Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, October 04, 1848, Image 3

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    fhiga hgiov ‘lurtqndgred “’f thevm‘one or
'o' Congressmbn—h Sbnfilor—fo‘ur or
Egzfio Assemblyman. and several ohho cily
fis-"nlngcga—who‘ are sure to be elected—in
fisideralion of the votes of the Nativim
fr \he Whig candidmeu for Governor and
jiCanal Bomminaionér—who are jusraa
glare not 10 be elecled. . . ~ _
“’lml lhink our namrallzed Whig
25938005 of Ibis wedding? Are )0“ ”I”
,(ifi’uhamed of vour company ?
'fi‘uesday NBXt !
{EIIeNIOCR/Vrs- remémber that 'l‘ues
day next is lhe day or the ELECTION.
’fße on (he ground curly. Take all your
I;:héia!.bors wnh you. Vole lhe WHOLE
fégICKET. The lollnwing are the names
it"{hhe Democratic camlidnlcs. 'l‘hey are
;II firs! rate men. None of them tainted
E‘vmh mclvaol stain of Fodera'ism :
For Governor.
Mon‘l‘is‘ filofig‘streth.
For Cu'nal (,'oinlllisaioncc,
fisraca Painter.
For Congress,
Alfircd Giflmorc.
("or flsscmbly. ‘
For I’rol/lonotary. &c..
For (lounly Commisszoner.
For fltulilor. .
Outrageous abuse ol the
‘ Franliing Privilege.
Every mail {hul mum lu-ro m fillml “‘llll Fell
nml eleclionreling document- uddresu‘d l 0 uur
Whig Cungresemun. If lhe Demumnla “ere mu.
oxlmvngnm in lhe abuse uf lhe Frunking privilege.
Unclo Sam would be compelled to carry an extra
Innll bag- More than timer-fourths of all lhe mull
mailer to thin plat-o is now compound of Ibis lrall).
and all addressed FREE. to one man.
ll lho ledeml candidnle for Congress had uxl‘
«In-Mod hi! dilronr-e [u rolrecl lhia shameful nbusc.
inuem! ufnhusing Iho poor revenue colleclor- un
linned ulong Ihl' mail In walrh lhe smuggle". il
would hn’c been quilc on much Io hi: credit.
Illa nut that “a lent lhn! Iho circulalion and
hiding nl lhe-o documrnli will ir-Jnriumly affect
Iho pru-prrlauflhe Dunocmlic puny. Ihnl we ob
JL‘III In them. On Iho ronlrary, we would hue
men. pfmcd in Ihc handy ofcvcry Demuuul in lhe
‘oumy. 'l'hry \\ uulll hul ohuw lu lhem lhe dea
;-(‘In!loll ul Hchduul ;nnrly and [emind our old
\ new“: 0! Iho day: OI Jqflcuun—of".lim «Wadi?
.un'l um"-—u! up: Tyrant Jackson—“hen the hu
ler wm uhltulcd m Iho COFFIN HANDBILLS.
nml Iho former augmuhzctl m an INFIDEL. and n
.1 \CKUBIN (w. Surh nu uulpuurmg uf Democra
«yu we Mould Ihc" hnvu would dralmy lhe prm
pm la n! Frdernh-In in lhln mumy lUH‘TCL
'l‘hc Veto Power.
Amung Ihc «inrunwnln w mmu-ruunly u-m In.
My lu'm 111 uno on Ihc nml-jor! of the Volt) Power
hy John M Clnylon. Thu efl‘url- ol'lhe ledovnhllo
In rominre Ihc people Ihnl Ihiu [mWCI’IhOUId nol
've excuuul 1: us \uln an m It)‘ m ('OHViuL‘d lhcm
”AM they thhuld uhulmi: all Ihon Cumluulmhs.
Why dun'l I'Lderuliuu ullm k Hm Supreme Courl.’
Hus Court has lhe pone: lo vclu n In“ Ihnl may
mnn already htcn velot-d by Iho l’rcndcnl nml ul~
u-ynumu [mnn] by Iho: Cunsulullulml mnjurlly ul
qu~lllirds ul (.'ungre-u. Thr Judges ul than cuurl
uwnul rclpunan In Iho penph- n 1 all—lull are
Ilppolhlell for lnle. 0: which I. llm runny Ihing -- Ilu
ring gnud bchnxiunr—ycl mu a word In MM 0
gainnl lhcir vrlo punor
Um Ihc uércxuo ul lhe \‘elu by Jack-on confer
nd hm mnny blcaaingsun Ihc people at this coun-
Ir) In! lhe pcuplo lo consent In part ui|h Il—or In
Hunk ol olecling a nun Prosidom—emruuling him
mlh the “hole executive nulhunly u! Ihc govern
luuul~who is no! cnpnhlu oi judging fur hlmnoll
«homer 110 should npprom or dinnpprovo—as he
su‘car: Io da—llle ncu pulsed by Cungrens.
$77,812 02:
-\\'c were greaily mistaken in Manna.
last week, 825.000 as Ihc amount of en:-
Ira allowances received by Gen. Taylor.
The \Vaahinglon Union has obtained from
lhe ‘lepona made by the proper accounting
oificm. and laid before the Home uf Rep
r'eq'enlalivcs during the last qession. but
which the Whigs very prudenliy conclu
ded not In prml.’ a full Copy of the items.
showing ihachn. 'l‘uylur has received, in
the shape of exira allowances. over and
above his: regular pay. up to lhe lal of
January inn. ilie Jump! $74,864 04
To which u'lld mum allawnnces
from _Jnn. to June-last,
Makingtthe very modest sum $77,812. 02
'l‘niumemém cannot be coh'lrover'ted.
But,_wo do not complain ‘of Gen. Tayloron
(hi, aépdum.‘ He in_ not to blame for iL-i—
-\chpifly'glive thy. smcmem to show With
what ‘li'u'lo reason the.fricnda of.’l‘ny!or can
rhnréo Geh.‘v(3nsa [or réqctving (not cxlra
pay) but pay/or cmtru sciviées ‘.’ .. '
wlmmocun‘s—Remember um
Wfi‘il'F. Johny'Wh, the Whig candidate
Mr Cowmurfloveil the ‘MQN‘EY‘ POW;
HR 0!“ .IL‘N‘KSJO lunch 11mg he lgh'lt‘h‘é‘
Democratic party became the! puny deter,
miri‘ed lhal.lhe funds of ihé Govb‘inmeat
should be taken from ihe cnnlrol of lhe
Banks by the eatablishn‘ienl of the lnde-I
pendent Treasury System. .
The present Whig candidate for Can
grealia the first to ask the people of Clear
field county for their votes without getting
his tickets printed In the‘bounty. It Is an
invariable rule to but: the tickets printed
in the county where the votes Are polled.
if them in Press and types to do it with.—
Mr. Smith, however, is the first to depart
from this rule. Perhaps his prospects
were so gloomy that he thought he wouid
save that v by bringing him tickets flom
Butler countv. .
Arrival of the America.
[us/11. REBELLION .H‘ (.1187!
The ateumship Ammicu nuiv-ed here
yesterday allcunuun, abuut five o’clock.
bringing one ueek Inter inlclhgenc: lrum
nll pnl’la ul Europe. She had a large num
ber ul p‘flhellgl'fs, um! made lhe vuyagc in
good reasun. We commence wilh lhe g'o
nous Inlelligencc hum
CLONMEL, Sepl. l:s.-——-'l‘he palliula have
pooled lhcnm-Iwn in almost maccemblc
positions at New Inn, mar Cmnck on
Suir. and Kiluwclhmnas muumumv l)»-
heuy commundp In Wale-lou]. 'l'he gav
rrnmcm lrunps _veslenlay cuptured nine
HCUU‘S- Lzm night lhete Was a genera|
{mug of lhe penmnuy. wilhln nbuul m
lllllt‘h ul Culnck.
Al 4: o'clock. a large'bmly 0f Patriuls
marched to nunck lhe l’ulice slul'mn.
Sept. 14.—'l'he nut huuu-s uf me par
ronagc of 1m- Prulealhnt clergyman were
[named lust li,h . 'l'he 3d BuHi cmno
mlu Clonmel m any “ilh 28 H! Um: men
handcuflnl lm shunting Repeal.
Al Ihc palliul'a camp. :nen mllvs Irom
Clonmul. lhe-y mm bulluclu mud sharp
on mm gun. and me pruning every un:
10 Jul" them.
Al Glrnbuwer. about 8 miles f: um (Hun
mel, lhe l’ohce um.- ptepaving Io neck It.
lugc In Cnuick. whru the Imutgrnls flu-d
un lhem. A Hall! ensued, which lasted a
quurler ol an huur. A numbrr wne kill
ed on lhe purl ul xhe aswilxnls. but unly
No or lhrcc were uuundnl on the man u!
lhe pullcr. 'l'hc palm”: IL-lt [heir llrud
upun (he licld.
The Police hue “rd Irom lhe nul sla
(inns. and In night is Is lured wnll reveal
unlu| :L'L'XH“. '
CALLAN. Sepl. IS.--The (rpurls plt‘Vu
!enl in Kllkenny ale lIHIUflhI m be much
«xnggclalul, and I'm- number n! \hc pant
Ul:u\£l'ulcd. The Pulltc “we m-wnrlr
disanned. and on Hwy m‘caawn dclenl
ed lhe Inautgu-u'e. Among lhc msuvgunls
“Inch assailed the Palm: atulinn, luur In
five ume lhe umlmm of (In: 352 Out). II
is bellcwd that wme pines u! munun
hue been cuplurul by lllt' pnlliuh“
'l‘he Culk Examinernf the l3lh pub
li~hu Im.- lmlumng: Rumws lemlml
ka this morning in «clcrcnrc In lhe du
lutbancen In lhe (:nunly ul \\'alwlmd.-——
lnluunalmu “an tecelwd by the PuIICF
auxin-[H.163 (m, Ila)‘; that lhe Pnllre bar
racks at l’ullluw was ullnckvd nl an l‘ul“_\’
huur by a budy u! armed pvaazmlty. Tm
hmracks Wan Ul‘tuplvd by abnul ten I’..
lim. cmnmuuled by c‘uu-Inbic (TIL-gnu.—
Aller as short snuggle UH: nasal‘anu were
puk to Illghl. bul nul “'lllmul 30""! luau un
either unis—two 0! (he Pullue having bven
shut and rrvrrnl ul lbc ussulluma Ilunng
beru killed. and olhers scriOusly Wnuudfi
ed. II I: nul known ulurlbvr Ihc Pulm
werc slim (Irfld or only \mumle‘i. We
give the repult as it reached us, mlbuul
being unablcd (u add any cun‘dumallun.
budge ul \Valerloul heul been blown up
or utherwisc destroyed yvaleaday. ll .5
also rumored that the bridge ul Gruny fer
ry. about a mile from the any. m Wale:—
lunl, and on the load to Cumck, shun-d a
similar Idle.
By the arrival of lhe Youghal conch a!
12 o'clock, we have confirmatory inlelll
gencc with'rcspccx lo lhe lulu-r brnlgc.
The lroops alulioncd m Yuuglml bar:
racks were dospulchejl u! curly dawn lhn;
morning to Cappnqulurby u nieumrr, on
lhcir route (0 the localities Sun] to be dus
lorbed. .Il may be mentioned. in confir
mation 01 (hrs movement of lroops lownrd~
Walerford. that two detachments hove
receiVed orders lo hold lhemselvu in in)
medium readiness lo leave Cork as a gar
rison for Youghul. uml Middleton lore
placc the troops sent on. They may hme
Inar'ched out 0! Cork belore lhn-I.
2.947 98
The surrounding’districts have bee/u
much mute alarmed than was anlicnpule‘d.
No duubl now remain," of the tact that u
considerable palriu‘ lorm; have assembled
dud shown a sp'n’it of the utmost de’iérmi
nation. The main body ul lhe assailants,
said tube 4000:5lrung. has encamped‘ on
Aheny Hill, in ghe "county of 'l'ipperury,
immediately adjuimn‘g the shale quarriés
in that county. There cawbe no d'oubu
that Iheiv'lendero him: some miYilu‘ry ex?
perncnce,'und-Itiat,(hé men are; regularly
drillcdm'l'lwy ar‘éa‘ chiefly armed with
pikos.”b‘dt mau'y have "1.11:5. , .. ,
Rlclmd OiGonnant-ia suid'to; b; the
No Tickets.
NEW YORK, Sepl. 2!)
tchigfhir),comman’dmand. Dohenj .i'svglgo said
to be mhun‘g 'lh‘ém, "‘ " ' '
The latest mlviccs I'rum' Pads is not
very ualinlncmry. 'lfhe.Suc|alin(s were]
mustering in their finenglh. having bee-n
much dissatisfied with the speech math
.by M. 'l‘hieru. The Govemmeul ii ana
.mppusrd would close-lhe clubs. It is
Ihoughl that lhe Red Republicans have u
mfijflfi'y In Pan: 1:; Um ctecliuu. ‘_ ‘
Gena. Cuvaignnc and anuriciure are
nm on gum] IPI'IDF. lhe lnrlncr ‘hnvmg in
Ihc opmiun ul Lummicierc. lallwly leaned
100 much lowardb the Dumocrauc party.
Most Extraordinary Work!
Professor 9/ (.(zscases 0/ women.
Smh Edmon. lBmu. pp. 250. Priodl dullnr.
30.000 Cnpics sold in (firm months.
Yuurnufauffering of physical nnd monlal nngmsh
m mnny nn ulfeclionnle mle. nml pet-unmry dlllicu|~
(lon to the huhhuml. nnghl have been.spnrcd by n
llmcly possess-inn til [his work.
It In [mended cnpocinlly (or lhe mnrrled. or those
contemplating mumnge. as n dlßClUses nnporlnu! ao~
creta “hit'h should bu kuuwn to them pumculurly.
'l‘rulv.kunwlodge IS power. It is health. happi
ncsa,umuence. ,
The royelnnnns contained in Its pugcs have proved
a hlcssmg to thousands. us lhelnnumcmblolcllcrs m
ccivod by the author will uncut. ‘
Here. 0150. every I'omulo —lhe wife, the mother. the
one mlhcr budding 'nnu “mnnnhood. or the one In
the decline ul'yeura In whom nature conlomplnles an
Imporlnn: chunge—cnn discover the mum-s. symp
lums. nnd lhe Innsl omen-n! rcmudles, and mum can
mm modn of cure, In every t‘ompluxnl 10 which her
sex is subject.
Copies will be Sent by mail [rce ufposlage
lo the purchaser.
Over (on Ihousnnd mines have been soul by mnil
wuhiu lhreo monlhs. wilh perletzl Pufcly and can
Un lhe rccoipl ul' One Dollar. l‘lo "Mnrried WO
- l’rn'nlu Medical Companion" mll be aenl (flunk
ledfrcc) In any purl ul lhe Unilcd Sum-s. AH lvnm
must bu post-paid (except those c-onlmning n mum.
lance) and addressed In Dr. A‘ M Mouncenu. Box
1224. New York city. Publishing Office. 12‘.) lecrly
slrcel. N. York.
'l'ho "Mamet! Wnnmn's I'nvnle Medwnl Cum;
pmnow ”said by bookseller» lhruughoul lhe Umlcd
Sloles.‘ July 10. 2 m.
Envrrloxs or Tm: Sam—lt should be remem
bered. when lhe mur-er pnrliclea of impunly nre
diverted from iheir proper channel: and become
deposited m Iho Ikin. Ihnl cutaneous eruplium are
the rennin (-uuaoquem-e.
Wrighl'a Indian Vegetable l’llln will be found n
delightful Iredicmo fur nll duovder- of lhe Iklll;
bocnuw lhay expel Irom lho bully tho-o [WIIOIIOUI
humun “Inch um lhe cause ofnll kinds of orup'
live (Inn-uses. \Vrighl'l lndmn Vegelnbla Pall
will ha {uund to an! and improve digesuun, and n-
Ihey are a direct purifier of lhe blood. they will
must uuuredly give henllh and vigor lo lhe whulo
frame. which in lurn Will be nure lo give u Imoolh
nml henllhy rmnplr-xinn.
BEWARE or Communal-r- AND lulu-no.“ .'
Remember lhn! the original and only genuine In~
diun l'egclable Pills have Iho pignaluro of Wu.
WKmnT wrillen mm a pen on the lop lubelol
each box. "
at? The genuine for sale by R. SHAW.
sole flgenlfor Clearfield ,- Cmms 8' Buo
nmn. Curwensvxl/e; DANIEL BARRETT.
Zul/te'aburg ,° and wholesale at (he (;flice
and general depot, 169 Race strecg. P ula
Jam PATTtm, Jr.,
EEAS ju~l termed M his annu- 111 the
_ bmlxlmg known uu lrvin~ store
huu-e. at ”H: nvu. near Curwensulle. n
large anullnu‘lll 0|
Among which wnH Ln: luund one o! the ve
«v 09-! srlrcH-d asanrlmenu ul
Dry~Goods, Hardware, Queens
warc, Groceries, Drugs andDye
titufi's, 'l‘in-wurc, Books &- Sta
onary, Hats, Caps and Bonnets,
Boots and Shoes, Tobacco and
Segnrs, Umbrellas, Carpetand
Carpet and Cotton Yarn, Con
tcctionaric’s, l’nints, Oils, Teas,
&c., &c. -
which he I- now. Sr iG determined to con
linuc sellmz AS CHEAP 1n lhry tun be
bought eluwln-re in the county.
.. [CPAH he asks I! u call,
Curwensville, Oct. 3. ‘4B
IS'l‘ UF,LEII‘I'ERS remaining in
L me Pm! (“fire u; Clealfiuld Pu...
Unluber Id 1848
Bane“, Wm U Esq. Suy, \'\’|l|ium
Black, ersun -_ Meme”, Wm L
Bore“. Rev. F Mnmrgmnery. \Vm
Clumnn. Eli B Mutku, Dull. H 2
(Jan, Aslll Mauhev. Ruben
I‘llhult. “any E~q. Morin-on, Geurge
Flclcher, N _ Orr Mary Ann
Fianea. Dr. E l’atchen. Jnhr. E~q
(;uibellllhfl. Henry l’clers. Juan!) [1
Huber, Henry Peck. Mary E
Hall, H 3 ' James, John
leacket Cornelius Sherwood. Numan
Kelly. James M Slruall; Elizabeth
Kllllng, J Esq. Week's, Daniel R
pd WM. L. MOORE P M.
Eifl‘lfiiéli‘t (921313330
$5 Reward.
'I'RAYED away Irom the tesidence of
S the subscriber. in Lawreqce town
amp. sume two or three months ngu. a
Yoke of large Oren—the one "ed any!
whne. weaning u be". and n “T” on hit
horns. and lhe other» u'd.”a litlle mixed
,with black. They are‘ abugt 8 years uld.
'l‘he hbov'e reward will 'be given .to any
peraur. delivering auid (yen tothe aubscn
bur. ‘ ' ISRAEL NICHOLS, .
Sept. 26.1848. ,
BLflNKS ‘ for stile at this ofiice.
THE. subscriber knoWinglhnt our country' has laborflhndéb'gflut
- disadvantages for Want of Medicine and articles of diet forthe
sick, of a quality that could be depended on, has brou'ght,_up-a..ggnera\
assortment ofa '
to any that have heretofore been offered for sale in this county. .
He also olfers the following instruments for sale. A case containing
Amputating & Trephiui 1g instruments; a silver Catheter and hoir‘élip
needles. A Vagina Speculum ; a large assortment ofTrusses ;‘ cases of
Cupping instruments; Stomach tubes; an instrument for cuttinguUVu-
In: Obstetric Forceps ; l’essaries; Male & Female syringes ; large and
small injection do ; Womb‘do; Key & Forceps for drawing teeth. U
terine Supporters; Catheters; Elastic Bag for drawing Breasts; Glass
pipes for do., Nipple Sheaths; do shells; Sucking bottles; Spring lan
cets; Thumb do; Spotulas; Mortars; Pill cutters; Brass scales and
weights; Glass funnels; graduated Measures; Thermometers; Tooth
brushes & powder. He has an assortment ofdisinl'ecting agents for pg‘
rifying sick rooms, cellars, &c. He also olfers for sale a supply‘of: ,
including Swaims Panacea; an assortment of Pills, Oils, &c. ‘
He will supply customers with Spices, Perfumes, Soda and" “Tater
Crackers, Blue and Black Ink, Ink-powder, Sand paperyßritish‘Lus
trc, Blacking. Pewter Sand, Wafers, Red and Black Sealing-wax,—
Fz'ne Soaps, Dyes, Oils, Paints, Varnish, Glass & putty; all of which
he will sell at a very small profit for GASH !" ‘
Cl'earfield, September 12, 1848
'l‘hn'd Volupnteer Bal
7 ‘HE 3d Volunlfler Ballu‘inn nl Cluar
i_ fivld counly Vulumeers. compmed
of the Union Grays, Nalinnnl Grnyu. Bra
dy Guards, Uurwensvilie Arum-r), 'l'uy
lnr GuanL, “'nahinglnn Thunp, and
\\'ashinglun lnlunhy. will mvel lor ln
,prcnon on Mundny the 16th day 0! Duo
ber wat. a! Curwmm'illc, at 9 o‘clock.
A. M. The Cumpnnu-u ale rrqucs'ed I 0
cume wilh Hu-ir camp rquipngt’. lrnls. &c.
plepnled m emcamp lno days, viz: M on
tlay and Tuesday.
By order of Col. BARRETT.
Aug. 30. 1848.
Estate of Samuel Orr, dec’d. 1
'EI'TERS nl Adnnnlalramm having
L been granled In lhe subscribemun
lhe éslale ol Samuel Orr, lulu nf Jordan
townslnp. Cleurfield county, de‘c’d. all
pcrmns havmg claim» or demands aguiml
sum enlale WI” present lheln duly authen
ncmul lur settlemenl—and all peraom ln
(leblnl lo the same are requesled lu make
payment mlhuuldelnv.
ANN ORR. 8 (ml,
aSrpl. 2,lB4Bu—pd.
To: Contractors.
PROPOSALS mil be recewed by the
Couumsuunera u! ClemfiL-ld cuunly,
a! lheit‘ office In Hue burnugh ol Cleutfield,
nu Flimsy lhe 13m u! OCl‘ulwr nexl.[o;
«lolnz Ihc lolluwmg wurk. viz :—Fnr ma
king 345 feel 0! lence mound lht‘ cuuul
huuec 101, mm! fence m-- 0:: pm up wuh
gum] sawed Lucusl ur Chrallml push, a‘
bout iour lrel high, am) good snwrd Ihnl:
about 6 inches bun-ml. The posts 3.; falls
tn be plum'd and painted on each rude.—
A gun: to be put 111 Hon! ul lhecuurl home
and one In hunt "I (heCumnnsmoners nf
ficc. Propthuls will also br received lnr
pluullug sand lot “uh good shade (lees.
ROPOSALS WI“ be received at the
P same “Inc and plate lur budding a
Huck house on Hm wurt huuu: 101, «mum
12 'l'” U) 8, “I|“st aparmnrnh. (one In
Us a nulrr can-cl) luUt‘ huh-huh!” a umk
manhku manna. polls-ml, and gum] tanks,
&c.. pul on the d -m-.
.M:. A NEED, ('om’rs
Cumin". ulh. ('. (.'lr ..:
held, Sx'p . 9 11, 1845'
T 0 «Deflectors.
f, \ ‘9 F ‘IIE sekul col
52'; W. ”E, lecloiu u! Clénr
s'; ram»; hrltl county lnr year.
51;!“ng precedidg 1648, Win.
" huwnul accclvpdavu.
it lrmn \he Sheri“ nl euld mum}, at:
hereby nuulicd, (hut unleas we)" pay all
lhe m'Yl'lul numunls due by them on m
before the 13h ul October ucxl. d Fi Fa
mll be issued again“ each 0! lh‘cm unnu- ‘
duutely blier that time, 'l'howlur 1848
are ..qu tequirt'd to my. up as uuunuépua
slblr, and save themselv‘es cons. '
J JAS.'A. REED, Com’rs
Cmum”ra office, Clebr-g ‘
field Sepl. 18m. 1848. ' ‘
31am! Sales.
THE tale of Unsealed Lands; byv‘he
" Treasurer of Clearfield' county, h’uv'e'
been adjourned unlil Friday 14m Ocrob‘er,
1848. u! the,J cuun house. In lhe burough
0| Clem-fichll. ' ‘ :
ISAAC BLOOM, jr.. Tra’r.“'
5ept.,25.’45» , , --
' Ac’oN. -G..oq;HAMS &SHOUL
B' DERS. 'ur mic by
General Elertion
W HEREAS. By on act at the Gen
eral Assembly ol Pennsylvania.
entitled. " An Act to regulate the Genet.
11l section within lhlfl Commonwealth.”
it is enjoined on the Sherifia of the diaer
ent counties to give public notice ol such
election, the place wheie to be'held. and
the officers to be elected :-'l‘herelore I.
JOHN STiTse. High Sherifl 0| Clearfield
county. do hereby give
to the elecluru ot the county ol Clearfield,
that a General Electtnn “ill be held on
the Second heating of October nexl. (be
ing the 10th day olthe month.) at the nav
eral elect on disti‘tcta in bold county. II
Whichetime and place the qualified elec
tors will elect-
One Pcraan for Governor ofthis Com-
monwealth. '
One Person for Canal Commiuioner of
"HS Commonwealth. .
One Person 'lO represent the 'countics of
Indiana. Armstrong. Butler and Clear-
field. in the House of Representatives
of lhe United Slates.
Two Persons lo‘ reprgsem the cnunticl 6f
Centre and Clearfiéld in the Hume of
Reprepenmtlves 0| lhis Commnnfieahh.
One Person lo serve as Prothunulory. &c.
of Ciearfield Cullnly. ‘
One Person [or Coumy thmissloner.
One Person for County Auditdr.
The clean” of the said ‘a-unty will
take nnlice mat the election will be held
at the [allowing plhces: "
Al lhe court house m the boroufgh of Clonrfield {or
anreme unvgsh'r.
Al lhu house 0! Wm Hmn‘cr for Bradford township.
A! the house 0! Juhn Goss lor Decnlur lownahip.
Al lhe hum-u: u! Samuel M. Smut: lor Bcccarintown
ah! . -
AI this: house ofJohn Dmucket. \now occupied by S.
Evuns.) lor Puke township. ‘
At Iho houau 0! Jacob Mnum’ lor (Jovinglon lown~
sh: .
Al (hi: huuao of Wm. (‘. Fonly for Brad) township.
A: lhewhuol house UII Spencer's bill for Pvnn tuw:p.
m lhe house 0! James Curry for Cheat town-hip.
Al Congress Hunchool house lor Guard lmvnshxp.
Al lhe house or James Allpon lor Morris township.
Al. lhe house 0! John Young (or Burnside township.
Al Iho house 0! Aueph Ulla for Bell hm nthlp.
Al lhe houneul Jamel MvNcul lor Jordan luwnlhip.
A: the heusout Genrgu'Turner for Rngga lounlhip.
m Iho house 01 Jean Wllsun lor “Halon lmvmhip.
A 1 lhe housaul l‘nup. Dnmlor Ferguson 10wmhtp,
Al llm house ol John I: Bundy for Foxlownlhi .
AI lhghyuuu ul JuhiH‘thoalue lor Woodwnnrw'wu
amp. '
A! line l'uhhr School-house lor Goahen township.
m 1m: I‘rumo lluuso lormnrlyocQuplc-d no a boarding
huuuo.lur Kurlhaua wwnahl’p.
Al un- court house [or the borough o! Clcurfiold.
Name is hereby Given,"l‘-har all per
mm. (. xeepl Justices ol the Peace.) dbl»
aha” nuzd any ulfice ur appointmenf'o'l'
puul'n uruluhl. u_mler llm‘GuvernmeM of
meUUuued Sum! or at lhls Slule, 0&- ol In
ny cny or Incorpnraled district, whélhci'
a Commissioned officer or ulherwise. a 15qu
urdumle ulficer or agent. Who is or shall
be employed under lhe legislalive. execuvi‘
me ur jmllciuly (leparlmeal o.‘ lbia Stile
or ul lhe Unlled States. ‘or any city or‘im‘
curporaled distrlcl; and also' lhat every
member 0| Congress & Stale 'Legislatm'o,
and 0! lhe select or common ‘council of ai
ny culy. ur commissioner of any incOrpor'Q
med district. is by Ilaw incapable‘ '0! hold;
ing or exercising. ut the same’u’me; the ol
fice or appuinlmenl 0! Judge.” Inspector.
or Clerk. nl any electum olthis Comm‘on
wealth ; and lhn! no ln~peclor, Judge. or
other olficenol any we" election thall‘be
eligible lu uryrnflice lvoletl lnr. ' v ‘
_And the mum Judgi-a of the'respécl'
ive dishicls ulurnaid. are required lb'moet
at the court house 'lnilhe bor 'l'h'olClea'r
field pn me Fridav nu! Mugabe said 21!
Tuesday 0! Oclubl-r, than and there to do
ullJhone lhingnequiwglzot them by law.
Gwen under my handand sea! at Clear
. field. this lat day of é'éptamber.‘in Ith
3 mar qf our .Lord ‘dne'dhausandfe’ighl
' hmidrgd qudforlywiglalfland qflhe; 71‘
r‘ dependeqbe of the l7niled§late3'lh‘eu~'
; unity-Ihtr‘d. W . ‘ ‘
. JOHN STI’I‘ES, Sh'l.