Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, August 11, 1848, Image 3

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    nmmocn'muommzrmo. 23:; “'l‘, : signs i‘n-ohio; ~-
.. ‘. " , ,"- n .v j Amonn tlm-si ns ofenlltminam ofwhig
“Old BBI'RS” 0" "alld- , my in Ohio. abgul which a few sanguine
lnpnreuance of public noticelhe Dem whig politicians ,will occasionollv bossl.
"”3”“ cmzens "f Brad, t‘3.“"H‘l‘lf’ "’9‘ i” ‘we submit the following extract from the
Iv‘u'i'frsibl’rhw 83'9””! Augufi 54’" "Carroll Free Pré'eeflfithe organ of whim‘
“:9" 2"‘P2 ”‘8 CASS and BUTLER ry in that county of the Bucket-e State.‘
Pule! (“3412? “ml raisedfln ”"3 prekus with the "surrender" of the editor to the‘
evening rec cltt‘ri, t mer-ting wns f .. ’ in
orzahiirltl .by npppintinfi BENJAMIN orce ofthe sober aggillilirigxghffnion.
[IONS/”‘1‘” [€qu P’Hide'm BE"““‘" 70 the Readers Qf the. Free Press.—
QAKRSQN' ‘5 ”a“! ENE-“'0'!- Wu. RXS'IEb Findinn myself, after miinire deliberation.
Jou" "Al-l" Joeewiß: FULTON ""d 10"“ unablo'io rield any support to the nominee
Tiromp'sou. Vice Presidents, nml Dr Geo. of the late'whig national convention. I re
” Mean. S- [fostlelhwatt “”1 P- "7- IJar- me from the editorial department of this
re". S""’”‘_""" . . paper. It is not necessary. at this time.
The meeting 1’9””: 'h‘” Organized. 0" that! should make an exposition of mv
motion. 0"" "'3'" ‘wus culled ‘0 ”‘9 present position- suffice it to any that 'I
I‘m"! and “Mme“! the "'N‘Hnfl 0' length. am an "ultra whigf’ one that r'eganls
'" an eloquenlvand Impressive manner. principles as paramount toeverv other con
An” CM“ "”1"" concluded his remarks. sideartlon - and therefore cannot consci~
"Mm" an'e't' Esq - "'5" responded '" a entioualy ’aid in. the elevalion of any man
("H in a (.‘.w brief and "c”i‘m” “""n‘k9- who was willing "to accept a nomination
’ 0” "W“{llln Resolved, lihal the NOV-“0' from a national convention. should such be
“W“ "“1”” "'."°t'"g_b" signed bV ”‘9 “f" held. for the presidency. from the Whigs
ficerq and published In the lifznner. or democrats, or from both. should they
[Armies DfQ/licers o””N‘3'l] think proper to tender it. without being
pledged, or even considering myself so. to
advocate the news or opinions of either."
Au Gen. Taylor. by his own showing. is
not lobe the "advocate" of Whig princi
ples, l conceive that,~in his present posi
tion. supporting him would be a|virtual n
bantlonment of those principled. and there
fore. must decline to become his “ advo
cate." JOHN POR'I ER
A mecling o! the l cmocrulic Whig! 0‘
the county 0! Cleav'fiéhl convenm] in lht
rnurl house, infl’he .bu‘rnughluf Clenrfiehl.
nn Sutugday. the 51h nl August}..._'l‘he mee
Img Wan called in o'er by appoinling W.
H. ROBER'I‘SON‘, rhaivmnn. and on mnr
nu. nml MouDHCAI Snmx. WCH’ nppmnt
ml Vice Presitlvnls—Jamm A. Cal/mm
and 'l'l‘mma‘s li‘urc/Ifleld. Secrotnncs.
On motion. A committee 1:! five wou
appuinted lo lll‘n“ a pceamblv nml resoluA
tiuns cxpressivc of lhe srnso n! the meet-
Ing. “'llen‘upnn. G. \V, Ilvckcr, A. M.
HIHI, John Fallon. Jame» M. Tuvlur and
Wm. Radcbuugh, 'wcre nppninlcd sail]
Tht‘ commillve H'pnrlcd Ihc Inllowing,
“hirh \u-rv unnninwusly Hlup'cd :
\\ [mums]. It has plraéetl Hm Supreme
Rulcr'of Ihr Unherso tn «h-privo Ihc Cum
monsn‘n'lh of [‘ennsvlvunia of bar Chic-l
Magnum», Francis R. Slmnk. I' is now
Incumbent on H)? pcnph‘ a! said Commun
“ealch to ;:'-In! {mm Iwr ciliznns a person
qualificd It: fill the nflicc‘ II! Guverunr 0!
Pennsylvania. 'l‘h«r.-hm-, - .‘
”mo/09d. 'l'hal Brnjanml Hmlshorn i-
herrby anpmntu-d out Repre‘onlativo. and
Jusoph Buflinglnn our Senatmia'. dele
gntrs to mrct m the State Qunventiun at
lhrriktmrz'the 3t~t «lay M August ncx'.
and are lu-rt'hy inatru'rtrd to use all hun
urulnlc "wan-z to secure the nomination of
\Vln. F. Johnson at; our candidate {U Go
In’e'so/urrl, 'l'ha! Daniel Livingston and
Jame: A. (‘nthrarl bO, and are hereby ap
puihtm! our Cnngrcsi-innal cnnlerecg In
mrrl at Kitianning mi the UH) inslnnl. tn
nnminatn a ramlidal'c for‘Cu'ngvo'ss ;:‘pml
also, that lhry have power In a'ppninl a
Sriialoria’ ch‘lrgale in connec’limx‘uiih lic
n'iu-r (aunties "(mid Senaturial district.
Raw/veil. 'l'lml Ellii 'lvwin Blid Rich‘
nul'Mm-uvp mo hen-by nppninled our (1?!-
Ighlrs In Inc-rt wilh de'egm-s of Crnfre
rnuniv tn numirale n candidale for the
Sum: [,ogig'fifurw.
Reno/lied; Thai General Taylor, our
«andidnlo (or the Presidency, by his mm
'my aeivircu and drhirvoumnls, has «idl
lv falflt‘d fur himself lhe gratitude (.l' the
Ammiran citiivnfiml suldu-rw. Thu! lhe
fit!!! 0! his life. lhe rmmlla 0f lhe \Var
Drpav'nwnt. ax‘ we” aa hiu model tlebpalch
n, thaw him to [W n ripe scln lnr and an
m rompliph'ui u riler. That he. who can
irml n'rmics, advice rnbineH‘by hi 6 ener-
LI- (nurngr nml wiulmn. ran safely be on-
Hu‘fml tn Ihe highéil uffice in lhe grflhq‘
the hu- nciifile of the Rvpubllc vl Ameli
ml. “'lm like ‘Va-hungmn in his own
IFmb amlagt‘. is firs! in win, first in peace.
and first iii Ihc hearts 0! his enunnvmeu.
firm/UNI, Thu! 'Mlllanl FIHIIHHE. our
..mnincc [or lhe Viré Prraidenty, is 8 fl!
uolknguc, ()1 Gen. 'l'nylor. That in him
we am- We able sfnlf’smnn, lhe 'Jnllaunled
mhncnlc MJlunlan rights and lrcrdom, &
«ho liké our unfion Irom luw beginning,
has arritcu 10 'll): summit of Nmi'om'al
grmln'qu. . .
Iv’eéo'lved. That we hn'c unabated can
“dance in {he ih'lélligence and ability 0
Ner Middlesunrth, our cnndidnt'c lnr Cu
‘nnl Commissioner. That he is worthyol
Hm’positinri'f‘lié'b'ccupies in the \‘Vhig par
I)‘; and that wawnlr roll him up such a
vutcras will strike "consternation inlb the
mnks nl lhe enemy. ,
Resolved. That we mll use all honora
bl'c meanemo prumole the elcclion ol Gen.
'l‘aylbr to lhe Presidency & Millard Fill
morowlo lhe Vice Prvnlduncy of the Uni
lrd Slqlfiejlnnd Ner Middlcswnrlh lor Cu
nal Cununipsioner. and We will give them
uu‘r \qhnlclflndlumlivulul snppurl. ‘ v
Resolved, ’l‘humhese proceedings be
Rigncd by the limcers nml publiahed in all
the pnpersjin ”HS Congressiunhl district.
w . [Qflicera names 9721:]!ch
CoL‘Ben‘loh'hns", d‘gpo‘sited in lhe Con
greasiona![l.ibgutxfiffqr- public inspection.
vuriuua benuulm specimens-of crystalized
sa‘ll. la’k‘cn from the slum: 01-(he Great
Soll Lake in California, by CULJUhn C.
Fremont, Ocyqbrr. '1845. This CI-yvalnfi
znlmn is lormed byuthc spray,,c Luke.
'l‘llevlpCCinaonn qro on‘l'wigs. but u lorms
nn nqcry‘.ilyi,hg:gthyix .Inmhcs, _ There is
“5.6, Ili'miéuedTalepecig‘m-n ml mineral salt,
lakg‘mfroml'a luounlain in‘lhc pasin nlwthe
Grrai'Silg 'l‘j‘uke‘. by Col. Fremont, cho
béf.;-'18.45.1rw 'r v‘ ' f ‘1 .
gbailofili‘c ‘ Whifi 'pnpc‘rpl' mama: itlme
ism loner on m" in‘llmJWar cpquenl
in which Gén.';'l‘.p 'lér unos‘lhis language :
Q $.ll N fI‘EFRS P?Y’ar,,,,',l'lw3."n thezqngugion‘
gym," (laimhey 14.7% rmEk/y ‘02):
g 3
\ -- ,cr -
"’713/ they Changed—The Louisville
emocral so": "Captain M‘Duugnl. of
Indianapolis. informed us yeslerdny. that
nine Whig caplainu of his regiment have
repudialvd uhiggety. and {we going for
Cnssnnd Butler; and out of iweoly-six
lieulcoanls, only one was for Taylor, and
he was wavering. He mm! to Mexico
himself. a “big. and has utterly rcputlia
(Hi the party: navq he has hand. on the
slain of the Mexican arm'. whia doru
ments pgainst tho war and in lavor 2!" (hr
Mexican cause; that they were scattetcd
proluseiy through the city of erim. to
prowent a ratification ol the treah’ oi
‘ Committees of Vigilance.
Resolved. That the fullnwing be. nml
are hereby nnfmintetl. the 'l‘nwnship Cum
mtttees 0t Vigilance lor the prewnt year
-—-whoce tluty it is tn give immediate All"
lice of the time nml place ol holding their
primary election—to superintonc' thesame
—to hold frequent meetingt. circulate pn
litical information ; nml they are luvthcr
requested to be active and vigilant in at
tenthng to all other matters calculated to
secure the triumph of correct principle
from this'until the polls are closed on the
7th of November nexl:
Beccaria.—Jnhn W M’rught, Jacub Lm
'nard. Andrew Shufl, John B Stewart,
Bell—G “C- E’dar. John F Lee. Wm 'l‘
Tharp. J J McCrackcn.
Ragga—Jump!) Stilt-a. James C Barren,
James M Shaw.
Bradford—Jacob Pealce. A 3K \Vrigh'.
V B Hull. U
Brady—hue Dranckrr. B Bnnnall. M
H Luther. Joseph Lmns, J Kunlzo.
Burnside—Joseph McMurmyJaN-h Ne"
_David Sumlerlin, flurry Balnlmrt, Ree
der Kira.
Chesl—S J Tuzvr, Giles Turlu-r. 1
Cavington—F Cnudliel, Adam Huey. M
Schnell, S Maurer.
Decatur-John Hughes. John Shaw, Jo~
seph McClnrren.
Ferguson—Grimm McCrarkcn. “'m :1“
Mnnrr, Dr.) P “05!. .
Fox—John l Bondy. Jame! Mnrvhvnd. '
Girard~Abrahnm Kylar. G B Smith.
Goshen—Jamcs Flegal. L Bumgurner, l
W Graham.
Huston—Wm Morgan, Dr “'m Hoyt, I"
Jordan-—Pe(er Bloom. F \‘V Showing.
David Wiue. jr., James M(Cracken.
David Mcchghrn. " ‘
Karl/mus—VVm Bnidgens. Geo .Buchor,
Daniel Mourc. Jusrph Yothcm.
Morris-John B Kylnr. Samuel Wnring.
Jame; Allporl. A Blown, JnCub Wise.
A Kylar. S C Thompson.
Penn-Samuel Juhmnn. Jonathan Evans,
jr. R Danver, Jus Ferguson.
I’t/re-—G C Passmnre. 1 Bloom jr.. Dr M
E VWumlu. Geo B Dale, Samuel Evans.
Samuel Wny.
Lawrencef—Jnlm Long. Amos Read, sen.
Samuel Clyde. Juhn Irwin. Hugh Orr
‘ N K McMuch, Josiah R Brad.
Woodward—George W Shofl. 'l‘hos Helo
derson. Wm Alexander. '
Borough—Wm Merrfll, J L Cuttle Jun
v athaq Bnynton. A J Hemnhill.
‘ C. KRATZER, Ch’n.
W. J. HEMPHILL, Scc’y.
llnDAcll.—\Vriglu‘u Indian Vogolnble Pills ago
a positivo’curo for‘lhii dialrouing complaint; bo~
cuuuo [hey purge from the body thong biliouu ,h."7‘
(nbru‘ which an; iho _cauie not only of hénduch.
v , . x' ‘ '- ‘\ ;; ‘
giddincuum'uneu nnd sit-knoll. &c.. l'ulofull lhe
ills (‘0 which llep‘h in lwiui. ;One 25 um box of the
above named Indian Vegetablo Pills, nay. a single
done. will frequonlly carry off a violenl nllnck of
hendach : _und. m ('nm of lung Handing. npraever?
zincenlona is , wanted in orde: to make a cure of
ovary descriptionnf hendach.
"’riglal'a Indian Vegetable Pills also aid and im~
prov) digouion nnd'purify Iho blood, and thaw
lore give noyr lifo and vigor lo Iho whole frame.
Buiwzmr: ox: Coumznvm'ru Imp hum-non: 5’
Remember Ihnl the” o'rigilinl nmfnnly genuine ln
dian Vegetable Pills hgvolh'o signaturo‘ of WM.
Wmamwrilu-n w‘nh'v'a pen (in lhn lop lubclol
each box. , ' ' , ‘
‘ wTfie genuine for .vglc lry.lL.,Smw:
so/é‘flgent for Clear/Eek! ,- Cums .9 Exit»
mm, Curwensvzlie; lem: Bannmn
Lufthekaburg : and_lpholeaale at (he Vice
aud general'depot, 169‘ 12909 _.sfijeel. f gilav
Ila/phi". ~; ..,. ._. ~- (“.:: '.u'~.t
Most -Exl|-ao|3dinnl'y VWork!
’ Professorqf dmeaaes a] women.
SIX”) Edition. ‘ lEmo; pp. 250. Price l-dullnr.
30.000 Copiea sold in (lire: mom/Is.
Years ofaufl‘ering at physical and mcnlol anguish
to many an hfl'oclionnlo wile. nml pecuniary (lillicuh
ties to lhe husband. mighl have been apnrcd by n
limoly possession of [his work. , 3
‘ ll is intended especially for tho murncd. or ”lose
nonlemplnling‘in‘or‘ringe. ns 1' dlflclofleifl imporlnul uo~
crcts which should bn known to lhem'prirliculnrly.
Tru'ly.knowlcdgo IS powor. It is henllh. hoppi
'l‘ho rovelnliuns conlnincd in Us pngns have proved
.o blessing lo lhousnnda, as the inliumcrnblolclten ro~
ceivrd by tho nulhor will nllest.
Hora. nlno. every fumnle -Ilie wife. Ihc nmlher. the
one oilher budding inlo uomnnhood. or Iho one in
tho (loclino "(yours In whom nnluro contemplates on
Imporlunl ('llungo—onn disrovor the rmmen. symp~
lama. nml llw moat rml'lPlll rrmodien. and must cer~
mm mode of curt-,1" ovary complaint lo which hrr
sex is subject.
Capies will lu- scnl [l"] mail [rec ufposlage
lo Iloe purchaser. ,
Ovarian thousand Copu‘s hnvo been son! lvy Innil
within three mmuhs. wilh porferl safely and can
0n the recmpl ur Ono Dullnr. the "Married Wo
mnn'a Private Medical Companion" Will be am)! (mai~
ledfree) to any pnrl oflhe Unilcd Slnlos. All lelleru
must be post-mid (oxcepl lhusc r-onlnining n remit
lunr‘c) nnd nddrosxcd In Dr. A. M Muuncc-nu. Bax
1224, New York city. Publishing Office. 129 Liberty
alrccl. N. York.
The "Married Wumnn‘n Pin-um Mcdmul Cums
mnion"ianold by bookseller: lhloughoul lhu Unllcd
July 10, 2 m.
MARRIED—Dr. Thursday muming Inn. by the
Rev. Samuel M] M, Mr. \VILLIAM F. IR‘VIN.
(merchant 0! this plmc) [0 Min SUSAN AN'I‘I‘IS.
of Lawrence lownihip.
KrTho Prinlén' good Wilhel are respectfully
endured Io lhe ulmve nan-«nude " luo in one" {or
Ihcir Lind rcmomhmncr. When lhey lhall enjoy
all Iho comforts and rich blessings of their bright
on nnlimpaliom they will uol be mar! ble-l lhun
we with Ihem to be.
" A virtuous dot-d would never be delayed.
Tho Impulse comes Irom henv'n;dz ho whoalrlyes
A moment lu'voprexa 11. disobeys *
The god within his mmd."
Glen Hope and Little Bald. E
agle Turnpike Road Company.
HE undrrsngned Commissioners, nu-
T med in the net of lhe Lvaidaluve
passed M the recnnt sessinn ileurporaling
lhe Gleu Hope and Little Bald Eagle
Turnpike mad Cnmpan)‘; GIVE NO
TICE—That the Books, lor'subscripliun
m the slock ofsaid company. will be open
lrom9 o'clock. A M.. [O3 P. M.. on
Tuesday lhe 12lh 0! September m-xl en
suing. nl Tyrone. and same day at Nev
linu’ Mill. and at Coupef’s slow. 1
Aug.lo. 1848 “pd.
J 1! Curwensvi/le.’ Clearyield counl_i/. Pa.
Vl‘l'lUMl’SONS. DALE 81 Co.. having
puvchased lhe lmn Foundry, M
Cuuvensvillc. vesprcifully iniorm their
lrirmlu and lhe public generuily, that they
me now [)lt'pzueii In make all kinds 0!
rantings at the morn-st notice nml on [he
most reasonable term‘. Their Ploughs.
SwVes. Hulluwnn'. Mill-Irom, &c.; &c ,
cnhnol be surpassed ellher for beauty on
They would cathc particular atton'inn
of larmeu m the [Hill Hall Plough Pal
ternl which they have procuwd. and Much
|s believed H) be supuior to any olher now
in use. -
The} will yupplj all orders fur castings
at lhe a'mrlul rmtimu and a: cheap, if no!
cheaper. ”Hm Hwy can bc procurlpd clue
Elf/“All kinds of Cuunlry produce
cven cash—WlN be taken In exchange {0
wnrk. ' Aug. 4. ’4B.
Estate of James Lord, dec’d.
O’I'IUE Is hereby giVen. lhul lclleis
N of Administration have been giant
éd to the subscriber on the rstate ol James
Lord. late of Baccaria township, drc’d.
and all persons being indebted to anid ea
tnte are hereby requested to make pay
ment without delay. & thosehnving claims
will pvt-sent them duly authenticated lor
-settlement to the stibscriber residing m
Jordan township. Cleulficld cnuntv.
June 29. 1848 ~pll.
Dissolulion of Partnership.
THE Partnership hetclofurc existing
between the wbscvibers. lrmling un
der the film of PA'I"I'ON, SMI'I‘H and
STEVENS, is hereby dissolved by lhe
\willnltawal of Wm. l’allon. Mr. Stevens
having purchased his (l’allon'a) inleresl in
Sanbum Mill's, &c.‘ 1
11. B. SMITH.
The business “312.,1‘e cominued by me
aubsuibcrs in “lhe name of Stevens and
Smith. who will orllle all claimsugains!
(beformor partnehhip. Witnesé our hands
lhls 13m day 0! July, 1848; '
Sunburn Mills. Buggg I
_ in. July 14. 1849. “‘P‘
Meeting of County Comm’rs.
ERSONS lmving bumness lolrnnsur! with lhn
P board 0! Cummmmneia of (Zlonrfield ruunly.
mu lulu: nouco. Ihnl said Board wxll'be in union n!
lheir office. m me borough of Clearfleid. ’on'Mondn'y,
thajlh olSeptemhor,(nexl.; _ A
' Aunt—Hl P. THOMPSON. .Cl'k.
. Cumm'rs Qflicc.,29}!l ; u
‘ Juno; 1848. ;.: It.
WE hre authmizcd to announce Ihnl
Capt. Gsoncn WAL'rEns, M Bell
tnwmllip. is a candidate for Ic-elcction lo
lhe Assembly. subject lolhe acliun nf Ihc
Dcumcmlic party uf Clemfield cuunly.
June 23, ’4B.
WE are nulhmizml In announce lhn
‘ WILLIAM l’onnzn u! Girard (lm
metlynll.aurmvcc-)!nwnsllip. is n caudi
dulc lm lhe oflirrn uf Prolhonnlary. Re
gislcr. Recorder. &c.. n! Clcmfield rnun
-‘y' ' July 15. ’4B
To Ihc Electorspf (.‘lcarfielrl County;
FELLoLw'Cx'rIZENS:-—'l'hankfu| lnr pas
favors. I again "Her luysvll In yuur can
uidorullun as a candulnle fur lhe oflicei u
Prothonolnty. Register. Recorder. &c.
M Hweusuing Gunwnl Election. ninl [cs
ptcllully bulici'l your huflfflgvs,
“ M. C. WELCH.
July 1T,"48.
“7E are nulhmized tn announce Ihnl
dy lnwnship. will be a cnndldule fur the
omce of Court/y Commisswncr. subjecl
lo the action 0! lhe Democratic parly of
Clearfield county. , . . ju23,’48.
' ' E are nulhmizv-(l tn nnnuunce Ihnl
lownship. is a candidate for lhe office of
Coun:y Commissinepr nl lhe ensuing Gen
erol election. subject lulhe nclinn of lhe
Democrulic pmly. Aug. 1.
Alessrs. Edi/ers :-—Please announce
\VILLIAM WALLACE. of Lawrence loun
hip. m n candidale lor Ihc office of Coun
3/ flmlilm'. subject tn the ncljon 0| lhe
)emucrallc parly. nml üb|iqe
Jul] '26. ’4B.
fl/p/taso Laconle 1 lnthe CourfolCom
[mnn Pleas 0! Clear
va >fieltl county No. l 9
| Nov. Term, 1847,
leguclua Lawn/c.) Writ ot Partition.
$3l :1?! ‘l‘ a Court 0! Common
3’ ‘a j Pleas held at Clearlield,
3 ;:in and {or the county ol Clear
\~*4;¢' field. on the Bth day olJuly
fl 1348. John Stites, E~q.. High
Sherifl of Clearfield county. haVlng at a!
Court ol Common Pleas held at Cleat’lieldl
on the second day ol May. A. D.. 1848.
returned an irquisitinn taken by the oaths
and affirmations oltuclve lree. honest and
lawful men of iti‘ bailiwick by which it
appears that a certain tnenunge, lot or
piece of ground situate tn Giraud town~
uhip,'Cleatfietd county; beginning at a
Hemlock. thence sooth 41 perches ton
poat, north 85 west 14 perches to a hem
lock. aouth 70 west 32 perches to a white
Pine, soU'h 47 west 32 perches to a hem
lock, north 26 west. 20 perches to stones.
north 67 east 15 percher, north 47 east
26 perchn. north 55 east 5| to u post
containing ten acres ol land more or less,
with a Grist Mill thereon erected with the
appurtenances &c.. which Alphonso L 1
conte & Augustus Laconte holds in lee as
tenants in common and could not be par~
ted and divided without prejudice to, and
xpttlllng the whole. And the said inquest
aloresaid had valued and apprais'ed the
same at the sum of three thousand two
hundred and eighty-seven dollars, nndl
the court having confirmed the same. and‘
neither the said Alphonso Laconte nor Au
gusto: Laconte having appeared to take
the said messuage or piece t-l land and
Grio mill with the appurtenances, at the
valuation aloresatrl, the Court granted a
rule on the parties aforesaid, requiring
them to appear at an adjourned court to
be held on the 6th day at July, A. l).,l
1848. to acceptor reluse the same at the;
rrlowsaitl taluation. At which time and
place both the above named parties ap
pear and teluse to take the premises at;
the appraisenreot aloresaid. Whereup-'
on the mid court do rule and order. thati
the soul Sheritl' do on the 22d day ol Au
gust A. D. 1848, expose to sale by public
venduc or outcry on the premises. the
card messnage or piece ol land. with the
appurtenances &c.. and sell thcaame to
the highest and best bidder. upon the lol
luuing terms to wit:—-One halt the pur
chase money to be paid on confirmation
of the sale, and the balance in one year
therealter to be secured by bond & mort
gage on the premises. with interest trom
day at sale. tutti that due public and time
ly notice of the time and place of sale be
given according to law. Witness the
Hon. George IV. ”'audward. Preaitlen
0| our said court al Clealfield lhn; Blh
day anuly. A. D. 1848.
W M. U. WELCU, Pral/z'jl.
Pmthnnumvy’a office,
Clemfirhl. Jul) 8. 1848.§
Whereas. in pursuance of lhe above
writ, to me directed, I. John Sfiles. High
Shuifl'uf Cleatfl'cld county-will 'proceed
to at” the said properly Bl the lime and
place :lircclodlw said writ.
- JOHN S'I'I‘I'ES, 8/sz
Sherifl’s Office. Cfcnr- '
fiehL July 15, 1848 g . -
J. W. S.
received [and win he sold ul low prices]
at Ihc _chga‘pnyl‘ore (I! _
' ' . . ‘ I»: VJOflN PA'I‘TON.
_quwengvllk. June 16. 1,848,_ ' w . ,
:ACON. , Good umph SHOUL.
BPERS. for all; by ‘
s94!}.ka mmmmmemo
Farmers Look Here:
Four Horse Power Tumbligg Shaft and
Strap Threshing Machineafor 875-
S &- STJWILSON, of Strnltouville.
Clarion cnunty,,[’a.. would reapecl
fully inlmm Hm prople of Clearfield coun
‘Y- “‘3" "WIY "MIG now on hand and are
manufacturing Fuur Horse Power Thresh-
Ina Machines at (he Inw price of Seventy-
Five Dollars. Warrnnlml to be good.
Alsn. 'l'vm Horsu Power Threshing MB
chines not surpassed by any in‘lhe'Sta‘lc’c
and we will warrant ihelu (u lhreshih‘ out:
day 125'bushels \that. nr 125 bushels
Rye, 225 bushels 031'. hr 15 bushels cla
var-seed, if well attended. ’
They have erected a Foundry and'
Blackilnllhshflp \ihich enable! them to sell
machines at a much lower price than ever
offered In Penusvlmnia. ’
are now making. nml lump on hand. 3 Pl
lvnl Corn Slwller at [he low price of One
Dollar and 17/3/ ccnla each.
31:75PM: subsuih‘els ui‘l receive in
pavmen! lur the above 'l'hrehhin Mai
chines GRAIN, (Wheat, Rye ananls.)
ll lrlt at Shaw’s Mill, at Clenrfield, oth?
ltvin’s Mill. Curwenwillo‘. '
RICHARD SHAW, Cleanfieldwalld JOHN
PATTON. Curwemvillc. are the agenls for
lhe male ol the above machines in this coun
ly. eiihor ol whom will give all necessary
inlorrnalion relaxing thereto.
S. & S. “’ILSON.
Strallunville. Jul) 20, ’4B.
Perry township. Clarion (20.. July 8, ’4B.
We do certify that we have one of Wibon's
'lhm Hurae Power Three/ting Mac/time, and
thrashed In one day. at the barn of Levi Ter
williger. 134 bmhcls of Wheat, ‘and any with
confidence m the Farmers that they are good
machines, and easy work fol two horses.
Toby townshm, Clarion cm. JUIy 8, ’4B.
l have one of Wilson's Twa Horse Power
Threshing Machines. manufactured in-thc west
end of Strattonvillc, Unis county. and lam con
fident I can thrash 120 bushels of wheat in one
day. I consider xhem a good machine and not
liable to get out (I! order. '
THE fallout g accounts have been ex'
amined and passed by me. and re
main tiled of mum! in this office for (hd
inspection oi heirs. legateel, creditori.
and all other: in any way interested. and
will be presented to the nut ()rphan’l
Courtot the county at Glen field, to be
held at the (our! house in Clearfield on
'l’ucsday the 5 h day of September next.
tor allowance and confirmation 2
l The administration account of Jona
than Boynton. survivtng administrator of
the estate ol Adam‘ Nevling, late 0! Bec
caria township. deceased. '
2 The administration account of Peter
Arnold and John Hollipeter. executors of
the last thl and testament '0! John ‘Pentz,
late of Brady township, deceased.
3 The arlminiutraliun account ol David
Butler. admimslralor of lhe entale ol Hen
r_v Fey. late 0! Brady lownnhip deceued.
4 The amount of Henry B. Wright.
guardian o! \Villinm Nevling and Shaun
na Nevling. childrcd 0! Adam Nevling.
\V M.. C. \VELCH, Reg’r.
111-gislw’s Office. Clo-ur
field. July 26. [B4B. 2
LL persons are hereby cautioned a.
[‘ gains! bujing nr swing at in any
may meddling with lhe {tnliux\lngproper
ly now in the cute u! Wm. Reed. of Fer
gusnnlowmhip, Clemficld (0.,115 lhe ume
bt-lungi 10 um. viz: One Black Horse &-
’/'wo Red ('ows, one a muley.
July 18, IBM—pa
J ust ngmrneti
”R. A. M. "ILLS, from Pbil'a,
[TH 11 large lot of new and most
impmvrd Denial mwumcnta.
ALSO. a large stock ul carefully selec
lccled pxomium Icelh Irom Stockton’a
has drawn the premiUm tor mnnulacluring
the best Metallic Arlificml 'l‘eelh, no! on
ly in the United States. but in London
aml Paris , and Dr. Him. hnslakeu par
ticular pains to select a choice lot of lhcm.
so \hnl his pulruns may be assured of get
ling a guml and aubslanuul article.
[)r. 11. has alm prucured a very large
variely of Extracting instruments, made
according to Harris’ lupést patterns.‘and
he can confidently assure all then who.
are troubled wilh those abominable path,
decayed [eel/L. that the Forceps are not on.
ly a much more sale and easy instrument
with which to remove a toolb, but the
cause much les‘s pain at me lime; ails
comparatively no soreness following”; ; ,
Dr. Hills has also ‘a"variely"'§if bib“,
Dental requiremenls. such as Gold P 101597
Gold Foil. Tooth Powders. .Waslm ahd
Brushes. and he is lully prepared to pera;
lurm-all operations in the hne of‘DEN‘v'F
7'ISTRY. such as inyt'fling, [o'o Gold"
Plate) or uh anoh,‘ Plugging; Extracting:
amlCleang-ing. And from pas! experience
and ,succeos..he leels confident-of, givjng;
entire‘aaualacli‘on. and warranlajllghh’.
work well done, and to' please his patrbnit‘
A reasonable length at “me givenJOr [ri- 1
al to uH_jnbs «yer $5, and Jilv’nolufoundltb‘,
answ‘er aluhé pur'pdsesVpromich,-_nop.yg,
will berequiretL. ‘,r .. <2l: ‘
Office al'llhe; Notabm Store.,thaiigg"
of "1900110 M 0 719%. " '