GI . ;:aom m a". A lady. whom fnlhar and brolhor have long been oubuvihoruo tho Pnnaylmx’an. solid" for the following lum in lnunion in Ihnl paper. 18 1' not dulred {or any pnellcol ment. bul manly ('o' lh§.olprcnunon ofthe melancholy Irulh- which the lining pm at the poem connyn. In lmorllon. ‘ however. in left wholly lo the oplion orlho adimr. Tho'wmu bog: leave to withhold her mom. I! oh. fuels ammo delicacy in giving 5" THOUGHTS 0N THE—SLAM mmmusn m MI" my countrymen, mun yo lie hora! F‘lr from Ihc roach ofmanyu hallow'd [our '1 hol’bwkl m vain lopour in briny flood [blood Where yo havg died. 'mld groans. and wounds,nnd \fll’mJol lhe denolnto npm'tlake in Illlnd, Buido the lonely grave m lnr 01? land ; And blend wnh requiem wind: the muumng lighl That tor Iho luv'd and lost mull over rise.) The yearning hurl. that long to claim your dun And nur the nomutend place the sacred trust; 'l‘hnt hmod with narrow on the mighty upnca Which separate! from your last resting place: 0 mny‘thex feel support from aourco Divine .' While Jun wrth grief, they struggle to conai In Ya In the tomb: whose nod they'll never treng. Nor drop the bummg tour where he therrdcud. Departed brother: oln atriot band Y Who In" the scenes yo fined in you: own land. And luryour country'l cauno land down your Lives 0! earthly gins. the utmost sacrifice : 'Twoa your lad wrongl. by which yo chiefly fell ; Hence the van weight 0! woo the nation to“: Oftnany a homo laid waste. and heart bv-ronvod— O! lriend-hip bmkon, and its hopes deceived. 'Spuclm. death fraught to you 'mxd hoattlo men. Who-e author: know their tendency and end, Wonllurth no fire brands to the enemy's comp, And fietcorflnmu evoked throughout their ranks. What look'd like friendship {or the reckless 100. Through oodod conflict, brought them mortal woe: Whtle Argent patriot. on that foreign ahure, Through much not folly. fell to fine no more Wrontgl daop and lasting! grav'd with iron pen! And llllng where they ought not. on the men Whom duds ol bravery, and o! moral worth, Wore honttlrd with triumph through th' astonished cart . Firewall. horoic on"! we God implore . Tunvo hencofurlh {mm the dtaud scuurgo 0! war; May puco. blood~boughl. now hold her Mendy uwny Throughout thou numemun Sum- nu luau day. Pmuoauuu. Aug. 3, 1848. B. H. ‘Alluding to "Ladmad Ipeecheu from several Am nit-n unlumcn on the lubjacl a! the lam war. The Indian ohiEE The following beautiful Ilory in paid to beliternlly true. and was tint published in a lecture delivered by .Wm. Tracy. Earp. ol Utica, on the early hiutory ul 0- neida county. New York. One of the first settlers in Western New York was Judge “’—-. who ea teblinhed himself at Whitestnwn. about 4 mile: hum Utica. He brought his lamily with him, among whom was. widowed daughter: with an only child—a fine boy about lnur year- old. You will recollect the country around was an unbroken lor ut. and than us the domain ol the savage tribu. Judge W— saw the necessity olkee ping on good terms with the Indians. as he was completely at their mercy. Ac , cordingly he took every opportunity to assure them at his kindly feeling, to se cure their good will in return. Several of. the chief: came to see him. and all ap peared psctiic. But there was one thing which troubled him; an aged chiel ol the ‘ Onedisn Tribe. and one oil-great influence, who resided at the distance of a dozen miles, had not yet been to see him. nor could he ascertain the views and leelings ol the sachem in respect to hia settlement in that region. At last he sent a mes sage, and the answer was that the chief] would visit him on the marrow. l True to his appointment, the sachern csmea Judge W— received him with’ marks of respect. and introduced his wife and daughter and little boy. The inter-l View that followed was interesting. Up-l on its result the Judge' was convinced his security might depend. and he was then 4 exceedingly anxious to make a favorable impression upon 'the distinguished chieffi He expreraed his tleatra to settle in thel country. to live on terms at emity andl good lallowship with the Indiana. and to] be uselul to them by introducing among them arts ol civilization. The chief heard him out. and then said: 3"! Brother, you ask much. and you prom ise much. What pledge can you give ol‘ sour, faith? The whiteman’s word may‘ be good. to'the white man.‘ yet it in wind‘ *w‘heospoken .to the Indian.” i 3"“! have put my life in your hands."( saidgthe Judge; “ is not evidence of mygoodfintentioni‘ l have placed con-l -~ fidcnce in the Indian. and will not believa‘ that he will abuse or betray the trust that is thus reposed." , . -t #9BO much is well," replied the chief; the Indian will repay confidence wrth confidance—ifyou will trust, he will trust you, Let this boy go back with me to the Wigwam—l will bring him back in three ds s. ,Itith an answer!” _ {lonian-ow had pierced the bosom of thenQlher. she‘,could not have felt a dee. per-pang than went to her heart. as the} Indianymsde this proposal. She sprangl forward and running to the boy. who stood by, the side of the sachem, looking into ltll flee With pleased wonder and admira tion._sha encircled him in her arms, and} pressinghim to her bosom, was about tof fly from the room. A gloom and ominfi oosfrot'n came over. the aachem’e bro‘w.‘ but hedid not spenk.'- ‘ “ Burnotso with Judge W_-__'., He liner. 3 -m.~§C¢.lß?o_f the enterprise, the l! depended o‘n-the decis. I . we" " . daught'er‘,” be “m; fly, I beseech you, He than me. v I would not .13 (head. But, my. child, :31!» Hm chief; Givdflwill flm” .9: 15:31 i Crier; €533}? é ~, .‘gm’ 9 _ “;:‘,‘s H 3"; . %{?«;". ER: From Iho Ponnlylvmiah MEXICO watch nver aim! Hi will ‘he II 'sale in thd wrgtsd'm, asheiiesth our own roof.” Thp"agonizerl mother hesitated lor a moment. She then slowly returned, pil ced the buy clothe knee ol the chief,and Iltheelinz at his feet. burst in a flood of tears. The gloom passed lrom the each em’s brow. but he said not a word. He arose and departed. I shall not attempt to describe the ego ny ol the mother for the ensuing three days. She was agitated by contending hopes and fears. lo the night she awoke {from her sleep. seeming to hear the screams iol the child calling on its mother for help. But the time were slowly away—the third day came. ,How slowly did the hours pass. The morning waned away. noon arrived. yet the sachem came not. There was a gloom over the whole household.— The mother was pale and silent. Judge W—- walked the liner to and fro. go-‘ mg every few minutes to the door and} looking through the opening in the lorest towards the sachem's abod‘e, As the last rays ol the setting sun were thrown upon the tops of trees around. the eagle feathers of the chiel were seen dan cing above the bushes in the distance.— He advanced rapidly and the little boy was at his side. He was gally attired as a young chiei—his leet b'eing dressed in moccasins, a fine beaver skin was on his shoulders, and eagle feathers were stuck in his hair. He was in excellent spirits, and so proud was he ol his new honors ‘that he seemed two inches taller than he was before. He was soon in his mother’s arms, and in that brief minute she seemed to pass from death to life“ lines a hap py meeting—too happy lnr me to describe. “ The white man has conquered!” said the sachem; “hereafter let us be lriends. You have trusted an lndian—he will re pay you With Confidence and lriendship.” He was as good as his word. and Judge W-— lived for many years in peace with the Indian tribes. and succeeded in laying the foundation of a flourishing and prosperous community. MECHANICS. The working branches of our country are certainly in the ascendaot. Their courae. individually and as a body, in on ward and upward. 'l‘hey compose the ruling power of our country, and the gov ernment ia emphatically in their hands, and no purer or safer depository of power exists. The idea that a lew are bornto govern the many to talee. and can only be ‘ maintained in a monarchy. In our Re public, there is no distinction but that ol merit. The proleaaional classes cannot overshadow the working community. for knowledge prevails among them both.— Their Interests are mutual not antagonis tic. We are proud of our inatitutions tor the reuon that they carry out the truth thatall men are born tree and equal. Bngequul. From the top 01qu Branch V. Hunts. that scum ol humbuga, has. with what lollowers he has lelt.gone to the Chardon street chapel. He. our readers will remember. was the leader of the long-since exploded'Mil ler delusion, that the World would end in 1843. The miserable deeeiter obtained at the simple and credulous many, many‘ thousand dollars. and ruined many hon-i Credo ol' lamiliea. After his first impos ture had exploded, to obtain money. and to keep up his momentary notoriety, he as! another day in which to wind up the fwmld. Hlmea is probably an infidel. and disbelievea God and all revelation—but he is too lazy to work, and therelore gathers a company around him. Out at these poor simple sheep he hopes to sponge a living. We told Himes that he was an impou ter. and that he taught the people liea lor gain. We told him either we were agreat her, or he one ol the devil’s false proph ets. H the world ended as he said. then were we a base liar; il it did not. he should acknowledge himself a deceiver and an imposter. He said it: his paper he would accept that issue. “'e now claim the lib erty ol saying to all the world. that. ac cording to his own conlession. he in a base deceiVer and an imposter. We leave him with this brand on his forehead, only ob serving, we pity the poor people who look to J. V. Htmes to teach them the road to Heaven. It the devil doea not get the man. we are sure he will be greatly chea ed out of his just due. CREW TNJ TIOIVflL PVORK. I] History Z 1126 Revolution 65 Live: oft/1e eroe- of the War of Independence, BY CHARLES J. PETERSON. An elegant volume with 18 fine Steel Plates, and nearly 200 beautiful Wood Engravin . “ This in a ‘splendid book. A valuable ugh tion to the Historic Literature of our country- We are much mutaken if it does not take rank with the works of Irving 5: Preacott."——anlc~ ford Herald. "It surpasses any similar worlr yet offered to the American public."—.Neal'a Gazette. " It may be properly considered a popular ised Military History of the Revolution, ex tremely well nudjudicloualy written."--Nort/t American. " The present Work on the Revolution, and to Heroes, is superior. both in extentond de- ‘ ‘ sign to any thathns heretofore come under our notice."-—lnqut'rer.‘ , A well connected history of that eventful pe riodu—Ledger. 1' “ Decidedly the beat popular history of the War of the Revolution and its Heroes. that has yet been given to the country."—S&mlday Eva m‘ng Port. - WAGENTS WANTED to Canvaufortlze a -5096 olegant"Wark, in every County and Town In “6’1"?!“ Slam.” whom the mos: llbcral in 7 ducementg will He offered. Price only 63. ; .A‘Addl'esslnost-pgid') WM. ALLEARY. "‘ ' ’ ’ No.l‘sBNorlfi SECOND SI. 1 ._ ~ PHILADELPHIA #0! _.26. 1848.453, ‘ 7 . - , O ‘ « r l SH ERIFF’S; SALES. » Bellemnlte Foundry. Y virtue pl‘iv‘itit *dl- Venditioni Ex- .‘— ' ‘ ’B ponl’. iuue'd out of the Court of STOVEb, AND OTHER ‘ Common Plan of Clanrflohl counly. and lo me di- - , - reeled. will 50 expo-ed lo publlo male. 3! lhe comm @awflnmago home. in tho borough ofCleurfield,on Monday the TELCH & LEYDEN. would an filthlo7.°SU¢P:::::;-i:°l£‘-I;o2’JZ‘3‘l’M'3U9o“ nounce -Io lhelr lriends and the n In: aln ay . ‘ c , con mnm - - 1 100 mm». being purl Orlnm No. 532 and boundeg pub|lC. 9‘s'o33e;o‘g‘lllvz'2sg:e the bun on Iho norlh by Incl No. 531. on lhe can by 100 "e“ 0‘ _ ' M the old Icruof land deeded-by Potter Goff to Eugene stand. when lhey ""9"“ '0 keep always Wade Kincaid (now in the can ur Emobiul Kin- on hand .n' Intge and variednalor‘tmenl at acid) on the noulh by and» lately in the posneuion orl’ouer Goa; nnd an lha won by land: in Iho pals QABQRWQQO umlon of E. P. (3011‘. Seized, when in oxoguliqn We have “may erected and are now and to be sold on tho properly of Eulebius Kincaid fl I. 'v ‘ and Hezekiah Warner. ' mg up on Ellen“ G I ALSO. BY virluo ofa limllur wril burned out of the name can". and to ma directed. will be cold at Iho same “To and place. Iho righl, litla. Inlerou and cllim o Jetominh Bhn lo a certain "no! of land lilunla in Huuon lownship. Clonrfield calimy- bounded by had: 0! John Howil on Iho norlh, and on lhe ‘ call '3 land. ofArnold Bliu. &c.. now in the par 1 main of Arnold Bliu. with about —— acm cloned lhoreon. BY virtue of a similar writ tuuod out at lhe lame court. and to mo directed. will be ltlld at tho lame lime and place, .a certain tract of land, utunle in Boggl town-hip, Clonrfiold county, containing 427 acre: and 30 perches and allowance. beginning it in while pine. thence by lands of William Gray Ind other-230 porchel la _n point. thence by lands ol William Yard loulh 315 porchal to a pout. thence by lands ol'Jomn Slinehiler out 230 porch" to a white pine, and thence: by land. of Robert Stewart ‘ north 315 perches to Iho plnco at beginning, with ‘ two dwelling houlel, a barn and grist mill and a bout 40 acres cleared thereon. Seized, Inken in execution and to be lold as the property of David Adams. By virtue ofn limilar wri! luued oul oflho name court. and lo mo directed. will ba expo-ed Io sale ‘ at the some time and plum. all lhe internal 0! Din vld Milchall in the land he has In Burnside and Chou lOWnlhlpl, Clearfiald county, under the will of his fnlhor. David Milchell. and 0110 all hit inlor‘ on at one of lhe heir-I lolhe land Ihnl wan dovia~ ed lo lhe Iwo youngcll children of lhe laid David Mitchell‘ now decanted—Seized and taken in exe~ when and lo be sold an Iho propony ul lhe Illd J David Milchell. By Virtue of a aimilar writ iaaned out ofthe aame court, and to roe directed. will be expo-ed to tale at the lame time and place. the following properly. nz:—-a cerlntn tract of land Innate in Karthaua town-hip. Clearlield county, and known on part of tract No. 1093. bounded by part: of raid tract.P. ’A. Karthaul and othere, containing 79 acre: with 4 amall houae- erected thereon. and about 5 acrea ‘cleored—alao. another tract at land aituate In and town-hip. being part oi No. 1023, bounded by pane of tract: of P. A. Karthaue and othere. containing 88 acr'ea—alao, another tract of land rituale in the lame town-hip No. 3463. beginning at a hemlock on the Wee: Branch ofthe Suaquehanna river 3961 petchee by the courle ol' the laid river below a poet corner. being the loulh~weat corner ol a pnt~ am No 3463 and No. 3472, from the said hemlock down the acid river by tho aevetal com-ea thereof ‘ 768 perchee to a poet corner on the bank of the river, thence norlh 56 degreea meat 13 perchea to a poet, thence north 4] degreea can 13 perchel‘to a maple corner, thence loulh 56 degrees east 13 perches to a birch corner on the bank ofthe river, thence down the river the aeveral counc- thereot 44 perchee to a white oak, thence north 38 perch ea to a poet corner. thence well 511 percbea to a poet corner. thence eeulh 238 perchee to a poet. thence went 16 perchea to a white pine. thence [south 194 perchea to atone corner. thence eouth 45 1 degrees cut 40 perchoa to the hemlock and place lof beginning. containing 938 ncrea and 147 perch u \thh allowance of 11l per cent. &c.—Seized ‘nd taken in execution and to be lold an the property of the Clearfield Coke and iron company. A LSO. BY virtue of a writ of Levari Faciaa, inued out of the lame court. and to me directed. will be told at the came time and place. a certain meaauage or tract ol'laud eitunte tn Bogge towmhip. Clearfield‘ county. beginning at a white pine. thence by land of William Gray and other lande 230 perchel to a poet, thence by land of William Yard aouth 315 perchea to a poet, thence by land ofJonae Stineht ler eaat 230 perchee to a white pine. and thence by land of Robert Stewart north’flls perchae to the place ol beginning. contatning 427 ucree and 30 perchea and allowance. with two dwelling houaea. a barn and griaumill, and about 40 ncrca cleared thereon. Seized. taken In execution and to be sold an the property of David Adams. . ALSO, By virluo of n limllnr wm iuued ooi 'of life lame courl, and to me drreclcd, wrl bebxpo-od Io rule at lhe mmo lime and place. the following pro perly, viz - Ono lracl of 168 ucrel. lilunle on bolh udel of Clenrfield creek. In Beccarin lowmhip. on which is n grist-mill. saw-mill, dwelhngOhouau. ’ arable land olher homes. wrlh nboulso ncre- clear ed land, bexng lhe Inna premi-ea which l-uiuh 11. Wurick conveyed to John B. Slewurl and who".— Onc other [met in mid township containing 269 acrel. being lhe lama prumlaeu which won lun'ey ed on warrant to Robert Bluin. bamg part 01' the aforementioned Haul—(reference l 0 lhn morlgnge ufJohn B. Stewart and A. P. Owens. dated 9!] Au gull.lB4s, recorded at Cleurfield in Book I, page 453. ml] fully oxplain)—Soized and Inkonin ele cullon and :o be sold an lhe properly of John R Slawarl and Androw P. Owens. by i S JOHN STITES. Sh'fl herifl'a oflico.Clcurfield. July 1.1848. A NEW RECRUIT, _' Ol OILS, PAINTS. and PAINT BRUSHES. DYESTUFFS, DRUGS, MEDICINES,- CON FECTIONARY, FRUITS. PATENT MEDI ICINES of- various description, and FAMILY ‘MEDICINES of almost every kind, , A lnrge assortment of ESSENCES or superior quality. u choice selection of PERFUMERY, & a good variety of BE VERAGESZ among which are LEMONflDE. lIIINERflL Wfl TEE. and a moat crack article of semsemnmmme seaming together with a large néaortment of FANCY dc other articles by lar to numerous to mention. has just arrived at the sign of THE BIG GOLD - “is MGRTAR %( 9 El; ~; AND [or sale 11 little lower than ;:‘;E you can imagine. ALSO, first rate LEMONS, for twenty-five centa per dozen. . Persona wishiug'any of the above article; may be assuredof getting a first rate articlcoi as~ the‘atoek is entirely NEW. ' ' . A. M, HILLS Clenrfield. May 7. 1848 CORN and OATS {or sale by . . A JOHN PATTON. ~Cunvemville. Jun‘e 16. 1848. ALSO. A LSO. ALSO, [Value is. therefore, hereby given. to thoComneraJuuticee ofthe Ponce.& Constables ment] for the County ot'Cleurfield, to nppcurin their own proper pemonu. with Rolls. Recordeanuieinona Examinations and other Remembrances. to do these things WhlCh their omcee 61. In their behnl! nppertuin to be done; and all wutneneeund otherperwne pro~ aocutngm babe” 01 lheCommonweellh agnlmt any ‘ prinonere nrerequired to be then and there attending and notdepurt without leavemtthoirpenl. Juron are requested to be punctual in tholraltendnnce at the appointedtime agreeable to notice. Gwen undermy hand at thetownotClearfield.thin 26m day 0! June. In the year of our Lord one lhoulend eight hundred and tony eight. endlhe seventy-second year of American In ependehce JOHNg-‘S'I‘ITES. Sh'fll 77—— ‘ CRANS Jr. BROTHER, GENTS for the sale 0! Dr. JAI’NS A Family Medicines ,- Dr. CULLEN’S Indian Vegetabe Rem eZy—Panacea. Specgfic and Pile Rem e 5 : Dr. 3.’)]PPLE7‘ON’S Remedy for Dug/‘- neas ,- ~ CANTRELL’S Compound Medicated 636m]; of A'araaparilla ,- Cfl TRELL'Sflrm' DyapepticPowdar; C N’I‘RELL’S .flllerative Pilia ; SflND'S Saraaparilla. &c., &c.. &c. Havejus: tecewed afresh supply ‘0! the name. Cuminsville. May 10. ‘ ' MACHINE SHOP, with three,.Lathen, IUF turning and fitting up all kindoot Machinery. such an Grist and Saw-mill Castings. Mncluinety lor Forges. Furnaces 5» Rolling Mills. unclu dung Hat Blast Pipe: tor Furnacea and Bloomeriea; and wttl be prepared to tur mah on the shortest notice p‘nd in a autis loctory manner all kinds of—Mochineryw— Now on hand a large assortment of Pfl'l'— TEENS. ol the latest and most Improved Mylo». including the «llflerent size-s. ol the Durkee (9- Brice Reaction W'aler Wheels. fll’utterns not on hand. made on shun notice. STOVES. “e have now and intend keeping al ways a stock 0! the unrivalled VE'I'O and FUL'I'ON Hot Ait Cooking Slovenia”- lercnt SIZES; alno flir Tight. Fancy Por lor (Sr Nine Plate Wood Stoves. ol dlfl'er cut “28! together wtth lour sizes ofa su ‘pcrior Balloon Coal Stove, as well an Cyl entler and FANCY Coal Stovegx. We will add during the coming season: sever «l New patterns of Cooking, Air Tight. and Parlor Stoves. PLOUGHS. ‘ Always on hand a good assortment ol PLOUUHS, to which we are adding sev eral new patterns this spring. Hollow warc of all kinds, Sleigh 5' Sled Soles. Wagonvb‘oz'ea. Smoothing Irom,&c. &c. flf‘fAll the above articles, and eve:y thing in our line WI” be sold on the moat reasonable terms [or Cash, or Country Produce, lronmastern’ Orders, Old Metal, &c. Oldets from a distance promptly attended to‘ GEORGE WELCH, DANIEL LEYDEN. Bellelonte. Feb. 18, 1848. AFFLICTED, READ f HILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE—Estab- P hahed 15 year: ago. lay DR. KINKELIN Tho oldollmuleal and beat hen to cure all lo:mu olaecret diseases. disease! 0! Ihc skin and solitary ham: 0! youlh, is D“. KINKI'ZLHV, N. W. come: 01 mum and UNION Sm. bclween Spruce and Pine. one and a bufsguarelfrom (he Etrlmgc. Philadelphia. . TflKE PflR TICULflR NOYICE. J Youth who have injured lhsmselven by a certain practice indulged In—n habulrequenll&lonmod Irom evil com unions, or m “hook—lhe e cell 01 which are nighlry lell; even when asleep, and destru‘v bolh mind and body,|llould 3 ply Immedinloly. Vault: new and conslimlmnal (febllilyinunedmlely cured, and full Vigor restored. All letters POB7 mu. YOUNG MEN .' l "you value your lilo or your health. remember the delay at a month. my. even a week,mny prove ‘ your rum, both 01 body and mind. Hancolel no fuluc modesty deter you Irom making your can known to one who. lrum education and rcspectnbtlily. mu a lone bclriond you. Ho \\ ho places lutmell under DR. KINKELIN’S treatment. may raltgiousl com fide In his honor as a gentleman. and in whose {lolmm will be for over locked tho secret ol the pattom. Too many llnnk they will hug the secret tutheir oth hearts, and cure thembelvca. Alnu! how otten istlua a fatal delusion. and how monyn prowling young mun. who mtght have been an ornament to w ctety, has lnded from the earth. f 00 UNTR Y [N mugs, finding it inconvenient to make personal appuculion. can. by stating their case explicitly, together mm nll thoir symptom. (per louer. pout-paid.) have lorwnrded to lhem u cheat containing Dr. K 35 medicmezappro prinqu accordingly. Par/cage: of Mcdm'nu lorwurded lo any pan of the United Slau-u ul. u momeul'a nollco. Poe-r mu mem, addressed to Dn. h’mxum, Philadelphia. will bu promplly allonded to. See advertisement in the Phlludolphm Spin! ofthe Times. jun. 28.1848. ly Court Proclamation. UEREASIhn Hon. Geo. W. Woodward. Fret W dent Jud eof Iho Courtol'Common Pleas ol ‘ the 4zhjudicial giulricz. composed ol the counties 0! Clinton. Mifflin. Centre and Clenrfield. and the Hon James 'l‘. Leonard and Abmhnm K Wrighl. an'rs.Asuoacmle Judge: in Clenrfiold counly. have inaund their precept, bounng date the 3d dnv 0! May 1848. lo me direclcd. lo! ho.dmg a Court 0" Common Plead, Orphans Court, Court of Quarter Swim, and Court of chr <9 Tish miner and General Jail ”diva-y, n! Clenrflold Town.fortho Counlyol Clearfielu. on tho lll'Monduy o! Sept'r noxt. (being the an. day of‘ the month.) ‘ RIED PEACHESLOI a good quuli ‘zy.-!ér sale at lhe "ore of " ‘ , , JOHN PATTON. Co'rwénsvifle; June 23'. Just. ngmrned DR. A.;m.‘ “ILLS, fro!” Phil’av [TB (1 large lot’ of new and my". W improved‘Demal Inslcumcnlg. ;. ALSO. 3 lug» stuck at carelully-lelecn reeled pnemium leelh Irom Slockton’.‘ Manufaclory. - l H DR. S. W. STOCKTON ' M han drawn lhe premium lor manufacturing the beat Metallic Arlificiol,Tecllh..nol on. ‘ly in the United-States. but in Madon‘ Int] Paris , and Dr. Hills haaloken‘pay.i ticolar pains to aelect _a phoice lot ofthcm to that his patrons may be assured of got: ting a good and substantial article. Dr. H. has also procured a very lame? variety ol Extracting instrumenta, ma. ‘accortling to Harria’ latest patterns, .nd' he can confidently assure all lhoae-‘whfiy are troublerl with those abominable pesta,‘ decayed teeth. that the Forceps are not on.» ly a much more sale and easy instrument wilh which to remove a tooth. but they canoe much less pain at the time. and comparatively no aoreneaa following. ‘ Dr. Hilla has also a vatiet of other Dental requiremenls. such as (gold Plale, Gold Foil, Toolh Powders. Was/lea and ‘ Bras/tea. and he is lolly prepared to per. form all operations in the line 01 DEN TISTRY, auch as interling on Gold Plate. or on Pivots, Plugging, Extracting aml Cleansing Anti lrom past experience and success, he leela Confident ol giving entire aaltalaclion, and warrants all his work well done. and to please his patrons. A reasonable length ol time given tor tri. al to all jobs over $5, and it not found to answer all the purpoaea promised. no pay will he required. ' Office at the New Drug'Store. the oign of the GOLD MORTflR. -. .19 TTEJV T 1 0A! . l 000 Sole Leather al 17 cu" Good G Brown Sugar 5 I 6}. best Rio Cof- Ice 9 cents, Y. H. 'l‘ea. good 50 lo 75- pure While Lead $2 per keg. Copnl Var nish 82 per gallun. Jersey Glut. 8 by 10. $4.25 per box—Nails 35 per keg—Blis ler Steel. 6% per lb—S Loaf Springs 85.- 50 per pair-~Candles 14 per lb—Shoe Pegs. 6.} do per quart—good Fur Han, at 81—Fine Brush. 1,75. 81 Fine Beaver, $2.75, lnr sale by F. J. HOFFMAN. Lewinown. July 10. ’4B. DR. L'. GREENS RED & BRO\VN PILLS. HE demand lor the above medicine T in the last ‘2 or 3 years, is deemed a sufficient apulogy [or placing it now ful ly belore the people 3 and the diseases for which it is applicable have become to pre valent in this country that a remedy enti tled to confidence. is a great deaideratum. The diseales l allude to are Hepalllil. (Liver a6ection,) Dyspepsia, and female complaints in general. W'l‘ha above pills will be kept con slanlly lor sale by Richard Shaw, Clearfield. Bigler 6- Co.. Bell township. Graham 1;- Wright, Bradlord Jumed .MnGir/r. Philipsburg. J. W. Miller. Clearfield B'dge. Irvin &- Achridc. Burnside. Seligaberger & Bloom, Cur wensville. do Lulheraburg. (10 Oct. 20, 1846 Gold a: Silver Plating. .. R R. WELSH embraces lhe pru . en! occasion to inform his cum"- meta and lriendn. lhal hr ha: a new mode 0! Plating Gold and Silver ware. which he will warrant to be superior to any mh er Inode ever med—no kind 0! acids hav ing the least eflecl upon it. His prices are reuonabl'e. Curwenaville, March 24. ’4B. ROBERT R. WELSH, ESPECTFULLY informs the cili- R zem ol Clenlfield counly that he I; localed in Curwensville. where he will carry on the businens o! CLOCK &- PVflTCH making and repair Inz. ENGRflVIIVG. TUNING 0! various musical instru ments, such as 3.40 PIPES, flCCOflDEOIVS. MU ‘ SICflL CLOCKS. ORGflNS JIND DULCIMERS. ' Also. repairing ol MflTHEMflTICflL INSTRUMENYS. making GOLD AND SILVER WflRE. &c. ' mm: M" also teach and give leuonl on the Accordeon. KPAII his work {hall be done in the very best style. and upon the lowest termh. Carwensville. Jan. 25. ’4B.—-l yr Marble Manufactory. fl! Lewistown, Pa. THE subactiber respectlully infernal the inhabitants ol Clearfield cou‘fity lhpl he still conlinuea to supply all orders [or TOMBS. HEADamI FOOT STONES. MARBLE MAN'I‘ELS. and ail othcrv wotk in his line ,8! moderate prices and out 0! the beat material. ‘ ‘ afflnlormalion will be given as to pri- 1 cos. &c., on app’icatinn to J. L. Cattle. ‘1 Esq., at Ulcarfield. who will teceive of' ‘ dero and give all inlnrlnnlion re uired. .l. " CHARLES STRA'fiTORD. 1 Lewiatown. May 20. 1848. v ' UGAR ~can be purchased _at very. ' low prices by calling It the more 9! JOHN PATTON. BLAWA 5 far {gzgwm-s' bfiCe. M ap.lB. ’4B.