Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, October 12, 1848, Image 1

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15mm.“DEMOCRA'HC.BANMLR" m publish“!
1;, efloklxnf’ls‘f: per nlxlanleor 81V, 50 ifpuid m nd‘
' o. ’ " '
{“lNg,pupnt cnn‘bo discominucd (unless-n 1 lhn np~
;lwnrpfilhoaedimrs) unul nllvnrreurugnu are paid
'vfiAdvemsomcmu. &c.. at Iho us'un] rntus
__i‘ V#V__-—‘——‘—__~
('0 1L
: 11:42.. ..- ,-
Ofl does 1m un'slhnpod glohuus ‘lhuughl
Riso‘in pho‘ ideal. blcsl,
‘And liko ti’drcum fog. ever fndc.
Era iv. can he exp'rns'd ; '
Just as lhe wnvo upmuunlod hngh.
Wilh (:qu'd' nnd funmy mom.
Sinlnsdou‘nngnhi in ovum the}.
To in elcnml H’M!
';Pia in‘lvhq soul, wlwro Gulfinn du’elln,
. Thopgmélqor nmughla arm,
Liké phouphdrenl light npun the “mo
'l'hnl'rulh Month sunny skicn:
'l'hi: pm 0! (Ind—«9min umnrn nun-
Mankind [no seldom pnze:
Ym doc-I il ul'limou gnldrn lhuunhl
'l‘hurucwr—ucvu dice.
‘l‘m hkc n hnucon on n hl“, ‘
,Hy ll nnr pnlh we find;
”I‘m like a lighl upun Ihc nun,
I‘un Ihoulu by“ “c “ind;
ll shrddelh universal light
' Throughout lhu “UI‘M of mind '
[mprriulmhlm ll n-mnim
"For a” limo" “ilh Inulll‘md!
'l'ho Almlglfly mid. "LN Ihrm hn hgl‘l
And o'er the work] I! almne'
110' la dtflyu“ our mama] hghl
Srnl Genius from his lhrunm
"I'm undofiuable an Ipave‘
('l'ho infinno unknuwn,‘,
Through il n revoluliun ul'
Almighfinn-s Is ahuwn '
m: BURNENG 0F 11m
fin Incident of (he Revolulion.
' This must be the house; the junction ‘
at two loads. and a brpuk it) from. the
bunka covered with willow. This place
meets the ileficription exactly. 0:1ch that
men to dismount, with the cxrvption of a
couple of patiols on each rund.’
_ The pprnker “no dieised m the blue 81
m-nrlel umlonn ul the:~ Bnittsh light-horse.
a corp}; that was formed alter the landing
ol the English troops in New Jeni-y. in
soon in horses could be übtmnt-d to mount
the men. Ho “as an officer ol some tank
tvidrutly. and his carriage and. demeanor
were bmh haughty ant! aristocratic in the
multqst dogtec. \Vhy not? He was the
cltlot-t son of the Btitiuh Earl.
' The house appears tube downed. Col
Hat'comt.‘ paid his juni(ir'ofliccr, us he
t' We will see. This way. half a dozen
of you.’ he laid to his men. "Try the
door )ontier. il it is laptened. break it 0-
pen..aml n-pmt il any one |s inaide. ll
there bhould'bc. and they htlelnpi to co
;npe. shoot them down, but give them
turning to surrender.’
The men advanced to thP dour uhich
they found to be instruct] ; and alter de
mpnding admiseiun. In whith lht‘)’ I’l‘fl‘iV
‘9“ no it[lh\\l‘l, tho y [nutcrethtl tn break It
open. which deified tht-tn some tune. [or
the ,door was! it atmng uoktn mm. This
done thcv enlcted. .
‘Dnyau‘ knuw Hm man [W anH, lit-u
-lcnanli’fljfiwcl Cul. ”mu “2!, “We the
men ,wlcq'e bu‘éilv tnmmku 2 =m- imusc. -
‘aniilfvb'ut’ l'hru‘ is‘ u h-ifuw I puked
upon lhg _gundmmv in the rem. [hut-'lmows
hun ugllhmfle docs (ml appeal to uuc him
In uch- In Q'ui'." .
* Ocdcf, Him to the from.’ '
x The EQHpl'h).muu hml nux u very prepos
bes‘sing.touulcnauce. There “as n bold
audmflynnd cruel cxprcmuu of lruxurrs
ullcmely displensing. «
.LYVM‘ iagcur name I" said Col. HM
,cuurl‘. ,in'lnis quitk militmy munncr.
~ 'Julm Clnasengh ,
. .°Duyuu know Puke: Van D} kc i’
J 'chy HCII.’ .. ‘ ‘
‘ls that lglsldwellingz‘" . ’
' . ‘Yes-T-lhuugh since his mulhcx’s dealh
and his sisters gelling manied. it 15 hard
lo gay when: lug-keeps lxiuvaelf.’
~1 {Does he mu b'eur_.lhe name at being a
.‘g‘real rebel and u‘dangeruus mnn to those
,Mhulfpvor lhe kihg in his neighborhood P’
l“ 'Yep. hon) lhe l’ussaic lu‘ lhelHacken
«pack. and {hilly miles: round. I! I’d had
.mxwuy. .hcjd bccn hung long ago. and his
house burned mer his head. He is the
leudei‘ o'l giveg'y rebei gang [rum the army.
:51)“. pumls out to them lumen! ,l'aunera’
yu'u'u'ges who stand by their king, whose
gum-” Hwy plunder, and carry away the
"gruiuvnnu cutlle'.’ ,
'3Wlly;yl:u leH u‘bittér,‘tqlle about him.
Hus he ever injured you P‘ ' "
(I. ' Injured me}. He anus parcel ul rob,
pke‘ra‘j‘gge Imuselfreame (mg .ufleruoou to
pru’my'huuse "1M hung the bclpte’th
depthvijhich lhey WWW ,lmveuunelb'm
'[an‘l‘j’m'iutrivnll of awnumfbeg' of effi‘geudly
fiéifihbuis Well oiluue‘d, \vl‘xl'en‘lglit-y \\*en"l_ufl
,‘munublegqui‘ck‘ tim'e.’., ~ 1“ 1
;'.','_‘ Dtieu'heflu: ,v'emuw iululNefw ,Yo‘rk
" gqmeugpeg. iil'ilpe‘gui§e,?"a§ketl lhe folQnel.
'.( :‘lfyle‘lxnleuldwbofi Hey/o's slippery lr'qm
a‘ boywup. 'andwcuu‘: djf-gu'ise hicuselfja‘n'y
way." Hé’s -u ~p're‘cmii's'a’enmp 'u'n'tl’yuu’ll
dOll, [£l7o,qu thlsllpnrlv!‘ Juaey. i! you
,h's'fighim'up lsuuuuu 'you culel) hilly."
3 , ,:I'hlla,eonye‘raaflbu'hnd hm; h'elij meet' u
'fi‘vnsfmflh onflhsi 0!“?! Tonia "zf‘u‘hié‘h Wins
'bn'k‘lu‘ 'g'fi'rdfi'f} ”S,“b‘m ltléurlffiyllrl‘?“ Q 1 _‘thc
‘ ~- . a » 'r n.- .'.;L‘ 74. *2: .-...‘»~ -, ,' 7. - - ‘
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=' «5 guy? EH3; ;' v - " w , , '7" ‘ ' v.,l A.
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~,7,, _ _—
times had left it uncultivntcd. and ghost-.-
heny and rut-rant hushce had grown up
rank and untrimmcd. 81 the briars stretch
ed over the wnlls, covering the ground
lrom sight. ‘
Under this cover. and within ten feet
of the colonelnnd Clnasen. lay the vcty
man they were talking o'. He had him:-
I) time to oscnpo from the hnusu- and con
ccnl himsr-ll upon the approach at the
British horsemen. whom he did nnt sus
pect were within ton milr‘s of him. .
'l‘nm- ur lhriu‘. on hearing the ban:
tics ul Clansvnphc was an the point nl I‘l
sing nml cunlmming him; hut n little ro
tlecliun was lelt, and he thnuflit that \un
nut the occasion to place his ltle in jeop
ardy; which he certainly would (In. since
the potty ul tutu” llll(l mum on! (-xpn-ss
ly to take him. i '
'Do you know “31h nny rerlniniy.
Clansen. huw hm: mice Van Dyko has
burn won in [Le nwighhmhond P‘
'l heanthnt he was wen Ing‘ night lwu
mi‘eu hum lhia, in u by palh, thruugh the
woods. (omitvg in lhvdirPcliunulhis house.
‘ 'le’n Ihc inlmmalinn l leccived. and
law (lclerlniuul it) (nplure him, snuuvr
or later. ll you can point nut lu‘~ “here
about-, or arms! hun yourself you shuH
have u toward nl filly gumeas.‘
Clansup mu :n'urlciuus and (nml of nm
uey as he «us wickul. me gulneus was
mung? sum inched; putllcularlv in those
days. “hen gum “as lately secu.
'l nil) run-h him, cokmel, lmluro he is
lhrevdn‘vs nhlor; I know Mr nl' lnnhouuls.’
‘ Wh} [.Ol land us them then 1"
“It “vuld bv no use this lune (ll day.
Boeidei. lu- muv not be (have for a day or
lwu. and 1 ahall have to be cuuuuusin
luuking out luv him.’
H'm H ilmn
'Well. secuw him and Ihc filly guin
eus shall be yours.’
Several ol the soldiers now come from
the house and stated that they bad search
ed it Irom top !0 bottom. but they could
find no one. although Irom appearances
some person bud been there recently.—
The colonel. lolloned by Clansen. pasted
out to the house. uhde the lugitive quiet
ly ltty in his concealment.
It was a plain lrutne ul middling size.
built partly of stone in the old Dutch
style and very cumlortable within. There
mu hul lttsle furniture—a lew tables and
chairs. and mute cooking ulemils. The
better part, Clannen said, had been taken
away too the occasion M Van Dyke’s sis
let’s montage, as her part. '
‘ Here ts o greul coat, |it,' said one of
the fiddle”. 'thut we found on the floor
0| lhe-kitchen. near the back door; It
tnupt have beendropped in a hurry.’
'Feel ll there. are any papers in the
pockets,’ nuid Col. Harcourt.
‘Yes. sir, here is a bundle of them.’
The (ulunel (00k lhe package. looked
at lhe supeascrlplidn, and broke lhe seal.
and, gomg to lhe w'i'ildow commenced roar
ding lhcm lo himself with n cuunh‘nance
of surprise.
‘Su, su—-here is I: list of our (room. 51
(heir numbers in and around the city’—
A( PoMc’a Hook. lhtce huudml and fil-
Iy. ‘ A! E'izabelhlown and Néwaukfi'fi‘e
lhousahd.’ ‘ Gun. Chnlun lean-es aunt] lot
Uhnricsu-n mlh {we thuunnd.’ ' \Yhy,
lhese dm unu-nls aw iradwd ul importance.
“’ho can play my m lhmougth inbur
camp? '1 his Vm Dykc is u mnul dan
gerous {eliow m be abrnad. Merv.’ hesuid
leud. ‘ m 3 _wu (Iluawn. nan-h every
1.019. and sec if any more papers can be
Nothtng cou‘d give Claasnn gren'er do.
light than this order. Curio-my and old!
er reasons had long urged him to enteri
the house during Von Dyke's absence lur:
(his very purpose; but, the dread lhatVuni
Dyke might return while he was thus cn-i
gugrd, hud heretofore prevented his Uri-i
dcttoking it. He was now armed With
proper authority, and protected. l
r\\'hal Lo lound or discovered he didl
not report to Col. Harcourt. but made the]
some reply as the soldiers. that nothing
more of importance could be lound. ‘
‘ Very “all. we wtll now leave the plncc
& relurn to the quurturs at l’oule’s Hook.
Horlgeson, place some dry wood HI the
middle ol this floor. land when I give the
word. apply the match.)
‘ What! are you going to burn the wil
lovrs. colunt'l i" said ()luoscn. his lnr-e
[learning wtth satislaction. > »
'Yes. I will burn the no“ of this carri
un bird. It is no” he is. not within my
roach—lic should suing lor it. One ouch
tlcllow, with vecret spying and finding out.
lis of more injury to us than a regiment ol
rebels in or. open field.’
Little did the British commander ima.
gine that tlmyoung mun vvus therl‘aluios!
withiu.nountl ol his voice. ‘ - '
"l'ohort-e. men. all except Horlgeson.’
By ‘tliistimo with Clonsr-n, the colonel
lindgpproochcd .within hearing of "Van
Dyltc, when he halted with lliii troopers.
' NOW. Hodgeson. apply the match.
umuntmxrdlnll in." .r - i, . ‘ l
It was V\}'_i.llh_dnguish.Van Dyke heard
lhla ogder. l‘rom'hilo, lndihg place. , The
'_Wj}]ows,’;aa Hie farm,hou§c,_ wag, cu_|lcd.
Had béen lh‘eibirlhlpluée of his ancestors‘
.n'a'jt $5.99 hihpvb'nygnd there he hml‘passv
cdflnlljhis We; 1.39; _gvha! could he do Pr-
N‘Mhipg‘fl _ '= .' “1’
_'_Pré‘sfl}ll.yja‘ thickhlack smukeprose &
b,i.l,.réfi,l’.f.rbm flash sloonfimhwindow.- . . This
‘pypgl'lbll'pwggdipy g Wigginmfiame .‘.hMAhm.
[Kr Inm’ 'iixc-akyf'aud thgpnjackljngvoljhd
CL E A RF I E LI), P/ILQ’;\,O C Tll2. 1848
well seasoned Hmbcrs, dry with a centu
ry 0! preparation, could be heard a great
"l‘hcre will be one rebel shelter loss
to-night. It Is a pity they were not all
burned down ; the king would have more
friend: this sttlc the water. Those rebels
me like (logs. tt good whippingmnkes
them bottwnatutvd. The house is man
ly consmnetl.-tor the embers are begin
ning to fly belore the owning breeze. By
filt-s tn the tight. taco. trul!’ 8:. the horse
uwn “heeled tnln the toad.
-Flhy puincue. you say coionel. if]
lnko Vnn DykeP’ Inked Clanscn again.
'Yes, “My guinens.’ .
"Men I will leave you here. and keep
a ‘s4::th around. He may possibly IcIUID
hue bell-re n great while. Where shall
\‘uu hull E"
‘ Al lhe ‘ nuké,‘ five miles vi}, and ship
an Imur or two lor the loruging parly. H
any Ihlng should ncrur within (hm time.
you know where to find me.’ '
The officer and Iroup rode away.
{ti-5.15m lingered around. and gradual
. apprnached the buiMing, “hlfh was.
with the oxcepllou of lhe brick walls, a
heap ul ruins.
'5O, John Clamcn. _vuu have gluned
y-nur vengeance upon mt, and ihis in your
Clnnscn turned nml beheld \\'i!hin six
lerl, Van Dykc, leaning un his musket.
‘ Nu‘ no, Pelcr.’ [he wrclch multprml.
lrembhng I” he make. ‘il was lhe British
ofiicer—ym: knnw I wouldn’t injure yuu.’
‘Spvak nut HnnUH‘r “01d, Hnr. or I
shall huge! mysell am) blnw yourbminh
nul. Ilu-ard all. lam every Ihingthal
is bad. l came m bum _wmr house down.
bul fled “hon ynu: friend: approached l
Wrelch.l saved your dwelhng. and your
\vorlhlns carcass, and [hose ruins are my
' Peter, dear Peler.’
‘Scoundrcl. do not apply lhe word
‘dcnr’ In me. It Rounds worm Ihan the
hiss of a snake, Listen. John Claasen ;
lhe cliiel H'Blllln ol vour animosity Io me
is because Knte “’essels prelerred my
hand to yours. Thank. God! she and la
llier are bolh sale [mm your persecution,
for they are now wllth lhe American
lines. Now hour me: I spare you (his
limo. for you are unarmed ;but when out
we meet. be i! in town or village. forest
or road, at wedding or lunernl. it is your
life or mllH‘. Gn!’ -
Claascn wailed for no second bidding.
bul disappeared in lhe'direclion laken by
the soldiers in double quick time, his hair
standing on end—{or like all'olher rogues
he was as cowardly as he was bad.
Van Dyke paused a moment. and thus
p0“(i(‘l(‘li In hia own mind: "I‘lial ncoun>
drel will blillg some ulnlhone horsemen
back, for he will imagine Ihnl. I may lin
ger two or lliree‘ byway around this old
Yeet. yes. I will alter some oruu'r lads.
and prvpare an ambush [or them. Fifty
guinem wxll draw Claasen anywhere. cow
an] as he is. pmliculnrly. if backed up by
the red couls.’
ll ua~ not long [More Van Dyke re
turned with his party. whom he gathered
by a blgllat; and an night had tallen. they
took their blutiun amid the willows by the
banks of the brook. where they could re.
main Unpl'rcclvvl‘. Fur the space Man
hnnr all “An all”, when the rlistunt [ramp
at hmst; up henul HI. the mad.
‘ ' Here they mme,’ mid Van Dyke.—
' Euh Lhome Ins man, but leave Clansen
to me; you “ill know him by the cup he
wears. 1 mil gikcblhe word to fire.’
1n n shu:t.t|mc tim party of horsemen
rude up to the willows, and true enough
they were red cunts. headed by the lieu
tenant with Claaaen.
‘Firel’ shouted Van Dyke.
So suddm uml deadly was the aim, that
not mule llym half a dozen remained in
their saddles. and llncy wheeled lheir lmr
$B5 and [led as quickly as pnasihle. Vnn
Dylce had inlenuonally aimed at the horse
ol C‘lansen, and he lell With his rider. 'l'u
uecurc Claxuen was lhe wurk ol 3 momenh
‘ Now lads, bring uul the mm? 81 lhrou
il over Illa! Willow brunch. We huvc n
larmed Ihc enuny and they will be down
upon us.’
‘Merql mercy l’ cried Clnuwn.
All In vain. 'l‘he nuose was slimml 1»
var his head, they alrunuhim up. & lllt'rt'
he was lell a cmpse. 'l'he burmng‘ul llu'
Willows had becnvuvengell.-—Noah’s Sun
day Ttlmes.
Gen Dasmzs 'ro Snow—Bod swears
by himself that he hath no pleasure in
,your death. That he may prevailnpon
you to trust in htm. herttiéa 'every expedi
ent. He does all that tenderness can de
vise to removg _vour suspicion, & to cheer
you 9" to a confidence in his good with——
Hepleads the matter .w'tth you. lie be
aeeches youto accept oflreconciliatiun.—-r
,He utters it'as a gilt: Rather than lose
you forever. he sent'hia son. to pour out
his soul unto death for you. And now
that iniquity to put on end to; now that
an everlasting rightéqusness is brought in;
now that every attribute of hut nature has
beenmngnified by the great ancrificemow
that the weight‘of.thutgheuvy burden has
been done oway ; now tah‘t there is noth
ingto intercept tbs flowruf Iriendship Irom
God-J0 man-gntlogs 1! come, downtree as
the light of day. and‘ rich almtbe exube
ranéfiiot hanvenl upon a deupliriug .wortd.‘
nv THE “numb nov."
"Trifles of! weak the greatness of (ho honrl.”
During the Black Hawk war, and while 1
the government irnnps were being [runs
lerred. it imppeneii (ha! Gen. Lewis Can-s
—-lho distinguiphed candidate lnr the Pre
sidcncv. lhen Sr-crviary of Vi'ar under
Gt'n. Jarksnn—iravr-llwl lhro’ the Stair
0| New York. Ynu mvghi no! Ihen. as
now breakfast in the city of Albany. 81 slrp
un harm! in rniirnml cnr. uilh n cerlainly
in 9.0 hnura of brine n! ihcbnnrd of n Bui
idln Ho'vi. nvr‘r 300 mules away; but ru‘
ilwr by smgv mute. and packet on lhe
‘Erit‘ urinal—“huh by the way, a! five ur
~ix miles per hour in that day, wm con
sidered ‘ right smart ’ gelling on by “aver.
h was In 1832. l ihink. the time which
i “Denknnmi summer. The rocky village
nl Link- Fulh. somv 50 miles west of Al
bnny. has ever been the wonder of than:
who travelling cannlwisu’. have bvlter up}
portunilies of noticing Hm nlmou Insur
mountable rubslacles 0! hi” nml rock.
chasm and swamp. which were I'mtu 0-
vercome in completing lhai mammoth
channel. ,
The packet was [hissing through the vil-I
loge above named, when. as \vns hi‘ cos-l
tom, :1 boy at some 9 or 10 yvnrs of nurl
wttli a basket ul brown bread upon his!
uttn, (llOpthl in among the crowd at pin-l
sengcrs. making the beat ol his way to thol
Howard's tlopartnwnt. ' The Broad Boy.’l
as ho was familiarly stylctl, Imving mad:-
aitlc nl his brown loaves, \vni returning.
but. upon hearing the mime-of Gen. CM!
mentionrrl. turned to look upon the dis- ‘
tinguished mnn who was dtrecnng all those
troops. and the Black Hawk war. In his
enrgcrness to catch a good View 0! the
great mnn. he by accidcnt dropped his
purse into the canal. containing the pro
ceeds ut the entire sateulittle, to many,
but tn'him much. This was a loss which
bro’t tearn to the eyes of the poor ' Bread
Boy.’ yet he silenced his leelinga and
looked upon the object of hi: admiration
jwith tears still rolling down his cheeks.
The great man had witnessed the uni"
dent; and as the unfortunate boy turned
to leave the deck of the boat; the heart at
the General seemed to toe! for the boy’s
misfortunes. Stepping towards him he
said: .
- 'My fine boy. you have met with a mis
fortune; ‘whal amount had-you in your
purse 9' " \"- ‘
' Three shillings and (mini: vpeace. nir,’
anid'lhe ‘ Bread Boy,’ ‘ '2
‘ Well. liule man. do not’cry any more.
here is a silver dollar to make up your
loss.’ - .
And the ‘ Bread Boy' received from the
hand ol Gen. Cass a OllVEf American dol
lar, lhe prompted gift of one whose good
nels 0! heart ever moves him to ‘ feel for
olhers’ woes.’ Thu! generous dieinlerested
act could never be' lorgouen.- The man
ner in'which it was done, proved that be
nevolence with him was norun act seldom
perlormed. and lhe deed was beller than
lhe gill lo the now smiling boy. He who
was [he ‘Bnuad Boy' is one no longer
now,'nor has bero lor many long years.
and although he has unul receu'ly done
battle in lhe field of whiggery in more
Ihan one solul way, he is proud now (u do
bulllr’ (or ”10‘ dunnrracv uodur the Plan
:lard of lhe hero ol 1819.. the maintainer
of ‘ ltee Undo and sailor’s rights.’ Igulnst
the Eugllsh unurpalion. and lhe palnot ol
his own Stale—lhe next Presldenl ol the
Uniled Slain—General Lawns CASS.
Waahinglon, Aug. 7. 1848.
Dunn's LEAP.—MOCh has been said
and wrmvn about M’Cullogh’a leap, when
pursued by the Indiana near Vl’heeling, in
Virginia. bul in li-merily il does no! excel
that of Captain Brady. (:1 brolher ol lhe
general.) who has celebrated in his Liayl
lor his gallunl {eats upon lhe hostile sava
ges along the lronl‘icr nl Pennsylvania.
Appnmching one ol lhe lorls occupied
by Ihc Americans. one day, Capt. Brudy
(llnCOVl'll‘ll. “hen lno lule lo alonl it. Ihnl
llle savages haul laid on uinbuscutlc lm him.
In llunl near lhe left, large numbers 0]
urun-tl wnvrinra lay cnncmilell. walcliing
:lnr llll.‘|l pu-y. /\-. Brady app'ouqheduntll
;gnl unlnn lnr alllbuulllllu. nu: Indians in
llhc full (lnu'll in bL-lliml him; llley ull
lllll'n roil- nml 2M? 0 terlimn yell. .. He
‘was sunnunilml un lhn-c hides. isml on Ihc
llourlh ran a liver, lhe hunk nl which Wu.-
eighly lent. nl nearly pcrpcndirulur de
‘sccnl. The L-avuges lell sure of lhcir ploy
and wished luriomly on. .
Brady saw at once the extent ofhis'
danger. but being monnled on a high 'nle'l
:lled horse. hc resolved not to be taken a:
‘llve. Hehvined his hurl-lo loward lh'e
bank. gave him lh’é spu‘r and llié rein ; lhe
gallant charger-{Went all like ‘0" "(VOW
and approached me bunk Willi such he‘-
mendous speed lhn! he could not [Blilp on
(he Inhlgin; "bul wilh a lur'inua' beund
sprun'g‘ofl'. ri'de'r and all intn'lllé‘ hi?! Flir
tuna‘lely illere"gre'w ‘a lin‘ge‘rrllh Inpple
lru- nl lhb [not of the lllufl." nn'lhc hnrfler
of lhe river., The brushy top wan thickly
lnlerluced 'wllh a wild grape‘vinerinlo
lhe l"? ofrthe 'lree lell’ the horse and its ri'-
der. 'Tlltir {all waycompletely: brolwn'.
The Ciapla'inddpplcd intolglhel meaml,
reiched'lhe‘bppolile .shore amid “hum:
of hallo, and regained theshore in “my.
Emir Edict-M.“ U
NEW SERIES.’VOL. I, N0.‘38.-‘-'-WIIOI)E No; 1.113%}
Before every’ general election a vigor- ’
ous eflort ia made by lhe Federdls to film!"
that the country is ruined.‘ ' We have’nev
ver kndwn these croakcrs to be more'uc
title and 'persovering. than'they' are at
present. But let us compare tor ourselves
ihe ciiecl at n Democratic administrarion
With that brought into power by the votes
ul our oppuncms. Take the followinglfig
urcs, baud upon official records, the three
yearn ending June 30, ”MB—including
hlx munlhe under the oppressive Tariff of
1846—and then tell us hnw larthe allega
tion party has been to drive spe’cie out of
‘thc cuumry inalsad at bringing it in:
lmpurln of gold and silver du'ring ‘
year ending June 30. [845. 84,070,242
Expurla of do do 8.606.495.
Excess 01 upon: 0f gqld and 11l
var. exceeding imports.
imporll of gold and lilvor dnnng ~ '
year ending June 30.1846, 3.777.732
Elpurll of do do 3.905258
Excess ofaxpnru 01 gold and nil
ver, cxr‘oedzng Imports. '
Imports of gold and uiher‘dming . ‘
ytnr ondmg June 30. 1847. ‘ 24.12”!”
Expon- of do do ~ 1.059.410
Excess imporu.
Im-nnmsnxc TO THE IRON Indians-rs.
—'l'hc [ulluwmg fablg. show-mg lhe :-
muum ol manufactured Iron. received in
Philadulphinndurifng the l'wu'years 0| 1846
and 1847. is drawn lrum roliable docu
ments. and cannot be denied. It proves
that rho over-production had glulted lhe‘
market. and it shows how lime llw‘ tariff
of 1846 had in do in‘prevenling heavy in
vestments by lhe m‘anufaclurers: . ‘
Amount of pig- ' ' ' ‘
Wrought lr o n
made in ’46.
o. «I '47.,
Neil. and Spikel ,
made in ’46. 10.627736 lb!
-. -' 19,559.777 “
While Stewart's speechea are flooding
the countty—loaded with -lalseltooda [-
Ezainst the Democratic partyland Its cam
dndates—the lnllowing statement ufuthu
monthly pay of Gen. 'l‘aylur.; "lhe peo~
ple’s candulatelor the Presidency,” will
not be out ol place—if only as a tcontrau
to the pay for extra service: solmuch talk:-
etl about by the opponents ol (360.33!»
The reader may rely ‘thatnthis statement
is correct. Its correctucs cannot be queh
.1~ i
;From “10 Pénmylvnniln‘l
our Ruined Country.
iron and cnu- “
ingn made in '46, '67539‘). Ion:
" “ .’47, 82.640 ."
15.248 Emu-. 517. equlltfl
. .V . 2-3 UCLCQHLI .-1 ,;
17.681 lonr
32,257 : "‘
Him Ewéu , '47.. «m 82
, .7‘lfl2m'MP‘v .'n
3931;041' Excaib‘ '47; equal 84
-~' “2&5 pr. 0!. or 3987 lona.
tinned: . .
Pay per month. _ ,
Qunrleru. 8_ rooms 31315 per room per
mnnlh. - ‘
F'uel'. 8 border per monlh for m" 65 2~3
(‘ovds lor 4 uervunla at $8 per cord. '
Subaislenre lor self. commanding a
pout. double rations; 30 rations-par
duysnx 20 cls, per rauon. ‘ _
Subaialcm-e for {uur aervanln. fuur rn~
lions at 20 mania per'rali'on'. ‘
Clothing for four ueryuanul 8250 par
month each, ' ‘ .
Pny lnr [our servant: nl 88 each per
month. .1
quugo for 7 homes. at $8 per month
Total amount per month.
The Essence rfl]umbuggéfy.—Tuylbr
whiggery at lhe norm ull’ers incoh‘erencies
lnr which‘il is «liflicuh to account. except
upon the supposition that it is either (10'-
ceivc‘d itneH. ‘ur'means 10- deceive others.
For insmnce'f-' . 5- .
The'NPW- Bedfor'd' Mercury, a fier'ce
'l'dylor’whih paper. says: "5
“Genn’l‘uylor i. pledged not {o-Veto
any constitutional act of Congmonlhd
thererurd‘he' will not ‘veto the Wilmdt
Proviso. ” 4‘” " ' g' "‘1
Per contra, ‘Mr. Sp'enkrr 'Winth‘rop,‘l'h
a recent spvech at Bosum, held (hisiilan-
gauge: '
“Gun. Taylor has not given 6 positive
[Hedge with legard mlhe \‘V'ylmol Provi
xn; and fur one. [(10 not hesilale'-!o‘hay
that I rqimce that/1c has not done‘ so,“ I
rejoice that Gen. 'l'nyldr. if he coxhesiptb
the Presidency, WILL BE UNPLEDG‘
Gnu. 'l‘nnon’s Brampton. (9 s'et-fbflh
by: Mr. Botls.- the" whlgvrepn‘esenlbfiv; bf
Ille:m€!10[)nliiull‘ dismui'i‘in.Virgininl‘in
a: recént Lleuer. =ttrfln‘e«"NP‘W I'Ym‘k’ 'Clly
whigs :—“‘Aa matters nuw .scnndea‘dmifi
ling Gen. 'l‘uylori‘u-butuu'latgicnindqte‘i
(which I um-riy '(lpnv,)-lhv itafty"'is dobm
GRACEFUJ, DEFEfiTMm‘ evergrman
nutuvvilflulliyhblind ._M US]? SEEal'l‘.?l..-;gg-I
15:12; ‘- H --z+-"‘.'-' H'III'I , 3"": WW,
, Coming gut, Nobly,-,.-ThelMoul'gomcfy
(filmxésly‘ghho‘rl, any,» :I,°'{we.or,es ultimo
;ggm‘r;pln_,fziql_xdl.lolxo .Mv Guinness-m
pffiflpfl,;l9h’h‘ ,0. Calhoun.imuihnfialdmlv
hggipg in; belvmwf ;CABD; undetmch’m‘Ci
~ .. ..u
.m 12'»;
i ‘t v
8200 00
120 00
69' 33
32 oo
55 06
$691 Pg