Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, September 09, 1848, Image 2

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. u .. ~uhmitterl a re-olutinn that etl lollow t-ittzen. 00' sincore Cll'ldllli‘lIC"
_ ”flhflrme ppmnnnuc State Qtinven- lnr this nmtcttng tltspensattoo ol lltvtne
tinn, {or theQnominniion of Statenfliceis. l‘rmttlencw " . ‘ ' ’
, Presidential Electors nml o'ltt-r porno-es. Resolved; Th“ l". our candidate f”
shall he held alternately ill the flaw. “'esl, «recognize lllflw “Prllllfl Democrat"? tinn
and North, at 'eucll place-t in the State piping which actuated the lltitllllllallt'nlltlltlt
‘ "Central committee may ile~igmt.t; in.) 'MSlmntt and Snyder. and wliitlipuint to
n‘gg'i cnnvpnliun to or held ... ".9 “'0“. their veto tttessngw, Ctittldlttlltg the 5110””-
. . , Mr. Finley moved to postpone the fill doctrines "it"dlllt‘lll rCtlltl'ttly. and til
' Whole gubject. which “in rlisazrt-etl tn. t'tt'ltmnl Mill enlightened lint-il.".
'l‘he ierolutiott was then adopted—yen: licsn/Der]. lhn! we have entire cnnfi
75._naya 48. ilettce in our ranilttlalo lnr Canal Commis-
Anon“, AM) RESOLUTIONS- miner. Isa/rm. PAINTER, 11l Weatnmre.
P John M. Read. lrorn the committee on llan’tl. a'n'tl ;il'i'll hie) “til ti-cene the uodnt
Atltlreaa and Resolutione, reported the (“I’m/i " iv mmcmnc "nu-L
{.'mmm2: eso ‘ucd, l‘ltat the unity and power of
Fm" years DEW- the “mm H, m}. regu the Di ttiucrnttc party can alone be pre
iatli' nominated Cnflllillufl‘of the Democ- ‘St’ll'f’ti by alwpys nostalntng regular num
rltC\i--lilc lntnentetl Multlt‘tlberg. the u. lttullutts.‘ and In that manner only cattllle
' nariimotts voice til its representatives, nnll peo’ple apenkvantl carry ”I” lhe“ surfing".
the will of the people, placetl Francti R. w"; . . . - ‘
Shunk in the Executive Chair. Ru-elr-c ‘IIC’SOIUFIIT l‘hnt WE'WI” give our untlt
tetl m a “mm, term by an titeruhelm- Vllir'ti, rotiltal nml arm-i- attttttort ill-31‘0“-
inn majority. tlist‘tne in ttit mnnt insidious ttts LOXGSTHI’JH, {he “mmme "Hm ('U'hi
"Hm. graduallv broke down _a C(m‘mw venttott lor the oiltrt‘) t-l} Gmernur, ntttl
tion and a halite which seemed in prottt- ”H“ 8' lhe en-ulna lIP‘HIHH'M electttin
iae ”w" possessor a “m" lile. Sltetchvtl every pound Democrat will cast his vote
0" lite h“. of Sickneuranil with a lull?!" lavnr .ol lltu‘w tluttngutal‘u-tl hlillt'llllt‘n.
knowledge ol hia approaching dissolution. ’ilntl palrltil‘u. (Il‘l\l. Lam; ( ass. ul'Wl'clch.
lhl! eminent patriot and devout christian, mnn.-anti Gm” \ M' 0’ turn. ”D en {
resigned to the people the high ttflire wtth lucky, the regular Illlflllllt'l; o the e‘tnn '
which they had entrusted ltttlt, and closed cta')tc party M Ihr U"',"n'-m the “m“;
his mortal career as'a private citizen ol 0! [widow and Vite “Hide"! 0’ the L
his native State. "”9" smut; -
Francid R: Shook wan honest, firm. & Resolved. [hat "ml” ”if me'jcrmllc
sagacious. and his policy in arrenting the "d"”"'l‘)”"”°n 9‘ by” k‘“ Papa?" 21:,
progren ol corporate monopolies. and the great “u."c'a';c Minn": ;l in. )r lin
indefinite multiplication of paper mints. [;:‘ separation'o {no a": "natal/mi; mi
has received the cordial approbation o! the ' e passage 0 a ”39?“; In” ' "Tum “Hf
people ol [’entitylvania. 'l‘n lollow in his sucrc'i’lUH-l 9"“th “i' 3' ”'"."D “mp
lontstepe. and bv a wi-e and liberal ccon- war mm MHIU’ our 24" Inn,‘ olhrers and
nmy ditntahtng ihe burthen ol taxation, "Mpl'bom "gums “$l.“, untcera. Mi?
whilst pttrvitlittg ample mfltnl lnr the W" cttl‘r'rt‘tl tlletn~elyeit “It‘lllttttttorla lglot) ,
ment of the public cretltturs, extinguidi and a large [mm-“m o‘. ‘ extcn‘tl [ti-”logy
in" the relief lawn. and gradually pro- has been arrldtrrtl, ”3 admin.” to I 9
-“-~ .- . 'lul ac lllsllltln ol l‘rxaa bv hertmn
hibtltng banlt oi the lowertietltllnlnflllofl‘. ”’3“ , ‘ q ' '
so as to give to theiarmer. the mechanic. Milan")? [liU'l‘h t H a“I l 0“ of
and tire operative the constitutional car I, '6” ”I” a! pic ‘o' m. P (y'k
rencv-Eold and silver coin. will be the ’0 critocracy n ”in” mi'm' "a ma -
rattled policy ofthe firm 8: intrepid Dem-I"I out mm" “the“ m ”mm" m a m
ttcrit. whom “c this day present tollie tetl State: Bank and corporate itionopo
attfirizee 0' our fellow citizenfl. as the lien, ll‘lilr' only one uhtrh rttn'wcure tht~
Democratic candidate for Governor. great (fuminnnuealth tutnuus .bmlk
Mounts LONOSTHETH ls a‘genuine rep- expansion: and CnnVlJialtltlfi, a tleprectatetl
reaen time til the early settlera of Penn WP" (“rem-3" “5‘ 2“"? mI" hurldy sons
aylvanta. Simple in bi- hlblltl, strictly m “in”. ordinary "”“wurl’c "' ”glib-e
republican in all hia leelinga and princt- constitutional currency—go d and 3' ur
plea. firm but mild, he possesses in an e- coin.
minent degree than:- sterling qualities
which are "'. peculiarly requtrett at the
preuent crisis. From choice devalinghim‘
aell' lor reveral years to the cultivation ol
the mil to the fertile county of Montgom
ery. he has improved an excellent intel
lect by carelul study, and by an extensive
intercourse with her lellow-citzena. he!
made himaalf familiar not only with their
character and their wants. but also with
the resources and capabilities 0! our glori
our Commonwealth.
Al an Associate Judge of his own roun
ty, be displayed a round and correctjutlg-
V ment. and his tho” career at a Canal
Commissioner to which post he wan elec
ted by an unprecedenled lllnjutily, have
Ifl'orrled ample pronl ul his peculiar fit.
one to diacharge the (little- 0! Executive
0! the State.
He belongs to no clique. is surrounded
by no loction, and he will. it elected. go
into office, entirely untrammelled or on
committed to any men or net ol men. and
«bound only by the pure principles ol real
Democracy. an inculcated and practised
by the great latheta of the Democratic par
.35.: if?
g 2 <(I
:3; I:
i '3: '75,
.‘.. I ‘ :5
..; 1
‘ We anticipate his triumphant election
as the sure evidence that the people ol
Pennsylvania are opposed not only to a
United States Bank. but to the creation
uls moneyed amtocascy by tncsnst-I'rnu
tropolics and special privileges. abstracted
from the whole community (or the peculi
‘ If benefit and sggrandtzemrnt ol the lew,
The Democratic Convention at [lalti
more have nominated Gen. Lewrs Cass.
nerchtgsn, and Gen. William 0. But
ler. 0! Kentucky. as the Democratic can
didates lor President and Vice President
of the United States, and we cordtnllr
pledge. not only our arduous support. but
that at the Democratic turces olthe State.
- to there eminent men and pure patriots.
Gen. Csu’ history, lrom the time ol his
first oettlement in the West to the pres
ent period, is familiar to all his country
men, and his tricd abilities as s statesman.
with'his known intrepidity. firmness and
‘ sl'z'a'citj as a diplomatist, point him out as
the proper individual to gutde the helm at
Stste for the next lour years.
4 Hts bold interposition upon the ques
tion’of the right olgsearch in time olpeuce,
tags demolished ‘the attempted English u
s'iir‘pltiou ofa control over the mercantile
out, of America. and deserves the high
"tr-award in the gift ul his follow-citi
ze‘hlfiibilclevation to the office 0! Presi
dcht of our. happy Union.
‘ Geni‘.;\Villinm 0. Butler is of the old
Re't‘lolutinnary stock. and belonging to the
‘ fighting Butlers. a race well known in
Peunsylyania history. and by whose citi
zens his deedsand those of his ancestors
.Will never be forgotten,
The Independent Treasury, 3 Revenue
TIN”- the, Annexation at Texas, a war
c'ommcncedby Mexico, and closed sftera
succession of glorious victories byour gal
lsnv't’Gener'als. officers and soldiers. by
thojscquiaition at an extended coast on the
~chi6c;lnnd a large sud valuable territo.
ryé'whiéh are necessarily. united to the
tortunrs of our COMN'eracy, are the feat
‘ ‘mocratic administra-
[8 Convention deep ‘
“hat honest, uprigm
stmqn, anou'R.
Pi'éaiderpl be direc
‘inily 0 our decent
‘ HMO/val. TM! (his Convenlinn 55m»
pallnze with unlormnalc Ira-land. vellucrd
by lhe pre‘rnce n! a large regular army.
and unarmed police, thew-'pvminn ol the
Habens Cmpus act. and the onlire (leg
lructiun of personal hberly M a Nate 0!
aclual slaverv. and we trust lhal in a Shot!
prlOd ~he “ill be relrasrd lvom the bur
den 0! the must selfish, proudest & haugh
tlest aristocracy u hlch the “Mr!!! ewr suw.
Col, Renh Frazer mmel m add the lul
lowing M’dillunal vew‘utmn:
Resolved, That we uiII sustain lhe Con-
I'ilulion (II (he Union from Vlolalinn, and
pveserve the veto power unchanged and
Col. Frazer nddrv‘sed Ihc meenlinn.
in supporl of his resolution. mm grrat el-.
oquwnce and pmver.
Mr. ”ulluml, (if Philndv‘g hia, nmwd
'n stuke lhe “ord " Tx-xas" Hum the ad
dress. ' ‘
Alter a {rw remavlts in support 0! the
iamendmenl by Mr. Holland, and In oppn
silion to it by Messrs. Bradlorr & Rt-atl,
the amendment was disagreed to.
Mr. Frazei’a amendment 'was then a
greed to, and the address and rEsoluttons
unanimously adopted.
Mr. Francis Diniond, submitted the lot
lowing resolution, “hich was unanimous
ly adopted :
Mr. Dimond, ol Phllatlelpoia, said—
Whilst we are endeavorinu to securi- an
unbroken succession ol Wise and able
Democratic Governors, In uatrh uvrr the
Inlett'sls oi this (,‘ommoniwaltn, Ii “lii al
loul lothrse an honorable Incitemrnt to i
Wards lniihlul perlormance ol lht’ll’ duties,
to know thal we are not unmindlul olthou-
Who. liming well and truly perlulined the
Ilu'ics of that office. have palst'd away
lroin thin stage ol exi~tence. In thiaspir
it we fer-l that. in honoring the memory oi
Francis R. Shunk, we ilu bur honor our i
selver. l‘he pimple ul his nnlch plate.
the Trappc In Montgomery county. to
whom he was specially cndoarrd by ma
ny lies. haieresolved to.crect a monu
ment. uhich shall be. like his characwr.
simple and enduring. over his remains.
Where they repose in the humble church
yard at the 'l‘ranpr, overlooking the beau
tiful valley of the Perkinninen. \\ e “lab
to share with tnem in the honor ol a work
so creditable to their piety and patriot
iam. \vVe desire that our constitueuls al
so may have an opportunity 0! sharing in!
It. 'l‘herelore.
, ”63010011, That the members of this
Convention be authorized to act as, or ap
point, collectors in their respective local
ities. to raise. contributions towards the
erection of the said monument, and for-i
ward them to the Hon. Jacob Fry. Jr.,
treasurer ol the monument fund. TrappP.
Montgomery county; and that Daniel
Fry. Esq., chairman of the executive com
mittee.‘ (and a delegate to this Conven
tion.) be requested to forward subscrip
tion books to the several members at the
Convention. t
Michael Kane. submitted the following
resolutions. which were adopted 3
Resolved. That the interests of labor
are entitled to the highest consideration
on thepart at tho Government. and de.
mand its protection against the encroach
merits of capital and cupidity; that the
law passed at the last session ol the Le
gislature of this State. limiting a day’s la
bor to ten hours, and lorbiddmg the em
ployment ol children under 12 years ol
Igo in factories, is wise, salutary & prup- i
er ; nml Ihnl we oincwely lrusl (ha! lhe
law relenvd In wgllbp prrleclm gal the
next rosiion of 'm- Lo-glnlmuue. by‘ my to
pen! 0| Hu- unnrcvn-nry nml Impulmc pm.
vim. Which» wus amvmlmi ou‘mmlium nl
Mews. Hugho-s and M'Fav'nne, hv ad
clung Hu- uouls. ” all»: hot! In IM- I)!” m;
n. pngung? rhmugh lhe SI-nalt‘, on motion
,0] Ilwpreamt «Cling Governor. and u mc..
w.” puppul'lrd by mm and the plenvml
ledwrul rmuhzlale Io: Cumal Cumuu-sinuer.
.Mn Brntly. lempovnrlly nccup'yinu the
chair. Mr. English. nubminrd u "Mum
mm lhn! the Ihnnk» u! lhn. (,‘cmvvn'iun b.-
um! are hrrrt)y [endured tn Janna C Mzu
Juli, E~q.. lnr (he Impartial. mL-mfiml &
mum-nu:- Innnm'r in uhu II he ha» (flu-ha.
gm] lhe dunes of Preudcnl, which svus
Mr. Mn‘rshnll then returned thanks in a
neat and apprnprmve ll'ldlffl- ,- ulwn
'l'hp Cum-«mum mljnuvnml sine die.
(I L E A R F! E L D, l’.\ . Sin. )2. !848
Gen. WM. 0. BUTLER,
0/ Kentucky.
Democratic Electoral Ticket.
Senatorial Electors.
\VH.L'AM Bu:Lnn,nf'Clenrfield.
DAVID D. \VAGENER.’U[ Northampton.
lx’eprcacnlalire [flu-tors.
Dix. Di:
L Henry L. Beunor. 13. John C. King.
2. Hum R. Kin-n», 11 John Woldmnn,
3. lxnnc Shank. 15. RnhnrlJ. FIR'H‘I’,
4. A. L.'R<mmlurl, 10. Frederick Smith.
5. Jacobs. Ynsl, 17. John ('reuuc”.
G. Huber! E. \Vrlghl. 18. (.'lmrles A. Blncll.
7. Wm W Dnumng. l‘J. (IV-urge W. Bunmm
8. Henry Hnldomnn, 20. John R. Sh'mnnn.
9. Peter Khno. ‘3] George I’. Humlllnn
)0. B. S 84-hounovnr, . 2‘2. Willvnm H. Duvis.
H. Wm. Su'Hlan. :33. ’l‘imnlhy Ir”.
1?. Jnnuh Hrcwslnr, '2l. James (1. Campbell.
”mums I “NC: STRI'JT",
Omellg-omcry calm/y.
1- on CANAL comussmmcn.
lsracl Painter, of If'cm/nareland
FOR assmnm,
John B; Meek, of Centra.
Geo. “’allers, rfC/enrflrlll.
momomrony. ac,
WSuvcral Editorial 'urncles, new. honu, &r..
&r‘.. crowded out lhi- woe-k.
0m- candidnte lor Governor.
in obedience to the will of the Democ
racy of Pennsylvania. as expressed through
their representatives in the 30m August
Convention—4s well as in fulfilmentof our
previously expressed intention—we this
week inscribe on our banner the name ol
MORRIS LONGS'I'RE'I'H. of \lonigom
ery county. as our candidate for Governor.
in our paper ofthe Him or August last.
we need the following language:
" Our favanto cattdtdnle. Cnl. liioLmi.
seems to be well sustained in all parts of
the State. and in some counties he is sup
ported with a warmth and encrgv IllliV
gratifying. 'l liat he may be made the lion
ored standard bearer of the Democracy in
the apprnarliing important political can
test. is must heartily desired. But should
he not be succeesltil—biinulii either at hir
distinguished competitors receive the nom
inatinn on the 30th of August, our couru
is plainly marked out in the duties assign
ed in every true Democrat—lo go In (fork,
and cheerliiity labor lor the success of the
cause; and in this course we know we Will
be but following in the footsteps ol our die
tinguiahed candidate.” \/
When we penned these \tords we hall
tlie present contingency in View. How
ever anxroua we lelt {or the succees of our
own dtetrngutehed candidate, tte never lost
eight. (or a single moment, oi the duties
incumbent upon every Democrat. And it
is with no little pride that, in thus cheer
fully complying with our pledge as to our
own course, the opinion expressed as to
the course of Col. Brown, has been even
more than realized. He was among the
first to sanction the choice at that Cnnven
tion. and he has already made three pub
lic speeches in support of that choice-—ur
ging upon his ltiends with the eloquence
of his whole heart, the high/importance“
yielding an ardent and undivided support
to the Democratic candidate for Governor.
MORRIS Lonosmzrn, the farmer of Mont
That he will be triumphantly elected.
{we have not a doubt ; 61. that he gill make
'an excellent Gowrnor—lhoroughl‘;l Demo
erotic—and carefully follow in lhe fool-
Ilepa ol Iho illußlrioua Smmx. we have no
law doubt. - It is therefore. as much the
duty of every. Domoclal to unite in the sup
Ecmorratfr Banner
0/ fllicltigun.
purl of his demon mm a, much ardnr as
3f the man of his filolchowe had been nom
inaled. "
T‘llc Wl’hlx.r Meeling.
Tho Wings at Hm cmmly hrld lheir annual
county morning in 'lho mun home on Wodnuday
owning Incl. Tho npeukon \wro Moran 'LmN
nml Gen. lnvm. 0! Centre. and Sun". of Butler.—
Tho Inn! named genlleman ll Iho Whig candmalo
'lur Cungreu in lhll dmmm. and, we presume. do ‘
llvered blmooll m Iho I'ory heal Mylo ho wuanblo
(u do. Hnd Mr. Snulh no! dost-ended lo low
hlurkgnurdmm by nnsnilmg Iho moral character
"1 Gun. C ISS~hnd he "0'! bolmyod Iho maul con-
aemylnhlo uplmon ol Ihu intelligence oflho pcuplo
ul Ihm t'ounly. by nllmnpli: g In palm upun lhmn
tor lrulll. Ihu mnn! ndu‘ulmm nuabrliom—hm ad.
drum would have passed lur u very good one. and
unghl have dum- hlm sums ere-did. But II In lon
lnlo In the tim [or 0 man uhuvh farclnmed mur
alily .’.’ 11l Genrpo H uninhgum 51mm Io uluml up
lu-l'nra n nun-munily nu Inlemgeut nl nu undue-nee
rumpus”! ol lhe poogvlo u! Clenrfivld canme a!
mu! mum Ihnl Gm LEWIS ('ASS M nmhmg bnl
lor than n COMMON SWINDLER' II was I:
credit to Mr. Snmh Io nan-II H—nur Will u add I
hm pv-puluruy. They Know Ihnl he um Iryiug
mnka lhl-m hchcvo “but he did nol believe hm:
ucll'. Gvn Cnu' lualory lorm: pan ol the bunny
of our counlry. nml lhoso \\ hu slander lnln in Ilm
Nor did he inure-aw hm pnpulumy In Illin conn~
ly by hi: abuse of Gen. JACKSON. The old ”0-
:r0 had too many followers in ”11! munly. “h“
are ye! llylng. n'nd who stood lace Io lnco mill Mr
Smilh a: [ho llmo. Io hour, unmm‘ed. lhl‘lf uw
cluol denounced as lhe fin! USURPER ~OF THE
5 Were they as ignornnl an lhu unlellorod lavag
thoy mighl lmvo bellered some 0! Ihoue burelareu
Insertions. hnl Ihnnk Iho Guudnen lh'y are nv-I 1
an Ignurnni, hm an inlelhgcm people, and can lell
un impualnr ul firnl ugh!
But there wero two other pain” ups-n which
MLSmHh attempted. nml premming upon lhe”
I”gnurnnc‘o. lo impale upon .lba credulily u!" the
;puoplc of Ihnoounly. The first “an exhumed
from Ogle Slewnrl'l Ipoech In Congress. \vo br-
I llevcugvnng Iu show Ihnl corlnin wwnuo'wllor
[Jim-hm] been mud a sum largeiy alt-ceding lhe
Fumuunl ofruvenuo lhoy bud mum-led. In ruuml
inumborl. that a (chain Ipemfied number of them
’hud n recoired 813 000 of reveunr. for “huh
may were paid by (Zovnrnmenl 8184.000 The
Lawn)! Mr. Smllh sun to make hrs_ hearers he
}hcvo that the lrulh not jun! n: llalod. and lb!“
;Ihu \vus ewdcnco of ulnar-game and cnrrupluoh
‘lon Iho purl oflho Nullonul Admimulruuon. Nnu'.
had he been an honest and an lrolhfnl as be pre
londed lo he—hnd ha allempxor! In enlighlcn. In~
aloud of blindluidmg. Iho people Iho Invnrufuhnu
.01, BUHMHDE being called' upon, an
ICflYCd upon the stand 5; replied in a most
able manner to the lemnrlts of George W.
Smith on the prevmus evening. The clear
ness wnh whtcl) he exposed the attempts
of tho H htg candidate {or Cungreu to im
now u] on the people. gave great entilfac
tion. After Col Btuusitle cut.cluded,(,'ol
Utgler was prevailed upon to take the stand
again. He confined his remarks chiefly
.0 the delence 0! Gen. Cm from the impu
tattons cast upon his moral rharnclcr by
Mr. Smtlh. That he did ttefleciually and
triumphantly, no one mil presume to doubt
“and where the thanks are to come lrutn
that Mr. Smith ta to get for thus to lg
nanu‘y Ilnndering such a man as Gen. Lov
io Case, is difficult to tell. Certainly ntt
from even the moat vtuleui uhtg in this
county. 1 hey could have got along much
through ignorance of all the {am- of the on". he, bell“ “"hm“ i" _'
ia'nnl qualified to represent thin dihlflrl 111 IIN- N», All?! lhe Bpt‘uktng. on "mun": lhe‘rOl'
iionnl Legislature. On the other hand.“ he math! In“ mg Democrallc Stand! g Committee
n Inrtha purpm'e of difzggguggnhcfe": until was nppotnted. VIZ: Dr. W. P. Hills, D.
making lhe-m he love n V, - nrmtrt ll , ' '
In he such—then in he altogether lunworthy 0g! 3} Sui"? 33:;Ittnr;s;i:iiell’:|:;grjrl:::: :32.
. c . ,t. . .
'vulu ho u n- slrn'mg lo firm—he nould have lold
lhem frankly Ihnl a very large proporlim; of thin
largo mm M mom)! was paid on! by those caller
turn In Iho shape of bounlfet In fi-hermon. draw
backs. &c.. nml Ihnl in order Io prMunl depredn
‘ lmna 9n our lartfl'low- hy Imugglmg foreign gond
glnlo our country. nnlom-homm hnd lo be "Inh
ll-hed all rnund our connlry—un Ihc (inll. rm lhe
Allnmic, on Iho Sl. 'Lnn'renr‘n. and on the Lakes
—lhal [hey worn annhlinhrd long ago—lhnl llny
wera indirpensablo M long nn lhrre won a Ilnlv
laid on {urongll unpurfnlmm, nnd Ihnl. cnnvoqurnl
ly. in many immnou. their cnsl lnrgely exceeded
their receipts,
Thereforfi if Mr, émuh mode lhia alalemonl
"’o' In Congrem
Tho mher ullompt nl devcpliun \\ nu hu allusion
m the formnnun n! lhe Cnnslimuon. when-in he
uupmpmi l 0 oumov lhn imnrcnv'ln Ihnl Tunnus
‘Jm‘b‘lnsnx \vu oppmml In [flu-'mg lhn power 1:!
Iho veto In lhe hnndsn' lhl‘ Preudonl. a: I! now ('l‘
lala ;n the (,‘onaululmn. Tho nun}!- rend by
Mr. Smuh wonl lo Ihnw Ihm Mr. Jrflerum (allhu'
m Eurnpo nl Ilm mnn lhe Communion was frnm
Pd.) was “ppnaed In grunllng Ihc l’reudenl an ab-
mluu- vole—lhnl u. Ihc- power (In vclo a law in
dependent ml the ununimnu: utslt of Congress.—
But an absolute veto Is very ddTvrent from the w
to power as u‘nuw nuts in the Constitution—nml
rxl-lu then- will: (It! fill] amulion and approba
tion of Theme; Jefl'enon lnr/tum Mr. Smith rent!
the extinct correctly, twhut he did read.) but he
ueemed very nnx'uua to convey the iniprcsutun
Ihnl that great utuleemnn “as opposed to even tho
jmuent lim led utmer urlht‘ vetn
'l‘hls to why we innit the upcech ol Mr. Stnill
We have an utter cunt-mp! fur every man “in.
uttetnple to iinpore upun the presumed ignnmnr
ofthe meeaee And the mnn who would dn e:-
i- not fit to to be Illtlll‘d with the illmflir‘u 0! [hi
people. He would sell lheir birth-right, snd hop
by uophynlry to soothe their nflllrtton.
We could follow Mr. Smith step by step through~
nut hll whole nddreee. and expose him in ever,
one of his {else poetitone~fhe had no sound anon.)
But we {orbenr at pro-em. Hie elnn der on the
Democrats engaged ituthe war, by laying that
Santa Anne was mat to Mexico by Pruident POLK.
und that he (Santa Anne) was Iho ONLY Demu.
cretic General there. we will not notice. Every
intelligent Whig present (and there were many
Inch) spurned the assertion with contempt. no a
gratuitous insult to the anemones of such heroes
CUSHING. SMITH. LANE. and many othere.—-
We also pass, without further notice at ”It! time.
his brand declaration that (.:en. CASS' name is not
to be found among the list of heroes recorded in
the history ofthe last war with England—no well
on his equally conlemptible eflbrt lo underrate the
value ofthe territorieo acquired an indemnity from
Mexico. We may recur to these point! at another
n Ihc-ac romurkl. il may be proper. in juuico lo
Mr Smith. lnoblorvo ihnl he. In prancing MI “I.
mnrlu.’mndo Iho very huncnlndmlnlon Ihnl.‘ln Inu
king pnlilit‘al cpeorht-n. he won m the habit a!
Milling mom: mm. the (guy. .'"—a rucnnnm;
man clearly demnnntmlpd in ulmuuovety‘pblillon
be occupied. “‘
nemocralic Meetings.
“'9 never uivnnaed a halter aplma.
man: lhe Democracy. Our country friend.
’ate widn awake, nnlivo and ready sum,
time In do than whole dulv. Two meal.
inga were Law. which wow ball: well!!-
. landed. ()n 'l'uo~day night Menus. G".-
MORE. DONNELLY. Bmucn anal ALLPon-r.
successively addmbsod the meeting. My,
Galmnm. nhuunh mmawhal am of puc.
use on the slump. ”div!!! :1 lino address,
He slwaks lapvdly, and “ha! in most beau.
”I": m u publu‘ weaker, he confines hi.
emmks rnurely Io fncls.
All the speakeu gave satisfaction to
their hI-arcra ; but the greatest anxiety was
to hear ('nl. Btg'er after the late events at
Harv‘lqhtlf". “ID appearance on the stand
wq yri‘eled With a burst of applaulc. far
”Passing any thing we ever witnessed b°_
, {ore and whwh will not soon vanish from
me minds of lhe hundreds then present,—.
is «nigh! be auppuacd, he commenred his
remarks under much emotion. Bul he
disappointed no one. ext-apt In the earnest.
nm wilh Wbl"h he addrened himsel' to his
warm pvrsonal friends wlmhad manifesb
rd so much allm‘hmPnl Io him, and urged
them In lnryel the pan and show Ihnl Iheir
alum-ment are: m prz'nrip/cv and noHo
men. by umnu m MORRIS Laxan'nnu.
me choire of lhe lalu Slate Convenlmn,
hon moat COHIIHI, cheerful and unanimous
9 uppori
()n Thur-day high! lhe Democracy n-
Laln assembled in the churl hm”. and ap
nmnlu! JAS. A. REED. PIPSIdflnI, Jacob
Nqfl' Hugh Leavy. James Ell/er. Mar
lin Nichols. jr.. flbra/mm Ky/ar. Vice
Prendrnla. and GEUl‘ge W. Shofl'Sz Hen
ry B. MIHPr. Semelariea.
N. I}. 'lhu Standing Committee are
requesled In meet at lhu "Banuel" office
on next Sulurday evening.
Great Democratic Meeting.
Pununm In a rail ul lhe Democratic
Snmuhug Committee M Cue-mm“! cuunly,
the Urnmrrary aurnvblrd In lhe rnurt
-mu~v on 'l'uraday PVHIHIg Srp'. sm. On
.mmnn uf Cum. H. B Brunet. Dr. JOHN
P, HUY l' “as appnmled P-enldenl—JAS-
\l] DAVID W 13E, Kazan" Rum. and
(380. Human. V-co- P-cmlrnn, and Jae.
C Barre/I. John Long and.) I". lf'ea-
Der. Sun-mun.
lhe meeting bvlng ahuu organized, on
annual]. D W. Alumna Dr. H. Lllrflin.
vlnj. V. 8 Hull. laaac Bloom. E-q..
Inuu. Blown. l’hn'ip Anleu; and Jacob
Ncfl, Were appointed a cummiure nn resv
Alto; which. “Col. Bigler inltoduced (0
the meéling Allred GllmurP. Esq , 0! But.
, er, lhe democratic nominee lor Congrats,
who enlerlumed lhe met-(mg In an at)“:
and eloquent address. in the course of
wnich hr “as Intermpted with repeated
uurafa a! applause.
Mr. Gilmore having concluded, Col.
Bigler inlruduced James Donne-Hy, E-q.,
u! Armstrong, who. in a speech 0! much
MI and humor enlenuined his hearers in a
non agreeable manner.
Alla? Mr. Dunnvlly hml concluded.
Col. Bugle: was again loudly calledlor.
nml who responded"! his usual argumen
lame and pleasing style. glancing at lhe
alulc ul- pbluicnl parlles generally. but re
lerring particularly lo th prenem Gubef
naturiul cunteul. enrneslly “(hurting his
Menus—the whole democrréy at Clear
field cuunly—tnmnnilesl their attachment
to their principlu by glVlng to (De nomin:
ee of me 300:. AOgusl Convenlidn, MOR- ‘
ma Londsrxm'i'k; ‘lhelr unanimous 1011- N 3
port. A
:When” Coifßigler con‘cluded. James .
AWN". Esq . responded to 1: cm in an 43/