3?: 9:“; {AF :1 eloquent address replete u iih sound de‘n ocmtic doctrine. l'lt~~ renmrks on the banking system ii'eieicletir and tonvircitig. The chairman iat the committee new read the following preamble niid resolu llllnl 1 Whereas. The present it OUP til the moat important political contests that Wnb “Vt‘t' preii‘ntvil to the American people. ~—t The old Feller"! party. lttitiwtng tlitit llieyl could have no piiii-tble chance it! success With a candidate tipiin whose clintncter was inscribed the \\ ell ktinun principles wl their party. have sought to repent their lainrite willie til llt‘t‘t‘pllllll hy [)rt'dt‘lHlng (is their candidate ti ttiilitmy hero \l‘hllilld! Euiiieil all his fame in ii iinr rhartictriizeil by their lenders as iuiri'g/tlcousnntl unjus tifiable, antl “‘lllt‘l) the representatives ol their party in Congress finleithily resolved was "uiineces anri/y (mt! unromlil’ult’an tally begun by (/10 I’esidml of lhe Unilctl States.” flutl [li/terms. 'lhi- plHllltm of the Democratic party It: the same now that it overlies been since the days it.‘ 'l'hotntix Jicll'ersnn. 'l'hey have prest'nltitl tiii their candidate a "'OO whose whnle ltle llu! been ' went in the Civil and military aL‘HICI'S of his coutitri~whose piiticipleti are known by his public uClF——Wh() stands high ullttlllL' “’hig County Meeting. t e liirt‘mmt statesmen til the :igc—nntl A large and ontlttis‘inalic ineettngtit tho \Vlitgu whit is prpgculytl l" (he Attit’rlcuti l’H’l h. t (.:‘lt'fllll-(‘itl iiitiiity vina lteltl tti tho t-tiurt lttinw. nit their candidate for Chief i‘lflgl‘lffllc or: ‘” ucn’mm' “" “rod,“PEQU “""mg ml” 6""— the brunt] plttttntm ot "equal rights and 0." ")OW'l'VHW‘.‘A\‘ [him M” ”Hm 1:) il.].arhmr' . . , , lino. LEElill. HM. \\tLLi.tits. A LAcuMiz, and equal l’”"l"§"-‘l '0 u” "‘9'“ n lltcrelort‘ 15AM; l'ltsttutxn. Vice Presidents, and John Patton l. ”(SO/I‘m]. Thai “'8 atlllll’P llir lilt' [)tii'td Adam» and (.'. Gallagher. Secretaries. tinll tllnrnclt't' til (it n. l,l‘;\\'lS CASS, til i Uit tittittiiti 11l Ellis lrittn, u cotnitJttL-e u! live Michigan, uhetther viewrtl it! it t‘itizen—l‘vwl’ “PPUIHU‘U 10‘ dm“ 'L'W’QI'UM- “7"“ ”W 4:5 u ”’l“an in llit) war (I. 1812_M (itr ’cl‘tair tipputtitetl lull” lrvttn. Samuel Caldwell. r llioii. ltirss, lsnnt' Sivtithcrtl nml Andrew bpcnce “Hm" "‘ tltt‘ Nio'lhwc’l THrtlot) _n‘ irillll committee. i\.'ier the committee l'(‘|l!(.'d Sane criunsellnr l 0 .ldt‘li'titln-wai the Ambassador l titl Linn, liaq. “nu loudly culled lnr. who apt-car t i Fiance—its the brilliant Senator...“ 'c'l niitl l‘llllllt‘lM'tl lltc tnoettng tn li.u UALlul cluttuciil nu llll‘ rlitiu-ti riintlitliite t-l lllt‘ Di'tntirriitir j 0"“ "WUMIC'HHUHU- “i"‘le‘u W- SHIH'L l‘il'qi- 0' Republican pill‘l)‘~—Mlltl that we \Vill itilli‘ iffunu' ”‘0” ”'"C ."l' n 'l'" “all" ‘nntlyin “My”: . - it! most Etuqflelil ut.ii tt)ll\llll“lltL' lull-ilhl int," to him support in NOVBH'I’" m“ “"h a 'menus that had ever been "lutll: ltl that house, and determination to maintain the ascendancy nincti u'ul listened to with ntntlie‘tl utrontznn. tut; til lllll' principles that uill t-titiui'e ~ucc9u. nn livur nml n hnlthy Iho mcrltng. hit secmr-rt to; 2' Resolve([_ That in nor t‘nntliiln'e I“, tout-ode that in Dblllly being htl mitt-h :uperjiurlo‘} - ' ~ u hilo ionent lic uul he ”to." nuntl eecte i YICB President. ‘l‘ M. 0' ”Ull‘by' 0' Gciiii Jan.“ ertn l‘t‘lllg ILZn Calylt'll tor ninth" kenlucky. “c "iCLWIMfi “H the accum- tonic uhle rrmatkn on tho inntl polity. and “to l'li‘hnmn'S ”11“ “am“ ”’9 tlll'u‘ll. ”l“ 90" huur being late. (‘o!!(‘lUtlL‘d by tendering his thnnk alter, the sitilestiititi. nml the :vniieman. lo the rtltzotm ol thurlit‘lrl our their liberal sup 3' Resolved. That it”, experience “J ;inrt'nt the lttle (fubcrnuiortal (‘Ullleel it, but tacltnietit in ilemucmtic ptittt-iplts-—iliat “hug“. “1: No no“, on ”m a”, Mom, of H", we can point with piitle to the present must impartuni eleettun. that hill ever tuitcn ;ilnca flourishing (Ulltlllllln it! all b'n'lt'hl‘fi it! in intlic United Siultfi. .\t.il linen-nu. his the ilui (lUt-lfv in our extended cuun'f"_—|" ll’it.’ ty in Hell in prtitltga o! tho etttZem oi 1111 l tree [it'HCO ntltl ltullle-PSS 0' a“ lls (1'11?an and unligliteni-il rrrttitilir- tti niret together and lu - turn-ls lllct! \IL'HE In rPltillmi 11l lltu ltlticsa and M M'ldt’nctttg lhe [an ”I“ the “muffin"? tinlittteu o! public men and public measures. And Mill snlu'd'." tnni‘urt'tl “l"l’l“! untlt‘r ”l“ Where“. The people have (’nsl lltL‘lr eyes upon ;iilmitiiiitrtititin til JAS. K. POLK—lhe 'l'tii- uiiuihcr military chicttntti ll! a candidate lor the 11l til '46 and the Independent 'l'reuuur) ltlglleHlUlllCu'llt their giltns “ell lln uecounttilhi- System—are “c“ calculated to "cum u“, eminent qualifications tur that Blllllult as a token of , gratitude tor his tic-ince- during the late “Dr w tli l’l'nl'lc ""m the encrOHhmcms ol the m 0 Maven and ttdmtrntton at his heron: firmtiu-s and“ “FY p"“"’r' utiuiim led hruvrr‘. And Where“. We hull ‘l. [few/red, ’l‘ll-‘tl “‘9 Ole oppn‘i'tl l 0 \\l|llJilyplllul ‘ml’lutl’ln our national lit-titty Mlllt‘lli the cli'climt ‘4 Gem Taylor In the Pm“. tit-covet- to in u lilufl qualified to orctiltd..i\n the) tIL‘IKV lwrnuu- lil‘ is ”u, c‘mmdam u! the LURE)" ;\l'tlll' at party p;('Jlllll(‘(! n’htcll‘il‘ihe Cuzllltflgl \ (In I 0 (em: ,I' INCH I! ““9”!" Ur 01ft)“ 11l ' ' ”Ode”. parly-bt'tflulf lit" H, II,” cuntlt- liuh pitipureti, smg] Mhtli ha: tiitiroul courage enough! ”a“: "l ”"3 (I‘m-Ch burnmg h“””" l"”' to crush the spirit oi tat-tion lliut tlireulenl in H“ lymbrcuose he I! ivtlting in be the cunt“ 11l loul hcudover the ruins ol our [air Rupubu‘cu—l «late in! any nntl till itittirs. (which is the Thou-tore, . ‘i W" "t .ic in!“ a" t“. .'.‘.:'°,Lt.°:::..'Fffzrfif'". .Z°,‘;.’:.'"t 1; ”“5.“2" ”"1"" ”'o’ he ll!” nopr‘lflc‘tp/cfi—Drt‘nurt' ull patlttcll. a man iii itivieply :(nyo :iialilirndnt‘iie (its): in lint nun utiltls lit: "Ila-9 Ilt‘l‘lr ”flied ”1 lcharge lntlhliilly the dull!!! npprrlutntng to tho [if] life!” “lilcll is also lllt' .‘ll’Ull:l’.‘tl t‘\| {highell office to which tho people at these United ilrnre ~t the tiuth ()l tinntht-r us-t'rtttiti til Siuiu ate liliuttl lo eteinte him. and that no rlu hi-, lhn! III? is not qualified in lliscllulge oath and fit-rt one at m pledge-nitrate. loyicld the tmpur'w «tutu-s "I i" "ii" ”“1 ”n "'T’il’lfftfétif'v’nll'.“.fi'lffliuiMinimum no "I"! b" pellurmt‘ll b) [he btlghlt'sd ”1‘0“!“Ulhnllllfll‘llFllllllul’u,00f cuiididute Itir Vll’l‘ l're let'ls til the mthl I'llllflgl’ll ('VXPV'HmCV“ , :tdt-iit, and 111-‘I iiuttittiu ton meets With our full up amt bpulho. finally. he has Nultl lliiil he l pmuutiott, uittl that He will gii‘o hint on: utidtVt don’t Imow toltellter lie is in favor of “idea Support, H Bani- or. « “~27" until he W and fir::‘.:.:':’.:i..'..':.".L.“::~::.°. .:f‘3z‘,.:;':r:.:'.::','3.513;: b/tH‘INJ hlmr'i‘l‘y! ‘ . 3m tj-iieitiurtil l‘eirttsi lvnttitt. That an Sennior 0| 5. RGSU/L'NI. 1 Nil “Cr “in SUJ’IN'” in“ thin dislrtcl he hit: it): tit: litin. llultchl :itiii innit", nominee til the 30 h Augthl Clttlvf'nlllllli course won ltirlJnii-t'tl lhe orltmli not only at t... ltll‘ C(Wt'ttitlf. t‘IUR Rlb lrllNliSll{l‘irll i ”nml-”dull! Cvli-‘llllfl'll'fl tiul oi the ultulo people o in Itevtnu litm to be a sound “c'liitt‘tbl .ttttl ”“5 3“”! “”1 “e do tintireimr llliig ll’tl'lllll thin . .'. . . l .‘l mu" ”I“ “ til (huh lat thti r-imi i;_' l‘lL'(‘lltll| (.'teurfieltl county “I“ "0| All It! {it til trthl. tim _ tirui'o utigrutultil ll) llllllt lolly guard and hatch in” ll": ”HUM-9‘ llewlvcd, That no heartilyttppmvenlthe lltllll til out bclUVPll Cntiilntitiu t‘iillll. llllnllun ol that veteran \Vtitg, Net Middleawurili. 6. Resolved. That it is the duly til eve- . itic l'urim-r ul L'inun county. lor (.'.-hat Commie. f). Deltmt’riil, 35 he valves m, pt‘ltlt ”m.“ lnlfl‘rllflril ltn.iii'.ttg trim to bu tiolio-l, t'upublc utid t 0 ”PM"? ”'0 t‘lt‘clitin til \\ iii. l: Jullllbluul \H‘iteiiiiiiiit‘lfiili't‘iiiict'ti iliiiiizgw. Smith. our Candt [0 [lie Gubetnalmiul (hair til l ("USYIVH ‘duta lnr Congress. we recngtit.» ti mnn who»: out i nia, n 4 lll‘ is a kllllwn utlvocalt‘ “l ”'9’l'””'“ llll'lll lulotill utid pteusihg uddtenl, whose tirititiou .tbltr cnrptitntinm, and has supported the tof principle and purity at inoml Charnl'ler'atilttles‘ p4s§§ke it! some it! the worst lt'tll‘lul in ii a , iiiii’ ELlihti'leiiiiii‘tl’flidu'l‘tjl TWP“! 0‘ "1° ““10"! 01 . . _ 1 - tit '. that have bliglitt'tLltie ptoaperity of our, Rewind. ’l‘hii‘t “”h‘rcremncc m lite and” gun” C(immtitlu ”I'll" . . ortlio \‘clu pou‘cr no ilo concur in the lentimmtta 7. ”unload. Tl”! we' ‘ :“H CONN“) iol (icti 'l'nylor so clearly tint] 'ully defined In his stipporl lSllAl‘: L PAIN l ER. 0' “ 95“ i Aliuoii letter. and that no doetn imi‘h limitation oi ttitireltintl, lor Canal CUllHlllulUDL'r, knott. the Exercise ul that power iii uucnitul to the auto in: him H) be a thorough tlt'tlitlcrttl. alltl u!alllbllllslraltttn iil thiii govrrntnent. rind that we . - cutiaider ctery tulcnnluli ot ti U! in atop taken tLi~ man whose extensive experience welt mm "w”urchv' qualifies him lnr the station. _ Res.ilveil. That the Whit; party in thin contest 8. Resolved. That the WI“ with equal adhere to the same principles uaaariod 11l ”to cum» curditilll)‘ éUletirt ALFRED GILMOIU‘). puign at 18“ lllltl llittl ii to their intention to ud- M Butler. ”u. DPIIIOCHiIIC ‘clttidttlnlc [m how-to them until we “tint-lii their ll’lllmpllrulld Ctinglt‘S‘, lttiotiing him It) be a ma" 0] ex 3:33;“), at two ropublicuniaiu over over} uttti eelletit tult-ntsi & ol t‘rreproachahle moral ' character. nut] that we have: every cnnfi demo that he Will, it elected, faithlully rind truly carry out the will at a majority til his ronstituents. E , ‘3 rl3: ‘- 91%? san :‘v‘: i ;:h‘ 9. Resolved. That we [eel it to be the bounden duly 0| nmy democrat m (M,- «liuu'icl In oppose Ihc o|chqu 0! George \V. Sluillr to CunweSa. knuwmg hi‘m lo be lhe avowed advufixc n! all lhe obnoxious lcdernl summon-sol his party. and ‘mm, therefore, ii elected. In: WI” not {airty to flecl Ihc “ish”, of n mujorily of his con stituents. ‘ - 10.“ Resolved, That we “at”: great chose to (eel proud 0! the pwaenl po-mnn ofour esteemed (MltnvP-‘cillm'li. Cut. WM. BIG LEn--thal nomithatunding his friends tai led in securing him the nomination M our candidate for Gnvetnor, our confidence In his lolente,'tnoral woith. and uncomprom ining Democracy to unnbulcd; and that the ardor and-uneigy with nhlcli he has engaged in the Dublin” ol the choice 0! the 30”) August Convention most secure to him ;the unbounded confidence of the De mocrhcv everywhere. 4 I ' . . H. kesoltmi. That no uni} cheerfully “WIN" .'thß‘ nominntuuu i-l JOHN I 8 MRI": and nte‘unm: mi Imm, ~fl 1_ t' • •*“ HIE CHILD AND SERPEN‘I' The ulilor oi the Reading (Pa ) Hm nld [cllsihe {ulluwiug lhrilllng Incldenl. " Nul long 3g!) M: were riding by an or chard, and our alleullun was allrucled by the incessant chatter at some two or lhree dozen wuudpcckera. \l c knew irum «he nulurc ul lhe birds that nomething unuw~ al must be going on, and we hitched our house and proceeded cnuliously to the spot. 0n coming near we discovered a little girl asleep; we cuuld hear other children at u dialunce alv -p|ay- 0" 2°" ‘ ling olill cloper we {raw-lhe cube of the birds’ unenuiwu,» 'l‘hrre, within three ire! of [he innocenl one. lay (oiled up. & sniking at melmdo as Iheyzpuunce’d dbwn opun him on every side. a large venoi‘nuuw serpent. We proculed a large slick, and unperceivw go! a stroke at him, and ful lowing it up with olhers. won denpuiched him. The child had been a! play ~wilh lhe real, and becuming wearicd. had In"! down and lallen asleep. ”One of lhe youugitera in our public schools compares Iho “20rd ‘flnl,’ nsAfol lam: "Hm, (mm, flauerer." our camlidnles for res-election lo Iho legit: laluw—us We" as {our uhule county (wk \ . el- 12. Resolved, That we severally um‘ umtcdly pledge ourselves In use cw!) hnnofuble emu! to secure lhg ('lccHnn m every Democratic gaudndaf'c" nuw bu-hm lhe prople—lhat ue mH lurn out In Ihc eh-cuuns bulb m Udubvr and Nuvember, and quenur neighbors lu’llo Ihc snnw. which us alone m-ceasnry lu sgcuu: (be m tum (”umph 0! our principles: ‘ \\ hen Ihc IL'nullUHUna “we read a‘ hm liun was (nude (hail \hoy be mlnpled eul lccllvcly \Yhervupnn Mr. ALmonT cull ed Ihc attention of the meenng In the pro plioly of instructing uur H'pu’st‘lllallvcs In lhe legislature .ln]dvucale the pnrmplv nl mhking Hunk Stmkhnldvry liable lnr lh debts ufllwir bank in the same vnunuel that othw individual: an: linble lor Ihvn dt-blu—and allcr u Irw lrnmrks, sublulllcd the (lut‘allull m the met-Hug. which rrauH-l “h" an Utlflnlana uml rnlhuuiaauc ox pressiun in_/arm n! such xnslruclmm. .U (m bving Ihus mncndcd. lhe mollun lo :1- dopl cullrclively was unummumly cunied.‘ “1c mevling Ihrn adjourned. I Prinmry Eleclion. The folio-iing is lhe ve~ull of the PM mury elecuons for lhe nonunalion nf Dem ucranc candidates {nr counly officers. held In Ihc several townships: Jlss'y. Prat/I'3]: flud. ~n M N—w 2 L" a? lit-H, Buggy, B. mHm (I. Brady, Burrough. Cheat, Cuvmalun. Ferglm-n, Guam, Jutdan, Pike, Luwwncv. “Mod ward, l'otal. Br“ Bung; Bradlnrd, 135 Blatly. '37 2!) !) Uurnugh, ”3 3 5 (:lu'lllg'u'),. H Fwyu-nn. )2 '3 l (nml, 0 7 deun. 10 4 PIkP. 35 13 Lmvenw, 3| 1 37 \Vuudward, H MIS Becmlu. Burnsldo', Decatur, Fur. Uu mm. Huslun, Kurxhaus. Mums and Penn luwnshlp‘. hrhl nu rlerltnm. ' 1 Ueurge Washers fi'nvmg received the highcsl number ul vulva In: As~emb'y, wn~ declared duly numma'cll. \Vllllmn (I. Wr'ch luvm; Ihc lnghr‘! number ul mm lur Ptolhuuumry. &c., WB3 declared dul) uunnnnu-11. Benjamin Baum” huvmg lhe highvu number at vnlu lor Cummluum H. “M duh-red duly nominznrd. Wil llam \"zlluc: had a mnjmlv In! the voles lor Audm-r. am] We: declared duly Imm ‘ mated. ‘ v. u. nomi v. 3: A. J. ”EMI'H]LL,S¢I’)’. _‘ PILEI.-—'l'hu distressing complaint proceeds from ue Person lor Canal Commissioner of Int; Cummunwealth. ‘One Person lu represent the counties of Indiana. Acmurung. Bullet and Clear tictd. In the House at Representunvea M the Umted Stat”. Two Persons Iu u‘plesenl the CODMIEI of (Ivulu: and Cleauflctd tn the Huuae of R prrarntamcu ol tht- Commutmeutth. Um: Person m net we as Protnonutor]. &c. H! U t'al‘irld enumy. ()uc l’cnon tut Cuumy Commissioner.‘ 7“-” \-—~———~»—~ One Pena/t tut" Cnunty Aut'llvr. ’l‘o &SOII‘I'EIC‘OI'S. 'l'm: rteunr: ol the {aid cit-only will . , ‘ take HUIHC that the CIECIIUD Will be held tmrUtha “m be true! at U} l c P Cmmmaemurrn ut U'L'ultlt'ld LUUllthhl “IE lultotvmg place“ at tnrtl ufliw m the bumuggt ul Ulcm Drld, A: the court houw In the borough of Clenrfiald [or ‘ . . . Lu“ roncu lougamp. “" [huh] 5“" I'3 It “1 UL'UD“ [ugh ' 'o‘!.Attttty t-uuua ul nmfluovcr {or Bradford towmhip. I mug Inc lulinu In: Mm k. NZ 2 1"” 111-“ I At mu “(lure 0. John Gum: mr Uncuturtuwn-mp. . _ . v .. _ _ . . - \l the Down )1 Suttluut ALSAnttn tor Bvcc natowu -SLI” 'l'/t¢ ;:utumc [or sale by R. §ttt\\t.‘kn.g db Int ut lrntL mound tm LUUII:’ anP- 1. . « so/c Jami/or (Icar/ic/rl; szfia «V HNO- ‘ Iluun‘ tul. ““1 “'“CC ”" U“ put ”P \th At Inu huune at John Dtnut'kcr,\nuw occupted by S. - - DL'ulwcuawlte' [Ms-n.l, “AllltthJguud hum Lucuyl or Lnratllul push, a ! Lwna.)turt‘tketuwnahw. _ _ ttthu. , . g d, d an“. M.., Anne hunt“: on Jacob Maurcr tor (,ovmgton lown~ /,ul/t€'obl£’gv' and wholem/c at l/tl’ (ff/ICU Uuut luu: lret high. an Luv 3 ’ . amp. and vent/u! (It/Jul 10‘.) In’ucc alrctl. f'lttlu ’uUuut 6 lllt'llt'a llluud. lnr punts t 3. tam!“ ”‘0 human, “an C. Fonlyfor Brad} townuhtp. ‘7’. ' I“. Dr pinned “I,” patntt‘d on cam auteu— Al th'qacttout houar uu Spencur'l hlll tbr Ponntuw'p. (It/I’m“. IA Hate to be put m hunt ul tlwcuuu “l'u‘e At the huuwfitJumea Curry lor Cheat township. -._. n ‘ At (,uugrchl ttlncnoot hou-e tor Gtan tuwmht . ”105‘ EAII‘WOI'IHINII'V ‘Wol‘k! land we Ht hunt ..I [lie Lummtnwnrla ut- Mmu "W“, ”Hume” AWN” tur Mum's “mm“; ’. . '1 H 1) U 11“, S 5‘ 9. pm“, ",3 MH mm; o: tecenrd lut Al the nuuwotJut-n Young turßuruudu towmmp. [fl/1 Ald/l/t’lb/I . .. A ‘ ~ I vaullll” mud to! Hit“ gum] mm” lites. At tuoltuuueot Asvptt hltvtltur Bull tumnhtp. _ PRIV Al[S M EDILA l. LU“ [IAIN 10h. ' P o at the house ol Jumrl Mt Nuut lorJuxdnntownabxp. ‘m Dt m MAL’RICE‘U I Al'3o- ““10 hum OlGemue ‘unmflurßuggltowmntp. ’t.A. . A - ' ‘ .. ‘ At (no huuao at Jun“! thuuu tor ltuutun township. l’ro/esaorof dweaaex a/ women. RUPOSAL: mt: be ruched M “'9 Atltw ltuuuuul Hm. Uumtur P‘erguwntownantp. . ~ - ~.- ~l . l” mun- .tun- nml pt «I: [m Dualtllng :1 Alma Imuw utJuttu LHuudymr Foxlownutu' . bmh Ldlllvn- 15mm Wwdo- 1”“ “U “’r‘ l (‘l‘ [muse U“ “.‘. Wu“ huu‘e lUI, “um“ At Inuttuuw o. Ju..n mtumuetor Woodwunrtown -30.000 C'npics sold m three months. tNI t “.‘.. . t . n all .1 mum: nu. ("W WAt my t‘utttn’Schuol-houuot G h‘nt 'h‘ i v . .. - ~~- (1 -lul “nun lite-lU‘du‘H' l or (11l ouusu‘ \cnrsut m‘r_l””‘b M Dunn“ “n “u“ nEl‘ ’ [ th’ )In D: flutlrltctl II: n Hut 5.H ttn‘ trumo nuuar lutmcflymcUPH-‘d (Mu baud“): u, muny anallccttuuutc mm. and pecumury dtfltuuh Dt‘ Buur' " lulu I” M! nuuw. .ur Kuntmuu tummtup. . [ll‘b to the hmlmmt, llllghl have been aparcd by u umnllhe than?!" .lp-nU-rt . all but) u At “‘r mu” “an” tor tho borough o! Clcurfietd. V. v .trt my. .. .. lunuly pumcuumn ul Hun “wk. &L . Pl“ 0“ , Aultce 18 here!) Gwen. 1h“ a” It. I: tnlcnded cupecmtty tor the mnrncd. or those, A U N RY LA H _ .l/ contemplating mnrrmgc. m It discloses Imporlnul new u want at proper evacuation u! Iho bowels. The fun! humuu. malt-mi u! bcmg thoroughly expelled from Um bod). urc bul pnrllnlly to; n poruun be ing lell us II “we at the lhreahuld, Ia Iho enuu) ol Ihnl. vomnous complaint culled I‘Len; and In [Mr quonlty neglected unul il ripen. mm a more hor rul lurm‘ul duenw culled Fululn' Wrig/u': Indian l'egclablc I’il/a. of lhe “Nurlh Amcucnu Culloge u! Henllh." nru u mm and nul- uru! remedy for the nbouy mmplaml. bocnuuc Ilwy L-flbmnally clrunac Iho body [rum lhuw murbld hu mun u lnr-h are HUI (mly lhe cuusc of Plies, bul ul ovtry malady Inmduul lo mnn BEWARE or (Toux'rznrlu'ru AND MUTATIONU .' ercmhei Ihnl Iho ungmnl and unly genuine In~ than Ngctablr I‘lll: have Iho signature 0! Mu. mem‘ unllun mm A you on ma lup lam-1m curl: oux. crelh which should bu knunu to (hem puruculurly. I 'l‘rulmeuwlL-dgu 1:. pancr. II In health. huma ncss.ufliucmc. 'l'hc rerclununu runmincd in Ms puges hmo proved u hlcssmg lo (housundu. as Ihomuuulerubloluuus rm ' coin-d by lhe u‘ulh’or mll ullcal. - More, ulnu. every lemulo —lhc wile. the mulher. lhu 'uuu cnhvr budding inlu numuuhuod. or (In: one m f mu dwlmc ul yuum m “.‘.um uuluru cunlcnlpluleu uu ‘ Imporlunl change—can dust-aver the causes, symp toms. and [he must cilimoul remedies} and must con nun mode of cure. In every ('(Hllplulm lo which her sex is xuhjct‘l. Copies will be sent by mail/rec quoslage lo the purchaser. Over lon lhuusund copies have been sent by mull wnhin lhrco anHIhS. wilh parlor-. 1 safely and can tainly On the receipt of" One Dollar. Ibo “Married Wov mun'u Pru'nlo Mudicnl'Compnnion" m“ be Sen! (mai~ lcdfrce) [0 any pan 0! the United Sum-s. All letters must be post-pmd- (except those conluming‘u ;eunil rum-e) and addressed In Dr. A. M, Mauricrqu. Box 1221,va Yurk cily. l’ubliuhlug Oflice, 129 Liberty ulrccl. N. York. ' The "Murncd Wumuu's annm Medwnl Cums punion"iswld by booksellers throughout Iho Umled Slum. . July 10, 2 m. Nieclmg 0! County Comm’rs. ERSONS hnvmg buumeas lolmnaual With me P board 0! Cummmsmnora of (Ilearfleld counly. wul lake nollco. than said Board Will be'in union ul lheir‘oflice,ln Iho borough ul'Clenrflold, on Monday. the mm at October. (nexm _ “Allen—H. P. THOMPSON. Cl'h. Ronnn’nx Oflice. 29th I June, 1848. 5 _. . a 4. up 14 l 12 S 15 5 416 14 25 ll 36 £2B 3 55 35 7 :24 13 :2 :2 4 10 I ll ‘ ll 4 15 ‘5 IO 8 9 13 131 ‘35 h' '26 SB (3 51 3 5 ,xx IBM 200163 83166 Commissioner. fi"'”A'—‘—\ —n I— ._- U- . .... C C m :3 -- .3 u 7 L: Q g : .1 , u L’O 224 GS 55 , .‘j- «z; 'E‘HE sun-la] cut g; “M.A.~LJ WNW: at Clem g"; a'gl'dm‘m‘bv In u (wont) to! _yrals s'7} mm lrecetlndg 1648. Wm . hawnouuetvrdavnu H [rum lhe Shed” 0‘ wit! COW“). 0'“ hen-by notified, that unless they pay at) the srvvrul numuntn due by Inem Ull .. Define the l3'h 0! October next. a Pi Fu ml! be issued nuaum each at them Imm dinlely filter that time. These to: 1648 are also required to pay Op as DUUU uapur alblt', and save “want-fives cur-ls- >l." irr¢¢3r¢¢fnr¢¢¢m~r¢¢ JN< : DEN] w“: Y. z z JAMES mums, 32.1). 2 g summon: DEN'I'IS'I‘. mupaa s s ilively nu! Uk-uvfield M lee‘ m). 2 2"”"2 Augual Cuurl. ' S 5 Thou? dashing his‘,'si-rv.ices' must 2 amuke‘enrly apnflicalion. ” S k erm’n at Merrell‘s Hotel. 2 m f fffl'l' I i‘fJJIIJ‘J‘IJ‘f-‘r JJJJL I READ AND WWW. THE subscriber knowing that our cont-try basiabored under great disadvantages for want of Medicme and amen:B of diet for the sick,ofa quality that could be depended on, has brought up a general. assortment of a to any that have heretofore been offered for sale in this county. He also offers the following instruments for sale. ‘A case containing Amputating & 'l‘rephining instruments; a silver Catheter and hair-lip neerlleS. A Vagina Speculum ; a large assortment of'l‘russes; cases of Clipping irstrumeots; Stomach tubes; mn‘instrnmeot for cutting Uvu la: Obstetric Forceps; Pessarit-s; Male «Si Female syringes; large and small injection do; Womb do; Key & Forceps for drawing teeth. U~ tcrine Supporters; Catheters; Elastic Bag for drawing Breasts; Gluss pipes for do., Nipple Sheaths; do shells; Sucking bottles; Spring lan bets; Thumb do; Spatulas; Mortars; l’ill cutters; Brass scales and; weights; Glass funnels; graduated Measures; Thermometers; Tooth brushes & powder. He has an assortment ofdisiol‘ecting agents for pu rifying sick rooms, cellars, &c. He also offers for sale a supply of including SWuims Panacea; an assortment ofPiMs, (DEBS. &c, He will supply customers with Fine Soaps, Dyes, Oils, l’ainls. Var m's/z, Glass &‘fnmy; all Qf which he will sell at u very small profit for WASH! HENRY Ll )HAIN. Clcurficld, September 12, 1848. ' M.‘H\‘l(ll'.l) U 'mu :14 n n. 1,, 1:) mo “H: 1‘ P Lnno. Mr. Peter Imhunlc m Mm Phebe Gu-nguv bath 0! Hrmlv luw..ulxur On Thursday Inn h) lh“ Rev .l/ l’ MrAnl-nih Mr JOHN W bIILFGAIH'Iu Mus MARY MJY l'ifl hulh 0! HM pluzrc. Wfinndnl Klu- ucHL-mrnl nml cunfimon orpl'l mun u‘unug [lu- plul \w‘rk no had almost mnllrth neg'rmrduur mulnmumul depnnm‘enl. Ix Is n um mun however. in return our [hunks lo Ihc In. named muplo for lhe vrry handsome (real Ihnl at: (‘O'l'wunim' llm qfi'wial nulico or their uninn. \ Democratic Meeting IN \\ ()0!) \\ ARI) 'I'O H NbHH’. A Dvmuumlu- mecung WI“ he held :11 CHRIS TIAN SHOP!“ S‘ m Wumlwnrd lun'uahlp. 0" Sul urdny lhe 23d ”maul. ul 2 o'uluvk. p. w. (.'ulono Blglarand Colonel Barren nre expouled to be: pre~ Icul. GEO. W SHOW“. THUS HENDERSON. WM. ALEXANDER. ar. 1 Vng. Commmeg‘. ‘ Sept ”.1848. \-‘ I Estate of Samuel _Orr, (lec’d. El IhKS ul Aumlmslmuun hum: L been gum ml to me aub~criUenun ur «Mule (bl Samuel Oar, Idle (1' Junior luwmhxp. Clra'fic'd cynnly. dec’d, uh [M'rouns navmg clam), or drlnunds "gains! um! estate will pvesenl Ihem Hwy nu hen "Cil't'd lur nellleuwm—aml all pwounn In debled lo lhe wine we l't‘qurslt‘d lo makvl paymenl mlhum (lr’lnv. . 51mm I'HOMPSON.) H ~ ANN mm. g’,‘ “' " SH“. 2. 1848.—pd. .M:. A. Imam). ‘Lom‘n J B.'ELU|‘.l\‘. , Cumm’: n ufllue. ‘Clval Held bur. 9u,lb4d g ‘ To (Jamaican—'3. AB’M KYLAR. _ JAS. A REED. }Com'ra ‘ JAS. ELDER. anm’rs «flire, Cm" “PM SPIN. 13m. 1848 s NEW DRUG 8L CHEMICAL ;TORE. SUPERIOR QUA LE'E‘Y PATENT MEDICINES, . pm . sum. (- xu'lu Jqucen 0] (M Praco.) Wh" mm: ngu any olfice or appnimmcut of “mm ;H/ l'U-11. under [hp G-wernmenl 0f lur Um ml 51.119. M of Ihll Stale. or 0' 3' n) (I!) m Immpmnlr‘] .vaicl. \vhelller .1 L‘IIIIIIIHSSI Ila—(I “ULN ur uthWiN‘. fl filib- UIUHI H' (Infikgn “1 aim-“f. u I)" i: 0" Shall , ue cmy uyed mulrr Ihu‘h'gi-ld‘iu‘. execu} we m jmmlavy dr'muilln-nl ul Ihy Stale u --l Ihr Umml Sum”, or any . Hy m In mrpmnCrd-mamcl; and nlan Ihnl every mnn-DH ul Congveas 8: Shaw LFgM’fl'Ufl-‘lp 01' and HI me "lg-cl ur common council 0! 37 "3 u y. M annum.-lune! at any incorporf we'd dlsllN‘t. m by low I'ncapnble of fluid;- "g or exercising. at me .‘.ame ume. the ole ..ce 0: uppnnumem 0! Judge. IflIpGCCOPo.' 4 Clerk, at any election “I this Gammon uruuh; and mm no In-pe: (or. Judge; or julhw uflice‘r M an mun'clerhonmflil}‘p‘o' I Ilgllflr 10 My oflirv vulva lnr. V I And the reluni Judgvo of the "spec!- ch uiu'rlcls nlmnnut. Mr 1. (Wired mm“:- M the com! lmune In lhe bmuugh 0! Clear tmd on tpe Friday urxn aim: the ma‘zd l'uuduy oi Uclubrr, than and [hue upda- H about things uequiuen "I vhmyb] (If. Gwen 'um/er my bandaml m 1 at Clear field this isl day q/ year (J our Lord on. Immlmd audjorly rig; (Irpenumce (5f the Um‘A verily-(laud. . BARNES for 3a O'cnc/‘ul talc-r tion PROCLAMATION. ‘ /HEI(I‘;AS. By an ml "I Ihc Gen ‘3 Hal Anmdny u! l’rnnsylv.nia, .. I'm-d. " An Ac! lu u-uulale (he Genev n Emrliun “mun le Cnmmnnwenllhfl? ' I: r'j mud on my Sncnflu u! lhe dxfler ‘ m «(mum-s to give pubuc nnnte U! such ‘ lectinn, the pmce wm-u- to be held, and we uffi. rr. m be elected : l'herelore I, JOHN S-rnm. Hm Shenfl o! Clearfield .uunly. do hvrvbv give PUBLIC NOTICE u lhe elcclms u! we cuumy ulClenrfield. nalu Gq-uwul Ewclum “ill be held on trig-“ Second 'l'ucaduypf ocluber next. (be uz'fine lUu. day m u’w mouth.) a! me nev 'lul 9|ch on distru-u m and ununly. at finch mm: and plucc lhe qualified elec nru will elect— One Person lur Governor offing Com “ munueallh. JOHN S ".3;