D Conferc‘c ‘ Meeting. The Congresnionnl Conform-n of lhe SMIh Con~ granionul Dialricl moi. purauzinl m Ippoinlmenl. q; lhe house oi Wm. B. Clark. in the borough o! In~ dmnn. on 'l'ueldny lhe 22d day ofAuguul, instant. and organized by calling Col. C. S. WORRELL. of Clanrfiold to Iho Chair. and appointing A. J. FALK. of Arm-tron; Secretary. The {allowing named Delegates warn m anon- dance i Butler-Jinn. Wm Benny Ind JnmogG. Comp~ bull, an. ' 3.. Indiana—‘Vm. R Clnrk nnd E. W. MrKolvy. g Clenrfiald—CollC. S. Warren and D. W. Moore. i Arm-lrong—Jnmca Donnelly and A. J Falk. ’ lisqn. - On motion, Iho (,‘hnlr uppninlad Mosum Moore. Bonny and DonncHy. n cnmmunce to prepare res. aluliom expressive of the lame of lhn- Cunieronco. Aflor \\ hich Iho Confers" proceeded to name can didnloa fur nomimliun. Mr. Donnelly nominuled Alfred Gilmore. of But lcr county MLMcKelvoy nominnled Augu-lun Drum. ol lnduunn counly A lollor from Gen. R. om. declining n nomina lun, wnl handed in nml road by the Secrplury .1 On motion. Iho Cunfcrena proceeded to hnllol for n" choico of clndidnlea, when. on :he flocoud ballot, Mr. Gilmore was duly (laminated. On motion of Mr. McKeh'oy. Iho nominnlwn uan ununémpuul'y conrurrcd in. After which. the Cumnnnoe. through Iheir chair mnn. romluliunn. Much more read, and ununi muuuly adnpled Rrwlvcd. That (his Cunvonliou have full confi donco In lhe Inlcnlo and DI'IDOCI’flHC inlegruy uf ALFRED GILMORE. Bump. ol Bullor calmly. and unnfidoully rocummcud hm. lu lhu puuplo of lhe ‘Mlh Cungreauonnf Ulalrlcl. nu nmnn well qualified ; m reprusunl lhem in tho Nnuonal Leglslaluro. lfrsolwd. That we pledge ourselves to use al hunoruble monnl lo secure lhe elccuun uflho noun mco uflhiu Cunvcnuun. and mm “c earnestly lirgo upon every Domocml in Ihc diulriclqlo do llkOMlSO—(‘unfidelll m we nra, Ihnl such elfurl is alum; necessmy lo secure Ina mum-hum elecnun lfuolwd, That we uppruvo of lhe nominnlmnn ul (has. Burun. and Yunnan; and that we also approve 0| lhe principles laid down in Iho resolu non» oi the Balumuru Convention. and [but we be~ Hove, Iflhey are sanclluncd by the pouple. & cur ncd out inlhe admininlrnllun u! the General Gov ernmenl. they “ill lecurc lo our counlry pcnco wslh all naliom. and lo our pool-10. lhu "gmnml good u! lhe grcnleu number." Ruched, Thnl we ml] yield a rhcrrlul nup pm: to lhe numinea ofthe 30m Augunl Convenlson Resolved. The! (116 pruceedmgs be signed by the officers and published, CHAS. S. WORRELL. Ch'm A, J, FAULK, Sec'y KITTANNING. Aug 12. 1848. Gentlemen—l have rvuwn lu bellow, Irom com. mumrnnunu lnlely rarefied, Ihnl my name may be brought belore your meaning (II n (lalldldnlo [or nummaiion. To Ihose who (my “uh In cunler that honor on me; 1 lender my lincme thanks-bl“ ul lhe same mm: 1 mm! relperllully beg lI'uVO ‘0 decline lhe mlended hmmr. if you shuuld have rumemplalml and: an FYI?!” ’ ‘ I um cumeul wuh lhe mnny lukunanfconfidcnre and renpecl already mnlerrell on me by my lelluw cmzenu. the Iccullecuon ul wlnvln IhnH ulu‘ayu In «pure me with aenlimenu ul unulTuCN‘d grumuulo. I will very rhvcrlully runlrilmla nll In my [mu or to woman; lhe mrrcn of our prlnt'tplte In lhe éléi‘iiéfi Vol 160 i‘nmhdalevyuu‘mny wen-m lu lhe Democracy 0' Ihu Congnmunul dmricl. and an eureyou |lml l have no vmh or unplrulmm what ever lor any umru myself; llmrufme l uunld con unler in ungenernul on my purl. nllur hnvm: been the rempienl of Au mnny raw)". m “nml in llm way ul' r.ny ul our Dalnovmnc lnendn “ha may no vul lmg In arcepl lhe nomlnnlwn. Wuh lhe-o u-nlin enll l rcmmu. gonllomcn. Vety respecllully your». AW . &c . » ROBERT ORR. Menu. FALK. DommeJ, nml n'hrrn, nf lhe Cun venlmn lu nxsombic nu Ihu 22:1 mulnnl. al Ind: uno, re GREAT FIRE IN ALBANY A very I'EH‘UUCHVP fivr uccurrm.‘ In M hany. N. Y., un Ihc ”sh Hut. The pa per; nl lhn! city give lhe hmcs m lhe Vn .Inuvn hlrects a; lullmw: Pius street—'l'hlrly-lhvev buildings.— The p'incipal toners me lay 8! Craft. Rerd & Rawln, E. A. Dunml 81 Co.. VVuuulhums & Co.. Gama“! 8: ()0. In (It: Basin—'l'wn Buuun M‘hmlnt‘rfl, five tow-bouts belonging m the Swlmute line, and Hum". IWn lnkc lnmh‘. hm barges belonging In the Eagle low bud! line, and aevrrul canal bums. I - Quay shed—'l'hirly ugh! building". most ol _lhcm three and luur Mow brick Ilores Broadway—om- hundred nml thirty. nine atom and dwellings. Including the Eagle Tavern and" 'lhmnmul House. U 8. Hotel. Culumbii-‘Hnlél, &c. Church street-_any-luur buillhngs. Diagonal street—'l‘wn buiidmgs Union—~l'hirly-four houses. Hamillon--'|'v-v_enly-luur houaes. Division—Eileen huusw. Hudson—Four houses. 4 Elizabe!!a:—Fu.lly-two Imuscs. Dennisofl—Two lmune». LylliuaL-Jl'hiliy huuwa. .;Bleecker--'l‘lfirleen lmuu-u Herkzmer—Tluce hnusu Dallms-e—Snx' Houses The amb'unt of insurance is aimed by we sevetal _ cprmnnnig'u to amount 'in the aggregate to $546,300. V ALL HAIL. INDIANA! ~ gortupandenco ofthe N. Y. True Sun. . "'l'snmmpoms. (la.) Aug, 17. 1848. .N’Vofih‘ate at length returns Irom almost every districtof thin State, whic’h‘en'able me to fulfil my promise l'o write you the renult when myself sntisfiedlue to what to. The districts notdefimtely heard lrom.”are decidéd.- polittcalty; so we can cal'culete upon then-v vote. with safety. The'xSe'nate Glenda, atltold, 27 Democrats to 23’wltigp; m Romcmbm Ihnl Iho otiginnl und'only gonumc ln dlan Hrgelublc Pills have lhe biglmlurc 0! WM. WKIGIIT u'rulon mm :1 pen on the lop lubelol each box. [rj'f’ 'l'lze genuine for sale by R. SHAW. sole flgenlfor C'leur/icld; CxiAn's «Y Buo- THER. Curwenavtlle; DANIEL B/mnu'rr, Lullleraburg ; and wholesale a! [he Mice and general depot, 160 [lace street. Ping/u -de/p/u'a. Monl lixlraordinary \Vork! 'l'llE MflRRIEI) ”TM/JAWS PRIVA'! l‘) MEDICAL COMPANION. BY DH. A. M. MAl'Rlf‘lifd'. l’rofcaaorof diseases 0/ u'omcn. Suzi: liuhllon. Ifin'u.;l;» 250‘ I'rlrcl (.'l'llur. 30,000 ('uln'cx .luld m (/1171 [mull/.6. Ycuru offluflbnng a! phynu'nl mu) menlnl mlgm-h In many aliaM-Hmnnle mm. nml pvt-mnny Grim-uh hon In the husband. might huw hpcn spared by n (1111 on possum") 0! this “ark. -' H m iulcndcd especially [m lhe m‘nrnbd. or those couu-mplulmg marriage. as H dmcluseu Imporlnul 80~ crels which bhould lm knuuu In (hem pnrlit-ulurly. 'l‘ruly,knqwlcdgu Ls power. h 1: health. happi ucus.ulfluem-¢. 'l‘hc ruvchlmnu conluincd in Ma [l3ng have proved u bless-mg In I‘lhouuunda. nu Ihc mnumcrublelellers re~ ccivud by lhe author will allow. Herc, ulno. ovary fomalo -—lhc wife. the mufhcnflw uuu either budding inlo Womanhood. or lhn o‘ne m the dcchuu of years In whom numro conlcmpluu-s nn unpununl change—can discover lhe cnuueu. uymp lama. and Iho must eflimonl remedies. and mom can mm mode at" cum-,1" every (olnplumt In which her ucx m subject. I 9 Copies will be sent by mail /rcc of postage lo l/lcpurc/mxcr. Ovor [on thuunund copmx have been sent by 'mnil Within ””00 momh». with pcrlcm s:|lb[ylzlld ccr~ minty. , ..‘, . . 0n lhe rcccipl of Una Dullur. Iho-"Murriul Wo man's Pru’alo Medical Cumpnmon" mll he soul (hm:~ («L/rec} lo any 11an thc Unilcd Sum-M. All leltcru must be post-pun] (cxccpl [hose runmming n rcnul mum) and uddryuned 1:; Dr. A. M_ Mnunconu. Box ‘1221.N0w Yummy. Publishing Cilia-0,129 leerly atrool."N. York. ' V ' ‘ ’l‘ho "Mnmud Woman’s Private- Mcdlcul Cnm~ panion"iséold by boalm-llcrs thrdughum lhe United States. _ July 10. 2 111. "'nisi 439, s DEN TEST RY. 2 2 JAMES LOCKE, M. D. t z "IURGEON DENTIST, willpps 2 S b ili‘ticly vi-{il Clrulliclul :Il Ihc 011- S ‘h‘sdi‘na Auggltgt'C-uurt. S 2 " ‘l'lnpbc déairifip'g his awn-ices turnsl 2 S make early uppiicnfion. ' f S S Rmmn’n at Merrcll’s Holt-l .' z lACON. ‘GI‘NHI ”AMS &' SEOUL. .DERSffilr bah hf ‘ ' ( . . [the Hlo't‘tpe'lfids Demo‘cratrlo 40 Whigs.— The return: to come in may poaltbly’vury this result one or two. 00 joint ballotour majority wrll reach 25. Lent year the Feds had a majority ofB‘on joint ballot. - We have made greatgains in the wrong Whig district represented in Congress by C. B. Smith. 'I he average majority a gainst us in Wayne county, whiblt gave Smith 861 majority. in now'onl'y'QOO. '0 Henry county. too. which the Whigercnr riod by 500 last year. we have elected a State Senator! ln Ttppecanoe. the " free soil’ county. the Democracy nubly sustain ed its own candidates. while nearly ltnlftlte Whigs voted for the Van Buren ‘ free eoil’ candidate. Set down Indiana sure lor Cassi by 15,000 majortly.‘ A. Z. ‘ By [Magnetic Telegraph. { ,Exulcmcnl among [he H‘lligs——Grncral Yng/lor’s‘ Lil/er accepting the Sour/x Carolina nominalion denounced. ALBANY. Aug. 27. A large mreung of lhe \\' hlga um. hell! here last evening. lo lake inlo considera~ lion lhe leller of Gen. Taylor accepling \lm nomlnalion made In South Carolina. for lhe office of Plesldenl. on the name lickel wilh Gen. Butler. W !lliam Parmelee prcsivlmll asswlcd by James Kidd and others. as VH‘L‘ Presidents. 'l'he leuer was read, and Messrs John A. Collier. H. 11. Huswell, Judge Carpenter. of 031830; and Dewiu Benedict. Jr.. spoke strongly in denuncia non of Gen. 'l'pylnr'e reply as Insulting lo Mr. Fillmore :lnd lhe Whigs ol the noun. A commmee on reeululions was appoin ted to teport on Monday evening, In onlct Io glvo lime lor ('onsidcrullon. The feeling 0! the meeting was decided ly in favor of lhe demonstrations made by the speaken , Mom: Ruw!——'l'he Gemmntown 'l‘eic prosperity of the pcup'e of that prunpelous borough. cOncludes with the (alloy mg no ma‘rks: " This pleasing clalc oflhmg: in the re sult ofindual‘ry, lemparancv, and good my gen. The Inner are the result of prosper nus times. and prosperous llmeS are the re sult of good measures adnplml by our lu lens for lhe benefit uf all. ”cure it may be laid down as suunddoclrlne, mat where ever labor is best paid, them is the bes! governmunl, and there axe lhe happicsl people." Cos'mzxusu. homluct, glddinns. pain in me side and bran-l. nausea and nclmmu. variable up politc. yellow or awmlhy comploxlan. &c.. are the uuuul oymploml ul .1 qllwrdgfcd liver. anln's Indian Vegetable l’llls uro‘wnnin In n-movo Ihc- abm’o complnimn, because they vomuvo Irom Iho body lhuae morbid Immoral which nre Iho cum-e not only of all disorders of Iho hver. bul ofevery malady incident In man. A amgle 25cenl bul WI“ in a" canéa'givu rem-r. End péraevernnco nr-Eord iug lo duecliom. wnll nmnl assuredly: drivo awry parncle ofduennn from the body. Baum; uxv' (fiuus'rmu-‘rzl'n mu hurnmm.’ " ' ' • ' 14.3)N,01.), 4 ;%.19.URt,:; li!MEMI 'Thlrd Volgnteer. Bat , tallon. ; VEHE 3d Volunteer Battalion 0! Clear _ fiehl county Volnmecrs.’ compo-led of lhe Union Grays. National Grays. Bra dy Guards, Curwensville Artillery. Tay lor Guards, “’aghingmn 'l'roop. and Washington Infantry. will mm [or In speclion on Monday the ISM) d” of Octo ber next. at Curw'ensvillef nt 9 o'clock. A. M. 'l‘lw' Companies me requesfed to come wilh their camp equipago, wnts. &c. PWPBFM lo ouncump two days, viz: M on day and Tuesday. -' , By onlvr of Col BARRETT. ‘ J. F. WEAVER, Adj'l. 3 Aug. 30. 1848. I Philadelphia Type Foundry no. a. mean SI‘..NE'A‘R"I‘!!E'EXCIMNGI£.. PHILADELPHIA 'l'llli Subscriber having made grant im provements in his method or casting type and mixing urtnctuls, and hutl a thorough revision ofhis matrices, the faces of which are not ex ccllnil, in beauty and regularity ol'cut, by any in the country; flutters himself thnt by a strict personal attention to business. and crliploying none but the most skillul workmen, he is inn. bled to ollbr ‘ .- A SUPERIOR: ARTICLE ‘ A'l' GREATLY REDUCED PRICES He is continually adding to his stock all that is new from the best workmen ofthis and other counlrlcs, and having lately procured lrom [Cu— . v rope. a great variety 0! New Faces nml Oma mcnts, solicits the attention of Printers thcrclo. Specimens will be sent to those wishing to order. l’rcsscs, (.‘nscs, Chases, Ink, Stands, (Baileys, “ms Rules, and every ulhcr nrliclc nccdcd to furnish a complclc Priming Ollicc, supplied at the slwrlcsl nulicc. German 800/.- and Job Type. OI the newest slyle and of all sizes, carefully put up m founls ofcurrccl proportion. ALEXANDER ROBB. Aug. Id, 1848.—8ms$10. me. mmmufiwmm “ B an: authorized mummuncc Ihnl W Cnpl. GEORGE \‘VAL'rms, 0! Bell (unmhip, is u candululc [or tc-L'lccllun (u lhe Assembly, subject [0 the uctiun u! Ihc Ucmucmhc puny uf Clearfield county. June 135. ’4B. ‘KIE are authorized In ammunce Ihnl \VILu/uu Poznan ul Girard (fuz— Incvly ul Lawn-nee) township, as n candi date lo: the offices 0! Prolhunutury, Re gtslcr. Recorder. &c.. o! Cleanfield coun ly, " July 15, ’4B. To (In; Electors of Clear/29M County .- FHLLOW‘UranNs:—l'hanklul lur pas! favors, I again ufler Inysell w yourcou sidernuun an :Icnndnlnlelurlheufficvsul l’wlhunolavy. Register. Recoxdrr. &c.. at thrensumgpenurnl Elcclion. and Ica‘ pecllully when your nuflrnges. WM. C. WELCH July 17, '4B ' TE aveuulhmized to announce Ihnl ‘V ROSWELL LUTHun. Esq.. M Bra dy luwnghtp‘. wm be in cnudldule lor lhe ufl'ncc u! Counly Commissaoncr, subject (ulhc ucliun ml the Ucluoclnllc pally u! Clemficld cuunlyfiu ju23, ’4B. E me uuthun'md to announce lhal W PHILIP NEVENER. ol Huuluu lnwnahip. I 51! candidate fur the office u! Cumuy Comnnssiuecr ul Iht‘ ensuing Gen cvul rlucllun. subject lu lhe ucllun 0! Im- Dunocwlic pally. Aug. I. WE are nulhvrnzrnl to announce BM. JAMIN BONSALL, of Brady lnwnshill, as a cnndululc lur an oliicc ul Counly Cum misawner an the ensuing gt'nrrul rH’t‘llu-ll —:ubject_.(u (he ul‘llun U! the Demand!“ puny. . Aug. 16. J/cssra. la'u'i/urs :-—P‘.‘nsr :xtnouhcc WILLIAM \\ ALLACE. u! Luuu'ncr lnull shlp, as n cunumalc 1m lhu ufliu: ul Coun— 1y .dudilor, subject [0 HM: ucnon ul me Hemucmuc puny. and oblngv .\l \NY Mi‘AOCR‘. l'b‘. July 20, '4B. - Messrs. Editors.- , Sum—Please announce ‘Jos'. H. Jones. u! [’lo bmuugh, as n (illllliduu‘ lnr lhe ul "cc of County :\llllilur. mbjcct lo the ac Hum 01 Ihc Uenmualm puny. knuwmg lmu lo be u :uuml Dcumuul. and We“ qualified In fiH um! umu‘. nml II ('ll‘l't‘d. \vuuldr-rrmlcr Mill-Incllnn m the lymph generally : and ynu nlll cnul'vr a Imm on V " Minty Country Democrats. Aug. 15 = F. J. Hioifiman, . ‘ -LEW‘IS'IOWN, l’A., " [L'I'AIL &VVHOLESALE deu|er In R Drugs. Medzcines. Paints, Hurd wurc. Coach and Saddlery ware, Grace rics. llalstul/zcr, Morocco, Paper, Cou /'eclionar_y, C'ooking.sloves, &c., 6;. July 10.1848. - j I .La'te'slfi'bm tkc- - I’EflCE and PLENTY DECL/JIA’EIJ.’ ' AOON “my “LI-mu FLOUR ..n ham! an“ {or Vsalc by " ‘- CRANS &‘BfiO'I'HER. Curwcnsvillo. June 16, .1848. .' FRESH SUPPLY 0' QRY A GOODS. 'GROCER'H'JS. MACK AREL. “ERIHNG add COILFIS“ jun rgtqelveq!_ [um] ‘uill be Sold ..': luw mines] at the cheap More 01 '. .1 , - =~‘ L j ._. 1,, ‘JolnN;.,ng:l"l'oN.§; Curwcnpyillc,’June-'16,18,48. .‘ .1 j FOR SALEI’x FOR SALE.” THE nubwriber is just receiving a large and hnnllflame lnr of gonrls to wit the [all and WlN—er delnnndsf—and having Burgh!“ed lhcm at luv I’MCfl, he is (_ictcrm'm ed lo sell accordingly. The slock consists In part Of the lulluwing ' ' _j .7 Cloths. Ce‘immcrea. Snmnella. Linseya, Alpac'as, Cloaking and cl’k Lining, Caplbric Handkerchieh. Red and Whnc F'lllnt‘lfi. Sn'lin.Sllk & other \‘cs'inga, Shun-collurs and Boaums. Sco!ch and dum. (ilnghams, Silk Serge. Black and_ other shawls. Also. many min-r mliclcs n! S'IVII’LE uml Iv'flNCY GOODS. 7 Hardware, [A general ussorlmtnlfl S Queensware, : 2 g S S S S Stationary. Combs. BOOTS 8L SHOES, .9 very [urge sup/11y, such as Mcns' (‘xlrn (me Call. do first quaiily (En do do (10 Coalse. WYGDELQEIESO U3®®l§s3s IBLNLD c3lfl®m3o \Vomcns’ Morncco l’muh, \"umcns’ Gum-r Shtlt‘s, \mecns‘ Pumps, dud» Kip. d» .1 do dn do Rubber Shoes. (In Pug Shoes, do Kid do Mens’ do do ' 51:1“le above gum]! wIH In: said veny luw For cash down. WHEAT. RYI‘). 01818. and other grain. In well as BU I'TER, EGGS, RAGS, &c.. &c.. taken in exchange tur goods. Clcarfirhl. Augusl 30. 184 k: 31M)?! 1.9.31! B&WLBLDQ Farmers Look Here! Four Horse Power Tumbling Shaft and Shop Threshing Muchineafor $75. '1 8L 5. H ILDUN. of Struummlle, b Clarion county. Pm. woum rcsptcl lully Inloun lhe people of Cleanlitld coun ly, that they huvo now on ”and and are manuluclurlng Four Horse Power Thresh mg biadnllca m the low price 0! Seventy- Five Dollars. unrruhlul lo be good. Also, 'l'wo Horse Power 'l'lncahing Ma chine: no! Burpafut‘d by any In lhe Stale. and we wull warlanl lnem lo Huesh In one disy 1135 bushels Wheat. or 1:25 bushels Rye. 225 buahrls 0.119, or 15 bushel: clu 'Vcr-secd, II ucll amended. They have erecled a Fuumlxy and Blackaumhshop which enable: them l 0 :2“ machines M a much lower price than ever ulh'rcd tn l’rrixisylwnia. | [’A “SN 1' CORN-SHEl.LER.—~'l'lwy .ure lww maklng. uud keep on hand. a Pa -(em Uurn Snencr at the low prlce 0! (Inc I Dollar and iffy cents each. " 'm‘l'li'é”'aubscubcln will leccn'e In puyu-cul for Ihc above 'l'lu‘es/u'ng Illa~ chines GRAIN, (\\ heal, R): and Unis.) ll Ir]! 2:! Shaw’s MI”, 111 Clcallichl, Ur 'dl lu'lu'a Mull, CunvumuHe. Rxanlm'Sn/xw, Clcuxlield. and Joux PA'l'be. L‘urwruavnlle. me, the age-m: lur the pale ul Hue above muchirit's in “II: cuuu ly, either ul \vnum WI” gin: all Hrct‘ssan lulorlnalion tululing thereto. ' 5. 6L 8. VHLSUN Sllnllurn‘ch. Jul) 20. ’4B. l‘czuy lownship. Clarion co, Jul) .‘3, ’4B We do cerhty lhul We. have one of [Vi/3011a Tugg __l‘lgru Power Threshing J‘lac/liusr, and lhrcshcd m um- day, at the barn at Len 'Lcr \rilllgcr, 134- Imahcla u! “hug. and nmy wnh Cumidcncc \o the Farmers that 111 ‘y un: good machincs, and may work lo: two horses. SAMUEL lIAUAN. JOHN KELLEY. Toby lownahml (Ilul’lon c 1... July 8, ‘48., I Run: on: of Wilson} I'u’u Unrsc Power l‘lu'csumg Machines, manufactured in the west and o! b‘lrullunmlc, this county, and I am cun lidcnl I can lln'caln I‘ZU bushels of wheat In one day. I consider them a good nmchinc and not liable 10 get out of order. 1 Glen Hope and Lillie Bald-Ea gle Turnpike Road Company. 7‘. “IE unurlsvgncd ()olmnlsslum-ru, na -1 mud In Ihc ncl M the Imgialalulu lhnazcd zu llu- recent session incorporating the (3):“ “of“: and Liulc Bald Eagle 111 mm” nml Company; UIVI‘) hU‘ HUB—Thu llac b’uulu, lur aumcnpnun u) [he stuck ”1 mid Lumpan)’, “I“ be open Ilum 9 o'clock. A. Mr, lo 3 P.~M., uh 'l‘ucwiuy the 12m ul September [lng en'- auing. at 'l‘yrnnc. and wine day at ch-j Ilng’ Mill. and ul Uuupcr’n More. I IhRAEL COOI’ICII. WILLIAM SMILEY. JUIIAXN'I‘. MA'I‘HIAS, LEWIS I’ALMI‘IK» HENRY B \VIUUU I , JOHN SWANujrf. Aug. 10, 1848. --"d VIN]. E“, 1501 mm), ‘. “flaw-neg. at Law, P/ziladelf. Ilia, WILL altembto the settlement ul claims by the heirs ol JOHN NICHOLSON ‘ugainst Lands in clahrfiéldlorifndjuiuing counties. Bc ing wall acquainted lmll'lhe Nicholson Title, persona dcsil‘ouanfixlinguislling‘ the Niclwlwn claim to their. l‘nmls. may have their business attended to-byleltcl'.(poBt-paid) uddrcaacd to Wm. 1"- Buanc, I’uiladelp/lia. Angugsl 16, 1848: ' ‘ ' Qs©®HsEN¢§ SQQWMSR ‘ ‘ GREAT variety .pl ICOQK‘ING A .S'l'U‘VIE-S. [Varz'a'mccli lrum $13.50 'U,,S3ZIQQ:~.(‘W W.” by ‘ ‘1; I‘:.:.I.uOF.FMAN; ‘ DY GOODS. Calicos. . Linen Gingham, Bleached Muslim. Cunmn Fianne’ls. Buckets and 'l‘ubs Brooms HATS. Bcavcr nml Russia. CAP-‘5. Fushtonublc cloth [m Men and Boys. Yuullm' Cuursc Bools‘. Buya’ « do do do Monrocs. 7 NHE lullumng accounts have been ex -1 umlnt‘d and passed by me. and re mum filed ul rcmnl In (Ins office for the mspecliun o! hem. legaxces, creditors, md all when! In any may interested; and NH be prescifietl lo Ihc m'n Urpllan't Cuurt ol lhe Cuunly ul Clenrfiehl, lobe held at the (our! 'IUUSE' in .Clcarficl‘d on Tuesday the sth «Jayul rSeplcmbe; min, lur allowance and ummmanun: ‘* :: l The administration accountof Jann lhanjinvnlnu. nurvivmg administralo'r of the esmie In! Add") Newlmg, laluol Bec carla mwnship. deceased. v RUU'T N. 'IUHY :1 The udumnslmu'un uccuun! 0! Peter Arnold and Juhn Hulllpulcr, executunof lhe In»! mil and u-slamenl 0‘ John PentZ‘r late 0! Brady township.'decenscd. " 3 The ununmialramm uccuunl 0! David- Bullcr‘ ullmims‘lrnlur at me calale bl Hem ry Fey. late 0! Brady township deceased. ‘. 4 The account of limit)! B. Wright. guardian 0! William chlmg audVSusan. ha chling‘ cmtdgpd m Adam chlmg. deceased. - ’ V ’ ‘ " Commissioners ‘ wwwmm' ~ = LL‘ ln-Ihuns are hereby cautioned 3‘- A gimusl buflug-urwsclliug 0r ‘iuvmiy may mcddling’wim‘ the lullmvimg’pm err ly now In the can: ul \v..l...p§;;:ege;;.ggg_t Fer,- gusou low "ship, Clmu fig), {fix we belong! to um. um : .‘ 0i: ‘6 iffy" Two ln’cd ,(‘owsgmzc ‘ w - HEM. f;_;§;:§f%::-‘ ,1 July 18. gr « BMJVA'S for sale a Bishop Lain. Cnmbric Muslin. Jaconell do Barred d 0 P rztcnt Medicines. Grind-Stones. Brass C lac/as. Childrcns’ Bouts, pegged. (It) «'0 sewed, du Red Mnrnccv. do Black do F. P. HURXTHAL. IRON FOUNDRY Jil Curwcnsvillr. C(caq/ield caning]. Pu. THUMPSONS. DALE 8L Co.. having purchased lhe Iron Foundry, at Culwensvillc, (espectfully inlnrlnllheir lriemlu and the public generally, lhn! they are now prepared lo make all kind: at castings at lhe ehurlest notice and on lhn (stlv’leasunnble lmuu. Their Pluughs. Stoves, Holluwnre. Mill-Irom, &c.; &c., cunnm be surpassed «(her for beauly or service. ' ' They Would call the panicular atlemion of larmets lo the [Hill Hall Plough Pat (cm, wlnch they have pmcuned, and which Is believed (u be supcviur to any other now in use. 'l'lu-y wiH wpply all orders [or casting: at the shortest notice. and as cheap. if not cheaper, than they can be procured else- Where. IG’AH kinds 0! Country ploducc— (Veil cash—Will be taken In exchange for Aug. 4. ’4B. UM Dissolution of Partnership. YEHE Partnership heuclofure unsung belwnn lhe pubicuberu, trading un. «Irr lht‘ film 0! PA l‘l"0N. SMITH and S'I'EVENS, IS hen-by unsolved by [his wilhdthul ol Wm. Patton. Mr. Steven» having purchased hus (Patton's) inlcresl in Sunburn .\lm'.., &c. n. B. SMITH, JO5. w. STEVENS WM. PA'I‘TON. The buquas mi}: l‘e cunlinued by-Hu: subscnbera m the name 0! S'evcns and Smim. “ho mll aclllt‘ all claimongainst lhelw'lnrr pulmerrhlp. Wilma: ourhandn lhls 13.!) day ul July, 1848. Sanlmnu MUN. ”41.15 I n-.,July H. 1543.; ”"d REGISTER’S NOTICE. , wM.c.w mm H, neg». Rvgistcr’a Office, Clcqr- :' liuld. July 26. 1848. g ‘ ‘ pita-Q. “nay-3 . ,- , ‘. ... 11. B. S. J. W. S.