EIN El .nduca. , .Il dio’. } him, 7 I 9 Io“ We invite 'pnnicular aglention to an alli cle in qnolhennolumn [torn «he Keystone; uninmoy-atiom. ‘ Theyuare \hq mpsldan: coloua'énemiu a {refinblicnn peonle havg, to fear: Be. it lhe .duly {of every.~phuiol 'lo guard Bglinlivihflr gunning pow?!“ I‘m ', It is charged-by lhe Dem'bcrnts..and not' denied by me Whigr. Ihai Wm. F. John. “On. lhe pressingV-mvhig'candidnlc for Gov‘ _ flour. in one of menu," “arm and devo'f' led advocalen offinpniéd 'mn'napalies. lie ‘ Ia intik‘ed~ 035611 "3:”. Nikki? ',-S‘peélu! fflglvo'cfiije;'| Ainn‘nghim, Iliduglrof 'appliéalinns fof'iiiis‘ kind‘lof aperialprivilcgcé‘hbelora ,the Lé-‘ éislalurekwhilsl .he “as a member. J! is not believed glint: liq hag CEV‘PI“ .omms'ed than! in a slnglo 'inala'nééf ‘btillhl‘a'ai' A UWI'A‘YQ SUPPORTEDTfiEM. , g I Shank; h};l be'plénlgg. xlllicit-thin. ihe peo ‘ [file may Idol: nut‘for an mnny.vLE\\’l§_ 'row Ngfiamuxsx» COUNTY. ' and' To “'ANDAifBANKS as? ihesé speéulating' penny my age propgrl In ask‘. for. ; . ~ I um rlhv In: fig - n in , {15.6 who, q. euu we ~ S .'..fi-fi} . WW”?- fififfi 1“ am)?- imi guilt.“ El 9 ,Y.°! 2 263°): 1 [53. is?» : IV :2} . ; I‘6 '. ISuI MORRIS"L‘ONGS'I‘RETH, “If Democlalic candidal'e. is pledged i 6 (till‘o‘v'v lhe example 0! our lug’ gluridbu SH UNK. and to oppose lhe in'cre‘ap'anl'lheilfinlu‘ng Cnpityl ofthe Slale.land ,Ip re chatter no new'Bian'ko uhleua “I'lvheir siockhulkl‘exaiéré } made liable‘forilheuflebla as induvidualal 2m: are." 9 a the . Tha people should be reminded that there are mid wak‘rvwrv in" FIFTY nppli‘calionsuoady to be made io-the next Leghla'lme' rm chérleu and ta chattels of Banks. “hich. ifgtanled. wlill INCREASE our nnsem Bank ripiln} MORE TU AN NINE ' MILLIONS OF. DOLLARS.— 3EI un #93,! low- Wfin ask; [or m}: increase of ficmloua cur rem-y"! 'la in Ihq Faimer? The Mechan iq? 'l'theuLaboging man? No, none 0 E!!! hich them; llis‘the man of CpA‘Plf‘l‘TALg‘whd has hoiéymba‘lhy wilh Ilmsé i‘n'humbler icitcumsi'ariré'a. and who 'asksyou lo_ pass'n ln' = giving him a' privilego.‘ which you DKRE'NO'I exeréweyouuelws. - ' ‘ ‘. 'l‘hiifiira'n‘umnroui {and plo‘w'ertlul class m on!- SiéleL They sci: Ihetilj fibpq‘iluhfiy and Will «pare no meanim ufcule lhe elecr {inn of_lheiu Specaal advbcale; ' ‘ -~ ‘ 1 9:} ix. El!!! ' ‘l‘.“‘3! 'bfe‘ithge ‘dmf “qr lhe haldj‘fisted yea; imam)? or fly; bid ' Keyalpige 16 .‘diééppoin' «Inci‘r’ hope; {qr another lerm,o[ Ihréq yeats. ANOTHER FAILSEHOOD EXPOSED. ”My. Smulr. Iho I-federgl [candidate lpq’Cong'teu, in hit ;peech in lhil plat-o, paid lhn [hg friend: ol Gog}. CASSfin [hanle union of. Congrcn.‘refu:~ a! m gunman inveagigaliun 01 his nccouriln MG"- H¥emuruflMi<~hignm &c '-No\\’. 1: thank] be re-‘ men-berm! Ihnl ‘lfie Whigs had a mnjorilym the. llu’iilé. and could ~ inbculignlé mm ihoy' piedsed.‘ ni‘Adc-finnco ol lhe Democrat» But it in 1:0!th Ihfii’ line Dn'nucrnli refund 'llw' Virivéuign'libxi‘é-e ‘ 'l‘ht-y .only demandi‘J-un‘d I‘Lhich‘r‘ may hit). a’ fight liy'illhjn‘l Gil-n, fojlqrjy 'm'vp‘upl}s Im‘lighl bé ”’7' ‘ (cil'lgnlod‘ if 'lh'efiorpe‘ lame: I|de ,bp’li’zfgfujq lh'e n-nyxa':.:geng.£frf-f ITb}; Wag;@o993:_'T:hévinlng‘l'lligu{ "fiah’mh‘ab: 13m "whp'rj lhEWhig- roupix mu it wan their "'9‘: Ihnl .qu’ gofidf vgry prddehlly Rancid. did {“ll9} (a pri'ni if; "'l_‘he.:Wanhing‘lpn Ufiiqrg. jn nn‘ ‘u‘hlo. éx‘ptuitenhsofm’e ,[ilyebppfln m Andy Sienna-'5: Inlo upon-I; ip‘Cungrol‘smlikewiw expo-es Ihil 141 ml of Mr. Smilh'a inilh‘b ‘lollo‘uing' pntogmph, u’l‘ho Uniavy‘gis‘én [hu amudnl of "enrol" received by Gan. 'l'nylur. Much nmugm,‘ in lhe aggregate. to 895.708 30: ~ - ~ '4 o .'er.S.,t_:ppcndno his Epevch‘a vule'in -lho'Houscl ..ql.‘ fiepnscmmives. «nunmmluuun submitted by hum. mulling to: inlomnliqn jp {elation to Genhlinu'a ne rhunls.‘ (q the»? lhhl ;thc, Inquigy' my tesimd Jw. Ihnl géml'emnh‘a” lriéhdal; 11ml we‘ suppose it was ,nnvlcnnv venlc‘m lorbim‘mgmlwafl lhe lnqts,‘ vnz': lhntlhgs' :imsqiulion wns'ommod only lot the purpose of hn’finz ilnmenflefl mom to embrace Gen. Taylor's uccouma‘ and allqunces 0,190; ,Ihul whet: so amended. it was nffim'bpposedlbg hiafriendn. hut lhul it was finally udoplod,’ bnginhse .uusy 'dpw nul encounter the infeh vncel llml‘wonld' be drow'n N” Hwy preyamed in pan sage} Ilmt [the information it called {or in bolfl‘cqaea mnaduly (limishcdhy llxe Socramr [of- Wnr'nnd oc 9wnlimvfli¢crgg 801‘. mu Gm. 'l‘ivwn's vmmm. n‘nvmormz MAJORITY. may 9000 can run": IT» wgsy‘ 301' ,PRJNTED. it hnymg,beenrelarrgd In Ilge. Committee'on'Pubiic'Expondil_utc's._flvhcw it lles‘b‘q~ nml {rpm pnhhc View." 3‘ 1‘ “- "3 " “' ' ," ' ' ,'z"l".z"§s §"Zlii'~.‘______ . ' 1 j :93: 292' '» 3:3. . 4:"; :23? D I 027' Win lh‘pfqlfullquuunrg" 7h i g just I'm-all.thalm'ajysifilqamnj’glillib ;fies‘il'idld on 'fonlpilfilffll‘lt‘yfi afi‘u'l‘xll ;:fb’cf galla‘im {G'énié'fa 'QU.'.',‘?‘:’:,sN{s§3?3'9 fih‘géi'fib'cgifil‘.’fGen.eta‘ {Jagqbamc'eum 1m : ’ ' mm. 3% YILO'RJANO3THE .wmy' SH; ' "‘*-"'""MO'l‘f PROVISO- (,li, ‘11:)", Ezlracl‘ [ram 1: “le‘llérf ‘ébliqlzed 1 in «(he ; , I.lVaahinglan..Uniqn.fig/u).. 2 ,3 J; (~l2.'ygyiOhLEqNs;l:S}|piz;7. (18482 g:,i,°;l;;wjgb-2 loan”; yum umnqmm Io ,Ahe ,Ivltgwiug,dcp,lm!iqxgn.;*m,d¢ ”1100!; Blue 'l’éyldn; 6! "us sits,r “.‘.“- acknnwlcdgecl Taylglpjyleadgrj‘qsl.npisiann. in regard to "‘i’ Wmifld Gep. I‘, ;qqcppimusmfthe Wilma! ,Ptoviu‘u .:qneo'tion.» ‘ IN. ~hoped Ihnl it; gill bfi‘wfliclénnofliubuse lhe‘er ' tonepas‘jmpgguiqign «3|.‘lllegijl,m‘9liglovi- ‘ ‘so mi-uy'jb‘klhe “NewLJ-Bfiglu'td ‘Slaté‘ig h to (by, ml .'.i-W! andiia’e‘fitimrm- efvirld Zack ‘ he) fiihltfeh‘denfi &M'rg‘l’eyflm lfi‘mél-boL may. (53.91;!!an“Germfli'gyl‘nr. nml Dit jump! {to 6% swam: man hgiwquug (fiiirefirég‘égt .himgiggpy‘ ”Ritalin,l‘fifiécihlf‘y“he-F3, m ,huéfié‘fi‘évhéigii \‘g’hfilif‘ led 86:59.1 (9 qugh ins-u; a ;gigi‘r‘tfliajous'bwlfirmware “or lhé Np: pig}. ssfl°93ms§s 391:5 shy; ”Mahdi IKEEEIJFK Mamnw‘u; ~.s.lncrzfi-v In.“ 4' "1‘ '? MW ,uphnmmzyzlof.‘ :ghe;;fe‘g!ipzd'ul_ f‘j! WSW”?! 19Wid-lé‘ifhfilfil.;Ehé‘él,"kh‘s’fléifimfia‘ ..mé. ‘hl’t‘h‘r-W‘Bfiikb’qhfiiiognima?.nm:mammary): ‘ '2‘ 1910‘1i31‘_11’5‘1”"i .(Rilffgééfiifglg w m, 2 hit. 2., ' £9». 1"1' ‘ , 7ny nmy”: charteyeagim L‘ i‘ :, ,ilcges. 3' ~ ‘erfpojhby girlhpnd. intergqg. bu} [.drem it (bowing. mémf lhnjnfair If"; ientlvllhiqf'qni-i CI? to lhe‘nfiirlh. lotmwémhe"slundé’mm’ and lying memo"; uf whig‘fpliceniem' whn_mpuld barter Iheir‘bgighvut hnpes 9nd Iraflic in lhe most fiagitinug__a_ntl‘,iny gir‘icgre n'vbwalu lo‘elléét'lheir'mun: There, is no Whigvin 'lh’éiw‘h'ole soulh’whb‘ beliévvn. br‘ 'mi‘uld 'diu'e ‘ here asserQ’ihM Ge’ti’. Ta‘f Inf, wwld H suppnrl ”he principles '0! the ‘ W.l|mol‘.Prinviuu; and ye! m.- lee him quo ml in a'mmtveu‘qy “hi 2 papci- in the ‘norlb an [:i'e'mlly In M. unlmuc receiving ,lhat fcomtadiclinn and disclnimer lrothr J soulhvnhich is "semis!!! enjoinedzu'plm .theTfi-higkheve as men n! hnnnr.la_‘llu.-.-+'- But jhiu great game 0| subtrrfuge IndEDf ;ific'e. in ;la-t'upludinel oml‘lfi Jiimeqh‘p unworlhy.‘ ..playenupl i! vyl~;receiv‘;e iheir nmiml telnbutiun. 'l‘he‘ declnrmionlnf Cul.' Peyton; which folluwvt. cannot be de nied. Ho asgelu'd il boldly and triumph ‘a'ully. .wdhvnunlingly nskrdQlhe pmple prH'DI if that looked like “'jlmo! vai-_ sm‘m ‘P~"lle sa'ul [barGym-Tl‘gyhnr"dtd,nnl appro’vc, and did; nol_ .cnuntennnce in Hue. leap}, lhe ids? 0| favoring such an anti-5 undlhern prinrtifllfrf fißulv let-flue append“ lhe tlrclnyuliur} is l 'fin’lljl’fin 'lh'e'L’li'uuia it'vi'l‘tluridinni Publjghed thCllimqntLouJ ism)».- undc-r‘édnte‘ of ISEpltmber 2,”:i’ml Avfi‘il.llilil'n‘.-l7§ lung» 0'! Taylm’a lk’bi’d‘clllCfo-g'f "'6':de ' 'r z‘ “u 33' 7":‘5- .23 - 2 ' ' “Gen. Taylor has recently RIMES: tgd: ‘one [am dred: :tlz‘aqsanfd‘ ‘Hollars in negrées, and ‘theljefore cannot be'in‘favm: of the-Wilmot Provi§o;”. 1 Let lhe'l'tee-soil Whigs a'hd ‘go‘ml a‘mis slavery p'a’hiots of ~Nu;- Noylh pug lhfiljn. their pncs and smoke-it.” ~ } "A Selllcr and no Mistake! ‘ . r-M‘A'INE ALL RIC-”TL: ' Correspondencn o! the Journal 01 Commerbu. V Avausm. Sept. 17. 1848. Returns [rum 33] towns and 39 pluma ions‘, awe ihe lulluwing 'Vulle'lm‘ GMer on, campuser 'mlh ‘llhc Vole (JP-1847; if) I: name lmvns: '- i .H L- 1847.3“: ,_ .-; -. 1848. a": ‘ Dunn anagn P‘cnenaenibaqn Humlip Feygendan (D) g“) .Mu‘.) .x , :5 31,285.32 .147 37.254 «37.643 29.0095 .. 11.557 1: tThe'r'cmnining towns v'nml lonl'year mun: DAna'. 2.046; Bronson. I.IO9; Fes penden.&’c.. 386. . ' L , ' : Swarm—Tucte‘are 14 Sennlnfs eIPc-I lied—3:“ big: and II Democrats. The remaining 17 willbeirlecml by a-cunveu-v lion ul Ihc lau Hausa. and an IheHuu-é o! Reprenrnln‘fivcu husa majority ol l)em-‘ vcrala. lhe Democratic candida!“ will be chonen. f House or llnrnnsnsnnvns.-'l'he Huune cunmls .0! [s| meml’wru. and are'_ elected .um. ':'—-Demucvalss «85; »\\v'hign. 55;.Pt‘fl’, Suil. ,12; and one who atylén' bun-ell u 'l'nylor7l)rmocrat. ' .r - - , (.5 From Iho Augusta Agl. . m One uf the delegates ’lrom ihia safe to: thefiflniliumr'e ~meenlinn in‘ May‘ Ml, pledgul‘lhéAvule'ul’ Maine to Cass and BUTLER by (en thousand majorly]! "th Vute 0n Monday but render: it , evidvnl' mat lhe piedge will be gloriously redeem ' «(I-4i! “ill be more than redeeméd.#‘ Maine “NU-give Can and Bum: a major ity ‘over‘lh‘e Fuli'ral lirkri In; Noyemmr‘.‘ at more Ihhn'»"gltvm 'l/loilsnml.’ "l‘n'ylbr cannmgget Ilwfvon-fvvhirh Hellman“... 9"l'as‘g‘3loud3yi)inid‘Cau'killfrcgcivév‘a; la‘rgeé iote'lhan'thn given 'to'Unti'aQfl’ “5' ~ .mms’massmu PJC'IURE." -? Siale o/'lreland.—lr ssh papers still con‘- tain nqpqunts i-fmiscry‘lnml crime. resul ling' flu") th'e'degljluj‘inn"nl the people- Ind cvuclinn- erm' lhpir homes. The Limer ick Examiner anysi, "The pour inlhe ‘lowb of BZull’u'lid'iln‘filuyhuhfl‘c ,vici'nily 'a're nblig‘e¢l"td lon'ul'ergo It‘v't'lfe ”pir'iéaljunif. and shocking“ Iha’mnén" uf' ex'lre'me ’d‘eali; ‘ ’l'uliu'n urex‘uf'iléiW'M’QCtgrréh'ce: ' ‘34"“léi'y days gilncc‘u Inhn’iiameil 'McN‘aihirh dro'l‘p ped sdddél‘py in the sin-cl. nut lmving pmo takenpf proper nouriahnwnlvforlour 4439. his unlyuiu being due {hull of cabbage." The Limerick deorterWayé lhnl'hver sixteen lguudred‘i bpfipcrs.,'receiving out“- doorf ,iefiuf in ’ ,Milltqfin‘ 'thlhOyL' 'were struck uflthe‘ list‘lh‘n‘ (yéck‘gi‘und‘asku. "what in llie'nq‘rjnp'ol'h'e'a‘ven 'Mll‘becume ul muggmpo',hdyg‘ijppe (none! of any kindaol‘ Toad 1101 jsup'ppfl' ”lii; lgmbhipg (“milkyi’aLgiyw‘g' 1;“; -: tv‘ "111' .4: m'- ."U;‘jl‘hg.§qm¢' papal-“slates .thut in Tipper-a; .ry.fl,during- [heuprescnt ,Meek‘ whateulle fliclionemadntgk'en ‘pla'céw lh’mafe. H"- In." (In: bh'e‘rifl~hsd=¥pr6ceédrtl~lh'fghélwnvdg ,o[ Broqghhp. ngd' _(‘liappuesse‘d’ 29"‘irqjtlljy’id7 ‘uar'a':tirrza¢,um,sioix‘xie‘nL-Mn'v.,c'v.ie.;:«zv.:;l.x,e .nqigmémté fifi'cé‘aths-‘stsmq heunmmiing.‘ .énd‘lcomiuu9d J‘ur .huurm); Il‘lpe waluezul ;Che ‘crnps_,.un.lhe—:tand.muélr exhéededutha amount of rem dué, wnth llx’e exte‘pfiQq-M "afsuluvch'argéd ‘aifa‘treara’; ' ‘13::“1.'“,h',1 y} "4‘ The "We'xfiifd' Giga!dihfigélgyrdnjclg'g' ;lh‘é whole's‘h‘fé:'é'i‘ié‘lié'l'n'bl'd'd hqibiéulfin‘d {WEI}, .cyous my Ig,,g,thc~.-Kenw.g findlhfixounly M‘WhterEMl. ’‘ ' -, u‘ . , ,I‘\ ”I ~.»I The demjlsjulpfqrime agrezymgpn‘: .199 nhockihg tus rape“.ngOnelpa‘p‘e‘ii 916ng (that "3‘pourvmn'n.”vih'fi‘Kva‘i‘iu'i fifl'jfljgf Hg! 'lvisl,‘ s!”,in my {l3am} 0! .sqppq’,‘i:-‘“s¢.n! 51°“ tbja;;spt‘gggggajgagq’mMayuagflimm sauna .‘.! 9f; 9W9». The:so»[nl.r.lhe~,mimn.oer.a “'B‘ $l9B. RUIN: puor‘ man. which (hotriplé' toxtelate'hknockw himsihmnflnrwh‘iin’o pengjyji‘ljf‘ficlg‘nilly'i'lé’iiidréd a nun)! hi. eu‘ljmltufl 'l'héL inhuman; ;‘wgfich ;fiulmael 09,; {'9lloB9‘: 19$LgsLmdh-uUfiQ‘n3".,.,.T:.-;' z, 1 ”3&an! ;Modgcnxnrmys lhalson‘ ; Um,.pre'vious‘fl‘hursdky; rwmd'lvflllim fin» teredwg ;pe 99:1,, ‘33"{“.iw‘kéfif‘ififlifirgi" hahf‘°’¢ui“r§fl[[§t[£ls9. ‘pagiréflyxl p , I'vcrk. venue &ll'¢y“'"r'h.n.e i‘h‘s‘ififit‘eé£i‘abhsdr-EEgM tb‘fifi‘sd'gnfii.‘ “wniéh bihfefifligdflrqidf we ibjjayim 'g'hmfiih‘ug,ni'giajg’vjx‘nglg 79L awn Wsiébzw: .Pn's‘iihg‘r’tbé‘ir..’»:f+’éf¥i”6tnew' \, ”L .(l GOVERNOR J.‘ 1' . n: “J v; 1.1 The 09lxaz‘eqivfiiwbhééed...wiqbgm' doubt; ,_: Io havejm‘iginifml [figm‘hgtaiian’dihpvgl‘gs.‘ '0: ; _ snout [fl]?! I'fiqydihal'yfi Wow: ' ‘- ‘5 v; THE'MflRRIED FVOMHNIS: PRlVA'x'Exmmnlcua cofimmou. 3"?" 7 EBY‘DR: 1". Ma 'Mwmcbtw.“ ’'. ' ' "Profess‘bfof (Medea o] 'womm:3'“;.' SuvthEditi'ory.‘ lama. pp. 2:50. . Prlqal d’ollnrw- f " 30.000 ‘Cbpiea‘iold in Mm} mo'n'tbl. ’ Years cramming 0! physical and menial 'n'ngunb’ to many an ufl'eéllbhnlo‘fi;ile.’nnlll pecuniary difl‘cuk ties tome hunbaml..mlghl;hnve Ibeéfi spdredby n‘ ‘lmqugvpohmion 0“! th Work: in ’ it." ‘ 11..- I SIX-IH:intendedpspécinllr for Jim :mii'i‘ngedrfl (hose; j mnfiomhlnting .mnirjnga. an it .duclosey Impqnuuue“ ‘ crew which: glpouldnbb;k};mvn;lq (hum patxiéulnfly. ‘ ; ‘ziz’l‘mlyknuvgledgeufia, pqwe_r.-,Mlg ;ln heglth, heppiv' Ppgtgmpfivcfifm'fln - Jiffy}; h vftjn. »‘ ; , . Th9,wm};nn-;cqn!nine~!4n!!! pngrnahm mud; n.,hlleuirgkgfll'o‘lpqyumba, nu lhgiqyumqya‘bl}lgiltppgqj gqiygg byjlllo‘glutlhqrh\Qi‘ll‘gugs‘tr,(H z; ~_ ‘,A ~i _', l‘lere, ulna. every female hlha “(Verdun niulher. my on‘o cllhqr ‘bg'ddinfi ipio worhhnhobd. 0‘1" they‘onqli'n‘ t'ho'queclilio 1')!“ from {n Whom’nplurq c’omempfiullp‘a qh {mpdrlbbi'thunfiie"—.ehnttdi§§6iicr ‘ma, mime. ay‘f'n'plv 16km. wind ltmjfiidyl‘e‘fliuieni’rcfiéUieé." nhd’mosz'éoh mp médo‘ bf‘fénfe. ii: ‘é'v’c'l’y co'nipyhxnt’téfféhiéln‘hef §9ifflilb!’jeplt-‘”I“x I" V “3...: :-;,:: _. l‘tul. W 'gopff'qfibill YEW!" (flirty?! lff'c‘ bfgb’s'lnge' ‘ " (kW/fajit'qi‘clzvdiér." 4 . v"; « "urn-p nuv A.‘ ~ .',l;-""-’\"»'."'m .‘Ovlef't'eh lbgngn’atl‘fiqplca hayq‘becn “CREW?“ {whyr ghr‘gg ‘ manila: with" pgflegzt 'sflfuyifind , cab. (flidly-l’i'.f') “,“y‘. f 7", . z'. ‘4 .‘: 1‘ '. 3‘ -‘( '-3"on lho‘: 'tc‘ceip't of ond po'll‘ur.’thof "MniriedjWo' mm‘l Pnyato Medicnmom‘yuhion" wm beam (mal~ (edfree) !0 any pqrwl'the. piled 6mm. All Mum mus; bu poap-ppld (except those. .r‘onmviniyng n remit t'uhre)‘ nml ‘uddressed‘ ln‘Dr.’ A. MyMnuricv-nn. Box 1224. New ank city; Publishing 0!!!ch J 29 Lnbenyi street. N.Y9tk. , .7 L- : -,; _- ,‘q p "l‘hé “Married Wumun'afri‘ippe Medical Cum~ gunlo'rfl'ilsbld by budkuellens lhlonghoul lhe Uml'cd ‘lqm. u —» mu; . . ', ‘Jtdy.lo,2m.. . BcgggupA.—Wrigh;‘-_ who ....yekexubm. 'Pillsl will be found I rgd‘ical cute [quark kind ofScro: fu!n.;bccanlq Ihey clean-o nml purify the body’ol I" bad human and every Jhing Ihnl i 9 apposed lul health. and impgn gu'eh‘afi'e'nérg'y lo lhe circuln‘u tip‘n’,‘ lhfllmllelllh nnrd v‘igb; are given to lhe whole from, ”IV? to figur 0! mid, Indiqn Vegetable flat. In. ken on going to bed. will'loqn mnka‘u perfect kg"; of Iho moat obninuh cmqv‘qf‘S‘cruruln;’u'nhasamc‘ [limo Iholcnlmliluliunrvwall'A unde‘rgo nuch n‘ radical change that Scrofdlu. unwell-an :every who: cairn: plnimmm he baniahéd~-I‘rdm'lhe body; aligunpflt life and vigor will'bo glvéj) lo'lho whole frame."- t ~ BEWAnflor‘Coumnvim Aim mm'mm: Romembev that lhe original andonly genuine In~ dian Vegetable Pill: have lhe signature ‘uf, Wu.’ \VKlG{lvarillen'Wilh arpen on lhe lop lnbelol; each‘box." ‘ ''. ’ . , > at)“ The'genuine'far: sale by R.’ SHAW, sole .flgqn(for Clemjield; CRANS .9 Bao mgn. Curwemmlle ,7 . Unman' '_anmr. Lullzcfiburg ,- and wholesale aft/;:‘chv arxdfreneral dcpa!,l69‘lfate g!reet.,f_ 1.11:1? delpn'a.‘ " T": ‘ f ;"1. ~5-MARRIEDAOII Tue-day 19m in-L.’by' lhe Ref John While; Mr; . Tuoms [L‘Srpwm of: 'ijou ‘mwmhiphfieflguom ,counly. “,_lo .Miu ‘anv in an. olanwfencaJowmhlp. Clpétfielqzcuumyl. . ' 0n lhe l7uh_ inf-Lair} Bradlbrfl lowpih'iqlby'Sl C. Thaispwpi'zaq .M:.“ smog-Numb» m Mis‘ lem‘n'flunun.‘ -' ‘ ; "v“ V” . Protracted *fllcqllugs ' ’ - ~ . .‘E dré reqbénted fo‘slateL "in! their W “will be a Protra’éfilfid Meeting 'o' Ilye"3'Sv‘cnnd' Adveme” Held in the Court find“. in lhii phcq'co'niméncing on F'ri~ e'ryl ()ctutx‘e‘r~ 20th,.und lo tonlinue sever - u .'défy'y "_ ‘ Sept. 18, '4B. 359341?! 03-330 ‘ $5 Reward. . ; ~ TRhVED awuyflrom Ifie relidence of S~._'lq,e~nubucriber.‘in Law'rence lown ohm. some two" or' thrce‘nmmh's nah; a Yalce of large_ Oren—the mur rgd and whnw. nearinghtbullwandh §"l"’ "On his hprns. and lhe.o‘thver-ifrédéia'g‘lillle mind With: black,» :-§l‘h.ey.,-'ar.ev übqu-Bryrago_ My}, Thwubuve. reward will ,b‘e. giVehuu any pecuuqdeliverwe uaid‘uxen- lo n‘he'subécrm beta ~ , VIISRAEL 'N,ICHOLS.., ._,Sep’t, 26.18.48.“ - .. ‘ _ , :1: :2 Land Sales. .. THE ulé «LUhsen'téd'Lantln. by'the 'l‘reasurer_uf Clvnvwfigld gunmy, have been ndjoiljrde'diu‘dlil 'Friilayflifihflcmber, 1.848., a; 1h; cpurtlmuieuh'lhe: buro‘Ogh ovalflLfiel‘LJ. i» 2 11 ‘I f} '2': t“ ‘- ‘ p. 22 5:.» ..:13AM“)?:BLOOM'ijfI‘I-u'r. ..Sepl-~25.,48 is n:‘>.;2.1.,.3} “4 TN... Philadelphia. Type; Foundry. N 0 8. mm 81x. NEAR .THE‘EkbttaNqE. H ;:‘“; gr 3;. rutunuram'. ‘2‘- ..: ..:a- THE Subscriber having-.::mix‘de .gréati‘imy ptqyemfimsfimhiaimgs 9d Wasting-UM "I‘d mix'lpg' bfmétdzs, gpd . ‘ngd‘namlorpughnrcyigion bf his‘tflnt‘ride‘i, ‘the‘ l'ztce‘s’qf I“‘l‘hlngar‘énot:mi. callcdhlnheauyflgnfi rggfilidrilyié pin; b’y‘ Rwy inuhe‘wnmry; Midi-v{gigndiehlf'tfiékrbygajfitfict ficrddrifil mention td’bl'lsinéss‘Jzahd e‘m‘ploying none but 39¢, lUGW-fikillulnwfil‘khfefi, ‘ho'ii ina bl,¢.¢.l‘.lo,°9‘FF. s i: '12,? we: Hit»- 1::5"‘«;;2‘3. H H A SUpERIUR ABI‘CLE tuft :._, . ,g. 4THQRE4ILY'REPVQEQUPRICES-f 'He‘ia contimmlly'hddme {plus nos}: Pll'fifms is ln‘e’w‘from “1;: ;bgm, workm‘en‘gfibttgmrptgéi countrie§,3and'hhvmglgt'él} p'l‘oc‘u'r'éH (idm u-_ [open-were“~~nrietyot~l¥m Maggi"! Oran.- »mauthßquisslhs fistsfi'ihfii‘of Bflméi‘flh‘e‘ielo; " gpécimefiig-uwilvlbp“llm; .tpjltgmpg‘yiahing to or er. “ f “"“ '. j. " 7',,.,.,a.,{~ v. Ptessév,‘;chtes,“chda'e§,‘ Ink'," Sid'n‘ds‘. “phfley‘a; Bmss'Rules,‘ Mud Wei-y othe‘r-‘nrticlb heéded‘to 61mm] awcom‘plveie BxinfingiOlßcehupplieu it the ghpflcs; (19.;icp.; ,2; Iv : » r {ff} ‘1 7.4; 7"”;{l‘} ' '. ,2 , 69mm” ”when! Jab'Twze-wz 0t 3116 1.11;)?ng ,Ilygf; ,rggdflf I|}. ,qizich; «rerun; ut‘u "m outm‘b co , qt to on, up“. 4 m P -'.’ ‘ ‘ afing'émepzfijnodax Aux: 18, GWEBW .:“"~,‘f y; j. ,3: r; ~, . f ‘ Sq‘ ,' NQEosutlfiiuflh .um *1 ', . : [l.] 13:11.19.“ LEIWAJISE%ZN‘FA|”IO. 5' 31‘4qu "1&1” QLNEBE dulufin» R Tray-L;Wednimdfif’l’bimfl “Ham. 'ware.l.ooa‘¢lg; and; Saddlery gourd-flame; 3 fn’u. , Hg“; #:llan {Hotbwogfajz’egacgy feelitmary;:Ceolsifitmuzspaa, &.=7‘ 1a .‘ .. ‘ ‘ 35¢. a . ‘ _ H Li J?! .12}qui7;i!¢;§{‘1:"1,l~I? READANDPROFIT NEWDRUGJL cusmc‘ausfcna THE 'sdb‘sc‘i'illie'irfknowmg that. our capn try hgs;,!m9r¢a; under. great > ~..-disadvantages:forwantof Medigme and a‘VlPQ‘SShfdieti-f‘orrthe sick, of. a: qualily‘ftha‘t could-1b: f 1 ,dgpendcd on, I??? brought "P E“ 39'7”“ assortment ofasvr x ' , , ~ Iqany that have Heretofo're been 'ofi'ered flit Salé'jq lhlfilleMxk}? He‘qlso 'pfi‘ersitght; follo‘fwinginsg‘ruments' fonsaléf A agasqéifipntaining‘ Amputatmg &‘flfrcphilln,i{ig Aifistr‘fim‘énts ; fa silierfCalhetet‘f and hair-lip 'anepdle'sm A Vaginh Speculum figuh' large assortmkqntgafu'rl‘rgsses;‘cases‘ol’ Cup inglinstruméutsr; Stomachr'tubes; anLingft‘rgmén'tijracutting Uvg lu‘ :; Bbstéxric Eqr¢¢p3“;“-Pessaries ;; M ale & [Female Sygihg'g'sv ; large'andf 18'th linjsétimi“oo‘,‘s‘..‘V"hibfiléémliw &, 'Forcevs'fo'r drawing EMA ' U: terine Supportefg'; Catheters ;gEthticißag fdi’tdl'aWi'ng Bre'zisté; Glass pipgalfpx‘vdpq Nipple Stheaths ;_ dg shells';,:sucl§jng‘bottlep'; Spying ln'n pats; A l'l‘h‘uml) ‘do‘;' "Sphtulg‘sg' Mortars,- Bill, « camera; 'By‘ass males- and Weighfé; ,‘Glasé” 'fdnhe’ls; ‘ gradlléltgd ;Meas'ur'e's'; ~'lfhie'l‘xm')ni‘refei‘é',‘ .»'l‘ooth brushes &‘powflerm He, has dh‘d‘séortmt'g‘nt ofdisixlfe'cgtingga‘gémh‘for pip: ”fillies,.Fick.rqgfir§'s'c§llérBz.é’rc: He’ also fliers for sale a 8.9991? 0f ‘ .- 11., ---'.-'l'l,=’.'Vl"-:r\‘_xml'l , _ .'.r H, I‘, . AW, : l A-APATEMT'JMEID‘ICINES; includingySwgims Panacea ;l’an:assortment-of‘Pillséh‘Oils, &c‘“ . He will eup’p!y _cusyomlersfwith‘;Spicesy-Perfumes, Soda' "and Water Crickérsgßlulfé'nhd Blfingkglnk‘, Idk-pav’vdeir,‘sandpaper, Bri‘t’is’h‘L’usa trc, :Blaéking, Pe'wgtfi SandM‘thdrsz RcdininydßluckScaling-war Fz'ne Soaps, Ema-Oils, Paints," VarniSlz, ’Glass 6» [mugs-Ml df‘which he will sell at a vg'ryfimall'profit foil‘QASEl ‘ . ’ } - ' Clearfield, September-=12,1_1848, 'l‘hlrd'Volqnteer 15;; l!- 'FHE {SIM/alumnaßqllal‘iun't‘vi Clear-I _' - Vfi'rl‘dl'cuunlyvVuiu‘n‘legrp.‘ Chmpnnf“, ‘ohflhqumun (imp. _NdliuflghGruys. Bu: ".5 GUM.»- .Gurrwensvifle WWW-h 'l‘ny: 'qu ,i'lGunkd'vt.‘;Wpshiqgtqq _Truup. 3an Whhibguin 'lll'lntfy. will m‘ggg, ‘l’urfilvq npecilgiun on Magda! (he‘lfilh day of oam oat; new. a; SC.my»‘en‘ugvi‘llm at 9 o'clock. A. ML The Campanicn, age rrggffi'ml In Come will) tlicin’cuifip rquipn'gé, tents.r&c. prepared lu‘emcunm twpdaynnviz‘: Mun day nmlr'l'ue‘brlny” ', ', ..: g 2' 810.549." "I Call ,BARfi'mT' "I; . -J» :u J-- I“ 3' WEAVER. Adj“. ~ ‘ f"‘A'°B-'3Qg‘ 18,489 1~.(”,~‘,,e.-",';i Q 2; Ifl ”Estate quSamuet Orr, dec’dum ;. E [TEES no"; Adhilnl-kn'lluh; ha'iing L been grunled‘ .‘Io lhe .suuscriberuuh me eglaleol ' Sn‘unuel' ‘Orr',Jagg’gfdnrdan ioiv'riihlp. ;‘Cleu'rfield c'udply.'x.!i§s’s’.ln uh perso‘ns-Vh'ning chums or‘demmdu’ag‘sinu «and negate ,«jl‘ljjp'ycsem Ihg’gig‘dlqu _oqm‘rn' ucnte'd’ for [H'Ng’lvflirnt2l““le prison» in {lgbled (o ‘lh'e’unig ar‘e'jrfldebled I'd mnké pgylm‘epr flvutb‘uo‘hl‘elnv. ‘ y ', SIMON‘T‘HOMPSON. A; ,’ ' ANN 088- '. 'E “‘7' Sept. 2. 1848.—pd. ‘1 ‘ , To _Contracmrs. = RQPOSALS Will be ‘recelvcd by lhe P Comnusswnrn'ol Ul‘cnqlicl‘dyuunly. in their‘oflice ulna Inc-buruugh ol ,Cleurfield.‘ mi Fciylhyalneja‘m ul 'Ocmbgrl next. for «mung Ihe‘ lullow’mg‘work. wz :—‘Fur ma king 345 (cc! ul‘h‘nce‘ amuud~ the co'uu houae lul,'.suul {tleuc‘e lo he ;iux 'up Wuh guod sawed Lukas! or. Chestnut =pusu. &- bout four lgel _lugh.. {indigent} waved rmlu {slum} 6'i‘nclu-o bioad. ' 'l'nc’ pmpli 81? ralla lube planed my! "muted on euchalqey— Aga’e, lq‘ blefitui ' up ;mnlfuf {hlé’cuuyghbusd . am} nne Injmu! "I lhe Cumlnlaamuela nle tic-e. yPrupu-_n}s’»w_ivlj;ulgp beutecgne‘fl luri Naming unidi‘lm' Mih' gaudibadc' uees. , 7. ; ' .'L‘Cs :, .HAbso", '21:“ ...'}.l Romans mnbe.[r频€iv‘mm me Pumne'fiul‘e'add‘ pldcellli‘nrjbinlding i flack lion's? un ‘lbe cuurl lid'une loiygfioul; 12“”; We, wilh simppaqunenu. (009;qu bé;u'wuler‘clouei)‘lu Dé'liuyibywvii'wqm” ‘mpnlike mapue‘r. pgiu‘etl, and gyndl‘d'cks. &cls‘but‘on lh'E‘:dl!Urs.' “I. ' . ' ‘ AjB'MQKYLA'R'. 7.. I'JAS.’A‘,"REED‘.' fCom’i‘a ‘l‘ ‘ 'J ‘SI‘EL‘DERK‘ . ,C‘nmm’m ulficé‘.g'C|}:mfi-‘_ '1‘“; 1' ' " " 'H fiélil Smudgtl')‘,l34s?“ "’3 ;:'» , u 1:.2 .- ‘4‘ >1 Torcbllectors, . ‘ , " v ‘ : “5:377: VHE 'sélVevéznlicol? g "‘f,1‘.~":.,',‘9_-;;;’T“*-_. ll ‘lecwufs' or'Clg-a‘r; g 1: RIF-UN .4‘ held. CUUP" hn}"yl-e‘arfl'. 51! 3;, 1,775., Majfit‘)‘;preced‘ldg"l64B;““w'hy . . {Tn'igzgj'fgyhave n'm rece‘ih‘u 'a'viqi n‘ l"rd_m-wtfi§fi}’§§§flfl uf “mi-96m; 5m hereby i‘nbflfii’flf mjuj ume-shitty, gpéy‘fdfi the seven! mama ‘dlue by;‘hcjll"lm‘d': befcirergifive ‘1 31h‘ 'M DelubérEbfi‘xl‘é‘uj‘PiFq mll' be? mum} again“ leach pHMEJfi "I‘ln'i‘ne; dialelywujtéfi Ihnt‘jihefil 'flv'tiouglfirj‘l’gfffl , mum." uiué'd/‘L u ,0 Him?” 03.", s'lbl'yi ‘dn'd 3m 'llhrfinfe‘l‘tesfibfluflf} ‘ “ “2’ , » m 1 mam .mvnwaa='*‘==r"""";% ' , JJA‘SJA. REED.“ "aways? "15%“1e M'JYA'S.‘ EUDERW“ " ‘ficiwm’n'omcntt'2wur- ”E” -:":‘.“”i“v,?L; .::.fielunSghzi,lemfi’gelevé7“2’;’;:f,‘;"f?"";s‘ ‘v ‘ 'r‘ ,- L . .. 793' ~,v* .‘s' NEWQQQQS; NEW,GQ,ODS..: ‘ «,v CRANSuS- BROTHER, .::. MI liAVJéjq’gmésejveulmtn Phuidelpbib . infanlgprimeyqtu 5 of: _C H EA; P“ ’u‘nd was" lOwa-w -‘ ; “ '11"; 3; 23, v, :‘ Spririgfiflfiefimmerfioadm airu*'w‘,fii'é.,wficy flames-ILIIIho wannms 1531-: l‘éti‘in'zif T Qpquna 994,111.; _pbbljc gen, eya'y;.:‘l3' {it} g. T'- p 13,“ 3 .3 , ' .‘ ' SUPERmR, MIAMI}? PROCL‘AMATION. ['HEltifiAa‘t By qu ucl ul, (hg'ngu “ _' era}, Aug-mm ._‘ul Pennsylvania. mml‘ed, .. An Acuu I'eaulnlc lhe Gener al Eleclium wilh'm Ihnl Cummonwgnllh." y‘l‘ia cnjgvinedyri the She‘r'jflp of lhe‘diflgn enl wunliu lo give public amicavo! such elac'inn, _lhe plati- - whe'le'l'pfbémeld.’ and «he' officers lube/elected':"-'-,'l'heielore I. Jam: $lllll9. High'Sherifl ohClearfieM county, Uu'h’eré’byhlie . ' - , , ' ' PUBLIC-NOTICE - ‘ - to the «lawns oI lhe cQumy ‘ul‘C’earfiel‘d, my I; General Egg-chow will-bg hevld'qn the 'SecandJ’de'sday of October next. (her in lhe [Om d’ay'o)thef’niu'iuh.);ptv“i,hb dev-V gt‘ulylgpt’iid ‘d'ypt'riélu in; u'u‘jd fcdu’n’ly. a! which "meant! place» lhe’quali‘fied cleav' um win elm- " , > , ~—— , n .. , ,-, g'.‘ "7‘ ond Porsm lor Governor oflhls' Com.- : numweollhur ' " ‘ I ‘ , ;:' ' One Person ,lor Cspoln‘gommmwner of "'n'n'a‘chmwuhw‘eanh.. .. , _ One Person to represent the c‘ounlm of. ; Iludmna."Arid-(rung! ‘Bollgt lull Clear: J, field; ivi"lh‘e"llous'c of'Repre-emaglvco ‘ ul lhe llnylod Stairs. -_ ,T? ‘ l Two Persona "larcpresenl the connlles of J Centre and Clesrfield in Iho Home of Rrpresenlqllvcs olxllm Oommoowesllh. One Pcraofi'm perv; “Promontory. &c. l ulC‘s-arficld'counly.” ’‘ ‘ ' - HZ , lanc‘l’ersan lor Cuomyflommisslonsr. ' fl [One-Person, lnr County Auditor. ~ . Thiflélgclufl of: lhe said, cou‘nly‘will [also orifice" mot lhe, cleclioo will be held. at tho [allowing places: ‘ r . .s Allho courl housoin Ihs borough of 'Clcnrfield (or . Lowrancolowgsmp. ‘ ‘ . I .. V.. All the house ol'Wm. uoovor forßradford township: Auhp housaol John Gnu lor Decaturlownshlp, » - ; At aha houso ol Samuel M. Smith lbr Beccsriq town» on. v m Al yng houso of John Drsuckor, mow occupied by 8. “ hvumfilor Pike township. u 2 » ‘» Vi ' Althe’ houso'ol‘Jacob Msurcr lor Covington lown~ ’shi. ‘ , I Al lhg housoul _Wm. C; Poaly for Brody township '. " ' M the school house on Spencer's hill {or ,qun “'vas' lA} Ihc house olJomes Curry for Chest lownship.‘ . A} Congress Hillschool house lorGimni'lownlbl . " Al the house olJomcs Allpon lur Morris townsllr .‘ ‘ ' A'l. the house 0! John Young 'l'ur Burnside townshg). r AlllmllouseoliAuph Ellis for 801 l lowmhip. v ' ' m the house uanmcsMchnl lorJordsntownship. ‘ 'Auhe lwosoochorgo Tumor for Boggs townshiplt’.‘ v sol-Iho houso ol'Jesso “11150” lor Huslonlowmhi ’z‘} 5‘ 21h 1110 housoul”l‘hoo. Davis {or Ferguson lownshfifi Al. the houoeol‘John l. Bondy lor Fox lowmhi .‘ ’ ' " Al Inqhuuso‘oli‘luhn ;Whuouulo lot Woodwnnflownr ‘slu.’ ~ .; _.» Al lhg Public..sfcltool,-house {ox-Goshen‘ton'mh'ip. Al the Frame house lurmorlyoccup'ied as o boardingv ho|l§949nKflrllmuo.lowmhlp.’ - .1 '4 '- ldl the court houlsvoslor ;lm borough's)! Cle'nrfleld. : a Notice is hereby Given,'"'l'hul all: per sons. (cxccm-Jusucco ol'lhe‘Pcsch who shall hohlouyguflipe-I.or appoinlm'om of profit .°!? _u on. ‘ under‘ the’GUvormucm of lhe Unned Slum _nr ohm. sisters» or or 'l} my or'vmc'orpngulrd disliict,"-Mbtlbe'r L commissioned om“? o', Milt-“ Win. O aub hrdlniuo Jamie-riot ogmlrwho. i's‘or shall k t n :‘ilv .."_-_'.- be employbo under me h-gls‘sjlyey; goon; moor. jwholaryl’glgpsfrln'n‘énj‘olfltsfl's $11113” a"Pllmqfiu’luw9“”???EW-g‘myrchllljz‘s';le}.z corporsled “(J’l'slrhlcl’ilfl'aml olsiyhlbol. §\'¢|“Yl_: ;nggrlbér ogggngq‘gu, & SJ,¢_leJn-gislamre‘.-‘. ‘ ‘ ‘p‘qi‘l; o'. llhphsqlgclm,cuo‘nnou; cohooilofr‘p'é ("v my; crty.;mrgcuuunlulon‘éh ;u‘l‘x My; in‘c’o’rphfi 3’ [Mellfipltidla‘ is ”PM!lb‘él’hpléi‘iMMkF'. ' ‘ ,ipg 19?-;ggo'rcuiflgnsl Ih’o‘as’ongo‘mne'alho-oh: lice or appulnlment o! J udge.-~-'f_]n:§h§bfqfl:z ”E.§!¢.£'£u9!}!nx,glxs!§na:of.-lmagmas; . ;vfiallfizi and AM no» lnwecsop'isladnéctr’ othmoficsnoh-ng.._u'cnselecliool‘hhslliby}. .. ;«liaible‘to any ofllp¢¢~oréfl¥hfisfl ..:;{E ;:5- 1;” {Add Ihy return/Jud “go Juan "cot: , iv; olélri‘gl’s slqr'e‘ssiita'nfié, fiéfi‘lg’di’lggfigfl i. . sl"{hf._v§l§§lfl buhsgmfih‘o omuuggul‘g'z; , . lic-"lawn Fr‘lflenni'éxu inma. ~-.- .I “My: "'Qc’l'vbrri the?!"Vfid'.'l!"°’-',"’.u"9; Ammolllsmm,g'e_quirie'¢l.l;,ol:. qfijem bfilsfin: ‘ ,Gwm, Hudmmy banddqd-gcflalotlmclogt-e \‘ cutie“. Wt;l.";deW‘P’flégfi’mlyls3._ - :' .Zea'r «If-cur. Lord '01". 'MW‘WQW Had/mesmm ‘1: MonomerW‘.?Mffmééh?!9&§ m: ,- :“ 211‘.“ :“3' "J°”s£6B;. 1133; =:smm»- ' ESI HENRY mum. « General Elet'tz'on