ving In Mezzulinlo. on non). by J‘. Sarlin, lrom Ih'o
original! by Savage. Size. dicluiivo of margin, 9‘
by lG'lncheu. ~ ' ‘ ‘ -=" ‘3’
The-e Premium: are no! ‘fmm old? wol‘mootv'
Magazine plalel, bumre quite fleahand non.—"
The leller has run yet had the fir‘nl‘uimpyeuion,
primed fwm il. and Iho fo'rmex hm nopbeen corny;
pleled mnny Weeks. Bath. tire Iplcndid Parlor
Ornaments, end hnvo been engraved at an oxpenle
or more than 61.000 Enhet 0' theme“; othnd'
Io Iho'ue tending tingle whu-ribeu. u W9llrfl~
Clubl. ifin accordance with Iho above urml. Indg
eenl print lo Iho ll! of December. Thoy willbe
nan: perieclly anfia through the mail. on ceid toll.
cu. at e mfling expeme. " .. ‘
Addreal " JOHN SARTIN 5!. CO. v ‘
Third Succuoppoaila Murchnnl'l Exchmp. Philu.
V . ‘v
JUBHN RATToN, Jr.., £. a
l 'AS jusl rect‘ifl'd 'n! hi! Ilor'e in UN”
bumlmg known as lniu'.‘ slouc-
Imuse. m the mer. near Curwensville.’l’
large nusurlulem ul ' ’ . ;:
. GOUEMS, ~l
Among which Will be hmml unéol lhg ve
lv bust sell-cu-d mnurunenls ol- 1" a “ ,
Dry-Goods, . Hardware, Quéens~_
ware, Groceri‘eSLDrugs andDyej?‘
'titufi's, T imware, Books & Sta.»
onary, Hats,‘Caps and'Bonne‘tsfi;
Boots and Shoes, Tobacco and}:
Segars, Umbrellas, Cal‘pefi gym
Carpet and Cotton Yarn,- Conn.
lectionaries, ‘l’mnts, Oils, Teas;
&c., &c. " ' ' V
which he in now. 81 is 'delermiiwd ‘ol'o's:
linue wlllng AS CHEARB‘ th'ry can be
bought elsewhere in_ lhe counl}, iq. I»?
{@AII he ask: is a m}. ‘
Uurwensvillp, Ocl. 3, MB, _ ; H“. 15“